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Bullying is a thing commonly known as “the strong rules the weak or “taking abusing
strength over the weak” or sometimes “the weak must follow the strong” they said. This happens
or always happens in school when a big strong boy/girl abuses his power or his advantage to
order around a weak small boy/girl to buy him lunch, give him money, do his/her homework,
borrow his/her gadgets or let him copy the answers when there’s an exam and others. There are
different types of bullying physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and cyber bullying.
And all of them is illegal and highly prohibited or forbidden in schools. And bullying or all of
them will leads either skipping classes, loneliness which leads to depression, resentment, poor
self-esteem, anger to one’s self and to others, sleepless ness, paranoia or fear, copying the
negative actions of the bully, suicide and others.

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