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• To describe motions in 2- or 3-dimensions, we

need vectors
•A vector quantity has both a magnitude and a
direction. e.g., acceleration, velocity, displacement,
force, torque, and momentum.
•A scalar quantity does not involve a (spatial)
direction. e. g. charge, mass, time, temperature,
energy, etc.Space
We need three spatial dimensions to describe a definite
location in space. In the Cartesian (rectangular)
coordinate system, the dimensions are labeled: “x”, “y”,
and “z”.
To describe 3-D motion, we will dissect it into 3
one-dimensional motions. Each 1-D will be a
component in the larger 3-D vector.
All of the concepts from Chapter 2 *will* apply to
each component (x, y, z) in 3-D.Unit Vectors
• Has a magnitude of 1 and points in a
particular direction. ONLY indicates

• Graphical method
e. g. two vectors a, b
a – b = a + (- b) =
The negative of a vector turns it 180o.• Check point 3.1: The magnitude of
displacements a and b are 3 m and 4 m,
respectively, and c = a + b. Considering
various orientations of a and b, what is
(a) the maximum possible magnitude for c
(b) the minimum possible magnitude for cVector Addition Property
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
(associative)Vector in a coordinate system

θComponents of Vectors
• Component notation vs

=Add vectors by components

In which quadrant would a + b

be located if
a = 3.0 i − 4.0 j and
b = −2.0 i + 2.0 j?Daily Quiz, August 27, 2004
In which quadrant would a + b
be located if
a = 3.0 i − 4.0 j and
b = −2.0 i + 2.0 j?Multiplication of Vectors
• Multiply a vector by a scalar: b = s a
– Magnitude of b: s times the magnitude of a
– Direction of b : same as a if s > 0,
opposite of a if s < b =" a" b =" a" 0o =""> a.b = a b cos 0o = a b
if a and b perpendicular, φ = 90o
=> a.b = a b cos 90o = 0
i.i = j.j = k.k = 1 i.j = i.k = j.k = 0Scalar Product

rCheck point 3-4: Vectors C and D have magnitudes

of 3 units and 4 units, respectively. What is the
angle between the directions of C and D if C.D
(a) zero
(b) 12 units
(c) –12 unitsScalar Product between a and b

Note: a x b = - (b x a)Vector product

• c = a x b => c = a b sinφ
•if a and b parallel, φ = 0o
=> a x b = 0
if a and b perpendicular, φ = 90o
=> c = a b
j x i = k x j = i x k = −1Check point 3-5: Vectors C and D have magnitudes
of 3 units and 4 units, respectively. What is the
angle between the directions of C and D if the
magnitude of the vector products C x D is
(a) Zero?
(b) 12 units?

• Untuk menggambarkan gerakan dalam 2 - atau 3-dimensi, kita

perlu vektor
• Sebuah besaran vektor memiliki baik besar dan
arah. mis, percepatan, kecepatan, perpindahan,
gaya, torsi, dan momentum.
• Sebuah besaran skalar tidak melibatkan (spasial)
arah. e. g. biaya, massa, waktu, suhu,
energi, etc.Space
Kami membutuhkan tiga dimensi spasial untuk menggambarkan tertentu
lokasi pada ruang. Dalam Cartesian (persegi panjang)
sistem koordinat, dimensi diberi label: "x", "y",
dan "z".
Untuk mendeskripsikan gerak 3-D, kita akan membedah ke 3
satu-dimensi gerakan. Setiap 1-D akan menjadi
komponen dalam vektor 3-D yang lebih besar.
Semua konsep dari Bab 2 * akan * berlaku untuk
setiap komponen (x, y, z) dalam 3-D.Unit Vektor
• Memiliki besarnya 1 dan titik di
arah tertentu. HANYA menunjukkan

• Metoda grafik
e. g. dua vektor a, b
a - b = a (- b) =
Negatif dari vektor mengubahnya 180o • Periksa titik 3.1:. Besarnya
perpindahan a dan b adalah 3 m dan 4 m,
masing, dan c = a b. Mengingat
berbagai orientasi a dan b, apa yang
(A) besarnya maksimum yang mungkin c
(B) besarnya mungkin minimum untuk cVector Penambahan Properti
(B a) c = a (b c)
(Asosiatif) Vector dalam sistem koordinat

θComponents dari Vektor

• Komponen notasi vs

= Tambahkan vektor oleh komponen

Di kuadran mana akan a b

ditempatkan jika
a = 3,0 i - 4,0 j dan
b = -2.0 2.0 i j Daily Quiz?, 27 Agustus 2004

Di kuadran mana akan a b

ditempatkan jika
a = 3,0 i - 4,0 j dan
b = -2,0 i 2,0 j? MULTIPLIKASI Vektor
• Kalikan vektor dengan skalar: b = s
- Besaran b: s kali besarnya dari
- Arah b: sama seperti jika s> 0,
berlawanan jika s <b = "a" b = "a" 0o = ""> ab = ab ab cos 0o =
jika a dan b tegak lurus, φ = 90o
= A.b> = b a cos 90o = 0
ii = jj = kk = 1 ij = ik = jk = Produk 0Scalar
titik rCheck 3-4: Vektor C dan D telah besarnya
3 unit dan 4 unit, masing-masing. Apa
sudut antara arah C dan D jika C.D
(A) nol
(B) 12 unit
(C) -12 unitsScalar Produk antara a dan b

Catatan: a, b x = - (b x a) Vektor produk

• c = a b x = c> = a, b sinφ
• jika a dan b paralel, φ = 0o
=> A, b x = 0
jika a dan b tegak lurus, φ = 90o
= C> = b
jxi = kxj = ixk =-1Check poin 3-5: Vektor C dan D telah besarnya
3 unit dan 4 unit, masing-masing. Apa
sudut antara arah C dan D jika
besarnya produk vektor C x D
(A) Zero?
(B) 12 unit?

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