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Teaching Strategies on MIs

Name: ___________________________________________

Part 1 Direction:
Identify your learners based on their characteristics. Use and write the following code on the
space provided:

VL- Verbal/ Linguistic Intelligence ML- Math -Logical Intelligence

BK- Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence IR- Intrapersonal Intelligence
IN- Interpersonal Intelligence VS- Visual -Spatial Intelligence
MI- Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence NI- Naturalist Intelligence

_____1. Janet like listening to stories

_____2. Arnulfo keeps his things neat and orderly.
_____3. Ben has a good memory for names, dates and trivia.
_____4. Rodel adds number to his head.
_____5. Antonio remembers things by putting them in a rhyme.
_____6. Julianne likes to work and play with other kids.
_____7. Julie doodles a lot in her notebook.
_____8.It is easy for Lea to dance in front of people.

Part II, Direction:

Identify your learners who learn best with the following activities. Use the following code
and write your answer on the space provided for:

VL- Verbal Linguistic Intelligence ML- Math Logical Intelligence

BK- Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence IR- Intrapersonal Intelligence
IN- Interpersonal Intelligence VS- Visual Spatial Intelligence
MI- Musical Intelligence NI- Naturalist Intelligence

_____1. Working alone silently, collecting things that have special meanings, expressing
personal needs and interests
_____2. Arranging patterns, sequencing events, using science tools
_____3. Using puppets to act out, using maps, illustration poems
_____4. Using toys and images for sequencing games, playing puzzles, searching patterns
_____5. Tutoring classmates, working with groups, working with pairs
_____6. Keeping journals, making scrapbooks, writing essays
_____7. Observing surroundings, going on field trips, caring for pets
_____8. Setting a poem to music, using rhythms, composing own songs.

Teaching Strategies on MIs

Name: ___________________________________________

Part 1 Direction:
Identify your learners based on their characteristics. Use and write the following Code on
the space provided:

VL- Verbal Linguistic Intelligence ML- Math Logical Intelligence

BK- Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence IR- Intrapersonal Intelligence
IN- Interpersonal Intelligence VS- Visual Spatial Intelligence
MI- Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence NI- Naturalist Intelligence

_____1. Alex enjoys playing basketball.

_____2. Mon is on the pond listing all animals he could see.
_____3. Amy loves molding with play dough. .
_____4. Noli always asks how things work.
_____5. Regine cheers herself with songs.
_____6. Jeremiah learns new words easily.
_____7. Angel easily gets direction.
_____8. Remy cleverly mimics other people’s gestures or mannerisms.

Part II, Direction:

Identify your learners who learn best with the following activities. Use the following code
and write your answer on the space provided for:

VL- Verbal Linguistic Intelligence ML- Math Logical Intelligence

BK- Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence IR- Intrapersonal Intelligence
IN- Interpersonal Intelligence VS- Visual Spatial Intelligence
MI- Musical Intelligence NI- Naturalist Intelligence

_____1. Humming, beating the drums, nodding with the song.

_____2. Playing Tower of Hanoi, coloring Modulo Art, arranging rubic’s cube.
_____3. Going out with friends, helping in the garden
_____4. Drawing pictures, reading maps, playing Lego blocks
_____5. Spelling, vocabulary building, speaking
_____6. Moving, tapping, fidgeting while seated
_____7. Going on nature walk, reading story featuring plants and animals, planting in the
_____8. Loves to pray, knows to how to care, has faith in God

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