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SWOT Analysis


a. Providing a natural a. Lack of empowerment of

conservation and local society who are
cultural activities in the supposed to support the
quality of tourism object
tourism destination.
in Tabanan.
b. The way of life tourism
b. There is no specific
is provided by several characterization of
tourism object in Tabanan regarding to the
Tabanan that makes the traditional food of
visitor can learn about Tabanan, the art product
the way of life element that created by local
that exist in those people there. It means
Tabanan has lack of icon
tourism objects.
regarding in promoting
c. The educational
the tourism object.
tourism exists in c. The communication
Tabanan. accessibility needs to be
d. The local people in improved in Tabanan.
Tabanan are friendly. d. The access to find several
tourism object is relative
narrow, and it is difficult
to be entered by more
than one car.
e. Less sign of tourism
attraction that exist in
f. Lack of tourism
enterprise such as money
changer and minimarket,
souvenir shop)

OPPORTUNITIES OS Strategies (use OW Strategies (overcome

strength to get weaknesses to get
advantages from advantages from
a. There are various of opportunities) opportunities)
tourism object that can
be visited by tourist. a. Promotin the uniqueness a. The society should be
Kind of tourism objects of Subak (as one of empowered, for
heterogeneous, therefore irrigation culture that is instance the
the visitor are not feeling empowerment of
acknowledged by
bored. foreign language,
UNESCO) through give technology, and the
an opportunity for the
tourist about the life understanding about the
experience in conducting globalization era.
the traditional system
b. Add more access of
technology, and
increase the signal
b. Since Tabanan also
power in Tabanan that
known for spiritual
helps the tourist is
tourism, therefore it can
easily to communicate
be used as a promotion
each other.
for the tourist, perhaps
the visitors can be
c. Add more sign to attract
provided about the
the tourism about the
activities that is
tourism object in a
classified as a spiritual
specific tourism
activity, like how to
make a Balinese offering
d. Build the tourism
enterprise that support
c. Since Tabanan is known
the development of
for an educational
tourism in Tabanan.
tourism, for instance the
existence of Subak
Museum and Margarana
Hero Cemetery.
Therefore to promote
those educational
tourism, it can be done
through the festival on a
certain day that attract
the tourism to come such
us the historical festival
in Margarana on the
Independence day, or
Hero Day.

d. Rich of its natural

beauty, culture and
custom that will attract
many tourist to go to
Tabanan, besides that the
local people are really
friendly will also make
the tourist feel
THREATS TS Strategies (use TW (Minimize
strengths to avoid weaknesses and threats to
a. Local people are lack of threats) get advantages)
empowerment when
supporting the tourism a. Since Tabanan has a. Empowering the society
object various of tourism about the knowledge in
b. Lack of technology object, and the society supporting the tourism
accessibility that can be involved to object.
support the development promote the tourism
of tourism object. through invite the
tourists experience in
the traditional culture
in Tabanan.

A. Strength

Since this analysis is focused in Tabanan regency, therefore Tabanan

regency is classified as the area that has been developed by the certain government,
therefore in developing the area , of course the potential that exist should be used to
gain more attention regarding to the development of tourism itself, in this analysis
the first element that should be known to make a better development about a certain
area is knowing about the strength that is possessed by the particular area, in
Tabanan, there are lot of potential that is developed by government regarding to the
strength that those or tourism objects are intended to gain more visitors and make
the name of Tabanan is well known.
According to Gurel (2017) in the SWOT analysis, strength is the first point
that should be known in analyzing and developing the certain area, he stated that
strength is about the characteristics that give advantage over other in the industry, in
developing the term of strength itself, it can be concluded as an elements that add
value to something and make it more special and advantageous to the area, the
strength that is intended is related to the condition of the place, capacity of the
place, as well as the potential of the place. Therefore based on the above
classification of strength itself, there are several strengths that occur in Tabanan,
first one is the icon of natural conservation and cultural activities in the tourism
destination, regarding to that strength, the writers assume that is such a strength that
Tabanan has, since the natural scenery of Tabanan is an icon of that area, the icon
itself, can be used to gain more tourist to come to Tabanan , not only about the
natural scenery, Tabanan also provides a unique culture that might be not exist in
other area, one of the traditional culture that can be found in Tabanan named subak,
subak is a traditional irrigation system that is still preserved by the society, the
uniqueness of culture as well as the beautiful scenery of Tabanan` can be
considered as strength because that is a value of Tabanan that become an icon of
Tabanan itself, the second strength that can be found in Tabanan, the second
element that can be considered as a strength is the way of life that is done by local
people in Tabanan, besides the existence of Subak as one of the unique culture, the
existence of Temple in Tabanan also shows a cultural identity of Tabanan as well as
Balinese itself, the visitors can see about the custom that is usually done by people,
on the other hand those temples in Tabanan provide a beautiful scenery and it
invites the visitors to visit the temple, the next one is about the educational tourism
in Tabanan, there the visitor can visit museum of Subak, as well as Margarana
National Hero Park, there visitors can learn about the history of Bali, and the
biography of hero that had fought for the independence of Tabanan as well as Bali,
it can be considered as a strength because it makes Tabanan special and interesting
to be visited and of course the visitor can get a best impression about the provided
advantage of tourism object. The other strength that is possessed is the society, the
society is friendly and those of them can gain the tourist to come because they are
so humble to welcome the tourist and this is a best value that Tabanan has to
develop the tourist.

B. Weakness
According to Gurel (2017) weakness means that something is more
disadvantageous when compared to something else. In this regard, weakness is a
characteristic that is negative and unfavorable. Based on the result, there are some
weaknesses of the tourism in Tabanan regency such as lack of empowerment of local
society, lack of icon regarding in promoting the tourism object, the communication
accessibility, the access to go to some areas in Tabanan, less of sign in some tourism
attraction, and also lack of tourism enterprises. Those weaknesses above refer to the
situation in which the current situation of Tabanan regency which can categorized
weaker if compared with other regency.
Lack of empowerment of local society is one of the weakness in Tabanan
regency. The field result shows that the local society there is still lack of education in
tourism, for example when they are giving the services to the guests or visitors and
also lack of ability in speaking English too. That cases actually should be maintained
by the government in order to improve the quality of tourism in Tabanan regency.
There is no specific characterization of Tabanan such as the traditional food or art
product that created by the local people which actually can be an icon of Tabanan
regency that can attract tourists too.
Besides that, Tabanan regency is also lack of tourism enterprises such as
minimarket, petrol station, money changer, etc. It also other weaknesses that can
clearly see in Tabanan regency. There are few of tourism enterprises there which
definitely needed by the tourists who come to Tabanan. Therefore, it looks like that
Tabanan regency is not ready yet in developing its tourism. Other weaknesses also
found in its accessibility both access to go there or the communication accessibility.
The road to go to some areas in Tabanan regency are narrow and the communication
accessibility such as the signal in some areas is also difficult to find.
C. Opportunity
According to Gurel (2017) opportunity means a situation or condition
suitable for an activity. Opportunity is an advantage and the driving force for an
activity to take place. For the reason, it has a positive and favorable characteristic.
In Tabanan regency, the opportunity that found is, there are various tourism objects
there. If we see deeply, Tabanan has many tourism object that can attract many
tourist. Its agricultural, customs, traditions are interesting to be promoted as one of
the best attraction in Bali. Those various tourism object will not make the visitors
feel bored. Those are can be categorized as the opportunities of Tabanan and could
be the strength of Tabanan if compared with other places. Then if the government
can manage those opportunities, it will give the positive impact too for the local
people there such as create a new job vacancy for the local people and instantly will
improve the economy in Tabanan.

D. Threats
The existence of opportunity can not be separated with the occurrence of
threats, that threatens will effect the existence and the popularity of specific area, it
is similar that happened in Tabanan regency, although the opportunity that might be
gotten from the tourism objects there, but the threat can be avoided as a challenge
in developing the tourism objects, Gurel (2017) stated that the existence of threat
means the situation or condition will danger the actualization of an activity there, it
can be concluded the negative sides of that environment or place are being
recognized in this analysis. In Tabanan itself threats that still find easily is the
society, although in the strength the local people there are considered as humble,
but their knowledge with regard to develop and support the tourism need to be
improved, the knowledge that is intended in this analysis such as foreign language,
the insight about globalization to support the tourism, the local people can not only
stand in their own life as a common society but they need to go out from their
comfortable zone, by learning the new potential, especially in Tabanan, by stay in
uncomfortable zone the society will have a willingness to learn more and improve
their knowledge regarding to face the globalization era and be a global citizen.
Technology also can be considered as one important element in supporting
the tourism object development, however in Tabanan the technology there still
sounds not familiar, for instance the existence of strong signal to support the
tourism is lack, and it will make the related enterprise of tourism object will
difficult in developing the website, promote the tourism object , therefore when
promoting is lack, it will difficult to gain much tourist and develop the tourism
object and tourism enterprise.

E. OS Strategy
According to Chermack and Kasshanna cited in Gurel (2017) OS strategy is
the strategy achieve opportunities that greatly match the organization’s strengths.
OS strategy is also the strategy that use strength to get advantages from
opportunities. The strength that can be used to get advantages from opportunities is
promoting its natural beauty rice field. Tabanan regency is really rich in its
agricultural and one of the rice field which is Jatiluwih is one of the beautiful one
and as one of irrigation culture that is acknowledged by UNESCO. The government
should do more promotion about that one through give an opportunity for the
tourist about the life experience in conducting the traditional system itself. Since
Tabanan also known for spiritual tourism, therefore it can be used as a promotion
for the tourist, perhaps the visitors can be provided about the activities that is
classified as a spiritual activity, like how to make a Balinese offering (mejejaitan).
Tabanan regency is also well known as an educational tourism. There are
some places that categorized as the educational tourism such as Subak Museum and
Margarana. Those historical places should be maintained too through the festival on
a certain day that attract the tourism to come such us the historical festival in
Margarana on the Independence day, or Hero Day. Therefore, Tabanan regency can
keep its rich of natural beauty as well as its educational tourism which will attract
many tourist to go to Tabanan, Moreover, the local people are really friendly will
also make the tourists feel comfortable.

F. OW Strategy
According to Chermack and Kasshanna cited in Gurel (2017) OW strategy is
the strategy that overcome the weaknesses to attain opportunities. In other word,
this strategy overcome weaknesses to get advantages from opportunities. The
weaknesses that can be taken to get the advantages from opportunities is the society
of Tabanan regency should be empowered. Since the society there is lack of
empowerment, it should be managed and developed in order to support the quality
of tourism in Tabanan. The society there should be developed the empowerment of
foreign language, technology, and the understanding about the globalization era.
Those cases also must be helped by the government through add some educational
places of tourism such as schools or courses for the society, add more access of
technology, and increase the signal power in Tabanan that helps they communicate
each other easily.
Other strategy is the investor who open tourism enterprises in Tabanan
regency migh be should add more sign to attract the tourism about the tourism
object in a specific tourism objects because the sign of some tourism object or
attraction relative small and some of them also covered by bushes or trees. The
government also should add and build more the tourism enterprise such as mini
market, money changer which are difficult to find in Tabanan regency that can also
support the development of tourism in Tabanan.

G. TS Strategy
Since the strength and the threats have been mentioned previously, therefore in
next point of analysis will focus to find the strength that can be used to avoid the threats,
according to the theory of Gurrel in 2017, the strength itself can be used to reduce the
organizations vulnerability to threats, as mentioned above there are many strength that
exists in Tabanan, for instance like the occurrence of various tourism object, and the
societies are friendly, therefore to avoid the threat itself, those of the strengths have strong
relation to develop Tabanan and avoid strength, as the tourism objects there are various and
societies are friendly therefore the society can help in supporting the tourism object, the
humble behavior can be utilized to invite more tourist in experiencing a new life in
Tabanan, like learning about the current custom, learning about the way of life in Tabanan,
and of course that way can be done to attract the tourist to learn more.
H. TW Strategy
However those weaknesses that exist can be reduced by some effort to prevent the
threats , according to Gurrel in 2017, this way is should be applied in order to prevent the
weakness to avoid making the organization more susceptible to threat therefore by giving a
training and empowerment of societies who are mostly considered still lack of knowledge,
those activities can be done to make the societies are able to support the existence of
tourism object in Tabanan, if the societies there have been developed in soft skill as well as
a hard skill like using a foreign language, competent in using a technology, moreover the
humble and friendly behavior are the plus value of them, of course the threat can be

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