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Bullying, according to the dictionary, is an unwanted, aggressive behavior usually

among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The
behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are
bullied and who bully others may have experienced serious, lasting problems. Bullying
includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone
physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

Nowadays, social media, with its surging popularity, is becoming the most used
platform in bullying. Spreading rumors, trash talking, and posting private photos are
some of its examples. The ones who are bullied are often the ones who are shy and are
hesitant to voice out what they experience allowing the bullies to take advantage and
continue on what they are doing. Bullying makes people feel anxious, stressed, and
depressed. In some cases, people even decide to take their own life just to escape from
this social stigma.

When I was four years old, I was diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease. I started
homeschooling to lessen my physical activities and to avoid being tired. When I was in
elementary, my parents allowed me to study in school. I experienced bullying there. My
classmates would tease me for being "pabebe". The reason why they refer to me as
"pabebe" is because when we were having a physical activity in school, my teachers will
not let me participate because they have been instructed by my mother to not let me join
any vigorous activity due to my condition. The worst experience I have been through was
when I was writing on the board and my classmates were saying, "Hala oh, magsulat na
ang pabebe". I tried my best not to cry, but I failed. I ended up crying and then I gathered
all my courage to tell my adviser what was going on. My adviser had given them
punishments and asked them to apologize to me. From then on, they stopped teasing

Recently, I have received an anonymous message through "Curious cat", a Q&A

social network that allows people to ask questions anonymously, containing malicious
words. I told my friends immediately about the message I received. One of my friends
told me the person behind the message. I was so angry that time and I badly want to
scold that person but I didn't. Instead, I informed my mother about that matter and she
called for a conference with the guidance counselor right away. After the conference with
that person and his parents, he apologized to me. I saw remorse in his eyes and I know
that he was really sincere. From then on, no similar situations had happened.

The lesson I have learned is that we should never be afraid to tell the authorities
the problems we encounter. If we just let them bully people, they will continue to do
these wrongdoings. The biggest advantage of bullies is the silence of their targets. We
should not let them maltreat us. We should not let it control the way we think or feel at
that moment. We should learn to voice out.

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