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11stst IEEE

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Modelling, Design and Comparison of PI and PID

Controllers for Static Synchronous Compensator
Meera Murali1, ∗ , Archana Gokhale2, † , Amit Vikram Pandey2, ‡ and Ekta Sharma2, §
1 Asst.
Professor, College of Engg. Pune, India
2 Btech Electrical, College of Engg. Pune, India
†, ‡, §

Abstract—The Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) also improve transmission power capability and efficiency of
is one of the most widely used Flexible AC Transmission System transmission by providing inductive or capacitive power to
(FACTS) device which is based on a voltage source converter the grid. One such FACTS controller is Static Synchronous
with a dc link capacitor. This paper presents the mathematical
modelling of STATCOM in dq domain, with the Q-Vdc controller compensator (STATCOM) which is a shunt connected, second
to control the reactive power flow in the system and to maintain generation FACTS device. It is capable of generating and/or
the dc voltage at a constant value. The control of the voltage absorbing reactive power whose output can be varied so as
source converter(VSC) is achieved by controlling the duty cycle of to control specific parameters of the power system. Many
the inverter devices in Park’s domain (dd and dq ).Design, analysis researchers [2]–[5] have presented different control strategies
and comparison of Proportional-Integral (PI) and Proportional-
Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers for this scheme is presented. that involve keeping the Modulation Index(MI) constant and
alpha(α ) or the other way round. This paper presents the
Keywords—Voltage source converter(VSC),Transmission Line, control of STATCOM by changing the duty ratios of the
STATCOM, Mathematical Modelling, Controllers (PI and PID). VSC with reactive power control(Q-Vdc control). Different
controllers like PI, PID etc. can be used for implementing
the control strategy. In this paper the design, analysis and
N OMENCLATURE comparison PI and continuous PID controllers are presented.
PCC Point of common coupling
Vs Three phase source voltage II. S YSTEM DESCRIPTION
VM PCC bus voltage The model of STATCOM consists of a three phase IGBT’s,
Vdc dc link voltage voltage source converter(VSC) and a dc capacitor. The
ish Shunt current generating source is three phase which has a supply voltage
d Duty cycle of the converter of Vs . The transmission line is represented as an equivalent
Cdc dc link capacitor impedance (Rs + jLs ). Load is connected at the point of
Rs + jLs Transmission line impedance common coupling. At the PCC bus, VSC is also connected
Rsh +jLsh Coupling transformer impedance through a coupling transformer and filter with impedance
RL + jLL Load impedance (Rsh + jLsh ) as shown in Fig.1. The bus voltage is regulated
Ts Settling time in seconds by the STATCOM which dynamically absorbs or generates
Tr Rise time in seconds reactive power, the coupling transformer aids this reactive
ess Steady state error power transfer from the inverter to the network. The secondary
voltage of the transformer is in phase with the network voltage.
I. I NTRODUCTION The operation of the STATCOM can be understood from
An important aspect of power systems is reactive power Fig.2 and Fig.3. When Vinv < VM (Fig.2), the direction of the
compensation. Reactive power reduces the power transmission shunt current is from the inverter to the PCC bus, thus, the
capability of the transmission lines, increases the transmission STATCOM acts like an inductance absorbing reactive power
system losses and can cause large amplitude variations in the from the bus. When Vinv > VM (Fig.3), the direction of the
receiving-end voltage. As presented by Garcia [1], the flow of shunt current is from the PCC bus to the inverter, thus, the
reactive power in the transmission line is to be controlled by STATCOM acts like a capacitor generating reactive power to
Flexible AC Transmission System(FACTS) devices which are the bus.
based on high speed power electronics. FACTS increase the Operation of STATCOM can be analyzed with the help of its
reliability of ac grids and reduce power delivery costs. They mathematical model.
978-1-4673-8587-9/16/$31.00 ⃝2016 IEEE

978-1-4673-8587-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE [1]

1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

is (isd,isq) PCC bus  axis

Vs RS Ls RL iL(iLd,iLq) LL b axis q axis
Voltage VM (VMd,VMq) Load
source d axis
i V
Coupling transformer ø Vd=|VM|
Rsh and filter iq id
= t

ish (ishd,ishq)
a axis
Voltage source  axis
converter Lsh
Fig. 4: abc and dq transformation

Vinv(Vinvd, Vinvq)
dc link ∙ ‘d’ axis leads α axis by angle θ , and at t=0, is in phase
capacitor with α axis.‘q’ axis leads ‘d’ axis by 90∘
∙ ‘d’ and ‘q’ axis are rotating in anticlockwise direction at
Fig. 1: Single Line Diagram Of a STATCOM.
a constant velocity of ω rad/sec where ω =2π f
X Using this transformation three phase quantities are converted
ish Vinv VM
into dq domain and further equations for different sections of
Q ish
the system are written.
Vinv VM

B. Differential equations at source,load and shunt parts:

Fig. 2: Phasor diagram for inductive operation of STATCOM From the Fig.1, KVL equations are written for each part of
the system i.e. source side, load side, shunt side. Using KVL,
X ish the equations at source side are as follows:
disd Rs isd Vsd −VMd
Q = ω isq − +( ) (1)
Vinv VM
ish dt Ls Ls
VM Vinv
disq Rs isq Vsq −VMq
= −ω isd − +( ) (2)
Fig. 3: Phasor diagram capacitive operation of STATCOM dt Ls Ls
Equations at load side:


= ω iLq − + (3)
dt LL LL
Average modelling is one of the approach that approximates diLq RL iLq VMq
the discontinuous operation of power semiconductor devices = −ω iLd − + (4)
dt LL LL
into a continuous time model [6], [7]. It simplifies the analysis
under transient and steady state conditions and speeds up the Equations at shunt side:
simulation. Using the transformation presented by Park [8] and
dishd Rsh ishd VMd −Vinvd
Schauder [5], abc quantities are converted into dq. Analysis is = ω ishq − +( ) (5)
dt Lsh Lsh
simple in dq domain as the terms arising due to presence of
dishq Rsh ishq VMq −Vinvq
the mutual inductance are eliminated. = −ω ishd − +( ) (6)
Following assumptions are considered: dt Lsh Lsh
∙ Source voltages are balanced and sinusoidal and zero C. State space representation of STATCOM
sequence components are absent and all switches in the
Using power balance equation on inverter and dc side:
converter are ideal
∙ The losses in the coupling transformer and the low Pdc = Pac
pass filter(LPF) are represented by an equivalent shunt
impedance and harmonics are negligible Substituting the values of dc side power in terms of (Vdc , idc )
and value of inverter side power in terms of respective current:
A. abc to dq transformation
3( )
Three phase quantities are first transformed into a stationary Vdc idc = Vinvd ishd +Vinvq ishq (7)
reference frame and then to a rotating frame.
The following notations (Fig.4) are used for the Current expression across a capacitor can be written as:
transformation: dVdc
∙ α axis is in phase with‘a’ axis and β leads α axis by 90∘ idc = Cdc (8)
1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

From (7) and (8), IV. C ONTROL SCHEME

dVdc 3 ( ) Usually, the adopted control strategy is to keep the
= Vinvd ishd +Vinvq ishq (9) modulation index constant and vary α (angle by which inverter
dt 2CdcVdc
diishd 1 ( ) voltage leads line voltage) or the other way round. The
= VMd −Vinvd − Rsh ishd + ω ishq (10) scheme introduced in this paper controls the duty cycle of
dt Lsh
the inverter in Park’s domain which is implemented by using
diishq 1 ( )
Q-Vdc control.
= VMq −Vinvq − Rsh ishq + ω ishd (11)
dt Lsh
A. Design of PI/PID controller for Q control
The duty ratio dabc , dc voltage of capacitor and inverter
voltages of the STATCOM are given by: The design of four controllers i.e the current controllers
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ (two), dc voltage controller and Q controller is described
⎢da ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢Vinva ⎥ 1) dc link voltage controller design: The main role of
⎢ ⎥ ⎢2⎥ 1 ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢1⎥ ⎢ ⎥ the dc-link voltage controller(PI/PID) is to maintain the ‘Vdc ’
⎢db ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥ + ⎢Vinvb ⎥ (12)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥ Vdc ⎢ ⎥ equal to ‘Vdc re f ’. This is done by changing ishd re f and in turn
⎣ ⎦ ⎣1⎦ ⎣ ⎦
dc 2
Vinvc transferring of real power from the AC system to the dc link
as presented by Crow [4]. The relation between the dc voltage
Using Park ’s transformation where [C] matrix is given as: Vdc and dc current idc is given by (20).
⎡ ( ) ( )⎤ ∫
2π 2π 1
⎢ cos θ cos θ −
3 )
cos θ +
3 )⎥
Vdc =
idc dt (20)
( (
⎢ 2π

2π ⎥
⎢− sin θ − sin θ − − sin θ − ⎥ (13) Vdc
2⎢ 3 3 ⎥ Transfer function =

1 1 1
⎦ idc
2 2 2 1
∴ In laplace domain, the transfer function = (21)
Therefore, Cs
2) Reactive power (Qinv ) controller: This controller
dd = (14) maintains the ‘Qinv ’ at the reference value ‘Qinv re f ’. Thus
Vdc the controller calculates the reference quadrature axis current
dq = (15) ‘ishq re f ’ with the help of the tuned controller parameters as
Vdc shown in (22). ‘ishq re f ’ is then fed to the current controller
1 Vinvd and k is a particular time instant [9].
d0 = + (16)
2 Vdc
ishq re f (k) = ishq re f (k − 1)
Hence, (9) can be written as:
+ KP [Qinv er (k) − Qinv er (k − 1)]
dVdc 3( )
= dd ishd + dq ishq (17) + KI [Qinv er (k)] (22)
dt 2
Thus, the state space model can be written as follows: where,
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
dishd Rsh −dd Qinv er (k) = [Qinv re f (k) − Qinv (k)] (23)
⎢ ⎥ −
⎢ Lsh ω ⎡ ⎤
⎢ dt ⎥ ⎢ Lsh ⎥
⎥ i The reactive power Qinv in the above equation (23) is given
⎢ di ⎥
⎢ shq ⎥ = ⎢ Rsh −dq ⎥ ⎣ shd ⎦
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ − ω − ⎥ ishq by (24)
⎢ dt ⎥ ⎢ Lsh Lsh ⎥ V 3(Vinvq ishd −Vinvd ishq )
⎣ dV ⎦ ⎣ 3 3 ⎦ dc Qinv = (24)
dc dd dq 0 2
dt 2Cdc 2Cdc
3) Current controller design: The analysis of a single input
⎡ ⎤
1 ⎤ single output system (SISO) is simple. Thus the system needs
0 ⎡
⎢ Lsh ⎥ VMd to be converted from a multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
⎢ ⎥
1 ⎥ ⎣VMq ⎦
+⎢ 0 (18) to a SISO system. The instantaneous voltage of the system
⎣ Lsh ⎦ 0 and STATCOM are independent, but the active and reactive
0 0 currents ishd and ishq are coupled with a coupling term. Hence,
Representing (18) in the general state space form: to design the controller it is necessary to decouple the active
and reactive shunt currents from each other. The differential
Ẋ = [A] X + [B]U (19) equation for ishd is given as (25).
where, dishd 1
= (VMd −Vinvd − Rsh ishd )
the state vector X is a column vector of length n, the input dt Lsh
vector U is a column vector of length r, A is an n x n square 1
matrix, and B is an n x r matrix. + (ω Lsh ishq )

1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

TABLE I: System parameters 460

Vdc act
Vdc ref
Parameters Symbol Value
Frequency f 50Hz
Angular Frequency ω 314 rad/sec

RMS voltage(L-L) Vs 220 V
Rs 0.27 Ω 410
Transmission line
Ls 8.2mH 400

dc Link Capacitor Cdc 6500μ F 390

Rsh 1.55 Ω 380

Shunt Transformer 0 2 4 6 8 10
Lsh 2.59mH time(sec)

RL 13.6 Ω Fig. 5: Vdc for PI

Load Parameters
XL 10.2Ω


The values that are not controlled are assumed to be constant. 440

1 ( )
K1 = VMd −Vinvd + ω Lsh ishq 430



Similar analysis is done for q component: 410

diishq 1 ( ) 400
= VMq −Vinvq − Rsh ishq + ω Lsh ishd
dt Lsh 390
Vdc act
Vdc ref
1 380
K2 = (VMq −Vinvq − ω Lsh ishd ) 0 2 4
6 8 10

Representing this in state space form: Fig. 6: Vdc for PID
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
dishd Rsh [ ] [ ] 4000
− 0 1 K1
Q act
⎢ dt ⎥ ⎢ Lsh ⎥ ishd Q ref
⎣ dishq ⎦ = ⎣ Rsh ⎦ ishq + 3000

0 − Lsh K2
dt Lsh 2000

(26) 1000

Comparing (26) and (19), 0

Transfer Function = C(sI − A)−1 B + D (27)
1 −2000

= (28)
Rsh + sLsh −3000
0 2 4 6 8 10
The transfer function of the system is represented as (28).
The transfer function of PI controller is given by: Fig. 7: Q for PI

Transfer Function = K[1 + ]
s τI follow reference values. Transient response of PID is better
K Lsh than PI. Overshoot is less in PID as seen in Fig.9, Fig.10,
∴ KP = K, KI = and τI = (29)
τI Rsh Fig.11, Fig.12, Fig.13, Fig.14, Fig.15 and Fig.16. These
From the closed loop transfer function obtained, it is seen conditions are for analysis only, and can be modified as per
that the values of KP and KI are decided by circuit parameters the requirement.
Rsh and Lsh . The tuning of the controllers for optimal system
A. Analysis at different intervals
responses is carried out using methods as explained by Ogata
[10]. 1) 0sec < t < 3sec: The capacitor voltage rises from its pre-
charged value to 400V and then remains constant due
V. S IMULATION RESULTS to the dc voltage controller(Fig. 5 and 9). No reactive
This mathematical model is implemented on Simulink. The power compensation is provided. Hence, shunt current
parameters of the model for STATCOM are given in table I. is not injected into the system. dd and dq are 0.4 and
The results of simulations are shown below. Flow of reactive -0.05(Fig.13 and 15) respectively for both PI and PID
power at time t=3sec and 7sec changes with variations in controller.
demand as shown in Fig.7. Dc reference voltage is changed 2) 3sec < t < 5sec: At t=3sec, with the increase in demand,
from 400V to 450V at t=5 and reduced to 400V at t=9sec reactive power compensation is provided. ishq re f changes
(Fig.5 and Fig.6). As the controllers are tuned, actual values as shown in Fig.11 and 12. Also, slight variation in

1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

4000 8
Q act ishq act
Q ref 7 ishq ref
2000 5




−1000 1


−3000 −2
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 8: Q for PID Fig. 12: ishq for PID

15 0.8
ishd act dd
ishd ref



−15 −0.8
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 9: ishd for PI Fig. 13: dd for PI

15 0.8
ishd act dd
ishd ref

0 0


−15 −0.8
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 10: ishd for PID Fig. 14: dd for PID

8 0.5
ishq act dq
7 ishq ref 0.4

6 0.3

5 0.2

4 0.1


2 −0.1

1 −0.2

0 −0.3

−1 −0.4

−2 −0.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 11: ishq for PI Fig. 15: dq for PI

Vdc is observed which in turn changes ishd re f (Fig.5 point of coupling close to reference value. Duty cycles
and 12). ishd act and ishq act follows ishd re f and ishq re f dd and dq change accordingly(Fig.13 and 15). It can be
respectively. Hence, shunt current is injected to meet seen that for the model incorporating PID there is less
the reactive power demand and maintain the voltage at overshoot and better transient response than PI.
1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)


dq and PID controllers is done for performance parameters and
closed loop responses. From the simulation results it is verified
0.2 that the response of PID controller during transient conditions
0.1 is better than that of the PI controller.

−0.2 The assistance from the department of Electrical
Engineering at College of Engineering, Pune and our
guide Prof. Meera Murali is acknowledged.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 16: dq for PI [1] P. Garcia-Gonzalez et al., “Control system for a pwm-based statcom,” in
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Decrease Increase Decrease Degrade
KP Increase
Increase Small Large
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Increase Increase Degrade Technology and IEEE Power India Conference, 2008. POWERCON
KI Decrease Decrease
Increase Small Minor 2008. Joint International Conference on. IEEE, 2008, pp. 1–8.
Decrease Decrease Improve
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TABLE III: Closed loop responses at t=5sec [5] C. Schauder and H. Mehta, “Vector analysis and control of
PI PID advanced static var compensators,” in IEE Proceedings C (Generation,
Parameter Transmission and Distribution), vol. 140, no. 4. IET, 1993, pp. 299–
Ts Peak Ts Peak
Vdc (V ) 0.12 454.5 0.1 452 306.
[6] V. Vorpérian, “Simplified analysis of pwm converters using model
Q(var) 0.35 3300 0.3 3150
of pwm switch. ii. discontinuous conduction mode,” Aerospace and
ishd (A) 0.12 13.3 0.05 10.1
Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 497–505,
ishq (A) 0.08 7.35 0.12 6.6
dd 0.07 0.55 0.04 0.55 [7] N. Mohan, Power electronics: a first course. Wiley, 2012.
dq 0.1 0.25 0.06 0.25 [8] R. Park, “Definition of an ideal synchronous machine and formula for
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[10] K. Ogata, Modern control engineering. Prentice Hall PTR, 2001.
(Fig.10 and 9). In case of PID it increases to 10A which
is comparatively lesser then PI (13A). Similar change
can be seen in ishq .
4) 7sec < t < 10sec: At t=7sec the load is removed.
Reactive power flowing to the system decreases and
so does the shunt current to zero value. At t=9sec Vdc
comes down to 400V. Slight dip can be observed. dd
and dq settles back to 0.4 and -0.05 respectively for
both the controllers (Fig.14 and 16).

The changes in closed loop responses are observed with

changing KP ,KI and KD , as shown in table II. The derivative
action is useful for providing phase lead, which offsets phase
lag caused by integration. This action is also helpful in
hastening loop recovery from disturbances.This can be clearly
seen from table III, the settling time for PID has a smaller
value than that for the PI controller. Furthermore, the peak
overshoot also significantly reduces.

By varying the duty ratios dd and dq of the VSC switches,
the Q-Vdc control strategy is implemented. Comparison of PI


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