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Factors Influencing Creativity

Chelsea and Leanne

Read the following:

● Assessing Creativity by Susan Brookhart

● Assessing Creativity in the Classroom: It Needs to Happen! by Andrew Miller
● Four Ways to Measure Creativity from Sense and Sensation

Look at this sample K–two Creativity and Innovation Rubric from the Buck Institute for Education.

What do you believe are the important factors in creativity? How can teachers encourage kindergarten students to be
creative? Work with a partner to discuss your ideas around this. Then, with your partner, create a creativity rubric that
you could use in your kindergarten classrooms. You may find Rubistar or a similar site useful for creating your rubric.

One of each pair will post the rubric to the Discussion topic.

Examine the rubrics created by your classmates, paying attention to the wording and the creativity factors they
assess. Did you find any ideas that you feel are valuable for your own rubric? Revise your rubric as needed to
incorporate new ideas and save any of your colleagues’ rubrics that you would like to use in the future.

Chelsea: I believe important factors in creativity are originality and being able to explain your
thinking. Some people may view something as less creative, but if an individual is able to
explain their thinking and the process in which led them there, this may shine better light on
their creative process. Ways in which teachers can encourage creativity in their classrooms is
by offering an assortment of materials and objects to work with, not only in art but in science
and other subject areas. Allowing them to explore with different materials and use their senses,
will allow children to tap into their imagination. Brainstorming in any subject can be a creative
activity as well. This may involve writing ideas on chart paper during carpet time, to reference
later on. It allows the children to share their ideas with their peers, which can influence and
support the creative energy of others in the classroom. I also love giving my students a
challenge, like who can build the highest tower, or what musical instrument can you make out of
recycled materials? It allows them to think of unique and creative ways to construct something!

I like the idea of using a simple rubric for kindergarten students. This may involve using smiley
faces or thumbs up (if it is for self-reflection). Some criteria I have thought of including:
● I can think of my own ideas
● I can think of ways to improve my ideas
● I put forth my best effort and worked hard on my idea
● I can explain how I made my idea
I think it may be great to also look at the core competencies for creative thinking!
Leanne: When I think of creativity, I also think of originality as an important factor. The ability to
think outside the box and express yourself in a way that is meaningful to yourself. However, I
think creativity can be expressed differently by everyone, therefore, this is something I want to
keep in mind when creating a rubric for assessing creativity. I want this to be a chance for
feedback instead of giving students a performance scale of where their creativity is at. I also
like the idea of using a simple rubric of smiley faces and have students do a self-reflection of
their creative thinking.
Some “I can/I” statements I found on our core competency document that I think are useful…
· I can get new ideas or build on other people’s ideas
· I can get ideas when I use my senses to explore
· I generate new ideas in areas I am interested in
· I make my ideas work or I change what I am doing

I can think of my
own ideas or build
onto other people’s
ideas. still learning sometimes almost always

I can think of ways to

improve my ideas.

still learning sometimes almost always

I can get ideas when

I use my senses to
still learning sometimes almost always

I put forth my best

effort and worked
hard on my idea.
still learning sometimes almost always

I generate new ideas

in areas I am
interested in.
still learning sometimes almost always
I can explain how I
made my idea

still learning sometimes almost always

I make my ideas
work or I change
what I am doing
still learning sometimes almost always

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