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Digital Display Wall Application Management Software

User Manual
Copyright Statement

This manual is the copyright property of VTRON. Without prior written approval from VTRON, any part of this
manual shall not be duplicated or distributed in any way or by any means.
This manual is subject to change due to technical upgrading without prior notice.
VTRON is the registered trademark of VTRON.
Windows and Windows XP are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in USA and/or other
countries (regions).Other product names and company names mentioned in this document may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.
This manual is an introduction to the digital display wall application software developed by VTRON.
In actual use, the actual software interface in this manual may be different depending on the hardware resources
used or the operation habit of the user.
User Manual VTRON Digital Display Wall Application Management Software
2.2.1 Adding matrix .................................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION TO VWAS USER INTERFACE......................... 8 2.2.2 Modifying matrix .............................................................................................. 20

1.1 DEFAULT INTERFACE ........................................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 Deleting matrix ................................................................................................ 20

1.2 MAIN MENU AND TOOLBAR ................................................................................................. 8 2.3 DISPLAY WALL ................................................................................................................ 20

1.2.1 Main function zone (toolbar): ........................................................................... 8 2.3.1 Adding display wall ......................................................................................... 20

1.2.2 Function configuration zone ............................................................................ 8 2.3.2 Modifying display wall .................................................................................... 24

1.2.3 Virtual display zone ........................................................................................... 8 2.3.3 Deleting display wall....................................................................................... 24

1.2.4 The hidden main menu .................................................................................... 8 2.3.4 Menu operations of the virtual display wall ................................................. 25

1.3 RIGHT-KEY MENU OPERATIONS ............................................................................................. 9 2.3.5 Multifunctional Layout and Display Wall ................................................... 29

1.4 CUSTOM INTERFACE ......................................................................................................... 10 2.4 OTHER DEVICES .............................................................................................................. 31

1.4.1 Main interface .................................................................................................. 11 2.4.1 DVS .................................................................................................................. 31

1.4.2 Interface customization .................................................................................. 12 2.4.2 Multifunctional device ..................................................................................... 32

1.4.3 Desktop customization tool............................................................................ 14 2.4.3Layout of multifunctional devices .................................................................. 34

CHAPTER 2 HARDWARE DEVICE MANAGEMENT ..............................................16 2.4.4 Multifunction preview .................................................................................. 37

2.1 SIGNAL SOURCE .............................................................................................................. 16 2.4.5 Image splitter ................................................................................................... 38

2.1.1 Adding signal source ...................................................................................... 16 2.4.6 Preview server ................................................................................................ 39

2.1.2 Modifying signal source.................................................................................. 17 CHAPTER 3 CENTRALIZED CHANNEL CONFIGURATION ................................. 42

2.1.3 Deleting signal source .................................................................................... 18 3.1 MATRIX CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................. 42

2.1.4 Menu operations for signal sources ............................................................. 18 3.2 OTHER DEVICE CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................... 45

2.2 MATRIX......................................................................................................................... 18 3.3 DISPLAY WALL CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................... 46

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CHAPTER 4 MODE AND WORKFLOW ....................................................................52 5.2.3 Opening VLINK window ................................................................................. 58

4.1 MODE MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 52 5.2.4 Opening multiple windows.......................................................................... 59

4.1.1 Mode editing .................................................................................................... 52 5.3 MENU FOR WINDOWS ..................................................................................................... 59

4.1.2 Adding a mode ................................................................................................ 52 5.3.1 General operations for windows ................................................................... 59

4.1.3 Modifying a mode ............................................................................................ 54 5.3.2 Window style ................................................................................................... 59

4.1.4 Deleting a mode .............................................................................................. 54 5.3.3 Window property ............................................................................................. 59

4.1.5 Executing a mode ........................................................................................... 54 5.3.4 Window signal path ........................................................................................ 60

4.1.6 Mode preview .................................................................................................. 54 5.3.5 Signal polling ................................................................................................... 60

4.1.7 Mode hotkey definition ................................................................................... 54 5.3.6 PTZ control ...................................................................................................... 61

4.2 WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................. 55 CHAPTER 6 SIGNAL PREVIEW AND DISPLAY WALL SHARING .................... 62

4.2.1 Adding scheme ................................................................................................ 55 6.1 PREVIEW SERVER ............................................................................................................ 62

4.2.2 Modifying a workflow ...................................................................................... 56 6.2 SIGNAL PREVIEW ............................................................................................................ 63

4.2.3 Deleting workflow ............................................................................................ 56 6.3 DISPLAY WALL SHARING ................................................................................................... 64

4.2.4 Executing workflow ......................................................................................... 56 CHAPTER 7 STATUS INFORMATION ...................................................................... 65

4.2.7 Workflow hotkey definition ............................................................................. 57 7.1 RUNTIME INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 65

CHAPTER 5 OPERATIONS ON SIGNAL WINDOWS .........................................58 7.2 ALARM INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 65

5.1 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WINDOWS FOR OPTICAL ENGINES AND WINDOWS FOR PROCESSORS ............ 58 7.2.1 Searching for alarm information ................................................................... 65

5.2 TO OPEN WINDOW ON DISPLAY WALL .................................................................................. 58 7.2.2 Clearing alarm information ............................................................................ 65

5.2.1 Opening windows for optical engines .......................................................... 58 7.2.3 Exporting alarm information .......................................................................... 66

5.2.2 Opening processor window ........................................................................... 58 7.3 USER LOGS .................................................................................................................... 66

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7.3.1 Recording daily operations ............................................................................ 66 8.6.1 Execution ......................................................................................................... 76

7.3.2 Log inquiry........................................................................................................ 66 8.6.2 Connection ...................................................................................................... 77

7.3.3 Clearing log ...................................................................................................... 66 8.7 MOVING CAPTION .......................................................................................................... 77

7.3.4 Exporting log .................................................................................................... 67 8.8 POWERIMAGE................................................................................................................ 78

7.4 ALARM MONITORING ....................................................................................................... 67 8.9 OTHER FUNCTIONS.......................................................................................................... 78

CHAPTER 8 OTHER SYSTEM SETTINGS AND CUSTOM APPLICATIONS .......68 9.3.1 Method for mapping configuration: .............................................................. 80

8.1 STARTING THE SERVICE PANEL ............................................................................................ 68 9.3.2 Method for mapping cancellation: ................................................................ 81

8.2 SYSTEM OPTIONS ............................................................................................................ 68 9.3.3 Method for mapping modification: ................................................................ 81

8.2.1 System configuration ...................................................................................... 69 CHAPTER 10 LCD DISPLAY WALL CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT ............ 83

8.2.2 Stylized grids for display wall ........................................................................ 70 10.1 CONFIGURATION INTERFACE ............................................................................................ 83

8.2.3 Workflow hotkey setting ................................................................................. 72 10.2 ON/OFF MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 83

8.2.4 Mode hotkey setting ....................................................................................... 72 10.3 LCD PARAMETER ADJUSTMENT (FACTORY CONFIGURATION) .................................................. 83

8.3 USER MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 72 10.4 LCD STATUS QUERY ....................................................................................................... 84

8.3.1 User management functions ......................................................................... 72 10.5 OSD MENU SETTING ..................................................................................................... 84

8.3.2 Adding users .................................................................................................... 72 10.6 SYSTEM PARAMETER CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 85

8.3.3 Modifying users ............................................................................................... 74 CHAPTER 11 LED DISPLAY WALL CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT............. 87

8.3.4 Deleting users .................................................................................................. 74 11.1 CONFIGURATION INTERFACE ............................................................................................ 87

8.4 IMPORTING RESOURCES .................................................................................................... 74 11.2 HARDWARE DEVICE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................. 87

8.5 RESOURCE BACKUP AND RESTORE ....................................................................................... 75 11.2.1 LED controller management ....................................................................... 87

8.6 MULTI-MOUSE OPERATIONS .............................................................................................. 76 11.2.2 Multifunction processor management........................................................ 88

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11.3 DISPLAY WALL CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................ 89 11.5.7 Display mode management ...................................................................... 101

11.3.1 Adding display wall ....................................................................................... 89 11.6 MULTIFUNCTION PROCESSOR CONFIGURATION.................................................................. 102

11.3.2 Saving display wall........................................................................................ 90 11.6.1 Configuring multifunction processor properties ...................................... 102

11.3.3 Deleting display wall ..................................................................................... 90 11.6.2 Configuring the multifunction processor timer ........................................ 102

11.4 LED CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION ................................................................................... 91 11.6.3 Configuring the multifunction processor switch ...................................... 103

11.4.1 Setting LED controller properties ................................................................ 91 11.6.4 Configuring the multifunction processor system .................................... 104

11.4.2 Setting input properties ................................................................................ 91 CHAPTER 12 LCD/LED OPERATING TERMINAL ................................................ 106

11.4.3 Setting output properties .............................................................................. 92 12.1 LOGIN ...................................................................................................................... 106

11.4.4 Test pattern configuration............................................................................. 94 12.3 MAIN MENU OPERATIONS ............................................................................................ 106

11.4.5 Setting LED controller display properties .................................................. 94 12.3.1 Alarm information ....................................................................................... 107

11.4.6 Setting LED controller system properties .................................................. 95 12.3.2 Matrix switching .......................................................................................... 107

11.4.7 Setting Version information.......................................................................... 96 12.3.3 About ............................................................................................................ 108

11.4.8 Setting master/salve output position .......................................................... 96 12.3.4 Logout .......................................................................................................... 108

11.5 RECEIVER BOARD CONFIGURATION .................................................................................... 98 12.3.5 Exit ................................................................................................................ 108

11.5.1 Receiver board properties ........................................................................... 98 12.3.6 Minimize and close..................................................................................... 108

11.5.2 Color temperature and brightness .............................................................. 98 12.4 MODE AND WORKFLOW............................................................................................... 108

11.5.3 Gamma curve configuration ........................................................................ 99 12.4.1 Mode list ...................................................................................................... 108

11.5.4 Test pattern configuration of the receiver board ....................................... 99 12.4.2 Workflow list ................................................................................................ 109

11.5.5 Scanning property configuration ...............................................................100 12.5 OPERATIONS OF THE VIRTUAL WALL ................................................................................ 110

11.5.6 Other properties configuration ...................................................................100 12.5.1 Virtual wall switching .................................................................................. 110

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12.5.2 Virtual wall ....................................................................................................110 13.3 FUNCTION CONTROL ................................................................................................... 116

12.5.3 Toolbar of the virtual wall window .............................................................111 13.4 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................ 116

12.5.4 Turning display wall ON/OFF ....................................................................111 13.5 UPDATE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 116

12.6 SIGNAL SOURCE LIST ....................................................................................................112 CHAPTER 14 FAQ AND TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................. 117

12.6.1 Preview mode ..............................................................................................112

12.6.2 List mode......................................................................................................112

12.6.3 Signal query .................................................................................................112

12.6.4 Opening window .........................................................................................112

12.6.5 Replacing window .......................................................................................113

12.6.6 Moving window ............................................................................................113

12.6.7 Zooming window .........................................................................................113

12.7 ALARM AND LOGIN STATUS BAR ......................................................................................113

CHAPTER 13 WEB CLIENT ................................................................................114

13.1 INTERFACE .................................................................................................................114

13.2 STATUS MONITORING ...................................................................................................114

13.2.1 Engine status ...............................................................................................114

13.2.2 Processor status .........................................................................................114

13.2.3 User operation log ......................................................................................115

13.2.4 Device alarm log .........................................................................................115

13.2.5 Device event log .........................................................................................115

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User Manual VTRON Digital Display Wall Application Management Software
 The hardware management buttons include: DVS, matrix, multifunctional
Chapter I Introduction to VWAS User device, image splitter, signal source, mode and workflow.
Interface  The information inquiries include: execution information, alarm information,
user log and alarm monitoring.
1.1 Default interface
 Other operations: user management, plug-in management (multi-mouse,
flying caption).
1.2.2 Function configuration zone
You can perform specific operations on the selection functions.
1.2.3 Virtual display zone
The virtual display zone can simulate the physical display wall and operations
on the display wall. A box indicates a physical display unit.
1.2.4 The hidden main menu
Click to prompt the main menu, as shown in the following figure. You can
display or hide the main function zone and the function configuration zone via
main menu setting, including centralized channel configuration, display wall
setting and mode editing.

1.2 Main menu and toolbar

The standard clients of VWAS include desktop client and WEB client. The
desktop client operations will be described in Chapters 1 to 8. The WEB client
operations will be described in Chapter 13.
First, you should get familiar with the desktop client interface layout and the
use of right-key menus.
1.2.1 Main function zone (toolbar):
The VWAS functions can be set here through short-cut buttons. Select a
functional button and the relevant item list will be displayed in the function
configuration zone.

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The right-key menu for the signal window is as shown in the following figure:

1.3 Right-key menu operations

You can right click the mouse on different functional panels to prompt
different right-key menus. On this menu, you can select different function
options and set the display wall and windows. For instance, right click the
mouse on the virtual display zone and the right-key menu as shown in the
following figure will pop up:

The right-key menu for DVS is as shown in the following figure:

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The right-key menu for workflow is as shown in the following figure:

For details about the right-key menus of other functions, please refer to the
relevant chapters.

1.4 Custom interface

You can customize the menu appearance according to your own needs. Click
“system option” on the main menu to prompt the following property dialog box.
You can make custom setting on the system through "system configuration" and
“Display wall view”.

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You can display all the plug-in panels together. Drag the interface as indicated
in the following figure.

1.4.1 Main interface

You can customize the software interface layout. For instance, you can use the
toolbar configuration menu or click the buttons on the toolbar to display or hide
certain plug-in panels. (Note: the schematic diagram for display wall plug-in
panel cannot be hidden.)
In the main interface, you can drag the plug-in panels with the mouse to the
desired position according to the Microsoft operation practices. In the following
interface, the plug-in panel is displayed in two parts. The final interface will be displayed as follows:

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In some situations, when the contents of the current plug-in panel cannot be
fully displayed, you can change the plug-in panel size to meet the display 1.4.2 Interface customization
demand. Place the mouse on the edge of the plug-in panel window. When the You can customize the interface of the desktop client software according to your
cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, you can drag the mouse to change needs, including: flexible docking of plug-in panel, customization of display wall
the size. The final position of the upper edge of the panel is indicated by the view, customization of desktop icons, and toolbar customization.
horizontal dotted line in the following figure. Flexible docking of plug-in panel: Drag the plug-in panel to any zone, then the
panel will be docked automatically in the relevant zone.

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Customization of display wall view: You can customize the display wall view by
selecting the “Display wall view” in the “system option” and selecting any of the
following setting options: “General”, “default window type”, “auxiliary shortcut
key” , or “Display wall style”.

As shown in the above figure, click the “image splitter” panel and drag it. 5
dockable zone identifiers appear (as shown by the red circle). Drag the floating
panel to the far right end and release the mouse, then the floating panel will be
docked in the zone as shown in the following figure.

Customization of desktop icons: You can change the software login background,
software startup background and main interface icons through the desktop
customization tools. For details about the desktop customization tools, refer to
section 1.4.3.

Toolbar customization: You can customize the toolbar by operating the toolbar
menu to load or uninstall plug-ins, so that only the plug-ins you need are

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retained on the toolbar. embedded in VWAS 6.0 When VWAS 6.0 is installed, VWASPicXChanger.exe
will be installed automatically under the directory of the same level.
Right click the blank area of the toolbar to prompt all the plug-in menus loaded
by the software, as shown in the following figure: Using the desktop customization tool, you can change the background of the
VWAS 6.0 desktop client software (software login background, software startup
background) as well as the software toolbar icons and software plug-in panel

Uninstallation of designated plug-in: Taking “Runtime information” as an

example, click the “Runtime information” on the menu, then the “Runtime
information” icon will be removed from the toolbar, and at the same time, the
“Runtime information” panel is also removed. Right click the blank area of the
The main interface of desktop customization tool includes two parts: image
toolbar, then you will find that the “Runtime information” menu item is not
information list and image preview. The image information list contains the
checked in the prompted menu, which indicates that the “Runtime information”
image SN, name, resolution, format, and path. The image preview box displays
plug-in has been uninstalled.
the thumbnails of the original image and the new image.
Loading of designated plug-in: The operation process is the same as that for
uninstallation of designated plug-in.

1.4.3 Desktop customization tool

The desktop customization tool, VWASPicXChanger.exe, is an application

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Select any line on the image information list and click the “path” column, then
the “Browse” button will appear at the right side of the image path editing field.
Click the “Browse” button, and select the new image in the opened dialog box,
Note: The desktop customization tool is used to change rather than copy the
then the preview thumbnail of the image will be displayed in the “new image”
icons and background images. The original icon (or background image) will be
preview zone at the right side.
changed to the new icon (or background image).If you do not want to change
After changing the background image and icon, click “OK” icon, then the the original icon (or background image), you need to back up the relevant
background changing operation is completed. images manually.

To demonstrate the background changing effect, we use the “daisy.jpg” image

to replace the default startup background image of the desktop client software.
After the replacement, the default startup background image of the desktop
client software is changed to the “daisy.jpg” image, as shown in the following

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Chapter 2 Hardware Device Management

2.1 Signal source

Signal source is the collective name of the signal input device for the display
wall system, such as the video play device (e.g., VCD and DVD players), the
device that can output RGB signal (e.g., computer), camera, etc. VWAS can
conveniently display the signals from these sources to the display wall.

2.1.1 Adding signal source

Select the signal type and model. If there is any configurable property, the
property list of the model will appear under the property dialog box. Fill in the
property, and click “Save and close” to complete the addition of signal source. If
Select the inserting position in the left tree control on the signal source
you want to continue the addition, click “Save and continue”. Select “Add by
paneland right click on the tree control or the list control. A menu as shown in
batch” to add a batch of signal sources of the same model and properties, and
the above Figure will pop up. Select “add signal source” option to prompt the
then fill “name + SN” into the signal source name field.
signal source selection dialog box, as shown in the following figure.
Adding third-party resources
Note: The type of IPVIDEO signal source for the FLY processor must be FLY
VIDEO. The VWAS can acquire a signal source from IPMS or another VWAS and
define it as a third-party resource. The method for doing this is detailed below:

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To acquire the signal source of another VWAS, select “INTERVWAS” for
the Type, and fill in the IP address of the PC with VWAS installed to have it
connected to the Host IP.

Right click the mouse on the tree control or list control of the signal source
panel to get the menu as shown in the above figure, and select “3rd-party
resource” for the third-party resource dialog box, as shown in the following

To acquire the signal source of IPMS, select IPMS for the Type, and fill in
the IP address of the IPMS for the Host IP. If the contents of the signal source of
the IPMS device have been changed, hold CTRL and click “Refresh” to refresh
the contents of the third-party device.

2.1.2 Modifying signal source

Select the signal source to be modified in the signal source list control at the

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right side of the signal source panel (click the signal source, and the selected function displays the information of the current signal source. Click “Add group”
signal source will be highlighted). Right click the mouse to prompt the menu and and the group will be added to the group selected by the tree control at the left
select “Modify”, or double click the signal source to be modified to prompt the side. Other relevant operations have been described above.
relevant dialog box. After finishing the modification, click “Save”.
2.2 Matrix
2.1.3 Deleting signal source
2.2.1 Adding matrix

1) Click the “Matrix” button in the main function zone. Right click on the matrix
panel and select “Add” option in the prompted menu. The interface as
shown below will appear:

Select the signal source to be deleted in the signal source list control at the right
side of the signal source panel (you can select multiple signal sources by
pressing ctrl or shift key). Right click the mouse to prompt the menu, and select
“Delete” to delete the selected signal source.
2.1.4 Menu operations for signal sources

Right click on a signal source to prompt the operation menu. The “View”

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2) Enter the matrix name to the “Device name” field.

3) Select the signal type supported by the matrix in the “Device type” field,
such as ARGB, Video, etc.

4) Select the actual device model in the “Device model” field. If the device
model in use is not included in the drop-down menu, please contact the
engineering service personnel of VTRON to add new matrix control

5) Enter the numbers of input and output channels of the matrix in “channel
configuration”. Select proper control mode according to the actual
hardware connection for the “control mode”, and then enter the control
parameters corresponding to the control mode. For instance, serial port
number and baud rate shall be entered for serial control, while matrix IP
address and port shall be entered for network control.

VTRON’s HDMS supports dual master control. You can fill in the
corresponding IP or serial port address according to your actual configuration.

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2.2.2 Modifying matrix

Right click on the matrix to be modified on the matrix panel and select “Modify”
option in the prompted menu. The interface similar to adding matrix will appear.
Modify the desired contents and click “Next” as instructed.

2.2.3 Deleting matrix

Right click on the matrix to be deleted on the matrix panel and select
“Delete” option in the prompted menu.

2.3 Display wall

Display wall refers to a set of devices composed of several display units that are 1. Enter the name of the display wall in the “name” field, and then set the
combined and connected to the processor. The display wall has the projection “number of columns” and “number or rows” of the display wall according to the
engine, which is the most important optical component in the system. To display actual physical configuration or the actual display needs, as shown in the
the external signal source on the display unit, you need to configure the following figure.
connection relation between the channels and the signal sources as well as the
looping relation between the units in the display wall. In addition, you need to
configure the processor address and the connection information of the channel
and the matrix or signal source. Only when such information is correctly
configured can other relevant operations be conducted, such as opening
windows and moving windows.

2.3.1 Adding display wall

Click the button on the right top corner of the VWASExplorer main
menu and select “add display wall” in the prompted menu. The window for
adding display wall will appear, as shown in the following figure:

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Click , you can clear the position of the selected display unit in the
virtual display wall.

3. Add processor. Select , and then select the processor

system to be added in the device list at the left side (note: multiple processors in
the same system can be selected), and select the actual display wall size in the
virtual display wall zone at the right side. Then the processor will be added to
the display wall, as shown in the following figure:

2. Add display unit. Select the display unit system to be added in the device list
at the left side, and select the actual display wall size in the virtual display wall
zone at the right side. Then the display unit will be added to the display wall, as
shown in the following figure:

Click , you can clear the position of the selected processor in the
virtual display wall.

Note: The Magic processor can be overlapped with the ARK300/3000

system, that is, to cover the same display unit.

4. After adding the display unit and processor, click . When

the saving is successfully completed, the currently added display wall will be
displayed in the main interface, as shown in the following figure:

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3) Create the 4×3 virtual wall in the VWAS, select another Ark device, and
configure the correspondence relationship in the virtual wall, as shown in the
following figure.
Configuring the Ark3300 for several virtual walls

One Ark3300 processor may be configured for several display walls in

actual applications. The relevant operations are described below, taking the
configuration of 4×11 processors for 4×8 and 4×3 virtual walls as an example.

1) First, configure 3 processors for the 4×11 display wall in the Ark cascade
device EP.

2) Create the 4×8 virtual wall in the VWAS, select 2 Ark devices, and
configure the correspondence relationship in the virtual wall, as shown in the
following figure.

Note: Avoid configuring one Ark processor to two virtual walls; otherwise, the
display sharing of the wall will be abnormal.

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Configuring multi-functional layout for virtual wall

In actual use, a display wall may be used with N display terminals. For
management convenience of both the wall and terminal, N display terminals will
be simulated as N multi-functional devices. N simulated multi-functional devices
will be arranged on the four sides of the wall. This is shown in the following

If VWAS has been configured with multi-functional devices

Configuring audio device for virtual wall

In actual use, some signal sources have their own audio channels. In order
to display the audio of the signal source, audio devices should be prepared
onsite. All signal source windows can be opened via VWAS. And in VWAS, all
audio devices will be simulated as multifunctional audio devices. This is shown
in the following figure.

Select on the Display wall property dialog, you will

see all audio device resources of VWAS. Pick one of the devices and select
Default audio, the selected audio device will be configured successfully.
Select on the Display wall property dialog, you will see Otherwise, the default audio device of the current wall will be deleted. One
all multifunctional layout resources of VWAS. Pick one of them and drag it to the display wall can only support one default audio device. This is shown in the
virtual wall. This is shown in the following figure. following figure.

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2.3.3 Deleting display wall

Click the button on the right top corner of the VWASExplorer

main menu, and select “Delete display wall” in the prompted menu. The window
for deleting display wall will appear, as shown in the following figure:

When the operations mentioned above are finished, click

to save both the multifunctional layout and the default audio device to the
virtual wall.

2.3.2 Modifying display wall

Click the button at the right top corner of the VWASExplorer main
menu, select “Modify display wall” in the prompted menu, and the select the
corresponding display wall. The interface for modifying display wall will appear,
and the modification operation is similar to addition, as shown in the following Click to prompt the confirmation dialog box, and select “Yes” to delete the
figure: display wall, as shown in the following figure:

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unit status information” or “Processor status information” option will appear in
the right-key menu. Click the corresponding option to prompt the device status
information dialog box, as shown in the following figure (The detailed display
depends on the actual configuration. This Figure is for reference only.):

2.3.4 Menu operations of the virtual display wall Desktop mode

Click “desktop mode” option to enter the desktop mode of the virtual display wall.
You will see the “√” flag in front of the “desktop mode” option in the right-key

This option is mainly used in the following situation: When a large window is
opened as the desktop and covers the virtual display wall, it is difficult to identify
a display unit to operate on. In this situation, you can switch to the desktop
mode to operate the relevant unit or open new windows. After that, you can
uncheck the “desktop mode” to switch back to the normal mode.

Note: 1) When you use “Close all windows” or “Close other windows” in desktop
mode or normal mode, you can only close the windows in the relevant mode; 2)
The window list on the “Runtime information” panel is the window list for the
corresponding mode. Status information for display units and processors

If the virtual wall has the display unit or processor configuration, the “Display

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You can select the display unit or processor for adjustment in the “Device type”
at the right side. The devices that you can adjust will be displayed in the device
list. If you want to set a parameter that is valid to all the devices in the list, check Adjusting device parameters
“apply to all devices”.
If the virtual wall has the display unit or processor configuration, the “Device Display unit switch
parameter adjustment” option will appear in the right-key menu. Click this option
to prompt the device parameter adjustment dialog box, as shown in the
following figure (The detailed display depends on the actual configuration. This
figure is for reference only). You can adjust the parameters according to the
actual needs:

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Place the mouse on the “Display unit switch” option, the sublevel menu options
will be displayed. When the unit is on or in standby state, there will be
corresponding flag at the “Turn on the current unit” or “Turn off the current unit”
option, so that you can see if the current unit is on. If you want to turn on a
single unit, click the “Turn on the current unit” option. If you want to turn on all
the units in the virtual display wall at one time, click “Turn on all units for the
display wall”. The shutdown operation is similar to the startup operation. Display unit IP

To get the IP addresses of all the units, check “Show all display unit IPs”.

Click “Show IP” option, each display unit will show its IP address. Click “hide IP”,
the relevant IP will disappear. Desktop setting

If the virtual wall has the display unit or processor configuration, the “Display wall
If the virtual display wall is configured with display units controlled via network, desktop setting” or “Processor desktop setting” option will appear. Click the option
the “Display unit IP” option will appear in the menu. Select “Get IP” to prompt to prompt the following dialog box (display wall desktop setting):
the following dialog box:

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To apply the current setting to all the units, check “Apply to all display units”.

In the “Double desktop switching mode” option, you can select the double
desktop switching mode:

There are more options for the display unit that supports dual desktop: OSD menu

You can select the desktop type in the desktop type drop-down list:

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In the display unit that supports OSD menu (such as the 03 series LCD), the
“OSD menu” option will appear in the right-key menu. Click the option to prompt
the following dialog box:

On the folder tree of Multifunctional device, find and open the Layout folder,
select the ‘2 ’resources and drag it. This is shown in the above figure. When
you drag it to the display wall, four empty box units for layouts will appear. Move
the mouse to one of the box units and release it, a layout will be configured to
the display wall successfully. This is shown in the following figure.

To use the OSD menu, you need to click the “Menu” option. The built-in OSD
menu will appear on the display unit, and then you can click the corresponding
operation buttons according to the actual needs. This function is used when the
remote controller is not available. The remote controller can realize the same

2.3.5 Multifunctional Layout and Display Wall

In actual use, a display wall may be used with N display terminals. You can
use VWAS to combine all display terminals to make a layout. The layout can be
configured to the display wall. So VWAS can control both the wall and the
On the folder tree of Multifunctional device, find and open the Layout folder,
terminal together.
select the ‘2’ resources and drag it. This is shown in the above figure. When
you drag it to the display wall, four empty box units for layouts will appear. Move

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the mouse to one of the box units and release it, a layout will be configured to
the display wall successfully. This is shown in the following figure.

Operation of multifunctional layout window menu

Right click the window of multifunctional layout to bring up a menu shown

as below.

Multifunctional layout can be arranged on the four sides of the virtual wall.
One layout can only occupy one of the four sides. If you want to drag it to
another position, a confirmation dialog for layout position replacement will pop
up. This is shown in the following figure.

Select Yes, Layout ‘2’ will be moved from left to right. Select No to cancel Note: Operations of multifunctional layout window will be shown in
the position replacement. This is shown in the following figure. multifunctional layout preview interface synchronically. Click Close channel
signal on the above menu, you will see the synchronization between the areas

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boxed in red. This is shown in the following figure. 2.4.1 DVS

Note: DVS is mainly used to access the analog signals, generate digital signals
through AD conversion and coding, and directly connect the digital signal
processor (e.g., XLAN processor) through network for decoding and display.

To add DVS

1) Right click in the “DVS” field, and select “Add” in the prompted menu. The
“DVS property” dialog box will appear, as shown in the following figure:

The configuration information for the multifunctional layout and the display
wall will be saved to VWAS server as you close VWASExplorer. When you
restart VWASExplorer, you can see multifunctional layout ‘2’ on the right side
of the display wall.

2.4 Other devices

The definitions of the common terms of other devices are provided below.

Device type: the signal source access type, applied to the input/output
signal channel type.

Device model: The device models of different manufacturers or the

customized models (e.g., preview server, preview mode, DVS model). The
relevant configuration can be made through the web.

Physical channel number and logic channel number: They are the same by
default and correspond to the actual physical channel number. In special
situations, the logic channel number has a special correspondence with the
physical channel. When the command is sent, the logic channel number is
2) The settings include name, device type, device model, number of
input/output channels, host address and host port.

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3) After finishing the setting, click “Next” button to configure the logic number
and signal type of the input and output channels for the device.

Modifying DVS

Right click the name of the DVS for modification and select “Modify” menu,
a dialog box similar to that of adding DVS will pop up, and then you can modify
it according to the adding operation instructions.

Deleting DVS

Right click the name of the DVS for deletion, and select “Delete” menu. The
DVS will be deleted.

Adding SPV3000

You can change the IP address in the “URL” according to your actual
configuration. N-image indicates the number of channels that the SPV can
preview at the same time (DP and DuralLink occupy 2 channels, while other
types of signal sources occupy 1 channel).

2.4.2 Multifunctional device

Description: currently, the multifunctional device mainly refers to the display

terminal. Signals are output to the multifunctional device via direct access,
matrix access or other means.

Add multifunctional devices

1) In the tree control of the multifunctional device panel, right click the "device"

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node and a menu will pop up as shown in Figure . Select the "add device" 2) Setting entries include "Device name", "Device type", "Device model", and
option and an "Add multifunctional device" interface will appear as shown in "Number of input channels".
Figure .
3) After all settings are complete, click the "Next" button to configure for the
device the number of logic and type of signal connected to the input

Modify multifunctional devices

Right click the name of the multifunctional device to be modified. Select

“Modify” option in the pop-up context menu and a dialog box similar to that for
“Add multifunctional device” will appear. Then you can modify it according to the
operation instructions.

Delete multifunctional devices

Right click the name of the multifunctional device to be deleted. Select “Delete”
in the pop-up menu and the multifunctional device will be deleted.

Call multifunctional device signals

After you select a multifunctional device in the tree control, the details of the
device will be shown on the right side of the multifunctional device panel. You
can have target signals displayed on the multifunctional device by selecting a
target signal source and drag it onto the multifunctional device or a particular
input channel of the device, as shown in Figure

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2.4.3Layout of multifunctional devices

Description: Multifunctional layout is used to arrange multifunctional

devices in group. It provides users with a graphical interface to combine all
multifunctional devices via graphic icons. For example, user can drag the signal
to the monitor easily.

Add layout

Input signal paths of multi-function devices

On the right side where details of the device are displayed, right click and a
Right click on the "Layout" node of the tree control and the context menu will
menu will pop up as shown in Figure . Select "Input signal path" and you will be
pop up, then select "Add layout", as shown in Figure , and a text box will appear
prompted with a dialog box of window signal paths showing detailed signal
on the right side of the tree control where you can enter the layout name,
paths, as shown in Figure .
number of rows and columns, and finally save, as shown in Figure .

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corresponding items on the right side (such as: name of the layout, number of
rows and columns) or drag and drop the multifunctional device, and finally click
"Save". Note: Be sure to click "Save" after modification, otherwise it will still be
the previous one.

Release devices

1) Release all the devices on a layout

Select a multifunctional device layout and right click, on the context menu
select the "Release device" option and all the devices on the layout will be
released back under the device group. You can also release the device by
At the same time, you can drag and drop a multifunctional device onto the right-clicking on the space of the layout, and selecting the "release device"
layout, and adjust the location and size of the device, as shown in Figure . option, as shown in Figure .

2) Release a device on a layout

Delete layout Right click on a multifunctional device in a layout and a menu will pop-up, as
shown in Figure below.
Right click the name of the matrix to be deleted. Select “Delete layout” in the
prompted context menu and the matrix will be deleted.

Modify layout

To modify a certain layout, select the layout in the tree control, and modify the

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multifunctional device and the signal source passes through the ARK processor,
then volume control is available for the multifunctional device, specifically as

1) If it is a single-channel device, double click with the left mouse button on the
multifunctional device, and the volume control will be called out, as shown
in Figure below. You can drag the volume bar to change the volume; click
on "mute" and the volume will be 0; Click the Red Cross - "Off" button, and
the volume control will be closed.

View the multi-function device status

Hover over the multifunctional device in a layout and, if any signal has been
switched to the multifunctional device before, you will see information about
channel switching, as shown in Figure below.

2) If it is a multiple channel device, double-click with the left mouse button on

the multifunction device to display the details of the device. Then
double-click the channels with audios and the volume control will appear, as
shown in Figure .

Right click on the layout of a device with signal sources and you will be
prompted with a menu. If you select "Close signal", the signals of the device will
be closed. If you select "Input signal path", then the signal transmission path will
be shown.

Volume regulation of the audio signal of multi-function devices

If audio signals (i.e., the equipment type is AUDIO) are accessed in the

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2.4.4 Multifunction preview After entering the device group name, you can add a multifunction device to the
corresponding interface, as shown in the following figure:
Note: Multifunction preview means that multifunction devices are grouped
together so that you can combine different multifunction devices for onsite use.
For instance, you can group the output devices (e.g., displays) for graphic
operations to facilitate the signal dragging function and the recording function in
IPMS for the signal sources supported in VWAS.

New groups and multifunction devices

Click “Save” to save the multifunction device group, as shown in the following
Right click the mouse, as shown in the following figure: figure.

Click the “Add” button to get the interface shown in the following figure:

Signal selection and recording

In the multifunction preview zone, click the relevant group, and drag a
signal source to a multifunction layout. Then you can display this signal on the
multifunction device (that is, the corresponding display).

Right click for the menu, and then you can select the signal onto the display
to conduct various signal operations on the IPMS, such as recording and
releasing signals.

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2.4.5 Image splitter

Note: The image splitter is a device that can combine and split several input
signals (such as 2x2) and send to an output channel to provide multi-image
display for the user. Adding image splitter

Right click the “image splitter” resource bar on the main interface, and select
“Add resource” option in the prompted menu, the interface as shown in the
following figure will appear:

Set the input channel signal type and logic channel number, and click
“Next” button, as shown in the above Figure. And then click “Next” button.

The settings include device name, device type, device model, number of
input/output channels, and control mode. Click “Next” button, as shown in the
following figure:

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main interface, right click and select “Delete” in the prompted menu, a dialog
box for confirming the deletion will pop up. Click “OK” button to delete the
selected image splitter. Adding an HIPC decoder (Digicom IUD01)

Set the output channel signal type and logic channel number.

Modifying image splitter

Select the image splitter for modification in the “image splitter” resource bar,
right click and select “Modify” in the prompted menu, a dialog box similar to that
of “Adding image splitter” will pop up, and then you can modify the image
2.4.6 Preview server

splitter according to the operation methods introduced in the adding operation. Note: The preview server is a PC infrastructure device. It can acquire the
Click “OK” button to save the change. contents of the remote signal source of a designated type as raw data, convert
the content to H264 standard stream, and transmit the encoded content to the
Deleting image splitter
VLC player for decoding and display.
Select the image splitter for deletion in the “image splitter” resource bar on the

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Adding preview server

Right click the “preview server” resource bar on the main interface, and select
“Add resource” option in the prompted menu, the interface as shown in the
following figure will appear:

Set the input channel signal type and logic channel number, and click the
“finish” button to complete the configuration.
The settings include device name, device type, device model, number of input
channels, preview server IP address, preview port, and control port. Please set Modifying preview server
the device according to the actual situation. Click “Next” button, as shown in the
Select the preview server for modification in the “preview server” resource bar
following figure:
on the main interface, right click and select “Modify” in the prompted menu, a
dialog box similar to that of “Adding preview server” will pop up, and then you
can modify the preview server according to the operation methods introduced in

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the adding operation. Click “OK” button to save the change.

Deleting preview server

Select the preview server for deletion in the “preview server” resource bar on
the main interface, right click and select “Delete” in the prompted menu, a dialog
box for confirming the deletion will pop up. Click “OK” button to delete the
selected preview server.

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Channel configuration method, taking the configuration of channel 1 as an
Chapter 3 Centralized Channel example:
1) Select the “Connected type”, matrix, signal source, image splitter or
processor. Select the corresponding device type according to the actual
3.1 Matrix configuration physical connection.
Matrix configuration interface:

2) Select the “Connected device” to prompt the “select resource” dialog box. If a
signal source is selected, the signal sources matching the matrix will be
displayed in the resource list. For instance, if the matrix is an ARGB matrix, the
signal sources of ARGB type will be listed.

The list of added matrixes is located at the left. You can switch the matrixes
using the mouse or the “↑” or “↓” key on the keyboard when a matrix is selected,
the “Device input channel settings” at the right side will display the channel
configuration information of the corresponding matrix. 3) Select the “Connected channel”. This option is only available for matrix,
image splitter, and processor. It is not necessary for the signal source. For

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instance, for the cascaded matrix, the output of the upper matrix that provides
input to channel 1 of this matrix shall be selected.

Quick configuration:

Select the starting channel, press the Ctrl key and select the items one by
one, or press the Shift key and select the last item. After several channels are
selected, select the connection type, device and channel, then the software will
automatically fill in the subsequent fields.

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multifunctional device as an example:

3.2 Other device configuration

The configuration of multifunctional device, image splitter, and DVS refers to the
configuration of the connection device of the input channel corresponding to the
device. You can select signal source, matrix or other device that can output
signal source (except for the multifunctional device, which is the display
terminal and cannot be used for intermediate signal output). The configuration
interface and principle are the same. Through this configuration, you can
establish a logic channel data structure from the signal source to the
intermediate device (e.g., matrix) and to the display unit for the window opening
and track seeking operation of the VWAS. Taking the configuration of

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There are two options for hardware control mode: network control and serial
3.3 Display wall configuration Option 1: Network control

After selecting “network control” mode and “online system number”,

Click the on the “Add display wall” window, and then click
then the software will automatically display the “number of rows”, “number of
“ ”to prompt the display unit configuration window, as shown in the
columns”, and “Display unit model”. If the displayed model is inconsistent with
following figure:
the actual physical device, you can manually select the display device mode or
click “ ”to start automatic detection (note: the display unit cannot
detect the model automatically until it is powered on), as shown in the following

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After correctly entering the display unit configuration information, click the
“Save” button to finish the configuration of the display unit, as shown in the
Option 2: Serial control following figure.
After selecting the “serial control” mode, select the “serial port number”
connecting the display unit, and then select the “baud rate” of the serial port
(you can manually enter the data). Enter the corresponding “number of rows”
and “number of columns” in the configuration window according to the
configuration of the actual display unit, and then select “Display unit model” or
click button to start automatic detection (note: the display unit
cannot detect the model automatically until it is powered on),as shown in the
following figure:

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To delete the display unit, click “ ”, then the display unit will be
Select “Processor type”, and then enter the processor address and port
Processor configuration
information, and select “online system”. The details of the selected system will
Click the on the “Add display wall” window, and then be displayed, as shown in the following figure:
click “ ”to prompt the processor configuration window, as shown in
the following figure:

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MAGIC Processor configuration:

Then, enter the processor address and port information, and click
Select “Magic” as the processor type, as shown in the following figure:
“ ”. The current processor will be added to the window list,
as shown in the following figure:

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According to the actual connection relations of the Magic processor, place

the Magic processor to the corresponding positions in the above figure, and
then click “OK” to finish the configuration of Magic processor.
Enter the corresponding “number of rows” and “number of columns” in the
configuration window according to the configuration of the actual display unit After correctly entering the processor configuration information, click “Save”
(note: the numbers of rows and columns acquired by the Magic processor may button to finish the configuration, as shown in the following figure.
be inconsistent with that of the actual display wall, because Magic can only
display the numbers of rows and columns and resolution information of the
processor. However, this will not affect the use, as shown in the above figure.)

Click “Save” to prompt the layout configuration window for multiple Magic
processors, as shown in the following figure:

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To delete the processor, click “ ”, then the processor will be deleted.

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Select the corresponding display wall and window type, click “Save temporary
Chapter 4 Mode and Workflow mode --> list” to prompt the “Add mode” dialog box.

We use the terms “Mode” and “Workflow” to describe a special type of

operations defined in VWAS. “Mode” is used to describe a certain layout of
windows in the display wall and signals associated with these windows. The
term “Workflow” is used to describe a sequential order of “Modes”.

4.1 Mode management

Enter the new mode name and click “OK”. The mode will be added to the mode
4.1.1 Mode editing
list at the left side of the mode editing interface. Select editing mode and then
You can add new modes through mode editing to avoid the influence on the click “Save permanent mode”. The mode will be successfully added and
current display status of the display wall. Select “mode editing” in the main included into the system mode list. Select editing mode, and then click “execute
menu bar. The mode editing interface will appear above the virtual display wall temporary mode”. The relevant mode will be executed in the actual display wall.
4.1.2 Adding a mode

Click the “mode” button in the main function zone. Right click on the mode
configuration function zone and select “Add mode” option in the prompted menu.
The interface as shown below will appear:

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1) Enter the mode name to the “name” field.

4) Select “Close all the processor signal windows”, “Close all the processor
2) Select the group for the new mode in the “group” field.
application windows”, “Close all the engine windows” or “Close window
3) To save the window layouts of several display walls to the same mode, you zone” in the “pre-operation”. Each selection indicates that before executing
can open the windows on the displays walls through the VWAS and click the mode, all the processor windows, all the engine windows or all the
the “+” icon, and then you can check the display walls you need on the windows in the specified zones of the display wall will be closed.
prompted list.
5) All the opened windows for the current display wall are listed in the “window
list”. You can click “move up” or “move down” to adjust the window opening
sequence in the mode. You can also select a certain window and click
“Delete” button to remove it from the mode.

6) All the applications for the current multi-screen processor are displayed in
the “Application list”. You can add or delete the application path.

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7) The input point information of the image splitter and multifunctional device mode name shall be case sensitive. When adding or modifying the mode, the
for the current display wall is listed in the “signal switching” list. That is, it “Delete”, “move up” or “move down” operations to the mode window list will not
indicates the signals accessed by the working input channel of the relevant directly affect the actual signal display window on the display wall.
4.1.6 Mode preview
8) Click “OK” button after setting, the mode will be added to the mode list.
Click “mode preview” panel, and select a mode in the “mode” function zone on
4.1.3 Modifying a mode the main interface. The “mode preview” panel will display the contents of the
selected mode, such as display wall information, window information, etc.
Select the mode for modification in the “mode” configuration function zone on
the main interface, right click and select “Modify” in the prompted menu, a
dialog box similar to that of “Adding mode” will pop up, and then you can modify
the mode according to the operation methods introduced in the adding
operation. Click “OK” button to save the change.

4.1.4 Deleting a mode For ARK5000 special operation are as follows: hold hotkeys ‘ALT ‘shortcut button to
the main interface of the "mode" choose a mode of ARK5000 preview mode of
Select the mode for deletion in the “mode” configuration function zone on the operation, interface as shown in Figure, click the button on the ’Wall Apply’ that wall
main interface, right click and select “Delete” in the prompted menu, a dialog shows preview ,click the button on the ‘Cancel Mode Apply’ that the wall mode for
box for confirming the deletion will pop up. Click “OK” button to delete the preview is canceled

selected mode.

4.1.5 Executing a mode

Double click the mode name or directly press the shortcut key in the “mode”
configuration function zone on the main interface, the mode will be executed. To
execute the mode means that the display wall system will open the windows
4.1.7 Mode hotkey definition

contained in the mode according to the pre-operation and window opening The mode hotkeys can be defined in the “mode hotkey settings” page of the
sequence defined when adding the mode. “system option” menu on the main interface. The hotkeys supported by the
mode Ctrl + F1 ~ Ctrl + F12 are listed at the left side. All the mode resources are
listed in the drop-down box at the right side. After the hotkeys are defined for
To avoid misunderstanding, do not set the modes with duplicate name. The the mode resources, the hotkeys supported by the current mode can be

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displayed in the “mode” list on the main interface. 4.2 Workflow management

4.2.1 Adding scheme

1) Right click the “workflow” configuration function zone on the main interface,
and select “add workflow” option in the prompted menu, the interface as
shown in the following figure will appear:

2) Enter the workflow name to the “name” field.

3) Select the group for the new workflow in the “group” field.

4) Select the display wall that can run the workflow in the “Display wall” field.

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4.2.2 Modifying a workflow

5) Click “add mode” button, and the “Operation” option in the “Operation list” Select the workflow for modification in the “workflow” configuration function
will display “add mode”. Click the right-side arrow of the mode name list to zone on the main interface, right click and select “Modify” in the prompted menu,
prompt the drop-down menu, and select the mode name to be added from a dialog box similar to that of “adding workflow” will pop up, and then you can
the mode list. modify the workflow according to the operation methods introduced in the
adding operation. Click “OK” button to save the change.
6) To increase the time delay between 2 modes, you can click “add time
delay” button after adding a mode. Then, the “time delay” option will appear 4.2.3 Deleting workflow
in the “option list”. Click the arrow at the right side of the option to prompt
Select the workflow for deletion in the “workflow” configuration function zone on
the drop-down menu, and select the time delay parameter from the time
the main interface, right click and select “Delete” in the prompted menu, a dialog
delay options.
box for confirming the deletion will pop up. Click “OK” button to delete the
7) To include several modes in the workflow, repeat the above operations. selected workflow.

8) “Add power-on”, "add power-off”, that is, to power on or off all the display 4.2.4 Executing workflow
units in the display wall. Take note of the protection intervals between ON
Double click the relevant workflow in the “workflow” configuration function zone
and OFF.
on the main interface or directly press the shortcut key for running the workflow,
9) “move up”/”move down”: Select the operation item for adjustment and click the following dialog box will appear, no matter the workflow execution mode is
“move up” or ”move down” to adjust the workflow operation sequence. manual start, timed start or cycle:

10) “Delete” is to delete the selected operation item.

11) Three workflow execution modes are provided for setting the “execution
type” field, including manual start, timed start and cycle. The timed start
and cycle mode will be automatically executed when time is up.

12) Click “OK” button after setting, the workflow will be added to the resource.

13) After setting the workflow, you can define a shortcut key for the workflow,
which can be used for calling the workflow.

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When the workflow is defined to adopt the timed start or cycle mode, all the
buttons and input boxes except for the “Cancel” button will be disabled.

4.2.7 Workflow hotkey definition

The workflow hotkeys can be defined in the “workflow hotkey settings” page of
the “system option” menu on the main interface. The hotkeys supported by the
workflow Shift + F1 ~ Shift + F12 are listed at the left side. All the workflow
resources are listed in the drop-down box at the right side. After the hotkeys are
defined for the workflow resources, the hotkeys supported by the current
workflow can be displayed in the “workflow” list on the main interface.

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hold Ctrl or Shift key according to the definition of “System option – display wall
Chapter 5 Operations on Signal view” and drag the signal source to the first display unit on the virtual wall.

If a certain signal is not configured to the designated display unit and the
Since you have completed the configuration of the display wall according to the
operation of the window is performed on this unit, this operation will fail and the
instructions of Installation Manual, it is time to find out how to open window on
system will prompt the error message of insufficient channel.
the display wall and perform operations on signal windows through VWAS.
Another method of opening a window is as follows: select a signal source name
5.1 Difference between windows for optical engines to be opened in the “signal source” bar, press the Ctrl or Shift key according to
and windows for processors the system option setting, and at the same time press and hold the left mouse in
your desired open window position to draw a rectangle box, and then a virtual
In this user guide, windows for optical engine and engine window have the window of the rectangle box size will be opened on the display wall.
same meaning and will be used interchangeably.
The signal source windows in the display wall system will be connected to the
The successful window opening depends on the physical configuration and the
multi-screen processor window (also called processor window) of the
relevant configuration of the VWAS software. To ensure the successful window
multi-screen processor or the optical engine window of the display unit
opening, such configurations shall be conducted by the qualified and trained
depending on the signal source access point. The window property and window
opening mode are different for different access points.
5.2.2 Opening processor window
5.2 To open window on display wall
You can open a desired processor window on the display wall through the
VWAS software with the operation method similar to that of engine window. For
5.2.1 Opening windows for optical engines detailed operation methods, please refer to the “Open windows for optical

You can open the desired windows on the display wall according to the engines” section.

configuration information of the display unit channel of the display wall. For 5.2.3 Opening VLINK window
example, for a 2*4 display wall, the signal source Video1 is configured to the
For the description of VLINK, please refer to the relevant product manuals of
first display unit, if you want to open the window of the signal source on this first
VTRON. When the processor is installed with the VTRON VLINK client, the PC
display wall, you only need to select Video 1 on the “Signal source” bar, then

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terminal is installed with VLINK Server program, you can open the VLINK close all windows, tile window, full screen, and desktop mode.
window in any position on the display wall by adding a VLINK signal source to
To close a single window:
the “signal source” field.
 View the window style to check whether the window is locked or not. If the
5.2.4 Opening multiple windows
window is locked, first cancel the “√” in the “Lock” check box to unlock the
If you want to open several windows at one time, please use the mode function. window.

 Right click on the unlocked window to be closed and click the “Close” to
5.3 Menu for windows
close the window.

To close all the windows on the display wall, right click on any of the windows to
be closed, and select “Close all the windows”, then all the current windows on
the display wall will be closed.

Full screen means to display the window in the full-screen mode, which fills the
entire display wall. To display the window in full screen, right click on the
window to be maximized and select “Full screen”, or double click the window,
then the selected window will be maximized.

5.3.2 Window style

Show/hide: To show or hide the current window.

Lock/unlock: To lock or unlock the current window. To close the locked window,
please cancel the lock property of the window first.

5.3.3 Window property

Right click the window zone to prompt the right-key menu, as shown in the
Right click on the windows to be operated, select the “Window property" on the
above Figure. You can conduct corresponding operations on the window
prompted right-key menu, the “Window property” interface will appear.
through the right-key menu.
Windows may have different dialogue boxes depending on their types. The
5.3.1 General operations for windows interface of the optical engine window property is as shown in the following
General operations for windows include close a window, close other windows, figure.

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automatically restore to the default position and the parameter will use the
default value. The basic properties that can be adjusted for the optical engine
window include: line starting position offset, line width offset, field starting
position offset and field width offset. The advanced properties for the optical
engine window include brightness, contrast, sharpness, color saturation,
chrominance, format, auto gain and gain.

5.3.4 Window signal path

Select “window signal path” in the right-key menu to prompt the following dialog
box, on which you can view the signal path of the window.

Window type indicates whether current window is an optical engine window or a

processor window. Window position indicates the position and size of the
current window on the display wall. The window properties include signal
parameters and window parameters.

You can modify the window coordinate property on the coordinate editing box of
the window parameter to move the window or change the window size.

Note: It is possible that a window may span across several screens after
changing the window property. In this situation, if it is an optical engine window,
the display unit channel configuration of the display wall will affect the success
of the setting.

All the occupied display units will be shown in the “engine window property”
(each tab stands for a display unit). You can adjust some parameters of the
physical display units in every tab page. Click on the right side of the parameter
bar to be adjusted, drag the rolling bar to change the parameter. If you want to 5.3.5 Signal polling
use the default value, click “Default” button, then the rolling bar will
You can inquire and display several signal sources in sequential order and by

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certain interval in the selected window. Create a window on the display wall or
select one or several existing windows. Right click the window and select the
“signal polling” option in the right-key menu to prompt the following dialog box.
Select the required signal sources in the signal source list and drag to the
selected window one by one. The “window signal source list” in the signal
source polling dialog box will automatically obtain these signal sources. You can
adjust, modify or delete the selected signal sources. Click “OK” after setting to
complete the signal polling setting operation.


For the windows started in any way other than through VWAS software, their
performance on the VWAS software may be different from the actual window,
such as the title bar.

5.3.6 PTZ control

You can conduct PTZ operation on the camera. To enable this function, the
camera must be controllable. Select a controllable camera as a signal source,
and open a signal window in any position of the display wall. After the window is
successfully opened, select “PTZ control” in the right-key menu of the window,
as shown in the following figure:

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Chapter 6 Signal Preview and Display

Wall Sharing

Signal preview refers to previewing the content of a signal source before sending it to the

display wall.. Display wall sharing means the content on the display wall is

captured and sent to a display device for viewing or monitoring. The signal
preview is realized by installing independent signal capture card. For network
signals, the signal image can be obtained through network, and the preview
interface is realized by plug-in. To conduct preview with VWAS, drag the signal
to the preview interface. Display wall Sharing adopts sharing uses a separate
display interface.

6.1 Preview server

Enter the next dialog box, as shown in the following figure, and click “finish” to
complete the configuration.
To set the preview server, click the “preview server” button, and right click on
the “preview server” configuration function zone to prompt the relevant menu.
Select “add” to prompt the following dialog box. Enter the device name, type,
model, and preview server IP address’ then click “Next”.

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6.2 Signal preview

After the preview server configuration is finished, click “signal preview”. The
After completing the adding operation, enter the centralized channel signal preview window will appear in the configuration function zone. You can
configuration interface and select “preview server”, as shown in the following select the desired signal source in the signal source list and drag to the preview
figure. Select the name of the preview server to be added from the device list, window. The number of preview windows can be set through the right mouse
set the connected device type in the device input channel setting list, and select key.
the connected device name in the resource, and then click “OK” to finish the
preview server configuration.

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6.3 Display wall sharing

Right click on the virtual display wall of the VWAS Explorer interface, select
“Display wall sharing” on the prompted menu. The display wall sharing dialog
box will be prompted.

Preview effect

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Chapter 7 Status Information

7.1 Runtime information

It mainly includes the signal source window information and the processor
application information for the current display wall. The signal source window
information includes two types: engine window and multi-screen processor
window. The information contents include the coordinate value and window size.
You can carry out some quick operations in the Runtime information bar,
including “Save as mode”, “Mode intelligent operation”, and “Close all the

The Runtime information interface is as shown in the following figure: 7.2.1 Searching for alarm information

You can search for the alarm information according to different conditions,
including start time, end time and log type. The log type includes alarm and

7.2.2 Clearing alarm information

7.2 Alarm information The alarm log can be deleted. You can delete the alarm logs according to
different conditions, including record start time, end time and log type.

The alarm contents can be displayed directly or in the form of alarm information
for the user. This software provides “View alarm” function to process the alarm
information. You can access the alarm information function with the following

Click the "alarm information" button in the main function zone. The interface is
as shown in the following figure:

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7.2.3 Exporting alarm information

The system provides the alarm log export function. Similar to the function of
exporting log information, the alarm log can be exported as Excel file.

To inquire real time alarm information, turn to “alarm monitoring”.

7.3 User logs

7.3.1 Recording daily operations

The software has powerful log function. The log contents include daily
operations and they are customizable. You can also select the logs for The system will record all the failed operations and present them to you via logs.

recording according to certain conditions. The logs can be saved, searched and In this way, you can view your operation history conveniently and get informed

printed automatically. You can access the logs with the following two methods: that what operation failed. You can view any specific records through the “View
Click the “User log” button in the main function zone. The interface is as shown
in the following figure: 7.3.2 Log inquiry

You can enter the query conditions according to your needs, such as start time,
end time, user name. These conditions can be used separately or jointly. You
can also print the results.

7.3.3 Clearing log

You can delete the logs according to different conditions, including record start
time, end time and user name.

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7.3.4 Exporting log

The system provides the log export function. The log you inquired can be
exported as Excel file, as shown in the following figure:

7.4 Alarm monitoring

You can view the real time alarm log list and clear the alarm log list.

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1) Click the at the top right corner of the above figure, you can minimize
Chapter 8 Other System Settings and the VWASPanel to the system toolbar. To restart it, double click the
Custom Applications VWASPanel on the system toolbar. To exit VWASPanel, right click on
the VWASPanel on the toolbar and select “Exit” in the prompted menu. To
8.1 Starting the service panel view the VWASPanel version, right click on the VWASPanel on the toolbar
and select “About”.

The service panel monitors the runtime status of software services. In the case
of dual systems, both the active and standby systems are monitored.

To login the VWAS client, you must ensure that all the services in VWASPanel
are in ready state. You can start the VWASPanel from the Start menu:
program\VWAS6\VWASPanel, as shown in the following figure:

2) Service start/stop: Click “Start all”, then the software will start all the
services one by one according to the startup dependency sequence. Click
“Stop all” and the software will stop all the services according to the
stopping dependency sequence. You can also click “Start” or “Stop” for a
single service program to start or stop.

3) Hot backup status display:

Heartbeat: To receive the heartbeat status from VAPServer;

Data: To receive the data transmission status from VAPServer;

Role: To display the master/slave service role of the control host.

8.2 System options

System options provide users with system configuration, stylized grids

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representing display units in the display wall, mode hotkey setting and workflow The default is no.
hotkey setting.
 Debug log output on or off
8.2.1 System configuration
The default is off.

 Enable DVS window replacement signal

If “true” is selected, the DVS window will not be closed during the signal
switching, and only the matrix channel is switched (available only when the
DVS input connects the matrix output). The default setting is “true”.

 Enable open-close dual-link

If “true” is selected, when you open windows, the new dual-link window will
be opened before the old window is closed. If “false” is selected, the old
window will be closed before the new dual-link window is opened.

 Enable open-close processor windows

If “true” is selected, when you open windows, the new window will be
opened before the old window is closed. If “false” is selected, the old
window will be closed before the new window is opened.

 Show the hidden window or not when applying modes

If “true” is selected, the hidden window will be shown when applying modes.
If “false” is selected, the hidden window will not be shown, but the window
display effect is poor.

 The mutual permission to operate on each other’s windows if two users  Show the hidden window or not when opening windows by batch
have the same access level
If “true” is selected, the hidden window will be shown when opening
 The default is yes. The permission to open a window across multiple windows by batch. If “false” is selected, the hidden window will not be
processors shown, but the window display effect is poor.

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 “Display wall sharing” server IP address

The IP address and port of the computer running display wall sharing
service (default port: 8020)

 “Display wall sharing” server control port

The control port of display wall sharing server (default port: 8019)

 Web configuration

The web client network address and port of the VWAS software

8.2.2 Stylized grids for display wall

You can customize the visual style of display units on the display wall, including
the normal setting, default window type, auxiliary shortcut key setting and
display wall style setting.

 Display unit power on/off prompt

It determines whether to generate a prompt when the virtual display unit

powers on/off. The default setting is “true”.

 Tile window prompt

It determines whether to generate a prompt when conducting tile window

operation. The default setting is “false”.

 Close window prompt

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It determines whether to generate a prompt when closing the window. The The background value of the virtual display unit
default setting is “true”.
 Display the unit frame
 Default window type
It determines whether to display the frame of the virtual display unit.
The default type of the window opened for the virtual display wall.
 Display unit frame color
 Engine signal window shortcut key
The frame color value of the virtual display unit
The shortcut key setting for opening engine signal window for the virtual
display wall; the default setting is to press the shift key to open the engine
signal window.

 Processor signal window shortcut key

The shortcut key setting for opening processor signal window for the virtual
display wall; the default setting is to press the CTRL key to open the
processor signal window.

 Multi-window selection

The shortcut key setting for selecting several windows for the virtual
display wall

 Unit 1 color

The background color value of the virtual display unit when the sum of the
row value and column value of the display unit is an even number

 Unit 2 color
 Uncontrolled area
The background color value of the virtual display unit when the sum of the
row value and column value of the display unit is an odd number The background color value of the uncontrolled area of the virtual display
wall; it is reserved now.
 Unit background
 Engine signal window color

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The background color value of the engine signal window appear:

 Processor signal window color

The background color value of the processor signal window

8.2.3 Workflow hotkey setting

For details, please refer to section 4.2.7.

8.2.4 Mode hotkey setting

For details, please refer to section 4.1.7.

8.3 User Management

The user management function provides basic user information and privilege
configuration. There are two roles: super administrator and common user.
There is only one administrator. It account is admin and the default password is
configurable. The administrator can execute “add user”, “Modify user” and
Basic information
"delete user" operations, while the common user can only view the basic
information and authority configuration.  User name

8.3.1 User management functions The name of the user to be added, which can be composed of English and
Chinese characters, and the length is 1 to 37 bytes
 Verifying user name and password for log-in
 Password
 Adding, modifying, and deleting user
The password of the user to be added, whose length is 1 to 12 bytes
 Supporting simultaneous online operations of multiple users
 Priority
 Supporting online operations on several clients by the same user
The priority of the common user; the options include high, middle and low,
8.3.2 Adding users and the default level is middle.

Right click in the “User” panel on the main interface, and select “add user”  Allow duplicate log-in
option in the prompted menu, the interface as shown in the following figure will
Allow the user to log in several clients with the same name.

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 Office phone, mobile phone and email 2. Signal source privilege

The office phone, mobile phone and email of the user to be added; it is an “All”: You have the use right for the existing signal sources and the signal
optional field. sources that may be added.

User privilege configuration “None”: You cannot operate any signal source.

The user privilege configurations specify access privilege for the following: “Custom”: You can customize the signal sources to be used.
display wall zone, signal source, mode, workflow, multifunctional device and
3. Mode privilege
group resource.
The use method is similar to that of the signal source authority.

4. Workflow privilege

The use method is similar to that of the signal source authority.

5. Multifunctional device privilege

The use method is similar to that of the signal source authority.

6. Group resource privilege

You can set the group resources that can be operated by the common user,
including the mode group resource and workflow group resource.

1. Display wall zone privilege

“All”: You have the operation authority for all the zones of all the display

“None”: You do not have the operation authority for display wall zones.

“Custom”: You can customize the operable zones in the existing display
walls. Multiple selections are allowed.

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Note: In the VWAS system, you are not allowed to delete the admin user. All the
deletion operations will be invalidated.

To avoid misunderstanding, do not set the users with duplicate name. The user
name shall be case sensitive. Common user and system administrator are
subject to control zone restriction, while the super user does not have any
control zone restriction.

 Log-in information

You can view your own log-in information online.

 View

You can view the setting information of the added user.

8.4 Importing resources

8.3.3 Modifying users

Click “Import resource” on the main interface, then the “Import resource”
Right click the mouse and select “Modify” option in the prompted menu, a dialog interface will be prompted. The types of resources that can be imported include
box similar to that of adding user operation will be prompted, where you can signal source, matrix and DVS.
modify the user according to the operation method introduced in the adding
Operation steps:
operation. Click “OK” button to save the change.
1. Click “Browse” to select the edited Excel file, which shall be the “VWAS
The super administrator can modify all the settings of common users. A
resource worksheet critiera.xls” under the path of program/VTRON/VWAS6. For
common user can only modify his information.
details, please refer to the resource worksheet criteria description page.
8.3.4 Deleting users
2. Select one or several resource types in the “Import resource type” list at the
Right click the mouse and select “Delete” option in the prompted menu, then the left side (press Ctrl key to make multiple selections)
deletion confirmation dialog box will be prompted. Click “OK” button to delete
3. Select one or several worksheets in the “worksheet” list at the right side
the selected user.
(press Ctrl key to make multiple selections)

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4. Click “Import”.

Select “Save as non-zipped type .vbf6 or zipped type .cab file”, as shown in the
8.5 Resource backup and restore
following figure:

Run VWASPANEL and click the “Resource backup” button at the left bottom
corner to enable the resource backup function, then it will save the configuration
and resources in the current VWAS software, as shown in the following figure.

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The resource restore operation is similar to the resource backup. This operation
will restore the configurations and resources from the backup file. Click the
“Resource restore” button at the right bottom corner of VWASPANEL, the
resource restore will be started.

Click “Save" after selecting the file type. Note that resource backup or restore
8.6 Multi-mouse operations
can only be run when VWASService is closed. If the VWASService is not closed,
relevant dialog box will be prompted. Click “Yes” to close VWASService and 8.6.1 Execution
proceed with the operation.
Click “Multi-mouse” to prompt the following interface:

If the backup is succeeded, the “Operation succeeded” message will be

prompted, as shown in the following figure. Otherwise, an error message will be

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Account and password: The user name and password logging in the server Exit: Exit the service.
(The default account is vtron, and the password is blank.)

IP address: the server IP address

8.7 Moving caption

Port: the TCP port of the server

Log-in: Enter the server IP address and port number.
8.6.2 Connection

When the software is started, fill in the account and password, server IP
address and port in the log-in verification dialog box, and then click “Connect”.

After the connection is successfully completed, the following program interface

will appear.

When the log-in is succeeded, the moving (flying) caption panel will appear.
Right click to apply the saved mode.

Operations can be performed on local device and server, which can be

switched via ALT+Z.

Current mode: Only the actual operation is supported.

Multi-mouse control can be enabled or disabled by clicking the “Connect”

or “Disconnect” respectively.

Log out: The current user exit the service.

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 About

To provide VWAS software version information

8.8 PowerImage
 Help

Drag a local image to the virtual wall zone, the image will be displayed in full To provide the function of viewing the VWAS help file
screen. Right click in the virtual wall zone, and select “Exit PowerImage” in the  Web control
prompted right-key menu, then the image will exit from the full screen display
To provide the client function of logging in VWAS WEB page
 Log-out
8.9 Other functions
To switch the users that have logged in

Multiple functions are provided, including “View VWAS help file”, “Log out user”  Exit
and “Exit software”. To exit the VWAS client software

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Chapter 9 Configuration Management for

the Fly Processor (VCMS)
9.1 Configuration interface
Select “processor configuration” in the configuration port menu.

The following configuration interface will pop up:

9.2 Fly parameter configuration

1. Configure the output resolution of the Fly processor

2. Configure the output row and column values of the Fly processor
Select “Digicom Fly” for the processor type, and enter the IP address of
the processor (factory default IP: 3. Configure the network parameter of the Fly processor

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4. Set the test pattern of the Fly processor

Configuration of the main Fly processor information will take effect upon

9.3 Fly output mapping configuration

In this section, “output mapping” describes the connection between the output
of Fly processor and the input of display devices.

9.3.1 Method for mapping configuration:

Default mapping:

1. Click the “Default” button.

2. Click the “Save” button to save the mapping relationship.

Custom mapping:

1. Select one output channel (if there are many output channels, the “PgUp”

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or “PgDn” buttons on the right may be clicked to switch output channels).

2. Select one screen in the virtual wall, and the channel selected above will
correspond to this screen, indicating that the signal output by the selected
output channel will be sent to this screen.

3. Click the “Save” button to save the mapping.

The mapping configuration of the processor will take effect when the
mapping is saved.

9.3.2 Method for mapping cancellation:

Partial cancellation: click the right mouse button on the screen.

Complete cancellation: click the “Reset” button. 9.4 IP decoder card configuration
9.3.3 Method for mapping modification: Modify the network configuration of the IP decoder card, as shown in the
following figure:
Example: exchange the mapping between screens A and B

Quick modification:

1. Click screen A.

2. Hold CTRL and click screen B. (Now the mapping relationship has
been saved, and there is no need to click the “Save” button to save the
mapping relationship.)

Ordinary modification:

1. Cancel the mapping relationship of screens A and B.

2. Re-configure the mapping relationship of screens A and B.

3. Click the “Save” button to save the mapping.

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9.5 Signal monitor card configuration
Modify the IP network configuration of the signal monitor card:

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 LCD software upgrade
Chapter 10 LCD Display Wall Configuration
10.2 ON/OFF management
This module provides support for turning the display wall or a single screen of
the LCD display wall on or off.
10.1 Configuration interface

10.3 LCD parameter adjustment (factory configuration)

Factory configuration includes basic parameters and advanced parameters,
with the following optional adjustments as shown in the next two figures:

1) Screen color temperature

2) Signal color temperature

3) Backlight brightness

4) Screen protection

5) GAMMA curve

6) White balance
The LCD display wall configuration is mainly divided into six modules:
7) Panel selection
 ON/OFF management
8) Black screen adjustment
 LCD parameter adjustment
9) Display wall splicing-seam compensation
 LCD status inquiry
10) Test pattern
 OSD menu setting

 System parameter setting

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 Save: save a group of color temperature parameters and backlight
brightness values.

 Load: select a group of parameters from the drop-down list to load.

 Delete: delete a group of parameters selected in the drop-down list.

10.4 LCD status query

This module is for querying the device status of the selected LCD display unit.

10.5 OSD menu setting

When “OSD menu” is selected in the right-click menu of the LCD virtual
wall interface, the following interface will pop up:

Display model

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value of the LCD backlight brightness is 0 to 255.

10.6 System parameter configuration

When “configuration parameter” is selected in the right-click menu of the
LCD virtual wall interface, the following interface will pop up:

This dialog box can be navigated with the keyboard only. You can set the value The parameters include:
and locate the operations by pressing the up, down, left and right direction keys
1) Default channel: the default display signal channel of the LCD display
on the keyboard. The left and right direction keys are used for changing the
unit will switch to the default display channel when the window is closed.
value and the up and down direction keys are used for locating the option
selection. Currently, only the values of the following options can be changed: 2) Time delay for sending code: time delay for sending code for the LCD
display screen selection, restore default calibration values, restore default serial port control command.
setting, and LCD backlight brightness. The other options are read only. The
3) Wait time before opening the window for sync.

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4) Time interval for reminders to refresh: time interval for regular reminders
for screen protection.

5) Automatic cross-screen-window splicing-seam compensation: shows

whether the splicing-seam compensation setting is enabled for the LCD
through window opening.

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an LED controller device(s) and refresh the display.
Chapter 11 LED Display Wall Configuration
 Management function of the multifunction processor device: you can use
this to add a multifunction processor device(s) and refresh the display.

 This is the property setting function of the LED controller.

11.1 Configuration interface
 Multifunction processor property setting
The LED configuration interface has four functional areas including device
management, virtual wall, display mode, and receiver board, as shown in the 2) Virtual wall function area: this can be used to select, add, delete and save
figure below: the virtual wall.

3) Functional area of the display mode: this can be used to set the receiver
board property in batches, or add and delete the display mode.

4) Functional area of the receiver board: this can be used to set the functions
of the receiver board, including color temperature and brightness
adjustment on the receiver board, GAMMA curve adjustment, settings
related to the test pattern, and receiver board property setting scanning or

11.2 Hardware device management

11.2.1 LED controller management

The LED controller is a device for controlling the signal transmission. LED
controller management provides functions for adding and refreshing the LED

 LED controller addition

1) Device management:

 Management function of the LED controller device: you can use this to add

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list in the network must be updated through this function. Click the button
in the LED controller interface, as shown in the following figure:

The LED controller interface is shown in the figure above. Click the
button, and the LED controller window will pop up, as shown in the following
After clicking the refresh button, the system will check for all the “LED
controllers” in the local area network and display them in the “controller unit” list

11.2.2 Multifunction processor management

The multifunction processor is a device for controlling the switch settings.

The multifunction processor provides functions for adding and refreshing
multifunction processors.

 Adding multifunction processor

Enter the IP address, mask and gateway of the LED controller in the pop-up
window, and click the “OK” button to finish the addition of the LED controller.
After finishing the above operation, the IP address of the newly added LED
controller will be shown in the LED controller list.

 LED controller list refresh The multifunction processor interface is shown in the figure above. Click

When the user increases or reduces the number of controllers, the device the button, and the multi-function processor window will pop up, as

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shown in the following figure: sender as well as the connection relationship between different receiver boards
in the display wall. The display wall configuration provides the functions for
adding, deleting, and saving the virtual wall.

11.3.1 Adding display wall

Click the button in the display wall function area, and the window for
adding the display wall window will pop up, as shown in the following figure.

Enter the IP address, mask and gateway information of the multifunction

processor in the pop-up window, and then click the “OK” button to finish the
addition of the multi-function processor. After finishing the addition operation,
the multi-function processor list will display the IP address of the newly added
multifunction processor.
1) Select the unit model in the “unit configuration” area. After selecting the unit
 Multifunction processor list refresh model, the resolution, horizontal receiver board number and vertical receiver
Select the “multifunction processor” tab and then click the button, board number will be generated automatically.
and the system will check for all the “multifunction processors” in the local area 2) Enter the name of display wall in the “display wall configuration” bar, and then
network and display them in the “multi-function unit” list. enter the number of columns and rows of the display wall according to the
actual physical receiver board.
11.3 Display wall configuration
3) Click “OK” to draw and generate the virtual wall in the virtual wall functional
The display wall refers to a set of equipment composed of several display
area. The generated virtual wall has 2 rows and 1 column as shown below.
units that are combined together and connected to the receiver board, LED
controller and multifunction processor. After establishing a display wall,, you
need to configure the relationship between the main/auxiliary outputs of the

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2) Select the master/slave output of the controller in the “controller unit” list as
shown in the following figure, and then set the master/slave output position.
(For detailed setting methods, please refer to 11.4.8)

3) Click the button in the toolbar to save the display wall settings.

11.3.3 Deleting display wall

1) Click the button in the display wall functional area, and then select the
name of display wall to be deleted.

2) Click the button in the toolbar to delete the display wall. After clicking,
the following window will appear. Click the “confirm” button to delete the
selected display wall.

11.3.2 Saving display wall

3) After deletion, click the button, and the name of display wall will no
1) Click the button in the functional area of the display wall, and then longer be displayed in the name list of the display wall.
select the name of the newly added display wall.

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11.4 LED controller configuration
The LED controller configuration provides the functions for configuring the
LED controller properties, including the input properties, output properties, test
pattern, display properties, system properties and version, etc.

11.4.1 Setting LED controller properties

1) Select the “LED control” page on the TAB controls in the device management
functional area.

2) Right click to select the IP address in the LED controller list under the
controller unit, and then right click to pop up the “property set” menu for the
controller, as shown in the following figure.

3) Click the “property setting” option, and the property set interface will pop up, 11.4.2 Setting input properties
as shown in the following figure:
The input properties configuration provides functions for setting the input
signal type and obtaining the input signal properties.

 Setting the input signal type

When the connection of the hardware system changes, you are required to
select the signal input type based on the connection relationship of the
hardware system. The signal input type includes DP input, DVI input and AUTO

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input. You can make your selection according to your actual setup, and then 11.4.3 Setting output properties
click “set” to finish the settings for the signal input type.
The output properties configuration provides functions for configuring the output
 Getting the input signal properties mode and input signal splicing mode.

Select the correct input channel in the “input channel selection” according to the
input signal type, and then click “get” to get the input signal properties. The
interface will update the display with the input signal properties, as shown in the
following figure.

 Setting the output mode

Select output mode in the “display output mode” area, and then click the “set”
button to set the display output mode.

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 Getting the output mode

Click the “get” button in the “display output mode” area to update the output

 Setting the copy mode of the input signal

1) Select the correct output channel in the “output channel selection” to output
the resolution properties;

2) Select “copy mode”;

3) Select the signal input channel in the “signal 1 input channel setting”, and
then enter the X, Y, W and H values in the shearing area of signal 1;

4) Click the “set” button to set the output properties of the LED controller.

 Get the copy mode of the input signal

Select “copy mode”, and then click “get” button to update the display of
output property of LED controller.
 Set the splicing mode of the input signal

1) Select the output channel and output resolution properties, as shown in the
following figure;

2) Select “splicing mode”;

3) Select the signal input channel and then enter the X, Y, W and H values in
the shearing area of input signal 1;

4) Select the signal 2 input channel, and then enter the X, Y, W and H values
in the shearing area of input signal 2;

5) Click the “set” button to set the output properties of the LED controller.

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 Get the splicing mode of input signal

Select “splicing mode” and click the “get” button to update the display of output
properties of the LED controller.

11.4.4 Test pattern configuration

The test pattern configuration provides functions for testing the test pattern
of the LED controller.

Note: The output signal of the LED controller switches to the corresponding
test pattern generated by the LED controller, including various monochromatic,
color bar, grid and custom images.

 Get test pattern

As shown in the figure, you can check the test pattern type of the master output
or slave output, for example, and when the master output is selected, click the
“get” button to update the parameters for the test pattern.

 Set test pattern

1) As shown in the figure, select the output channel type to perform a pattern
test on the master output channel of the LED controller.

2) Select the test pattern type. Select the different picture types, and the
11.4.5 Setting LED controller display properties
property parameter items and sub-items will be displayed.
The LED controller display property configuration provides functions for
3) Enter optional values and sub-item values.
obtaining the master/slave sender, setting the synchronization, configuring
4) Click the “set” button to set the test pattern. image special effects and displaying the master/slave positions. The
configuration page for the LED controller display properties is shown in the
following figure:

Note: When setting the type of LED controller, the LED controller marked

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as master is responsible for generating the synchronizing signal. The default Click the “get” button in the “synchronization set” area to update the display of
LED controller is master one. the synchronous mode interface. Select “broadcast synchronization” or “looping
synchronization”, and then click the “set” button to set the synchronous mode of
the LED controller.

 Image getting and setting by LED controller

Click the “get” button in the “image special effects” area to display the
acquisition of image special effects area interface. Select the “master output” or
“slave output” channel. When master output is selected, check the “image
static” option, and then click the “set” button to set the image special effect.

 Highlighted display setting of master/slave position by LED controller

As shown in the figure, select the channel type in the “display master/slave
output position”. When master output is selected, click the “highlight” button to
identify the master output of the LED controller in the display wall; click “normal”
to display the normal picture.

11.4.6 Setting LED controller system properties

The controller system property configuration provides functions for setting

the network parameter configuration and time configuration of the LED
controller and resetting the LED controller and receiver board to their default
settings. The interface is shown in the following figure:
 Getting the master/slave sender

As shown in the figure, click the “get” button in the “master/slave set” area to
update the type of LED controller.

 Synchronous sender getting and setting

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reset the test pattern to the default setting.

11.4.7 Setting Version information

Select the “version” page to display the system version information of the
current LED controller.

 Network parameter getting and setting

As shown in the figure, click the “get” button in the “network parameter setting”
area to display the update of the network parameter. Enter the IP address, 11.4.8 Setting master/salve output position

mask, and gateway options of the LED controller, and then click the “set” button
to set the network parameter.

 Time setting

The date and time can be set in the time set area.

 Reset to default setting

Click the “reset to default setting” button in the reset to default setting area to

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1) As shown in the figure above, select the “LED controller” page in the device
management functional area.

2) Open the controller list, and then select the “master output” or “slave output”
in the IP address option of the LED controller.

3) Press the CTRL key, and select the virtual wall in the virtual wall functional
area with the mouse.

5) Select “access point” in “controller access point configuration”, for example

00-00. Select the sender configuration as “Main controller” in the “master/slave
controller configuration of receiver board”, and then click the “set” button, and
the following window will pop up.

4) After releasing the mouse, the window below will pop up:

6) Click the “confirm” button, and the color lump of the virtual wall will be shown
as the following figure, which means that the master/slave output position of the
LED controller is set successfully.

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11.5 Receiver board configuration

The receiver board property setting mainly includes color temperature and
brightness configuration, Gama curve configuration, test pattern test, scanning
property configuration, acquiring channel state and version information.
11.5.2 Color temperature and brightness
11.5.1 Receiver board properties
It provides functions for brightness and color temperature adjustment.
1) Set the master/slave output of the LED controller. For detailed operations,
please refer to 11.4.2 input property configuration and 11.4.3 output property

2) Select the configured display wall.

3) Click the “virtual display wall” to set the properties of the receiver board, as
shown in the following figure.

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 Generating Gamma data

As shown in the above figure, check the “start Gamma adjustment enabled”
 Brightness adjustment function
option, select the mode in the “mode” field, enter the red, green and blue
Check the “start brightness adjustment enabled” option, and then slide the parameters, and then click the “generate Gama data” button. The Gamma
brightness rolling bar to adjust the brightness or enter the brightness value curve list will update the generated data, thus finishing the generation of the
directly. Click “apply” to finalize the brightness adjustment. Gamma data.
 Color temperature adjustment function  Getting mode Gamma data
Select the “start color temperature adjustment enabled” option, select “color As shown in the figure, select the mode in the “mode” filed and click the “get”
temperature mode”, and then slide the red, green and blue sliding bar, or button, and the Gamma curve list will refresh the display and update the data
directly input the red, green and blue values to set the color temperature. Click acquired.
the “apply” button to adjust the color temperature and brightness.
 Gamma data in solidification mode
11.5.3 Gamma curve configuration After generating Gamma data, click the “solidification” button to solidify the
Gama curve parameters of the receiver board.
The gamma curve configuration provides functions for adjusting the
Gamma curve of the receiver board. 11.5.4 Test pattern configuration of the receiver board

Note: The Gamma curve properties for all the receiver boards The test pattern configuration of the receiver board provides functions for
corresponding to the LED controller are consistent. testing receiving-card picture setting and image shearing-position setting.

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Note: The content displayed is the corresponding test pattern generated by the “set” button to set the image shearing position.
the receiver board, including simple images which can be generated by various
11.5.5 Scanning property configuration
monochromatic modules, color bars and other modules. Unlike the test pattern
of the LED controller, not all test patterns of the receiver board can perform As shown in the following figure, select the clock division, select the number of
parameter setting. The test pattern size of the receiver board must be adjusted scanning lines, enter the minimum sub-field width, enter the minimum OE width,
according to the resolution of the lamp panel driven by the receiver board. select the gray level, select the brightness mode and output LED port width,
select the number of LED vertical ports and output horizontal blanking time,
select the scan mode, select the refresh rate, select the priority option, and then
click the “apply” button to set the scanning properties of the receiver board.

 Test pattern setting

As shown in the above figure, select the picture number in the “test pattern
11.5.6 Other properties configuration
property”, such as red, and then click “set” to set the pattern test of the receiver

 Cancel test pattern setting

Click “normal” to cancel the setting of the test pattern and reset it to the original

 Setting of image shearing position

Enter the X, Y, W and H values in the image shearing position area, then click

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 Getting channel state 2) Click the unit on the virtual wall to set the properties of the receiver board
(refer to 11.5.1 operation).
As shown in the figure above, click the “get channel state” button to update the
display of the channel number and channel state in the channel state list. 3) As shown in the following figure, click the button in the display mode
area to add a display mode.
 Getting the receiver board version

Click the “get receiver board information” button, and the version information
window of the receiver board will pop up, as shown in the following figure:

4) The following window will pop up. Enter the mode name and click the
“confirm” button to add the new display mode. The mode list in the display
mode area will display the name of the newly added display mode.
11.5.7 Display mode management

Display mode management provides functions for adding and deleting

display modes.

Note: The display mode provides functions for saving a batch of operations
of the receiver board as a display mode, to facilitate the saving and setting of
the batch receiver board configurations. The display mode is mainly used to
 Deleting display mode
save color temperature and brightness adjustments, operations related to test
patterns, and scanning property adjustments. Select the name of the display mode to be deleted in the display mode list, and
then click the button, and the following window will pop up. After clicking
 Add display mode
the “confirm” button, the name of the display mode will be deleted in the display
1) Click the button in the control area of virtual wall to select the correct mode list.
name of the display wall.

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shown above. Right click the IP address of the multifunction processor in the
multifunction unit list, and the menu for setting the properties of the
multifunction processor will pop up.

2) Click “Property set” and the following window will pop up:

 Executing display mode

Select the name of the display mode to be executed in the display mode list,
right click to pop up the figure below, and then select “apply mode” to execute
the display mode. The mode execution result shows the batch property setting
of the receiver board.

11.6 Multifunction processor configuration

11.6.1 Configuring multifunction processor properties

11.6.2 Configuring the multifunction processor timer

The timer configuration of the multifunction card provides functions for

1) Select “Multifunction” in the equipment management functional area, as
getting, deleting and adding timers.

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Note: For the display wall’s power supply, the timer of the multifunction card Select the ID of the timer from the list and click the “delete” button to delete a
can trigger the switch according to the preset time, so that the switch of the timer with certain ID.
multifunction processor can be powered on or off on a timed basis.
 Timer adding (adding timer)
 Timer getting (displaying timers)
As shown above, input the ID value in the multifunction card timer area, select
Click the “get” button in the multifunction card timer area, as shown below, to the timer type (e.g., “Single”), select the serial number, select the switch status
refresh the display of the timer list. of the single serial number, select the loop option, select the start option, set the
date and time, select the loop mode (Year/Month/Day/Week), click the “add”
button, and the display of the ID serial number in the timer ID list will be

11.6.3 Configuring the multifunction processor switch

Configuration of the multifunction card switch provides dynamic creation of

groups of multifunction card switches, control of switches in the group, and
control of all multifunction card switches.

 Timer deleting

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In the area “all”, click the “close” button under “whole” to close all multifunction
card power switches, and meanwhile all buttons will change to the status of

11.6.4 Configuring the multifunction processor system

The configuration of the multifunction card system provides settings for the
network parameters and the time for the multifunction card. Setting the system
network parameters supports the mode of TCP unicast.

 Setting of group power switches

1) As shown above, select item 1 in the group switch list on the left, click the
“==>” button, and item 1 will be added in the switch list on the right. Click the
“create” button to generate the button for the configuration of the group switch.

2) Click the corresponding button to open or close a switch.  Network parameter setting and getting

 Setting of all power switches As shown above, input the IP, mask and gateway options of the multifunction
card in the area of “network parameter setting”, and click the “set” button to set

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the network parameters. Click the “get” button to update the display of the
network parameters.

 Setting of the multifunction processor time

The date and time can be modified in the area “time set”. Click the “set” button
to set the time for the multifunction processor. Click the “get” button to get and
synchronize the time display of the multifunction processor, as shown in the
following figure:

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12.2 The main interface
Chapter 12 LCD/LED Operating Terminal

This chapter mainly describes the method of operations using the VCMS
operating terminal.

12.1 Login

The main interface of the VCMS operating side comprises the following six

1) Title bar logo, main menu, and minimize and close buttons

2) Model/workflow list

3) Window operation toolbar

Input the correct server IP address, username and password in the login page
4) Virtual wall and switching menu
and click “Login”, and then a successful login will be achieved. If “Remember” is
selected, a direct login will be achieved the next time. 5) Signal source list

6) Alarm information and user login status bar

12.3 Main menu operations

Click the LOGO at the top left corner of the page, and the drop-down menu
will pop up, as shown below:

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 Event query

Select “Event”, “Start time” and “Over time” and click the “Query” button,
and then detailed event information will be shown in the relevant information

 Function of page turning

One page shows 20 pieces of information by default, and “Current Page”,

12.3.1 Alarm information “Total Page” and “Total Num” may be queried in the page information area as
required. In the page turning area, “First Page”, “Previous Page”, “Next Page”
Click “Alarm” in the main menu to enter the page with the alarm
and “Last Page” may be selected to view details. Input the page number to be
found and press the “Enter” key, and then the alarm/event information of the
corresponding page will be shown in the page.

12.3.2 Matrix switching

Click “Matrix” in the main menu to go to the page about matrix switching.

 Alarm query

“Alarm” is selected by default. Select “Level”, “Start time” and “Over time”
and click the “Query” button, and then detailed alarm information will be shown
in the relevant information bar.
 One-to-one switching

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Select a matrix name from the matrix list;

Select one input channel in the input channel area;

Select one output channel in the input channel area.

 One-to-all switching

Select a matrix name from the matrix list; Click “Yes” to quit the program, or click “No” to return to the main interface.

Select one input channel in the input channel area; 12.3.6 Minimize and close

Select “All out” in the input channel area. Click the “Minimize” or “Close” button to minimize the interface or close the
This version supports both one-to-one and one-to-all switching.

12.3.3 About 12.4 Mode and workflow

Clicking “About” will lead to the display of information about the version, as 12.4.1 Mode list
shown below:

12.3.4 Logout

Clicking "Logout" in the main menu will lead to returning to the login page.
Click the established mode in the mode list to view the mode of the tree
12.3.5 Exit
structure. In the operation of this software, there are two types of mode
Click “Exit” and the following prompt will pop up: execution operations, namely, double-click execution and right-click menu

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Execution of mode by double clicking

Double click the name of the mode to be executed, and the mode will be

Execution of mode by right-click menu

1) Click “Preview” to view information about the mode in the popped up page,
as shown below. Clicking “Action” in the preview window can also lead to the 2) Click “Action” in the right-click menu to execute the currently selected mode.

execution of the mode. Model action means that the display wall system will open all windows included
in the mode in the pre-operation and window-opening sequence defined at the
time when the mode is added.

12.4.2 Workflow list

Select one workflow, and enter the workflow page (as shown below) by double
clicking or selecting “Action” in the right-click menu.

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12.5 Operations of the virtual wall
12.5.1 Virtual wall switching

Click the drop-down box of the large wall list in the middle of the main
interface, and select different wall names to switch the walls.

12.5.2 Virtual wall

 Manual execution

Select “Perform time” button, input the number of times, click “Perform”,
and then the workflow will be executed.

 Forever execution

Select “Perform forever”, and the option to input the number of times
disappears. Click “Perform”, and then the workflow will be executed.

During execution of the workflow, the “Pause” and “Stop” buttons can be used The virtual wall in the main interface shows the number of rows and
respectively for pausing and stopping the execution of the current workflow. columns and window information of the current large wall.

Clicking “Close” will lead to quitting the workflow operation page.

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12.5.3 Toolbar of the virtual wall window Window operation

Display wall sharing Drag a signal from the signal source list to the virtual wall and release it,
and then quick operations on the window may be performed after the window is
successfully opened in the virtual wall. Those operations are closing the window,
closing all windows, full screen of the window and window extension. Specific
operations are as follows:
The sharing button is located on the left side of the toolbar in the main
interface. Click the Sharing button to open or close the Sharing. “Close Sharing”  Select one window, and click the button to close the window. After the
is the default status of the program. The signal of the opened window will be command has successfully executed, the window will be closed both in the
shown in the virtual wall if Sharing is open, and the default window pattern will large wall and the virtual wall.
be shown if Sharing is closed.
 Click the button to close all windows. After the command has
Type of opened window successfully executed, all the windows in both the large wall and the virtual
wall will be closed.

The VCMS software supports “Processor window” and “Through window”,  Select one window and click the button to perform the operation of full
while VEMS only supports “Processor window”. The processor window is screen, and the window will be extended to the maximum size in the
selected by default. The window type may be switched by clicking before effective range; click the button once more, and the window will be restored
opening the window. to its original size.

Display model  Select one cross-screen window and click the button to execute the
extension operation, and the window will spread over the occupied unit;
click the button once more, and the window will be restored to its original
Select the model from the drop-down list of display models and execute it.
12.5.4 Turning display wall ON/OFF
Splicing-seam compensation

VCMS supports the function of splicing-seam compensation, and the

compensation will be executed after clicking . VEMS does not provide this
The two buttons are respectively for Display wall ON and Display wall OFF.
Click the Display wall ON/OFF button to perform the ON/OFF operation.

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12.6 Signal source list
The signal source list is located in the lower right area of the main interface
and can be shown in preview or list mode. In the preview mode, multiple signal
sources may be previewed at one time, and in the list mode, the signal sources
are shown in categories with smaller icons and only one signal source may be
dragged at a time for preview. The preview mode is selected by default.

12.6.1 Preview mode

Drag a signal source from the list to this window to preview this single signal

12.6.3 Signal query

Open the folder to view the signal source. 7-8 signal sources can be previewed
Fuzzy query is supported. Input the keyword in the input box and click the
at one time. Drag left or right leads to page turning for viewing other signal
query button. All signal sources in the signal source list whose name includes
the keyword will be shown (if any). For example, all signal sources whose name
12.6.2 List mode includes the letter “a” are found when “a” is input, as shown below:

12.6.4 Opening window

In the VCSM software, the window type must be selected first, and the
The signal sources are shown in a compact manner. When the number of rows
processor window is selected by default. If the large wall has been correctly
and columns of the large wall are relatively large, this mode may be used to
configured, drag a signal source from the signal source list to the virtual wall
open the window by dragging the signal source.
and release it at a certain position. Upon successful opening of the window, a
window will open in the virtual window and a corresponding window will open in
the actual wall, and the name and contents of the signal source will be shown.

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12.6.5 Replacing window 12.7 Alarm and login status bar
When there are open windows in the virtual wall, drag a signal from the
Click to enter the alarm page to
signal source list to a window that already has a signal, pause for a moment and
view alarm or event information; refer to Section 12.3.1 Alarm information for
release it after a red box appears, and the window replacement is finished.

The current server IP address, user name and authorized user are shown
in the login status bar.

12.6.6 Moving window

Select a window with a signal from the virtual wall, and move the window to
a certain position and release it. The window will open at the new position and
disappear at the original position. If the moving operation fails due to channel
configuration, there will be a prompt and the window will not change at the
original position.

12.6.7 Zooming window

Mode 1: The window can be zoomed by dragging the mouse at one of the
four edges of the window. After zooming, the size of the window in the actual
large wall will be changed accordingly.

Mode 2: For a cross-screen window, zooming in or returning it to its original

size can be achieved by double clicking.

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Chapter 13 Web Client

13.1 Interface

13.2.2 Processor status

You can view the status of the physically connected processor:

The web client includes 4 modules:

 Status monitoring

 Function control

 System management

 Update management

13.2 Status monitoring

13.2.1 Engine status

You can view the status of the physically connected engine:

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13.2.3 User operation log

13.2.5 Device event log

If any error occurs when the hardware is executing the command, the system
will record the event content into the device event log. You can set the start time
and end time for viewing the log. You can also print the event log or delete the
Log inquiry: You can enter the inquiry conditions according to your needs, such
selected event, as shown in the following figure:
as start time, end time, user name. These inquiry conditions can be used
separately or jointly. You can also print or delete the inquiry results.

13.2.4 Device alarm log

Alarms and warnings may be generated based on hardware or software

exceptions, events, or certain conditions.

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13.3 Function control 13.5 Update management

The following functions are provided for display units: open window, close
window, close all the windows, expand window, window in full screen, lock You can upload, download and delete the software package and plug-in patch
window, hide window, normal setting, display wall ON, display wall OFF, signal package. When you log in the desktop client, the system will automatically
source replacement, switch virtual wall. detect the uploaded software package and plug-in patch package and ask your
Other functions include mode inquiry and execution, signal source and permission to install. No installation prompt will be provided of the installed
multifunctional device viewing, matrix and channel inquiry and channel software package and plug-in patch package.

13.4 System management

For the functions of this module, please refer to section 2.4.5 of the Installation

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network cable is plugged out.
Chapter 14 FAQ and Troubleshooting  Question 5: When I checked VWAS6.0 Panel after installing the
VWAS6.0, I found that the VWASWebSrv service was in “uninstalled”
 Question 1: The VWAS display wall manager client could not be state, while other services could be run normally.
logged in.
Troubleshooting: Please check if the time zone information is normal: Open
Troubleshooting: Solution 1: check if the control host IP address is “control panel/date and time/time zone”. If the time zone option is not available
correctly entered. Solution 2: Check if the user name and password are correct. or there is only an option, or the time zone map is incomplete (in normal
Solution 3: Check if the service of the VWAS server has been started via the
situation, there should be a world map), it indicates that the time zone is
VWASPanel tool.
abnormal. You should recover the time zone first. Solution: Export the
 Question 2: Can I use other browsers apart from IE and Firefox? “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion

Answer: Different browsers may affect some interfaces of the VAWS \Time Zones” from the registry of a computer with normal XP system to a file,
software and WEB client, therefore it is advised not to use other browsers. and then copy the file to the computer that needs to recover the time zone.
Double click to run this execution file. After the import is completed, restart the
 Question 3: The Vclord and Vport services in the VWASPanel could
not be started. computer, and the time zone will be recovered.

Troubleshooting: Please check if the ports necessary for these services are After the time zone is recovered, you can manually install the WEB services:
occupied. The ports for VWAS6.0 services are as follows: Open the CMD, enter the WEB service directory of the VWAS6 (C:\Program
Files\VTRON\VWAS6\webapp), and then run “ --startup auto
Service name port
Vclord 5800 and 5801
 Question 6: When the preview is enabled, the prompt of “please
Vport 5962 install the VLC player” will appear.

VWASService 8989 Troubleshooting: please install V2.0.7 or V2.08 VLC player. The software
does not support other versions.
AmxControl 5999
 Question 7: The Excel file cannot be imported.
VWASWebSrv 80
Troubleshooting: Please install the Office software.
 Question 4: The engine could not be registered, and the system
provided a prompt that it was offline.  Question 8: The software was not compatible with some antivirus
Troubleshooting: Please check if the network is disconnected, and the

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User Manual VTRON Digital Display Wall Application Management Software
Troubleshooting: The VWAS6.0 is only compatible with 7 types of antivirus the two setting options of “Get the computer into sleep state” field, and then
software: Kingsoft, 360, Rising, Kaspersky, Norton, nod32 and MSE. click “Save the change” to save the new setting.

 Question 9: The VLinkVLink window could not display image. Method 2: Select “Start – all programs- auxiliaries - notepad” to create a
notepad window. Enter or copy the @powercfg-hoff command (copy the
Troubleshooting: Solution 1: Check if the VLinkVLink signal source is
bolded part) to the notepad and save as a any file name.bat file, such as disable
installed with VLink server, and if the version is compatible. Solution 2: Check if
sleep.bat or enable sleep.bat, as shown in the following example (the file name
the firewall for the VLink signal source is closed. Solution 3: Check if the
is aa.bat).Run the batch processing files created by right key as an
network is disconnected.
administrator and finish the command.
 Question 10: The Ark processor got online and offline frequently.
 Question 13: After modifying the row/column value or system number
Troubleshooting: Please check if the there is any conflict with the IP in the VCLORD, I could not open the window.
Troubleshooting: after modifying the row/column value or system number in
 Question 11: The XLAN processor had a problem similar to this: the VCLORD, you must power off the engine before you can open the window.
When a VLink window is opened after the video window is opened,
 Question 14: The application cannot be started.
the video window will disappear, and only the VLink window will be
display. Troubleshooting: Solution 1: Please check if the application path is
correct. Solution 2: Please check if the application path contains space. If yes,
Troubleshooting: This is due to the XLAN resource restriction. The window
quotation mark should be added. Solution 3: You cannot use many processors
that is faster to be opened and displayed will be maintained. Although VIDEO
to open windows for the application.
window is opened before the VLINK window by the VWAS software, the
processor has different speeds for opening different signal windows. If VLink is  Question 15: When I used the VCLORD of VWAS5.5 or VEXTuner
opened faster, the Video window cannot be opened. together with VWAS6.0, VWAS6.0 could not be normally used.

 Question 12: When the PC (especially the win 7 system) sleeps for a Troubleshooting: The VCLORD version of VWAS5.5 and VEXTuner are
certain period of time, the web service would be disconnected, and lower, and VWAS6.0 is not compatible with them. You can use the VCLORD of
the VWAS6.0 server would also be disconnected with the client. VWAS6.0.

Troubleshooting: Please cancel the sleep setting of the control PC  Question 16: After logging in the Web, some operations became
(especially the win 7 system) according to the following methods: abnormal. For example, when all the windows were closed, all the
display walls disappeared.
Method 1: Select “Start – control panel” to open the Win7 control panel, find
and open “power option”, and then click “Modify computer sleep time” in the Troubleshooting: Solution 1: Please clear the cache of the browser. Solution 2:
power option window to open the corresponding setting page. Select “never” for Please set the compatible view of the browser.

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VWAS6.0 日常使用手册

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