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 Review of Present tense: Be  Occupations

1  Be + adjective (+ noun)  Countries
 Possessive adjectives  Nationalities
 Descriptive adjectives
 Review: Simple present tense  Daily activities
2  Prepositions of time  Party words
 Adverbs of frequency  Celebrations and festivals
 Possession  Travel preparations and
 Imperatives and should for advice stages
3  Ordinal numbers
 Travel documents and
 Count and non-count nouns: some  Food
4 and any  Food groups
 How much and How many with  Diets
quantifiers: lots of, a few, a little
 Present continuous tense  Doing sports
5  Stative verbs  Present-time activities
 Team sports and individual
6  Simple past tense  Travel activities
 Simple past tense of to be  Emphatic adjectives
 Verbs with direct and indirect objects  Communication
7  Irregular past tense  Electronics
 Sensory verbs  The senses
 Future tense: be going to  Short- and long-term plans
8  Will for predictions and immediate  Weather conditions
decisions  Weather-specific clothing
 Comparatives  Clothing
9  Superlatives  Descriptive adjectives
 Clothing materials
 Modals (could, ought to, should,  Healthy and unhealthy
10 must; have to habits
 Questions with how  Compound adjectives
 Present perfect tense  Chores
11  Present perfect tense vs. simple past  Personal accomplishments
 Real conditionals (also called the first  Personal finance
12 conditional)  Animals
 Animal habitats

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