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1(a) P1 Fish has flexible e…………………………… 1

P2 It has W shaped m…………. block called m……………………………… 1

P3 which can contract and relaxed a………………………………. 1
P4 This cause the tail/ c…………………. fin to move side by side alternatively and 1
P5 to push the fish f………………… 1
P6 Fish has sleek and s…………………………………………. body shape 1
P7 and o………………………………. scales are facing backward. 1
P8 To reduce water r………………………………… 1
P9 Yawing is resisted by having d………………….. and v………………………… fins 1
P10 Pitching is resisted by having p………………….. and p…………………………… fins 1
P11 Rolling is resisted by d………………….. and v…………………………………. fins 1

1(b)i P1 Fish have s……………………… shape 1

E1 This will help the fish to reduce water r……………………………….. 1
P2 Their scales are cover with s………………….. coating 1
E2 This will help minimise f…………………………. drag and maintaining a smooth flow of water over the body 1
P3 Fish have f……… 1
E3 to help s…………………………… the fish to move efficiently in water. 1
1(b)ii P1 The muscle of fish is called ………………………….. 1
P2 M.……………………. are arranged on both sides of the body. 1
P3 These muscles act a……………………………. 1
P4 When one side of mytomes c………………………….., the other side of mytomes r………………………. 1
P5 This causes the body to bend in the d………………………… of contraction 1
1(c) F1 Earthworm has h………………………….. skeleton 1
E1 Fluid in the body c……………. helps the earthworm to move 1
F2 Earthworm has l……………………………. and c………………… muscles/ a……………………………. muscle 1
E2 Contraction of c…………………………..muscles cause segment to extend while the l………………………. muscles relax 1
E3 Contraction of l…………………………..muscles cause segment to shorten while the c……………………. muscles relax 1
F3 C.………………………. are present to 1
E4 secure the shortened segments in the posterior to the ground while the anterior segments extended owing to 1
the contraction of circular muscles.

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