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Second Semester, S.Y.

2017 – 2018

Subject Code/Description: Math 2 : Statistics and Probability

Week No.: 7 Midterm Period : February 26- March 02, 2018

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, should be able to:
a. Illustrate point and interval estimations
b. Distinguish between point and interval estimations
c. Identify point estimator for the population mean
II. Subject Matter
Point and Interval Estimation
 Definition
 Sampling Point estimation
 Illustration of point estimation

III. Reference & Materials

 Statistics and Probability book
 Laptop and projector for the power point presentation
 White board marker

IV. Procedure
a. Daily Routine

b. Motivation
c. Lesson Proper
 Point Estimation
 Confidence value
 Critical value

d. Activity

e. Generalization
 It is very important for every student to learn how to solve the point estimation of parameters
V. Evaluation

The ff. are the heights in centimeters of 15 randomly selected students. Find the mean height of the students.

167 160 170

160 162 160
165 165 162
154 167 163
157 166 160

VI. Assignment
Advance study about the interval estimation

Prepared by:
Mr. John Christian H. De Leon

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