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Universidad Rural de Guatemala Sede IV 23 2019 II Semestre

Licda. Blanca Mazariegos de Gil Area: Inglés Técnico

Student´s name _______________________________________________carné________________________________

Wh- questions with be

W h - questions

What = it refers to personal information ( Qué, Cuál )

Where = it refers to places ( Dondé, En dondé )

When= it refers to time (Cuando.. a meses o años)

Who = it refers to people ( Quién, Con quién)

How = it refers to adjectives ( Comó, Que tal)

Why= it refers to a complete answer( Por qué…. Se responde .. Because)


Wh- question Be ( is, am, are) Subject Complement?

What Is your name?
Where Is your friend?
Who Is Sun Hee?
What Are your classmates like?
Where are you and Luisa from?
How Are Your classes?

Wh- questions with be (ordenar y responder)

1. Name? is your What

2. like classmates your are What?
3. you and Luisa Where from are ?
4. your classes are How ?
Open Questions (completer todas las preguntas y responder cada una de ellas

What - When - Where - Why - Who – How. Choose the correct alternative.

1) ................ are my keys?

2) ................ is the problem?

3) ................ is your favourite singer?

4) ................ is your birthday?

5) ................ old are you? I'm ten years old.

6) ................ is your telephone number?

7) ................ are you from?

8) ................ is your best friend?

9) ................ is your e-mail?

10) ................ are you? I'm fine, thanks.

11) ................ is your graduation? Next week.

12) ................ is she crying? Because she is sad.

13) ................ is your last name? Gonzalez.

14) ................ is your favourite actor? Anthony Hopkins.

15) ................ old is your cat? Two years old.

II. Choose the right option.

1) ................. is the concert?

What Who Why When

2) ................. is Cristiano Ronaldo from?

How When Where Why

3) ................. are you so happy? I'm getting married!

When How What Why

4) ................. is your brother? He is still sick.

Why How Where What

5) ................. are you late? Because of the traffic.

Where When Why How

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