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Implementation of Hand Gesture Recognition System to Aid Deaf-dumb People

Miss. Supriya Ghule1 and Mrs. Mrunalini Chavaan2 1M-tech Student, Department
of Electrical Engineering, MITAOE India 2 Assistant Professor, Department of
Electrical Engineering, MITAOE India and Abstract.

In recent years, there has been a fast increase in the range of deaf and dumb
victims because of birth defects or some other problems. Since a deaf and mute
person cannot talk with an ordinary person in order that they ought to rely on
some kind of communication system. The gesture shows some physical
movements of the body that convey a message.

Gesture recognition is the math- ematical oaindividual’smotion y n

mationprocessing system. Linguistic communication provides the most effective
communication platform for the deaf and dumb person to speak with an ordinary
person. The target of this paper is to develop a time period system for hand
gesture recogni- tion that acknowledges hand gestures and then converts them
into voice and text.

To implement this method we tend to use a Raspberry Pi with the camera

module and programmed with Python Programming Language supported by
Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV) library. It also contains a 5 inch 800*480
Resistive HDMI Touch Screen Display for I/O data. There is also 5 megapixel Pi
camera to capture the imaoa s this f- forts have been done to detect 8 different

Each gesture has assigned unique sound and text output. In experimental results,
800 samples were taken into the consideration out of which 760 samples were
detected correctly and 40 samples were detected wrongly. Hence the proposed
system gives the accuracy of 95%.

Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Python, Feature Extraction, Contours, OpenCV 1

INTRODUCTION In our daily routine, we will communicate with one another by
using speech. Gestures are a lot of preferred and natural to act with computers
for human so it builds a bridge between humans and machines. For several deaf
and dumb person, linguistic commu- nication is their primary language making a
powerful sense of social and cultural identity.

The planned system is predicated on vision-based hand recognition approach

that is a lot of natural and doesn't need any info to spot the actual gesture. The
hand gestures should be known under variable illumination conditions. There are
several 2 feature extraction ways and classification techniques are offered and
therefore the call on which of them to use could be a difficult task.

The planned methodology performs background segmentation of the hand from

the information then we tend to assign gesture for a different sentence. It
involves feature extraction ways to angle calcula- tion of hand gestures, then
finally the gestures are detected and changing these ges- tures into text and
voice. The planned system relies on Raspberry Pi with the camera module and
programmed with Python programing language supported by Open source
computer Vision (OpenCV) library. It also contains a 5 inch 800*480 Resistive
HDMI Touch Screen Display for I/O data. There is also 5 megapixel Pi camera to
capture imges a hand.

thipaef bdoto 8 different gestures. Each gesture has assigned unique sound and
text output. In ex- perimental results, 800 (100 samples for each gesture) samples
were taken into the consideration out of which 760 samples were detected
correctly and 40 samples were detected wrongly. 2 LITERATURE SURVEY: Rathi et

[1] A framework for perceiving a dynamic hand words motion of Indian signs and
change of perceived signal into text and voice and vice versa. Eigenvectors and
Eigen esteem method has utilized for highlight extraction. Eigenvalue worth
weighted Euclidean Distance based for the most part classifier has utilized.Geethu
and Anu [2] ARM CORTEX A8 Processor board is used. For image
characterization, Haar classifier is used though 1-D HMM is utilized for Speech

Marking acknowledgment has created its significance in a very few zones like
Human computer Interactions (HCIs), mechanical controls, home
computerization. Quiapo et al. [3] it was ready to fulfill the needs of a sign
Language Translator. The task was ready to boost the fluctuate of the flex
detection parts although as well as new types of detector states for included

The procedure GUI conveyed the bigger a part of the capacities that were needed
within the two-way interpretation technique. Sayan Tapadar et al. [5] this includes
training with the acquired alternatives that square measure near par- ticular for
different hand motions. In this way, we will be prepared to set up gesture- based
communications and thus assemble crippled individuals socially satisfactorily.

Use the distinctive feature extraction. Hamid A. Jalab and Herman .K. Omer [6] a
hand motion interface for prevailing media player misuse neural system. The
antici- pated standard recognizes a gathering of 4 explicit hand signals, to be
specific: Play, Stop, Forward, and Reverse. Our standard is predicated on four
stages, Image pro- curement, Hand division, alternatives extraction, and

Geethu G Nath and Arun C [7] Implemented framework for marking recognition
for not too sharp people in ARM CORTEX A8 processor board misuse convex
sunken body standard and model coordinating principle. The framework is
utilized to oversee gadgets like an instrument, car Audio Systems, home
apparatuses. Shweta et al [8] Build up a genuine time framework for hand motion
acknowledgment that recognizes hand sig- nals, alternatives of hands like
pinnacle figuring and edge computation thus convert 3 motion pictures into
voice and contrariwise using image processing. Ali A. Abed and Sarah A.

Rahman [9] the versatile instrument is developed and tried to demonstrate the
viability of the anticipated guideline. The instrument movement and route happy
with very surprising headings: Forward, Backward, Right, Left and Stop. The
ubiqui- ty rate of the automated framework came to with respect to ninety-eight
using Rasp- berry Pi with the camera module and modified with Python.
Muhammad Yaqoob Javed et al. [10] Digital Dactylology Converser (DOC) that
could be a gadget that changes over a sign language into voice sign and instant
message. The anticipated gadget will function admirably and translates the
letters, letters in order to content and sound. Anup Nandy et al. [11] Give efficient
acknowledgment exactness to a limited arrangement of dynamic ISL motions.

It incorporates the amazing outcomes for Eu- clidian separation and K-Nearest
neighbor measurements. 3 PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE: 3.1 SYSTEM
ARCHITECTURE: i. Frame capture The input file may be a frame or a sequence of
video frames, taken by a Raspber- rPcamermodulpointtoward user’s nd.
5MPcamera e capable of 1080p video and still image however additionally
720p60 and 640x480p60/90 captures the frame.

The picture captured with background and stable light. Region of Interest (ROI) is
that the hand region, thus it captured the pictures of the hand and converts them
to binary scale so as to search out the ROI [9]. ii. Blur Image: In image processing,
a Gaussian blur is that the results of blurring a picture by a Gaussian function.

It’s a wide used result in graphics software system, usually to scale back picture
noise and reduce details. Blur frame is important to method for picture
improvement and for obtaining smart results. Blurring is utilized for smoothing
pictures and scale down noise and details from the pictures. Image can be filtered
by LPF and HPF.

LPF helps in removing noises, blurring the picture and on the other hand HPF
helps in finding edges in the pictures. Mathematical- ly, using a Gaussian blur to
a picture is that the same as convolving the picture with a Gaussian function
(Equation 1). Gaussian Blur formula ( ) v ( ) 4 iii. Frame Segmentation: Frame
segmentation is that the beginning of any frame recognition method.

The main purpose of hand segmentation is to distinguish hand area from the
background within the picture. So as to realize this, totally different image
segmentation algorithms are used like thresholding method, this result is shown
in (fig. 1). Fig. 1 Thresholding Process iv. Find Contours and Convex Hull: Contour
is a curve joining all the continuous points.

It is a useful tool for shape analysis, detection, and recognition. In OpenCV

Software, finding contours is like finding a white color object from the black color
back- ground. The green line around the hand (fig. 2) is termed a convex hull that
is used to get the fingertips is that the arched set encasing the hand space.

Convex hull can look the same as contour approxi- mation however it's not (both
could offer an equivalent result in the same case). It checks a curve for convexity
defects and corrects it. Fig. 2 Convex Hull and Defects 5 v. Find Convexity Defects
and Area Ratio: Any deviation of the object from this hull can be considered as
convexity defects denoted as blue dots (fig 2).

There are 3 points start point, far point (defect point), and end point between the
two fingers. If the angle between two fingers is greater than 30 degree and less
than 90 degree then the cavity formed will be termed as a defect. Any two
fingers. The defects will be most likely of triangular shape which will have 3
corner points i.e.

start point, far point, and end point Formula of a,b,c, & area ratio a= v ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ( (
) ( ) ) b= v ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ( ( ) ( ) ) c= v ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ( ( ) ( ) ) Area ratio is given by, ar= v ( )
( ) ( ) Angle= ( ) Accuracy = Start Point End Point Far Point a b c 6 3.2
METHODOLOGY The camera coupled with the Raspberry Pi initially captures the
image of the hand to be processed and identified.

The input image must be converted to a specific format before processing and
identifying the gesture. After the process, the gesture is identi- fied and the text
is generated. This text is for ordinary people to read, and text-to- speech
messages are available if you cannot see them. Fig.3 Block Diagram of Working
Module A.

Image Capture: The input information is a picture or series of pictures taken by

one caa diectat he rhand.The te ctesarr e- al images of various sizes taken with a
camera. B. RGB to Binary: Two n orar e ittop ea one s he bottom area with respect
to HSV, where the input image is cap- tured by the camera and then converted to
a grayscale image. C. Identify Color: In this step, the skin color is extracted from
the object frame.

Next, the image was cropped to get rid of the unwanted parts of the initial
pictures. Finally, we get clear results images with uniform size and consistent
background. Input Frame Camera RGB to Binary Identify Colour Identify Gesture
Speaker Generate Text 7 D. Identify Gesture: Identify the convex hull and contour
in the green box around the hand.Its box,tgap ween wo ?ngericaled asd e-
fs.Iftanglbetween wo gers is less than 90 degrees and greater than 30 degrees, it
is considered defects. These defects are marked with a blue dot.
Based on the hand area and the defects we can identify the gesture. E. Generate
text and text to speech: The corresponding text will be displayed on the LCD
screen ac- cording to the gesture. This text is then converted to sound in the

ALGORITHM: ? Import the mandatory packages: define the necessary packages

that required during this algorithm such as: from tkinter import* from PIL import
Image from PIL import ImageTk import cv2 import time import os import
picamera import numpy as np import math ? Define frames for tkinter image:
root = Tk() frame1 = Frame(root) frame2 = Frame(root) frame3 = Frame(root ?
Initialize the present frame as follows: frame1.pack(side=TOP)
frame2.pack(side=LEFT) frame3.pack(side=LEFT) 8 Fig.

4 TKinter Image ? Capturing image is as follows: camera=picamera.PiCamera()

camera.resolution=(200,200) camera.start_preview() time.sleep(5) camera.capture
camera.stop_preview() camera.close() ? Convert image to HSV, obtain skin color
object and blur image as follows: hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame,
cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) lower_skin = np.array([0,20,70], dtype=np.uint8)
upper_skin = np.array([20,255,255], dtype=np.uint8) mask1 = cv2.inRange(hsv,
lower_skin, upper_skin) mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask,(5,5),100) ? Then find the
contours as follows:
N_APPROX_SI MPLE) ? Find convex hull as follows: cnt = max(contours, key =
lambda x: cv2.contourArea(x)) 9 hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt) ? Calculate area ratio
for the gesture: areahull = cv2.contourArea(hull) areacnt = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
arearatio=((areahull-areacnt)/areacnt)*100 hull = cv2.convexHull(approx,
returnPoints=False) defects = cv2.convexityDefects(approx, hull) ? Code for
finding no. of defects due to fingers: for i in range(defects.shape[0]): s,e,f,d =
defects[i,0] start = tuple(approx[s][0]) end = tuple(approx[e][0]) far =
tuple(approx[f][0]) pt= (100,180) a = math.sqrt((end[0] - start[0])**2 + (end[1] -
start[1])**2) b = math.sqrt((far[0] - start[0])**2 + (far[1] - start[1])**2) c =
math.sqrt((end[0] - far[0])**2 + (end[1] - far[1])**2) s = (a+b+c)/2 ar =
math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c) angle = math.acos((b**2 + c**2 - a**2)/(2*b*c)) * 57


Fig. 6 Flowchart 11 4.3 RESULT: Table 1: Image to Sound Conversion Gestures
Input image Threshold image Identified text image output Identified audio file
output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 The above table represents how input image gets
converted into sound and display output. Each and every gesture has unique
sound and display output.

We will discuss this in next table. Table 2: Result Related Discussion Gestures
Number of Defects Area Ratio Display and Audio Output 1 0 Less than 12 NO 2 0
Less than 17.5 HELLO 3 1 Less than 17.5 PLEASE HELP 4 2 Less than 27 I AM
THIRSTY 5 3 Less than 27 YES 6 4 Less than 27 THANK YOU 7 0 Less than 17.5 ALL
THE BEST 8 2 Less than 27 OK 4.5

ANALYSIS PART OF RESULT: Table 3: Confusion Matrix OUTPUT INPUT Gesture 1

Gesture 2 Gesture 3 Gesture 4 Gesture 5 Gesture 6 Gesture 7 Gesture 8 Gesture 1
100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gesture 2 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gesture 3 0 4 95 0 0 0 1 0 Gesture 4
0 0 3 90 2 0 0 5 Gesture 5 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 Gesture 6 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 Gesture 7
7 6 2 0 0 0 85 0 Gesture 8 0 0 3 5 2 0 0 90 13 For hand gesture detection we have
a tendency to take 8 different gestures.

Every ges- ture repeated hundred times, so the total range of tested pictures was
800 among that pictures correct recognition was 760 and wrong recognition was
40 with a mean detec- tion rate of hand gestures of 95.00%. Accuracy formula
Table 4: Percentage Accuracy of Various Gestures Different Gesture Total No. of
Gestures No. of Right Gestures No.

of Wrong Gestures Accuracy In Percentage Gesture 1 100 100 0 100% Gesture 2

100 100 0 100% Gesture 3 100 95 5 95% Gesture 4 100 90 10 90% Gesture 5 100
100 0 100% Gesture 6 100 100 0 100% Gesture 7 100 85 15 85% Gesture 8 100 90
10 90% Total Gesture 800 760 40 95% The graph for average recognition rate of
various hand gestures that is shown be- low (fig 7). Fig. 7 Graph for Average
Recognition Rate 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Total no. of gestures No.

of right gestures Wrong gestures Accuracy 14 5 CONCLUSION The planned

system is simple to implement as there's no complicated feature cal- culation.
This system was implemented using Raspberry Pi with the camera module and
programmed with Python Programming Language supported by Open Source
Computer Vision (OpenCV) library. The system was used to acknowledge sign
language utilized by deaf and dumb parsons.

This system is used to overcome the communication gap between mute person
and ordinary per- son. There's a necessity for research within the area feature
extraction and illumi- nation therefore the system becomes a lot of reliable. The
system was used to acknowledge sign language utilized by deaf and dumb

The deaf and dumb person will use the hand gestures to do linguistic
communica- tion and it'll be converted into voice and text with accuracy 95%.
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