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JUNE , 1969

- -~


Our un ion exists for one ll n e! only one major rc<\son-the good of OUl' mem bers. QU I'
union, the IBEW, <lccompJisil es as a uni t what we cannot accomplish as individuals.
Benefits to OUI' r eti red members :.m d to bereaved families of deceased membe rs have
been .Ul integral pa rt of the thinki ng of t he Brotherhood since it was fou nded in 1891.

We are proud of a ll the help our Pension Pla n has given to our long· time members
through the yea rs. The num ber on Olll' Pension rolls continues to mount steadily, In 1958,
there We l'e 10,000 IBEW members drawing pensions. In 1962 there were 17,000. In 1966
there were 25,000. An d today there a re more than 35,000.

One of the most important tlccomplishments of the Brotherhood in its 78 years of

exist ence was the establishment in 1922 of the Death Benefit Fund. This fu nd has been
g iving fin ancial help to fa m ilies of deceased members for nlmost 48 years now, Since
the fou nd ing of th e EWBA , more than $7 1 million has been paid out in Death Claims.

The listin g below, entit led " Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Pension
and Deat h Ben efit Payment Report," is gmphic cvidcnce of how the IB EW is worki ng
for each member of the Brothe t"llOod. Begi nning this month, t he llltest Pension nnd Death
Benefit Report fi gu res wi ll be curried ill each iss Lle of the Jottnl(tl,

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Repo rt




TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS lAST MONTH $ 1,695,602.91 $ 539,694.18
TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST 12 MONTHS 18,942,194.84 5,988,681.16
DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH 247,562.90 , $ 412,13B.9O
DEATH BENEFITS PAlO LAST 12 MONTHS 2,524.361 .61 4,200,3B9.20
C IIAII"':'~ II . "11 .1.101111
1. ' ...... h " .... I/' r~.'Ju '
I ~OO I:.d . 8 1.. N. W
W . . h i n~ n . I). C. ~OOO~
I"' .. ",'~a' S~rrtl.r~
I ~OCI I~I II 101 .. N. "
W .. hlnlltOn . I). C. ~OOO-
Official Publication of the International Brotherhood of Eleclricol Workers
h tc. u ' ...... l T".u.~.
1M .:"" 2;,111 :-.,,..,.,, CHARLES H. PILLARD, fditor
New '·"r~. N. Y. lootlt

F lu , Oi l " I<I. WII.LlAM I.A IlYMA :-; VOLUME 68, l~o, 6 JUNE. 1969
Sg linlHral lY IIt v, l. , Suh~ 11&1.
'I'oron l" l. O nl_. (""n",I"
s«",.. l l)!",rI~l, JOliN E. )' I. YNN
lloom 2~3. " .r~ s."u..
~ 11 10111.
IlooIlon • .\[..... chu.~II. OL l lfi
Th l.d I)lal. lel . A. R. JOHN S ON
GU7 U"IIoI;"II, 1I,.,m aUI High Voltage Direct Current Line and Station 2
,"07 W ... h l""[<,,, Ihi
1';l1alo".,. 10 1',,_ lA2~'
T. E. Malone Appointe d Sixth District Vice President 6
~'"u 'llI Dllirlct, II . D, R LAN I\ F:NS IIII'
~:,~~ V l.I () ' , ' ·k w).
Cinen,nGI!. Hh", ~ ~~Ol; CBC Grass-Roots Meeting in Louisville, Ky. 7
yltth DI. t.I, I, C, X, II A III\ local MO Hosts IBEW-Reclamation Conference 8
U21 r~ eht.~ 101. N E.. 101111. ~01
A LI.nUl. (;,,0 ....1. 10301 IBEW lifeMSavers Club Adds 18 New Members JO
S;~lh n ;.tr;~,. T. };. M ,\ I..ON •.
Room tl!~. li en"",. 1".11'.'''''- U"lId;"" Union l abor life Achieves Pea~ Gains 13
20 N W.rk,'r U,h.
('hkal/'" 1111",,1. 60fo'" International Met .. lwor~ers Federation Meeh II
&w,,, . 11 mOI ••• I, A . ) M .: UW A I! U~
1510 ( ·<>m m .' ...... III..,
3117 IV . So',,'nl ll S, .. ~'L
Modern Co .... I-Hand ling Facility Placed In Oper.. tion 16
1'".1 Won h . T~ .. 76 1"2 World's largest Super,Conducting Magnet 20
E,""III .,"'Uk l , So E T IIO M I'SO:'
Room 200. WII .,,~ li l<be loc.. 1 4b Members Produce Recordi ng Equ ipment 21
a"1t •·.....110 A .·,•. , Nort h
1'. 0 II... 'II!'~ Can . . d ia n l .. bor News 26
II ll1h'I/ '. M .. nl_ Mill:!
N IAl b 1)i _' l rI~L, Yo' I.. V ISSO :-' l es Nouvelles Ouvrieres 27
II ,.-,m 65.'<. ~~U .\I•• hL S II ......
s..n ~'.a n ~ i ~o. {'alit", nla UIL,2 Editorial 28
T .".h m.Lr!rl. TIIO \t AS V ItA M S ~: "
lloom II Ott.:I30 SQu Ib \\.·110 SIr~I. With the Ladies 30
('h i.. ", ... I Ui" .. I. llllltotl
t:t..... nlb L,I Idr', U OII~: II T 1\ . L. AItILIT ' Fun in the Mines 32
S"h" ~.1:t, L II'I,,,ld It "",
1'9-.11' Yo' 1).,.",1' 81 Safety Tips 31
Omaha_ S'-"''',~a ';' 11(
T ..... I(, h lI;'tri"l. w It. n :rn Apprenticeship and Training Department 35
Wh l.. ll t 11 ,,11 <11" 11:. Itn. r.3~ 2.\~1 1·"L,I.,
~ t ""'I' h l, 1'.. ,,,,,-, ..... ,., I L~ local lines 3(,
tNTUHATIOHAL f)(rCUnu COUNCIL Washington Circuit 39
E. J F I(\:-"S\\,,,' Research a nd Education Department
I ·~ .. ""'n. ·10
~!~I W~" WI.""".ln ,"' ,·n ll.
1oI11"·,,,,~ .~,. \\ i,...., '" ','~I! In Memoriam 78
F I.. t OIOl rict . II AI. 1'11 II A I. I.OJ tAN Death Claims
2;,0 W . W B[~r SI ..... I. 2nd Floo. 79
):1",;"" N .... Y",~ I("UI
SI-Nlntl 111.,,1<1, (' II \In. I':s L {'.\l-I' II J:Y
1411 ('h"'I"'" SII,·.-I O N OUR COV ER- The transformer and $witchyard a t the l os
HnrinJ{ no-l.i, ~I n"-'Mb""dh 0110 Angeles, California, DC High Voltage Station is pictured under
Th ird llI.trltt, II A Ul tY J. W lI . I.I AM~ construction by IBEW membe rs, The entire story on this m<Jssive
1111 ( ;,j •. , .\"'n ...
(,lnrlnnILlI, OhIo " !O- project begins on page 2 of the Journal.
I'"" .. h lli<otril'l. A W ~(' lI lIItJT
59?1 \\ ~d"' •• 1 ,hl'n ...
Sarall(lUl, H",,,IA liL·"1
FIflh lIi.Cd.·!. J.\('" F Mllllitl
lOll', W",I Wain .. , Sl"~'
SI,";n"ftd.1 )1 .. un Ii'"
~!:ttlh J) ,.tri.l, JOSt:" .. C . •:1'1'1:11:0;1):"> ...d ClC
!',,,' SUlh"",,n.i Sir..·•
... '. '.. T. ;:,
S"Hnlb n, \,;,,1, 1t_\I.I'U A 1••:1(;0:-;
11"(1 S ..·.,·", ~ ,\
\.,-, N,,·[
n ...
" "
1)1 "'''. (; t:OIt!; t: 1'. ,'Al'n:U"O:-'
"".1" 503. 333 \\dlin~I"n (" .......·nl
\\lnn','''iC~. 101"" .• ('""",,,,

,OSIMASTEIl S C~.n9a of .<Id,.n

~.'<I. On Fg,,,, lS79 .t-o"I<I 1'1 'ut I, I 1 I 8 1 " .1 W" 1100 f;! "SI·ed. N. W ..
W•• , "Q'Oft D,C. 2000s, P"bl;'~. I ..... 'hl~ .od ,~con"·(la,, pO"$Qt po d o' W ~'c r>. C. ,~ PI. n P··l~' U" t. Sl.'~ .00 Cuede. 12 p"
dG'~. A I 01' , b " Ou' ~."rl, On Or be'oe"r ,,~. .~~., P."
~ur .n ,d, ", P,in,.d '," U.S.A, 1 ". JOURNAL w II nO I c" ~.Id 'G'PO",,,bl. lor •• ","
n~ nol oc<tP I-d.
• cd b~ ',"pordeo'" !. " of uch ""'n!h i, cloOtng


A I)) KV v~lv,,"d~mpen;n9 resistor i,

,hown, Be hind th" equipment, IBEW me m_
WESTERN STATES 1\iIS ill..;tllll,·,1 ill s\\,'II"1I il l IH,i l
b" .. Me 'n,lellin9 Ihe electronic 9 rid SCt""n
whi ch kee ps ouhide interference f'om
LOCALS 11 , 18, 47, 48, !-\illcl' [lwII, :11'0\111\1 [III' II()I'I,I , tlill (' aff"ctin9 "quipment"
125, 659, 1245 SI1('1i s,\'sl"I1's lil'\" 1""'1, ill.~IIIIII' ,I ;
ARE EMPLOYED . hut Ihis is !I\I' til'~t in till' (' Ilit ('d
Stall's, 11 is 1111' IOIlg-('st 1! 'IIJ\-.;tlli,~­
sioll I ill(' 1'\,(' 1' i'I)llSII'III'I ,\d R!fi
Itlilv..,- ;OO,OOQ volls din'I't ('UI'I'I' Il['
M E _' IHEJ:~\J r r.ol 'lIl..; l1 11t111IH, 'I'h(' 11'11I1Slllj'<si()!I li th'S III',' h('i ll~
1,0'; .\11/.:'1·11"< : 17 .• \ IIHlItlIII'H, illsWllt'd h,l' J.(wnl s IK, 17, I :!-I,i, Piclu,,,d .. e linem"n end wiremen .. t th"
('nlif(Wllia: l:!-t.I , SIIU Fl 'l1 l1l'j..;('O, Ij;j!), nlld I:?,i, 'I' l l(' ill~IHllnlioll of Sylm .. St ~lio n,
(';lIifm'nill; IS 1111(1 I:!:;, l'UI'!IUIIIl, I Itt' ,'0111 "j'h'j' ~1:t [iwl'" Oil IIII' ill'lid,'
() ('('),!O IL 1IIIIi l; :;!), ,\I(,d l'im I, ()1'! '!!0I1. lI ul'I; i~ Il(,jug' .'(11 1"'[ I'IlI'lt'd h ,l' J ,0-
:11'(' nil 1II'Ipitll! to ('11110,;\1'\1('\ II h1l1 "HI ... J I. I ", Hut! II,(, 'l'lw ou[-.;id(,
\rill 1»1' 111(' Ib",! hig'h.\'o11n:,!I' dil'!'d ~tl l)"lnti()t1'1 ill ( \'liI!) nlHl S,,-hIlHI'
(' lll"'!'111 lnlll"'ltli".. ioll I iII(' :11111 ('011 - III',' hl'iH~ ill"[:t1I ,,d by !.u('ids I:.!;,
HI''''I' ",'nti!)11 ill llU' , ' "ill·1! Stllll''', alld "17 Tltl' l'()IISll'Ul'lioti III' Ilu-
011(' ('om!'I'! \'" s\lI l ioll j .. ](walt·,1 "011\\'1'11'1' ... tlilioll ill ('!'Iil" lIill 111 ... [
ill Ci'lilo, ill '111'1111'1 '11 {) j'q':lIlI. IIl1d 1'0 1" II hllil I 11\0 11111 1 ()!I{'·Jllllf ,'",'II I'S,
lh(, u t l!!'I' ill S.\' I 11111 I'. (': iliI',jl"l!ill, II .\ 11 oj' [Ih' 1"lltipIIII' 111 lt~I'd (III
silillil ('Olllllllillil," IO('HIt',1 ill the this jol) In ('0111'('1'1 1I1t"l'lIl1 tir1 [.l" \'111'-
1I\)l,tll('n,;, ('(It'llt'I' oj' r,\IS .. \ n!-;I'ks 1"'111 t i l din'('1 ('\11'1'1'111, (It' (lil' l'!'!
\ 'Olt!!!,'" lIt'llt' ] Jig'II\\';I," !)~ 1 . ('III'I'i' lll t() 1l11t'I'lllilill~ ('11 1'1'1' 111 , iii
'!' hi." S,,'stClil is I1Ut IIt'Wj the fil'st ~'IIg-illl'l'J'I'd 11 11.1 1I 1111l1lflll'illl't'd b,l'


,ght: For,man CI.ud, W.II.c." Sec.·
Ntl.., of Ih, local" ElIc.uli",
Bo.rd, gi"fl 'nthudion. 10 8rolh.r
red WiI.on on i",I.I1.lion of .olid
.tat, c.onlrol p.n,I.,

M righl: Shown, I,fl 10 righi , ara

8roth," Phil S,Ia'g", Bob 8."anl,
I a"lo. Smith, and AI Th... Th,,, .re
oinll the h.lio·a" ... Iding On th •
... ·inch conduclotl loca"d ,n th,
".1.., roomt.

tilt' A::;I0:.\ ('UII1IIHIlY .• \ SI':,\ i" 11 a,I\III1II1:':"~ I'llI'llI!'

fUlld:IIIl\'1l11l1 ill III\' :lth·:llllaJt"~ all"I'IJ:llbl)! '·IIt'·
Swt'dish ('011('('1'11, "hh'h has Imsil'· lI'aIlSllli~"i()1I
til' ,·,,"I'\I·it· Iltl\H'I' 1-'111' 1"'111 un·,·I .... in thl' J,t:"III'I'aliulI, tli,,·
ally k"pl II ... intl'l'llal paris uf its a giH'1I Im"i,' iU~lIlnliul\ 1,,\\,1. II II·il",I1'III. :Ulli us(' of PU\"'I' .\111-1"
il.'·stl'lII "IJlru'\lhal of a ';1'(']'('1, . \1" ,lil,,'t'l t'III'1'\'111 lilli' ('HII UP"I'lIlt- al lIalillg' 1'111'1'1'111 ).!1'llI'l·allll' :II',· ~ill'­
1'1lI1f,:l'l1ll'llts \\\'1'1' 1II:1Il!, IhrulIj.!h uur' :I hi).!lwI· \oll:l).!!' 1111111 11I1 nlh·I·IIaI· plt·,· ,\]0'01'< 1Iull lIIall." "tlwl' killl[S
Inlt'I'IlHliutlal {Hli,"', 11111']'1'1,,1' tilt· illg' ,'ul'I" '1I1 lilh', Tilt· 1I".'t! fill' un I,\' of ,·I",·I,·i,·nl .·ljUiP1UC111 HI',· tJftt'lI
(h' l lt'I'al EI(,l'll'it ( " JltIj!UII.\" g"ol tiLl' 111'11 "OI1,III1"OI·s. '11' "\"11 ,UII', ill, ('111':1110'1' nlld h,·'I,',· \1111'11 IllIill 1'''1'
('()1l11'lId 10 illst:111 1111' SII"disll ~1t':lIl uf Ih,' till',",· 11I·",It',1 1'111'11111'1'. 11 111'1'lIl1t ill).! (·III'1',·n,. , \ 11,'1'11;]1 illg"
t'qUil'lIlt'l1t, 111111 t h'lIt'I'lIl 1':hTII'i,,, l];]lil1~ 1'111']"'111. ~itllplifi,'~ ,lit· lilll·. ('111'1"'111 1'1111 t·lI~il.I' bl' 1 1':11 ... 1'1)1'111('')
tlll'tl1lg'h till' .\ . S, S,'l!ulmlitl E!t'1" l ·n,I''1·J,tI·I>lIIl(llIlIll sitilllllll'ill" ,liI'!'('1 fl'llllt Oil(' rullH).!" 10 111101111'1' :111,1
trict COllIJWtl.\". 11 sulasidiHI'.\· tlf C'III'I'\'ul ('lIhlo'~ "". fl"~'
of slH'1t "lIIl "lIsily hi' ..",,!ifi 1111'1111.\" \\1]('11
FiS('hl);lth Hlltl -'[0111'1', al :-;.1"1111:11'. pl'()hh'lll~ ll~ ,Ii ,·I",·Id(' I,)"-,,,'s HIII\ di"'I'1 ('111')'",,1 i~ "''I,tI.,,J
Califol'nia. nll,1 W . H. 1;1'11 .. 11'. I'IW" (·11:I1').!111~ "111'1"'11' ,11':11\1. h.1 ,Iw I),'spit" tl", ]ll't'dtJIltiIlHIII Iltl"ttltlll
land, Or('~on , :It ('t'1i!u is doing' all ('a"'" (':11':11'1111111"'. ).Willl'd 11.\' ;ilt"I'ua,il1J,t ('111'1'1'111, (,I , ·,,·
Ihl' installation 1\'i.Il-k. Til t· ilbl:dlH :\,·\I·.·III'·h· ...... 1I11"""HII1lJ,t: ('111'1"'111 Iri.·al "II),!i"""I' hll\\' nlllny" b"I'11
linn hookup 1I11d all Iht, 1'lll1ipl1J('lIt h:!" h"I'1I pl·,·,IO.l1iIlIlUlly 11'0'" r..., :Itll'nl'l.·d h,l' lilt' po,,-sihility "r' Ibiu;!
ami 11I:lh'l'i:d will ('osl 'lppl'uxi· till' J,t1'1lt'l'lIlion, 1.·:III:-;.lli"IOII, 1I1111 Ilil,,·(·t "111'1"'111 rOI' tlU' 'I'nll~llIi"il'11
111:1,(,1,\' *~:{,OOO,OOO. ullli)'.:lli"" "I' 1,1 ",'I)'il' " I It'I'~,I' .shl(·\' uf IH)W,·I· . H ili il' II" HI',' '0 1:11\1' :1 ,1
El,·,·tl'i,·:iI ('II!!;iu,"'I'S 11lI\'t' :11\\IIYs Ih(' I·ll .. l.\· tla.\·~ \If lilt· \'11'('11'1(' ]U)\\(·.· IHIIIHg,' "I' !lil""'1 ('llI'I"'Il' 1'''1' 11':111"
kllO\\11 tlllil liil'l'l't ('111'1','111 on"'I's illliusll'Y, Thc' ",'asllll fill' Illi~ lit'S 11Ii'''';OIl orpmlt·I·. II hil,' I'dilillilll!


1111' ,l(h':IIIII1g'I'S or nlll'I'IWlillg' l'lIl'-
l'vIII ('ill' g'I'II('nlli(ltl Hlld di"II'ihll-
lilHl, II\' musl t"II\"( ' I'1 IlltVl'llillill~
('Ul'I'('1I1 10 liil','!"1 \'III'I'('Ii!, 01' di)'( '!'! \
('UITI' II I 10 11111'1'll1llilll! ('111'1'\'1 11. III
lilt , "lids (If tlw 11'1I1i"llIis.,,j"1 1 lill(',
1'I'll!' l i"111 IIIi1izilliuli 01' ,lil'ITI "Ill',
1"'111 1I'IIIIS!lli"si'"1. 111('1'1'1'1>1'\', i~ ,I"
I'I'l l dl')ll 111'011 II", 11"11,111)11111 '111 ,,!,
l'III1II'I'iI'l" \I""d Ih 1'",'lin,'I'" 1'1'1'
1'0111 1' 1'1 ill!.: 1111<-!'1I111i11).! /'I1I'1'dl l 10
dil',"'! ,·tll·I·,·1I1. "I' illll'l'!I'h 1-"1' \""1
'(' rlin!.! .til"'('j \'IIITI'1i1 h;",!> 111 ,d,
1''1')1111 ill~ "lInl'lil. I 'p 11111 il 1'1"
(','1111,1'. lid . . llil~ PI'I'SI 'III I',1 t"1I1 'llIi-
<1,1), 1" ,lilli,·lllli, ....
'1',,0111,1. 1111' 11",lllli" 1I1 difli"llllh',
ill IJilildil l !.!' "'11(,11 "111 11 ''l'"joll "(llIil'-
1111'111 111111' 111'I'tI 1I1\'I'NlIlI(', 1111<1 Ihl'
I" III i 1"1 11'I II "111 1 1111\1 I,.. II", ,d """-
1II1II1i'·II I I.1 fill' 1"IIIIIIII'I'I·iill l'I·"jl'('IS,
'I'trl' III it il,l illdli'II',I- i~ ill " l"."i ,
litlll I" ,'lillsll'II,.1 11"lwIII!illrll' 1")11-
II'j'..;jl'11 1l'1'1i1i1l111 ... 1"111' 1111,1- I'\I\\I'J'
11'1('1. '1'1111"', 1)11' )'01111 i~ pII,,'d fol'
IIII' IIli l il,' itldll~II'," 1(, "t.lnill I hI'
1II'III·lil..; 'II' Ilin'l'l "111'1'('111 ill )1(1\\('1' Nin" 01 the "ighteen 230 KV tra nsform"" ", hieh ....e in.talled on th" job li te by "'om'
11'1111";111 i .,,~ i(lll, be .. of Local 47 ~'e pictured, Nole 11,0 ~teel f r~me going up, .... hieh ",HI ho ld a"
HIISi('IIIi,'-, liI\' ndllllllil!:1' (If di- interference shie ld I h~t elimin~tn ~ I I o~hide ;nt"feren~e,
1'1'('1 ('\11'1'1'111 ('01' IIO\\,'I'II'nllsllli"sioll
li~', ill till' flll'l 111111 III" ('(IIIIIll("IOJ"-;
Inl'g'I' sirili'llill).!' SIII'!.!.\':-O do 111>1 0('('111' PO\\I ' I·. I I' n din'i't 1'111'1\' 111 lillt' <llId
01' IIld,\' OIl<' III'" 1"''11111'1'11 f(ll' n
11 11 dit'p('1 (o[iI'I'(,1I1 l illi'S , \rith din'l'l 111I1I111'1'1II1 I illg' 1'111'1'1'111 lilli' ill'(' l)()lh
dil'('I'l 1'111'1'1 '111 (·il'l·lIl t nl, !lII'('e 1'<111 -
('111'1'1'111, IiiI' (kll'I'lIlilli!l!! f,wlol' i" l'I11('d 1'(>1' 11 gin'lI )i1l\\,' 1' 11'1"('1 :lIIrl
dlleliol's fOI' 11 tllI't '(" jl hll~I ' nllt'I'tI;ll -
liI(' OlWl"lIlillg ,'ol l n1!t', \\111('11, in Il'lIglll {I f lil i l'. I ill' II~(' 01' Ilirt'(:1
illl! " tll 'I'('1I1 l· i l'~'lIil. III Ilddilil ' II, iI
11ll'II (11'1('I'11I11I('S Ih(' Ipllg'l l l "I' 11 1\' "111'1'( '111 .. dl,l\\s Sll\'illl!" ill lillr f'Qll ,
Ilil'l'e! ('lIl'I'i'nl .'il '(·lIil ('1111 Upt' J"ill('
Il'ilk; Ig'(' I'atil 011 IIII' ill~lllnlOl"s, T ill' ..;II'II\'li(1J1 (" •..;1 oj" :!:i,:1O'f-,
Iriiodwl' \'ollag'(' 1'(11' II g-il'l'lI hilsi.,
i ll~Il I ;llil l ll 1",'i'I, . \ ltl·I'rw l i ll J.!: ('lIl"
11..;(' (If i llSlIli l lol'" or Ilw ill ! li,!'!)!: , \ lIo1h('1' f:lI'lnl' (If fUll(llllllvll1HI
1,"Il!' P('I 'lIlils lli)..dIl'I'ol"'I'n l illj! \,(,11 , inlj\cwlillll'I' i~ 1I 1111 dil'\'('l ('ul'I't' n l,
1'1'111 lill(' ill~III:1 l iOlI is dl'II'J"lIli IIPd
I l g'(' fll)' il g'il"l'lI lolid 1"] l g'lh of th.' h"il l g' t'(III~I;11 1 1 ill lilliI'. i~ 1101 sull,
11.\' 1 h., SII ileliitll-t slIl'I,n's 111111 0('1'1I1'
itl~tll; I I(lI' sll'ing", .i('(·1 t il illdlli,ti\"(, 1'0'('('ls, 'I'hl' 011 1,"
ill 111(' Sys t ('111 dlll'ill~ 1lI'('lIb'I' op_
" 1'111 iOIl , lI'iI('1I 101ld i~ dJ'VPIWd, 1'01' ' l'I I, 'sl' I';H'I\)I'~ l'l'sull ill 11 dil'('/'l fn(· t (!!' illfilll'llI'illg' IIII' flo\\' or lli('
ill~li l lli"', ' l 'IIl'Sl' swil('iti lll-t ~lIl'iil'~ ('III'I'l'n l Ii Il('S beillg' euw;id('l'n h i," J('s~ ('III'I'\'lIt i~ Ilw I·(,sistnll(,('. l)il'('('1
('11 11 Ire lIl' 10111"0 IllId (JIIl', lln l f ti l ll('S \'XIH>IISil'(' 10 ('OIl.stl'I1l'1 111lI1i :111 111 - ('I1I'1'!'111 ('ill"th 1'!'I lII'll ('lIl'1"(,llt will
Iht' 11111 '111;11 1'111\'" \'"llng'I'. Sm,h Il'I'Jwlill!;" f'l11'I'('lll lille 1'01' Ihl' SilllltJ plIS~ 1h l'Ollgh I )11' \I (' II ,{'ol1ilu('1 i llg'

local II m. mbers pl,c. an uMne",blod

valv, o~ th, ol. ~i .ie trolley . ",h;~h ",ill st.rt
it through the rOO"'1 of ..."",bly. c1I1Uinl),
lind high volt.g" 0'9"'ling MO finally to
i he, room ,


Ri",ht: loul II offic'" 11'1.1 with lop .up.r.
of A, S. Schill .... " EI.clric Comp'"Y
0" M•• eh 6 K.... li ..'" I.ft 10 .i",ht, ...
"R.ef' M.rt'II". ... R'p"."",,li ... of
D"I';cl FOII'- 0,11,. H,h .. , G ...... I For.-
: G.rry Rlhmll, BIISill'" R,p •.,IIII•.
1i"1 of Dj.lrid Four. SlllIdi".." 1.'1 to righl.
I .. Ch.rl,. W.I~.. , 8u.i ..... MI"lq" of
locil It : 51'''1 H.rri .. qlo". Ani,llnl BII,i.
"IU MI"lq"; F.. d McCord, Job S',,,,,,d;
C.cil GOI", Gen ... 1 Sup.ri .. lelld ... I; Cliff
Su ... m.." Job SlIp•• illl... d ... t: , .. d Joh ..
l.w.o ... P, •• id ..., 01 LOClI 1 t.

Below: B.olh •• Did K.mpto .. co ... ,

lulin", op"ltioll 011 I.. u •• mbly PI,t 01
Ih.... 1... which i. lIud in the p,oce" 01
con... rtinq AC to DC.

Thil il on. 01 the Ii ..... 1... '0011'1'. Gen ... 1

Fore", ... 0.1111 H,hn i••• pl.i .. inq to Bu.i,
n.1I M,n'q" Wal ke. th e ci,cllit.y 01 the
illl\· .. io!· or !lw "111'111 , 11';11 ill).!' 111" ,If (·utll'... ·.• lil'l'f'1 f'lIn"1I1 nll'lll" rOl' DC " il co"''' f'om ouhid. th e buildinq
).!'l'ollll,1 "1I1'1";1(·t' (1111111'.·.·,.·,1 ,'x"\'pl la!')!., ",II-ill)!" ill 1111' ('nhl.' il'<.,I1'. off the I..... mi"ion lin., th.ouqh the win
iu III(' iUItlIl·.liall· 1;!';Uil.\" or Ih.· 11 .. Iht' (';thlt, """ llo!' oI""igll(·.1 II ilil' 01 Ihl "II ... '0011'1 .nd into Ih.... 1.....
,·al·tlt t'I.'I·II'II.I.,. ExlI'll .. h.' !.-,,'ill)! ill "III 1111' l'I'"ll"i!'lillll" illlpo",·.1 b~ II ...
""\'('I':d pal" .. of III<' \\'01'101. a .. \1\'11 ilHltwtin' .,ITI'('I Ill' ;tI"'I'mllilic 1'111'
a" I'XIlt'I'il'III'" II~ml ''!It'I·ali.llt111 I,('nl allli a... TIll !ll'(wisio" .. linn' ttl
11\'1)(' ~~·"\(>IJl"'. hn" prow'd Iltnt 1M' 111;"1,, rill' n 1·;tP'Wil i,.·
it i" h,;.";IoI,, ,,, 11"1' 1'111'1 11 1,,'1111'11 Tit, · ill"IIIi1lil1~ lIlI'llimlt 1';111 111"11 I.. ,
f(II' I I \ ' 1)('. This i" llUl p"" .. ihl" 1.. ,tI('1" IIliJilf"!. tlUI' 1(\ 1111' ah .. t·IH'1'
Ililh ulll'l'lIl1lillj.t 0'111'1"'111 of di,'I.'('ll·j,' IOs'''I's. 'I'h" .·"hlt, ('1II1
'I'lIi" 1';1('101' i" pal·,h·Lllal·I.I' "I).!'- th'I" III' Ulll.!t, .. illlll"'I· a]1I1 I. ,..... I'"
nifi"lIlll fill' IIl1d'·I'j.tI·UIlIl.[ Hilt! "lIlo 111'11";11"1'.
rrwl'i".' "1I11I" II·lIll-.1lllk.. iIllIS. I I "11- E ;!I·,h 1'('1111'11 (';111, of '·Otll·... •• ,,1..;(\
illll.·s lhl, Ihl' "f ()JII.I· fltll' t·:lhlt· rIJI' Iw u,,('d wilh nil Ol't'l'ilt'u.l liu('.
.liI·I,.·t "UI"l~'lIt 's.IIII·...' ftll';tll alt,'I'- I I !'I·('. d.'sig-II "(lIIsiti('l':lI ion..; fnt' Ih('
w!tiu).,r l'UI'I'('1I1 (·il'l·lIil . I II Il(ldiliotl, (C'mllinued 011 11('.(1 J)(1[lC)

('(mlillucd from p"ge 5)
IiII\' IoW\'I"S will 1\I;lke il Iwlm'1d 10
11.;(' t\\O (·(}Jl{hwtol'-;. 011(' 1'01' (',wh T. E. Malone Appointed
.;[eI" or
Ih,· IfI\\"(·,'. Th(' 1\\0 ('()mhte-
1n1'S \rill (ll'IliJwl'ily h(' thl,d as a
pili' and a mim'" pol,'. fnl'lllill!! :1
Sixth District Vice President
IOllJl fol' lll\' (·UlT,·nl. lI ow,·n·l'. hy
IIliliziuu: 1'1I1'111 "'·llIrn. 1':1(·h poll'
Illtll'll1'lJIh'llt (·il'-
\'1111 hI' 1I .... ,·d :1'; all
I XTEIC\_\'1'IO\".\ I, H,·pl·,· ...(·lIla-
lin' T. E -'Ialltll(' ha... Iw,'" ap_
('lIit In :ul.l[liOI1. ill (':1,,' uf 11 fail· 1)llilll,',1 \-j",. 1'!'t· ... id.·111 uf lit"
lit·,' of 0I1t' lim' poll·. thl' (·olln·l .... iull ~ixth J)i ... lI·il·t h.\· IIl!t'I'llillilllt:t1
"'IIII]lIIII'lIt f,u' Ihi ... pul,· (';111 1M.' 1'1·,·... idl·1I1 ('hal'll ... II I' illin·d. fol-
,>will,h"d to 1111' olh,·,· IlIIh· III work l'I\\jn~ lit,· 1·(,... i!!IJ:lli"1\ ot HI·olll,·,·
ill pat·,dlt·1 with ('qllil'HU'1l1 ,,11'(';HI,\- -I. \r .. IollII ...on 'I'll(' ilI'I~ljlllllll'llI
workill!! un thi ... "'('I'!llld poll'. \\.;1 .... nppI',,\I'11 h.I' tIll' I lIlt'l'ltaliOlwl

' l'llt' tlil""'1 ('1Il'J'1'1I1 nn'l'll('lId lilll' EXI'I'ulin' '·"IIIlt·il llI1t! h"I';lIl1t' 1'1'
,·otnlll'i ... iuj! 11 plu'l 1111,]:1 lIIinw" jlol{' It·('ti\'(' Oil .\Iay I, I!l(i!l.
i.; IIIH';. ill t'o',·(·1. 11 dllllhll'-('il'('uil \-it'I' 1' l'(·.;i(Ii·lIl ,\htl(JlI(' \1;" hol'lJ
,111('I'nillill!! ('III'I'I'1l1 lill('. 'I'hl' /lil·(·tl Oil :-\O\-(,lItlM.'I· :.!:!. 1!lIi . II, · \Ia ..
l'UIT('111 itlll·I·llilli\'(· 1111,)\, ... ,.\'('" init ial!,11 illln lhl' [BE\\' lI~ n 1ll('IIl-
higJII'I' ,;II'inI-TS in Iii\(' 1'(111 ... 11'111'11011 1)('1' of 1"I('ill 17. I ) I't I·oil. )1 i(·ldt.:lm.
"0"1 .. Ihilll \\ ]"'\1 lilt' ('OIll!lIIl'i';(!1l h Illt )1:1.\- ". 1!1I0,
on ,I "ill!:I,,·,·jn·lIil ha ... i .... li e 1)('(':1111,· :ldi,,(· jll hwal ullioll
('hlll·]t' . . \rldl"·I·. l{ n"iIH''''s )1;01- ;tff:til .... ;llId \liI~ 1·11·1·lvd III hi... 1(1-
'q.('I'1' nf ].u('ld I I ; .\1 ("Jllu;hlill, "al Illli(Jll ..... ]-;:\,'1'111 in· Htlal'd. pI'illt' tn hl·illl.\' "]{'('Ied lo til(' oOi('(' or
BII ... illl·~~ )l;lllil,!!I'I' of I.o('ill 4i; hl1.;i,It·,.... llIilll:tg'·I·.tiIl111l1·ial "1'1'l'I'l" 1'.1 ill 1.(11'111 Ii.
I 1t'1'1I11111 T,·,·I'!.-. H I1 . . i,u· ....... )JIIIW!!I'I' Ii i... lal,·III ... W,'I'I' ...."nll l't·('I,glli~(·,I. illl,l HI·,I!ht'l· :'I l alOIl(' "'liS ap-
01' !.m·al 1'4; and ,h,llIl 1\1'J..t!!. HII'<I- PUillll'" Itl IllI' itlld'll1lli'Ui,d '<!nfT (Ill ,Jllly II. I!HiO.
m",'l .\l HlllI,!!N or
!'()('al I ~:), Sity
Ihullwl" )I,dullt'. II hill' ""'1'\ i"illt! 1111' Ill('aI1llli(lJl", o( 1111' ~i'l:lll ]) i.. ·
1\"OI'kill,!! WillI _\:-\ 1,:_\ . (h" (;"IlI'I'al
lriel ;1 ... :111 I llh-l'Iwliull1ll 1I'·I'I'I''''I'lllalin·. )lI'IIn',1 1(1)(,;1 gr{'al m'M't
1-:1('('ll'i(' ( 'Oll1]llll1.\·. nil,] Ih" ('1)1\-
II) Illl' H I'ullll'I'III1'''!
11':l1'10)''l hn" ]Illt II lUI of "Illplw ... i"
OIl (HII' ill(III'ltl·.I·. ' I'll" 111·".h·(,t il~{'lr
H"olh('1" )1;tlulI,· i~ 11 \I·I'·I·lm flf \\'odd \\';11' I I :JIHI tilt' 1\0l'(,:l1I
i.; it j(Jillt l-i'111111'(' IlI'I\\"I','1I 1111' 1,(1'< \\'al·. 11 (' ,·llli.;II·(1 in 1111' I-~, . \ 1'111.1' ,\il' 1.'111"'" il'< 1111 :IiI' (';1111'1 in
.\111,((,11'''' B IlI'!'lll1 of I'OWI'I' all,] I!I·t,! :llId 1l1\1,tJlf'l'd III 1111' 1';1111, III' fit· .. , 1j,'ull'Jlillil ,,-ililc ill tl\{' ~onlh­
I,i !!hl. Ill(' ~""lll('1'J1 ( ':llif'll'lIia Edi· w"sl P;II·Ili,·. \\ 111'1',· hI' .... ·1·\·'·" H!llil I!)..j.-I IJ III'illg Ih{' KOI·I·;,tI "011-
'<011 ( 'fJlll l'illl.\·,lll1' (· il.l·of B m·hillik. II i('I, III' "{'I'\'(',] ill 1hi' ~I I'n I,·)! il' _\ i I' (·I)UIlI11IIl. I.
and lilt' I 'ily oj' (: 11'11,1111,·. E Il!o!i- \\'JII'11 lilil" 1wI·mil .... H I',lThl'l' ) l nIWI(' ('Id().\·" fi"hiIH! 1111(1 hlllllil!g'.
IH't'l'illtr 011 lhi~ j()h \I'll'! /l(II1(' h.l· JI(' i1l1<1 his \Iif(·. il(·lon·s. ,11'(, IIH' Pill·I·llt.; of tlm'I' ehiltll·cn.
lilt' BI·,'hIPI ('Ol'PUI':tlioll ,lilt! h.l· Tht, 1'111 i 1'(' Ihotlwl'lwo, I II" i . . IH'" B ml h,'1' :'I I a loti" j,n'('at SUtt(',,') in
Edi",1II1. \\". h:l\'!' h""ll illftll'1lI1'11 hi" nt·\\, dllti,"; 1I'i 11':I,h'I' of til<' IHE\\, 's ~i'l:lh J>i.;ll'i(·l,
thilt many platt.; :II',· 1I1It!('I' wa~' for
1111111.\- 111'11'1' 1'111111'" ill'<rllll;ltiOlI .... of
high-nihil,!!" ,lit'('I'I ,'IIIT"n! iI(,I'US-"
tllIl' nalion. and ;1'< YUH (':111 ""'1'. Ihis
Ilill III1'illl 11101'1' jl,11 ()PI)'ll'llIlJili,·~
1'01' 1I11'1Il1M.'!''; of I IJI' I B r-: \\'. BII"illt" ... :'Ilall1l!!..t· I "'!'In:lll T,'t· ilJ.!\· Iran"iol'lI1('I..... Ihl' wldl hll'h-
BI ..... illt'..." .\1:1l1m.:I·I· \\-a]k('I' 1'('_ pll' of I.()(>a I 4'" I'I'P(II'\-. Ihl' WOl'k flll int!.;. alltl all IIII' <,t'(1JIlt);II'Y ('lluil)'
1)(11'1.; 11111! -;tltll,· uf til\' Ilit!hli!:hts Ill(' ( .. ·lilo Sl111inn \\ill 1" ... 1 fill' 1111'111 that t!'"'''' \\ ilh il. FItI'I''l:illllpll'.
til' till' wOI·k on Ih,· ~)'IIIWI' ... Iillion :thl/llt hIli iUIII ()IH··lwlr y'·l" .... \\ilh fnUll the w,Il·,.. houS(' ar('a, all of the
pl·ak of ahll\ll .ji \\ il'l'lIIl'll Hilt! "'luiplIU'lIl i ... "1'nl w Ihl' lI'-.{·mhl~·
m'I' Ih,·-.{·: ThaI IIii' I't~\.i(·('t i ... 1IIIIIII! <I
40 lilll'm'·11. Till' lilU' l'tlIl ... ll'lldillll rUtllll, ,,111'1'(' <;"\'('n 01 OUI' IUI'ml){'I'S
a twn-:tnd-OI1t'-lwlf-)'{'III' jolJ With
work 1101.'1\\,'('11 III\' t"o ... 1:llioll'< I()ok W,ll'k din·(·tly wilh Ihl' SW('lii"h
:t IIt'ilk III :thUlIl 1(1(1 "h"'lliI'lI 11l1d
;tp]lI'"ximall'I~- t\\O y,.,!l .... \II ,·,111
n·pl'l"-t·III"li\(· ... utI 1I"'-.{·lIlhlillg: Ihis
,t:i lillt'IIII'1I all I1WIIII)I'I'" of lilt'
'·IIUiplllt·llt. It i ... thl'lI M'1l1 10 111('
IBE\\,. TOil"! or ('I]uipnlt'lit alOIlC ... 11'\1('1.
('II':mil!!! 1'()t.H1I, wh"I'e ('n'I'~-thillJ! is
11" ..... 1 ht·
ill ... I:t][I'11. Fill' 1':\;lIl1pll'. \r,tll,l'l' 'lily'; 111111. ht'.;id\'~ IIII' '.!Oll,· un'I' tlltll·on,!!hl.I·. 111I'n 1111 10
in~id"tlll' huildinJ.!'.llwl·'· ;11'1' ]:.i.OOO illl('1'11:I1 1'h-1·II·i" in.;IHlIllli'lII 011 I, tIl(' Il iu: h-HI1tllgl' c1 t'g" ....... illg' 1'00111.
feet of ('lIhll' Ira.\·s, !oml,·I." 1'01' Ill(' lIol'lInd joh. 11l1' hi!!!!,·.;1 P'II'! Ill' lIlt' 'I'h,' 1-;II'iou,.; llal·l,.; al·t' 11lt'11 II'ans-
('olllr(!1 "il·illg'. J'\)1'
th(' 1"01111'01 1I"0l'k is Ih(' ill'llillJlltioll III' nit' SW('- pOI·It't! to t1t(' \all'{' room", of whieh
systcm, Ih('I'(' lire I,Goo,OOO f('c t of di ... h "qniplIl(,l ll. I II I'n{·11 "lnlioJl, Ihel'(' Hn' six, 'l'hi,.; 1I'0l'k ,tl011(' "('Il-
WU·lltg. t!te l'c {'xist ·I ~ nil "!'s, IH Ilig-h-\'olt_ ,'('S('llls ilt'onn(\ l :!O,OOO IWIll hOI1l''',


CI"' III'; ('001'11 illllli'd Ba rga illing:
( 'om 111 ill('(' of 1:(,Ill'ml E I('('I !"ie-
\\"""lillj.:llIllb" IIl1iull" iwld its Ii 1.... 1
of 16 ~ ..a ...."·I')()t" IIII'{'till!-~ 011 .\ Iwil
:.!I, ill I,Ulli .. \·illl', !\PI111II,ky. Th,'",

FIRST GRASS·ROOTS m"I'lin,","":, 111'111 HllIl (',lIUlll\"l,"\ hy

Ill(' S"'\'I'iuJ! ('Olllluittl'(' of tilt'
IIIl1ill :\Q!I'lilllillg' ('ollltllitl,·l·. lIn'

MEETING IN fOI' Ihl' Jllll"pm.' of j"lll11ililll'izill)! III\'

OIli"I'I", 1·lli,·f ,,11'\1111"11..:. ''It'\I·lll"ll .. ,
:lUll .it'lq:Jlt.,.. \1110 I"I'PI"I ,,'1\1 un'l"
:!OO.OI)(1 IIllillll "lIlplo.I·'·I'o;; of 1;,'11·
lOUISVIllE, KY. ,'I'al 1';j,'.'II·i,· alld \\'.'",iu).l"hllll"".
with 11)(' :11"111111 IWl")ntininl.:" 1-!u;il..:
IIf 1111' B III'g'ailllllJ.;: "II\1ll1litl"I'. 'I'll.,
B lll·g'ailli l l).! I 'Ollllllill,·" 1"'PI"''I"II1-<
IIII' ]() ullioll" 111:11 tw\"{' pOIII(·d
Ilwi., 1"\·'01l1·{·.'" ttl .·INII·,li]wlt' IIII'
ha 1'1:11 ill illJ,:" ,{·"j,,"s tlri" rid!.
.\ II!JIIII!!II 1111'1'.' :II'" appl'tlxj·
11\;111'1,1' :--;j basil' itl'IIl": whil'll tIll'
Right: 1.. 1..... lion.1 l'Oilllllillt", 1111 .. 1I1·I'itl,·.! 10 hlll'g':Iill
R.pfel,,,I.Ii ... Ri,h • anti 1I1'!!,,'i;I1I' (III. 11l\'~l' itt'IIl' 1111\'1
• rd Milll is slto.... 1"""11 II\·.. kl'l' dOli II illlt) I,j!!hl lIwill
ch",i'ing th, m.. 'ing
!!nH I, 1'111' 1·,·III'I·... ·lllal itJlI 111 I hi' .!.!.I·H'"
01 th. Coo,din,t,d
B.rg.ining Commit- 1·'~It...:IIWI'lill!! TIII'.\" illl'hld(' ('/'1)'
t •• in Loui.. iII., Ky. ""wi(', l'l"pItIYIIII'1I1 ant! ",·('ul'il.I·,
1I1111-1','<1lllllll il', i 11"111';1111',' ;llId ILI·alt II
1'];'11'01"11' 1IIIIh 1:"11('1'111 EI"I'Il'i,· HII'!
W"'Ilillg'IIOUSI', jl"II"illll I'lall" fill'
1~,lh l'OI'PIII'Htiun,,' 1'lll)lloyl'I's illUI
":i!Hl"i,,rI ,·mpl".,"'" ).;:0:11". 1-',,1]\111 ill:':
IIII' PI'I·".'lIlallllll ot" till' l);Jq!aillilll!
1!1Ili!,. :t rli",.·u,... i"n III·do.! 1'1 ~'UII
dlll·h'rI. foll"II,'') h.1 a IIIIP"linll':llId
;1II"""I'I"'I'iud In whi(·1t tht· SIt'('I'IIlI!
l'ollllllill"I' 1IlII'li"IPlIl,'" lIS:1 p:lllI'l.
1111"1"1111 i'lII11 I 1"·" ... i'!'·111 (·Ilnl'l'· ...
I I l ' illul',1w,.... IIII, k"YIIO\"slh'llk,,!'
ill I,.mi'llill ... II,· wId IIII' tll,I"gall'"
Ilwl 1·INII'.lillllll'1111111':':-llinil1).t h.\· Ih.·
IllIi'llI \\lIS h,'.·n 41111 or Iw('" ....... il.l· 11"
:I I'!'"ull 111'1111' 11\('li,'" 11 ..... ·11
hr 1111'
""I)lIIlYI'I'~ l 'I·,·"id.·lIl P ilhll'll ";Ii,]
111111 IIII' )':tIlII·IlI1r!-'ill' 1I11'lIlh"I'" in
1I111'11I!"11I.,. ... hollid ).;1I0W I'X:II'lly
wh:11 1111' 1"11111111111 1!"IIIa]I(I" ill'!',
:lIld IIw1 tll('y 1'1111 Iwlll Ill{' dfl'('1il"t,-
n,·s..., of Ihl' l'aJlIl'ai)!11 Ilr 1'I,lalilll!
10 lilt, 1111'1111"'1-'; II il II \\"1111111 IllI',l'
(',Ullt' illt" (,,,lIll1d as 10 wlllll lilt'
Abo ... : Sul.d .1 Ih. Ip.... "· t,bl., left ;H'111:1I wtll'killJ.,."S of till' 1U').!lIlillliOIl"
to ,ight, ... rUE lou! 161 P,,,id,nl Don
Roc~. hOlt of the ..... tin.,; l"t" ... ti .... 1
1\1'1': ('III1SNIIII'llIly, till' ('\I!lIplmi,''''! Ch.,I" H. Pill •• d, .dd•• lling the will 11111 I... · altl(, 10 Illay 011(' uui!)u
d.l.g.I.,; Fourth Di".i<;l \lk. P."idl .. 1 a~aillst Ih,' Olh('I',
H. B. BI ... I,,,,hip: J. B. Arnold. Alli,d In.
du.t,i,1 Wo.h" R.g;on.1 11,11 ... emb•• ; Lt':llliui! tht, 1"lIm·tll Di"ll"i('\ tl,·I-
ISEW Inler ..etion.1 R.p,,ti .., J.m,. ('I(:I{('S, \1'II'i Jnll'l'llnti(lmll Yi('I' Pl't''''
No.; H. Mde,,,,,.I, rUE St ... inc, Commit. il\I'Ilt II B. 1 ~1:lllkl·ll ... hiJl, Illw ill!
I.. memb.r; .nd E. Cu,l.y. rUE r.p •• - dl""st'(1 Iht, d,'h'l.:"Hlillll. P I'{'S('nl al"n
lenl,Ii ..,.
Wt'I',' I III {'I'IUI' illlllli H"JlI'('-;('1I111 I i \ {'

(('(mliltl/lil 11/1 /JIIIff' lR)

Ri9h1: Ja me, Noe, Director 01 Ru .. " h
lin d Ed uca tion, . p.. . . to th. d.I'gl ' .,
on the economic 90. 1. of th , Neg oti,t ing
C o mm itt llt .
Local 640 Hosls IBEW-Raclamalia

The IBEW·US Bu •.,.." of R.,o;! .. me,ion Joint l .. bor Conferenc e "',0$ held .. I th e f .. ,ilili", of
Loe.1 MO, Phoenix, AriJone , on April 21, 22, 19~q. Shown in the pidur e belo .. "r ... II Ih"
d"l"g"t ", who participated.

At Iho .pule rs' labl e, I,ft to tighl, .oro Vice,,,, R. K. Reid/ion,. US Bu ..... of R"clamation: Vice President A. E. Ed .. ",d"
G,,,,ily. Eleven th District: G,o'ge K"ely. Director of Government Seventh 0;,1,;<;1: Interne lionel Pr esident Ch.rle l H. Pill",d; and
Ope.elion.: Harold E. C.rI'On, Chief, Compen,alion and lebo r Vice Prllid.n! W. L. Vinlon, Ninth Di, trid.


I..twal 6-10 hostl'.! th is ~'('al"~ ('011- t1 ('nL .\ , E . 1':(]\\lll"lls a ud I nh'I'IHI -
fl'l'I'IIN' a nd is 10 IX' CO IIIIIII'IIl\"d tiOllal Il t' pl"(''''PlllaTin'!-( ;\1. E. \\' hil -
(01' doill).l" 11 I.mod joh, pl"Oddi ll).:" I he fi(' ld , .I 'IIIIt's .\ . 1)01';111, :"\. 'I', S('ol\;
11 '1(' or its lIew i'11('ilili(>s, 1111 .1 hUll - Eil!hlh D isll'i(,t Ir lt(, I'ua1imla1 Ht'p-
d li llg" hOlt.'iI'CNC ITHliolls aull ).l"I'UUlHI I"('o;('ntatil'(~ It t:lmf, ('111'1 B !"()\\Il,
1I';!Il"POI'tlltion, pins 1H'I'fol'lltillg" ,\ llIlioll." BUIi)l·:I('. !t il,.;.,.; " 'illiams,
onference !l111Il,\' otll(,I' s('ITi("{'S fOI' Ill(' {'Oll-
f{'I't'Il('I'. Wt'll dOll(', Busil)(' .....o; ;\Iall-
( Vic,t· 1' 1·(, .. ilh'1l1 ~. K T hullIp ... OII
W:IS wlllhil' 10 nllt'lIIl. as hi' W:lII
aW'I' Wynll Hos.... mil l . \ ~io;lallt ('h;lil'in).! "1t'I,till)..'" ill \\'n~llill~I()Il,
IB E\\"· I T~ BIII'(lI11I of n l'(>'
T i11I'lIlIlinn
l l-:
.!,Iint 1,llho,' ( '(\11_
Buo;iu(''i..... :'I 1:111;!j.!el· I,I'W 11... ·ul·lllil,k.
.\ 11 Plll'li(' ipaIlH, hlllil 1111101' IIIH I
I U '" HI tilt' lilllt' fir lilt' ('II"ft'I'-
t'IU'l'. ): ;\"il1th HisTI'id "it·(, l>1·I'sj .
f(']'('I1(,(' \\IIS twill I.t the fa(·ili,it·..; 1rl1l111iW'IlH'IlI, "1' 1'1' ('spI'('inll.\' dl' lIl W. I .. \ 'ill"'OIl .I n d l uH'I·lIa .
01' I ,()('nl fl l{), 1' 11(l(· ll i~ .. \ l'i;';0l111, 011 pll'lIo;\,,1 111nl 11I1('I'IWliot1111 I 'n·o;i- I iOl1nl H t'JlI'I'sl'llt"I in· I':. I>, (·ukl'l.\·:
Apl'il ~ I , :!:!, I!)(;!l. BUI'(':1\I HI'- , 11'1l1 " hlll"lt'.o; II . I' illill·(j look lilll\' 1':1t'I'('nllr I) i-;jl'id \ 'it'I' I' n·sj,kll l
g- iOII S. I h l.' th "I) l!!.,d1 :-;" \' (' 11 . lIll d 1" 1'011 1 his bus,\' ~wh(' dll ll' 10 II dd l'I'~S II. 1\. (: nIT i l,\' 11 11 11 i1 II {"1"IIHliulIn l
V ie!' 1 ' I'I'~idl\l1till ) 11 i s\ I' I(-ls_ I hl' ('OI I]"I'I'\'II('C Hud 1111(>11 01 0111' full .i{ P]lI·('S(,1I1111 h't' ('11'111 H ush .
~I'\'(\II'II, Eig'lltli, Xilltli. 1IIH1 t';I,,\,- M's.o;ilJiI. 'I' ht' 11g"'11, 111 01" lilt, ('0111"1'1"1'11(-('
CIlIII \\t' I'(' "i'!lJ't'S('llh'd. TI lt' joillt \'i,"- l'I'('o;itil"1I1 .\ , 1-:. 1-:lIl1"al'l1o; ill('llItit'o1: IIIIN.! I· 1ll;lllllgl'lllt' nl illl-
('Onf"!'t'Ut'('S han' 1)('1'11 Iwld fol' II all.1 I 1I11',)ld ('.0·10;011. ('hi .. !', I kllll('11 PII,,-,(' ''' ( n ) (it'fillilioll ( h ) Jlwdi:r
11111111)0('1' "I' ,n'lIt"'; IImlt'n-,', il IllIs til' ('oJIIlwlI ..ati,)JI a llil 1,IIb-ol' H.,I ;! - liull (e) :1I'hill"1ltiun: (·(lI.ll"Ililwlt'li
olily IK'('II ill "'WIll ."t':I1-"; 11lIlt 1111 IiI/lis. { ' :-:, B UI't'llH of H(>('lalllaliulI, ft'I!t'I'al \IIIJ!(' S.'"'<It'III· (n11"4'l:ltioll
arr.'(-II'II I B E \\' l)j";'I'jl"l-; :11H1 Ww.;hillj.!tOIl. 1),('" joiuII,\' 1'lmiI1'" ship to IIt' ).!ol int ion \1111<·'· ....... (' ... ( 11 \
Bun'au Hq.:-iotl"; hun' ]);J1·1jt·iJl1l1l'd lilt, f'llllf('I't'IlC'(', 11I'O:,!1'1I111 Ih'n·luplllt·lll.. III dnlt':
in till' ~11I1I'. \'iN' I' I'(",i(It'nl EtlwllI'fls \\11'1 othl'I' :11'('11" of SIW('i:rI iult'I"'...:'"
~i'\"'llth I H... ,I'i('\ \'i(,\, P \"(osiill'llt nidl,.lb,,· I nh'I'wlliOlwl l ~r'pI·t·;'\'IlIII ­ (a) Olt' l·tiIl1PlItltlll'll\t,1 ( II ) I'hall:,!
.\ , K Edwnnl" is to h. , ("OIllIll('IHI\·d lin' I ;('ol'l!t' .1, J\ n:riy. ])il'I'elm' "I' ing lI"oddn).! ('ulltliliuIIS: 111'1-';(11111(' 1
I"Ot' tlu· u\(','ull pll1llning' of ,Ii(' ('fJU- ( :UI"t'I'IIIIWlll (J llt'l·"Iiun .....' 11' ( 'ul"l- olTi('PI··"; 1"'I'l in 11I'J.!tJlialimlo; ; 111111
fi' I't'I WI', !'ulIl'dhllltill)! it with thl' ~Ull :li<i(,tI hy .l llIIlI's 11.'al.\',
\\;\ .. !-ill ft' ly.
alTt'd,·t! IH EW \-i,'1' I' n'o;id,'lllo;, ('Irit"!' of Emplo.wl' " tili;O::llifllt Em- 'I'h., joilll ('\lnr, ' I'o'lIt'l' \\IIS llIost
1II111 al>;!) H('Iill~ 11 .. liaison wilh lilt' plUYlltt'lll allll l >i\j ... iUlI.
'I'1·aillill).:" i\"!·
('011 .. 1 1'I1t'I 1111,1 11I·()thwliH'. 1'111'-
]3 I11"'HIL of Il,'t'IHIIllIlioll'-; W;lshillg- 1':,,\ B ItI'I'IlU of Ht'('!:IIlWliull, \\':Ish- lirt'!' aitlillg U\I1' 1'''('1'111'111 IHII<II'
tOIL olli4,ials alill I ht' I. O. ofli",· irll-:"lfIll, I U', lIIalll1J,::l'IlIt'III l"\'I:llitlll~. 1101 tllll.\'
f!O\'\'I'IlIlU'111 4Ii\'i'liOlr
l'i.'l!al'dillg '1'111' "it'\" PJ'(·sid('III,.; IlIld nlt'm- wilh Ih., , -:-; of 1:1'4·1;1111:1-
B IlI'I'all
11l-!:(,lIdn. fm'ili1it"';, :11It! gene!"HI OH"'- ilt'l'" of 111t,il· ... I.rfl'.. who pU I·til·il!llt('11 lioll. hilI \Iilh thl' l' lltil'\' l ' :-; 0 ."
ull 1l1'1'lIl1gl'llh'llls, \11'1\': S\'\\'ll t h J)istl'il'1 "il'I' 1'1"1·si · PIIl"tUlt'1I1 of 11I11'rill!".

l ,fl 10 ';I)hl: 8u,ineu Ma n" l)e, K.nn.lh

JohMlon. Lout 21 48, FI'I).I"ff. Ar;~.; Vice
f Pre.idenl A. E. Ed ..... rd.. S,yenlh Dill'iel:
Inl"n"Iion,I Ch.d.. H, Pill.,d:
In Ihi. picture. Inl"n. lion.1 P, .. Ch.,le. H. Pill.,d .nd Vice p.nid",n! A. E, Ed-
ward, .re .hown wilh Alli"",nl 8Ulin ... M.n'I)'" Colen,.n Smith, Rob", EI,n... l . ..." M.n"'I)" Glyn n ROil, l ocal 640. MeCo'mid, and F.ed Scho.n,ocl , end Bu .. n... M.neg .. Glynn Ron. 01 local 640.

.. JOURN AL f OR JUNE, 1969



Th e International officers and all m e mbe rs of the 'SEW ore very proud of
their fellow Broth ers and Sisters who have performed the greatest humon oct pos-
sible , the saving of a fellow human being's life. These Brothers and Sisters are
me mbers of the 'SEW 's most exclusive group, the Life-Savers Club. Th eir numbers
total 259. The latest J 8 new members, with the accounts of th e ir life-saving meth-
ods, are de scribed below .

CIiAntES VAN n YKE motorists nud lint] lust ('ou"('iO\ls,

L.. U. 89. Sj·a ltll'. \V:lsh . IH' ....S ,hl'('I' liIlH's. :\1,..... 1't'lI'I'sOlI is
ali\'(' \()llny. tlHlllk-.; to tIl\' ,lIt'I'lm'<;s
( 'had,'" \':UI Dyl\(· \\ll" dJ'i\in).:" 10
:JIHI tluit'k a(·tion (If lkolh(' I' \',111
hi,:; joh sit t • Oil (kluht'l' 7. 1!161.i, Wlll'li I)ykl'.
hI' ll('llI'd a (·:dl flw Il\'lp ,lIHI\\lnJ(,d i ,(\(",d I,,!I h'l-'; 111]'('1' 01111' " I BE\\"
in I illl(' 10 "1'(' :\1, ... (h·"I·j.!t' 1'(·t(""SI111 l ,ift'·S'I\('l'S in its 1IH"lIlh.·]"... liijl.
fnll 10 IIIl' g"oll1!11 ill IH 'r .'·Hl"d.
Brolh('I' \' 1111 n.\"I,(' 1";111 to :'.In-;.
1'('1('1-";011 ;llId f( 11I1 111111'1' I11WOllS(·iol1'l
,lIul hlt'I'di ll!!. J I.· itllllll,dinh'I.,· "111l1· L.U. 12:'), POI·,l untL O re.
IIlOllt'd 11I'lp. IIIt'nll\rI,ill' IIIHking" 11('1' Thl·('I'·Y'·1I1·.l/ll! .lohll " lIl1gl']' r.'11
liS ('omfc)l"ln l,II' n... l'o ....sihll'. :'. I,'S. in\tl a fin··al1t1·0I11'·lwll'·l"ool \raft']··
P('I(,I"S()II had 1"0;'11 ... 11"i{·k(·n wilh Hlh',] "\\':!\';ltioll IItoll' .)1] .1 11111111I'y
,·al"ir-os.' 111,·1·, .... ,Hill \\,h I'usll\>i] I" 17. I!Jti!l. ;llId hi ... ('ulIIpanioll I'H II
th(' lm"vilal ,\111'1"(' ... 11t' 1'(,(".. iYNl h0l111' til \,·11 hi ... 11101111'1" ,Iho111 i1.
IBEW life·S.~jng "werd wi ..... r Ch.,le, hlood. P riol' It) B l"()th,']' \ ',ll1 ])ykt.-s :'.1 t-s. ,101m \\' l'illh('lllk,. I'I'u('llt'tl into
Ven Dy~ • • " 91.1. of loe.r 89, Suttle, re·
cei ve. the a ward from B,,,i ... ,, Rep' ..enta. alTi,·al. slJ(' had Il"il'd to alll',I('I the ,hI' 11I1111d.\· \\all'l·. ~...ahhl'd .'·01ll1l;
tive M"u,;ce Trudel. a1t('l1lioll ()f f{lll" {II 111'1' j),lssing Ihlllg-I'I" hy tIl(' Illli]", 1ll1d ]1nllt'd him.


l 1It('11
rwm Ille hult'. :-i.'\'I'l'al
IIl1tOIl .. (-illU'l,
fmm 11 H(':1I'h," rHlI'!\I'tl(" ion
sill' hili! ('OUl(' to hrlp. :Ind 131'(1111(' 1'
·John Hhi\'I'llI:lll :.tan- ,III' (·hild
mOllt h·!o-lIH1ul It l't''''I..;(·j 1111 iOlt l\1l1 il
2:;' I!IG~ , wllt'll ill' ~IW II ('HI' bl'l'ak
l itl'Ouj{h 111l' it'(' in the .. i\"('I' nt'H ..h,\'
and ,;ink unlil Qnly lilt' lOJ! of th,'
I'ouf \1;1" .. hlmilll!, BrOlhl' I' .'II,Bt·illt,
I'an Itl tIll' Spill. jUIIIJlI'(1 ililo Ih,'
111'1111'1", J-:U~(' II!' Y(ll'k, Iyiu/! fa('I'
duwn on',' hi" .. kill ..a\\". 1'IIl'Y im-
111",jill\(,I,I" ('IIl",kl'd III st'(' 111<11 lilt'
('XI"II~i\Jl' 1"'1,,1 Illl" Ili:-o('Ulllll't'll'd
nIHIl','" fill' ~It,. Y( 'l"k'~ pIII ..(,. II ..
lit' I,,',:!ailwtl I'otl';'('iml-illt-...... 'I'll,' hoy \lal"I'. dl':I~!.!"t1 1111' I1IHII IU .. hm',·. had 1111 JlIII ..,· Hilt! \Il!'" 110t hl't'alh·
"Wi Illk.'1I 10 ,)1(' \m"pillll I'm' rill', amI t1nqwd Ilill! on'l' 11 10J.:_ 'I'h,' illl!, IIi .. IOIlj.!U'- hnd IUI'n ..d hJ;1t'1;.
,111'1" 11'1-1111111-111, l"il'lillt ,'UlIJdu',J IIJl lI'illI'l' and Ih"11 111111 hullhlh hat! HI'PI'al'l''] ill hi"
Brothl'" Shi,-]'IW1U j ... 1114' ... ix\h I"'!.!all II) talk. Broth,'1' :'Ild16t1,· 1111..... HIlfililOUll1 BI"III h." .... SI':lls ;nil!,'·S'II',,]... ( 'lull 1111'111111'1' fWIll I!lok hilll inlu his hml1", allll h,' 1111" :-:1'1<111 a1Ipli",1 l'il"I;·i'I'I'~"""I· :11"111'
IM.';!1 l:!:i, hi ... U1ollll'I' !.!ot Ilu' Illilll illlo ,1I'r lifl 1't'"pil"<l11I11I ulltil Ih,' \,:,'1;111
(,IOlhl'" HII II 1ll'appt'd lti lll ill hilluk 1·.· .. 11\'11'''",] '1'1"'11, IIH'.I· kl'pI hilll
I'h, TIlt' vil'lim II1IS tlll'll lab'/l 10 11 ('111111 111101 .·oll1fol"lllhl" ulllil a dOI'-
'" lC D ' S~ II U LT
hospil:11 1',,1' fUI'lh!'I' 11"1'1111111'111, 101' Hl'l'i n,d,
lo U. 23 1. ~io "'. Ci l ~. 10" II
Oil .1111," :.!1. 1%:-., II 110 -1111 1
""i l dlg'I'111' "'1110dl'l1 111 t11(' '1\'1'1',1
"En \1.1) ;\I t,nONA U ) JOE BOASE
('IIt-IIIi"ld ] '11111 1 at Sill ix, 111\111, I.. U. :$(,9. Lmli !lvillc, Ky. L,r 1. 7 16, IltJ ll ii tOll , Tex.
Hl'ullin I lill'old l ~ig'('IOI\\.IIIIH·!ld)(,l' \\'hil,· nl IItll'k 011 ,]IIIIWII·.\, !1, 1)11 Ih,' Hi'I ,"'lltlOiti ,)1" ;\'o\,t'!1I I)I'1' I ,
of Lllt'liI 11', l'ill,tlnntl, ( hq':" ll1, wllO ]!)(i!), BI'olhl'I' ,In",'ph It \\'illilllll'l I!]I;,,,. ,,(.1'1(111"11 \\,'1'" l'l'l1lt)\"illg' ;l
\'n~ "'ll'kill!!, Ill) th(' "lllIipllll'1I1, \\,11 ... ,1('('idl'llllIlly {'II Ill(' iltlOI'(IIlIIl('/ with IIt'!>11 ~il!ll Ililh II 1('((('1, \Ii/II 1111 .. x-
SI'I'('1-I'I,I' hlll'lwd (III Iii" lwlld. flll'l'. II hu~s hilI' r;Il"I",I"il1g' 12,..170 \!III.;. " 'l1dihl " hot11l1. '1'111' 0111'('11101'. whilt·
ill·III .... :lIId [PI!" 1111.1 \\m, ill 11 );\'111i- n"l'lIlil :\[,'I)('mlill illlll1l'.lillll'l,l· slIillg-ill).! 11",IHHlIII III 100nt! tIlt' si!!11
'·ull",·ioll~ ,',II14lili.,u, :'1 1,1-1'011 :-:l'll11lt (11110 tilt' tl"l1t'k. sll'ud, (In'I'I1t'a']
pulll',1 on' hi.; 1"'11. 1111'1'11 il '11'1'1'
ri~I;"d hi~ ol\"lllif., Hil I! IIH~ ~"n"'I'ly ])1111"1'1' lil11", B I'",ll"I' _\1"11'.1' 1,1'1'
BI'olht'l' WiIIilllll'" )wat!, IIIld j"l'l;l'd
hlll'IH,.1 011 hi .. 11111101 .. :lut! !c,c"; IIIU'1l Ililll (,kill' of thl' htl"-'; hili'. tlll'I,,'lty ('11" .. 111'.1', \llu, I\ll~ .. I:llltliu!.! Iw,..d,I,'
ht, ran 1h"OU,ldl I h., fil1' l1IHll1'1Il0\"('d lilt' 11"111,1; ttl Inn,] 111t' .. i!!lI. 11't'1'iH'd
1)I'j'n'utill):" fUI·,h.'I· IIIJIII',\" nnd
B1'tllhl'l' Bil.!!'luw lu S;lrl'I~'. IIWI'I'h~' ,,11tl('k alit!, ulltlt)uhll'dly, "lIl"illr.: hi'i 11 .... 1·('1·1· l'I,,('II·i.':11 ... 11l)('I;, .IOt· BOIl ..,·.
s;nill!! hi .. lir.,. Ii rl.'. 11'ltiizil1l.! wltHI Illld IIlIPI)('ll('ti. illl-
1I1(',Ii;lIl'I~' jlll1'1)(',1 f1't1l1l tllf' tnwk
Ho n En T L \ l c\ rICKE It ilIttlllllmilli';I\'I'!,t! Ih,· "hl"I' t~'1lt'!lf
L.. LI. 2 1a . Tolcdo, Ohio OTIO ZEIE It 1ll'lifit'ial t""llil'aliulI. unlil it p" .....
1..•• 11 6. Uo;,-,c mulI , J\lon t. il1~ fi,'(oII1l111 .;tuPI'(,(l. !'lIlkd (til' ;HI
I'; i.!.!:h It-!'Il .,WIII'-n 1I1 :\1 II 1'.\' ,I :1111'
111111111];111(,1', I1l1d Ihl'lI llpplit'.1
Bal' I1!"~ fl'll H..I'·I'I' \I Il ill' tlddllj.!' In !...ui.; ,!;lIl1t''i 1111111 1'11 1111 .. 11111'il'fl
in I·OW'I,,'It· Oil (klohl'I' 10, In(;~ . IIWIII 11-III-IlI"llt II 1'1'''11''(';1 III iOIl. \\'it h-
wm'l; t'll tIl(' 11I00'nitl!: of i\"tl\'('ml)('l'
11111 HI'(III" 'I' IJ',ll"" ", 11('-pal"nli,1I\
~, I!l(;·.... 111111 hl'I' ('<II' plllllCI'tl illlo 11 tllll'illg- :111 ll('l'id,'nt lit :I IHLildinj.!'
11\111,'1' 1'(IIl"! 1'\«'\ iOIl. Brut lIn lit Ildl"1
niH! inltill,,Jia1l' fil'Sl-nit!, il i~ h.,·
IO-foot -tlp"p "1'1'(,1;. Holwl'l :\ 11'-
Ii,'wt! IlllIl B(1JIIII'I' ('hl'slw.\""s IiI','
rit·lwl', 111m Ilail 1"' 1'11 tlt'i\illj.!' ])1'- 11":1" \llwkiug- ill l! j.!,'oulltl finn!" 1'\10111
hilH1 III!' gil·l'.. ('ill' lIli Ilis 1111,1' IUI!IH' 1\'11«11 p,hh I'm' Ih,' ,1,,('k OIl 1I11i,'11
11111.1' !lol hl(l',' h"('11 sl\l('d.
l i n, .. , mll'llillg' nIl lIiglll, SHlI' tl ... ('Ill' II ('(lIl"I'!'''' l'O()r WIIS hl'il1~ PIHII'l,.1
g'o ill'I' I' 1111 "ll1hlllll,Ill!'1I1 illl,) I h,' go:I\'I' W:I,\'. spil l ill!! :illOllt 0111' ,\,111'11. HOY NEFF
('I','('k, Iwlll'd his pllllpl II'IH,I" lind nl' -I.:!OO pOlIl!lfk or ('0111'1'1'1,' nil lOp L.U. i35. Bu r lingto n, 10\la
1'1111 10 IIH' f'l'",·k tWllk. II,· lIoti,·t·l\ or him. Ott\! Z,·i\·I'. \\'ho hilt! .iusl 011 :'\()I't'Ilt1~'I' 1/;. 1!lfi);. Roy X"IT
1Ii"-..; BIII'III'" II'ying' 10 ~,'I oul of th(· I,>!,! 111(' t'(){JIlI, illlltlt'l l inll'I,I' l'jllI hue!>
IIII~ t!i"l'lt1C'ItI·d 10 IIH' h01llt' of
hI!' Iliud,)I\' 1111(1 111'111''] 111'1' 'i"I'I'HIIl iuto it. tli"I'I 'g-lll'!lillj.! 1111' 1'1l111l1' .. inj.!' lIil'l[(1I'I1 ])1'111l('1" 1(( !"(1Il1H'1'1 II ga ..
Il11ildiu!!, 10 ilig- BI'OIhl'l' 1I II)t1I'1l
f thaI .. ht, 1'011111 Utlt :milll 1lI1d Illllt
"hI' ('uulll llUl mil\"(' IH'I' I.,!!.. , ,\fI"I' on!. BI'ulhl' l' Zl'i"I' ;" (,11,\lill',1 II ilh
l·l1l1!!r. )11' I lrllll"I' W;t.; w:llt'hill)!
Ikotht", \",·n' lIol'l;i,,!!, SIHj(J('l1ly,
(\('h'rlllillitl1! that nil IIII!' ,,10;(' 1111 .. ill "al'in!! Bl'Oth"I' 111)1,"'n\ lif(' HI'I1IItI'1' \""(1' h"III',1 II !!I"O;ln alit! II
tilt' (·HI·. B!'(\lhl'I' :'Ilf'\'i.·kl'I' 1','llIon',1 thrllu!.!h hi .. fas' ;lI'lioll. thud: lit' tUI'II,·t! 10 1i1l,1 :\11', ])I'apl'!"
hi .. jllt'I;I'!' jumpI,d iul,1 Ihl' \lat"I'. 111l<'tIll .. C,iUl .... till 1111' 1111111". 13l"Olhl'I'
r, and SllallI III IIIl' "Ill' . • \ fI'·I' ..filiI{'
dinil,tdl,\', hi' 1111.; nlill' 10 ~,'1 Ihl'
J OII X II. SEALS. J R. • If. L. "\('ff fOUl,,1 Illllt 'Ii'. 1)1'11])('1' Wl1'- IInl
SLOAN hl't'lIthilut 1111'\ illlll1l,t1i:lt.'ly I)('l!;tn
I g-i.-l lu()'", lind pull''il 1"'1' til "h0l1'
L . 627. F t. P i~rcc . F la .
Hlimini.;II'rillt:: "lIl1llh·l,'·lI1l1lllh I',"
• \ f('11 lII'I11U'III .. lall'\', IIIl' I'ar '<llilk
I "III lit" .;il.:lIl, ·John II , SI'al". ,Ii,. IIml II I.,
"Ust'itilliol\, II. · 1'I·\"il"('ll :'III', 1) "lIllt'l'
IlIlt l .. ,ay(',! Ilith him, Ulllil1hl' \-it,

l 1.!1(':11 :!I,·, ha~ olle olitt'1' I.i fl'-

9<1 \'(' 1'.

w. E. J. J\I" BH IDE
L. U. 35:1, T u ron to. 0 111 .
:-;lu:lIl hllll ju", :I1'I'il"l,t! III II n-p:dt·
h:II'1I 10 1'1111 11 111'11' :-01'I'\-i,'I' .111 lilt'
mnl"uil1!! (If .Iul,\' II. 1!1fj~ , \1111'11
tl1('.\' utllil,,'d 1111 "l1lpl",Q'\' l·ulll1iuJ.!
f()1' 11('lp 1111,1 hi'll "II :1II1/11lt'I' 1'111
tim IllI" UUI of liMIg'('!" antI family
nll·",h('I·'; 11101; tin' I'.

HAY\l O", O ('.An n

\\', K .1, "'I't,tI·, ,\I"Bdd(, wm! plo,I'('1' yt'llilll! fOI' Ilt'lp. ' l'h(',I' I'Hn
L. U. 7()O. Kutlxv ill e. TC IIII ,

tHI'lling' illlu hi.; IlI'il'I'IIIt.I'OIl 1\ l lIl'('ll into lh(' huilding- nnd fouud " "HI' IIl1Yl1l!1lld {'lI(T lUi'; d01l1' it Ilg-Ilin,

JOURN Al fOil JUNE, 1969 11

)[,. hnd 1I11'(·1Id.\' Iw·(·iwd illI 1BE\\' ('111111' illl\) (,(Jlltlwl witll 11 1.,,00-1011 \lolk Ihol h"I' () 1"(l1I had g:OIl(' 10 III('
Lil'c·!-:i\I·ing . \ward fOI' sm'illl! th(' hot lil1(', .1 1)1111 1"il ipl'll i('1. iUl1Iwtii- 11'I1l'k 10 1£('1 s()l1l1' IIl1th·l·in!. whih'
1if(' of 13 1"01111'1' Bi11 ( '('"]I"\" (m 1I1t'ly p11shl',1 hilll (·If'lIl' 1111. 11 11"11 I1d· Ikolht'l' Fhrlwl'ly 1r11<1 ('Iillllll'd IllI'
, \II;!IIS1 :!:i, 1%:). 011 :-:1'plE'1lI1}('I' :W. 11Iin i"I"I"',1 111011111-10-111('11111 I·P"IN·i. !luli'. ('III 111(' jll·illl1ll"." II ill' {'Ira!".
l!l(1S. ht, s:m'd till' 1ift, of ;lrl(lthl'I' 1lllioll. j"J'j'lwllt' \\11'1 1114'11 1,,\\,'1',·<\ :11111 jll'UI"'\'f!t',j In pl·(·pal·(' till' <;llIh
llu·lIlll(·I·. 1.f'lIIl Bolilll-::. Bl ulh"I'" to Ilu' ;.!l"fll1HtI :l1ld II,IS 1:lk('!1 III lilt' "tHl "r IIII' pI·hlla!".I· win· 10 atlal'h
1'111'1' mltl Bulill~ 111'1'1' IIUl"ldlll-! to, hll"pil:ll. II " 1<Un"'11'11 Iltil·,1.,II'j.!I·I'I' n ,'011111'('101' 1) IlI'im: IIII' 1I1I('I·lIlioll.
~l'Ilh'l' 1111 n pol,'. f·lIlIlph·till!! lilt' hU1'ns Ull Iris It·:,.:" :111.1 "h,·,1. hll1 Iii ... ].' t:dU'I·I~· 1·I'I'I·ill·11 1111 ,'II'(·rl·i(' "IHw\;:
irhl:r1blliOIl or II tl":III ... l"ol·U1t'I·. ( 'lilT \il',· 1111" "111('.1 h.l· til!' qlli"h lhilr1dll!! thai '·1111 .... ·,1 h;1I1 III Il""ulm' lIIH·Ol1·
III·al·.1 ;r l(lllfl ill·('ill;.! sOlllld. Sll\1 :1 lHld :wlioll "I" Iklltlwl' I.'ilip"\\,i,·r:. ....·i"ll'- 1111,] Hip ()\"I'I' in hi~ It.'1t
11:1"h. 11111/ lu"kptl lip I" ""',' !llltillg' t 11"011 l'dlll'IW,] t"1'01I11hl' 11'11('1;: 111111
"IIIIIlI)"d 111 hh slIl"1'1.\" h,·11. 1Ii" 1,'<'1 T SUTOMli IlAIKOK U il",IH"I 1' IIIIlI'I"ty :1 111I,·"lioll l\ilihlHl
1\1'1'" 1111\;:1,,1] ill till' \\"il·'·". ;11111 hi~ L,U, II H6. lIom.11I11I lopldng 11]1. 11(, ,Jidn't gl'! :111 mi·
"hir·! IIU" 1111 fil·'·. {'lilT ,·liur1),·d IIJI "'\\,'1'. IlIlIkl'(1 Ill', :111.1 "'11\\ 1.'llIllI'l·t ,\"
li1l.! ~.dnplH·d 111,' Iii'" 11111. ,h" 11 tl'it' ,1 :-;11111111·1 :-;\ll.llki :lIld '1\1I1f111111 IlHf'oll,,(·illll .... 11(· (·lilll!I,·.1 rhl' pull'.
1011111\\' illto p(,,,itilill tog-il'I' ll lIllllll' Il lIil\(ll(11 \\1'1'(' i lls t :I)lill~ 11'lIlfllll"lIl·.\· I'olllid F1:tlll·I'I.I· II<1t 11I'1'lIllrill!!. 111111
1"'I!lOIIIII 1·\·"u",·i l llliPlI. 11111 BI"1I1111' \' \\il·ill:.4 011 III(' 1I100·llill;.! Id' S"ptl'lIl- !tPglllllllllllllr·tIHIIIIUIIII·I·... II"I·i1:rtioll.
H()l ing"" .ill'" 1\11" \·Iallllll·d ,,1I 11\. III' 1)('1' I . 1'IC; ~. :-';lt1.llld Irns II (1r1dl ll-l' ('II 1110 \\ou l<1 ~1i'JlIIIIIIII('II!ill ' i l .I' to pall
IllI" 11I1" IIillg hill", ;llI d llil'!'" \\'111< 11'1
1I Ililli' 1'1'11111 1111 ('\ i ('II~ ifll l Ill, III, 'I', out loudl.l· 1'.11' IH'III. 11(' \\i l~ nlllln~t
:l1ld I) llib,]\II \I'IIS III I Ill' hlh(' III' IIII'
,li"'·I·l"lIilll .. 11I'1I1'11H·at. Hl'Oll l"1" ('nl'I' 1·'\1111l1~1".1 h"f"I'" IlO'lp fillllll.I' ill"'
th.·n 1k'gilll 1)"lltill g ;)('1"\1 ...... Iloling's 111"11"1' hol"ill:,! it :-;wld"III.I', H 1'1I111- l·iI.,,\, ' 1'11i' 1II11(rtlt·I"·JlI<I(,tll (·.'sH .... ·; -
dli'sl \\I th Ilis rl",,·kIII11. 1IIIIil Bill · 1'1' nldl,l1lm 11('111'(1 1111 111'(·ill).! "oHlld talillll \\:1" ('(1I11illlll"'] \Iith "ll]',lill1'
illt! 1""j!lrillt'll ,·l1lJwiOll'''IW'''S, Wilh 1\1It! 1<1(11 NI1ZHld f:t/lillg' :.!fl ff'l'l "\11111'1"1''''''';011. "ilh 111'1]1 I"l'I1m ,llhl'I'
Iltt, 11".;isllIIW" (It" Br·(,IIII·I' Hnlllir IIOWII [)lIi k'I[,11 1':IIII,'hl Ill"'llh,'!' llU'1I II II" hll .1 h.1 th"11 :11'1'i\"(·,1 011
C;nrhlJ. ( 'an' p];lf'I',1 B ulin).! ill 11 :-:lIl'.11ki ill Iris 111'1111< illld IInl"d tltl11 111(' 1<('f'III', 1{1'I·iI·nl 1'1'/'N"itll'('" \\"('1'1'
hlll·k('1 mu1 10\1('I'l'd hilll tn 1111' :-i1\;.:\II,1 1111" nol Im·illhill!!. II f' illl- 1·,!IIt illlll'd lll1t il til\' pnl i('nl (,('III' he'd
!!I'Olllltl Ilhl'l'l' 1111 IIIlIhllllllH'I' WII'l Im·f linl('I.I' npplil·d Itl(JUIIt·tlHllOllllt thl' IIil"pilal. 111lt'1I Ir(' ..1111·tl'd \n
\\'llili llg 10 I'lish IIim1tl 111(' hllspitll!. 1"t·sl1'\('ilnlioll. ('Olltilll1ill![ III <It) !'iii iJn'nllw 1·"g'lIla1"1~· 111111 1·1'!!:li llt·(l
Rr()lhl'l' ('111'1' is Ih,' SI'(,h11l1 1 B E\\' fot· II Jllli"':"; 11111 11'1.1' I 0 111 i 1111 ,,"s, 11111 i I (·(\l1""'ill1l'lIIl'''i.''.
Lifl'-S;rn'J" fl'OllI L tw:!1 7110. :4II1.llki stlll'll',1 tu 111"'lItl!!' :Ijtllill.
]'l)('111 1~lG 7 IJ;ls UU(' 1'1"1'1 illtl,..
,]\\",11,11 "il1lll'I·.
1...11, IU{j. Pul l" );"" . N,Y, LV, 1:1:)1), Cllij'lt !,! (I F.. J, Van C O;\IPERN"OtLE
1·:,111l111l.1 I: . (:ilsol1 11'11'1 htlllll' Oil III\' nIOl'lIill~ uf .JHllllnl·.I' 21. 1..11, 116t.. K ,HI s a s f:il~' . 1\10.
1t!()Ii(' 011 S('pftollllh'l" 11. I!)(I ~. 1111rl l ~lG!), ~ [ 1HII'i('(' 1'l",'III!t·\·ill,' "liPlwd
111\1 1 1'.,11 inl o 1I ('OIt! diU!,' 1'1'0111 1111' .\ 1'1"('11 1\;1'; Ilo.;:-:i ),:'tl I'c\ till' joh (If
sudd(·nl.l· Iwean!\' l·f' I·.1' ill. J I,· 11·1('-
('lrllllj.!illg' (lilt II ,1dl'('li\'(' 10·foot
plr()1wd his Iwi:,.dlhnl·. Holtl'I'1 r. ('oal hUIIIU,t· !hlll 11'11" lH'il1\! ll'illlllH'd
f'I"{l~snl·tl1 (Ill tlrl' Id'll']'/loon 01" D('-
('I·l)shi('. lIml ilskt'(1 hilll to kl"'p 1111 10 (,1('1111 it (d' 1111 ('1\111. 11 (' hl"'IIllI('
slll('l, ill 111\' 11111'1".1\\ 1'111'1 vI" 1111' ('I 'Ill !t" \. (I. 1!l(l 'l. ,\ PP 1'('11\ il'l' I i I \.'111: 1J1
O('('llsioll;l1 11"1lt('1r 1111 him 10 Sl'(' 111111
1'1111 11'. 111'1(111' 1111 ' iIISJI('(' l illll doOl·. .Iohtl \Y . 1i;ull1 11:111 ('IlI"l'il'(l11w l it'\\'
('I·I·I·.I·lhing' \\'11" irll I·i g'ht. siI.l·ill).!
II1H1 \\'IIS ('fl1l1pll' i f' I.I· l·tlh·I SI'(l ill ('(1111. (' I'OSS:II'1l1 :lnd his tools \{ l 111(' pallo
t 11<l 1. ir II(' f('IIII'(II'S(' 01' 11I'('dl'd Iw l p,
.\I"tl'1' f111111('-(·u lti n).! lilt' s;dl' (If IIII' 10 ht' lI"ol'lw(1 :llId hall Iflid 1hI' linn
hI' I\O\r1d 1111"11 1\111 his lig'l!t. B I'olh('I'
('oHI I'IiII I('. \r lri l !'I' .1 . . J1II·l;sOll, willi ([<1\\'11 :11111 1<11I1'll'r[ 10 put hi~ lo ols
(' I"oshil' Ils"lIl"(',1 ~II'. Cil"(J11 h,'
11t(' 111·11' I>f 01)]('1''1. Iwnd dllg' t ilt' 011.11"111'11 till' ('1·n"SI]]·lll 11I'1lk (' 011 the·
w011111 \\1I1(·h . hl1t 111f'1l dl'('id\',11O
\\"1r1k 1>1'1'1' to ,\11'. C:ilsvlI's 11\1111<1' 10 I·!tul(' ( If 1'(111) tn Im'nl(' Fkotlll'I' Jlhn"l' "it\1' of till' pIlI(' 111l..! fpll liP'
SI'I' holl' 11(' \IllS. II ,· fOl1l1d 1 11". Cil - 1' 1·t'nt!(·I'i!Ie'. I 'PO ll 1(1(':ltill~ 1'1 '('1111(,- I'I·oxillllll(·I.\· :!:i I"l'l't, '·lll"I"yillj.!' till'
'<011 Sll1lltJwd 0"('1' ill 11 ,·hltil" 111]- lill ("s 11I'1I(\. B1'Otllt'I' .1:II,ks()11 "II('I·j.!'i;.:"d pIHl''!' (·otl(hll'to]'. Th l'
('on<'('jolh.ll1lrl not hl'(';rthil1),:'. H I'ol!l- 10>1:11'1(',1 1IIOlllh 10·1I10111h 1"'''IIS('ill1- :11'111 " tl"ll(·k 1 I alln '~ h:lni hll\. 111](1
"1' ( '('(lshil' q1lid;].I· nc1l11ini'lI(,l"NI tioll IUlI[I'Ollti ll l1NI e1oill).! "it) 1I111ill1 111(' ('U! ' I"j.!'i1.I',i plra",' ('olltiU('im'
1ll0l11h-lf1-!1I01l1h n .... I11«·illlliull IIl1lil t1tl('lol' 1111(1 1I111hU11l1\N' III'I'il'('1I :l1lfl ,11'l\l'k his lIt>«li. 1111,1 I'al'. 1,(':I<llilll'·
)h·. f:iI'¢lI 11'1l'! l'I'I'in'd I11IfI Ihe'lI, l(luk lir(' illjlll'f'1i JIII1I1 10 IIII' h(I"- 1111]11 E.. 1. \'lIIl('llllljll'l'IIIJlI(', II"ho
fflll •• will/ot 1)l"illlf'(l ill,lnlf'lltlll' ,III pil<11. h:ld 111'1'11 Plillill!.! his too.Jls Oil.
1fl·. (:il"oll '" f·hair, !!1I1'(' hilll his Iu(\h(·t\ liP mid lIotii'f',\ lilt' plra ...1'
Ilwriie;rlioJl. Il'1ri(,h IlI'lp('d 111' (;il- 'Olnl n ' '1. OI ~";O'\' lI"i1'l' jlllllpitlJ,: liP :1111\ dO\\"I). I II'
"(III 0\"1'1' Iris IIt'1Il'l ,(·i;.:\1I·", 1..1, 1:\(,7, Clti"IIl!H 1(lIlk"t\ !t.II1\I·c1 :\1 111111 nlltl ,Jill 1101
'i1'1' Ililll: h,·('llllt·tl 31 :11111''' 11:1111(' allll
'I'IWI·,· 1\1'1',' lIWll.l' \l"ollbl l· (':111" all
JOII\, FII.lPE\\ If'Z l'I·(·(·in·1I 110 IIIIS\\I'I·. I ll' IllI'lI 1';11\
da.l· IOl1e; III) ' l'IIIIIII,s\!I\"1lljt tln.I' ..\\1.
L ,U, ')26, Cldn,I" "" )l a ..... 1 " llIltel' :!..:. t ~Uj-':. 1111,1 lilll'llIlIlt WiI· aPfll·O\illlllll'l.I' :!:-10 1'1'1'\ to Iii,' pok
\\,hil,· "tl'ippillj! jll·t>I('('lil·I' I'll!)' lilllll .1. 1·'lnll('I·t.I' . . 11'. ilnil "il'('lIil' 10 hI' Ilfll·k(·,1 111111 I"I111m\ 1 1nllll. 111l~
1)('1""(llli]1II I("'1I1 rl"OlJl swil ,'hg't'lll" (111 11];l 11 ~OI'1I1111! .\1'. ()ls(11I Wt'I'P 1'1I1't " I' 1'(l!1s('i lll1~ :11111 tlll'nill!! hlm\ I."ing'
_\ U).!l!SI 5, 1%8, \\'il1illlll i" rClll'tt(· II ('I't'1I' 1II1S\\ ('I'illl{ II ('1111 1'(11' trllllh!e (Cf)llliliUrd on Pl/f/c 77)


I Union Labor Life Achieves Peak Gains

Oi •• clon of .... Union l.bor Lif. I" ....enc, Company ••• ,,"OWII 51 n,lion.1 ,nd intern.lion,1 union,I .., UlllCO .. Ufeff h.w.
;" ,h. photograph .bove •• they m,t during the 4lrd Annu.r incrUfeci 10 ,n ,II,I,m. "i9" of $16,025,1 1:05. lI.p'.'.ntinq Ihe
Sh ... hold.'l' ,",,"ling h,ld in N,w yo.~ City in April. Own..d by !IEW ,I Ih. ", .. ling w,. L.o Wooll., fut.d ,llh. t.ft.

A TIwld,·
Till·: 1:11,,1 ,\ nnlla!
....;' \I "dill!! of
til\' ,'l1inll
TI'II~I ('''IIlPIIUY: lIt1"I'I"'~' .h'"H' I,',
)1. )I('\uitr: 1'1 ·,'~i,kllt llali.1 Sulli.
lOll, alill (Ip,'!'ntiw 1) 1;1~1t-1'I'I"i' alld
1 "'111"111 )!H--..ulI": /,j",~jtl"lIt Ed.
LalMJI" I.if.· 1'1"111'11111',- ('l1l11l1l1l1.'" ill \:111, ,,!, 1111':-;1'ni"I' EIII]lI",1'1'~ I II \I 11 I'II.J 1."01111 I'll.
XI'I\' Y"l"k ('it,\- in .\pl·il. l"I.LIt '0 Ii'I'IIaliUlwl ' ·ui.l1I: <111,1 li"II.'I"I"
1"'('"ill"111 Hwlulph Elli .. 1lI11IOUlU,\,.1 S"I'n'lm',\" . 'r1'I'lhlll"·)' TI IOllla... E
ttl till' too 1I'ltd,'-IlIl;"" of1i!'!',..... II11"j. "'I,nlll, of III,' 11 11"1"lIlIlil'lIIll PRINTER'S ERROR
11':101,'1"1, i'I'<III')I/II'\', Hntl fimlll-
11(' ...."
B I"'lllwl'iuHHI lit' ' 1'1'11111,1,,1'."
('ia] ('xl,l·utin .... in alIPI1l1;111(',· tJwl I n Ilt l , '\IH~-. I%!I, i~~\II' 1)1'
,\ "'1"'I'inl 1I11'IIInl"ini tdlillll' of till' '/"'/I'/lld, Iltl'Oll~1t 1111 1'1',
l ,nIMII"" mIll ill"unllll'f' (")l11pallr
j" Will tlu' tal·~\""I . . . ill).::]'· IIllIh'I'-
... iklw,' l!11(\ 1"'''Pl'j'l 11'11"; pHi,1 Iltl"'" ,'tII' i.1 1,\"PI''''I'Ilill~, Ihl' ('41111·
In' il. 't' "I' tH'!:.utl:l!'·,J 111':11111 111111 fol'IlII'1" t1it'I'f''')!''i of IIII' f'Olllllllll,\'. pl('I .. tla'" illll11 11 P)I(';I I ill Ihl'
In·lral',' ill'iUI"lI1H'I' {'lIlItl')!!'I..; ill tilt' Bl'if'ldll,I'I't" 1·1",· ... illl·lll 1':IIII·1'iIU, 1-:\I'('lIlil'l' ('olll1('il IItl't,till!!
l -Il ih'd :-;11111'..;, Il aIT,\" B :t I '''''. T":llll~II'I"" (i " II"I'1I1 ,"illu"'~ II1I~ I1UI [ll'illll''', '1'11('
,101111 F, EliI-!'
:-;('('1'1'1;11",1" Tn'a""I"'I' {'(II'I't'.·t j'Oj'11I 1'('1lI1~:
(h\'lwd h,l' :,i 11111 jOlllll :111<1 illl~'t'·
li~ll, nlld l' n,,;ll" l'I"I'k~ 1" ',,,,id('lIt
naliollnl Ulli'fllllmliHh'~, I 1. 1, lt'I) ·s
l!I(i1'l l'c't,ml "f lifl' ill~LII'aIW" ill K I I, 11:l111I.·(,k, \1 Ito di(,11 ,,1111'(' tltl' APPEAL OF
f()I'('~' """'1'<11·11 11\0 hillillll <I"lhl1"'. hl~1 all lHlal 1IIt'l'\ill~. RUSSEll C. FARREll
'1'111' (·ulIlll:II1Y·... 1I,..wh h:n'" 111, I II 1111I'lIllall('" al tllf' -4:11'.1 . \ 11 '1'111' illtl'l'IWliolWI 1' 1·,'~itl"lIt
(·I't'II~(·,1 I" 1111 :.II-lillll' Ili~h of li'''Ii.. 1111111Sltnl'l'hlllt1"I"i' ) 1 1~'Iill:.t" of tilt' 1""lId,·t"I·till t1'·"i ... illll "" 1'1'llI'al
O:!.I. Ili:l, I W"I/II,' fj~1Il1 pn'lIIilllll~, \'lIion L llhol' I ,if,' I lhlll'all"I' ('0111- .Ill"',] 11/'1011.,,. ~,I, i!lIi"', '1'111'
in\t'~IIII"ut~ lIlId ulh.,t, S()lIrl'I'~ in pall,l" ill ?'\'I\- YOI'k ('il,I', 1\"1'1'('
11I11'1'1I111i'"1111 s",'I','lal'" 1'1"
(·j','w..(,d 1 1 p<'I' 1'1'111, 111:1 1It'Ilk h'l'I,r IBE\\' ('lIlIIpII"1I1]('I' 1.1'0 \\'II()II"
""ill·t1 1111 I1lldnl"d 1,'lil'I' .,1'
"I' *1 1 1.,'lliO,I,1 I. 1"lIl'lllI'I'UtOI'(' alld IIp!wal ft'UItI B l'nllWj' 1-'111'1"1'11,
(rl'prl''''1I1ill~ 1111"I"I'Htiollnl :-;"1"
1II()~1 impol'llIltt 1'111111 Ih., ~tilll ,l !"'~I 1111I1'k"11 1)1'("'111111'\' ,)
1",'1111',1' ,lowIll, I). 1\1"'11:1111, 1:1'1I11t.
1!ll i~
poinl or I J.J,J('()'~ ]Il'itll;II'~' 1'1'- .... 111111(1 of ) la illt"lI a, "'" ot' \\' It,1 '1'1 11' ;IJlIII',,1 dlll '-'; not 1111'1'1
,"poll"iltilil,\' Ullin' lItnll $ I:!S lIIil· E1IIplll,l' (,I'~ l'I"'"itl"1I1 1111 I"lIld (', llw l'I'lllIil·"IIII'III-.; Ill' .\I·li"I "
liotl \\';(" plli l l 10 puli(',\'holtll,t"i nnd ( '1"0 t t ,\', 1111\' I' JI:t t h,wll B I'{) I III' rllf)!Id
?':'\:\'I I, SI'('liOI1 I(i or 111<'
lx'III'fi('iat'j,'s ill 1%:-;. of ' l'I'HlI1sll'I'''; (; ,'III'I'al :-;I'('I·('IUI',I". IBJo;\\' ('tIH,lilut i(JH, '['Ilt' II I"
XI'\\, dil'l'('IIII'~ 1,1"I'lhl I.) I ' LLr('O TI'I'It~Ilt"t'1' 'J'11!JlI1a~ E . FI,I"III1, }\ I.' \.· pl'1I1 i~ HoI t itlll'l.I' /11111 . t ll('I"'·
ill('ill(h' :-;"lIill)' " j"" I ' 1"\'~id{'lIt ( ' 10 H('I'!·I'IHI',I". 'I'I' f'iI,~I1 I·I' I' \\'iltiulIl 1'0"". 111)1 PI'lJlwr1,1' Il('fo ... ' !ltt'
:\ l'lhul' ]0' , .'rl'l lilllll'~~. ,J I'" of I Itt' I''. ~it-Itllilzlt' t'. Opl'I"nlill).,: E II).,:i . I I·: ( ~,
UII,'lIti{'lll B 1I1I1, ,)1' t ilt' ;\',' 11' rUl'k lIl'ns I'I'I'Silklit 1111111 \',. I', \\'\ Ia l"

~ JOURNAL fOR JUNf, 1 ~69 13

"." -,

The Gene •• 1 Electric Plant in BoqoUi.

International Metalworkers Federation Meets

IIw4'ling- of tll~
T il E fil",! E!wodd
(:E'IH-nd i' (' t ,- i (. Wodd,!!!
I:I'OIIP of tIll- 111,."'11,111011111 )14'1111·
1\"(11'I,E"'" ]·'".I"I'lIliol1 ( '( ' mlllil!!-(' oil
lHultinnliulial "h'HI'i('nl 1111,1 ,·I.'{'-
lU'ld ill 130_
111111il'" "Ull1llilllit'" \\11-.
,!.!'fJlii. , 'OI0Illlli1l ..\p I"11 h, I !I. J%!J.
'1'111' 1".'d!']";lliol1 is ('olll]l('''l'd of
IInion" wlu»;t, 111\'11111"1'" work III
n"IH'I',1l 1-:1('(-II'j" pl1lllh 11111)\1'1' 111l'
II illt''''1)!'1·,I.! Iwll1l',' of 111(' , ;'lllIt iOII". . \ ~kin!! Ihal Im,!11lli1.ll linll lll ;11111
H"lm'",.·!!li ,,:: 11,(- fBI';\\" al tlw
.\1"1('1' 11 <i"tldl,'rl ('IIIIIIIII I 'i"'lI11 of l'dll(';lli"lIl1l ('llIljlPI'aliol1 h"/,!in'll \0
IIlt't'lill,!.!' \\('1'1' In tl'nlilliOllal ~"('Il'­
Il'll)!I''', fl'ill,!!'(, hl'III'lih. 111101 (l11t,'I' "11111111)'111 1111 ('(In'l' ( ;"111']";11 E I,·I·I)·if'
I,'I'Y .Io""pll fl, 1\ l't'IWIl mid 1',1111
IIl<IjUI' " . wkill,!!' ('(!IIl li li(lll~ of 1;, '11' '\fll'kl']"~ t Iw \\"ol'1d OI·PI·. I jt(, tll·II'-
II . ,\I ('II,!.!"'I ', l )i,'('('I(I1' of ~r;lIIl1r;te­
,'I"iI( 1': I('('II'il' I'llll!h ill Ilifl't'I'I'1l1 CHII'" III tltl' 1t(('I'lill!! ,·mp1111"i1.I·11.
tHrill,!.!' 0 pt'l';ltiol1" HiliII' 1.0
(·ollnll"il'''. III" ,1('I!'g'IIIt,~ 1I1·J.:"I', 1 1l1li1- ill P1l1'li"\I];I1', Ih,' 1'1(('1 Ilwl 1111'1'('
'I'ht' Il1IjOll d,·j('!!'lh'" sludi,-d tl1I' illTt-d lIuillll .. to ('UOP" I 'lIl!' wilh thl' 11111'-! hi' )l(I l'I·Ill'i"lt! tI!' 111"'<1'/'111 ioll
IIWjlll' ])1'(11I1"IIIS lIwy 1';14'1' ill O,P I I11 ('I'lwl iOllll1 .'1 1'1 al II l)d"'I'~ 1''1,,1- "t' 11ll.1·'1I1t' wlto l111t'I,,!t'd Ihi ... HlI·,'I-
\l"IlI'k ]1111111 .. and (';III,·d rot· (;PIH't';d
"I'lIlioll ill l'ollt·(·lill!! lmd di~II'iIJ' ill!! III' .. il1li1;II' (1111'''.
EI"('Il'iI"" 11"01'111 ItIHlla~(·tlH·1l1 :til" ulin!! inrul'IlIlllillll 011 \lIII'kill\! 1"Ui- ' 1'111' fl·,I,'z·1IIi.111 ("t'I ' I'I,,,,'I II,, np-
1·'lI'h of it-; plllllh Ihl'ol1![hnul Ih\' ,Iilioll". iIIlJlI·iI\"I·lttt'nl~. 1I11d 111·\,,1· ll1't)\iltlllh,ly too.non I :1'11I'1'1t! E II·I"
Wildt! II> I '('('(\)!II i1.l· IIl1d '.' .... 111'(.1 ill
"pllll'llt" ill lid" lil·ld. 'I'll,' oIl·I"I.!II· Il"i" \I<wk"I"" ,,1' lilt' \\"11,1,1. and il
1\I":I('li(,I' IIU' fl1l1l1l1l1l1'lIl'll d"llIu, li,,11 111'<1) II .. kt·11 fill' ,',II,I·.liIWI.,,1 .. Inlt-.. Ilml il .. t1"II'l"lrtitwlitll1 10
('I';lli(' 1,·;ull··lIl1i('1I I'i!o:hh. \\"(ll"Id'\lidl' j'altlp;li!!l1~ I" \!I'llI'raliz.' huild II .. 11·tlll!!. (·'M'I',linal ...] ;111,1
T\'II 11'1,,1.. IIlIinll I',·p,·(, ...!'nlalin'''' all< I i1l1pI'''''" lilt, (·tllidil iOIl" 1'",' 1·0'1 '('1 i \"\. II'a, l"-lUl i"l1 11111\'1'111"111 i ..
:11 Ihl' m('('lill~ (·'!ll'l· ....... ,11 Ih.·il' I ;1'111"1';11 EI",·II·i" 1\"01·"'·1..... "I "1',\' ill 1111' inll'I"I' .. 1 III ltil 1111" llni"II"
"111111)! "11111>111'1 (11'1111' "ldilll1l dl'u]'l ... wlll'rt', 1111.1 Illt'i .. IIl1'lIlh.·I.....
or i ;"111'1';11 1·:II,,·II·il· 1I"111·k,·I'<. Jl1l1'- Tilt, 1,,\1' WII~I'''' P;I id 1,,\' IiI 111"1'1,1 B iliit 11111'1'll1Ili'II",1 s.'I·I"\'lal·."
lil'lIbld.,· ill II(('it' wmk IIf l'llli!.:hl. EI"dl'if' in 1111111." '·"I1I1I .. il .... "ft"'l 1\"1'1];(11 11I1"l"Ilatil,ulll Hqll't"
"lIill~ Ihl' \\\ll'kl'I'" ill 1111' 1'(Hllll]'i(-. iaHin!! Iwhi1ll1 lht· l·j.. il1\: h, .. 1 lIt' '-I·llllllil" .'I'·II!!'·I· j.,illl,,1 a l,i"",'1
,If th(' W(ldt! 1/1 \\ill alltl 11 ....·.lIn' li,-illl!- trwk,· .. il 1II'!!I'1I1 III a.·hi.·", lilll' I'al"l.,· 1111.' Illol'uilll,! ;11 lilt' IlIi_
111I'il' I'i,!!'hl" III Ol'!.:lInil'· and III h:1I'- a 1)1·(·i .. in· illtpnl\I'IIlI'1I1 ill \\;II.!'·... \"o'lli [1];1111 ill BII,!tll;1. ,,11t'1"<' lit('
!,Will ('ulh'('li\"t'ly "'hi' til'I,'!!:!I,'" jl/h ;ulIl illl·')1III' .....,·ul'il.'· ... h,'I·lI·I' 1I"11I'k"I'< ;11",' .tll ..;!I·ik" 11'!;lill"1 1111'
(·;lIll'd I'm' Ih(' 1I"(II'1d':-; Jluh1i(' opill' wurk \\"I,t,k. hHI"I' l'III'lIliloll pia 11", l'flllIpllll.'-, I I \II'" poilltt'I1 Olll In Ill('
1011 on ,hi' fn'l/ll('lIl Ij"llIlilill "W"l'lin' !!1'i,'\'al1('I' 111'111'1,.1111"''', 1)(·,· ,It'll'!!;l"'" 111<11 thl' \nl'.!I'" III' tlu'
"I' lI'adt, mtiull I'i,!!'hl" hy Ih,' 11I1I1Ii· 11'1' 1wliith <In.1 \\1·lral"l' platt .. , illi' IItll·I,,·I ..... "llIpl","('d ill BII1!Oll)·S 111;111_
Iintional (-()lllflnllii'" :-;\H·II 11" li l'III'I',,1 1'1'((1'1'" :-;11l"t·I.,· (·illldilioll ... 1I11d 11';ldl' 1lt"11('llIl"illJ,! pl;ll1l .. 1'1I 11!!:l' fl'ollt n fOil
EII'(·lI'i(' . j'; :wtrlpli''i of liolnlioll" llui()11 11'11\'('. 1\ Iii l'Ii 111'\' 1I111111l~ lit(' 1,1" $:.!:! H 111('11111 III n IdJ,!h III' $:).-,
l'xi,,1 il l 11"('11111(1, ('0101lliJill, :'Ift'xi(·o, [ll'iOl·i l.\- 11('ltlltl1d" III' Ih,' (;I'Il,'nll 1l Iltl)lllh. HIl(1 11);11 Ih·> eO,,1 of living
IfIlil LlI'IIg"IUl,I ', 1111(1 I hi'." "h()1\" Ihl' 1 '~I"('I1"i(' lI"urk(,l's l'I'I'I·.I·,,·III'I'I'. is l'hdllg" ,"'1'1'.1' Lll1 ,I '.


L. All e"d'"g the 1"1" ..,tio,,,1 M,lelwe,l e"
Fed •• ,tion m.. ting wer •. I,ft to .i91.1. P,,,I
Me"g,r, IIEW OJ.ado. 0' M,n"f,du,i"g
O~r.ljor"; Geo'g' Tu." ... , Rep, ... "t,ti"e
of Ih, United St ..1 Worl,,,. John L..j.ic.
of the Inl •• n.lioll.1 "bchini.h UniOIl ; .nd D. K.. nln, tSEW Int.tulia... !

Right: '"'"n,tion.1 Secretary Jaleph D.
Kune .. , IIEW, 'nd Inlern.tional S,<;.",.'I'
0,,,;,1 Ben.did. M,t.fwo,l ...' Fed ..,lion,
vi.iI end 'ni,t th. pid,' lin" of union
memb." outsid, Ih, 0liv,tti PI'n! in 80.
'loU, Colombi •.

lelt, 0,1.9'+" 10 Ih. Intern,tion.1 M,I.I.

wo,l,,,' FHe.,lion melting in Bogo'" II_
Ulmbl,. s.c ••'"'' K,,"trI i, fou,lII from the

Thi, ,,,i..of urloons w.. u •• d by ih.

pi(:k.h in ih,i, Jiri k. '9.;n.i Oliv,Ui.



I Below: Dit,do, of M,nuf,cturing Op. •• tion. P• .,I Me"ge, i. bu.y .. wo.l

m . . tin 9·

.+ the log0'"


.s __ IN
• '"£


Top photo: Thi' at/i'l', d'aw;n9 label, the Yorio .., components in th e A,h t ~bula coaj.handlin9 op"ation, The completed facility i,
shown in the abov .. ph oto.

of til(' roa1· Ihl' i1l1"':1-I,('(1 hl':1I1" '" in dll,' tll:lw of ('nlll

O_ italldlill!!
:;\i'; 1Il0"t IIWI11'I'1I
f:H'ililip<; in 111(1 \\"ol'lo1 '.[11,11, 01H'-11I11Iioll 10lh !If ('0:11 1''-'11
Sl'llS0l1111 (1I 'IIIII1H1 fill'
JlLilll'" 1IIHI ]lI'm·id .." 1111 lIdl'llllnll'

1111" plm'I'd ill (11)('I'alioll ill 1!J(i"i Iw [.;1' ]11 ilJ ll/'(1l1lHl ,,In!",I)!I-: IIi(-n, ""Jlply fu/' Ihl' (;1'1'.11 l."k('S ship-
al .\ "hlaI1I1111 II HI·II1)/", ()hio, 'I'hl' IIII' ('0,11 {':III b{' 1'{':l,Iil~' /'N-laitlll,d pill:! ,,1 ':1"011. 1'ltl' ,IIJ('];' aI'l'lI ('OI"t'IOS
1,1,·I·ll'il·;11 lIil'illl{ 1111/1 ill,,11I111I1iOlI i'm' <;hip ]o:lfiinl! Witl'll IIII' ,.;hippinJ! (iO :W!'l's und is dl ' si~11\'1! If) hand1e-
1"01' I II(' .$ 11,:i III ill ion 1",1(';1 it.'" of I he "('1I<;nl1 0IWII"; on 111(' (;11:'111 I ,:lkl's, lal\l' \I'aml' of s\(':l1I1 :11,,1 1I11'1al-
P t 'III1 ·( \'ntl'al Hailmntl "'(' 1'1.' PI'\'- 'I'hi" 1lI:II'k" ,I hig- sll' p fOl'wa!'c1 in 1tIl'~il':l1 1'1)1I1 111 Ihl' raIl' of UJl to
rOI'UIt,a h," till' '1'· 11 Eke'Ii'ie' ('om- (-mli·hnmllin!! ICl'llIin:11 sy>,\('IIlS, It sb::-tllillit)1I lOll'! !wr ,nilI',
pan," HI' ( '1"'-1'1111111. "ith 1I1l'1II111" '" ~I'('atl.\" 1)('lll'fiH Ihl' ('Iml milH'<:, ('onl :ll'l'il'l's :11 ,\"I"almlll b~'
of 1.0(";1 [ iIi:!. ' \ ";)11111111[11, doillg- titt, t':lil!'oads and shipping" lilll'<; IItld lInit tl':liu,.; of liP In 10,000 1011'1,
elr('II'i('111 110/'[.;, p('l'lIlilS :I lOIn'/' 1)(-/,·1011 prie(> to '['Ii(' I'al"l al't' iudil'idllllU,\' plncrd
Th{' IlI'W t 1.'1'111 itlll I pI'I'mits ,"('111" Ihl' llitill1:l 11' ('()nSUUII',', in II rola!'," IllIm pI'I' hy H l1lel'!wni-
/'Ol/ lll! deli\"('I'," of ('oal. B C('HIISC of T he ~.\'s l ('m r('duces t h(-' PI'(-'>;sllr(-' ('al II'Hill posiliutlC' I' that is cllJ!lIhlc



Abov e: AUembtv of Ihe po.itioner and dump er i. Ihown under way . Righi: Tom H"I,p of
T·H Electric , Iendl amid infr.·red heal.r! in Ihe thaw shed.

Lower I,ll: ISEW member, 01 locet 7/>2 . lring ubl.,. Lower right: Hug e drive molors on
II" boetlolder. Ir' . hown .

~,"' ' ' .'- -

of dt'iiwl'illj! :.!:)o,oon 1,",111111-; of tIl(' ... t:!I,kl'I' "rdailll\'I' pil'k~ up llI!!l 011 ,II(' ('(Ial·hallillill!! joh III'" SUIWI"
Ih"II"1. F"HII till' dlLuq\!-/', III\' rnal (1I·lin',.... ('on I to Ihl' yal'd 'H'1t at tht' illtl'lllll'ltl )L. 1)1l\\SOII; (:"114'1'111
11'/1\'1'1 ... 1111 11 nO·i/lI'h·\\ illt> ('nun'Yllr I'ai<' of ;J,:iOO 1011 ... p('I' hOlil', ),'111'1'111:1 11 1)l1a l ll' BI,;tt,h; 1"III'i'llIi'lI
Iwlt OHI" till' .\ ,,\ttllhula Hh','/' UI1 U 1-'1'''11 till' ynnl h('it, Iht, ('lin I i.;; II \\,illhUI'j.tI"'. ,\lItlwlI." f:iallllt'll.
Iln -I"(I(,t.hi~h III'id!!!' Ihal Iwnllits wt·iJ,dll'd alll i 11t·lin'I','!! 10 nlly IIIW ,"'lit' II (Iwal';I amI I I. .\ II'II(1I1!.!h;
pi'l',..aj!I' tlf Ink!- 110:11-; lIUdt't'llI'alh. 01' 1111 III" Ih,' thl"'" 4,O()(l,IllII ('1111, S,r'llard ... I,' 0.,1,01'11, :\i{'k l.uki:ll1·
.\ft(·1" t"l1Il"fl'l'l'iuJ,! lulll\' Ylml lx·lt, (,I',·W ... III'g-t· silos, Thl' silus pn1dd.' {'hUt,k 1I11t! II. ~l'III11""'; WiI1'JI!t'U
IIII' \'11:11 ("1111 1)(- plm'!-tl ill "tOI'll!!!' a 1l1l'j.t1' "0111111(, of (>(»ll nt rlu(,k ... idt, It l.illd~, E. ]):1 \\-<011, H L nl1J.!<',
h," 11 tl"iPIWl"1i ell'lin'l'ill).! it 10 a fUI' 1':1'01\'1' tI"lin'I'Y 10 Iht' ~hip ... III 11 " ])i"tlr'I', \\" 1111,,-'«,11. ,] SilH'S,
ftll' plact'IIl('llt
sWl"kt'I' I't'I·laillli-I' I'all' til" ~,OOO 1011 .. P"" hUIII'
IO;1{lillJ,:" I,:, 1)r'1'I'11111. 1', II nll, 1>, lI ohm"",
IIW<I." fl'OI1l th,' 1)('11. ('0111 1II11~'
:11"0 ')(' l'IlUf( 'r1 din"'Ily 'I' 1)11 \ is, F, B rowlI, ,J , H('(,d, ,\ ,
Wlwll 111(' ('/)Hl j .. "(·qui!1·.1 fOl' fl'lUll 1l'lIin" to ship 11,\' ('(lIln'yr,.' Il oj.!"lIn, H, ll lll'kallus, J: )Iilli{'k,
ship illlJdinlf, I]lf' ~t,]('I'('I' n '('lai lm'I' hdrs, hypH ... ~iHg: Ii,,!.! "-WI"I!.!", ~lIrllr' H , I;I 'III11WIl, (', \\'0(111, \\" B'·I').!llill,
l'('n'I'S('~ it :,,,,lf nlH1 g(}I'~ ill to adi()ll, (;"'lIt 1'lIkl·... ship... lrmrluj1 Itl :!O,O()() (:, Stun' I', II, 1""I').!UM!Il, 1'. l) i.; t h'1',
With 11 l'otHtill1o:' \\'hl'l'l t'lll1ip1Wd \ill l'" or 1'lll'gO, ( ', J>lll'i ... , I ), \\'Ot'! ]('II. B, D ist ll')',
,rith IriUt' I lj:!,ynl'I!,\\'ide h\l(.' kl'lfi, l'UI'al 7(;:2 Illi'trlbcl'S \\' ho \\'ut'I'I'd :-3, l\lIttO lIlIt! I) , 0;-;]'01'11,

JOURNAL FOR JUN~ , 19 6 9 11

Above' Coal unloaded ... ,1.0 .. .1 CMS is I... nsported by a bO.inch_wide conveyo. bel! ove. Ihi, 110.lool.hi9h b.idge ac.on the
A.hlabu l.. Rive. 10 "0'''9'' a.ou, whe.e il .emain. unlil pidad up "9 .. in by ...ocla ime. and loaded inlo wai li n9 ,hip"

Lowe. lelt, Coal ta ken anyone o. all of Ihe 4,OOO·lon concre te ,ilo. is lo .. d ed on G.eal Lakes ship. al .a te. up to 8,000
ton. pe. hou •.

Lowe •• ighl: Thi. ph olog ra ph i, a dose·up view 01 eo..l baing lo~ded di.ectly in lo ship'. hold.

TI';I\'('I"J'~ "II lh~· .i"h il l ~·It)(INl

I'. \\·l!ldr.\·. I I.• \ 11"11. I'. Il ng"J·doli.
S. Vis~\I. C. s\\"iu"I'. I' .\ I"isi", 11
:\f~'llIl1"I'Jl I',\·. H. :-;\yig('r . . 1. ;\('.1-
!!'111I<'I', I: ShIlJIZ. Jl. 11;IZ(', ,J. Gross-Roots eBe Th,' I!()~I lu,',,1 \\',1, 1")0';11
11 '1':, oj' l ,o lli"yillf'. 1\"lltwk,l". 1I, 'p_

I,()\\'l"il', J';. i 'OJ"/ilIS. I'. ( 'HI'I iss. W. l"\'~i'nl;l1 in'»; fl"(ull IO('III~ of IIII' I r ' E
:-)lw]\Ift'I'd . . 1. B ,'I'lill, I:. \\ ';lki'lii'ld. ;I!III . \f\\" \\'1'1',' lit ;111<'11,]1111<" '. ,\
I', 1 ~11111I1j!;ll'l"ll . . 1. ~\lilll'I'. T . r:I'U- B. (:. \\"illinlIlS(!l1. "I" Ilw 1"(0111'111 d"I~\:.!:nl ion 01' (:I'III'l'lll 1·;J,.i'll'ii·
hp1'. ,I, f)OW],.1'. (', Ilnll, r: . 111'11- Ilisll"il'l, :11111 I HI';"- ,1, 'I"!.!;11"~ (rOlI I I \\'u rk,'I'1'i fl'om HU)!()l:'l , \ 'ol()lIIhill.
0I1g:11. I) , ' l'hlll"llPl·.Ii . . 101'11. Ii. IJ i~­ 1")('111 I '-.:l. l, l'xillg'1'1I1. 1\"11111"k.\' . nlHI 11 d~'I(':!"ll' i'n)lll III<' pl;llll,.: in
:,!;ins, I '. UnlbgPI', .J. \ -illl'~, .J. 1111 ('1'1 1, 11 iOllll1 1 ~,'l' I" ,~,'lll ;11 i \'~' J), 111- Il'~'ln!ld illso nll('11.Jr.d. TIIi'~" ,lillI<'
.\II,jI·PSOIi. ·1 . r 'I";l i)..'" . . 1. HIli, '. II . IIld B l'IT,\'111111l. ,)( Iii" ~i"\lh IIi,,· 111'1<';":;111'". lItld,'!' 111\' glli'!UIW" III'
.1(llIes, Ii. .IOlW". ,I . .1"ll!'~. ,\ . Irid; 1111(1 111,1"g': !1", (1"0111 1"'(';11 Ibni,'1 Bf'lwili{'l . 1III"1"llltli,n!n l
Il i,']':".\·. I{ . .\I, j,n·,'. I '. r '[0",[; ],. :2:2:20. L,'xillJ..'IOll , 1\"11111/'1<.\- ; I" ... ;d~ .\f('llIlwUI'I'I'I'S f,'edl'I';lti<)l1. nl~u \·i,,·
C(,I'H.\·, n. 1,;1\' \"1'1', )1. 1,;111\<'1, nlld :!o:]r lind :!:2-'!l, of HI""!lIil l:.!10I11. il('d tIl(' JJiI Cl'IWliOlWI 01li('C Jll
,\ . (' ifer, J IIdintl:1. \\. ;I.~h ing-toll.


Salamone Ass ign ed
Be The Strongest link
RCA Respon si b ilities
They say that. a family, ('0'"1)1111)-. go\-ernment, or laoor union is only
as strong 311 its weake~t link, AI'e )'ou the weak link of your union '!'
00 you fi.'C1 that your absc:>nCt' (rom unioll meetings will !ieI've and be
best Cor the union al1d brOlherhood?
00 you think that, oC the many members in your union )'ou should
expect. to see fi ve or 10 iI(,I'oted and dedicutMl Brolhenl d«ide (or you
the COUl'S1' neeessary to mltkf' )'our union s:uCCf'ufui und IJrogreSl;h'e'?
Do you think that thellf' BrothI'M! I<hould fight laoor'l battles ror you,
whilf' you sit back and crilidu' nnd destroy thl'ir inct'nti\'e~

Do )-OU helif've that your l:lrk of (>nthusiaSIll and lack of understamling

arc help rul toward tht' IIUCee!II' of )'OUI' union'!'
Do rou believe that reftl~ing to 81'ne on \'.tl.-iOUS cOlllmittees: will fur-
th('I' the ~uccess o r your orgnni7.:ltion?
1)0 you helieve that. we ('Ull ~top IIdv('rSI~ tUOOl' !tIWM hecRuse you think
SIII1lt'OI)(' cisI' will wl'ite tI'UN'1I to YOUI' congl'cs~nl:l)l un,t senator {or
Do you thi nk that all rOil h\.,· . . lO do ill elect oflirrrs in your local union
III III'tI. 'I' tu ,,']'\'li'(' the Ilnd thcn destroy their drile lind Incentil'c by condt'lIIl1ing thei r elTorts,
1II1'lIIill']'" Ilf 1111' 1«',\ :\ I UIIII-
just iW"Clluse you beliel'f' that the)' nno working IInti ph'nning for e,'er)'-
olle ellK' bUl !lot for you?
fiu" IIl'ill/!. 1'1'[t'\'i~i(lll, :O-;ulll1ll
:IIII[ Et,,("tl'i{' :;;i):11 Ikrl lll'll!'s Brothers, it is later than ),ou think and ),ou had hetter get off of your
big, rat easy chair and t('ar you~lr IIWII)' Crom that idiot box and COIllf'
IM'lIl"" IlllI! d "P111'lt11l'1I1 II:IS
to llll'etings and be the stnmg link in the chain oC lirogressive :lnd
h.-\'II (lid/led l1t 1111' 11I1t'I" collectil'e brotherhood,
IWI i, lI Wl om.,!, hy 11I1I·I'IIlI·
Bennett Corey
!iwlIIl 1',"('Sid,'nt ( 'hili'll'" II Local 308
l' ill:I ]" \.
.\ nthony .J. :-;aIIlIllOIl\' 11110(
Ik'I'1i H"!li),(rH'd lIy I II II'I'IIlI-
1iOllll i 1'I",.. ill,'111 1'11 1;11'1 1 t o 1)(,
1"'''II(II1"ihl(' rOl' lrwllt']"'1 Ill-III.
ill),( \l iTh IW .\ St'n'i!"I', 1(('.\
1-'ill·lud,..., ~ol1lll l IlIIlI I'lI hli,' lifesaving Mission
. \ . 11\ ,'I'SS, li lt I'I'I'UTII I I] I]] ] i('n-
I iUll S S,'ll ls. I )idllJ,r I'II ]IIIS, ' I'illlotll,l" B O,l"d , fh,' I"·HI'·
n l l( 1 sjlll il l1 l' lIpl'1'ill i(JI1~.
old :-;(111 or O r·o l·;.!t' Boyd . .,IIII P
f H I't ll tH'I ' R i l l i l ll l.II1 \'
(illll'(] , .Jlllll' :1 , I H.i :!, i ll 1,0-
wn" illl- s l'·\\·lll'd . Ll"'111 (-Ilili ll 1:! 1;i,
S Il Il 1" I'll llei s('o, Itt·II''' F I·(·,I
"Il l UlIio]] ]·I·!:'I, l' ldl :ul l'lpl lin.
I 1" ·lIlI s,\' ln lll ia. lit, so'H(,d his
~11 ' ,n't',
L'l!;lil'lIl ll1l
C:l lij'rll'lI in
" I' l l\('
l' lwl"
I')('a l u n ion liS :1 11 K-:",·u t h,·
IWI('I'lIli('al .\-;stlt'i:llioll, (·Itt·(·"
BWII'I I 1ll1' lIllk.'I'. fitHl llt·iHI st'(··
a 1!i;1I11 (·IlI').!:O flf 13 i:II'I':1 hlll!!,,1
1"'lal'," a lld husill''''s IIWIIII!!"" IIII'dit'a l :>III1Pli('''. I,;tll",d al
1.. ·!'tII·(, II{' 1\;lS IIPI'Oilllt·d 10
$!Ii ,1100 011 the n'l a iI 1I1111'kt't,
I11(' In I1'1'11111 iOIl a I "I a O' 011 ,I:1 11-
Oil litl' sc'al(' al I ht' 1o' 1.I-Iu):
WII·.I' I , I!I;,!), II ,' 11;1" h,."i' li
'l'i)!"I' I,i ll(' '1'<'1'111111111. :-:a ll
:wlh-(' i ll Si.' I'li,·illl! IIU1I tll'J:lI-
FI'a l l(·i.;('o I llle t'lllll illlwl , \ il'_
lI izing ill IIII' HI '.' hl'nlll'll,
r HI· PI·,'Si.·I1 I;11 iI,' :-ialll 11I01Il'
T ill' l i rf'-":l\'il1~ sllipulI'lI !,
I :llIeI h is wife, Sal·nlt. hltH' fUll I'
joillll,l' d0l1<l li·d h~' p I1<II'III11
I ('ldldl','IL l 'olllitILwtl "\1('('1",,., i"
Ili ... htd 1'0 1' '·'I'uII.\'" ill Iii"
""lIli"al 1III'<lI';ll o l'i,·." ]\11:11'11 111-
"i"I'" aJ1 d ph."",IeiaJl'o, i l\l'IIII I.·"
' I'ltl' -;llil'lII" "I 1-; v ue o f :1
('0111 illltill;.! M'I'it,,; " 1)()1l""I't'tI
l'u l'l llI' l' ('nt1"nHII"I ful' , ht'
I,:I()O pOllud sor 111111 1i pll' IlIa, II." 11\1' B II.I- . \ 1'1'11 ('''lIIl11i1l 1'l.'
B I'OI h('.-IIIIO(1.
lIIill"', ani ill io! i('''', lIal1, la),:I'" lu S an' B infl':111 \ 'hildI1'n,
I lIh"'IWI iUlial 11"111'1'''''11 111 )I IIIIt'I;(I',\' oIl1l1alillll'" limy h('
:1111 1 lit·l'"-,,,il1)..."", high-pl'oll'I"
l iw J.;l\\stHl \\, irlll"' I'I~' will
f " "II IiIlU,' 10 St'I'I' i,·t, IIII' EI,·",
flJoluk 1II1111111'lIi,,;1I ;(ud lIuld· '<1'111 iii Ihl' ('1111111'; 11 1'(' :1\ B ox
lilJlwl .,Up p ICIII('l lt." 5, :-i:lu",tiil ll, l ':tiit'um ia !l4!1I3;;,
II'i(' Si~r l
indlls! I',\' nnd )1 011)1'
:-;11(,]\ lidd ,


d..eling m"\lne' .t.
l.fl , Coil, of th. world'. 1.'9""
lo ... r.d into th.i. ,1 ..1
yo1... , A'g onne N .. tion.1" "" .

90nnl, III. Th ... coil., which .. e'\I" 110 1011 ' ,

ope ... t • • , I ,...
blol" t. 11'0 te mpe. " tu.n.

'1-'1.., \\",,!\ !', lar~('St ';111 11 -1'1.(.11-

tlUdillt!: 1l1a!!11t'1 litis 1".,.11 o-.. tH
WORLD'S LARGEST pl,.,,·,\ and U]WI',llI",1 SW'(',,,,fully ,II
tIll' . \ IOlllil' 1 ·: Ut·r~s ( ·11111111' ..... "'11·. .

r· g
•\ q .:"UIII- \';11'1)11;11 1",hul'illolj'Y, ,\ r-,
J..:' UIIlI\ I tlillllj .. , The 111'\1 tWlgl!!"!
will (lII"j'<lII' i, I all ('~ l iIllIlH'.t Ullt"
\1'1I1h 11,,- ""~I of 11 11 1"llIi\'IIII'l1l ('UII
H'l lIi"II;11 lIw!!lId. all :II,lIi'-\"IIII-1I1
ill HliI!!II'" t!' .... i!!11 hil\-illl! bl"'~101
11II],li,·:!I',',." "III' ..;,·j,·III'I' :11101 1''i,I,-
Thi ... lIIlI!!111'1 \\ ill IN' a Jlllri IIf tll('
\\"01'1 01 .... l;ll'!!\'~1 huhhl,< ,'IH1l11l"'I' f;l-

SUCCESSFULLY I'ilil\' 1''' 1' hi1.!h-.' II\·I·J.r,\' pll,\'~il'~ 1'1'-

""111';·11. 'I' ll,· IIHIg-Ih'l ('OI1'"i~I" "I' a
I \0 tun
TESTED AT AEC "1:11'1.,·01
ih.... ·lIIhl.\'
ill ... i.], ;I
of ('il'I'\l11II' \'oil ...
1/iOO-tuli ... H·I,I
.'0111,1'_ 11 III'ollg-l" illl11 "11\'1":1-
\\a ..
liol1 iI., 11 H';l1I1 of 1'11I-\i lll"'I'''1 :1 11' \
~\' il ·!1ti"I" h";I1!."l h." .101111 II , 1' 111"-
l'l'll . 1I111g-11I'1 PI'ujl't:l II IHtllI l!\' I', IIl1d

E. n, Pew itt, B ubble Chnllll)(' I' I hi" fo rm ; 0 111 ,1' n r!' l:rt il'('l y SIllIl II A I'/!'Olllll";! 12,;") hillioll ('ir('tI'Oli "o!t
prnjl'('t miH HI~I'r, pOII't'r i" nf'P<]p<1
SQIII'f'{' o f ('ll'<'t l'i{' "lItOIll 1'o1ll1l<; llt'r," t li €' z('ro g' l'lld iC'll t
Till' 'Iu pr r('oududillg 11111;:111'1, fo r Ill(' initin l l'h:rq,dllJ: of thl' 1I1ll/!- s~'I1\'hrnlrlll1. w ill inlera<'t wi l h
.1(,"iig-IH·d t tl prndlH'I' II 1IIl1l-!'lIl'til' IIl'1. .\ 10·\'011 :1,OCI()./llIllwn· POII'I'r 01111'1' PIll'l ich,,, in lir(' b llbbl(' ('linm·
th'lIl !If 11'1 ki log'all''i (II trllil of ~lIppl," n('('f)lIlpli'llws liri~ IIt~k in 1)('1' , Ipln'ill{! 11'1lf'ks of hllhhl('~
1II11!..'1!!'lit, li(· ltl "itrl'II).!lhL 1\"11" ,'1\. Iw() ,lIltl (JIIt',h:rlf hOIll'S .\fI('I' llit' whit,,, will hi' phnlOj!I'aphl'd. T h('
,'r].!i7t'd 10 lS,:\ kilo;..:an.." Ilurilll! initi:" I'irnrl!ill).!, IiiI' 0111.1' 1'1('('lri(' "II'OIIt! 1II11{!IH'li(' fif'ld i~ (''uti:)1
it'< illililll h'..,lillJ!, ,\ 1').!0I1 111' ('II).!i. POW('I' Ilt'('(h,d 10 ];('1']) , \ n!(lIllll"S rOl' ilkulifyill{! titt' p:lrtielc rt'll{'·
IIt'('r-, ur(' {'''lIlith'llt Ihal it t'rLiI bl' "UIWI'('ollflut! illl! 1Il:r!!Il('t in op<'l·a· t i()Il~,
0lwrll!t'11 al Ilbow 20 kilo)!ll1l ..S I ion is ('011<;11111('(\ h.\· il" :!:iO·hor·..;{'·
",I ..,u tit(' 1I1'I'd nrlsl,!<t, ])IIW('I' lil]lIi(\ hl'lilllll l't'fl'il!l'l'liIOI', Costs
Th" !l1IIg-1l('1 pl'odu('('s 111i" (h'ld .\ (,(1II\'Nlliolllli IWlj!lIf'I lI'I('fi ill Whf'll ol'i).!innliy pi:1I1111'd in
,dllt I'~'ii'lltillll,\' 110 eOI\!<tllllLplitlll of ])1:1('(' of lilt' -;1I1)(,I'('onllll(,1 ill!..' IlIng'· l!l(j:i, l i lt, ].1Ih"I,' ('1111111 1)('1' faeilil,"
('1('('II'i"1\1 PO\\"('I' h('elltl ..t' il ltIlll,(' .. 11('1 \\'\luld 111'('d 111)0111 10 lIlil1i()li pI'o\"idl,d fill' "II her n SUPf'\,I'OII'
IN' of 1I plly.. ic'H I Iwilll·ip](' ('nllt'11 WIl!!" of I'lf'l'tl'ir:d ])OWf'l' dUl'ili/! dlJ('li l l~ 11111!..'ll1'! t i l' 11 t0I1\'t' l lti()Il:11
"SII PI' 1'1'0 II dill' Ii\' i \,\", " RIl IW I'('(lIl. oprl';l!ion. 'I'll is i" ('!H1IIg-11 ('1{'('II'ie· 111!1~1I1'1. 'I'ltl' ('lI[,ilal {'(l~I" oj' <' IIIlt'I'
(l l11'li ll l! ]lllll t'I'IHI .. 10:-;(' Clllll [lI!' I t'ly iI," 10 supply n !OW l! of 10,000 pea· t1IUg' II C' ] ,0;,1',0;]('111 r() I' t hl' hi).: Iml)blt'
tl lt' il' l'p:-;i"III Il('P 10 (' 11 1'1'1' 111 f l ow III pic, (' irnlfl hl' I' W('I'" ('sl i lflnl('d h," AI"
,'P I',I' loll' IP III[)('I'IIIIlI'('<; (1I1l01l1 4 :i 1 'I'hl' If'll tl irr:.t' 10 Ilu' de·
]lI'O/! I';11l1 goO II I1\' Ii) Iw 11]l]lI'oxillfntt·I,1' *:!,.] OO"
d f'j.!I'I'(,<; Iwlo\\' Zf'l'O, 1"1I11I'f'l l hl·it) , \'plop rllf'1l1 of 111(' \\"(ll'i<1',.. 111I'!,':f'''l 000, T ill"'!' ('~til1llll('" ill('illt!I'd 111('
T o lit' 0lw1'l1lel1 , thf' ('oils 1'0], I lle SIl]lt'J'('()rrrillt'ti ll /! 1I1ag-HI'! 11\ , \ r" {',)!IlllO l ll' l ll"i lIIld iIIS!:rllntioll or
.\ r'j!ul!l!(, 1I11l1{1!C't 11m] 10 Ik.' I'()/)I(,tl ;,!OllUf' KnliOllnl l,nhlll'1I11I1'.I· hnd t'illlt'I' IIUl).!Ilt'I; ! 11(' POIr{'I' supply
10 Ihis h'IIlI)f'l'lIttu'(' hy liquid Ilt'l i· S('1'f'I';!l se1('ll l ific 111111 ('IIj.\' illl'{'l'ing 1II1l1 Iwal n'l lllI,':rl ('lllIipl11f'lIt fOl'
urn l'I,j'1'I1!t'l'll l i()1I t'f]Hipmelll. 'I' ll is !I .. p('('l~ : thl' f't )J lll'llli(1I1111 ",I· .. t{'111: HIl(1 l itt'
i~, hy 11 ('Otl"iilel'l1hlt, rrml'Qil1, Ihe "11IIIili1_I'I' 1111111'I·i1l).., l'f'fl'il!(,I'atioll
Im'!..'I"'1 1IIIIOI1nt of !ll1ltf'l'illl (:!OO,. The Bubble Chamber I'I]uipUII'II1. 11111\ P0II'{'I' supply for
000 pOlllu1 .. ) f'W)' t'ooll'd 10 liquid· 'J'llf'
Il('W mnlt n t'l forllls p:lI't of Ih" SllP{'I'{'()JHIIt('lill!! rulll-!'lI{,t. Th('
IwiillJII II'III]lI'I'nlllrt'. till' WIll'ltl·S Im'/!('SI huhhll' rirlllllhl'l' ;1('111111 ('11,1 \)f Ih(' "lIl){'I'{'oml u('lillgo
111 a I'()II l't'111 iOllal {'I('('I rOIllIlj!II{'t fa(·ilily for iri).!h·I'IlI'I'/!,I· phy .. i{.,., ,.('. IIUI,!..'IWI i.. I'xl'lt'l't('d to ht' aPPI'O:d.
Ih,' !lOII't'r Ihat i .. u~{'(\ 10 kl'('P th{' "I'al'('h. Th(' huhhl(· ('hamht'I', now malt'I,I' tht' '>lillie rlS the ol'i:::illlli
ma!!lII" rUlillillA' i .. g-i\'en off liS I)('ill{! illsl:rlll'd :1\ .\ r~tlllill', i~ tI {'.. Iilllah',
111'111, Hillt", tht'r,' i.., 110 rl':-;i"tnm'l' cOlllainili/! 6..100 /!alloll .. of
\'(''';'''1'1 ('nlt'\lIIIII'(1 IIlnj!lll't O])(,l'allll)!,
10 ('U I'rr'lIl flow ill II !,II IWrt'OlldlH'l. lifjllitl hydl'OI!(, II , It will he pln(,NI wpi,!..'lwd hf'll\'ily ill 1":1\'01' of
ill/! 11111).:111'1. 110 hNII is PI'Ot!III'f'd II1<;i(I(' lir(' :-;IIJ)(,I'('lllH1w·tilll! lIl:lg· I hI' SIl PI')'('III Itlll(·t i Ill? ",\'~I ('Ill, .\ s·
anti ,lll' I'l'fl/r{' 110 pO\\'{'r is 10:-.t i n 11('1. 11 il.dl·f'll(, I'/!'Y PIlI'I il'l{'s fr'OlI1 Sllllliu.!..' ,'ill 11('1' (';'111 olll' I'alio n fOI'

Th. me,:!n e! i, , hown b, in,:! felle d .1

Ar<Jo nne, Surround ed b y I m..e of
refr i,:!Ir. lio n I qu ipml nt , th e me,:! ne t
coil. . .. hou •• d i.. I c'yoll.t \1
vlcuu m,bott le·lih v.... IJ wh... th. y
IT. cooled 10 451 d. ':! r... below
. e,o, F.hrln Visi ble w.. d. rn.. lh
the pip;n,:! il I 1,6000·ton It.el tO ~.
whic h Iw rrou nd. the ml ':! ... t coil. : th i.
'fO •• prov. du • retu rn p. th for '1.5

t ki!o':!. uI1 ml':!,.. tic field , Th. world',

I..':!,,, b ub bl. ch. rnbe. for d.t,ctin ,:!
h,':! h..... rn nucl •• • p.,tic1.. .. ,II be
'nl t.n.d ;nl'd. the m' ,:!net.



Jo' U..,i"ll HI'''I'III't"!I- Ht'..,I':lI·(·h 011
Ill(' lH'ntflll'l;'ll1 of l'II('I·)!.\· lty 1111·
f'i1'III' fu .. iPIt l't'lluil-('S Ihl' 11'<1' or
IlIl1;.!III·. it· til'ltI, lit '·,JIltllili IIII' 1'('·
nl·. ill!! JlH!,' i,·It·... '''llil!' 1'llIl'<illl'I"
;illl,· \\lIl'k j, 111'(·1"...;11·.\· 1".. 1'111',' ;1
[unlt .... i\,·. '·IIIIII·"II<·oI-I11 .. ;nll 1'1',1/'-
li"11 i.. ;I'·'·"IIII,li,I,,·.1. "1IJ11·1·1·IIIIIIIII'I·
ill!! III11!.!'" I, :tn' i,klll IOL' ]l1'",II!("
ill!!; III" illll'lh.· lil'lol", l'I'q"in'oI rOt·
Ihi., 1'111'1""",

Th e Mogn e t Sys tem

.\!'!.!""!11', "lllll'l·(·,m,llll'lill!! IIlil!!;·
lid i.. 1].. ... i!!II'·,] 10 )!1'IWl'aiE' 11 IllI i·
flll'm IIIII!!"",il' li"I,] or 1\ l,i[ugilll''''
ill 1( \"IUIIiI' HJl[lI'OxiIlWIt'ly l:i 1','1'1
ill <\i1l1l1l·1,·)· 1111,] 10 f,'t-t hid\. '1'111'
"IIt'I·!!.'· ... 1,,11·,1 ill Illi" nW!!lIl't;'· til'I,1
i.. HJI]lI'!I"illl;lldy \0 luillillu .iuul<-..
till' ' ·III·!'!.!." ("luintl"lIt "I' :;(1
[I\'lIIltl .. IIf TXT.
T h,' ""l!!t ... ! 1·11I11;lin..; ~o I·tlf'!';.!iz.
in!.! (·lIil ... 1\"11111111'< filII "paw·;I\;I·... -'
('Hdt wil It -tAOO f'''I'I of l·ondtu·101'
Thi, 'Une .1.0.0, Ihe con".~clion 01 Ihe wo.ld', le.qed 1~pe.conduclinq meqnel. .... I\'ip tw" jll.·llt'.. \\'i l1(' anti I 10
n,e compleled meqnel m.n~.n II leel in diemele' end conlein, 25 mil,. 01 Ihe
iudl I hil·\;. '1'1,, · "UIWI·'-tJ!H!tIl'l ill;.,!'
specielly.feb.iuled .upe..;onduclinq .ibbon. II hu Ihe ebilily 10 "ore O~'r 80
1I1;11(· .. ii.] ill I hi .. ,,,·ip. "ix ,,\1·illl,l ..
minion jo~ln of ene.qy in ils field. Seceu.e 01 Ihe ~ni"l~e p.op,.lin of ,upe •.
cond~ctinq mele.ial, el low lemperelu ..,. Iha maqnel con.umu only 10 welh of uf lIi"r.iulII·,illllliuln all".\'. i" "/11.
eledriul pow... Ten million welk would b, ""Iui.ed for e convenlional meqnel of IM'.lr1I·t! in h;!!;h~pul'ilr ('1I[llwl·.
.imil.. ,ite. whit·1t II(·tIlHJI~· :1('('011111" f.,,· ~)G
[1"1' ~·.tli ", thl' 1'"ltllIl!' flf Ih{'
"t .. ip. Th,- ('t'JlJI('I' st'I'\'('S 1\\0 Jl1II'-
po",'''; tn III'! ;1,11 ",hUIl1. IWO\'idili/I
Ifl ~"'II'" (t hai j". UI"'I'Hlillll fill' mil!! II, "". 1~"'111II'" H" lal'~" ;1" (·jght a 1'11111 ("I' 1'I,·I·II·if· 1·11t·I·t'lIl "lllm,,1
I:! IloHl'" 11 d:lr ) , 11 ~'ulln ' lIli{l1l1l1
11I;t:,!1I1'1 would eo-.I $".000.000 10
r('!'1 ill dilllllt'll' I' HlIII ~O III ::0 f('i'l
[Oil!!. IIlil.\· II(> IIS1' 11 to "XII'i1/'I Ihl'
POl'Ii"", O' IIII' ni()hilllll~lililllillrn
1,·wPOI·ill·il.,· 1""1' thl'il' "UPI'I·(·(]I1·
1'1111; 1111' >;IIIWI'{'OlUllWlill!! 1I111!!II('t Ihl' l'lIIill "II"I').!~· fl'OIlI 11111 "h·l'1l'i , dlll'lilt!! pt'O!,I'I'lil''': anti to Iltlll
is. ('xl't'('I(I(1 tn ('osl 0111.\' flll{'·lclllh 1'1 11 1~"('0I]fIHetili/I gast·s 10 111'.111111'\' "11'1'1I!!lh :111.1 I'i!!idily lu IIII' ('(lil
III' 111111 - :;:.100.000-10 Cllwl'n l e 1'01' P(lIl'I'1'. TIlt' 1 1111) 111('1 hilt! "I' ('11· Will.liH!.!-<.
10 rt·",·s_ I'I'!!,\' PI'! II ItH'lioll "Iilllillnl('s tlw I',,· '1'1,,· ::0 IHIII"itl,!' coils al'(' lls....!'m·
"'III' "UII!'I'!'IIIHlll('li'l!! 11l'"i!!1I \\'a" lillill!! HI;I('llilll'I'.\' li'IIUil'I', 1 III 11 hlt'.1 III 1\\1) ..1:lI'k", of I:) laYI'I-s
s!'lt'el('d folJ(mill;,:' tilt' "H('{'!'''",!'ul (.( 'I' \'t '111 illll;!1 I 111'11 i II ('·l.!('1 I!'I'" I, IL' "-"S' 1'11('11. "·1'11l·111o·t! lIy :1 spat·!' III' ::!-I
()!X'I'at iOIl of a slwlll{'I' hllhhl(' 1\'111. 1'111' IISI' fir 11 SlIjll'I'I'OIHiul'lill/I i"<'itl'''' Ilm.I!!.!!L \\llieit i.I h('11111 of
{'hll111I)('I' ill 11 ""1)1'1'('0111111('1 illl! 1IIi1!!ll!'! (,I)uld ill('I'('H"I' Ih!' ('fli· plll'li,·k .. 1'1·,,111 !11t' 1.t'I·O !!radil'1I1
1II11;,!11('1 nl .\ I'j.:-Oltlu:' in 10GG and (' i(,I1(',\' 1I11(llo\\'!'I' III(' 1'0",1 I,f )[ 1[1) 'YII.·hl·"lr"lI will " 111(']' III(' huhhll'
till' tkIllOI1 .. tJ'alioll h.\· indl1"II'r Illill POWI'!' )l1'IHILI('1 iOIl, .\1 11 J) [)(II\"('!' (·IIlII1II~·I- ill .. i,]1' 111(' llJag:lwt TIll'
il is po.',s iltl(' to I1J:1llUfll('IIIl'P <.;11· ":HI II(> pl'milll'('(1 l1~il1!! ('1111\'1'11· ('oil" al'\' ..1·l'ill·all'.] hy ;ti1l1lli1l1l1ll
IWI'('olHlm" ill:,! lIIal('I'ia I.. d('.. i!!lIl'1i liullal lIIil!!",'I"; hmn'v!'!', ;11 1'1'('''' .. pat·,·,·.. ,,' 111;11 liquitl·\t!'lillll1 ('11111·
f 01' ,,11 .. 111 i IlI,tI 11'1111 hi {'. I' 1"'1' 01)1'1'11' !'III 1"\'1,1 .. or tl 't'IIIIUlolI,\', llli .. flll'lII nlll "i111 l'in'''!:''!, 11l'()1Il1l] IlwIII.
I ion in hlt·:.!t, IlIng-.H·1 ('oil..;. of 1'1>\\'1'1' is ('xll'(,lIsi\·!'. kl'I'pill!! Ih"1n nl :1 It'lIlPI'I';lluI'I' of
j-l i'lIll:tg-II('lies-.\ lit'\\' 111'1'11 III' ill. ",;;1 .1'·CI't'i·' 11t'1"w 1.('1'0. FilI1l1'II'
Te chnological Benefits
\'I'"lig-alioll in hiology- tlU' ",ll1d~­ l1t'il TIll' ('oit... Ih\,il' SUPI)()I'I ,,11'1)("
S(llIl!' al'('il" ill whi(·h :1]lpli('illil)lIs of 1I111!!Ilt'Iic fil'ld" 011 li\-it1!..: fll'gan· IUI·I'. nll .\ Ih,' ('(){)Iillsr \·C"'>....... I w('ig-h
or "IIP"I·(·Olllilll'ti,il.\· III'" l'xpl'(,lrd iSllis-lI'oll1r1 1)(' AI'('nlly nilil,t1 h,\' a Intnl (Jf I]{) 'OU".
10 PI'O\'(' 1I""rul illt'lu(I('; I hI' ;1\-ili[;llIilil.\· of ",U[lt'I'I'OIl,lll\'lilll! 'I'ltl' I'oil il, .... ·lIlhl .\· IS lIIo11llll'll
;\ [aglH.'loh.nlr·ml-"I1H lIIit·_" ( ;\ [ I I [) ) IWI!!lIl't ... II w'Htid III' Jlo .. ~iltll' 10 il1 .. itll· 11 1.1;1"'-1011 .\·tlkl'. ('011111"""01
- O n!, or 1111' IJlOSI <11"1I11111Iic· ilppli. lIIililililil11l ('(I[OII.\' of !'XIU' I'illwlIlnl ,If .. 11'\·1 I·n .. till!!", '1'1li,; yok!' 11\'1" n"
('nli!lll" or Sllllt'I'('!)II,II!!'lill~ lllllJ,I· ""illlilis ill .. id(' II lill·l.!(' "11]1('1'('1111' II I','ILU'II l'alh fOI' Ihe IIm)!II<'li!'
II\'1S IlIn,\' 1)1' Ilwit· USI' in ;\ [1[1) lilll'lill)! IIIII)!III'I on'I' 11111J.:' 1"'I'joll" /i,·!d, ('(·,]III·illg' Ih(' SI I'iIY H!'I , I Ihill
110\\'('1' 1!(~ l wl';r l ol'~. [ II Illi", :lp[1lil'1\' of lillll' wilhol11 illl'ulTin;,!' (';"('I'",,~ h'r 1I'01lid olh"I'\\i~I' "'111TOlllld tltl' ,·oils.
tiOll, 1;11'J,IC (liIlOI!' "lI[ll'!"'l)IlIludil1g' powl'r ('osls. ( 'r ite 1S11':IY fil·1t! is um]csil·;tI,I!' in


thaI il li{'('I'c<l'K'S the efficicncy of l!!fili. TIIi..; \\:1" titc til'S! 110;(' of a J,:"1'1I('I'at('d :1 1II11g-IIl,tic field or 30
t hf' mal.mel.) SIII"'I'{'Ollllut'1 iug- rung-III't 1'1/1' a rul!· kiloWIlI ....... lIt II ('III'I't'lIt of -1 ,600 alii·
To k('t,p the 111ll)!1I('1 cold, 11 2:;0- st.·al" hi~It-"IIt'I"gy pll,,'si('..; ('XIWI'i. I}('I'{'';. 0111('1' 11Il1g-IIl't .. of different
hOI'Sl'II()II'('r l"('I'I'i)!{,l'alioll sysl('1II m~'IlI, .\ s a pat'l of Ih(' tI('n,IOI)' sIIIWI'(,OlilluI'lillJ,:' llIatel'ial-'S 111'(' be,
pl'UI'idl'" -tOO WIllis of dOSt,t! {',\'t'I(' 111"111 pl'(I).!:I'HIII fill' 1111' IHI'gt' ing ,It·\t'lupt,tt fill' 11,*' ill st('('l'ill~
('oo]iu)!, HI ... .5 dt')!I'('t's "1,ldll Ilta)!"III'I, II It·st Illn~IIt·I. II ith 11 1101'(.' !:It'jIm..; (.1' 111·(·t,lt·!"lI!t·t! p:u"li('II'"
(--t.i l .:1 F). uf ::!-I illl'lll''', IJlliit til' 111\' "1I111f' 11'111'11 Ilu·.\· (' lllt'J·j.!t· 1'1"0111 1111 "lIIUJII
.\ aO.kilowaTt 1'01\'1'1' supply IWllt·I'illl..; IN... d ill Iht· Illq.:t' Imlllll(' sl llll,.,I!,·I··· ... 111'11 11 ... ,hI' ZI'!"U ;!]';uli.
\:I.()O(l Hlllpt'I"\'S 111 10 I'olt .. til') ('ltalllhl'I' IWlltllt' 1. Itas s1ItT,·s.~rllll." elll ,.,YII,·hl·ull·UII.
hl'illg-... 1111' IJIHgll('t .....I·sh'lll to a full
fil·ltl ( I }JOO aIllIWI"I'''' ) ill lIPPI'IIX;'
JrWlt'1.l· two ItIld ollt,-IHlIf hoUl'S . Grievance Settlements Obtained
•\I'tI'I· I Ill' fit'lll is t'stllllli .. llt,tl till'
('II'{·II·i('nl pOIII'I· CtIll"mll1ptioll is
11t'g-] ig-illil'.

Argonne's Svpermognet Program

'I'll!' IUIlI!-h'I'UI I'ITm'\ lit AI'Wl!lIIt'
to 11('\"(']0[1 lIlid Us(' S\lIWI·('Olldlll't·
ill)! 1I11l)!lh'''' i... pal"\ IJI' 1111' lILli-
01'111111".\' ''' Iligll'I·lIt'I·/!}, ph.\·s;l's jl!'O'
.ltl·alll II'hi(·1I is slIppm·t('d h." Ih('
1>;1"; .. ;011 of Ik.-('Ilt'('h of Ih(' .\Iollli('
EIIt·t·)!~, ('OIIIIII; ..... ioli. III all 1' 11):1,
IICC1'ill)! !It'U)!I';1I1i IW')!U11 ill I nG:l
1I11I1t'1' till' Ilil,\'(·t;\l1I of ('hal'll''1
I.H lt·I";l'k. a ....'IJ(·iatt· (·ll·l·ll·i\·al \'11· A .... ppy grOllp of olfin" 01 loul Union 1198. C;ne;nn .. I;. look, on .. , Pr.,idenl Rob.rl
gillt'I ' !'. th:1Il :!OO SIIIWI'('tUl-
111111'" O.v;, pr.lInh. eh.d lor $1000 10 N.d p.lrid, m.mb.r of lo<.t 1198, .11 •• Ih. "ttl.,
.1114'1 illl! ('oils Iwl"{' l.ll't'll l'tJllslI'll('lt'tl of two" .g.intl G.n ••• t;e iBtu. As", Ohiol waS reaeh.d. M•.
011111 1(' ... I,'d .• \ system of Illt'st' ('oil'! 'a!rid wu .1.0 •• ;n.lll.d 10 I.;. form.r job a. ml;nl.n,,"e • • I.c!r'c'.n .. ith .It olh.r
r•• to •• d b.n.fill and "niorily. Pielll •• d 1.1t 10 ri9hl: S.m Wh ..t.,. E' lClltiye Bo.rd
1)I·tlllltl'il])! a 1ll11)!lll't ii' fil'ld or ... -1 M.mbe.: N.d P.hid: J.m., Ford. S.c .. I.,y: Woody Robin.on. E.uclltive
k;lu)!"1111 ......; wa..; atiapl('(1 1'01' 011 \I"" Board memb.r; A.nold Ros •. Vic. , •••; Rob..1 On •• , 8,.. in." M.n.9" .. nd P••,idenl:
a hullhle ('hallll)('!' (>:qwrilllt'llt III .. nd Clyd. AU.n, E•• culiy. Bo... d m.mb."

President Pillard Meets With Fourth District Staff

f Inl.,nation.1 P." Ch .. rte, H, Pill.. ,d i••hown .. I • Goid.1 and 8,lIc. A. Thomp.on. Sul.d. t.ft to ri9hl: J.m., F.
GiIIi •• Thom .. B. Will.y. 8, G, Willi.m.on. In l.,n.lion.1 Vice 'r••.
m•• tin9 with Ih. Fou.lh Di.hiel .I.ff in Cincinnati. Ohio. SI.nd·
ing. t.ft 10 ri9hl: Inl.rn.lion.t R.p .... nl.liy•• Lue;an M, Bledlo,. idenl H. B. BI.n\ln.hip, Inl.rnation.! p... iden t Cha,ln H, 'ill. rd.
Ch.. ,lu M. Quinn. Fran" W, Adam,. Go,don L. Br.v. George M. Inl"n .. t;on.1 Rep,... nl.tiye. Rob." C, Park., .. nd Tony Buccell ...
ChlPple. Paul J. Will\!, Roy l . Nollo, F. E, Clar k. Cherie. 5,



X l'l.i-l, B ill SYl' II ,IS (·Imll. 1,!: •• 1

I I .. d'-\'I'I"[1 II siJup],'" ,111.1 IT,,'!",-
pl';)elii'nl lIwlhod of 1Wl!. lIill!! ,\i,-,
ll1tion nlld "(','(\1'11.,(1 1t1l""I!.:"" . . . ,)
hi' (-OUi'l'i,,'l! 11 lit'\\" ,lPPI'IIn<']1 10
th,· Im.hll'lIl. ,\ fI"I' ,j"\""1l1pillc hi~
i,],'.I"" Iw fOl'l1It·t! hi" UI\ II '-"IIIP"".\".
-"yt' 1' 1'011111-\", \\hil·h \\;1 ... ill""I"I'II.
!';I\l'd ill 1~J:i7
1'11(' !'lIl-ly y .'al'S \\,',',' d,'I"k,111l
"I"'4"I1'..!' alld dt'H']"pnlt'lll. I\y 1111'
III id_1 !IIifk h""I'\"('\', liB' 'Y'-Iwlt ii'
l) il' lali"n :-;Y-;"11I 11;1-- IIIa"i!l:! ,I
"(·;11 iltlp:I(" Oil lIlt' 1I'1li",,:d 'lI'II·I,d.
TIll' \'y"III:lli(' SY""'111 i, a d.··
('i,I,·.1'tlll·" f.·tllH ,,1,1. ,",,;oh.
li"lu·d 1I1t·lho,],. I'lillliwllilll! ,·fllIl·
pli,-all"] lIt;whilll,.lrnllllli.ll! .lllt·,·a.
limh fill' hUlh I'Xt'l'lI\in'" ;111.1 ','("
I""'nl·i,'~ . •\ klt'pholle lralld"'1 011
111(' ']"'!;. til· a 1','11'1,11' 11,1(')11""",.
pl·tll·i,h'~ HI"""S to tI l(' t"]lli]rll1'·llt .
•\ "lI1:dl Lilli! Ili lh n sig-J1:11 Ii:,dr! IS
1(I('n I('.] 1111 tl", s{,(,l'l'l;II'Y'" ,It-,I,.
Pictur •• On Ihil p"ge and 11'1. oPPoli'e pa",,, .how " 'silo" lo",ing th. mod •• " ple ..1 Tltl' 11";11"1 III Ih(> "y,II'1I1 j" a
,.,ililin of Ny" Produch. Inc .. m"nul.clu .... of dideting,recordi,,'} equipment.
t \":III,i"l II.-i)'t·, ] 1"'l"o\·,h·J'.II":III'l·\·i]II·I·
Th_ production d.p,.tlmenl i. 100,"/. IBEW.
Ihal llliliz,'" 1.000 I','('t til' utal!llt"ti('
IHpl' ill :111 '·IIIIt.· ....~ loop Ilwl (';til Ill'
u'<l'11 a!,!;rin all.! II!tltill, T]I!' 1;11" i"
m'\"I'I' h:lndtt"tl. :1I1l1 1111' Ullil I"
'llul"d itl 11 l"\'1II0te IOt'nliull. Ilill,
a ('('p", f.1I" "11111 i IW !Hll in\t '111111",·,
.?I I,'. :\."('. illll'l1lol" (If tlU' ]I\"IltI·
urI. i" Jln·,.,irll'llt of Ill(' "\ll']lIll"ill ill]),
wll()sl' Wi t iOl1ll1 hl';lIlqwll"tl'l'" .11,,1
f'H"I(lI',I" :11'" JOt·nl".1 ;It ~O{):: Fif·
!("'lIth .\\"11111" \\'l'st. in :-i(·;ll1J,·
T hl' (·OI1IP"II.'" (·III)llo,\".. ;rPI'I·",j
\wl!!'ly ~ .•) IIlt'lI :1111] WIIIIII'II in III\'
Ill'\Hhh'liult dl'polI'tlnt'lIl Hi lh,· i,ll',
Imy. whit'll i .. 11 10(V;' nniolt ..11"11
alld ha"II .. , I·i!!ht hI \1'<,. tIl!' IBI·;\\,
union la l)(>1 011 its )II'O,irW'''.
'I'h(' l'l l lplo,I'I'{'s, tIlt"llhl'l'~ IIi 1,,/(·,, 1
IG, S('llul('. \\"o\"k on :rJI pha",·s tit"
tIll' equ i]ltlH' l1l- fI"Ol\1 11)('111] fnhri·



1':11 iOIl, Iilt'l,hU lli,,;!1 a"l't'lIIhl~', l'Ii'«'

wi rill,.:, !willl,·11 j·i",'lIit IIOHI'!!";
aw l t,ll-I'II'il':11 ;I""t,tnhl.\' tu I"Ul1t- Below: Thi. uri.1 .iew ,how. the Ny. Produch modern pl.nt in S.. ttl •. Wuhing '
I i(lllll I 't·. .,in~ 1111(1 [n"I'('(·1[01l. ton. Member> 0' loul 4b per'orm me,.1 ,.brie.lion. mlch.nic,,1 .... mbl y, electric
wiring. ptint,d circuit,.• Ieei,iul ...embl y. function,,1 , .sting. "nd in.pedion.
:'\Y(' P I't~ItIl'I". 111(', j ... ;111 E'Ilwl
f)p]IU"'Ullil." EUlllltl,n 'l'. ""H' 1I!.!1'I'("
IIlI'lI\ pl,\\iol\, .. I.'aitlillg' 111111 unto-
111111 i.· PJ~II,:T(·,... itJlt.IH·a1th in"'ul'U1j('('.
paid \:wlIlitm" allli holi,III.'"', "'[I,k
1t'1\\(', lIIili':II',\' nud jlll'Y dilly [,.;tn',
..... ·lIiOl·ily. l1Iul a I.lTit'I;lIIl't' JlI~)('\"
P"ulhll'liull )lanaJ.!I'1' ,.:.\ 1:1'11:-
111111 i....''''I>(III'1illll' ftll" IInjul! 1111111·
1I\!('1Il1'1I1 1·1,llIthll ..... \\'ILi,-I. 11111'1' 1)(""11
:11111(,:\1.1,' lIllll \'OIIIW1'llti\t· Ihl'lll1t.:h-
OU! 1111' IlI'l"i,,1I of j.!I'Ulllh and
\'XPIlI1 ... [UII.

( W I .Ill'll/I filII!! m1'-'1f'lI'lld"r ,/I"

r 1I,~"i_~/""1I II{ I' I'<.,·.~ :-;'('/'(/111'.1/ r' . ./.
I, /( /1/11, /,IInl/ (ri. ill "Moil/ill'I lIu
iU{UI'/!!o/illu (/lid 1Ihol().tJI'fIJ!h,~ {(II'
/ h ili IIrI'-",I.)


Ceiling Kills Bargaining tl1rill!! in ./nI1IWl',\", tI,(' 1)01llill;011 Oil li,(' nll!('r h"II ..1, )T!-. )lal''II1(·1.
B III'('111l of ~talistil'" rl'pOI'I" ,\1'('1'- r'· ..·,n!ui1... ·,., lilill l;(hul1r's l'I'/1I'1'''''1I1a"
E "111blish :1 I"l'ilill!! WI Wil!.!!'
/'IVa,,(''', illl11 ,H'II 1I111011111Ii,-ally
it'.!(· w('I'kl.1· II ages in Jmlllllfllf'tUl'-
ill!!' I·,N,· h," $;-,A!I 10 -+IO .... ().) in
lil'('s 1,'11.1 I... ,li"II'II .. I IIlilIJag('llIt'lIt,
"'I'lwy ;(1·.. · afraid lh ... "·UHI)4·jf,, :II·.. ·
,1I'"lt'o," 1I'\lt' (-IIII,'I'\in- 1);lI'!!ainill:,!'.
'I'ht, point l'OIdd Ilot h11\ /' 111'('11 .1 111111111',1" . \ '·(·I·II'.!", 'I {·I'kl.,· hlll11 ..... ill- ]'(·,,11.1' it )[lwhi;(\'(·lli;lIl ,h·l·j,·... III
lIlad(' lIl()I"(' ('It-al'ly thall il W;I-; last (,l'I'n~,'t! lor 111'0, III 1,\111,11'111'1;011. "<lfk]1 III' 1I1·',!llJli1.t'd [ahulll'. II-it"
1I10111h h," ,Ill 0111111'10 <ll"hitr'nlion \\·I'I,k[.I· W;(~I'~ 1'(lR(' h." ;f:~lj.l-J 10 lIlt' "hjl't'l til .... ·,·I·iu!! I1n;III""'111
ho;ll',1. ,+I::-IOJ in .Inlll11ll·Y. ;1Ilt! pn'lillli- IIWllil!!'I'lII"III ]lllrpn'1"·~.·' III' s;li,\.
lIill'Y "~tillwI('<.: ftJl' F t'hl'lIill'.I' illdi-
diSIHll1' \\11-. ht'lW('('\J
~\·I"\il·t\ EllIp ]')Yl'P'< ('uion
('1111' a 11I1'11i('1' l'is(, h' I-I:!, I~. 11 011"'
('1'1'1'. ;I\'('I'I))!l'S hll\'I' iI hilllil of
1\ Hull III!.! ""IU(' 111;1I1OI'.!('IIl1'lIt pl"iH~­
tl(· .. ·~, \\1' a 1'1' 11111 Sl1l·ll\'i~I'(1.
<11111 tilt, IhOiIlIJH,m Il ospi\;ll. 1':;11',
1I1a~kill!! 111(' /1'11\' f;t('I~: 1111'1'(' was;1 Posts (ripl
lif'l', IIII' ()llt;l!"i" 111 ..... pillll SI't'I'il'I'S
t '0111 III is"inn ]l<ld ''''1 }!lIidl' lillI'S I"IIl' I'PI'.\" wit11' I·,ltl)!(' (II pil," illl'l·I';(SI'~.
[1"1'" i" a ]11",,,,,'1'1]11 10 Ill(' ]1o"lal
\';I/!I.' irlt'n-;,,,,,,, ;lIlt] 1"1'I"11SI'.] \0 1111'1'\ Fill' I·S;llIIpJI'. ,If -II a!!'I'I'I'l11t'nl~
<:11'il;(', ,\ 1'1"1' I II(' ('IIIIII)!I' III' 11'111'1"
1111"]liI111",. IIndg-!'! "1'_ IW!!ol i;(ll'd. l'III'(,l'ill~ Iwl'i"d~ 1)1' 1111-
nil,\" Pill" of ;) r;[I·I·il'l· \Iall;" and 111(' "lII frllill ~i,,­
lnting tu d.·1' I~ 1II0llths, hiisP l'illl' jIH'I'I'II~('S
\\',Ig'{' iu<:n'lIsl'" ill ,'X,'(,"" (1'1," ,11·Ijn·l·i4·~ 10 li,'1' ,l lI."~. 0\"1'1'1 1111('
oi' pi!.dl! 111'1' (-('rll. 1'1I1Ig-l'd 1'1'011, th)'I'I' IWI' ""111 II) ~!l
)I.I.\'III'·lll~ ill{'J'I'lI~I'd in .1;11111;11'.1' "11,1
'1'111' 1I1'I111I';llioI1111I;1I',1 all",\,·!) 1.-; ]1"1' h') ll. UI' ft·,lll1 fi\·p rl'lIl~ III, h01l1'
1" l'hl'llill',I" ill 11 ('{'1111'Cs, F it!.'11 1'(",
'-('nl til<' first ,\'i'nl" 10 GO ('('lI l s,
pl'l' 1'01' 1Ind gi"I'11 1(1 IIIP ('OIlIJll()IIS by ('\Jill'
!{l lWI" ('{'III 1'01' !lI(· 11:1 1;111('(' 'l'II,' 11,','1'1I)!<' of 1 4~ ""ll11'1I11'l1ls
;, holl! 1I 1 \lnil'iltillll~ '.\lillisll'l· 1': l'il' l';:il'l';lIlS
or ilil 1 ~-lIlimlh ('ollll';lpl, Sili,1 1' 1'0'
('O\'('I'i II).! ~.,J 1.000 ,'III pJ O,I'("'~ ill 111;( ll-
.. !tUIl' 11,,11 o\'\'l'ti llll' II';qwil 10 nhllilt
or 11fn('l lll'ill)! II'IIS 7)i P<'I' 1'1' 111. ,\ )!I'I'l'-
I'I'SSOI' 1';1111 \\"l'i li'I·. ('l lilil'!IIilll ~~:1n,noO ill .1 ;11111111'." ;11111 1·'phl'\(ill·.I".
III(' 1I1'1lilJ'ulillll ))11:11'11. "'1'11(' PllI- 111"111<.: oulside lill' 11I1I11111'il4'llll';Ilg'
fl'lIlII ah"111 * 1:lO.OOO ill lit ... S:l1Ill'
pIOYI'('~' \\';1;,!0S 11ill! 1';1111'11 !';II' h('- "'("01' pI'ol"i dNI 1'(1], ill/'I"'I I ~I'S il\·,·I'·
IlI'l'iO(I 1 ;1~1 .1'1';11'.
hind lhm;,· 'll' \\'nl'1"'I'~ in IIlh('1' il!.dll)! ,~.2 )WI' ('('111 1'111' I.)~I,OOO
Till' l'o~1 IlIlil'(' <.:Iil l 1':>:!1t'I'I~ it
hospiluls. TIll' ~l'llll'I!1('1l1 (:!.l )1('1' W"t'liP]·S.
(in·,il;).I· dl·lil' (·I'.I· 10 )"'sll)1 III ;)
1'('111 ) \1';lS ;Ill hml(,s! nlld 1';lil" nt- New (on lrods ~a"I1I!! of ;)111111/ $10'lII illilill II .""11)'.
I('mpt to 11I'ai \\'illl II ~jl\llllillll die', ~I·;II·I.I· I.:ion .i,~hs \\'('1'(' \·Jill1illilkd.
tilll'd hr ~]H'l'inl f"f'1(lI's: Ih l' ~l'ttJf'- :'111111,1' of 0111' ()nlnt'; n 1\'il'l'lIl('l1
'I'lli' gl'lh'I';d pllhlie mi,!!ll! 11(·1J
1110'111 W;I'" ('(11]-;1'1'1',,1 h'I'," 111'(' 1111<':.'· 11I')!otilltiu!! fOI' lIP\\' '-'011'
('OIl1ll1l'111 111;11 11 hig- jll'l""'IIIJ1t!1' (If
'I'll(' pl·of('s.~llI' ~ilid. "'J'h(· tht'''l'r It·i!el..,. Lt)e;d Union t'O·I, l\il .. hl'lIl'l'.
till' SI·I·I·i/'(· \\,iI~ 1·li111ill;lI .. 1I t..~o.
Ill' ('0111'1'1 il'l' h1l1',(r1li11in,!! J'0Iluirl';; InlS lit(· fil'st to h(' Sf'tI!l'.! '1'11(' ,,:>: -
litat til(, ('O,>ls (, ]" ('OIl('('ss;nlls II(' pit·ill).!; 1I)!1'f'(,1II('11I II"IlS 111 ~.,J.I~) ;lIlil
IIm'n(' hy Ihosl' who dt't·iol" to IIl;1k(' six 1)('1' ('('Ill \'11('II\iol1 P;I.I·. Tilt, Ill'\\'
Ih('m . l'(lntl'lle! ilI1I1H'iliat{'I.,· !!0l''1 tn ;;':-1.110. Trainin g Direclors'
" B aq!lIillin!! is not lIl('anil1)!rlll if I n :-\o"(,lllh(,I" litl' "1111' will hi' *:i.:!0. Con ference
it hospital bon!"11 pml 11I,ll\(' 1·(lIW('S·
Hllil 111'xl .\IIj.!lhl. $:-I.(i,). \"a{'alioll TIll' .'\alilllwi
]la~" gr}(','1 to ;;('\'('11 ]1('1' ('('111 011 ./111.1' 'J'1':lillill!!' Dil'('I'Im'" ,\,,·ia-
"inll<: whil'h il (';111 l1111nlllnti(';IHr
('nll fin 111(' OIlSf' 10 p;lr 1'01', I I is I:st. lilill 1'01' IIII' 1-:1('('ll'i('al I n,
1'('1'.\' ('as.'" III ,l\'hi("'(, "'hoU!' ]W;II'C, ,ll1sll·." Iltllltllllll"'S Illal Ihl'
Talk , Not lislen .\!llI tI;" T)';lillill)! D in'i'lm'''''
if Ih{' p1'iP(' ;s no 1'1)<:1 II! O1H'''I'IL''
XUI'II"'!'II 1-: 11'1'11'11' In ~lolltl'(';11 1'1111 1/']"'111"\' \\'illl1(' hl'ld ill !-it.
Strike Ends ll;(~ 1'''lallli~h!'f1 "'nll'k~ h)IIII(·il~." I.tllli~, )li';'SIlI1I·1. rl"t)lIl .1 111.\'
' I'll(' lilll'lIl1'II'" sll'ikl' ill B l'il;sh Wltl']'" IIllinll nIH\ nWI11I~('IIJ('llt I',·p- " 1L J !11l~I,
( 'olullllli;1 io;; on·I·. \\"1 ' Iw\"{' 111) d('- 11·...'11111Iil't ... 1111'('1. 111'1'1' is hllw (',)11\- ,\11 111111;11ioll is \':-;1/'11<1.·<1
Inils of Ill{' sl'lIl('I)II'111 1IS .1'1'1 hnl pan,\' 1'1'1''1;<11'1)1 \' . O . :'IJm·Ij111'1. II' ;tll 1·1l11·lilll{' ;(P]l1"'llIi,'('-
I'SIlI,(·t 1111' hasip WiI)!1' 1';)11' \I) hi' ,lr ... ·I·ih{'~ 11,1'111. "\\"(, dis(·IIs.~ rill' ~ll;JI ;(11" 11';lilli1lg' dil·"'I·t'lI"~
~i1Uilal' to 111111 of Ill<' ill~i(k Idl"'" 1)l'()hl(,lII~. illll·ir;(·i(';•. ;(11'\ possihili- '1'],,,..1' inll·I·I·"t..'t\ ill atll·IHlill!.!
1111'11. II'hieh g'O('~ 1(l -+.) ....;0 ill ~o" lit·~ 1)1' '\\11' h\l~in('s.~. liS 11(1)1 j.!1·IIII]lS ~ItHlIl,l (',,1I! :1('1 ('Jililoll I •.
\'I~lll h.., I'. ~(,4' IlwlII," B"II!"'I·. sl·(·I'{'llI!'Y . .'\1IIi"'1:11
:\ 1;llln'.!{'1I!,'111 filHi~ it ,Iiffi"nlt h) 1':I"I'lri"al Tr;lillil1!! l) it· .. ·I·!"I .....
Wages Shaw In(fease iIl'oi,1 usin)! llH' (·'IUIl .. ils iI~:1 1'111'11111 :,0:1-1 \\'iW(jllsill . \ 11'11111'
LOII)!(,I' 111'"1';; ""I·kl·,1 "lid 1111- In il1fol'lII; liS al1 1I1'1'IlII ill wld/·" to .'\ , \\'. , \\";I~hillgtOIl, IU·.
1'l llIlI J,!;('d II()uri.y "lIl'llill)!S lil'II'll IIt(' pX)l(l\llld its 1' 1('lI's; n~ ;lIlOtlll'I' up" ~OO l(j .
11\'('I 'np:c 1\'(' 4'kl.'" 1\,;lg,·S ill IIHltlllI'nc- POI'II111it ,l ' 10 til!!;, bill 1101 10 lish·lI.


L es Nouve lles O uvri e r es
du Canada


La J!Tt'\'t' (k~ )[IOlIh'II'" d, · Lig'- 1'ln"i" III-" ~ ]4 ' 110'; ],w:tUX (-1.'.·II·i
1 ;t>llIhli....~(,I1I('1I1 ,1"1111 plnfolltl Sill'
lit'S 111I1IS 111 {'olnulhi., B"ilHlIlliqu p ('il'II" ,I!, l'Ol1\1tl'iu ",ml ;1I·Iw·II.,
],," 1l1lg'1Il1'11I nl iUII" dl ' ~nlll i 1'1' ('01\ '
l' st ti'l'tlIinl'.', :\olh igtllWlltI..: [I '" d(~ · 1ll!'111 "11 Ilt').!o(·iati01I"; PO(II' lillI'
1"ihI11,:'1 In (k:o;II'IIPlitlil a1l10!1I11 1illlll'
"Ill 11,,'1 in'.
t:lil" !II' l"1' tlll'l1!t· ;1 ,1111l'. 1II11i" 111111..; 11011\'(·111' "()1I\",' l1tioll
,It- 111 1"1'11 i., lI(,WIt'inli'lIl ('ol1l'..,il'(·.
I ( 'I'f'i "Wil tli' lIl"l1trt, ,1 '11111' I'm;,, 11
SI1I'PIJ~lIl1" 111It' I., ..;nlnil'l ' hOl'lIir', ' oh- 1,( ' l1iOlI [,(H'lIlt' . . . 01 01(' l'iJ(·II(·III'I'
11'1111 Htl('itldr'n II· 111i'1I11' tlh"lIlI Ip1l' ""I In pl" ' llIi('I'" il ("I1'1"lIil' 1111(' ('11-
II'I'S 1·111 il'l' I" 11I11i..; 1],'l'lli"I' 1'111' 1111
II'i111111111 11 '111' 1,j!!'lI~ P I],. 1·()I I!:II·i, •.
("('1ui d.·" {'[I'(' t "il'i"llS ,1" *.i .~iI I'll I l'n\('. 1.1' Inl!" ti l' ,,;ilnil'p iI l'!'xpil'lI .
nOH'lIth,', ' pnl!'llHili . l itm <II ' ]4'1\1' ('( '111"I '1I1illll i'lllil til '
1,1' lili).!,' ('()J""'I'l1l1il 1'1 ' lIi,," I I!-
t,'I'I1I1!inllllll ' ,I,·.; E llIpll •.I·i'" ,1·Eili · *1.1., ll"'!' t; ..-;: JlIIIlI' ks 1'11(',1'11'1''';
LA MOYENNE DES SAlAIRES 1. 11 IIIHlI"I,t1t' "IIII \" !'llli,\1I III'V\"oil 1111
fi,·,. 1' 1 ]' II ('pilnl HI'lIll1ploll, .\ 111(-'
DEMONTRE UNE AUGMENTATION Inll'\ d" ,,;ilnil'" 11\· *, 1.1;0 illllll('']ill
l'i"III·('I1I('I1I. 1:1 ('Olllllli ..:-.i,11I lit·..
s.'n·i('(~ d ' ll tlpilllllX III' I'()nllll'io [ 'II 110111111'(' pili" (>I,,\"(o d ' I1t'1It,(,,, II'III('I1!: ,'II 1I0\'I'llIb"I' 1'1·II.-IHlill II'
;I\'ail d(ojil ('Iahli 1, '111' J\1.litiIIU(' <Ii' tr'II\-;ril ('nllll'ihunit i'l nll).!1I11'11- lau" Ilt' ..;1 1)1 il"l' "1' 1'01 ::..-•. :.!o "I ('II
'<lilnl'inl(, t'I SIIII" {'~nl·t1 nil bl1d~d Ill' lt'I' I' ll .l a ud!'I' <It'I'Ili!''' III 1111',\'('11111' anil! 1!liO 01, · *.'./;.i. I."..; \":11'11111',''';
1' ll ttpil,,1 ,'n 'P1l'.;lioli. I't'fl h a il dl' Ill' ...dail'l' 1 1I' 1~lomad a il '(' 11 1111" !'ill - ....'I·'ml ]l1I1'1i-,'" :. ir; ;i (,()I1IJlIt'1" llu
, ...'!'I. .... r;- fhbtrif' 1I1111lIlfl1l'ILlI,ii·"(,, 11·1 /1111' ](' It'r juil"'l I ~I(;!I.
1,1' Idll11llal II';ll'llill'II~" lI"('W" "(>ri'h'lIt I.... "111'1)(11"" 1111 Bur'l'lIu
Ilail"; pOIli' la pr"lIIi;'I'" alll1l't' ]·'(.. 1':;"11 [ 01,' In Stllli,,'iqlll'. I.,,,, "-ld· PARLER SANS ECOUTER
1'1 101"; pUn!' Ii lI1ui" 11I1 01ili''III\('1 ni'1'" 1l1O.n'lI" ht,IK)Ullw.I;.ir',·" ,11111": XIII'IIII'I"I1 EI,'f'II'iI' :i )loIIII{>1l1 n
,1'l1lh' ,·,ml"l'lIliulI d 'III1" !lUI;'., ,I" I ~ l·iwlll ... ll·i!, Ilwl11lfa('IIII';;'l'i' n1l1 11111:'
lola"li tI,·..; " ('''lI", ' il ~ ~P{>I'illUX"
lIIois. L I' 1'11.)f('....I·III· I'alll W,·il"I'. In,'nl(>..: i'li jlll1\'ii'I' di ' $:.,.1'1 pUll I'
Plf"0.'·1I111 dl'''; l'i'IIt'IlIIII',,,, 1'111 "(I II, ...
IlIf..;ill"1I1 ilu Il'ihlllllll ,1"1I1·hilmlZ". 1I111'iIHll1.' 1111 InIal lit· $10.... 0.,. La
1·"III't>,,(l III lll1t.. 11:111'1'":1\1\ 1'1 " .... II,li
..;','XII I·iuUl it lIill"i . "1.('" "alnil~'s II1I1.\"(·I1IH' (h,,, 111'\11·.. ..: 01" Inll'Hil 1I
'·HUX. 1,(1 1"1.;" j,lt·1I1 'h' In ('nlllp;])! '
tI('" (·lI1plo.l·t,,,; oi l' 1'"", , hi'pil;d 111ll-!"III .. ult'(' ,It· :!. 1)1111": 1';lIo1l1..:ll·i,'
llit'. 11011"; "11 fltllll1l ' lilli' ,11''';('''iplillll
IIt" 'l'ssilni,' lll 1111 1·IIIII·lIllIl).!I' 1'1)111· du hi"llilllPrII. It''': <':lIl:IiI'i''': Iwl1dull1l1'
I' ll .'I'~ 1 , 'rl! lI '~. , ";';011" ,li ... f·llltllls
]llll'ilti'1'1I1i'1I1 il 1'1'11\ d,·..; II·andl· linil·"": Olll :11I!!1IIt' 111i'..; P'"I1' J•• 1II,~111t'
IlIoi<; ,1.' *:!fi . I·1 !lOlli' 1I11(1illl1l·., 1111 til'''; p1"(!hll'llII'~ "I tll '-" 11Ihsihilit(·..; ,!t-
1I'I11's Ilall s 1I'III1II"'~ h"I.i ! lIl1X. 1,:1
toll11 ,I,' $1:1·1.01 ,., It'..: pd·\'i..:illll<; !ifIll'!' ('1l11·"I1I'i .... f' I ('f'h:IIlI.!I'IIU:O; tI, ,~
S'-'II"'I1('(' Ill'hill·lIl,· {',)uilllJ..lI ! ii
~.~, "; ('sI il 1\,,11'1' lI,i~ 1111 1'11'01'1 11011- PUIlI' It, IIwi..: (11' rhl'i,'I' ill']iql"']I! points , I. ' "111' "1111'1' It'S:! g"l'llIIP"S,"
IlI~II' ('/ 1'''('1 tit' 1'{'lalolil' I'pttl' ~illlll ­ till IlII, 'PIII! ~""II1I, ' 1 ,11' *II:! . P' . I ", P: III'{\]1Il1 1I('f'I'''SlIil'' '1I1O'111 n lit' III
li.lIl (jlli nOli" t>llIil did,"\' Iml' tI"..; ']'o1l1"r"k It·~ ITI().\ · '·IIIII·~ 0111 11111' tli!ril' llllt' .]1 ' ,,';il,~1t'llil' tI.· ~t' """\'il'
fM·It ·IIt'" Spl"'illl1'\ I' ! oIl'ulI'm'p tl 1l1Ihill!,k II,' ('IWlllZl'l' 1'1'1''111''11111H'1I1 ,1'un 1('1 flll'llItl P""1' till ll'illfOI'lIln
110111.' nvi" 1111 l'i·~I"I!I\ '"1 (·OIl,,(' I· '·a· ('I 111' ,U'III(IIIII','111 IW..: l'IIJj,)!II''': ]"" lioll l'! d 'lIll 11111.""11 til ' fllin' niloil'
It'IlI·. fnil" I·t>,'k 1I'1I 1'S))(Iilll" "4' 1111' "1 ,l'lIlh' 111111'('
I,t' IlI'nf,' ....'-l'HI· "'" lliIllWil I'll 1'(0..; 1-:11 ('x"lIIpll', Pl11'1IIi 11 ("ll1In'l1· 0PI\III'IlIlIi!l; II, · 1'111'1,·,·, IIl11is Sill'"
II'I"III!''': " I.a Iht~ll·j\, ,II' III 1It>(!')('ia· lillll": ,·" II ,"'lin·": !I111'1I 111 ",'1 1" p(,d. Iicout ('I·.
lil'lI ('011('('1 hi' f'xi~., IJIII' I., (·ufll lit'" 'M1" Ill' I .... 111111..:. It", all!!11I1'11111Iioll" P a.· ailll'HI"..;, il I't.'(·ollllnit qllt' It'"
...11II·1'.. ..;illll" doil t·tl'!· IIh"')I·I'(>' 1';11' II" ~ "ll1ail'" III' l1a ..,' 1":I1·i'·1I1 0\1' :1 ;'1 1'('Jl I1·... I'l1lal1l~ "'YI1(lil'IIIIX 11111 1"Il'
('('ux 'Illi ('II dl'l·j,lt'lIl: );1 IIt')!u('ia- :!!V, 1m ,'II il';IUII1.·" IIwh ,I,' *,011., ,];1111'" 11 d uUII'" ,I,· la hUIIII!' foi ,J,.

I lioll ('ulll'f'li\"(' lI·y 1·,,1 p,I"" I'i(lll "i

I,' hm'f'lm ,It, din 'l'lilili ,1'1111 h('piIHI
'IlIt'I('tlIlIlIl(, :lI'i"'(Jhl(, ""I'I;IiIII'" f;l-
\"('111'" allx ('11111"'''''';1111'' 'lui doill 'lIl
i-II'I' a 11"111'1 ~'('~ 111111>111 a I i, Jilt' 1111'11 t
:i $II.'-,{) l'Iwlm:'.
I ,ll 11111.",'11111' d"
~nil1" , Ial!,; I 'in,
14:! ,'(1111 "nl i,UI" {~)lh'I'Ii\" , '"
In pal'l i.' 111111,\",;]11'. "II" (' I'ni!!11I'1I 1
'1111' I, '" ,·tllI""il" 11 '''111 1)(110' 11111 If,,1
'Ill(' d'all1oin tll'i1' I,·" 1'''1'1',,,,; lo('OI]()'
lIIilllll'" s.l"Ililil'nl,·..;. ,'I ,'''1111111' ... '111

1111'1'1'111111 :!4 1.000 "111)1111.\"1"" ,"1 11 il .I,' Ilhj('1 tit' '1'1'1 il' I,·" fi ll " mdlatl-l":lIl'"

pilI' III ('l\IlIlIIi .;...;ill ll d.·..; ~1·1·,·i,·,,-;
i ..i'; I."..; "!lltH'nlil,n" "Hllt"'l in'" d f' In PHI'li ,' 1'1llrullul t'."
11'1I(.pil:1II X ,It, 1'011 1;11';". I I ,,'i'lI
I'll .I"IIIJI'" till ';('1''''111' 01" l"i ",III "· HiI ('hI1l11 It'.. IIIHUig'IIIH' I'" til' ('\'1".
... uil qll'il (·sl flll·ill' d,' I1I1I il1l"l1i,' III
pllix im lu"II'iI'I II' . ..;i "" ..;·:d'~li'·1l1 11·i.· 11I1I1IIlfll1'IIII·it·I·1' ,1,mI1:lil' III 11 11 (' Ini lll's ('OIlI)lIl!!Ili<'" l!(llb 11\' 11 SOli I
,It- I"ull' 1·(·... pOIISlIhililt> ,I '\'11 i1h~OI" i.. 11 01(,
lIH).'·"IIII1 ' d'IIHg"III1'1I1111 H.:.!' ( 1l1('~ p: I" ";l1l'1H'i..;,
111'1' h· ('(J il 1.· ' POI1I ' I.-.!J,OO() Irll,aillt·III·:O;. (Suill Ii If! I'/HI' 80)


"". :~~.:


Organize ·Educate · Train

1,\('1'; 1111 I.IT l~dll llilH: .,1 "III' !.!r'·<1! B ro!lwl·· :11~,"t ill Illi" ,·.,\1111111 . !'i", " ... 1\" :lppl~);J"h Ihi .... 1111,,1.-;]1'
S III"ul. pIW..!" ........ Iw . . 1""'11 tll;I.!l' 111 the II3E\Y.
Cllli' lll1i"t1. ill "pil,' lit" 111,' 1I1;IIIY "II..,I.wl,'s il 1111" h.ld
POlI\'·" "1':1. il i~ 111)1 :til 111l1't'a"onaltll' I·'·tlll'· ... ' II"
"r "lit' 1I11'1I11~'1· .. til 1111;(' ... 11)(''' "f Iht· ... itll:lli,," ;011,1
Itl 0\"1'1'(""110' Ilh,' ,ji"ll1lil.l- ill 111(' ('nl'ly 11<1.1'". "\rib·". !hilll; 11I·O)!"I·'·........ in·I.I·. Ililh a 1i)!11; 10 Iht· 1"111111','. 1"01' rl1l'
],,,,1;0111,,. 1"11 \I:n.~""'. III1"'af,' IIUI·kill;.! I'tllldilioll"'. WI - 110 '1"' 1'''11"111 or Ib,' B I·ulllt'..JII)lUI.
liull-Ili, I,' '·l'olltlll!i,· (;lillll'I'''' ,·:II1 .... ill!.! )'(';11"" of ,j1'IJI""'" '\1:111.1' 111'11 .illh... ;11'1' op.'lIin,!! 111' ill Ihl' ..J1"·II·i,·:iI
",iotl Ililh 1I11,·1IIpl",I"IIU·III. IllaH~' ;Hlli·labol' 11Iw..,), 1111'" ill , 11l~11·.\- rllolll,l' "",, 11111,,1 ht· 1"';ldy I" fill 1111' tI,',·d lIilll
11"""1111' I]u' ;':1"':11 1~·IIt·f;I""1I' 1',", Iho",,· '1I'~;llIiz.'d III1Oh'I' II·lIill,·,1 1·'·... I'0l1 .. ibl" 11"1'1;,·1 ...... .\1,,1'1' Iwopll ' 11111,,1 11' ·/·\· ...
till' 11:11111"1' "j' Ilu· I I ~E\\, \"" ",h"I'llIIiflll ill Ilu· IItwl,1 ,,;]I·il.,' 1M' 10]"1)11:.:111 illlo 11111' 1l1lillll . \ 11.\' p"I ...."lI II,n·kill).!"
11·llI·I·",,'nh "'11,,11 ;I II id" "1',,,,,,,,,,,,,'1 iOIl or joh ('la"-,,,ifil':I- ill th, · 1·1",·II·i,·;1! indl"'!l"." 10)1111." II"ho i", 1101 :1 11I"IIII~'r
Ii,,,,,, HIII I 1...:1111']1'· . . a . . ']'H· .... '>III' H I·utlll'I·II.)!.,]. IB E\\' .If;J Il!timl ... luwl,lllt, "r'g:lllizl,d by IIII' I HI·; \\" :1 11.11101
111"111111'1"1 w'lI'k i,l , 'I " 1'.1- 1,11;1 ....1' .,f I III' l'I\'el ]'ir'" I i,1l111"11·.I· h.l· ;]1101111'" ;dlili;I1.· Ill' lilt' . \J-' J, ·(' I O, til" "or",· illdl'-
111;11 i ... klU1II11 I" III.' 111.,,1"1'11 \\'ol'ld P"utl"111 Huion .
. \ " WI' gl"!)\\ 1111.1 ;11',· 1";JI'uill,!! II) 1~'('()IIII' 111(11'1' hi).dl1.l· \r,· ;]I',. ,i1l""I.I- jll'IIlIoI of Ihn.... 10"nl" thaI ;11'" 1'''11 ·
",ldll,·, 1 11,"'1." 1"". II" ItllI"" 11,,1 tll"I'h~)k lilt' l,al',1 ,·,,1,1 ... 1:11111.1' "II !,!\lill', 1 all,1 ]l1,(ltl,,·till)!" IllI'il' jHI·i .... li,·lillll.
f:II'1 11];1' tln'I'I' .... 1ill ,·,i ... t Ilu' I'tllllinlla1 ('IWlllil''' Ill' Till".' 11110 ;11'" 11,11 (',Ull"11I III l·t'''1 till tl,,· 1':1 .... 1 ",.
"1·g;l1lizl',IIH I ~'I ·. ),!11;l\\illg 1111111' ,IIIul·. II·.dll),:" ,,, ,!!I'I ill 1"'llwili .... Ial ll ... '1110 III',· 1-,'1'.1' wi",,'. T ill' ;]).!"1!I·,·..."il" I,..-al"
10) d, ''''I''UY ,IIII' Illlilill 111101 lilt' IlI"illl'ipll"" ;11111 (lhj,"'''' "I',· lilt , "ll"'" \\h,,,,,' 1111·llIbl'l ..... h;]\"\· )!fHld II;]!!'· .... 11"nltl l
il lin .. h)lI,.::lil f'" · . . 11 hald III III;li1l11litl. all.1 1\,·11':11'1' fHlltk :111,1 01111'1' IM·Itt'iit·iill fa·illg.· .... \1
(Jhj,'('1 il·,'I.I·. I h,· "'I I·II)!;.:"I,' .... 1ill gill'" IlII 11(-'111"'('11 1;llu'I'
,j'lt·,,"', """11 ' ' ·;h.l· 101 h, ·;t ),!1'O\lillg" 1I11d I"I·l1li ... li" 1I11i" ,1.
'1'1,,· lIlt'IIII"·,, 1,;]\'" I" 1\llI'k lit il.
;1I1t! 1!I;1I111;':1'111"1I1 ' l'hl'I·,· :11'1' still 1l1a1l.I' )!aills 10 II ill
E I"· I·.I· illl " I'wl ti"":11 IlIli("1 1·1I1·IIIII·a)!,'" III·!!illIlza ·
1"11' 0111' 111\ ' IIII~ ' I"" ill 1I11)!1·... ;JIIII WIII'kill,!! ('Olll l iliUlIS.
lillii. " .hl'·:lli"" . 1111,1 Ir;lil1ill;!. The IBI';\\' i... 11'11 ill
B ill :1" III' 1"lIllil111t' 1., J!'J r,II'llill"I[ \\' ilhin (llll' I';]uk"
.111." 111'1' "Hpil;, t'l"',' wilh ;]".1- 101111'1' 1Il1itJlI. 11111 fi'·IIII.\·
alit! 1'lIlIlillll\' IIii' pl'tlgl·'· ..." nr IIII' Ekolh(·,·lluIHI. W('
... 11111']" l",hill,1 Ih,' I"II!!-liml' [lulie.l· of 1I1'!!;]IIIZIII!!
11111'" 1101 11':11'(' filii' l1alll,,,, III1PI'OI('('tl'd l111d I)(>{'olllc
Ilt'OIpl,' illlu 1111' 1·;ll1k ... "I' ot')!;lllizl',J lahlll'.
1"1I111"I'all],' Ihl·,m!!!1 wlf· .... ali,j':II·li,HI :11111 almlhy. \\" .
E ;II'II 1,..-,,1 Hllioll "holll,1 kiln\\" IIIJ;JI :1<-lilil.l· il Ila ....
11111,,11101 10"\ d,mll Ih, - h;lI'1'i(,l~ III' pl'nll'('liull I lwl 11lI\"t,
Itl Pill·lil·iplll,· ill ;JI1,1 "1IJ1P'WI. ill 111',10-1' I., !til,' filii
IM"'l1 IlIlill III' f"I' II .... 11.1' Ih,· ""'1111'''1'' dOWl1 Ihl·tlll!.!h
.... ·'·III·il.\· 10 ih III1·lIIllt.·t--;. I I' 1lf111-lIlIillll 1,1",·'I·il·i"lI ... "I',·
th{' y":II .....
']"i llJ,:" 11 1;1I'!!" IWI·f·l'lItag, · "I" lilt' '·I," ... II"II,·li,,". Ih, 'y
\\'t' IIllhl 1·'·:llb:,· tllal. a ... rllt' 1·1,'(·II·i,·,,1 iI1l1Ihll'~' .. 11"11101 h.- IIl"!,! lIl1 i/f"1, 1',hll'lll,·<I. al1l1 Inlill,·,J tilt· Illli,,11
!!1'OIl'i 1111.1 gl'l l\\ .... 1\1'. ii' ' ...g;nJiz,·d IIU1'kl'I'S who dt' l' il"l' 11".\- \rl l" I',·I'·I·. ill "hlllh or 1>11 IWI)II(·,·li, .... 1111"1·!!;]·
a lin' liho,)!1 1'1'0111 il. "1 11 ... 1 k""I' "111,-,<,,11'('" IWI'J);1I1'f1 alit! lIi/l,.1 p''''I'I,' aI'" w,u-killl!. "\'\'1'.1' I'O·\1I·t 101 hl'illi.! ,111'111
"hi" 'n '~lIlfl'l'"1 all.' p .."lolo-lII 111111 ''l)u101 111-;',1' ill IIII' 1111" 111,· BI'ull"' I'h'HH1 "huuld I~, ,,];Idl·.
1'111 un'. Th,' I""" ;111·"".1.1' i ... ";t~1 ;]ltel flll·iuIL" . .\IU(],·I·1I 1" '1'1:11111.1- th,· I'lIh·~ "t' 'Iu:llifi,·alioll.;h ~'" r"I'1I1 ".\'
"'1·1111010:':,1 I",,, 1t""II:.:hl ,,1~'lIt '·I];III!.!'· ... ill III(' "I""It'i"lil I BE\\, 1"llil·Y. n"~' ,·,pt·!·",,1 Itl lit, ol)S('I·I· ..d ill ;)111·" .... ·".
iu,hhlt·.\· 11111111111,· 1111 ,1 Ilill an-"d l'I"'r)" l)I'aneh or Ihl' hilI 101 1.-1 th.· 1''''''''Iial "i p~'I'hllP" millinl'" ,,!, j "j,...
, 1';IIIt'. I~ 111111111"'[ 11.1 1II101"g';lIIill',j IWllpll" who. ill I iIIit', I·."dol
T Ill' ""1':111"'1011 "I' III" .,It-,·II·i,',,1 i11tiu"'tl'y Iw .. IM"'II ulI.I'·I·milll· III(' f')1III1I:llil)1I t1f IIII' Bl'lJllwl'll"' I' 1. I~ ;)
'.!O'HI rO t, 1)111' llHillll. Empj,'.I'IH"111 h;IS pif·k .. ,,] up ill fal'! 111111 1\1' 11;)\1' I" 1;lk t • 11 \'\'1'." h:l1''] lo"k ;It. 'I'l l!'
"ll1hl 1'111'1 illli. 1111I1Ill";I'·lltl·ill~. ;1111 1 Iitiliti , ·... '1'11(' "''''k 11';)11"ili'"1 !"'I'i,,,] \I,' nl·,· 11,,\1 "lllIg:1t1 ill !1,d . l", '1\11'
!,mrl h:!", 111 ... 0 in'·IT" .... ,,1 iu 11111' 1111,,'1' IJI·"n ,·II'·~. ;11111 till' 1'111111"'. :III,i 111t;11 1\,' tI" lI"W. lotia.I' . t<1 ilhlll'" j,III ....,·I,·" ..
)!HP ill 1111' din'I ' I'I' III"'" "f \\;Ig'· ... :Ill!! (l"ing-,·" tl1:l t l'xi~h ,,1 it hJ"i!.!hl 1I11d 1'1"I~pl ' !'IIII'" 101ll01T,)11' tlt'[1,·",I .. 0111 1111\1
IH'llI't'<'1I !-j,ml!' m ',';h i... h"ill)! ... I,·nolil.\· ,·1"...",1. T ldll)! .... ..1;111110"111.1' W,' "Iillld bdlil1d Ihl' p l' illl:iples ;l1),] olJjl'('t ...
"I'" j.!'1 ,od I·I'!!;]I·, II"" .. ,,1' lh. , t"·OIIIOIlIlit· ('() IHlilioll of ill, 'I( 11(1' 1 ~1"" t lll'l'll'l" d iI" , ],'li ll rtl ill 0111' 1111!'I'lli1li"lInl
11:11 iU Il lint! I;]"I · ~ .... n h.i. "· I,,, II h il'h In' hm'l' II"l'il11'1I ('''lhlil 111 iOll.


BCTD A1IIIual Legislative COllferellce
.\I OS T impOl'Iall1 {"tHlft'n'IW(, of Imildill:r ;illd I"on· 'I'lli' 11'~i"];IIiYl' 1H'1)g'I'1lI11 of lilt' B uil d ill/! 111111 ( 'Oil
A "ll'Udiul! IIl1ioll IIlI'lIIh"'I'" Inl" ju .. , h"j.!illlling ill "I 1'111'1 iOIl 1'1'11/1\·" I 'I' lilt 1'11111' lit. II II it'l I II" ]"J,!;] • f'" II i II III'
\\';I'"l l ill g l o ti . 1).( ' :I" 1hi..; 1"'''IIl' of tlU' ,/ "lIrll"I \\ \'11\ 10 "Iwlyill)!" IIl1d I'''pluilliu)!" 10 (·IIII).:!·'· ....". (·,mlairr ... lH
pl·'· ..... Ilt-It')!.l\(', 1"'11111 I.wal lIliioHS,.\10' 1, ( 'It ) .. 1:1\(' Ittllj"I' 11':.:i"lal i\t' )!\I:lk .\ 1tluH1!!11 ~'OIt"1 " 111'1 iolt sllf,'1 I'
111111 I)(wli,·... 1111(1 inl('nwlitm:11 11Ili,'th IIPI1'
('I'IIII'HI 111111 ()11· ... il" pif'kl·.ill)!" 11'1.!i,,1:lIinn lin' .111' (·hil'l· ili'lII~,
J,.t:tl1If' I'ing t'ur' ,Il!' r Itll .\ ulllwl I 'Qti,,11IIh,' ('uuf,"'\-IWI' ullll'I' iurpm'!:lltl :11'1'n" I~l'ill)! WlllOt·I'I~·d illl·lude: Tlift
tlf Iht, .\FI .·C/O B lliI.lillj.! ,Ind { " ~ II"tr'lIdi"ll '1')";1(1"" II III·,II',\' .\ tllI'lIdtlll·u'" ("1'111'111 or S " f'liOll I-Ih ulld
l )(opal'llIh'llt ( B( "I' II .h in Ihl' PlI'''!. 111(' IB EW \UI, IIII' lWl'Jl1il!illJ,!' of join. IlIhul··mn.tltj!I·1tI1'1I1 fund ... 1'('1'
\\(·11 t·t'IIl·' ·...!· l ltt'!! \Iilh m,H', ' Ih'll1 :\( M) B "II,lu'l''' \'XI""-l\"\ a j'liltl 1'lIIntlli!I('(' ,11' h"lll'Il III illl("'PI'1'I (·,,11,"'1 ii-,'
1(0 lIth 'l ld tilt' IIwditl!.!" Iwill)! hl'lo1 .\l l1r 1:!· 1:i. 11l1 1·j.!'lliuirtJ.:' lH!.I"·I·III1· n l"l: 1)('I'lIl'uti'''11II hl'nl,11 1111.1
1'1I1·pO....' of ,h.· I.q,:i ... IHlin' ( 'ollf"I'l'I WI' i...; til III'jll).t "lIfl'1,\': ])al·i ...· Bw·/l1t . \ ('1 IIppli('lllillll III 1(';1"" ;lIld 1"1I"
10 1h ,' nltl' l ltioll of " lI r ll!I'{ '''-~ 1 11O~~' i ""lll'~ \llli /·11 1I1'1' ilt/-:' 1I1'I'ilnj!I'lltI'ltls t·ul,'I·I·d inlo by Ih(' l ' u"l (11li1'" I), ··
oi' " 1\('(' i;] 1 il1I JlOI·llItI .. ,· 10 Imil ll illg" lIml t'( l1 l~II'( l!' lil l1l rlll l'I IIIO' '' ' lIud 011i1' 1' 1!(1I'('j'III1t1 'n t lI)!I' II ('il'''': 1'<!\l I';llillll :
Illl itill pI'n p lt' ill 1111·i .. dnil.l· wtJI'k. 1.1Ihlll" 111I~ 101lg' \ \ ' ol'k 1111'11''1 ('0111 III' n "llI illl1 f,'d""111 SIII1I1];II·I).. 10 I'll
1',·llIi'(l·d 111:11 I,'hal ( 'UIIg'I·I· ....~ ,]O(·~. 01' tl,,('~ !luI 010.1'111\ "III',' Ill1ifol'lll "llIlt' 1)('IIf'lil": 111" I'pr(ll'lll; llIlU"ill)!" 111111
IInll' H dilw'l :mtl ~i)!lIili(·alll ('n\'d n ' l t'111 " II>,\"I1)(,1l1 1I1'I~nll i1 PI'I,lopUIPII! : 11 11<1 ('1~J1~IIIIII'I' PI·o' I'(·tioli .
Hili I IIOJ'kin!! «O lI dilioll~. Of ~"('nl iIllPII"IHllt'I' II ' 1111' f 'I1IH'f'I'nillJ,!' ('(lIhl 1'11('1 illll "nfl'l,I-, 1II'III'inJ.!'" hal'!' 11('1'11
huildillj! ! 1';11 1 1'~ l'iJ,!lit now i~ JlI'lUllpl 1'!Hwlllll'lll ur 111'1" ill I~IIII lIlt' I/ mh,' awl ~('Ilali' Oil Iq.:-i"'];lliult III
h l ll~!I'l lf' li(Jll '!lIff'ly 11 11, 1 1'I1·si l (' Jfi1'l,dilll! 1"ci"lll1i"lI )1 1'/1111/)11' h('nllll 11 1111 ~llfl'I.'· r(II' hllildill/! :tllll "011""'11('-
(j,H'I' aj!llin, "imilnl' III 1\I"1·\·ioll"; 1 ~ ').!'i"III\h'I' 1I;t II Ii'''. lit' ,ilm 11·111 1(.... 111('11 (III illl 1'1'1 1,'1'111, 1"'11"1'11111' lilllll1t'I'11 ,)1'
hlln' ,,' .-Oll)! nppllUl'l11..;, \1 lill 111'1' 'lUll "I "'II!!I lil'lling- ft'd"'·llll.\··II"-,,i"It .. 1 pmjl'I'I" ('111'1""'" h,l' III;' l);n·i". BI;I'oll
Ihl·i!· ..rr(lI'l ". 'I'll \I ill Jla"";I!! ~ ' "f lahor'" Iwal". \1(' . \ {'I ('oll""'II('lio" \IOl'k(' I'" 111'1' .111' IOlIly l11ajol' )!1~IlIP
11111"1 III' willin/-! llIltt I"'ady II) Wtu·k lo,!!('llil·l'. of 1\·,lI'kl'l.... ,joiu!! ('lmll'll/'l W\Il·k fill' 111(' 1'1·111'1'111 !!I)I··
1l('lt')!,;]I(',,; 10 llil' r·""r('I·t'l1(·(" will I~, illH)lnd ill ('1'111111'111 wh" 1\1'" 110' now 11I'01l4"1t'1i h~' fl·d,·,':rI .,;,rt·I~·
IW(i tIlIJj UI' WII.n•. O il Ill\' fi, ... 1 dll.I·, Ihi'.I· w ill hl'l1 " 11111 1 111'11 It h ];1\\-" ,\ l'IlI1~' 1'lIl'lion '1;11'1'1 Y hill fl1 ilt'tl In
",,111 .. 1111,'11 atl~l "I ''';''''''; hr ~1'("'I'lllI'Y ur I ll(' IJl'pal'lltll'll1 1!l1,,-" IIII' 11 1lI1"" in 1!l 1l~ Ix-{'llll"l' (II' Ihl' PI"I('('11III't'
,Ir 1.1111111' f:(,(II'I-!(' P SllIill7.. ~r(·I'I'lllI·.I· of 111(' D,'pm'\' 11111 11'1' II'hi('h il WI I" l'oll"itl"IWl. TIlt' SUIW'fII11l1littl'l' Oil
1lU'111 of II OIlSill)! /11111 ( ' I'llll ll D('I't'loplll1'''1 ( ;"III'/,.!t. I.lIhl\l· of Ihl' ~\' I tah' 1.1111111' 111111 I' lIhl i(' , rl·lfll1·" {'III1l-
H'IlII ' II·,I·. :"('("'1'1:11'." of 111(' Il !'J)l1rlrr1l'1I1 (If 'I' 1'n l l";l~ol'la mitt(>l' ('ol11pll·tNl 111':lI·inJ.:''' 011 IIII' hill ill t t'Ol h lt'l'd II\'
l ioll .11,1111 W. \ '01 Ill'. :.." 11111 101.... Hlliph Y UI·hIll'OII,!!'h. :=;"1111101' Il lll'1'i'l(lII \\' i II i 11 III ". ./ t'. ( n -:\' .. 1.) :11111 111 1)lllt~ I'
EoI IIIII'(l ;\I , 1\ (, III I1'tl .,·. HllIl 111I)!h ~('(l 1!, II1' P I'I'''(>1I 111' "(' II :l l m'S. I I i..; I'X P('('II't1 10 1 1'('pol'l fm'lIl·nbl.\· , 1](' 1{'l!i~.
l i \'('~ ( '11 1'1 . \l IK'I'!. (;" rnll l H. 1~(J1·11. ('/I I'! P f'rkill"'!, ll1 lio n '!liol't ly, I n I h(> !I ou,,!,. ,Il(' :-:.,Jt·(·t ~lI h(·(lJn1l1i l1 t'(·
Frll n k 1'hOll1 llsoll . . 11'" W il1intl1 .\ .1'1'1''', lilld I>mni u i('" 'Ill l .ll lwll' 11:1" 1~'pn l'lf'(l 11 11 111111' 11.11,( 1 1','I'Sion of 11 Ilill
I) n rr it'k 1' 111'.'1(' Il WII 11 ,,111 1",,\ ' ros i li/lll~ irr 111(' II(l l11i lli'l' il1ll'11dll('l'i1 h.\' r'nl'l n, 1'(>I'I,i l1s ( 1)- 1\.".) wilh JIl ('I).
lr;ll i, m :1 1111 Oil I·O tl l! l','s."iollIl 1 "" l!ltll i l'I"'~ 11lI1i rr :! .~P ('tI~(l I '1'. 1·' II,'o l·lI lo1, · M'linll h.l· lIl t' 1'1111 Il ()1 I~(' E,I III'II'
lIi l'('('1 (t ('Hli n )!'! \\'illl 1:1 1101', l ioll 1111(1 1,111101' ( 'olltl11illl't' is ('\IW('It'll .~onl1. :'1 1111'11
011 l h (> S('t'OII<1 1lI1d l llil'11 (In.\·,, of I h.' ('ollfrl'I'H('I', h:t~ 1)('1'11 s:1id ill 1111' IW)!'I'" of thl' '/ 'JIII'/l1I1 till Ihl' 1I('I'd
d t,II'I[II!t,,, lI'ill j OIll· rr, ·,\' 10 ('lIp il ol Ilill llilil lllt't'l Iht' ir 1'01' slH'h 1,-'!!L~1:ll i oll.

('(IU,L!I'(',,"'mf'11 (II' "f'IHI I OI~. ' I'hl' "ilil" pi(·kl'li n }.! 1I 111(>l1illlll'lIl. ",hi('h 111Is I,mj!
'1' 111'.1' will :1111'1111" 10 ('llII\'jll('(' IllI' 1"J,:i"lallll'" 10 \1('1'11 a pl'in", ohj(>('l il-1' nf IIUildillj.!' 1111/1 ('ol1"II'\lI'lio1l
..;llpPPI·1 :Iml \'010' 1'0" f'lm"II'lwlioll "afl'I.I' allol (1I1·"i l l' IIl1itlll 1ll1'111 Ih' I'S. \\'11~ i' II I'Oilm'('(l !lli" ." 1'11 ,' h.l· H.·pro'·
pil'k,'l ill!!' l('gislllliol1l1111 1 lltill'l' kl'.\· itt'III" (In lIlt' R ui ltl "('lIlnl;n' I,','auk T IIOIIIINlIl, .1 1', ( ]) .• :\ .. I. ). 011 . \ pl'iI2:!.
ill).: 111111 ( 'orrsln\('l illll ' I' r1l1h'" J)f'PHI'IIIII'I1I's !t'g-i ... lallll' 'lit' ~ I}('f>ial ~111)('omlltittl'f' 011 La lllll' of 111(' li ull""
]l 1·").:I·HtlI, E dll1'111ioll /1 1111 1,ld l( )I' ('lIlIlI11il1l'(' 11I'J.:'1111 hrat'in)!" nrr
'I'h(, finnl da .... III' IllI' ('lIl1rl'I'(>I1('(' "ill f,·allll·,· ail· ,hi' hill. T ill' .\ 1-' I,·r' IO B uiltlilll:' lIm1 ( 'onql'u('!iull
111'""'>(,,, h.\· ~f'I1III(l!", .111('1111 .111\· ils 111HI Il al'1'i .... 11l \\'iI TI';t,k" J)"llIll'IIIWIl' PI·(>WIIII·,1 :1 l-i/!(JI'(III~ "lnl(,Il1I'111 ill
limll'l :111<1 n ('pl·~· ' III1Ii1·" W ill iam B W idnlrlL "UppOl't oj' II", h ill. It i" 1IIIIlI'd 1111' ('()l1Ulli\l('I' \I ill
! 'I'llI' 1I('II')::lItrs' In,,k,, lIn no l "1111 wilh tht' 111"1 il:I.'·
Itf lh(' ('e.n f('r('Ilf'f'. II I Ih(' finn l". "tl('('I·,,,flll
('(lJllpl('II' :If'lilll! (II' Iltt· hill "ilhi'l Ihi" milll l h,
"' lh'lI Ih" ';I'UPI' IIf lah",··!'t'I;I",d "·),!i .. lnlioll \Ilti"h
1111""1IJ,!1' or 11I 11OI'·lla(·k" ll I"l-!islill io ll will/ I"lwlIll 011 1111'

( "HI)!I'''''-'' i..; ('olls id" I'iug- i" ('x1IIIIilll'l l, lilt' ,-alu{, (Of IIII'
:lJ.!!!'t'('..;.."h-r ll (>«.·~ or IlIli.1Il tlwlIl llI"'" flf till' huil.lin!! /11111
l'IIII"II'Il('l iOll 11·11. 11· ... n l 1/11' IOl'nl 1('I'j,l_ D .·"·}.!:III.... In B ('T I) ''1 I.I'L:i"I:ltin· ('Ullrf'I't'lIt'" 1"'1'01111'" 1·I'ad il.,· ap
I hl' ['£'}.!islal il·I' ('OUf"I'I'llI'l' :1I't' h('i 11 )! lIt·J,!"cl lit 11I'1'llIil pal't'IlI, I , i~ 11111'" impllI·tllll' tlwl la lll .l· I", ,'apllhl" {If
1111 tllI'lII hf'I'S h lll·k hnlltl' I, ) "I'lld 11'111'1'" 111101 14>11'j!1'11I1I" ('fl"'l'I il'l'ly p llll·illt.: il..; \'il·\\..; 1111 I t ·).d~llIli (oH hl'ftll'I' ( '''11·
tn Ihril' ('OIl,L! I"f"iSIltf'1l and '«'1111 1,)1'" 1II·I.d' I}.! (' nd o l'S(" J,! I·I''',.. 'I'ht, 1.{·":-i,,ll11i1-,' ('OUI'I'1'\'l1t·,· i" lilli' \\II.\' of "villI!
1111'1 11 01' thi" lo'l.:'is ln lilol\. t1l i ~.

• JOU'NA t FOR JU NE. 1969

Outdoor fatin g Time
L .\ 1)11';:-:.
I' ill,lill~
.'''IIII~''lo'I'~ :11'1'
11]' 1 h,' ",'11'''.1 .,'I·ill·.
I III' hlll"k .1"111',1 !.!!'ill \\illl :,) 1 till' Ihllt 1111' "hill'('II:l1 Slll)ltld h,' li~llll,J
Il'illlllliligs. ,d)1I1I1 :!.-I 1.. :lO 11I;IIIIII's h"flll', "0111,
11 1101 Ihll1 111,'.111" p;"lIi,' lilil" i~ h"I'I', ill),! lill II' , \\'111'11 Ih(, ,·,"d~ h"gin 1"
\\'111'1111'1' iT \ :Ill IItt l iul-!, 'II' I, "11,,1; · Simp le Ou tdoor Meol 1(101;: 1il,I' gl'n," IIsh. 1111 ' .1' :11',· !""Holy .
11111 ill .1'0111' "\111 hlll·l, .1111"01, ."11111' III II1'oilil1:,:' (·hir·I'I'Il. :111'111 ' 1111'
On II ,b.,' Wh"11 1111'1"111111'1':11111'1'
rilllli).\' i~ ~III"· I.. "II.i".'· i1. 111111' (If II fl','~h,
Iwo-nll,I ·'III, ··lwl l'·
is lIlly "I' IIH'I"·. II ,111:0,] lIilh h:I\"I1
\rliil,· ",~iI,jllJ!
'"11,1'"11'" i~ 111(11"(' 1111111101 1·I!it·lwlI :1 ",·I·lillg. It
h"i)'·d I'J.:"J!~ 111101 p!' ·UI." IIf h;I. ·,~i~ ,'d
1"1[1lllal' Ihnll ""'1'. 111, '1'1"" l1'IIII;lIg "1111 "ill1,'I' b(' ('ut inll1 h,lh',·~ "I'
,·llImb "I' 111\'111 will "111'1· 1.1 hil 1111'
11 .. 11 nhOll1 ;1. Eal"ly Il1nll PI"IIh:lhly 'I WII·II'I"'. H I"(':lk Ih(' j(lilll~ h.I· 11"11')
I~'~nll I .. ,·",,1, (Hllo1 il Iwd 10 hI'
"po1. .\11)11:,:' \\'ilh :I h' ·'-' ·I·n :.!., ' 111101 1111
illt:" 11H'11i. Ihnil lh(' I';II '\~ from :in
"urd",,,·,, ) ...0011 HI'II'I' II" oIi .....III ' ·I·"o1 iI',' '·1· ...;1111 111' ).(I'lalill ," ilh fl"lIil .1,·" III /iO lIIilHlh· ... 01' .\"tJII ,',111 1,' .. 1 ,·h, ·,·I,
Ih,ll 11, ' ,'0111,1 1'1" ")111"" Iii'.· hy 1'1111· ""/'1, il is nllllWI i" ""1,01,,'] I" IIInk,' 1,.,- "lIl1ill:: ill III lIit' JlI"'lIl - it j" till-
liill:,:- 11\1) "I i.·k" 1011.:"\ 111'1' ( '".,1, ill).! il 1·')lIIpl"I('. 111101 il ":111 b •. "('I,\",d i"llI'oI \\,11\'11 it i"l 110 IOIl!.!'·I· pilll,.
011 H ... pil dill.'" hw·l, IIII' 11111 '01 l'i:,:'111 ()UIsi(lt' 1h,· l,i ll'II"11 ,I."u·.
{" 'lllllI',I', ,lIl1'ill:: III.' .!:i.IS WIIl'11 Wh(,11 il ("01111'" 10 ).!I·illill:.! ro"d. Dod's Specio/i' r
Jiolo· b".I" ,11101 Il"ailll ''] 0I"J.:~ 1111'11\·.1 111\' 111:111 of II .,. 1" lIh. , orr' -II lik. ,,, III
I h,· "I'il Inl\{' t·ll nl·~I'. O f f'l1111'''. if 1111' 111"1,; 1)111['" ",p(·(·ial iI.,· ;~ 1-!Tillill)! "I " :lk".
.\ " 1'111' pi,·lIi,·.... 1111 ' l' i"lIi,' :-:,"·i,'I.'· fnll" til 1I11I1h"I·. "II" \\,1111 ... "1 li l lllll 11 \· 11I'lIhllhly lik"";1 '1'-h(l)I" III' P'"'1
•11I1'illl-! 1111' I ~IIII ( "'IIII1!"Y 11':lS Iliuh "I·howlt'. ('ut nhOlll Olt{' illl'li Ihi .. k .
1"11~hi')1I III 1.'"111011 . Th, ·.,· ""1'" II I' kll(l\\" 111111 Ill1' r:lll.\· , 'd ).(.,s
'lui", ,,1:11.111";111' pj"lIi,'" III whi,·h ~IIII11)') I", 1'111 III PI"I" ''' "1 fl U' 111"111
"lInlilll! ,li"Ii,'~ 1111 ,1 "hill' tllld,' 1"1'1f1l1 ,·uding'. 1-:11('11 P;""I' ",II< II iI,l I,, ·
"1,,111,, '\1'1'1' II~"II. 111'1111"11\'" 1)11 ],.,ih sid,·,, : d"·II. if
'I'h, ' 1'111'1," _\I1",!"i"nlls. 1'" 1. , 'II· ""sin'd , 1111' sl{'nks " ;,11 h,· hn~t, · ,1
.i,).'-'·' I 1II":l l s :III :1." 1'1" Itil 1111' k i I ,-111'11, willi 11111'1)" ('111' Slillet' 011 (':wlt ~i,I,' .
1111 \\'\'11'1'. 1 h,'~" ;1I,11",ll"i'III" 1""11')" :-;1('111;: .. I'(' fjII il·\, I/I'I\Q','II 10 III :!tl
Ilswlll.,- 1111.1 n hi:,!: ")11",,;,01 :IS :I 1','- It Ii II 1110,.. !If )!1";lIil1!! Oil "llI'h " i,)"

w:II'd 111'1"1' '·IIllIp)I'Iill(.! II 11111'11 I·ni,,· . \11111111' 1' i~11'1i flll'lI ('0lI)k'J111 111",11
ill~. III' :I ,·,11"11 Ii 11,,1, j II:,!:. "I' III II I" Iwhoh~, "1111111\.,, til' 1111'111 11IIt!
'1 l1iltil1J.: I... ·,·. l.a lt·l". IIii' pH'il II' '-I':,!:I'IH h" '" 111:11 ;11'(' )!l'iJl,'d 1111 ,,1"'1\
I.n."IH'1 111'111 1'1111" IHII'k~ illl d :,!:T,jn'" I'I'S. 1,111111101' 11('1'1" ('hunk~ :II'" tllIl'l
lIilll 1111 ' fillllil.,· Oil :-:1111,1:1,1" afl"I" 11"11111:11'. 'I'll,· 1"I').(l'IlIh)'·", II h;"ll :11',·
1I(1(1I1S. "In"ell 1111'·)·IWII'I.\' willi 1111" 1111':1\
10',")01 la"I,'" "" 11111"" 1~ 'l h ' I' ,,111'11 'III 1hl' "kl'w,·I·...,[ 1·'-'lllir., 111"
it i.. "(1 1, '11 ,,111 III" ,1".11'..... 11"'1 1111' ":11111' (·,,,,I,ill,L[ tilll(' ;1-; lh,· 111"111.

.. ,w ·111I1' ('("II,illl-! f'H,d "1111 Hlal,,· 11!1' .\11 11111).( till' 1,1,g-I"IHhl(·... Ihlll " :111 1/1'
1111111111 wal,·I·. 1111,11111' 1I11'IH 'W,\" of it 11""01 111',' \\'I·.I~(·" of lil'lIl 1.)111:11.11'''.
is lotl:.:-1"'1I11 ' 1 1I1~'1"' " '1'1,,· IIi"~,· pal'l :.Ii,·,·" 011' !I,')I)lI'I''', 11111SIII"III)III". 'III;""
a1H'1I1 II 1111':11 ill 111,· hn .'),; .1-11 I"! i" "Ii('(·~. ,·h·.
111:1( il ""'IWIl.I· ~:I\(" 111111111'1" '1l1ill '
:1 hil III" "'Ji·k. 'H' 1'11111'''''. 1111 ' 1.llw Vegetobles in Foil
(If pil·lli,· . "I' "'1,,1,"11 1. (':111 l'III1),!" \\,Ilill' Oil Ih,' suh.1""1 01" "'u'"
1'1"1111 H 11 'l y ... illll'!" 11111 ill ,li~11 "'llwl IIIItI,,'1. ;",Ih i,III:iI S"I" ' illl-!" or 1'"111 -
lIilll 1'1',·,,11 IIIIII~ . :I ,1''',''' ' 1'1 :111'] II"\"- I"'·~. 'fllj,,"~ , :lilt! ))"I1])"I's ,',111 h..
"I';I:,!:'" I II 1111, ' tll;1I j .. jll"' PIII" ',J Oll \'111 1111~'1I1I1I"'S 111' lillf.. !1 ill "hi"h


t h l'~' m'\' (-1)(,I\\,tI lllltl St'l"\ I' 11. I,'I!I'
('111' ""IT ill ): o f 1)(11:111/1'0.:, ....r,·I·1 a
llIt,d itl1ll· .. izt'li haki l l~ 1'1.)111 111 lllld
.. 1i1'1·i t Ih inly (III , 11(> fo il; nd d '\llil
Picnic- Fun Recipes
1111.1 I'I'PII('I' :111 11 UIII' 11Ihh'''pUIIII "I -'1" lI l_in ,O ne :-;1\11,,1
1111111'1". :-4'01 1 l it\' liul'.. il lij!hlly 111111 CU I' IlIinl·I.. 1 IInion
I It-OllnC'(' ('an ('hol"){'(\ lmlll 1...
pllll'" Iht, paI'kl'l 1111 hot dllll"~1H 1 '4 I"Up chOI'IK'(1 S\\'t'E't piekle
I eight-ounce package macaroni
(or alMnl! :!O III :10 lI1illlll, .... til' 1111 ,~ CUI' !Iolilatl Itrt'Ni'In,::'
I hard-hoilell egg~. diC("t1
til dllllt>. a ll(l SI'r n' in thl' (nil. ,~ ('up choPI)('d ef'tf'r), 1 (j!I" Ilrt'I'art',1 lIIu,.tanl
I II l'I1'IIlII·ill}.!th l• IWPIII'I-': all,l '~ eup eholl\l....1 KI"ft'n 11('111M'r 2 t,,,.
onillll", (olltll\ Ilw ..:1111 .. tilll'41il /11'11- Cornhinf' t'ubed ham, e(H)k('d nmeanmi. anti (',,"gill, Ad,1 ehoJlltetl e('lery,
(·('dm·I', I-'or' PI'PJ)('I~, -;li('(' ()J1I' illto gl"f'E'n 1)(']lIII'r, onion, an,1 I'Wf'<'t Iliekit'. Mix ,,:ilnd ,1rt'~.:;i nK wit h lIIustard
( 0 111' pal'l-o :11 111 ,','lIlIln' tilt' ..""d .. amI I"inegli l' anti loss lightl)' with 1ll:l~'nr/)l1i lIIi..:tlll'('. &!ason to ta"te.
au t! 1·,,11'. D ip 11u- ph'I"'" ill uthl' Serl'('!1 I<ix.
u it. 1111,1 j.!l'il l p:I(·I,I'''' for IWlld,l"
fh,' lIIilllll ('" 011 ('lll'h .. itl". ~I'I I 'I'I 11 Hdi ~ h :'Il oltis
1iU';/ iulII· .. iz,'d II lI illll 111111 IWI,I /In'
tilt' nllll' I' .. 111' 11 . ,\tlil I Illhll''' IIIHlti I el1\'e"~'I 'f' unflll\'O I't"'d J,:elali n 2 th81'. ('holl" ell l'tulfe,1 olil"es
('1' 111I1It' 1', ":111 1111,1 PI' P Pt'I'. ( '0(,1, I~ eup ('old 1I'1Itf'!' 1~ I1l1', Tnbllseo S11\1I1'
til(' !'1I1·k" t.. (ttl tilt' /-l"l'ill 1'111' al)j'"1 I" ISp. l'ah :! I~I ' , J,:ruh'll onion
:!H lIIillllll'''" '~ ('u l1 nmy(lIl nui;:(' ~ eu p piektf' 1"I'Iish
I ~ cup sour (' rf'UIII ' . 1.'111' (lk, ~1 g ,'een \»o'Plle"
J I' ,10lil' 1':1 III il,I' l ,llJllwn .. 10 iii,,'
t1,s ll, II1'{'pa'"NI mus-tant 1~ ('upl"Il"PIX"d l'Ut'llInlwr
""lllly hoI fll(lt! ill 1101 1\-"ll l h"I·. II
': ('U\I diced ('{'ll'l}"
,., 'III II i 1111 1it 'l\ ('001. i rr-/'ooknll I IH'" r
"'''·W 1'1111 fill 1/'1' !,ill. '1'h .. 1111'111 1'1111 In n ('o ntain(,I', ~pril1klf' ('ol,t W:ltt'l" on j.:"(,lulin to SIJrlf'n. 1'1:t('f' o\'("r
boiling \\'n\(' I' and stir u ntil gf'latin ill dilUll)h·('I1. ,1.,101 salt; 1'001. Com,
11\' '·I}ok,·;1 i ll tilt' kill'hl'lI, allil \lh" 11
binI' lIl<Lyo n n;lisl'. ><our ('11'11111, IIrt'pared mustnr·,l. an,1 T:lbas('o saul'£';
il i.. lill '" 10 ad d tilt' 1'1').:(·111111 " .... il
gr;lIluallr ad d gf'latin mixtu"r, stilTing until htl'l,dl'tl. :'I ii ..: in ""llIain-
"1111 lit., Illk" 1I nll1tlIHlI~, I ht' \ I'g' " inl{ ingl'f'llirnU" Tur n inll> six indit'iliuul IIIt1ltl~ or om" largl' lIIoltl. Ket'jl
In ltl, ·, " 1111 lit., w id " , !. 1111 " 1·'Mlk ill).: in rdri.L,"f'ratul' or ice c111'st u ntil rt'ndr to ('al.
"1111 I,.. filli .. lwd 1)11 th,' gTil1.

Dairy Month 1101 I)0lfs wilh (" hl',',",e

1 jlUUlttt 1 ISI'" Ilrf'l):Jrf'11 muslanl
,\ .. , l UlU' i-; U II i 1'.1' :\ l onll1. \\'1' III'"
I tll p. " ""llIIrf'11 rhili SlUice
irU·h l.\illj! 1IU1111lg' 1111' 1'('(' il'l'" ill lilt,
I~ t'UI' ~llh"t ,Irl."s,;inj.:"
b" ", ullllli ... pag-I' 1111 l'a ...I·-I0'I'I·,·PIlI·,'
('hl'IT,I' pie whil,h ('JlIL~ for I'/lI!:'!!" :'l Ib: dl('t"S(' with a rork u ntil 1IIII00l h Itllli el','lIll1r, Ad,1 piekll." \"('Ii~h.
mustard. chili saut~, an,t sal1ll1 ,lres~inj.:". ;11111 mix \\"/'11. SIIIi! frank~
1')11""". a lIIilli 1' 1'111\111'1. ( ' .. nll!.:l·
!l'nKthwi.'<l' (,Io not Si')H\ r:l t(' \IU1'tS), all d rill with d,'I'Bf',1 ('h('f'!I(" mixture,
"III'I'~I' 1111'1 111'1'11 1'1111'11 b.\· 111'''1'1 1' hit'
G rill fl'll1lk>l until they al'e )"(,lIlly, (Cht'e,," IIIl\lultl I,,' slighLly melted.)
1I I1' lhll ll,\' Ill' .\'('111-': it, 111'llI'li"IIII,\
" \"\'1'.1' ('(/111111',1 (,I' th,' \1'lI'ld '1'111'
~('( Il ~ ('nll it hotlll,\' t·lllhl/l'I'; t ill' J I1111! n........',·,
l 'al iall". ri('(,1 111; 1111' 1" 'tlll',dnllliH CUI' slil'f'll fl'f'l'h strlll.-1M.'rrif'II I, tSl" ItT:itf'11 ol'llng(' l'ind
I )uI"II .... llIt·ll l·t·II"!·; HIII I .... , IU, I qUllrt \":tnilla iel' ('r('arn
2 tl'''I}, orangl' juice
.\ '11l1'~- 11 11j1tl 1 1111' fil~I,kl1\1WII 1,,,1 -'lix :4r:lwlol."l"I'ie:o, ornngt' juiN' anll rin,1 lilJ{l,tht'r. Spuon ill to )al'r;ait
Ill,!!" dU'I.""I' h'lI~ Ihlll 1,,11;,:. Itllll.! {!:Ia~;;e" with nherrmU' luyers "r i('(" ('!'Ctllll (fir~1 and 1:I~t layer ~hould he
IIl.!II. all .\1'111r \I'adl'I' -;<11 tI,,\1 II, I1ft"I" icl' c ....:II1I) an.1 tol' with 11 litrnwllf'rr)" I'tlltl' in fl't'f·tf'r until rl."aciy to
II l"ll)! ,\ltY III" tl·IIII·1. t" "dllk till' :'It'n'c, Sf'n"es rour lO ~ix,
milk II hi(·h h,' 1·III·t'i,·" ill 11 1""It'11
lin Ihi, Pill'li(·L1lat· day. hi' 1'IIIIIIti
Ilwl 1/11' milk II'a .. 1111 lOll).: .... a
li'llIi,J, It 111111 .,111111).:1,01 1\1 a "01"1 16 I r~,ineh \'anilla cookil's '" ("UP hf':""Y erl."am, \\hijll..: .. 1
"Ill'll II ith II lillh' WHit-I'. Tilt' .\ 1'1111 1 thn'f"-OuII('(" Jlackllg"(" eh.·rrr 1I."il(hl-nUIIN' I'ackul.::" ,·rl."amNI
g('l:1tin c\JUaK" ('h,'('~,'
\·"!I"'UIlIt,t! il HII'\ 1'11111111 Iht· "lIh
,llIlh'" 1·!llIa).:"I' ,'h,'(''i\'' -\'('I'Y In'ly II. CU,I~ hot wat('!"
.\ lId Ill""pl,' han' 111.'1'11 ,'nli lll.!;' ,'III Arrangf' rook i.'!; on ilOUtim ;11111 ~idl'" or I'ight-ineh I'il' 1,late. 1'1'f'I)al"('
I·It,·I',\, .. ir1i'I', gel:ltin, using I '... CUI'!; watf'r, und chill until "Iij(hlly Ihirkl."lwd, Ca!'e-
f !II!.!,'
\\' ,,11, la,Ji,'~, IIII\'(' :.;r)III1' \11111011'1'
rully hlf'lJd \og"lhl."l' ,'I'\'all1 'tllIl l·h('l.'~'" Lightly folll I'h(~'",-· an,t e"(,II111
I ftd I'i/·lli(· ... Illi ...~lIlIIllI . 't·, H,·lIlt·tIlIH·'·
mixlul'f' int" Ihkkf'I1('" W·lutin. T urn inlll '·'HI!.:y el'U~t. Chill unlil firm
(about 111'" hours ), I f 11.'sil·l,"(l, \01' with :1I1t1itittmtl ~1I"'eh'II(',l whil'l)('d
(II I' 1'11l'lll'1r I'II"I' II II ,·II-kn( ,,1 II SII.I·'
ill !!), Il1(' I";(]Iril .\' th ul l'i(' u il's III,
g \'lI Il'I' .. t lIYS log'''' ht' I',

" Among other things, t think II'S pregnant. "

r A'
\POWfP- aNTf~

-~ )
"How many light bulbs did you say you "How old is my IBEW card? Who do you think
could put on a 5KVA transformer!" hooked up the Northem lights?"


"So I asked this guy the horsepower, frame number, etc.,
of the motor he needed. He says, 'I don't know about that sluff,
but it's about the size of a bucket.' " "You think we did the survey correctly?"

I, "As the new maintenance coordinator, you'll want 10 mee t the Union Grievance Committee,"
,I JOUINAl FO. JU NI , 1969 33
for You and Your Family •

Death and Injury on Your Lawn!

'r I I E 1(1) of tll'llth", lllllpnllllitJll'"

11111101111'1' injm'ies 011 lawn..: Iw"
."I'IIIUI;ll n
l lIlt'
" 0\1"('1'
/,111;': .. till' mOIl( ' )" lint! illt'I'I';"I '''; Ih('
d allg'I'I" of yOIIl' ».[ippillg' II lid faltill)!
ri . wn 1'11pidly 10 Ol't'l' 100,000 P('I' I ,aWl] )10\\\']"', II IHI t'omillg' illtn (-o1ttael lIill1 11ll'
Y(':II·. ami 110 one kno\\s hul\' 111:111.1' IIblll l" -'10\\,' .' g-llIIrtl .. 1'houlIl III'\"l' I'
mOl'e ha\"c not IX'('II l·t' POI·tCt! 110r Sale lY Rules hI' 1'(-'lIIowd, F ill !!1]S1)lilll" "I'in' !l
Ihl' Illullilntlinous "II('HI' mi"SI.'S." Mower Purchase-()\lt.lin H___'ml"' 1rt0Wt'I~ OUIllOOl~. .\ I'oill spill in~
,A("("idel1t!'> mushIWIII('11 so (]uiekl.I' 1'I1H'(' that tltt, IHnWt"I' ,Hm hu,\' ('011- .11111 d,)II'1 fill Ih, ' lank
,11111 Ihl' . \ I11t'l'i(,:lIl :-;t:II1I1:II',I" .\ ",":11· f/)I'III<; 10 till' rl'qnil,/·1tWlllO: of the whilt' the t' ll!!i lll' is )'\rIlldllg' 01'
(,jntioll i"Ol'lI1l1lalt'll :l11, 1 HI\opl£>( 1 .\ 11ll'!'i\'l1l1 :';1;111(\11 ]'el.. ' \ "'0('i1l1 illll. whil(' you 111'(' slllukin!!. ('1"'(·1, I'!t'('·
Sarl'ly HPI't'ifi(,lItillll": 1\,.. 1\)1\'('1' Til" 11\0\\'\'1' should II(' \\"1·11 hHlatwl'd. Iri('al IHlII't' I' III\1WI' I.... 10 SI'I' Ihal Ill('
l.awlI ~ 1 (Jw('I"! in 196-1 , mllllt'UH'nlhl(,. (':J"'.\' 10 (-on!t,ll. and ('()I'dis ill goo" 1·"jIllil'. DOIl't 111011'
sui!ahlt' hu' ~'IIII lIm1 yOlll' 1lI0Will~ whl'll hart' fool 01' WI '11I'ill),!: 11[1\'11

True A ccide nts t'·lllIil"(,Hl~'lltS. TIll' 1]('1111,1' should san,lals, l"', ·tl\·id., SOlllt' Pl"UII'('liUlIIIY
fUI'n;sh ,n)lj willi dl,t:lill,d "WI,till\.:" !Il(',III,; ()f lOllg-. 111'111'." d ellim 11'1111""
T I"lIt' ('xlIBlpl<'S illl'lIl1le a till'('c,
and OIH'l'atilll! ins! !"Uri ion .. , illtlU<l- ,' I'S ami bl'U!!Lh'S. I f youllllll' ""Ifl·t,\'
YI'ar.llld },!il'i. \\ho 10"1 an C'y(' wh('11 iug' a til'IIHlII'<tl'lltioll.'s. WI 'III' tlll'lII.
sill' WH" "ll'u(,k b.I' a pi('('(' oj' wood
11111'11'(1 h~' III(' hladl' of a 1J11)IH'I' ,0· Training Ikj!:Jr<1 yom' 1110\\"\'1" liS Op e ration- {;il'(' eOlllpll'l(' :11,<1
KO 1'1'1'1 mrny, . \ I:!· YI'OI 1'·0111 hl),I' 11 pi('('{' tJ~' P(J\n'I' (lquiPIlh'IlI. lIIul \Intli\,jdl',j all" lllilll1 10 Ihl' j"J, III
I1ll11 ]'e,lli' IOt'f; HllIplilalt'll, 1111(-'11 Ill' Ira ... 11 this l'l'ltill'" 10 :!l1 wh., (I]Wl':lh' hant!. K ,~'p Ilw :It',';1 of OP"I'lllioll
pull!',1 It POWI'.' 1111)11'1'1' WW;II·d" th(, l'tluip]I!!'IIL ;\{'\"('I' nlloll (·llil- ("11'111' or all P"I'SIIII". pnl"li,,"1:II'I~'
him~'lr whilt' o]l{'ralill~ il. .\ IIlil · ,h'l'li Ill' YOllll1t 11·('11-11;.:" ..... III 11]11'1'1111' ... 1I11111 1,llil,II"I'II. )),)11'1 ,111,'1 III('
ity IIIJ!'k,'!' was killl,(1. \\,11('11 til(' a POW('I' IIIOW('I', H(' sun' ,\"0111 kllOl1 1111/1111" III" "Il},!iIW :lilt! hll"Jt. \l1I,il
hlmk of Ill\' pmn'I' 1111111\'1' h(' Wil", how 10 slOp IllI' IrI()Wrl' HIIII 111111111' ~'1/11 a I',' ".'1111.1' III ~tlll'l 1111'\\ iIII-[.
1I1l(> ],;l ling- slnH'I, a IllIil 11I1t! hul"l,·11 al a 1I1(1111l'1I"S IWlit'c. I II.'~II'IIC'I (·llil· SlOp ! Itl' 11101101' 'II' ('Ilg'irlt · 1\ 111"11
il illlt! hi~ 111'111'1. .\ liull' ,!!il'l of 1-1 d l'l'll to kl"'p awa,l' 1'1'0111 1111'111"'11 or 1'1',,1' yOIl 1£>:11\' 1111' IItOl\(' I·. \\'ht' ll
IlI0ulh .. , who 1\'11 .. jusl b(';!illllilll! 10 tlllf'I'llliUII of ,11(' 1l1()\\,('1'111 :111 liml..... it'millg' ol!l ('h'i·tl'it' IIWWI·!·. lil'Sl "IIIP
walk. ,llIlIIhlt'd in1tJ Ih" pll1h Ill' 11 th" nl()IH-!' al,,1 tlll'lI ,li'('\lI1 II1'I'1 Ih('
Ilt,)\\'I' I' 1110\\'(' 1' HIlII lo.. t 11 I('!!. ,\1111
Preparatio n Bt'fo", . . 'HI·'in},! op· PUII'(' I' ('01'.1. II.JII·' 01"1'1"'1""") 111(-'
1·l'Hlill1l. 1·1.' 111' 1111' 1'l1li", IHIIII al'l'll
~) it l!Ot'''! "III.dlll'. I·;x,'\',.;"i!., ,·u l !i ll!!'».p"I·11 1\1'
or :III tI(']'ri..: 11m' ('(JUld ,'al l·11 011 ,<1
'I'h(, a\'t'I'l1g-l~ \1 ..(,1' tirN,,,"'t 1'1',11;;':1' t:III1j1"I'in)! with Ihl' !!O\'I'I'IIIII' ('1111
01' hI' ,III'OWIi h,l' Ihl' hhllli'. 1'1:111 tIll'
t hal I III' hl:lfk·1 ip "1WI·'!. 110\\ 1",1 al IN' Ilnll,!!I' l"Ilth. 1) ]1"1';11., 1111' "II~illt,
('ullin!! tlpl'l'lIli(11t ":(1 Ihal i, i... Iwl
:!1.000 f('I'1 PI']' s('('uud, is ;lImo,;! :11 IIU' ».111111',1 '1'1·( ·t! 111111 II ill I'ul
11('(·I·,.;,.... al'.l· 10 pull 1111' mlllll'l' 1'('111'·
:!-IO lIIill'~ 'It'l' hou!' and 111111, wil\'li Silt i,fill'll)I·ily. !'ta 1'1 IIII' 111(1\\(' 1'
ward 1I1\\111'tI ."1111. Pill·lil'\lla1'l.1· (Ill l-n l'l,rll[ly. SI;III(I fi"lnl.,'. wilb )-1)111'
Ilil l ill!.! lIlI.l· IIN)S(' 111'11"'1' (lhjt'(·I. IIII'
II dOII'n,!!!";IIII', \\'llI'lI YUli 1110\1 (1)
hla,]I' ('all ]ll'!)pd I iii ' IIhj!'('1 jllsl II" fl'pl 11\\:1.1' 1'1"<1111 Ih,' 1111)(1". I;" ~1I1'I'
1'III1g'h 11'I"I':lil) ()1' in lli).!11 g"l":I"S 01'
tIll' 1111)\\1' 1' will lIul lip 01' 1",,11 ,Inl"
II g'1I11 PI'()lwl~ i) p]'oj{'t'\ itt,. \\'l WlI
w(~',I..:. 1111' 111:1,11' "honlrllll'»,'" ;11 111l'
II({' hlll4ll' Idl" 11 1111'},!(' I'O!)! lIl' storw, ill!! 1111' "tal'lill!! OIIt'l"alh'll. Sill."
hi},!hht ('uuill},! poinl Ttl Illillilldz('
il ('illl IlI'\'llk 1111(\ 11." I"."t' al hi}!,h ('11'111' III' Ill(' 1'1'11111 tJf "p)f, pl·",,,,lI,·d
lilt' !'.iI'(·lill" (If ,ll-I,,·j». rl11iH lIlt'
~Ilt'('d. 11I0\\,('1"! durill).:" :llI(l ;111(',. ~la,'!ill)!.
mOIl,'I", H"l ll1"Y mOI\·(·I·". in 1'llr,i('lI.
I f 111(' 1II01\j-I' hlilldlt' llil" il s;11"1'\ ,"
[ 1' .\"011 Ildll!,: w,' lin\'(' pHilltl',1 :1 Iii I', sllOultl II!' 1-I'~lri(-II't1 til INI' in 111\1·11 10 holol il ill 11111'111:11 IIIWI'III ill~
II·HJ,.d,· l'i('lu)'C'. II'(' 1111'11111 10. 1'0111'1' ,·!t'HlI al'I'II~, Ilh(·t'! , Ilw1'(' i" 110 II I"
p"",ilioll. h('11 it ('ll;!;lg,',j 1IIII'illg
IIIOW.'I' 11I·,·id,'nl" ,JI)II'I han' tl) IJnp· I, Ihnl 11111.1- hi' piek,'d lip ;mll
I ht III!
1)(,11; ,,"It /11 II IJI'{ t·( II'
IIII' Olll'l'ation.
hUI'II'11 0111. t·uk ... ", tlLt·l'\· is \('I'Y
H.'iIl!. sllld.,·. an d PilI illlo PI'II(" ).!ood <!I-tifi('i:d li).!ht. IllOII 01 11.1' Ihll"
Con ' rol 0' Mower
tit'1' thl' f ullOll'ing' J'lllp .. f()I' ust'l'~ of ill!-\" th(' tI:I.I·lig-ht. Do 11111 "IWI'IIIt'
pu\\'~'1' 11IO\\,~' I'~, ~lI!!::l'~ I t't1 IJY Ihe 1'0\\'(' 1' 1t1()11('I'''; in \\"~-I gl'iI"~, \\'l1i1.:11 I\\,(,P ill ~ h'p with the 1110\\('1'. no
,wt III\[ hd.illd 0 1' I('t it pull you, as Iyp{' 11I{1\1('I"llll'l' lik(, '1111111 11';I('10I1t 011(' "illl' all;l k('('JI ft'f'l 111l(11Hlnll:s in
~'(III wilt lI t1t h;, ill filII ('Ullllllillld of I I i" po,,,ihl l, hi I i]l 1111'0;;:' 111111\\"'" Ilw (,1";\1' II Ili[;, 11I:lkinj.! :l(ljU)il 111"11\".
til(' 1II11l'Idllt', Do nOl I"IIH. l'Olltl'O[ 10 ('hht'I' h,lt'k (Il' sidl', E Xf' I'l'iS!.' I'X· I\I'('P 1110\()1'S ()I' ('III.d lll'" fl't't' rmlll
tht, 1IiI'/'(·titHl iJf IIIl' IllO'I!'" It," hand 1I'I'ItIt' (·lItUioll "IH'n l1~illj[ l'idilll-! 1l('('UlIlulaliUII" or
J.!1·as", 1(':II1'~ . 01'
pl"""~Ht"(' Cill Ill!' hHlu l [r. 1101 hr f,lot 1II0WI'I'" on 'llopI'" 0 1' il1t1i1l{'~, (·Xi·I' .."i\"(' )0:1"('11"'. All 11('('11111111:111,)1'
pl'I·...~.I I ·I· on tlli' 1I10\r;' 1' h'JlI~illj[. til' 111('''(' 1'()IlIhllstihlf' mall'l'ial'l IIIOlY
\\'111'11 UIII'l"lllillg" 11""1' 1l11l'1"'1l It'r- Mainten anc e and Storage- I·'ol. .'!''lul! ill 11 fil·I'. SItU·" /!ilSlllbll' ill II
..ain a1111 <;1'IIIP'l, 11"<' ('\II'{'III1' (':Il"f' lli\\ illlpli"itly IIII' 11I11l111fm·I1I1"1 · I· .... 111"'1,1 ('Illlillil,,,.' 11I11II'(IIt';I It," Iltt·
:111·1 1IIIlk!' SlIrt' of "oli<l 1I11d finll "I'('Ollllnl'1H1111 iOI1"; 1'01' 11111 illl .'IIaIl(·I'. l 'IIIIt' I'\\I'ill'l''l' Lahw·IIlIll"iI'S. 111('. (II'
fuolilll! lit :tll tillw'l. EX{ 'l"('i~' "Il(', I la l'l'lI {'llIlllwlt'1I1 "'I',it'I'lmlll IImkl' 1I11111hl'l' "I-f'u),miz,'d "PIII'III'III/.!
{·illl 1':II'l' \\h.'11 IllIJWillt: 1I1'Ul11111 0"· 11 thlll'IIU'.!!' il1'IIt'I'linll Ill" tilt' 111"\\1'1' al!'·llI'\'. SIIII·., lilt' ('(lIIlnll11'I' il' a
j,,(·h. III PI'I'I('1I1 II,.. hi ad,' 1'1'0111 HI II'lI,1 IIW'I' 11 ,\"I'llI' :\"\'1,,' Holju,,1 1·{l1l1. ,h'y pla(',·, 11,,1 in tilt' hmh" IJI'
..;11·ikill),!' 1111'111, 111111 HI'''''I' d"lil"'I" 1111' 11111\11'1' lit· ('Iwngl' 1I111Whlltl'IIh 111'111' IWlllill:,! IllIpliaw·I·'l. 1\('('11 Ihl'
1IIt'I.I· 1I10W (11','1' 1I11.1· uhj,'(·t. ~ltlP 1I111i1lht· ,'IIg-ill(' ha'lIIl'l'n 1111'111·.1 11ft' Il!UlII'I' nllt! flu'l ('olllnin('I' In ]'w,k(';j
tIll' "tll'I'lIl iUII II ht'li allt/IIII'I' pl'l"lllll ;11It! 1111' ~pul'1, plug win' tli';'oll- 'l\(l1'1Ig'1' 11) 111'('1'('111 1·ltil,JI'I'u 1"1'11111
1I 1Ipl ';ln!'IIt,~. 1)11 Iwt lIn,,, III' 1<11111.1 11t'(·1I',1. .\ )!a,olitlt' I'llgillt' 1'1111 Ill' pln,\·illj.! ali(I \ :llIlllt'l'ill),!' wj,h tlll'III,
1111 til. ' 1-!I'IIi'\.'l·;Ji~I'lllll'AI' 1<idl' ul" Iht' sllll,tl,d il" Ih" blll ;t., tH' ('HttPI' Iml' if; )[lIxiJlllllll 11I;)\lillg l,t'''lIl t~ Ilud
11 10 '\\ 1'1' Willi 1111' "I ll,rilll' l'IIUllin!!. IU!'III';! ill II\(' l'I'III'~1' 01" Jlillkiug: 11 ;1 · sn 1'\"1 ,I' 1'1(11 (In I," lIt' ('XI\('I' I .. I] il' lIlt·
l 't"Ohillit UI!i"I'i'I fl'()11I ridin),!' \\'ill! jlli'llllU'III'l 01' !'I'lmil's, I f' "111'11111'1'\111' 111011'1'1' i" Illltilllll111t·d lind o lJl"I'lItt,d
you 011 II ri d illJ,:' mOllt' I'. H idi ng" alijllsllllt'lll i'l Ill'('I'S~III',I', slilll, 1 10 tOI'I·(,t'lI,\'.



\'I';H\' you Ill! 1111111 who st'lld ill Ih,' t111l1lt'~ IIf IIIIIM' jUlll'III'Y' or
E Id" ll[lprt'IlIi;'\''lldp tl l'-
1111'11 wllu ('UJllph'k willI Ih,' til(II' IIf
I"i,,'d Fh",' \" 'Il!'
('0111"'1' \\lI" 11111;](' IlIllila],II,
1111' :\lIlilll llll
:\I:!,I' 10.
~'I'I"'1 10 hi' 1'·I'i)),!'l1i1."11 h,l' Iht' 111- ('Ulllph'll"lIl11lfl hi ... l'l(·allll1ioll Illlllt ' Thi~ will hI' fullllll'\·d h,l' 1't'li,illl!
([11 ... 11'.1', ) Iusl ,"\1'(''l ilo lido; wilh II('r ";tJ \\'1' ('1111 S('1I11 11 hili roltl·"izl' all"II1('I' Y('III' of til(' ('tllII'S(' (,llt'll
SI)IIl(' kll111 of 1'lIlIIpl('1 iOI1 {,('I'I'mOIl· ('Ill'll ~lltJllilll! ('lIltllllt'liOiI til IlwI
('1i!1'IIt1m' .n':iI', L,'., 1'I'\'I'l'd S('('iJlIII
it, .... :-;1'1111' hun' ,'In b lll'al,' baIHIIIC'IS. "pt"'ili;' ('UIlI'iO(',
\'('11]' will 1'01111' olll 11"11111 ,\IIIY til"
S'UlI., ill rll l'lIIa l hIlITt·I". SUtut' lake
till' Il""s I'X IIt'II'lil'l' I'IIUII' IIl1d du 1101 Apprentice Rating Forms l ~nO , "',. ' I'liis sl·hl"IIII" will " lilll'
bll\l' 1'(I(ld lit Hil. I I tllJl'~ 11(11 I"I'nlly 'I'll;' :\ntilJllld , 1,\'1' (' oITi!'I' 1'111', illlllt· {"'l l fll~i('ll lind pI'ol'idt, 1'01' :111
11111111' 1" bill\' it i~ dOIl(', hilI I iii' illl· lli ... llI's lI'il11111l 1 1,lwl'g l' 1I11I1I1II 'I" 'fl l1I"iI; 'rI,\' tl':l II ~ili\l1l iulO the t'(·\'is('I!
POl'\11I11 Ihill l-\ IS 111111 thl'~;' YOllllj.! Hl'l'li " Hlioli Illlllll\~ ;11 1;1 IIIHIIII. II! I'," !l I lt! 1I11j.!I'lllk ,1 {' (JlIl'~t'.
1111'11 nl'I ' l'I~'Il:,! l li/';', l lII I,I IIHI't III' Ihal 1'01';] 111(>:;1' Hpplil'1I1illllS S(I Ih\' I,wlt!
,,'('ol,nlilioll shollid hI ' II PI'I'S!.·I1I11- ,1.\1'(' ('1111 Jw\"(' lilt (It·/It,d." l'I'I'(II't! Ch eck and Double Ch eck
t ilill or tIl\' ( "'1'\ i (i"a I ,. flll"lI i'llll'oI hy s,""11'1Il II" 1,'111111'1,01 h~' law. 1'hl,1t 1'(11' nill " .1'11111' l.alwll· . \ J,{I"'I'IIII'111 h;I\'('
Ihl' lI11hli'lll'y 111I"(I1l!!1t IIII' :\lttinllal 110;(' ill illj('I'ljl'I\'ill~
IIIIN' 111)llli-
1111' 1a\l',,1 ('lall",i'I 011 npPI't'nlil'l'-.;hip
.I .\TI ' "Ili('i', (·t·rlili('l1l1 .... rlll'lIi~III'(1 l'alll'! whu IIlITI miuilllll1l1 l'I"llIil'I"
lind tl·aillill).!'
hy )-:Ialt' lIl1d 1"('11"1'111 jllll'I'I'III1I1'lIls 111('111"1, IIII' :\uliOlwl ,J.\ '1'(' flll' IIi"II '
• \ 1'(' Yll111' .1.\ 1'(' Ii 1I1l111'{'i'I IImulll'"
nf,' fill.,. lml dnll'l Ih'II." Ililll 1111' Oil(' t'i'I I·alilt).! flll'IIl'l 111:,!aill lIillll)1l1
1,.1' a 'l'1 '1I'l1 1,'lIllil ,\ ).!I'I'(·lIlt'lIl~
IJlII1 shullltl 1I1"1I11 111111'1' Ih:11I 1111,1' ('haq,::t:'). Wltl 'lI onh'I'illJ! tht'"I' 1'111·
111111'1'. \\'..i,,' Iht, :\aliUlwl .1.\'1'( ' inj.! rllt'II1", till nol II ~k 1'111' x 1111111111'1' li n\'(' ,1'11111' :O-;llI lutal't1:{ Ik'I'1i re·
tllli,·" ~id r lj.! 1111' 11111111' (1I'l il 'lhollhl or 1'01'l1l'l, hilI \('11 \I'lll[llll'Oxiltlall'l.I' l·i .. \,11 ill 1'1""'111 ,",'an; anti tI(l tIll',"
;1 l']lt'III' WI 1hi' ( '('I'j ilil':tll'l, 1111' ('x:I{'1 ItOIl IImll.l· lIpplil'IIIII.'l ,1"1111 (':>':[11'('1 til t'tJllfll l'tll IlIllllljllllaIIIHI!('l'n 1
,Ial" of Iii" l'o1lIph'Iilln, allt l 1111' lot'a] illll'I', i.·" 111111 n 1'<I1RiI';I'nl 1111111111'1' I )(II'S .1'0111' 1II".J.tI'1I111 S(,II'I'I 11('
11111(111 11III11h(·I·. of flll'lII'" II ill III' '1'111. (·ol·l l itl).! III 111I1illllllll.l· 1'I'(,(HlllIlI'I1III'11
l .ik"lIi'I', UII.I' jOIlI"lI'YIIIHII Ilho I ,(II)k I1lu'ad Hlltl 111'11.'1' hoi It 11 p.
111111 111'111'11"'11 [l1~1t', ' dlll'I"'?
1111'l IIH' illll't't'st ant! IlIkl '''; li1ll(' 10 pli('util1ll rlll,tIl'l /llIt! 1'lIlill){ ftll'lH~
alll'l((llI (·Iu,,-'l to illljll'UI" hi~ kllowl- ;111('1111 of lillll', I f thl' IIIISII'I' I' i'l ~(I In HIl.'· uf

INI/!I' uud allBil.'" Slltlllll] l'I '('l'in' Ilil"I', h'l Ill\' :\aliOlllll , 1.\ ' 1'(' 1lIlil't,
,,{)Ill\' 10kI'll or proo!' of Ih(' fa('\. Re visio n 01 No ' ional 11t·11I .1'(111 J..:t'I ill sl('[1 Ili"l I't'('iIJ,:"'
\\'11('n ,"Iil l 1I'i1' 11lIt' til' 1111' " lIl1I'St'S Course IAppren'ice' 1I1Z(·d, \t''l,,'(1, /lI1t1 lIPPI'(I\'I'1! IIIW1·11·
1'1"('111 lilt' Nlitioilltl ,):\'1'(' olliec, As PI't·,illlli'll.l' IIl1l ifil'll, lli(, ]'('. litHI of ,1'01 11' l.o(·ul.I.\ 'I'l' I'I 'OI!I'11IlI ,


Fihgerald, Chicago's
'Labor Lead er of 1968'
L.I1. 9, CHI CAGO. 11.1..-111 t.his, Ill)'
first arlidl' liS your 11reS8 S(ocrdar)', I
wtlnt to expr('!II1 our UIJJln-cintion to
my prMet'I'SlIQr, I1rother Da\'(' Hnwl-
ings. now '<:('r\'illj{ :18 rrutling derk,
ror the interNlting :u'Uc'1cl! whic'h he
Ilrcviously conll'ihull'd ill this 8IHI('{'.
As we 11I"()~"('!Ii! into 19(j!), with UII
f'xct'Urnt wIIg(' ~("al(' lll1d bem-IlL«, all
:1I1('(IU31(' SUIII)I)' of work, and :111 ex-
panded territorin! jurisdiction, I
would lik(' to (",'V WI\" the main 1l!iIlIM·n. At our Oeeember nwHing, Wl" w('r(' tcmlancc wa_~ Ihl.' 2()f)th Local IS
inKs during thl' last months of last
Ilridle!{('d to hU\'e the t'XI'(~uti\·., \"lc(' memlM·r to underlak(' this trainillK_
y.-ar. llfesidl:'nt of the lIIinoili :-ltnt<' A FI.- lie ill Louill ;\1. ,\IUlni ll, Jr" n 1::;-r~'lIr
CIO, Stanle~- L J ohnson. g1\'(' :1 w(']1- Illl'nrlJ('r of Loeal 18 and a grlllhWl('
Al our & 111('lI1ll£'r IlWetillj{. WI' w.'re qualified and very culi",ht('ning talk of Ollr firllt Jo:I('Ctrkal ;\I('challic AJI-
honored to h;t\'{· Illtf'rnatiOIlIlI Vice about the imp('nding Illillois Swtc IJr('nlic('s hiJl dalls in 1!.157.
l'rI'8i(l('nt J ohn W. Johnll()r1 , o r the Constitution/.I Convcntion. 11('
Sixth I)illtrict. Ill't-s('nt a (j.i·)'('ar A l1:1liv(' of K~.n!;ll ~ _ Brothel' Minnis
l'11'(':\1<ed th(' lI('ed for ",I'('at vig-ilam'l"
IllPmbership IJin and scroll tu our for- h:I R lived in Californi(1 since rCC<.'id ng-
on our p:Ir·t to Jll"c\'{'nt loss of mut·h his hon('rahlr disdlllflW from the U.S.
Illl'f pr('si(h-nl. Bill I'arkel'. As Bill hat'd-gained Ilnd existing legis lilt ion
talked ahOlll the highlighl ~ of his Nllvy at the cnd of World War I I. 11('
gU3mllte('ing our t'ighlH nil \\"OI'kl'r8, ill mnrricd :wd Ill(" father of four
long eat'l'er in t hr nn ;w, hI' look.·.1 allIl to ;I\'oi<l a<lOllli"n of legislation d l ihln'rJ, all of whom urI' alt"lu ling"
and sounded cUJlHhle of laking, lIg1lin, detrimcntal to the enu."" or lal'ol·. coll('gc. It g()('s without saying- thaL
tIll' Ij.lvel and eOllllucting a ml'l'ting In dosing, wc HI"<' Ilroud 10 an-
th£' way he d ill ~() \\'('11 for 80 m:ln)' Brother l'li nnis is a firm heJiever in
lIounCI' tlml our Ru~in(' !<.~ l'l armg(,I' !II,lf-improvement and education_
years. Robert E. Filzgcnlld Imll rcc('nlly
Also 111'('S('n l \\al< that "grand old bef>n drost'n hy a grouJI or Chicago'il The I RE\V's courSl.' ill alolllic (' ,wr-
1)('l'('lIl1ial," nrollJ{'r Oscar Ohmall, outstanding citiZ('nl' Uj; "1.:llIor i.('udt' r g~- hUM rC1.-(>ived UnIJrl:-eedl'ntcd a,'cf'llt-
who rcceiv('(1 recognition ror hill 67th of 1!)G8," Thl' award will 1)(' )In.·.s('nted ance by members of Local 18, and
)'Nlr of mcmbushijl in the lin:\\'. 111- to Rob by Illinois Sl'Cretary <If StaH' lIluch of the crNlit cun 1)(' attrihutl·d
terllational Vie(' I'resid ent John !l()l1 Paul Pow('1t on -'lay Hi, I!.IG!.I, at the to lhe ('nthu~iasm and ability uf
I'('markcd that. although he had prt'- annual Fel<thal or I.(·:ul('rshi ll nroth('r Jack Smith, instructol- of tlw
M'nted mall)' ;;0- :lOd GO-ye:lr "ins, Awards l)il1lll'r SllOll!'llrl'<l b)' th(' Lit- rourse_ A graduatf' of the Int('rl1:l-
making prl"-I'ntalion>< for (i!j- and 67- tle I-'Io\\"('r .\Ien's Roan!. Congratula- tiOllal's At omic Ellergy I II,;truet()r~
)"enr meml)('r8hi]l1l was ;1 Ill:W I"q)('rl- tions, Boh! This w('U-dl",;('rw,<1 cita- Institulc in 1!)lj:l. n..otiwr Smith h:l~
clln' and plpltllurp fur him. tion r('llects great horwr and Ilb,tine- taught everyone of tlw !W\'('n ('la~!W~
Oncc a,l:'ilin, Locll1 !) wa s thc prllud tion on L<xal !!. in the subject Jlro~Taml1l('(1 thus fa ..
I'ceilliellt of :In aWllnl for making il J ,lI!", J . CO;\SIIlI;\I::, I'.S_ hy Local IS.
100';'- 1'0ntl'ihutioJ1 10 COPE. OUI" I n utldition, hf' was thc 11I()\"1l1g
thanks to UlL' m.'ml~'rs fOI- I1luking fOI'l'(, in the cn';IUoll of Local 18'11
lhis possihlc fol' th(' thil"d tun~('l'uli\'(' Eighth Atomic Ene rgy Nllclctu' Unit, the fi .. ~t unit IIf il~
y(·ar. kinl l to he est alJ1i~lll"d in th~' IIIEW,
In Oclolwr, OUI' AnnulII Olll-Timcrs
Class Held by Local 18 llt'l'Ol"ding to our knt1wlcdge_ The :-Iu-
I'nrty wall it hug., ~U('eI'SS, with 1110rt' L_V_ 18, LOS :\ XG ELES, CALI F __ d"llr Unit wall fOl'1l1Cd ill I!)(i-t. IIft(· ..
than 900 ml'lnher~ 11I'('I;en t to lIgllin Local IS'1i eiglith cla~1I in In,lustrial tlUI' first elm'lI \\":U; ~raduated. Tn
I'cmind our I·elil·.'d-memb"r 1o!"11('lStli Atomic Energr Use!!, 1I:1;/;lIl"lIs, and C()IllII]('ment tIl(' Ui-werk rour>'e of in-
that th(')' IIr(' lilill n'memlwrcd :Uld Contl'ol!! commenced on FeiJl"U:tl')' struction, the Nuelt-:lr l:nit inau/o:u-
\\'('Iwme at Loe:11 !I g:lIheriligs. !th. Among the 23 ;;trul.'nl s in :11- r:ll{'(1 a series of conf('renCE's 10 "'hidl

Over-60- Year Members Honored in Chicago

At the September m.. li"9 01 Loc.1 9, Chlu90. 111.. pins end scroll.
were p.e.enled 10 e 605-y... member end e 67-yee. me mbe •. Lefl
10 .i9hl . • re R.. din9 Cler ~ John Doherty : Busin ... Mane9er Robert
£. Fih9er.Jd p'..enlin9 I pin to 67-y... member. 8.011.,. O.u.
Ohmen: Pre.iden! F.. d Hin"e: 65-y ... membe r end fo.mer p.".- Al Ihe December m.. lin9, lII'nois 51ele AF L_CIO E.eculiu Vin
denl, WiIIi,m Pe,~e.: Re,,0.din9 Sec.. te,), Rober! 5u99': end Presidenl Sle"le), L, Johnson, el leet"n, .dd,...ed the member-
Inte,nltio nll Vin P,uidenl J. W. Johnson p .... nli n9 e '''011 10 ship. Loo l in9 on .re BUline" M1n19" Roberl £. Fih 9, .. ld, fer
B.oi h" Pe.l, •. le ft , end President Fred Hinn.


Eighrh Aromic Energy Class lI ow mUll)' times, after negotiations
ha\'e oc'('n completed, ha\'e you heard:
"They d idn't get enough mone)" nor
fringt' benefits, nor improved condi-
tions, nor this IllId that?" Rut those
who (,Olll illain al wars have the same
IIn SWefll for not att('nding their union
In('(>lin~'lI: "I couldn't make them, he-
eauS(> I bowl thrN' or more nights a
wcck, I belonK to ~o m:UlY organiza-
tion~; I Kt't tired of listeniug to the
Ilalne rrw, etc."
You mUH attend your meetings aud
lJ;lrticljlUt(' before and not arterwlIrds
in ord,~r to "ut )'our !,T(lO(I thoul{hts
:Ind Nwrgr t o use. Attend your loclIl's
1l1('(!tinj.:'s and back your Il<!gotiating
t{'am. The tf'am rCf)fcsenls your hread
lind Iwth'r, so ntll' rl(1 your m("('tings.
AI. 8ACGS, 1'.8,
The eighth . Iorni~ '''''9V cleu 01 loul ra, los Angele., Calif., began Ir. ining on Long Island Mall
Febrll"Y 41h. Su.,d, I.f, 10 'i9111. ... : De wey K. Perke. Jaleph Murr.lI, BUlinell Mone.",'
Georgo W. Smith, G,,,o 1C,.t,., uwrenu Wisw,lI , Second row, .lo .. d i"9' I."trudo. Jed Larg est on East Coast
Smith, 8.uu C. Ould••• , Richerd QUld,nb".h, Geo'ge W. Wood •. M el ~in CortI., Leon
H. Dewu, Will C, C.k.t" end LOlli. ROlln,glrb,. Tlo ird row: Bill F,'nci" Pet, A. Me.tinet, L.L1. 2:i. LOXG IS LAX J), N.Y.-A
Loui. t.4 . Minn is. J,., V. C. Moli" •• J. Edwo.d Kerr, R... ,I B.iHon, enol T•• o• 1(",,,,,,0""0. rew years UKO, it W3!\ unde\'eloped
Nol pr •• enl for the pich... : Alb.., E. Dllnn, Roy G. Corum, Richard C. Collinl, K,ith I':,sture land, but now. Winston Mall,
Rend.lI, end Mon ul F. jardo. In('. has built a downtown enclo!l('(l-
mutt shol)ping coml,lu on the 102-
IIl're si tP, It i~ loralNI jus!. off the
drilled in field p"oblems o f the in- Ne!!('ons('t-I'oint Jefferson Highway in
\'erse !i(luare law and the half-valUI' Suffolk ('ounly.
hlyer. The class concludes the tri" Ah,'a11l11l1 lind Strauss and Maey's.
with the plotting of II Slife courll... tOIo,'('th(' r with brunche!l or Sears Itoe-
through a lh'e radiation field. buck nnd COm l)auy and )I:utin's, will
"er\'(' UII the rour "traffic dr;lws " for
, Instructor Jack Smith, in his t('u('h-
ing, imllrp.SSf!S ullOn his stuclellt.'l thl" tl1l' IlI'W rl'tailing complex. \\' h(,11 com-
fad that they are the o nes who nrc "Ietl"d, thl' SlI1ith-III1\'('n M:,II will em-
tru\)' the benefici;lries or s uch train- Ilio)' :;,000 IJoCOI)le, and retail sales: are
ing. and that, in assimilating this f'd- {oxlK'('t~1 to be around $70 million the
ucation in radiation, th('y ('arl thom first yf'ar,
r('iy on their personal know\1'<11':'1' to The joh or lIir'conditioning the 1,-
avoid hazards which may cuu!\(' inju- 400,OOO·!«,ulIre-foot mall was done by
r)' to themseh'es o r to others. Arc Electric uudrr the eugi u('(!ring
l ouis M. Minni •• J." jou.neym,n ,I,clrical G.;OIlGl:: W. S~IlTJI, n.M, Iialid or nrother Frllnk Moss, nrother
m,che .. ic, right, r.c.iv~tI .. I.. t boo~ Gene MinCI'vini, "ho jl superintendent,
Blllin"u Mon.g,' George Sma~ for being nllli IIl'olher MlIllllY Hodgers, forl'-
mUll , TIl(' electricinns instnlled iO lIll!-
t~e 200t~ member of Loul 18 to ".:ej~.
lraining in t~e Indlldri" Atomic Energy
Electrician Badly t('I' 1'()01ll1I whic1l feed the lOG slIlli ll
storp.8 wilh power and light that
U"., Huard., 'nd Cont,ol, Couru. Bro lh. Burned on Job rnllgt' nn},whu(' from 200- l(l t,OOU-
e f Minnil il employed i", Ihe pOWlI , d ..ign,
,nd conltruction of Iile LOI Angel.. De· LF. 22, O )I A HA. K l-:llR._When nmperr:' 1I('T\'i('('s.
p.rt...... "'t of Wiler Power. nrrh'ed home rrom vacation. I found Tht''}' instlllled <12 l)Ower lind light
the work lOiluation fair, and negotia- l'all('ls. jus t for the mall area, I-~ach
tions were in full swing. Our fairl)'- of the rour malls lending to th(' center
experts (rom every urea Qf al(lmic en- hard winter slo"'~ up $Onle jobs. court hilS ita own motif. The 15-root-
crgy wcr(' in\'ited to IlIJoeuk and to :IM- wide {osplanades will featun! duck
swer {,u('stiol1l1. Sickness, so far (we hOlM') , 1l1i"1>f'<\
out with the winter. Rrother " n ud" is l)Onds . exotic birds, !lools, aquariums ,
By the time th(' third dUllS Wl18 ('11- 01T with what he first thought was ;1 original SCU lpture, and lush tropical
roliN!, t he- Nudear Unit had com plet- sprained ankle; instead, it turned out 1ll;lnts.
ed it,~ firs t SU IJI,le r)]('nt to the trn ining to be a ehiPI}(!(1 hf'C1. Looks as if he On thl' west end or the mall is A &
progrnm and enlled it th(' Mnlilm might 00 ofT for;1 fcw monLhs . S, IIlso wired by Are Electric, with
Plnn after :I IlrojlOsed nuclcn r plant Brother Al iUtznml1l1, forcman. The
br thut sa me Il:lme. A Hf>r many hard ),f'ars or work and
tliliJrcnce on a state licensing law, it 237,fJOO-S(lllllrc·foot store em ploye<! 90
I-:I\ch ~'l"nr, the unit hns udded to its shows possible passage. c1l'Ctricians lit Olle time to hang 4,800
background of nuclcnr knowledgt' A fellow electrician who was work- fu:turf'lI. lind l(l install one mile of un-
t hrou!(h \'iSitN to atomic energ)' I)roj· il1~ in thi.. jurisdiction wall quite hud- l1('r·lloor litl(" lind Ir,H,OOO feet of ton-
ect..~ in the Southern CalifMnill area_ I)' burned (third-({(>grf'e burn!!) ahout duit lind I::MT.
fn 1968. it added the -K'Cond SUI'I,le· the chest and face, A J ajlanese-m:ldf' The new !;ton!, seventh in the chain.
mellt to the course, the Harlioiogicul \'ohage tester blew on 480 \'olts. Ill' ill hnll two 4,OOO-llr'nl)ere switchboards
Monitorin g I-'ieltl Trip. In th," pro- now back to work, Th is a cc itll'n ~ nnd l\CT\'k-e, usco! om: nt a time, to
gmm, th!> clnss visits the hend(IIHl r- should teltch us all a lesson to buy fl'Cd 72 light nnd power panels and
ters of II UADE I" stlltion whcl'e it is union, American-made tools. Ollll motor-control center. The second-


Long Island Members on Moll Job

Thele pitt.. , .. 1 Ihow membe .. of local 25, long hl.nd, N.Y., .. 1.o
worked on 'h_ Smith H.~ .. n M.II job (I •• ge.1 on Ih. eul coul)
in Suffolk County. TI" ,Iedric conttaclon were A,c EIK!,i, end
Litemote Elu-t.;c. The .bove picture ,hOWl II., ,.,emb",,,, on Arc
Eledric', m.. n job.

Members sterlillg
Arc EI.dric's job Oil
Marl in'._

it.-< 11('\1' hOI11(, at 617 \\'l'EI G"IH'!'''N'

Golf, New O ffice Str,oel. It is a good->,jzed m~lil1R hall,
Ne ws fro m Syra cuse wilh ph'IIl)' of oftk(' 1'pa('(' ami l)rilatt'
ml'eliug roonl!1, and :111 adl'(lUalP pal'k-
L.U. 13, S l'l~ l\ Cnil-:' X. Y_-A ~ood ing area C01ll1)Ic,men\S the new build-
turnout of golfer.!' wa.'1 on hand for ing.
till' J,'"()lr meeting at Xibsy'~ Ill'stall- "'e wbh !<I){'('(I~' t'('COyeries for
afY fcede.'s coming from L1LCO rani on :'>larch 11th, The Town 1~1(' Brotiwrs )Iike ~l dfi ;lIld Ed FI('i~h­
transfornH'f,; al"(' wniPIR'C1 with a Golf Cour.;:(', in :'>lino:l, was ~('ll'Ct<'-(J man who ar(' reculJ('rating aftt'r ol)('r-
h(>at elenwllt-1Yl>l' wire which, when it as the sit(' for Iliaying thi::. p'ar, with alion!'. Al so our i)('!!t wish('.$ go tu
sen."es trouhle hy t{'mlK'rature changt> W{'(lnesdar, )Ia), 7th, the starling Broth('r Le~t{'r flarC who i!< >,ched-
in the conducton:. shuts down the day, AnyonI' inter('sted in going to ul{'(i f(II' O'lt'n-heart l'urg(' ry. 011 )Iay
main swilch('$ bl'fore any hal'lll is the tournanl('nt in Clc\"('l:!.nd. Au~u!;t :?nd. at the llahnem:lI1n HO~IJiwl, 2311
,\one. The first in LOllg Island! ith and 8th, Ehould g('t his enlrr fM' ='orth Broad :-;tr('('t, P hil:ull'lphia,
~l acy'" looks Iik ... a turr('t('t\ l'P:u'(' to Rrother K(,11 811('ar';;, JDI n"I)o" I' .S,
>lg'C ('ast1('. With an area of 231,8 12 At the meeting, the following - '-
<.;fJIHlfC fcet, it is larger th:1Il fin~ 1'1'0 oflkers \\'('1"1' (']('(:\I'd: president, Smo-
football field!'. The l'\ectrkal contrac- ke)' Currier: treaFur('r. J im Bo\"a; Full-Time JA Te
tor waS LiH'mor(' El('{:\I'ic, with aud rl'CQroing ~~retary, Tony :'<la!l-
Brothe l' !\l ike l'ollleran!7-, SU)lprin- carL Dire ctor Appoin ted
lendl'nt. :11111 Rrotlwr Leon IIitter,;lein, Th(' Bowling LCllj::"ue wound UII ib L,lI. 16. S EATTLE. W .\ S II.-Bmth,·!·
rON'man. scason with S & M Eleetrie takil1~ Clifton E. Olsun re1'i~nf'{1 a~ hu~in('-,,~
S('ars, with 170,O{lO ~qU =lr.: fed, and till' hO!lol·~. Clo!!(' I)('hind. in sec-OII,I l"\'pre~entatiye to :l('('l'pt Ill{'" position
;\l artin's, with G8,()OO Equare f.:ct. al'C and third llluc{'!', w('rl' Kay -n and R('(' of training ,tiredol" of Ill(' .IATC 011
still being huilt, hut wh(,11 comlllet('lI, 1::lecll·ic. followed 1)1' Krau.;:e and Heil. _' larch 17, 19fi9, th(' same dOl)" that
the four stON'S will ha\'(' 7(}(I,OUIJ Do"ter and Egan, .\1. II. Salmon, Arc. Local lfi and thc PUK('t SOUlul Chap·
l\(lllare f(!t.'t of d('partlll('nt ~tO l"e 011('1"- ])oreo, GrM-", and B"ookll 1·:lectric. tel', NEC_-\, I'stablish('(l this full-limp
lltion, th(' largest cOllc('tl\t'ation of de- Congrulllla l iOIl~ to 111)" four team- l)O~ition. I n ;1,hJition to his many du-
partment .~tOl"e C:u:iliti('s CI-cr aSM'm- mate!!. Brother!! J uhn Ha ulli, Jo(' ties all businc!(S rl'l'rcscntatin', Ihoth-
bled_ D'Amieo, ('ll<'t J {'I"t"y, ;11111 "Two er 011'<011. prior to March ] 7th, wall
I will IJl"ing rOil mor(' infol"t1l~llioll Clw\\''' Fand,,'!', TIll' Int('I·.~tat(' T our- th(' .IATC dirl'dOl·.
lillollt the e:ls t l'0;1,,\'8 1:U'gcst cnclosed nament \\"a~ hos t ed hy Synlcuile ami Rrolher Dun ,", cHer was npJ}(Jinted
s hopping center a s wo rk Ilrogresscs. held at the T hunderbi l"(i Lanes, April to the ollie(' or husin('ss rellr('!;('nlatiq'
B ill! Gn101 ,IX, P _8. ,jlh. A fine lime was had b~' al l. left v:u;ant hy Brother Olson, Brother
On Apl'il lsI. QUI' local mOI'ell into (COIi/il/llell OJI pllue ~:l)



CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to abolish the Electoral College and choose
the President of the United States by direct, popular vote passed its first
hurdle recently 1n Congress . The labor- backed amendment won an important 28- 6
endorsement from the House Judiciary Committee. The chief Senate sponsor of the
amendment 1s Senator Birch 8ayh (D- Ind . ) . The amendment would assure the election
of t he candidates for president and vice president with the most votes if the
wlnning ticket received at least 40% of the votes cast throughout the nation .
I t also would provide for a runoff election between the t wo top slates if no
candidates received at least 40~ of the popular vote .
" VIGILANT" is the word used by the new Wage and Hour Adminis t rator at the U. S .
Labor Department in des c ribing how he plans to see that employers live up to the
law. Rober t D. Moran at his swearing- in ceremony said , - We will be v igilan t t o
see that the wages to which workers are enti t led will be paid . t hat equal pay for
equal work becomes more than a slogan • • . • -

UNEMPLOYMENT is up for the second month in a row . I n its report for the month of
April released as the Jour nal was go i ng to press , the Department of Labor noted
tha t there were 2 , 500,000 unemployed during April . -down 200,000 from March , but
115,000 less than is usual for the month.- The rate of unemployment for April stands
at 3 . 5~ up . l~ from March and leads to speculation that the economy finally may
be s l owing down somewhat .
LACK OF AN ARBITRATION PROCEDURE to se t tle plant - level grievances w111 be a
prime poin t in t he 1969 GE- Westinghouse nego t iations. Accounting to James D.
Compt on, chairman of the s t eering committee of the AFL- CI O Coordinated Bargaining
Committee , speaking in Washington on the Mutual Radio Network ' s -Labor News
Conference , - an effective arbitration clause will be a key union goal. Mr . Compton
predicted that - 1969 is going to be far more successful- and that unions will be
-far more unified- t han ever this year .

EDUCATION CHAIRME N of local unions might be interested in a recently published

Consumer Education Bibliography prepared by the President ' s Committee on Consumer
In terests. The publication, which can be obtained for 65¢ from the Government
Printing Office , Washington , D. C. , 20402, lis t s more t han 2 , 000 books , pamphlets
f ilms and fi l ms t rips co v ering all aspec t s of consumer interests .

AMERICAN FALLS, t he United States portion of famous Niagara Falls , wUl be shut
off sometime this year by engineers so that a close inspection of cracks and other
imperfections on the face of the falls can be made . According to the Washington-
based National Geographic Society , geologists fear that unless countermeasures
are t aken , erosion wil l slowly destroy the ancient scenic wonder . Niagara rep -
resent s more than aesthe t ic values . ' The river ' s flow of some 200 . 000 cubic feet
of water a second powers t he largest hydroelectric complex in the Western World .
JUSTICE FOR TWO BASEBALL UMPIRES allegedly fired for advocating an umpires ' u n ion
1s being pushed by two members of Congress from New York . Senator Jacob Jevits
{R- N. Y. J and Represen ta t ive Alexander Pirnie (R- N.Y . J are preSSing for National
Labor Relations Board hearing of their cases . I nvolved are American League umpires
Al Salerno and Bill Valentine who were fired after they sent letters to their
fellow umpires suggesting the formation of an American Baseball League Umpires
Association .

* *********************** *
, JOUtNA.L f OI JUNE, 1969
doo1at: Research
OX . \ H~n ...1 1, l !lG<';. 1111- !Kh h a llmIIl IW(' fIlL' 11I11"'''al 01' ,I'IIII\U- , his 1I I" '1I, 1111' .\ t·t pl'''\'illl ' ~ all 1111, ,·
1'4111~1'( '''';
i ' llilt-lt' ll tilt, l !)(i~ 1'111'." il l('tllll(' i~ (It'II III' ' I'll fl " '1 11 I h(' qlla l,' 1I~'" 1I110 \\"lI lI(·(' . • \ I'I")SPI'("
Il olI~j ll ).f HIIII ( ' l'I l:I lI 1)1'\' (· r"lI lI lI'lIl fm lli ly'.. gJ'.I"" a llll lwi iUt,tII llt' . Till' l in' 0 \\'111'1' 11111 .. ' 1', ' ptll'l ~11t'11 ill 'III "
.\('1 . "hit'll ['{ ' lI llil' ll!! ' I) 11 11' II1l l inli al ill ("lll lt'~ " I" Ill ill o,'" " ill 1111' hI.' i n - as l'lI~h Ill ' IWll tI , in (' lwI·ki ll )! 11\',
J,!oa l of l Ilt' 1!l-l !) II OIl"ill).!' . \(-, 10 <' hull''] i n fa lil ily J.!I·O~~ all ll llal ill ' ('(lUIl I ~. ill "ll1ill).."1 11(','Ollllh, I'III~
P i'l l iii,' "a il l' I'(' 1II IUIIIII' alit! 11 suit - 1'0111.', I n " lIr "\lImpl, '" "f 1-'1 1.\ ... tt}f'k .. t)I' ])'111.]" 111111 a n ~" 1'lIl1il ," ill
111.1,' Ji l in),!' (' II\' il"1II1111-II1 1")1' \' H ' I'.\' :!:I:; ,' I'('llil a~ .. i"'IIIW" , .11f' 'J','w·k 1"1':11 I-SI;II .. \tllid iul.,"" .\ lIy I'lplil ,"
, \ IIII ' I 'il'1111 f11lIlil.\,, ·· F .. " on ' I ' :W D ril"!'r' .. :i: 1. .-,":! uilju .. " ,.llIlI'tlUil i n· Iw ld ill 1IIIInlllll"ill,,, "I' hm"" ,llol,1
m'g::mizl'Il 1:111111" 11:1 ": .. !t'U)!-
,\'I -ll1"i , ,'111m' i~ 1'11"'11111 1'" hy d" d ul' l ill!! f ll l" l1 i .. lti1l,-'" uud IIu- l ik., i .. , '\.
).fit·.! 10 IlIal\,- lId .. J.!'l;d 11 ,'[-ali I,' "' ,:tUII r'II' .,lIt,1I IIf hr~ .. i\ .. hi ltlr"1I. hr (,Iu d " d ill ' ·"Iima l ill).:" total ;I"-~"'"
'1'111' II nrlll'O\I,Ilt'I'lhip 1' 11 1\ i ... iulI . ('U· $U, U4I, pI".., ,-I' , I)f hi~ gT'''''''' a lllll1111 .\ llll ]l plil' lI l1l 11 11.11' 1' fi:! ,"I 'al'~ uf 1IJ..(. ·
lil ll'oI HI't·t ioll :n-). pIll .. tIl!- Hl'u la l ill .. O Il lt' , ".' ::q:l/i, 1'1'''111 h i~ !.! I'U,,-, all · is pl.'I'm ill ,'. 1 $'.!,noo ill II"S""'. :lIld
.\ ""i""a l ll'[- I' t'OgTll1l1. ~1 '("lioli :!:Ui, 111Ia l ill('IIl1h' Ilf *fi, i'I 'i, /1\'(' 1' Ii:! Y. 'll ..... of llj,tl' i .. PI' I' lI d " ,'.]
11 1'1' Ill! ' II UIS! i lll ll"-:lli\'\'
IH-, 'hlI P -': .\ ....w l s :11'" 11 11O I h " I' f:l(' I', I' ill ' ]," *:;,000, I II ll ddili o ll III Ih"~I ' n""d
pUI'lion" of , hi' 1;1\\' 1"11'1111 ' " " n "oj · It,,·ltli l ti ll g' Lllllil.\· " li:,.: ihili l ," IlIl d ill :JIII ' I1I I1I ~, :iI,jlM)
i.. :1111)1I'l'd rOl' " 11l'1t
.1"11 1 . In hll'illll 1111" (-al lt 'l! 1111' 1lI0s1
fal' ... i:.('I'I ,·d al1(l ,h,·
m""1 j'ulllpn '-
h,-"",I\. ' pl"n)!I"1I1U ill ;111 .\ lIlI'd.·;! !!
h i .. I"r)·. 'l' hi ~ ('011111111 will ""' plai lL LIVING COST ADVANCE IS STEEPE ST IN 18 YEARS
III!' II UlU.'U\\ II('I... hip 1'I'I)\· i.. ion . S.·.·· CONSUMER PRIC E IN DEX-U N ITED STATES A VERA GE
liun :!:l;., ill I lli~ i,"u,' 1II1tl 11]('
Source : U,S. Depa rlment of l a bo r
It,'lltll l .\ ""i"la lU·" l' l'tlli .. ioll , S('(,·
lion :!:I(i, ill th t, .I uly i"""l1,', 8 ureau of l a bor Siolislic5
:-;" I·,iol1 :!:r i. fol' lilt, fil ... t tilllt', REVI SED IN DEX SER IESI - Ref erence Ba se, U. S, Average , 1957·1959 = 100
Iwilll.,"S hlllll('O\\II{·".. lli p \\ il ilill I l lI' >I, n ... N S.. Hf ... LTH
1" ' /l I,h (If lI lll l1 l~I (' 1" '1'," . \ IIU·I'i(')l 1I INOEJt D... re ITEMS HOUSING APPAUI & PORT ... • & H CU ..
f li lltil,l',It ('slnhl i"lU's :I II lI'i.." i .. I lIIU'\' MO NtH n ... t COMBtNED f OOO (T O T"' lI UPKEEP liON All ON
JlI'(I){I'nlll IIt .... il.pwd IlWilll,\' 1o " ti lll\l' Mar. 1969 125,6 122.4 1244 124.9 124.3 134.3
In I,' th,' 1 ~)I1s l l" HdiulI lIlIIl 1'.' l llIhi li· Feb. 1969 124,6 121.9 123.3 123 ,9 122 . 0 133.7
lalillli of sill)!I., I'lllll i l," h('I III'S.
Jon , 1969 124,1 122 . 0 122.7 123.4 120.7 133 ,3
allllollJ.;'h " fIIltlOlll il lil ll ll ' II' f'tlOllf'r:l'
th l , hOIl~ill).:' i" n]...o "lig'ihh', F ill", Dec, 1968 123,7 121.2 122 . 3 12 4,3 120 . 2 13 2. 8
' 1 1t ' I· r lllll~ ' . II 1}lII'Ii,,,, o f tIll' ai d i .. Nov, 1968 123.4 120,5 121.7 124.0 121.2 132 .4
nllol'II ' ",] h . a,,~i ~ I falllili , ·~ ill 'h,' Ocl, 1968 122,9 120,9 120,9 123 ,3 120,6 131.9
l ll1n'I!:",,' 0]" ('~ i~ , ill).:' st HII tl n ...I IWII"·
ill ).:". Mar. 1968 119.5 117 .9 117.2 117.6 119,0 128.3
T ll i" jl l·o).:"l·llm \I ill ]l l" illln" il ,I' lwlI ' M a r, 1967 115,0 1 14 .2 11 3 ,3 11 2,6 1 14.2 122,2
.. ,it falilili,,,, \Iilll ill", " I1I's \\" it h ill
M ar, 1966 112.0 113 ,9 109,6 108 ,2 11 1..4 117 . 6
I hl' I'n ll:,.:,' 01' $-1 ,000 t,) *"i,OOO. ' 1'111'
114'111:11 in l'"lIw li m il .. fo l' II 11lI 1'li(' lI ' Mar, 1965 109.0 10 6 .9 108.2 10 6 .0 11 0 .6 114.9
ltll' flllllil .\' 'I" ill tll ' P" II.] 11]1011 tI ll' Mar. 1964 1077 10 5.7 107, 1 105,3 108 ,9 1 13 , 1
"iI,,' Ill' III,' flllllil." nll .l lh(, ,'1111'" "IW ..
li01l 1·..~1 ill a pnl'lil'"I:ll' 111" '11 11 1' 11 IS' o,'ing w i' h Jonuo,y 196., I •• ,.e d Inde ~ Sed., <o~." t om", un ," ' nd .. d 'ng ' nd i~jd
uol .... o, le" o lon e. Be loo .. Ihol do lt. , h .. Inde- <0. ... lomil y un i.. ot tw o or mOf •
.. I u ndal".! , 111'11", ~i ll!.! h ' f n, "i l,\" hotlll' p Gn on, onl,.
( Sl 'I ' '1'11 1, 11' I ), T i l h llII I' I I I I ' flU'
NO le , Con sume, P,iu Ind • • to, "'U ITEMS i"<re o.e d 1.0 Ind e . Poi n" during , h. p<'"
lu l j ll" t l' d fnlllil.v illt'\1II lt', II $:100 MON TH , or 0.8% In".o .. d u,i ng Ike po . , YE... t wo , 6.1 Ind o> Pa in", 0' 51"1. ,
1111(JIIlllI(,(' f.ll' ('11("11 lII illOI')l lI d n G%


millOl' plw~ 11ll ;1111011111 l'l llml 10 the $ 1.j,C)OO lIi l ll $ 17,:)00 1ll'1'l1Iilh'd ill "I)1)II -;(II 'S. I t al~ Hlllhol'i7A'(1 Ihl'
lI ppli('lInt'li s l1:l l'I' of I hl' atlll11l11 hig-h ('0,,1 al·I'lIS. 1I 0WI" ' t'I', hi utI ...·1 1·'1 1.\ Itl ""IHhli . . h II I'(,"oll'illg I llli d
IUOI'!:!Ul!'I' jlaYIIII·111. t) l lr 'I'ru~k Ihl' 1H'('t!~ 01' 1111'gt, flll11ili" ... tllt' ... ' 10 IH'O \' idl' ~O('(, illll' l·fO:sl.I'I'\.... ' 101ll1S

Dri n'r .':o.:all1 llit' rl'i'l'i""d 111" ,,'alld· limi!'! nre iIH,I't,ll ....,d It. 17 .;I{)() allli 10 {'O,'I' I' (',' I' IIJiIl ('OIl"U'II('lioll ('(r.-,I'i
ar,l .,::!.OOU und('r fi2 Y"IU'" of iI!!(' tl0.000 1'1'-;I)(>(' li\'t'I~· . 'I'h,· IhlWI ilwlIl'!'I',1 II,\' 11i('st., o l'ga ll iziltiol1'"
ulluwa lwf', pili ... 11 Jj:.·lon 11110'\')1111'(, 1l'1'1II til' lIlt, IIlt11'Ig-;I)!l' is :~O ~·"11I"". The 1!l fj~ .\ ('1 uulluJI'iz,"'!; l'ed"I'HI
rill' (lil dl of his "ix ,·lIil , II','II. tot· bill ;~;J IIwl -10 Y" III' 1I10001).(<lgl'" 11Iny Ih." i"11111(·,' rill' :1:!0.000 hou"illJ.:' \lIIiIS
I,,~ 1I]1111',,\\"\' '1'1 11' lIlinilllUlIl ,1'1\\11 1111.1"1' S(·('t iOl1 :!:n in Ihe th'"j Ihl'\'"
:1;;1,000, pi li" h is ~ It al'" uf I Iii' 1111 11 11;11
paYIIlI'11I l'I'IIUil" ''] i" If':!O() rill' fUIII ' ,\'1':1 I'>!. \\'hili, ('IIII:.:'I·I '''S 11111hOl·izl,d
Ilt\lI'I:!a~,' p ltyHlI'III. 1)1' * 1.0.·,/i, fu r
ilil'>! wh'N' ill('OlJll'" filii lI ilh i11 till' ~;j.(}()() IIllil" 1'01' Ii . . (·a l .1'1':1 1' 1!lf,!I,
11 IIIlal a ....('1 all,I\\'aH\'" (II' *(i.O.'iIi.
I·,').(ltl:tl· ill('(IIlIP ,·lassifit·:tli,Ul, all d wldeh wlluld l'I'Ij1lit·l, *TJ,OOO.OO() ill
'I'lrw-I, I\\'o b'.,· rlll'101'S ill ,lell'l" ;l~~ II I' lilt, 1·' 11 .\ .... lIPI'!';d~t'd \'11111\' stlhsilli,'''. it IIP[l l'tJl"'in l,'d 0111.\'
Illilling- ('Jig-illilil." :JI',' 1'1I1l1i1,\' iu· or Iltl' PI'OIIl'I'I," rill' 1':lllIilil'" II illl *:!,'i,OU(J.OOO, whil·1! 111'1' :-oHfli"i,' 111
l'OIllP it lt!1 l':l1l1il.\· ;1""1'1,,.
It i" 11('('(',,· ill('tlllIt'~ l'J;t,~ifj, ' 11 ;t~ t'XI·I' Jllitlll". I'ull ds flu' :tJlI)]'()xilll:lIel.l' :lO,OOO
sal·.\· h) IWl(' Ih:ll .'f:lOO pt'l' trtit1{)I' TIIi" il1l"t' .. IIIWIII /llily illl·llld,' ,·Ius· ullils. 1'1"'''''1111,1', 1'1111(\" ;tl'l' I'I' wI'\'I,d
is alluwed ill (·UlltIIUlill:.:' a,ljll~I('d illl{ t'llSls ;tlld Othl' I' i1t'III~ (1f 11l'1" 1'01' all aO,()OO \lllils wilh 1'f·'1I1'·.... I~
fundi.,' iUi'(JlIlr a wl *.·,0(1 111'1' IlIill01' p:tid 1'''I\t'II ... , 'I'lw 1\1I1·I·hl1""I'·" lulIlIl' 1'01' nl\ 11l\tlili()lIal fiO,flnO 1I11il" 1111
is nl lt) wed ill (·' II11 J)llI illg till' 1'1I111il." 11111." I" , 1·1·t'(lit{,d 1(II'1I!·t! I hI' d,,1I'1i a wldlill)t li .. 1. BOlh 1'1)1'1111' 1' Pl·" . . i·
:1 ......1'1 allowllll('C. pll.'·lm'lIl . 1·'IIl·IIlI' J·ItIlJl·,' . 1\ 1-'I)I'('il1l .),·n l .JohINJII anti 1'1·, ... id "1I1 Xixtll1
'I'h(' OfW1'l'Ilion til' tlli" illw;.:illa.
H i"k Illsl!I'll!Wt' F Ulld i" l)]'il,itl.,d 1'\'fllll"iII 'fl $.iO,()OOI)()() ill ,\Ullpll"
I'ur fiIlHili, '" who \'1),,111 11111 '1tl11l · Jl1l'1l11l1 fmltisfol' Iht, li",·;!\ .n'al·
I hi'. 11(>'" 1'01'11\ of (,I',·dil a ...."i .. ll1ut>C
io; H~ rollo\\1S:
lry 1111t11' 1' Ilfll'lmti 1-'11.\ l'I'I'llil t1wt lIill "1111 .1r1lH' :10111. I t' ( 'Oil ·
slnn, l u I·,I ... :.:n:ss r;Jils lu upp r ul'l' lilis :-IIIPI1I,',
'I' ht' hU.'·I' I· i" 1"'(llIi l·,'1I 10 pa." 'I'hi.. PI·O)tI·:tJ1l i" tip,'" 10 Ill'i':l1I' 1l1l'lItlll npJlI")llI'ialioll, tll~' HI' I' li l~ll
:!w ~ or III(' fl11n il."·>! Il djIL",{'(1 111, .... llI p l·I'S. lill1ill'(l j)I'Ofil "JI(JU"Ill'S :!:tj !ll'O~nllll II illlll,,·t' 10 wail IIlltil
IIHltllhl." ill('OIl1(' 1'01' IIi" 1110111111." amt 11IJII ' JlI'Ofh SpOlhtll'S. '1'111' 1'1 ' :II'" li"(':1 1 ]!170 rllllt l ~ ht'I'OHII' n\-ailahlt,.
1IIf11·1).(:1j!1' pllyllll'lIt. whit-II im'llId,'s Iwo distilll'l :lliI-:I III:I),tt'O; ill d":lliltl!, Io: I'{'II 11I1)I't· S( ' I 'jtJlI~, 11tullg'h, i" Ihl'
PI·illl·ip<ll. intl'I·"~I. 1ll01'\g'lIgI' i Il S111·· with 11 11011.pI'0Iil SPOlhlH·. 1·'il'Sl . po"'.... ilJ ilil,\' Ilwl Iltl ' luI\' lIPPI·IIIII·in .
:111('" 111·1'IUi u!lI. 1:IXl's Il l ltl Iwwnl tilt' IllIild(\I"s 01' ,lpn' lopI' !" s [,rllfil s lio11 In,'1 1'01' fi"('lll 'I,S ('"')\1 1,1 SI'I
i 11" 11 I'a 1]('1'. 'I'ltl' (;0\'1'1'111111'11\will {'(lull! hI' Ihl'd 10 illt'!'I':hl' 1111' siz,' a ]lilth'I' 11 IIlli,·h would 1111'1':11<'11 Ihl'
Jill." IIII' It' llIlillg' iusliluliOIl Ihe OJ' ill llll'O\', ' Ih,' Ijlwlily or 1111' 111111" IlI'Ug'l':l1I1 11'\1,101"1'1' III!' 1' lIlil't' tlll~'I "
d ifi'!'I,('llt·(, IH' lw('1'1l I Ill' Im Y~' I"!I :.!W' ;- illl{ II" il. HI'(·OTUI. it 1)(,I'lIIilo; Ih" .1'1' :11' llllllltll'izl'(l Iwl'ivd. 'I'hi.~ 1"·fI·
,,1111 1'1' :1111 1 III,' lJ('lul1l IIIU llll llr pa,\'· 1'1 ......' I·I":ll1c)ll 01' 1'111](1", whi!'h i" :11.'«1. !/nlIIL (,fill /ulI(/i1 !I'JII. {'IJIlI:wl YUIll'
11 1('111. 'I'I\(' HllIlIlInl ul' Il u' 1:0'1' 1'11· hlll,ly dl:l! 1" JIl "i tli ' I'i llg' I h,' limilt'll 111\'111 1-' 11.\ Hf'g'iotw l Ofiin' 1'01' 111111'"
111~' 1IL's ('Ollll'iiJulim i (·:t IIIIOI he nl'1liIHhil il,\' {If fllllck ('OIl j.!I·I·SS I'i ..• 11('ll1il" 1111d \Hilt' Ylllll' ( 'lIngl't'",,, ,
gl','ilk l' \1101 11 Ihal :JtllflUIiI 111'('(''', wlliz, 'd all ill'·n·a"ill;:.I~· ililPIll'1111I1 llIall :11111 St' I1:IIOI' 1':-"PI" '""illg- ~· IIII1·
S:lI',\' 10 pll,\' fUI' Iltt' pl'ill(·iJl:d lIml 1'011' I'm' 1II)II· pm/il 1")I'JIOI'lltitJlI" Ullt! intl' I',,,,, lind "UP l k.II·1 1'",' full alll"'u ,
inl('I'('''' nt n 1rr I'alt' ( St...' 'I'llhll' ill lilt' l!l(j ~ ' \ ('1, tlil·,·(·Il·d 1111' 1·' lr . \ 111'iatioll<; III' Ihl' I!)(i~ IIIH",ill!! . \ ,.,
:.! ) . 1'lId('r ,II,' ItI\\". if III\' fa mil.\' ttl Jl I'fIl"idl' il1f' )1·ltlalioll, 1IIh il'I' 11111 \ III ;!1'1I"I'ul nlld H('t'IIIIIIS :.!:\''i :1I1ol
illtOlI\(' l 'iSl.~, it will 1)(> 1~ 'qUil'I',1 10 Il'('lllli,'al :1 ...." i.... , ;I II'·\· Iu IIt.1I 1.! II·ofit :.!:Hi ill 111l1'1 il·ll llI l·.
flH,\':I )t1't'nll'I' Shlll'(' of Ill\' IIUllllhl.\·
JI:I~' l llt' lIl . 11 1' 1) will 1'('('I'I·tit'.\' f:llI1-
ii,,' ill('UllIt' (' I'I' I',\' tWI) .'·I'lII'S :tllli
Hmkf' III!' 1lt' (·{ .... ~;II·.'· ndjusIIllI 'III" ill
]lH ,'·III'·III ... I Ii" II01Wd tlilil IWIII.\·
.- Home Owner/ Sec, 235 Credit Assistance Payment Relationship

~ ~

. .1I. 1I 11I I I
i'lIlnili('" will {"'t' lltll;!ll,\' :ISSIltIl" II,,' '" Mo nt hly Mor tllge Payment'
,·" , it·" pa,"lllt'll l . '1'1 11' :!I'llplllll I'idlt
sllo\\s Ihl' ,it" 'lillirw (:11\'1'1'11111,'111'"
H~"i"'lIIWt' Jla~'lIlt'lll mH I Ill" illl'I" ':I'"
illj.( Oil 111' 1"" I lllllllh l ~' l':tylttt'1I1 liS
, +~ .' .
Ihl' 0\\'111'1"." III(mllll.,· illl"I1II1' ill' 1-'
1'1" '110;1'''. 'l'llt, "11111 of nll.\· :1t1ll ~lIu l .
'111 1111' (111"1'1'11111('111 mouthl.\' H.. ~i1St.
:UlI'(' p:l,l'II1l'1I1 lilli' pili ... lIlI.'· U1I1UIIIl! C
. Mu imllm SK 235 Credit A.ui$lance
1111 Iht, UII1h' I"" 1110111111.1' PIl~' ''I(' lIt
lillt' ('([IIlII" Ill(' 1Il()1Jlhlr 1II01'1j.!1l:!"
IHI.' 1111'111. I'X('I'pl 10 IIII' II' fl nr IIII' ~ql
. -
r""',s'44.,.L 0/,,1,/
*.'i. I()O a d ju"lo,d i ru'dUII ' \,111'1'" 1111' A )' ".1$ '
.. 11111 or HI·dit 1\'....... i"Tam·(' plus the IfC-. p
. aY"'.lft
IJ\I III·r·" ~O ', . . hal·'· i'i It' ....... Ilmil the
1II01'1g'IIg'l' parme nt. ,
'I' ho lall' lillli t" 1I101·1:.VIg'I'S 10


;:,~~;,~ ..':"r,.;.,!:,.30",:,~ ~~~
Fille, Relinery Doc' Mai! Truc k
I. Occupation (WidOw) Operator Foreme .. C.rrier O,lver
2. No. of Children 3 I 4 3 6
3. Gross Annua l Income $ 5.240 $ 6,500 $ 8,300 $ 6 .634 $ 6.718
4. Adjusted Annual Income ' 4,078 5,875 6,685 5.402 4,582
5. Adjusted Monthly Income
(No.4 -;- 12) 340 489 557 450 382
6. Reported Assets 104 413 150 100 854
7. Asset Allowance ' 4.400 3.676 5,356 4,580 6,056
8. Sates Price 15.700 15,700 18.200 15.700 18.200
9. Loan 15,500 15,500 ] 8 ,000 15,500 18,000
10. Monthly Payment 140 140 163 140 163
II .Owner's share (20% of
Monthly Income) 75 98 !13 90 88
12. Government's Share (not to
exceed amount eqUivalent to
Principal and interest at 1% ) 65 42 50 50 75
All 01 th e above m OM8"8es .re 81 I 1 \oS % interesl .ale for • per minor pl us a 5 % allowance lo r unus ual Or tempO"'y income
term o f 30 ye a.s. In .. ach case, the buyer used work equity in from g ross ann ual ,ncome.
lieu 0 1 cas h for the down pa)'ment . The work consisted o . paint· • The asset allow,nce ,s the sum o f a $2.000 standard under 62
In ll the interior an d exterio.. placlnll sod and Inle.;O' hOUM ),ea', 01 age allo w,nce o . a $5.000 s tand •• d Over 6 2 ye.,,, of
clea nup. The builder p .ovlded Ihe p.,lnt. sod end tools. age aUowance. plus $500 per minor. pl us an .moun t equal to
' To compute adjusted .nnUII Income. deduct .. $300 anowance t he own e"'s share 0 1 th • • nnUII mortllalle pa)'ment .


' ncome In come
Llmrts Limits Section 235
01 22 1 dJ 01 Public Section 235 Ranlle 0 1 Ad ·
HouSn'1I Housi ng Ranjle 01 Income jllsted Income' Adiusted Ad iu .ted
Pro, •.,m Program l,mlt. ,. ,~ lim'" In com e Income
for .mlll lo r Famil), lor F.mi~ of 4 Fo. F. mily o' ~ Monthl)' Hour lY
City 01 J 0' o f 30r4 Excepti on ' :e8~ I .r' Exceptlon . Regul ., , Equivalent ~ulvalent

Atlanta, Ga . $6,500 $3,200 $ 5,800 $4,300 $6,700 $5, 100 $558 - $425 $3.22 - $2.45
Chicago, II I. 8,800 4,600 7,900 6,200 8,900 7,100 742 - 592 4.28- 3.42
Denver , Colo. 7,500 3,600 6,700 4,900 7,600 5,700 633- 475 3.67- 2,76
los Angeles, Calif. 8.750 4,300 7,900 5,800 8,900 6,700 742- 558 4.27 - 3.22
M in n'/St. P a u l. M inn. 8.050 4 ,300 7,200 5,800 8.200 6,700 683- 558 3.92- 3.22
New Orl e ans, la, 7,950 3,000 7,200 4,000 8,200 4,800 683- 400 3.92- 2,31
Ne w Yo rk , N . Y. 9,050 5,760 8, 100 7,800 9, 100 8.800 758- 733 4.38- 4 .23
St. louis, Mo, 8,500 4.400 7,600 5,900 8.600 6,800 7 17 - 567 4.12 - 3.27
Seattle, W ash . 8,500 4,200 7.600 5,700 8,600 6,600 717 - 550 4.12- 3.16
Washington, D. C. 8,850 3,900 8,000 5,300 9,000 6,200 750- 517 4.33- 2.96
'A. Exception:

B. Regula r:
'''' " max imu m Income ' im it e stabUshed for
projects IIn .nced with Section
market inlerest ,a te morlgalleS. '" "
b e low
135% of Income Um lt established fo . initial oc·
'To compute ad juste d annual Income, deduct a $300 aUO wan ce
per minor plu s a 5 % allO wa nce for unusual Or lempo .. ')' In-
come from 11'055 annual Income.
r Rounded to nearest 100,
cup., nc)' 01 Public Housinll.

M o rtg a ge Amo unt
I $10,000 I $12.000 I $14,000 I $15,000 I $17.500 I $20,000

Avera ge $91 $1 09 $1 27 $137 $160 $183
Monthly Mortgage
Own . ....
Adjusted (20 % o f
' ncome' ' ncome)

$ 4,200 $ 70 $21 $39 $57

4.800 80 II 29 47 $57
5.400 90 19 37 47 $70
6,000 100 9 27 37 60 $83
6,600 110 17 27 50 73
7.200 120 7 17 40 63
7,800 130 7 30 53
8,400 140 20 43
9,000 150 10 33
9,600 160 23
10.200 170 13
MaK. Assistan ce
Payment $42 $ 50 $59 $63 $74 $84
'To compule a~u~led annu.1 Income deduct a S300 all ow a nce Linhl s hade-M 3~,mum uslstance payment plus 20 % o f bu)'e.
per m lno. plus a % allowance for l or temporary Income ad usted monthl), Income Inadequate to m e et monlhl), mort·
Irom gross annual Income. lIage p a ymen t .
Medium s hade-less Ihan $S. Oark shade-Amount of Fede,a l Government su b sid)',


Train ing Director it will be heillful with thl' Ilr"blclI1K of ion nllt! ('(Intrllctor reJln~cntllti\'e!l
our memlw:rs who arc l'lIllllo),{'(1 by {'(]ulllly.
the tcll'phone company. Ollf' thlllg ill UII Il('rtllost in the Ih'c.!'
Our work situation i~ I;liIl good of nil or us is .sarety, -'InrI' ami
with n constnnL ]]{'(-d for (IUalified mor(' time is 11(,I'ot('(1 10 trrinl( to kCCll
jourll("},m{,Il, IJarticulnrlr for distri!>l1- 1)('(11)11.' from gHtlllg injun'!l or killed.
lion work. The shortag(, of traill('tl )'N a«id("llt .. still O('('ur, L-sually, di-
jourlll"ynll'l1 i~ Ilot just n lucal pru"- n'!'t "iull1tllll1 i~ lint Ihe eau"t' of aCCI-
I('m, hut :1 ll:ltiollwiti," 01\1', It hall 0(,- tl"lIls, hut hindsight m'arly alway"
curl'l',1 tlO"CllU!'l' of Ih.. fllilur(' tu train !!hows tlmt hnll a job hl'('n dOll(, in :1
mor(" mI'll in the Pll!<l, and Ihl' "illla- ~:lf('r nllllllll'r, thl' lled,knl may han'
lion will Inkt' linl{' to imllrllll', 1)('1.'11 aVfli(""I, \\'(" al'(' !'(lIl.!'lantly 10101
The A Jllln'ntic,'~hill 1'J'('g-mm, "tn.'I· 10 ddve dl'f"Il~iH'I)'; we ~hould ab/)
I'd n ("II' rCllr~ 11)(0 III Ih .. Fuul'lh ami \\',JI'k dl'fellsin'ly. Jo;."lwtl Ih,' unl';\:-
Si)(th Vict' l'rc~itll'nlial J)i~II'ids, will Iwd,'tl ulllll)(' IH'l'parl'li for it.
1)(' of imml':I~III'ahle valu,' III 1l'II1nillK On the pnlitif'lll s('('nl', Illuny l,ill~
lhe m(,l1 Ihat will he I1Pl'th,d in IllI' .11'.' IlO'ing inll'lItiucl"d ill Ihf' ,-al'iou~
}":n,, ah,'ad, 'I·hi>. III lIg1nlll" txottel' ... tn tl'~ nn" in thc U,S, Congrt'~s whith
known liS AI,BAT, likt' :llly IWI\' 1'1'1)- will (/11 nOlthing but hal'm th., lI1('m-
Broth.r Clifton E, OIJon, Locel 41:>, Sultl., gram, has "bugs" in it. lIowc\er, :Ill 1"'1';1 in (1I'J,;:lni'l.t'd Iuhor. The mf'1Il1Jt'I'"
W •• h" ,cupt,d th e pOlitioll 01 lu ll.tim' time g'OI"S on, ways haw' b"PIl fOllnd or tlUt' IIrolhl"rhood .!'hould makt'
training director of the JATC on MArch 17, to im llrol'e II :1IIt! nwn' HIIIJ!'OVf'llll"nl~ Ih('nlll.. l\'(~K :tIV'II'l' of thl'$(' lllll.!' and d...
191:>9, will he made in the futUl,(" T his P l',)- "\'\'I')'thing tlw)' po""ihly e'lII to >'l'e
gram i~ a joint etrol'l (Ill thl' "lIrt IIf Ihat t1wy do not Occome law;:, "'rill'
(Collliuued In.,,, IIII/le .IX) IIII' IIl1iolll; lIml til(' ctllll.'adm'~ lIntl I, I" ytlur n'JlI'I',,('nlalin'~. liUjll)(!I'1
1\('lIer will tw:· n')lIl'.'l'IlIing the Oil a goud ""'lUlllll(' of what clln hI.' m' rO P E, :111(11)(, a uniollllll'lIl]'t'r Inol a
Hllrnl'r Unit and takin/! (':In' of win'- ('I)Il')llisll('d wh{'n ('omJl'llli('~ alld UII- m('nlljI'r of a union). S('(" you :It tlw
man's distll.tching, It II':I~ jll"l a fl'w ions COOllI'rnte.
months ago that I had Ih(' "kll~urt' of Ynur Iln'!I~ l'I'f'l'l'lary ik r()rtullate 0, II , !'t:lUl\, I',::;.
reporting on I)!-olher 1\f'lll'r a8 "lhl' ill b,:ing onl.' or th .. uniun rl'llr!'!i\'nla'
man of the month." th'es from thc Si)(lh I)i~tri!'t till 1111'
I n order to nCC<'1l1 his 11('11' llO,.;ition, Joint C<)111mlt\C<', and I (('(01 I ('all Lo cal 58 's Cre dit
B rother I\l'lkr l'l'signl'd as t1'f'n~lIrf'r, lI1't:lIl; with knowledgl' on till,' ,·:illll' of
and Broth('r f'. ~, "l\nUI('" -'Iallett, thl' Ilrog-ram. The 1'1iriOIl!. ml'ml,,'r>l Un ion a Succe ss
who had ]I1X'I'iouslr .!'I'r\'('d 11,; In':u!Ur- who ~('r\'{' on suocommitt,'l's :It til(' 10- L.U _ ('is, 1)10: 1' 11011', -''' (' II .-Local
e l', again assumed Ihl' ome(', nil 1"1'1'1 :11'(' to he comm('ntl('tI on lh(' ;,S's Cr('ll it L"nion held ils annual
This it'! ju,~t a rt'min(I,'j' 10 I,'t you lime allli ('1fort tlwy ,Iclot .. lu Im.J..ilfK wI't'tiull on Lin' la"L SUlllla) ... r -'In\'l.'h,
know that Loelll 4(; will holel its A n- thc I,rogl'am lI'ork_ This :l111)li(,8 to 1111- onc month Inlt'r th:tn usual, in Ihf'
nual Fishing U('rhy lit Hay's Roat
lI ouS(' in St'llll'l11ht'r, Anyon(' who hilS
l'wr ijoC('lI to thl' fishing dl'rby knows Cre dit Union A ctivities in Detroit
that thi" is onl' fundion that
shouldn't 1)(' mil'!I('(1 by IInyon(', fi"h{'r-
m.m or nol,
On Fl'hrUl.r)' 22, H)(i!), I\'{' hf'1d our
An nual Sweethf'art Ball(llIf't \I'hi<;h
was; w(,11 at\('II(I('(I, and :111 who at-
If'nrll'll had a fine time, 'J'1ll'l'c WIIS
dancing 10 Ii"c music, :lnd a sl11orgas-
iJord !l inn(,l' was s('l'\'ed 10 round 011\ n
n~rr plrllsnnt 1'''''lIing.
T he following m"mbt'rl! :lllllli{'d for
retirt'lllent: Frank L, BUI'nett, Bruce
D, Clark, Arthul' "'nlk, ('harles M,
Fh"tch('r, F di)( S, 1II,,,lI l'r,;on, Grrrit •
;\Iouw, Midmcl II. Q UiIlU, Ik nnic At th e Annllal Cr l dit Un ion Mee till';! 01
T hol'a da !'~on, ('harll's K Warner, lind
local 58, Det.oit , M ich ~ Mrs. Rob,,1 Ru ,h_
Dwigh t II. W Yllll{', lord won the fi"t pri .. , , pod,bt, TV, With
her . .. he. hu.b,nd I Jut,d ) end Bill At Ih. lunch'OIl, young K.vill K.u'ge r
W {' l'{'gl'et tIl{' PII!<!;inl!: of n rother leem, 10 be .,yill,;!, "Wh,t , d ividend
Daniel U. lI oltll'I1, \\ (' olTer ollr d''<'II- Z'poli, T.... u ....
Ihi, ill"
eSI !,;Ylllllalhy to his family ami nIHil)'
fnend s.
C, J, I\I.~:I'I'~, 1',8,

Journe ym e n Need e d In
Springfie ld , Illinois
L. U. ;; 1, SI' IH ='GFI E1.U. 11. 1"-1
keel) telling 1ll)·s!'lf Ihllt I will wrile
to th{' Jont:>:,\I. more r<"l{ularly, hilt all
too OftI'll Ill)' gOOf I intf'ntions un' 110t
It 11'115 m)' IH'L\'ilcge to ultl' nd th{'
l ut"l'Ilationnl Telepho ne Conf(' I'{,lll't' Le ft +, .ight, .H. ofrico" 01 the cradil H .. , BUlinen Melleger Joe l~PI~ntft ~nd
held ill Chi~ago. It was "1'1'), illtcn'H- union, Sten Minner, Bill Z'poli, end John Mrs, l.Pt,nl, Ite Ihown enjoying th'i'
ing, an d th e in(o!'lllatiUIl gllllwd fI'om M ..", mul.

JOU RN A L FO R JU N E, 1969
hOI.eS of having heltl.'r weather for cents, or GO cellts above journeyman
the affair. It really Ilaid otT, as 410 years of outstanding 8en·i<-"e. T hese
scale. Brothers were not aw:lI'c t ha t t hey aLtellded the 14th meetillg Next mon t h, we will han' the nomi-
which held in the union hall. were to be so llOnored, I'm sure, and
nation of ofllcers. We will have to were at a loss for wonls, other than
Credit Union P resident Stan Min- wait until then to see what hnl'I)('IIS-
lIer rel)()rtt'(1 that the year of 19G8 .. thanks."
was one of progress and that 19G9 C. E, FHA"'" P,S, After, adjourmllellt, a drawing (or
looks very favorable. In 1968, 331 new door prizes and $·;.00 gift shares to
members increased the membership to Denver Members credit union IlJl'l1Ibers' child ren under
2,600. P rt'sidellt Minner repo rted that 1 ~ years of age was Iwld. Door I)ri;re
the credit union had been able to give Wlllncrs wen' Laura ' \'il!lOn Rita
a four l)er t"ellt di,·idend on savillgs Smith, John Rurke, Jr., Rob Rlarek,
and a 10-:-; rebate on loans. Total as- a~d Dolores Lee. Children winning the
sets ha\'e reached almo.;;t SI,JOO,OOO. gift share,; weI"!' :'!Iarsha I\'eimes,
T he follo ..... ing were unanimously Shanon Thonl l18lm, Daniel Brown
eleued to three-rear terms of office in Cristinn ) Iosier, aud Kpvill Tholllll!lOn:
the Cl'ctlil union; Prank L. Webb, Jr., Ou~ ~re<lit uniOIl is IIOW reaching
Credit Committee; Elmo Ellis. Super- the 1I11 1110n-cloll;lr mark, a milestone to
\'isor~' Committee; and Stan Minner all)' credit union. JC you arc not a
and RiChlll'd Ste\'ens, Ro.'l.rd of Direc- member, join. lIel" yourself and help
to rs. others.
Our Lom) :;8 Cred it Union was in-
au~,'ura t ed on J une 25, 19;:;5, and it
Both e rs Olin Ge h , Ph il B~ n , 8ill Fisher, Oid you llea r t his () ne---recreatioll
has gl'own because of the efforts of li nd Cill ir Wil, me mber! of Lo eel 68. might bc defillCd !I~ we:lring yourself
D.n~e r. C olo ..... emplo ved on the St. out 011 rour 0'1'11 time,
dedica(t'(l mel! like Al Lockman and
l~ ~.·, Hospit.1 job.
J ohn l\Ia8('r who 8en'e<1 in variouil JUlie 7, 1969, is elect ion IInr for Lo-
officI'S from the beginning. Stan Min. cal 68. With th(' 1)()lls, which will be
ncr has been Ilrel'ident for the last 12 ol)en from 7:00 A.)1. to 7:00 P.M.,
rl'ars, and mil Zap-oli, who is now
Credit Union Meeting and the abSf'nt('f' haHot, each one of
treasu rer, ~r\'e<1 on the Board of H e ld in De nver us 011 J unc· 7th should be able to say
"Ye:o," w hen 3S,,1'<1.
,. "Have ~'OU vot- .,
Directors for II yea rs.
After the Illecting was adjourned, I.. U. 68, DI·;:"' n m , COLO. -T he 1Gth ed!" All ballots al"(' to be counted on
alld before we enjoyed a catered buf- Annual .'Iembt-rship ) ICI'ting of the J une 7th. so if you hn\"en't mailed
fet luncheon , an attendance raRle was Electrical Fe<Ie-ral Credit Union was your b.... lIot Yl't, mail it SOOIl or takl' it
condut.'te<1 and the lucky winners were held at the A\'iation Club here on to the 1)()lls. Thi ... is the time whell
Mrs, ){ol)(lrt Rnshfo rd, who won the illarch 8th. ench of us hr hill vole lavs the fouli'
first I>riu-, a I)()rtable TV, and Doro- More than 300 members attended datiOIl of our l(I("al for the next two
thy Goebel, second-pri:/:e winner who the dimwr-meeting. The Local 68 yea: .... ~s I !<:lid before, your Jlartici-
\'t'et'ived a J)()rtable transistor radio. Credit ['nion stuff, Charles DenniSj ll3tlon 1;< not only refluestt'(l, it's a
If )'ou are not a member of our h~s wife, Chris; and Arlene Ilarbaugh, must as a good union member.
credit union, do something about it. Illd an admirable job of Illanning the At the )Iarch meeting of the local
~e:t:t tilllC you're at the local union e\'ening. the following Rrothers were nominat~
hall. step into the credit union oRiel" Brot her Lincoln WilCQx gave the e<1 and II resentl'c1 to thc J . Clyde Wil-
and sign UII to become a member-own- rel)()rt from the Roard of Directors. ~iams illemorial for outstanding sen'-
er of your credit union. And make it Brother Cha rles Dennis, Treasurer, ICI' to Local r.g: Clifford ~oxon, Leo
a joint account with your wife. ga\'e the finalldaJ rel)()rt, follo\\'ed by Freeman, Leonard Al1en, l.awrence
J AC K WII. KI l>iSON, P.S, Rrother Ted Serck's rel)()rt of the Pllrnan, Al ben Swanson, Hichard
C re<lit Committee. Brother Mart in Smeybe, Rurlei.... h nallinger, lind Jack
Neimes, J r., rel/Orted from the Supe r- SlllIar, T hese eight Rrothe rs were t he
\'isory Committee, and the fina l report first so honored by the 101;:11 since the
New Agreement Bre aks clime f rom Brother F rank Butler the memorial was institu te<1. Other Rroth-
policy owner representati\'e. ' ers will also be so honored, I'm sure,
Time Record for these lire tJut a few of the n roth,
T he guest speaker, J ohn C. Shea, of
the Colorado Cre<lit Union League, ers who haw' givl'l1 thei r time and
L.U, 67, Q U I ~ C Y , I LL,-According to
sen'ices for the !{OOII of the union.
this writer's rpcolJection, this yca r SI)()ke on the inl l)()rtallce of getting the
was the fi rst time we e\'er negotiate<1 second, or eW'n the t hird. g(!nera tion iIl embers of t he I~t. Collins Unit of
an a grt.'f,'mcnt and acce pted a new of credit union me mbers' families in- Local G8 a re reeei\'ing the gratitude
cOlltract hefore the old one expired. terested in t he inner working of t he they desen'e for a job well done on
One reason for this record is that our organization, l)()SSibly working 011 the the recent informational Ilicket action
diligent rommittee got an early start various committees so that they can in thl'i r area against Muchuad Elec-
in working UII a new contract. find out what a credit uniOIl does and tric. Some day!! the weathcr wasn't
Cred it fo r t he well·done job goes to how it lirovides greater servi("('s to its ver)' f:l\"orable either.
Rrothers Dll\'e Martin, lI arold ) Ieyer, members in securing loans or on sav· The. Wirem(,I1'" Brot herhood reports
Jr., Kf'n ,,'oster, and Ben lI eckle. ings plans. that, III thl' last two years, its mcm-
At a slJot'Cial meeting 011 -'larch The election of offieers followed. bershill has inrrcased by 100 new
21th, the local voted to attept the with the follOwing B rothers being membt>rs O\'er Ios.~, due to lM.'nsion or
terms of the ne,,· agreement. Etrecth'e ('Ietted: Linroln Wi1rox, Cecil Newell death. Do you belong? If )'OU don't,
A pril I, 19G!J, the re was a fi\'e-(:ent and Ed ward Gormely, J r" three-yea; see your steward for applications, It·s
increase in wages and a 20·cent terms to t he Board of Directors' a small price for the good t hat it does
Healt h :lJld Welfare IJackage, which Charles Perkins nnd T homas Gibbon~ for our sick and disabled Brothers.
bring the scale to $5.2:;. Effective Oc- to t he Credit C.oIIJmittee. Signing off for now. Did )·ou hear?
tober 1st, wc recei\'c a 2::i-cent in- On beha lf of the credit union, Prosl)erity has been defined as some-
("rease, bringi ng the s("nle to $5.50; Brother Charles Den llis presented t hing you feci, fold, and send to the
Ap ri l I, 1970, an increase of '15 cenL", (our silver Illaques to Brothe rs J ohn Interna l Revellue Service.
or $5 .~) ;; sca le, t hrough March 31, Burke, S r., ~: d wa rd Go rmel)" Jr., J Oli N ill. B UHI..;, JH., P .S.

1971. Fo rema n sca le was increased Hj Frank Butle r, li nd Car) Vorce fo r 10

UU fLE e UtC ... , WOII(US '

Construction Booms altle City Light before the April-1st Our Senttlc Ollerators' Lnit 11)2
termination date ool1l'ititut~1 the fir"t had a special order o( busint"ss at its
In Washington Area Ill't'(:e<lent. The s('«lnd one was srt recent monthly me<-ting to hOllor Lar-
when the ballot, Ila~scd hy a \'crr ry J..: oehll'r, who is n-tiring, Larry
I..U. iO. WAS I-II XGTO:,\. n.C.-At sII1all nwjorit)'. WitS accelJtcd ill -""ite ~tartCfI with Seattle City Li):ht a.~ an
this tim(', work in the jUl'isdiction of of a rl"Comn)('nilatiOIl hy thl' large r>;e- opera to)"" hl'!pl'l' and worked his way
Local 711 continues t o be allUllilant. In gotiatlll): Commilll'(' .. to 1'l'j('Ct." T hi.~ lip to 110\\'('1' dispatdl('r. lie Sl}('nt
[liiditil)ll to til" work normalty P('l'- is thc fil'st timc Ihl' n1('Il1IH.'I'~hip has many yl'1lr~ at th(' Skagit a~ 11 S(· , liOI'
fOl'nwd hy 0111' n'plJar contractors, \\'c failed to folio\\' a ('Oll1llllttec's re(,Orl1- hydro-cll'dl'i{' OIJ(·]·<ltOI'. Hl'othtr Lar-
ar(' fortunatc to ha\'e se\'c1'a1 iarg(' 111l'nllation, ry is a I.tal;hcl",' and ('''peds to do a
!'uhstations under construction. T wo Th(' new scale for tht' Iflll'r jour- lot of uninl('lTulltcd fishing. We \\'i~h
additional ):f'llf'rating plants arc un- Iw)'man IC\,I'I will hI' $:;,28 Il<'r houl'. Larry many hnppy >'carg o( retire-
II('r oonslruction, and the s\\'itchyards It rt'1'rt'$en\.s an in('l'(';I:«' o( '.j;,', ment and hope he won't forget to
that an:- conllf'ded with tlll.':<{· jobs 0\'('1' the $1,90 scale o( l!)f.8, ThoSf.' drol) in 01lCt' in a while and "lord" it
Ilro\'ide emplorment (or a good lJUm- g.·lting the lOW, an' journeyman 0\'(,1' us.
I)(!r of our members. It all adds up to linenit'll; electrician ('om"tructors; Sileaking of retir€'lllellts, Andy Xl'-
a construction boom in the :lM':l, At suh"lation operators II j h~'dro-clectric man. another retin:-d substation 0l)(!r-
til(' jlrf'sent tim(', we howe a IIuml)(>r operators II; and o\'crh"ad dispalch- ator nnd IIOWer dh'llateher, stoppf'd in
of tra\'l.'iprs ill the jurisdiction ;lIIeI ('rs II. Other clas,;ification!i ):c-t :1 ~et at the Broad Str('('t suhstalion 1'('Ccnt-
can use Illore. pet'centage of this IOU', nitf', The Iy, Ill' look~ gn'at. !I" saill he ami his
Two mol'(' of Ollt' linemcn, ,rohn cloth ing all owance fO!' lilll'man WlI!; wife al'l' doing S0me tnl\'clillg "nd ;Ire
Chll l'cll nlld Thomas E, Tomlin, huvc illcreased from $:'i{),\)I) 10 $,f"OIJ IWI' thoroughly cnj,}~'ing' his I'{'( irl'mcnt to
~ U{'C;>A S rulty completed the ALBA'!' year. t he fulle st ex t~' II t.
training [lrog!';lnl. Brother Tomlin is Working through thl' Wuge J{c\'iew Thc~ is :1 lot of !\ul)station work
emploYf'd by thl' Rechtd COl'lxu-:llion, COllHlIilll'f', the el('etrician. ('ommuni- lJeing Illalll)(,(\ throughout thO" :stM,·.
lind Brotht'r ("hurrh is with Hichanl- ('alions II , was incr('ased to 103, 10·" Two lines in ('('l1Iml \\'ashin~..1.0n to
son- \\'a yland Company. "-e congratu- and lU8'}-. Th('irs was Ill(' only ad- ~Ionuml'ntal I)lIm are ('xl)4>('led to be
late tht'sc t\\'o Brothers, WI' know justm{'nt all1lro\'('(1 by this committee. let (or oontract in the n('ar future.
their new training will ~n'f' thl'm Vacation allowance~ were changed There are ~till al)()ut HI crew!'
well in years to come, in the fi\'e-to-l:,-},ear hrack/.'l. The un- working for Tr('O! Construction Com-
Il is with .!';,d,l(':s.s that \\,l' annOUlln' dl'r fi\'e- alld o\'er 2U-Yl';tr \'acation ]lany on »ugct Sount! Power & Light
the death o( Brothl'r Joseph J..:. IJru- credits remain the saml'. VaC;ltions Comlllln)" l)rolX'rtil'g, WashinJ,,'1on Wa-
r)" who had I~II on disahility I)(>nsion aI'(' standal'dized (or all dty emplor- tt"r Power COlllpany has only a couJll1l
since JanU;Il'y of 19()j, A mCI)Ji)('t, of ~s, ;lnd changes whil-h hc n('fit only of const ruction 1;1'\'11'5.
thll Bl'othel'hoOiI for o\'er :W ),I.'ar';;, pal't of our' memb(,I'shilJ ,10 not coill- Attcnfl:ull'l' at me('tinga was th e hig
Bro(.hl'l' ])t'ur,l' was jmeViolls ly ('Ill- cid(' with lIliion I'I'q U«... t". thung('s IOpi(' al OU I' fil' ~t Unit Conf{,l'cllcp for
J)io},l'd hy lite Poto ma c EII'ctJ'ic 1'011'('1' "'('I'e made by the citr council action 1!)()9, This i.-; II cons t ant gTiJ!l' uy ullit
COIllIJany. I)riol' to nl'gotiations, Future v:Icatiol1 ofliccrs. As always, tl1\' rc are !Jig turn -
Our cUl'n'nl I'ick list includes tht' Iwgoliating Ims bt'(''' 1II")I)()Sf'd on :1 outs during Ilf'gotiation!<, but as soon
(ollowing Brothers: Gene Smith, -'Iu- joint Il:tsis with repr('S('nlatiOIl (1'0111 as the C(ll1tract is o;elll('(l, atwndallO:e
ritt J..:l'rsc}', :lIlt! B{'rt L:ttimer who all union-rcpresented city f'lIlployc·(· .... takes a hi): drOl" This >'car, most o(
3rt' confinl'1l to hospitals )It'ar tht·ir Central \\'ashingtoll Pl'Ds 5('t a our contracts ha\'e bel.'n settled early,
homes, Brothers \\'illiam uanwwood precedl'llt with a Il('W aPI)roach to ne- and thi" ;tccounts for thl' lack of ;tt-
and Guerdon Alll'n arc rolu'alf'scing gotiations this ),('ar. Thl')' met on a tendallce now.
at home, \\'c wish these BrOlhl'r.5 joint basi" with six Pl'I1S IWnton. '\lan>' units tr)' differel1l apJlroach-
$fle~dy recO\'crics, Franklin. Ch('lan. Douglas. Grant and es to get the memhcrs out, !'omt' with
In o rdl'r to ha\'e a good turnout for Ok;lnOj.!':1l1. The rf'sult \\a" ;1 master var)'il1g dl'J,;T;>(,S o( succes:s. HO\\'('\'t"r,
our allnual pi('nic. we will ;lIlIlOUIICl' contract covering thl.'~c si" uti1ilil's after a f('w ml'l'tillg~, things Ilro]l
t he datl' ('arly, It is scheduic(! for with ~uIJP!ell1ental agn'\'ln('nts to cov- back to nOl'll1;ll, nntl the ~;)Jlle fa ces
Scplcml>('r 1:1. l !/{ifJ, at ('hesapl'akc Ct' conditions pel'Iir1l'Ilt 10 I'ath illl1i- arc the)'(' til1lf' llftl']' tinH', Of ('ourS(',
E eal;h, Mnryland. :'Il:!.rk rOil I' ('all;nda]' ddu:Ll utilily, the re is ;ulOthH sid,' of th€' ('oin.
11 0\\' and plan to attend, Thc ):eneral wage increasc for til(' Those nwml}('r.;; who don't att('1111 the
At a SPf'dlll ml'('ting of th{' Il)cal J(I{J'.' groul' will be :.11 C('nts lJ(' r hour, meetings :11'(' still paying thl'ir dut';o,
u nion I-~xecuti\'e Boarl!, Broth<'r Boh- brinJ!ing the rate from $I.():, to $5,n; and that makes it IIO!<sible to continue
by I), Smith, a m('mber of thl' Exreu- I'u hour, It was also agl't't't1 Ihnt they the program,; which 1>(,II('nt all of Ill'.
t in' Hoard, was aJlllOinted to Iht' office would rf'-establish thl' highel' !\Call' as So, any member of the IHEW is a
of reeonling .!'('Crf'tary left \'acant by the J(}O~; rnte fOl' !!tjtl. good member, maybe.
the resi~nation of Brother Howal·d F, :'Iledical programs wel'l.' not o;land- ST_';o. !lmn::-;. 1'.5.
Frmwr. Brother lJal'l-e1l S. lIutton art!izt'(l. hUI a minimulll n( $:.!;~,UII lIer
was appoint1'd to the Executi\'{' Ho;lrd (,1ll111oyl'e was e~tah1i$h.'{1. Soml.' of the
to fi!! the \'ac;I11CY left by Brother Pl:Ds eXCf.'{'d that amount.
Smith ,
Tlw utilities h:l\'(' all'o ;1gl'('(',1 to ;I~­
Construction Sounds, All
B, E , S~I]TIl, I',S. ~uml' pat't of the cuntnlct t'o~ts hy
jJaying thl' fil'SI fi\'1' l)1all d;IYS of
Around Tidewater Area
Ill('Hil1g~ of a multi-uti1itr nature and L,Ll. 80, XO I!FOI.I{. \''\,-1 am halJ-
to rl.'duce i",lh'idlw! Il('gotiations to a ,'r to l'('1)()I't thtll Local 80 is hadng'
Seattle Loca l Completes straight hourly waK(' nltf'. one of its 11('111'1' ye:II';; in 1'1ll1)loyment.
Two More Contracts A few Y('ars ago. ;Ill atll.'lll]lt by th(' The .!'ound~ of ("()n~truction ;U'~' all
I'UD:" to l1egotiatl' a ~l:lt('-wit!(' co.:- about the Tid('water lin-a. In down·
L.t'. ii, SE,\T'TLE, W,\ S II.-Two tral'l OOl"l.'ring all of thl'lll wa!l; ternwd town Norfolk, there is the new multi-
mor(' contr:l('t.s fnr 19(;9 haw' I)('f'n "fish IXlwl nt"J!:otiatiolls" alll\ ('Olllllktp- million-dollar ~('()I)(' (")II\l'l1tion C('ll-
completcd by our buo;iness offiCi.', and Ir l'f·jected b>' our memi)('rship. This tel' coming out of the ground. A short
Ihl.')· will ha\'(' a large effect on l1{'go- joint contract is qUill, a ~telJ 011 a distance from tht' Seope are three
liations for thc balance o( th(' y('ar. t>maller arl'a b."Isis. Th., degree of suc- multi-stor), hank huiltiin):s undl'r con-
Both !\('t IIn'ccdent s. Cl'SS of this contract will he watched s tnlctio n. I n the S;lIne nrca, tht" Nor-
Completion of a new contracl at Se- with gre:Lt interest I)y all of u~. fo lk School Allmin iSlratiOl1 Buildin):


is beginning to pop out of the ground.
In the Iwar future, a multi-million-
Chillicothe, Oh io, Gradua tes
dollar hotel will hcgin to rise near the
$eope Con\'cntion Center.
Out on .\l iliulry Mighwa)', ncar In-
terstate 4G'I, the largest shopping «n-
ler in th(' Tidewater area is und('r
construction. The )lilitary Circle
Shopping 1\lal1 is alrcady working
!Wv(' rul cn'll'S of electricians, with
morc 1n II{' added as the job !Il"ogress-
". In the Vij'ginia Reach nl'en are sc\'-
(Tal ~argl' jobs at Dam Ncck and
O>:t'a lla N;wa J Ail' Station. Sevt'mJ
larf("C school" arc undel' constl'uction
throughout the city.
In ChrS;II)eake. Ocea n F.ll'etric is
working with Westinghouse, install-
ing nine gas turbine generators al th('
VJo:I'C'O Il0WN plant. This job is ('m-
pluying over 20 elN:tricians at pres-
(-nt. Several of the Brothers :Irl.' eX11C-
rielu:ing their first task in le:lrning Til. gr.d".ling app.tonticu of loc"! 88, Chillicolhe. Ohio. are ~ho .. n h••• with Clay
whlll it's all about to run s ix-inch M,,~g.o .... BUlineu Me .... ge. of loul 88 ~nd Diredor 01 the JATC. lell to right: J"mO)l
ronduit. The huge IKlwer bender for Porie •• La<ry Oye •• Clay M... lg.o .... Ga.ry Hurl.n. and lerry Smith.
bending th(' six-inch 90s and off-&'ts is
u trt'mendous ]!i~ of machinery. After a rcal I'low winler for 1.'011- show more interest this yenr than
Good luck to you, fellas! struction. the pidur(' is sta rling to they hal'e shown in Ihe ]last, eSIK'Cial-
The jobs I have IIIcntioned al'e only look bri~hter. We should hal"e work Iy at this time. when (li'lt'A"ntes to the
a fell' Lhat :II'C undcr construction. for all our local members who want to 1!}70 Convention al'e to he (,lected.
The !"f'al "urelld-and-butter" jobs, the come home for the sumnwl·. Thl! local'S Executive BOllnl created
I'rll nll onl'S, HI"(' too nume rous to men- At this time, we take this O]1]1ortu- a new Unit IU) in Tonasket, Wush-
tion. The work is iwre, fellas! Come nity to th;l!1k our ncighboring local s ing-ton, :wel its memhers have (,le(·ted
hOIll(' and stay with the family for a fOI' the g-feat help th(-~' g;wc ti ll at thl.! J ack Hawley a ~ cbail"lll!1ll. They al'e a
while. It's nice to travel and make till' time of OUT slowdown. W e hOI)6 we small, hut nelil'e. groU!1 lind \lesen'e
big mOllt')" but ha"e you C\'(']" given it can return the fal"or some day. unit identification.
;1 thought that being awa~' from home Amended shUll I' t('W;lI"t! manu:l]s
C~:Il~:!! BilK.:!!, J!!" P.S.
is heing away from your family? 1m\"(' been issu('(1. and it is hoped that
Your l'hildren Ileed rou and so dQ('s :a good training IU'og-ram can soon he
your wifc. put into effecl. OU1" IIwmhers III'e he-
h is my sad duty to tel)OI'1 the Negoti ati ons, Ele ction, coming awal'e uf the importance of
deaths of six of our good Brother!!: thl! steward. Trainil1J,:" for the stew-
1.L'<ln I~. Baker, W. K. Alexandcr, W. News fro m Loca l 89 ards wil1ll1'ncfit all 111('ml)('rs.
C. Chancy, G, A. Pamlin, F. F;. Ca- I.,U. 89, SEATTI. E, WAS II.- Inter('s t We are ]ookillg forward to n closer
hoon, and J. F. Cral·er. Thc members in our "new" local is (In the ullswing, relationshill with the Canadian loculs
of Local 8u extl'nd their deepest sym- It is "ery noticeable in that more to the norlh that h:I\'(' ('(>I1lracts wilh
11:lthy to the f:lmilies of the dC(.'Cilscd, tllembers are coming rorw:l.rd to 1"01- (;T & E subsidia r ies. Initial contacls
See you in church! unteer their servicE'S for shop stew- in Oecl!mher of lUGS will he, we hOI)/."
J , D. "Jill" HULI.oM O:-';, JII., P,S. arl1. Many of Ihe old-tinwrs arl! ht·- I'xpanded to IH"OI'it!(, l)('tt('r communi-
coming acth'e again, an(l, all ill all, C:ltions bctweell the gr<)ul's,
this should mean success to our local. I n closing. we again rCfluest contri-
hulions for our s,·r;ljlll(l\,k.
Sma ll Local Pro ud Ne~;"()liations wilh the Wnshiu"rtQIl
Tl'lephonl! Company have begun, and J.\Y I.. \\'11.1,1 ,\;\1:;, n.M.
Of Apprentices the first sessions indicate nu major
I)roblems with nOll-cost item!!. The
L,U. 88, C III LJ.l COTHE, O IiI O- T hc wage offel' Ih:lt is being offered to the J o plin Has La rg e
Chilli\"othc Joint l\pprenticeship and l~mJlloyees Committee is fal' below
T n l ining Committee fOl" the Elcctrical the average settlement in our induA- Jo bs Under W ay
I ndu~tI·y 11]'eselltcd its four gnu.luat- try.
ing apllI'('nticc wiremen Certificutes of ThiA local hus begun :I scrapbook, L.U, 9), J OI' L1X. MO,- At th e llres-
COlllllletioJl lit the gradu:ltioll dinner entilled ;'GT & E." The idea clUne ent, we have most all of our memhers
on March ~8 , 1:)69. from a discussion during til(' loargllin- working, and it looks like a good
Our local union, construction-wise, illl; lICssions with General Trlellhon(' year, with several large jobs to start.
is COilll):lrati\"ely small, bul the (."Qm- of the N W, last December. It is I,ro\"· Thc main I':lrt of the IKlwerhousc
mittce trainCtI these apprentice:! by ing to be. interesting. and we solidt job should be stllrting soon. The bids
moving them from job to job to give news llrlicles from :1\1 f BEW mem- havc been let, and Ihe underground
them all different types of expnience 1)(,l"s. Contribute to our proje-ct by work has been completed. Also on
which the)' will really nec·d to face cli l)pillg any item of interest al\d this job, will ill' ;1 coal·mining operu-
the dem;ln(l" of ollr trade. The system mailing it to Local 89, I BEW, P.O, tioll, with conveyor!"; to tr:lnsp·ort the
of training is to be commended. Box 23 18. Everett. Washington 98201. coal from the mining fields to the
The Apllrenticeship Program i~ WI' will apprecillte your a ~silltance. plant, which is cent<.'ret! in II coal-
IIOW in full swi ng, and we intend to i'rCI)Urations are being Coml)let('(1 mining a~a. Mos t of till' ronl mining
keeJl up our obligation to produce the for locul union e ledions to be held in this :lreu is c\o.'IC to tit(' top of
best joul"I\eyman wiremen in t he in- t his yenr. All ol1ices are to bc fined. the ground and is d(llle by the str ip

(Iustry. lind we hope that Ihe members will "it method.

TH E HE e n lC Al WO RI( ER S'
On RCA Project in Mass.

. ... I,

• •• ,(J! ~~ .

l"'l .
..~tlt" • ",

,•, •
, ,
• ~


,. 0,.
~." ;"

• "• • " 0
Thil picture .ho w. th , members of local 96, Wore,.ter, Mil"., who
are wor~i"g Oil Ih. RCA project in Marlboro. Ma ... p.oj.el pose
p.clu'" lelr to fight: Ed Rideth . F.en\ lo.\i l wici. Williem K.llv." Hiill. Peul leyin. Vidor Ce.u.o. Meleom Fo... end John
Umlf'" the b.... rida'H'f' of BusineAM tl)l' ('ntire rnemll('r!lhill fOI' a joh w,')]
~]nllag<'r F"nnk Sau \"11118 and Nc!!'oti- don('. Enjo~' th ... Y(':II's of l'ptil'c)llent
alillg Committt'e nlf'mlJcl's F.rnest tlHlt lic ahead.
ll iitl :Inti 1\lalc(llm F{)~M, Wi' arc ahli' LOt'111 103 l'('('f'ntly hdd a !<ul'pri"t.,
to el1joy u $~.OI-hoUl·ly wage-packagc

rf'\irt'm('nt ]Jurt}' for !iO-year m(,I11I",·1'
iner('usc O\'e r a lhrel'-),p;tr pcriod. ,1 ohn Jones at thc Vallics Stcak
We are cnclo~illj.:' 8('\'cl':II picturl's li ousc in BI·:lintrl'c.
of thc HCA Informntion Systems I) i- 11I'other J orll's wo,'kcd at till' HI'oad-
vi8ion plunt, now ulld.'r constnu·tion way I%.~('t,.ic ('Ol1lpllny for the ]laH :\!l
in ,\]al'lbo m, ~la ssaehu H(' tl s. whel'e GU Y(':I '·.'I. Personnel from tlH' eOllll1any,
j01J"lwymi'1) from OU!' ()WIl and nf'igh- olller II'ol'kel'!! :11111 sup ply-house work-
Standin9 near " 30-fool .nowd.ift ',e
boring locals al'e employed. Thi' ('Ie('- PI'S attcmled til(' )J:t,'ly.
Geor'll Ci"vole, job "e"'Md, .nd Erne.1
Hi;", gln,,,1 forem.n, who If. employed trical ins tallation is hy Fil!dlhaeh ;Inll Sp<'llkf'rs al the 1)Il"I~' II'cl'e ~i rh'in
on II.. RCA proj.,t. :'1 1001'(', Inc., Cllmhridgp. :'I luss3chu- liurwitz, Jaek O'lIriell, Mch'in LI'-
8t!Us. The photo)! \\·(·rt' tak(,11 by "ill(', Gcorg-e F,'r ry, 1':lul Gately. all,l
A lnrge shop ping "l'lIl.. r is due to Ili'Olhcr Saillenas with Local !lG's William Swanson.
stnrt !loon. It h:ul bI'c-II in the plan- ncwlY-llIIrchascd (':JIll('ra, Mch'in Hurw itz, of the Iho:ulwa y
ning for some limt'. The $12-million III·Ojl,(·t is schedukd Elt'ctl'i<: Com pllny. Ilre.~l'n ted a I('olrl
Ground ha~ 1)('('11 hrokcrI on til(' for completion IJy Mumnw ,·. It is IJUilt wutch to Bl'oUwl' J onc~, ill'othl'l' Paul
lifO\\' J\loullt C:It'tl1el 1I0llllitai joh in
in thJ'ei' stol'ie~. and 1·!tI'h floor OVPI'- Gately, on hehalr uf Ill<' lo·cal, I'l'e-
hlU1g~. 01' projpdS. (al'thl'l' than thl' /;('JIlcd him with a 1)la'lIiI' on which iM
l'itlsUuq..;', Kansas. That joh should
II(> going strong by tlum nl<'t. Ilrt'('I'fiing floor. WI1I'11 (·ompieted, thl' muunted a chroll1(' tull-
!;l'w'mi jobs aN' going now inclwl· huild ing will han' ahout 200,000 ing lK'nder. Rrolhl'r Jone!l was also
ing one on the millsil,' bulll'~. We ha\,{' IlIluurc (eet of floor IIl'uce. The plant l,rl's('Jltcd with a :)O-~'I'I\I' gold S<>t\·ic....
1I1'\'\'ral of our nwn and some tr;\\'cl- willlK' I'lectricully hl'alcd and air-con- Il in from the local.
inl{ B"ollwts on 1hut joh. (litioncd. The first and S('eO'lIl fl oo r s Brother J ont'M lI'iHheH 10 lh:l1lk all
TIll' Buddy L Coq)OI'lItioll has ~C\" al'e (01' tcst arl'aM anll "nices. and the who att(>nded fo)' a wonderful and d~ ­
I f' l'al mcn on the joh nL its 111ant at
tllf' 1l'·CSCllt. They al'(' h(Hlking up
.'nth·c third floor will lK' used solely
HS thc manufacturing IIl'ea.
lightrul evcning amI fill' g'iving him a
gl'cat scn d-ofr anll h('~t wishes fol' U

lI machine!! and lmill~ hooths ami a

IUI'I{c on·n.
.1. WJI.!.I ,\~'S, P.S. happy and he:l\thful I·l'ti,·!·mcnl.
We thank the BlIll'lUpt ('ommittee
for Iloing an excell{'l)t julJ in mnking
S('\'(' I'al other good jobs arc :Llso
tlli' jlarly a :<u('{'e~:<,
UII,lf'r way, including n WI-unit motel Du. 1 Retirement Party
I :111d r,(·!!taurlInt.
Onc of our alll)rl'ntk,'~, Hruce He ld By Loc. 1 103
\\'II,I.I,UI Jo:. IlrmA". P.S,

I H"I,Uii. recently took hiM (·xarnination

fOI' jOllrl1('yman al,,1 Illude n \'P !'Y 1,.11, 103. BOSTO~, :'I IA:-;S.-A dual
~()(I(I ~ITade on th(· tl·~t.
,·C'til·(·nlf'nt hanllll(.t \1'11~ Iwlrl fol'
• GI'OJ'K" Herron, Olll' of our I'('til'ed rln)llwl'lI .Jot' Slallf'I'Y nnd Erl Cun-
Il'wml)('r,; who h:l,1 1)('['11 hu~inl'SS nW!I- l)illJ{ham on Fi'lu'ua,'Y 28th at Flol'ian
nj.f('r at one tillll' anll who lwld Sl'\'- lla ll in 1l01'chpstf'r.
('ral ot]1('r ofliecs, dipd I'('<"('ntl),. li e T\\'o hllndrPti-fifty Ilwmhers ami
wall a 3~-year nu'ml)(·r. friE'IHI~ galhl'l'cil rur a salutp to two
fOl'llH'I' union om,·ja]s who faithfuliy
EIUq:ST 1l 1'zz,\ lm, P.S.
AI'I'\'",] I.ocal 10:1 fOI' man)' ),I'al';;.
R"oth('l's SlaUt'I'Y !In'] Cunningham
• 1)1'1'11 no intl'0I1u('tioll I" thc mcmberH
Worcest er Local Hits of OUI' 1"t.·a1; thf'~' 111'(' niNO lI'ell known
Ihro\l~hout tht, int('I·I)Htiolllll.
Pe.k Employme nt B l'oth(' I' SlattPrY 1:11""'1',1 Local 103
1..1', !i6. WO J(CESTE I(' :l! J\ SS ,- ill 1ll1lny c:lllacitil·)!. f"om Exccuth'i'
Membcr,; of Lo<:al !!I; n"c finally ('11- Boanl mcmbel' to hUllillf'~N manag('r. Th ••• Iwo memba.~ of locel 10) Bo.lon.
wi,. honored .. ~enlly al a duel .eli.emanl

joyinK ;1 pcak-c!I1111oyn1('nt 1K'J'iod af-
te l' 1\ Rh aky spell wlwn eOllstl'uctiol1
wns II lowc(1 dowl\ hecuu Hl' o f the I r'on-
Bl'othcr Cunningham h:ul been the
"C('o nling seen'lal'}' until his retire-
banque t. laft 10 "\lM. • r.Joe SleUe.y and
Ed Cunnin\lhem. bo lh of whom ~re
workCl' H' SlI'ike. Congratu lations, Joe allil Ed, from office .. of Iho locel.


Pidured .re th. st.w.rdl who .ttended Temp". Florida,
succeuful Stewe.ds' School.
8.oth.r w.lte, light"..,.
business m,n'g" of loul
end , memb.r 01 the Florid,
St ... Indultri,1 Commillion.
in of the school. BUlin," Manege. G ... ld S. 8.,,·
I." .... komel Ihe delegales and
they spok(> ahout th(' ('troTts of the guesh 10 the Ichool.
statl' body to proj!'ct labor's gonls and
tllf' problemll faC('il in the coming SCII' Gmsley ComJKIII}" or POI·tland, Ore·
i<ion of the lOtate l('~istature. gon.
"'ork has heen slow in our urea for
G~;IIAl.II S. RAUT I.•:rr, R!\!. the last year or so. We hun' two hy-
dro projects undu construdioll, plus
a multi-million-dollur CO\'cI'NI shojl-
Local 112 Members ping mall.
W(' adliNI a new unit to our local
left to right, iI •• Anid .. "! Bu., ..." Me",' since wc last r('porteel to the J(JIIMllli.
gers Fr.n~ Grubb .nd Jim Rowland, ./'Id thc ITT Comrols of Richland, Wash·
Finenciel Secretery Kelly S40pp in ettend. ington. Our members with that unit
enee ., the Stewe.d.. School. manufacture thermostats and con-
trols. WI.' h;I\'(' 12;; memlx-rs at ITT,
and ill th(l future, we will bring you
Ultra-Modern Office up to date 011 their activities.
l..()('ul 112 is ill Ihe midst of nego·
Building for Local 108 tiations with Heath Sign Company of
I.. U. 108, TA ) l l' t\ , F LA. -I n our last Yakima, Washington, after having
reJlort to "LOClll Lines," we rCIKlrted won an cl!'dion to rellresent the em·
the loss of our union hall at 1700 ployees. We're looking forward to
North Franklin Strcct, which was de- substantial gains for these members.
stroyed by fire of an undetermined or- A new po", office il un d er co ndt\lclion in II. L. Zn:~IA:-:, n.-'!.
igin. However, out of the ashes ('umf' Ba~ e r. O.egon. Th ree members of Loc.1
renewed spirit, 1l1ld we expect to be· 112. Ken ne wick, Wll h., ... ho a', ... o.king on
gin ground-brcnking for a new ultra-
modern union hall, which wilt be
Ihe iob are piclured he.e. l ,1I to . igh l : Jobs Starting
Robert 8ell, appren tice; Ha nk Janlen, de-
located at U.S. lIighw3Y 92 and Faul- ward; and 0 ,1 B-.u,r, foreme n. Th. ,lee. In Colorado Springs
kenburg Road, about on(' and one-half triul contraclo. ;1 W. R. Gr ...le., Co. of
mile!; <,ast of th e Interstate" and 1,;.8. Portl,nd, Ore. L.U. 11 3. C0 1.0RADO S PIUXGS.
301 intersedion. We are presently in COLO.-Work in our fair eity is "rog-
a leml)()rary omce at 1515 North ressing at a normal r ale a s of now.
Florida A\"enul.'. with many jobs just coming out of the
Our work picture has been good, ground.
with the exception of our Marine Six of our journeymen are pr es-
Unit. ently manning a l)Crm;lI1ent burracks
The wage seul('ments negotiatl.'d SO complex at Fort Carson, :It a cost of
rar seem to he setting a pattern or some $5:J-million dollars. T he !,"etlcral
Gr;,. to i 'lL Our present construction· contraclor is Mc Kee of EJ Paso,
lineman rale of $ti.r.lO, the utility-line- 'I'e....:as. T he ('Iedrical contractor is
man rate of $4.36 plus fringes , com- Collier Electric of Den\·er.
munications cable-Sjl!icer rate of Fort Carson, which is nam('(1 for
$4.36, and insulator-repairman rale of one of our "ioneers of the West, Kit
$4.1B. a re all uJl fo r re-negotiation Carson, is now a l)ermanent milit:lry
this year. base. Ground was first brokell at this
We are enclosing pictures of our
New Members for site just Iidor to World Wa r II. The
,",'r)' successful stewards' school. Kennewick, Wash., Local fort was romlllete-<1 for use by the
Brothe r Waller Lightsey, who sen'eel fall of 1912. At that time, it was
as a commissioner on the three-mall L.U. 112. KE X:\· J.:WI C K. WASII. - loaded to callacitr (apllroximatcl)'
Slate Industrial Commission. was in One of th(> S('\'f'ral jobs under wa}' in :,)0,000 men) with men who were sent
eharge o f t he school and reall)' did It our jurisdidion il' the new post omce here for traini n g.
fine j ob. He was able to have the building- in Raker. Oregon . T he elec- Since that ti mp, many of the te m-

slate Al-'L-C IO omcers attend , ami trical contractor on the joh is W. It porary structure!! have bu r ned to the


j{r01.lIl,1 ur hal'l.! 1>t!I'!l raU'11 :111.11 r('-
placetl by Il(Irrl1Un rn L II tru l'lU .,('!<. Al-
Kenos ha Local Mourns Unique Projects
though mnny of till' old huiltlings arc 50-Year Member
:<Iil] l'ilanding. Ilwy IIrl' I<lowly Ill'inS
n'pla('('d h)' ne-w, lIIode-rn 011('1'1. L.t' , 127, Jo: EXOS II A, WI ~C. l.oeal
We h:",e- rec<'nli)' fOIIlI'II·tl'd allother 127 members f('('1 a j:tTeat loss ill thl'
proj('Ct- a \'1'1')- 1I10dl'rn :<O'w:Jgl'-di;;- pas!<ing of Claude II. ~'or])('''' IIJ::e 7(1,
1)05.'11 unit. cull('(\ th(' I' rotl'OU:!'I I'r~s one of the IIL0l1e('r8 of "ur 11It'l11. lif'
Unit. Through the trj'(ltnwnt uf high- \\'as our bu,.ineb>! mun:lgt·r fnr n Ilum-
pressure steam to tht' Si'WUgt' :<lu,lgI', Ix-r of yeUri< alill f"ught hanl t" <)rg:l-
in IIi;tC(' of tlw old 1111"th,,<1 of u~illg ni:w the juril'ldicti(1n nnd mak,' Local
110 slmlgl' and eOllllitionillJ:' t'hl'lllieals, 1~7 lh(' rt"nJgniZl'd loe:11 it i,. tOtla)".
this unit lI:<t·s onl}' "to'alll to f:lfilitat(' B rother Claud(' Forh,·~ Iwld II Ilum-
,11'-\I'ltt{,I'ing. TiI{' {'yd., tim(' in this bel' of loenl oftices. and his kl1'IIII"fl"o"('
Ilrocl'!I",ing IIIl1chilU' ill Ilhoul onl' hour. and assistance Wl'rl' a" .... t" to th ... lo-
('oI1lIJar('(1 10 !ill tin)"!! un,l('r the oltl cal and Ihl' youllg,'r nwml]{'r, . lie 11'111
Illdhod. an aclh·{' memlwr or th{' Jo:t·nfll'lha
Tlw init ia l eo"t of $::I I ~),nuo will Bu ild ing ami ('on~truction Tra tl l'8
Ill'Crt'al<" 1111' Ill"r-ton ('lIst frol11 $18- ('ollneil and o f the Jo:('nw;hn Tradl'~
$ 25 to all])rOldlllnll'I)' SI.Bo )It'r ton ami Laoor Coullei!. •
or III')' l<ulills. The \·I\..·tl·i(·111 ,',lIIMruc-
tion {·o.~l is al ll )roxil11lLlt'ly S28.000,
The lOlllll a l l\lll'in" with thill i,rOC('~S
11(' was a World Wur I \'t·tl·l·an al1l l
was aboard th ... ll'ooll shi ll, 1'u>(·"lIi<l.
when it was torlled()(·tI. II ,' lI'us a 1"i. clo.e up of Ihl C.lh .. d.~1 of ell,ill
is ('xl~'ftl',1 to ht, f"om $ I !JU,()U() to lIll'miJ('r o f lhc Am('ri('!!11 Lt'Jdon, tilt' Ih, Kin9 ,n K,I .. muoo Iho"'l .om" 01 !h.
Slflll,O()O. Vel!'!"a!)", of Fo)"(>i~n Wal',;;, nn ,1 ~]a­ 41 b, UI of th e CoII,1IIon, onl of Ih, 1.'9''''
T his nt'II' IIlt·tht)!I, ~houl,1 il II(' in- _,onic Lodge ;0.(0. 17, II{' had 0\111('\1 in th .. United Sl~t ••.
stall{'t1 in (Jth!' ,' lIn'a~ ;Ll'UUlld til{' ant! ol)(,I'at('(1 lh.> Forl,,:·s Eieetric
,'ountrr, I<h()uld 111'11' " i,1 our COUlltry Company from 1!1:!1 to HI;,:!.
uf m811r dis('(l:<"'clIIT},ing :lJ.:('nt~. T h(' WOl"k h;ls 1K'!.·n slt'n,ly for tilt' l)lHt
B S I~ l'u''Pomtion, from England's year. and WI' W{'I',' 111,1(' to 1'1;\('(. nwm·
Il a\\'k('r Si(It'I~' ('o,·]}ol·l!tion. which I)('r,. or our neighh(lring h)('alH wllo
has :111 " Xcilll<i\",' l'nito'll Slat,,); had helpNI us whil,' 11',' W,'N' in a
li(-t'll!«' on II\(' Imll'nl,'d I )]·O(·('~". is work dl'rl'f'~sion, 'I'll(' n('xl y(oar fIr so
fairl)' Oillimistic ahout til(' Anlf'l'ican looks gOQ(I. as \I'{' hal"(' ~I'e-rlll ~('hools
'l)arkl'1. 1\ J. l'!II·,linnl. Jr" )Illllag{'r al1ll three building~ for th!' I'a rk:<id('
u f !lS I', I<a)·I<. "'1'111' ('()IIII)all~' ,"qK'l'ts ('am"us (Unil'l'r:!it)' o f Wisl'onsill)
\0 in~t:lll lUI 111:1ny as half-a-dozt'n under cOlll<trut'\ioll now. WI' nl~o hav('
unit,. in lilt' Unit(',1 Stull's in WI;!) two shop ping eellt,'rs, :t 18U-room mo-
an.1 hopt·1I to inl<lali consill('!";lbly t('l, a high 8(:hool, an (1 nUllll'ruu,. (,th!' r
mOl"(' ill HI7U:' buildings 011 t hl' "iauni))" hou ,·,1.
O. W. " " \(''' )1c-Jo:J:"I.EY, !'.S, Our lI'orkinJ:' :lgrC'('nll'nt I''("il"(,s
June 30th, ;lnd tWJ.\'uti:llions stnrled
A""iI 2nd. Pat ilt.;Jo:('on is \'lllIinmLn 8.oth.r 0 .1, Bolh",.U, project fo<t, m.n I...
o f the narga in ing COlllmitt P ,', whit'h B,.dley EI" end • memb •• of Loc~1
At Work In Colorado inciu d u T ed Palrll(' tI and 11('11 1')' 131. K.I.m.,oo. Mieh .. ch.d. Ih, op ... 'ion
Fl-ederick, Rll sin,·!l.~ ~lana g<' I' Sam
lIor ner and J (1 hn J1 ranl ll lI" ,' alt.·r·
0' th, ... o,ld·1 Ii .., ,r,clriuUy_co nlrolied.
hyd .. uljully·op .. ~I.d rollin9-1 .. 1 b,utul.
nates :lnd adl'il!Ors, A ll I)r nil" \'IlI}- btid9'"
traeto l'S havc joil)!'d N I':('~\ , lI'HI \1'('
look forward to fri('mllr 111)11 !l11I),-1"-
s ta nd ing lIel\"otintion~.
SA" l\uII ' .:U, IL\1.

Kalamazoo 's Work

Picture Good
I.,J.!. 131. l\ ~\ L . \)1 \ ZOO. " [(' II , 1.0-
cal 131 has 1"I111))-')X;lI1al(']), :li'-' '", n
working: in Ollr ju,·i!.t!irtion at thl'

Thi. i. .. ~;.'" of Ih, b.id9" just boolo ..
pre",,")t time. Th<' work I'ictun' I"",,", compl,tion. n..op... lor', con l,ol "ou,.
1'C'ry good for the mOllth!> I" l'Qm'·' un b, "'n .1 the "9M. end th, 1"0 mov_

l Th.. .b"vI ,i. jOll,n'y"'ln of Locel II),

Colo,.. do SP.in9'. Colo., ",.n • per"'.nenl
b.....d l compl, ... I Fori C .. tton. Ih,
i,ll, .re Floyd Willi .. ml, Fo •• m.n Ed Rich_
... d,on, Willi,m Sltin91,1I0.., B.uce Youn9.
On ;\Iarch ~7th. thf' final da~,. of
tlw Xational F:le(·tric C,,,h' ("()ur~('
was Il{'ld, We proudl)' "Iat,· Ihllt :)1)
memlwrs l'('1'f'iv('(1 CI'rtin!'lIlf'~ of
Achil'lcmt'nt for llth'l1dillg 741 1)(·1'
t('lll 01' 11101'(0 of th(' cra!'~{·~ .
,bl, cenl ... p.. nl ... on Ih, 1,1t.

1:('I11t'ml)('r lhat )"our iii!·:..... ril{ht or

wrong. ean lie J.rin·n ",·q,r(·~~inn
through rour IJIlinn. W ilh u uniol1.
Ilra("ti('!'~ 'Ill thl' joh whieh YOII think
J .. m... Sudd.rlh, .nd R.ynold Smith. In Ih. Allprentit·1' a])II]icalion,. 11','1"\' lakr·n !thoul(1 1>1' ill1ll1'OI'\"I 1 ("tin hf' if you ,ri\"('
b.. d9.ound . il Ch'y .. nnl ",hieh durinj{ th(' m<)nlh~ of Jnnuul·~-. !,·hr\!' Hli("(, t" plllr hl,':I,., As ~·U\l knoll'. UI\-
con!.inl Ih, ha,d .it. 01 Ih .. North Ameri. ary, mId )tarch, \V(, han' Jmd 21;8 111'- inni"'lll i.<; th{' An lt' r ica ll trnditio". :Inti
c .. n Ai. D, len" Comm.nd (NORADI. Ih, pli('lInt~. go OUI' A IJJlI·,'ntit,'~hill ('1>111- it iR )1)Ol>t Allwl'ican wlwn work,'"'' or-
famous Will R0ge" Sh,in', Ih. CII,yenn, mittcc will hal'(; its 1\'01'1• .;u l out rlJl' ~aniz(! in (wder to gUIII·unu·., llwi]'
• Moun !.in Zoo. " .c, nie ro.d",.y 10 Ih .. lop, them during lhe r1l'xt couple oi tighl" :Ill itHlividuabi.
.nd many 1.I.vilion nnd ,.dio "nl'nn"•.


lllorllhs. Aft,,), ~('H'I'a l reU)"~ of plan ni"" ;Lilli

a ),{'ar and u hair of construction, it To those of you who knell' P ilts- commuters daB)' on it" highl),-llUto-
is ('X IX'Ctl.'d that the Cathl.'dral of burgh Ilrior to and during World War matl.'d rapid transit f;),stern, and the
Ch r ist thf' King of the E,)i!!COpal Oio- II , the term, "Smok)' Cit)'," was no trains run lit Sl)('-('(Is Ull to 130 mi1('t<
ct'S(! of Western )lichignll will be jok{'. As the TV coll1merci:l.l says, 1)('1' hour. I'ittshu rghers \\'ould be
compl('tl.'d in :l.lloth{'r two months. "You\'e come a long way, baby." amazed to know how many >"(,lIrs our
Groundhrf'uking Ci!remonies for th(" Smoke colltrol hall nlllr!(' the )'('lIais· urban transit ",>""t('111 lags behilld th{'
$1,2:;0.000 Ilroj('d wpr(' held in July, SlUIce I)()ssiul{'. Our local is proud that Japlillesc system.
1967, T h{' e:lthedrul has a Belltillg ca- 011(' of its memlx-rlI, I'I'('sid('lIt Ji m I'AI'I. Sllool', P.S.
pacity o f 1,000, Its 47-Ix'l1 carillon Flaig, ili u mcmhrr or the Allpgh('IlY
f)'om the Nl'lhf'rlandg is one or th{' Count)' Air I'ollu t ion Roan!.
111I'KI'~t in the United StlltN,. Rowpn Local 1'12 is II utilit)' 10<':\1, with Decatur Members
IUld Hillir Elt'ctric has the plectric:11 many or it~ melll l)('r~ ('mploye<1 by On Murphy Job
work on th(' cathe<h-al. the J) U(lu('sn{' l.iJC:ht COll1llany in its
H('cently com illeted at South Jla \'f'II, Powcr Stations J)('lmrtnwnt (gPllcl'at-
Mit-higan, is the world's fil'~t e lpclri- ing). ThNe 11 1'1' 1I 1)llrOximalcly GOO
caIlY- IIOI\'{'rc-c! and COlitrol1Cll, hr(lrau· rnernlJCr!' in our local, 111111 w(' arc a
IkaIlY-OIK'rnted rolling-lpaf bascule menlber of Syst<-1lI Counci l U-IO,
b,-idgf', Ilccording to the ;\lichigan D{'· Pitlllhurgh.
pllrlllll'nt or State lI ighw:l.ys. Our nWIllI)('r~ al8() work for olle of
The $16,000 I.'l('(:tricul t<uhrontnlct Duquesne's suh,,;idiary eOrlllJUni{'s, the
was handl{'(l by Bradl{'y Electric ('or- Alle~h(,ilY SIc-am Il rating Com pnny,
poration or South Hal'en, Michigan. which provid('11 th(' titC8m n('{'ded 10
It inl'lud(,d tllP inlltallation or thl'€<' heat mUll)' of tht:' downtown Pitts-
tWQ-lIl1d-one-hnl f·illch-diam{'t{'r sub- burgh buildings.
marill{' CllhlN! which splln the chllnnel Our local is in the Atomic Age. Our
fi\'(' (cet i)('low the ril't'r bottom. ml'mher~ rnlllllhe ShiPllingport Atomic
Broth{'r .Jim Bradll')', an l'1I11110)'('(' of POWl"T Stalioll, th(' world'A fir:st com-
RrmtJ{'y EI('dric, mad{' good uS(' of IIwrcial l1uch'ar IlOwer station. Mem-
his uni(JU{' combination of tall'nts dur- il('rs of our local will :1.180 m:l.ll the Th... pholo~ .... f. I. l .n of m.mb," 01
illg the in><tlillalion of Ihe lluhmarill{, B{'a\'er Vallt,y Stution, just gHting loul 14b, O.ulut, Ill" whil. th.y ",r'
cahl(', a, he is n ';hard hIll" dil'er as und{'r war and eXIlt.'Ct{'(1 to be COll)- on the G, W, MUfphy job, nUf,n~.
11'(,11 lill an el('('lriciall. plel.(>([ in 19,3. It is to be 1111 SUO- bUf9, III. S.. I. d, I.fl 10 fi9hl, Bob W.yn.
Brother Max Llltlf', 11 memhl'r of 11lcg:lwII(I, IlressllrizNI wut('r reactor "nd Bub H"ff, S.cond fO": GIOf91 Cripe,
OU I' local since Fl'hruary 7, 1!lljG, re- ( PWI{) IlUr!{'a r "lntion, Ja c~ Polr.ho, J im Bfummitt. Th ird ro .. :
("('ntly I)('rformed II l,"Ourag\'OUS act 1'111'1'(' ha~ IIt,<,n a lot of llilk that Dou9 William., Bob Gfttle~t, Bud Pet I,
11'11<'11 he l'e~l.'u(od all pig-hl-yea)'-o'" boy tho IH'CS(')It I'wn at Shipping-pOI·t will Eldon PI ~mmer, Ed MeClelland, Bob Ahlrich,
from I I I)UI'II)ng- uutomobile, be I'('J)I:I('('([ lIy II nt'1I' type of !'l'ador, J o ~n Du.l, Md Danny G"n ... II,
Yllung ,10hn Hal)' and his sistl'r thl.' light Wllt!'I' hr~eder renctol'
i)pLbil', II, til(' children of Mr. ami ( LWR H). which is also pX]l('('tl.'d to
~Ir", Churl{'s 1-:. Baty, crawit'd into a b(' cOlllpl('\NI in 19n, Plenty of Work Ahead
junk car, According to thl' Il-olil'e re- At a r('('('lIt locnl union lI1eetillg, AI
Wlrt, John cJimlM.'d into the trunk, lilld 110jns. of tIl(' furll1 ..... orkrr". who is For Decatur Local
sH fir!' lo Illll>erll ill thl' trunk with II assigllNI to thi!l arl'lI and direct;:: the
ci~"rIr{'ltl' lightl'r which was lat('r Ll'. 11 6, IH:('ATt ' II . II.I _-WI'JI,
boyrott or ('nlifornill ta])l(' II:ralK'S in h('I'{' w(' an', llirnost into th(' lIIt'rr),
found, thi!; (Ii strict. stat('d that the work('ts
Wh{'n [)('bbie was unable to unlatch month of lll1~', uud not lIluch is hap-
ha\'(' bet-n on slrike for four yeurs l)Cnin" in th(' way of construction 10-
til(' trunk, she !'all for hel'l and got against th(' grow('rs who refuse to
th(' attcntion of :'lIn. )Iax Lnne, who cutly. Catt'rllillar has thf' stec] UJl and
rIX'Ognizc tht.'ll1, will prolmhlr 1)(' huiltling up III(' ('IeI"
caJl('d h('r hushnnd o Brothf'r Max. IIc 11 (' said thaI the 1I'0rk('rll must la-
first attl'mllted to Sllmsh illto th(' cal' tricillns' el'l'w Moon. The CofT(!('n 1)(ldi-
bor undl.'r suh!ltundard safety eondi· tiun is llbout th(' only ollwr si7.('ahl('
through windows, hut was unahle 10 tions. Thl'l'e 111'(' ont' and one-haH mil·
I.",t the bor out, Brother 1.ane's wife joh th:lt ill ollClling Ull soon in thill 10-
lioll fllnn wvrk(,rII in this eountry, cutill',
obtnined :I hO<', and he lind his hroth- and thl'Y IIr(' not eo\'('r('(1 under the
er-ill-Iuw. James Wil;;on, were able to 1'1;(' R, W. :'I luI'IIII), job, 11(,llr \\'lIr-
~ational Lallor HellltiollM Aet; Ihere-- r('nsbul'g, 111inoill, "n which II lIuI111)('r
1101' til(' trunk open and rt'1ll0\"{' the fore, they hal'(' 110 right to allpeal to
boy, Yuung J ohn ret('il'('d hurns Ol'l'r of our 1II('ml)('rl< work('d, i~ noll' in full
tIl(' fed{'rlll gO\'('rnlllent, Furthermore, Ol)('ration. Only a f('1I' ('Iectricians ar{'
:;.:; 1)('1' e{'nt of his body alld was r{'· thl' Cnliforniu Hight-Io-Work Com-
IlOrled ill critical condilion the day still then' to ml.1 linil'hing louthes,
mittee is agalllSt the fllrm workel's TIJ(' I)('catu r M"mol'ial Hospital job
aftpl' thl' accid{'lIt. mo\'('menl.
II1'0llll',- Lane was 1rl.'atl.'d for Illi- is al;;o in Iht, linal ~luJ.:'t'~ of construc·
1IIr. Rojn~ IItat('(1 tllllt M('xicans are tion.
nor hund burns and an arlll cut. \\'{' being hrought into this COUIIlI'Y ilI;--
cong)'atulate Brother Lan(' fvr hi,. TIt{' Millikin l'"i\'('r.~ity joh is I1t;II'-
goldly 1(, hnrn'lIt tl\l' ('fOPS, Ill' ulso ing the stllKt' Ilhl'l't, l'1('('lriciaIiS can
cou l'ngl' in I'e~cuing the boy, said there hal"(' 1)('1'11 ads of l'iol('lIce,
O. JOIIX WHISU:U, B.:'IL start in~t:llIinK t'(Jilduit and ('quiJl'
harassment, 111lI1 illtimidulion against nWIlI: howl'\·('r. thlt< will nol r('(luir(' II
the sl.·ih'rs, larg(' Illlllll,..'r of 111<'11 nt any orw liml'.
Pittsburg hers Take llr. Itojns conciud('(l his talk by The ("arl-(ill jolt at Tu;;.;'ola is lItill III
a;::king u.\o 1I0t to huy ('lIlirornia table th(' planning ~tnge a~ i~ th(· new addi-
Pride in City, Local grap<-s anll, that if thl')' al)IIUr ill tion to th(' SI. ;\Iury',. IIm'llitn!. 1>ll'n-
1 ~ l f. 112, I'l'n·S BUltG li . PA.-Our ~tor('''. w(' I'hould lI~k th(' mallugt'r to I)' of work ill Cf'llning up, hut IlQII{, I.
Iln-nlix-r.. ('I)joyl.'d "SI)(ltlight on Pitt!'- n-mo\'(' them, Un,lt'r the order of rcad~' ttl go right 1I0W, !<tl it S('('III~,
burgh . Pa .. " whkh allpeltr{'(1 in Ihe IJulliu('ss, our local made a tlonatioll At til(' rt'gular unioll 1ll,,,oUIlI{, h('11i
.\lurch issue of the J(>IIrl/(,I, to the WOrkl'r!'. April 8th, thl" following 1I1ellll)('r>l
We I~ituburgln-rs III'(' 1)1'01)(1 of our A mOl'ie on the rnlli([ 1rlilisit sys- wcn: rf'IIOI·t('d h08pita1i1.<'t\: Sum "u ..-
lH'ritagc. but wc aren't contenl to r<'st t('1Il in J :l]mll \\':1.8 1)()I'I'owto(l from the lIart's wifl' was ill thl' 1I('<:atur ~I('­
on ]llIst accoll1lllil'hll1cnWl. Thus, the na ihnl\' WOI'kp l'j! 111111 \\'as lihown at moria I I loSllil:ll: Rru e(' Gill'f\ wift'
rcnaissance continues, the llle~Ung, JUJlIl1I mow's :W million was in the W:dm ~h Hospi tal; 1.eslie


Bridgmall wus in SL ) l al'Y'S 1I 0~Jli­
t a l; ) Irs, nrid~'lnun was in St, Vin-
Happy Occasions South Be nd
cent's 1I01I))it111 for injuries lIustain ... d On th e Rise
in 11 CUI' IIcd/lent; Robert Ahlrich had
sur,l.,"('r)' at SL )Inry's IIOSI,itai; :-l, 0, I..I!. 1:;3. S O I' T II IJE:-'- D. I ~ I) .­
Primm wall in o.,.C1llUr )Iemorial ~"uth nl-nd nnd :'<olre lJame are gt'l-
1I0SI,iwl for lIurger)'; Honalel I'h'ck'lJ UnK high, High ri~e_~, thnt is. 1'h("
wife was in the hospital at T:I)'tor- "krlillt' (If thill community iii n':u'hillj::
\'ille. Ed Pumphrey, \\'ho \\'all hOllpi- uJl. Th,' Count)" and City Building, Sl.
l.llizNt, ill now at home. J(l(' Hank, and American Rank 11\
Hetin-d m('mi.ler lIarry \\'lllt(ln hud South 1\I'nd al'(' <.'tJII~idt!ralily ahlIn'
a lWriou~ 0IK'ratiOIl in St, I.ouill and IIn~'lhiIlKbuilt hl'n' ill the ]la;;L
l'('(:ei\'('(1 !;('\'f'ral blood tran~fusiun~. OUI' t'nit On('. which ("()nsi~ls <'If
~ I ('mberll 1.'1111 donate Mood in hi8 Rl'lItlln lIarbor ami St, JOII('Jlh in
nanH'. and it will II(' ct('tlil\'d tu hi" :'>Iichigan, h1h :111 atomic I}(,wt'r "I:lnt
OlCCOUIlt. c!)mlllg out of th(" ground at Hritig,"
The union charter wus dr:'1l1'd tor mall 011 l':lkl' ) l i('higlIO,
;\1) tla)'11 in nU'mor~' of thrt'" t)f our The IWl\v h(')\'~ are th,)~ of tht! Elk-
Brotlwrg \\'ho tlied: :'I!erle ('oUlIn. who Apprentice Robe.t S... eil~ end hi. b,ide.
Ce,ol, hurt unit.' Th~)' may lII)l wi!'(> "\'I'I'Y
was a sigll ,'It'dl'lciall lit 'I'aylol'\'illc; tnli1t'r 01' llIoilil,' home, hut lhl'), "un',
Gerald Davidson, who wall on I)('nllioll ly wil'l' Iht' plllnis Ilwy al'(' madt' in
and li\'ing in ('aliCoI'nia with hill 11011; -tho;;e !II I ntliana. Shaulll !':lccl!'l('
and T horllllll Slaughter , We exlt'nd ami WOI'king!'r are 1't':IIl~ It'ading th.'
our helll'lfl'lt lIymllllth)' 10 tlH' fllmi- fi("lil.
liplI (If II\(' (lecc:l8('d Il!-oth,'r!! 111111 Noll'(' D:IIII(, 11:18 a pair of back-til'
trust that time will SOft(,11 tlwir gl·id. ba<:k resid"nce hulls undl'r COllSII'U("
At th(' :\l ar(']1 Jl1{'(!ting, th(· follow- l ion. They W('t(' described in the
ing membt'I'K \\'('t'C 1't'I)()I'll'd hospitlll- StllllIt /I. I!( f Trill/we a;; follows; "Th('
i7.ed (we fail(·d to IIt!nd in a 1'('llOrt in IICW rl'lIitlenCt' halls, four of which an'
.\1 arch ) : John E nglc was In St- no\\' Uf'ing I)uill at Xotre Dam(', att'
M ary's HOllpital for IIlll'g~'r)'; Chloie II-Slurv ~ll'uctures connected to II
Kite had s1,Irg('ry; Ed l'ulllJlh rl')' WU! corc strut'tul't' which ('ont:lill~ ,,1('''11-
a cUI'tlmc Iwtient lit St, MIII'Y's, an d ill tor~, st:I!rs. maid faciliti('~, kih'hl'n·
now lit home; HoiJt'rt W:I)'ne Wll8 ill II cttl'S, untilltll,l), 10Ull/(<:S.
car nccidt,,,t and was h08pitalizt'tl ill "The fir~t f100!' cOll t:lins a nwtfit:t-
i)('Catu r :\i(,llIo r inl il oSllital (now Brll ce YOllng, me mbe, of Loul ISO, W ~II' tio n chIIJJ('I. IIIltin loun~e, recrl'atioll
hOIlIl'); Hohby J acoh's boy ill ttl have k.g"n. HI., i, bod on th e jo b e ll er In 1ll'eas, and living tluartel'S for rtoctOl'
sUI'ger)' lit Hal'IlCS lI oS ll itnl ill ~ t. .b. ence 01 II mon th., and a!<sistallts, Two of lilt' halls will
Louis. W f ully com llldNI by 5.-1,t('ml...:r, TIl<'
F rank Andcl'llOlI'S father-in- l aw I h:1(1 t he honor of Itth'lI d ing th(' first unit is the gift or J, P{'ler Grat·l',
d iet\. We ('xlcl\tl our sym llllth)' to the wedding of a l' III'l'nticc Rol) Sw('itz, PrCl'illcnt of W. H, Gl'at'e ;Inti ConlJoa·
family. C()n~ratu lations, Rob. ny, NI'w YOl'k, alill a ~ol rc Dan}\'
We ClJllgr lltui;lte the following Iml'- WOl' k in Lake County is \'Crr good, trust{'c. T his u nl l will I", na llled Jo·
Clltll Oil tlj('ir IIe'W :11'1'1\':1 18: tilt' Onve and it wi ll be good (or t l\(' ncxt thl'l'e !:'f'll h 1'. G r;t('c lI all, in m('mory of th.'
Schert'rs, a Imby girl; thc W illi:11ll ~'cars.
donor's flil/wr."
?I ilmb, Jr" a girl; the Kenneth Th is June will be the t'1('Clion of of- Wheu you ll rc rca tl ing this, 1.()t'1I1
"1):lIlllY" Gn' nwells, a hoy. fit!ers. I ho pe we h a \'1' II good lUI'nout 1.-,;\ t)uomhe l's, you will know thc name
B usiness :\l anal:l' I' Cal'l Null at· :It t he 1)()lIsas we d id in IIIIs1 YClIrs. or one hlilf of Building "A," as it i~
t("lI ded t h(' 2·lth Annu a l I'rogreS!l Local e\'ents of t he futur(" inc'ludc 11011' ,·ldletl.
i\1('{' t ing, which was held ill St. Pau l, t ilt' bowling ban(IU(·l. thl' apPI'clltLt!e
Min nesota. 011 A Jlrii :!5th lInol :!lith, gradUation. e l ~'Ction or oIllCN!'. ).;'olf J \e li i\ ICXl t'F, I'.S.
• Members we re 1I0tifi('(1 uy Idtt'l'S of
t he u l)Collling nominatiOlls of ofliCt' rs
outing, alltl the AllnulIl Oinner- ])anc('.
J t;ml\' Cm.t:, I'.S.
at the nex t regu lar union IlIf'o.'lilig on
T ue!;(iII y night. May 13, 19()9. t-:I('{'tion
- - Madison Brother Honored
or oiRCCrIJ will he held on 1'uN,dll)',
J une 3, 191)9, with II runofr t'l,,(,tion Residence Halls At Retire ment Party
(if lI('('Cssary) on Tu('sdnr. JUlie 17. For Notre Dame 1.. 11. 1:19, )1.\1) 1:-;0 :-.-. WI SC-Frank
1969. lI{'ill;!! was thl' guc"t of honor at a n'-
Your OIIIIe!t-h:III,It'I', lil't'llI('nl party, givt'n by th(" electri·
Roo "Sc'ooTI;K" W .H·:';t:, ItS,·P.S. cians of tht' Universitv of \\'isron.~ill
Electric INlmrtment lit the Arbor Inn
in Madisoll, \\'i!;cOIlSili.
I Scribe Reports Firty of Frank's fl'lIow work("I'jZ
and thl'l'(' t('tin,-'d 1lIt'llIhcr!' attl'ntiNI
I Waukegan 's Activities tl1(" purt)'. Il WIIS "urply great to Sl-('
and talk o\'er old linll's a).:" with
L.U. 1:'0. " 'A Ulil-; C,\ :\'. 11.1..-0ur lI arr~' 1'looK, )Iatt Lynaugh, alld
Benefit O:lnc(" for Bnlc(" Young, who F rank CurtiK, the three retirees.
wa s out or wo r k for II month!!, WfiS a A (.'QCktuil hour l,r('('cdpll tht' meal.
sm'Cl'SS. W e Illade $1,:127.00 for whi<:h l'onlliHu,tt of roast hed al1ll
r Bruce, 111111 he was very Ihankful. Il l'
ill buck on t he ;oh, and I'vel'ything ill
look i ng good nguin. T hankll 111'1' in or- Ele"e n.dory ru idtt nce h.lI • • re ~nd.. con·
chickI'll s"I'\'I'(1 family IItyle. Rrotlll'r
Holulill I':nd rt-'g prcscnt('d F rank wi t h
a 1,lmIUl' which i!1 ust rllted the skills
• ti c l' f Oi' t lw nl'othcl',~ who '"01111111'1'1'(-''' , t,uclion for Noire Dam. Un i"" . i!y. (Ph oto I ll1It h,' hlld d('\'elo p<:d dUl'i ng his
th ci l' Bel'vices fOl' t he dallce, li n' ill by Local 15], South Bttn d, In d, ) Yl'll!'!1 in Ill(' lrade. Donald Dix, (lUI'


tomJJ8n},? What are the 5tal(' l'('(Juire·
Retirement Party In Madison, Wise. m('ntii [or securit)' lights on n con·
struction job? These are thrC<' 'III('S·
liol1l1 and many more that you ('1111
h:\\"c answcred if )'OU att('l1(1 our
~te\\":l rds' elass. This da!!11 i~ Romp·
thing wc'\'(' tried to g('t ~ t a,.l('tl for n
10nK tillll'; so. whr not tn kl' a<l \'un·
luge of it? Just a l,hol1l:' cal! or a let-
ter to the union hall ('un g.'t you linNt
ul'. Th(']"("s a lot to learn ill the
agN"('Ill('nt, hr1aws, eonstituti.)n, jurill'
dictiollal agreements, stute and f.,(lt-r·
ul laws, nnd in lenrning ahout IIJI'sr
thinKS, gung, you 11111Y e\'('11 leurn
somNhillg nbout },ollr molhl'r·in·lnw.
Wc'r(' still loaded with work. TIll'
nurnsid(' )'ow('rhou>'(' job is now lit
Its 1)("lk with ;;0 mcn on tl)(' joh.
Okonite has apJlr(lximall;'lr (;{) men
Ilnd Illo rc lIrc n('eded. Thp~(,. 1'11111 alt
the otlll')" jol,s under \\':.1)' :lIul tho~.,
just brcaking, gin' liS a b,·ij.(ht fulll1"('.
~ext month, I'll tl'}' to gh'(' 1\ "(' .
port on llil our bowling tp:lln~. S('e
you then.

Attendin,:! the p.rty, I,ft to ,iqht, ''', Do... ld 01., Electric Shop Supetv;,or; M.tthew
Lyn,ugh, retired; F,.n~ He, .. ; Myron F,rw.lI, .hop lorem,n: F"n\ Curti. ,nd Hit.,. Plo09, Everett Local Presents
r. tire d m.mbers.
95 Service Pins
Lpon ('hecking the drill motor, il L.l ' . 191. EVE IU·:'n', w Mil l.-Om·
was disco\'erNI thllt the ground wir(' c('rs, m(')nherll, and retin'l l nll'ml)('r~
and the neulrnl wirt' had hrokt'n, and 1'~'C('ntly !,'lllhrred to honor R rother
the neut)"nl \\'il"(' h:1<1 I)('eollle short('d Don WillinJrhnm 011 Ihe occasion of
to Ihe ()"nnl('. ConSf'ctuently, RI·otht,,· his !10th )'cnr in the IR EW.
Wienkes Ilro\'ill('(1 the neutral Illlth Ser\,ict' p illS were IJrt'st'nted to
for the cUrr('llt. T hi!l is a reminill'r 10 mcmbers who nt\:lined t;, )'I'nr>l ;U\<!
all or us that IWriod il'ally we shoulll more of s('I'\'i("f' lIine+:' the lallt II),p>I('n·
check ou r ('(+uiJlIll('nt to :I\'oi<l thi ll Illtion two years a"ro.
kind or a('dd('nt. Mt'mh('rs who were unabl(' 10 alt('nd
Lt:loA' ll C. LE~IE)\,S, P.S. the ("{'ft·mony to recch'e Ihl;'ir 2:"y(':H
Ilinll were: AIIII~w Barrett. Cal
R('rrf'man , Leo Christensen, Arnold
Christf'n~er), O. 1... Da\'is, ('Iiff Fank·
M.mber. of Loc. 1 159, M,d i,on, Wile., em· Lexington Local hnuse r, 11:01)(' rt Fl;'lton , Charle!! For·
ployed by Ih e Univ.nity of Wi 'COMi n s hi . . r. Ad )'ian FuHN, HOUert C('ddi ~,
El lct ric De p.rtme nt, h.ld , relirem e nl p,rty Loaded With Work I rwill G('nt1., Ca rl ila nsen, Hol)(,)"t
lor Brolher Frank He' ... Her., Brolher He' .. II vlm('S, Jiarold May, S\,U 'TI' Mic!wl·
p . ll) 'Ic,iv" • ,,,vice certifjc. +e from
L.U, 183, LEXI N GTO~, I{Y.-Qn(' or
s~'n, Don I'UI'\'pS, R. N. n "nik{'r, La,"
the most il11 jlortllnt things to all of
A. F. Ah .. "" Phy, icel PI.nt Direc tor. I'}' IloUe rts, Jack Shepard , I'll ul Sit'ek,
you in the conMlr uction unit is k now.
Ger:tld Smith, T . Spreudhorough,
ing hOI\" IlegotinUons on our contract.
shop l'Uper\'illOr, 11rt'S('l1tN\ Fronk Greg T si\'i llsky, Hobert Urquhnrt, Sr.,
art' moving. }o~\'er)'lhing-l\"ith th(' (Ox·
with Ih(' giftll and romm('utf'(t 011 hi" Marvill Vaughn, ;\I. K. Wall, 1)1'1
('f'lltion of matters I)('rtaining dil'fi:lly
ypllrl' of St'r\"icc :11 the unin'rsit)'. Waugh, F rallk Wea\'e r, Vic I{o!l!!,
to money-hns I)('('n setlled: this
The Uni\'('rsitr of \Y i!IColI!lin ill Francill Mill!!, ;11)11 Axel 1If'lIKtrom .
mean~ the hourly,wlI/te scale, welfa]'('
.\llIdi!\On pI11 1,10)"" o\'er f,O pl(o('lrit"ial1l1 Thirty-year nwn ullab1(' to ;) 11('1111
I)('neiits, f'te .. couldn't be agreed UI}(ln.
who do reIllO(I('\ill,l{, illstal1l1linll nf wI'n': II . W. Dickhout, AI J ohn l!lO I1,
f'(luipment, and Ihp r('Jlair work on A ft('I' many uWI:tings, t.he Negotiat· Hay Waj.(f'r, J ames !..cary, Don Black,
tlw campus ('1l'Clrit-al sYS(('Ill';. W:)g('~ ing CommittCt' cOllcluded that tht' Len Howc, and Glenn Plank.
l)rr II('termin('d hy thr pr('\,uilin,l{ r:)t(> only thing 10 do WIIS 10 take it to the During the jJllSl two )'1;'111'11, Locill
ill Mudil'Ol1. and all Ihp "l(>(-"tri<:ian.~ Council on Indulltrilll Ile!ations for a 1:11 hal< awarded IG8 S('-r\'i("(' I)in!l (or
emplored t hpl'p :In' memhers of l.CK:al o<:etllemt'nt. WI' alt (eel we should 2.; )('(Irl! and more of nll'lllllf'rllhill.
H;~). Also, th(' wa,l{('s of all 1"'afl!lnll'lI come out with II dl'Cf'nt scttlcnwnt: T his numhel' includes 18 retired melll'
elllplored by the SllIll' of W i!lI'()II~!tI however. the I'e iA one thing each of u~ Ilf'rs. For a loclII with less lhlln IjUO
:1)'(' detf'rlllined by the prevailill+< mt(' must I'cmeml)\'r nnd understand: till' me!llher~ , this l"('IJresc nts :l goodly
of Ihe a)"(,:1 in whith they a f(' I'm· decision of th(' C()uneil is binding nn ll :lInount of yenrs of service to tllll dec·
plorl'd. finn I for thl;' contractor s and each one trielll trude.
Ilroth('r V('rnard \\'iel1k('~, whih' of us. It s word is In\\', and that's th(' Aftcr the Ilrt" ion (,(,],(,lIIon)"
wurking at th(' en"-e".il>", \\:b< u~il1g "-a\' it will han' to IItand whetlwr wc thf'r"e w('re SI)('('Chel< alld a round of
an elN:tri(" molor on a laddf'r wh('11 like it or not. IlictuN" tllking. Till' m(']nlX'rs I;'njoyed
the molor shorted and h(' w:)~ unllhle Do }'ou know whnl the duties of II a IIIO'al and an e\'('ning of yarn swap-
to re-lease it. Onl)' th(' quick lIelion of job slew:II'd aN"! lIow would you pro· ping.
Rrolher :\I aurice Con,wr r ~a\'t'd Ct'ed to int('!ligentl)' a)'gue ;I IlOint L. EI,ln:, P .S.
Brother Wienkes from s{'rious !nju l·Y. with :I r<!JI),('II(,llttltive or some larl!"l:'


Pin Ceremony In Everett, Washington

Th e•• 2S-yur """"b.,. of Loul 191 , Ever,lI, W""h., •• c"~.d 25-

yur •• ,.ici pin. rlcently. Sul,d, left ' 0 . i9ht, "OJ, AI La"9'end. Thl, ty .y.. ' m.mb .... F,ont 'ow. lelt to 'i9ht: L.o BoltOIOI. H.nry
Did 81.y, Chi"" MeG .... ." J oe Oani.l, Ra lph Herma ... W illi, .... COllo~er (1~'e'n.tion.1 Reptl.enl .. tiu). William Jo.eph.on. H~"y
Tho..,n, Ive .. Kinch, Fred Robi",,,,,, Oscer And ' "on, Neil Wille's, And.rlon, HU 9h McDonald, AI Fahhtrom, Hy ,um F"t, W . L, Vin.on
Will1a", L ~ lim ... Second tOw: Tieljin. Hugh Pa ce. RI! ' Bred - (Internation.1 Vi" p, Rob ..t W ood.n [lnt"MtiOMI R~p'.,
net, Ken Silsbn. Florie" Heun., Robed Prell ... ih, W. L. Vin ... .. I.n t . t i~.). SI<;.on d row: Don Ma ,phonon (Inte,national Repr • •
(Inier"ation al Vi ce Prt.i d e nl ). P, e.l on 8onney, Ray L" ",I•• , 0 .... l en l.l i~. ). H awMd Chue, J amel Q.ley (Bultnen Manag e'),
King. Ray W u "" Bill Punon, Don Ma cp h.rson Iintern,,/ion,' War .. n Bryont. C. N. "Doc" Dewlon,
Re pr, .. nla'i •• ). Th ird 'ow: 1"9"old $mi,ted. Leo H",II, Arnold
Holm •• , N,II HI'''' y, Relph Mer!;n, Wu, GIO'II' Fenney.
s"n HU l in. John lyon, M.,yin WiI.on, Millon Perm .. n, Four th rOW:
Rabe " Wood e .. Iln l"n,tion,,1 R ~pr" •• nt .. ti~ .. ). Magn". Wold . H.. nk
Cono~ .. r (Intern .. tion .. 1 Repru.nt"ti~.) , Law ren,e "B"t,h" Do"gh.
erty. Fr"n~ Hop . in., Eve'e" H"nt.r, Howard Sh~ldon, Rol.nd
" Mid.y" W"I I.., .nd Bill H."ton.

music of the AI lIa),g('n Ranll. The

Retired Members Honore d C\'l'lIt was made p<I..~~ihl(' through the.'
At Dinne r· Dance I'frons of our Ru ;;il1(·!<.~ -'l all:ll(l'r John
Varricchio, Prl'sicll'nt Hnll '\'orun,
L.ll. :!I;., 1'0 l ' C, II K":":I'S I E, X. Y. - Hrothers Thoma;; ('r\ll'/::'I'r and l1()h
On -,':'I'rh 1f1t, we hf'I.1 our ~f'("t>lld Clearw:lll'r, ,\1"11. I.,o(:al ~Jr, thank>!
Annual Hinnf'r·i1:1m'f' :.1 th(' JI,'IIf'nir you for a job well ,Ionl'.
('('nt('r, \\ilh ahout :!;,U gUf'lIt~ in at· JOS.:I'II \\'II _"'I)\;, I'.S.
\('11\1:'11('('. B,oth.. Don Willin9h.m , who wu hono..d
Si'al('d at lIu' (,'ont tnhl('l1 w('re .t the 9_therin9, .. "iwlI hil 50 •.,.. .. , pin
!llal1)' of flur I'('lir"11 nu'mtxorl! who, :U' end l<;.toll from I nt .rn.tio~,,1 Vi" P,"ident
you could t('11 by theil' ~miling fat'c!!,
Fifty.Year Business W. L. Vinlon, of the Nin th District. (Photol
were hadnl{ a goud lim('. G(·tting to- Manager Honored by a.~lon'l C.m .... )
I;eth('r with ol d (riNHl!1 all t! I·('mini ~·
i nl{ about tlll' (lId days pro\'ities a L. U. 237, K I}\ GA ICA ]o',\ J. I. K N.Y,- F l'ank J . KI'oI1l'nbe rj.:'; alul :'lIon ·
JJ1(,:lHund,lt, CV"lIiug' fOI" tll(~~e men. On Febnml'y 8, I!H,!), l1usi lle!<11 '\I"n- l<i):,nn r ,l alll('~ 1"·al~·.
The 1.lfail' wal! (Jnly a !lllIall thank agel' 1!any S. JIlI'dan, 11'110 is 1'.'1'0,,- Culminuting thl' \I'stilnoni:,l \\'a~
you fo !' lilt' nlllily yl':lI'S th.·y ha ve niled a s til(' "den!\ o f l,usiIlNI~ marmg- lhe jll'ese lltation of lin oil IHlinting of
NlIltJ'ihulrll I,) (Jllt· n l·):,alliZ1ltion. erll" itl New York S\nt(' and a ~ OIl1' of 1Irolh('1' J Ol'(Ian to till' 11'11(':;1 ' If hl)tl!\!'
We \\'('1'(' also hono n ' d with the the most outsl:Lrldittg \lniQtti !lt,~ in the by T hom:ul 1';m('l':;on, l'I'f'sill('nt,
pl'ese nl'e of iJIIlliJw!I!I nWIH,):'el'~ from country, was honOI'I'I! for hi~ f,O Yf'al'S l':mel'son Ell'('lt'ic:t[ ('I)ntpan~', alul
lIl'ighhoring 1()(·HI~· 1':dwlInl S:,):,,'I', in Local ~:H at OU I' r';'UI Anni\'el';;a- toastmast('r of tI\I' !'\·cning. Jil1l1n~'
Local u!:ll. NewhuI'gh, N('w York; r~'·J)allce. Thonlj)!lOII, Hallio Slati"l1 \\'.1.1 I..
Ilolwrt M('tllChl'r, Local I; If" Kingston, Brother H:lfry Wit9 honor\'t! n 8('C' Rroth('r J.)rllan 's wifj', 01).:'3, his
Nrw YOI'k; Fnwk Krtlnt'd y, Local and time on Mardi I, WI;!}, h)' his Iwo sons, l'lo),d :uHI Omuw. hi~
80G, EIII'n\'illl'. Xf'W York; S)'dn e)' many fril'nds on th(' Niag:lra Fran· daughter, '\Irs. Jo~' I':ti rchil d , and
Rossi, Local :;~,j, IJ:l nhur),. ('onn('("ti· tlt'r and those throughout t hf' ('(lulllr), <;('\'('1':11 grandchildrl'lI Wl're among thf'
cut. Other dislinl(uillh('<i Kue~t~ wl're with a te~timonial dinnl'r at whirh proud KUl'stS:lt thl' dinnt'r,
James Kell)', ~E('A, allll Warren 600 fril.'luls paid Itihut., 10 a gl'('at \\' e e.'ongralui:lle Brutht ... Edward
NI't.;OIl, EI('('tril'al 11lI']If"I'tor. union man. Cb:wk and his conullil\('(' for doing a
ACtl'r "ating II w{'!l-pn.'jlared din· Among the !lll<'akf'rl< lit the dinner fine job on this outslalltlillg \·\·('nl.
ner, Brothl'r Thonllul ('rul'J.,"('r intro· was I nternational Jlresi(l\-nl (,h:lrll''; Broth('r lIa rr~' Jonhlll, ,::mce his in-
duced the honored J.,'U('sts, Father II. Pillard, who Inudf'd Hnlthl'f Jor· iliation into i..()(':ti ~:r; on F.·bruary
Cotr from Saint P('t('r'1I Il:trish, one dan ror his man)' rear~ or !;;otnef'. III.' 18. 1!.119, has bf'ron1l' :. Iwword of
or the honol'f'l.l b"ll(,flUI, ~tol(' the show said that "Broth('r J ordlln's IIrhil'\'('- many labor org:alliz:ltions on the ~i·
with hi~ ,lr'lightfull)'·humorous menta ha\'e made hihlofY fnr hill 1\I('nl agara Frolltil'r, lit, has alway>! 1)("('11 a
li])f>('('h, ( I hO]l(' ]o'atl1l'r ('ol), forgi\'es and the whole Inll'rlHl1ional." leader in tdling lal)(lr's ~torr :lIlIl in
nl(' for using the word /Cfulf,) Other 1<1M!ukl'rll wel'l' A lllln'w H. getting f('suits which haw i.ot'nf'fil.('.1
There w('re lloor'III'i'w dl'awinl(~, J ohnson, I nl('rn~ltiQlLal Vic., 1'1·I'~i· til(' 1:lhor lI1i'" in his (Iu"!-l for I)('U"I'

r '\]all )' nne girts \\','r(' contnhutl'd U)'

loe:ll 8u JJi)ly C()mlmlli('~ uml (']rt'triral
contl':lctO I'~,
(knt; Ernest Curto. lahol' eoun~"'; 1-:.
Dent Lu('key. l\1:lyor, city of ~ia):':tr:1
Falls; Holwrt Bigg:LllI', l'I','~i,l('n t ,
\I'{)I'kinK and living con.!itlon" :11111 ro,'
a .1('('I'lIl plI)' !lC1I1(' .
WI' 1}('Ii{'\'e his record uf r,o real's
T he l'elllllil1ll<'I' or Ihe ('v('ning was l'\iagal'u Fronl ipr Chap"'t·, ~E('A, ;t ~ husilll's~ mll1lagt'l" I\ penks for itRl'1f

[ Silent li stening alI( I c1U11I'ill,l{ to t he


New York Supl'cn1l' COIII't J u!<licf' :1m! ('Vil!('ncell the cOllfld"I1('" amI t rust

Dinner- Dance in Nillgara County Communit), Collcge, Our Annual Dinner-Danc(' was held
lIarr)' is now chairman of tilc College at the II )-au 1-louS(! in Sulinas 011 F eb-
Poughkeepsie Foundutioll. I-Ie is n memher of the ruary 8, 1!Jr.!). Electricians and their
Board of Dircctors of the Golden Age wives dined on clmrooal·broi1ed steaks
Clubs of Nillgarll Fulls, a tiretime and enjored 8('\·1' 1':11 short s peeches
me nlber o f .\loose Lodge 838, and a and cle\'er nl1t"Cd()\p~.
Board member of Urhan Coalition. Ra ~' Talwr, mash'r of ('el'('mOl1i('~.
It goes without ~ayin!t thllt thc Lo· an(l l'. n. "Dick" l\lal'!indttle, a Imst
cal 2:ji mcmbers arc IIl'oud to call pre"id('nt. prcsented M'l'\'icl' pins nnd
HalTY J ord:l!\ " Rmther." scrolls 10 the fu1l0l1'ing: 40 Y"l\l'S- 1..
JOII:' i\l(lQl!MJI ,\:>/, p.S. E. Towle !lr; .vPHrs-O~cal· Rustad, D.
K. l\l artindall'. and Louis Shnllich; ~.)
real'~- J)pwiU Aslin, i':lll'l J ohnson.

50- Year Business Manager Archie Nt'e. and ~~rnie 1\el](>y; 2i1
yeal,;;- Clifford Amh'rson, Lelllnil
Knisley . Wernt'r Fink, GINln Rlnck-
Local 21S, Poug hl •• p,i., N.Y" held ih lock, James Shaw, Halph Thoma!!.
S.cond Annu.1 Dinner,Dane. on March ht. George Bardin, and Ern(,,,l 1\(0('111:1;
Shown al the head, left to righi, are I;) rears-Glen Sail'S. Gordon Politi...,
Jamn K.lly, NECA; Bu,in", Mallftger .nd lind Presidenl Alllholls DI'Vo~.
Mr., John Varricchio; Brolher and Mn. Ten rears- Gust J ohunilOn, Chal'le~
Thomn Cru.ger; Coly; Brother "nd Burress, Clarenc(! 8chrh·cl·. Jame~
Mn, Harold Min .. d: P'l!1ident .nd Mn. Lawson. amI Jaml'lI !'>looJ'f'; fiv{"
qob.,t Mo,.n, At the front are the real's-Charl('s Gillis, Prr T rondjeim,
honored retired members, Ray Tahel', ROil Carpenter. Jnmes
Westphal. Gary P~'has, Lawrence
:'> Iellick, and J o~e " h l' ulie.~dll'skcy.
Jnmes Shaw, a fOl'n1<'r busilli'S8
managel' of Local :!43, wa~ honon'll
B~linen Manager Ha rr y S. Jordan. Loca!
2)1, Niagara Falll, N.Y_. wu honored on
singly alHI Ilrcs('nted with 11 wat~h.
tw o DCcuion. for hi. 50 ya. .. in the IBEW.
The local nmtle m:lny -,\ains while Ji m
was in olllc('.
In thi. picture, Edward Johnoon, Ch.irm .. n
of the EUcll li¥, Bo .. rd I righl). pr".nl • • l'obody cun IIUl a monetar), \"lilue
plaqu. to Brolh .. Jord.n. on the contribulions our 40- ami 3:;-
YC!3r members h:l\'1' mlltll' 10 lh(' ('IC('-
trical industry and unionism in our
area. Each of th<:'ir Ih't's has tOllchc(1
cio!l(!ly to minc, as w~'ll u.~ to lIeal'lr
L.ft to right, Brothel .nd M... Ted D.tmer, c\'ery other m('mh('r's.
Brother e",d Mrs, Vi", Wel.h. Brother .nd
Mft. Cr.ig Philp., .nd P.... Secret.ry W il, Lauric Towle, now n'lirc(l. ran thc
'on', wif., C,Hol, pau" for the photog- working ('nd or the Salinas Elf'ctrir
raphr during the dinner. Comllan~' for mallY r('ar~. Loui ~
Schallich, who first join(,11 an I BEW
local in HIlI. call1(' fl'OIl1 1.0(';11 G. Sail
Francisco. a nd found('d the Louis
Electric COTTl lmnr (his slin. Itil-hard.
now rUII!! thp fi!-Ill). O~car no.~UHl i"
now rdir('d. an\1 we mil'S him_ D_ K.
?lartindall' ill still ncti\'C and looks it;
At the t ..limonial dinner honoring Brolher we aIJIJn'Cilll(' him, too_
Jordan, P,uident Ch ..t.. H. Pillard pr.i.ed Gt,~;!\.s A. nt.,\Ch:I.(l('h:, !'.S.
Brolher Jord.n for havi"'g "mede hidory
for hi, 10c.1 and the whol. Intern.tionaL"

Local 252 Sc rib e Dis cusses

Salina s Lo ca l H olds W o rkm e n's C o mp e nsatio n
Annual Dinne r-Dance L.lI, 2;'12. }\ x'\' /\I IBOII. MICII .-Ali
At th i' I.ble ere ¥j,iting Bro the .. a nd th eir
wi¥el f,om Loeal /.Ill. Ne .... burgh. N.Y. L. U. 213. SA LI NAS, C ,\LII~.-Lale union Sl!'waJ'ds art' llrg'{'d 10 make
win tel' rains h!l\'e s lo\\'('d work ;I little sure that their resIlCCti\·1' con1ra('tor~
1Il(' lllemlJ('r~ place in RI'O \ hcl' J ordan, ill the SlI iinus Vallp>,. If tIll' high" r hn \'e Wo r km(! n '~ COJll I)f'nsation I nju J'Y
AI""ar~ l'rlul~' to give M hi;;; t ime iut('n'st raks don't kill lhe market, Hupol-t f orm 11)(1 I'll) the job. It sho\l ld
and t:drllt in the ><cl'\'ice to otlll'l'.'<. eonstl'lLction shuuld pi~k up this have thl.' contmctol"ll nun .... addres~
IhllTr JOl'dan has found tinlf' tlll'(lugh slll'ing and IJut all of out· members and !II ESC numher typ..,d on the bot-
thl' rl'urs 10 tnk{" nn ac l i\'{~ part in hack to work. t Olll_ E\·err injurr should 1)0' rel}Qrted.
communitr alTnirs and organizations Some of ou r members (including and the while copr should be gh'en to
out!lilie or his local. Ill' has sen'ed as this wl'lt('r) had to trll\'l'l a little dur- tl](' elllIJloy('e. Whf'n filling out thl'
I"-(>,,,i~tl'nt of th{" :\,iagl.Jra Count)- illl{ the III1It r('w month!' of I!lG8_ For form, prl.'lIS hanl on th\· ]",'Ili-point
A V I~-C I O Coundl for II real';;; and ,;;; III)' lmrt. I ('f'I'lainly lillpr('('iatoo the pen, as there lire fi\·(> copies IUld {,Hr-
also a Irustf'{' of th(' Ruildi ng Trade;;; bl-othl'rhot)d spirit l'xt{"ndf'{1 to me by hons to l>ellctt'ali'.
Council. 11(' has Sl'rw'(l on the Niaga- th{' nl{,lIIll{'r;< of th l' two northern Cal- Tips to relllf'ml)l'r at'e that all on-
I'n Falls lIou><ing Authorit)- lIi n(;(' ifornia locals in which I workpd. I \>e- the-joh acchlents ure compensahle;
1!113. sitting in as chairman for II Iie\'e the otll('r Slllinas f(!l1ows who n(>\·('r take 11 contl'llctor's or hi!! insu r-
rears. Il l' is II melll\>el- of the L'rl'an found themselvf'S !!Omewhat footloose anCe carrier's ><a),-IIO; contact yOUI-
Het1cwal Agency. A former trustee of feel the samt.! wily. union. T hl! law dO('s not I'Cquire that


Salinas local 243'$ Dinn er- Dance PI·t'sidellt Hicllllrd Ketl nnd Rusi-
• l1("I!S ;\1;1110101'('1' l>enn ('ombs will at-
tl'lld the Sixth Dilitri('t ProJ:'r("~s
_' It.'I' t ing in ;\linnenpolis, ;\iinn(·sot:l.
I 011 A/II'i! 2;llh !lnd :!6th.
Bro l )lt'r Hn)ph Bllkn is I'('(:()wring
(mill II Iwurt IIUuck and will h(' !llf
frOm 11'01'1; fO l' IInoUwr month.
i11'{)llwr (;('U!'g(' [Jal'ling, ,:.:; )'1'111'S
of a/:", i.. honU' n'CUl"'ril1/.:' frolll ~ur­
J.;t'ry, am) RI'()Ult'r Btl) Brogan lIa!'
hospitailwd tht' fir!;t we,'l; in A,lril
fur a t-h,'(·kuj!. Ht,tirl'(1 ehurter mt'lll-
1.... 1' (\!)Jtj) 1-:11 1I111l'S ill also hOSllitat-
Th. Annll.1 Oinn., of loul 20. - . ·pi iz,:',l,"". C.lif" wu h.ld Febru.,y •. 196'1. Left 10 righl. ere 40-y'" memb., Lorri.
H.,. ... some memb... of ,h. Oinn.r- Towl •• nd M... Towle .nd Mrt.• nd 25-., .. r
O.nce Committee: ".,ed. I.ft to ,ight. m.mb.. E.rl John.on.
l.rry Mellid. Recording • ..,. ."d
M". M,Hid; M". Rey T.bel .nd Brolh.r local 252 Bowler
Teb.,. St.nding. N. R. M.d ind.I •.

Reliled .1.etric.1 conlreetol .nd 35·.,ur

m.mber Lo"i, Sh.llich .dd.euu his ..f.llo ....
Th ... Brolhe.. end Ih,ir I. d i.. oum 10 "y. eleelrical worke .... end their ... iYe •. AI light.
"Bli"g on Ihe slu . " Pruident .nd M... AI OeVos loo ~ on.

yuu "iJtn t-tat('m('ntll or mak,· tnl"' r('- tnined at the union hall. The .\Iichi- With. blur of .p..d, B,oth .. Keith V.n
('()rdingll to suhlltalltlat(' your acrid(>lIt gun AFIA'IO 113II1I)hlel, "Your O.nBosch I••', 100 .. with .noth.. ''';~e b.11.
,Jartil;ular,;; so, lifln'l do it. as !'u('h \\'orkm('Il's Coml>cnsalion Itights," H. i, wllm;ng lip fOI ,h. NaHonal IBEW
life SI,.mHimes u>«...1 to tht' dttrilllt'nt ill 1,M·jng purcha!Wd for distribution Bowling TOUln.m.nt i" l.nsin'1. Mich., 0"
or your (,ll!\('. Tht' burtl('n of proM ill to the Illeillben;. M.1 15. 26.
Oil the C"'I,h'YI'r, not )-ou. Work in the area is slow III this
If you "('{'('iv(' an injury IlIlt! lIrf' off writing. )lost johs are on III hourI'.
lh(' job for II da)'s or mOft'. )'uur The work picture for Ih(' summer is
Attend . nce .t
lost-tim(' slarts the ,late of yllur acd- cloutll:'d. The Plumbers arc ('xIH.'1:ting Meetings Much Improved
dent. If yuu h:l\'(' not I'N-·cin·d )'our to strike, car satc!! are down, and ill-
('OIllJ)Cll,;ution ciu:-ek hy til(' thin l w,'f'k, t('rc~t-I'ate hikl's aT'(' s('lIring ofr in- L.t'_ 270, O ,\I{ IW)G I·:. T E:"\:"\.- h
('o!ltud )'()UI' ulliun. Your union will I'I')<IOI'S ;tnd lIu\'I'I-!! alike. .", 'em!< that the ("onIl'1I('loI'5 and our
ha\'(' Ih(' mlllll'lI of attorn('Yll who ;11'(' At Ih(' Mnl'd; 1Gth nW('ling, "nlh;I!(' :\I'gotinting C(lmmitt(~ :Ire at a drat!-
!I1X'Cialist,; ill compl'lI»atioll (,1I1It'S. J udge n oss \\' _ Camphell JtllW' a IlIlk Im:k on wlIg('s. We had a slwdal mel'l-
Usually. th,·!!C attorneys work with no ;Ind showed slides of carl)' \\'1I8hten- ing cntlN-l. but ffOUl :tit lllll}{'nr:tl\,'h
('ust tu thl' ellll)loy."('. al\' Countr, which we,'(, \'ery intl're~t­ -ulIll'~~ the Cf)lItrat'torll bl'eak duwu
Further information elm be ob- ing. and (Ifrt'r II lilll(' mor_wl' Will 1)('

Ann Arbor's Varied Activities

f Th i. pidur ....... t • •on el the "gul.r m.. ling of local 252. Ann
Arbor. Mich. L. ft 10 .i'1"I •• tt R."ben Ro.., 252'. hi.tori.n;

P.obal, Jlldg. Ron W. CempbeU.... ho g •• e • 1.1\ .nd Ihow.d A g.ou p of Loul 252\ e pprentices ;n .IIond.nce .t PresidlOnl
,lides of ea.l., W"hl.n .... Co"n ty (182)"929) ; Rich.rd Pr•• i_ Ric herd Kett'. IIn io ni. m eI....
de nt : an d Oun Comb •. B",in, .. Man.g or.

·I JOURNAl fOR JUN E. 1969

Local 270'5 Pin Presentation

Th, memb.n in I".so pieluru !.. bo ... , tower I,ft, end lowe. right )
t.~.i".d 25 ..,ea, pin •• t Ih, I.. t muting. Front to .. , I,ft 10 righl: C.
E. D.... ;~, w. T. 8.. ker, W. A. Bowli"g . J r" C. L. Dey. a.d rOw: D. V.
Burl.,on, R. O. B'ooh, H . R. Br''''r, end H. G. Dill., Th... B.oth... of l ocal 270, 0.1 RidCJ" r.nn., ... Joh .. W.iCJ hl
11.'1) ...d W,.,n. P••.." Iha oldnl end n....", .npecliv.I." of
Ih. loc,l. B.olhe. Perr., ""~ ~ .. o.n in ,I Ih. I,,, me-linCJ , .. d
i~ luvinCJ 10. Iha 1•• vice Im",.di.I,I.,.

Fron! to .. : J. 8. H,. kint, W. Z. HII ..I, Sr., end R. H. HI .. I; ..,. .ow, C. E. Me~i~. S. l. M• .,ton. J. E. ""OIlICJOM • ..,. end A H.
B.c. rOw; J. A. G ..... m. R. F. Duff, H. J. F..[wil.r, 'nd M G. "" • .,Ion. Bed 'Ow, R, F, HOIhon, C. E. l"CJ" E. l. loop., .nd
He.rill. W. H. "".b..,.
Knillg to thl' council for a s('Ulcrnent.
[\ i~ going to takp quite a substantial
local 292'$ Annual Dance
rai;", to g.{ Uft ,'\"PIl wilh several oth-
I'r ('ran!' in thl' ('onl'tructiotl tnute.
W(' h:ld a \'t'ry lin-Iy session at Ollt'
1:.111 union 11l('f'ting. T ht're was quil(' a
lut of husin('sil brought to the noor.
lind it S("('I11" that the mem1x>rship is
tukin/!:, mort" intNe~t in local union
:druir!'. Our all('udnnce has more than
douhl€'d in Ih(' )llIf<t r('w months. This
mnnlh, tI\I' main ills\lC's lire conlruC't
nt'J.,'()tiations and Il{'r\"ice-pin 1lr('S('llt:l-
Inlern, tion.1 R.p .... nl. tiwe Ji", Conw • .,
j"d9.d Ih. d,ne. eonla~t,
It is with smlllt'!ls that I report tht'
death of Rl"Olh('r Austin Witt. who was flre~~d into the judging of our
p:I!ll't'(l awny ufll'r a lengthy i1111l'SS (hillel' (.'ontl'sl. !loor Ilriz('s W(,I"I' gil"l'n.
on ~Ial'ch 21;lh. 11<, was highlr rl'· Some or the winn('rs \\'(,1'1.': illrs.
gurtll'd hy 1111 who kllt'w him, ;Ind Iw Membar> 01 loul 292, Ih,,,,\,I,,.\ ,I
J am"s ilh:Gowun, ?>II":; .\11.'1 Ilplrr, ,h •• n .... al •.
will bl' .I;(ul1)' mill>!f'll by our rlU'mlwr- ~1I·~. 1I olger V(·nlick. C"orge KoslpI-
f<hill. \\'t' l'xt<,nci our dl!el)Cst !lrmpa- nik. Jim Thomas, noh HiUman, Kar
Ihr to his fllmil)'. J unh('rg, Norm His.ka, Ray Itallallo,
J \m:... A. "RI cs" en'I'. I'.S. Bruce A. OUl"i('., William Se;:'strom,
Dale hlgl"aldf«lIl, )l~'roll Brl'g, and
George 1.1"IIlg('r.
Minneapolis Local A gOOlllim{' IIIIS hnd hy all.
Holds Annual Dance ,11" llu:'I,\SM:->, P.S.
1..ll, 2!12. ~1I 'i~ I': A I' OLl S , ~ II \ ;".
Loca l :!~)2 Iw ld it~ HIHI U;l! du! \{'C' at the
Calhoun BrUl'h lI otrl on F't'lu'u:II'r Local 307 Opens
8th. Thl:' crml"ll Wl\.~ one of th(' IImall- New Training Center
(·st w{,'vr had III lht'~e danc('s. It IIUS
a mild Ft·hruar)" ('1·Plling. hut with all 1..1". 307. ( ' nIlH:HI .. \ ' ll. "n. 1.0_
tlw Snow w,,',1 hud, it was diflicult to cal :1117 :IIIIJrO'ntiC('1I hl'gall da .• _«'~ la~l A ~",.II."lh.n .... ".1 CJ'o"p .tt...d.d Ih.
flnd a IliaCi' to pllrk. rail in th<'ir nt'w fl('hool huilding. AI." • .. n".1 d'ne. of l oul 292. ""' jn.... poli~.
The !Juw' OlMOn Orchestra pro\'jd('d rording to Jo!W.'ph KI'I1I'Y, ,Illrt-lime Min n. H ••• i\ , .hol 01 Ih. ",.",be" who
thc music ror thr c\·ening. Interna- training (lin'ctor, Iher€' urI' 2!1 ap- b,."ed Ih. ~ .. ow o n S.t...d • ., ." . .. i ..CJ,
tional it(' ll r('!I('ntatil"e J im Co u II'ay IJl'entices attend ing clllSl)t's this renr. F.b ......, Bllo,


Local 307's New School l'iKhl·looWO I'k nt. I tl coml':ll"
iJtg' t he. W!lgf'R of JlI'l'SOtlS wOI'king' Itl
t'ight-to·\\'o r k s t ates wit h th (> na tion a l
II" wa!{(' !In'I'!Ig'P, you will llo te that on l y
II !Jilt' M Llw If) ~lHte~ haYing right-to·
\\,ol'k laws has an a l'cr a ;;"c it l('lmll'
,tI)flve 1I1f' nationa l a\'('l"ag",
I :011 ('nclosing som!' o f till' l'I,t1Hlt'k~
of Gm'('t'llt))· Willianl L, Gu ~·. of
l\'ot'lh Dakota, wh(. ii' IfI'gtll).\' l'plll'ai
of hi~ SIUI ("~ l'ig-ht-tn-\I'III'k law.
G'I"Cl'll,!!' GIl.\' ' d. ' "NOI' th f)uko·
ta'~ Iti,L(ht-to'\Vol'k law ha~ hanl)l('I'r,1
thr st:IIl"s indu~tri:t l d, 'l'einlltllt'l1t 'Ind
is dl'iving' young pcol'le to 'It·,>a~
Here, g.oth e r Robert Chril t, i<lshu ctor 01 \\')11'1'(> th('~' nrc' jll'otpctrll hy union
th ird· end fourth,yoM cianI!, wMchu in· rontr:l{'t~.
In,truc.lo. Jo,eph Kelley 9;Ye~ lindl iM/rue;._ ton tly u "pp"<ltices Doremer "<ld Millor "\\'" l1e('d to be (·"nl;l'J'twd ah"ut
tio n, to J .. d Wellmen , Vorce Reed, dnd wor k on " motor·control schema tic, wag"<' le\'el." :( 1\(1 working' ('.)nditil,ns
M i~" Kelly. It. ,,·au);,' (>111' ~'!)utlt :Il'e jlJd~illJ{ us ill
"om!mt'i.~lln to whal i~ antilah ip In
Ihp111 o ul ~ idl ' of Ollt' stau'.,.
"Otl(' of thp Ill~,ths that stil l !H'I'I':lil
in S\l1ll 1 I\U111'l<'l'~ in IJur ~tall' i~ that
itt,l1Jstl'~' will );C'd; to local,· when'
~ur,~t;lttll,,/'d wag"'s an' p,lid and
w ih'rt' working ]!<'ol'll' :11'(' t\i St'IJuraw' d
1'1'0111 ul'l{attizittK, Nothing' o:ould I,..
ft!1'tIl('I' (!'Om til(' t1'ulh. W e hll\,(' tt' ;('d
t hat phil<!S!)lthy fill' tl('lI!'ly 80 ye<Lt·s I,f
J\'IlI'lh n akota'~ !'xistet1(''''; yet, \\'('
~ till find llUI' ~rll'(·s in th" l "a~t iTtdu~­
trialir.t'd ~t ab' ill ll1O' unif)!l. If 1,)11"
Th is is th o new .chool building of Locel 307, Socond'YCM instruc tor, Or. il l, N, lson, e.· \I'ugr's and weak laws pl'ot'- '({ill g- til('
Cumberldnd, Md., where 29 appren tices MQ plai nl the typn of thrlll ·phalil moto" to t'ig'hb of 1I'!lrkl'l'>I co uld attract illdu~­
"Hendin'} d" .. e, th i, yea •. his clen. II'>', II'{' shoulll IJ(' OtiC of til'" tllO~t in -
dustl' ial !If <til ~tatcs . 0 \1 1' ~tate
I!i g-ht-to·\\'ork law h:I S prolrd!'.1 no
After ~('\'{'rul m()nths (,f ~(':II"l' hiIiK j"ut'n{'~'nl:ll l J'"rl'l' ~hpt·, and 1110tOl' Utl(', !Jut it is lit'iying out· ~'ollth from
rOl'a sui tuhl r hu i lding whkh <'ould 1)(' wi nd ing'. This i~ til{' II'a~' 1.,)('nl :!O7 lhi~ slllL!' to SUIH'S ",h"n' tll('~' ,';!l1
used us a tl'aillill~ ct'tlh-l', llll' Build - ~t)'il'cs to k('o:p abrcast of tllf' Ilrn~­
huv(' s u ch )lI'Q1etti(l11.
ing CQlllmitlt'C pUj'l'ha st'l1 a IIIII'·!<tory, I'''~H ill til(' ,>ll'I'tJ'i{'al t!'ati(' - wi l h "Low-II',lg(', anU-UJlion law.'\ c;!t1tl(ll
COllcl"ctc·hlock htlildin~ on OITu(t 1\', 'l1-l a ltght almr('l1ti('('~ tlnd 1,'('Il · in- 1; 1'('at(' III'O~jl(,t' ity; tlwy 110 110t I't'call'
St.reet in CumlJ<'rlund. f')I'nwtl jourlH'yml'll, a lahol' 'Hlp))l},; lhc~' cantwt tkvl'lop a
The sehool \\' a ~ l'(,IllQ(j,·]. ·rl thl'oul."! Oon't fut',L(et., lh" ('It'clinn Hf nflie"I'H su ppl~' of s kill ed 1:l.1)fl!·... r~ . ' . matly
thc effo rts of 10('1\ ) contrHctorS :11111 i~ ('ol11ing UI); ~O. makt, it a )loinl to f;kil l,',1 lI'!)rk('rs I('uv{' 11 I'ig-ht- t o·wo rk
volunteer Iwlp frum apIJr{, lIti(·,·.~ ami " a ~t )'() \lI' vnt/', ~ tutl' for !tpUPt· pay in olll(')' ureas."
jOUnlcytlWIl of 1.Q('al :j()'j'. :'Ir an), 1(011),:;' Wn,I.I,'.\I Ht ..I"E. I'.S, Govrl'tlol' Guy's II1cs~agc should be
and fruitful hOllr~ 11"('!"r ~r)('llt il1~ t al!­
h,'.'dc,1 hy the it' gislature of North
ing" the lightill)l" :111<1 wiring" nnd pul-
l):rkntH and othl'l' sl aLP;; with t'ighL.
ting the finishing tou<"l1l'S Oil thr·
dassrooms. Right-to-Work Threa t e ns to "lI'ot'k Inll's; it should also be giv(,l1
th e tll(1sl sNious cO II sidera1iotl by the
We at'e v{'ry pnJlul of our f;{'ho()l. 309 Are a ('nngrCHS of ihe Uni ted Statc~. Th{·
which i:OI1Sif;l~ !)f lh)'(',' j'('g'ul:11' class-
I'<'fll'a! <If S('Clioll I I (It) of thc Taft-
rooms and :1 lu!'}!!' IllU l ti - pIJ1'PU~" 1.,11, ;IO!!. K ST , l.Oll IS, Il.L, (;n·l't· Hal'tl!'~' Act, which jlNmits til{' com·
room. The mul t i-purpvs(' l'O(lt\1 ill itt,L(~ fl'om I.oelll ;~IIH! With tlh' .'ominj.( f'\JI!>I'1t'~' OIK'n·shop laws, would
c{luiplled with rnf't(')' l)()ard~, f;irl1lll(' of ~fJl'ing, OUI' outAidp l'nt1s tnu,ti on .~t 1'''Il}!tilf'll the p('Ol lomy of lhe (,!ltirc
and inLl'icat<' l'on\r(J l ('\luipJllel1t, and wOI'k ill I'cully Rtal'linK t n tlWVE'. As- Ilalion,
othe)' (leviers S(J that ('llllll'ol ~etuI)~ ~is tallt Busi lwss r.lalHIK.'j' Od,'ll ,\lil·
call be )J)'e)J:lI'PfI :1.f1('1' UI1 f'xplunatioll 11'1' !'I'llllI'ls that:1 numh.·!' (I f lrav(,[jnj.('
011 111('m is givel1 in the I'1nssroolll. litll'llwn IH\v(' 1'!'IU)rt. ,d h rn' aft.'I'
Th 1'(,c jOtl1'ne~'m('ll of Lotal :107 rl'adiltj.( my last lI'Urr. I'm );UI'!' Illllny
~Pt'\,(, as instnwturs. Th('r an' Ilt'oth- tIl""I'!' \\'111 III' n... ccl('d dU)'i!lJ{ Ill!' ~um-
PI'S Robert ('hl'ist, third ami 1'01lrlh
Completion Dinner
111.'1' U~ tht'l't' aj'I' m!lll~' outsidl' joh)!,
years; Orville Nelson, sHond rl':Ll'; OUI' t1{'W llUiltlillg' is tlHJvillK ulon,L( Honors Graduates
and JOSt'ph Kelley, fil·~t ye:ll'. 1'1:11I!I tlie.'I.v, :111(1 we lin' exp{, .. Ling to mol'('
arc 1Jcing formu lait't\ f'lI' ;tdditiUlial 1..11, :1:i2. ~ A i\ ,lOS I';, CALI F,- The
• ins t ructors (0)' t)l<' t'vrning Yl'lIr.
in tiuril1 K mid·IHIIlI1l\O'r. Th(' BuildillJ:'
('oJl1mill,'f' is 11'('11 l'i!'1\spd wilh [ill' Sa nta ('lara Vllll,'~'
Joint Appl'/;'nti ce-
Although the buildil1g" i!\ tlHlill)Y fol' Iluali l y of WOI'k Iwillg' 11U1lt', ~hil) ant! Training ('ommittee h('ld a
Ih,' lIl'pr('ntic('s' ItS,·, it will all'<) II<' Wt' al'e COll("'I't1('.1 alltlut. :I "'Kht-to· ,'pmllll'lioll ('.'t·l'tllOIlY dilHl('t' at tI,...
u~pd ror other I!l'l)j •. ,'l~ ~tH'h U~ thl """l'k IlHIVl'tIlCttl in thi~ :I!'1'1I. A I'\atl'''u 7 It('1,iu\l J'ant on ;.)atul'(lay,
l()-weck NECA Cod(' f;chool, \\'hkh is llight-to-W'>l'k S,'minat' Will< h{'ltl in ;\I>\",ntbcr :{Olll.
IIndcr way at the pr('Scllt tim(', S L Loui )!, l\ l isllOtlri, I'llt'ly in l\iar,'h, 'I'll(' ;j~ ~rallual('s who rl.'ceived their
The coming y,:ar will find l'OIlI'~eB rOl' tl1(' \lut'PI));{' o f boosting IllI' 11101'(,- ('('rlificaics fl'om [{uss Rollins, chair-
for aj)JJrcnti<;CII and jOUl't\(' )'1l1l'n alikp. nWlll in j\l i"an u l'i tlnd Illino i!l, t11Htl or the J ATC, ar(' Wnde A llison,
A foundation is u(>illl{ laid f'll' futut't' I l'SIlt'cially uI·g,. Ollt' )"OllttJl:'('I' tllrtll - ,\ [;ll'tin n at'a ts , GE:OI'gC Bassi, Law-
courses in weI/ling, mutol' cOttll'(lI, bcr~ to IlCi:ol11c iuf01'111C') about Ihe I'Pt\Pt' ('ollwr t , J ames Cole, Thomus


Comstock. David Dam pic r , Laurie enjoying games, we finished with t hroughout t he rea rs, although he has
Glasen!, Hobert Green fi eld . Hobert d:lI1eing in the el-eni ng. T his year, Ollr b<>cn engaged in the eledrical con-
Heissnel', J ohn Kalafu t, Paul Kem per, fla r- R-Q ue will he held 011 Saturda y, tractin}:" business, doing bu~iness un _
Edwin La Coursien!, T elTellce Lee, Au}:"ust 2:lrd, 90 come orr out and ('n- Iiel' the name of th(' J ohnso n!
Theodol'e Lewis, Dominick Lo f'nlUco, jor cv('r}'thing_ Compa ny, for a period of time which
Lloyd :'Ih:Donald, Claudio I'\:l\'arro, OUI' local took OCCUlmllCY of its predate!l the memor? of practicall}'
J r., Douglas Nelson, Ronald Haymond. 1I1'W ollice uuiltling on Octollcr 2:'th. all of our member;;.
Jose Ruh:. Kenneth Sa!lllington, Mi- I h011e to hal'c pictures and tlctails of ~lany of 01.1" recall thc
cll:lel Schaffel', Paul Schneider, Da\'id the new building for m~' ne'l:t IIrtidl'. 'nun)' after_work hours s l)('nt in Uw
Smith, T erry T anner, John \\':l(lhams, Since I'm faid)' nl'\\, liS ]lr<'ss s('('f('- shop, alld enjoying the
Jackie Walt, Warren Wt'stt'ream !J. tary. I hope to have a "Local L im's" I'l.'freshml'nts and the com]):In~' of
Ronald White, Carlyle Wil son, and Il-ller in ('\'cry f[uartcr. I ncidentally, Andy J ohnson, a man who nel'cr lost
:'Iichacl Y:Ig"(>r. I'm o]len to suggesti ons of help from IICr!lOnal touch with his fellow mem-
Nine of the graduates were hOl1ol"l'd f('lIolI' HI'Othl'I'S concerninJ(" the COW"-- Jxors and em ployees,
for perfect attendance nnd high 1<chol_ age of johs of inte"cst and of anyone P(lssihly thousund~ of IIlEW mem-
arshill. Thl'Y were presented electric who Ilt'scrl'es recognition for his ef- bl'rs from other local unions have
wat('h(>s hy Hay Scheidts, Prl'sident, forts. F('(>l fl'ce to cnll Illl' anytime, work('Ii for Antly. During World War
Elcdrieul Construction I ndus t ry Coun- :'I I)' homt' phorre is i2!i-4ii9, I I. .Johnson ~:Icctric \I';IS enJl:aged in
cil. T hey arc Wade Allison, Martin The w('ck of F{'!Jruary 9-1:i was a joint "I'nturc in the construction of
R;lrats, G(!()rge Ba!(si, Lawrenc(> Col- pl'Q('laim{'d as National EI('Ctrical the Des :'Ioint>s Ordnancl' Pla nt. and
t)('rt, Laurie Glasere. Ronald Hay- Wl'Ck by the CnUfornia Stat(' L{'gis- at that time. hundreds o f tra\'elers
mond, J ose Huiz, Paul Schneider, and lutur,'. wert> ('mplored.
Michael Yager. We haw! just rf'<:/,h'ed worc! that It t'nn truly he said that only onc"
Guest s l)Cak(,I'S ut th(' dinner were Brothel' Bill Jlerrlo('ot is retiring and in (I lifetilll(' dOf's the 1I"0rl(1 I"-oduel'
Dr, Otto Roemmich, Presidf'\l\. :,;an lo.,ul'illlo(' this !\I"en (or l'Cllsons of ;1 man of the calibcl- and siaturf' of
Jose City College, and Brothel' illikc Il('nllh_ W{' of LOt'nl 332 s alute rou, AIHly Johnson. Hrother Johnson h:a~
I{adi.'lich, S('cretal'? JATC, who has Bl'Otlwr 1Il'I"I'got, for nIl YOUI' ti1l1l' heen associatt'd with his two son>',
spent IG years on the JAT C. ;U\c! ('frol't during lhe pa~t 10 yeal's Rrotll('rs Arthur and H arold, for
COllgratulations to our new jour- as lru~tce 011 the lI e:lllh and Wt'lfnrc mnny years; the)' hn\'(' taken 0'-1.'1'
neymen. " 'e hope to Sl'e :all of you Trust. the activ(' manag('ml'nt of the business
regularl}' at our union n1l'('lings! WAt. tS JIlII :-lSO:-l, P.S. during thl' past f('1I' years_
Sinc(' it has b<>en OWf six months
since OUl- last article, I'll cOI'l'r hrit·t1y A Ccrtifi('atl' of ApP'-I'('jation ha.'l
th(' ('I'ellts th:.t hal'e OCCUITI'I! hl'r('. I)('{'n awarded to Husser! V, Kell<O.
On August 2 1th, we held OUI" An-
Des Moines Local SUIlCrl'iSol' for th(' Hllr('au of Ap]1I·(,n·
tin'ship and Training. U,S, Dellart.-
nual Rar- H-Qul' at Alpine i'al'k. Afl('I' Honors Four Men nwnt of Labor, St atc (If low:t. by the
;111 ('lIjoyah!e st~ak dinner :lIld mOI'e-
than-enough cold het:r to kt'e lJ (',"c r y- L. li. :Ili, I)ES ~ I OI .\' E S. I A.-We nr'c Oes iIIoinl'S J oint ApIJre nticeship and
one rf'frl'shed, sen'ice Ilins were pl'o ud to arlllounl'C nnd to I'a)' resp('ct Training Committee, for hi!! outstand_
awarded-a ;;O-n'ur Ilin to Rrother to one of our oldest and most helo\'ed ing service in hl'lping to makl' the
\\'illial11 P{a lf of Local lG, Sl'attle; lJIemb('rs, Andr('w -'Andy" J ohnson, electrical all l)rl'ntkeship programs of
Iowa among th~ I)('st in the natiOIl_
a I:;-~'ear IJin to Brother pf'l(, lI !'nlllli; who has :11)llli('(1 for his rl'tir('ment
seventeen 30-ft'ar pins: forly-thrre Jlen~ion_ :'Ir, Kf'lso, II"ho has contributed
2';-ye:lr pins; am i sixty-four ~O-)"eal" Rr(lther ,Iohnson's n1l'm!)f'r!!hill dateil countl ess hours aside from the 1'1'-
pins. from Dl'CI'm[,el' 14,190(;. li e hn!! maill- (JlliJ'ements of his position on behalf
Aft,,!" :111 afternooll of dsitir1g and ta in('11 hi~ Ill"mhcrship in OU I' local of th(' al)prl'nticeship prognlms, Wll!(
dteil fOI" his (~oopc!'ation and guidance
of tIl(' JA'l'C. The eel'lifieale slates
that UII' Ilrogress lind SUCCeJi,!! of OUI-
Local 332 Presentations al)Jlfentic('ship l)rOj::'rams are \lUI' to
the ]lI.'rsonal Imrtiei]J<ltion beyond the
cnll of duty hy :'II r. I\('lso and that h('
hns hell)('(l to guide more than 200
ullprl'ntice!! tlu-ough the completion of
th('ir npprenti(oeship.
It ma~' Vl'ry 11'('\1 ])(' addell thal th"
succ('s~ of the aPJln"'ntitf'~hiJl amI
tl"ainiJlg" pl-ogTarns is al~o tlu!.' to th('
Ililigenee and detlicntion of Brother
Iloil nl'Y HI'{'I'I'~, lJirl'ctor of Tmining
(or the Iowa State CoordiulitillJ.:" Corn.
mitl('(', Elf"clricnl Apprl'nticeshill and
Tl'ailling, in COOlll'ralioll with Brother
II nrold Burns, Jr._ S(,(,r<'tary of the
De8 ,\loil1('s JATC.
A lot of hard work, thought, and
('IT(,rt of whil'h til(' general meml){'r-
C~lifo'nio A... mblyman hd. C.~"dell, ship has little 01' n!) knowh'llge go
,enl. r, p.el."I. Ih. Ca lifo.niol S l ~ t ' l eg;" inlo the job f,f t'llucatillg and u'ainill)!
JOIO RUI', riglli , receiVal an .I.d.;, ..... ieh,
l"lu" .e.olulion p.ocl"imin9 Feb,u".y 9·15 :IPI)1·,'nti('('II'. It is with this lhought
p,uen l.. d by Ray Scheidh, P' Olid. nl , EI.,- that Wf' J{i\'(' fluhlit· ref'ognition to the
tric Con.l.uction Indu. t.y Council, during ... Ndt;onal EI.cI.i e.1 Wu~ 10 Hen, y Gun.
d.'lon. left. el.,h'ca] ,ndullry co·o.din.tor, men Ill{'ntiO!lefl h('reil1 for a job well
• compl.tjon diMe, ce,.mony held by lo·
.. nd Ch •• le. 8i.hop, "9hl, loul ))2 8u.i. done anti as a token of a ll])re<:iation
ColI H2 , S.. n J Ole, C .. Iif. Nine lout ))2
n... _ The .e\ol""on "lie. Ih •• I.c_ and gratitude.
g ... dualel 'e,eived I'" ...... Iell •• for p..f.~t
etlendanu ~nd high .,hol."hip. Irical 'ndUII,..,. for ih m.. ny oulst~nding Fnt::o H , l~o\\'t::ns, P.S,
..,hi .. v.m"nh throughout the yun_


Membe rs Turn Out For i1 rottll'r '\like Colucci \\a,. 1''1'<11'11 ill Our Illt·mlte'·K who have been huml'
as II l\1('mb('r of lh(' E'Ic,:uth.' noanl working f(lt thl" IllIst two or thrt,l'
Training Classes 10 fill an (' \'aC1Ul'·Y. YI';t rs IIr,' goinK hack on the trail til
A \'atune)' in Sptl'm ("nUII"il l '-:?1 fin,1 work in n('ig hlwring sister 10('1I1.~.
l.. tT. IO:i. CE)).\II II }\I'IU :O;, lO W \ was filll'(l by Brothl'r ilkk iii'''' \II'. \\'(. '"Iprt't'iutl' your helll in £>llJllloyil1g
Brother .\lilo Ih'mld, who ha" w"rketl Rl-other$. )'our lin'.,;;, ~f'('n·lltl·~, \\"uld nllr m(·I1\IM·I·'.
for }\ cm~' Electric for tlw la1'l fin' likl' a Iiull' )I{'YOS fnllll your UIHt. W" al'l' all \'1'1')' !'nrry to h,'ar IIf
)"I'ars, N'tirt'(1 on Apl'il I, WI;!!. IInlth- Bnh '\ lhril-dlt'~ falling anti h"-':Ikinj[
Our ItM:al is; working fin :L II,·" nllL'
fOr .\Iilo wa~ initiatl~ 1 1111(1 L(\('al 411:,
trat'l at thi" time. hL~ 10:.... '" " "n"~ wi"hing you a >;1.1't',1}'
'.n .\Inrdl I~, 1921, gi\'ing him '\\'I'r I:, ""I)n'ry, Boh, Good [ul'k,
)'I'ar,,' ~,'rvicl' in thl' ,'1('('tri"ai trad,·. D"n't forget to att~1lt1 th,· r('j!I,lar
Brl'lthl'r ('('('il ~I)rthl'()p wa~ illltmt- nll'l'llillt or our local unj"n, t".I.1 Ih. Our "f,1 I ri~h huddy, Clytie I' ... ,n.
fourth Frida\' of til(' llIonth III X;UII ha~ ;lI""'llll'll hi~ ('('tir,'OIen\, (i'">11
1..1 into the IRE\\' in 1$I!J al1ll r,til'('(1
Oil Al,ril ~:I, I!.I(;!.). II" {'anH' t" (',.. lal' 1',:'>1 .. :l.l the Vl'terans "f 1',,1" 'J.:II l".. k. (,]~.I." :111.[ may the IllIstun' I .. ·
napi(r~ lint! Local W.', in 111'11 :,n,1 War;! 110111, I:J:IS Baldwin :0;111'1'1, ~r('(·n.

w.)rkf'd fo r Paul!lOli F;I,·,'lrir fmm \\'uterhury. l'ntH th.· n,·"t tillll'. work ~llfl·ly.
that t illw until hi" rl'tin'm"nL CIT II. III 1tt'11, I'.K ('III IH,.:'-; T . :'>lrGE.;. !'.S.
T wo jOllrllt')'l1l11l1 IraininK d:I1'~'·s.
Ollh' in air·ronditi"ninK anti Ill\' I)thf'l'
in w(']thng. :11'(> hl'illg Iwlt!. A gl)Otl
turnout of I....".. tll W:, 1111'1111)1'1'11 indio Hospital Jobs Haverhill Members Erect
('att'" th;!t our III'!)t]"'I'1I \\unt tu lx'
)In'I)lI r,,d III meet th" nl)lj(1 dWllw'l< in Tower For GE's New Plant
th(> ,·I,'(·lrit-1I 1 indu:<t,·y.
'1'0'1 ]>11'1.1,' " 011'::-:, 1'.8. 1..11. -l i O, II A\'F: IOtiLL. '\ I A S~. AI ·
tHLlinll, Whil(' !'Iains, ~ew ,"""k :
Two I.(M·a1 4,11 Brothers with ilt-h~'
f,·,·t ar.· out YIJUI' WII)' tryi,,~ III /'(.-
First Completion li('\" IIII' IraVl·ling hug, I hl'lif'\ ".
Ta kl' gOIM I ,'Urt' of Pete Aham aillt
Und er JA TC Held 1;('orl-('(' KI'Il('r, for they are g(J(wl .,11...·•
I.. I T. 116. II OZE.\l /\ ~, \10''1'. T he Iri<'ian$l anti good Brothl' l·s.
li r"t nll prentifl'shi ll "O)'lion from l.utal liO meml)f'r,., along with uth-
th(> B07.(>nJ:lII J oiut Elt'etrical '\ I,p('('n· "1' Brutlll'rII, liN' erectin~ a towl'r for
ti('(>"hiJl ('ou ncil, ulllll'r th{' J AT(' I,ro· intoming :)4.'-.OIJ,\·0I t lillI'S to G,·n.'r:ll
g mlll, \\'11$ Iwld 1·(,(;l'ntl),. J-:tl'e(I'iI-'S Ill'\\' .\INer i)il'ision pl:lII\.
'I'h{' ('ound[ 1))'('SC'nl,', 1 1\('l'mit Baker at i)n\'('r, N,'w lI amllshil·c.
with his "tate journ(>YlIllin eleelri, Ou r Wa,!:".· Conllniltec hilS been lI,·H·
,·ian 'lI L'f'rtilleat..- :it a ,[innel' Iwld !It vutt',1 and iK hlll'ing rnl'('li llb'-:< in ]lr"f'
the T Ojl]l\'r 8U]lll{'r ('l uh on ,January :Imtion ttl sitt ing d own to t il(' t: II,I,'
17th. H OIl Engelhart antI I'au l Linke r The mem ben of l oca l 415, F.i,mont. W. with ""llrt'SI'ntati\'('s of the N EC A.
h:I\'(' :tlllo 1"'('ph'l'd I'('rtifirutpll unde r ".~ h.". bu n wo.~ i 09 on .dd ilions ' 0 1100 Our ('olll l'ad expires on J une 1. I:Hi~),
t l\(' J ATC llrogram, hut )lot u llIle r the .... ho~pi t.I •. Th. m.o in Ihis q.oup .. or ~ . d \\'e will kl'l'll rou informed on .11,\ ,,1·
full fou l' year>! of night 1\t'llOol. on th. F.;rm ont G.n8 •• 1 Ho. pa.!. F.ont Ilpr1ll'n l s,
Barkl'r'lI :itcomJllb. hlllt'ntll w,'n' out- .0.... 1.1t to right. ••• B• •I W illi.. Bob
lin(-(l hy B01,cma n Coundl Chairman Wrig ht, Don Stu~ h.II, J ohn Whillnq, .od
T om Sh al1{, and SN,'l'l'lnl'Y ,.;. ('. Con· Cheri., D." i,. B.d ro,". 51.". W illon. P.ul
lit"'. Tra ini ng Dirf'clol' .I ('~M Poor also Toothm.n. G"n ••• l Fo •• man 81.. 1. Judy , .nd
ga ve a IIhori r(·~uml' of tIll' ('('I:l ted Clin t H.rm.n. Th. lilli. f"lIow io th l mid.
trainin g progmm that iM r""luirf'll of dIe is jumpin9 Jo. T... "i,. S..... rd. Charley Gier
all np IH'elllicf'lI as ('xtl'll work .lone Ann ounces Retire ment
a $lil](> frOlll lhf'ir r('gul:II' joh r,'tluirl"
me nU!. Work Outlook Is 1..1' . I i i , S }\ N HEIC' l \lI f)"O ,
B07.em:m·1I J oin t E[f'etriclll Appren· ('A 1.1 F,- Il uring the genf'ml llIe('lillg
liC('shi ll Council ill joint[)' slwmrored Dim in Fairmont
"f la~l Ju lr, n ro t hl'r ChariI'), GiN
hy LOC::II 116 lind the IJozemlin ('ha ll- l11rll\.. 1 the pr('~id!'nt's J,"'a\'t'! 1I\'l'r I"
ter, NE A. Union rt']"'I'''''n tnt i\'{'s are I..l'. 42;•• FA 11010 :--'- 1'. W . " \ . AI
IJr"M'nt, the work llicturl' hl'rt, i~n't lll'ulhl'r JI)(' l 'lId('r\\,ootl anti hq{lIn
('h;lrll"lI Courville ;11111 J .II.' :,>lrKay;
NF:C A ll1(>ml)o('n; :11'(' ("on Mnnnix alld :lIly hrightt'r. hi" rN i rpnl!'nt.
Art Stuart. We hu\'{' the u(!tlition~ til thl' Fair- BrtllJwr Gil'r had !;('r\'ed tltl' 1'l('lIl
mont G('nf'r:ll :lnl! the (;l':lftnn ('it)· :l~ I'r('~ilh'nt for 10 years and :I~
1I 0sl}it:ll!! C8,'(' the at~ornl}any inJ: I,il" tn:1"U rt'r fllr "lght r('lIrs, In additiull.
turf"S of the work crew,.. 8hnrlM' Et. ~· hI' \llI~ II dt'1I'g:II(' to lhe Cf'litral 1~'1 '
tl'ic of Clark~hu rg has thl' ("lntra(·t.). hor ('ounrll :lnd thl' Building Tratft- ~
Waterbury Brothers the new Wl'lIt Virgini:1 t'lIi\'('rsi ty ('ouneil ~in('(' 19 1 ~,
Fil'l.[ Jl OIl~ a t MorgantowlI, an.'\\'
Atte nd Utility Conference ::hoJljJilll:' OOOl)I\I'X. alH[ th{' .\10'111111-(11-"'1· r.i,-r'.!! N'SIl()nllihiliti(,~ a~
a!<~i~':lIll rnamll{l'r and pre!<idl'nt Il{'-

[ L.U, 120, W ,\T EH IH'II\' , ('0''1.- hela Powl'r Building: ~oing, Thl' I'o\\('r
""~~itall'll hi.~ ~J)f'n tling mnnr nighls
HUlIines" :'>lalHlgl'r .Iohn It ""nlc)', huil.linlC is heing run hy ('a lmhl(' .J im
Luzier amI is nl'arly COIllI'''·t",1 "r lran·lin!:" tn aUl'n.1 m ' ·l'tinl{.~ <It II..
I' I'(>lIi(\(>nt Wes t ow r , HI"I II rothl'r rt·,,(I-("'~ "r nUl' jurisdiction. whit-h
Hy r ll{, att{'nd('d lh(' l TU lil)- ('on fer· 1'h~· Mhr/ jllling 1'01llPi{'X al ' ''·11 \ 'i,·w
I ~'nc(' in Cincin na ti. Hrntil('I' ,J'M' Kt'l1}" is just st:u-ting, T ill' oth,· .. jl)h~ :11',· t.."tt·IHI~ Sllmt' :Hm mi"'~ tn Ilu' n"rth
See l'(·tlll·y-1'I'f'lISUI·t' I· of S)'I1I1'1n ('IIun· Ilroltr.. ~~in!{ KlolVly, wi l h a min imu m t,) thf' Si"ITII NI'I'nda :'> IO\lnlainl<. 2.')0
eil U-24 , lUl(\ Inl('l'Ilali<!nul n'· I.... ·~.'n' nf men Iwing em ployed. W it h :I 111'1'((1.. mil,,!' tn t l... ('lIst to the CUI!)I·".I, .
tative ,John Kl'illy al~o all l' mlt',1 I1Ul !!l th{' wenther, we (-Xlll'l·t t JlI'H' jt.h~ ll i\,I·I·. :I mllu 'l'l'onn. California, whkh
co n ferl' ncc. tn pick tip. bon!,· .. 8 Ill\' vlu, l Hl'!';1 o f Death Vall.'y.


journeyman.lineman scale ill now
Local 470 Brothers on Tower Job $;;.00 ,)(Or hour, with four hour
show-up time.
Our N{"gotiating Committ~ did II
fine joh at the lIegotiating table thi s
year. Serving on this cOlllmitt~ were
Rrolh('rs lI arold -'Icllce, Hobert 11 1111-
ting:!. AI'!lilllllllt Business Manug('r T.
A. Malolle. Intl'rnntionai Ih!llrf'lIl'nta-
tive I). B. lIolllllld. and this wri ll'r.
Our former Iousin('ss mnIHlger, J. It.
Rurhaj.::I', Iii now lin Int('rnatiollal
P.eJlI"'St'ntnti,'I'. h!lving b\'(>n as..'<igned
to t il{' Columhill area to work with
LOt'a[!I j;:.!, Columhia, South ('ill'olirla ,
and :ms. Churl"!lton, Sou th Cllroli lill.
A cI",eup 01 Ihe towe r .1I0w., lell 10 , i",III, Brolh('r Burhaj.::(,- ar rangt'd 11 Ille('t-
Ed Lonnino, Phil P.uliol, Rich.,d A . Ken . ing with n u~ine,;s :'!Ianagl.'r RUIII('r
Wo,~jllg on .. low .. for the G,n.,.1 el.c- nedy. end Clem Visurello. Hnrmon lind Ihe otl1l'r ottic('-r" of Ln·
tric: Company', pt",,! ,I Dove., N.H., ... cal 772. in Columbia on Allr ;1 I, wm),
Ed Zennino, on bottom, .nd on top , Bill A :;~istant BUlIi 'J(>S,Ij '\lana&"I'r T. A.
HUljlhl1 Ileft) and CI,m ViIC.r.tlo, fo •• m.n.
Sell-Mode Trimavan .\lalol1(' !Iml I rl'I)('('tiCnled l.AIl'al 18;"
!l11I! Inlt'I'ImU01lai Hevl'l'scntat i\'1' I),
It HolI1\1Id WaN all'o ]lrt'!;ent :11 this
mC<'ting which \\'n ~ clIIled for lht' pur·
po~e of clltuhlishing b('U,"r and tlm",r
1'('latiOIl!! ", ith the two loclIll!. Thl'
member" of L.ocal 18.5 will olrer any
assistan('1' we ran to Brothl'r Rurlingl'
in his ClllllllUil{n.
Brotlwr Gradr W irkf'r re"iglll'll ail
bUilineKS IlIUIIIIl:wr o f Local '7:.! to ar'
C('llt a ilu lwr\'isury job with the South
Wen Gild.rI , of loul ~77 , Sen Bern.rdino, Carolinll I';]('('tric & Gas Com pan}', Iii'
Calif., cheds Ih e prime ,Del of peinl on has been a 1111'lllhcf of the IBEW (01'
his 24·1001 I, im,v"n whi , h h. i. buildin",. 23 year!:!, and I' m s ure he will he 10111-:
r cm{-'ml)(-'t,c,] fOl' his partici]JUtiol1 in
Wen hu • Ion", history of boet buildin""
h"";ng own. d hil own bo,,1 .1I0p "Ion. locn! union affairs.
lime. Rrother nu ~Il'r Ha rmon hall h('f'11
nJlIJOinl""! a!l hu~illess nmnag<,r of
7 '~ . and Brot hN Robert Wick('r. 8()1I
8,oth." Pet. Ah.... (Ieftl and Geo,ge
Kellu, memben of lout 410, H ...e,hill, Honored on Retirement o f Grad~', will lI!il1ume t he rl'sponllihil-
iti('.. o f I lrI'~id('lIt.
Meu., pOle JUII before t.~jn9 off on the i,
"entur'. I hop(' all of the ml'm bers will at-
lend ou r loclli union meetlllgs on t l1('
first Fridll~' of cach month. lI ope lo
III No\'cml)(-' r, I!W8, the J oirlL Arl- sec you OW I'C.
IlrentiCCl! hilJ all d Training CO llll11 itlN! L, P. Gln:NS, n.:'!!'
held its ml'('ling in lilt' form of II
going-away (tinller. Chud ..y WII!'! Ilrf'-
st'r1ted with u r('\'oh'ing dock 11K a
m('lIlcnlO of hi!! 22 years o f oul>!ta nd· Good Relation ship
ing Sl'n-ice as the> C()mmi tl(,(,'11 I<I'l:n'-
tarl'_ Meeting
Charier worked :H thf' lnull' Ul"-
til-ely until 1H:)9, in addition to h ill
union acU\'itif'!:!, ilnd at lhllt tilllf>,
he was :lppoint('11 hU!lilH'l's n·rln'~('nl:l .
tin', Although he Sl}l!l1t man)' {-','c-
ning!> workin~ tir('II'!I..~lr (or thl' IOt'1I1
un io n, ('harll'}' sti ll foulld timl' to he Businen M,n.g .. Philip C. Dow... l oul
w'ry :IcU,'1' ill hi ll church ami Illlilly 417, Sen Bernttdino , C.l i l ~ p.... nh •
d"i(' all(] cila ritablf' organizationI'!. 11(' lO·gauge Bro .... ning sholgun 10 8rolh ..
WIIS president o( thc Famil y Sl'r"ic('
Charley Gi .. lor his ouhl,"di ng "r"ice ••
AJ,"I'ncy. pre.idenl 01 l oul ~17, Bro lh.. G i,. an· I
Rrother Gier is pre,;('ll tly IIlwnding nounnd hi. . .ti .. menl. Inlarn.tion.1 Repr... nl"ti~. J. R. Bu,b'gl
much timl' t ra "eling to till' Whit('- sn.pp. d Ih i, pidure "I • meeting h, ~.II.d
Ith'('-r in ArkanSIiS anti making trips fo' Ihe pu'po.. of ,.I.bli,hillg • cia.. rei,.
into low('r ~I {"xk(), but h{" IIti ll dn'l' ~ Negotiating Committee tionship among lou!. 4B5, 172, Columbi • •
h)' the loclil on occasion. S,C.•• nd 191, C harledon, S.C, On Ih. I,ft,
Local 177 OW('9 Charl('}, Gil'r a
Doe s Fine J ob 10 ... r. ar. Int.. n~Iion.1 R.p,.. enl • •
grf'lll d eal. WI' will deeJlly mi!<~ hlill. I_l·. 18;;, CO LPMIII }\ , B.C.- We ha"e ti~, D. 8. Holland, Su.ine .. M.n'9" l . P.
Good luck to you. Charley, and )'our just comilleted our ncgotiations (or Gi~en.. loul ~ SS , .nd A.. is!.nl B."in'"
famil}' in your well..(!nrncd retiN"nlt'nt. the coming yM r. 1111(1 I think nll the M.n'g" T. A. M,'on e, loul ~85. R19hl,
CO~ST",STI~O UI.!, I'.S. memilcrs arc w('l1 pleased with the f,ont, i, M.n'9et Busl" Harm on,
outcome. Effel;;lh'c AI Jril I , l!)G!), our 01 l oul 772,


Scenes from local 495 ulilla. Hrnthel' Beattie, J r ., is a long-
time mC'mber :Ind ]last president of
1,(J('aIW;), Your support for Rrotlwl'
R(':l\tie will he npllreciated.
Sil'l~' I~JEi7, we ha\'<:! l)C('u wni\ing
rur an armounco'ment about a new
huilding for Locnl t!.l:), Finally, al Qur
Al)I'il nll'('ting, it was n>ad illt" till'
minlltl's that our building at .j:J\~j
)lar].,;el Stn.'('t hal< 1)1,'('11 sold, Ilf'ndin;,:
a justifiahl(' transitional po.'riod of
p(·rh:qH< no ilmg('r than ~i.': nwnthl'.
T Ill' l'hairman of thf' Ruihling Trus·
t('l'S will r('port the details of th.,
Th .. Wilmin9ton Buildin9 .nd Conlituction lrall,,;)('j")11 at a future union lIIet:t·
Lo.;.1 ~ 9S'1 bow"n9 tum i. concludin9 ih Trades ... hibit.,d t~i. flo.t in th. 22nd An. IIIg.
~e,uon, le't 10 ri9hl, .re tum member. nu~1 Aule .. Feilival P.. Our bowling seasoll i." almo."t o\·er.
R, J, H.rri., J, 0, And erlon, 0 , F. Ken· :11,,1 the Hot Wires, our l.ittle Ll'ab"U('
nedy, .nd C, H. Fihge"ld. Im,,'h:ltl t"'am, will lX'gin its ,;(':ll'on.
\\.(' hOI)(' thc team rl'pcats its lasl
Y(':II"liI IICJ'fo l'mance and wins :lllotllt'r
.\ "err illlJlortant e\'cnt, the :?:?nol
Annual AZ:lI('a F csth'al, was Iwl(l
h('I'(, April 10th through lath, Il \\:IS
:1 gr(':lt SUC{'{'l\S and attract('d all I'ti·
malt,<1 lIum\l('r of :?OU,OOO persons.
FIt\'" A. nI{'KM\~ , I'.S.

Local Raises $9,000

For C e rebral Palsy
Recordin9 Secrel.ry J, O. "ndenon i. Ih. The Fut Ri Memoti.1 Btidqa p.o.
chie' gene,,1 forem." .t Ih. Gener.1 Elec· ject in W il mington, N.C., i••cheduled fot 1..1 , .-.0 1, WllI T "; P t..\I ~S, X,Y,-
tric Comp.ny in Wilmin910n, N.C. .;ompletion by AU9ud t, 191>9. )1('lI1h('r;<, relatives, and fri('nd~ of Lo-
cal [10 ] pitcht'fl in o\'('r the w('f>k('n,1
(Of J:IIIU:II')" :?l:;th 10 rai~ S9.tHliJ in
Scribe Reviews lIIanpower is anticillat('(1 to II(' armlnd
I,h'llgt's, in conjunction with thl' 18th
100 wiremen,
Annual Cerehral Pals>' Telethon for
Job Reports At th(' General Electrtc ('OIlIllany th(' W"'sL.':heste r AS!«)('i:ltioli.
in Wilmington, ~orth Carolina, wh('r,'
The group, working in thr ...... ·houl'
L.ll. 49:., WIDI1 :\'(;TOX, '.C,- The I.; wiJ'('m('n are now employed, n
"hifts, be~an making teleJlhorw (';til."
;wditorium \I':lS IJadu:d to ('u]laeity at work'!1Chedule extension ha~ "('('II
e:II'I)' Saturday morning anti k('IJt it
our regular m('('ting on April L I!Hi9, grant('(i for a poeriod of llholll "ight
months, "11 for:? I hou~, Omcial totals arl' nill
and th(' \'al'ious conllnitl('(' {'hail'men in, hilt it nl'Jlenrs that we h:1\,f'
IJresent('d \'cry int('t'('sting r('IKlI'ts, The electrical installation fur tlJ('
,loulth',1 la"t war's 'Jledgt' of ~ \.1;00,
huilding lirogram of the Hif'gal Paper
First, a rl'l>Ol't I\'!!S given I'egal'ding \\'I";;t ('h~'st(' ~ President David O~ ·
the atomic-f'lcctl'jc plant of the ('al'O- COfJKll'ation (Jlal)('r mal':;'I'" fIJI'
Wrl'r ('xpr('l<SCc! his f('('lings towar(l."
lina Power and Light Company which SE~C) in Acme, ~ol'th C;II'olirHI, i.;
Loc:11 liOJ'!'! help thusl}', "'1')", mo~1
\l'ill 11(' huilt at Southl>ort, NOI·th Car- undcr the sUj)('I'\'ision of till' lIarft'lIl
ama:l:ing thllplay of organiw,t 1:11}(Jr'."
olina, aoout :W milf'S south of our t;lf'Ctric Construction COlllpany and i ~
('(IInilll; to th£' ai(1 of the handkal'l»l:,1
city. It will II(' untlf'r th(' ~u"f'rvj,.iOJl progressing \'ery ni{'Cly with an al"
proximate manlKlWf'r of some 1'-, tt) :W that I ha\'e 1'\'1'1' witll(';;""cI~ Simjl1r
uf the L' nil('(1 Eng-in ...'r {'onstru(·tion (I\'el'I\'I",lm i ng! ' f
('oIllJlanr. Shol'tlr, they \l'ill hegin wil'('lI1('n,
The dt'Ctrical !iChedule of Ih., Cal't' l:niOIl lal}(Jr. as :1 whole, l':li,,('(1 :I
calling fOI' some:W ,'h:(.'\ri('ul wil'('mNI total of O\'er $26,000.. compared to
1.0 serl'(' t('ml)<)rarily, anel hy thc Fear Ri\'er Melllorial Rr itlge, WiI·
lIIington, North Carolina, i~ h'-'ing \ll(' 1968 tolal o f $8,OO!). To gi\'(' you
spring of 1970, the ('I<'etrical ,>4'rson- ;111 i.-ka of the SCOI»l: of our union'"
r nel will gradulItir incn':,,,c to sc"eral
hundN'(1 wil'('lllell,
manned by the West Florida Et('clrit
COlnpany, which is instalhng th('
bridge's t'lectrical control aJlParatu~,
lmrt in the tel('lhon, the entil'f' CoullIy
of Hockland raised just o\'er $11.000.

The expansion progl'am of "uPont \\'£';;h'he~ler County had it" most
in Kinston, ~orth Carolina, t'1)ntinuc.", and the Cape Fear EI('(:tric COll1lmny
i." installing tOlnl..eleClric lighting, !lu.C(~'s..~ ful tl'l('thon e\-I'r, raising $;;,1,-
Its e"'elr;';al man\}(Jw"r will ~ho l'tJy /j87,1;J, I\hkh was $JI,()OO 0\'1'1' 1.. ,;1
incn:'a$(' 111}(J\'e the Ilrf'S('nHlay ('Ill- with coll1pl('!ion estimate(1 fur :Ihllut
AU/.;\Ist, 1969, yl-,ar, In addition, the regional t('l ...
I "Ioyment or IIOme ;,0 10 60 wirl'm('n.
The building prOb'T:lm of HaIK·()(·k thon netlell $1,152,000" which is
In the I't'ry l1('al' future, the .sched- an,1 Wilcox is pl'o(:eeding J'ight on nearly $100,000 better than ta."t real"s
uled ('xJlan~iun of DuPont in WiI- schedule. The electrical work i~ III"ler over-:III tota!'
minl,rton, North Cal'olina, \\'ill hegin.
T he numher of wirf'llll'n !'lllploy('(1
thet'e ill presen tly hetll'l'l'l1 ~~, and 30
and will be gr('at/y increa~l'd.
thl' sUj)('r\'ision of lh(' {'ap., Fcar
Electrical Company,
Also, at O\ll' ",('cting, it \\'a~ all-
nouneed that RrothC'r W. G. Bl'ulti{',
All of F('lJrual'Y :?7th, our group hall
rdUl'llt',1 $1),153,51, with $2,5j~ in
1,11',lg('s forthcoming. If you lI1ad(' a
"ll'd ...l' lo our Telephone Committee,
A lie\\' building for I) u 1'0li t in ./1'" would file all n('c('~~al'r 1.'g~1l pu- \Il.'nt I'clld it in soon .
Bl a den Cou nty, No r th C:I1'olina, is IlC I'S fol' en t ering the coming IJrimary l..'nit"ti Cerebral Palsy has an-
sched uled Lo l)('gin wiLhili thc nC.':1 I'lf'{'tion liS a cand idatl' fol' ('oulwilmHIl IW1l1lel'11 Ihnt ground will Ilf' hroken
l two 01' thr('e month~, T he eiel'irical in the ('ily of W ilmiugto n, ~ol'lh ('ar- ~U\)I1 fol' a mOlleI'll comJllex to ai,!


local 501 Aids Cause La Porte , Indiana,
Needs Journeymen
L. LI. :i31, L}\ 1'01(TI-:, J;.; n .- Wot'k
and !<Call' are good with negotiations
going' 011 at this time for another
rni-.c. W(' art' in need or morl' b"OQ(l
jtJurneyman t'll'etricians at this llml'.
There i~ oll'rtilllr, and the work i!C
CIt-;111 al Rd hlehem St eel's Ru rl\~
liu rhor Illani and tht' }olidw('i't 5tl'('l
("orporation's Partag(' Jllant. Both
plant!! are loc;lled on the 8Outh('I'n
!Chore,. of Lakl' ~ J iehigan. 1I01('d for
its Ix-auty, l!lmcious sand y Ix-ncht·s,
and !<::Ind dUIl ('!< as rar 1IS lhe (,>"f'!I cnll
Sl'i'. It is 011(' of the finest vacation
slKIts ill the worl d, and is commonly
J'('rerred to as "thl' land of the ~i n g­
ing sands."
Local ;j:J\ golf('rs are gl'ttinlt tht';r
irons out fol' 11 hus)' SCM'on wilh Lo·
callHli, GIll' ), lind lI alllmolll1, Inlli:lna,
Lo;:als :131 (11111 G!l7 have some \'I'r~'
filH' g'olft'rll, jUdging loy thl' trophil's
each local wun. If interested in play-
ing on the Locnl !'i:lJ golf t(,:II11, con·
lact 11.11)" of th(' fol1owillg oflin·r,. of
Fr.d Wright, .. "o"d f,om , ight, Busi"e" M,n'ge, 01 l oc.1 SOl , Whit. PI.inl, N y ~ .c- our Golf ('ommittee: P resid('nt Ed
up" th , congr,lu l, tiolll of D.~ i d 0"., ... W "deh.d., A.. oc:;.tioll 'ruid,,,I, lor .. job Scr;l'nor. Vi N' Presid{<nt Onl(' Cook,
. ,,11 don •. MemMn , ..d f,i,,,d, of Ih" loul ,.i."d n .ooo 10. Unit"d Cerebr.1 P.I,y by and tral'('ling I~ I O. Don Ar ndt. Our
...... n' ..9 II•• t"l.phoIlH end r"".;w;1I9 pl"dg .. 011 .. ,.I"lholl. W .. ';1I9 the h"t , i. Mu rre., ,,"Olf tournamenl will 1M' 1]«ld SOl111.'
W.jlll ,.,,!.. , h.i,m,n of the ,,,I.thon. Chico V"j_. , ';9"1, '0'11'1", 9,.. 1 midd l" •• ,g ht bo •• r, tim(' in Ju ly in l.ufaYl'ttl', I ndiuna.
IDol. on, Our Annual Picnic will 1M' h('ld on
Augusl Ii, I!)f,!). at the !zaae W ;I!ton
League Cluhhouse, with its s]lacious
nmict;>d ('hildr('ll. Th" loca tio n iJ< :I I Ra rOcri, J . lIu nl('y, It Kuh n, R. groullds and inhllld lake. Ther., will
K inK $11"('('1 rim! Linc'vln An'nul'. in V('),. I). lI amhurgrr. A. Sch\\'ah(', lie relrl'shmelils (food and d rinks),
I: y(', :.I'ew York. J . Ti('rn('~·. G. Hon.-ini. II. Schw:lh!', game>! galure, fi ne ]lriles ror thr
W(' f'xtf'ncl a W'ry h!.':lrty w('11 don(' E. Schmid. L Spruck, It Oillh, It young and old. and swimmi ng with
to Ih(' Tl'JI'I,honf' Committee memi)('n!, ~reyer. and It. E iilner. lilegu:lrd I)rotection. Ronald Muck·
Art Schwahe ; f) itk Arnold: Art Arn- March 18th- F'. lIonan , T . ~1()rz('lll'I. W:l)" lIarr)' Kinsey, :lnll I ~oberl Kel-
oltl; J ohn ('a r lllOn; Russ Euler; F",. I S, Severi. D. M('I'(·a. C. Bonotiglio, D. lenlK'rger or lh(' I>icnic CommittN.' IIr('
;JIltI Gladyp; W I'iKht; Ca rl Hi zzitf'J\o; LaBella, F. ~jcln ri, 1l1ld A , S:\l1lulm. flu ite blls), making plans for the Ilie.
DOli W('r ll': Bill K uni~; Dick F ont:ul:I; Ma~' :!71h-.1. Giord;l1lo, A, SantlL- nil': llll'Y promiSl' a mo~t ;'njo>'uhlc
}Olik(' SI:I('k ; ,Joh n :Ind Liz SIUlln; c roc(', J, :-l'ithol!!(Jll. J. 1I ;IIlSl'n, .JI·.• day for all \\'ho will attend.
GrOl'ge ~llIl'llhr; Ji m Tnh in ; Oliver R AI~:x alld~ r , 1<'. lI onall, J . Ddl;'II1.iB, W(' ha w II ,illl' );TOII P of :lllpl'(,lI-
Clark: J aek William,, ; ~Iil'iam Gol d; F. Longdell, P. Rnrtolini, C. PhillipM, tkes aUf'ndilig our Ell'ctricinllll
Gl'orge, nOlll' lI~'n, nlll ] ~Iarly "'aferi: Jr .. C. Ronofiglio, '1' . Bill. D. Ham- School. 1"h('), will t'arry on til(' good
nom Ciolllm: SII'\'e O'Anj.!"elo: lJick hurgel', G. 1Iuh,'II. A, Sunta nu. A. \\'ork o f lIl(' IRE\\', a nd we would likl'
Schillio; J oh n ('Iu r kllon: Ed Tro~·. J r.j Trent!, C. Byrun t, It. Nf>wm:ltr, ('. 10 remillll all or them that t hey aN'
!lill Drink wlltl'r: Itnlllh Dll ni{' llion. Eiu;itello. J . 1\('\'in!I, K. SehCC'r, J, wt'lcom(' to uttt'lld our meeting,~ Iwl d
York, J r., J , Oronzio, P. Nappi, D. 011 Ih(" first nlld t hird F ridays o f ('lIch
Jon, nich, Ph yllis. II ml Gral'lll{' l)al·
MeSI.edon , A. Bomwl'lI, and n. Smi th , Inollt h :\t 8:00 P .M., in our union h:\11
1:t'lI: Don lIuslettj Murk l\Iost'lio: Guy
J ulr 22n(l · ~, Iior),t. _<\uJ.."U~t I !lth ut lOOt Jtfferson A\'('lIue, Ln I'orte,
NUPlli: Mike SIl:n:ian l i, J r.: n oh Ku-
-.1. Cror1e ;ln ~1 R. Thompson, S(' jJ' 1"lIi:llll1.
hu'z: Hob lI ensiHlw; Diek ll uIl shrn;
Jilek Pa\" ia ; Tom Mo rzl' lIo; nol. P rior; t('rnher aoth -G, Dalzcll, D. Mn'cII, Las t. hut tlot least. I wllnt 10 com-
Hill ~1 f' leatre; Bob Rllwun: Slil n and It. Arnold. 1Il~'I](1ou r Sulel y Coordi nator Ha rry
1I 01'yt; Dick S mit h: BerniI' Fuu lkl1e r : October :!8t h ·A. Jl U)', W . P('ltl'lIn, Kin,..')" for the fine job ht' i~ doins: in
Jim Curry; Rill Schrrmerhor n; J ohn D. McDonald , J , Vll ierio. J . Hart h, It. kCt'lling nccidents at a minimum.
;\Iayo, E. };:('arns, V. l\IootOllllro, A.
Di Fed e ; mck Eisner; JO(' Barl)('ri: J "I ~:sJ. )\1'(""\\'\\. P.S.
Localzo. J . Gr~o, J'. CamJlllll('fO, It
Gl'Orge HOI1\'ini: /'\iek (:alenh': Ho)'
:).11(\ Pat 11 (11)'; nnd Ra si! "~ilardi.
Pr)"zguda. T. Park('T, J . Volllicl'lIi,
J . Garren , N. 1..0\'(', T. lIanl(')', J.
Th(' rol1owing mem1M'rs mak(' 1111
the Local IiOI Blood Hank 1I0nor 1:011
Lombardi, lind A. Gall;'. San Diego C ele brate s
;';o\'ember 18th- R. Ke][('r, V. De
ro r 19V8. Bloo.l donors on JaoUlIr)' Uubei;;, D. Silka. J . l)i Donulo, A. Bi-C ent e nn ial
:!2nll. were L. Hnull('y, G. SChlllill l,
MIOItzinski, '1'. U(' ill. ,/. Ret'l'!!, J , 1m·
J . Ilallnl'Y. G. Ua\1.('\1. R. Sil'lIIl1, F:. b rogno, an d E. Oht'rh{'{'k. L,H. :.S!I. S A:\' DIEGO. CA I. IF. /'\ow
Mcl\lorr is, A. Fillirdi, C. Smilh, n. thnl \':\clltion time is ht'rl', I ho pe
Pu~aneUi, A. Vr('nch, C. Guss, J. ('art-
Oec('mbt'r I:lth-J. Il atlne)" n. most of Ull will 1)(' ahle to take n few
\\ right, It. SChOl'k, ('. Ilurgre:I\'c~. A. Simmonds. J. I<' inllil-;':In. J . li nn II')"
Ila ys off to ('njoy the Ihings 01 inter-
J)('(jallpf'ri, II, Si lllll1ol1lls. D. Mc· J . Oun ll h}" W, Schweiberl, C. Ellioll, I'st ollr grl'lIt C(lUlltf)' has to offer. We
n nd A. Col1ahol1N lll.
SI)('(lon, 11. Fitlllimmo n;<.. It T honlf'!«III, do n't haw' pllid \'lIcatiolls yet, hut the
!lIld G. Prill. GICH:~U: W. D.\I_z~:l.I" P .S, IIlcmllf'r!C an' asking for this it"l11 in
Tho;:;e o r 1~l'll r Ullr>' 19th, \\('1'(' J. this y('ar'!< nc go t illtions.


San Dieg o Me m bers on SDGE Job th(' we!;l, anlt Louisiana on the sou th.
The new ugreement is for a period
or two Y!'!lI'S, ending AI)ril 30, 1971.
The·ft' Will! on(' item of clarific.ation,
0111' on the X ERr Pension one-per
{'('nt clllu~e (rl't'omm(,IHIt'd b~' the
1.0.), lind (Olle to updat(' thl.' agr~­
n1+'nt to cflll1llly with laws of the
11111<1 i otl,(·rwif't', 11(' df'alt \\'ith wuh....;;
Tht' r:tt('~ uf gl' n('ral fOn'man ami
f"r"mllll \\,,'1'l' UII!{rad ...d IU Cl'nls I""r
Iwur tn hrinK tht, rat.· diffl'rentilll tu
Ih:1t of juurlw}ll1un. hadng it more in
hnlane!' wilh othl'r I()("nl~ in th{' sur-
rmlllllin" area. Jnurneymen are 10 re·
('.';Vl' (j.81 Ilt'r fi'nt, and groundmell,
7,IS !l1'r ("('lIt W:I!.(1' il1l're:I>-t'l', All :tp-
~ IlI'.'ntk,', (l1)(,1'I\\I)r, and I),uck Ilrivel'
Two of th. Broth,,,. Sob Petilion end Ralph Left to ri9hl, ... Brolhe" Chud D,.W,i'e, cI:t~l:Iitications will be thl' samp 1)(")'-
Se~.ljn. in".11 b'l·I(V ,,,,jlch,,. Bob Moline . • nd W.1t ,. ... tt. memb .. , ('I'l1tlll-[I' of jllurnt'),IIl:l1l rail' as hefOl'e.
01 Local Sb9, S." Oi'90, C.lif. who .r. Some nf thf' I\('W I':It('$ :l1'{>: genl'rai
wo.~in9 on Ih, 118.KV 1•• n,lormer Ih.t il f,,\'t·mlln. $(;,38: fnf('IlUII!, S:;.S8; jour·
b.in9 ind.lI.d .1 S.n Oie90 Gu ."d ut'ynmn lillt'IIl:lIl, $:;,3S; :lnd ground-
Eleclric', "ew ,ub,t.tion, 111:11'. $:I,~S. A~ of illay I, 19i1l, jour-
jll'yown nnd .:roundnwn shall I'd·ein
lin additional :W el'llls and 2~ cent~
Loca l 60 I Mou rns III.'I' hour. rt·~III't·th·l'ly, with :til othl'r
I':Itl'S If) h.· ha~"11 on that uf jourlll'Y'
Scotty Jo hnson man line limn.
Thl' X"g('liating CtlInTlllltl'l' Inl'm-
I..LT. 601, C II ,\)!P ..\I(:,\ aull I II .
IIt' N fur thl' ('lIIl'loY"r" "l'n' Charll'y
HA:-' . \ , IL L,-This loml {'xto'1Ub It.
:->trou"e, It. II, RouJigny, Inc.; Hu~s
dl'('IJot.·;;t s)'lI1pllthy to the fllmil)' and
I\:III1'S mId l'II'rnurd H. Kin:wl, Tht' L
fri(·nds of Jame~ "St'f'ltl)''' John!'"".
E. )Iyt'r" COrlll13ny: and )Iark
S(,Oll)' was mort' than jUH II n1l'ml)l'r
lIughhi;, :\~:CA. For thl' union. ("()m-
and iJrolher or Loni! GO!. For man)'
/11.111...· IIIt'lIIhl'n wt'rl' In((>rllatiollal
Hookill9 up OCB on th. SOGE job .r. ),I·ar"l. Soott)' WU!I un .·h't'trit'·shflll
Helln'~entlltil'(' RTree F, Wagl'r and
m.mb... Clay Col. end AUI!;" Gibb,. tt·aehl'r ill ChanlJlniJU; Juni<ll' alltl
HollI.'rt l\lorri!lOli. Jr" C. E. Sh•• If,'r.
S,'uior 1'lIgh SchOl)I~. To mun)' flf u~,
1', E. !lUrk!", J. \\" o.~11ILi~. and J. W.
San Uiego i~ w('11 into it~ ~f){lth·A"­ h.' w:.~ the one UI1(1 onl)' llllllr.'nli('(·· HII,,~('II, or I.(lcal I;U~•.
nh"crsnry el.'1f'hration. :Uid lh"fr aN' IIhil' instrut'\or for many yt'UI',.. S\'ot· This p'ar has 1)('('11 110 (''xCl'lltion in-
many (>\"enls whifh \\'ill takl' pl;l('(' 1)('- ty erllil'al'('(l hirmwlf to many tlr Ull III"
!\I1{ur a., Prl'llI)~als :lIId nef!'oliatiol1s
(on.' the end of thil< yellr. \\"~, :In' '"I'r}" ('au,.(" or his ntll'ntiOIl to our 1II"'fl~ III
un ' l'onc{·rl1('·d. We han' r(,:lson to be·
hapl)}' to hu\".' hOlh II IImjOT 1("3gul' hi!' ",·uilacit)' IIl1 an in~trll\"lIIr' lind
lil'l'" that thost· on the emlilOYl'r )jill<-
haseball tealll in nur (·ity. nil \\dl :18 a iJu~inel'S manager. WI' WII! renmlll
nr III(' lalll,' art' hn llllY to hnve all of
,,<'rr cnlmhl!' IU·()·rootlmll tram. "<It to {orl'ver grntl'ful for th(' \\'i~dom Ill' Ih(' al]>(.n· hU~lIle!\~ ,TtlW in the h:wk·
mentiOIl thl' San 'Ii('gO) Guill! :lnd impa rl{'d and til\' rr'i"IHlship II\' IH.'· ground. AIIII, uf cour'*!, w,· know for
Ilockrt.s. I think WI' htH'e, III lu~l, hl'- Sll)wl'd,
SUI',' thaI WI' un UUI' sid,' lire hallpy to
l"Qllwa SI)Qrt!HlIindf'd ('ity. WOrk in Our :11'('11 ill going as t',(· II(' Ihruugh with it ull,
Th (' pictul'(,s ('iSO-'wh('ft' .m U\\,M' I~h.'tl for this tillle of the yel1l'.
pag!'.'! show son\(" of otlr Bl'otlwfl' who
are emlllo)"ed 011 a San Oi('gu GUll und
Our 101.'l11 {'nju}'NI ils Anl1ul.l Stu"
PlI l'ty which was :1 big !iu...-eI'~!I. The
Ne gotiating Committees
'·;Il'Ctric substation. which i~ b;'ing lI1('al II':IS I'("I'Y dt'li("ious lind ("ollk(>(1 10 --,
huilt in our an'3 to lnN'l Ih" {'H'r-il1- I)(.'rfN:'tiol1. Thl' rl'fr(.'~llrnenl~ WI't'<·
('l'('using denmnlt for M'rviN', Thl' pl("ntiful and "njny("d h~' all. W('
I)()Wl'r company i,; al!lO ~tul'linK :lImlh- thnnk Tiny lIalllC'l·.III1, \\'h\l~" llNti·
l'r unit on the South flay plant in ealt·d I'cn'it,l's, madl' it :I !\Uf·(,'·.~s.
Chula \-isla.
As the 1)()IJulalion in San I)I('KO in· OW" I hll.l!'lIE", I',S.
l'n'ases, lhl' l'1('{'trkal indu~tl'Y contin-
UI.'S to grow, and all of our .'onstruc·

II lion nlf'ml)('rs :.rt' still "lllllhlp'(l0 \\'(>

have (lUlt(' a few of our lUurint' wire-
Illen 011 th(' books 1)('t'l1UIIl' of Ill(' {'tlm-
IJli'tion of S('\'er:l! contr;I(.'t~ 011 the
Fine Union- Manage ment
Re lati ons in 605
watl'r fl'ont. I :1111 ~Ul'(' Ihi.~ will III'

r for onl)' a shorl tillll'.

I wish to remind :111 11l1'1ll1)('l'lI that
this is l'I('("tion Yl'ar for our ItK'ul. All
1.,L1_60:;. JA CK~O;\, )Il:-i~ . -.;",.:"ti:l-
lion~ with our lilH' 1'"ntrllt·tHl·~
(N IX' A) within thi~ jUI·il<.lkti,,1l hUll'
just. IH:NI eOIllJlit-t('(1 and I'lltifi"ll hy
Loc.1 bOS. J.d"n. Mi .... recently com-
pl.l.d ne90ti.lion •. Member< 01 Ihe com·
ml'mber~ should tak(' thill OIIIMn'lunity mille . . . . e ,hown here. row. left 10
tht:> mt:>ml!'l'rshlp. Fur th.· inf""I1HL\inli ri9hl. . . . Ch .. l" Slroupe. M~,k Huqhu.
to \'ole for th., rl1C'n Uwy wanl to rt'P'
or Rome of OU t' l'end(>I'~, mil' juri~(llc . Bernerd Kin •• I.• nd Run Kin e •. managemenl
f resent th('111 fOI' til\' next. t\\'l1 )'l·(lI'!;.
Su, get out am i \'Otl' rOJ' III(' I)('~t-'I\lnl. tion in the line ("ontl'a('t fit,111 ill,·lud('~ lide. BId .ow: Int.rn.lion.1 R ep .uenlal;~e
ified men, rfJuKhl~' till' wl·sh·1'I1 half of .'li8Mi~~il)­ B.yce Walle •• Bob Mo"ioon, Cha rle. Shalf...
i'11'U le,\\ 11,11\1': 1.1" I'.S, pi. which is boull!led IIY '1 '('lHl"~~.·,· nil Tud O,,,,,i,. Willi, Rune l'.• nd Percy Burloe.

the 1101'th. the MiRS;RSippi niw't' 011 union lid.,

Some o f t hese negotilltors have
been meeting ea ch ~'ellr fot' manr
60th Anniversary Celebration
rcut'!<, a nd most o f t hem cull ellch oth-
(I I' hy th ei r fil'st names, T hi~ docs not,
howC\'(lr, cJwngc t he l!latus of the
b usine~s at ha nd, for each silte sC('ms
to dr in' ha rd for th(' cause which it
As in mU 'l)' former n..gotmling Sl'S-
sions, kindn('ss and courte!:y \\'('r{' the
order of the day, and husin('",s was
conducted in ,111 ordc rl y 111:lnncl'. \\'f'
Ilid not ){ct all we \\' Hlltc41 ,md we
g ues!< t ill' " I11 I)loyers did nnt ohtain all
t !\l'y wuntl'd either.
W hen all il! told we 111'(' haplIY to
hal'e the high-len!! relationship which
exist!! helw~n these t.wo fine or~rani- In ternational Rap. a.en t"live William.on p'e,
1.lItions reprc!!ellted at t he tahle. :'I lay sen led IIwII, d. 10 member< 10' yean of
we continue to enjoy !luch a fine rcla· setviee. Left 10 ti9hl, Ma Brolher W illiam· Pidur.d al Ih e celeb.etion ere Inle, n"tion.1
tionship for manr yf'nl's to ('omf'. Son an d Re y V09t and Arch Eva"s, 45-year Representa tive Blic k Williamson (left] and
J . W . lhTJ';!;.:t. !., P.S. mem be .. , Brot h.. Roy Sehrodet , Loe,,1 1148', oldest

Roanoke Brothe rs Work

On Powe rful Line
LX, 637. IIOA :-' O" E, \' A,-On!' of th('
highest \'oltllg(··tra'nsmis..~ion lines in
thc Uniled S t aU's is It''illg' rO!lstl'uct('d
in southwf>st Virginill h~' 111(' lloosier
l~ngine<'I' i lig Company.
This 7Ga,0l)1)-\,olt lin(> will hI' on(> of
tho;- so-tall\'d grid lines that wi!! tic
into oth.'r high.voltage lim's thl'ough-
Ollt tlw cCluntry, Each phase con~istil
of four !),ifj,utttJ·:'IIC:'I1 cahles, or four Members of l oe.1 648, Hamilton, Ohio. end
hundlc {'O!\\luctors, which an' I~ ('ahles their wive. e"ioyed the local', both Ann •. l eft 10 ri<;hl: Brothers Red Biehl end
for the Ihl'e('-Ilha~e 11111', v .....y Dinner.Dence, held recen tly "t the Howerd Burtis, 35·y... r members, and

Ell. Country Club, Brothe. Will'.m.on,
Construction in Roanoke
, l~l~ewh('I'(> on this p aw' is 11 pieturl'
of 11 den(\end tower, tak('n hr Bu~i,
thl' J,'lll'lw/, Th(> c('nt l',l1 l'oa~1 ITf Cal·
ifornia ha~ begun til 1'1"'01'1'1' fl'OIl1 il~
nl'S,~ :'I l ana~wr Ih ll)(>rt F ish!'r. Brothf'r \\'orl't winter in 1110 y(>ar::, Tit"
C. F. Cr(>ggl'r of Local Ij;r, and two .. ~torm of lh(' t"nlury," thc weatlwr-
Urnther;; f rom C11l1adn 1\1'(' I'hown ,uan ",III~ th(.' J anuary and Febru:u'r
I\'ol·kin).': OIl til!' tOWl'r. TIll' foremun is storml',
Bn'ther Jaek B('1cher of IA)('al mI';. 'I'ln' hell('h is lu'etty 11',,11 loaded, hut
Thi~ is lHlrl of a di lJping·in crE'\\' in- 11'(' I()(Jk for thing:: to g-ct bettcr with
stalling- jUnll l('rs, T his to\\'('r 11II~ a to- t he weathe !', We ('xpct't to h:l\'c n
tnl of 880 st nlin il1sulat()I'~, :J I in~tl l :r ­ teml'OI':tIT ",owe I' ('j'CW 011 " I) iablo" hy
lor;; I,e f cnbl{', the ('nil of the )'(>lIl"
A l lhf' pre!lI'nt linw, \\'4' have ahout By til(' time this If'Uer aplK'ars ill
:!I)() memhel'S working on this I)I'Qj{,{·t ]lrillt. 1.0('111 G:J!) will ha\'1' had its
in thc jurisdiction of 1.ocal 1;:1-:. spring dance. and 1,lml!' will he 11'1,11
Thi. pi, tu te .. u t ~ len e l " d u d·end tower Brother W . E. " lIanlhe:rd" -'I u~tllrd, along for the summtr 1lUl'hecu4',
on th e ttensminion line bei ng ,onltrud ed in who is assisting Brothl'r 1"i~lll'r. is
<o uthw n t Virginia, A clippin g .in "ew, in· U :o E. \\'OOIlWA IU). P,S.
Iluing " good joh.
el udi ng Br oth ers from Lo,el b37 , Roa no ke, AI~o eneloSNI is a pi"lul'(' (If the
V"" i n l t~ l l s Ih e jumpen , Hoanoke ;l1t'morial H O~I) i lal adtlit i o !l ~ ,
J\11'11l1){, I's of Lt)('al /\:;7 <11'(' hf'lping to
Local 648 Cele brates
p ut this h()~pltul to USI' in of(I('r to 60th Anni ve rsary
kCl'I' our eiti7.l'lis hea lthy.
[)(.'ath has ('Iuimcd f;C\'I'!'al of our 1..1', 6 18. H:\ )f ILTO:\' , O IH O-Our
lIl('mhers n't"{'ntly, n ..ncfits Ilaid frOnl G(~th Annil'ersary i)inll('r·Dall<:(,. Ilt'lI!
th .. local union ])I'ath Fund ~il1rc I!~{j I ret'<'ntly lit the F:lkl< Country Club,
total $31,000, was lIltl'nded by FiU nll'mllf'l's ali(I
B, T. p~;!\IJI..:rm:, PltE;;. t h('ir g-uests.
Wi' had an ('x(;cl1l'nt d inlw r , with 11
choict' of chicken 411' 1J\'cf. Aftel' din-
Belter Weather and 11('1', l'ins an d ring~ fo r rears of sen"
i<* in the I BEW 1\'l're I)rescntcd to
Work Sce ne Expected memi)('r;; hy Intl'rnationai Rcp resent-
L. l'. 639, SA' Ll' IS OBI S PO, CA L· ath'c " Ruck" W illiamson. Wc thank
Me mbers of Loc: al b37 are elso wotl ' ng on I F .- ll"s i)f'('n Iluit(' some time since him ror finding time to honor us wilh
Ih e Roa no ke MemO" al HOlp ital .dditioll, our local has s ubmi ttcd anything to h is 1)I'esen('e,


We also thank Brother Ed Bruck tives, st ru cture, and operation of ou!" Il\ay have forgotten and for all new-
and h is committee members, W hitey orga nizations. comers, we are employees o f the
But·tis, Hart"y Doen', Alan i rwin, and Sou t hern Colorado Power Company;
F Il.Al'K BEliAl', P . S.
J oe Meehan, for t he time and hard the Southern Colorado I'OW(,I' Ui\"ision
wo r k t hey put into making the a tTair of the C('ntral Telephone a nd Utilities
a rea l success. Also, we give a tip of Corporation, whose home olliee is in
the hat to B usiness ~I anage r Roy Local 667 Breaks Lincoln, r\ebraska; the San Isabel
;\leClure, who served as master of Electric Association, Inc.; nnd the
Many Years' Silence \\"alsenllUrg Utilities.
Well, here it is, the month of J une, LX. 667. Pl' EHLO. COLO.-After all Our jurisdiction covers eiJ:"ht souLh_
and Local G18 will elect omcers to absence of lIIany year!', we again want ea.stl'rn Colorado coullties which are
S('f\'e for the next two yeal·s. On elec- to be l"CCogllired ill the "Loeal ].inrs." th(' b'Ute\\"ars to Colorado's scenic
tion day, the poUs will be open from For the infornmtion of those who mountain \\"ondf'r1and~, ,"acation lands,
12:00 :\oon until 8:00 P.M ., at 439
South Second Street, liamilton, Ohio.
It takes only 10 to I;") minutes to yote
for the men )'ou want to serYe your \
local; I'm sure that's not asking too
much. I wish all the Brothers who are
seeking omce the best of luck. I real-
ize the job of a local union offic('r is
1I0t all eas~' 011('. nor are the dTorts oC
an oflker always allllrE.'ciat('d.
See you next month.
Lov \Y0!.1'1l..o\~1. I>.S.

Shorter Work Week

Won in Waterbury
L.U. 1,60. WATEIWI ' BY, CO ' '1.-
Effective Apt'il I:;th. our work week
wn~ !"t:du(,pd to :~G hoUl's!

We an.' no\\" going hOll1c :It nOOI1 on

\~ridays . Exactly as to hOI\" this Il('W
If>isut·f' wi ll bE.' Sjlf'l1t, one f'all 011 1 ~'
cOl1jectUl"f'. \ \",. h{'\ic\,(' it will add
"omf' greater dimension to tIl(' lin's
nf n\ll' members and their f:lIl1i1i('~.
\\"ork in nul' ar('a has held hf'ttf'l"
than good al1 wintf'l", and WI' expect
a very husy f('asnn ahead. "Boyl The home office ,Ute ",ill hdVe d big I~ugh out 01 thi. goof·up!"
Our local was sadden('d hr the death
of one of its old('s! member;;, Han'f'Y
Jones. Ile wa~ initiated in l!l3(; and
had been l"l'tir('d for many yeal's.
lIal've\"'s son, Fmnklin, is a II1cmh('r
of OUl: 1()(·a1. Our deepest sympathi('s.
A t OUI' last memllf'rship meeting.
th(' results of an actuarial sun'ey of
our local union p<'l1sion plan werc
presented to th(' memlwrshin for con-
sideration. In discussion~ with the ac-
tuary. our trustf'"('S agreed that the
fol1owing fixe inlprO\'emenls weI"<" ff'a-
sible aL this lim(':
(1) Xorrnal J)('llsion inCI"Cal'ed h~'
33"',.. (2) to those now 011 pension, all
increa"e of 2!i"~. (:J) a death ])(>I1('fit

I of SlOOO to he payahh.' to the benE.'fil'i-

ary of a '·f'stf..:\ emJlloyee who dies
while working in co\"crl'd pmployment,
I (I) a disahility pension payabl(' at
any agf' aftcr I:;; years of pension
credit. (;j) heneficiaries of membcrs
over (;2 years to l'{'ef'i\"{' 3f. paymf'ntS.

A fI('r a lengthy (I\1('~tion-and-(tis­
cussion peri()(1. OUI' mcmbershil) "oted
(by a show of hnnds) to accept the
five recommendations.
T he thought that rClllain('d with
t his press secretary was that we
"On you r o"'n l ime or not-cut t h ~ 1 jump ing oul!"

could all lea r n Illore nbout the objec-


and worl d -famous skiing an'IIS_ Ours small Il:Irt of the I nl(,1"I13tio1l31 Brolh_ alllS, Diamond, Soulh Texas, A nlf'ri·
is an area of fast. industrin l IrI"Owth, erhood of Electrical Worke-rs, A I~ L· can, H irsch, Hallmark, Flor, Fowler,
home o f t he Colorado Iron anti Steel C10. F ischbach, Pfeilfl'r, Copelllnd, nnd
Com pan)', ranking sixth among the 0 .11.\,\ E. 1I~;HI.l:·m, P.S. Flor. We exprull ou r g"ntitudl' to all
nUlion'!t !;t('el-produ cing companies. of Ihelll.
W(' al"(, ulllO th ... entrant'(' way to the The winners of the priz.ell wt'rf'
famous I{o~'n l Gorf["e. the Gnrd(,11 of ;\lp.·danU'lii Cook, \'0!;3, Tendlt', !'iouier,
th(' G(I(ls, Pike!t I'('ak. Fort far!'()n,
Houston Brothe r's Prompt .\I (' l\night, lIi11drnlll'al, 1\'('al, lIer-
Ent Air Foret' B a~, the L1nit('(1 States Action Saves Life raili. Xo.'lI:k Smith. Sheranlt'. anti
Air For("(' Atadt'II1Y, und til(' hug" un- L.t-. i l6, 1I 0l·:';TO, . T E \. . WI' an· Fnrn'.';l('r. and Brothers Cook. 1I0th·
d(' rground hl·adttu:utj'rs of XOUA I), gratf'ful to Rrotlwr B"nr1r H'-Ylluld ",·11, !toeh, I'ort('r. ;\leKnight. \\'hitl',
watehdog of Ihf' nutioll'" d"r(·nS(' for supplrinj.:" Ul; wilh tilt" infornmtlllll I.;"ell. \\'rijrht, Sheppard. Rich, Strod-
l'yst('llI. ,·r, Smith, and I.<'Tl'srup.
on tht, follf)wing :1('I'id'·I1I:
A llhuu)l'h ~mul1 in cOlllllUri~on to Brothl'rs AI"I;·r ( · llt·.~nf'Y and J O{' WI' thank Broth('f ) Icl\nisr!tt aod
other IIlE\\' It)(·al;;, our.~ I); a \"ery Boas.· 1I,'I·e 011 Ihl' jill! "('Illo\"ing a lIw mellllwfs :LIld their wi\"e~ who
proud local. \\'1' arl' 1)I·oull of our sign . IIh(,)1 till' hllOlIIl (·111111' into ,·on - wurk('d with him for making thi~
location, of our local ullion, of IJof'ing tU{·t with a high hili' and Brolhe'· d:l1lc(' the be~t ~'\"('r. \\'1'11 t)H'r $,IUlt
:In nffililll{' of th(' IIH:W, IIl1t l most of wa~ gh·('n to lllt' I) nes R('nefit Fund.
Clw.!'nt.·)· n'cl'in'd n "\"I'r(' tiectriclil
all. of beillg a part of thi~ grl'at shock. Bl"nther Rill :'I 1('Kenl1:1 S"uPllli('\1 th('
coulltr)" wlll'rl' WI', us indi\·idunl~, .!'till 1' lWIOlWti pholn.~ showing 1'\.('1")'1)111'
Brother Bo.'ls;' illlllll"diatl·lr ga\ ('
hn\"(' th" right of the thrt'e hnsi(' rrl'i:'- the I·il-lim al"Wiciul 1·,·!lI,iratiIUl. An · having a gn·at lime.
tloll1!;- frf'", lom or sIJof'I'{'h, frt'('(I()m or other nWIllIIO·r hailed a tlu ~sing fin'- \\'(' rl'gr .. t to :lllIlounce the passing
worship. nnd frf'I'(lom uf till' Jl I·('.~);'­ man , who rantinu",l :l1'lilit'ml n· sllir:l- of Brolhe r ... F. J . Hrina, R. L. I(ulhel·-
rights whit-h 111·1' et1jort,tl hr /;0 f,·\\· lion. Ihul it nol 111'1'11 fUI" l ilt' iJl·oml'( fonl, J_ T. f:u'gill, K W. Y('!lrgin. 11.
of til{' wol"lil's millions of ])('o]II{'. action of Bl'Ot!1l'l" Bua~,', till· a(',·id,·1\1 K White, Hoy Arning, und B. D.
On th(' "\"pning of Ft'hflIlU·y 8th, mny IHI\"I' l·csu lt l'll in II Il"Ilgir lo~s of ShOll'n nnd I'xlt'lid our si ne".-.' ~ym­
th{' Pu('hh, O]II'l"ating i)I'Jlal·tment life. Ilathy to Ih" families o f thc~(' d,·purt-
()1I·(l(lurtiml I'mploy('es) held a Ila,-ty \\, (. al~1 thank Bl"ulhf'r J im ~It-. I' d B!·olher~.
for it~ nl('lI1h'·I·~, Nln~istinK of a cock+ Knight, our hard-wurl.illK Ext·ruti\·1' \\'. Don: Ih:;\"J'o;EH, P.S.
tail hour, dilml'r, and a dancI', to Hourd mpmht'r and \""1·\\ Y,·jlr's !)am'"
honor it.< rHin-<1 nl<'nlhers and to I1r('- chalnunn fur ~UIJplrillK tI,,· IInnlt·.~ of
'(·nt lIin~ In tho~f' with :!U )"f'ars or contractors who 1111111110'11 gifts for
morf' flf 1If'''·il·.... Alt>:-udin.l(, W(·re Ifill dnor prl7.I·;;. The cuntra.-(urlll ;In': Fol · World's First Ship
1ll(,IIII)f'rs ami thpjr wh·I'S (If hu~hunds. e~·, Fall"t, .\J,·ldrum. En, Electnl-
Afh·r II womit'rrul dinn"r, pill" weI'(' Lines. Cooke, Fu. l('r Wh,·t'l,' r, Whull,
Assembly Line, in Miss.
1)l'('s'o'I1tNI 10 thrt'r ::IO-Sf'ar. working, K('Jlogg, Omni-T('('h, Hiddl(., (:1-\7., Ad- 1..]1. i ll. I' ..\ SC,H: OCL,\ . i\lI S~.
dltll·ter Illl'mli.'r;;: 8,'\"(,11 :!;;-Yl'nr m('l11_ f'ur moTl' tiH1I1 :1\1 yf';II·~. I ngull~ 5hil)-
Ilt'rs; lIlld 11'·\'Ilty-lwo 2()·)"t·ar mem-
]Jof'rs. Sll£'t'inl honors w"n' bestowed
Christmas in Tex;as huilding of l'a ~c agoula, ;\lissi!<sL IJlli,
has 1Wf'1l buildinK ships on th,· hankH
upon 14 r('lir(-(l, :JtI-y{·ar or more nf thl' Pasnlgoula !liver, profitlllg hy
chnrter 111l·Il1I)('rll who Wf'ft' Ih(' work_ thf' le ...sons of lIhipbuilding hi~tory
hor:«'.~ in tho!<(' I·arl}' day.!! wh(,11 it
and t'Qlltrihuting sigllificnntly to the
I'('/]uirf'd d('(li('ntion nlld hard work to t{'('hn!)log-y of I<hi" ('oostruclion.
o\·crCOIll(' thfO many ohJ;tnl"I', to the I t has establishl'd itself as a kadf'r
formation of a good working loca l in IIIf' 1Il1lrilinw 11('111. l ugalls' major
Ullioll. p\·f'n ts in I!)(jj ilwludpil : launchin~ or
\\'(. Ilay n apN'inl trihutl' to the fOU l· !Il'\\' autumated o:argolin'· '·11 a n.l
fullowinK :IO-yl':u· 1llI'mbel"!<, a{'li\'f' and 1ll'li\"cry of thn'l· Allleri<o:l!I Prl'!!i-
l"I'Ul"f'd; Vil\n'n~ Ayala, I':dwin Ogden, ,1{'ll t Lines: hmllehing thl' lIu;-\('ur-
Charlf'S Morgall, GeOl·,," Ba rnha,·t, ~ ubl1lal·ine~ "~I.r" and TIlulllY: thl'
Glelln L('(', Frlix Mal'i'aro, C. :'II. dl'llI·l'ry of thrl'(' naval amphihiou"
Crnlle, ('lilT lI uilltl, {'ash Shellh;lnI- A~!tault "hi llS and th(' nucleal" liuhmn-
nll'r, Wallace Elliott, J. n. J!lckson, rine Illiddurl.- to th(' US Xa\')' und thl'
J anl<'.~ L"i,)I'r, Gustn" SchOll. (nil of Inunehillg of two automated cargoli-
Pu('hlo). J. 1-'. P('nn('y, I.. ) 1. Rond, n('rs for Delta Linf'~.
Til"•• ' •• coupi. of p;c!u.n •• ~ .n .t th.
C, T. 1\11\·nJlilu~h, Hinellllrt n ickson, Ch.iltmn p.rly 01 loc.! 716, HOUl ton, T. ' . !-;ill('(' tilt' start of Ingalls in 19.18,
Al\'i n !-;trl)('lhkl', B('rn:lrd :'Ilt-Oollough, til(' ('om llllny hus rOlilil r uctc,1 ilion·
'\1. A. folon, O. L. StimllllC ({'anon than 2::;0 \"t's~I'I". It employ.!' !J,::Inu. To-
fily L'nit), 'l'hf'odore \\' ()()(Is, Gnrlnnd d:l)" on a fill -acre site aeros>! Ihf'
!-;mith (Hock\- Ford Vnit), land Hufus PII!!Cagoula Hiver frolll iL'I Ilrl'.'lelit
IInrriman (\\'al!< ... nburg l-Ilil). 1)lant, J.iuoll· l ngnll."l-in partlu'r.o;hip
Du ring V,·hruary and ,\Illrch, the wilh the State of )lis.;iMillpi-is
various units of our local hf'ld bimilar huilding th(' world's most advlln('cd
gRtherillgs ill th ... ir "arious locntions IIIhiJl-manu facturing facility. a "~hiJl­
to hOllor thl'ir Sf'llior ml'mh('rll. yard of thc f~ulure" which, for Ih('
At thl' ('ollriu!lion of the.1\/' srather- firFt time anywhf're, will produ«'
ings, 4::; llIem l)f'rs will h:\\'e I)('(·n pre- "hips on an a~Sf'mbly lille. It j" also
1;('I11ed 211_)"l'a l· pins: 14. 2:;-YI'!lI· pin!; ; thl' first shipbuilding plant COllstruel-
and 2 1, 3()-),(I(u· ])il1s. This j.:"roup of (,;I in thl' US since World Wal" 11.
!!(I-called Sf'llior nwmlK"·S reprf'Ml'nts Thl' new shi py:ard is desigllf'd to
I>ver :!,Hun )'f'nrs of me!llhCr;lhi]1 in the hui'" tomorrow's lurgl' ali(I mOrt' eOIll-
IHEW und hll"l gin·n thai !lInny y('nrs 1)I('x 8hifl~, d('.~ignl'd to build them I)(·t-
(If sf'r\"ic(' to till' !leol)\e of Southettl.t· t('r, quickcr, nnd for less mone),. Con-
1'1"11 Colorado. struction slIIrte<i I,) 1II0nths ago, and
Yes, 11·(' ;11·,' Jlroud-proud of our though cOl1lpletion ill not expected for

!lchiev(,lIwllts nnd I)roud o f being a anolher year, nelual shi p I)roduclioll


could start as early a s ~ovember, job training in artificial respira-
Saves a Life tion" as the prime factor in his sav-
Production is scheduled to ~tart i11g t he life of Hic hunl Drapc r of
soon after completio n of the sh ip- Bu l'lington,
~'ard's largest f acilit~·, the gin nt (14 Brot h!'!' :-.Jcff is mani('d and the
acres undcr one rOOf) fubrication father of fivc (,hildrCIl- :\ dau ghter' is
(~omp l ex whkh will \lSi' ma r ricd and live~ in ;\Iesa, Ari wna,
Illatcrial-hamlling equiplllpni and au- ltnd t he other four chi ldren al'e still
toma tic welding deviccs to tUrn flat at hom 1.', H is hobl>ies include his yanl
steel into large sh ip-hull ('om ponents, and garden, wit h SllPtili l interest ill
Last month, SecI'eta)'Y of the l\;wy I)lanting- and C:II'ing fol' I1Q\"/;']·s,
J oh n Chafee ma(le a n insprdion trip Brothel' HQ~' has ;;ened two term~
to the n" w facility. J Ie wa;; impressed on the Exeruth'e Board (If Local 7<1i).
by what he sal\' and said , "With the II I' has I)!'cn CJ1lpll;)yed by the Iowa
construction of the 'Shipyard (If the South!'1'Jl Utility Company for the
Future,' Litton alld IngaliH is en- past 22 years, ;lnd I thirlk it is onl~'
gagrd in a trernendous proj('ct whit'h litting' to ~ay that )1(-' has ncver had a
will mean mnch to ihe ppople of Mis- sillglc lost-time acei(\Pllt during that
si~sippi and to the l'hillbuHding callac-
Bu,ineu M~naqer P~ul H~l e of Local 735,
time, Congratulations, Roy!
itr of the L-nih'd Slates .'I:'a\·y." Burl inqton , lo .. ~, (riqht) pre'enh the IBEW RI('H ,\ llll T. S('II,"ElDER, J>.S,
\V c ha\'C aplJroximatelr Ir>o men on Life·5nin q p laque to Ih e local', fi n t life_
thc joh--a joint venture with O'Neal, ,a ver, Brother Roy Neff , Pre,iden l Merli n
Ling, Oliver, and O'Dwyi!r as oni! Roal~ (cen ler ) loo k. on,
contrador. Broiher Willie Guun is Contract IS Discusse d
hu ll stewa rd and Sel'IllS to I>e doing a
• wonderfu l joh, \\'e are proud to have Brother Hale, 735', At 753', Meeting
Brothers ~ll1it h all,l Dixon, (If Local
69, Da ll:l~, '['('xa~, as superintendent s First IBEW Life-Saver L,L'. ,;;3. ;\"OI(WAL I\:, CO:\':\'.- A t
for t he compau)', our' I'egul:u' monthl;- merting, propos-
T he oth('\' t'Olltractor, Americn L X. 73:0, Bl· H Ll ~(; TO.'l:', rOWA- a ls fol' our 1~IGt) contmd wcrc dis-
Contractors, [ne .. has Hl'ot hrl' ltock At OUI' regular J1l('etiug on April l r., cussed. \\'e alSI;) took in SCVl'll new
O'Neal as bull llteward , From all ac- J!)li ~J, Business i\lanagt>I' Paul ~. lIale
eQllllts of oOWI' Brothers, all SC,'nlS to presented an IBEW Lif('-Saving Businrss ;\Iamlget' Wi ll iam Klcmish
be going w('11 unde\' Brother O'.'I:'eal's pluquc to Bruther Hoy ;.Jcff, Lotal will attciid the Annual New England
stpwul'd guida ncc, lI ere, wc huve 'i3,j's first nwml)l'r to recein' sueh an Util it)' Coullcil ml'eting'. He will r£'-
Hl'otlwr Wa llace lIarold, Local !.Ju3, award. J>reHidenl .'Ilerlin Hoasa :IC- pol'~ on Ulf' cOllfl'r('tlcP at Ollr Itl'"t
Gulfport, Mississippi, as the superin- tepted the local's Life-SaYing lJlaqu(' meeting,
tenden t. 011 hehalf of the member'ship , It will
Wr rlljo~'cd a bufl'd luncheon after
he displayed in the lousi ness ofik(',
w. n. DIlY, P ,S. Follnwing th" Illel'ting, the ladies aux-
the ad jourllment of thc meeting:,
- - iliarv sen-('d refrc~hnl<'nts. HKH .\ltiJ W, Ih:n.-(jL!)S, P,S,
Bl:othel' Hoy Xelf cI'cdits "on-tho-
;'~~!::~~o?!f the Future"
Officers, Members , New Members

The'a members en-

joyed a buffet ~ lter
Ihe mon t hly meet·

Tne "Shipy~rd of the Fulure" will look like

Ihis, <H> ~r +i ,I', dr~winq,

On Ihis b! I_~cre site, on Ihe P~ ,ca90ul" Offi~e .. of lo~~l 753 , Norwalk , Conn" po,ed The,e are th e new memb er< who were taken
River in Mi .. i.. ippi, il beinq constructed lor Ihi, picture, Left to ri9h t, ar e George in a t local 753', rece nl union meetinq,
Ihe "Ship yard of t he Future," App rolimetaly Enql~nd , W ill iam Klemis h, Fr~nk HaUl , Rich-
150 membe r, of Loc~1 733, Pasc&qoula, a rd Gr~bow,ki, Ray Cullen, end Di ll Ru t her_
Mi,s" ere employed on Ihe iob, ford ,


Construction of $13-Million Retire m e nt Pa rt y
Complex Begins in J uly
L.lI. i 62. j\ S lrr ~\Hl' L I\ , O lit O-At.
ollr rf'j.,"Ular lllN'ting 011 :'> Inn'h a
Wllr of ':lUr financial IItnh·rnl'nt. whit"h
showed a markf'(i imjlr\ll"mNll ow'r
19r.-;, \\'ll~ i!'!1iul'd to (":lfh ml'mi)(,I'
p,....,SCtH. Th,- AmlilinJ:: ( 'onlllliu{'(' and
oflic('I'f:I \\'",'" ('omnwnd,·.1 fnr lht' t-w·t·1·
I{'nt r('IIOI'l.
Broth,-]' Ilo~' .Jami~nn, dmrinmn nf
our ('I"f'CIII uninn. illlllf/UIW,·d that our
credit uninn is now l'l'udy to loan
A llJotion lUI", alll,ru\', ,I to coml,irll'
til(' onle,', of lou~iUt· .. , mumlJ.!'('r (lnd
finant'inl q'rn'tnrl' Our mf'mh;'r~
movl'd tn lif'nd i~\l sin('~' )1:uJaK"r Pic!u.ed he'e e'e ,ome of Ih. S'othef1 of loul lb), Om.he, Neb •., who ett.nded Iho
I.,>onurd l'jl'll('r \(1 th.' ('fJIII'trudion •• tiremenl pertt of Sinon (,.. led in ~hei. of honor) . Slandin9, lefl 10 .i9hl,
Workprs Cunf('rt't\('" in \\'ashinj.,rton. "'e. !lob Babe., Fred S... e~dd, Rober! Poli~e. J",I; G.,,~el, e;[] T,ulove, Tom Simon.on,
D.C ...'lay 10th lh)'(jugh ;\ln~' 1[,lh. Ha ..... y Swanlon, Olear John,on, Ray l(i'g'n, !lill, end J"d Finney.
WI' hall a full III!U_~t' at nul' !'{'gular
n1('('tilll{, :11111 IITr,· hnrrur .. ·,r with th.-
pre*lIr(' of ("ur flUl·nr-t'lwrr flrnth · Poplin, 1N'\t"r known :1. " I-""'It." wall ~f'Ptilund atu'lllll'tI till' l'tilill' ('onf('r-
ers: Jim W" st and I'rlt Ilillnn, L.K·al horn in Y')rk ('<lunt}', !'"ulh Carolina. ('!It.,. in )I!-mllhi". 'I'I'nn(';<,l;(-e: ()II F{'h-
1(1:;. Ihlmi1tnn. Onturin, :lnd nay Hrg· 011 [)(-,(,(,I11"('r I. !!lH3. III' "."~idll( l and runry :!8th and :?!lth. Th!'}' hrought
ger~on nllli 1),'nl1i;; 0'1)01111('1, Local wllrk('11 in OUI' area fllr tl1f' pH!>! I:; IJlH'k r"pflrtllt of a v,'ry 1)I'odurlil'('
1;8, Dt'IlI"N, ('olrH"adu. y('ar:<. 111('('1 ing-,
Aftl'I' lh,' !o:WRA Ilr(" ,tirrg, 11't' con· Il l' wa~ ;1 111('1111)-1'1' alld pa~t mash'r R,n Sn;[)I,l :-' 1', 1',8.
tinu.-d with OUI' Buildin/{ ('I>I'II'()I':lliun of Holland ) I pnlol'ial Lotl~{', F&AM,
Inp.-trnj.:' ulnl mOI'pl! to IlUl'rhal''- r('al GlI~tonia, \'orth (,;n·olill:l. .Ind a
p!itat., (huilding ;Ind land) on ('n)!!. :l2nd·d('~rf'(' )Iason at fharlottl',
peet !load ju~t out.~id{' lhl' Ashtahula Not'th Carolina. HroUlI'r l'ull1in was a Phoe nix Members Rid e
rity limit!'. TIl{' motion wa~ IHI. ~~r(1 h~' hanl w()rkl'r fill/I l\lIS always willing
an nl·Pt'I\"Iwlll1inj.:' major-it)'. The huihl- til h.-I ,I :l. Hrolhf'r in l1f'i'd, With Mountain Men
ing will nt'l'tl ~"nw N'IlIO(lplinj.:', hut it We extl'lHI our symlluth~' tu hil' 1.. 1'. i69. 1'1I00': 'IX , A HI Z. ·.-\
hm; a larlef' parking facility and a f:I' wir(" \'il"i;1I1 ()Iary Ann I. !'11Il \\"il · Iwardl,,1 group o f hUt'kskin-dall ri-
l'oral!I,' la.'I" tllflll·tUI"i'. nf'~i,I,·!< I)('inl{ liam of Gn'('IlI'illl', Suuth Carolina, d!.'rs, p<lckinlo:" flint·lork nmsk.-'L1 ami
f<'asonubly I!ric('d, it is 1H'lIf the Sa~" IhHlj.:'hh' r )11'1<. Franklin ( 1{f'\l1" J.'an) Wl'lll'ing coonllk lll CIIIIlI. wall QI'glLni~ed
brook Plaza ronqll('x, nmkinl{ it ,'xe(,I- VUlT, (,harlotIO', ;""OI·th ('arul(ll;1. :tllli in 19r,:{, hy "])j7." ])f'[111 itl Wi11iamR,
It'nt P1"0II('I·ty in til(' fUlun'. lin' g"ral1flchililr" n. At'i7.01111. $il1\·I.' thn t tillll.'. tl1l' Bill
Thing!! in tll\' A~htuIHI1:1 II)"('U look ])()\lI~IC ZIl.nH;~I, I'.S. William" )Iollntnin )ll.'n group has
bright (or til(" futurr. rUlllnl thp prPlI- Wf)n 8.j IJaratll' trollhips two of th('m
f'nt Ilmf', WI' hal'(' (Iuitl' nn influx of Wl'rl' ;award(..-I in Wl&lIhi ngton, D.C..
tral"('If'rli wnrkirl/{ in our jurisdiction. Retirement Party for tOIl honor!t in thl' JOhll F. Kl'nne-
SIII)('riur A"i,1 ami 11"(111, Ltll .. of tly lIml I.pldol1 n, John son lnllugural
('aIHu!:1 h:l~ H't a July "onstrUt'tion In Omaha Panlll{'!!, lind Ih(' 8:;th lroph~', n first-
fl aIl' for' a LI('W $I:l·nrillion I'hpmkal plal'l' IIwurd, 11"1'1:< 1I"0n in Ull' J("s Ito-
plant ('om ph-I( 01\ a 1!I,j·nl'r{' :<it,-. 01\· 1..1'. ili:l. 0\1 ..\11.\. X EBII , Rrotlwl' d('o of Itod('os I'al'nd.' in Phot'nh: Ihis
I.ake Ho:ul in Ashtahula Towll!'hil). (;('(Irgl.' Sjs-~on.who r('tirl'll nil F('hru- ~'(':lr,

The 1)1:ll1t will rOIl\"('rl 1l>"I'il,' cOlleen· nry ~8, I!lfi!l. wn~ l-!"iI'en a 11'tir('ntPnt B{'Coming- ;a n1{'mlM'r of the group
lrnl(' intn ~ulphuric aeill :Uld iron 111'1- part~' at th(' AntPrican l.('giml hall in i~n't l'IIS)'. You IU1' rNjuirNI to makl'
I{'ls. P,'odm·tion is ""I)t'f:'l('d to start n.-n;ron. Gt'Org,' anti hill wi(,'. fletty. th., urrnual ISU·milt· "n('ml('zI'Ous"
no lal('1" th:lll Qctoilrr of 1!l7n. w('r(' in the mitlst of Ih" :!rlh'ity, ridt' from WillillllU' to Phoenix in six
A!>hl:liJulll'" llll)t)r Imll"k('t. thf' rit)"!! ~r{'('til1l;' lh{';r fri('nds (felloll' 1I"0rkel's darll. You must tral·t'l through rough,
l'XCi'IINll ,H)rl and ~(>t1('rlll tran!;j)orta- lind ",iI·es). mountainous I'<Julltr~', reganill'ss of
lion fat"i1illt'!i, ,Jlus Ohio'li indu.>;trial It was an f'njo)'abl(' ('I'('nillg fillt'll 1\'(,:llhl'r; rou mu~t sl('('11 on thl'
dimat{' ar,-. l'I'aS(Jt1~ fur tht' ('()Illj):IIlY'S with storil'lI ahout th{' IIU!'"t. 1\.110ll"ing ground. {'Ill frun1 lin plateH, and, in
IOCl,Ung hl'l"t'. '1' 11(' raw IIUI\"I·UII will Gf'(U·ge. it wa.~ only natural that tllf.'~· l{f'tH'rul, Ih·1.' lik#' n IllolLntain man.
II{> millt'd in Onl:ll"it" lI!1th' I'Jo;'() a pre· w('re 111f'lIsant on('s and hrouJ.;'ht nHlnr You must forti rushing mountnin
1imin:l ry 1H'Ot'('lIs itl (;OIJ(ln'au, On- a laugh. G('orgc is u man whll know!f stl'('umll (l1ll1 ri(II' alOll1{ high. nal't'OIl"
tario, anti 1If' I<hi\ll){'{1 I"ill lukl' rarnl'r only onc type of 1)('(\1111' (ri(-,I1II,;. 1l rock)" shell"l's incidl'ntnlly. Ih{'r{' lire
to l~i11l1t')" Dot."k (rom wl1t'rl' it will he might h(-' !'aid that Georgi' hn .. alway!> nn hlack:mlitb shops out there--and
IranSl)I)rh'cI hy truck 10 111f' plant. I)('('n an actin' "(,,,>u'a-actint)"" Ilwm- )"ou llIust rome out !'1IIi1ing!
Th(' main plant arl':I will 1'0'-('1' l)4'r of Local .63. So, Rrothefll Holt Johnson, Louie
about fk,-. 1I(·r('s. wilh SOlllf' !:i·million It was a "leu"l1r" 10 S('(' !«) many of H url'S, J ohn Girvin, Slim CllrJ.;'i11. and
gallO ll tunkll at the lIite. 1)00r·Olil·{'I' 0\11' RI"(Jthe t's and their wil"{'s on that Ha~' i)('fluty, who JJ.O~ses~ the Ilttiwde
of StULlford, C"olllt('cticut. is ,\(O~igt1ing very wintry eV(,!ling. \\"" look rOl"\I'lLrd typhonlor lin(> hnnt ls-" I f :lllyom' ('Ise
the plant, and oV{'t'all ('ngincer is to o t hel' gaUwrings in trw fut'll·e. CUll do il, I cun too"-'gnn to groll'
~ais<'r r-:nJ.;'ineering. This brings to mind that lh" twxt ix'urlls.
Our locnl hilS 1)('('11 " ruld"nt-tl h~' th .. local union rUlll"tion will indud,-. thl' Tht' starling da)' for thl' trill finally
loss o( Brother ThomBs E. Poplin f,;j, wll·ell. It will t)(' a tour o( a local ell- IlrfLl"er:l, Thl' riders left Williams in
who passed away on ) Inrch 4th , aner tablis.hml'nt on Allril lIjth lind Ijth. "tern-degree temlJ(-'ruture and rode for
an iIIne:;<.I! of !K'1'('rnl monthll. Brother Brothers Westfall, P roctor, and 011(' and one-hllir d:l)'11 in snoll', three


Vnh'ct·8it)· on m EW Scholarships. I
, Phoenix Mountain Riders think OUI'S mil)' be the only local with
two winncrs. Brothcrs Jerry Skinn('r

- and Jililmy 1I11rri!<On , nicc going!

At thc clo~(' of our union mceting,
Inst w('('k, IIrotll('r John ~1. Sanllpr~
won OUI' uld far, W ith thl' larg(' at'
u'nd;lI1t'1' I\'t' had, In' !lccd more cars
t() gil'!' a"-ay.
\\'t' .11'(' ('uMing :t wary eye toward
1'1't·~idl.1lt 'lij"u!I and hnpinjt hi~ anti-
innation I'urh!l \\,un't increase unCIll-
I n July, WI' a,'I' hal'in~ an old-fash-
illlw(1 Imrl"...·ul·. and w,· ar(' ('xllI.'l:ting
:I r"lll 11'11",1 g\'t·t"I-\',·th.·!',
I hop.· I" lutl", lllnl'{' rl"W~ to t'{·]HlI·t
'lI',\t tlll'llth.
,J \\t~:" Bl1t"~I[)I::. P,S.

Work Situatio n
Expe cted to Im prove
mountain men a.e .aally membe" 01 local 7119, 1.. 1',861, l.. \h F; ("1I .\l n,E=--, ... \ , -At
Plloen;" Ari •. l.11 10 ';9"1, ••• Bob Jolln,on, lou ia Hayu, Jolin Gi""in, Slim Ca'9;1I, .nd (lUI' 1:l~1 f(·j.(ular llu;;;nE';;" Iltt",ting,
R.y OaBuly. membe.. of • 9'ouP ull.d th. Bill Willi.m, Men. ISe. local 7119',
lalle. 10. ,II.
nu"i11l'!<s )laU!.!J{('r Jallll'.'. Fo, l'I'port-
I'll that till' industrial-work oul1ook
);('CIllS ~o()d for this Yl';lr with thl' :Ul-
fj"f,t dei·I). On tlw thinl (IllY. Boh tl'ning to nil: and Rill ~pin Sllrllll ll()unCf'llwnt hy thf' Ilc"fUles Ctltllpanr
John!!lUl's hor,;e- lhn'w a sh,,(' whilE' about the Old \\'cst for thl' rl'st of Illy nf a lit'\\' Mlditinn to its Illant. Xo fig-
fording a ri\'cr, arlit it IItartt'<t to rain. life, urn or 'turting datI' W,'l'(> gin'n, hut
Rut ther., \\'I ~ nothillg In dn I,ul to Bul, htlck to thl' rl'nlll'7,I'nus ridl'. ('(Instruction will IJCl:in this ycar, AI·
k....'I' 011 I',ding, On tht' firth Itay, thl' Brothu mOUI\- though thf' wnrk ,.itU;ltion has not illl-
011 thf' fourth dar, tl",y W('l'f' duE' to tain ridf'fIl swung awar from th!' Ilro\'l'1l rl't, it d(J('.~ look as thou!:'h
rome out on thf' nmd at Roek roall anll into thl' mountain!', Thl' f'11I1 thcre will IJC iml)('OWI'Illt'nt later in thl'
S ilring_'. and Bu ~inl'h.~ "anaW'r Ed of thl' !'ixth day found th(· rid('r~ at y('ar.
Xick.~ic ask('(1 l1Ie to ('rank ull lilY thE' fairgrounds, right nn schNiulf'! RrothE'r 1-'0'( rl·\Hlru..:1 that thE' com-
)Iustang .11111 dri\'e on~r to !l{'O' how Betw('('n TV allpt"aran('('~ and ('Idc mercial picturl' look~ Sl)l1Iewhal I)('u"r
our mountllln men IH"'(' f:lrlllg, To lunchoons, our mountain ridl'r!! \'illitc(/ ror thl' Y"ar with !;C\'eral Ill'\\' huild-
my !;urjlrisc, , found tht'1II in tht' loenl en lllliNI Childn'Il's Hos ])ital!' and. 1)('- ings Oil the )lc:-l'l"t'st' ,state camplls
cantina. whooping it Ul' and Ilanciug lic\'e illl', whell those rough, I}('al'd('cl now IIndcr ('()nstruction and thl' addi-
mountain-man .!It}'lr with thl' 1lf'11t'!I of mell walked into a hospit:II, thl')' did tion 10 Ht. 1':ltrirk's Hospital already
thf' tOll'n. Tht'y seellwd tel 1)(' in t'xcel- more goo<l for the young~ter" than all hcgun. TIl(' fit)"!! $!I_mi1lion complt'x
1('Ilt condition, but I d,d lIoti\1;' that the medical trcatlllcnt in tlie worltl. 011 thc lak(' front is sehf'duled to begin
Ray i)enutr and Lou 1I1IYf's !lllcnt Their talt's (all tru~, of ('{Iur.<l') thi!!i year.
mor(' timE' s tanding than sitting, charlll('(1 thoS(' little O/lCll until ('\'N' Pl'('sitll'nl ('I'cil )!usgro\'e, Vief'
The)' inviled 111(' to Hay for a the s hycst of thcll1 calllC Ol'l'r to bc I'r('sid('nt t:llrl O'Quinn, BusincsS
mounillin-man (tinn(',', l.rI'IIHI-ed by hounced on a I)uckskin kn('\.' and hll\'(' ~lal1ag('I' Jamf'~ Fox, and Urothcr
the lnlil cook . As we sat nround the his 1l000C tickled with a rough beard. John Ra'Till!':!ux attended the ] Ith
c:un l)fire and atl" II'l' stuift'd our- All tho~c liUle (f'1l0W!! IU'omisNI Annual J.oui~illnll ArL-C IO ('on\'f'n-
S4'1\'(~s with one-in('h !'tf'lIkll hroilCl.I that, whcn thcr arc well anll hig tioll in N('w Orleans, ) l arch 3 1st
Ol'e,' mesquite coni!', fned l)OtatQ('s, ('nough. they will becoml' tlloulltllin lhrough April 3rd.
haked healls, and nlllg(' hi!ICuits bake(1 lI1en. You, too, can hE'roml' Otl('-ir Among thc nolahll'~ to addres.s the
in a )f('nuinc Dutch 01'f'1I 1)1I1. I)can "ou ha\'e what it t.,kes to Il\ukt' that ('I)nl-('ntioll wcre )1:lyor Victor Schiro,
:lIld Rill t;\'('ns filled me in 011 tl1l' his- i80-nult' horseba('k ridr through the ('ill' or XI'II' ()rlE'ans; Gon~rnor J ohn
tory of Ihcir group. Jlal'li('ularly trl'achcrous mountains and st,1l ('onw )1':}\('ith(,l1. Statc of Louisiana; Coo-
about Rill \\'il1i(Hn s afln \Ihom thcir out smiling ! gressman lIalE' 1I0gbr:8, from Nf'w Or-
outfit ill nam('(1. E,\RI. Co (;OOllltl("ll, I', S. lean!!.; ronKn·8.~ntan E(lwill Edward".
It s('('rns Rill Wilham); was born from Southwest Louil'iana: L' ,S.
back in Virginia around \787. When St'nator nani('[ K. Inouye, Hawllti;
he I'('ached his 2011. III.' tral'{·led West W ork G ood in :tnd !\('\'f'r;11 otht'r gol"ernmcnt alld
to tin' Oklahoma Tt'rritory and mar- Columbus, G eo rg ia ('i\'ic If'ader~.
"i('d an Osnge 1J(IU:II\', Ill' also lived, TIl(' ticl('!{;lt"!I lin' attcllll)ting to ac-
for a timl', with thl' l ' tf'1I 1)('(01'(' join- L X, i79, CO I . I ' \ II H ·~. GA. · S\llllnwr (Iuirl' tal)('.~ of ~onl(' of the \'ery inter-
ing thc t'n':mont l;:ltIH'Ilitioll liS a is just around the conwr, and tlmt f',~tinlt ~-oTtn'lItiol1 s l)('(;'('he" for thr
guidc and S('{)ul. John Jo'r{omont named mcans a lot of us will 1)(' indulging in meml)('r;; to Iwar.
a rnountllin aftl'r him, ami later ;1 water K\>orts in the ~f'I'l'ral larg., Br(Jthf'r Jimmi(' Fox reported that
town. a~ Wf'1l :u a ri\'l~r, wa~ also lakes in our al'"a, Lake l';ufauh.r i~ :1 he ;lilNtlkd a l.ahor Law Seminar at
naml'd for him. very popular plal'(' now. I .... \'ola t-nil'I'l'~il\' in Xcw Orleanl! 011
Bill Williams lil'('11 (or 87 year!!, Work i!< ",>ry good, and w,' hnlH' it ,\larch :!8th. llnd- was impresSf'(1 with
lIis llO{iy \\";I ~ (ound al')l1g !lidl' that of lastl! a whill'. Wc hal'(' arnund 11)0 thf' di~~·ul;.~ion~, '1'111' s"lllin:u' is an an-
]Jr. }\('1·11. ;lIlOth('r lI)('ml){'j' uf th l' Fre- Bt'oth('r t1'al'('lf'r.< ill our arl'a; Ill,,~t nual afTllII' (·ondudrd hy thl' Louisi-
mont Expedition. l't'CSUtll lllJly, thcy of thcm at·c wOI'king at thc Uni-1(o)'al :I1JU Bar A~1I<l('iattull for the 1)I'Ilcfil of
WC1'C killl,d hy thc lndiul1s, pia 1\t. labor lind marHl)I'l'mellt.
WI' al'(' I'ery prou.1 of our finf' ,\ t IJ UY A. PIZ,Il'IE, P.S,

All ror nl(', ] will rl'm('tIlI)f'r that
nighl Wl' sal aro u nd t ilt' l'lllllillil'(' lis- I'lrothe l'lI who arc attending Auhurtt


Norfolk O ffice r Re ports
On Utility Confe re nce
I.. Ll, 980. ~ OI( FO I. K, VA .-This "{'.
porter attemlcd thl' 1969 Utility COil-
(('r('nee in Cindnnati. Ohio, :Il which
100 delegatell W('ff Im.'~('nt.
The lie!lfiifUh oj ...·II('i1 with a nll('-da)"
Clerical Con('r,'nrt'. )Ian\" \Ililitif·~.
such as OUI'lI. tin nnt ha~'(' rl('rita1
work!'r .. in 111('ir unit,., T hl' lin:\\,
Iloinl('d out th .. 111'(,,1 for tlll'~t· I)('fllll('
to 11\'('0111(' purl IIf tl1l' whole unit Uti·
del' 1h(' Uj.(TCI·nll'1l1. Only thl'ollJ;h n'I"
rel't'nlatioll of ;'n'r~' a;;l)('Ct of thf'
lItility fil'ld ('an Wt' add the unitt·d
8lr('n~rth w{' mUH hnn' whE'1l \\'(' Iwgo-
liate our :I!(N!I'llll'nb.
At thl' l'tihl~' ('onf",'enc(', it \\'118
1)I'()U,I.:'ht out a.~ to wha t t h!' utility
fh· ld can ('xl!"(-l in till> ('011111\1( t11()nlh~.
Title VIl of til(' ('ivil Hights Ar t lIas
f·xllini1]('(i arlll ~tIHII('(1 by lhf' th'I('-
gul('s, as well : I ~ W(,I'(, thi' EEOC .11'-
On the 1(1);(' of snff'ty, it \\as rl'-
ported how W(', who \\"ork for the Vir-
Kinin EI{,(,trie &. l'owl'r Company, aff'
Jlion~ring th(' g]m'ing of If!.!I-I\V
l)hll"(' to ground, T hl'I'(' wert' rl'JlOrl~
on prohl('m" WI' hll\'l' IIl'en ('nrountl' I'-
ing and thl' eilUil1ll1l'nt that ill hl'iug
UlK'(l. Th(' 1.0, ill int(, l·('sted. all di~tri­
bUlioll \'oltagl'~ UI"(' sll'"adil)" inel"('a.~­
ing and the d"llland~ for g[o\'ing arl'
lx-ing mmi(' OIl our ffi('mlX'rship. .-\ 'ih.t 10 I.. , of wire more th ... we Ihou9hl we .... ded, ;, 90;119 to b. th ... feet
study of lhi~ prllhlem will II(' mad(', too .horl!"'
and II report 1m it will l)rohably 1)(-
given at Oll r lIl'xt P I"l'l{rel''' ,\I"l'tin).:",
SUHlies WI'I"I' 111~" nHHle I1n IW",lpll
coordinal('d hU I'gulninj{ un.1 ~)lItr;u't
As for peaking uuilS, it l!l'elll~ thai
('Ollllllll'iwnll, Thel'e ill a will(' difr,'r-
all utiHti('s will !'ut in uniL~ 10 1:lk,'
Lo cal 996 Ha s W ork
en('(' in nmny ('untl'llets. und ways lu
narrow th('~(' ~al)1I \\'('1"(' \li!'('ull~(,IL WI' Cllrc of thl;' 1101I"('r ;;ullilly at I,,'aking Fo r Tra ve le rs
will han' to work closer with olh.'r times, The witip I"llrwt)' of unilM Mill
unions of our sylilN11 to uchi(,\(, th,' Ihe iBEW's I):irt in IIlllnniug th" job~ I.. l ', 996, IUunFO ltll, 1',\ ,- \\'(' h:ll'('
goals \\'(' must 11111'(', were di sel18SM I. finish.'.1 OUI" lwJ,:t)tilltions with th(' co n-
We, lik ... nHln~' other \Itiliti('s, ar(' At lhe close of thf' conf'-'l'('n('I', it tt'aClors ami have ISPItI<.'d for $1.8() fo)"
h('l{in)l in l{ 10 den:lop Out· Und,'r, was requestcI] Umt all .ll·lcgat l's who n tW"'Y":l1" IJH('kagt', This gin'S us a
ground n ('sid('ntill] Di st rihuti oll SyM' holll officia l Jlo~itiollll in Ul('if {'('llln,1 s('nle of $i,30 plus 2~.· health :ltHI
tPIllS (UH O). TI\{' IBEW is eon('I'l'IWd bodies rn{'('t to !l isl'ul's what Ih(' CI'n, wI,]fart' on Allril I. Inn thl'oug-h
with the I'rohl('m~ thi~ lIew lit'ld lIn' tral bodie~ af(' Iloing. i ntPrnatlUliul Allril :J, l~)il. T hi~, wilh n Cell'
~nts, '\Iueh of t hl' \\ork ill Iwing (,<HI- Trea::!u)"('r Hur.-y Van AI'Slhill', J l'.. change!! in tlw fon'man ~'al .. and !"U-
tra(' t ....d out by 1I1111-union tontra('ttlrs, who is lh(' 11resid('nl of ti,t, X('w York tin and oth(,J" minor chang!'!!, I"a\'e"
:tlld muth of tilt' I'I(-ctri('al work is Cl'ntrai Booy, op(,11NI the mrt·ti11l-f. us all ;;;.,t ror Iw,l nlllr,' YI'lIn;-Cor
also being donI' h)' 1I0lH1ualifiMI ]1f'11- Preside11t Charl"!1 II. I' illnrtt anti ~ood or ba.I, only tin1l' will t('lI,
111/'. XatiOl1nl If"Ki~llition Illli}' be Ill'!'d- RI"Oth('r V;1I1 Al"s(lui(' ]}Qinle-(\ oul thf' Our work )lictUI"(, has r('l11nil1('(1
('d to stop thill pf;lt,til'l'. nt'(.'(1 for ;11\ IIt!i\'e wOJ"kiJlg c.·ntr·al \"\'r~' J.("f)()(I, and w{' hav(> work ror )"ou
Th .... II(,{,II!! for til(' I'I'cr-incr(':l!,ing bod y :111.1 Il!lk,'d that :,11 IREW IIK'II1 Il'amps :11I luttl{ as you can gt'l almll{
.Ipmanlis (lr ('lWI'K)' wpr(' ltil'cus;;;.·d, Ullion" sup..,!)rt and \\"ol"k in tlwil' I",'n- 011 40 hOIl1's. a~ I\"{' ha\'(' no Ol'('rlinw
Thl' 1)I"I.'l!('nt l!ilul1titJll of th(' KliS in- tml hodi('~, In c\n~inl-f Ih,' IllI'l·tll1l{, and don't l·){IN.'t:l any, Just han' your
du .. tr)", 3" \lplI :til 1111 future, wall fil!" Rrolhel" \';111 AJ"l'd:Ii!, ~u~Jr.·,ttfi that, hu~il1l'" Illatlllg"l' J,!il(> u~ a call or
("u!OS('d, TIll' IBEW want" tIl dl'\"('I1I11 at lhe n(>-.;I ('OlIf('r"'I(,(", u sp!"("il1l ~('(""­ ~"nd u~ a Il'lt;'r, IIn"'!'ITr. dnn't ){II to
this il1llu.~try tf) Ih.· fullest ('xt{'nt nnt! liol1 of the' confpft'lIc(' 1)(' d"\'ut('11 lO ;;tn~' eXlll'tt~ .. until pm han' eontaell'ii
to llring I HEW Int'mh('r~ Ihl' b(·~t Ih(' l'uhjrd of cI>1I11"1l1 h"dlt·~, thpir our hul'il1('~~ lIl:tllagl'r, as Ih.· Jlirture
agrt-<'m(>nts in till" ('uunlry. function>'. llI'"('ds, anti 11ll' ]Ilia tl1l' I'UII 1)(' n'ry fJ,--.,;ihll',
On the suhj"('l of nudcar "lllllts IBE\\- ami iL~ 1Il('\1lhrr" play ill tlwrn,
I II 111~· 1:1_1 (lI·tit-),· lo •. Local\('~."
(,11(1 Ilwil' 1!t'\'l'lnpmenh, d is<'u~~itJn [ am su,'e th1l1 all til(' (1.-]'·J.("Hl"'~ left !lome m(lnth~ ago, I r{'{!uo·~tl'll tl/'W!I
ll1'oughl <lui tIll" f'lI"l Ihut fO~>'Ii] 1'lunt~ 1110' cOllf,' I·,'I1.·,· with a wI·"llh ur ilt'll1~ fill' thi~ ,·"Iumn f .. um Ih(' IllPtll-
will 1)(, pha~"11 mil an.1 tlw jf1h.~ uf the'
ruluN' will hl'" in Ih., lluclear 1,lants_
kno\\'lpdg(' whi('h Ih('y 11[;111 t.,
impit-, I)('r~ and lh.·ir WI\'f'S, T his i~ what I
IIl1'nt at th(> l,x'lIl kl"(,1. rcct'il"l'ti: ;\!:Ikps
IREW Illrlllll('r>l ",hull III prellllrl,th('m-
:Il'l VI'S 10 (1l1aliry fnr th('.!i(' johs as VI ,,(·t::-':T ,\I nu.:rrl , I'.S, il1tl'rp~ling l"\·tulinJ.;:, dOl'sn't it?
th('y Ol)('n up, You 1I1J~ \\' lU('tIl1K'l"s who are plun-


ning a Caml)ing trip thiR year won't Local 1127's l ion from OUI' local citizens. \\'c are
want to fot'get the Kinzua Dam and working toward safety at hOllie, at
camping area. F or hdp in making re- Insurance Committee work. and at play with special empha-
servations for you r camper or in as- sis on defl'lIsi"e driving and water
sisting you in any way possible, con- saft'ty. Our auto aceidt'nt rate has de-
tac:t our president, Arnold D, Patter- cl"f'as{'(1 cOllsid('rahly since we began
son, II Nelson Avenue, Bradford, the s<tft'ty hit, so mudl !;() that we got
Pennsylvania I G701. Ill' wants to hell' a reduction on our liability insurance
make youI' star in this an"a a happy rates.
one. TIl('r(' will he a tr('mendous amount
Three of OUt· al'llr('ntict's. 1I0ward of time and work spent on the Water
F. )lcColiough, Thomas Rrown, and Safety Program, eSIJ('ciall)' with the
John Shaw, gradUltll'C1 to journeyman Ol)('ning of lht' new Okatihbee r('S('r-
wireman, and we celebrate·d the occa- \·oir. Three (If OUI' Brothel'!.- mt'miJers
sion with a dinner-dan« at the 1I0te1 of R:tdio Emt'r!,:,ency A!'sociation Citi-
lIolley. Richard Arndt, of the Tri- zens T('am (HEACT)-arl' doing a
State Challter, N ECA, Ill'es<>nled Ct'r- \'ery l'ood jou (or thl' Safely Pro-
[ifieates of Completion to lht' three gram. The Rrulh('rs arp J. W. i::l'I}C)",
,!!radualt:'s, Wt:' art:' proud of the~t' President of IU:A('T. and K. F. Jones
three men and of th;> eommittO't' an(\ and Scottic Daniels.
Thi. pidu<e of Ihe In.urance Committu of These RI'otht'r~ giw l"Juite a bit of
t;>acher,!; of the JATC who dirl'<:t tlwir local 1127, Richmond. Ind .. wa. la ~ en al
training. lht'ir lim;> to manning citizens' hand
Ihe mu ting hall on April 5. t9b9. Suled. 1':lllios, patrolling strl'dS aud high-
It is picnic lim(' ;Ig,tin. and Presi- left 10 righl. a<e Aui. la nt Chairman Jerry
dent Patterson thinks the Ladies way!!. rCI~rting accidl'nts. and assist-
Herl. Chairman Norman W alton. Standing: illg 1}('0111t' \"ho ar(' in distrt'ss. Ther
Auxiliary might like to halldle it this Ronald ScoH. Robert Hudson. Recording
year; that is, if we ha\'{' ont'o So, you M'al'ch for lo~t hunters and \'ictims of
Secrelary Franc.. A.hby. and Arthur Ga. kin. drowning. alld assist the 1~Ii<.-e, sher·
wh'es, pleaS(' contact Mrs. Relty Pat- Meyn w... not pruent for pich"e.
tt'rson (telephone aG2-2(22) :lIId gt't iff, and the highway pall'ol when
organi:~ed. It')! nice of Betty, who is needed. The)' work with the Safet~·
well qualifi{'(1. to \"olunteer. Judv Workmen's compensation insuranC(' Council on sl}('Cial holiday safety cam-
would like to hell' too. . will also be sludie-d by the Insurnnce Ilaigns, and th('~' will be working on
We ha\'t' some nice jobs going, and Comlnittee. All of our members n{'(>(1 the Watt'r Safety Program in emer-
\\"t"re al'<O gettin~ aC<luainte-d with to be brought up to date on this. In j.,"t'ncy OIJ('rations. The men give fre.oly
some out-(lf-tht' jurisdiction contrac- the (utOte. some o( tht' Insurance of their time without any pay. We l.a-
tors: R('ad~' Eledric: of l.ouis\"ille. Committee members will be scnt to lull' you. Brothers. for the great job
KI'ntuckr; Church and l'ohlrdock. o( school to learn more about workmen'" you are doing.
Erie: Foslt'r WhC('lt'r, of New Jerscy; compensation insurance. We also ha\'t' man}' other civic-
and Proron, of Illinois.. lI1ind('(1 Rrotht'rs who work with thE-
JESSE Dol·GI..AS, P.S. JayC('{'s. th(' chamber o( commerce,
\\'t' don'l want to skill our OWII old.
reliable contractors: lIull EI{'(:trie, and Little League baseball. 8l'\·e.ra\ of
Chodrow F;1e<-tric. Nourse Ele<-tric; the. men do thl' actual work o( wiring
and Joe Brown EI{'(:tric, whOSt' own· and lighting 1)..... 11 fields and Illa}"-
Ne ws and Views grounds.
ers arc menlbers of tht' local union
and with whom it is a Illeasute to do From the De ep So uth It's good to be 011 a team that tilk;>)!
business. pride in ht'\IJing others and in build-
Well, that's all for this timt'. Just L .t'. 1209. ) I EHID I A ;\', ) II S~;'-I am ing a better ncighborhood for us to
keep those lettl'r.!! and cards coming happy to report that thing!! are mo\,· Ih'e in and enjoy.
in, folks. ing along smoothly for Local 1209. See rou ncxt 11I0n1h.
Lvery one looks and sounds llrctty L. II. R,\R:O:HlLL, P.S.
\Ve have ~n in a I"ut, indus"'}"-
wise, for scveral years, but \\.t' had REACT's President
Group Insuranc e somt' good news for our (air city re-
celltlr. Th(' Lockheed Aircraft ('0111-
Und er Study pany annouJ1C<'d it i~ locating an in-
dustry here. 1'h(' tail !'it'Ction of the
L. U. 1127. IU C IDIQi" D. I :-' D.- At
TI'i-l'tar toll will be a:<!;emhl.'(l ht:'\'f'.
our last regular union meeting on The companr plans to eml,loy :100 at
) Iareh 22, 1969, our IIlPlllhers dis-
start up. and wc hope il will cxpaJl(I
cu)!)!ed our groull insurance in ,!!real and t'mlllo), many othl'rs. Wt' hOIit'
detail. Since most o( the lUt'mbers this will be a turning !JOint ror (lUI'
•I want a hetter groul) in!<UrIU1Ct' plan,
Presidf.'nt Harold Hays alllJOinte-d
city, and that other induslri('s will
Rmthf.'r Xorman Walton as chainnan follow its lead and locat(' 11I.' re.
i o( the I nsurance COlllmitt{'('. Some of lhe Rrothers of I.()("al 1209
have assumed leadership and n~orj.:'a­ Brother J. w. Esp.y. • member of local
)Iembers of tht' Insuntnct' Commit-
I tee are: Chairman Norman Walton, nized tht' once-acti"t' Laud('rda!c 1209. Me,idian. Mi .... is th, p< .. ident of
Radio Emergency A..ocial.,d Cililen. Tum
Assistant Chairman Jt'rry lI art. Rf.'- County S:lfety Coundl. Rrother L. D.
Clark was elected pI·esident. and his (REACTI. H, i•• ho""n here .tanding in
cording Se<-relary Fl'anc('s Ashby, Iront of Ihe association'. mobile unit.
wife, I{uth. is the 11('\\' cxceuth'(' !!('C-
r .\Iel"a Mcyn. Hohert Hud!lon, AI·thur
Gaskin, and I{ona](l Scott.
Thl' cOlllmitt('(' will dl{'('k with all
retary. ) l illard r,"ang, Pr('sidpnt of
our local. has !-.cen named ehairm:tll
Ac cide nt Frequ e ncy
insurance companies in ord('r to tilll! of thc I ndustrial Safl't~' Committef.'. I
t the one that will give us til{' best plan am ("hail"fllan of the Mcmbership Does Not Improve
for thc hc!;t Jl ricl'. It will th{'Jl recom- Committee.
• mend it t o the Negotiating Committee We a re ofT to a \'ery husy st:lrt and L. l T. 1:\[,11. C H ICAG O. I LL.-The first
I members who will lnke it from there. have been getting very good coopera- qu u rtcl' of thi~ year hasn't shown too

much improve ment in our accident Last SeJltember, I wrotfl in this col- e:<perLflnce. W e s pe nt it listening to
Cre<l uenc)" in compari son to the same umn a bout th e Six t h Dis t ri ct slHlCia l Internationa l Vice l' resident Rober t
pe r iod la st year. ReJlreSflntntivc, Pct e r Peso Ie, who a d- K . Ga r rity a nd Interllatioll a l Re pre-
Each and eve ryo ne of us is t he mini ste red the ins t allation of ollicer s se ntllti\'e T om Hickman, an a ssistant
only per son who ean improve it. WI' at ou r local union mcetin/.:". A fter- of Rrot he r Ga rri ty.
ha\'e luul several ve r y clo~e call s so wnrds, he ga ve a m ost ins pi ri ng talk Vice President Ga rri t y said th llt he
far t h is year, and I ha ve a feeli ng on t he possibilit y o f fa ci ng t he most and T om had been t nl vcl ing throu gh-
that we a re goi ng to be !'ncou raged violent onslaugh t of a nti·union act io n out l he Ele\'ent h Distr ict hold ing Of-
to wor k safely mo re often than we in Congress in genera tions. He urged fiCN nn d Stew;l r.! Training Sessions
may t h ink it is nreesslI r ),. us. e \·e.r y memUer in our IOCIII, to he wht! rcver t hey wl're f('"(]lIf'stcd. and
I clon't believe anyo ne wanb to hurt Sllr c to vote, but to know whom we that Local 1362's groll)) wa s the larg-
hi ml'oelf or :l u)"one cisI' accide nt all)', wt're voting fOI". Peter Pe,;ol ... tol d us est thflY had encountered .
but to tlis.rel{:I rd ul'i ng Slife work that we had to ma ke it OUI' husi11('sS We werf' given a hrit'f history of
p ractice!! or sa fet y equ ip ml'nt delib- to know t he ell nd idates for congress- t.hl' IB E W a nd til(' :\F'l .-C IO. T hc
e l'a te ly is te mp ti n g fa te, I f a per son nll m who stan tl for the laOO I" move- sl,'u('ture of the lln;W wa s cxpla inc(t.
is instructed to u~e cer ta in sa fety Ill('nt and Ihos .... who don'L It ill un der- It WM brought out that 1.0 . !lCrvices
e(luipment a mi ignorl'S t he instruc- standahle th a t a cand idate who backs t ha t al'e ava ila hle to loca l unions are
t ions, the COIllJla ny may 1)0{' forced to labor needs laool"''; sup port. fo r he is provided by t hl' monthly per capita
send thl:' IJe rson home or take soml:' stand ing up f())· OU I' welfarl'. lH)rtion of the local du es.
other tlisd lJlinary action, and tlte You will lie approached by your Vice PTesi,lent Garri ty then touetlt'd
rompany will be in itll right to (10 "0. st('ward asking you to con t rihute to on thc subjC('t of f'conomics, f'xl)lain-
Rf'memll(' r thnt old saying tha t ]j(-ing the CO P~ I)rogram. T his \'otuntar}' ing how the Gross National ProtluCl
forewarned ill being" (oreanm.'(1. contl"ihutiol1 frolll union nlt' mher s will is fi gured. ami how illJlalion ;ltT('cts
Of eour~ ... , this. doe~n't a m)ly only be Ilsed to h('lp labor·(, ndorsed c(lIldi- the economy.
d a tps get I'ledcd to t he United St ates A timely ~\lbj('et was that o f merj{-
10 us wo d ,el's; t he nl l(' wOl'ks t wo
House and SI'natl'. It wo uld ht' so CI'S an d t hf' rea~onj; why e()lllllanit's
ways, an d if :I pe r son in ma na gf'men t
much niccr if you would ap]lI'OlI('1t me r gl'. T he mCl'j{l'l' of Collin!<- Radio
vjolall's t hl' sa fety rules, he too shoulll
YOU I' steward with yo u r eont.dbution Com pany anti Honeywell was still a
be subjcd to disci plin ar y nction. L itt!~'
I){'for(' he ha s to come to you-ma ke possibility on the day of the mecting.
morc has to hE' gaid than to quote tht'
his job a little easif'r (or him. I nternational il<'llresenlalive Tom
title of our safrty hook. "Safety Is in
RecauS<' sUlllmer is riKht on our H ickman reviewed th(' reSjlon ... ibiliti('s
Your lIa nds."
doorstep, vacation!! are on Olil' mind~. of a union stewal·d. lie eXlllain('d the
Bill Kipli nger of Ridgeland Station, When rou "ack for your \'acation, steward's role as a (lin~f."t link be-
Con trol Hoom. has rt'ct'h't'd the aWll r!! don't fo r get to lak(! alon/.:" a lot of tween the union 111111 thp }J{'()plc. II I'
of the Sil,"f'l' Rea\,E'I', n \"pry high "saf.:>tr." Don't iI.'JI \'e it a t home. Also Sllokl' about tIll' ~tew:l l"/ l's 1'01(> in hiUl-
award for an adult in Roy Scouti ng check you ,' housc before you lock the ttli nJ.:" grie \'llJlcl'~ :Ull! t ll!' violation~
to l·erei"I'. T he award is ):::il'ell to vcry doors, check YOU I' car before yOUl' t hat cOl1S\itute a gl·il'\·:IIl t-e.
fcl\' ;md l'f' l lr('s('n t ~ lots of hour~ put fllmily /.:"ets into it, a nd tlll'll whcn At the dose of tIll' sps,sion. Brot h-
into scout in):::. It "how~ tha t a lot of you come 11OIlW, you will hI' a hle to ers Garri t y anll Hickman thank('d
people think Rill is a w'ry wonderful say, " We Iwd n wonderful anti ~afc c\'(>ryollf' (01' Iht, linp attf' ll.lan{'e.
per!<on. Knowing Rill pE'r!!Onatly. I vacation."
have to lI;ly they (."ouldn't bl' more S{'hools for til,' ('tlUf"lltion of ollicers
right. LE l hw G. L\HSO!\", P.S. and ~tewa rtls han' I)f'('n eonductf'ti
through the (I'nter for Labor and
W hat do rou thi nk nf thf' Ilf'gotia-
Manag-pmcnt, Unh·pr ... ity or Iowa.
t ions a n(1 tiwir outcOIlIl'? Wh(,n the
lI any Graham 1·f)l1ductcd a six-
time cOme~ to vo tp, ju~ t rememl}('r Me mb ers Praise week {'our~e a t t he u niml ol1ice on la-
how hard youI' lll"f'sidents wOI'ked to
hring your' d f'~ir'('S abo ut. They put in Training Se ssions bor law, wh ich inclu li t'd: pu blic policy
a lot of hour~ tom pal'ing Ollr eOlltmct ant i lalH)r la \\", 11I1f;til' laho!' pradices,
wi t h oUwr contracts th roughout thp L.lI. 1362, C E DA Il H A PIJ) ~, IOWA contract admini~It"Htion. Lamlrurn-
-S ll ~urday. April 12, 1!IG!), wn~:l day Grillin Act, the Wti 1 ('h'il nights Act,
country. TllPY tli,l ;1 lot of r('seareh
and IlrE'!><'nt('t1 their ("lise well. FOI" ;1 e\'('ry mCIllI){'r of l.oclll lill;:! s hould and Titlf' V II of E J-;OC
long tinw, tlwy h:1I1 to do all the talk- Hon Hanson eonduc\t'<1 an .... ight-
ing while Ihf' company (lid all thl' week cours,' at Al'(>H III on ('(":onom~'
list('nillg. ~ow, the COlllpan)' talk ~,
Local J 362 Highlights and th{' labor lllo\·pmf'nl. The courses
and it is J.,roing to l.w Ull to YOll to let Sho wn here i, Inle'- induded the Amf'ril'an ('('onom~', 11(1-
them know if YOll agrf'l'. n~ l ion.11 Vice P,e,i.
tional illcomc accuunting. th(> [lrit-e
I (N'I lhat each Unf' of \l ~ knOllll d ent R ob~rI K. Ga,· sys(<,ll\ and in flati(1n. ~trUCturf' uf till'
wlwt is l"ighl an,1 whal i~ W!"Ollg. W i' 'il y. of Ih , Ele~en lh
A nwriean el·oIWIll.\": t ill' )'ltrg:aining
know what WI' want an,1 what WI' Dist, ict , as h, ,po ke power of uniuns: wagcs; thp Iml'Wlln-
don't want. I f you fN'1 that the con · 10 member. of local ing" pnwf'r uf uniun!': t'l rf'ct on ('('ono-
m~', d,'\'I'lol)nwnt nf full!'!' utilization
tract is a gootl on('. tlWI1 \'ote for it. 13112. Ce d .. Rapid,.
hut if you ff'('1 that th(' conlract Ihl' towa, al JUlion. of human 1" '~ul"l'ps, and <'Conf11l1ic
lIlr u(·tu)"I·.
COlllllan}, is otT.>ring i~ not to your aboul offiCI' and
.1 ....Md I,ain,ng. J)Ol'i ~ Peick. \\'f1lllt'n's ('ommiw·p
~ati!'fa("t:!)!l. tllt'll vott, ag;oinst it. You
alone haw' 1'1 II(' th(' judJ.,'l'. (,hal l"lllll 11, ~ch('dul,'d a tl'i]l for th.'
Do,;., Wo- \\'Ollwn'~ ( '"l11l11itl<''' \" th(· stat,· "api-
.~ hl':.Il"lfdt thank!' ~houlll hl' o!f('r .... 1
rnen' I Commi ll ee tnl in l)f'~ .\Ioiu(':; to "lo~('l'\"e th .. "Wt"
to all of tht' 'll'('sidl'n l ~ (If Syst('m
Cha;,man, ,chedule d I('gisiutllrl' ill ~,'~~i(»1. Vi5it.~ \\"('1"<'
founcil U-~I) for til!' \('ry good jol,
a ~e,y in te,e.tin " nlade 10 the houH' tlf n'pr('~e l ltati\'t'~
t hey di.l.
I,;p fo, the Woo and tIl!' ~enatt'. '1')1" !It"natl' wa~ dis-
Olte m,lt' pf caution wl)('n you )"('- men ', Commi tt,. 10 CU~!'illg Uw 10wprinK of thl' \'oting- agl'
,'f'in' ~·Oltl· hllllot. ph,:!",' I"I';)'! it ,';11"\'- Ihe ,1,le capitol in to W; It p:l,;,;,'d tIlt' following day and
fully. FIJllow thf' in~tl'u('lion,; to thf' Des Moine., .. he,e w('ot tu lllf' h(,u!'" or n'llrl';;entativ(,lI.
letter. Voll' a~ you pleal<t', and tlll'n the ..omen ob •• ,~.d During thl' lunch J"f'l·('8$. Senator
mail your Inlno\. the ,late 1'<;Ii.I,Iu,e "·einer. itel)re",·ntatiY,·s Wells. Cro-
;n •• ,,;on. si!'!", lind l.iJlskr Hte dinner with t he


group and answered (]uestions regard-
ing thei r views on items of legisla-
H osting the Women 's Com mittee
tour were Al ;\Icier and Betty T alk-
ington, of the State F ed eration o f La-

Brothe r To Receive
Life-Sa ving Awa rd
L, U. 1367, C III CtH-: O, I LI ..-Bl'othe!'
Norman Olson will l'l!e('h'l' the [ HEW
L ife·Saving Awa l'll for his hl' l'oic ac-
tion in saving a fellow em)!loyee's
life in a ncar-fatui uccident thu t oc-
cu rr NI when hoth of th(' rlH' 1l "'('I'C
called out during- an emergcncy job.
Brothel' Olson will l'l'cci\'(' a t least
one other :lw:lrd, but I'm sUI'e th e
grClltest award is th{' fa{'t thnt hI'
k now;; hI' sal'c.1 the lifc of (I fl'lIo\\'
human 1K';ng- (lilli, cSW'eially, the life
of a BroUH'r,
Wt' ar(' !':lIJilliy all)!I'oachinj.:' th{'
('xpir;llion of OUI' Ilrl'~ent CQntruct,
and !'resi(lcnL John Schwan amI oth('r
l'eprcscntatil'es or our local :Ind the
System Council hn\,(' had about a
doz{'n 1llN'linh'll with the company, At
th{' IJn'''''nt tim(', 1 (':mnot report an)'
progress. I fell w(' mll!;t 1)(' otref{'d
:;onwthing \'('ry suh:;lantial, 01' I'lse
I fl'('1 cerlain that OUI' 1I1('mhl'rs will "The ."ttl"",,,nl hin9"S on One Ihin9-'Wh.1 blill a sl,ai9hl1'"
respond with a big no,
From our I<)('al, I {''(I,'n.1 thankfl to
!If D::tyton l'uh'l'r;;:ity'" fill(' lmll Jam.'" E, May, Huhert L, IhlIT,
Ihose lHetl1hers who ('oml' out f('gll-
plarel':;, Dayton ",a~ tIlt' Z\' IT I'ham' Eu!:"t-Il(' Frank{)",iak, Timolhy :\k~
ulafly for our union mc(,ting-l', At OUI'
Ilioll last Yl'al' anti KCAA I'UIHlt'r-UII Sa.w, ,Iohn L. ~mith, Kenneth
last Illf'Nirlg', tht, L'llIkrj.:'r()ul1ll De·
to l1CLA the rear !x·fol' .., [):lylolL ha~ K I'dl'kant.
parlnll'nt had vI'ry fine rl'p1'I'!<enta'
a well·l)aianl'f'd ~(Iuad and fluit!' '1nl'n ~I('\'NI L. rt'tt'I'~I'n, Thollla~ 1\1.
tion, and r hop" this inl.'rt'!lt c<)n·
has four ]llayers ill th .. dOIl],II' figurl'~, Ko\'\u', L(lld~ J, RO);IIOtul, nonal.! 'I',
tinues. \\'(' must pay til<' ~anw Ill'ie/'
J:1Ilcki pby,; a!' ],nth fl>1'\1lLI'll and ,J('lr,'rr, f)llIluld V, Car~t('lls, Stanley
for tl1(' l'e1\lal uf tlw hull wb('tlwl'
\','n tl'l' fnl' Coach n nn l)nl1alll'l"~ Fir' Ko~zf'\\'~ki, Cusinll'r \\'ih'k, LO\li~
w<! fill it Of no t , ~o hot's lit! It :wd
1'1',<, The F' l ~'e r s hal'(' pal'tiripalNI in ,JI)lH'~, HulH'rt "lagPI', and Larry
g"et OUI' mOllC'r'S wOlth. Il ow ahout it,
a po~H<ea~on tOUl"w'Y in ";11'11 uf S('11:I('11'('r,
• Brothl'!' Hol){>rt I\J.-y('t' lw~ fepla('('(1 n<JlLalwr'~ four sea~ol1S as Iwad 1'0:11'11, ('\1(1, K I'~;n;w;o", I',S,
Thl~ Yf'ar, thry have 1)('(-11 dl'fl'at('(1
Brother Patrick Siunton on th(- \0:)<.
ecutin· 1'10:\1,11, Broth('r Stllnton, w(- in t OLll'l1:lml'ut p\;J~', hut I still fl'('1
that thl'y m;lkl' up .1111' of th!' fil1('r
an' sorrr t<'l 1'1'11<>1-1, h:lIl I)(-I'n injur('d
teams in the countr~', Goal is 100%
in an aulomohil(' :leCIIII'I1\ and hm;
now h('I'n I I'an);f('rrl'll to ]Iivi!doll Jancki Illays his I)('st at th(' high COPE Participation
Saleli at Chieag-o ::;outh, Brotl1l'I' Hob post a,~ ct"ntl.'l', I l>I'lic\'I', hut he hal<
;\Icyer has ~er\'ed 011 th£' boanl he forI' ]llayc.1 ali a forward mueh of Ih(' 1.. 11. I Hi I. i\A:"RAS CIT Y. :\1 0,-011
and knows its iI11I'Ortnlll'(' and ('I'{'r· time, I han- ~een him ]llay at th(' 1J1'C'I'!11I)('I' lith, John ,\lann, apIJrC'nticf'
ation. stadiutl1 this yE'ar. TIlt' Vayton tt'am lill('man, was S('w"h'ly burncd, 'I'll(' al'-
Hrotlwl' :'Ilike Slnb;(-r It:!!' N'lurnNl hns also Ot.'(·n on TV a numher of ci\ll'n1 1>(,l'UI'I'('1I wlll'1l a splintel,t'(1 10-
to Ihe l'lIIlel'grouml D£'lmrtnl('nl nfll'r t i 111('", foot ('ro"S:lrm hrokt" and struck him
spending two y('ars :II' a radio O]l('r;I' on hill hill'll 11:11; a 7:!()\I-\-olt I'ondul'-
Ih'other William \\'''inwr, who Ila!'
tor with th(' Army, III' 1I1)(,l1t nllllo"t a ~tQCklllan I at Chkago Xorth bf'. tor I'onlac((·d hili Ill-ek :lIld I(,fl shoul-
a y('ur in Plciku, Vietnam, Wl'iconw (I('r and ('xited lhl'(lugh hi~ righl foot.
fore ht' enter{-II the l'{'r\'iC't', W:LS kil1Nl
back, ,\tikl'! Brother Ed \':I1lCOmlK'I'nolil', jour-
in action in \'iE'lnam in FI'IJI'U:lI'Y,
Iw~'nHI1l, working:J. span away, rail to
T he l·loSl' of baskdlm[) l<('a!1011 hal< His hody wa~ I'eturne·d , :1I1d (h("
J ohn'i' ;tid, Ii(' drap:geu him from lhe
meant the :\n ll lllli tOUI'naml'nts, with funeral sen'lce was held on Fehruary
/(1':1.'0" ami \1'I'I'd fir!' and administer!'l!
a lot of JII"opll' /'ol1t'('l'nl'd h('causc ar("a :! lsL Brother Weimer was the first
mouth· to-mouth r('suscitation unlil
high schools a r(' ('omlleUll~ wh ile Vi('tnull1 ('asually fl'om our local. Our
John'~ hre:Ltlting was rl'stOl'ed, F.d
many people an' enjoying' coli('ge sinc!'re symlJathiplS to his helO\'ed will r('e(,lV(- the I R I~W l.ifl'-S:Lving
tOUl'1lume ll ts and ]Jrofl'~sional t£'aml!, wifll allli family.
Award, and I' m happy to ~ay J ohn is
Brothel' J oseph J allcki of O\'el" We are pleasell to welcome the fol- 011 the tall again,
head·Central Iws a urotll('l' who has lowing new members and wish them Commcndations arc in order for the
j ust COm l)leted his junior yen r as one many ~'eurs of acU\'e mcmbe l'shill: East :11111 South D ist r icts. Beeent

JOUR N AL fOR JUNE, 19 6 9

Life-Saver and Party Scenes

R,ti,.. , end I~.i. wiy •• who ,tt,nd,d the Annual 8"ff" Dinll'''' Youn", ~nd old .1I~. h.d A ..... 11 !im"
Dlnel on Aprit 25th, 100ft 10 righi, Ire 8.oth'H and Mn. Carl
Tulorff end B,olh .. Ind M,s. HMVIY Rob,rtl,

our arl"a to flll thr \'acancy I"fl I,y

Ml'lvin It Laird, who ;11:('{']lt(o(l till' al)-
IXlilltnll'nt IIf S'-"l'rH3ry of ')('f('III'1' in
tht' '\ixon C;I1)im't. 'I'h .. R('aL hUt< h('{'n
trnliitiormlly Iwld hy th(' H('puhli('UIlII.
Aft.'r th.· Ilrimary ('If'('tion, th.' rllce
wus IlI'lW1'f'1l J):II'(, Oh('y, a DI'rl1(l('r;lt·
it' Ass;'mhlym:ln, anrl \\,:illl'r .i(llm
('hil;«'n. :1 HellUhlil'an Stah' ~;'nut<)r.
Afl{'r lilSt"nilll{ to EXf'('UtiH \'icI'
I'rl'~illt'nl Ju(,'k"mo, of our ,tIl\('
AFL-('IO, ami mlllly olhN I"'<lple
who an> d('i'ply ("(Illcerlll'd with till'
way th(' httl., "ruy is incr~asinl!:l~' pay·
M.. , WilmA Stu..!, offic. m.n.q .. , 'iI".t.d ing th .. lion's shure of tax('._ ami ill
B.oth.. Ed VI .. Compl.noUI, member of .v.ryon.... hil. coll.ctinq tid'h, "('IIf'rally forlt"tll'll h)' the n)('11 W('
loul 14b4, K....... City. Mo. (1.1t). j. eh'ct 10 high uflkl'!J, it \Ias d''{'id!'(1 to
cr.dit,d with 'Iving th. lif. of B.other h('l!) II m:1II whn we thouJ:'ll\ would
John Menn, "'uring d.,~ 91u1II. Th. pic-
Visit C harl eston, gil'!' us tht' n'l)n'~ .. ntation w(' 1I1'('{1.
Aft.'r lonkinj! at lhe n'cords nf lilt'
lur. w . . I.~.n ,top one of th, ]50·1001, Invites Scribe Iw() candidllt,,~, IH' dedded that I)al'('
HS·I(V "vI"'''olliIl9 10wI'I. with Ih. 190·
m1!91"'ltt Hlwlhorn Iidion in tI.l b.d· I.. C. 1,;;3, ( IIAIII."::-;'I'O\, s.c. -At ObI'), was our mall.
Former \'jCt" I're"idl'nt liulll'rt II,
ground. our rl''''\Ilar !lIol1thlr 1l1.,l'ting, earrull
:'Ilarce, a long-tilll<' IlI('mlll'r "f (lur un- Il mnl'hn'), an d other Sl'eak(>r~ cnnw
ion, wa!" install!'.1 UN \'i.'!' Ilr(',~id('nt 1O
rOPE (iriwil 1'I'~\dl('cl in 100~" partic. fill the ullf':>:l'il'".1 I.'rlll of D. '\1. Congressman Ob e y
ipntiull in til(' East. :'Ibx WUf)'\'n, l"P' Stok.,s, \Vl' an' pil'a:-wd with 011 1' I':x·
j.:'istml', n·l)clI·t~ t hut tilt' dri\'{' is N'lItil'l' B Oil I'll's .i!'C"isi()1l to appoint Supporters
going :IS wf'll in th~ South. K{'('11 up Carroll, a I'ery l'II)lllhl., officer who
Im~ h('ld 'Ither ()m('.,~ in nUl' 1(1(";Ii.
t ht' good w/lrk • .\[U)(, I.a!!t >"I'nr. this
9~()'nlf'lnh"'r 11'\(':11 e(mtrihu\('(1 $8:; I to \\'ith Sllmnl('r \'n('at[01lS l)('ginninl-t
rO PE. So, if your sl{'wnrd ha.~ not. very t<OOIl, tIle Illall}, ril't'r" nlld !:Ikt's
contactf'd ),011, you oonlll('l him, I..<'l's surrounding Clmrkstun will 1>1' nt·
sUIlIXlrl tlw righl Iwoph' in lhl' right tractint::' our mrlllil('r" who ('njoy fit<h-
plar(', with COPF:, ing, hoatinl{, ami tl1l' lUanr nth('r oot·
door lIl)ort.~ which 3huund in our "city
Rl'oU'mh."r, JUr1(, 20th [,!II th(' day of by lilt' S<'a."
our lucnl's l'IN'lioll, SUIJI}(lrl wholll- To all I!lEW ml'ml!('l's 311(1 th('ir
.'n' r pm 1,II'aS(', hut g('l out :md \'ole. farnili(>l'l who (>xlH'Ct to ht'ud !<Quth fur
A larg(' ('fllwd atll'nd{'(1 our Annual summer \'a.'atiuns, WI' ,'xh'nd an inl'i·
Buff.,t Dillll('r-lIan('{', ht'ld in honor of tation to I'i"it in ('harl('~t'lII. one flf
our aJlpn'nti('.,~ alld rHir('('iI in tht' Am('rica's mo!'t hi~lflric Citi('lI, and \'1\,
Armor), in Knll~m! Cit~', Knn!<as, on joy some real southern ho~pilalitr,
April 2;)th, p, J, CO~IM," JR., F.S. M.mb". of local 1791, w .. u•• u, Wi.c ..
....... mon9 Ih. 1,000 pe'$O~$ ...1.0 .".nd.d
Among til(' JnI('sts 1\('1'(' Broth('r
Han'('y Itohnts, who I'('li,'ctl in 1!J,-,7, .. , .. limon,.1 din".r in Wau.all ;~ $UPporl
of D..... Ob.y, ... ho ...... 10 b.eom. the IUC'
und hill lI'if!', and ilrothl'r ('111'1 T !'!;· Help Candidates canful Oemoe .. 'ic candid at. fo, Conq"u,
torlT. who ],,'li1'('I1 in Jun." !!J~,8, and
his will'. It'/! good to ."!'(' old friends W ho Help You l .ft to ,iqhl, ... Conq,euman D..... id Ob.y,
Run.1I Sou\ up, eno Phillip Thomplon, P, .. i.
1.. 1'. 1791. W,-\l'S,\ l'. W IS(', Of de,,', Local I 19t; fo,m .. Vice P,..
speeial iml)OrtaIlC(' ttl all A!lIt'riClln! Hubert H, Humph..y: .. nd Ern,,1 Me,vin,
wall the ('I('clioll of Congressmall in l oul 119t E.ecuti"'e Bo~,d ,


lo Wausau, Wi s<:on~in, on Dave's bc- Annual Banquet In Novo Scotia
half for a testimonial dinncr _ Local
li9! sent nine reprcsentativcs to
~ho\\' ou r SUJlI)Orl- llu ssel1 SOUkU1I,
Erncst ;\Iarvtn, both memlwrs of thc
Executi\'c Board; Ralph iIIurko\\"l<ki,
Eugel1f' Kn'ms)'eitl'r, 1)011:1111 Oclke,
Eugelle GrilL Jack AshcnlJrook. AI
;\Iarx, LOII'I'II ;\Iartill, and PhiliJl
Tholll])501l, Pl'esident of I.OC1)1 I i!,\,
Th e Ilro!:,ram wail \'Crr interesting
and inform1uin', 11>1 ;\11', lIu ml'hn'Y
went into many details about IJI'Q-
b'Tams hc \\'a~ IIl'J'sormlly in\'ol\'ed in,
About 1.000 persons w,'!"e in 1lllend-
anec, "Hed" ,\!arvin and othcl' mem-
--- -"~
On No~ .. mbet16, 19b8, Local 1867, Millon, No~. Scoti" held it. Annu~l Banquet in
lIers of our local helll(,d distri1!uh' lit- 110.. legion H~II
in li~ .. rpool, N.S, A tOdl1 beef dinner, cateted by the Ladiel Au.ili~ry ,
eraturc fOl' [)ll\'C in thc closing liars Br,nc~ 38 01 the C~nddi.n legion, .... " • fin. lueC"'. Sho .. ~ he' .. " Ih e ~ead I.. ble, le ll
of the clunpaigll, 10 tighl: MfI_ Cia tie W ebbet: William Crowell, Concilialion Officet, Nova Scotia Depart-
Whcn all the \'ot('s II'('I'C cast :LI!d ment of labout; M.. , Ard en hereth: Butlyn Hidle, Pta,id en!, Loc .. 1 18b7: >Io rden Evetelh,
finally coun ted, Da\'e Obcy was the Vice Pte,ident, Loc~1 18b7: CI.tie .. , Oil/tid Vice Prelident, Nova Scotia Fedetdlion
winner, making him the fir~t Demo- of labour: M.. , William Cto,,",II: .nd Mayot Ft.n \; Ttainot of Liverpool.
cratic COI1,!{I'essm:lll from tht· ilh ('on-
greSl<ional District in 11 ('('ntury, I) u)'-
, ing thc counting of til{' \'otes, Ihel'e
were t imcs ",lwl1 the mal'gin was vcry
l<1im_ Il e('rtailll~' nla(lf' a IWI'SOIl real-
I, ize thl' imIIOl't1Ilr('(' of a sinJod(' \'01(', I f
we all 1'l'm('llIhel'cd thaL single voL!',

I1 WI.' could (,led mon' ll1t'11 like Da\'e

Of intl'l'\'ilt to :111 Ill-others lind Sis-
tcrs of Local I i()] ill the fad that our
I local has htarted prl'-Iwgotiations
with the coml':lllr ill the hOlies of
ironing out all smull I)robll'lll~ bt:'fore
OUI' I"t'KuJar Iwgotililions l)(',!{in_ " 'e
hOl>C that this yl'lir WI.' will arri\"(' at
a ('ontm{'\ that will h(' l'tluilahlc for
all conC('I')l('d. If anyolw h:18 idcas Pte,ident Hirtle .ho pte, .. nted .. tie pin During the .. v.ninq, P,.,ident Butlyn Hidl.
that may h('lwlit our cOlltmd, I)lease 10 l ..... tenc ..
Whynol , .... ho teti .. d .ltet 21 (1.111 ptnent.d .. tie pin 10 Brothet D.ttel
hrillj;!' thl:'m to the next union 1II('('\ing_ ye"$ '$ ,t.tion a"end~nl on tha Me'$ey V.inot, .... ho telired .fter 2b YUt$ .. , ope .. ·
Sy.tem for No~ .. Scoli~ Po .... et Commillion, lor a l Ihl Harmony plent of the Nov.
HlSSt:l.L C_ SUI'I\11I', P.8,
Seoti. Po .... et Commi«ion,

gather~d uscd-wearahl<- clothing frOIl! Two IIl'\\' IIl('IlI!.Morl<, Jan(> Burford

Contract Time Jh'ading plant employees, T hc aclual and BiJriJlIm Fick, ha\'(' 1)('(>11 added to
distribution was handled hy th(' I-:OC, th(-' H!J('('ial Hen'ices C:ommiUei',
Near for 1898 Over 5;)U childl-c!l of Local 18~)8 \\'ho~(' purpos(' wa~ llrOMlencd, reCt'nt-
L U. 1898, LA I IIW I.I IA LI':, I 'A .- AI:'- members took part In out' I'nnll;ll I~', unde-r the dit'cction 0f l'n'sidl:'nt
cordi ng to .\Irs. (;'--'rl!'udc Il oward of ]~a,~tel' I';gg !lunt , at Ikt'nhart's Dum, J'asqu:d(' Gino, '1'1)(' ::;8 Committee is
Rcading's Jo:OC, our rc,'I'nt (>lothing on Good Fridav_ r.xcelll'nt wealll('t' CXllCCtl'tI to han(ti(' most IIr the <ida ill<
dri\'c \\'a~ ('\'1'1\ mol',' sucl'('slIful than 1\1111 a hard-working committe(' t(,:lII1('d of til(' IllI.':lI's social ('\'ents _and spcdal
last YI'ar's which IM'lIclil('(1 O\'l't' GO up to make thc hunt a "\\'inl!el-," A I'l-oj\'ets, i'rcs('ntly, 01(' offic(>t's and
Rel'ks CQUl\t~' f1Imili('s. l<jlt.'Cial thanks must I", metcd out to ~t(-'wards are (toullling anti ('(u'rying
t;ndl'r thl' t\il'('elion of Chairman OUI' tra(litiorml hunn~', lI {'nril-Ua out tllt'sc (tutil's, alon!:, with t heir
Janc BUl'fonl. the thl'l'{!-w(,(>k dri\'e FI"t.-eman. Ill-('~(-'nt ()ne,~.

Clothing Drive, Egg Hunt Sce ne s

L '
Loc~1 1898', J ane Burfotd (tiq~t) ... plain' Th e.. 'Cine! ,ho .... t~ e ~~ppy childt.n and t~ .j t pa tenh at Ih. Annual Egg Hunl, held by
t ~ 1I tacant clothinq dt iva', ptoqrell 10 M,,_ Local 1898, leut.ld . I., Pa,
G.. rttud e Howard, EOC, R.. dinq, Pa .


Than ks to th(' united pow('r of Sys- staff, 011 )IIII'('h ,th and 8th, It wag II
tt'1ll Council E;\I -3, WE enlJ)loyees uniclue , 1"t'II'ur<l(ng, and I'ducat iona l
Retiree Sinnock
nre now on thl' wily to cntching' up experience for our loeul's ofllet'I'.... li B
with ot her mllnu fucturing workl'l''; weI! a s for tho!',' of otll('r locnl!! in the
throu~hout th ... country, It has ~n II DuytOll, Ohio, url'n,
long uphill ballh' to make ")Ia Bt'll" During tIll' two·day <;t'~~ion. I nln-
I'('alil,(! that cl'ntl'Ul bargaining waK national Ht'I)rt'''I'ntati\e H. (:, \\'il·
1I0t II I)''lssing flilley in the h~arts uf UUlII!'On, al'~i"t'·II lW Intt·rnntimlal
mor(' th11ll ,n,4)4HI IHEW-I'('pn'~,'nt('d HI'JlM',;('nlnlill'" Gonion L. Rrny lan,1
workt'rJ' of th,' 13 lo('ul ulliolls cum- Paul J. Win,·, 1''l:IIO~''IIII'' In Ih,' "a~ie
prising EM·3, detail" nf th(· _.trul·lur,' :111,1 fU'lI"li"n"l
Bnl'gaininK un thl' Itl~ul i!lsu('!1 will or tht' I RJo:\\'; inf"rmalion :11111 klwwl-
1)(' ill >'l's~i,)I1 "'>1m, This will prohal,ly t'flJI'I' "n III\' ha"il' polil'i"" "r tilt'
II(' OIl(' of tl1(' ruuglwst Ilt'gutialluw' IR EW; and II ... man~· )'(''1uirl'm,·nl:i
('v('r eXIII'rit'IlI'('(1 III th... R"ading uf fedeml. ~tal'>, :Inti l'I(,'a[ 111\\">4 whidl
Illnnt, It is IIlltlu~t II !lur... thing thllt n'j..'1ltu((' thl· ('"udl!!'!" IIf tl\(' lal~lr un·
local Illllnal[,'tII('nt \\'ill I,., uyinJl' that ion", The~t· twn 11:1\·' Wel'l" 1\"1'11 1\1>)"111
In' "got nil thnt \\,11,. anlil:lh[I'" from
thl' \\'n~hinKt!ln tlll[..", We I'xpn's~ mlr O;lnCI'r,· allllr('ein-
I;; Ih"I'1" 011(' IWI',."n out of our tion to \ 'il'l' i' ... ·~ill"'lt II, B, Blank"I1- Brot~ e r Georg' Sinnod, member 01 lo~.1
ov,'r-t,'ifill ml'mlll"'!1 who can't ci t" shill ffll' jlr/lvi. Ii,lg thi,; 0p]lortunity 2034, Winnipeg, Men" retire d ra~anjly, He
som(' 'If til(' \''(i~UnK IOooph(lI,'s uno! :lnd al st) 0\1 1· thJlllks to til(' Int,'nUl work e d for M"nitob. Hydro lor 45 yun,
i'U'(luitit'!I thll l I'xist in our prC~(')lt tiona! oOk(1I'~ for a joh 1\'1'11 dUllt' , WI'
eon t rat't? 1[ ()wI'\ "I', II,t' ... Il('ar O' H' illl- urge al1 otJk"rll and B)·,)llwn< nf Utlll'l' fatht'r wa~ n (" PH machini~L Aftl'r
port;lnt fad in min d, Th(' Balxaining local union ... t() attl'ml th(>~,· !«'''SiU!lK fi\"e Yl'UI·" of "lInllr making :It !,au tin
(·omlllit\('i.' l'llIlnul ('lre(' thl" company wht'li Ilwy III'" l'ol1(lm'tl'tl in your (:hamhl'r~ , Gt'nrgl", l'till :;ingll" W(',ll
to ('011('('(1(' ""ylhi"", Wh('11 tht'), Sllr area, on to work at \'lIrious jobs SUdl as
thai's tht' final fllrl'r. that's it, Our "nkerll "njl)~'l'fl di!«'ussillg im- harvt'~ting lIi1,1 hiit' construction work
At thl" rlltllklitillll l11l't,tinl{, th(> I)()rtnllt suhj ....·ts with the n·pr('~{'nt:l­ in thl' northern l;lalt's,
('o nllnitl«' will ('l(]llnin lhl' ('o'"l1anY'1I live" of oth.'r IHEW lonals, T hnst' in Helurning- tn Winnil)Cg-. Ill' worked
otft'r, but it cun't ('list you r \'otl' to attendane., I\TrI': I.ero~' 1.000ht.,rl"lIl, on the (.'on!<ll"ul'lion of tht, Lat' d u
:I(:(~'])t 0 1' n'j,·('t tilt' (llrl'r, If you t hink I.o<:al 39:!, G)'t'I',willl'; I:Q~- ~ h'('luI'I'. IIl1nnH·Tl'!Il1s,·ona line ill th,' su nU lll'r
it is a good t'olltrnd. vote 10 accept. Local 648, Ilu milloll; Allen Knlll'n- of H.t:!:J, Latr'l" that year, h(' joined
If you think it ill hicking'. rt'je('l it, Imeh. Local 1;,2" 1);lyl,Pn; Hu~s 1,lInt' W.;('O :IS a c1eant'r at Greal r:lI1~.
Tht' choi('(> ill )'OUrll, not th(> commit· and lIu rr)' Trn,·is. Local 82, nn)"lfJn; anti II·ent IJrf)~rl'\"ely to g'at('nlan.
t('("s, not thl" N)I)llmn)"l', 1I0t the union W illiam Frary and Jot' B\'II. 1..01."111 tioorman. wh('('lman, relief opt'rator,
onkt'r's, 1266, Da~'ton. n()~l'r Argahright nlld operator,
Closing thought: It is a bad pra('· (President), ltalph Ila nf'Y, Earnwl The Sjrlllock~ have been bus.)' land-
ti('(' II) argu,' with a fool; n 1H.'rSOn St'II, Shdi:l I.u tl. I,ueill" KI'lHWdr. lK'lIping th('ir rf'tirl'tnt'nt hOl1l1' 1111
listo:ninK cannot tt'll who's who, Hnlle Knr,whm, I.u tht'r AII]J k, :mll 1\;ll('rfront I"'ol){'rt~· north of Grl'ut
(,;I.Mu:_"n, "C,\I." ~~,\l nlll 'lI, P,S, Henry \r ills t·"I'I'ps!'nted LOI'III I!)'i'j, Falls, G(,O I"K(' is illtcl't'sH'd in u va l'it'·
Ill ~a;n Am;\ IUIIt:IlT, P.X, tr or spo r ts. IJurticularly hadntinlon
for which t hl' Gr ... a t Falls (ommunity
local 1977 Officers (,Iub has won 1110' Sulker Trollhy so
mun\' lime!!' that it i~ no\\' tht'rt' 1)('1"
Attend Train ing Session W inni peg Me mber mun~ntly,
Tht' Sinll()('k~ have 011(' Mn , War-
L.U, 19;;, '1' 11 ' 1' CITY, 0 111 0 Al- Retires ren. al~o on the :sta ir at Grf'at Falls,
though Loc!! I I U'j'i hal< lIen'r tuken
Ill!' oppo rtu nity o( ~~'IH li ng an lu 'tklt' I"U. 2031, \ , 1:\ :'\ 11'1-:(;, :\IA;-" , - and two gr;lIldchiltll'('n,
t..o "Local LiIH'S," 11'1' now 1'I'1l0rl Brother Georgr' Sintl (wk , who ~ 1I('lIt \;, W e wish Ih t' Sinnocks the Q('st of
about till' j,t' a<i!'I'Nhip Tnl.ining S('~­ YC:.Jl·S Il' ith )Iunitoha Jt ydl'll, 1'('LiI,,'d ht'al tll all tl huppillcss for the future,
sion, comlut'ted by I ntl-'I'national IkJ!' 1'L'C('nUy, I-I is fllmil~' came fl·tlm Eng· W. It GIl.\n:l" n,M.
1'('S('nta tives of tilt' Foul'lh Uislrid land ami scul!''' in WeH \on , wh('I·" his

Leadership Training Session

Memb... of Loul 1'171, T;pp Cily,, .. ho .ttended Ih. 1",o,

d.y lud... I. ip Tr.inin<J Seuion on Merch 7Ih .nd 81h, .ul, d ,
r,1t 10 ' ;<JIII. ... H op. Kern. hm. Sheli, luh, lucille Kenne dy,
SI.nding: R, lph Herv ey. Eer", e! 5.11, Henry W ilt., lulher Apple,
Roglr Ar<J.bri<Jhl, Pr e.iden!.


c('nl~ 11(' 1' hour ror tlw fil" st yCII I' of
Picket Line in Syracu se t ht' ('01l1l"1ICl. life at 82
fJH'('Itti,'1' lIJt1 f/('~' 18 C('lIlII pl'r hOUr,
elTccliw Alll'il L:j, 1!lti!l; II; C{'ntll I)el'
hour. eITI'("th'(' April I, Ulj(); ](; c('nlll
11('1' hou I', I'ffccti"e A 1'l"il I, I !)71.
'\";.11111- ... 11;(1 /,,', mill/ll III I~'r c('nt
ror all night·shifl ('mp]np'l"Il,
C ..... I "/ li.·illy --OIl\' l)(lint in('J"{'a~"
on BLS h llll's I"quals 0111' ('1'lll with ;1
fi\"I'-('('Ilt cl'ilinK 111'1' ~'(':I]' on ~'C(lild
alill third Y"al'S uf l·uII11":Il't.
I ·ucll/;"I/ ... · tWIl w.','k" f!lt· IWIl
Y"al"" or tll,,·dc,'. ('IT"dl\(' ill 1(17t1; fln'
Thes. $cenel ,ho .. momb... of loc.1 20B~,
'n'l'ks fill" :{U pears uf ~(·n-il·l" . .-IT('('·
Syrecu •• , N.Y., on their pid,t lin. durin,:!
t il"l' ill L!)";U.
their 1;.·..e. 1 stri ~ •. $ •• tlln hundrod m.m·
l 'j·~till!1 I:, y.'anl of ~'·I"\"it:I'. )'(,'
be .. " I''' On ,"
W\l'III('s~ of (lgI'.
If"~llIllIli;lI/i"1I ;<lIrgit-nl ~1-"!il,tlulo·
S:,Otl: m:l1l'l"tlitr liClldils, $ 1110; '\ - I":t~'
(lml lah :L110\\":llIl'I', $.-,\1, 'I'll\' 1'(lll1pnIlY Th/'IT .'1'111' ... II).!". ,I (I'-I'ph
will pH~' sa.otl It'sH lilan till' !l\"l"nlg'('
rut!' f,»)' a ~('1l\i'!ll'i\"ult, I"UUIIl fOl' It
1.11 Il).!', 11I1 'llIlwl' 1)1"
/'1'1 il'I" I

da.\"~, 1\1 iH("'llalll'olis ill .ll(lH I)ital ('hu I'g,,~ 1."1'111 :1. Xl'\\" rllrk ( 'il.I'. \lui,,'
l'Olt'I"S up In 111 lillll'~ room .. llOII'IIII{·" 111' lilli' IIIOI'l l itl)! :111fl ...;li,\ 10
(Ittl dil;.'s maximum). his '":\ In\tl1. I lltitik I ('1111
I\i['" ,
/I,,fitl!!y ...· illrr('llij('d from I,ig!il 111[1 tlnlwl· ...
tlay s l O 10 II:I~'~: ('lrN'li\'(' in I!H;!), .\1 ,lwI tiIIH'. B rothl']' I.nll!!
111l('-hulf da~' olf bdore ('hl"il<lllla.~ Hnd
(J lj('·hulf Ilay off hdo ... ' r\1'W Y('a l" s: lUI"; ":! Y"1I1"S old. :)J)d :11,
!.'ff('Ctin' in tIll' ~I'I'(!lu l yenr, a Wth litougil ,!:tllt·ill).! lUI ... hi~ hobby
De te rm ina ti on Pays Off huliduy (('IlI]110Yl'l"S I,jl'thday). Im,l lit' 111111 b"('11 11 P]·IZI'.11111·
('nil!ll .~h" ,) -ha~ lieI'll nmd(' :t ('tlll- lIillt! wallzPl' ill X('II' Yurko III'
For Local 2084 dition of (·mpioYllwlLt. IUIII 1it'11'I' 11"il'd lap ,la]wil1g-,
OI"t'I'liml" heltl'r 1:tllj.:llage fot· 1{ 1'ltlhl'l" I .a].!! IOllk 111]'1'"
I.. l ·. 208 1. S YIC .\ CI'S E. X. Y,- \\.('
(·qua1i:r.alion of ol'crlim(',
haw' WOII th(' strikl'! \\'(' ha\"(' 111'01'1'11 \t· .....;OIl"HII,I ,IN·illl·d 11m! lap
that w(' had the clrtl·rmination to hol d f' l"olnliQ)I--i;on1mct is hinding on
dnllc'iul! 1\()]Ild I", Iii..; Il('\\"
off until ~i\'rll a lI"I'('nl ofTrr. OUI' 1I1U' - _~uee('S!lOI'S or a!llligll('es.
l'l1[,h.I·. Ill" (\1'I·i ... ioll I"d hilll \0
r ifi et's h:l\"(' II{'('n I'f'ry fruilfuL TIll' ,'-,"'lIiol"llll /ml/ljJillll "i,qh/!I--('m IJlo)'-
wal;"l"' ofT(,I' whil'h II'all r('j('tl(,ll on ('('s who hal'!.' !jl'\ell or more yearll will l i(·ltI1·.\-, III lilt' II!!I' (If ,0.:'-' . :1"
F c!lI'u,II'Y 2~J'd hall I)('('n ill(,I'(';III('1I IW ha \"e 1)lant·wi(l (' l,uml'ing I'ights in t·11:I1I1pllll1 1:11' dllIH'I'I' ,11 1 l Id
S832.00 in till' oITI'1" w(' :I('('('111I'd. III the e\"(>llt of larolf. I I(\lIIt· \\""I,k, 111,/ (1 :11 Hall-
addition to Ihl' gl'l1('1'1I l w a gl' i l\ ('r('n~(', (;,·i/·\·/tIlCC l"'QccdIIlT-I)('Uer cOli· dlllpli 1':11'1; ill ' r'II"~()II, ,\)·i·
ihis olT('r ha s mallY o l h('I' lI u hsta nli1l1 tl'uet Ili liguagc.
gains a!l comlmn'd to tholl(' of th e i'II IHI, 111111,'/' t ltt· <lHsl,i ,· p..; of
A~ai n WI' want to thank the Nego·
F (,hruary-23nl olTc l". thl' ' I'W''';OII ('it ,I' 1':11"];..; 111111
tia liug" COlllmitl('C which ('Oll~iste d of
Thl's(' imlll'o"(' llwnt!l illl'ltll[(': a I)('t· I~ II~' l\\('l1cmH. l 'I't)~i(ll'I)t; ,Jack NOI"- Ikl' l·t'OIlitHl I kpIIl" l ltll'l1t. II,'
tCI' rost ·of · !h'i llg <;1 11\1>'(': 11 1)('t\N' \"a·
llIoylt" EX\'(' ut il'c Bonrd ('hail'llIan; \\'u ll llll i on' I' :!.! uthl'I' ('0111 '
cation Ill'ognlnl: 10 paid hl/lillny!!;
upg-ra lling of ('ig h t jull 111'scriptioll!!;
A! FaJ so, I';x!'c uti w' 1l 1!ll1'd \ll(>IllI"-,I'; [11"1 i I (l1·S.
Ja t'k McDonald. ('hid St<'w:J l"d: Il ol> \il'\ 'II
bettcr hOSllitali:wtion I'ov('ntgl'; n 1\1 ,I nst '[llt I. OIll!! lilis ;t
V:I!IJ) Cl"watt'l", Chi('f St('w(lnl; and
p{'r cent ~hi ft 111"t'rnlUIll for all night-
KI'I! Clark, Chief Sl('w:Ll'd. ]"t, ..ddl ·111 ,.1' T III'~'111 1'(11' I f\
s hift wOI'ker!!: hettl'r allowHl\c(,~ for .1"1':11'''. II I' !!l"l'Il' U[I i l l \"('1\'
,;kilh'cI jobs; ll1ail\laine l" ~ o r th(' "gap " JOlll'> NtH!'!(J YI ,.:, 1'.8,
fo r in('entive work('l' s,
rod, ( 'il.I', IH' \\"1)1"1.:1'(1
Illl t'I'I'
Our Ncgotiating Commiltee slurb'tl ull1i1 111~ 1",'lil'I'II1('1I1 ill 1!t.-IO.
to prcparc for thi!! cont nlel ill Se[)-
temil('I', 19G8. T h(' ('Olilmittl'l' nll'lIIll(' I'1!
life-Saving Awards lt l 1!f::!I. IH' 111'1[11,11 Ill)',· \" Be
f1 :tdiu I 'il.'" ill X("II \',,!"i;.
!<I)Cnt many I'w'ning" houl's h ll rning
lh{' lIIi dn ight oil at lhi l! task I)('fol"(,
('lIlIlillllld 1,.,/111 W"II I"!) .1111' j" 11 ,,It·l1d'·I". lIi1"Y man
they met \\'ith tlw cOlIIl'uny on JUIIII- Oil Ihl' !-!TI/III111. .\ t!1·l/ ...... Ii 1'1' l!lId II hll i ... (l1"11'1l lIIi"I:1I\('1I 10 h(' II
ary Ii, 1!lIi!l. T heil' nwcting ll with 1h(' IIIUII ill hi ... l'lIt·I.I· 71k II I' Iw~
"llIl'\(,d ul 1\1t' hllll "I' 1iH' p"II'. r1l11
COlllJlanr involved nHIIl~' hourI! :ITul k"[ll lIl'111't' :lIld 111':11111.\' . • \
( 'II/)lllI'l"Iwlft, I"'~n l l 1II11Ulh 11I1II(lullt
manr days- 17 111IYS l)('tWI'NI January lil'lII h,'lit'I"I' ill ' ·:\I·I·(, i",. .11)('
Ii , 191;!) and Alll"il 1(1. I!}/ifl. 'l'h(-'il' all- 1·I'su ... eilalloll. \Ihit·h 1111" ('ollliIlHl'11
lin" 1'I'I:tirlt',J IIII' ...:1111t' \l1·i)!ht
• out cfforts hal'(' 1'('lt:Linl~' 111'0\"1'11 1111111 :\ 1:1/1/) hqt:lrl h/', 'uthil\l.! 1"1';.:11-
wo rt hwhile, a nd th('ir II'adl'l'tlhiJ! ahili- 1:11'1.1'. It w:)" //"I·('''''lIl·.I- 10 111011' fill" tIll' I"I"1 70 .n':lI·~.
ticS ;II'C lo h.., ("onllnl' nti ('(1. ,\11IllII "III II!" 1111' [Inth "j" lhl' li/'"
"' I "I:I)"II'd 111)1"1; ill ),!" 11111'11 I
1'111' hig-hlighl!< of llll' II('\\' I'flntnwl \I":I~ .ill~t I:! .I"lI l ·~ 111,\." la'
Ih"I'I' din'I 'I'I 'ul li/l)I'" dlll'illg 1"(",,"Ill'
a rc: t/ui/'II'"r/'- "'''fl''~- ::!:! .'(·nl.~ 111."1" "OIid '" I ,f"lil'"!",,,f IWllt·)·" 1'01"
hour. ('ITe(' ti\"(' AI'l"il \:J, I!)/;!j; :.!Il lIIWI·:)li(lIl~.
cen ls 1)(>1' hour, pfr" I·t i\',· AJlI"iI I,
1:1 .1"1':11'''. :ilIt! d\ll"ill~ 111<1 1
H I'othl'l" \ ':III ( 'IltIl I H'I'lIPlit' i!-i Ih,'
l~iO; 20 crlll~ jl("1' hour, .-. fff'ctiv!' lillll ·. I IIli~~,'d .)11"1 11111' day 01'
,,(,t' O/ Ie I 11\\"1\)"(1 Ili /III (,I" 1"1'(1/ 1/ 1,1 11 '11 1
April 1. \!)7 1. I. UIoOI· gl'lI(l l's olle \\orlc" [{mll"'I' I.IIIIJ.! ~till
thro u gh four I"eceive ;Ill ;Iddition a l 15 IIIII \(~ \\\1/ ,11'\111'('.' rlli 11'" ('I'l' r.I'
<1 11.1',
Prayer for Ollr Deceased lJfembers
Ol/f F"lh, r, whll ",.. iu If,",,/ II. 0",1 '"11 .• ( III'III/un 11'11.,_.,
,,/"fll" 11111/1(, 111'. li,././' I"f"". IIl,d who '~/)(ll t
'"(il" Ij,·(.~ h"/lomlll'llllId hl/mMy (1/1 I"j.~ Ellrlh 111/111 {II/II "I',n
,fl,'1I1I1 IIII,'/Ii"", witlt l'o,l. (:rlllli !'flll/-
fllrl (lnd (!id III flII'\'1 /1'(1/ "f'fnhillllllll" wilo 111111/1'/1 lIHif ,/llIl"Iy.III/III"'1I1 U/'l,filll',. 1111" ,...·i.~lcr_~. willh(,..~,
fill hers, ('IIi/l/nll.
( "/'filii 11111/ WI flJl EliI'll, /i"1 "'II" lil'r.~ /11 '( fll'dilll/
.~I! IIw l fll/(' dill! WI'. /0". III"!! hi ,wifnl wilh wilh I 'vi/.
I~'tcnlfll /'I,~I ,/1'111111111101111111, 1.1/1'(1. . 111// II.

G(.'(IrJ,:"t! C'.lk· lhilll', L. I '. 1 Arth ur J . I..nif', Jr .. 1..1'. 130 l.A'\; 1) 1I 1I1I " il" 1..1 ', 1127
8"." O~lob,.,
'f. It!tl
)I., II"." " ....,,' 9, 19"11
, ,,,,,.,,d 0" .. />,. '9, /9·41
B, .... M., H, 1"!6
11. " 4 1 /0.. ".". ,.,,,,,,,, 21, '9~­
/) ,,..1 1),1',._1.,., '~6S l) j ... J ......., 10. '96' f)". J .. " .... ,y N, /969

Juhn 1'. ('u'llu'r, 1..11. I li enry)l. G eor~ f', 1.,1'. 3 12 Chil r lt''' B;l r ll .. " , 1.. 1' , 1II1
8",~ A'~ ~ ~ ., /', /Q//
/ H."."J /} ,.,,.... br' I. ,Qj'
B",,, J.,,~.r, III. '''16
/"j".". O ...,b~. 6. /U 4 1
/w",.". " ",,,,,
H, /9 4 !
I."" •• t /9, 'Q~9
1),,.<1/)1'1" ... ,,,.. " . " " i),~. J.~ ...... II. '9",
Cla renet' Eo lIull"",, ). I..l·, 1141
John /\ . GIl'a"l'tI. 1..1'. I .:1ias )1. S I'e n('(' r, 1..1'.342
ao", NtI.~ ... /t~.
I.", ..~J J .. ~
II, /'.6/'16
B"•• "".",, 1-,
I ~","". V"' .. _,,~.
",! /041 II.
I .."'.'nl S~~""'k' 16, IQ~I
I)". J ....... y 19. ,06'
I),~J J. .....'T 11. /'6'1 D". J_ur( 1J. 106' Lt'S!t' r 1.. l) ic k. 1•. 1' . 120-i
B.. ,", S~,,~ ... ,,~, '11. /oO!
AI lIuht-n!<Chmidt . 1.,1', 1 A lexa nd e r '!'O Un lt. 1.,1'.3:;3 I .. " ••.,.O",,/>.. H. /O~O
B" ... •I/ ~ J, /91J I), .." ,""u,," 10, 106'
w",."J U, '''0
,,~,,/ un 'ft, / "'"." • •\(.,. I, /9H
U"d 1"/o'U'T ,~, /06'1
/),~J I)r,~,"/>~, ~II, /96' O:ll t.' J. {,..nk, 1.. 1' . 124;,
He r man S h ' rIlJi"ld, L. l l, 380 II,,,,, O<ll,b~, 6, ,Qd6
Johll 0, )1iI1t'r. 1.. 11 , I B",~ ",.",It 10. "OJ I M",.uJ " 1'''' I. 19j1l
" " ~ " " ~" "J6 IJ«J J.n .." !~. /96'
tw" ••"d I"" '6, ,0"!'. ,glfl /"",.",, "' ~"'11. 19 4 ~
l)"J J."ur( ",. I P"
f),~J D,~~ ... h. Hohl' r t . ·rench. LX. 121:>
Josep h)1. lIi lthl. L.II. 46;, B" •• I)n~ ... I>~.:. /9JJ
\ 'i Of:l'ot M , ' lcI.t'lUl. 1.. 1', I f ~jlj.',J O<lu"" 6, I~" 1",' •• I,d "~"''' .'7 S, 106]
B"." S~,,,~_/>~. J, IOU v.~. I."" •• y '''69 J)"J J .." .... '7 Z·, IOd9
' w",.,.J M .«" 6, "16
:\ III<m J (' n1'.cn, 1..1 ' . 16,",
I),~J J.n ....' 2~, "6'1 lIarold X. Irun!<i tl.·..., Jr .. 1..1' , 12,1:>
I .. "i.'~. F~I>,u., 1 4 , /941 I""" M •• ~h !~, 1010
Willinm S plu,th, 1., 11, I f).~J J.""."
to6Q I ."".,.,J I)u ~",be. 10. I'}JO
/1 M " I).'<~ml.~, II, IHH4 l) 'oJ J .,, ~ ~,y 1'1. 19~,}
I,w,., .. J A .. ~ ... , 20. I~O'
Burton lI allli m llllCI. 1., 1', ,,01
8 ,,,,, "' ~"I J, IH~O
l )lrJ ,""u •• ~ H. 1969
I",,,.,,. N","",/,n 16. 1917
C li lfm'd K BI'i J.:lll, I.X. Il a!)
lJ"J J."u.y " 196'1
/j"", 1",/>. ...., III, 11106
B rUIIII Vl'rhulT. 1.. 11. I I",,, .... f .. b . .... , lQ~6
B",,, 0 ..,,1>•• 16. ''0' Lesl f' r H. Gray, 1.. 11. ,;:;8 l)"J f'/o'U'7 IR. 1969
I",,,.,,J A~ 1~, U 44
/),.J } ....... III. 196P
I .. ,,,.,,. J"",10. '94'
Tho m lll' J . Do no. an. L l ·. I ;,O~,
fJ'rd 1',1>,.... , /J. H6'
F. II. W a l so n, 1.. 1' , ;;,;8
,,,,,,.,,J 10.,.,. '0"
lIa rry /\ , \'oi ~l. 1..1', I I).~J
I ',b.u., llf. 106'
110'" 0,,,,"'" 11, IUO
1.. ,,,.,,. IJ~U ...l>r' /J, I'H
I"",.". F,I>,ur( " II,/942
I).~J F~I>'u.,/969 Huland A. G o ~~t'lin , I..t' . 1,,0:>
I),~d l)", ...
b.. 24, "611
G. S. II f·nl j·r. Sr.. 1..11. 61 :1 / .. " •• , ... ,\'", ....1>0/, lo6d
f),~. J."U'T Z I, 196'
Osear LN' Ly nch. 1,, 1' , 22 II."" 5'1'" .. ,10,. ,0041'.
/I",,, J"/r 11. '''U / "",""d N" ...... ",. , . 1041
f)u,,,,",, 2 I, Gt'flr!.! t' n. (;" " t'r, 1.. 1'. 1:;0,",
, .. ",."J ,\In',
IJ, •• J ....... ,
!~, /96'
f), ... 106'
I,,",.,~. ,1/., ,. /9J-
I)"d h6, .... , 2·. 106"
Ford F.. ) leCol l), 1..1 ', 697
. :mil n a n i l'l~on. 1.. 1 . 31
B .. , .. AI.orA 6. ,,0, I) a nif'l Jo'. " il cG ,lIl\ ra~. 1..1 '. 1:;0::.
s ..,. $",.... />.. /.. ",." • .s,~"",e.-. '. /946
v". 1",......, U,/U'
I, III·'
I .. ", .. ~. M •• ,It IJ. " "
'"",."J "'''''' 26, I9JO
1 ..1.......
V. ~J /J, /96'}
IJo,J 1_""7 !~, "60 D ean C. W l1I'alll'), L.. I ' . 702
lII.". .. " ..... " I •• ' ' ' I J anu's J , ' 1c\ 11j..ter. Lt'. 1;,0.;
.\l frl'd J ohll ~ "n . 1.. 1 ,3 1 I .. ",."" IJr ...... b .. 1-. IU- In",.". J"h ' . ,..,-
/I",,, "'".,,,,1>.. /J, ,,0/ /)". F~" ..... , II. "6' IJ.,J 1"~'N.rt '1. 1960
I .. ,,,.,,J 0.,,,,,... 4, '''JlI Jl l.' it1 1: LanJ,: I'. 1..1'. 71 3
IJ"'J N"'~"'''n !~, '968 8",,, JO, 1910
..,~ ... ,'
Willi a m J , 0'11<111111'11. 1..1', ].;0;;
In,,,.,~J " "("" ~7, 19J!
'\""111;' n I,;, r",m. 1.. 1I. :1 1 I",,;.u. O"ohr. 26. 196J
I)"J f.,b, .... , 11.1. ,060
/J,,,,, ,\I .,,1t 1/, 19" lJ"J J.",,~.y '''69
I"",." • .II., II, '9J(I El izabt'lh )1 ;li 1:ncr. 1..1 '. 71 3 )1 :II't i" 1', QniJ,:lt,). I..l' . \ ;,0:;
I)"J I),,,,,,,h. ,06&
1o""."J 0",,1>,. '0. /914 I"" ... ~J I",,. ... bn Z-. I",/J
I)"J J."u..-, 196' V, ... l ,b,u'7 !, '''69
1)"11:I1d H('i l'r loO n, I.. P . ;11
C let us (S IIt'Nll') G; ('I:I.I'II, 1..1 1. 1063 Uoh"rl T, S m ith, L,P. EiO;;
,,,,,,.,.'/),d. d,.,J.n"."
/I" ... J .. ", J. IUJ
....." J. I, '96'
194~ I .. ,..."d M .,. I, I~'· ' " ...., .. J " 1'''/ /, /9J7
l)"J 1" /" " .'7 ". 196' I)". J .."" • ., }O. 1'69


EWBA Death Claims Paid In March 1969
Loca l S urn a m l' Am o unt l.ocal S urn"m r ,\mo unt Loc: a l S urnam e Amo unt
l>ahlhflmer,A P. 1.000.00 270 1\ onchuln. KII. 1.000.00 1191 I.... ,'e. W. A. 1.000.00
Thomaon. C. M. 416.68 !!i6 i':"·NOw. w 1.000.00 1212 Cllllllldi, J A... 1.000.00
, Turnl'r. J A.... 1.000.00 292 BOI\'~ma. 1\ A. 1.000.00 12~9
ThoTpt. J. II 1.\100 (10

It. ( •.
Ah"IITn. J.
Grllham. II C.
Buller, n.
PRrkl. (' C.
i'it-rdomenic".X n.
II'. J.

,, l)M:fUr". II
I) .... ull>.K A...
A .. 1.000.00
332 fitld. II I).
Wrir. J II.
l"au. E. 11
hllnklin. J. J.

,, '"'"
lIab.· .. h, A G, .• 1.000.00 John~l.,n. II 1.000.11() 1,,47 EphnJr. M (' 7:-.0.-)\)
I\an .. , J \. 1,000.00 3~(l IIlmilt ... n. Il ~. 1.0//0.00 15H I'orler. (i II. l.t"~II~1

,, "OI'lb.. l. f C
:\(·""man. ,\I.
P ... nlblt·ton. J 1\.
Roth. \\" C.
I n. OJ)
I. O. (:!.it
liard)'. E. II ....
Klot%, II

,, I'''lt·r~t·u. (' (,.

St.·"art. J E.
\\cCun.·, J A
I. O. (H)
I. O. (2H.)
Collins. It A
,, 1',,;alrUI', N. O.
Tho"'ll~nn. (i. C.
1.000.00 37~1
\\ellht'itt. I. J.
I",,'elle. 11 II.
I. O. (2711)
I. O. 1311)
An.ll'",oll, II II.
lIunn. n ("
I ,f1(1(1.t~\

, Urad). J.P.
It")no1tI~. (i. W.
3,. Lindoe)'. 't,
!'Ior)'. T. 11
I. O. (3~0)
1. O. (352)
ltieh .. rth"n,l). ~;.
(·antrt'll. L.
';,, I{lId!l"... r •• W C.•
SL)·I .... E, t:.
Cllml,b~II, J I'.
Jonutn. T.
I.UC"'W. (;.
I. O. 135~)
I. O. Pi!'1
Ash"'orth. I
('oleman. (' Y
" .. TrOW. II' I. O. (filii) l'iU,,'ood. t:. I). I.lHlU.OU
,,000.00 t:!S ~ld'Rriln. <' I.. . 1.000.00
"" 1tuu"lL. C' I' .,

I. O. (753) (·hriSlt'nIQn. ('. I:. 1.()tHI.()U
' l inton, Ii. W . . . 1.000.00 429 Jlrplnl, C' S. ... 1.000.410
Fondlll),. N. 1.000.00
I. O. (7;;10 LacrOIX. r. II I,(}(HUKI
Stlll.l"toll. I), J .. 1.000.00
I. O. "Wi) /'011111'1"11, U. M !.IH~l.Utl
II l',ul'l. E. II ... 1.000.00 llann. II. I.. .... 1.000.00
I. O. (911) l)"bl'lI('h'uillt',II.
20 niGHe. n, C . ..• 1.000.00 41:-, O,lnll. E. (' 1.000.00
~5 "r"nenn;, I'. F . . 1.1)(10.00 461) lIowll')', J J.... 1.000,00 I. O. (:111) SCRrr. 1'. t:, 1.0000UH)
~5 It .. "' .... A. • ..• 1.000.00 4fi7 I)umonti. I' 1.(100,0(1 I. O. (!ISH T .. mpil'n. (;. II 1,11(141.110
Alll'n, W P.••• (ia)(e." ~'. I,(lOO,(I() I. O. (1011) l\!a1urkillwiel, M. A l.mHI.M
Uu""dk ~:.
,llIhn~()II. A C, .•
1.000.00 '"
'"' (;"rdnt'r. '1. II..
Sulii'''". J. '1'.
1,000,00 I. O.
I. O.
(1:! I"1 lI~cr. A. l.nOIl.1)O

P"fr. T F..... .
WellCt'rt. A. n .. .
l!Bnk •• I.. n.
I. O. (1:177)
1. O. (1:1111 1
{'I.-:ar. It. II.
"ny. F. J,
~elson. I., A
:':11 S"uth. It. II' ... . 1.000.00 4114 ('hrial''', J ~1. 1.000.00 I. O. (1107) ('Hld",,,II, I. X 1.000.00
li:Rml~ •. E. I'

Sec. A E.
Slcnnlnlt, Jr., n.
FUnll ... bl'rl(. S.
Itichm""d. II E.
I)"lf, \'. \\".
I'ells. (I)
Pells. (II
('lArk. It T.
<7 .JurkRou, W. A. 1.000,00 ['20 ~, " •. i " go. I'. A. .. 1.000.00 P"ns. (21 You "I\'. C. \".
1,000.00 r,211 \J eu ]"l"r ..1. E... 1.0(l().00 Pens. (~) Arch.-:r .. I r .. .t. W. 1.001\.00
WIll(tlcr. W. F ••
H('dinlCl'r. G. H..
Sykt'", F. ' I .
(;Olld"r, F. M. ••
FAin'!, II ~: ...
Wlluon, F U.
!' rn~.
Penft. (3)
Ilrown. ('.
i)uke. II'.
El5e"bllsl.Jr .. J F.
I,enihnll. J. J, .. 1.000.00 "fi8 (1)
r,;; t'nJ;::le. 11, C..... 1.000.00 Sm'l \\'lIrnil. I., E. I.Q/Hl.OO I'rh~. (3) (;nrn\'l'otll, A 1.00\1"\.IHI
1,000.00 ii!!1 Wilkin8. 11', J 1,000.00
1I1Ilu ...., J.
mCRin'. ~1. O.
~' lId)on"h!. J.P.
59" Kurt ••1. II
Knufm"". 11. S.
!'ens. (31
!'ens. (31
(;undeuon, (i . . .
\;unther. (;. N.
I.noo (It"l

'" Ptnll. (3) 1I,:>I'p~. t:. O .••• 1.000.00

;)S Switz., •. C. D. 1,000.00 1;11 Kimbl<". ~'. 1.0(lO.Q() I'cns. (~) K"hl. w. ~: ..... 1.000.00
60 (·"ok. T I. . . . 1,000.00 lil l lIc1ntyrc. 'I. I'. 1.00It"HlO n.
L"""i", II. " . . . .
1101. (' I.. . .. .
nark. (" II . . . .
637 Coo II. J 11'.
('unllinghllm. W.
"I'Wlln,,)te,,· ... O t:.
J'l'n~. (:II
Pens. (:II
I'"ns. (3)
I.t-Hle r . W.
\lcFRrlnntl. I;, W.
"dollu):hHn. J. J.
,Ii SlIut ... r. J. II ... . 1,000.00 6~fi (:II]lIIlIn. T !.; 1.000.00 I'en~. (3) Mt'rhln, T ~' ... 1.000.00
Murrill'. J. C. . . 1,000.00 !.;ulll'r1i"ld. (' I' ... ns. (3) Xolt". A 1.000.00
noe. I.. M..... .
Sfnr", ~;. t:.
D"rvil." It.
(;rrcne. C. F. ...
, ,000.00
I'tns. (3)
Pens. (31
SafArik, C. II' .. .
Shultis, K. 11 .. .
71) (,,,n,,·,,y, W. J. 1.000.00 fi83 To,M. I.. J. 1.000.01'1 Prns. (3) SIInhn. II. J . 1.0(10.00
1.000.00 lin McColl)', F E. 1.000 00
"" AII':l(Dnd ... r. W. K.
I "n('ur, I'. A. ..
S.mllion. J. t: ...
1.000.00 '''''
Hurn •. 1'. T.
Detr_)', n, F
l'l'n~. (3)
I'<'IIS. (3)
!'II'!I;eman, Jr .• C,
!';Icrn. A.

!)8 Smith. ('.
("rnn, W C.
t:. 1.000.00
Turntr. J. (I,
Adam~. II C.
1.000 00
I'enl. 131
I'enl. 131
WI'lIIt'r.I •.
i':uck. A

Kurhlljt'tt.. n. ,I.
WflhNt'1J, t: ().
Ititrh. W. F
C"]!"ill. J T,
nl'in~. F J
I{ulhcrr"rtl. n. I..
1,00tll Oil
Pfh~. la)
Pl'nl. (ll)
PI'IIS. (111
W"II .. ee. J 'I
Feltlmnn. A II.
!'ch"ik. L.
l\IonIIl:OmH)·. A.II. 1.000.00 716 WIII'),. It. E. 1.0(10 1).0 I'I'''~. I II) Ilerx. I •. l.oon.IIO
1"'" Wood"" .. rd. J. t'. 1,1'lflO.OO
, .0Il0.00
718 nt'nt. J. F.
McArthur. C. n.
Pt'ns. (1'1
Pens. (III
l)irkie, ~1. 1.0flO./HI
I:!f, "udrlck. A. 733
m_." lIart'mz •• 1)

121; 1000""aon. J. F. 1.000.00 .34 RI' .. A 1.0011,00 l'l'nll. III Klin .... fl. (: 1.11t"1O.00
I :UI <'h", ... ld, S. G ... 1,000.00 7U I'e .. kt'. r J 1.000,(1() Pt'nl. 1111 Kuhll'mt)'l'r.J .... 1.000.110
13t Uack. A t: 1.000.00 'f.t,l \!eF .. rlftntl, (' \\'. l.fI(lll.OO I'enl. III) "almn. II 1'. I.IH\I").(~I
Cody, \' ,I.
\Icl.aull;hl,n, I'. J.
1,000.00 ,.,
776 Krllo\,· 1\..
('0~ ••1 Il.
I'enll. ,III
I't'nl. (171
III't'd. J W
II'ltrnt'r. II. W..
1:11 ~<'wIIIRn. 1'. E. 1.000.00 7911 IIAk(."it't·~i. \1 J. 1.11(1O,0()
I'<'n~. 11111 1I~lttlie. O. I'. I.(}(IO.OO
I;'I~ Sim\>8un. I. I •... I.OOO,()I) SO, Wil~on, ~:, W. 1.00000
Fl>rbl'~. \. I •. 1.11011.011
llel.('onlln. K F. J./IOO.OO I't'nft. (1111
Wi ... ra.l'.
i':III.'"IIr, J. I!
\lnick, C \1' •..
Ulliu. II It.
Hariman. F J. ..
P"ns. (1111
I'l'nl. (1111
IIlInk •. J. "
II.Ut'r, G. A.
S!I:! Cllth")',I\ F... 1,000.00 Pt'n~, (1111 ~le.cer. II. 1.000.00
1:16 T)']t'r, S. II ..... 1,000.00
I'I'I'~ I!,!:!) I.ynch. O. I,. I.OOI.I.I~1

137 I'rock, l.. A. 1.000.00 91~ Holt. A T. 1.00000
9ii3 Il~Tftl'lh, Ii: T. .• 1.000,(10 Pens. (~3) Ande..,."". A. N. I.OOIlIlO
IIcile. It A. 1,000.00
F]un. (. W.
lI"u~,'. H F.
C;AutrrlL!I . .1
\'inr~, \ It.
t:.. 1.000.00
I'l'ns. (~Iil
Pens. (~"l
Ilolllnil. J E.
nuwt'o. J. n.
lfit I'"nn~. J J. I,()()(I.GO 1002 l'i .... ~Il". (' .... 1.1I(1I1.(K\ I'cn~. (all) II·nlft'. II. (' !.oonuo
1002 SundRY. n. It. I.UOO.lln 1',,111. (~Il O.hidlon. E C. 1:,11,00
lfi5 1111"]1')'.11'. (;. 1,000.00
10:;~ Fo,,]cr. I) I.. 1.(100,00 I'tu. (31) Campbell, (' J •. 1.000,00
175 McArlhur. ~:. C. '.000.00
1.000.00 1072 Gllrrl'U. II E. 1.000.00 Pens. (30 Truy. C. II. 1.000.00
077 Huar. ". 1'. l'l'ns. (39) Ihurtt. II. C •.. 1.000.0(1
1073 Fiorn. J. 1,000.00
• 191
Ir,,·in. W. I I.
11 ),1 .,. E. L .
1.000.00 1077 1.e)(un)·. J J .. . 1,000.00 I' ens. (40) Arnold. J I. ... 1.000.00
2:IS J UKl uK. n. ~;. 1,000.00 11:11 !I ultht'~, I:, C. 1,000.00 Pens . ( 40) Horschcll, E. J .. 1,000.00


Loca l Sur na me Amoun t l.ocal Amo u nt LO(: IL I S ur nllm e Amu u nt

Pen s. (~O) Leaeh, J. R . •••. 1.000.00 Pena. (2~ 5) Will iaml. C. A.. 1.000.00 Pent. (&99 ) SOM'. E . J . 1.000.00
Pen •. ( ~O ) Skage r. R. C. 500.00 Pen a. (252) Leonard. G. E. 1.000.00 I'enl. (6 17) Dlederlchon.
J' enl.
( ~ O)
U3 )
Virga. f:. C.
lirody. W. M.
Pen •.
J' Cnl . (263)
Pennall. II .
S pe e l mann.
Pen •. (61S)
W . II.
Weich. J . S.
Penl. ( ~.f, ) McDo"·eli. II . V. 1.000.00 A. 1\1. 1.000.00 Pent. (S62) Counc .... G. II . 1.000.00
Pens. ( ~ 6) Parrilh. J . 1.000.00 P en •. (266) Andenon. C. I... 1.000.00 Pen •. (6281 narta. S. F. 1.000.00
I'enl. Campbe ll. W. II . 1.000.00 Pen a. (278 ) Steele. T. A. Pen •. I.)"on •• J . M . 1,000.00
P arker. M . P ...
Sou t hard. ~'. IJ. ,
Pe na.
I' Unl.
WiIliMml. J . P.
Itowlcy. L. K ..
I'en l.
Pen •.
I.aughlin. E. J .
Srllllcrfcr. V. L.
E' enl. Hil) 0 1'1111, W . . • . . . • 1.000.00 P CIII. ili c",," J. A. . . . 1.000.00 (MiO) Smi t h. A . C. 1.000,00
E'en K. (ii i ) Dndel. G. W. I,(lOO.OO Pen s. (294) BI" k~. (: . L . . . ' 150.00 Pcrl •. ( (;5\1) ('ulTel. E. E. 1.011000
I'cnl. (59) MII!3cy. Ie L ... 1.000.00 Pcns. (295) G rMY. A. A .... . 1.000.00 Pen I. (6n) Morti •. L . A. 1.000.00
PC!". (77) Il crgmlOn. L. S. , 1.000.00 P~nl. (!I00) Thorne. K. C. . . 1.000.00 I'rn l. (683) Enltl .. r. I.. J. 1.000.00
I'cnl. (71) j'ilclle r, J. D. 1.000.00 I'en •. (302) lI olmu. I>. S. 1.000.00 "cnl. (li91) Oada)". J. A. 1.000.00
Pen l. (77) 1'0"'1'11. J . 1.000.00 I'enl. (30~) Martin. (". l : .... 1.000.00 Pu•. (io:n lI eili~, e. C. 1.000.00
Penl. (771 Sm'th. G. S 1.000.00 Pen s. (309) Oilman, J )I 1.000.00 I'enl (108) M .... ier. S, , ... . 1,000.00
Penl. (bOJ ('",\'er Sr., J F. 1.000.00 I'cnl. (309) Weltener. A. I•. 1.000.00 I'e n. (716) Kirk ... W. II ... . 1.000.00
Penl. (8/) Plmplin. (;. A 1.000.00 P~",. (3 IS ) Peoples. W. L. 1.000.00 I' enl. (718) Mrf·lLndleu.
I'enl. liD!) F,elding. II . 1,000.00 Pena. (322) lIale. II. )I 1.000.00 (" ~ 1.000.00
I'enl. (103) lI urwih, S. 1,000.00 Pens. (321)) O"Connur. T. F. 1.000.00 Penl. (719) WhIte , A. 1' .•.• 1.000.00
I' cnl. (110) Wardrum. E .... 1.000.00 I'en •. (326) Thom.on. W. 1.000.00 I'cn s. (721) 11,,11'. n. C. 1.000.00
I'enl. (112) Pelk~)· . J. A. 1,000.00 Pen l. (3~9 1 I'"rr. I.. D. 1.000.00 Pcns. (7~' I (:"rllncr. \\', L . 1.000.00
Pcnl. ( 113) IInwlllnd. ~' . A. 1.000.00 i'en8. (33!!) Sh.\"lch. C: 1.000.00 Pen •. (779) r."br~n~. E. I). 1.000.00
Pen •. {12n I'ntc. n . J. 1.000.00 Pens. (3~ 91 .\ l oune)·. W G. 1.000.00 "en~ . (782) Thurn. S. R. 1.000.00
I'en $. ( 12~ ) Tid ... ell. W. II . 1.000.00 Pens. (!I4!l) \'sntlevcnttr. n. 1.000.00 Pen •. (78 ~ 1 ('o ... ley. D. 1.000.00
I'e nl . ( I:!~ ) U.her. E. II. 1.000.00 I'en s. (3941 Scott, W A. 1.000,00 Pen~ (78;;) WU OdR. J. \ '. 1.000.00
I'en l. ( 125) Bell. U. ('. 1.000.00 Penl (3971 COMkle)". I'. 1.000.00 I'cns. (8:1;;) Moor~. J 1'. 1.000.00
I'cn •. (121)) ('onnul. F. ~1. 1,000.00 I'ena. H~'91 Wood. ~:. O. 1.000.00 PellI. (864) Lcitner. J. P. 1.000.00
Pen •. (12lil ~'Iecner. J. K 1.000.00 Pcnl. (459) MoU orn. S. I. 1.000.00 i'en R (!l80) l(,ehll. P. D. 1.000.00
Pen,. (125) Klinl:"ler, A. W 1.000.00 Pcn •. ( 461;) Fink. t:. W . 1.000.00 Pens. (932) Snell.)1 B. 1.000.00
Pcn •. (I!!51 Wil sun. A. K. 1.000.00 I'en •. 14711 Th orpe. 1l. A. 1.000.1]() PenR. (9H ) 1)IRRIn~. ~'. D. 1.1)00.00
Pen •. (125) York. t'. 1.000.00 I' cn •. (4771 ~!lnde ... C. ~'. 1.000.1]() Pen., (9~9) [,nwIH. J. A . 1.1100.00
I' cnl. ( 1!!6) Jett. II. S. 1.000.00 I'~II'. / 4811 Frankh "u~c. Pen •. f()49) \" uRllr. II. I.. 1.0Ilfl.00
Pen •. (129) Jl lln·c)·. W. A 1.000.00 J. E. 1.000.00 Pen •. (949 I Wc ir. ~I 1.4100.00
Pcn l. (1:1" lIob"in. F. W . 1.000.00 I'cns. ( 481) W t:.
~li ell.~I, 1.000.00 PeRI. (9661 Eilman. II . E.
Pcnl. (134) Dun. ~'. 1.000.00 I'en l. H83) Gilmorf'. A F 1.000.00 1'1'111. (!l68) Foutz. B. ('". 1.11110.1111
Penl. n3n Fole)', J. \'. 1.000.00 I'enl. (490 Dalton. II (;. 1.000.110 I'en •. (98 1) Slarr. E E. 1.1)/)0 011
Penl. {1:UI Kloepper. ('. II 1,000.00 Pcn •. ( 49H I\lIchlml')cr. 1'1'111, 11(02) \l c("nnI8. W. 1.(IIMl.oo
Pen •. (13~ ) I.-kem.n. f: 1.000.00 F J. 1.000.00 I' enl. (1t/32) Uarl . II A . I.GOO.UO
Penl. ( 1 3~ ) Linh llrt. F. J 1.000.00 Pcn •. ( '!l~ ) no u. l: 1.000.011 ]>cnl. { I1 31 1 Fowlcr. K. n. 1.000 011
I'cnl. (L3~ I Me("lIrtllr. J . J. 1.000.00 I'cn •. ( 4\14 1 SlIbod),. R.• 1.000.00 1'('n R. ( 11 331 S\tln<,. E. II. ! ./100 Of)
I'~nl. (I :Ill XornuLII. II . 1.01'10.00 i'cn M. (~9~ ) Th urber. C. 1.000.110 I'cnl. ( 1I4\) Il.rtl" .... C. II. 1.000.1)0
Pcni. (!3 ~ ) l'uJl;ner. O. 1.1'100.00 Pc,,". (4(U ) Wudkc. II . E. 1.000.1)11 I't'!" •. ( lIH ) H ullow!Lr. r. K
I 'cn~. ( 1.1 4 ) I'url;'",. O. H. 1.1100.00 J>t'!ns. (liO I ) Ki rkculdy. A. 1.000.00 Pc" •. (1186) Stor~·. W. ~;. 1.000.00
I'enl. ( 1.15 ) J ... hnson. E. I.IIOO.Qfl I'cn s. (f,ORI WIII~. J S. 1.000.00 Pent . (1205) Dkk, I.. I .. I.OOOOfJ
Pen,. (13111 (·l>ofler. Sr .. J M. 1.000.00 Penl. (r,18) Suiton. II E. 1.Il00.110 f'rnl. O!!I!!1 ()'Ilrl<,n. W. J. 1.000.00
I'enl. (I!l6) (;ill. D. ('" 1.00000 Penl. 16~0) UII(/rW. (;. I/. I.OOO.OIl I'... n,. (I!!41» II lLn'nwn,1. C, I•. 1.1100.00
Pen •. (U;Q! Thomn. II . W. 1.000.00 I'en •. (6211) Ott.... II A 1.000.00 I'enl. 112631 I.. )·t"n. J I.. 1.1)/111.00
I'ens (I1;.4) Aron~(In. I 1.00000 Penl. (.ili9) Ronnrbefk. W 1.000.00 1'... 111. f1:1021 I'~ck, It S 1.01111.00
I'cn •. fiSH Jr .. A 1.000.00 Pen.. 15-fi9) lIau zer, t' D. 1.000.110 PUR. (13101 ~lcI.f'.n. B 1\ 1.000.00
Penl. ( I ill) Cauid)·. ~'. J 1.000.00 I'en •. (57~) Vockrodt. II K. 1.000.00 I' ... nl. (1340) t:lliR. n. A. 1.000.00
Pen •. 1100) Schumann. H. 1.000.00 Pelll. (581) IIII)"es. ~:. II 1.000.00 I' ... n~
11393) Buru,r. ~. H, :!511.00
Penl. (l9!.) Mc("lonc. W J. 1.000.00 Pena. Hi82) Cummins. J. II. 1.000.00 l'l'n ~ (139:1) lI u810n. J. J, 1.(IIIO.OU
I'cn l. (l9li) Riemenschnei,ler, Pen,. (r.lI9) ('o]]il. E. 1.000.00 Peril. «1:.(3) TllurmAn. F. 1./1011.00
A. E. l.flOII.OO Penl. (&95) HT/III .h ..... t:. C. 1.000.00 I'l'nl. (I;;n) Scott. J I. . . . 1.0011.00
I'f'n l. (!!121 l'eu~nL. t;. \\ 1.0011.00 I'enl. (1i9.~) iJunLar. II t' 1.000.00 Pcnl. (1701) 1I,,',,'ra. 11. ~. 1.000.00
I'cnl. (2131 B.mford, It. S. 1.1100.00 Pen I. lIi9~) ('"arrnll. W II 1.000.00
I'cnl. (230) lI"rri ~. W. O. 1.000.00 Pena. (1)9;;1 Elper.nef', P A 1.000.00 TOTAl, l 'Ann:~TS

L,' milli ... ll'n' til'''' po.;I,', ('I'"il

Nouvelles Canadiennes m-;nlLmuill'; IjllI' In li\Tlli.;jnn rill ('Illl·
(,'{lIife (Ie fa W,yc 27) I"I"H ' " .~) .iOUI ..... 11111' "l'lllnil\" pOll .. '
..ail d,'
1'1'111"('''''11''1' 1I1l\' (-,'unnllli('

!f1ll.nOIl.UIlO til' dulln..... par 1111-
IIt'i' 1'1";'" .I., I..~,()jl '·lIIploi ... 1"1II"('lIt 10CURE MORE
•\ 1:1 . . uik Ill' III un"'\(' Ill ....
plo.\·~", .1.· . .
pll . . II·'. I;) JiHlIi'>4J1l till
("1)1I1'1"i"1" ('!Hi! ,]illlilllll>l' ,]" Ii jlllll'S
II ....,.I! "Ilil Ijlll' In 1"I>11f'Iion Illl
]luh!i,' !'''Ul"l"llil d('11101111"')" eg-nll'-
:", d .iolll· ... 'I'1I111,'I",)j .... !Ill)) . . I" IIHJlS fl)( ' lIt qll'lllll' 1!1·1I111 1« · ]l1 11"li,' (Ill ~, 'I'
,j .. .J11 11 I 11'1' 1'1 fi'll·i"1" I.,... "nlllil·,·S
,]'llI'lI I·'·... "lIllpll'IIII'III:1 i )"1·.... • ]('111011
I'Wt' do ' Ih"l"lIi~1I1l
IPlllp'" (>lilllilll>.
1'111 ,' 11 \!leu)!'
II','lIt 11111' alH.!Ill, ·'lIl 111I1'IIUl
l'pl1,' pi'1"illd,· ,l;lIls 1 1 ""UI n· ... il11·
lHI)'laJl1" I", I·hiffl~·'" ","IIIIt';, il III
Mok e Your Voice
C 'hamlll'I'
~ l iui<;I1"\'
" i'mollll"'I11
d,· ...
tI, ·...
( '''11111111111· ...
I'; !"i" I\i. 'nlu<;
II'" ,:illlil'I"
1]·1)('111·1·... ,III1]111>IIWnl:)il'I" /l111 niH!"·
1'111" II'
G ive A Buck
111/'1111>" rI,' :;: 1:10.000 "IIIlII':II·:J1iw. To COPE
IlU'UI ;, 1:1 1l1l"";ml' pt>I'i"dl' tI" I"all
/11'1' 11i,·I'.


The HU$1!i>ln~ !H,'nt a dog up in a roeket .\ hillbilly, walking down a laue in
and called it ;. "mutnik." :-.'ext, they Sl)n! tho ha<:kwoods, found a fragment of
a man nl) in n roek(>t and called it a looking gla!'.~. Sinc.. he had nCHr seen
"~llUtnik:' F'inally tllI'Y sent up anothrr a lIIirror t,cJorc. at< he looked at it he
rocket with fl man and WOllllln in it. T his "Well. well! if it ain't a pictu re
ti", .. they called it I< "pi(>nik!" or Ill."
old ])aul" III' put the pil'Ce in
hill !,ockl't and hi~ wife found it th ere
WHY N OT ? that night. senrehing for money. Looking
WIl('li tl", dNk in the glor..
inlo ii, ~ht· said: '·Ah·hal So thaI's th r ~·ou. '·\\'e ha"e no more
nl,1 Intg h.. ·~ Il('pn rnnDiDg around wilh!"
Of that ill''''. for we '\'I' soM th,' lot;'
Uo you ,·,,·r cil-" "('nt .'<IY ME)WRY
To "motion mn(>h p<'lIt
Th,' I ~""I go\olell 1lI0ltl"llt~ 1" knew
.\lld ., .. ll at him. ":\Ii~tl'r, "h~' not'"
LA )1 E XT OF A!\ EI.ECT IHC IA ;'; 'S .\rc· Iho!!t·. dea r. tllIlt I ~JIl'nt with ~'ou,
WI,,· .. thl' tax.'!! ~om(' .]u,'. .\nd Ihe 1">I'i'I of all I ~a n recall
.\11 in5UmnC(' or Iwo. WIF'E
\r;' lh~ that I mi!l.~ moot of all .
.\nd no rhitken 10 I,ul in Ih,· IlOt. .\11 ,·h... tri4·illll <I.'cid..d to I,uild his own ;\"UII·. Iho!W gohl.·n mom"lIts art' gOIH',
110 )·,m look al -,"our- 1'IlOU~'·. hom"
.\~ Iol' <,,,I('r:> th(· 1001,1 .....
Li k.' the .. lid of " ~wp<'l Im'pl"!!' sOllg;
On" lu",oIn·t! l)('r("'lIl 10... hinl!l!'lf. Thp limes Ill:1 t I kn",,·, wh~n I looked lit
"",I )','11 III Ioilli. " :\Ii M(' r . wh)' IIOI!" :"\011' , tim" Im~ ]1:1""",1; it "ho uld 10.. )'011.
\\'h"11 ":In'~ )[,'1 ~'Oll ,Iown lilli~I,,·.1 al 19~t. I' m ~vrr)' to ~ar, lh .. ~· ar(' th rough .
.\,,,1 .,",lU·,,· '\t'ar;IIg' " fru',-". BUI It fI'll Ihin)..'>' w,'n' PUI "un the "1,,,1['''
Thj· war lh\ll liP 10n',1 ill our .",·ar~.
Thinking' of thin!.!;... ~'ou "il1't I!"t. t.ikp l'igtHil ~OO'kN~ in "lo~"1~ '1'00111.'- unl.,· I'ring ~orrow ami t('ltTl\;
l~.. ugh yonr w(lrri,'~ :11111." .\IHI in Ih,' lall11dr.'· rOOlIi.
.\lId jU51 li,-" for Io<lay Yuu !iI~rnpd ~o n"'"" today iI's adi .. u;
ll,,!"s for .·.~llIl.ust fl\n~. 1,,'\"I'r lumj.!, :"\0\\. I 01t1~' look ha4'k at .\'011 .
.\11,1 rl'p!'ai to ,"(lUtsl'lf, .. y,.~, wh.,· II"I?"
:\IAlW)X E. (JAn:!;
.\ du"rl .. '11 ],UltOIl tlLnl "an'l p1a.l' \I IUlit'.
'1'10,' .",·a"" ('au Ih"-rr .·nI . . .
Wift (If Slrllll, y (lnl,.~ fl"C"I' :mJ ~wi lchplatrs ne\','r put 011 . The "'Ii.'· w,' n""d 111 ,·mhrH r" .
{,oral -165 1l"""I'~ 1101 wi .. ·,] hot I ju,,1 for look.I, \\' h~"1 ,1'011 .""Ill{'<l to I~ ~O ~W,~! 10 n",.
SU Il IIi, ,II". (·lI/if. 1"I\~"IIi!,h l ~ ,"ugl .. ,,] ill. 11l\! nO\ tix\Urt'", What nnw i._ (",I ." in n\~' UlpHlor.'·.
1'0"1 lil:'hl .• wilhoul lallll'~ (luu k....1 g-0001 ~:.\!\I, 1I. HAl,I ,
BEAHLY \JELIEVAHLE itl th,· I,(\"k" l . H·!lC(!r·old r, tired m emlie"
.\ T,'x"n anol two :\linn(>"olall" ",O'nt In I.o<·o! 6t8
.\Ia ._ ka 10 hunt I"'ar. In ~:lH\1', Ill(' Mi,, · :-;,,1 I" "",,,tion a IHultiludc "f utl", ..
Silri~. Illino ;.•
n r~ol an ~ ~larlr,1 "I"Htling lhr ir gllll~ ,,,,,I
('"Tllmon i ll 1II0~t ho"',,~ "f ,· trdri('illU>I-
w.'r(> ti']i~\tl.·d hy thp 1'"xan: "Why. down S PAltE TANK
T'· "l1~·\\'!I.'·, WI' kill "'111,,,haud .. d ~ ..
:\1,·" ,1" lIIa.\,· (Jf lol,u'k tal'" aud olraw,'r"
Th" 1',·1111 l<nd bi~ u .. ", g-id fri.'ml wet('
"W.··.! lik,· 10 ~,., ..,·ou C.'t ;< Ilig h:odiak full of "" ... ",
1.;",htl'\ll1," IlIJr'''·.] Ollt. \ll'plian.·,'~ "UI riding in th" ,·ounIT.'· whp", on a
1"'lIr "i!hoUl a gun!" rr]llip\1 hi~ friellll ~ . lotwl.,· tum'. thi' ~ar ~Iupp('d. "\\'c'rl' out
IlI'rding Ii:"ill·,•.
\I I"'r('llj!on Il •• · T"XUH ~t... rh·d ()]Il '·m]lt.'·· of gas!" t'xe laim(>u Ihe fl'llll.
h:IIH"'tI. :->on,,' linw la1<'r his fripn.!", ill ~i,,\'1' our 1'lum],inc i~ fini~II{',l. Ihr [Im!OIl Till' girl o]lpnpd h" r pur~e IIml I'roughl
Ih p ,·:I1,in. h,'a rd hill\ ),rllil)",. Lookiug out wurk :11,,1 I·:ltl,,·"tr~' 1"0. ,,"I 1\ jla~k.
II,,· "inuoll. th .. y ~aw him rUlIuitL!! wi lh '1'0 roO!. I'll l'a,~ OJ" Ihi" rorrr " !I.~io n­ "\\'",,,1" ,'xplairncd Ihe wonhl·l>e wolf.
" I'i!! l.OOO·llOulJ<1 h: odiak lumbering ill If 11'1' nr,· r":dly to get all thi~ (,I,'<'lrieal "You'n' got n pint with you! What
h"hind him. wurk dotH', kind is it . ..-oteh or hourhon'"
"O]ll'1I the ,loor!" h.. yt'lINI. gO th.,)· :->h"uhi Illy hu~lm.nd ma)·I,,· .. hang-,' hi~ "G:\.~olilH'!" ~hp "'pli.'d.
did. 'I'h .. '1"':<:1" ~tOO(1 asidl' an,l II", pruf.·;,.~i"nJ
Kodiak tnn ri!!hl into th" cahin. 1[1' :\(MIY Kt·YKt:XhAI.I. T HE KIT CHE 1'.· DOOI(
~Ialllm .. d th .. door ghnt and ~· .. Ih'd; W ift' of /J. AllylTl1dtlll The kitdu'J\ door i~ stuck again;
"You ~kin tlial Olll' while I go gel LOt'4tl 584 I'll gel it Opell, hut] don't kno'" when.
Rllother!" T ulsa. Okllllloll1(l I 'll pns.h it and shDve it wilh all my

------------- --------1I might;

I'll get that door open if it takes all
........... .............................. _...._......- I Far illto the night, 1 am "'orking
Wilh big black shadows. ou~ide lurking .
_...... _....... ,I
Then, all of a suddell-a c ras.h , bang,

.. .. .............••••.••.•
Slat,. Zip Code
!'RESENT LOCAL UNION NO..... _ .. _.. _.... _........... _..... _..........
The kit chen doo r fte\\' into the liring
didn't ca re; I'd done Ill y job;
I opened the door hy turning Ihe knob.
G£,,-£ :o.IuD
SOil of Carl Mead

............ ... , Local 48
Portlal1d, Oregoll


Zip Code

":"\0 li c')D'IC. lady'" growled the traffi"
WE MUST HAYE NUM8ER S OF 80TH ,I 4'01'. "Oon'l .'·ou knoll' you ca ll't drh'"
wilhout om:!"
"That "xplains e"crything," shu ex'
,·Iainwd. "I thought it was becnuse I Wll.!!
Mail to: Circulation Department nuvoull and nearBighl('d that I hit t\\'o
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers cars and rau into a fire hydrnnl!'
1200 15th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20005

Before starting your mower, clear the lawn of

metal objects, stones and sl icks. A mower
can hurl a bit of yard debris at speeds up to
170 miles an hour. Mow only when the grass is
dry. Thousands of toes are amputated or man-
gled every year when feet slip under the blade
housing. Wea r shoes-steel·tipped sa fety
shoes if you have them. Be careful mowi ng
on slopes, Proper technique is to mow side-
way s, as in contour farming.

Stop th e engine whenever you leave the

mower. Children and young teenagers should
never be allowed to operate power mowers.
Keep children away while you're mowing.
They are likely to run into moving parts or
against the hot exhaust pipes. More than one
child has been killed by a piece of wire, bot-
tle or other debris propelled by a rotor blade.

Refueling a mower while it is running, or

even while the engine is hot, can cause fire
or explosion. Wait for the engine and muffle r
to cool, then always refi ll out of doors where
gasoline vapors can escape into the air. When
starting the engine, stand firmly with feet
away from the blade. Know the controls, and
make certain that self·propelled mowers are
not in gear.

S-ar putea să vă placă și