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 Assignment– 4DEP Part B

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Written Assignment B (AC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) 600 words

Write a report that identifies and describes:

 3 needs of those who use a HR or L&D service within an organisation and how you would prioritise
these and other needs to avoid conflict and deliver a timely service. (AC 2.1)
 3 methods of communication to respond to your customer’s needs, and for each method explain its
advantages and disadvantages (AC 2.2)
 How you would gather feedback and service performance data in order to provide management
information on service levels and how you would use this data to continuously improve your service.
(AC 2.3)
 Write a short description of the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment:
what you knew about the services provided by HR, and service level agreements (SLAs) before you
attended module 1; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing this

You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order to support your
findings. Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged correctly within the text and on a
reference list provided.



Introduction (100 words)

HR and L & D are responsible for ensuring that a business can create better performance through
people. Through HR and L & D, a company can ensure that they have the best people with the
best skills in roles that they can deliver on the best. Organizations need L & D to optimize the
creativity of their employees to ensure that they meet current and future business needs (HR,
2012). Companies therefore need to develop L & D that is effective for business as a retention
strategy by showing that they care for the development of their employees. Otherwise, they may
be tempted to seek greener pastures elsewhere

3 needs of those who use a HR or L&D service within an organisation and how you would
prioritise these and other needs to avoid conflict and deliver a timely service. (AC 2.1, 200

HR or L&D have become important to organizations today so much that their performance can be
hampered without them. Most importantly, they can help in avoiding conflict and improving. But
those using HR or L&D service need several things to work efficiently. First and the most
important is flexible working hours and freedom. Those using the services need autonomy within
the balanced working periods. This way, they remain fresh motivated and happy and this will
make them to be more productive and have a better delivery.

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 Assignment– 4DEP Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
Once in a while, they will need team building events to help them work as a team and appreciate
the role that each individual plays in the team. This way, they will learn to share and take positive
criticism. If they can do that, they will be able to work in harmony and create a positive service
Finally, they will need the right balance between working and their family life. Therefore, leaves
are important to them. When they are able to work and at the same time spend quality time with
their families, they will have positivity about their jobs and they will not feel as if the job is taking
an important part of their lives away (Richardson, 2014).

3 methods of communication to respond to your customer’s needs, and for each method
explain its advantages and disadvantages (AC 2.2, 100 words)

Communication is very important in business. There are several ways that companies can
communicate with customers. The first is phone calls. Phone call is among the oldest methods of
communication. It has the advantage that one can get real time answers. Besides they enable to
have two-way communication, thus making it easy to seek clarification. The disadvantages of cell
communication are that they can be expensive especially when communicating with several
customers. Besides, it raises issues of privacy because it raises questions of wire taps.
The next method of communication that has gained prominence now is social media. It has the
advantage that it can enable a company reach several customers faster and very little cost. The
disadvantage is that the reply may not be immediate. Moreover, it can be used to give negative
feedbacks about a company (Drahošová & Balco, 2017).
Finally, companies can use chats/texts to communicate with customers. The advantage of using
live chats is that to can lead to reduced service costs and increase in sales because people love to
live chat and text. The disadvantage of live chats/texts is that they can leave people feeling
isolated. Someone may feel that they are communicating with a machine rather than a real
How you would gather feedback and service performance data in order to provide
management information on service levels and how you would use this data to continuously
improve your service. (AC 2.3, 100 words)

Gathering feedbacks can be difficult. But a company can have survey forms that they use to
gather feedbacks from employees. To send the survey forms, a company can keep emails of their
customers and use them to send them the survey forms. Besides, the company can have
feedback forms on their website where customers can comment on the quality of services. The
company can then look at the areas of concern for most of the customers and make changes to
ensure that the concerns are addressed. The rating of the replies can be done on percentage
basis and the issues with the highest percentages will be addressed first because it will be
deemed to have a high priority.

Write a short description of the learning process you went through in order to write this
assignment: what you knew about SLAs before you attended module 2; what you learnt during
the module; and what you learnt in preparing this assignment. (100 words)

To carry out this assignment successfully, I had to do a lot of research and review my class notes
thoroughly. Customer satisfaction is important for the success of any company. As a result, on
certain occasions, customers enter into service level agreements (SLAs) with their service

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 Assignment– 4DEP Part B
This assignment must be submitted through Online Services
providers on the kinds of services they can get from them. The performance of the service
providers is measured against what they agreed to in the SLAs. Most importantly, I have learnt
that key to success of a company is having a happy and motivated workforce. Therefore, the HR
or L&D strategies should aim at ensuring that employees have the best working conditions are
they are satisfied in their jobs.

Drahošová, M., & Balco, P. (2017). The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of use of social media in
European Union. Procedia Computer Science, 109, 1005-1009.
HR, P. L. (2012). Seeking A Renewed Focus?.
Richardson, F. W. (2014). Enhancing strategies to improve workplace performance (Doctoral dissertation,
Walden University).

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