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EXERCISE 104 Page 228

1. Find the positive root of the equation x 2 + 3x – 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the

method of bisection.

Let f(x) = x 2 + 3 x − 5 then, using functional notation:

f(0) = –5

f(1) = 1 + 3 – 5 = –1

f(2) = 4 + 6 – 5 = +5

Since there is a change of sign from negative to positive there must be a root of the equation between

x = 1 and x = 2

1+ 2
The method of bisection suggests that the root is at = 1.5, i.e. the interval between 1 and 2 has been


Hence f(1.5) = (1.5) 2 + 3(1.5) – 5 = 1.75

Since f(1) is negative, f(1.5) is positive, and f(2) is also positive, a root of the equation must lie between

x = 1 and x = 1.5, since a sign change has occurred between f(1) and f(1.5)

1 + 1.5
Bisecting this interval gives i.e. 1.25 as the next root

Hence f(1.25) = (1.25) 2 + 3(1.25) – 5 = 0.3125

Since f(1) is negative and f(1.25) is positive, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 1.25

1 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives i.e. 1.125

Hence f(1.125) = (1.125) 2 + 3(1.125) – 5 = –0.359375

Since f(1.125) is negative and f(1.25) is positive, a root lies between x = 1.125 and x = 1.25

1.125 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives i.e. 1.1875

Hence f(1.1875) = (1.1875) 2 + 3(1.1875) – 5 = –0.02734375

385 © 2014, John Bird
Since f(1.1875) is negative and f(1.25) is positive, a root lies between x = 1.1875 and x = 1.25

1.1875 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives i.e. 1.21875

Hence f(1.21875) = (1.21875) 2 + 3(1.21875) – 5 = 0.1416016

Since f(1.21875) is positive and f(1.1875) is negative, a root lies between x = 1.1875 and x = 1.21875

1.1875 + 1.21875
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.203125

Hence f(1.203125) = 0.056885

Since f(1.203125) is positive and f(1.1875) is negative, a root lies between x = 1.1875 and x = 1.203125

1.1875 + 1.203125
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.1953125

Hence f(1.1953125) = 0.0147095

Since f(1.1953125) is positive and f(1.1875) is negative, a root lies between x = 1.1953125 and

x = 1.1875

1.1953125 + 1.1875
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.191406

Hence, f(1.191406) = –0.006334

Since f(1.191406) is negative and f(1.1953125) is positive, a root lies between x = 1.191406 and

x = 1.1953125

1.191406 + 1.1953125
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.193359

The last two values obtained for the root are 1.1914… and 1.1934….

The last two values are both 1.19, correct to 3 significant figures. We therefore stop the iterations here.

Thus, correct to 3 significant figures, the positive root of x 2 + 3x – 5 = 0 is 1.19

2. Using the bisection method solve e x – x = 2, correct to 4 significant figures.

Let f(x) = e x − x − 2

then f(0) = 1 – 0 – 2 = –1

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f(1) = e1 − 1 − 2 =−0.28

f(2) = e 2 − 2 − 2 =3.38

Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 2

Let the root be x = 1.5

f(1.5) = e1.5 − 1.5 − 2 =0.98169

Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 1.5 due to a sign change

1 + 1.5
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.25

f(1.25) = e1.25 − 1.25 − 2 =0.240343

Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 1.25 due to a sign change

1 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.125

f(1.125) = e1.125 − 1.125 − 2 =−0.04478

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.125 and x = 1.25 due to a sign change

1.125 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.1875

f(1.1875) = 0.091374

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.1875 and x = 1.125 due to a sign change

1.1875 + 1.125
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.15625

f(1.15625) = 0.021743

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.15625 and x = 1.125 due to a sign change

1.15625 + 1.125
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.140625

f(1.140625) = –0.011902

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.140625 and x = 1.15625 due to a sign change

1.140625 + 1.15625
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.1484375

f(1.1484375) = 0.004824586
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Hence, a root lies between x = 1.1484375 and x = 1.140625 due to a sign change

1.1484375 + 1.140625
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.14453125

f(1.14453125) = –0.0035626

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.14453125 and x = 1.1484375 due to a sign change

1.14453125 + 1.1484375
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.14648

f(1.14648) = 0.0006294

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.14648 and x = 1.14453125 due to a sign change

1.14648 + 1.14453125
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.14551

The last two values are both 1.146, correct to 4 significant figures. We therefore stop the iterations here

Thus, correct to 4 significant figures, the positive root of e x − x =2 is 1.146

3. Determine the positive root of x 2 = 4 cos x, correct to 2 decimal places using the method of


Let f(x) = x 2 – 4 cos x

then f(0) = 0 – 4 = –4

f(1) = 1 – 2.161 = –1.161

f(2) = 4 – 1.6646 = 5.6646

Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 2

Let the root be x = 1.5

f(1.5) = 1.5 2 − 4 cos1.5 =


Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 1.5 due to a sign change

1 + 1.5
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.25

f(1.25) = 1.25 2 − 4 cos1.25 =


388 © 2014, John Bird

Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 1.25 due to a sign change

1 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.125

f(1.125) = 1.125 2 − 4 cos1.125 =


Hence, a root lies between x = 1.125 and x = 1.25 due to a sign change

1.125 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.1875

f(1.1875) = –0.0858

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.1875 and x = 1.25 due to a sign change

1.1875 + 1.25
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.21625

f(1.21625) = 0.0906

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.1875 and x = 1.21625 due to a sign change

1.1875 + 1.21625
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.201875

f(1.201875) = 0.002065

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.1875 and x = 1.201875 due to a sign change

1.1875 + 1.201875
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.1946875

f(1.1946875) = –0.0419

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.201875 and x = 1.1946875 due to a sign change

1.201875 + 1.1946875
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.19828125

f(1.19828125) = –0.0199

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.201875 and x = 1.19828125 due to a sign change

1.201875 + 1.19828125
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.200087125

The last two values are both 1.20, correct to 4 decimal places. We therefore stop the iterations here

Thus, correct to 2 decimal places, the root of x 2 = 4 cos x is 1.20

389 © 2014, John Bird

4. Solve x – 2 – ln x = 0, correct to 3 decimal places using the bisection method.

Let f(x) = x – 2 – ln x

f(2) = 2 – 2 – ln 2 = –0.693

f(3) = 3 – 2 – ln 3 = –0.0986

f(4) = 4 – 2 – ln 4 = 0.61371

Hence, the root lies between x = 3 and x = 4 because of the sign change.

Table 1 shows the results in tabular form.

Table 1
x1 x2  x1 + x2  f ( x3 )
x3 =  
 2 
3 4 3.5 0.24724
3 3.5 3.25 0.071345
3 3.25 3.125 –0.014434
3.125 3.25 3.1875 0.028263
3.125 3.1875 3.15625 0.0068654
3.15625 3.125 3.140625 –0.003797
3.140625 3.15625 3.14844 0.0015312
3.14844 3.140625 3.145325 –0.0011327
3.1445325 3.14844 3.146486 0.0001999
3.146486 3.1445325 3.14550925

Correct to 3 decimal places, the solution of x – 2 – ln x = 0 is 3.146

5. Solve, correct to 4 significant figures, x – 2 sin 2 x = 0 using the bisection method.

Let f(x) = x – 2 sin 2 x

then f(0) = 0 – 0 = 0

f(1) = 1 – 2 (sin 1) 2 = –0.416

f(2) = 2 – 2 (sin 4) 2 = 0.346

Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 2

Let the root be x = 1.5

f(1.5) = 1.5 – 2 (sin 1.5) 2 = –0.49

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.5 and x = 2 due to a sign change

390 © 2014, John Bird
1.5 + 2
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.75

f(1.75) = 1.75 – 2 (sin 1.75) 2 = –0.186

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.75 and x = 2 due to a sign change

1.75 + 2
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.875

f(1.875) = 1.875 – 2 (sin 1.875) 2 = 0.054

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.75 and x = 1.875 due to a sign change

1.75 + 1.875
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.8125

f(1.8125) = –0.0729

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.875 and x = 1.8125 due to a sign change

1.875 + 1.8125
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.84375

f(1.84375) = –0.010

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.84375 and x = 1.875 due to a sign change

1.84375 + 1.875
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.859375

f(1.859375) = 0.021

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.84375 and x = 1.859375 due to a sign change

1.84375 + 1.859375
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.8515625

f(1.8515625) = 0.0051

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.8515625 and x = 1.84375 due to a sign change

1.8515625 + 1.84375
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.84765625

f(1.84765625) = –0.00281

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.8515625 and x = 1.84765625 due to a sign change

391 © 2014, John Bird

1.8515625 + 1.84765625
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.849609375

f(1.849609375) = 0.00109

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.84765625 and x = 1.849609375 due to a sign change

1.84765625 + 1.849609375
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.848632813

f(1.848632813) = –0.00091

Hence, a root lies between x = 1.849609375 and x = 1.848632813 due to a sign change

1.849609375 + 1.848632813
Bisecting this interval gives = 1.849121094

The last two values are both 1.849, correct to 4 significant figures. We therefore stop the iterations here

Thus, correct to 4 significant figures, the root of x – 2 sin 2 x = 0 is 1.849

392 © 2014, John Bird

EXERCISE 105 Page 231

1. Use an algebraic method of successive approximation to solve: 3x2 + 5x – 17 = 0, correct to 3

significant figures.

Let f(x) = 3x2 + 5x – 17

f(0) = –17
f(1) = 1 + 5 – 17 = –11
f(2) = 12 + 10 – 17 = 5 Hence a root lies between x = 1 and x = 2

Since f(3), f(4), and so on do not produce a change of sign, then there is only one positive root

First approximation

Let the first approximation be 1.7

Second approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 2 , be (x 1 + δ1 )

Let f(x 1 + δ1 ) = 0, then since x 1 = 1.7,

3(1.7 + δ1 )2 + 5(1.7 + δ1 ) – 17 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ1 and using the binomial series gives:

3[(1.7)2 + 2(1.7) δ1 ] + 8.5 + 5δ1 – 17 ≈ 0

8.67 + 10.2δ1 + 8.5 + 5δ1 – 17 ≈ 0

15.2δ1 ≈ 17– 8.67 – 8.5

17 − 8.67 − 8.5
δ1 ≈ ≈ −0.01118

Thus x 2 ≈ 1.7 – 0.01118 = 1.6888

Third approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 3 , be (x 2 + δ2 )

Let f(x 2 + δ2 ) = 0, then since x 2 = 1.6888,

3(1.6888 + δ2 )2 + 5(1.6888 + δ2 ) – 17 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ2 and using the binomial series gives:

393 © 2014, John Bird

3[(1.6888)2 + 2(1.6888) δ2 ] + 8.444 + 5δ2 – 17 ≈ 0

8.55614 + 10.1328δ2 + 8.444 + 5δ2 – 17 ≈ 0

15.1328δ2 ≈ 17– 8.55614 – 8.444

17 − 8.55614 − 8.444
δ2 ≈ ≈ −0.00000925

Thus x 3 ≈ (x 2 + δ2) = 1.6888 – 0.00000925 ≈ 1.6887

Since x 2 and x 3 are the same when expressed to the required degree of accuracy, then the required positive

root is 1.69, correct to 3 significant figures

Now for the negative root:

f(– 1) = 3 – 5 – 17 = –19
f(– 2) = 12 – 10 – 17 = –15
f(– 3) = 27 – 15 – 17 = –5
f(– 4) = 48 – 20 – 17 = 11 Hence a root lies between x = –3 and x = –4

Since f(– 5), f(– 6), and so on do not produce a change of sign, then there is only one negative root

First approximation

Let the first approximation be –3.4

Second approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 2 , be (x 1 + δ1 )

Let f(x 1 + δ1 ) = 0, then since x 1 = – 3.4,

3(– 3.4 + δ1 )2 + 5(– 3.4 + δ1 ) – 17 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ1 and using the binomial series gives:

3[(– 3.4)2 + 2(– 3.4) δ1 ] – 17 + 5δ1 – 17 ≈ 0

34.68 – 20.4δ1 – 17 + 5δ1 – 17 ≈ 0

–15.4δ1 ≈ 17– 34.68 + 17

17 − 34.68 − 17
δ1 ≈ = 0.044156

Thus x 2 ≈ –3.4 + 0.044156 = –3.3558

Third approximation
394 © 2014, John Bird
Let the true value of the root, x 3 , be (x 2 + δ2 )

Let f(x 2 + δ2 ) = 0, then since x 2 = – 3.3558,

3(–3.3558 + δ2 )2 + 5(–3.3558 + δ2 ) – 17 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ2 and using the binomial series gives:

3[(–3.3558)2 + 2(–3.3558) δ2] – 16.779 + 5δ2 – 17 ≈ 0

33.78418 – 20.1348δ2 – 16.779 + 5δ2 – 17 ≈ 0

– 15.1348δ2 ≈ 16.779 – 33.78418 + 17

16.779 − 33.78418 + 17
δ2 ≈ ≈ 0.000342

Thus x 3 ≈ (x 2 + δ2) = –3.3558 + 0.000342 ≈ –3.3551

Since x 2 and x 3 are the same when expressed to the required degree of accuracy, then the required

negative root is –3.36, correct to 3 significant figures

Thus, the two solutions of the equation 3x2 + 5x – 17 = 0 are 1.69 and –3.36, correct to 3 significant


2. Use an algebraic method of successive approximation to solve: x3 – 2x + 14 = 0, correct to 3 decimal


Let f(x) = x3 − 2 x + 14
f(0) = 14
f(1) = 1 – 2 + 14 = 13
f(2) = 8 – 4 + 14 = 18 (There are no positive values of x)
f(–1) = –1 + 2 + 14 = 15
f(–2) = –8 + 4 + 14 = 10
f(–3) = –27 + 6 + 14 = –7

Hence a root lies between x = –2 and x = –3

First approximation

Let the first approximation be –2.6

Second approximation
395 © 2014, John Bird
Let the true value of the root, x 2 , be (x 1 + δ1 )

Let f(x 1 + δ1 ) = 0, then since x 1 = –2.6,

(–2.6 + δ1 )3 – 2(–2.6 + δ1 ) + 14 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ1 and using the binomial series gives:

[(–2.6)3 + 3(–2.6)2 δ1 ] + 5.2 – 2δ1 + 14 ≈ 0

–17.576 + 20.28δ1 + 5.2 – 2δ1 + 14 ≈ 0

18.28δ1 ≈ 17.576 – 5.2 – 14

17.576 − 5.2 − 14
δ1 ≈ ≈ −0.08884

Thus x 2 ≈ –2.6 – 0.08884 = –2.6888

Third approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 3 , be (x 2 + δ2 )

Let f(x 2 + δ2 ) = 0, then since x 2 = –2.6888,

(–2.6888 + δ2)3 – 2(–2.6888 + δ2) + 14 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ2 gives:

( −2.6888) + 3 ( −2.6888 ) δ 2 + 5.3776 − 2δ 2 + 14 ≈ 0

3 2

–19.439 + 21.6888δ2 + 5.3776 – 2δ2 + 14 ≈ 0

19.6888δ2 ≈ 19.439 – 5.3776 – 14

19.439 − 5.3776 − 14
δ2 ≈ ≈ 0.003119

Thus x 3 ≈ (x 2 + δ2) = –2.6888 + 0.003119 ≈ –2.6857

Fourth approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 4 , be (x 3 + δ3 )

Let f(x 3 + δ3 ) = 0, then since x 3 = –2.6857,

(–2.6857 + δ3)3 – 2(–2.6857 + δ3) + 14 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ3 gives:

( −2.6857 ) + 3 ( −2.6857 ) δ 3 + 5.3714 − 2δ 3 + 14 ≈ 0

3 2

396 © 2014, John Bird

–19.3719 + 21.63895δ3 + 5.3714 – 2δ3 + 14 ≈ 0

19.63895δ2 ≈ 19.3719 – 5.3714 – 14

19.3719 − 5.3714 − 14
δ2 ≈ ≈ 0.00002546

Thus x 4 ≈ (x 3 + δ3) = –2.6857 + 0.000025 ≈ –2.6857

Since x 3 and x 4 are the same when expressed to the required degree of accuracy, then the required root

is –2.686, correct to 3 decimal places

3. Use an algebraic method of successive approximation to solve: x4 – 3x3 + 7x – 5.5 = 0, correct to 3

significant figures.

Let f(x) = x 4 − 3 x 3 + 7 x − 5.5

f(0) = –5.5
f(1) = 1 – 3 + 7 – 5.5 = –0.5
f(2) = 16 – 24 + 14 – 5.5 = 0.5
Hence a root lies between x = 1 and x = 2

First approximation

Let the first approximation be 1.5

Second approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 2 , be (x 1 + δ1 )

Let f(x 1 + δ1 ) = 0, then since x 1 = 1.5,
(1.5 + δ1 ) 4 – 3(1.5 + δ1 ) 3 + 7(1.5 + δ1 ) – 5.5 = 0
Neglecting terms containing products of δ1 and using the binomial series gives:
[(1.5) 4 + 4(1.5) 3 δ1 ] – 3[(1.5) 3 + 3(1.5) 2 δ1 ] + 10.5 + 7δ1 – 5.5 ≈ 0
5.0625 + 13.5δ1 – 10.125 – 20.25δ1 + 10.5 + 7δ1 – 5.5 ≈ 0
0.25δ1 ≈ 0.0625
δ1 ≈ ≈ 0.25
Thus x 2 ≈ 1.5 + 0.25 = 1.75

Third approximation

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Let the true value of the root, x 3 , be (x 2 + δ2 )

Let f(x 2 + δ2 ) = 0, then since x 2 = 1.75,

(1.75 + δ2 ) 4 – 3(1.75 + δ2 )3 + 7(1.75 + δ2 ) – 5.5 = 0
Neglecting terms containing products of δ2 gives:

(1.75) + 4 (1.75 ) δ 2 − 3[(1.75 ) + 3 (1.75 ) δ 2 ] + 7(1.75 + δ 2 ) − 5.5 ≈ 0

4 3 3 2

9.3789 + 21.4375δ2 – 16.078125 – 27.5625δ2 + 12.25 + 7δ2 – 5.5 ≈ 0

0.875δ2 ≈ –0.050775
δ2 ≈ ≈ −0.05803
Thus x 3 ≈ (x 2 + δ2) = 1.75 – 0.05803 ≈ 1.692

Fourth approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 4 , be (x 3 + δ3 )

Let f(x 3 + δ3 ) = 0, then since x 3 = 1.692,

(1.692 + δ3 ) 4 – 3(1.692 + δ3)3 + 7(1.692 + δ3 ) – 5.5 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ3 gives:

(1.692 ) + 4 (1.692 ) δ 3 − 3[(1.692 ) + 3 (1.692 ) δ 3 ] + 7(1.692 + δ 3 ) − 5.5 ≈ 0

4 3 3 2

8.19599 + 19.37586δ3 – 14.5318977 – 25.76578δ3 + 11.844 + 7δ3 – 5.5 ≈ 0

0.61008δ3 ≈ –0.0080923

δ3 ≈ ≈ −0.0132643

Thus x 4 ≈ (x 3 + δ3) = 1.692 – 0.0132643 ≈ 1.6787

Fifth approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 5 , be (x 4 + δ4 )

Let f(x 4 + δ4 ) = 0, then since x 4 = 1.6787,

(1.6787 + δ4 ) 4 – 3(1.6787 + δ4 )3 + 7(1.6787 + δ4 ) – 5.5 = 0

Neglecting terms containing products of δ4 gives:

(1.6787 ) + 4 (1.6787 ) δ 4 − 3[(1.6787 ) + 3 (1.6787 ) δ 4 ] + 7(1.6787 + δ 4 ) − 5.5 ≈ 0

4 3 3 2

7.941314 + 18.9225δ4 – 14.1919 – 25.3623δ4 + 11.7509 + 7δ4 – 5.5 ≈ 0

0.5602δ4 ≈ –0.000314
398 © 2014, John Bird
δ4 ≈ ≈ −0.00056

Thus x 5 ≈ (x 4 + δ4) = 1.6787 – 0.00056 ≈ 1.6781

Since x 4 and x 5 are the same when expressed to the required degree of accuracy, then the required root

is 1.68, correct to 3 decimal places

From earlier, f(x) = x 4 − 3 x 3 + 7 x − 5.5 f(0) = –5.5 f(–1) = 1 + 3 – 7 – 5.5 = –8.5

f(–2) = 16 + 24 – 14 – 5.5 = 20.5 Hence, a root lies between x = –1 and x = –2

This root, x = –1.53, may be found in exactly the same way as for the positive root above

4. Use an algebraic method of successive approximation to solve: x4 + 12x3 – 13 = 0, correct to 4

significant figures.

Let f(x) = x4 + 12x3 – 13

f(0) = –13
f(1) = 1 + 12 – 13 = 0 Hence, x = 1.000 is a root of the equation
f(2) = 16 + 96 – 13 = 99 There are no further positive roots
f(–1) = 1 – 12 – 13 = –24
f(–2) = –93
f(–3) = –256
f(–4) = –525
f(–5) = –888
f(–6) = –1303
f(–7) = –1728
f(–8) = –2061
f(–9) = –2200
f(–10) = –2013
f(–11) = –1344
f(–12) = –13
f(–13) = 2184 (Since the sign of f(–14) onwards does not change, there are no further
negative roots)

Hence a root lies between x = –12 and x = –13

First approximation
399 © 2014, John Bird
Let the first approximation be –12.0

Second approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 2 , be (x 1 + δ1 )

Let f(x 1 + δ1 ) = 0, then since x 1 = – 12.0,
(–12.0 + δ1 ) 4 + 12(–12.0 + δ1 ) 3 – 13 = 0
Neglecting terms containing products of δ1 and using the binomial series gives:
[(–12.0) 4 + 4(–12.0) 3 δ1 ] + 12[(–12.0) 3 + 3(–12.0) 2 δ1 ] – 13 ≈ 0
20 736 – 6912δ1 – 20 736 + 5184δ1 – 13 ≈ 0
– 1728δ1 ≈ 13
δ1 ≈ ≈ −0.00752
Thus x 2 ≈ – 12.0 – 0.00752 = –12.0075

Third approximation

Let the true value of the root, x 3 , be (x 2 + δ2 )

Let f(x 2 + δ2 ) = 0, then since x 2 = – 12.0075,

(–12.0075 + δ2 ) 4 + 12(–12.0075 + δ2 )3 – 13 = 0
Neglecting terms containing products of δ2 gives:

( −12.0075) + 4 ( −12.0075 ) δ 2 + 12[( −12.0075 ) + 3 ( −12.0075 ) δ 2 ] − 13 ≈ 0

4 3 3 2

20 787.8886 – 6924.968δ2 – 20 774.904 + 5190.48δ2 – 13 ≈ 0

– 1734.486δ2 ≈ 0.0154
δ2 ≈ ≈ 0.000008879
Thus x 3 ≈ (x 2 + δ2) = – 12.0075 + 0.000008879 ≈ – 12.00749

Since x 2 and x 3 are the same when expressed to the required degree of accuracy, then the required root

is –12.01, correct to 4 significant figures

Thus, the two solutions of the equation x4 + 12x3 – 13 = 0 are 1.000 and –12.01, correct to 4 significant


400 © 2014, John Bird

EXERCISE 106 Page 233

1. Use Newton’s method to solve: x2 – 2x – 13 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places.

Let f(x) = x2 – 2x – 13 f(0) = –13 f(1) = 1 – 2 – 13 = –14

f(2) = 4 – 4 – 13 = –13 f(3) = 9 – 6 – 13 = –10 f(4) = 14 – 8 – 13 = –7

f(5) = 25 – 10 – 13 = 2 Hence a root lies between x = 4 and x = 5. Let r1 = 4.7

f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '( x) = 2x – 2
f '(r1 )

(4.7) 2 − 2(4.7) − 13 −0.31

Hence, r2 =
4.7 − =
4.7 − =
2(4.7) − 2 7.4
f (4.7419) 0.0018156
r3 =
4.7419 − =
4.7419 − =
f '(4.7419) 7.4838
Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = 4.742

Since f(6), f(7), and so on do not change sign, there are no further positive roots

f(–1) = 1 + 2 – 13 = –10 f(–2) = 4 + 4 – 13 = –5 f(–3) = 9 + 6 – 13 = 2

Hence a root lies between x = –2 and x = –3. Let r1 = –2.7

f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '( x) = 2x – 2
f '(r1 )

(−2.7) 2 − 2(−2.7) − 13 −0.31

Hence, r2 =
−2.7 − =
−2.7 − =
2(−2.7) − 2 −7.71
f (−2.74021) 0.010829
r3 =
−2.74021 − =
−2.74021 − =
f '(−2.74021) −7.48042

f (−2.73876) −0.021674
r4 =
−2.73876 − =
−2.73876 − =
f '(−2.73876) −7.47752
f (−2.74166) 0.000019556
r5 =
−2.74166 − =
−2.74166 − =
f '(−2.74166) −7.48332

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = –2.742

i.e. the two roots of x2 – 2x – 13 = 0 are 4.742 and –2.742

2. Use Newton’s method to solve: 3x3 – 10x = 14, correct to 4 significant figures.

Let f(x) = 3 x 3 − 10 x − 14 f(0) = –14 f(1) = 3 – 10 – 14 = –21

401 © 2014, John Bird
f(2) = 24 – 20 – 14 = –10 f(3) = 81 – 30 – 14 = 36

Hence, a root lies between x = 2 and x = 3 Let r1 = 2.2

f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '(=
x) 9 x 2 − 10 x
f '(r1 )

3(2.2)3 − 10(2.2) − 14 −4.056

Hence, r2 =−
2.2 =−
2.2 =
9(2.2) − 10(2.2)
2 21.56
f (2.3881) 2.9771577
r3 =
2.3881 − =
2.3881 − =
f '(2.3881) 27.44619
f (2.2796) −1.257655
r4 =
2.2796 − =
2.2796 − =
f '(2.2796) 23.973184
f (2.3321) 0.7297097
r5 =
2.3321 − =
2.3321 − =
f '(2.3321) 25.627214
r6 =
2.3036 − =
r7 =
2.3183 − =
r8 =
2.3105 − =
r9 =
2.3146 − =
r10 =
2.3124 − =
r11 =
2.3136 − =
r12 =
2.3129 − =

Hence, correct to 4 significant figures, x = 2.313

3. Use Newton’s method to solve: x4 – 3x3 + 7x = 12, correct to 3 decimal places .

Let f(x) = x4 – 3x3 + 7x – 12 f(0) = –12 f(1) = 1 – 3 + 7 – 12 = –7

f(2) = 16 – 24 + 14 – 12 = –6 f(3) = 81 – 81 + 21 – 12 = 9

Hence, a root lies between x = 2 and x = 3 Let r1 = 2.6

(Since f(4), f(5), and so on do not change sign, there are no further positive roots)
402 © 2014, John Bird
f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '( x) = 4 x3 − 9 x 2 + 7
f '(r1 )

(2.6) 4 − 3(2.6)3 + 7(2.6) − 12 −0.8304

Hence, r2 =
2.6 − =
2.6 − =
4(2.6)3 − 9(2.6) 2 + 7 16.464
f (2.65044) 0.0446586
r3 =
2.65044 − =
2.65044 − =
f '(2.65044) 18.252095
f (2.64799) 0.0000507015
r4 =
2.64799 − =
2.64799 − =
f '(2.64799) 18.162586

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = 2.648

f(– 1) = 1 + 3 – 7 – 12 = – 15 f(– 2) = 16 + 24 – 14 – 12 = 14

Hence a root lies between x = –1 and x = –2. Let r1 = –1.5

(Since f(– 3), f(– 4), and so on do not change sign, there are no further negative roots).

f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '( x) = 4 x3 − 9 x 2 + 7
f '(r1 )

(−1.5) 4 − 3(−1.5)3 + 7(−1.5) − 12 −7.3125

Hence, r2 =
−1.5 − =
−1.5 − =
4(−1.5)3 − 9(−1.5) 2 + 7 −26.75
f (−1.77336) 2.20690068
r3 =
−1.77336 − =
−1.77336 − =
f '(−1.77336) −43.610741

f (−1.72276) 0.0880710
r4 =
−1.72276 − =
−1.72276 − =
f '(−1.72276) −40.163049
f (−1.72057) 0.0002736118
r5 =
−1.72057 − =
−1.72057 − =
f '(−1.72057) −40.017284

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = –1.721

i.e. the two roots of x4 – 3x3 + 7x = 12 are 2.648 and –1.721

4. Use Newton’s method to solve: 3x4 – 4x3 + 7x – 12 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places.

Let f(x) = 3 x 4 − 4 x 3 + 7 x − 12 f(0) = –12 f(1) = 3 – 4 + 7 – 12 = –6

f(2) = 48 – 32 + 14 – 12 = 18 Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 2

There are no further positive roots since the x 4 term predominates.

f(–1) = 3 + 4 – 7 – 12 = –12 f(–2) = 48 + 32 – 14 – 12 = 54

403 © 2014, John Bird

Hence, a root lies between x = –1 and x = –2

There are no further negative roots since, once again, the x 4 term predominates.

For the root between x = 1 and x = 2:

Let r1 = 1.25 f '( x) = 12 x3 − 12 x 2 + 7

3 (1.25 ) − 4 (1.25 ) + 7(1.25) − 12

4 3
f (r1 ) −3.73828
r2 =−
r1 =
1.25 − =
1.25 − =
12 (1.25 ) − 12 (1.25 ) + 7
3 2
f '(r1 ) 11.6875

r3 =
1.56985 − =

r4 =
1.49715 − =

r5 =
1.49081 − =

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, the positive root is: x = 1.491

For the root between x = –1 and x = –2:

Let r1 = −1.2

3 ( −1.2 ) − 4 ( −1.2 ) + 7(−1.2) − 12

4 3
f (r1 ) −7.2672
r2 =−
r1 =
−1.2 − =
−1.2 − =
12 ( −1.2 ) − 12 ( −1.2 ) + 7 −31.016
3 2
f '(r1 )

r3 =
−1.4343 − =

r4 =
−1.3880 − =

r5 =
−1.3856 − =

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, the negative root is: x = –1.386

5. Use Newton’s method to solve: 3 ln x + 4x = 5, correct to 3 decimal places.

Let f(x) = 3 ln x + 4x – 5 f(1) = 0 + 4 – 5 = –1 f(2) = 3 ln 2 + 8 – 5 = 5.0794

Hence, a root lies between x = 1 and x = 2 Let r1 = 1.2

404 © 2014, John Bird

(Since f(3), f(4), and so on do not change sign, there are no further positive roots)

f ( r1 ) 3
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '( x)= +4
f '(r1 ) x

3ln (1.2) + 4(1.2) − 5 0.34696467

Hence, r2 =
1.2 − =
1.2 − =
3 /1.2 + 4 6.5
f (1.14662) −0.003064547
r3 =
1.14662 − =
1.14662 − =
f '(1.14662) 6.61638555

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = 1.147

6. Use Newton’s method to solve: x3 = 5 cos 2x, correct to 3 decimal places.

Let f(x) = x3 – 5 cos 2x f(0) = 0 – 5 cos 0 = –5

f(1) = 1 – 5 cos 2 = 3.0807 (note: cos 2 means cos(2 rad))

Hence, a root lies between x = 0 and x = 1 Let r1 = 0.7

(Since f(2), f(3), and so on do not change sign, there are no further positive roots)

f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '(=
x) 3 x 2 + 10sin 2 x
f '(r1 )

(0.7)3 − 5cos(1.4) −0.50683571

Hence, r2 =
0.7 − =
0.7 − =
3(0.7) + 10sin(1.4)
2 11.324497
f (0.74476) 0.007159769
r3 =
0.74476 − =
0.74476 − =
f '(0.74476) 11.6309913

f (0.74414) −0.0000502729
r4 =
0.74414 − =
0.74414 − =
f '(0.74414) 11.6272076

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = 0.744

f(0) = 0 – 5 cos 0 = –5

f(– 1) = – 1 – 5 cos(– 2) = 1.8249

Hence, a root lies between x = 0 and x = –1 Let r1 = –0.8

f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '(=
x) 3 x 2 + 10sin 2 x
f '(r1 )
(−0.8)3 − 5cos(−1.6) −0.366002388
Hence, r2 =
−0.8 − =
−0.8 − =
3(−0.8) + 10sin(−1.6)
2 −8.0757360
405 © 2014, John Bird
f (−0.84532) −0.0062518324
r3 =
−0.84532 − =
−0.84532 − =
f '(−0.84532) −7.78457567

f (−0.8461) −0.00018213729
r4 =
−0.8461 − =
−0.8461 − =
f '(−0.8461) −7.77874058

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = –0.846

From above, f(0) = –5 and f(–1) = 1.8249

f(–2) = –8 – 5 cos(–4) = –5.5779

Hence, a root lies between x = –1 and x = –2 Let r1 = –1.7

(Since f(– 3), f(– 4), and so on do not change sign, there are no further roots)

f ( r1 )
A better approximation is given by: r2= r1 − f '(=
x) 3 x 2 + 10sin 2 x
f '(r1 )
(−1.7)3 − 5cos(−3.4) −0.07900903
Hence, r2 =
−1.7 − =
−1.7 − =
3(−1.7) + 10sin(−3.4)
2 11.2254110
f (−1.69296) −0.0007143059
r3 =
−1.69296 − =
−1.69296 − =
f '(−1.69296) 11.01737772

Hence, correct to 3 decimal places, x = –1.693

Thus, the solutions to x3 = 5 cos 2x, correct to 3 decimal places, are 0.744, –0.846 and –1.693

7. Use Newton’s method to solve: 300e −2θ + = 6, correct to 3 significant figures.

Let f(θ) = 300 e −2θ + −6 f(0) = 300 – 6 = 294 f(1) = 35.1 f(2) = 0.495

f(3) = –3.756 Hence, a root lies between x = 2 and x = 3, very close to x = 2

There are no further positive roots since the 300 e −2θ term predominates. There are no negative

roots since f(x) will always be positive

Let r1 = 2 f '( x) =
−600 e −2θ + 0.5

f (r1 ) 300 e −4 + 1 − 6 0.494692

r2 =
r1 − =
2− =
2− =
f '(r1 ) −600 e −4 + 0.5 −10.489383

r3 =
2.0492 − =
406 © 2014, John Bird
Hence, correct to 3 significant figures, x = 2.05

8. Solve the equations in Problems 1 to 5, Exercise 104, page 228 and Problems 1 to 4, Exercise 105,

page 231 using Newton’s method

This is left as further practise at using Newton’s method.

9. A Fourier analysis of the instantaneous value of a waveform can be represented by

 π 1
y =  t +  + sin t + sin 3t
 4 8

Use Newton’s method to determine the value of t near to 0.04, correct to 4 decimal places, when the

amplitude, y, is 0.880

 π 1  π 1
When y = 0.88, then 0.88 = t +  + sin t + sin 3t or  t +  + sin t + sin 3t − 0.88 =
 4 8  4 8

 π 1
Let f(t) =  t +  + sin t + sin 3t − 0.88
 4 8

Let r1 = 0.04 f '(t ) =
1 + cos t + cos 3t
π 1
0.04 + + sin 0.04 + sin 3(0.04) − 0.88
f (r1 ) 4 8 0.0003515
r2 =r1 − =0.04 − = 0.04 −
f '(r1 ) 3 2.371503345
1 + cos 0.04 + cos 3(0.04)
= 0.03985

r3 =
0.03985 − =

Hence, correct to 4 decimal places, t = 0.0399

10. A damped oscillation of a system is given by the equation: y = –7.4e0.5t sin 3t. Determine the value

of t near to 4.2, correct to 3 significant figures, when the magnitude y of the oscillation is zero.

407 © 2014, John Bird

Let f(t) = −7.4 e0.5t sin 3t

( −7.4 e0.5t )( 3cos 3t ) + ( sin 3t )( −3.7 e0.5t ) =

f '(t ) = −22.2 e0.5 t cos 3t − 3.7 e0.5t sin 3t

= − e0.5 t ( 22.2 cos 3t + 3.7 sin 3t )

Let r1 = 4.2

f (r1 ) −7.4 e 2.1 sin12.6 −2.03182922

r2 =
r1 − =
4.2 − =
4.2 − =
f '(r1 ) − e ( 22.2 cos12.6 + 3.7 sin12.6 )
2.1 −182.2023833

(Note, sin 12.6 is sin 12.6 rad)

f (4.189) −0.037825
r3 =
4.189 − =
4.189 − =
f '(4.189) −180.3134965

Hence, correct to 3 significant figures, t = 4.19

11. The critical speeds of oscillation, λ, of a loaded beam are given by the equation:

λ 3 − 3.250λ 2 + λ − 0.063 =0

Determine the value of λ which is approximately equal to 3.0 by Newton’s method, correct to

4 decimal places.

Let f(λ) = λ 3 − 3.250λ 2 + λ − 0.063

f '(λ ) =3λ 2 − 6.5λ + 1

Let r1 = 3.0

( 3.0 ) − 3.250 ( 3.0 ) + 3.0 − 0.063 =

3 2
f (3.0) 0.687
r2 =
3.0 − =
3.0 − 3.0 − =
3 ( 3.0 ) − 6.5 ( 3.0 ) + 1
f '(3.0) 8.5

r3 =
2.91918 − =

r4 =
2.91430 − =

Hence, correct to 4 decimal places, λ = 2.9143

408 © 2014, John Bird

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