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What is Success?

Success is the state

 First we need to know the
definition of SUCCESS. achieved ,after
 Success is a wide term
which could either mean the
success on a national level
or an individual level. accomplishment
 Today we will be discussing
Success on individual level.
of the targets in
 The reason is that success
on individual level leads to
success on the national
Steps To Success
Hard work
Mind Set
Utilizing Potentials
Taking Risks

 The first and the most important step towards

success is your AIM.
 Aim depends on how big targets you set in your life
 The basis of Success starts by setting targets.
 It is the root of Success.
 These targets are the main reason for which a
person lives everyday of his life.
Hard Work

 In order to achieve Failure is only

success in life you need
to put in a lot of effort when you stop
and hard word. trying.
 Without Hard work and
determination there is
no success.
 There are no shortcuts
to success.
Mind Set

 You must develop a mind set which depicts your

struggle for achieving your targets in life.
 It shows your attitude towards life.
 It shows how firmly you face the challenges you
encounter in your pursuit towards your targets
Focusing Your Focus
Determines Your

 Focusing is also another important key to success

 It depends on how sharply you focus on your
targets overlooking the obstacles in your path.
 Obstacles are those dreadful things you see ,
when you take your eyes off your target.

 Motivation is the main driving

force behind an action. Motivation is the
 Motivation is the reason why a
person wants to be successful.
 When it comes to motivation,
Key which starts
KNOWING is not as important as
the engine of the
 Certainly, you need some
intelligence, knowledge base, car standing on
study skills, and time
management skills, but if you
don't have motivation, you won't
the highway to
get far.
Inspire and be
Inspiration Inspired
 The word inspire means to influence someone by

 The reason why inspiration is important for success

is that it stirs you to action.

 Different people get motivated differently, but

mostly motivation is achieved through

 It ignites you for further advancement.

 It motivates you to achieve your targets, your aims,

your goals and your ambitions.
Managing Your
Life If you fail to
 It depends on how you
plan, you have
manage everything in planned to fail.
your life.
 How you develop a good
 How you manage time.
 You need to plan
everyday of your life.
 You need to set a time
table which would help
you in developing a good
Living Up to Your
 To be successful you need to utilize
your underlying potentials that God
has gifted you.
 The remote control of your life is in
your hand
 You can mold your life in any Live
direction you want.
 You must use your Potentials In once
such a way that when you die, you
must have this satisfaction that you
have lived up to your potentials in a
positive manner.
Taking Risks Playing Safe will not
 In life you need to take risks
get you to success.
 The context in which “Risk
Taking” is being considered
here is about jeopardizing
your gains in the
achievement of something
more valuable.
 The best thing about taking
risks is that if it pays off then
its quite beneficial for you
and even if you fail you learn
a lot from it.
 The most successful person
is one who is not afraid of
taking risk at the right time.
The Real Success

 The Real success is that which would help you not

only in this life but also in the life after death.
 Real success is achieved when the targets are set in
accordance with the principles of our religion so that
God is satisfied by us.
 Our Success should be such, that it leaves an
everlasting impact on the world so that it remembers
us with respect and honor.
 After our death our name lives till eternity.

 So in Order to be Successful you need to take

these important step.
 So that you can achieve your targets in life.

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