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UNBROKEN – One Created Landmass RUBBLE – The Broken Earth

The Beginning (c. 4004 B.C., Days 1-6) / God Creates Marriage / Rebellion and the Curse (c. 4004 B.C., after day 6) From Creation to Forever: A Timeline of Biblical History
THE ICE AGE The Holy Bible reveals that God’s original Creation was perfect.
(after Noah’s Flood) TOD However, suffering and death soon began when Adam sinned.
MA SW Wickedness grew until the thoughts and actions of humans were only

Greedy Balaam and His Talking Donkey (c. 1452 B.C.) / The Mystery of the Walls of Jericho (c. 1451 B.C.)
L LD evil, continually. After more than one thousand years, God appointed
a righteous man named Noah to build a huge ship on which God

would save a remnant from overwhelming judgment.

The Conversion of Saul (c. 35 A.D.) / The Secret that Could not be Kept (c. 35 A.D. and after)
When the Ark was finished and the animals and Noah’s family were

safely on board, God unleashed the earth-covering Flood. It broke
apart the original landmass; for thousands of miles, Earth’s crust

The Announcement and Birth of Jesus / Star-gazing Wisemen (c. 5-4 B.C.)
cracked and fountains of the great deep exploded upward, releasing

David and Goliath (c. 1067 B.C.) / Jonathan and David (c. 1067-1055 B.C.)
water and steam high into the world’s atmosphere. Every human and

10 Terrible Plagues / The Exodus / 10 Commandments (c. 1491 B.C.)

Deborah and Barak: the Prophetess and the Warrior (c. 1285 B.C.)
every air-breathing, land dwelling animal not saved on the Ark, died.

Death, Marriage, and the Stairway to Heaven (c. 1859-1759 B.C.)

Jesus– His Boyhood, Baptism, and Early Miracles (c. 8-30 A.D.)
Later Miracles / Transfiguration / Final Weeks (c. 30-33 A.D.)
The Desperate Promise of a Childless Wife (c. 1128-1057 B.C.)
During the year of Noah’s Flood, Earth’s vast broken plates catastroph-

Angels Rescue Lot from Sodom & Gomorrah (c. 1897 B.C.)
ically shifted. Mountains rose and seafloors sank. When the Ark came

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego (c. 607-590 B.C.)

Crucifixion / Resurrection and Ascension (c. 33 A.D.)

Nebuchadnezzar’s Animal Insanity (c. 570-563 B.C.)
Ruth, Naomi, and God’s Protection (c. 1175-1165 B.C.)
Samson: Strong Man in God’s Plan (c. 1155-1117 B.C.)
to rest, Noah’s family and the animals left. Earthquakes and volcanic

Joseph: Imprisoned for Good (c. 1739-1635 B.C.)

Gideon’s Amazing Shrinking Army (c. 1245 B.C.)

Isaiah: Living Strong for God (c. 759-700 B.C.)

God's Covenant with Abram (c. 1921-1897 B.C.)

The Wisest Man in the World (c. 1016-975 B.C.)

eruptions became less frequent, yet dense ash continued to fill the air.

Moses: The Runaway Prince (c. 1571-1491 B.C.)

40-Years in the Wilderness (c. 1491-1451 B.C.)

Esther: The Orphan Queen (c. 518-509 B.C.)

Pentecost / Stoning of Stephen (c. 33 A.D.)

Jacob Wrestles with Jesus? (c. 1739 B.C.)
With sunlight severely reduced, continents cooled alongside warm

The Rainbow Promise and the New World

Noah Builds the Ark (c. 2424-2349 B.C.)

Jonah and the Great Fish (c. 808 B.C.)

Elijah’s Fire from Heaven (c. 896 B.C.)

Josiah the Boy-King (c. 649-610 B.C.)

ocean waters and caused massive evaporation. Temperatures dropped

Isaac Nearly Sacrificed (c. 1871 B.C.)

Daniel in the Lions' Den (c. 538 B.C.)

Job Loses Everything (c. 1635 B.C.)
 Noah’s Flood (c. 2349-2348 B.C.)
and snow fell in immense amounts for hundreds of years, creating

King David (c. 1055-1015 B.C.)

Tower of Babel (c. 2242 B.C.)

The Hope of HEAVEN (Eternity!)

huge glaciers and deep frozen waters—the Ice Age. Then, within
only a few centuries, most of the ice melted and released the pent-up

God Sends the Animals

waters as the Ice Age ended.
The original world, ruined by sin, was washed away. We live in the
rubble of the broken earth. Thankfully, final restoration will come
when God’s only begotten Son, Jesus, returns to save from eternal
judgment all who repent and receive Him as Savior!

4000 B.C. 3000 B.C. 2000 B.C. 1000 B.C. 200 B.C. 0 A.D. 200 A.D. 1000 A.D 2000+
1 NOTE: These numbers correspond to the lesson numbers of The 10 Minute Bible 4 5 8 9 0 - = qwe r tio [ ] \asdg h j k l ; ' z x c v nm/@$ ^
2 Journey so you can easily see where each occurs on the biblical timeline. 6 y p f b ,,!#%
3 7 u ,.

© 2017 Dale T. Mason

CREATION to ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FOREVER

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