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Clinical Approach of the Sehgal Method

Madan Lal Sehgal

Hpathy Ezine, November, 2015 |  Print This Post | November 21, 2015

Dr. M.L. Sehgal gives examples of translating the patient’s expressions into

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To practice this method one must have knowledge of
existing rubrics in the repertory, especially rubrics
given in Kent’s repertory. Thereafter one should look
for their clinical meaning in a dictionary. (For that we
have already published the clinical dictionary named

After we get the feeling of the patient expressed

through different versions we interpret and convert it
into the rubric. One must keep in mind that a version given by a patient to
express his problem can be identical to another patient’s version. So while
observing and listening our focus should be on the way patients are expressing
their feelings i.e. How, Why, What and When they are saying or doing in front
of you. Another thing is that, there could be different expressions for a
particular rubric or there could be an identical expression for different rubrics
having minute differences between them.

The next point to understand is the expression of different remedies given

under one rubric. No doubt they carry similar meaning but clinically it is very
important that we should know how to differentiate one medicine from the
other. A patient will speak or act in a simple manner about his or her feeling. So
practically, while selecting the medicine, it is not easy to find out in a short time
to which medicine our patient belongs. To really differentiate between all the
medicines it will take a long time. Due to such difficulties physicians ignore
many rubrics, which have many drugs under them.
With R.M. it is possible to do it. For example under the rubric DELUSIONS,
wealth imagination of , we have medicines such as: Agn., Alco., Bell., Calc.,
Cann-i.,,, Phos., Plat., Pyrog., Sulph., Verat. By simply paying
attention to the feeling expressed by a patient about what he imagines is his
wealth (mentioned by him in a few words) there is enough for us to understand
and differentiate which remedy he belongs to.

Agn. cast : He is at no loss so there is no danger to his possession.

Alco : She is gainer in all respects, so she has no threat even from an enemy.
Bell : His mobility is his wealth.
Calc : He is independent
Cann. Ind. : All are his friends and he has no one to owe anything to.
Kali Brom : His wealth is his possession of knowledge.
Nit. Ac. : His wealth is affection
Phos : His wealth is his self sufficiency.
Platina : Self sufficiency.
Pyrog. : Considers himself so big and rich that he is capable of possessing the
whole world.
Sul. : Hope is his wealth

Verat.: His communication with God.

Given below are some versions, which we commonly hear from our patient
in day-to-day practice.

If your patient says:

1. I have not taken my skin problem very seriously. I thought it would get better
on its own. Yesterday I saw that it increased further. Seeing that, I got scared,
and I immediately decided that I must visit the doctor before it increases

INDIFFERENCE complain, does not

FEAR extravagance, of
2. I did not notice when this patch appeared on my hand. Laughingly says,
“Actually I am careless about myself. I wonder why I did not notice it though I
use my hand every day. It was only when my mother / friend asked me about
this patch that I realized about it.”

LAUGHING speaking, when

3. Since many days, I have been feeling some heaviness over my chest. I did not
care about it. I consider it as a normal complaint of acidity or flatulence, and
for that reason I did not think of telling / visiting the doctor. A couple of days
ago, by chance, while I was reading a medical journal I came across an article
in which I read that heaviness of chest could be related to heart problem. Then,
one day while talking with my friend about it, he also told me the same thing.
Although I do not get scared so easily, but this time I got a bit scared of getting
some serious problem. I thought that I must visit a good doctor. I have a feeling
that by neglecting it I might have created a problem for myself. I think that with
the present problem now you have to take care of that problem (occurred due
to negligence) also. Do you think that it is related to heart or it is a flatulence
problem? Because I am not able to understand what is it?INDIFFERENCE
complain, does not


COMPLAINING supposed injury, of

FEAR betrayed, of being

GROPING as if in the dark

4. Doctor please take care that I am not put through any suffering (pain), I am
afraid of it.

Dr.: Why are you so afraid of it?

P.: Because in such condition it becomes difficult for me to move / do anything. I

have to lie down which I do not like. Physically as well as work-wise I have to
suffer then.
FEAR suffering, of

5. I am at a dead end. I cannot fight anymore. I have accepted defeat. There is

no use pursuing the treatment anymore as I feel it is not going to make any
difference to my problem. I did not want to come to you. It is only on the
insistence of my wife I have come to you.


6. I want to get rid of this condition even if it is achieved by death. I feel so

bored. I want to get out of this routine. I feel as if I am in a prison.


7. I want that no one should disturb me. Neither there should be any activity
around me nor I would be involved in any sort of activity.

DISTURBED, averse to being

QUIET, wants to be

8. I have a feeling that the main cause of my not getting better and always
getting one or the other trouble is because of intolerable environment, people,
circumstances, family members around me.

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Posted in Homeopathy Papers

Madan Lal Sehgal

Dr. M. L. Sehgal took up homoeopathy as a hobby. It later was to become his passion
and he conducted research to improve its effectiveness. His method of prescribing has
been successful in treating many cases of both acute and Chronic ailments. In 1983, he
founded Dr. Sehgal's School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy in India. He authored
Rediscovery of Homoeopathy Series, volumes I- VIII - the last series IX co-authored by his sons, Dr.Sanjay
sehgal and Dr.Yogesh Sehgal. These give a detailed insight into his method. Written Originally in English
these volumes have been translated in other languages, namely German, Italian & Czech. There are
dedicated followers of Dr. M. L. Sehgal's Method all over the world.


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