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1. What is the study of heredity?

A. Hereditology B. DNA C. Genetics D. Biology

2. What is heredity?
A. The passing of genes from one’s parents to offspring
B. The study of genes
C. Genetics
D. Plants scaterring pollen
3. What does DNA stands for?
A. Dominant Nuclear Acid B. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
C. Daily Nursing Applejuice D. Denominater of Numerous Allele
4. Which of the following events happen during interphase?
A. DNA replication B. Spindle formation C. Splitting of the centrioles D. Cleavage furrow formation
5. During which phase do chromosomes first become visible?
A. interphase B. metaphase C. prophase D. telophase
6. The stage of the cell cycle where each chromosome is composed of two chromatids in preparation for mitosis is
called ________ phase.
a. G1 b. S c. G2 d. M
7 Which of the following features of cell division are very different for animal and plant cells?
a. prophase b. anaphase c. metaphase d. cytokinesis
8. Prior to cell division, each chromosome replicates or duplicates its genetic material. The products are connected by a
centromere and are called ________.
a. sister chromosomes b. homologous chromosomes c. sex chromosomes d. sister chromatids
9. Which of the following statements is NOT true of mitosis?
a. Single nucleus results in two nuclei. c. Two daughter cells may be produced.
b. Homolohous chromosomes pair at prophase. d. Mitosis occurs in body or somatic cells.
10. It is the equal division of one nucleus into two genetically identical nuclei.
A. Cytokinesis B. Gametogenesis C. Karyokinesis D. Spermatogenesis
10. Cytokinesis in a plant cell is characterized by _________.
a. formation of a cleavage c. formation of a cell plate
b. formation of spindle d. formation of cell wall
11. Which of the following statements is NOT true of mitosis?
A. Two daughter cells are produced. C. Single nucleus results in two nuclei.
B. Mitosis occurs in body or somatic cells. D. Homologous chromosome pair at prophase.
12. Which of the following uses meiosis?
A. Growth B. Spermatogenesis C. Repairing of wounds D. Replacement of dead cells
13. Meiosis results in _____________
A. 2 haploid daughter cells C. 4 haploid daughter cells
B. 2 diploid daughter cells D. 4 diploid daughter cells
14. How many daughter cells are produced by mitosis and meiosis respectively?
A. mitosis-1; meiosis-2 C. mitosis-2; meiosis-4
B. mitosis-2; meiosis-2 D. mitosis-4; meiosis-4
15. Which of the following is unique to meiosis?
A. Crossing-over of chromosomes. C. DNA organizes into chromosomes.
B. Nuclear membrane breaks down. D. Chromosomes aligned at the metaphase plate.
16. If mitosis undergoes one (1) round of cell division, meiosis undergoes how many round/s of cell division?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
17. Which type of cell division ensures that the number of chromosomes is maintained among the same species by
reducing the chromosome number by half (haploid)?
A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both A and B D. Neither A or B
18. What is the role of meiosis cell division in maintaining the number of chromosomes in an organism?
A. It reduces the chromosome number in half. C. It reduces the chromosome number in ¼.
B. It maintains the chromosome number of the organism. D. None of these.

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