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Category: Knowledge Management 2827

The Nomological Network and the Research N

Michael J. Masterson
USAF Air War College, USA

R. Kelly Rainer, Jr.

Auburn University, USA

INTRODUCTION given system. In addition, comparability tests of the theory

by other researchers would be impossible (Blalock, 1982).
Social science and management information systems (MIS)
research have been criticized for failure to integrate theory
construction and theory testing (see e.g., Subramanian & SCIENTIFIC ThEORY AS A SPATIAL
Nilakanta, 1994). In particular, concerns with MIS as a NETWORK AND ThE RESEARCh
cohesive research discipline have long included inadequate
construct development and lack of valid, reliable measuring
instruments for those constructs (Keen, 1980). Understanding
To develop precise theories of wide scope and high em-
the theoretical basis of constructs and how they are developed
pirical confirmation, scientific disciplines create and evolve
and tested across the research continuum are fundamentals of
comprehensive systems describing lawful relationships of
a cohesive academic discipline. To provide a common research
theoretical constructs (Hempel, 1952). Some variables of
framework for the growth of MIS as a scientific discipline,
interest within these theoretical constructs cannot be directly
this chapter proposes a framework for an integrated research
observed. Thus, constructs contain theorized unobservable,
continuum across the life cycle of the research process.
latent factors measured by empirically observed indicators
(Nunnally, 1978).
A comprehensive scientific theory can be represented as
BACKGROUND a spatial network in which hypotheses use correspondence
rules to link theoretical constructs to derived and observed
The growth of any scientific discipline entails the devel- empirical concepts, which acquire meaning through op-
opment of a system of specialized, abstract concepts that erational definitions. The unobservable (latent) theoretical
define the lawful relationships (or hypotheses) that repre- constructs are anchored to the empirical environment by
sent a discipline’s theories. Scientists recognize underlying rules of interpretation (the correspondence rules). By virtue
concepts in observed phenomena and build those concepts of these interpretive connections, the network can function
into the lawful relationships of a scientific theory (Blalock, as a scientific theory (Blalock, 1982). The ability to interpret
1982, Hempel, 1952). unobservable, underlying constructs transforms a theoretical,
This search for lawful relationships among natural events spatial network into an empirically testable theory.
is the primary function of science, and focuses on two objec- An important implication of this view of the structure of
tives: (1) describing specific events, objects, or phenomena theory is that the integration of theory construction and theory
in the world of experience and (2) establishing theories, or testing across the research continuum is of major importance
general principles, to explain or predict the specified events, (Feigl, 1970; Hempel, 1952; Hughes, Price, & Marrs, 1986;
objects, or phenomena (Feigl, 1970 Hempel, 1952). Trochim, 1996). Figure 1 (below) is a graphic depiction of
Theories of a science must support explanation and this spatial framework, developed from the work of Hempel
prediction. If a scientific discipline lacks explanatory and (1952), Blalock (1982), and Trochim (1996).
predictive theories, no connection can be established between Figure 1 represents a 1:1 correspondence between theo-
descriptions of different events, objects, or phenomena. Such retical constructs and measurements, which is not always
a nontheory based discipline is unable to predict or prepare the case. Observable measurements, which are qualitatively
for future occurrences. The lack of explanatory principles different in the empirical world, can overlap or measure
permits no use of theory for practical application. Practical the same thing if their positions in this spatial network link
application requires theories or principles that explain what them to the same theoretical construct. Also, a measurement
particular effects occur when specific changes occur in a may serve as the interpretive link to multiple theoretical

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The Nomological Network and the Research Continuum

constructs, though the researcher would specify the opera- (measures and observations). Bridge principles enable a
tive definition in use for that interpretive relationship, for theory to be used for explanations and/or prediction (see
example, measuring self-esteem requires accounting for “EMPIRICAL” and “RULES of INTERPRETATION” in
elements of self-image and ego (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955; Figure 1). Without these principles, a theory has no ex-
Hempel, 1952; Trochim, 1996). planatory power or practical application, and no empirical
In a spatial network of theory and observation, internal test is possible.
principles define basic entities (concepts and constructs) of A fundamental requirement of science is that a statement
the theory, and the hypotheses describe interrelationships of of fact from an appropriate theory made by one scientist
these theoretical constructs, either within the same theory or must be independently verifiable by other scientists. This
with other theories. (see “The CONCEPTUAL” in Figure principle of scientific generalization gains wide belief and
1). Bridge principles are the mathematical formulae and support for any theory and is central to all scientific work
operations, stated as the rules of interpretation, that link the (Nunnally, 1978).
processes proposed by the theory to empirical phenomena

Figure 1.



Theoretical Theoretical
Construct Construct

Theoretical Theoretical
Construct Construct

-Formulae and Operations

Measurement Measurement

obs obs obs obs


obs obs
obs obs

Bridge from Real World to Theory
Relationships from Indicators to Latent Variables

The Nomological Network and the Research Continuum

Unlike the physical sciences, social and behavioral sci- Cronbach and Meehl (1955) defined construct validity
ences study living organisms to define and classify behav- as the process of following all these principles of the nomo- N
ior, and the hypotheses linking behavior to conditions that logical network to ensure generalizability of scientific prin-
control it. Psychological measurement, or psychometrics, ciples. Construct validity specifically addresses the question,
is inseparable from this process (Nunnally, 1978). Evaluat- “Does the test measure the attribute it is said to measure?”
ing the adequacy of a theoretical spatial network requires Construct validation identifies theoretical constructs defined
judging empirical testability (Popper, 1959), verifiability by a network of relations, all of which are anchored to ob-
(Dodd, 1968), and confirmability (Clark, 1969). Meeting servables, making the constructs testable (Cronbach, 1975).
these standards requires a clear and explicit specification This process is a direct identification of the spatial network
of theoretical construct definitions and operationaliza- (see Figure 1) and the nomological network, including the
tions across the research continuum (Hughes et al., 1986). constructs (concepts) of interest in a theory, their observ-
Statistics is the area of mathematics used in evaluations of able manifestations, and the interrelationships among the
theoretical constructs. constructs, measures, and observations.
Scientific behavioral studies begin with observations The social and behavioral sciences, including MIS, face
or questions about some object, event, or phenomenon, in difficulties that vary considerably from those encountered
a search for the functional relationships, the laws, and the in the physical sciences. These difficulties stem from two
principles of behavior. This behavior must be described in a fundamental issues, which are:
manner that fully communicates all observations to others so
that they may verify the observation. (Blalock, 1982). 1. the relationship between theory and research, and
The Nomological Network. Cronbach and Meehl (1955) 2. the development of theoretically defined constructs
defined a nomological network as the interlocking system of and measurement procedures.
hypotheses, principles, and laws linking the constructs that
constitute any theory. A nomological network encompasses When the phenomena of interest cannot be directly
the theoretical constructs being measured, how the concept observed, the development of latent constructs and instru-
is going to be measured, and the specification of the inter- ments to operationalize them provide the theoretical basis
relationships between the theoretical and empirical planes for research in a discipline (Venkatraman & Grant, 1986).
(see Figure 1). All three aspects of the spatial network are To meet this basic criterion of science, the focus must be on
present in a nomological network: constructs, empirical generalizability and the comparability of one’s measurements
observations/measures, and the mathematical rules of inter- across diverse settings (Hughes et al, 1986; Nunnally, 1978).
pretation that link theory to observation. Scientifically, the Blalock (1982) identifies this focus as one of conceptualiza-
purpose of the nomological network is to clarify all parts tion and measurement, where
of a theory, so a theory’s laws of explanation and prediction
can be exploited. 1. Conceptualization refers to the theoretical process by
As a standard for tests of social and behavioral constructs, which researchers move from ideas or constructs to
the nomological network focuses on sampling statistics of suggesting appropriate research operations.
content (test items), not sampling statistics of people. As 2. Measurement refers to the linkage process between the
empirical measures of a theory are developed, the theory physical operation, on the one hand, and a mathemati-
formulation that guides the development of the mathemati- cal language on the other.
cal formulae and operations focuses on sampling content
(Blalock, 1982; Nunnally, 1978). The goal of sampling con- Systems theory is commonly used as a generic concept
tent is to generalize findings over populations of test items. to represent the elements represented in this triple linkage
The researcher addresses what, not who, is being measured (Blalock, 1982; Trimmer, 1950). The essential point in
(Cronbach, 1975). Thus, the specific focus of the nomological connecting theoretical constructs, physical measurement
network is not the subject. Rather, the nomological network operations, and mathematical formulae and operations, is
measures observable properties, the relationship of different that the basic concepts or variables be specified with suf-
theoretical constructs to each other, and the relationship of ficient clarity so that
the theoretical constructs to the observable properties via
the mathematical rules of interpretation (Cronbach, 1975; 1. the “systems” or unit to which they are intended to
Cronbach & Meehl, 1955). Also, at least some of the laws refer is known;
in the nomological network must involve observables, oth- 2. it is clear how to distinguish them from other stimuli,
erwise no bridge could exist to the theoretical constructs. properties, or responses with which they are likely to
(Cronbach & Meehl, 1955; Trochim, 1996). be confounded;

The Nomological Network and the Research Continuum

3. it has been specified how concepts that refer to one ratory experiments, again determined by the researcher’s
type of system are related definitionally, or by some orientation (Latane & Darley, 1969; Yin, 1994).
presumed causal law, to at least some concepts that Surveys help researchers generalize their findings.
refer to any other systems that are also expected to One survey development example in MIS research is the
play important roles in substantive theories. development of the end-user computing construct (Rainer
& Harrison, 1993), which used Churchill’s (1979) survey
This last specification implies that it is often desirable development process.
to use information provided at one level of analysis (e.g., When researchers focus on specific “how” and “why”
about individual behaviors) to support, refute, or clarify criteria, field experiments are in order. Data are collected
theories formulated at other, unobservable levels. Psycholo- from subjects in the environment where the construct of
gists successfully integrated the methodological tools of interest exists. Finally, with the proper constructs of interest
empirically minded investigators presented in the scaling (e.g., computer skills) identified, researchers set up labora-
and measurement literature. Unfortunately, this has resulted tory experiments to obtain observable outcomes (see e.g.,
in an imbalance between theory development and methods Miller, 1994).
of measurement, with development of measures occupying Theory building takes place in the exploratory and gener-
a much larger place in the research process than conceptual- alization phases of the research process, while theory testing
ization of theory (Ackoff, 1984). This creates the necessity occurs in the generalization and experimental phases. This
for explicit theoretical formulations that clearly state which blending of phases, where theory development or testing
theoretical assumptions are being made in each measurement are accomplished, demonstrates the integration of research
decision across the research continuum (Blalock, 1982). across the continuum, as depicted in Figure 2. The research
The Research Continuum. The life cycle of the research continuum (LaMott, 1997; Yin, 1994) supports theory build-
process functions as an integrated continuum moving from ing and theory testing in an interactive model.
the most exploratory, descriptive kinds of observation, to The process of basic research as a complex, pluralistic
generalization, and finally to experimental applied research feedback model integrates the research life cycle across a
focused on complete, specific answers (Ackoff, 1984; LaMott, broad continuum. Research does not follow a rigidly struc-
1997; Vandendorpe, 1997). The clear focus on the nonhi- tured, waterfall life cycle. Instead, a researcher can spiral
erarchical developmental aspect of basic research supports across and down the continuum on a specific research track.
a model of the research continuum in which phases of the In this spiral process, different strategies and phases of the
research life cycle are integrated, rather than performed research process are determined by the orientation and criteria
separately. This holistic approach lets the researcher deter- set by the researcher. This process includes the peculiarity of
mine research strategy, orientation, and criteria (Cronbach & an observation being applied, in practice, with no theoretical
Meehl, 1955; Yin, 1994). A researcher determines the type of foundation (Kochen, 1986).
research strategy by choosing one of the following familiar In 1997, R&D Magazine’s basic research survey of 4,000
series of questions to ask: “who,” “what,” “where,” “how,” researchers, 67.3% stated that the most critical element of
and “why” (Hedrick et al., 1993; Yin, 1994). basic research developed an understanding of scientific prin-
“What” questions are exploratory and deal with concep- ciples or phenomena. They noted that the second most critical
tual discussions and initial theory formulation examining element was creation of a foundation for future development.
observed phenomena. “Who” and “where” questions favor These two critical elements point out the importance and
survey strategies or analysis of archival records to seek currency of the spatial network of theory development and
generalizable patterns. Frameworks (i.e., a taxonomy of the nomological network (Vandendorpe, 1997).
classification based on standard guidelines) are developed to Different strategies can be employed across the research
explain, organize, and manage identified patterns (see e.g., continuum. The changing orientation and criteria of the
Kochen, 1986; Merrill & Tenneyson, 1977). Frameworks in researcher determines strategy. The nature of the follow-
the field of MIS, for example Nolan and Wetherbe (1980), ing components and dimensions of the research continuum
are typically validated by mapping MIS research publications become more specific and increase in importance in moving
to the framework to determine if the framework properly from conceptual studies to laboratory experiments (Blalock,
classifies the published material. This method organizes the 1982; Nunnally, 1978):
research and enables recognition of conceptual patterns.
These strategies support research goals that are either de- 1. knowledge of subjects and environment;
scriptive or predictive. “How” and “why” questions are more 2. questions and objectives and data collection proce-
explanatory, and lead to the use of single or multiple case dures;
studies and experiments as the preferred research strategy. 3. knowledge of and accuracy in operationalizing vari-
The experiments could be either field experiments or labo- ables and relationships;
4. potential internal validity;

The Nomological Network and the Research Continuum

Figure 2.




WHY? Conceptual Single Case Study Multiple Case Studies Surveys Frameworks Field Experiments Laboratory Experiments




Figure 3.







Conceptual Single Case Study Multiple Case Studies Frameworks Surveys Field Experiments Laboratory Experiments



Descriptive Statistics; Inferential Statistics; Replication of Inferential

Non-Parametrics, Small Sample Reliability Determinations, Statistic Studies;
Inferential Statistics - ANOVA Exploratory Factor Analysis Confirmatory Factor Analysis

The Nomological Network and the Research Continuum

5. potential external validity; REFERENCES

6. potential reliability;
7. possible sources of bias. Ackoff, R. L. (1984). Scientific method: Optimizing applied
8. ability to predict; research decisions. Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publish-
9. ability to uncover causal models. ing Company, Inc.,

Also, the statistical methodologies employed by a Blalock, H. M. (1982). Conceptualization and measurement
researcher change across the research continuum from in the social sciences. Beverly Hills, Ca: Sage Publica-
conceptual studies to laboratory experiments (see Figure 3). tions.
The change is from descriptive to inferential statistics, from Churchill, G. A. Jr. (1979). A paradigm for developing bet-
initial descriptive identification of observations to indepen- ter measures of marketing constructs. Journal of Marketing
dent confirmation and replication critical to the process of Research, 16, 64-73.
scientific generalization.
Clark, J. T. (1969). The philosophy of science and the his-
tory of science. In M. Clayett (Ed.), Critical problems in the
FUTURE TRENDS history of science, (pp. 103-140). Madison, WI: University
of Wisconsin Press.
Although the spatial, nomological network and the research Cronbach, L. J. (1975). The validation of educational mea-
continuum have high face validity, more work needs to be sures. In D. A. Payne & R. F. McMorris, (Eds.), Educational
done in these areas. It is interesting to note that the references and psychological measurement: Contributions to theory
here are relatively old. The fact is that researchers have not and practice, (pp. 75-88). General Learning Corporation,
done recent work in these areas. General Learning Press.
One direction for future research would be to validate
the nomological network and research continuum proposed Cronbach, L. J. & Meehl, P. E. (1955). Construct validity in
here. Researchers could take a subject area in a discipline psychological tests. Psychological Bulletin, 52, 281-303.
(e.g., decision support systems in MIS), map its constructs
Dodd, S. C. (1968). Systemmetrics for evaluating symbolic
to the nomological, spatial network and map its published
systems. Systemmatics, 6, 27-49.
articles to the research continuum.
Feigl, H. (1970). The “orthodox” view of theories: Remarks
in defense as well as critique. In M. Radnor, & S. Winokur
CONCLUSION (Eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, (pp.
4). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Social and behavioral sciences face two very different
Hedrick, T., Bickman, L., & Rog, D. J. (1993). Applied
issues from those encountered in the physical sciences:
research design. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
(1) the relationship between theory and research, and (2)
the development of theoretically defined constructs and Hempel, C. G. (1952). Fundamentals of concept formation
measurement procedures. By understanding the integrated in empirical science. Foundations of the Unity of Science,
and interactive nature of the research continuum across the vol. II, #7. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
life cycle of research, and the fundamental requirement for
development of theory out of that research, investigators Hughes, M. A., Price, R. L., & Marrs, D. W. (1986). Linking
can advance the rigor of their chosen academic disciplines, theory construction and theory testing: Models with multiple
and build a testable body of work to support and grow their indicators of latent variables. Academy of Management
chosen scientific discipline. Review, 11, 128-144.
This research continuum, grounded in the triple link- Keen, P. G. W. (1980). MIS research: Reference disciplines
age depicted in the spatial network, is robust and flexible. and a cumulative tradition. In E. R. McLean (Ed.), Proceed-
However, the challenge in not having readily observable and ings of the First International Conference on Information
measurable data outcomes across the research continuum Systems (pp. 9-18).
makes the operationalization and measurement of constructs
for a researcher difficult, challenging, and tedious (Blalock, Kochen, M. (1986). Are MIS frameworks premature? Journal
1982). Understanding the theoretical basis of a construct, how of Management Information Systems, 2, 92-100.
it is developed and tested within a nomological network, and
LaMott, E. E. (1997). The research continuum. Retrieved
the interplay across the research continuum, are fundamental
in contributing to the establishment and future development of
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MIS and social sciences as cohesive academic disciplines.

The Nomological Network and the Research Continuum

Latane, B., & Darley, J. M. (1969). Bystander apathy. Ameri- KEY TERMS
can Behavioral Scientist, 57, 244-268. N
Basic Research: Research performed without thought
Merrill, M. D., & Tennyson, R. D. (1977). Teaching con-
of practical ends, producing general knowledge and an
cepts: An instructional design guide. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
understanding of nature and its laws.
Educational Technology Publications.
Bridge Principles: Mathematical formulae and op-
Miller, M. D. (1994). The extended technology acceptance
erations, stated as the rules of interpretation, that link the
model: Theory and empirical test. Unpublished Dissertation
processes proposed by the theory to empirical phenomena
Auburn, Al: Auburn University.
(measures and observations).
Nolan, R. L., & Wetherbe, J. C. (1980). Toward a comprehen-
Conceptualization: Refers to the theoretical process by
sive framework for MIS research. MIS Quarterly, 4, 1-19.
which researchers move from ideas or constructs to suggest-
Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory, [2nd ed.]. New ing appropriate research operations.
York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Construct Validity: Identifies theoretical constructs
Popper, K. R. (1959). The logic of scientific discovery. New defined by a network of relations, all of which are anchored
York: Harper & Row. to observables, making the constructs testable.
Rainer, R. K., Jr., & Harrison, A. W. (1993). Toward devel- Internal Principles: Define basic entities (concepts
opment of the end user computing construct in a university and constructs) of the theory and the lawful relationships,
setting. Decision Sciences, 24, 1187-1202. hypothesized as part of theory, describing interrelationships
of these theoretical constructs, either within the same theory
Studt, T. (Ed.). (1997). Basic research white paper. R&D or with other theories.
Magazine.Highlands Ranch, Co: Reed Elsevier, Inc.
Measurement: Linkage process between the physical
Subramanian, A., & Nilakanta, S. (1994). Research measure- operation, on the one hand, and a mathematical language
ment: A blueprint for theory-building in MIS. Information on the other.
& Management, 26, 13-20.
Measurement by Proclamation: Theoretical claims of
Trimmer, J. D. (1950). Response of physical systems. New lawful relationships with no link to empirical tests (Blalock,
York: Wiley. 1982).
Trochim, W. M. K. (1996). The multitrait-multimethod Nomological Network: Interlocking system of hy-
matrix.Retrieved from potheses, principles, and laws linking the constructs that
kb/mtmmmat htm constitute any theory.
Vandendorpe, L. (1997). Basic research white paper. R&D Theories: General principles to which individual events,
Magazine. Highlands Ranch, Co: Reed Elsevier. objects, or phenomena conform, and by which the occurrence
Venkatraman, N., & Grant, J. H. (1986). Construct measure- of these events, objects, or phenomena is systematically
ment in organizational strategy research: A critique and anticipated.
proposal. Academy of Management Review, 11, 71-87.
Yin, R. K. (1994). Case study research: Design and methods,
[2nd ed.]. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


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