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Mathematics is...
A set of A Study
Problem solving
tools Of pattern
Mathematics has a method
Well always help us in of showing something that
solving problem in happens all the time, some-
thing that happens in gen-
steps by steps eral.

A process AN ART
A language Of thinking Well, in art or branches
It’s a whole way of looking at
Because it has symbols things, stripping them down to of math is connected art
their essentials, whether it’s like architecture and
that can be used to numerical and then analyzing
represent something. the underlying patterns. paintings follows the
golden rectangle.
Mathematics in our world
Equiangular Spiral

- as the distance from the center of

Spiral the spiral increases (radius), the Tiger’s Stripes and
amplitudes of the angles formed by Hyena’s Spots
- In Mathematics, it is defined as a radii to the point and the tangent to
curve which emanates from a the point remain constant. -The random design are believed
point, moving farther away as it to be govern by mathematical
revolves around the point. equations.

Flower the man famous for breaking
Petals down the Enigma code during
World War II, chemical reactions
Alan Turing and diffusion process in cells
determine these growth.
- Numbers that fo1llow in
the Fibonacci Sequence Packing
(Next Page will be discuss
Fibonacci Sequence). Problem
- involves finding optimum meth-
od of filling up the given space,
Population Formula : such as a cubic or cylindrical con-
A - Final population tainers.
P - Initial Population Population

e - Euler’s number - it is all the organisms of

the same group or species, *Occupied more space
R - rate which live in a particular
geographical area, and
T - Time have the capability of inter
rt breeding.
Bilateral Symmetry

Finding the rate/time

- the property of being divisi-
Finding the final ble into symmetrical halves *Less space occupied
population Formula on either side of a unique
Rotational Angle of Rotation
Symmetry -The smallest angle that a figure can
Finding the Initial - it is the property a shape be rotated while still preserving the
population Formula original formation.
has when it looks the same
Transforming after some rotation by a -Given by the formula:
angle of rotation =
to logarithm Symmetry partial turn. 360 ͦ / n

Natural loga- - means that one shape be-

rithm rule comes exactly like another
when you move it in some way: N-fold Symmetry 5 fold symmetry
turn, flip or slide.
- it is the number of
distinct orientations in
which it looks the ex-
act same . 3 fold symmetry
Mathematics is the language
-Named after the Italian Mathematician Leonardo of Pisa
(1170-1250, who was better known by his nickname Fibo-
of nature - Fibonacci

nacci in short for “filius Bonacci or son of Bonacci. He is

also known as Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo of Pisa, Leo- He observed numbers in nature. His most - a rectangle can be drawn of such a shape that if it is cut
- (also known as the Golden Section, Golden Mean, Di- nardo Pisano Bigollo, or Leonardo Fibonacci. popular contribution perhaps is the number
vine Proportion or Greek letter Phi) exists when that is seen in the petals of flowers. into square and rectangle, the smaller rectangle will be
a line is divided into two parts and the longer part (a) similar in shape to the larger rectangle. This is a golden
Calla Lilly – 1 petal
divided by the smaller part (b) is equal to the sum of (a) Trillium – 3 petals rectangle whose sides are in the golden ratio 1+x:1, where x
+ (b) divided by (a), which both equal 1.618. – is an ordered list of numbers, called terms, that may
Hibiscus – 5 petals is a non-ending decimal.
Cosmos – 8 petals
have repeated values. The arrangement of these terms is
Marigold – 13 petals
set by a definite rule.
Asters – 21 petals
Daisy – 34/55/89 petals
PHI Example: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
Note: Not all flowers follow this pattern. But
many flowers abide in this pattern.


1. Create a line in the square such that it
will be the half of the length of the
square and forms a triangle.
2. Solve for the length of the line using
the Pythagorean Theorem.
3. Next extend your length equivalent oF
the length of the line.
4. Then check if it is a golden ratio
Binet’s Formula
- Formula convenient for Fibonacci More Examples of things
sequence finding the nth term for in nature that’s follow 10
how many nth term. Fibonacci sequence. IN FINDING THE GOLDEN RATIO OF A GOLD-
formula Pascal’s Triangle * Consider a line segment of a length x+1

It is also interesting to note that the ratios of suc- such that the ratio of the whole line segment
Quadratic Formula cessive Fibonacci numbers approach the number x+1 to the longer segment x is the same as 5 5
(phi), also known as the Golden Ratio. This is ap- Seed heads the ratio of the line segment, x, to the short- Checking if it is a gold-
proximately equal to 1.618. Note: er segment, Pythagorean theorem to en ratio
Convenient for small accumulated nth term. find the length.
Animal fightS
1/1 =1 13/8 = 1.6250
2/1 = 2 21/13 = 1.6154
3/2 = 1.500 34/21 = 1.6190 Production dynamics
Expression for all X to the nth power 5/3 = 1.6667 55/34 = 1.6177 Thus,
8/5 = 1.600 89/55 = 1.6182 shells

uterus Formula Golden ratio:
Subtract the both formula

Tree branches

Mathematical language and symbols

It is able to make very fine distinc-

tions or definitions among a set of
mathematical symbols.

of Mathematical
It can express long expositions or Language Sample/symbols
sentences briefly.

ENGLISH Powerful
One can express complex thought
Noun Sentence
with relative ease using the language
Persons Places True
of mathematics.
Things False


between Expression Equations

mathematics number function True


and English
sets False
5. identity element of Binary Operations 4. Distributivity of Binary Operations
6. inverse of Binary Operations - For many choices of a Sample - Binary operators are rules for taking two elements
- For some choices of sets and binary oper- set and binary operator, 7+0=7 from a set and combining them to produce something.

there exists a special
ators, for every element there is another element in the set that 7(1)=7 Sample
element so that combining the two elements when “combined” with
always gives us the identity element. other elements in the Addition identity = 0
set does not change
them. Multiplication identity =1


3. commutativity of Binary Operations

- Binary operators are rules for taking
two elements from a set and combining
them to produce something.

( & )

“This idea generalized the concept of a

negative in addition, and the concept of
2. associativity of Binary Operations
reciprocal we find in multiplication to
1.Closure Binary operation - As described above, binary operators take two
accepts only arbitrary sets and binary operators.”
- Some binary operators
Sample elements and combine them to produce a third. So
the order in which we add a set of numbers is not
are such that when we
combine two elements
one value or op- from a set, we always Sample
get another element in
that set.

Unary take two values,
and include the
operations of addi-

operations tion, subtraction,

multiplication, di-
vision and expo-
Some Fundamentals of Logic
FORMULA FOR T T Let P be a proposition. T F T F
TRUTH TABLE The negation of P is
F F “not P” or ~P. F T F T Conditional Statement

-is a table that shows the -A statement is negation of Universal Original Statement
truth value of a compound another if the word is not
statement for all possible introduced in negative Existential
truth values of its simple statement. Converse
The statement will be revise in
statements. order that the conclusion will be
the introduction and vice verse.

negation quantifier
Truth table More complex ex-
ample of truth ta- Each of the proposition of the compound
state will be negate or negation

PROPOSITION Fundamentals Contrapositive

The proposition will gone on the process of
converse then negate all of the proposition

- are made in people’s

Logical Connectives P=>Q Q=>P P=>QꓥQ=>P
P Q P<=>Q
statements. It is a state-
ment which is either true
Implications T T T T
(T) or false (F). - Let P and Q be propo- F T F T F F

sitions. A logical connec- F F T T T T

tive is the equivalent of a

EXAMPLES: 1. Nine is a prime number. - LetP and Q be
conjunction in English.
2. Today is Monday.
propositions. P Q ~P ~Q PνQ ~(P νQ) ~Pꓥ~Q
3. 4+3=7 T T F F T F F

(1)and “ᴧ”- it needs the T F F T T F F
two proposition to be true F T F F
in order for the compound (1)Conditional “=>” - (if...then)
T T T T statement be true. P Q P=>Q Q=>P P<=>Q F F T T F T T
The two proposition must be the same in order
T F F T to be true and also if the conclusion is true then T T T T T
(2)or “V” - It needs one of
F T F T the proposition to be true the compound statement is true. T F F T F
in order for the compound (2)Biconditional “<=>”(if and only if)
F F F F The two proposition must be in order to be the F T T F F
statement be true.
compound statement to be true. F F T T T
Counterexample Conjecture
- Some binary operators are such that Bibliography
- This is one method of when we combine two elements from a -The conclusion formed
disproving a statement. set, we always get another element in by inductive reasoning. Pólya was born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary to
that set. Anna Deutsch and Jakab Pólya, Hungarian Jews
who had converted to the Roman Catholic faith
in 1886. Born: 13 December 1887 in Budapest,
DEDUCTIVE REASONING Hungary. Died: 7 September 1985 in Palo Alto,
California He made fundamental contributions to
combinatorics, number theory, numerical analy-
-Type of reasoning that uses gen- sis and probability theory. In 1945 George Polya
eral procedures and principles to published the book How To Solve It which quickly
reach a conclusion. Problem Solv- became his most prized publication. In this book
he identifies four basic principles.

ing and rea-
(1)Sarah is older than her friend who owns a cat
and younger than her friend who owns the
soning Polya’s Problem Solving
dog. George Polya Technique
(2)Nikkie and her friend who owns the snake are
both of the same age and are the youngest
members of the group.
Pascal’s Triangle
(3)Donna is older than her friend who owns the

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