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When we read texts we will often examine them through a lens.

This means that we have a

particular agenda that forms the foundation for our analysis. Examples of lens’ include: Christian,
Feminist and Marxist.
This is an introduction to Marxism. Please use a dictionary if needed, and ask questions when
something is unclear.


“In the 1800s, many people across Europe worked hard but still struggled to pay for the basics.
Even children had to work from morning to night, and workers often went hungry. Marx and Engels
saw that exploitation of workers, or treating people unfairly and gaining profit from it, was a
serious problem. The two writers eventually came to see all of history as a class struggle. The
common workers, which Marx & Engels called the proletariat, struggled to be treated fairly. They
were taken advantage of by the class who held power: the bourgeoisie. Marx and Engels believed
that in a perfect world, such classes would not exist.

Marx and Engels put together all their ideas, and the result became known as Marxism. Here's how
the dictionary defines Marxism: 'the political, economic, and social theories of Karl Marx, including
the belief that struggle between social classes is a major force in history, and there should
eventually be a society in which there are no classes.'

Marx and Engels thought the workers (proletariat) would become so unhappy they would rise up
and start a revolution. When this didn't happen, the two thinkers were forced to adjust their ideas.
They were trying to come up with ways society could get better over time. In the end, they wanted
all people free from being exploited and being poor. But this hasn't happened, even today.”
Information retrieved from:
1. What are the three main classes present in ANTZ? Next, identify them as either working class
(proletariat) or those in power (bourgeoisie).

a. ____________________________

b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________

2. Describe the class struggle that occurred in ANTZ.

3. The perfect world that Marx and Engels envisioned never eventuated. Rather, history shows
us that revolutions have never eliminated poverty and oppression. With this in mind, consider
the following quote and theorise about what might have happened after the ANTZ revolution.
NOTE: You may choose to be as optimistic as Marx and Engels, or you may choose to respond in
line with historical outcomes.

Z: I finally feel that I have found my place… and you know what, it is right back where I
started. The difference is… this time I chose it.

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