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Table of Observation 1

Strategies Number Data

Avoidance or Reduction Strategy 0 -

a. Message Replacement

b.Topic Avoidance 0 -

c. Message Abandonment 0 -

Achievement or Compensatory 0 -


a. Circumlocution

b. Restructing 0 -

c. Word coinage 0 -
d. Nonverbal Signals 4 1-) T : Just read the title and what the objectives are.You? (point out one of

S : (shaking head and moving hands)

2) T : Coba bedakan antara yang ini (the teacher writing in the whiteboard
the word ‘events’ and ‘even’) coba apa bedanya? What’s the difference?

S : Mmm… (shaking head and smiling)

3) T : Apa? Kamu, tahu ngga?

S : (shaking head)

4) T : Jadi kalo rubish bin? Kamu tahu? (pointing out one student)

S : Itu loh Miss. Mmm apa ya? (shaking head)

e. Literal translation from L1 2 1) T : Iya, betul sekali. Then next (teacher pointing one students in the
corner) Lina is cleaning the whiteboard.

S : Mmm, Lina sedang membersihkan (pausing) papan tulis putih.

2) T : Iya good, tapi itu papan tulis aja cukup ya. Edo is putting back the
books into the shelf.
S : Edo sedang menata buku.

S : Mmm, Edo sedang meletakkan kembali buku-buku ke dalam rak.

f. Foreignizing 0 -

g. Code switching 1 1) T : Nice try, okay. Tapi itu ada yang ketinggalan itu, kata ‘busy’. What
does it mean?

S : apa sih? Ora ngerti.

Stalling or Time Gaining Strategy: 9 1)S : Saya? Mmm…(smiling) What are you doing. In this chapter, I will
learn to communicate states and events in progress in order to share
a. Using gambits, fillers or information with others.

hesitation device
2) T : Okay, good. Thank you. Okay then, listen and repeat after me. Jadi
dengerin dulu nanti baru (pausing and pointing out a student in the corner)
baru apa?

S : Mmm… (mumbling and piercing at other student)

3) S : Mmm… (shaking head and smiling)

T : Do you know? Jawabannya ngga di buku, kalo belum tahu coba

cari di dictionary kalian kata-katanya.
4) S : Mmm, kalo events itu peristiwa atau kejadian.

T : Yeah, nice terus kalo even?

S : Mmm, itu… itu… (smiling) apa si? Bantuin!

5) T : Hmmm, you? Salah satu dari kelompok 3 coba perwakilannya.

S : (smiling) laki-laki dan perempuan sedang membersihkan class

(pausing) room, eh (laughing) Mmm kelas.

6) S : Mmm, Lina sedang membersihkan (pausing) papan tulis putih.

7) T : Iya good, tapi itu papan tulis aja cukup ya. Edo is putting back the
books into the shelf.

S : Mmm, Edo sedang meletakkan kembali buku-buku ke dalam rak.

8) S : eh… apa ya?

T : coba kira-kira rubbish itu apa?

Ss : sampah.

9) T : jadi kalo rubbish bin? Kamu tahu? (pointing out one student)
S : Itu loh Miss. Mmm rubbish bin… rubbish bin ya? (shaking head)
b. Self and other repetition 2 1) T : Yeah, nice terus kalo even?

S : Mmm, itu… itu… (smiling) apa si? Bantuin!

2) T : jadi kalo rubbish bin? Kamu tahu? (pointing out one student)

S : Itu loh Miss. Mmm rubbish bin... rubbish bin ya? (shaking head)
Self-Monitoring Strategy: 0 -

a. Self-initiated repair

b. Self-rephrasing 0 -

Interactional Strategy: 2 1)T : Okay next, want to try? (point out the other students)

S : (keeping silent and piercing at other students)

a. Appeals for help

S : (shaking head)

2) T : Okay, good. Thank you. Okay then, listen and repeat after me. Jadi
dengerin dulu nanti baru (pausing and pointing out a student in the corner)
baru apa?
S : Mmm… (mumbling and piercing at other student)

3) T : Yeah, nice terus kalo even?

S : Mmm, itu… itu… (smiling) apa si? Bantuin!

S : Bahkan, cepetan ngomong.

b. Meaning negotiation 0 -


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