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German merchant & alchemist

H Democritus & Leuccipus propose the

Hennig Brand,attempted to create the idea of atom,an invisible particle that
philoso-pher’s stone;an object that all matter is made of.
can turn metals into pure gold.He Aristotle proposes the four element
heated residues from boiled urine & a
theory: Earth,air ,fire & water.
liquid dropped out & bursted into
flames. This was the first discovery of Plato coins ‘elements’(stoicheia)
Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first
extensive list of elements containing
Francis Bacon published “The
33 elements & distinguished between
Proficience & Advancement of
metals & non-metals.
Learning” which contained a
Henry Cavendish discovered
description of what would later be
Hydrogen as a colorless,odorless gas
known as the Scientific Method.
that burns and can form an explosive
Joseph Black isolated Carbon Dioxide
mixture with air
which he called ‘fixed air’
Two scientists, Dmitri Mendeleev and Henry Moseley determined the
Lothar Meyer both came up with atomic number of each elements and
periodic tables that showed how modified the ‘Periodic Law’.
elements should be group. Both of
them arranged the elements in order Glenn Seaborg synthesized
of increasing atomic mass while transuranic elements. Edwin
putting in groups with similar McMillian & Phillip Abelson idebtified
properties.They left blank spaces neptunium,the lightest & first
believing that it woul be filled later on synthesized transuranium element
found in the products of Uranum &
Antoine Bequerel first discovered fission.
radioactivity. Thomson student from
New Zealand named three types of Ernest Rutherford discovered the
radiation: Alpha,Beta& Gamm rays. source of radioactivity as decaying
Marie & Pierre Curie started working atoms.
on the radiation of uranium& thorium
& subsequently discovered radium&
polonium. 1940
1914 1669 1894
1900 1605-1754
1817 1766-1778
1863 1774 1828
1869 1803 1898
440-360 BC

The work of Johhan Dobereiner, a English chemist,an John Newlands,
German chemist who formed the proposed the law of octaves.He based
Triad OF Elememnts with similar his classifications on the fact that
properties like the Triad of similar properties could be noted for
CalciumBarium & Stronium. every 8 element when they are
arranged in order of increasing
Atleast 47 elements were discovered atomic masses then discovered 56
& the scientists began to see the elements in 11 groups.
patterns and characteristics.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele & Joseph
Jakob Berzelius developed table of
Priestly independently isolated
atomic weights & introduced letters
to symbolic elements.
William Ramsey & Lord Rayleigh John Dalton Proposed “Dalton’s Law’
discovered the noble gases. describing the relationship between
the components in a mixtures of

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