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Nagesh Hospital Management System Application Proto type

Document History

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Name Nagesh Nagesh
Designation Senior business Analyst Associate Product
Document History........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 User Login....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Permanent Registration................................................................................................................. 12
1.3 Emergency Registration................................................................................................................ 19
1.4 Search Registration....................................................................................................................... 24

1. User can login into the application by using the credentials admin / admin

2. System should navigate to Home page. It should contain Registration and ADT module

3. Registration module contains three links

a. Permanent Registration

b. Emergency Registration

c. Search Registration

User Login

Permanent Registration
1. It is responsible to register the patient for admission into the hospital
2. User will update the patient details then clicks on Save button
3. Please refer the below prototype fields for the registration page
4. * indicates the mandatory fields
5. Dropdown related will be populated from database
6. User enters the data into all the mandatory fields and clicks on Save button.
7. Application should display the Record saved message
8. The saved record can be viewed in Search Registration module
9. User enters the data into all the fields and clicks on clear button. Application should clear
the data in all the fields
10. Upon expanding the Registration and ADT module links the text area needs to be

Emergency Registration
1. This section should contains the same fields what Registration screen is having
2. Please refer the below prototype for fields
3. * indicates mandatory fields
4. User enters the data into all the mandatory fields and clicks on Save button.
5. Application should display the Record saved message
6. The saved record can be viewed in Search Registration module
7. User enters the data into all the fields and clicks on clear button. Application should clear
the data in all the fields

Search Registration
1. User can search for the patient records with this section
2. User can search with Registered dates and “Search Keyword” fields
3. Please refer the below prototypes for the fields

4. Search results will be displayed with below fields

5. Please refer the below prototypes for the fields
6. User selects the record and clicks on Confirm button then the patient details will navigate
to Admission section
7. New button is to create the new patient. Upon clicking on New button it should navigate
to Register page
8. Change button is to update the patient details
9. Cancel button is to delete the record
10. View button is to view the patient details
Search Registration Result
Admission Advice

Admission Advice List

Admission Search

Admission Work list

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