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The GEM report (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) is one of the most relevant studies

on entrepreneurship issues worldwide, since the mid-90s, which generates very

important reflections on entrepreneurship. Since 2006 Colombia has been doing the

study year after year, convinced that this is a theoretical basis that can help support

public policies.

According to the latest report generated by this study in 2017 and also according to

surveys conducted, it is seen that for most Colombians entrepreneurship is one of the

most viable options for economic growth in the country, having a 52% acceptance

between the respondents

The panorama of entrepreneurship in Colombia has solid foundations in those who

decide to undertake, since in 2017 the rate of entrepreneurs with university and

postgraduate studies increased, compared to 2016. More than 22% of Colombian

entrepreneurs have university training

One of the fundamental indicators of the GEM is the entrepreneurial activity rate

(TEA), which describes the trend of the new business activity, which includes nascent

entrepreneurs1 and new entrepreneurs. The factors that describe the entrepreneurial

activity are compared with those evidenced in the established entrepreneurs, who are

characterized for having created a company more than 42 months ago. In 2018,

Colombia presented an TEA of 18.9%, composed in greater proportion by nascent

entrepreneurs (60%) in relation to new entrepreneurs (40%).

It has been shown that ASD has remained relatively stable through the past

five years in Colombia. This is in keeping with the high predisposition to undertake new

businesses that Colombians have maintained over time, and the low aversion to risk

they present, as well as the favorable perception towards entrepreneurship as

career option. The dynamics of ASD also means tissue consolidation

Colombian business and the strengthening of established companies.

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