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Ali Moriarty


Perkinson Art Center (PAC)

Tuesday-Friday during the first 15 minutes of Discovery Period in Perkinson Art Center (PAC)

The IB Visual Arts: 2D course is a two-year program for diploma or course candidates. This
course is designed for the visual arts student with creative and imaginative abilities who may
pursue the visual arts at a university or college. The visual arts program consists of several linked
compulsory parts, studio work, a process portfolio, an artist comparative study, and a final
exhibition. The studio work is a practical exploration and artistic production. The process
portfolio is a slide presentation demonstrating the exploration in many art making forms. It
contains visual and written information while illustrating process, investigation, communication
of ideas and reflection. The comparative study engages students in the critical investigation of
two artist from different cultural backgrounds, time periods, and media. The exhibition includes
examples of resolved (finished) work that shows evidence of technical accomplishment that
includes a curatorial rationale explaining presentation, innovations, and overall impact.


· Inquirers · Open-minded
· Knowledgeable · Caring
· Thinkers · Risk-takers
· Communicators · Balanced
· Principled · Reflective


· Demonstrate through purposeful exploration and inquiring to various mediums, and
integrative approach to their medium of choice
· Synthesize art concepts and skills in works that are personally, sociocultural and
aesthetically meaningful
· Solve formal and technical problems encountered instudio practice
· Exhibit technical skills and appropriate use of media
· Produce works of art with imagination and creativity through individual work
· Demonstrate clearly in visual and written terms how personal research has led to an
understanding of the topics or concepts being investigated (TOK)
· Analyze critically the meaning and ascetic qualities of art forms using an informed
vocabulary (TOK)
· Show some awareness of the cultural, historical and social dimensions of themes in more
than one context (TOK, international-mindedness)
· Examine the visual and functional qualities of art from their own and other cultures for
meaning and significance (TOK, international-mindedness)

Visual Arts Oxford IB Diploma Programme, Jayson Patterson, Simon Poppy, Andrew
Vaughan (Course Companion)

Ÿ I will provide you with a sketchbook- this is a VERY important part of this class!
Ÿ Please be prepared EVERYDAY with your art materials, sketchbook, laptop

I will be posting information, assignments, etc. on Google Classroom. Please join using our
class code:1v87ihq Be sure to check this daily so you make sure you don’t miss anything!

I grade on a percentage basis out of 100%. In art class, you earn your grades – and they are not
solely based on aesthetics! You will be graded on effort, technique, studio attitude, partaking in
critiques and putting the feedback into practice as well as the overall finished product.
You will earn a weekly participation grade that is based upon your attentiveness, focus on your
work and the effort you put into your class work each day.
As an IB art student, you will also be graded on the various items specifically pertaining to IB
such as the individual slides of the Comparative Study, the Process Portfolio and of course, your
pieces for your Final Exhibition based on Technique, Effectiveness, Finished Aesthetic, etc.

• The Perkinson Arts Center is a safe space for students to create without inhibition or
• All materials will be treated with respect. You will clean brushes COMPLETELY, close
tops to paints completely, place items back where you got them, wipe down tables when
needed, etc. You are responsible for the items you use while in the art room.
• All art work – yours and everyone else’s – will be treated with respect. You will only
work on your OWN work, never on someone else’s.
• In the IB program, you will be using your own tables as your work area. You will keep
that area neat and tidy before you leave the classroom.
• All materials will be put away by you in their proper place before you leave the
• You will clean up in a timely manner- I will remind you when it’s time to clean up, but
you can be watching out for that yourself as well. A few minutes before the end of class
should be plenty of time for cleaning up.
• All students will practice safety at ALL TIMES in the art room. Using materials and
tools properly, effectively and safely is imperative. If materials/tools aren’t being used
safely, you will lose the privilege of using that material/tool.
• You will be working with me individually as well as working as a class. We will have
class critiques throughout the year and I expect proper artistic language to be used as well
as discussing your peer’s work with respect and effectiveness.
• There will be due dates for various items throughout the year; I expect my students to
adhere to these due dates in order to stay on track with the IB curriculum.
• Be an advocate for yourself. If you need help, ask! If you don’t understand something,
ask! I am here to guide, teach and help you in any way I can on your artistic journey.
• All students that need extra help are required to come and see me during Discovery
period anytime.
• As artists, we have to be diligent about not plagiarizing any art or writing! Everything
you do in my art class will be original work!

Cell phones are to be used in class ONLY with teacher permission. We will use them to
document your work OFTEN! So make sure you have it with you. If you are not taking pictures
of your work, then it is in your pocket or bookbag, not distracting you. Appropriate use of cell
phones is expected.

The Trinity Episcopal School Honor Code is to be adhered to at all times:
“On my honor as a student at Trinity Episcopal School, I have neither given nor received any
unauthorized aid.”


You are going to do GREAT in my art class – as long as you keep a positive attitude and put in
your very best effort! Make sure you keep track of deadlines and are CONSTANTLY keeping
track of your work via your Sketchbook/Journal, Photographs and uploading them to Google
Docs, staying organized and on top of all of your work! More to come on this…

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