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Powerful Adjectives of Character Traits

Able Decisive Generous Organized Self-reliant

Accepting Dedicated Genuine Original Sensitive
Accomplished Deft Goal-setter Outgoing Sincere Skillful
Accurate Democratic Good listener Sociable
Active Dependable Good-natured Patient Social
Adaptable Detailed Gracious Perceptive Spontaneous
Adept Determined Gregarious Persevering Stable
Adroit Dexterous Persistent Steady
Adventurous Dignified Hardworking Personable Stimulating
Aggressive Diligent Healthy Persuasive Successful
Agreeable Diplomatic Helpful Pleasant Supportive
Alert Direct Honest Poised Sympathetic
Ambitious Discerning Polite Systematic
Analytical Disciplined Industrious Popular
Approachable Discreet Informed Positive Tactful
Apt Distinguished Imaginative Practical Talented
Articulate Dominant Incisive Praiseworthy Team-player
Artistic Dynamic Independent Precise Tenacious
Assertive Innovative Problem-solver Thoughtful
Astute Eager Insightful Productive Thorough
Attentive Earnest Inspiring Professional Thrifty
Avid Easy-going Intellectual Proficient Tolerant
Aware Educated Intelligent Profit-oriented Trained
Effective Intuitive Progressive Trusting
Bilingual Efficacious Inventive Prolific Trustworthy
Businesslike Efficient Investigative Prompt Truthful
Eloquent Prudent Undaunted
Calm Energetic Judgmental Purposeful Understanding
Candid Enterprising
Capable Enthusiastic Keen Qualified Versatile
Careful Equable Kind Questioning Versed
Caring Ethical Knowledgeable Quick-thinking Veteran
Cautious Exacting Vigorous
Cheerful Experienced Learned Realistic
Clear-thinking Expert Logical Reflective Well-educated
Committed Expressive Loyal Relate well Willing to learn
Communicative Extroverted Reliable
Compassionate Mature Resilient
Competent Fair-minded Methodical Resolute
Composed Familiar (with) Meticulous Resourceful
Confident Far-sighted Modest Responsible
Congenial Firm Motivated Risk-taker
Conscientious Flexible Multilingual
Considerate Focused Self-confident
Consistent Forceful Natural Self-controlled
Constructive Forthright
Conventional Frank Objective
Convincing Friendly Observant
Cooperative Frugal Optimistic
Creative Orderly

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