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1) How Students on All Courses at a Malaysian University View Different Subjects According to

Different Levels of Difficulty

The bar chart shows how students who are studying in a Malaysian university rate different
subjects according to its difficulty – easy, moderately difficult or difficult.
The subject which was most commonly rated as difficult was math, by 70% of the total
students. While only 20% of students saw it as easy. Physics was also largely judged to be a
difficult or moderately difficult subject. Only 25% of students viewed it as easy. By contrast,
chemistry was regarded as easy by a massive 70% of students.
As far as language subjects are concerned, languages in general were seen as easy by 40% of
students. This percentage dropped to 20% for oriental languages. African languages, however,
were viewed as easy by 60% of students. Next, Art was rated to be an easy subject by only 30%
of students and like Physics, 50% rated it as difficult.
In conclusion, there seems to be no clear correspondence between the type of subject and
whether it was generally rated as easy or difficult. (168 words)



Introduction(Overview of figure 1 and 2) : Figure 1 indicates the number of visits to 3 music websites
by teenagers in August whilst Table 1 represents the promotional activities of the 3 music websites in
the same month.

Content(Analysis) : In Figure 1, Music Connect’s visitors peaked in Week 2 at 35,000 visitors and
55,000 visitors in Week 4. On the other hand, Era Music had the lowest number of visitors with
10,000 visitors in

Week 1 and 4 and 15,000 visitors in Week 2 and Week 3 respectively. In Table 1, Music Connect held
free music CD and concert ticket giveaways as their activities in Weeks 2 and 4 respectively whilst Era
Music only held one promotional activity in Week 2. Music Connect had 35,000 visitors in Week 2 and
55,000 visitors at Week 4 when they held free giveaways as their activities in those weeks. On the
other hand, Era Music had the lowest number of visitors in Week 1 and 4 at 10,000 which increased
to 15,000 visitors when they held their promotional activity in Week 2.

Conclusion: The number of visitors to the music websites shown in Figure 1 was influenced by the
promotional activities hosted by the website in Table 1. The most number of visitors for August was
during a free concert ticket giveaway by Music Connect as it’s promotional activity, with 55,000
Words: decrease/ Dip/ go down/reduce/slump/Dramatic/Sharp/Huge/Enormous(huge)/Significant/

Describe speed: Rapid/ Quick/ Swift/ Sudden/ Slow.

Example: There was dramatic decrease/ rapidly increase/ Production sales increased gradually/ There
was a decline of…/ The figures increased by/Decreased by.

IF two market have similiraties and differences: Introduction- similarities- differences- conclusion

Essay 2

General point: It is often said that/ There are many who say that/ A common opinion is that/ Many
professional are of the view that

Present on point of view: My personal Point of view/ I believe that/ I would argue that/

Expressions: In other words/ This is to say/ In fact/ Put another way/

Example: For example/ For instance/ A good illustration of this is/ We can see this when/

Explaining: One reason for this is/ Immediate cause of this is/ As a result/ As a consequence

Introduction: Do you agree? Make a choice/ GIve reason to support point of view/ Support with
reason and example/ Explain why in detail/ Provide details/Discuss- give pros and cons.

Para 2: reason- Elaboration

Para 3: reason- Elaboration

Para 4: reason- Elaboration

Para 5 reason- Elaboration

Para 6: conclusion

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