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MPPT control of DFIG used in wind energy

conversion systems

Ali Boukhriss*, Ahmed Essadki, Abdellah Bouallouch Tamou Nasser

Electrical Engineering Department of ENSET Communication Networks Department of ENSIAS
Mohamed V Souisssi University Mohamed V Souisssi University
Rabat, Morocco Rabat, Morocco

Abstract— This paper presents an improved control of a doubly acts to keep tip speed ratio at its optimal value, which is
fed induction generator used in wind energy conversion systems achieved without measuring the wind speed [6].
WECS, in order to maximize the power converted from wind.
The MPPT algorithm without wind speed sensor is presented. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section II,
Due to its robustness and performance, active disturbance the mathematical model of WECS is described. In section III,
rejection control (ADRC) based on the extended state observer the ADRC method is presented. Section IV presents the control
(ESO) is employed to achieve the pitch angle control required for strategy. Simulations are presented in section V, and finally a
high wind speeds and the control of both rotor and grid side conclusion in section VI.
converters. Simulations are carried out using matlab simulink.
Keywords- active disturbance rejection control; extended state
observer; doubly fed induction generator; maximum power point
A. Wind Turbine Model
Power converted by the turbine can be expressed by the
C p  ,  Sv 3
1 (1)
Wind energy has become an inevitable alternative to the Pt 
production of electrical energy compared to the conventional
methods based on polluting fossil fuels. The rate of installed Where  is the Tip speed ratio defined as
power continues to increase throughout the globe and it
t R (2)
contributes significantly to the reduction of carbon dioxide 
emission. v

Several wind energy conversion systems WECS are  is the air density, R is the radius, S is the surface swept by
equipped with the doubly fed induction generator due to their the blades of the turbine, t is the turbine speed, v the wind
advantages to mention only the design of converters performed speed,  pitch angle and Cp represents the wind turbine power
at about one third of the rated power and operating in variable coefficient given by the empirical expression[2]
speed between 0.7 to 1.3 of synchronous speed [1] [2]. Fig.1
describe the system model of converting wind power using
doubly fed induction generator, where the turbine is connected
via a gear box to the machine shaft and DFIG is directly
connected to the grid and its rotor windings are connected
through a back to back converter to the network supply.
When the turbine operates less than the nominal wind
speed, the system need to be regulate to extract the maximum
of power, thus is done with the MPPT control, in the other
side, when the wind speed is growing up more than the
nominal speed, the pitch angle control acts on the turbine's
blades to reduce mechanical torque and keep the generator
operating at its nominal power. The most popular control is the
use of PI regulators [3], but it have some drawbacks when the
system is subject of parameter variation. Due to its robustness
against disturbances, in this paper, ADRC is employed to
control the pitch angle, the rotor side converter RSC and grid
Figure 1. WECS schematic diagram
side converter GSC [4] [5]. For the MPPT, the control strategy

 116  
21 Stator powers and electromagnetic torque in per unit are
C p  ,    0.5  0.4  5 e i  0.0068 (3)
expressed in the dq- axis reference frame as
 i  *
Ps  jQs  3Vsdq I sdq (13)
1 1 0.035 (4)
  Lm *
i   0.08  3 1 Tem  I m ( sdq I sdq ) (14)
While operating, the wind turbine control system adjusts Where the up-script * and Im mean respectively a complex
the blade pitch to keep the rotor speed within operating limits conjugate and imaginary part.
as the wind speed changes. MPPT control acts to maximize Base value used in this paper are listed in Table III.
power extracted from wind energy for low wind speeds. On the
other hand, the turbine is controlled to not exceed the rated
power Prated of the generator which is established by the pitch D. Back To Back PWM Modelling
angle control for strong wind as illustrated in Fig. 2. The back to back allows bidirectional transit of power
between the rotor and the network [7]. In dq-axis reference
frame, relations between voltage, current and power, are given
in per unit by
1 dI gdq
Lg   Rg I gdq  jLg I gdq  Vsdq  Vcdq (15)
wb dt

dudc 3 V (16)
cudc  wb ( Pr  Vsq I gq )( b )2
dt 2 udc _ b

Where (Rg, Lg) represent resistance and inductance filter. Or

in the linear form, where w is the square of dc voltage udc
dw 3 V (17)
 wb (Vsq I gq  Pr )( b )2
Figure 2. Standard curve of the turbine power dt c udc _ b

Equations describing this model in per unit are: The active disturbance rejection control was proposed by
Han [8][9]. It is designed to deal with systems having a large

(Tsh  Tem ) (5) amount of uncertainties. The particularity of the ADRC design
dt 2H g is that the total disturbance is defined as an extended state of
dwt 1
the system, and estimated using a state observer, known as the
 (Tt  Tsh ) (6)
dt 2H t
extended state observer (ESO). It was also simplified to linear
ADRC using the linear ESO [10], which makes it easy and
Tsh  k sh  Dsh 
(7) convenient to implement. We consider the case of first order
system, (which is the case of the physical plant), for the
d 1 (8) illustration of the method.
 ( wt  wr )
dt wb .
y  f  y, d t , t   b0 u (18)
Where wt and wr are respectively turbine and generator
speed in (pu). Tt, Tsh and Te are respectively turbine, shaft and Where u and y are input and output variables. d is the
electromagnetic torque in (pu). Ht and Hg are turbine and external disturbance, and f(y,d,t) represents the combined effect
generator inertia constant in (s). Ksh is the shaft stiffness of internal dynamics and external disturbance and b0 parameter
coefficient in (pu/rad). Dsh is the damping coefficient in (pu).  to estimate.
is the shaft twist angle in (rad). wb is base angular speed. Since the objective is that y follows well the desired
trajectory using a control variable u, it is not necessary to know
C. DFIG Model well the exact internal model of the physical plant. Indeed, the
DFIG model is expressed in the complex form with the basic idea is the estimation and compensation of f. Eq. (18) can
following equations in per unit be written in an augmented state space form as:
1 d sdq .
Vsdq  Rs I sdq   j sdq (9)  x1  f  b0 u
wb dt  . . (19)
x2  h where f h
1 d rdq (10) y  x
Vrdq  Rr I rdq   j (1  wr ) rdq
wb dt  1

 sdq  Ls I sdq  Lm I rdq (11) We use an extended state observer ESO designed as

rdq  Lr I rdq  Lm I sdq (12)

. vopt
 z1  z 2  1  y  z1   b0 u (20) wt _ opt  (24)
 . where L  1  2 t R
z    y  z 
 2 2 1
1 C p _ max 2 (25)
Tt _ opt  R 5 wt
2 3opt
Where, L is the observer gain vector. To simplify the tuning
process, the observer gains are parameterized as [11]: In the steady state, the electromagnetic torque reference
1=20 and 2=02 Temref to apply for the generator control is equal to the optimal
torque. On the other side, the pitch angle operates by acting on
Where, 0 is the bandwidth of the observer determined by the orientation of the blades of the turbine, to avoid a possible
the pole placement technique. The estimate is more precisely destruction in case of strong winds.
by increasing the bandwidth of the observer, however a wide
bandwidth increases the sensitivity to noise. In practice, a Rearranging (5) and(6) as
compromise is made between the speed at which the observer dwr 1 H dwt 1
 Tt (  ,  )  t  Tem (26)
tracks the states and its sensitivity to sensor noise. With a dt 2H g H g dt 2H g
properly extended state observer ESO designed, z1 and z2 are
tracking respectively y and f. With a well tuned ESO, the
control law is given by: Since the ADRC doesn’t require the full knowledge of the
plant, (26) can be written into the ADRC canonical form as
u0  z 2 (21)
u dwr
b0  f ( wr , d , t )  b _ 0  (27)
Since z2 is tracking well the total uncertainties f, and Where b_0 the parameter to estimate. The schematic
neglecting error between f and z2, it results that the original
plant in (18) is reducing to a unit gain integrator
. u0  z 2 (22)
y  f  b0 u  f  b0  u0

This can be controlled by a simple proportional controller

u0  k p  r  z1  (23)
diagram of pitch control is illustrated in Fig. 4
The controller tuning is chosen as kp=c, where c is the Figure 4. Pitch control schematic diagram
desired closed loop frequency. Generally we choose 0=3~7c,
and consequently, c is the only tuning parameter. Fig. 3 B. Generator Control RSC
represents the implementation of ADRC used to control the
first order physical plant. From (13) and (14), electromagnetic torque and reactive
power can be controlled separately by Ird and Irq respectively.
In this context, a stator voltage oriented control SVOC is
employed for both RSC and GSC. Hence, a stator voltage is
aligned on the q-axis at the synchronous reference frame
Taking into account a realistic assumption for high
generator power, which neglect the effect of voltage drop
across the stator resistor, it follows that the q-axis stator flux is
null sq=0). The relationship between flux and voltage can be
Figure 3. ADRC schematic design written in pu as
Vsdq  j sdq (28)
According to (13), (14) and (28), reference current to apply
The control of WECS can be subdivided in two levels. the
to RSC are calculated as
first level for the turbine control including MPPT and pitch
angle control, and the second level for the generator control Vqs Ls (29)
I dr ref  (1  Qsref )
including RSC and GSC control. Lm 3Vqs2

A. MPPT and Pitch Control Ls Tem ref (30)

I qr ref 
The objective of the MPPT is to generate the optimal torque Lm Vqs
reference for each value of rotational speed, and this is done On the other side, the objective of GSC is to keep DC
keeping TSR to its optimal value opt. From (1) and (2), the voltage constant and ensure a unit power factor to the transient
optimal wind turbine speed and optimal torque in SI unit are power from GSC to the supply. A decoupled scheme of active
given by and reactive power is also used.

In this paper reactive power reference in RSC and GSC are
chosen to be zero. Thus, only the active power is exchanged
with the network. Finally, from equations (10 -11 -12 -15- 17 -
26), expressions of rotor speed, rotor currents, filter currents
and DC bus voltage can be put into ADRC canonical form.
 wr   f    b _ 0   u 
       
 I rd   f rd   rd _ 0 
b  urd 
    u 
d  I rq   f rq   brq _ 0   rq  (31)
 
dt  I gd   f gd  bgd _ 0  u gd 
       
 I gq   f gq   bgq _ 0   u gq 
 w   f  b   
   w   w _ 0   uw 
Figure 5. Simplified shcematic control design
 1 H t dwt  generator parameters are listed respectively in Table II and
 2 H Tt (  ,  )  H dt 
Table III. Control parameters used in this simulation are
f   
g g
 1  presented in Table IV.
  Tem  b _ 0  
 2H g 
To validate the model developed for WECS in normal
condition, the system is subjected to a wind profile illustrated
 wr Lm 
  Rr I rd  (1  w )( Lr I rq  L sq ) 
in Fig. 6. We note that the rated wind speed for this turbine is
wb   around 9.8m/s. When speed is less than the rated value, the

b s
f rd
 Lr  Lm dsd  Lr  turbine is controlled in MPPT mode to extract maximum
  (1  brd _ 0 )Vrd 
power. The pitch angle remains zero, the power coefficient Cp
 wb Ls dt wb 
is controlled at its optimum value. On the other hand once the
 wr Lm 
  Rr I rq  (1  w )( Lr I rd  L sd )  rotation speed tends to exceed the rated speed wr_rated=1.1, the
wb  b s  pitch angle acts on the orientation of the blades, and controls
f rq 
 Lr  Lm dsq  Lr  the speed and power generated by the generator respectively at
  (1  brq _ 0 )Vrq 
 wb Ls dt wb  their nominal values wr_rated and Prated. Fig. 6 represents the
evolution of wind speed, pitch angle, power coefficient Cp,
  Rg I gd  Lg I gq  Vsd 
wb   rotor speed wr and power generated by the DFIG .
f gd 
Lg   (1  bgd _ 0 g )Vcd 
L wind
 wb 
wind (m/s)


  Rg I gq  Lg I gd  Vsq  9
wb   10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Lg   (1  bgq _ 0 g )Vcq 
f gq L power coefficient

 wb 


3  c  10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
fw  wb Pr  (Vsq  bw _ 0 wb ) I gq 
c 
3  3
 (deg)

 u     1
    0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
 urd  Vrd  rotor speed
 u  Vrq 
and  rq    
wr (pu)

u gd  Vcd  1.05
    1
 u gq  Vcq  10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

  I  Pgenerated
 uw   gq  1.2
Pg (pu)

where (b_0, brd_0, brq_0, bgd_0, bgq_0, bw_0) are the parameters 0.8

to estimate. 0.6
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
As explain in section II, ADRC can be applied. Fig. 5 Time(s)

represents the schematic diagram for the generator control. Figure 6. Cp,  and pitch angle  under wind speed variation

This paper has presented the active disturbance rejection
Simulations on a 2MW DFIG wind turbine are carried out control for the doubly fed induction generator used in WECS.
using Matlab Simulink. Turbine and Doubly fed induction The proposed control has demonstrated its effectiveness under

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Rated Power Prated 2MW
Grid voltage ULL RMS and frequency f 690V 50Hz
Stator resistance Rs 0.0429 pu
Rotor resistance Rr 0.0345 pu
Stator inductance Ls 35.6572 pu
Rotor inductance Lr 35.4446 pu
Mutual inductance Lm 35.2906 pu
Generator Inertia Hg 0.4 s
Number of pole pairs p 2
DC link voltage udcref 1200V
Filter Resistance Rg 0.3125 pu
Filter Inductance Lg 1.3090 pu
DC link capacitor c 1.2064 pu

Control Parameters
ADRC Rotor Filter DC bus
current current voltage
Close loop c (rd.s-1) 50 150 300 60
bandwidth 0 (rd.s-1) 150 450 900 180
gain b0 -0.045 607.7 -240 -781.2

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