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Credits Special Thanks

Written By: Jacob Klünder

Edited By: Dixie Cochran (Chapter 1), Jacob Klün- To my Beta readers — assume any mistakes and gram-
der, Maiken Klünder matical errors are because I did not listen to them:
Anne Christine Tvilum Erichsen, Dixie Cochran,
Jakob Søgaard, John Bishop, Jonas Mose, Petra Ann,
Follow my work here: Rasmus Nicolaj West, and Shannon Barritt

To Lars Rune Jørgensen, who created the cover art

for this book. You can see more of his work at

This book is dedicated to my first Vampire: The Mas-

querade group: Thomas, Søren and Bjarne. The days
in my parents’ basement are not forgotten.

And finally, as always, a special thanks to my wife

Maiken Klünder, who is always available for alpha-
reading, inspiration and ideas-sparring.

Introduction 5
Chapter One: Denmark by Night 7
Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night 43
Chapter Three: Children of the Kingdom 74

Denmark by Night 3

— Doctor Stig Helmer, Riget (The Kingdom)

Greetings, dear reader. So, the book got divided into Denmark by Night,
My name is Jacob Klünder and in addition to being Copenhagen by Night and Children of the Kingdom
a Dane, I have been a Vampire player for over 20 (Storyteller Characters). The other chapters will be
years. In that time, I have been fortunate enough to added to the book when they are finished.
contribute to a few World of Darkness books. I have In writing this book, I had to strike a balance be-
also always wondered about my own country in the tween getting enough information and not making it
World of Darkness. Denmark has received some men- into a textbook. As it stands, the Denmark by Night
tions through Vampire: The Masquerade’s long histo- chapter is 25,500 words and in my opinion, I have
ry, but never a book dedicated to it; the closest being only scratched the surface of Denmark’s history and
Wolves of The Sea for Vampire: The Dark Ages. interesting sites. I could easily have added 10,000
Hardly surprising, really — Denmark is a small country words more, but in the end, I had to limit myself to
and, in modern times, hardly as important or well- information I thought was pertinent or offered inter-
known as it was a thousand years ago, when my ances- esting story hooks. If you want to know more about
tors raided, pillaged and traded across the western Denmark, there are numerous Internet sites and
world. YouTube videos available — or, Hell, find a Dane or
So, for a long time, I toyed with the idea of writing two on social media and talk to them. In the end, I
my own Denmark by Night supplement. And, eventu- hope I have presented my country in an entertaining,
ally, I stopped just thinking about it and actually start- informative and engrossing manner.
ed writing. By pure coincidence, I began my writing My idea for this book is that it can be used either as
right around the time White Wolf announced their a sourcebook for chronicles set in Denmark or as a
Storyteller’s Vault project. And that is the reason why new and different area for characters in an already
this book is divided into three parts. I decided early established chronicle to visit and be involved in inter-
on to make Copenhagen its own, separate section and esting stories.
with that, there was no way I could have the entire As mentioned, the book will have three parts. Den-
book ready for the launch of the Storyteller’s Vault. mark by Night gives an overview of the country of

Denmark by Night 5
Denmark, its history, physical geography, culture, • Matador (TV Show): No, it’s not about bull-
politics, laws, etc., as well as presenting Denmark in fighting. In Danish, a matador is a business
the world of Vampire: The Masquerade. Copenhagen magnate or tycoon. This TV show is set in a fic-
by Night does the same for Copenhagen, Denmark’s tional provincial town in Denmark and by fol-
capital and by far the largest city in the country. Final- lowing several key characters and families, charts
ly, Children of the Kingdom has all the Storyteller the changes in Denmark from the interwar peri-
Characters needed for a chronicle or story set in od to the end of World War II. The show’s por-
Denmark, allowing you to pick and choose who and trayals of small-town Denmark and the societal
how many you want to use. It also has a little surprise upheaval of the time are widely praised.
in the form of a new type of supernatural being. • Pusher (Film): Released in 1996, this marked the
What is lacking from this book, when compared to debut of internationally acclaimed director Nico-
other “by Night” books, is a list of recommended me- las Winding Refn. The movie takes place in Co-
dia; books, movies, music, that sort of thing. The rea- penhagen’s criminal underworld and pulls no
son is pretty simple; with access to the Internet, it’s punches in its portrayal of violence and crimi-
very easy to find such things with a minimum of ef- nals.
fort, through Google, Wikipedia, IMDB and so on. I • Týr (Music): Technically Danish, since the band is
will, however, make three recommendations. from the Faroe Islands. Their music style is Vi-
king Metal, and I have included them here be-
cause I listened to them quite a lot when writing
this book.

Chapter One :
Denmark by Night
“Med lov skal land bygges…”
(“With law shall the country be built…”)
- Start of the Code of Jutland

The smallest, flattest and southern-most of the the Camarilla can ill afford to lose their foothold in
Scandinavian countries. A place with a rich history, the north and as such, tread carefully.
now simply one more European country trying to As united as Denmark might seem to the outside, it
make its voice heard in the EU. A modern democracy is far from immune to the intrigues and politicking
with a queen. A country with a history of acceptance that characterizes vampiric societies the world over. As
now known for strong racism. Denmark wears many small as Denmark is, resources are somewhat limited
faces and has many contradictions. and battles social, political and even physical are
In the world of vampires, Denmark is a small but waged constantly between factions and individual
strong, country that presents a powerful and united vampires. On top of all this, Denmark contains its
façade to the outside world. It is a place of traditions, share of mysteries and dangers. While Denmark has
ruled by Elders centuries old, but with plenty of op- little to no wild nature left, the streets and plantation
portunity for the young, industrious Kindred. Theo- forests are still home to lupines that will attack vam-
retically Camarilla, Denmark’s connection to the Ivory pires with little provocation. And although Denmark
Tower has at times been tenuous. Even now the Inner is strongly secular, there are still hunters there, rem-
Circle knows that should they press Denmark too nants of ancient families and religious brotherhoods
hard, or interfere too severely in the affairs of the local that know what stalks the night. During the summer,
Kindred, they might find Denmark declaring them- the exceptionally short nights puts extra pressure on
selves neutral or defecting to the Sabbat. With Den- the already large Kindred population. And on the
mark being the gateway to both Sweden and Norway, island of Bornholm, something is killing any vampire
foolish enough to set foot on the rocks.

Denmark by Night 7
When it comes to Kindred politics, Denmark pre- few magical artifacts and places of power from this
sents a rather unique power structure; the entire time and they are constantly searching for more.
country is under the rule of a single Prince (who pre- The Iron Age, when the people of Denmark began
fers not to be called that), with each area being the extracting iron ore from peat bogs, coincided with a
domain of a lesser Prince. change in the climate making it cooler and wetter.
This limited agriculture, caused a great deal of migra-
tion and ended the cultural golden age. The Romans
History never made it all the way to Denmark, but beginning
sometime around the first century AD they estab-
What follows is an overview of the history of lished a solid trade network. This has been evidenced
Denmark, as it pertains to both mortals and vampires. by finds both in Denmark and in the Roman provinc-
es. The population, however, was still not large and
Flint, bronze, and iron centralized enough to attract anything other than
The first humans, Stone Age hunter-gatherers, nomadic vampires. In fact, there are Elders from Ro-
moved into what would become Denmark around man times who remember sending ghouls north or
10,000 BC, when the last ice age began to wane. Here paying wandering Gangrel for information about the
they found a rich natural resource — flint. Flint is lands north of the Roman frontier. These vampires
normally rare, but Denmark’s geology made it abun- recall that the lands were considered unfit for anyone
dant which lead to an explosion in tool making. Dur- but the savages of Clan Gangrel. During the Iron Age,
ing this time, it’s unlikely that even the most nomadic animal and human sacrifice also became a not-
Gangrel came to the cold lands of the north. uncommon part of ritualistic life in Denmark. Some
Kindred historians wonder if this was influenced by
Around 3900 BC the people living in what would
vampires setting themselves up as gods or spirits and
become Denmark shifted from hunter-gatherers to
procuring blood through these sacrifices.
farmers. This was probably due to the introduction of
grain by migrating farmers coming from the south. Several artifacts and archaeological sites exist from
This slowly allowed for an increase in population and these times, including the Gundestrup Cauldron, the
the establishment of villages and towns, which in turn Sun Wagon, and numerous burial mounds. For over
led to the establishment of a more sophisticated socie- two centuries Kindred scholars and esoteric experts
ty. from numerous Clans have pored over them. If there
is any mystical power left, it is securely in the hands of
Scandinavia entered the Bronze Age relatively late
few Elder vampires.
compared to the rest of Europe. However, somewhere
around 1700 BC trade with the lands to the south Unlike southern Europe, Denmark saw no inva-
brought the new metal to Denmark. This transition is sions or large migrations during this period — instead,
shown clearly in some of the latest flint weapons and Denmark transitioned more or less smoothly from the
tools found, which had started to copy the style of the Iron Age to the Viking Age, with the Viking Age being
new bronze implements. When the Bronze Age finally a great societal upheaval coming from within, rather
took hold, it created a golden age of culture, religion, than from outside.
and art. This included elaborate rock carvings, highly
decorated objects, and the massive stone burial The Fury of the Northmen
mounds known as “stone ships” because of their “A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine.”
shape. Kindred historians believe that two powerful From the fury of the Norsemen deliver us, Lord. This
and ancient Gangrel came to Scandinavia during the was a prayer supposedly spoken throughout Christen-
early Bronze Age and later awoke from torpor in dom during the Viking Age, when the warriors of the
Denmark during the Viking Age. It’s highly unlikely north raided throughout Europe and beyond.
that any other Clans came through at that point,
though trade networks meant that some of them must The start of the Viking Age is generally accepted to
have been aware of the existence of the Danish Bronze be the 8th of June, 793. This was the date when Vi-
Age culture. Mystically inclined Kindred have found a kings raided and destroyed the monastery at Lindis-
farne in England. While this was unlikely to be the
first Viking raid, it is the first recorded.

8 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

The Viking Age was a combination of numerous During the Viking Age, culture and society flour-
factors; the Medieval Warm Period allowed for better ished in Denmark and large cities with up to 5,000
farming, leading to a population explosion, which inhabitants, such as Ribe and Hedeby, were estab-
meant that the lands of Scandinavia could eventually lished. Laws became extremely important, artistic en-
not support all the people. Advances in the technology deavor entered another golden age, and riches, ob-
of shipbuilding, as well as in seamanship, allowed the tained through both trade and raiding, flowed into
Norse to sail far beyond their own borders. A strong Denmark. And so, this was when the Clans of Europe
warrior culture rose in Scandinavia, with most adult began to take notice and move north.
males becoming trained fighters. And the growth of Unsurprisingly, Clan Gangrel was the first. In fact, a
trade in all of Europe, bringing wealth to towns and few Gangrel had already made Scandinavia their home
cities, coupled with a relatively weak centralized pow- before the Viking Age and some of them decided to
er, meant that said towns and cities were relatively establish a more permanent home in one of the new
poorly defended. settlements. In addition, two ancient, and unnamed,
During the Viking Age, the Scandinavians traveled Gangrel rose from torpor at this point, making their
far in their quest to raid and trade. The Norwegians presence felt all across Scandinavia. One of these came
went to Ireland, Iceland and, eventually, all the way to into conflict with the Gangrel Methuselah known as
North America. The Swedes travelled down the east- the All-High, who had moved to Uppsala when the
ern rivers and one Swedish tribe, the Rus, founded Roman Empire collapsed. She eventually conceded
Kiev and gave their name to what would eventually defeat and moved north, into the land of the Sami
become the biggest country in the world. Vikings from people. The second ancient traveled all over southern
Denmark, meanwhile, sailed to England, as well as Scandinavia, especially Scania, in what is now south-
down the coast of Western Europe, raiding Paris and ern Sweden, and Denmark, and sired a number of
other big cities. Some Vikings made it all the way to prominent Gangrel. When Christianity came to
Constantinople, where they became the Varangian Denmark, this unnamed Methuselah disappeared —
Guard — the Byzantine Emperor’s personal body- some believe him destroyed, others think he lies in
guard. The Vikings were, generally, an imposing lot in torpor somewhere in Scandinavia, maybe on the is-
those times. The abundance of food, especially meat, land of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea.
in Scandinavia meant that the average Viking man When the other Clans came to Denmark during the
stood just under six feet tall in a time where the aver- Viking Age, they were surprised to find that there
age English or French peasant was a full foot shorter. were not only Gangrel present, but that these Gangrel
seemed to have shed all of the nomadic nature that
most of the southern vampires ascribed to them. They
What is a Viking? had taken the name Einherjar, after the dead warriors
Many people believe that the word Viking describes of Ásatrú mythology. These Gangrel were as much
anyone from Scandinavia during the Viking Age. This, drawing power and influence from the Viking civiliza-
however, is not true. The generally accepted idea is tion as the Ventrue and Toreador of the southern
that Viking described both the act of traveling abroad lands were from the nations there.
to plunder and trade and what you were when you did After Clan Gangrel, the most numerous Kindred to
so. A man went “a-Viking” and when he did so, he settle in Denmark during the Viking Age were the
was a Viking. At home, he was a Norseman. Brujah and Toreador. The Brujah were attracted by
many things: the warlike nature of the Vikings, the
fact that their religion stood in stark opposition to the
As time went by and a more central authority arose Christianity of the south, their strong and, for the
in the northern lands, larger raids were established. times, somewhat fair and just set of laws, and the in-
Most famously, the Danes took over a huge swath of novations they displayed in ship design and sailing.
England, which became known as the Danelaw. They Clan Toreador, meanwhile, found themselves attract-
were also granted the duchy of Normandy by the ed by the strong artistic streak running through every-
French king as payment for promising not to raid thing the Vikings produced, as well as their music,
Paris again. poetry, and storytelling. Some Kindred scholars re-

Denmark by Night 9
mark with scorn that the Vikings’ legendary cleanli- ing ships into the harbor and in 1066, eastern Slavs
ness (they bathed once a week, brushed their hair sacked and burned Hedeby. All Followers of Set were
every day, and braided their beards) was a result of either destroyed, driven into torpor or fled south.
Toreador influence.
Clan Ventrue also made its presence felt, but they
disliked the fact that Clan Gangrel had established According to legends, Poppo, a Christian priest who
themselves as the leaders in Denmark. Eventually, would later become Archbishop of Cologne, visited
Clan Ventrue would collude with Clan Lasombra in the court of King Harald Bluetooth in 963 in an effort
bringing Christianity to the Norse countries in a bid to convert him, and the Danes, to Christianity. The
to oust Clan Gangrel, whose members identified story says that Poppo was challenged to carry a piece of
strongly with the Ásatrú religion. Clan Lasombra red-hot iron and he did so without suffering any inju-
eventually made its way into Denmark along with ry, convincing Harald Bluetooth of the power of the
Christianity, but never in great numbers. Christian god.

Of the rest of the Clans, three others had a minor

presence in Denmark. A few Malkavians made their
way there, drawn by the stories that the Vikings had Would you like to know more?
powerful divination magic that could foretell the fu- If you want to know more about the Viking Age in
ture. Some Nosferatu, especially the more monstrous relation to the world of Vampire: The Masquerade,
of their kind, came to Denmark for various reasons. check out the supplement Wolves of The Sea for
But it was the Followers of Set who would make the Vampire: The Dark Ages.
greatest impact.
Stories of Vikings and their culture made their way
far south, both through the Varangians and through a Mortal historians consider this nothing more than a
few intrepid merchants and explorers. The Elders of fanciful myth invented later in order to make the con-
the Setite Clan decided to examine what possibilities version of the Danes seem more miraculous. There is
lay in Denmark and sent a pair of Clan members to no doubt that the conversion happened, however, and
investigate. Among the Norse, they found two legends it did happen around this time. Proof of that can be
of destructive serpents that tied into the Followers’ found on the famous Jelling Stone, a rune stone ex-
own mythology: Jormundgandr the Midgard Serpent, plaining that Harald united Denmark and Norway
prophesized to swallow the sun during Ragnarok, the and made Denmark Christian. According to modern
end of the world, and Nidhogg, the serpent that scholars, Harald accepted Christianity because it
gnawed at the roots of Ask Yggdrasil, the World Tree. would offer some protection against powerful south-
The Setites tapped into these stories and formed the ern nobles who were themselves Christian, and be-
Followers of Jormundgandr, made up of mortals, cause it would be easier for Danes to trade with south-
ghouls, and locally embraced Setites. Their aim was to erners if they were themselves of that faith.
bring about the end of the civilized aspect of Viking Kindred scholars, however, wonder if Poppo was
culture while simultaneously urging the Vikings on to blessed by the power of True Faith or if he was some
perpetrate bloodier and more destructive raids upon kind of faithful sorcerer. Whatever the case, the intro-
the Christian world. duction of Christianity led to massive battles between
The Followers of Jormundgandr made their home traditionalist vampires and those who supported the
in Hedeby, and from there they spread their influence. new religion. While the battle lines weren’t drawn
For a while, they were successful, but a young and solely by Clan, it’s safe to say that the pagan side was
foolish Follower overextended himself and revealed mainly Gangrel and Brujah, supported by Clan
the existence and plans of the Setites to the vampires Malkavian and some Nosferatu, while the Christian
of Scandinavia. As a result, the most powerful vam- side was mainly Ventrue and Lasombra from the
pires used their considerable influence to fan the south. Clan Toreador was more or less split down the
flames of conflict between Denmark and other ene- middle.
mies and made Hedeby a target. In 1050, King Harald In the end, more than a century after Christi-
Hardrada of Norway sacked the city by sending burn- anity had been accepted by Harald Bluetooth, the

10 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

nightly battles ended with a tenuous victory for the Copenhagen
Christian side and most of the surviving Ásatrú vam-
pires headed further north, to lands where the old With Denmark united as one country, Absalon saw
ways still held sway. The rest either converted or bent the need for a central capitol. Due to Danish domi-
their knee and kept their faith to themselves. This saw nance of the waters between the Baltic and the North
the end of Gangrel dominance in Denmark and the Sea, Absalon chose eastern Zealand for his new city. It
rise of Clans Ventrue, Lasombra and Toreador. was a place where the king could dominate the Øre-
sund, the traditional sailing route to and from the
The end of an era Baltic Sea. Absalon recognized the immense wealth
Most scholars set the end of the Viking Age at the and power that came from controlling this sea route
25th of September 1066, when the last great Viking and soon, the new city of København (meaning Mer-
army was defeated at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, or chant’s Harbor) was finished.
the 10th of July 1086, when King Canute the Great
died and the unifying central power of Scandinavia
died with him.
Of course, the end did not come all at once. The
Viking way had slowly but surely become less and less
effective with the rise of centralized power in the
hands of European kings and nobles, who could forti-
fy towns and cities and raise large armies to repel the
Viking raiders.

The Middle Ages

After the end of the Viking Age, Denmark was three
countries in one. Jutland (along with the island of
Funen), Zealand, and Scania. In order to become king
of Denmark, the pretender not only had to be of royal
blood, but also be acknowledged as king in all three of
these lands. This happened by traveling to the central
thing (and old word for council) and being acknowl-
edged by the nobles there assembled.
In the middle of the 12th century, this led to a cri-
sis, as each of the three things supported a different
candidate; Svend, Knud, or Valdemar. The result was
a civil war and in 1157, Valdemar won (by virtue of For the Kindred of Denmark, the unification
being the sole survivor) and became the unified King also had wide-reaching consequences. Naturally, dif-
of Denmark. He went on to abolish the system of ferent factions had backed different pretenders to the
kings being elected by things and instituted the kind of throne in the hopes of gained wealth, power, and
monarchy that we know today, with male primogeni- status if their candidate won. With the victory of Val-
ture. With the help of his foster brother, Absalon, demar and his centralization of power, the Prince of
Bishop of Roskilde, he went on to unite and rebuild Roskilde (the old capitol of Zealand) found himself in
Denmark, reorganize the running of the country to a very strong position. Slowly, but surely, he extended
make it one of the more powerful countries in Europe his reach to the point that when Valdemar’s son, Val-
and earning him the name Valdemar the Great. Val- demar II the Victorious, made Denmark an even more
demar would go on to make numerous changes to powerful nation, the entire country was also one do-
Denmark, in many ways modernizing the country and main, under one Prince.
bringing it in line with the rest of western Europe.
It made sense, really, since Denmark was still
not a populous country and its biggest cities could
only support so many vampires. The Prince of Den-

Denmark by Night 11
mark moved his seat of power to Copenhagen and the Sweden. When he died, the counts that owned most
country was divided into several regions, each of of Denmark even kept his son, Valdemar, off the
which would have its own Lord or Lady, subservient throne for eight years and ruled Denmark more or less
to the Prince. Each Lord or Lady would also be the directly.
Prince of a city and hold court from there. This system For the vampires of Denmark, this too was a bleak
exists to this night, although the regions have changed time, as it saw the rise of the first Anarchs. Taking
somewhat. advantage of a peasant revolt, the Anarchs challenged
Conquest and Crusades the rule of the Elders. Already weakened by their
struggles with German and Swedish vampires who
Both Valdemars added substantially to the territory wanted to move into Danish territory, the Danish
of Denmark and warred with both German and Swe- Elders found themselves pushed to the brink. Only
dish nobles. Valdemar I conquered the pagan Wends savage retaliation managed to suppress the Anarchs,
of northern Germany, while his son launched cru- something that resulted in animosity and hostility
sades against the heathens in eastern Europe, most among both surviving Anarchs and those young vam-
notably in Estonia. Legend has it that it was during pires who had not joined the fight.
the Battle of Lyndanisse in Estonia that the Danish
national flag, Dannebrog, fell from the sky as a gift A ray of hope for Denmark came in the form of
from God to show the Danes that their cause was King Valdemar IV, who took the throne after Den-
right and just. Whatever the truth, Denmark has the mark rebelled against the German counts. Valdemar
oldest national flag in the world. Denmark settled proved a capable ruler who managed to reclaim most
much of what is now the Baltic Lands, especially Es- of the pawned territory. During his reign, the Black
tonia and Lithuania. Death reached Denmark, putting something of a
damper on the celebration of Denmark’s Kindred.
During this time, the wealth of Denmark grew and While territory was being reclaimed, the many deaths
so did the vampiric population. There was peace and strained the resources and to make it all worse, the
prosperity, and any disagreements or rivalries were Inquisition began to stir. The Elders of Denmark
handled with social and political battles, rather than closed ranks, letting many of the younger vampires
open hostility. Kindred society in Denmark slowly but fend for themselves in a time of scarce blood and
surely became a mirror of the courts to the south, vampire hunters.
further securing stability. Near the end of his reign,
King Valdemar II created the Code of Jutland, a com- In 1360, Valdemar IV made the mistake of conquer-
prehensive set of laws that were used for four centu- ing the island of Gotland and the city of Visby. Visby
ries years. This served as further inspiration for the was a member of the extremely powerful Hanseatic
Kindred of Denmark to formalize their courts. League, a union of mainly powerful German trading
cities, which already resented Denmark for the Øre-
sund toll. The League allied with Sweden and brought
Valdemar to his knees, even going so far as exiling
Would you like to know more? him and letting the Hanseatic League control the Øre-
For more about the world of vampires in the Middle sund. He was allowed to return only after granting
Ages, see the book Vampire: The Dark Ages 20th numerous rights to the Hanseatic League.
Anniversary Edition.
The Kalmar Union
Valdemar’s daughter, Margaret, found herself mar-
Problems and Plagues ried to the King of Norway. She gave him a son, Olaf,
and when King Valdemar IV died in 1375 without
After Valdemar II, Denmark entered a period of male issue, Margaret skillfully maneuvered her own
slow decline, culminating with the disastrous reign of son into position as the heir to both Norway and
King Christopher II in the early 14th century. King Denmark. Due to her husband’s connection to the
Christopher was obsessed with winning territory, but Swedish throne, it was conceivable that Olaf could
he kept losing his wars and needing money. He ended one day also become the king of Sweden.
off pawning off most of Denmark to various North
German counts and most of the rest of the country to

12 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

Since Olaf was too young to rule, Margaret and her skilled politician and managed to invade and conquer
husband became regents of Denmark. When Marga- Sweden in an attempt to reunify the three countries.
ret’s husband died, she proved her political mettle by Unfortunately, once Sweden was conquered, Chris-
being named regent of both Norway and Denmark, tian had 100 leaders of the anti-unionist forces killed
while still lobbying to have her son made the heir to in what became known as the Stockholm Bloodbath,
the Swedish throne. Swedish nobles who were unhap- effectively ending the Kalmar Union for good.
py with their king conspired with Margaret, but in
1387, Olaf died, at 17 years old. Undeterred, Margaret
managed to have herself declared ruler of Norway and
Denmark and, with the help of the rebellious Swedish
nobles, even became ruler of that country, uniting
Scandinavia as "Sovereign Lady and Ruler” — all while
fending off the Hanseatic League and rebellious no-
bles of her own. This united Scandinavia became
known as the Kalmar Union, after the castle where
Margaret was crowned.
The meteoric rise of Queen Margaret came as a total
surprise to the Kindred of Denmark, Norway and
Sweden. When it became clear just how skilled a poli-
tician she was, the vampire Prince of Denmark de-
clared Margaret off limits to any other vampire. Kin-
dred historians say that he himself met with her, pos-
sibly exploring the option of making her his ghoul or
at least bring her under his control, but nothing seems
to have come of it.
When the Kalmar Union became a reality, the pow-
erful vampires of Norway and Sweden initially resist-
ed, but they soon saw the possibilities that the union
offered, especially as they could make a common front
against the vampires of the Hanseatic League, who Anarch and Camarilla
had long profited off the League’s dominance in
Scandinavia. Under Margaret, the Elders of all three During the early times of the Kalmar Union, the
nations presented an outward image of solidarity. Anarch Movement arose in strength all over Europe.
Powered by the scarcity of blood created by the Black
Margaret never remarried and never had another Death and the dangers posed by the Inquisition, the
son. Instead, she adopted her sister’s son Bogislav Anarch Movement appealed to neonates and ancilla
under the name Eric of Pomerania, and when Marga- Kindred who resented being used as expendable
ret died in 1412 he followed her on the throne. Sadly, pawns by the Elders. Numerous Elders fell to the fangs
Eric lacked Margaret’s political acumen and failed to of the Anarchs, and the battles among Kindred alerted
hold the three countries together. He also got himself the Inquisition, allowing them to strike against even
embroiled in difficult foreign affairs in Germany. He the most secretive vampire. Even Antediluvians were
nearly managed to break up the Kalmar Union and not immune, and a shock went through the Kindred
the three countries deposed him in 1349. He was world when it was announced that both the Lasombra
followed by his nephew Christian I, who was elected and Tzimisce Clan founders had fallen to the An-
king of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, despite the archs.
misgivings about the Kalmar Union, whose members
were growing disillusioned with the Union as a whole. Denmark was not immune to the strife. Elders who
However, both Christian I and his son and heir, had thought their position secure either found Final
Hans, failed to reinforce the Kalmar Union and alien- Death at the hands of Anarchs or Inquisitors, were
ated Sweden. Hans’ heir, Christian II, was a more driven into torpor, or fled to other lands. Kindred
historians in Denmark mark this time as the first rec-

Denmark by Night 13
orded reference to the mystery of Bornholm. Until the gotten. The hope was that the Lutheran Protestants
Anarch Revolt, there was no record of any vampire would present less of a problem.
setting foot on the island of Bornholm. Now, one or When Frederick I died, the State Council refused to
more Elders sailed here, either to make this their new recognize his son, Christian III, as king, due to Chris-
domain or as a stopping-off point on their way further tian’s strong Lutheran faith. Instead, they asked
east. Whatever the case, none of them were heard Count Christopher of Oldenburg to become Danish
from again. regent. This kicked off a three-year civil war in Den-
When the Convention of Thorns established the mark between the two pretenders for the throne, each
Camarilla and supposedly ended the Anarch Revolt, of them championing a different interpretation of
Denmark nominally became a member of the Cama- Christianity. Ironically, while the Lutheran cause re-
rilla. Never a populous country when it came to vam- ceived strong support from Clan Brujah, the Catholics
pires, the Kindred population had been decimated by had a large army of peasant rebels fighting for them.
the Revolt and the Inquisition, and the remaining The civil war ended with Christian III becoming
vampires just wanted peace. In addition, most of them King of Denmark and instituting the Danish National
belonged to the traditional Camarilla Clans, with only Church, making Lutheranism the state religion.
Clan Lasombra having any real presence, and most of Catholic priests and bishops could either convert to
whom were Elders who preferred the Camarilla to the Lutheranism or face jail and exile. The crown took
Anarchs. over churches, abbeys, priories, and cathedrals, as well
This, however, was not to last. When the Sabbat as church land, giving it to nobles, the new Lutheran
formed from the ashes of the Anarch Movement, they church, or keeping it for the king. And the Kindred of
found themselves hounded by the Camarilla. Some Denmark rejoiced.
fled to the New World, but others moved north, to The joy turned out to be short lived, however. The
Scandinavia. After a tense number of years, the Kin- Catholic Church might be broken in Denmark and
dred of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden decided not the Inquisition gone, but Protestant witch hunters
to make an issue of the situation. In Denmark, most became a reality when the 17th century brought on a
Camarilla vampires congregated in Copenhagen and period of strict Lutheran orthodoxy in Denmark. Even
the other big cities and left the rest of the country to Calvinists and other non-Lutheran Protestants were
the Sabbat. These Sabbat vampires, in return, were being persecuted along with suspected Catholics.
not warlike fanatics, but rather old philosophers, who Witch burnings became a reality, sometimes as a cover
saw the Sabbat as a more natural expression of the for the destruction of vampires. While the witch
vampiric condition. And so, for centuries, the Cama- hunters lacked much of the organization and support
rilla and the Sabbat managed to coexist in Denmark. of the Inquisition, they were still an ever-present dan-
For their part, the Inner Circle had bigger things to ger.
worry about and never really made an issue of the
situation. Wars and more wars
Due to the strong Protestant faith in Denmark,
War and Religious Upheaval Christian IV decided to enter the Thirty Years’ War in
Like most northern countries, Denmark would 1620 as the champion of Protestantism. However,
eventually convert from Catholicism to Protestantism, Christian was soundly defeated and forced to sign a
specifically Lutheranism. In Denmark, this was very treaty promising to never interfere in German affairs
much due to one charismatic preacher, the Hospitaller again. The role of champion of Protestantism fell to
monk Hans Tausen, who preached the teachings of the Swedish king Gustav Adolph, who proved one of
Martin Luther. King Frederick I of Denmark made the greatest generals of all time. However, Gustav
Tausen his person chaplain in 1526 and instituted a Adolph was killed 1632, ending any hope of a swift
policy of tolerance for Lutherans in Denmark. This Protestant victory and throwing Sweden into some
led to numerous clashes between Catholics and political turmoil.
Protestants, to the delight of many of Denmark’s Kin- In 1643, Sweden's armies, under the command of
dred. While some of them had their power base with- Lennart Torstensson, who had been a general under
in the Catholic Church, the Inquisition was not for- Gustav Adolph, suddenly invaded Denmark without

14 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

declaring war. The United Provinces of The Nether- to give up most of their privileges and exemption from
lands joined Sweden in order to end Denmark’s taxes, in order to ensure a strong, executive power in
stranglehold on the Øresund. The war lasted until the face of Swedish aggression.
1645 and ended with total Danish capitulation. Den- For a while, there was peace, but then the Third
mark lost territory to Sweden and the Netherlands Northern War broke out. Although Denmark techni-
became exempt from the Øresund toll. cally came out ahead and Swedish dominance in
northern Europe was finally broken, the European
forces never again wanted a single nation controlling
The Great Builder both sides of the Øresund and insisted that all the
While Christian IV lost most of the wars he got provinces east of the sound had to stay in Swedish
himself involved in and more or less bankrupted hands.
Denmark, he is still remembered fondly in Demark, Awakening
due to the many building projects he commissioned,
both in and out of Copenhagen. Among these are the In 1644, a village outside of Roskilde was sacked by
Stock Exchange, the Christianshavn city neighbor- Swedish mercenaries. The villagers fought back, and
hood, Nyboder row houses, Rundetårn Tower, several when they managed to kill two soldiers, the mercenar-
churches and castles and the rebuilding of the future ies retaliated and slaughtered the entire population of
Norwegian capitol of Oslo (then Christiania). the village.
This bloodshed seeped into the soil and awoke an
old Ventrue who was sleeping there, in torpor, after
In 1657, Christian IV’s son, Frederick III launched she was involved in the battles between pagan and
a retaliatory war against Sweden (then distracted in Christian vampires back in the Viking Age. Ragnhild
Poland). He fared no better than his father and lost all the Just arose that night and drained every single sur-
of eastern Denmark (what is today the Swedish prov- viving mercenary dry. Then, she made her way to Ros-
inces of Skåne, Halland and Bleking, as well as the kilde, only to learn that her former haven was no
island of Bornholm). However, a mere three months longer the capital it had once been.
after signing the peace treaty, the Swedish king decid- It did not take Ragnhild long to learn the lay of the
ed to simply conquer Denmark (who at the point also land and she traveled to Copenhagen, where she pre-
ruled Norway) and unite Scandinavia under Swedish sented herself to the city’s Kindred Prince. He re-
rule. Copenhagen was besieged, but the unprovoked membered her well from older times and it did not
attack drove the Netherlands away from Sweden and take long for Ragnhild to maneuver herself into being
into the arms of Denmark. A Dutch fleet relieved named Seneschal. And for 250 years, she served faith-
Copenhagen and anti-Swedish forces united in Eu- fully in this position.
A New Society
In 1733, Denmark introduced Stavnsbåndet, a serf-
The Norway Shuffle dom-like institution. It bonded men between the ages
Throughout history, Norway has been passed be- of 14 and 36 to live on the estate where they were
tween Denmark and Sweden based on military victo- born. It was possible, however, to purchase a pass
ries and peace agreements, with periods of self-rule. In releasing one from this bondage, meaning wealthy
1814, Denmark lost Norway to Sweden for the last sons of estate owners could easily move. This was in-
time — Norway decided to take this opportunity to troduced as a way to counter the great migration from
make a bid for independence, only to be forced into a the countryside into the cities. Stavnsbåndet was
union with Sweden. Norway finally gained full inde- phased out again in 1788. One of the many reasons
pendence in 1905. for the cancellation was influence by powerful vam-
pires, who very much wanted people to move into the
cities and who saw that the agricultural sector of
Frederick III was also responsible for introducing Denmark could survive the loss of workers to the city.
absolutism in Denmark, after he persuaded the nobles

Denmark by Night 15
The ideals of the Enlightenment swept through addition to the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland.
Denmark, starting during the late 17th century, along Denmark also had colonies, forts, and bases on the
with a wave of nationalism. Censorship of newspapers West African coast in order to be involved in the slave
was relaxed and during the 18th century, reforms took trade. In addition, Denmark (alongside Sweden)
place, introducing free trade and universal healthcare. founded an East India Company, which was mainly
Civil rights were granted to most levels of society, involved in smuggling tea into Great Britain for huge
including the peasants and Denmark gradually moved profit.
from absolute monarchy to a more liberal, constitu- Eventually, Denmark lost most of these colonies.
tional form of government. The only speed bump Tranquebar was sold to the British in 1845, the Dan-
came with the reign of the mentally unstable Christian ish West Indies to the U.S. in 1917, and Iceland
VII (1766–1808), whose physician was not only a fer- gained its independence during WWII. However, the
vent believer in Enlightenment, but also the queen’s Faroe Islands and Greenland are still Danish overseas
lover. He managed to introduce a number of reforms, territories.
only to be arrested, tried, and executed as everything
he had tried to accomplish was rolled back. A lot of Danish vampires involved themselves in
both the overseas trade and the colonies and made
In the end, however, the modern times could not be vast sums of money. The majority of Danish Brujah
denied. With long years of peace came prosperity and opposed the slave trade, but they made little headway
a well-educated population clamoring for rights. These against the amount of profit the slave trade resulted
rights were granted with the expectation that a popu- in. However, when Peter von Scholten emancipated
lation with more options would lead to increased all slaves in the Danish West Indian Islands in 1848,
wealth and, for the most part, this turned out to be as a response to a slave rebellion, the Brujah threw all
right. their influence behind having the man exonerated
During this time, there was also a great upheaval from charges of treason. They also supported the con-
among the vampires of Denmark. The old Sabbat tinued emancipation, much to the frustration of the
vampires congregated in the small cities that had start- Kindred who had financial interests in the plantations
ed to grow and isolated themselves, focusing on their worked by the slaves.
philosophy and neglecting to Embrace new vampires.
The Camarilla vampires in the big cities, however, War, yet again
fought proxy wars of influence and manipulation. Initially, Denmark tried its best to stay out of the
Some supported the liberal changes, embracing the Napoleonic War, citing neutrality. However, Britain
Enlightenment, while others were of a more conserva- was not happy with this, especially since Denmark had
tive bent and saw value in retaining censorship and an much stronger ties to France than to England. In ad-
oppressed lower class. dition, Denmark had a large and strong navy and the
Ragnhild, seneschal to the Prince of Denmark, offi- British feared that Denmark might put this navy at the
cially supported her master’s position that too many disposal of the French.
changes would hurt the Kindred society of Denmark. In 1801, the British fleet attacked Copenhagen and
Secretly, however, she gave support to the Brujah-led destroyed much of Denmark’s fleet — not just the
forces of the Enlightenment and it was largely through military fleet, but also much of the merchant fleet.
her efforts that the conservative Kindred did not However, Denmark decided not to get involved in the
manage to delay the reforms even further. As it was, war. But when the French lost most of their fleet at
the Prince resisted any kind of reform in Kindred Trafalgar, the British began to fear that Denmark
society, no matter what happened among the mortals. might let the French use the remaining Danish navy
to invade England. So, in 1807, the British bombard-
Colonial Aspirations ed Copenhagen, causing widespread destruction, and
When the colonial race kicked off in the 17th cen- captured the rest of the Danish navy. In addition to
tury, Denmark decided to get in on the action. Colo- driving Denmark into the arms of the French, this
nies were established in India (Tranquebar) and the also changed the landscape of Denmark forever.
Caribbean (the Danish West Indies, consisting of the Denmark needed to rebuild their fleet, not one ship at
islands of St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix), in

16 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

a time, but in bulk. As a result, most of Denmark’s their final death. In fact, several old and powerful
forests were cut down and replanted. combative vampires were eliminated, leaving fewer
This also marked a huge change in the Kindred so- rivals to Ragnhild’s rule. However, Ragnhild also
ciety in Denmark. During the bombardment of Co- made it known that Sabbat vampires who decided to
penhagen, several vampire havens burned down and move out of Denmark would not be hindered in do-
numerous vampires lost their unlife or were driven ing so.
into torpor. One of the latter was the Prince of Den- In 1848, riding a new wave of nationalism, Den-
mark himself. This immediately kicked off a succes- mark went to war against secessionist forces in Schles-
sion crisis, but with immense political skill and deft- wig-Holstein, two German provinces that were under
ness, Ragnhild the Just, long-time seneschal to the Danish rule. The Danish forces won and retained
prince, quickly took over. She was able to muster sup- control of these duchies.
port from several Elders from across all the Clans and During this time, the Danish political landscape also
outsmarted all her rivals. changed forever. The citizens of Denmark began to
From the first night, Ragnhild declared that she was demand a voice in the running of the country and on
not just a temporary Prince. Should her former master the 5th of June, 1849, Denmark became a constitu-
wake up, he would have to accept her as the new tional monarchy, as the king willingly and without
Prince or face a battle. Instead of destroying him, she revolution abandoned absolutionism and instituted a
in fact had his burned, in-torpor body placed in a glass parliamentary rule. While the king still retained some
casket in the public Elysium for all to see. power and voting was restricted to men of a certain
Shortly after taking power, Ragnhild led a campaign age and with a certain amount of property, this was
of destruction against the Sabbat in Denmark, seeing the first step towards the modern democracy that
them as an impediment to the expansion of her pow- Denmark would become.
er. She called upon help from Camarilla vampires in Among the Kindred of Denmark, this move was
all of northern Europe and promised domain to those widely applauded. Now, there would be numerous
who would assist her, but only a handful answered. parties and supporters of parties to be influenced, a
The battles were extremely destructive, as the Sabbat whole slew of new domains and areas of control for
elders fought hard, and numerous Kindred found vampires to exploit.

Denmark by Night 17
In 1864, Denmark yet again faced war over Schles- influence. Working with Prince Ragnhild and other
wig-Holstein, though this time, the country faced a Ventrue financial backers, these two Clans helped fan
strong, united Germany under chancellor Otto von the flames of culture and science.
Bismarck. At the Battle of Dybbøl, the unprepared Towards the middle of the 19th century, Denmark’s
and undertrained Danish forces were soundly beaten golden age began to taper off, while the industrializa-
by better-equipped Prussian and Austro-Hungarian tion forever changed Denmark. Factories shot up and
troops and Denmark lost all of Schleswig-Holstein, a more and more people moved into the big cities. Dur-
massive blow to the Danish national identity. ing this time, the last big wave of Embraces happened
in the Kindred world, as the vampires of Denmark
A Golden Age took advantage of the mass of humanity that was
Ironically, given the loss in 1864, the start of the crammed into tiny buildings and all but forgotten.
19th century was quite a golden age for Denmark in From World War I forward, new vampires became
terms of art, architecture, philosophy, and science. extremely rare in Denmark, as resources grew very
Drawing on the Dutch style, Danish paintings (espe- slowly.
cially landscapes, character studies, and everyday
scenes) reached a new height during this age, with The last steps
numerous masters emerging. The neoclassical school Denmark sat out WWI as a neutral power. Even so,
of sculpture became popular, spearheaded by the in- enterprising Danish merchants known as Goulash
ternational celebrity Bertel Thorvaldsen, who returned Barons made huge profits on war profiteering, includ-
to Denmark from Rome in 1838 a national hero. ing selling canned meat products of dubious quality to
Neoclassicism also influenced the architecture of Co- the warring states. After WWI, Denmark was offered
penhagen as it was being rebuilt after the British Schleswig-Holstein back by the victorious powers.
bombardment. However, the Danish government decided against
Danish composers began to attain worldwide fame simply taking all the territory back and a vote was
in the 19th century, while August Bournonville raised instituted, in which various areas voted whether they
Danish ballet to international standards. Romantic wanted to be Danish or German. This vote was used
ideals informed Danish writing, both literature and to draw the new border, which gave all of Holstein
poetry, and during this time, perhaps the greatest and and South Schleswig to Germany and North Schles-
most famous Danish writer of all times, Hans Chris- wig (called Sønderjylland in Danish) to Denmark.
tian Andersen, penned his famous fairy tales. Danish This established the Danish borders as they are today.
philosophy had its own international star in the form In the years between the world wars, Denmark
of Søren Kierkegaard. On a more national level, the swung towards the left, with the election of Thorvald
pastor N. F. S. Grundtvig almost singlehandedly revo- Stauning as Prime Minister and his Social Democratic
lutionized the Danish education system, while at the party becoming the largest party in parliament. The
same time having a huge impact on the Danish Na- Kindred of Denmark, meanwhile, shored up their
tional Church. Finally, Hans Christian Ørsted, a phys- domains and the foundation of the status quo that
icist and chemist, became the most prominent Danish exists to this night was laid. There would be no more
scientist in the world since Tycho Brahe. open battles, only proxy wars of power and influence.
New Embraces became very rare. Outwardly, the vam-
pires were faithful to the Camarilla and worked to-
Would you like to know more? gether to strengthen Denmark. Inwardly, long-term
If you want to know more about the world of vam- plans for gaining new territory were hatched and many
pires during the late 19th century, check out the book vampires consider their loyalty to the Camarilla a
Victorian Age: Vampire and its supplements. mere formality.
When WWII broke out, Denmark tried to remain
neutral once again. Unfortunately, Germany wanted
During this time, the Toreador and Brujah rejoiced to invade Norway to gain access to Norway’s heavy
and their patronage of various aspect of the Danish water. The best way to invade Norway was to use Dan-
golden age gave them much in the way of prestige and ish airfields and thus, Nazi Germany invaded Den-

18 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

mark on the 9th of April 1940. At first, the German after the Danish government stepped down and the
occupation went relatively smoothly. The Danish gov- Germans tried to deport all Jews, the Kindred of
ernment worked with the occupying forces and en- Denmark realized that there was no way to influence
couraged the Danish people to do the same. However, the general population. They officially declared that
resistance grew, as did sabotage and other resistance they had no stance on the Nazi occupation and would
operations. Dissatisfaction with the occupation grew not use their power to influence the Danish popula-
and culminated in a general strike in 1943. The Ger- tion.
mans demanded that the Danish government institute After WWII, Denmark slowly but surely moved to-
harsh regulations against such behavior. When the ward becoming the modern country it is today, joining
government refused, the Germans declared martial the UN, NATO, and the EU, modernizing its infra-
law and in response, the Danish government stepped structure, and establishing a welfare state.
Later in 1943, the Nazis also decided to move all
Danish Jews to concentration camps. The Danish
resistance, helped by ordinary Danes, managed to get
Modern Denmark
more than 90% of all Jews to safety in Sweden, a move This chapter is a look at the politics, culture, and
that convinced the Allied forces that Denmark was geography of modern Denmark as of the summer of
ready to fight against the Nazis. In 1944, the Germans 2017. Most of the sections concern themselves with
rounded up all Danish police officers and sent them Denmark proper and do not cover Greenland or the
to a prison camp in Germany. Even so, Danish re- Faroe Islands, which will have their own sections.
sistance and sabotage continued and on the 5th of
May 1945, Denmark was officially liberated. Only Geography
Bornholm remained a problem — while the rest of
Denmark lies in Northern Europe and is part of
Denmark was liberated by British and U.S. forces,
Scandinavia, along with Norway and Sweden. It has
Bornholm was liberated by the Soviets, who wanted to
an area of around 43,000 square kilometers (16,500
add the island to their nation. It almost caused an
square miles, a little bigger than the U.S. state of Mar-
international crisis before the Soviet Union finally
yland), with a population of just under 6 million peo-
handed Bornholm back to Denmark.
ple. The biggest city is the capital, Copenhagen, with a
population of two million people in the greater met-
ropolitan area.
The Bunkers of the West Coast
The Nazis considered the west coast of Jutland to be
a very likely target should the Allies invade mainland Climate
Europe. To guard against that eventuality, they con-
Although Denmark lies far to the north (about the
structed a line of concrete bunkers along the entire
same latitude as Quebec), the climate is quite temper-
length of the peninsula. Today, most of these lie dere-
ate, in parts due to the warm waters of the Gulf
lict, filled with sand, tumbled down where dunes have
Stream, in parts due to Denmark’s coastal climate and
been eroded by the North Sea or simply ignored, used
in part due to the shielding effects of Norway and the
as dangerous playgrounds by kids in the summer. A
British Isles. Mean temperatures are 1.5° C in January
few are being put to various commercial uses, such as
and 17.2° C in August. Precipitation is common with
small shops, and some serve as temporary havens for
an average of 179 days a year and flooding due to
Kindred or safe places to store important valuables.
excessive rain occurs every few years. Snow, especially
in quantities that cause trouble, is much rarer. While
During the occupation of Denmark, the leading storms and associated floods occur frequently, espe-
Kindred initially encouraged the cooperation with the cially on the west coast of Jutland, hurricanes are rare
Germans. The Kindred that supported Nazi Germany and tornadoes are all but unknown. Earthquakes that
made no claims to Danish territory and the vampires can be felt are rare enough to be headline news.
in Denmark wanted to avoid the trouble that a large,
public resistance movement would cause. However,

Denmark by Night 19
Denmark consists of the Jutland peninsula and 443 own unique position, closer to Sweden, Poland, and
named islands, of which 74 are inhabited. This means Germany than Denmark.
that is impossible to be more than 50 kilometers away Denmark is generally flat, with a ridge of hills run-
from the ocean at any time. The beaches of Denmark ning down the middle of Jutland, marking the place
are all sandy and are quite popular tourist destinations where the ice sheet stopped during the last ice age.
for both Danes and foreigners. Most of Denmark has been cultured and there’s little
Denmark has only a single land border, with Ger- original nature left. Much of the Danish land outside
many, on the Jutland peninsula. It shares sea borders the cities is taken up by farmland and this had result-
with Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland and the UK. ed in streams being straightened and wetlands being
It is also connected to Sweden via the Øresund drained.
Denmark’s northerly location results in the country
having long nights during the winter and equally long
days during the summer. On the shortest day of the
year, Denmark only has about seven hours of sunlight,
much to the delight of the local Kindred. However,
during midsummer, the nights are equally short, forc-
ing the vampires to adapt their existence to this.
Physical Geography
Denmark is a country lacking in extremes. The
highest natural point is Møllehøj, 171 meters above
sea level. There are no real rivers (despite what some
names might suggest), only large streams that some-
times swell to proper river size with rain or meltwater.
Denmark has no huge lakes and even the forests are Transportation
mainly the result of replanting after the Danish navy
needed rebuilding in 1807. The only switchback road With Denmark being such a small country, trans-
in Denmark lies on the island of Bornholm (it has a portation is usually by land, especially since bridges
total of one switchback) and this island is also the only now link all major islands, with the exception of
place in Denmark where there is bedrock. Bornholm. Rail transport is mainly handled by DSB
(Danske Statsbaner, meaning Danish State Railways),
Millions of years ago, Denmark was the bottom of which once held a virtual monopoly on all rail travel,
an ocean and because of this, Denmark does not have
while minor local railways served areas that DSB did
bedrock — instead it sits on limestone and chalk. This not consider profitable. In 2003, multinational public
resulted in the abundance of flint that was so im- transport company Arriva won the franchise to service
portant for the earliest humans that came to the land,
areas in middle and western Jutland. DSB was origi-
and it means that Danish water is naturally filtrated. nally state owned, although it has gone through nu-
In fact, the water used to flush Danish toilets is clean
merous changes. During the 1990s, privatization re-
enough to drink; though, obviously, not after you’ve
forms resulted in the selling and outsourcing of many
flushed with it.
railway lines and services across the country. In addi-
The peninsula of Jutland forms the western part of tion to regional, inter-city and international lines,
Denmark, with only a few islands off the west coast. DSB also operate the S-train metro network in the
The southern half of said west coast is taken up by the greater Copenhagen area. Recent years has seen nu-
Wadden Sea, a shallow body of water filled with tidal merous scandals rock DSB, from numerous delays,
flats and wetlands. To the east lie most of the Danish skyrocketing prices, decaying infrastructure and the
islands, with Zealand and Funen being the largest. farce surrounding the new IC4 trains that were sup-
Bridges connect Jutland to Funen and Funen to Zea- posed to be in service by 2003 and have yet to take
land, and several smaller islands that lie near the coast over from the older IC3 trains.
are also connected by bridges. Bornholm occupies its

20 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

Busses are a common sight in all cities and towns, (covering central Jutland) and the North Denmark
and also link areas that the train network does not Region (covering Northern Jutland). Each region is
reach. Some bus lines compete with train lines, with governed by a regional council elected for a four-year
varying success. Arriva operates 40% of all bus services period. The regions are subdivided into a total of 98
in Denmark. municipalities, which are also governed by councils
Ferry services mainly handle transportation to elected every four years. Almost all municipalities have
smaller islands with no bridges, although there are at least 20,000 inhabitants.
major services between Zealand and Jutland or Zea-
land and Scania. There are also a number of ferries
between southern Denmark and northern Germany. One country, two songs
Cars are quite expensive in Denmark, as they have a The Danish national anthem is called “Der er et yn-
number of special taxes associated with them, ostensi- digt land” (“There is a lovely country”). However, at
bly in order to strengthen public transportation and sporting events, you may sometimes hear another song
protect the environment. However, rising prices and being played. This is because Denmark also has a royal
general dissatisfaction with the availability and quality anthem. The royal anthem is called “King Christian
of public transportation has seen a rise in private car stod ved højen mast” (“King Christian stood by the
ownership. lofty mast”). Sometimes, foreigners get them mixed
Air travel within Denmark is rare. There are regular up. Danes tend not to be too bothered.
routes between Copenhagen and Aarhus and Aalborg,
which are faster than even the rapid train, but more
expensive. Air transport to Bornholm is also possible, Greenland and the Faroe Islands are a separate is-
though it has become difficult to maintain financially. sue. Each region has home rule and is pretty much
When it comes to flying internationally, Kastrup Air- autonomous when it comes to local affairs, but they
port in Copenhagen is the largest airport in all of still refer to Denmark in international matters. The
Scandinavia, with connections worldwide. debate about whether or not these areas should be-
come their own countries has been long and convo-
Finally, bicycles are exceptionally common in Den- luted, with people for and against separation found
mark, to the point where a Dane not knowing how to both in Denmark and in the regions themselves.
ride a bike is considered somewhat strange. In Co-
penhagen, there are more bikes than people. Biking to For vampires, Denmark is divided slightly different-
work is quite acceptable even for people in business ly, as described on page 31.
suits and leisure biking is quite popular. Kindred El-
ders from the pre-bicycle often struggle to understand Danish Politics
just how prevalent this mode of transportation is. Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. This means
For Kindred who expect to travel, owning a car is that the monarch is the head of state — any law must
normal, but not universal — a night train, especially in be signed by the monarch before it can be official and
winter, can usually get a vampire to where they are the monarch must recognize a government before it
going before dawn. Kindred who have their haven in can take office. However, this is all a formality. The
one of the big cities may or may not own a car, though Danish people would not be willing to accept a non-
many Kindred prefer the luxury of going exactly where elected person wielding executive power, and should
they need to be with some speed. the monarch choose to exercise the right to deny a law
or a government, Denmark would likely become a
Political Geography republic.
For administrative purposes, Denmark is divided in- The current monarch is Queen Margrethe II, sup-
to five regions: The Capital Region (covering all of posedly a direct descendant of Gorm the Elder. She is
Copenhagen, northeastern Zealand and Bornholm), 77 years old and very popular among the Danes. She
the Zealand Region (covering the rest of Zealand and also required a change to the Danish constitution.
the islands south of there), the Southern Denmark Margrethe’s father, King Frederick IX, never produced
Region (covering southern Jutland, Funen and the a male heir. According to the Danish constitution, the
islands south of Funen), the Central Denmark Region throne should have passed to the nearest male heir, in

Denmark by Night 21
this case, Prince Knud. However, both the general but EU elections, and one party that has failed to get
populace and the government preferred Margrethe, as more than the 2% needed to gain a seat in the Folke-
both the king and his daughters were extremely popu- ting since 2011. In addition, there are numerous
lar. A change to the constitution was made, allowing small, local parties that only run in regional or even
for a female heir only if she was the direct daughter of municipal elections. After the 2015 election, the party
the king and had no brothers. Currently, a change is Venstre formed a single-party government with the
being suggested to allow for the eldest child of the support of the rest of the right-wing parties in the
king, regardless of gender, to become heir, though it Folketing. However, in 2016, Venstre invited The
still requires a second vote to pass. Conservatives and the Liberal Alliance into the gov-
Queen Margrethe is married to Prince Consort ernment, though it is still a minority government. The
Henri de Laborde de Monpezat, generally called parliamentary parties are:
Prince Henrik in Denmark, and has two sons, Crown • Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti: Even to
Prince Frederick, the heir apparent, and Prince Joa- Danes, the name of this party is confusing. The
chim. In addition to representing Denmark as the name means Left, Denmark’s Liberal Party.
monarch, Queen Margrethe is a respected artist, hav- However, the party is center-right (liberal is con-
ing, among other things, illustrated the first Danish sidered a center-right position in Denmark). The
version of The Hobbit and designed costumes for thea- party is called Left because it was a merger of
ter plays. Prince Henrik is mostly known for his wines three political parties back in 19th century that
and for sometimes complaining that he is not the identified as left-leaning in the context of the
king. times. It is currently the third-largest political
The monarch’s main home in Copenhagen is Ama- party in the Folketing. It is led by Lars Løkke
Rasmussen, the current Prime Minister.
lienborg Palace, which is made up of four mansions.
One mansion belongs to the queen, one to the crown • Socialdemokraterne: The Social Democrats.
prince, and the other two are open to the public as This party was once, as the name suggest, socially
museums. democratic, but has moved to a more center-left
position over the years. It is also the largest party
Denmark has a single-chamber, parliamentary style in parliament. It led the former government un-
government, with the parliament being called the der Denmark’s first female Prime Minister.
Folketing (literally the “People’s Thing,” with thing • Dansk Folkeparti: The Danish People’s Party.
referring to the old word for a council). Several parties This nationalistic, right-wing party is currently
are awarded seats in the Folketing based on the num- the second-largest party in Denmark and the
ber of votes they receive and whoever can gain the main support of the government. Despite their
most support forms a government. Greenland and the size, they have so far not sought a place in gov-
Faroe Isles each have two seats in the Folketing, which ernment, much less tried taking the position of
is voted on in those areas. Governments can either be Prime Minister.
formed as a coalition between parties or by a single • Enhedslisten: The Unity List, also called the
party that enjoys enough support. Red-Green Alliance. This is the second-largest
Governments can also be minority, where they do left-wing party in Denmark. It started as a coali-
not hold more than 50% of the seats by themselves, or tion of socialist and communist parties, allied
they can be majority, in which case they do. Elections with environmentalists, and still represents the
must be held at least once every four years and it is up far left of Danish politics, but the party has
to the sitting government to decide when they are moved slightly towards a more social democratic
held, meaning that governments sometimes call a stance.
general election after only two or three years, if the • Liberal Alliance: The Liberal Alliance. Liberal in
polls show they are doing well. Denmark has universal the classical liberal sense, the Liberal Alliance
suffrage, with a minimum voting age of 18. The Folke- had a rocky start, but is now a solid member of
ting has 179 seats total, including the four “North the right wing of Danish politics, advocating lib-
Atlantic” seats. ertarian ideals with a Scandinavian influence.
• Alternativet: The Alternative. This is the young-
Denmark currently has nine parties that are in the
est party in the Folketing, but despite this, they
Folketing, one party which does not run for anything

22 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

received numerous votes during the last election, these are now open to the public as a museum —
many of them seen as protest votes against the though not all of them. There are ancient chambers
perceived right-shifting of the traditional socialist down there belonging to vampires who remember the
parties. The Alternative is still trying to define castles of old. Christiansborg Palace lies in the center
themselves and some people refer to them as the of Copenhagen, just off the busy pedestrian shopping
“circus party” because of their antics. street.
• Det Radikale Venstre: The Radical Left, also Denmark joined the European Economic Commu-
called the Danish Social Liberal Party. This par- nity in 1973 and with the Maastricht Treaty in 1992,
ty, whose names comes from the fact that it split became one of the founding members of the Europe-
off from Venstre, is currently very centrist, with a an Union. However, Denmark is not a member of the
tendency to skew left, especially in the debate Eurozone (although the Danish krone is linked to the
about immigration. Euro) and has three other exceptions to the general
• Socialistisk Folkeparti: The Socialist People’s EU rules; the military exception, meaning that Den-
Party. Traditionally the more left-leaning of the mark does not supply troops or military equipment to
old leftist parties in the Folketing. This party ac- EU missions and does not get to have a say in deci-
tually left the old government in protest when sions in this area, the judicial exception, meaning that
they believed the Social Democrats had skewed Denmark is not bound by certain agreements between
too far right, although by then, they had lost a the EU countries on how to handle, for example,
lot of their traditional support due to their own divorce and bankruptcy, and means Denmark is not
support of these politics. an equal partner in the EUROPOL law enforcement
• Det Konservative Folkeparti: The Conservative cooperation, and the citizenship exception, which is
People’s Party. A very traditional conservative currently without meaning.
party, classically liberal and fairly centrist.
Folkebevægelsen mod EU (The People’s Movement
against the EU) does not run in parliamentary elec- Money
tions, but only in elections for the EU Parliament,
where it represents an opposition to the EU project. Denmark chose not to adopt the Euro, but instead
retain its own national currency, abbreviated DKK.
Kristendemokraterne (the Christian Democrats) are, This is the krone and øre. Currently, there exists only a
as the name suggests, a party dedicated to Christian
single øre-coin, which is 50 øre (half a krone). Kroner
principles. They last had representation in the Folke-
come in one, two, five, 10, and 20-kroner coins, while
ting in 2010 — 2011 when a member of the Conserva- bank notes come in 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000-
tives switched parties. The last time they managed to kroner denominations. A quick-and-dirty conversion
actually win any seats was in the 2001 election.
guide is that six DKK = one U.S. dollar, 7.5 DKK =
The last general election was in 2015, which means one euro and nine DKK = one pound. Since wages in
that the next one must be no later than 2019. While Denmark are high, prices tend to also be quite high.
the government can call one earlier, the current politi-
cal terrain in Denmark is very unstable, making an
early election a risky proposition. In general, Denmark is one of the more EU skeptic
The Danish government and parliament reside at countries and ever since Brexit, there have been some
the neo-baroque Christiansborg Palace, built in 1907 grumblings that maybe Denmark should look towards
— 1928 after the previous one had burned down leaving the EU as well. However, most people agree
(again — this is technically the third Christiansborg that Denmark would have some trouble managing on
Palace). It was originally supposed to contain premises its own, though an alliance with Norway and Sweden
for the royal family, the legislature, and the judiciary, in a modern-day Kalmar Union is often mentioned as
though today, it contains only the parliament and an alternative.
government. However, there are royal reception rooms In 1949, Denmark became one of the founding
used by the monarch for official business. When the members of NATO and since then, has provided
foundations were being laid, remnants of the old Ab- troops and material to the various NATO missions.
salon’s Castle and Copenhagen Castle were found and

Denmark by Night 23
Denmark also joined the so-called “Coalition of the more influence than he dreamed of, due to an unex-
willing” and entered the 2003 invasion of Iraq. pected election.
Denmark is generally regarded as a left-leaning wel- In general, the Kindred of Denmark try to use their
fare society. Taxes, both direct and indirect (such as powers to push for politicians being as immune as
sales tax and duties on luxuries such as cars) are quite possible from criticism, scrutiny, and sanctions. Once
high and in return, numerous services are free and the a Kindred has someone in place over whom they have
general public receives a lot of benefits. some influence, they don’t want them ousted.
Healthcare (with the exception of dental care after When it comes to the EU and NATO, the Kindred
the age of 18 and most elective surgery) is free, as is of Denmark have a hands-off approach, since the cen-
education, childcare is heavily subsidized, maternity ters of power in both organizations lie in other do-
and paternity leave is guaranteed, there are decent mains. Some Kindred siphon off money and a bit of
unemployment benefits, everyone is entitled to at least power from their association with politicians and oth-
five weeks’ vacation, etc. However, in the 2000s and er dignitaries involved with these organizations, but
especially after the latest financial crisis, the right wing they do not represent the same level of prestige as do
of Danish politics has been trying to dismantle at least the local parties.
some of the welfare state, both as austerity measures in
the face of the financial crisis and as a way to combat
People and culture
what they see as a disincentive to work due to too-high The people of Denmark are called Danes. They are
taxes on wages and too good unemployment benefits. in general a tall, pale people, with a larger-than-average
Meanwhile, the “old guard” left-wing parties (Social tendency towards blue eyes and light hair. The lan-
Democrats and Socialist People’s Party) have struggled guage of Denmark is Danish.
to find a path that is popular enough with the general
population while also satisfying their own socialist
ideologies, and have also drifted slightly to the right, Speaking of Danish
being willing to give ground on welfare issues. While Danish is a Germanic language of the North Ger-
Denmark is still a fairly democratic socialist welfare manic branch, descended from the Old Norse lan-
society, there has been several minor and a few major
guage. It is more or less mutually intelligible with
shifts towards a more financially liberal state, with an Norwegian and Swedish (although the people of these
increase in the populistic aspect of politics.
three countries are not always willing to admit it). It is
Denmark was the first country to allow same-sex un- not mutually intelligible with Faroese or Icelandic
ions in 1989 (though civil only, church weddings were (both of which are much closer to the original Old
not allowed until 2014) and is generally considered a Norse language), with Finnish (a Finno-Urgric lan-
very accepting country when it comes to LGBTIQ guage), or with Greenlandic (an Inuit language). Dan-
rights. Gay and bisexual people are allowed to openly ish is generally considered very difficult to learn. It has
serve in all branches of the military. Denmark was the three vowels found only in Danish and Norwegian: æ,
first country to legalize pornography and one of the ø and å. Danish also has numerous vowel sounds that
first countries with free access to abortions. can be hard for others to distinguish, and it doesn’t
help that a lot of words are pronounced slightly differ-
The Kindred perspective ently from how they are spelled. To top it all off, in-
Ever since the first introduction of parliamentary formal spoken Danish often involves chopping off or
democracy in Denmark, the Kindred have had their slurring the end of words or entire sentences. Fortu-
hooks deep into the political parties. The Kindred of nately for travelers, more than 80% of all Danes, espe-
Denmark see the various political parties as instru- cially those under the age of 50, speak English to vary-
ments and vie for influence and control, trying to use ing degrees. And, of course, due to the Vikings, Den-
the parties to further their own ideologies. Of course, mark has had quite the impact on the English lan-
vampires have no influence over how the voting pub- guage, with around 2,000 English words coming from
lic decides to use their influence and, as such, many a Danish.
Kindred has found himself suddenly powerless or with

24 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

Two of the most defining features of modern Danes if they say they do not drink alcohol. This creates good
are the jantelov and the concept of hygge. The jantelov, hunting grounds for vampires in even the smaller
translated as the Law of Jante, comes from a 1933 cities, as long as the vampire in question has a decent
novel, though this merely codified an idea that had hunting technique, which is of vital importance to
already been part of the Danish psyche. The law had Denmark’s Kindred during the short summer nights.
10 rules, but they can be summed up in the sentence; Denmark has no minimum wage — that is, it has no
“You are not to think you're anyone special or that minimum wage mandated by the government. Instead,
you're better than us.” In general, there is a tendency wages are decided by negotiation between the various
in Denmark to criticize and look negatively on some- unions of employees and employers. The government
one rising above the masses with individual success, usually stays out of these negotiations, only stepping
especially if that person also brags or in other ways in when they break down into major strikes that seem
draws attention to his success. Communal success and unresolvable. The full Danish work week is 37 hours
humility are seen as bigger virtues and there is an ideal (though the average work week is 33 hours, due to
that one should work for a common good rather than many people working part time), with five weeks of
for self-aggrandizement. While the Law of Jante is paid vacation, as well as maternity and paternity leave.
generally perceived as a negative, it also represents a
Danish social ideal; being part of a “the group.” This Denmark has 10 years of compulsory education,
expresses itself in, among other things, the welfare starting at 0 grade at five and a half to six years of age.
state. Ever since the 80s, there has been a slow but Grade school lasts until either ninth or 10th grade —
gradual shift away from the ideas expressed by the Law children can move on after ninth grade or stay for
of Jante, with individual success, and the flaunting of 10th grade if they are unsure what they want to do
such, being considered more and more appropriate, after grade school, or if they want a chance to improve
but even in 2017, there is a subconscious antipathy their grades. Grade school encompasses the usual
towards it. The Kindred of Denmark are generally very subjects one would expect, including English from
approving of the ideals of the Law of Jante, believing first grade on.
that vampires who are too forward might threaten the Most children attend the free Danish People’s
masquerade, although of course most of them strive School, but parents can place their children in a pri-
towards individual success. vate school or, with supervision, homeschool them. A
Hygge is often put forth as something quintessen- few boarding schools exist in Denmark, but a much
tially Danish, and while many other people have simi- more common thing is a so-called “efterskole” (literally
lar ideals, few others have a dedicated word for it. “afterschool”), which very much resembles a boarding
Hygge generally means having a nice, cozy time. It will school, but only for kids 14- 18 years of age. Some
often involve friends and loved ones and could just as afterschools follow the curriculum of the Danish Peo-
easily be a long walk in the rain as it could be taking ple’s School, while others have a narrower focus, such
in a movie with friends. What hygge signifies is the as on sports, music, religion, or roleplaying.
Danes’ love of free time. Most Danes would prefer After grade schools, a number of education options
more vacation time to a raise, and the pursuit of free exist. Gymnasium is a type of preparatory school for
leisure time is important to the majority of Danes. further education at university level. Business College
This also means that a lot of Danes tend to be open focuses on a career in office work or further education
and gregarious once you get to know them. However, in economics or finances at university. Various trade
many foreigners tend to find Danes rather distant schools focus on learning trades such as auto mechan-
upon first meeting them, whereas Danes just see this ic, electrician, plumber, etc. Almost all education in
as wanting to protect their privacy. Denmark is free and students 18 and over are entitled
One thing that Kindred take full advantage of in to free student grants, as well as student loans at very
Denmark is that weekend partying usually starts fairly generous terms. Denmark generally has a high num-
late. People often congregate in private homes before ber of well-educated adults per capita.
going out to clubs and most party areas only really get Officially, Denmark is a Christian nation. It is writ-
started between midnight and 1 a.m. Drinking is quite ten into the Danish Grundlov (Constitution) that
popular in Denmark, so much so that anyone not Denmark is a Protestant Christian country (specifically
obviously Middle Eastern will be met with confusion Evangelical Lutheran) and that the monarch must be a

Denmark by Night 25
member of this religion. Denmark still has an official in Denmark (with the exception being the current
state church, the Danish People’s Church, with a Min- debate on Islam) and most Danes give it very little
istry of Ecclesiastical Affairs. Although Denmark has thought. Unsurprisingly, the Danish Kindred are
freedom of religion, worship, and belief, the Danish quite happy about this state of affairs and do their best
People’s Church get preferential treatment and the to encourage secularism in Denmark.
Danish churches are maintained with general tax In addition to the Evangelical Lutheran Church,
money. Any child whose parent (one or both) is a Denmark has a minority of Catholics and Protestants
member of the People’s Church is automatically born of other denominations, such as Baptist. In the Peo-
a member, but anyone can opt out. Members pay a ple’s Church itself, the movement called Inner Mis-
church tax (on average just under 1%) and get free sion still exists. This is a conservative, semi-puritanical
access to sacraments like baptism, confirmation, mar- movement that seeks to bring the People’s Church
riage, and burial. back to Bible fundamentalism and the original ideals
of Luther.
Jews did not come to Denmark in great numbers
Holy (and not so Holy) Days until the 17th century, when the king allowed them to
All the common Christian holy days are days off in settle and practice their religion. The Jews gradually
Denmark, including Easter, Christmas, and Whit integrated into Danish society and when Denmark
Monday. Denmark also observes Ascension Day (and was occupied by the Nazis, most Danes did not see
some places, especially schools, are closed the Friday Jews as any different from Protestant Danes. This was
after). A unique Danish holiday is Great Prayer Day, made obvious when the Nazis tried to deport all Dan-
celebrated on the 4th Friday after Easter. Great Prayer ish Jews in 1943. The Danes got more than 90% of
Day was introduced in 1686 by King Christian V as a the Jews to safety in Sweden and the attempt seriously
way to consolidate numerous minor holy days into damaged the relationship between the occupying forc-
one single day of prayer. Saint John’s Eve (called Saint es and the Danish citizens. However, in recent years,
Hans’ Eve in Denmark) is celebrated on the 23rd of two facts have made life difficult for Danish Jews: the
June with huge bonfires, each usually topped with an rise of extreme right-wing nationalism and a strong
effigy of a witch, speeches, singing, and, it being core of radicalized Muslims in Denmark. There has
Denmark, drinking. been vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, intimidation of
Non-religious holidays include New Year’s Eve, New people who are openly Jewish and even an attack by a
Year’s Day, May 1st (as International Workers’ Day), Muslim extremist on the Copenhagen Synagogue,
and June 5th (as Constitution Day). Businesses may or which claimed the life of a guard.
may not be closed on these; many official institutions After Christians, Muslims make up the largest reli-
such as schools are. gious group in Denmark. Most of them are either
Schools have six weeks of summer vacation, starting immigrants from Muslim countries or descendants
at the end of June/start of July, a week each of fall and from immigrants. Currently, Islam is one of the big-
winter holiday, and are closed between Christmas and gest hot-button issues in Denmark. While Dansk
the new year, as well as for all public holidays. Weeks Folkeparti has traditionally been the “anti-Muslim”
28, 29, and 30 are considered the prime holiday party, most of the other right-wing parties have be-
weeks; this is when most workers take some of their come rather critical of Muslims and there has also
time off. been criticism from the center-left parties. In general,
the debate centers on integration, the actions of resi-
dent Muslims and, lately, the refugee crisis caused by
the Syrian civil war. Denmark has gained an interna-
Interestingly, although 75% of all Danes are mem-
tional reputation as somewhat anti-Muslim, with some
bers of the People’s Church, Denmark as a whole is
even going so far as to call the country racist, under
very secular, both in belief and practice. Very few
the current government, due to the laws passed sur-
Danes attend church regularly and most Danes are
rounding immigration.
more culturally Christian than actual believers, with
the vast majority being either agnostic or some form of Currently, there is some political debate in Den-
non-denominational deist. Religion is not a big issue mark regarding religious slaughter practices and reli-

26 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

giously mandated circumcision. Since these are prac- men’s and women’s handball teams have taken nu-
ticed by Jews and Muslim alike, the more populist merous medals in the World and European Champi-
right-wing politicians find themselves caught in a onships and the Olympic Games.
quandary — they cannot condemn such practice as American football is surprisingly popular in Den-
Muslims not wanting to integrate when they are also mark, not least due to kicker Morten Andersen, the
practiced by Jews. In general, there is a broad opposi- highest-scoring player ever in the NFL, and a Danish
tion to non-medical circumcision in Denmark, while national. Outside of America, Denmark has the most
the furor surrounding religious butchery has dies televised matches of any country.
down some.
Tennis, badminton, ice hockey, and various sailing
Other religions exist in Denmark, chiefly Hinduism, and rowing sports are other popular athletic endeavors
Buddhism, and Forn Sidr, the latter of which wor- in Denmark. Also, Live Action Roleplaying has be-
ships the old Norse gods. Getting recognized as an come one of the bigger leisure activities for kids.
official religion in Denmark is not easy and as a result,
several religions that might be considered official
faiths elsewhere are not recognized in Denmark, such
For at least the last decade, there have been growing
as Scientology.
anti-Muslim and nationalistic feelings in Denmark.
Almost 90% of the people in Denmark are ethnical- Many trace it back to the “Muhammed drawings con-
ly Danish. Of the rest, western immigrants make up troversy,” in which the newspaper Jyllands-Posten
35%, and non-western immigrants make up 65%. commissioned drawings of the prophet Muhammed
Western immigrants are chiefly Germans living in the and published 12 of them, in order to show that in
south of Denmark just across from the German bor- Denmark, freedom of expression trumped religious
der and the descendants of Poles that came to Den- belief. This not only created a very strained relation-
mark as cheap labor, as well as people from the other ship between Denmark and numerous Muslim coun-
Scandinavian countries and refugees from Bosnia- tries, it also affected the attitudes of many Danish
Herzegovina that stayed in Denmark. The non- Muslims. Denmark also has the much criticized 24-
Western immigrants are mainly Turks that came to year-rule, a law meant to cut down forced marriages
Denmark as cheap labor in the 1970s (or their de- and family reunification immigration. The main part
scendants), as well as Pakistanis, North Africans, and of the law means non-resident spouses can be united
Somalis. The vast majority of non-western immigrants and thus cohabit with their spouse living in Denmark
in Denmark are religiously, or at least culturally, Mus- only when both parties have reached the age of 24
lim. years. Denmark also drew criticism when it reinstated
passport checks at borders, some say in violation of
the Schengen Agreement, and when it was announced
Do you want to play a game? that the police would be allowed to confiscate expen-
sive belongings of refugees in order to offset the cost
European football (soccer) is Denmark’s most popu- of their residency in Denmark.
lar sport, with both national and international games
drawing huge crowds. Internationally, Danish soccer The current refugee crisis caused by the Syrian civil
fans are known for being exceptionally well-behaved. war has seen many politicians in Denmark publicly
Nationally, the bigger clubs have numerous hooligans state that the country should severely cut down on the
among their fans and matches between the two big amount of refugees accepted. Debate on the integra-
capitol area clubs FCK and Brøndby always draw a lot tion of immigrants, especially Muslims, eastern Euro-
of police presence. Denmark’s greatest international peans, and Roma, has become front-page news. To
football success was winning the 1992 European Cup, support their anti-immigrant platform, politicians
after not qualifying (Yugoslavia qualified ahead of point to high crime rates among those of non-Danish
Denmark and then had to drop out due to the fact ethnicity, trouble in heavily immigrant communities
that it stopped being a country). such as Gellerupparken in Aarhus and Vollsmose in
Odense and the various Muslim terror attacks in Eu-
Handball is generally considered Denmark’s num- rope, including the 2015 one in Denmark.
ber-two sport and Denmark was one of the countries
to codify the rules of modern handball. Both the

Denmark by Night 27
Tensions run high and even some left-wing parties packages and the internet, Danes have access to a huge
have started adopting a stricter policy towards refugees number of various channels, several of which broad-
and immigrants. For the Kindred of Denmark, this cast in Danish. However, news in Danish is still solely
represents a prime opportunity to feed from people being broadcast by the two national channels, as no
who are seen as unwanted or outcast by many in other broadcaster has found it profitable.
Denmark, though a few paranoid vampires foolishly The Kindred of Denmark have a fair amount of pull
fear that the many Muslim refugees will bring with when it comes to both DR and TV2 and have gradual-
them the Assamites, who will feast on their blood and ly managed to shift both of them away from public
take over Denmark. service information and towards entertainment, in
Media order to prevent problematic news stories from being
The Danish constitution of 1849 guaranteed free-
dom of the press and newspapers began to flourish.
Today, print media is dominated by a few large corpo-
rations; JP/Politikens Hus and Berlingske Media,
between them, control the largest newspapers Poli-
tiken, Berlingske Tidende, and Jyllands-Posten and
major tabloids B.T. and Ekstra Bladet. Denmark also
has a free paper in the form of Metro Express, the
Danish edition of the Metro International free news-
paper. The Kindred of Denmark are constantly schem-
ing to gain as much influence as possible in the print
media in order to be able to quash stories as needed.
Radio was once very popular in Denmark, but has
been overtaken by television. Since few Danes spend a Law, Order, and Military
long time in cars, radio has not reached the influence Denmark’s laws are comparable with that of most
and popularity in Denmark that it has in some other western nations. Police are divided into uniformed
countries. However, there are still news and enter-
patrol officers and plainclothes investigators, as well as
tainment stations, as well as several dedicated music
Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (the Police Intelligence
Service, usually abbreviated PET), which handles do-
Daily television broadcasts began in Denmark in mestic security. International intelligence and security
1954. Until the year 1988, TV in Denmark was a is handled by Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (military
monopoly held by DR (Denmark’s Radio), a govern- intelligence).
ment-owned company. The idea was that television Uniformed officers are armed with compact 9mm
had to be a public service and since it was funded by pistols with 13 shots, loaded with hollow point am-
charging everyone who owned a radio or TV a license, munition to ensure maximum stopping power and a
all of DR’s channels operated without advertisement.
minimum of over penetration. In addition, a uni-
By 1988, several local stations had begun to chal- formed officer carries a 35-cm baton and pepper spray.
lenge DR’s monopoly and satellite TV broadcasting If necessary, uniformed officers can be equipped with
from outside of Denmark had more or less rendered it a 9mm SMG, a 40mm grenade launcher loaded with
moot. As such, TV2 was launched. In the beginning, tear gas grenades, and/or a trained attack dog. Uni-
TV2 was also government-owned, though it was al- formed officers patrol on foot or in marked patrol cars
lowed to run ads between programs. In 2003, it be- and serve as guards when needed, such as when FCK
came a government-owned public company and and Brøndby football clubs clash or during services at
stopped receiving license money. Both DR and TV2 the synagogue in Copenhagen. They also move out in
have several different channels, with TV2 News being force when needed, such as during fires, large-scale
Denmark’s only 24-hour news channel. vehicle accidents, or riots. When responding to riots,
DR and TV2 are the only TV broadcasters that op- police officers will be in armored riot gear and carry
erate within Denmark, but through various cable clear riot shields.

28 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

Plainclothes investigators, as their name suggests, official organizations, such as the police, with crisis
investigate major crimes, such as robberies and mur- management, search and rescue, and the like. The
ders, with special divisions handling things like finan- other branches of the military are all professional sol-
cial crimes or cybercrime. They can carry pistols if diers. The main weapon of the Danish military, in-
deemed necessary. The Danish police also have a cluding the Home Guard, is the M/95, a Canadian-
SWAT-like special intervention unit (Politiets Ak- built version of the M16A2. Members of the Home
tionsstyrke, called AKS) of 100 officers. These officers Guard are allowed to keep an M/95 in their home,
are rarely deployed, but are trained to deal with terror- though not ammunition. In case of an invasion,
ism, hostage taking, and the like. members know of ammo depots they can go to in
order to be supplied.
Denmark has compulsory military service for all
How old do you have to be to… men of age 18 or over (the draft can be postponed due
…drink alcohol: N/A to study or other factors). All young men who are not
automatically considered unfit must appear before a
…buy alcohol: 16 years to buy light draft board to be assessed and, if found suitable, can
alcohol (beers, hard cider, etc.), 18 to buy hard alcohol either volunteer or draw a number, which determines
…drink any kind of alcohol in bars, restaurants and whether or not they are called to serve. These days,
clubs: 18 most of those appearing before the draft board draw a
“free number”, that is, they are not called to serve.
…buy cigarettes: 18
Volunteers can usually pick their posting; those who
…work as an adult: 18 draw a number can make requests. Service is four
…drive a moped: 15 months in most postings, though some postings take
longer. Conscientious objectors can serve six months
…drive a car or motorcycle: 18 in a non-military posting, such as crisis management
…have sex: 15 or social service
…vote: 18 Jægerkorpset (the Hunter Corps) is the Danish ar-
my’s Special Forces unit. Like all Special Forces, vol-
unteers face grueling tests and training to assess their
Judicially, Denmark is divided into County Courts, suitability. The Hunter Corps draws its main inspira-
the two High Courts (the Western in Viborg and the tion from the British SAS and trains regularly with
Eastern in Copenhagen), and the Supreme Court (also other NATO Special Forces. The Hunter Corps is
in Copenhagen). Cases tried in lower courts can, in generally considered one of the top Special Forces
general, be appealed to a higher court. units in the world.
The Danish military is unified into Forsvaret (literal- The Royal Navy has its own Special Forces unit,
ly, the Defense). Theoretically, the monarch is the Frømandskorpses (the Frog Man Corps), consisting of
commander-in-chief, while the Minister of Defense is specially trained SCUBA divers. The identities of the
the commander. De facto, the Danish Cabinet is the members of this unit are classified as top secret,
commanding authority of the Defense, though it can- though it’s known that the current crown prince qual-
not mobilize the armed forces for purposes that are ified and served.
not strictly defense oriented without the consent of The Sirius Patrol is an elite naval reconnaissance
parliament. The Danish military is divided into the unit tasked with patrolling the most inhospitable re-
Royal Danish Army, Royal Danish Navy and Royal gions of northern and eastern Greenland. Members
Danish Air Force, with Hjemmeværnet (the Home must have completed their compulsory military service
Guard) being a fourth arm. The Home Guard consists and six months of courses, ranging from Arctic surviv-
of unpaid (though compensated for loss of work, trav- al to dog-sled driving to sewing. Patrolling is usually
el expenses, etc.) volunteers who train regularly. Orig- done in pairs, sometimes for four months and often
inally, the Home Guard was supposed to be an official without additional human contact. The Danish crown
militia ready to fight if Denmark was invaded, though prince took a turn with the Sirius Patrol.
these days, they mainly support the military and other

Denmark by Night 29
Denmark has some of the strictest weapon laws in stop and frisk anyone to see if they are carrying a knife
Europe. All firearms are illegal for civilians to own without needing reasonable cause.
without a permit and permits are all conditional. In One exception to the weapon laws are antiques, de-
order to own hunting rifles and shotguns, a person fined as anything over 100 years of age. Antiques are
needs a hunting permit (which requires taking and generally not covered by the above laws, the exception
passing a course in hunting) or a membership in an being fully automatic firearms.
appropriate shooting club. Rifles are limited to two
shots and shotguns can only be single or double- The police in Denmark tend to take illegal weapons,
barreled, and single-shot (the only exception being both melee and firearms, fairly serious and will not
people who practice cowboy action shooting; they are hesitate to fire upon anyone drawing a firearm in pub-
permitted period-accurate, lever-action or pump-action lic. Kindred are discouraged from carrying illegal
long arms). weapons unless they are very capable of concealing
them. Anything else could lead to a serious breach of
In order to own handguns heavier than a .22, one the Masquerade.
must have been a member in good standing of an
appropriate gun club for two years (for a .22, you still Like most of Europe, alcohol and tobacco are legal
need to be a member of a club, but there is no time recreational drugs, while anything else is illegal. Mari-
requirement). In either case, there are strict rules for huana sees a fair amount of use in Denmark and is
how firearms must be kept in a private residence. The the most popular illegal drug in the country — in the
carrying of firearms is only permitted at ranges and hippie commune of Christiania (See Copenhagen by
when transporting guns to and from a range. There Night), it is even sold openly. Other drugs are availa-
are also specific rules for the transportation of fire- ble in the Danish night life, courtesy of smugglers and
arms to and from ranges. drug dealers. Most drug dealing outside of Christiania
is in the hands of various gangs. There is periodic
When it comes to handguns, the most powerful cal- debate as to whether or not marihuana should be
ibers allowed are .45s (this includes .357 magnum, but made legal, either fully or as medicine. A few Kindred
not .44 magnum). Theoretically, a person can own a are involved in the smuggling and distribution of ille-
semi-automatic rifle or shotgun with a capacity above gal narcotics and are vehemently opposed to any liber-
two if they use it for hunting in other countries — alization of Danish drug laws.
several shooting enthusiasts own AR-15s for “hunting
in Germany” and shoot them at a range. No fully Greenland and the Faroe Islands
automatic weapons of any kind are ever allowed in Greenland and the Faroe Islands are very different
civilian hands, period. Also, it wasn’t until 1986 that from Denmark proper, both in history, geography,
smoothbore hunting arms required registration and and culture. However, for the Kindred of Denmark,
then only for sports shooters. Hunters did not need these two overseas territories hardly matter.
registration until 2000 and there are a lot of “forgot-
ten” shotguns in private hands. The Faroe Islands consist of 18 major and a number
of minor islands halfway between Norway and Ice-
For melee weapons, a person requires a collector’s land, with their nearest neighbors being the Outer
permit, which is usually easy to obtain as long as that Hebrides Islands of Scotland. The total population of
person has no prior convictions. The permit mainly the islands is just under 50,000. The people speak
covers swords and daggers and specifically does not Danish and Faroese, which is much closer to Icelandic
cover easily concealable blades (such as sword canes) than to any other Germanic language. Culturally, the
or knives that can be opened with one hand (such as Faroe Islands are more conservative and a lot more
balisong knives or switchblades) as they are illegal to Christian than Denmark. Traditionally, much of the
own, regardless of permits. The collector’s permit Faroese economy was in fishing, but in the early 1990s
allows transport only with regards to sale. A carry this crashed, and now the Faroe Islands rely on aid
permit can be obtained if a person is a member of from Denmark for 5% of their GDP. Petroleum
martial arts club and needs to transport their weap- found close to the Faroese area gives hope for deposits
ons. In big cities, especially Copenhagen, the police in the immediate area, which may provide a basis for
have special stop-and-frisk zones where they can legally sustained economic prosperity.

30 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

No vampire of any kind is known to make their ha-
ven on the islands, and the Kindred of Denmark do The Dark Kingdom
not even have a ghoul there. For the Kindred of Denmark, mortal politics and
Greenland is the world’s largest island, but most of culture have played their parts in shaping their society,
it is covered in a thick sheet of permanent ice. It lies and have created a situation somewhat unique to the
close to the east coast of northern Canada. The total country.
population of the island is just over 55,000. The peo-
ple speak Kalaallisut (Greenlandic Inuit) as the official Political Division
language, though almost everyone also know Danish. In the world of the Kindred, Denmark is divided in-
Most of the people on Greenland are Inuits and those to four domains, each of which is ruled by a Lord or
living in the smaller villages and camps preserve much Lady, who is also the Prince of the largest city in that
of the old Inuit culture. Greenland depends heavily region. Denmark as a whole is considered a united
on fishing, but there have been large finds of rubies, domain, ruled over by the Prince of Denmark (though
minerals, and oil. So far, there have been little exploi- she does not like to be called that, preferring the Dan-
tation of these resources for fear of contaminating the ish title of fyrstinde), who is also the Lady of Sjælland
pristine nature, but it seems that if Greenland is to and the Prince of Copenhagen. This divide is old, but
become independent, these resources must be tapped makes more and more sense in the modern world.
to give the country a healthy economy. Denmark is a very small country with good infrastruc-
While there are no known vampires on Greenland, ture — travel times are short and mortals who live in
the Prince of Copenhagen maintains a single ghoul towns travel to the big cities for work or to party on
there with the task of keeping an eye on the develop- the weekend. Kindred can have a haven in a big city
ment of resource extraction. and easily maintain a herd in the surrounding area, or
Greenland and the Faroe Islands each have their have their haven outside a big city and quickly travel
own self-governing home rule, but depend on Den- to meetings in Elysiums.
mark for military, justice, currency, and foreign affairs. Officially, the Kindred of Denmark are members of
Each territory is also guaranteed two seats in the Fol- the Camarilla, and ever since the Prince’s pogrom
keting and those seats are voted on locally. against the Sabbat shortly after taking power, the Ivory
Tower has been confident that Denmark supports it.
However, most of the leading Kindred in Denmark
remember the time before the Camarilla-Sabbat divide
and are less than willing to let the representatives of
the Inner Circle claim authority. The same goes for
Prince Ragnhild, who has unofficially declared that
she is a member of the Camarilla only as long as the
Camarilla does not try to exert any authority over her.
Denmark also has several “minor Princes,” vampires
who are recognized as Princes of towns and cities that
are not capitals of the major domains. None of these
domains are actually that large — the title simply rec-
ognizes that particular vampire’s dominion over a
certain important domain, granting a little more pres-
tige than would normally be the case.
Battle for resources
Denmark is a rich country, with several internation-
al businesses and many local domains available to
Kindred. Still, it is a small country and there is a con-
stant, low-level political and financial battle between
vampires. All of the old, established areas of revenue,

Denmark by Night 31
prestige, and power are already in the hands of elder
Kindred, but young vampires have shown their ability
to grasp onto new and emerging domains and make Not Garou
them their own, such as the new political party Alter- The werewolves described here are not the tribal,
nativet or Skype back when it was being developed. semi-civilized Garou of Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
With 5.8 million inhabitants, Denmark should be They are mysterious, savage monsters meant to be
able to support about 58 vampires by standard reckon- terrifying antagonists to vampires.
ing — at the moment, around 80 Kindred are known
to make their home in the country. Established Kin-
dred in Denmark almost all have herds, and new During the Viking and Middle Ages, the people of
vampires, be they recently released neonates or outsid- Denmark told stories of various strange and dangerous
ers who have been allowed to settle, are encouraged to human-like creatures: the trolls, jotuns, dwarves, and
establish herds as soon as possible. Some Kindred take elven folk. These fae creatures faded away from the
advantage of the fact that many areas of Denmark modern world as they did elsewhere. However, there
draw in a lot of tourists, especially during the summer. are whispered rumors that some of them are not quite
However, blood is scarce and knowing how to hunt is gone. The trolls, so it’s said, fled to Bornholm where
a very valuable skill among Danish Kindred. Right they dwell beneath the rocks. The elven folk disap-
now, there is not any real shortage of blood and the peared into their mystical hills and sealed them off.
Lords and Ladies of Denmark are considering allow- But the jotuns, the traditional enemies of the Viking
ing a few Embraces. Gods, did not disappear completely. Some of the jo-
tuns were masters of illusion and transformation mag-
Creatures not of the Night ic, and the more mystically inclined Kindred of Den-
Vampires in Denmark rejoiced as more and more of mark claim that a few of jotuns still walk hidden
the nature of the country gave way to fields or tree among the mortals of Denmark. What their goal is,
plantations. After all, Lupines were known to make however, is not known.
their homes in the wild places of the world. And for a Bornholm — the island of mystery
long time, it seemed that the Lupines had been driven
from Denmark, or at least reduced to the point where Bornholm is a rocky island far to the east of Zea-
the Kindred of the kingdom did not need to ever fear land. It has a population of around 40,000, draws in
to travel outside the centers of civilization. more than twice that in tourists each year, and has a
geological makeup unlike anything else found in
This sense of security was shattered in the early 60s, Denmark. It is also probably the biggest mystery
with no less than three confirmed Lupine attacks in a among the Kindred of Denmark. Ever since at least
single year inside the big cities: two in Copenhagen the 15th century, any vampire who set foot on the
and one in Aarhus. Ever since then, Kindred have, island has disappeared, never to be heard from again.
from time to time, been confronted by city-dwelling It started with vampires fleeing the Anarchs during
Lupines that seem to hate them no less than their the Anarch Revolt and ever since, a handful of Kin-
wilderness kin. Reports from surviving Kindred say dred have been lost to the mystery.
that these Lupines all resemble homeless people in
their human forms. In their wolf forms, they look The disappearances seem to be linked to actually
more like large and mangy feral dogs, while their setting foot on the island. The Malkavian Jørgen
dread war form is noticeably tattered. These Lupines Steentofte sailed right up the coast and flew over the
are always alone, giving vampires a much better island in both plane and helicopter without any effect.
chance of escaping, but they remain a constant source No vampire can claim to know what the truth be-
of dread. During the last 10 years, encounters have hind the mystery of Bornholm is, but four main theo-
increased in frequency and the common Kindred of ries exist. The first is that most of Denmark’s Lupines
Denmark have begun to complain to the Princes. moved to Bornholm, which still has some areas of
unspoiled nature. The Lupines somehow know when
a vampire sets foot on the island and attack in force.
The second is similar — the trolls and various other fae

32 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

creatures fled here and hid beneath the rocks, and And then, in 2000, the bridge across Øresund
they are the ones killing vampires. The third theory opened. Now, traveling to and from Scania did not
revolves around the story that some Knights Templar rely on ferries, but could be done by car. Since then, a
fled to Bornholm with all or part of the Templar few young childer of the old Cainites in Scania have
treasure and hid it on the island. These legends also caused trouble in Copenhagen, while zealous Camaril-
say that the Templars had been to Bornholm at earlier la Kindred have retaliated across the bridge. The un-
times to ensure the building of the island’s round spoken truce is being sorely tested.
churches. The theory is that the Templars used some There is nothing Prince Ragnhild would like more
form of faith magic to protect the island and their than to send war parties of Camarilla Kindred to Sca-
treasure from supernatural entities. The last major nia, root out the Sabbat, and add the region to the
theory is that an unnamed Gangrel methuselah lies in Danish domain once again. But not only is the pro-
semi-torpor on the island, rising to feed when another spect of a war against the powerful elders of the region
vampire dares to enter his domain. a frightening and Masquerade-threatening prospect,
In addition to the four main theories, there are mortal borders make taking the region troubling.
plenty of other theories, but in general, the Kindred of Ragnhild knows that if she wants Scania for herself,
Denmark pay very little attention to Bornholm — there is no way she can rely on help from Sweden’s
Prince Ragnhild has a ghoul posted there to ensure Camarilla, which is as aloof from the Ivory Tower as
she gains her share of the tourist revenue, but other- the Danish. She could try to call on help from the
wise, it is only the Malkavian Jørgen Steentofte who Camarilla leadership, but she has no intention of
obsesses over the mystery. placing herself in their debt.
The Scania Problem
The southern part of Sweden is historically called
Scania (today, the area in southern Sweden thus
named is slightly different). Throughout history, this
area has belonged to Denmark longer than it has to
Sweden. Sometimes it was conquered, but it always
returned to Denmark, so vampires generally consid-
ered it a part of the domain of Denmark.
Things changed in 1720 — Sweden had conquered
Scania decades earlier, but now, a new peace treaty
made Scania Swedish. This move was supported by
the major European powers that were eager to deny
Denmark control of both sides of the vitally important The Danish Domains
Øresund. Below is a description of each of the four greater
The fact that Scania was now firmly part of Sweden domains of Denmark, including information about
emboldened the Sabbat vampires that dwelt in that major sectors of influence and areas of interest. The
country, and they led a concerted attack upon the vampires of these domains are described further in the
Danish Kindred dwelling there. The Swedish Camaril- section about Danish Kindred. Copenhagen itself will
la remained neutral in the fighting, as the Swedish have its own section, Copenhagen by Night. Note that
elders did not want to see Danish Kindred calling the population numbers below does not include any
Scania their domain. In the end, the few surviving Player Characters.
Danes fled and Scania became the biggest and most Domain of Zealand
powerful Sabbat stronghold, first centered on the city Capital: Copenhagen
of Helsingborg and later moving to Malmö.
Lady: Ragnhild the Just of Clan Ventrue
For almost 300 years, there was an uneasy truce be-
tween the vampires of Scania and the Kindred of Co- Domain: The mortal capital and Zealand Region
penhagen just across the sound, while the Camarilla Mortal Population: 2.5 million
Kindred of Sweden simply ignored the whole thing. Kindred Population: 36

Denmark by Night 33
The island of Zealand centers around the Danish Near the town of Slagelse lie the remains of the
capital of Copenhagen, both in the world of mortals huge Viking Age ring fortress of Trælleborg. It is the
and Kindred. However, the island is much more than best preserved and oldest of the ring fortresses of
that. Denmark and is believed to have been constructed on
Outside of the greater metropolitan area of Copen- the orders of King Harald Bluetooth around 980, only
hagen, the biggest city is Roskilde, with around 50,000 to be abandoned scant decades later. The fortress was
inhabitants. Until Valdemar the Great’s unification of excavated from 1934 to 1942 and has become an im-
Denmark, Roskilde was the capital of Zealand and it portant site for those Danish Kindred that follow the
contains Roskilde Cathedral, built in the 12th and ancient Norse religion.
13th centuries. This is the traditional resting place of While the peninsula of Stevns south of Copenhagen
Danish monarchs and several other great Danes have is probably best known for its white chalk cliff, occult
been buried here. While Denmark is itself a rather Kindred on Zealand are more interested in a mysteri-
secular country, Roskilde Cathedral is one of the few ous burial mound. This mound, called Elves’ Hill, has
areas of strong True Faith — the inside of the cathe- never been excavated and persistent rumor tell that on
dral radiates a True Faith rating of 1, while the chap- certain moonlit nights, the elven folk dance around
els and altar all have a True Faith rating of 2. the hill and a portal opens to the land of the Fae.
In addition to the Cathedral, Roskilde is probably Dragsholm Castle, one of the oldest secular build-
best known for the Roskilde Festival, the largest music ings in Denmark, stands on the northwestern coast of
festival in northern Europe. It lasts four days, starting Zealand and is considered the most haunted castle in
from the first Thursday in July, or last Thursday in Denmark. No fewer than three ghosts are said to re-
June, with a four-day warm-up, and draws in around side there. One of them is supposed to be James Hep-
150,000 people from all over Europe and even burn, fourth Earl of Bothwell, who was married to
abroad. The festival has been declared an Elysium by Mary, Queen of Scots and who fled to Denmark and
the Lady of Zealand herself and is considered a prime died at the castle after being chained to a pillar for 10
hunting ground. The prestige and wealth of the festi- years (a groove still remains around the pillar, showing
val is considered the domain of one of Zealand’s where he walked). Today, the castle is a hotel, restau-
young Toreador. rant, and tourist attraction, owned surreptitiously by
Outside of Roskilde and the greater metropolitan an extension of the Giovanni family empire.
area of Copenhagen, this domain has an additional Herlufsholm and Sorø Academy are considered the
cathedral, Maribo Cathedral, located in the town of two most prestigious boarding schools in Denmark
Maribo on the southern island of Lolland. The cathe- and are both located on Zealand. Sorø Academy was a
dral was originally part of Maribo Abbey, the first 12th-century monastery, but was confiscated during
Bridgettine monastery in Denmark, established on the Reformation and served as a place of education
land gifted by Queen Margaret I, whose childhood ever since, starting as a college for protestant priests
tutor was Saint Bridget’s daughter. In 1924, the before becoming an equestrian academy. Today, it is a
church was officially designated as a cathedral. boarding school and gymnasium. Herlufsholm also
During the late Middle Ages, the convent was one started life as a 12th-century monastery and in 1565, it
of the richest and most powerful in all of Denmark, in was made a boarding school for "sons of noble and
part due to royal patronage. During the Danish other honest men" by Birgitte Gøye and her husband
Reformation, the Abbey was dissolved and their lands Herluf Trolle, two of the most influential people of
confiscated, but most of the buildings still stand. This the day. Both schools have impressive lists of former
area is of great interest to occultists, as the church was students, containing the rich, the powerful, and the
built after specific instructions left by Saint Bridget, famous. The age of both the buildings, the education-
including that the chancel should be at the west end al facilities, and the libraries have attracted Kindred
of the building rather than the east as was customary. attention, to say nothing of the potential of the men
Maribo is the domain of Clan Tremere and the entire and women graduating.
island of Lolland is generally seen as its domain, alt- The city of Holbæk, west of Copenhagen, used to
hough this is not official. The Clan maintains a safe hold little-to-no interest for the Danish Kindred; it was
house in Nakskov, the biggest town on the island. yet another old castle and the headquarters of the

34 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

Zealand-spanning bank Sparekassen Sjælland. And 1247. Around 1300, construction started on the cur-
then, in 2014, the Scandinavian branch of Jehovah’s rent cathedral, which was finished in 1499. The ca-
Witnesses located its headquarters in the city. Now, thedral survived the Reformation almost completely
some Kindred of Copenhagen look at the city with intact and despite the general secularization of Den-
trepidation, fearing the spread of True Faith, while mark, the grave of Canute the Saint still radiates a
others see the powerful and wealthy organization as an strong aura of Faith. Indeed, the whole cathedral is
opportunity for influence and resources. permeated by it, making Kindred very uncomfortable
— the cathedral and its grounds have a True Faith
Domain of Funen rank of 1, rising to 2 nearer the grave of Saint Canute
Capital: Odense and 3 directly over the grave. Generally, the vampires
Lord: Asbjørn of Clan Brujah of Denmark avoid the cathedral, unless they are ex-
ceptionally devout and want to feel the power of God.
Domain: The island of Funen and the islands of the Prince Asbjørn strongly dislikes the place.
South Funen Archipelago
The connection to Hans Christian Andersen, who
Mortal Population: 500,000 was born in Odense in 1805 and spent his poverty-
Kindred Population: 8 stricken childhood in the city, has made Odense quite
famous, both in Denmark and abroad. H. C. Ander-
Without a doubt the smallest, least populous, and
sen still remains a strong tourist draw and his child-
least powerful of the Danish domains, Funen Island
hood home is now a museum. Unsurprisingly, Clan
itself is often considered by mortals a mere speed
Toreador has some interest in the man and a member
bump on the way between Zealand and Jutland. Nev-
of the Clan serves as something of a curator of all
ertheless, Denmark’s third-largest city, Odense, lies
things Andersen in Odense. In addition to H. C. An-
here and there are quite a few areas of interest to Dan-
dersen, Odense has several cultural institutions.
ish Kindred.
Denmark’s second-oldest theater, established in 1796,
Odense has just under 200,000 inhabitants. It has is located in the city and currently has an attached
been an important city throughout Danish history and drama school. The Odense Symphony Orchestra was
its cathedral is the resting place of Saint Canute, pa- established in 1946, but traces its roots back more
tron saint of Denmark. However, the city is probably than 200 years. In 1982, Odense Concert House was
best known for Hans Christian Andersen, the world- built to house the orchestra and the Prince of Odense,
famous writer of fairytales. In the world of the Kin- along with Martin Kold of Clan Toreador and Rein-
dred, the city is ruled by Asbjørn, a Brujah Viking hardt von Stade of Clan Venture, ensured a great deal
traditionalist feared for his temper and fighting skill. of Kindred influence over the building. These nights,
The Port of Odense is Denmark’s only canal harbor. the concert house is an Elysium and the primary meet-
It is a commercial harbor that also used to be a very ing place of the city’s few Kindred. In March of 2017,
important industrial site, but in 2009, the Steel Ship- a new center for music, theater and conferences, Ode-
yard closed, marking the final decline of industrial on, opened in Odense. This, too, has been influenced
business at the port. However, in addition to new by Kindred and is being used as Elysium, though it
residential areas, a huge new industrial park has been lacks the historical prestige of the Odense Concert
under construction since 2012, something that is like- House.
ly to revitalize the area. It has become something of a When it comes to industry and business, Odense
center for corporations working with robotics tech- suffered somewhat due to the loss of the Steel Ship-
nology, an area no Kindred has yet to take an interest yard. Currently, the two largest businesses in the city
in. are the Albani Brewery and GASA. Albani was found-
Odense Cathedral is formally known as St. Canute’s ed in 1859 and its beer was praised by none other
Cathedral and is home to the corpse of King Canute than Hans Christian Andersen himself. While it owns
IV, patron saint of Denmark. Odense was a bishopric smaller breweries outside of Funen, its main costumer
since at least 988 and a church has stood on the spot base is on the island and it has a virtual monopoly on
since 1095, when it was built specifically to house the beer distribution on Funen. Almost since its incep-
remains of King Canute IV. Later, a cathedral re- tion, Albani has been the domain of Prince Asbjørn.
placed the early church, but this burned down in When Albani merged with Royal Unibrew in 2000,

Denmark by Night 35
Asbørn managed to secure that company as his do- the hospice. After the Reformation, Odense Palace
main, despite the headquarters being located in Zea- was built with the monastery as its core, but the ex-
land, something that has caused quite some annoy- pansive graveyard, the final resting place for numerous
ance among Zealand vampires, who desire the re- important nobles, was untouched. Clan Tremere
sources that the large brewery conglomerate repre- managed to acquire the palace as their domain soon
sents. after and maintain their dominion to this night, even
GASA is a company that imports and exports flow- as the place has become a local governmental adminis-
ers, fruits, and vegetables to and from all of Europe trative building.
and numerous locations outside. The Ventrue Rein- One thing that Kindred have noticed about Odense
hardt von Stade has substantial interests in this busi- is that it seems to have the greatest concentration of
ness and uses the many trucks that crisscross Denmark mages in Denmark outside of Copenhagen. What
and Europe to offer safe, sun-proof transportation for these wizards want is unknown, but they have yet to
Kindred. Reinhardt’s other domains include parts of make any overtures toward the vampires of Funen and
the Port of Odense, the small H.C. Andersen Airport, have only clashed with them a few times, always to the
and the central train station, through which all trains detriment of the Kindred in question. For now, As-
going between Zealand and Jutland have to go and all bjørn’s attitude seems to be to ignore the mages and
passenger trains stop. GASA is going to move to a hope they either go away or that their ultimate goals
different, less populated area of Odense sometime in do not intersect with any Kindred interests.
2018, with their current location being sold and ear- On the southeastern part of Funen lies the private
marked as a new residential neighborhood, a deal that estate of Broholm. While the place includes a hotel
Reinhardt has made quite some money on. and an equestrian center, what makes it interesting to
In 2017, Facebook broke ground on the creation of Kindred is the Museum of North Antiquities. This
a new data center in Odense. While this project is one collection has 10,000 antiquities from the stone,
of great prestige and resources, no Kindred in Odense bronze, and iron ages, as well as the largest gold hoard
has yet involved themselves with it. from the Migration Period ever found in Denmark,
The largest single workplace on all of Funen is weighing in at just over four kg. Historically minded
Odense University Hospital, which is also the largest Kindred, as well as those with an esoteric bent, often
hospital in Denmark, counting by number of beds. It visit the collection, looking for important pieces.
has a number of highly specialized units, a large re- Egeskov Castle on the south of Funen is well known
search division, and contains a pharmacy that supplies for its numerous museums and several gardens, all of
all hospitals on Funen. Since its founding in 1912, which are open to the paying public. The castle itself
several Kindred have tried to gain influence over the is quite an engineering marvel, sitting on oaken piles
hospital, only to be rebuked by mages, who appear to sunk into a small lake, which is up to five meters deep.
have a great deal of interest and power there. In mod- The castle was built very much with defense in mind,
ern nights, a relatively young Brujah has claimed some although it was later made into a modern dwelling. In
influence at the hospital, though much of it is consid- the world of the Kindred, the castle is the haven and
ered off limits. domain of Sørine Krag, an enigmatic Malkavian who
Of final note is Odense Palace, built on an old serves as chief advisor to Prince Asbjørn.
Hospitaller Monastery that fell into the hands of the Funen used to have two large music festivals, draw-
king after the Reformation. It was the second-most ing in thousands of potential feeding victims during
important Hospitaller monastery in Denmark after the summer months. However, the Midtfyns Festival
Antvorskov on Zealand. Due to Antvorskov’s fierce closed in 2003, leaving only the Langelands Festival
opposition to the Reformation, the king targeted that on the island of Langeland. This festival is attended by
monastery for persecution and it is now a ruin. It is between 30 and 35,000 people each year.
believed that the Hospitallers sent much of their For Kindred, Funen is mainly focused on Odense,
wealth and secret treasures to the Odense monastery as the city where much of the island’s population and
for safe keeping. The church at this monastery was resources are centered. Cities like Middelfart and Ny-
often used by the rich and powerful people of Funen borg have steadily declined in importance over the
and many elderly aristocrats spent their last years at

36 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

years. However, there are still two towns that hold the of Denmark in the 80s and 90s, launching numerous
interest of Funen’s Kindred. bands, artists, and creative endeavors. To this day,
The first of these Gudme, whose name means Aarhus is considered the cultural capital of Denmark,
“God’s Home”. Archaeological finds have shown that and in 2017 it was selected as a European Capital of
this was an exceptionally important area during the Culture (along with Paphos in Cyprus). Clan Torea-
Iron Age — not only has a great gold treasure been dor and, to a lesser degree, Clan Brujah, is deeply
found, but also a structure that was most like a king’s enmeshed in Aarhus’ cultural scene and educational
hall. efforts.

Svendborg is Funen’s second-largest city with just

over 26,000 inhabitants. It is also, per capita, the city
with the most bars and restaurants in Denmark. This Aarhus or Århus?
makes it a popular place for hunting among both the In old times, the letter Å was represented by Aa.
Kindred of Funen and those who have business on During the Danish spelling reform of 1948, this was
the island. changed so that Å was always appropriate, but some
cities, including Aarhus, resisted this. Long story
Domain of Southern Jutland short, both options are acceptable, but Aarhus is the
Capital: Aarhus most common.
Lord: Knud the Elder of Clan Ventrue
Domain: The southern half of the Jutland peninsu- Aarhus Cathedral, in the center of the city, is the
la, with the cities of Aarhus, Silkeborg, Herning, and longest and tallest church in Denmark, and is the
Ringkøbing defining the northern border. main edifice of the diocese of Aarhus. It is dedicated
Mortal Population: 1.8 million to St. Clemens. Construction on the cathedral started
Kindred Population: 20 in the 12th century around an already existing church
and, even before construction was finished, a cathe-
Second only to Zealand among Denmark’s four big dral school was established. The cathedral (and much
domains, Southern Jutland is ruled from Aarhus, the of the city) burned down in 1330 and the rebuilding
second-largest Danish city, and it contains numerous process took until the 16th century. Today, very little
sites and domains that are of great interest to the Kin- True Faith remains in the cathedral, with only the very
dred of Denmark, not to mention the headquarters of central parts having a radiant True Faith of 1.
LEGO, one of Denmark’s biggest corporations.
Several decent-sized businesses and companies have
Aarhus is the capital and largest city of this domain, their headquarters in Aarhus, with Kindred vying for
with a population of around 270,000, and is not only the prestige and resources associated with claiming
the second-largest city in Denmark, but also one of the domain over them. JYSK is a retail chain that started
most rapidly growing. The city was founded early in with bedroom goods such as mattresses and duvets,
the Viking Age, making it one of the oldest still- but has since branched out to all manner of house-
inhabited cities in Denmark. The center of Aarhus hold goods. It is Denmark’s largest retailer operating
was once a pagan burial site and unsurprisingly, Aar- internationally. Danish Supermarket Ltd. is Den-
hus’ first church was built here. The city gained a mark’s largest retailer and owns several chains of retail
bishopric sometime in the latter half of the 10th cen- stores (Netto, Føtex, Bilka, and Salling). Arla Foods,
tury and in the Middle Ages, the city and its status Scandinavia’s biggest dairy producer and owner of
kept growing. Located on Aarhus Bay, the city was not several international brands, has its headquarters in
only a religious, but also a mercantile center of power the Viby district of Aarhus. All of these businesses
in Jutland and it kept this distinction for centuries. have Kindred associated with them at some level,
In the 1980s, Aarhus changed track — service sector skimming off money through their involvement.
jobs overtook industry and students flocked to the When it comes to industry, Aarhus has, like most
city, making Aarhus University the biggest in Scandi- big cities in Denmark, seen a decline. However, old
navia. The influx of young creative people made Aar- industrial areas are currently being transformed, all of
hus the center of the cultural and creative renaissance them with a great deal of Kindred interest, both in

Denmark by Night 37
terms of making money, procuring blood, and estab- on the cooperation between the researchers and cor-
lishing havens. The former docklands are being con- porations.
verted to a new mixed-use district, and the site of the Aarhus is also home to Gellerupparken, the most
former Royal Unibrew Ceres breweries is being rede- infamous so-called immigrant ghetto in Denmark. It is
veloped into a residential district with educational a housing project mainly inhabited by immigrants and
institutions. The former DSB repair facilities are being the descendants of immigrants, usually from the Mid-
developed into a new business district with high-rise dle East, North Africa, and Pakistan. There is an
buildings; the main bus terminal is planned to be enormous amount of ethnic tension and lots of crime
moved to the central railway station by 2018, and the and violence in the area, and many politicians and
current site will be made into a new residential dis- pundits point to Gellerupparken as an example of the
trict. folly of trying to integrate Muslim immigrants into
Aarhus has some of Denmark’s top tourist attrac- Denmark. While the area’s poverty, violence, and
tions, among them The Old Town, Tivoli Friheden, distrust of official interference should make it a prime
and ARoS. The Old Town contains 75 buildings from hunting ground for vampires, most of the Kindred of
various points in Danish history, from the 16th centu- Aarhus avoid the place, unless they can use Obfuscate
ry all the way to the very early 20th century, with the to resemble someone not ethnically Danish.
museum dedicated to displaying the town life of his- Esbjerg is the second-largest city in the domain of
torical Denmark. Although the museum draws in Southern Jutland and, depending on how you define
almost 500,000 visitors every year, most Kindred of population, either the fifth- or sixth-largest city in
Denmark loathe it and refuse to set foot there, while Denmark, with just under 100,000 inhabitants. The
younger vampires from all over Denmark sometimes city is also one of the youngest big cities in Denmark,
enjoy going in after dark to “play Elders.” having been founded in 1868. Esbjerg owes its very
Tivoli Friheden (literally meaning Tivoli The Liber- existence as a city to Denmark’s loss in the War of
ty) is an amusement park in Aarhus. It draws in nu- 1864. When Denmark lost all of Schleswig-Holstein, it
merous guests each year, but due to the park closing also lost the most important North Sea port: Altona.
relatively early during the summer season, no Kindred A new harbor was needed and the area that would
uses it for hunting grounds. become Esbjerg was chosen. The port opened in 1874,
ARoS is an art museum, originally established in and the city was designed from the ground up with a
1858, making it the oldest public art museum in city grid. A railway connected the harbor with nearby
Denmark outside of Copenhagen. In 2004, it opened cities and Esbjerg began growing rapidly. Unsurpris-
in new, modern buildings somewhat influenced by ingly, several Kindred of southern Jutland had inter-
local Kindred and since then, it has been the city’s ests in the establishment and building of the port and
main Elysium. It is one of the largest art museums in the city, but none originally moved there.
northern Europe. Another popular Elysium site is the This all changed in the 1970s. While fishing, ship-
Moesgård Museum, which focuses on ethnography ping, ferry service to England, and industry had all
and archaeology. Moesgård contains the Grauballe been established at the Esbjerg port, the city did not
Man, the world’s best-preserved bog body, large ritual yet have the resources to attract permanent Kindred
weapon caches from the Iron Age, and seven local residents. And then, oil was found in the North Sea
rune stones. and almost overnight, Esbjerg became a boom town.
Copenhagen University may be Denmark’s oldest The city’s location made it perfect as the center for
university, but Aarhus University is the largest, and Denmark’s offshore oil drilling, and both wealth and
the influx of students is quite a boon to local Kindred. workers began flowing through Esbjerg. The Kindred
Several Kindred also hold some form of influence over of Denmark could not ignore this wealth, but Esbjerg
various parts of the university. In addition to Aarhus still hadn’t grown to the point where it could properly
University, the city also has the INCUBA Science support numerous vampires. But Kindred still moved
Park, a research park with four departments in Skejby, there and began subtly shaping Esbjerg. Today it is,
Katrinebjerg, Aarhus University, and Aarhus Dock- per capita, one of the most violent and criminal cities
lands. It focuses on IT and biomedical research and in Denmark, with a lot of drug use, prostitution, and
drinking. The offshore workers coming back from the

38 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

oil rigs in the North Sea need to blow off steam, and some ancient artifact to be uncovered. The city itself is
the vampires that influence Esbjerg are more than too small to support a single vampire, even with all the
happy to perpetuate a night-time climate of excess, tourists that come through, yet a lone Malkavian
violence, and crime. No Kindred has yet claimed the named Erik Runemaster is recognized as the Prince of
title of Prince of Esbjerg, and it would be interesting Ribe, and all Kindred who wish to visit must pay their
to see what would happen if anyone tried. The Kin- respects and gain his permission.
dred that make their havens in Esbjerg have become Like Ribe, the village of Jelling was once an im-
infected with the very attitude they have fostered in portant city; in fact, it was the royal seat of the first
the city and are exceptionally pugnacious. Danish monarch. Today, it is known for its historical
Esbjerg was created as a city of industry and contin- sites: a large stone ship, two large burial mounds, the
ues to be one today, with the port being a focus for Jelling stones, and Jelling Church. The Jelling stones
import, export, and offshore industry. Fishing has are two massive runestones. The bigger and younger of
almost completely disappeared and cheap air travel the stones bears the inscription: "King Haraldr or-
killed off the ferry service to England. While there are dered this monument made in memory of Gormr, his
cultural institutions in Esbjerg and branches of the father, and in memory of Thyrvé, his mother; that
University of Southern Denmark and Aalborg Univer- Haraldr who won for himself all of Denmark and
sity have been established, Kindred in Denmark focus Norway and made the Danes Christian." This is the
almost solely on the wealth of the industry and busi- first time the name Denmark is mentioned in writing;
ness. the stone is often called Denmark’s Birth Certificate
South of Esbjerg lies Ribe, Denmark’s oldest town and names Gorm the Elder as the first king of Den-
and, at one time, the biggest and richest city in the mark. The two stones are the focus of a massive
country. Today, it is a shadow of its former self, over- amount of national pride and belief and radiate a
shadowed by Esbjerg, though it’s still the capital of the True Faith of 4.
Ribe Municipality and the seat of the municipality Haderslev is yet another old town in Denmark that
administration. Archeologists have been able to prove has been reduced in size and importance over time. In
that Ribe has been inhabited since at least the year modern times, it is only really notable for containing
710, and it is likely that people have lived here for one of Denmark’s cathedrals, which dates from the
even longer, as the Ribe River forms a fertile land- 13th century. The cathedral was a hotbed of Refor-
scape with a good, natural harbor. mation ideas and has a True Faith rating of 1, with
Around 860, the first Christian church in Scandi- the altar having a rating of 2.
navia was built in Ribe. This was later expanded into The city of Kolding, centered around the former
the first cathedral in Scandinavia and that cathedral, royal castle of Koldinghus, has in recent years become
heavily rebuilt over the years, still stands in the center an almost aggressively expansionistic city. The city
of Ribe. The cathedral’s age means that the entire administration has chosen to focus heavily on attract-
structure has an intrinsic True Faith of 1, while the ing businesses and education to the area with a great
interior of the building has a True Faith of 2. Ribe deal of success and this has not gone unnoticed by
Cathedral School dates back to 1154 and is still a Denmark’s Kindred. So far, only a single Ventrue has
place of learning, a gymnasium, making it Scandina- any real influence in the city, but that is likely to
via’s oldest continuous educational institution. Ribe is change.
also home to numerous other historical buildings, Herning, one of the northernmost cities of the do-
including Denmark’s oldest town hall (now a muse- main, is a young city, founded in the beginning of the
um) and Saint Catharinæ Church and Monastery. In 19th century. Today, its main attraction both for mor-
addition, Ribe has a Viking museum and a Living tals and Kindred is Messecenter Herning, the largest
Viking Village. fair and exhibition center in Denmark, which includes
Kindred are drawn to Ribe because of its age — there Jyske Bank Boxen, an indoor arena. In addition to
are numerous historical secrets located throughout the trade shows, the complex hosts sporting events, theat-
city and its environs, as well as places of mystery and rical performances, and concerts. For the last several
power dating back to the Viking Age and even before. years, the huge international names that have played
Kindred of a mystic bent are constantly hoping for Denmark performed in Jyske Bank Boxen rather than

Denmark by Night 39
in a venue in Copenhagen, drawing in huge crowds Domain of Northern Jutland
and plenty of attention and prestige.
Capital: Aalborg
In the western part of Aarhus lies the headquarters
of Per Aarsleff A/S, a civil engineering and construc- Lady: Julia Marianus Sabinius of Clan Toreador
tion company, and of Europe’s main civil engineering Domain: The northern half of the Jutland peninsu-
firms. Since its founding in 1947, this company has la.
been involved in almost all major and several minor Mortal Population: 1.3 million
construction projects around Denmark and has thus
been of great interest to the Kindred of Denmark. The Kindred Population: 15
Prince of Aarhus has a major amount of influence Northern Jutland is the only domain not ruled by a
upon the company and uses this to create secret areas Danish Kindred — the domain’s Lady won her place
in many of the structures built by the company. The by coming to Ragnhild’s aid when the Prince called
company also does a lot of work outside of Denmark, for allies in the battle against the Sabbat in the early
especially in northern Europe and Britain. The Prince 19th century. Aalborg’s former Prince and Lord of
has gained a number of favors from powerful vampires Northern Jutland, a Ventrue by the name of Rolf
outside of Denmark by letting them use his influence Silverhands, was sent into torpor and Prince Ragnhild
and the expertise of various people associated with the granted Northern Jutland to Julia, to keep until Rolf
company. awakens.
The small town of Billund is pretty much unknown Aalborg was a thriving Viking settlement and was a
outside of Denmark. Not so the company that was town even before the Viking Age. It was granted trad-
founded, and still has its headquarters, in the town. ing privileges in 1342, a natural step considering Aal-
LEGO started out making wooden toys, but it was borg’s strategic placement on the Limfjord body of
when they shifted to plastic and invented the inter- water. Today, it is Denmark’s fourth-largest city, with a
locking brick that they became an international suc- population of around 115,000. Aalborg lies on the
cess. Today, Billund has an airport courtesy of LEGO narrowest point of the Limfjord and controls all three
and the original LEGOland is a major tourist attrac- permanent links between Vendsyssel (the area north
tion. During the high season, LEGOland and Billund of the Limfjord, which has been an island ever since
itself become good feeding grounds for Kindred. the ocean broke through the western end of the fjord
Bunker 7 (also called the Finderup Bunker), located in 1825, turning it into a strait): the railway bridge,
west of Viborg, was a NATO bunker designed to op- the motorway bridge, and the motorway tunnel.
erate as a command headquarters for Baltic air opera- Aalborg’s placement made it a wealthy and im-
tions in time of war. It was closed down in 2004, and portant trading port, especially for the trade with
supposedly, the doors were sealed with concrete, leav- Norway. However, a few setbacks in the 19th century
ing big equipment such as generators behind. Despite saw Aalborg overtaken by Aarhus as the biggest city in
Bunker 7 being in the domain of Northern Jutland. Jutland and later, Odense would edge Aalborg out as
The Prince of Aalborg allowed this particular area to Denmark’s third-largest city. Just across the bridge lies
come under the aegis of Southern Jutland, at the price the city of Nørre Sundby, which is technically its own
of quite a boon from the Prince of Aarhus. Unknown city, but is for most practical purposes a part of Aal-
to mortals, several influential Kindred sabotaged the borg.
sealing process and the bunker is now a secret meeting
Aalborg has one of Denmark’s cathedrals, St. Bu-
place for Kindred in Southern Jutland where they
dolfi Church, built in the last decades of the 14th
need not worry about acting like vampires — and it’s a
century over and around the original St. Budolfi
fallback location that can easily be defended in case of
Church. When the Reformation hit Denmark, a
an attack by the Sabbat.
Catholic peasant revolt ensured that the north of Jut-
land remained Catholic much longer than the rest of
Denmark. The inside of the cathedral has a True Faith
rating of 1, while the crypt containing the founding
stones of the original St. Budolfi Church has a rating
of 2.

40 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

Like so many other cities in Denmark, industry has permission to hunt there. However, any misconduct is
taken a backseat to service and education, but Aalborg severely punished.
still has some big companies. Telenor Denmark, a Aalborg Carnival at the end of May is the biggest in
branch of the Norwegian Telenor telecommunications Scandinavia and one of the biggest in northern Eu-
and mobile phone company, is one of the city’s biggest rope, attracting as many as 100,000 visitors, while
employers, and Siemens Wind Power maintains the Hjallerup Market in Hjallerup (20 kilometers north-
world’s largest research test center for wind-turbine east of Aalborg) is the largest horse market in Europe.
technology. De Danske Spritfabrikker is the world’s It kicks off in the beginning of June and draws in
largest producer of aquavit spirits, Aalborg Industries around 200,000 people.
is the world's largest manufacturer of marine boilers,
and Aalborg Portland is the world’s largest supplier of Of final interest to Kindred are the Lindholm Hills
white cement. The Port of Aalborg continues to be an to the north of Aalborg. This area is full of burial
important industrial harbor and center for shipping. mounds and other burial sites, some from the Viking
Age, others dating back to earlier times. Many of the
Aalborghus Castle was built in the 16th century as burial sites are not, as of yet, excavated by archaeolo-
fortress, but it soon became the seat of the king's pro- gists and are likely to contain great treasures. Howev-
vincial governors in Northern Jutland. It is now partly er, vengeful ghosts haunt the Hills and there are ru-
a museum open to the public and partly the seat of mors of draugr, walking corpses that dwell in their
the Government Administration Headquarters in burial mounds and guard the treasures within. Kin-
Northern Jutland. An ancient tunnel network runs
dred from the Viking Age remember the draugr, and
under the castle, which once connected it to two con-
while they may doubt the magic that created them has
vents (one on the other side of the Limfjord), two
survived the centuries, it is a risk to take.
churches, and an ancient bridge. None of the other
buildings still stand and much of the network has Viborg shares a number of traits with Ribe in the
collapsed. To mortals, these tunnels are a legend, a south; it is one of Denmark’s oldest cities and the site
fairy tale of secret ways built by trolls or a mystic socie- of a cathedral, but unlike Ribe, Viborg still maintains
ty. To Kindred, they are a meeting place. The base- some of its former glory. Once the city where kings of
ments under Aalborghus, expanded and modernized, Denmark were crowned, it is now the capitol of Re-
are still used as an Elysium from time to time and the gion Midtjylland and the seat of the Western High
tunnels have secret exits throughout the city, known Court. Like Ribe, Kindred are drawn to Viborg for its
only to Kindred. Interestingly, not even the oldest age and connections to a bygone era, but there is also
vampires in Aalborg know who originally dug the the political power of the High Court and the admin-
tunnels. istration for Region Midtjylland. Viborg Cathedral,
originally built in 1150, burned down several times
Another Elysium is the Old City Hall, dating back
and lost most of its True Faith. However, Viborg was
to 1762. The rococo mansion is owned by the Aalborg
the city where Hans Tausen preached Lutheranism
Municipality and is used for weddings and representa-
and became the wellspring of the Reformation in
tive affairs by mortals.
Denmark. While Tausen was transferred to Copenha-
Jomfru Ane Gade is perhaps the most ironically- gen by order of the king to serve as the king’s personal
named street in all of Denmark. The name means chaplain, his influence still lingers. Viborg Cathedral
Virgin Anne’s Street, and it is undoubtedly the most has a True Faith rating of 2 — the original church in
famous party street in the country, lined with bars and which Tausen preached is no more, but the spirit of
clubs. Jomfru Ane Gade itself has mainstream clubs his belief lingers on in Viborg’s cathedral. In addition
and restaurants, while side streets offer more alterna- to its history, Apple is currently establishing a massive
tive places. While Friday and Saturday are certainly data center just outside the city, a huge investment of
peak party hours, the street draws people all week, money that will not only create jobs, but also bring
especially in the warmer months and it is the prime resources to the city.
hunting ground in all of Northern Jutland. The entire The city of Randers, with its 63,000 inhabitants, is
street is an Elysium and the personal domain of the nothing special, except as the city where Gerhardt III
Prince of Aalborg, though all recognized Kindred have of Holstein, de facto ruler of much of Denmark in the
early 14th century, was killed by Danish rebels. How-

Denmark by Night 41
ever, it is also where the headquarters of Danish North Jutland, who use the bunker complex in the
Crown AmbA lies. Danish Crown is a food-processing same way as Bunker 7 in Southern Jutland.
company mainly dealing in meat, with lots of abattoirs Throughout Northern Jutland, there are several
around the country. It is Europe’s largest pork- places where limestone and chalk have been mined in
processing company and Denmark’s single largest naturally occurring caves. Mønsted Limestone Mines
agricultural exporter. The potential for money alone is are the world’s largest, with over 60 km. of tunnels.
enough to arouse Kindred interest, but the company Daugbjerg, Denmark’s oldest chalk mine, is famous
has access to a staggering amount of animal blood. for allegedly being one of the bases of operations for
This potential was realized by an enterprising Nosfera- the legendary Danish outlaw Jens Longknife. And
tu in the 1970s, when meat-processing firms in Den- Tingbæk chalk mine, the youngest, has an exhibition
mark started merging, and she now holds the compa- of sculptures. Common to all these mines is that they
ny as her domain. This allows her to supply animal are currently privately owned, partially opened to the
blood to those Kindred who are willing to drink such public as tourist attractions, and parts of them are
low-quality vitae. used to mature cheese and sometimes beer. Also, Kin-
REGAN Vest is a nuclear-proof bunker that dred, especially of the Clans Gangrel and Nosferatu,
sits 60 meters below Rold Forest in the southeastern have long used these mines, carved from some of the
part of this domain. Originally designed to house only large, natural caves in Denmark, as hiding places
parts of the government, state administration, and from the sun. To this night, all three mines are the
royal family as a civilian facility in case of a military domains of Kindred.
attack on Denmark, it was decommissioned in 2012.
Since then, the bunker has officially been investigated
for use as some kind of museum or tourist attraction
by the North Jutlandic Historical Museum. However,
the process is being stalled by the powerful Kindred of

42 Chapter One: Denmark by Night

Chapter Two:
Copenhagen by Night
“Before I die I'll stroll through the city one last time
That should be my last, modest wish
'll walk on my feet through my city
Through Copenhagen”
— Dan Turéll, Through the city one last time

Copenhagen is the capital and largest city of Den-

mark. With a metropolitan population of just over 2
million, it is the second-largest city in Scandinavia and Despite Copenhagen’s relative youth, the city still
almost 2/5ths of all Danes live in the greater Copen- has a long and interesting story, culminating in the
hagen area. It is the home of the Danish monarch and modern metropolis of today.
the Danish parliament, as well as most of Denmark’s
most famous landmarks and institutions. The Founding
For the Kindred of Denmark, it is the seat of the Tradition hold that the city of Copenhagen was
Prince of Denmark and the unquestioned center of founded by Bishop Absalon of Roskilde in the year
power for the Domain of Denmark. 1167, on the behest of his foster-brother, King Val-
demar I the Great. Absalon realized that, with Den-
Founded as the result of a civil war that unified the
mark united after the civil war that put Valdemar on
country, Copenhagen is relatively young for a Europe-
the throne, the country needed a single capital and
an capital, but it has managed to grow in size, im-
that locating it where it could control the Øresund
portance and fame throughout more than 800 years of
would allow the king easy access to the wealth provid-
history. Today, it is a vibrant and multicultural metro-
ed by the Øresund toll.
politan city, though like large cities, it has a shadow
side, a dark underbelly where monsters, both mortal Absalon chose the location of the small fishing town
and otherwise, lurk. of Havn and built upon it, creating both a harbor big
enough for ocean-going ships and building a castle for

Denmark by Night 43
himself. He named his new city Købmannahavn, The expanded his reach to become Prince of Denmark. He
Harbor of Merchants. wisely allowed the princes of other cities to maintain a
Archaeological studies in the 20th century some- large amount of autonomy, but by the death of King
what contradicts this legend. Records show that Havn Valdermar II the Victorious in 1241, Gunnarr’s lord-
ship over Denmark could not be denied. At this point,
was already a growing and important town when Val-
Gunnarr moved from Roskilde to Copenhagen and
demar gave the city to Absalon to rule as his own
around 1160. There can be no doubt, however, that became the Prince of Copenhagen along with the de
Absalon was responsible for making the town an im- facto vampire ruler of Denmark. Roskilde became a
portant city and a capital worthy of the kings of Den- choice prize among the powerful vampires of Den-
mark. The city’s population increased tenfold in a mark, whose political battles to become Prince of
single year and the extended harbor allowed for huge Roskilde kept them from challenging Gunnarr’s rule.
profits to be made off the herring fishing in the Baltic. Eventually, Roskilde was taken over by the Gangrel
Ragnar Silver-Tongue. Ironically, Ragnar later moved
to Copenhagen and allowed Agnete to become Prince
of Roskilde.
Foster brother to the king, Bishop of Roskilde, Growth and Destruction
Archbishop of Lund, founder of Copenhagen, warri- While Copenhagen was becoming an established
or, patrician, and politician. Absalon is an almost city, Roskilde and Lund continued to be larger and
mythical figure in Danish history. What is known is more important — both cities had cathedrals and a
that he was born around 1128 as the son of Asser Rig, history going back centuries. However, the attention
one of the highest-ranking members of the Hvide clan. of the Bishop of Roskilde and Copenhagen’s status as
He grew up alongside the young Valdemar and in his the de facto capital of Denmark (though, throughout
youth, he traveled to Paris to study theology. He re- the Middle Ages, the term capital meant less than it
turned to council his foster brother during the Danish does today) slowly and surely increased the wealth,
civil war and remained his foremost advisor during population and prestige of the city.
Valdemar I’s reign. He encouraged the Danish cru-
sades against the Wends in northern Germany, led
troops and ships in battle and fought in those battles
himself. He was Bishop of Roskilde and was later
made Archbishop of Lund. With special papal dispen-
sation, he remained Bishop of Roskilde at the same
time. Absalon was a very harsh, but extremely effec-
tive, ruler and a strong supporter of the Pope and
papal authority. When Valdemar died, Absalon con-
tinued to serve his son as advisor and chief policy
maker. Absalon died at the age of 73, leaving a lasting
mark on Denmark. He has a statue in central Copen-
hagen near the Danish parliament which shows him
mounted, armored and wielding an axe.

At the time of Valdemar’s ascension, the Ventrue

Gunnarr Mark was Prince of Roskilde, the capital of
Zealand. When Copenhagen grew in size, prosperity
and importance, Gunnarr sent his childe, Agnete, to
establish herself there. Using his skill at politics and Copenhagen’s increasing importance was under-
manipulation, the centralization of power in Denmark lined by the fact that in the year 1200, the city’s first
around Roskilde and Copenhagen and his position cathedral, the Church of Our Lady, was ready for use.
within those two cities, Gunnarr slowly but surely Throughout the 13th century, more ecclesiastical

44 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

buildings were added and by the dawn of the 14th and although the city was not taken, there were great
century, Copenhagen had four churches (Our Lady, losses.
St. Peter’s, St. Clemen’s and St. Nicholas), as well as The final nail in the coffin for the Bishop of Roskil-
two monasteries (the Grayfriars’ and the Augustinian de’s claim to Copenhagen came in 1443, when Chris-
House of the Holy Ghost). topher III of Bavaria made Copenhagen a permanent
The 13th century was also a time of unrest in Den- royal residence and greatly expanded the trading rights
mark. In 1245, Erik IV Ploughpenny took control of of the city. This would lead to Copenhagen finally
Copenhagen, displacing the bishopric of Roskilde as becoming the largest and most important city in the
the ruler of the city. This stemmed from a conflict kingdom, eclipsing even Roskilde, Lund and Ribe.
Erik had with the Catholic Church, as the king want- In 1479, Copenhagen University, the first university
ed to tax the church. Unfortunately for Copenhagen, in Denmark, was founded, bringing learning and edu-
Erik went to war against his brother Abel, who gained cation to the city, alongside the first members of Clan
the support of the nascent Hanseatic League, specifi- Tremere to reside in Denmark. The final cementation
cally Lübeck. While Abel’s troops fought in Jutland of Copenhagen as the most powerful city in the realm
and on Funen, the Lübeckers attacked and burned happened in the early 16th century. In 1510, King
down Copenhagen, igniting what would become a Hans founded the Royal Danish Shipyards on a small
centuries-long feud between Denmark and the Hanse- islet in the Øresund, and later Christian II expanded
atic League, with Copenhagen and Lübeck being the the trade of the city and allowed Dutchmen to settle
central parties. on the island of Amager. In fact, Christian II did so
The troubled times also led to Copenhagen becom- much good for Copenhagen that the city remained
ing only the second Danish city, after Kalundborg, to faithful to him when his son, Frederik I, allied with
exchange its earth ramparts with a stone wall and tow- the Danish nobility to overthrow Christian, leading to
ers. From then on and until the middle of the 19th an 8 month siege in 1523 — 24. The city finally fell to
century, when Copenhagen opened up its walls, all Frederik I, who took possession and added significant-
traffic entering and leaving Copenhagen had to pass ly to the city’s defenses.
through one of the four city gates or the harbor. For Gunnarr, the troubles were a mere annoyance —
While the four gates are now gone, three of them lent he, as well as most of the other vampires in and
their names to three of the most important stations on around Copenhagen, took the long view. The estab-
the S-train line; Østerport, Vesterport and Nørreport. lishment of town rights, trading charters, the universi-
In 1251, Copenhagen returned to the control of the ty and the shipyards all played into the hands of the
Roskilde bishopric and while it received town privileg- Kindred that drew their power and wealth from the
es in 1254, ensuring stable laws and regulations, these city. Gunnarr deftly developed whatever contacts were
privileges also contained statutes that tied the citizens needed to influence whomever held dominion over
even closer to the bishop. Copenhagen at a given time, though he did throw a
The unrest of Denmark continued and Copenhagen lot of weight behind Copenhagen becoming the offi-
found itself besieged and sacked on a number of occa- cial capital and permanent royal residence. When this
sions. However, after the interregnum of 1332 — happened, Gunnarr’s position as Prince of Denmark
1340, Valdermar IV Atterdag received the city from was ensured.
Count Johan of Holsten and in 1341, the king be- Although Copenhagen was a relatively small city
came lord of the city. This lent some stability to the throughout these times, never going far above 5,000
city. Sadly, this was not to last — in 1368, Copenhagen permanent residents, it still attracted a fair number of
was sacked again by the Hanseatic League and almost vampires. By virtue of being Denmark’s capital and
burned to the ground. It would be decades before the being a busy and important port, Copenhagen had a
city would truly rise from the ashes. large transient population and every year, people came
In 1375, the city was given back to the Roskilde from all over Denmark looking to make a living in the
bishopric, but Eric VII of Pomerania took it for the capital — many of whom ended up as poor outcasts,
crown one last time in 1416. Unfortunately, Den- living on the street. For the Kindred of Copenhagen,
mark’s problems with the Hanseatic League led to blood was never all that hard to find.
Copenhagen being attacked in both 1427 and 1428

Denmark by Night 45
modern approach to building and architecture de-
Changing Times lighted Clan Toreador and Brujah.
In 1536, the Reformation swept through Denmark, However, the Kindred of Denmark would soon sour
changing the nation forever. However, even before on Christian IV. While he had done well during the
that fateful year, Copenhagen had felt the winds of Kalmar War against Sweden, his attempt to interfere
change. In 1529, Hans Tausen (see page 14) preached in the Thirty Years’ War led to a resounding defeat.
Reformation in the Church of Our Lady. 1530 saw He raised the Sound Dues in the Øresund, earning
public debates between Catholics and Protestants, as the enmity of especially the Dutch merchants, and
well as the temporary closing of the Catholic-run uni- kept antagonizing Sweden, at this point a more power-
versity. Also in 1530, a mob led by Copenhagen’s ful nation than Denmark. The Torstenson War
mayor broke into the Church of Our Lady and against allied Dutch and Swedish forces led to the loss
smashed the religious icons. of several Danish provinces. While Copenhagen man-
Copenhagen was staunchly pro-Reformation, lead- aged to avoid attack during this time, Christian IV left
ing to the city coming under siege for a whole year in the country in deep debt.
1535 — 36. After widespread famine, Copenhagen Early on, Christian’s son, Frederik III, fared little
surrendered, though by this time, the Reformation better. The Dano-Swedish War of 1657 — 58 led to
was unstoppable. King Christian III proclaimed the Denmark losing the provinces of Scania, Halland, and
dismantling of the Roman Catholic Church in Den- Blekinge, relegating Copenhagen to a position at the
mark at a huge gathering in the Old Market Square in edge of the Kingdom. Even worse, during the second
Copenhagen. In 1537, Copenhagen University was Dano-Swedish War, Copenhagen was besieged and
reopened, this time under a more secular governance. the areas outside the fortifications burned to the
As much as the Reformation affected Denmark, ground. Frederik promised the city’s citizen numerous
Copenhagen’s biggest change came under Christian privileges, effectively putting them on equal footing
III’s grandson, King Christian IV, who took the with the nobility, if they would fight for him. Fortu-
throne in 1596. Christian IV had big plans for both nately for Copenhagen, several other European na-
the country and his capital city. He wanted to make tions were becoming uneasy with Sweden’s rising
Copenhagen the economic, military, religious, and power and came to the city’s aid, allowing it to endure
cultural center for the whole of the Nordic region. In the siege. Peace was declared in 1660, after Copenha-
order to achieve this, Christian IV greatly expanded gen had withstood almost two years of siege.
first the harbor of Copenhagen and then the land During the battles and, especially, the siege, Copen-
inside the walls, doubling the city’s area in the process. hagen’s Kindred suffered and Gunnarr’s power over
The king also established the first trading companies Denmark started slipping. He even lost his favored
with sole rights to trade with lands overseas. In order childe, Agnete, at the time Prince of Roskilde, who
to restrict imports, factories were set up so that as fell to a small coalition of Kindred trying to oust
many goods as possible could be manufactured at Gunnarr from power. It was only the support of such
home. powerful Kindred as Ragnar Silver-Tongue and Rag-
Christian IV also brought in German and Dutch ar- nhild the Just that he managed to emerge with some
chitects and craftsmen, which gave Copenhagen a very semblance of dominance.
modern look for the times. Many of the buildings that
Christian IV commissioned are now famous Copen- Arrival of Ragnhild
hagen landmarks. The Ventrue Ragnhild the Just arrived in Copenha-
For the Kindred of the city, Christian IV first gen in 1644 and presented herself to the Prince.
seemed the perfect king. The expansion of the harbor Though of similar age and closeness to the Clan
and the city area brought in numerous new feeding founder, Ragnhild had spent centuries in torpor and
opportunities and thrilled Clan Nosferatu, who influ- readily accepted Gunnarr as her superior. For his part,
enced the creation of several underground chambers Gunnarr remembered Ragnhild from their shared
and tunnels. The focus on trade brought wealth to time in Roskilde. Due to the support she granted him,
those Kindred clever enough to exploit it. And the Gunnarr made her his seneschal in 1674.

46 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Øresund, ensuring that Denmark could never again
The King’s City dominate maritime traffic between the Baltic and the
After the siege had been lifted, King Frederik III North Sea. Copenhagen would never again lie sur-
used the support of the citizens to break the nobility rounded by Denmark on all sides, but rather be on
and introduce absolute monarchy. In order to facili- the extreme east cost of the country.
tate this change, the King established a legislature for While plague swept the city during the Great
the priests and citizens in Copenhagen. Soon, com- Northern War, killing an estimated 1/3rd of the city’s
mon citizens were equal to the nobility in terms of population, the Kindred did not suffer want for long.
laws and privileges, within the city of Copenhagen. After the war, Copenhagen recovered with amazing
In order to further fortify his city, Frederik III fin- speed and in 1767, the population had reached
ished The Citadel, a star fortress whose construction 80,000.
had started under his father. Frederik also incorpo- Fire was the biggest problem in these years, both for
rated the neighborhood of Christianshavn into Co- mortals and Kindred. In 1728 about 2/5ths of Co-
penhagen in 1674. With this expansion, Copenha- penhagen burned down, including the Church of Our
gen’s population rose to an estimated 40,000 people. Lady and the university library. In 1794, the relatively
Restructuring new Christiansborg Palace burned down (it was re-
built in 1828, and then burned down again in 1884)
The peace and population explosion towards the and the next year, the western part of Copenhagen
end of the 17th century led to a new surge in the was in flames. Some Kindred met their Final Death
amount of Kindred that made their home in Copen- during these fires, either by accident or at the hands of
hagen. Gunnarr decided that this was the time to do a enemies exploiting the situation, while others profited
major restructuring of how he ruled the city. He made from the rebuilding efforts.
Ragnhild the Just his seneschal and put her in charge
of the practical side of this restructuring. However, not even plague and fires could dampen
Copenhagen’s rapid growth during the latter half of
Gunnarr’s first act was to establish a Primogen the 18th century. After the Great Northern War,
council with firm rules and a regular meeting sched- Denmark stayed neutral in all European conflicts and
ule. This council contained a representative from the trade flourished, allowing Denmark to build one of
Brujah, Toreador, Tremere and Ventrue clan, as well the biggest fleets in the world at that time. Art and
as a single Kindred representing the “lesser Clans”, as culture flourished alongside trade, and people from
Gunnarr put it. He also gave the Sheriff the power to the countryside flooded to Copenhagen seeking a
appoint a Hound, established a number of Elysiums better life. The 1801 census revealed that around
and modernized the laws of his domain. 100,000 people lived in Copenhagen.
Gains and losses During this time, the Kindred population of Co-
In 1700, the Great Northern War was kicked off penhagen grew as well, both as the result of new Em-
when a united English, Dutch, and Swedish fleet braces and due to vampires from elsewhere settling in
bombarded Copenhagen, though without doing any the rapidly growing metropolis. Gunnarr strengthened
significant damage. Denmark withdrew from the War his position as Prince of Denmark, though his con-
for a few years, before entering again. The battles nev- servative opposition to the liberal reforms sweeping
er really touched Copenhagen, which continued to be through Denmark in the 18th century earned him a
the center of Danish rule. In fact, for the Kindred of number of enemies.
Copenhagen, the war was a boon, as it was decided to
expand the fortification of Copenhagen, putting even The Fall
more land inside the walls. Denmark’s neutrality was not to last, as Britain
However, Denmark and Copenhagen lost big dur- dragged the country into the Napoleonic War. In
ing the peace negotiations. Tired of Danish domi- 1801, Copenhagen was besieged, but not attacked,
nance of the Øresund, the European nations that while Lord Nelson led a British attack against the
brokered the peace between Denmark and Sweden Danish fleet anchored just off the city. However, it
insisted that Sweden keep all provinces east of the was the attack in 1807 that truly made its mark on
Copenhagen. The British bombarded the city, target-

Denmark by Night 47
ing the civilian population, seized the Danish fleet and Clan Brujah drew strength from the philosophy and
surrounded Copenhagen. In the end, most of the city from the political reforms.
was destroyed. The result was a period of widespread In 1840, Copenhagen was granted a new municipal
poverty throughout the capital. constitution and in 1857, the municipal council was
As much as the British attack changed the city for established, giving publicly elected officials as much
mortals, it had even greater ramifications in the world power as state employed civil servants. And 9 years
of the Kindred. During the bombardment, Gunnarr’s before, in 1848, Copenhagen had played host to the
haven was hit by a rocket and set on fire. His ghouls demonstrations that led to the fall of the absolute
managed to save the prince from Final Death, but not monarchy and the first steps towards making Den-
from Torpor. In the wake of this, a political crisis mark a democratic nation.
loomed — the powerful Kindred of Copenhagen and
the rest of Denmark moved to put themselves in a A Modern City
position to challenge for the throne of Copenhagen In 1847, Denmark’s second railway line opened be-
and Denmark. However, Ragnhild the Just, seneschal tween Copenhagen and Roskilde, with a stop at Valby
to Prince Gunnarr, moved even faster. She struck to allow the inhabitants of Copenhagen to take Sun-
deals with a few powerful elders and called on allianc- day picnic trips to Frederiksberg. To the Kindred of
es made in secret during her tenure to establish herself Copenhagen, this signaled the beginning of an expan-
as not only the Prince, but also a stabilizing executive sion of the city’s territory that would continue until
power in a time of unrest. the modern nights.
At first, it seemed Ragnhild would kick off a Kin-
dred civil war — especially since she declared that she
was not stepping in as a temporary Prince, but taking
over Gunnarr’s position for good. However, calmer
tempers prevailed and within a few months, Ragnhild
was the undisputed Kindred ruler of Denmark.
As soon as she felt her position secure, Ragnhild
made her own mark on the power structure of Co-
penhagen, She changed the way the Primogen worked
and rewrote some of Gunnarr’s laws, but left most of
her predecessor’s work intact. Her changes to the
country as a whole were more far-reaching. Unlike
Gunnarr, Ragnhild did not want to allow the Sabbat
to remain in Denmark and she called a crusade
against them.
Interestingly, the poverty that swept through Co-
penhagen in the years following the British attack
helped Ragnhild in securing her reign — with more
People poured into Copenhagen from the country-
disenfranchised and ignored people, Kindred had an
side, lured by the promise of work in the factories,
easier time feeding.
workshops and shipyards of the capital. Due to the
While the general population of Copenhagen expe- confines of the city walls, the result was extreme over-
rienced widespread poverty, the city as a whole saw a crowding — in 1860, the census estimated around
flourishing of art and culture in these years, as the 155,000 citizens in Copenhagen. In 1853, an out-
European ideals of Romanticism reached the Danish break of cholera killed almost 5,000 people (and
capital. Copenhagen was the home of writer H.C. caused a fair amount of trouble with regards to feed-
Andersen, philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, sculptor ing). Coupled with advances in artillery, it became
Bertel Thorvaldsen, and painter C.W. Eckersberg, just clear that the walls and fortifications of Copenhagen
to name a few. This was a heyday for Clans Toreador no longer served any real purpose.
and Brujah; while Clan Toreador reveled in the arts,

48 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

The Walls Come Down Frederiksberg
In 1856, Nørreport (the North Gate) was torn down In the first half of the 19th century, Frederiksberg
and the city moved beyond the walls, with the other was a village outside Copenhagen and a favored place
three gates coming down the year after. While the for the citizens of the capital to visit to get away from
walls themselves weren’t fully removed until the turn the cramped and smelly condition of the big city.
of the century, it did not stop the city from experienc- Green areas and parks were complimented by small
ing explosive growth. New neighborhoods sprung up, restaurants, some of which still exist today.
old neighborhoods expanded and eventually, villages When Copenhagen broke through its walls and
that had surrounded Copenhagen were absorbed into started absorbing the surrounding villages, Frederiks-
the greater metropolitan area. Later, when the walls berg remained independent. In 1857, Frederiksberg
were being removed, some parts of the fortifications became its own municipality under Copenhagen
also became new neighborhoods, while others were County, due to several politicians with connections to
turned into public parks. The population of the city Frederiksberg agitating for it in the parliament.
swelled with the new areas, resulting in a population
of 500,000 people at the start of the 20th century. Eventually, Frederiksberg was completely surround-
ed by the greater metropolitan area of Copenhagen.
Industrialization and Growth
The Battle on the Commons With the rapid growth of Copenhagen came even
In 1872, workers in Copenhagen had begun more opportunities for industry and from 1860, nu-
fighting for better working conditions and rights, in- merous factories and corporations sprung up, especial-
cluding the right to vote. A bricklayers’ and work- ly in the newly-opened areas.
men’s strike begun in April seemed to have little ef-
fect, so the leaders of the International Workingmen's
Association called for a meeting on the North Com-
mons outside the city proper on May 5th. When Co-
penhagen’s chief of police learned of the meeting, he
illegally arrested the three socialist leaders. Far from
stopping the meeting, it actually escalated to conflict,
leading to a violent confrontation between the work-
ers and police, backed up by mounted soldiers. After
the Battle, the government sentenced the socialist
leaders to three years of prison and outlawed the In-
ternational Workingmen's Association. However,
unions were still formed and in 1878, The Social
Democratic Party was formed to ensure the political
representation of the workers.

For the Kindred of Copenhagen, the expansion be- Opportunities for work drew in more people and
yond the walls was an obvious boon. The definition of Copenhagen continued to expand its territory — at the
the Domain of Copenhagen expanded, as did feeding start of the 20th century, several parishes and munici-
opportunities and the possibility for new areas of in- palities became part of the Copenhagen metropolitan
fluence. In the decades following the removal of the area.
wall borders, numerous new Kindred entered Copen- Once again, the Kindred of Copenhagen exploited
hagen, either as new Embraces or outsiders moving to the new opportunities, establishing new domains and
the capital. herds and sinking their fangs into the big industries
and growing corporations.
While Denmark remained neutral during World
War one, the city did suffer, due to shortages and the

Denmark by Night 49
1918 flu pandemic. After World War One, the con- Christiania
stant stream of people moving to Copenhagen caused
a housing crisis — exacerbated by several of Copenha- Towards the end of the 60’ies, hippie culture and
gen’s Kindred, who used their business contacts to the emerging squatters that would become an im-
prevent affordable housing from being built for several portant part of Denmark’s counterculture in the
years. While this ensured a good deal of feeding op- 1980s united and occupied the disused military bar-
portunities, it also led to widespread unrest and even- racks at Bådsmandsstræde. They declared it the Free
tually, new, cheap apartment blocks were raised. City of Christiania, a city within the city, dedicated to
the ideals of unity, community, free love and drug use.
During World War Two, Denmark was occupied by Originally, Christiania embraced all drugs, but in the
Nazi Germany. As Copenhagen was the capital, the late 70’ies, anything harder than cannabis was
Nazis naturally focused a lot of their forces here. King banned. Political confusion meant that the illegal
Christian X rallied the population by not stopping his occupation of government property was not immedi-
daily carriage rides through the city despite the occu- ately addressed and eventually, it was decided to let
pation and as in the rest of Denmark, sabotage the “social experiment” stand. These days, new laws
ramped up during 1943, leading to the Nazis impos- and agreements have made Christiania a legal bor-
ing a city-wide curfew. The Schalburg Corps (a Danish ough in Copenhagen and the Free City is now one of
volunteer corps and a branch of the German SS) re- Denmark’s biggest tourist attractions.
sponded by blowing up buildings around the city,
causing a general strike. Copenhagen was finally re- In the wake of the movement leading to Christiania,
lieved, along with the rest of Denmark, by the Allies numerous autonomist and leftist groups, especially
in 1945. made up of disaffected youth, began organizing
demonstrations and making demands. As a result, in
During the occupation, the Kindred of Copenhagen 1982, the government of Copenhagen gave the House
carried on almost as they had before. The curfew af- of the People (so named because it had been used as a
fected feeding opportunities, but most Kindred had meeting place for the incipient labor movement in the
established herds and those who had not learned to late 19th century) as a place for these groups to meet.
adapt. No German vampires ever made any claims to It was renamed the Youth House and stood until an
Danish territory and little changed in the world of the ownership controversy in 2003 — 4.
Kindred between 1940 and 1945.
Crisis and New Development
The Metropolis The oil crisis in 1973 led to widespread unemploy-
From the Fifties onward, Copenhagen slowly but ment, especially among the young, and Copenhagen’s
surely morphed into the metropolitan capital it is growth almost stagnated. The crisis continued into the
today. In the 50’ies, car traffic increased sharply and 80’ies, which saw numerous upper-middle-class fami-
roads and, especially, bridges were widened. The S- lies move out of Copenhagen to the suburbs as soon
train network (a metro railway connecting the center as they had children. The capital teetered on the brink
of Copenhagen with the suburbs) was expanded and of bankruptcy.
modernized and the inner-city trams were replaced In the early 90’ies, however, new projects helped re-
with busses. Ragnhild used the S-trains to expand her invigorate Copenhagen, especially the establishment
domain, claiming that anywhere the network reached of the Ørestad satellite town on Amager, the decession
was part of the Domain of Copenhagen. to start construction on the metro subway system and
Tourism also became an important part of Copen- the construction of the Øresund Bridge. Declining
hagen’s economy. Hotels shot up and the city’s central traffic at the Port of Copenhagen meant new areas
shopping street, known as Strøget, was turned into a opened up for development and several expensive
car-free pedestrian zone. In 1969, Denmark made apartment complexes have been built on land that was
pornography legal, leading to a whole new rush of formerly harbor territory.
tourists and the establishment of the red light district The 90’ies also saw Copenhagen affected by the
of Istedgade. Unsurprisingly, the Kindred of Copen- Great Nordic Biker War, between the Hell’s Angels
hagen welcomed this influx of money and, especially, MC and Bandidos MC. The conflict had its roots in
people. the 80’ies, where the first Hell’s Angels chapter was

50 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

established in Denmark and met opposition by anti- er, Helsingør and anywhere touched by the S-train
Hell’s Angels bikers. As several biker clubs in Den- network.
mark transformed into criminal gangs, a three year
war erupted over the drug trade. Various Scandinavi- The City and Municipality
an Kindred had interests within these gangs and The City of Copenhagen can generally be said to
spurred on the violence, looking for dominance. consist of the Municipality of Copenhagen, plus Fred-
On October 6, 1996, an anti-tank grenade launcher eriksberg. It is located in and around the original
was used against a Hell’s Angels clubhouse during a walled city of Copenhagen, spreading to the island of
party. Two people were killed, including a woman Amager.
who was not affiliated with the gang, but simply at- The Municipality of Copenhagen is divided into 10
tending the party. After this, public opinion put pres- administrative districts; Amager Vest, Amager Øst,
sure on the politicians to take decisive action and in Nordvestkvarteret-Bispebjerg, Brønshøj-Husum, Indre
1997, the war officially ended. By, Nørrebro, Valby, Vanløse, Vesterbro-Kongens
In the latter half of 2017, Copenhagen is still a Enghave, and Østerbro.
growing city and the focus point for the entire coun-
try. However, politically, there has been a great deal of
interest in getting some focus on the outskirts of
Denmark rather than the big cities, Copenhagen espe-
cially. Several government administrations have been
moved to smaller cities elsewhere in the country.
In August of 2017, gang warfare returned to Co-
penhagen yet again, once again with feuds over the
drug trade, as well as territory. With the police occu-
pied by border control in the wake of the Syrian refu-
gee crisis, they have struggled to contain the problem.
There has been gunfire in the streets and civilians
have been hurt. These new gangs, some comprised of
immigrants, some a mix of immigrants and ethnic
Danes, have been ramping up their criminal activity.
The Kindred of Copenhagen are less than pleased
about the situation — less people out in the nightlife
and more police patrolling after sundown makes feed-
ing a lot harder.
However, the administrative division is just that —
administrative. For day-to-day functional use, the city
The Modern City of Copenhagen is divided into 15 city quarters (See
the map above):
Copenhagen is not only the City of Copenhagen.
Defining Copenhagen is not easy. The name can A: Indre By
mean the city itself, Copenhagen Municipality or the B: Christianshavn
greater metropolitan area of Copenhagen. Copenha- C: Indre Østerbro
gen itself is also part of the Øresund Region, which
includes the city of Copenhagen, the metropolitan D: Ydre Østerbro
area stretching north to Helsingør and westerns parts E: Indre Nørrebro
of Scania, from the city of Malmö north to the city of
F: Ydre Nørrebro
G: Bispebjerg
For Kindred, the definition of the Domain of Co-
penhagen is the central city, all of the island of Amag- H: Vanløse
I: Brønshøj-Husum

Denmark by Night 51
J: Vesterbro Frederiksberg
K: Kongens Enghave Frederiksberg Municipality is only an independent
L: Valby municipality on an administrative level — practically, it
is a part of the City of Copenhagen; one can cross a
M: Vestamager
street and go from Copenhagen to Frederiksberg.
N: Sundbyvester Frederiksberg used to be a county as well as a munici-
O: Sundbyøster pality, but when the counties were turned into re-
gions, Frederiksberg Municipality became a part of the
In addition to this is Frederiksberg (P), which by vir- Capital Region.
tue of being an enclave within Copenhagen is consid-
ered more of a city quarter than its own, separate enti- Like Copenhagen, the city and municipal admin-
ty. When not speaking strictly administratively about istration is one and the same, with the mayor techni-
the various parts of Copenhagen, this is the division cally being a magistrate. Since 1909, the Conservative
of areas that is generally used. Most citizens of Co- People’s Party has held that position in Frederiksberg.
penhagen would, for example, consider Vesterbro and However, the right wing parties have slowly been los-
Kongens Enghave to be separate districts. ing seats in the municipal administration. While the
Conservatives till hold more members than the next
The municipality is administered by the Municipal three parties combined, their position is not as solid as
Council, known as Copenhagen’s Citizen’s Represen- it used to be.
tation. This is Denmark’s largest municipal council
and also acts as the city council for Copenhagen — the The Metropolitan Area and
chairman of the council is also the Lord Mayor of
Copenhagen. The Representation is large enough that the Region
it functions in some ways like a parliament. The Lord The greater metropolitan area of Copenhagen is al-
Mayor (always from the party with most people repre- so called the Capital Area (not to be confused with the
sentatives in the council) has several “lesser” mayors administrative Capital Region). It originally grew with
that administer various committees. The Lord Mayor the so-called “Finger Plan” that extended the S-train
is always in charge of the Committee of Economy. network in six “fingers” to the suburbs of Copenhagen
The other committees are the Committee of Culture for the purpose of commuting to work. Since then,
and Leisure, the Committee for Children and Youth, busses and highways have added their own areas. It is
the Health and Care Committee, the Social Commit- also sometimes know, anachronistically, as the HT-
tee, the Technical and Environmental Committee and area, named for the HT transport company (now Mo-
the Committee for Employment and Integration. via). The name comes from the area in which HT
Currently, the Lord Mayor is Frank Jensen of the operated and thus, the area in which you could travel
Social Democrats, the largest party in the Representa- using a standard HT ticket.
tion. In descending order of members, the other par- The definition of the metropolitan area is somewhat
ties are the Red-Green Alliance, the Liberal Party of loose. However, Statistics Denmark, the bureau re-
Denmark, the Social Liberal Party, the Socialist Peo- sponsible for creating statistics on the Danish society,
ple’s Party, the Danish People’s Party, the Conserva- defines it as the municipalities of Copenhagen, Fred-
tive People’s Party and the Liberal Alliance. Excluding eriksberg, Albertslund, Brøndby, Gentofte, Gladsaxe,
the Committee of Economy, each of the top six par- Glostrup, Herlev, Hvidovre, Lyngby-Taarbæk,
ties chair a committee each, given the Social Demo- Rødovre, Tårnby, and Vallensbæk, as well as parts of
crats two committees. Ever since the tile of Lord Ishøj, Greve, Ballerup, Rudersdal, and Furesø. If one
Mayor was created in 1938, all elected Lord Mayors was to draw a line from Faxe on the south-eastern
have been from the Social Democrats. Briefly, in coast of Sjælland, to the south-eastern end of the
2004, the vice-chairwoman of the Representation took Isesjord and then up the entrance to Roskilde Fjord,
over as Lord Mayor when the previous Lord Mayor then everything to the east of here would be the Met-
had to recuse himself from the position to become ropolitan Area.
CEO of Ørestadsselskabet, in charge of building the
Metro. Some people living in these areas might say they live
in Copenhagen and then only specify exactly where if

52 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

needed. Others are vehement that they live in whatev- network began connecting suburbs to central Copen-
er municipality, city or town they specifically live in hagen. This led to Ragnhild declaring, that the Do-
and not in Copenhagen. However, this entire area is main of Copenhagen consisted of central Copenha-
linked, either via public transport, motorways, or gen, Frederiksberg, the island of Amager, and any-
both, to Copenhagen. where touched by the S-trains, as well as the northern
city of Helsingør (better known to English-speakers as
The Capital Region, being a political administrative
region, is much easier to define. It consists of 29 mu-
nicipalities, most of which are north and north-west of The Kindred Laws
central Copenhagen. The big outlier here is Bornholm
in the Baltic Sea. For Denmark’s Kindred, the only laws that are uni-
versal across the nation are the Camarilla Traditions.
The Capital Region is administered by the Regional Each Lord and Lady is free to make their own laws for
Council, which has its headquarters in Copenhagen. their own domains, as long as they do not break the
The regional council is dominated by the Social Dem- Traditions. Theoretically, the Prince of Denmark
ocrats, which has as many mandates as the next two could interfere if she disagreed with a particular law,
parties together. The administrative duties of the re- but Ragnhild knows that her rule depends on not
gion are mainly related to health and hospitals — interfering too much with how the other Lords and
about 90% of the region’s budget goes towards this. Ladies govern their domains.
The Domain Ragnhild made few changes to the established laws
of Copenhagen when becoming Prince and over the
The Domain of Copenhagen is the area in which years, little have changed. As of 2017, the Kindred
the Prince of Copenhagen holds absolute sway and laws of Copenhagen are:
where her rules are the law of the land. As Prince of
Denmark, she must somewhat respect the rule of oth- • Ignorance of these laws is no excuse for breaking
er Lords and Ladies, while as Lady of Zealand, her rule them.
does extend to the entire island, though she exerts less • The Prince of the city assigns domains. All offi-
direct rule over parts outside her princely domain. cial domains are registered with the Seneschal.
No Kindred may enter a building that is declared
another Kindred’s domain without permission.
No Kindred may hunt in another Kindred’s do-
main without permission.
• Only the Prince can give permission for the crea-
tion of new Kindred.
• Until a Childe is declared free, any action taken
by said Childe is considered the action of its
Sire. Any action taken against said Childe is con-
sidered an action against its Sire. To free a
Childe, the Sire must present it before the Prince
and Primogen. The Childe must display proper
knowledge of the city and its laws and answer
any questions put to it by the Prince and Primo-
gen. The Primogen then takes an open vote on
whether or not the Childe is to be freed. The
Prince does not vote except to break ties.
• Any Camarilla Kindred not under Blood Hunt
in another Camarilla domain can petition to be
Originally, the domain was simply everything inside granted permission to stay in Copenhagen. The
the fortifications of Copenhagen. This obviously Prince can deny this right only if a simple major-
changed in 1856, when the walls came down. For ity of the Primogen agrees.
almost a century, the definition of the domain was • Only the Prince can call a Blood Hunt. It is for-
somewhat confusing, but in the 1930s, the S-train bidden to destroy any recognized Kindred, Cam-

Denmark by Night 53
arilla or otherwise, without a Blood Hunt. Any and people not wanting to brave the often rainy
members of the Sabbat entering Copenhagen weather of the city make good use of public transpor-
without an invitation is automatically under a tation.
Blood Hunt. Numerous bus lines go through the city center, with
• Each Clan with three or more members residing a fair amount serving the suburbs, especially the areas
in the city may choose among themselves some- not reached by the S-trains. Some busy lines run as
one to represent the clan in the Primogen coun- often as once every 5 — 10 minutes during peak hours.
cil. This Primogen member also represents the Most places also have night busses operating.
Clan as a whole in Denmark.
• The Prince elects the Sheriff, the Seneschal, the The S-trains are a system of urban-suburban trains.
Keeper of Elysium and a Scourge if needed. The The S in the name sometimes leads foreigners to be-
Sheriff appoints a single Hound, if needed. A lieve it is a subway system, but apart from Nørreport,
united Primogen can render a vote of No Confi- all stations are above-ground (or at least open to the
dence in any position, requiring the Prince to outside). Apart from the F Line, all S-train lines go
appoint a new Kindred to that position. from some area far outside the city center and then
• It is not allowed for any Kindred to claim the either terminates somewhere in the city or moves
identity of another Kindred, whether through through the center and to another extreme destina-
ordinary or supernatural deception. tion. The S-trains usually run fairly often, especially
• Kindred are not allowed to use their Kindred during peak hours, with enough lines running during
powers on each other without consent, except in the night that Kindred can use the network for trans-
self-defense. portation if need be.
• Kindred are not allowed to physically fight each The Metro is Copenhagen’s subway system — sort
other, except in a formal duel that both parties of. It currently has two lines, M1 and M2, and some
agree to, fought where mortals cannot see. of the stations are above-ground. The Metro is cur-
In addition, there are laws regarding when, where rently being expanded with the so-called City Ring
and how the Primogen meets, which are of little inter- (lines M3 and M4), which are supposed to be ready
est to the nigh-to-night existence of Copenhagen’s sometime late in 2018. The Metro feature driverless
Kindred. trains that run at very quick intervals, usually through
the night. During peak hours, you only have to wait
As a prince, Ragnhild is generally considered strict, for a train for more than 3 minutes if you are at one
but fair. She prefers hearing justification and defense of the terminating stations, while even at night, trains
from anyone accused of breaking her laws and rarely are rarely more than 10 minutes apart.
renders a sentence of Blood Hunt. Fines, in the form
of retainers, influence or domain, are much more
common, as is one or two steps of blood bonding.

Public Transportation
Copenhagen is a very old city and the closer one
gets to the city center, the narrower the streets get.
While cars are allowed everywhere except on Strøget,
and all roads and streets are toll-free, the Inner City
and some of the surrounding areas are a mess of one-
way streets and narrow roadways from a time when
horse-drawn carriages were the widest things going
through them. In addition, parking space is at a pre-
mium and congestion is high during peak hours.
All of this means that public transportation is highly The Metro system started construction in 1996, as a
prized in Copenhagen. While a lot of people use their way to not only facilitate rapid public transportation
bikes and the center of the city is compact enough in the Inner City, but also to link areas not served by
that you can walk everywhere, commuters, tourists the S-train network within the Inner City and Freder-

54 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

iksberg and extended public rail transport to the new of the domain know full well how to take advantage
Ørestad areas on Amager and the Airport. Originally, of.
the Metro was supposed to be entirely underground, The A.P. Møller–Mærsk Group was originally
but various complaints resulted in some stations to- founded as a shipping company in the city of Svend-
wards the end of the lines being built above-ground. borg on Funen. It grew to become the largest contain-
Many Kindred from all over Denmark were heavily er ship and supply vessel operator in the world and
involved in the Metro and some continue to influence Denmark’s largest company by revenue. In addition to
the construction of the City Ring. Since much of the shipping and logistics, Maersk used to be involved in
construction, especially in the city center, took place the energy sector, but in August of 2017, the company
underground, the Kindred used the opportunity to sold off its oil and natural gas division. While busi-
have secret rooms and corridors placed throughout ness-savvy Kindred have long had interests in Maersk,
the tunnel network. These are currently administered no vampire has ever had any kind of real influence
by Clan Nosferatu, yet open to be used by all official over the company.
Kindred in Copenhagen. Novo Nordisk is one of the world’s biggest pharma-
All public transport uses the same system of zones ceutical companies and the biggest company in the so-
and the same tickets, meaning you buy tickets to travel called “Medicon Valley”. Medicon Valley lies within
through zones, not with specific modes of transport. the Øresund Region and crosses the border between
Most city travelers and commuters have an electronic Denmark and Sweden.
travel card, rather than purchasing tickets.

The name comes from the fact that around 60% of

Scandinavian pharmaceutical companies are located
The Private Sector in the region. The area includes 12 universities, 32
As the capital of Denmark, the center of the Øre- hospitals, and more than 300 life science companies —
sund Region and the second largest city in Scandina- not just Novo Nordisk, but also other big companies
via, Copenhagen is home to the headquarters of many like Lundbeck and Novozymes. Clan Tremere has a
of Denmark’s largest, oldest and most prestigious lot of influence among these companies, while Clan
business and corporations — something the Kindred Giovanni has made some investments.

Denmark by Night 55
Danske Bank (which literally means Danish Bank) is Copenhagen has several locations and areas that
not just Denmark’s largest bank, it also operates in- have been declared Elysium. The Keeper of Elysium
ternationally, especially in northern Europe. Unsur- also arranges official Elysium parties at one of these
prisingly, Clan Ventrue has a great deal of interest locations roughly once per month, where all recog-
here — especially since Danske Bank’s position as the nized Kindred are invited. These parties vary in
largest in Denmark gives it a fair amount of influence theme, entertainment and attendance, though it’s rare
over businesses that have taken up loans, as well as for less than 15 Kindred to attend.
some ability to affect politicians. In addition to the Kindred who make their haven
Carlsberg is as much an institution as a business in more or less permanently on Zealand, many of Den-
Denmark — they have an art and ancient history mu- mark’s Kindred travel to Copenhagen on a regular
seum named after them in Copenhagen (Ny Carlsberg basis. The Primogen of each Clan is considered to
Glyptotek), the Institute of Theoretical Physics (also represent the Clan as a whole in Denmark and Co-
known as the "Niels Bohr Institute") in Copenhagen penhagen is the center of power for both politics and
was created 1921 with significant funding from the most business. Kindred from the rest of Denmark are
Carlsberg Foundation, they sponsor numerous foot- not expected to present themselves to the Prince upon
ball teams and the old headquarters and factory arrival. However, it is tradition (but not law) that they
grounds of the company are being turned into a new let their Primogen representative know. Copenhagen
city district (see page 66). The brewery business itself has quite a few areas set aside to be used as temporary
dates back to the mid-19th century. Interestingly, havens for such visitors.
while Kindred have certainly tried to gain influence With a population of around 2.5 million, 36 vam-
over the rich and wide-spread business that is Carls- pires may seem like overpopulation. However, a num-
berg, they have always been rebuffed by what seems to ber of factors ease the strain on hunting. Copenhagen
be arcane means. Rumors are that the founder, J. C. has always had a large transient population; sailors in
Jacobsen, was a mage of some kind and infused the times gone by, tourists in modern times. And while
business with protective spells through the many tourists usually come in the summertime, Denmark’s
buildings he commissioned. Some Kindred point to early darkness in winter is a boon to Kindred. Add to
the Elephant Gate, once the main entrance to the this that partying and clubbing often goes long into
Carlsberg compound and still the symbolic entrance the night, the many festivals that draw hundreds of
to the company. This gate has four concrete elephants thousands to Copenhagen and the fact that most
with various symbols on them, including a Hindu Kindred have established herds. In fact, Prince Rag-
swastika (put there long before the Nazis corrupted nhild believes that Copenhagen could safely support
the symbol). After World War II, Carlsberg fiercely 4-5 more Kindred before resources become even mild-
and successfully fought any attempt to remove the ly strained.
swastika from the Gate. Clan Tremere theorize that
the symbol on the Gate is part of the arcane defenses The Grand Elysium
of the brewing company.
In 1820, Prince Ragnhild called the first Grand Ely-
Several other companies of less prominence have sium, a meeting where all of Denmark’s Kindred were
their headquarters in the Copenhagen metropolitan invited (and almost all attended). The Grand Elysium
area, but none are as influential and interesting to was to celebrate the victory of the Danish Camarilla
Kindred as the ones mentioned above. over the Sabbat and was quite the success. Since then,
the Prince has gathered such a Grand Elysium once
The Kindred Court every 10 years, though a few times, a Grand Elysium
36 vampires make their home on the island of Zea- has been called at different times in order to discuss
land and all of them have a haven, main or not, in the something of importance to all Kindred of Denmark.
domain of Copenhagen. As such, it is the only one of The last time this happened was in 1943, to discuss
the Danish domains big enough for what one would the strained relationship between the occupying Nazi
recognize as a traditional Camarilla power structure. forces and the general Danish public.
The Prince is advised by a Primogen council, there is a Grand Elysiums are, as the name implies, grand af-
Sheriff, Keeper of Elysium, Seneschal and the like. fairs — usually over 75% of all Danish Kindred attend.

56 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

It is a perfect way to build prestige, make contacts, Copenhagen. Since 2000, this meeting has taken place
take down rivals and even, possibly, have a good time. in the secret chambers of the Copenhagen Metro.
In 2020, the Grand Elysium will have its 200th anni- Except for Clan Ventrue, no Clan holds more pow-
versary — the Prince and Keeper have already started er in Copenhagen than Clan Toreador. Outwardly,
their planning. the Clan is united in their quest to support the arts
The Clans of Copenhagen and maintain a peaceful domain. Inwardly, there are
fierce battles of status and prestige. Any member of
Several Clans have only one or two members in Co- Clan Toreador can call a Clan meeting — how many
penhagen; Assamite, Followers of Set, Giovanni, attend will show the current standing of that Toreador
Lasombra and Ravnos. These Clans have no repre- within the Clan. The same applies to the Clan as a
sentative in the Primogen — instead, they appeal to the whole in Denmark. There is a tradition of calling such
Seneschal whenever they need to bring something to meetings in Copenhagen, at a location sponsored by
the Prince’s attention. the Keeper of Elysium, though the Lady of Northern
Clan Brujah meets whenever a member of the Clan Jutland hosts her own meetings.
deems it necessary to call a meeting. The Clan often Clan Tremere is united under their Master of the
uses locations inside Christiania (see page 61) for their Chantry and focus on acquiring whatever arcane re-
meetings. While the clan has some internal differ- sources Copenhagen and Denmark as a whole has to
ences, it is generally quite devoted to the ideals of the offer. The whole Clan meets on the Spring and Au-
welfare state, equality among Kindred and mortals tumn equinoxes.
and social democracy. The entire Brujah Clan of
Denmark also meets once a year, on May 1st. The By virtue of holding the positions of Prince and
meeting place is supposed to alternate between the Seneschal, Clan Ventrue is the most powerful Clan in
four Danish domains and be hosted by the Brujah of Copenhagen and if there is one thing they can agree
that Domain, but the Lord of Funen has never both- on, it is maintaining the status quo. While the Clan
ered to take up the responsibility. As a result, the has an incredible amount of infighting over resources,
meeting alternates between Zealand, Southern Jutland they try to do so without it weakening the Clan’s
and Northern Jutland. standing. The Ventrue of Copenhagen meet once a
month in the Børsen building (see page 59), a meeting
Copenhagen’s Clan Gangrel only meet if they feel chaired by the Seneschal. Any Danish Ventrue can
it’s necessary — they are exceptionally individualistic attend this meeting if they so desire. The Clan as a
and have little to do with each other. The entire Clan, whole meets once a year, on June 5th (Danish Consti-
however, meets every winter solstice in the excavated tution Day) — this meeting used to take place at
ruins of Trælleborg (see page 34). Børsen as well, but has now moved to the House of
Though counting only three members, Copenha- Industry (see page 61).
gen’s Clan Malkavian has quite a bit of social and
political prestige in the domain. The Clan seems to The Factory
have no united goals and they do not meet. The Clan The nightclub known as The Factory is located in
as a whole in Denmark meets whenever the Primogen the main shop floor of what was once a machine fac-
for Clan Malkavian can gather them all together, tory in the Valby quarter (See page 70). It has existed
something that happens once every 2-3 years. since the early 80s and has always been a countercul-
The three Nosferatu in Copenhagen are united in ture place that has been popular with the disaffec-
their effort to teach the Kindred of Denmark humility tioned and rebellious, as well as members of the mid-
and humanity — something of a doomed endeavor dle class wanting to sample the latest in subculture.
and not one shared by all of Denmark’s Nosferatu. The defining feature of The Factory, in addition to
The Clan does, however, have some support from the the raw, industrial feel, is the low prices and rumors of
Copenhagen Brujah. As the Nosferatu of Copenhagen a special, VIP area in the basement.
shares a communal Haven, they do not need to meet The Factory is owned by Elin Jönsson, a Brujah who
at any regular intervals. The Clan as a whole meets established the place as a counterpoint to the more
every year on the 23rd of June (Saint John’s Eve) in “refined” and “cultured” places that Clan Toreador
promoted as Elysiums. Ironically, The Factory has now

Denmark by Night 57
become a popular place for members of all of Copen- Anders Jensen, alderman of the butcher’s guild, who’d
hagen’s clans to hunt and a respected Elysium The involved himself in the hotel business. Ragnhild
Toreador Keeper of Elysium makes it a point to come wanted a central place for both large-scale and private
to The Factory at least once a month. meetings and Jensen’s plans for a hotel just off City
Originally, The Factory was a punk place, but dur- Hall Square suited her perfectly. To this night, Rag-
ing the late 90s, it transitioned to more of a goth aes- nhild maintains a private suite with a commanding
thetic, mixed with industrial and very strong fetish view of the City Hall and holds Primogen meetings in
undertones. The main stage has played host to an the conference rooms of the executive floor.
eclectic mix of underground favorites, the darker side Strøget: This is a network of pedestrian shopping
rooms sometimes have people engaging in various streets. The main street, Frederiksberggade, runs from
sexual acts and the VIP room in the basement does City Hall Square to Nytorv (New Square). The other
exist, though it’s only open for ghouls and Kindred… streets are Nygade, Vimmelskaftet and Østergade and
and anyone invited down there by a Kindred. the network forms a rought triangle between City Hall
Square, Kongens Nytorv (The King’s New Square) and
A Dark Domain Nørreport Station. Strøget houses many up-scale busi-
nesses, such as the flagship stores of Georg Jensen
This section goes through the various districts, sub-
urbs, towns, municipalities and areas that make up the silversmiths and Royal Copenhagen porcelain. The
Kindred Domain of Copenhagen, giving an overview squares and side-streets of Strøget have numerous
of places of interest to Kindred and some idea of the bars, pubs and clubs, making it a favored hunting area
mood and flavor of the areas in question. from the city’s Kindred.
Hovedbanegården: Copenhagen’s Central Station
Indre By straddles the border between the Inner City and
The Inner City is the beating heart of Copenhagen Vesterbro. The award-winning building dates from
and it is where many of the city’s Kindred find their 1911 and houses 7 platforms and 13 tracks, making it
sustenance, both in the form of blood and resources. the biggest train station in Denmark (but not busiest;
It is bordered by the Inner, Copenhagen, and South that honor goes to Nørreport, see below). Because of
Harbors, Brokvartererne (the Bro-quarters; Østerbro, the importance of train travel in Denmark, agents of
Nørrebro and Vesterbro) and Frederikberg. It corre- the Sheriff constantly watch the station after sun-
sponds pretty well to the area that was inside the city down. Other than as a travel hub, the place holds little
walls of Copenhagen before the expansion in 1674 interest to Kindred.
and is centered around the City Hall. Tivoli: Tivoli Gardens opened in 1843, making it
During the day, Indre By is the domain of tourists, the world’s second-oldest operating amusement park
shoppers on the pedestrian shopping street and work- (the oldest is Bakken, see page 70). It is the most visit-
ers in both offices and the shops along the shopping ed tourist attraction in Denmark, with almost 4 mil-
street. At night, it is where most of Copenhagen’s lion visitors each year. In addition to rides, there are
biggest and hottest bars, nightclubs, pubs and discos also carnival games, restaurants and concert venues,
can be found, making it prime hunting territory. plus the nearby Tivoli Hotel. For most of its existence,
Tivoli has been somewhat frustrating for Kindred —
Københavns Rådhus: Copenhagen’s City Hall is
while they appreciate the tourists and revenue the
the seat of the municipal council and the Lord Mayor.
amusement park brings in, the fact that the park was
It overlooks City Hall Square, which defines one end
only open during the summer limited its use as a feed-
of Strøget. The current building, done in the National
ing ground. However, Tivoli has recently begun open-
Romantic Style, was finished in 1905. In addition to
ing during the Christmas and Fall Break/Halloween
its function as an administrative center, the City Hall
Seasons, giving Kindred more opportunity to use the
houses the City Court of Copenhagen and is a popu-
park after sunset.
lar place for secular weddings. In the world of the
Kindred, it is the domain of Prince Ragnhild. Churches: The most prominent church in the Inner
City is the Church of Our Lady, which is not only the
Palace Hotel: This residential hotel in the Art Nou-
Cathedral of Copenhagen, but also the National Ca-
veau style dates back to 1910 and was built in part due
thedral of Denmark. The current church, in the neo-
to the influence of Prince Ragnhild. The owner was

58 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

classical style, was finished in 1829, after the previous placement makes it ideal for commuters going to work
cathedral burned during the fire of 1728. The Church in the Inner City. During the week-end, it is often
of Our Lady has seen its fair share of royal weddings packed with revelers going to and from Strøget, mak-
and coronations and is the focus of the entire country. ing it a good hunting ground.
The True Faith of the church grounds is only 1, the Amalienborg: The royal residence in Copenhagen is
inside has a True Faith of 2, while the altar and sur- made up of four identical, rococo palaces situated
roundings has a True Faith of 4. around a central square. One palace is a museum, one
Trinitatis Church is mainly known for its tower, the is sometimes open to the public and two are closed.
Round Tower, one of Copenhagen’s landmarks. A The Royal Life Guards in their old-fashioned uni-
former observatory, the tower is now a tourist attrac- forms patrol the square and while the changing of the
tion with an observation deck about 45 meters above guards draws in a fair amount of tourist, the soldiers
street level. The church and its tower have no True are armed with live ammunition in their assault rifles
Faith. and given provocation, they will shoot. The royal fami-
The former St. Nicolas church, with its 90-meter ly and their residence are declared off-limits to Kin-
spire, is now an arts center. Artistic Kindred enjoy dred and have been since the days of Prince Gunnarr.
exhibiting and performing there, reveling in the for- Børsen: The Stock Exchange was commissioned by
mer church space. Christian IV in his bid to elevate the status of Copen-
Frederik’s Church is more commonly known as the hagen as a place of business and commerce in North-
Marble Church, for its rococo architecture. Standing ern Europe. The building is in the Dutch Renaissance
across the street from Amalienborg, the church’s main style and features a spire made of four dragons inter-
feature is the dome, with its 31 meter span, the largest twining their tails. Today, the building is the head-
in Scandinavia. The church’s original construction quarters for the Danish Chamber of Commerce. Clan
was abandoned and it sat as a ruin for 150 years, until Ventrue as a whole has substantial influence over the
it was completed in 1894. The church’s interior has a building and uses it for Clan meetings.
True Faith rating of 1. Christiansborg: Built on the small islet of Slot-
Other churches include the German-speaking Saint sholmen, this palace is the seat of the Danish Parlia-
Peter’s Church, the Russian Orthodox Church with ment, the Danish Prime Minister's Office and the
its three onion domes and Saint Ansgar’s Cathedral, Supreme Court of Denmark. Several parts are also
the principal church of the Roman Catholic Diocese used by the monarch for official business. It is the
of Copenhagen. All of these three churches have a fifth structure and third palace built on this location
True Faith rating of 2. and there are many more-or-less ruined tunnels and
rooms underneath the current Christiansborg. Some
Axel Towers: Opened in June of 2017, Axel Towers are open to the public, some are closed off and some
is a complex of five interconnected towers, the tallest are kept a secret from mortals. While the under-
of which is 61 meters high. Located just across from ground areas are maintained by Clan Nosferatu, they
Tivoli, the Towers contain office spaces, restaurants are mainly used by Prince Ragnhild for very formal
and shops. The entire complex is the domain of the and important meetings. The palace itself is consid-
Ventrue Lone Svendsen, who ensured plenty of secret ered off-limits to Kindred, as Ranghild recognizes the
sub-basements during the construction. It is now Co- potential problems of allowing Kindred unfettered
penhagen’s newest Elysium and is set to host the next access to the Danish halls of power.
Grand Elysium.
Parks: The Botanical Gardens were created by royal
Nørreport Station: This train station is named for charter on a piece of land donated by the king, Chris-
the North Gate of Copenhagen, which lay near the tian IV, as a part of the University of Copenhagen,
station’s current location. Nørreport is completely which operates it to this day. The huge collection of
underground and features three platforms, with two medicinal plants are visited by the more occult Kin-
tracks each, serving all but F line of S-trains, both dred, but otherwise, the Gardens are of little interest
current Metro lines and many regional and intercity to vampires.
train lines. In addition, many busses have a stop here.
Nørreport is Denmark’s busiest train station, as its Kongens Have (literally The King’s Gardens) is Co-
penhagen’s most visited park and contains Rosenborg

Denmark by Night 59
Castle and Rosenborg Barracks, home to the Royal those preying on them, but gentrification has turned
Guards. Rosenborg Castle is a museum, home to the the district into a tourist attraction with just a few
Crown Jewels of Denmark. The park and castle hold tattoo parlors and museum ships attesting to the past.
little of interest to the city’s Kindred. H.C. Andersen lived in two different houses here, a
Ørstedsparken was laid out on the grounds of the fact no tourist guide leaves unspoken. Tourists and
old fortifications after they were taken down. It is Copenhagen natives congregate here in the summer
named after the brothers Ørsted, the politician and months and after sunset, numerous revelers can be
jurist Anders Sandøe Ørsted, and the physicist Hans found here, making it a prime hunting territory. The
Christian Ørsted, who both are commemorated with entire area has been declared Elysium.
monuments in the park. After dark, the park has long Det Kongelige Teater: The Royal Danish Theater is
been a popular place for Copenhagen’s gays to meet no longer contained in the imposing buildings on the
up and, often, also have sex. This has led to a number King’s New Square. While the Old Stage and Starling
of hate crime assaults. For desperate or callous Kin- Nest Box annex hosts traditional plays, ballets and
dred, it offers a good way to feed. performances by the Royal Danish Orchestra, opera
Statens Museum for Kunst: The National Gallery has been moved to the new and no less imposing
of Denmark was established in 1896 in a huge and Opera House, while the Royal Danish Playhouse pre-
impressive building in a Historicist Italian Renaissance sents both traditional and modern plays. Both the
revival style. In 1998, a modern extension was added Opera and the Playhouse are located nearby, in the
to house the collection of modern art. This extension Christianshavn quarter of Copenhagen. Unsurprising-
looks out into the large Østre Anlæg park, which ly, Clan Toreador considers the Royal Theater their
houses another, much smaller, art museum, the domain and often uses both the old buildings and the
Hirschsprung Collection. This collection focuses on Opera for Clan meetings, though for some reason
Danish art, with emphasis on the Danish Golden Age. they seem to detest the Playhouse.

Music Festivals
While the population of Zealand is enough to sup-
port a large Kindred population, it is not enough to
feed all the vampires of Copenhagen. Tourism is a big
help, and one thing that brings a lot of feeding oppor-
tunities to the city is music festivals, especially during
the summer. Some notable ones are:
Roskilde Festival: While it obviously takes place in
Roskilde, this festival brings a lot of people to Copen-
hagen as well. For further information, see page 34.
The National Gallery is often used to host Elysium Copenhagen Jazz Festival: Drawing in over 250,000
events, especially the Grand Elysium. Copenhagen’s people, this festival takes place in early July.
Keeper of Elysium has substantial influence over the
Gallery. Distortion: What started as a street party has now
grown to a massive, week-long event that draws in an
Nyhavn: The New Harbor is a waterfront and canal estimated 100,000 people each day. The festival moves
district that stretches from the King’s New Square to through various districts each day and is very popular
the harbor front. It was dug by Swedish prisoners of among Kindred, as it features numerous outdoor mu-
war under the orders of King Christian V, who was sic events and lots of drinking.
inspired by a visit to Amsterdam. The northern side of
New Harbor is lined by brightly colored townhouses,
while the southern has lavish mansions lining the
Det Kongelige Bibliotek: The Royal Library is lo-
canal, including Charlottenborg Palace, which houses
cated on the same islet as Christiansborg. It was
the Royal Art Library. New Harbor was once notori-
founded in 1648, opened to the public in 1793 and in
ous for being a rough neighborhood of sailors and

60 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

1989, it merged with the prestigious Copenhagen showroom for green technologies, as well as a series of
University Library. Since then, other collections have two-story flagship stores and restaurants. The current
been added and the library now holds a truly stagger- ultra-modern glass-and-steel building was finished in
ing amount of information in the form of books, 2010. Clan Ventrue have access to a large, under-
journals, newspapers, manuscripts, maps, photo- ground meeting room here.
graphs, music scores, and more. The current main
building on Slotsholmen dates back to 1906 and in Christianshavn
1999, it received an extension dubbed, due to its color As the name implies, Christian’s Harbor was once a
and shape, the Black Diamond. This extension in- harbor district. It was originally commissioned by
cludes a 600-seat auditorium, exhibition spaces, a Christian IV as a fortress town outside Copenhagen,
bookshop, a restaurant, a café, a roof terrace, and two but it ended up becoming home to merchants and
museums. While the library is declared Elysium and of craftsmen. It was originally an independent market
interest to all the Clans in Copenhagen, no Elysium town, but it was included into the city of Copenhagen
events have ever been held here. in 1675.
Nationalmuseet: The National Museum of Den- The district is on a number of artificial islands, the
mark is the largest museum of cultural history in result of building up minor sandbanks. The district
Denmark and houses many important artifacts, most sits between the Inner City and the larger island of
notably the Gundestrup Cauldron and the Sun Char- Amager. In the 19th and early 20th century, the area
iot. The museum is sometimes used to host Elysium was mainly industry, especially shipbuilding, but this
gatherings after hours. slowly disappeared, leaving behind only the rampant
Thorvaldsens Museum: Dedicated to the world- poverty that had plagued the area for a long time.
famous Danish neoclassicist sculptor Bertel Thorvald- This, however, changed with renovation in the 1970s,
sen, this museum was founded in 1838, upon Thor- when Christianshavn developed a bohemian reputa-
valdsen’s homecoming from abroad. Sadly, the muse- tion. Today, expensive apartment buildings and ultra-
um wasn’t finished until 1848, four years after Thor- hip refurbished warehouses that offer both residential
valdsen’s death. The museum houses numerous origi- and office space makes Christianshavn one of the
nal statues, original plaster models used in the making more desired locations for the wealthy upper middle
of cast bronze and marble statues and relief work, class to live.
Thorvaldsen’s personal belongings and tools and his Christiania: The Free City of Christiania has
own collection of literature, curiosities and art from changed over the years. Today, it is a tourist attraction
half a lifetime spent in Rome. Among this is quite a and not just because of the open availability of canna-
selection of erotica from all eras of history. Prince bis, despite sporadic police crackdowns. The hippie
Ragnhild is a huge fan of Thorvaldsen’s work and the ideal still permeates the neighborhood, which has
museum is an Elysium under the direct protection of normalized its relationship with the city of Copenha-
the Prince herself. gen. Clan Brujah is fiercely protective of Christiania
Københavns Universitet: The University of Co- and often uses various locations in the Free City for
penhagen has spread out since its inception, with meetings.
campuses throughout the city and a few faculties have Churches: Christianshavn has two churches of note.
even moved beyond. The original university was locat- The first, Christians’s Church, is a beautiful rococo
ed near the Church of Our Lady and today, the main building founded by German traders and craftsmen
building and several auxiliary buildings are still locat- living in the town in the 17th century. Today, it is a
ed here, containing administration, feast hall, muse- regular parish church, with no True Faith attached to
um, library and such. The area around the university it.
is sometimes called The Latin Quarter. Clan Tremere The Church of Our Savior is one of Copenhagen’s
has a great deal of influence over the museum, with landmarks — or rather, its distinctive helix spire with
Clans Brujah and Toreador also taking an interest. an external winding staircase that can be climbed to
Industriens Hus: The House of Industry is the the top is. The church was finished in 1695, but con-
home of the Confederation of Danish Industries and struction of the spire was abandoned. In 1749, con-
is set opposite the City Hall Square. It also contains a struction on the spire began again, under a new archi-

Denmark by Night 61
tect, Lauritz de Thurah. De Thurah was the most im- Østerbro
portant Danish architect of the late baroque period
and he abandoned the original design for the spire in Østerbro was one of the first new city districts to
favor of his own. What’s interesting is that the outside spring up after the removal of Copenhagen’s fortifica-
staircase turns “the wrong way” (anticlockwise). There tions. It can be divided into Inner Østerbro, the oldest
is an urban legend that when it was done, de Thurah part closest to the city, and Outer Østerbro, which is
jumped to his death from the spire once he saw the younger and further out. Especially Indre Østerbro is
mistake. This is quite untrue — occult scholars believe very fashionable and it, along with Frederiksberg, is
that de Thurah was a high-ranking member of a secret the most expensive place to live in Copenhagen. Inner
order of magicians similar to, or even a part of, the Østerbro is also home to several embassies. Outer
Masons. The Church of Our Savior has no True Østerbro, meanwhile, saw the establishment of a
Faith, but Kindred with Auspex feel a certain unease number of industrial buildings.
upon entering and need to make Self-Control rolls to
remain for long (difficulty 4 after 10 minutes, rising by
one for each additional 10 minutes). Needless to say, Bridges not over water
Clan Tremere finds the church fascinating. Copenhagen has three quarters with the word “bro”
Nordatlantens Brygge: The North Atlantic House in the name; Østerbro, Nørrebro and Vesterbro. The
is, like so many buildings in the district, an old mari- word “bro” means “bridge”, but in medieval times, it
time warehouse. Today, it is a cultural center and also meant a paved street. These three quarters, collec-
famous for housing Restaurant Noma. It also includes tive known as the “Bridge Quarters”, are named after
three galleries and a conference facility, which are the paved roads outside the three gates corresponding
sometimes used for Elysium gatherings by Copenha- to their names; Østerport, Nørreport and Vesterport
gen’s Kindred. (the East Gate, North Gate and West Gate respective-
The Opera: In Denmark, the Copenhagen Opera ly). After Copenhagen grew beyond the walls, some of
House is known simple as The Opera. This impressive the first neighborhoods sprang up along these paved
and imposing opera house, one of the most expensive streets.
in the world, was made possible due to a donation
from the A.P. Møller and Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller
Foundation and brought tons of publicity to the A.P. Østerbro has a reputation as being full of wealthy
Møller–Mærsk brand. It was inaugurated in 2005. The hipsters that uncritically latch unto whatever latest hip
Opera sits across from Amalienborg Palace and domi- fad sweeps the country, from eco-friendly cloth diapers
nates the low skyline with its massive steel roof that to paleo diets.
seems to float out from the building. The aesthetics Den Frie Udstilling: The Free Exhibit is a Danish
and artistic qualities of the building have received artists association, founded in 1891 by artists in pro-
praise worldwide. Unsurprisingly, Clan Toreador con- test against the admission requirements for the
siders this building their territory, although it is not Kunsthal Charlottenborg, the official exhibition gal-
an official domain. Several Elysium events have been lery of the Royal Danish Academy of Art. It is Den-
held here. mark’s oldest artists association. Since 1913, it has
Skuespilhuset: Like the Opera, the Royal Danish been housed in a pavilion building inspired by Egyp-
Playhouse is set dramatically against the inner harbor tian and Greek temples. It is sometimes used as a
of Christianshavn. Opened in 2008, it was purpose- meeting place for Clan Toreador when younger and
built for, and focuses on, dramatic plays, rather than more radical members of the clan want to make a
ballet or the more traditional recital theater of the point, but has not been used for Elysium parties.
Royal Theater. The building has all the potential for Københavns Frihavn: Originally, the Free Port of
great Elysium gatherings, but for some reason, the Copenhagen was built in the late 19 century to allevi-
Primogen of Clan Toreador hates it with a passion ate pressure on the old harbor of Copenhagen. It
and he has used his influence to keep the venue out of slowly grew and now, the original location of the Free
consideration as an Elysium. Port (called South Free Port) has been released for

62 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

other uses, while the Free Port is located in the North al stadium of Denmark. It has a capacity of 38,065 for
Harbor. football games, and can hold between 50,000 and
The North Harbor, a part of the Copenhagen 55,000 people for concerts, depending on stage setup.
Malmö Port administrative area, has been under ex- It is one of the 13 host venues of the UEFA Euro
pansion since 2013 in the largest current construction 2020. It will host three group stage matches, as well as
job in Denmark. The idea is to develop the harbor, a round of 16 match. This is expected to bring much
currently mainly an industrial and shipping area, into in the way of revenue and publicity to Denmark and
its own city district. Several Kindred in Copenhagen the Kindred of Copenhagen are already looking for-
have interests in the construction and all of them are ward to it.
aware of the opportunities the new district will bring
in terms of feeding and other resources.
Langelinie: The Long Line is a pier, promenade and The Rivalry
park known for two things; the pier where cruise ships Outside of Denmark, Danish football fans are
arrive and The Little Mermaid statue. The promenade known to be some of the best behaved in the world.
also contains a number of souvenir shops and outlet However, the country is not without its hooligans and
stores. Kindred sometimes use this area for hunting, this is never more evident than when the two top-tier
preying on drunken cruise ship tourists. clubs FCK and Brøndby meet. The rivalry even has a
Den Danske Frimurerordens Stamhus: The Danish name; The Copenhagen Derby, also called The New
Order of Freemasons fittingly has quite a monumental Firm. Extra police is always on hand whenever the two
building as their headquarters. Construction started clubs face off, especially if it’s a championship match.
in 1924 and King Christian X, himself a mason, laid Kindred in Copenhagen know that if they need young
down the founding stone. In fact, several Danish men ready to commit violence, they can always recruit
kings, all the way back to Frederik V, have been ma- from the hooligan supporters of these two teams.
sons. Kindred very much avoid this building and the
masons in general, who are believed to be mages.
Rigshospitalet: Immortalized as Riget (The King-
Fælledparken: The Commons Park, so named be- dom) in Lars von Trier’s TV show, the name can be
cause it was built on Øster Fælled and Nørre Fælled translated as the National, State or Kingdom hospital.
(East Commons and North Commons), is Copenha- It is one of Denmark’s biggest hospitals, with numer-
gen’s second-largest park, after Valby Park (see page ous specialized units and borders the Panum Institute,
70). It is a popular place for city-dwellers to get some the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the
fresh air and see some greenery and it is also used for University of Copenhagen. Despite what’s shown in
sports, the Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix vintage the TV show, there seems to be no supernatural forces
car race, outdoor concerts, performance during the at work at the hospital. The current location dates
Copenhagen Carnival and the huge May 1st Labor back to 1910, while most of the buildings are from
Day celebration with speeches from politicians. It is 1970. The main Kindred influence at the hospital is
also the setting for the world’s largest exercise race, the Maria Krestensdatter, the Malkavian Primogen.
DHL Relay Race, which draws almost 200,000 run-
ners. Nørrebro
Before becoming a park, the East Commons was al- After the removal of Copenhagen’s fortifications,
so used as an execution ground. Several people, in- Nørrebro grew to be a blue-collar working-class neigh-
cluding the royal physician Johann Friedrich Struen- borhood with scattered industry. Today, it is the most
see (see page 16), died here. The park is undoubtedly populous of the Copenhagen quarters and the most
haunted, though whether or not it is Struensee or tightly-packed.
some other, less famous, victim is unknown.
In the 1970s, the municipal administration of Co-
Parken Stadium: Officially known as Telia Parken penhagen decided to implement widespread gentrifi-
due to sponsorship, Danes just call it The Park. This cation on Nørrebro, including tearing down several of
stadium is the home ground of the FC Copenhagen the tightly-spaced apartment buildings to create airy
football club (usually just called FCK) and the nation- spaces and green areas. This was met with widespread

Denmark by Night 63
protests and the formation of several citizen associa-
tions to encourage less destructive gentrification.
These protests set the tone for Nørrebro for the next
three decades — during the 80s, militant squatters
known as the BZ clashed violently with the police on
multiple occasions, in 1993 anti-EU protests turned
violent and in 2006 – 7, riots occurred when plans
were revealed to demolish the Youth House (see page
50). The conflict arose when the city administration
sold the house to a holding company that was then
acquired by a Danish evangelical Christian free
church. The church tried to assert its ownership, with
the radical youths using the house claiming that it had
been given to them by the city. The whole thing ended
in months-long riots and the demolition of the Youth
House to make room for a new building that would
hopefully end the conflicts. However, to this day, all
that remains is an empty lot. Clan Brujah has long
wondered how it could occur that the city administra-
tion would sell a building they had previously given
away and how the whole mess got so out of hand.
They suspect the hand of Clan Ventrue, eliminating a
place of feeding for the Brujahs.
In addition to the growth of left-wing and youth Ghettos: The areas around Blågården, Mjøl-
subcultures, Nørrebro became very multicultural dur- nerparken and Aldersrogade are considered ghettos,
ing the 1960s and 70s, as numerous immigrants meeting at least two of three criteria regarding em-
moved here. This carries on to today, where Nørrebro ployment, crime rates and number of immigrants
is seen as the most multicultural, for better or worse, living there. These areas have produced a number of
of the city quarters. It is also plagued by numerous gangs and are often used by right-wing politicians
social problems, especially unemployment; 24 percent when pointing out the problems of immigration. Po-
have been without work for at least 6 months or are litically influential Kindred mainly try to maintain the
unable to work. Crime is rampant, especially in the status quo of these areas, seeing the crime and poverty
ghetto areas of Blågården, Mjølnerparken and Alders- as beneficial to feeding opportunities.
rogade. Gangs, especially made up of people with
Nørre Campus: The North Campus of Copenhagen
Middle Eastern, Pakistani and Eastern European an-
University is home to the Faculty of Science and the
cestry, have been a problem for a long time, but in
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Especially the
2017, new groups among the gangs have led to gunfire medical sciences are of interest to some Kindred.
in the streets. If any area of Copenhagen can be con-
sidered The Rack, it is most definitely Nørrebro. Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilisation Center: This
Mosque and Islamic cultural center is the first pur-
Assistens Kirkegård: The Assistens Cemetery is
pose-built Mosque in Denmark and one of the largest
known for the many famous people buried here, in-
in Europe. It serves the Sunni faith, which is the ma-
cluding Søren Kierkegaard, Niels Bohr and H.C. An-
jority faith among Muslims in Denmark. It is relatively
dersen. For centuries, it has been a popular picnic
new, having been opened in 2014, but as a focus for
spot for the people of Copenhagen and today, it is
all of the Sunni Muslims in Denmark, it has already
seen as a park as well as a cemetery. Whatever ghosts
built up a True Faith of 2 in the Mosque part of the
might have once haunted the place are long gone and building.
many Kindred of Copenhagen enjoy using the ceme-
tery as an outdoor meeting place. As a result, it has
been declared Elysium.

64 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Vesterbro and small creative businesses. Also situated within the
bounds of this district is the DGI-Byen (The DGI-
Like the other “bro-quarters”, Vesterbro grew from City), a large facility named after the Danish Gymnas-
the removal of the Copenhagen fortifications. It be- tics and Sports Associations, containing spa facilities,
came a quarter for the poorest workers, plagued by restaurants, hotels, conference facilities, a bowling
poverty, unemployment, petty crime, prostitution and alley, flexible multi-centres, sports clubs and a large
drug use. However, in the last decade Vesterbro has pool facility. Despite the opportunities for private
become quite the hip place to live — a blue-collar hip- meetings of a fairly large group of people, the Kindred
ness that contrasts with the upper-middle-class hipness of Copenhagen have mostly ignored DGI-City.
of Østerbro. One of the main reasons is that the
cheap rent attracted numerous students. These stu- Fisketorvet: The Fish Market is the third-largest
dents graduated and got jobs, raising the income of shopping mall in Denmark. It has a multi-screen cin-
the area. Gentrification has followed and Vesterbro is ema that includes a 3D IMAX auditorium. This has
well on its way to shed the stigma of old. made it a real contender to Imperial’s status as the
premiere cinema in Copenhagen. The mall’s main
To many people Vesterbro is the quintessential Co- attraction to Kindred is the money that can be made
penhagen, even more so than the Inner City — the from investments.
“stone bridge” where good, honest, hard-working peo-
ple just tried to make ends meet. The quarter has been Kongens Enghave
immortalized in numerous novels, poems and songs. Usually abbreviated Kgs Enghave (meaning the
Istedgade: In 1969, Denmark became the first coun- King’s Meadow Garden), the area is first mentioned in
try to legalize porn and this brought in sex tourists 1632, when it was used for harvesting of hay for the
from around the world. Istedgade immediately took royal stables at Copenhagen Castle. Is has traditionally
advantage of this. The street runs straight for one been one of the poorest areas of Copenhagen and
kilometer, from the Central Train Station to Kongens today, it is seen as everything that Vesterbro once was;
Enghave and its size and proximity to the station a poor, hardscrabble, blue-collar neighborhood
made it an obvious place to put porn shops and live plagued by homelessness, substance abuse and crime.
sex shows. All of the sex shows and most of the porn Vestre Kirkegård: The Vestre Cemetery is the larg-
shops are gone, but another legacy remains; numerous est cemetery in Denmark, built to take the pressure off
small and mid-size hotels that grew up catering to the Assistens Cemetery. It opened in 1870 and was de-
influx of tourists. The area has undergone massive signed to not only serve as a burial ground, but an
gentrification, especially in 2016-17, but when night open, green space within the city, with lots of aesthetic
falls, some of the old, rough character of the street landscaping. The cemetery has a Catholic section, and
returns, making it a favored place for some Kindred to next to that is a Jewish cemetery. Unlike Asisstens,
feed. Vestre Cemetery seems to have a few ghosts still lin-
Palads and Imperial: Palads is a cinema with 17 au- gering about.
ditoriums, the largest in Denmark. Located in the Vestre Fængsel: Vestre Prison is Denmark’s largest
former Central Train Station building, it is immedi- jail for pretrial prisoners. It was opened in 1895 and
ately recognizable by the bright, pastel colors of its in 2001, a new section was opened to deal with par-
façade. Nearby Imperial Theater has the largest single ticularly problematic long-term prisoners; originally
screen in Northern Europe with 1002 seats. While members of Hell’s Angels, today it mainly houses
both cinemas have suffered due to the cinema at members of the group Bandidos. The Prince of Co-
Fisketorvet (see below), they still attract numerous penhagen has enough influence over the jail that it
cinemagoers. During the winter, evening screenings can be used as a feeding opportunity in case of an
start, and thus let out, after sundown. emergency.
Kødbyen: “Meat City” is the name given to the old Vega: This entertainment center is one of the most
meatpacking district within Vesterbro. While there are popular mid-sized concert venues in Copenhagen. It
still companies and activities relating to the meat and was originally one of the gathering places for the labor
food industry, the area has been changing into a new movement, but after a full renovation, it opened as a
creative cluster with galleries, restaurants, nightlife music center in 1996. In addition to its large and

Denmark by Night 65
small concert halls (with capacities of 1,150 and 500), somewhat ironically, used it to house arrested collabo-
it also houses a bar that hosts various events. Numer- rators. However, the ghost of the former Nazi officer
ous international stars have played Vega and it is the still lingered, empowered by his rituals as a mortal and
domain of Clan Toreador as a whole. the misery of the prisoners. When the school reo-
pened as a school, the specter began whispering into
the minds of kids, teachers and principals. Over the
years, the ghost has been the cause of much misery at
the school, driving numerous kids, a few teachers and
even one principal mad with his whispers. Soon, he
will have gathered enough strength to leave the
Humleby: Literally meaning Hop’s Town, this is a
neighborhood of terraced houses situated next to the
Carlsberg area; hence the name. They were built be-
tween 1885 and 1891 by the Worker's Building Socie-
ty to provide healthy housing for the workers at Bur-
meister & Wain, a large shipyard. These three-story
houses were once inhabited by blue-collar workers, but
now, the area has become the hip place to live for
upper-middle-class professionals. It stands in stark
contrast to the tall red-brick and concrete housing
projects that make up most of Kgs Enghave.
Carlsberg City: This area was once the production,
storage, logistics center and headquarters of the Carls-
berg Brewery, as well as private home of the founding
family. However, production, and with it storage and
logistics, has since moved elsewhere. With only the
Enghaveparken: The Enghave Park is a small park headquarters remaining, the rest of the area is in the
from the 1920s with a bandstand, basketball courts, process of being turned into a new city district. The
street football court and a manned playground. Dur- old production halls have been converted to music
ing the day, it is a popular place for kids and families. and exhibition venues, the formerly private park has
During the night, the park is taken over by the home- been opened up to the public and massive amounts of
less, prostitutes and drug dealers, much like nearby construction are converting industrial buildings to up-
Enghave Square. For Kindred, this is a good place to scale apartments and laying down new buildings, both
feed, as long as they can avoid trouble with the local residential and commercial. Already, the huge Cam-
criminals. pus Carlsberg building has been opened. It offers
education in teaching, pedagogy, sign language inter-
Vesterbro Ny Skole: Vesterbro New School was
pretation and other social areas and has 10,000 stu-
originally two schools within the same massive, red-
dents. Several business-minded Kindred in Copenha-
brick building. In 2004, they were joined into one and
gen have interests in this new district and all Kindred
given one name. During World War 2, the Nazi occu-
know that the influx of people and jobs in the city can
pation used the schools to house captured freedom
only be a good thing for them
fighters after Vestre Prison was filled. Unknown to the
Nazi command, the officer in charge of this intern- Frederiksberg
ment was an occultist and he surreptitiously used
some of the prisoners for torture rituals and human Frederiksberg is an enclave, a city surrounded by
sacrifice. When the Nazis capitulated, the officer took Copenhagen. It is functionally a part of the city of
his own life in a secret room underneath the school, Copenhagen, but administratively separate. With a
rather than face the consequences of being discovered. population of just over 105,000, it is actually Den-
The Danish Resistance took over the school and, mark’s fifth-largest city, but is rarely listed as such, due
to being seen as a part of Copenhagen.

66 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

In the world of the Kindred, Frederiksberg also taste something other than humans and ordinary
stands out; it is one of only two cities on Zealand to Danish animals.
have a minor Prince (the other being Roskilde). The Søndermarken: The name of this park means The
Gangrel Ragnar Silver-Tongue received Frederiksberg Southern Field. It was founded and landscaped at the
as a reward for his support of Ragnhild the Just and same time as Frederiksberg Gardens. The park itself
has made the most of his domain since. holds no interest to the Kindred of Copenhagen, but
Frederiksberg is generally considered a posh, old- the old cisterns beneath the park does. The Cisterns is
money area and it is, along with Østerbro, the most now a museum, one of the more unusual exhibition
expensive quarter of Copenhagen. It has several large spaces in Denmark, and whenever a new art exhibit
houses, mansions and patrician apartments, especially opens, the Keeper of Elysium is sure to host a party
around central Frederiksberg. However, there are also there.
cheaper areas with less expensive apartment buildings Frederiksberg Hospital: Dating back to 1903, this
and the old money are slowly being replaced by mid- hospital is slowly being decommissioned due to the
dle-class nuclear families. budget savings gained by running just one hospital. By
Central Frederiksbserg: This area contains the 2020, it is supposed fuse with Bispebjerg Hospital (see
Frederiksberg City Hall, Falkoner Center congress page 69), at the latter’s location.
center and hotel, Frederiksberg Mall with Frederiks-
berg Metro Station in the basement, Copenhagen
Business School’s main campus, Frederiksberg Gar-
dens Park with Frederiksberg Castle, the Sønder-
marken Park and the Copenhagen Zoo. Despite sever-
al restaurants and, along the central Falkoner Alle,
numerous cafés, the area itself does not have that
much of a nightlife.
Copenhagen Business School: Usually just abbre-
viated CBS, Copenhagen Business School is a public
university focusing, unsurprisingly, on economics and
business management. It is among the top ranked
universities for business management in the world and
watched over carefully by Clan Ventrue.
Frederiksberg Have and Slot: Frederiksberg Gar-
dens is a public park. It lies at the foot of Frederiks-
berg Palace on Valby Hill and was once the gardens of
that palace. The park is laid out as a romantic land-
scape garden designed in the English style and attracts
numerous guests in the daytime. Since it is closed at
night, it holds little interest for Kindred. However, the
Baroque Frederiksberg Palace, built by Crown Prince
Frederik IV, has since 1869 been the Royal Danish
Military Academy. Over the years, a number of ghouls Christian Richardts Vej: This tiny side-street to
have been recruited from among the most promising Falkoner Alle has a grand total of 9 numbered build-
graduates. ings, one of which is a church, yet for historical rea-
København Zoo: The Copenhagen Zoo was found- sons, it has its own zip code. And in the world of the
ed in 1859 and is located within both the Frederiks- Kindred, it seems not to exist. This was only recently
berg Gardens and Søndermarken Park. It is the only discovered by a young Tremere interested in sacred
zoo outside of Australia to have Tasmanian Devils. geometry, feng shui and ley lines. She was examining
Ragnar Silver-Tongue uses it as a supply of “exotic Falkoner Alle and noticed that the map showed a
blood”, which he offers to those who would like to small side street that she could not find, one where a
number of ley lines supposedly intersected. For now,

Denmark by Night 67
she is examining the phenomenon herself, but she has ties of Copenhagen, Tårnby and Dragør. Numerous
made little headway and is considering informing the bridges link Amager with Copenhagen.
Master of the Chantry. Her current theory is that a The island consists mainly of low, fertile land and
mage lives on the small street, as there is nothing to since the 17th century, it has been enlarged by re-
indicate that the church is anything special. claiming land from the shallow Øresund. For a long
Venues: Frederikberg has three large venues; KB time, Amager was the bread basket of Copenhagen
Hallen (The KB Hall), Forum and Radiohuset (The and in 1521, King Christian II invited Dutch farmers
Radio House). The KB Hall is a multi-purpose venue to grow vegetables and, especially, potatoes on the
used mainly for sports, but also concerts, flea markets island. For a long time, the areas outside the Copen-
and convention events. It is famous for being the hagen city quarters were sleepy little towns. However,
place The Beatles played their only concert in Den- the construction of first Copenhagen Airport and
mark. Forum is a rentable indoor arena used for con- then the Øresundbridge brought a lot of life to the
certs, markets, exhibitions and conventions. The orig- eastern part of the island and now, new construction
inal building was destroyed by the Danish resistance and neighborhoods are shooting up all along the Met-
in 1943, but the venue was rebuilt. The Radio House, ro line.
just across the street from Forum, is the former head- Kastrup: Kastrup is Copenhagen’s airport, the larg-
quarters of national Danish broadcaster DR. The est in the Nordic countries and one of the oldest in-
headquarters moved in 2006 and now, the buildings ternational airports in Europe, being inaugurated in
house the Royal Danish Academy of Music as well as 1925. It is the third-busiest airport in Northern Eu-
the Museum of Music and a concert hall. Of the three rope, and by far the busiest for international travel in
venues, only the Radio House is Elysium and used by Scandinavia. It is also the single largest place of em-
Kindred. ployment in Denmark, with 23,000 people working
Søerne: The Lakes are a row of three rectangular there. To the Kindred of Copenhagen, Kastrup is a
lakes curving around the western margin of the Inner resource to be tapped and a potential security problem
City, creating a border between that district and Fred- — the Prince has several agents watching both the
eriksberg, as well as parts of Østerbro, Nørrebro and arrival of passengers after nightfall and checking cargo
Vesterbro. Originally, the area was a single, long containers large enough to contain a vampire.
stream, but damning and use as reservoirs shape the Kalvebod Fælled: The Commons is a huge, protect-
stream into lakes. It is a favored recreational area and ed nature area on the western side of the island, tak-
numerous expensive mansions and apartment build- ing up about a quarter of Amager. It consists mainly
ings lie along the Lakes. During week-ends in the of reclaimed seabed. It was originally used as an artil-
summer, a lot of people can be found here after sun- lery range, but now, most of it is undeveloped park-
down, drinking and partying. land, although the new Ørestad development is slowly
Amager encroaching. To the north lies Amager Commons, an
original, coastal nature area. Rumors have circulated
In the time before sewers, Amager gained the nick- for a while now that these Commons have become
name of Shit Island. Professional “night soil men” home to Lupines, but so far, this is only rumors.
would remove barrels of human waste from the city However, the Kindred of Copenhagen are pushing
and cart them to the farms of Amager, where the hard for urban development.
farmers would use it as fertilizer. While sewers have
made this practice obsolete, the name stuck and today, Den Blå Planet: The Blue Planet is the new Na-
there is a certain prejudice towards Amager from the tional Aquarium of Denmark, opening in 2103, and is
rest of Copenhagen. The Danish slang for a “tramp the largest aquarium in Scandinavia. For a long time,
stamp” is “Amager license plate”. the only interest it held for Kindred was in attracting
tourists and generating revenue, but a single Elysium
Amager has three quarters that are part of Copen- event has recently been held inside the building to
hagen; Western Amager, Sundbyvester and Sun- some success.
byøster, and a number of small-to-midsized towns.
Administratively, it is divided between the municipali- Field’s: This is the second-biggest shopping mall in
Denmark. It is located close to the Øresund Metro
and regional train station and the E20 motorway that

68 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

goes across the Øresund Bridge. This ensures easy holm to the Danish island of Amager. With it, com-
commuting from both Copenhagen and Malmö and muting to work in Denmark from the much cheaper
the mall has both employees and customers from both city of Malmö became a real possibility. To the Kin-
sides of the Øresund. This large customer base makes dred of both Copenhagen and Scania, the bridge pre-
it a very profitable business. The mall has a few Kin- sents a security nightmare. Although it is a toll bridge,
dred investors and during construction, a few secret checking all the cars, vans and trucks that pass it is a
basement rooms were added. virtual impossibility. It’s even worse for the Kindred of
Bella Centeret: The Bella Center is Scandinavia's Copenhagen, as the toll booths are on the Swedish
second largest exhibition and conference center (after side. Prince Ragnhild has made it the responsibility of
Messecenter Herning, see page 39). A part of the facil- the entire Primogen to provide agents that can keep a
ity is the four-star Bella Sky conference hotel with its look out on the Danish side, but even then, it would
two distinctive, tilted towers. Every year, the Center be relatively easy for the Sabbat in Scania to smuggle
generally hosts 25-30 large exhibitions. Among the vampires across the bridge.
larger annual events is the Copenhagen International The Outer Quarters
Fashion Fair, the main event of Copenhagen Fashion
Week held twice a year. The visitors that the various To the north and west of the previously mentioned
events bring add a fair amount of hunting opportuni- quarters lie Bispebjerg, Vanløse, Brønshøj-Husum and
ties to careful Kindred. Valby, quarters that are far enough from the Inner
City that they feel more like suburbs to the city than
DR Byen: DR City is the new headquarters of the quarters within it.
Danish Broadcasting Corporation, replacing the Ra-
dio House in Frederiksberg and the TV City in Bispebjerg: Sometimes also called Nordvest
Søborg. It opened in 2010 and gathered both radio (Northwest) — however, not all of Bispebjerg is
and TV production in one place, along with an 1800- Northwest and not all of Northwest lie within
person capacity concert hall and several recording Bispebjerg. Through the 1980s, Northwest gained a
studios. The construction went massively over budget, very bad reputation for two reasons. Firstly, the very
resulting in the firing of almost a thousand employees. cheap buildings so close to the city center attracted
While the initial budget overrun had nothing to do numerous long-term unemployed and unemployable
with vampires, several Kindred collaborated to make it people. Secondly, the area was designated by the
worse, in order to strike a blow against one of the community psychiatric authorities to house people
most trusted and respected purveyors of news in with mental illness among the regular population (this
Denmark. The Primogen of Clan Toreador has a lot was done to "normalize" the people with mental ill-
of influence here and is responsible for subverting ness). The end result was vandalism and violent at-
news stories that might be problematic for the Kin- tacks, exacerbated by the Kindred of Copenhagen
dred of Denmark. using the area as a feeding ground. However, in the
last few years, the area has partially shed its unfortu-
Royal Arena: This multi-use indoor arena opened nate reputation. It has also become a very ethnically
in February 2017. It has a capacity of 13,000 for sport- diverse and it now houses the Imam Ali-mosque, also
ing events and up to 16,000 (either sitting or standing) called the Blue Mosque, which serves the Danish Shia
for concerts. Several prestigious concerts and events minority.
were scheduled in 2017 and more in 2018 to promote
this new venue. Curiously, no Kindred invested in the Bispebjerg has two other areas of note; Bispebjerg
arena and right now, it is unclaimed territory. Cemetery and Bispebjerg Hospital. The cemetery is yet
another graveyard established to take the pressure off
Øresundsbroen: In Denmark, the Øresund Bridge the inner city cemeteries and it has sections are dedi-
is often just referred to as The Bridge. It opened in cated to Swedish, Russian, Catholic and Muslim
2000 and finally realized a century-old idea of linking graves. There is also a columbarium with a special
Zealand with Scania. It is crossed by the E20 motor- room dedicated to Buddhist urns. The hospital is
way and a railway line. The bridge runs nearly 5 miles currently in the process of being expanded in order to
from the Swedish coast to the artificial island Peber- take over the functions of Frederiksberg Hospital as
holm in the middle of the strait. The crossing is com- well.
pleted by the 2.5 mile Drogden Tunnel from Peber-

Denmark by Night 69
Vanløse: This quarter has very few things of interest Danmarks Tekniske Universitet: Usually just ab-
for Copenhagen’s Kindred. Clan Toreador notes that breviated DTU, the Technical University of Denmark
two international artists have lived here; impressionist was founded in 1829 at the initiative of famed Danish
painter Paul Gaugin lived here during his brief stays in scientist Hans Christian Ørsted as Denmark's first
Denmark, while rock musician Van Morrison lived polytechnic. DTU has numerous scientific depart-
there for three years with his Danish girlfriend. ments and ranks as one of the top engineering institu-
Brønshøj-Husum: This area is almost entirely resi- tions in Denmark. So far, no Kindred has cultivated
dential, with low-rise apartment buildings and de- any real influence here.
tached houses and with 24.6% of the inhabitants hav- Strandvejen: The Beach Road goes from Outer
ing a non-Western background, Brønshøj-Husum is Østerbro all the way to Helsingør, along the east coast
the most diverse district of Copenhagen It has noth- of northern Zealand. Along this road lies some of
ing of real interest to the Kindred of Copenhagen. Denmark’s most expensive houses and mansions, with
Valby: This quarter is separated from Vesterbro/Kgs many of the country’s rich and famous living here.
Enghave and Frederiksberg by Valby Hill. Both during Dyrehavsbakken: The Animal Park’s Hill is more
the civil war leading up to the Reformation and dur- commonly referred to as Bakken (The Hill). It dates
ing the Second Northern War, Valby was almost back to 1583, is the world's oldest operating amuse-
completely destroyed, leading to severe poverty for the ment park and with 2.5-2.7 million visitors per year, it
area. However, by the late 17th century, Valby was is the second most popular attraction in Denmark. It
producing enough food to be in competition with lies within Dyrehaven (The Deer Park), originally used
Amager. During the 18th century, members of the by the kings of Denmark as a hunting park. Bakken
bourgeoisie began taking up residence in Frederiks- itself got its start when a woman named Kirsten Piil
berg and soon, that practice began to spread to Valby. discovered a natural spring that was said to have cura-
The growth of the area really started when the railway tive properties. Citizens from Copenhagen flocked
to Roskilde was built; not only was a station estab- there, attracting entertainers and hawkers and, even-
lished in Valby, but digging through Valby hill uncov- tually, innkeepers. The reputation of the area grew
ered a natural spring, which attracted the brew master throughout Europe and attracted some undesirable
J. C. Jacobsen to the site and he founded his Carlsberg elements. In 1885, the Tent Owners’ Association was
Brewery in 1847 on the eastern slopes of the hill. To- established to clean up and modernize Bakken. Today,
day, the one thing of interest to Kindred in Valby is Bakken is open daily from the end of March through
the headquarters of Nordisk Film (Nordic Movie the end of August. Entrance into the park area is free,
Company), one of the oldest film companies in the but rides and attractions require payment. In addition
world. Clan Toreador has been involved with the to the many rides, there are also gaming halls, a music
company almost from its inception and still has quite hall, several restaurants and an entire area dedicated
a bit of influence. to looking like the signature town of the Danish TV
show Matador (see page 6). Many Kindred of Copen-
Whiskybæltet hagen hunt at Bakken during April and May. Later in
The Whisky Belt is the more-or-less affectionate the year, a few Kindred prey on drunken visitors re-
nickname for the area north of the Copenhagen mu- turning to Copenhagen from the amusement park.
nicipality, especially Gentofte Municipality. The area Louisiana Museum of Modern Art: This museum,
is ill-defined, but is often considered to be the residen- established in 1958, is the most visited art museum in
tial area around the Coast Line regional railway. This Denmark. In addition to its permanent collection of
area is characterized by the highest house prizes in modern and contemporary art, the museum also has a
Denmark (especially along the east coast of Zealand), comprehensive program of special exhibitions and
highly educated residents and a correspondingly high occasionally stages exhibitions of work by the great
income level. Several influential Kindred maintain a impressionists and expressionists. The museum is
haven, main or secondary, within this area and many famous for its fusion of art, architecture and land-
of them also draw influence and important retainers scape. Louisiana also has a concert hall and a sculp-
from here. The name refers to the wealth of the peo- ture garden. Clan Toreador has a great deal of influ-
ple living here and the connotations with expensive

70 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

ence over the museum and it is the most used location It is said that he sleeps in the basement of Kronborg
for Elysium events outside central Copenhagen. Castle, ready to awaken when Denmark needs him the
Hillerød: The administrative center for the Hillerød most.
Municipality, this town is the northernmost stop on Kronborg Castle is seen by many younger Danish
the S-train network. It is most famous for Frederiks- Kindred as almost a place of pilgrimage, somewhere
borg Castle, a Dutch Renaissance palatial complex they have to go and see. The Elders of Copenhagen
built as a royal residence for King Christian IV on ignore it, taking their cue from Prince Ragnhild, who
three islets in the Castle Lake. Today, it is a museum has heard enough Prince of Denmark remarks to last
castle. No Kindred has any influence here yet and the her a lifetime and more.
castle is not used for Elysium events.
Through the Forest
Helsingør: Known famously in English as Elsinore,
the city of Kronborg Castle, the setting of the play Between what is thought of as the north of Copen-
Hamlet. Although outside the S-train network (Hel- hagen and the western area lies the H and A S-train
singør is the northernmost stop of the Coast Line lines that terminates in the town of Farum. The line
railway), Prince Ranghild has declared the city a part goes through Hareskoven, the largest green area in the
of the Domain of Copenhagen. This has less to do greater Copenhagen area.
with history and more with the fact that the car ferry Hareskoven: More properly Hareskovene, (the Hare
line that crosses from Helsingør to Helsingborg in Forests), since the forest is divided into two areas by a
Sweden, the busiest ferry line in the world, is a poten- road. The name is not related to hares; it comes from
tial area for the Sabbat to infiltrate. The Sheriff of the old Norse word hörgr, meaning a stone altar or cult
Copenhagen is tasked with maintaining agents that site. This refers to the numerous such sites that can be
watch over arrivals. found in and around the forest. Geologically, the area
Sankt Olai Kirke: Saint Olaf’s Church, dedicated to is terminal moraine from the last ice age, making the
the Saint of Norway, is located in Helsingør and is terrain extremely rough and uneven. The forest is
one of Denmark’s cathedrals. The current structure popular as a recreational area, not just for walking and
was completed in 1559. In previous times, it was well picnics, but also, due to the terrain, for horseback
visited by sailors and fishermen, but the True Faith of riding, dog exercise, and mountain biking. However,
the place has dwindled — only the inside has a rating when night falls, mortals only venture deep into the
and that only of 1. forest if the need is great, as they believe the forest to
be haunted. The Kindred of Clan Gangrel, however,
Kronborg: Literally meaning Crown Castle, this is tell a different story — it is not ghosts, but the much
without a doubt Denmark’s most famous building, more corporeal draugr (Norse revenants from Viking
due to Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. The castle’s history times) from the ancient burial sites that walk under
dates back to a stronghold called Krogen (The Hook), the trees at night.
built by Eric of Pomerania to help collect the Øresund
toll. Frederik II had it rebuilt from 1574 to 1585, TV-Byen: The TV City, in Gladsaxe Municipality,
making it a Renaissance castle, unique in its appear- was the headquarters for the TV part of the national
ance and size throughout Europe. Shakespeare chose broadcasting company from 1966 until the move to
this castle as the location for arguably his most famous DR-Byen (see page 68) in 2007. The most recognizable
play and for centuries, Kronborg has been linked to part, a 14-story office tower, was finished in 1970. The
the Hamlet story. The play was performed in the castle area is now being turned into residential and business
for the first time to mark the 200th anniversary of the properties. The massive office tower, now known as
death of William Shakespeare and since then, Hamlet the EY Tower, was rebuilt recently, with some influ-
has been performed several times in the courtyard and ence from a few Kindred.
at various locations on the fortifications. Farum: In 1985, Peter Brixtofte was elected as
Another legend tied to Kronborg is that of Holger mayor of this town and soon, Farum made national
Danske (Holger the Dane, also known as Ogier the news. Through privatization, sale and lease-back deals,
Dane). He appears in both the Arthurian mythology tax breaks and reduction in the municipal administra-
and as one of the paladins of Charlemagne, wielding a tion, Brixtofte seemingly created an economic miracle.
magic sword that is the brother of Roland’s Durendal. The city established a new football stadium, an arena

Denmark by Night 71
and a marina and gave a free PC to all grade school many buildings half-finished or unused. Still, further
students. Kindred began to take note and a few vam- damning created more land and in the new millenni-
pires took an interest in the up-and-coming town. um, the area started to grow again. Today, there are
However, it turned out that the economic model did plans to expand and modernize it even further over
not work and the municipality had run up a massive the next 20 years. Currently, many of the buildings are
deficit. The mayor tried to cover this with huge loans. interchangeable, grey concrete blocks, a legacy of the
Furthermore, Brixtofte had let the municipality pay 60s. Ever since its inception, the Kindred of Copen-
for things that the local professional football club, of hagen have used the area for numerous things; backup
which he was the chairman, should have paid for havens, large meetings, hidings corpses, etc.
themselves. Slowly, more and more corruption
emerged and Brixtofte was indicted and, eventually,
sentenced to two years in prison. A number of Kin-
dred burned their fingers quite badly on this deal.
The area west of Copenhagen is often called Veste-
gnen — directly translated, it just means the Western
Area, though the word “egn” carries a somewhat folk-
sy connotation. Vestegnen generally covers the munic-
ipalities to the west and south-west of the Copenhagen
municipality; Rødovre, Hvidovre, Glostrup, Brøndby,
Albertslund, Vallensbæk, Ishøj, and Høje-Taastrup.
Much of this is residential, with many commuters
working in the city, though there are some industrial
areas, as well as lots of green spaces. Most of the mu-
nicipalities have a very high percentage of people with
an immigrant background relative to the national
Rødovre and Hvidovre: These municipalities have a
reputation for producing lots of young men and wom-
en with a low level of education, blue-collar jobs, gym-
toned bodies and a fanatic devotion to the Brøndby
football team. Both municipalities are predominantly
residential areas. To the south
Brøndby: In Denmark, if someone says Brøndby, Beyond the southern municipalities of Vestegnen
most people immediately think the football team ra- lies the southernmost expanse of the Domain of Co-
ther than the municipality. Brøndby IF is one of the penhagen; the municipalities of Greve, Solrød, and
most successful Danish football clubs, both nationally Køge. This stretch of land along Køge Bay is relatively
and internationally, and was the second football club sparsely populated compared to the other suburbs of
ever to be publicly traded on the stock exchange. The Copenhagen.
club is also famous for its violent rivalry with FCK (see Solrød: While much of this municipality is used for
page 62). farming, as it has some of the most fertile soil in
Avedøre Holme: This huge industrial area in Denmark, it also has a very low average age among its
Hvidovre municipality was established in the 1960s citizens and the highest average income in the Zealand
and 70s on land reclaimed from the shallow Køge Bay. Region. Most people living here commute to work in
Located just south of the city of Copenhagen, the area Copenhagen.
was perfect for new industrial development, as Co- Køge: The southernmost part of the Copenhagen
penhagen itself had run out of space. However, eco- domain is the historical city of Køge. For centuries, it
nomic crisis in the 70s halted development, leaving was an important harbor and the port is still a place of

72 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

industry, it being connected with the Scandinavian pened. There are consistent rumors that a Lupine
Transport Centre, a large business park on the north- dwells on Saltholm.
western outskirts of the town. The town center has Trekroner, Flakfortet, and Middelgrundsfortet:
numerous old buildings, including the oldest dated These three sea fortresses were all built on man-made
half-timbered house in Denmark, which is also the islets in order to protect Copenhagen. Trekroner is
oldest dated non-nobility and non-religious building open for tourists during the summer and contains a
of the Nordic countries, built in 1527. Several good- café and banquet facilities. Middelgrundsfortet, after
sized industries and businesses have their headquar- being tossed around between private investors, is now
ters located in Køge — conveniently close to the port owned by the Danish Scout Council, who intends to
and to the capital, but still away from the overcrowd- develop the island for all Danish youth to use, not just
ing of Copenhagen. the scouts. Finally, Flakfortet is currently used for
Køge Huskors: From 1608 to 1615, Køge was the recreational purposes such as concerts, and the site
site of one of Denmark’s largest and most notable has a restaurant and yacht moorings. During the
witch trials, called Køge Huskors. It started with ru- summer, there are five ferry trips per day to the island.
mors of sorcery in 1608 and in 1612, a wealthy mer- There is even an overnight hostel on the island too.
chant accused a local townswoman of being in league Ever since they were abandoned as military installa-
with the Devil and during the trial, the woman con- tions, the Kindred of Copenhagen have used these
fessed and named several other women. All in all, artificial islets for meetings requiring privacy. There
during the 4-month period, between fifteen and twen- are also rumors among the common Kindred of Co-
ty women were burned at the stake. What is particu- penhagen that the Prince and Primogen council have
larly interesting is that, although Denmark was a secret, underground haven beneath Flakfortet, the
Protestant, the case was interesting enough that the newest of the fortifications, for use if the Sabbat are
Vatican commissioned a report about it, which still about to take Copenhagen.
exists in the Vatican archives to this day. The reason Hven: This island now belongs to Sweden and thus,
for this is not known to mortals, but the Kindred of it is more properly spelled Ven. However, Hven’s fame
Copenhagen are well aware of it. The trial was the comes from a time when it was Danish and the sole
result of a young Ventrue, the granchilde of Prince property of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, who
Gunnarr, inexpertly trying to gain influence over the built two observatories there, Uraniborg and Stjerne-
prosperous town. His fumbled machinations threat- borg, during 1576 — 1596. Brahe and his apprentice,
ened the Masquerade, brought the attention of the Johannes Keppler, have long been thought to have
Vatican vampire hunters, and in the end, not only the been mages of a kind, and Clan Tremere swears that
Sheriff, but the Prince himself had to step in and there are wonderful secrets buried on Hven, protected
many innocent women died. The granchilde was by astrological magic. However, ever since the Sabbat
staked and left out in the sun.
was driven out of Denmark, the Tremere Antitribu of
In the Øresund Scania have had agents on the island, ready to deter
any Kindred from exploring it further.
The Øresund sound between Denmark and Sweden
has a few natural island and some man-made ones as
Saltholm: Disregarding Amager, which is function-
ally a part of Zealand due to a large number of bridges,
Saltholm is the largest island in the Øresund. This flat
island (the tallest part doesn’t top 7 feet) is fairly large;
about 4.5 miles long and 1.5 wide. It has a total popu-
lation of 2 people in modern times, running the is-
land’s remaining farm. The rest is pasture and, by
Danish standards, unspoiled nature. From time to
time, there have been plans to extend Kastrup Airport
to Salthom or to run the Øresund Bridge across it, but
despite Kindred pushing for this, it has never hap-

Denmark by Night 73
Chapter Three :
Children of the
“If vampires were anything but the abortive fancies of an unbridled imagination, then I must have seen one of these creatures
– outwardly living, inwardly lifeless, bodies without soul, lumps of flesh without heart.”
— St St Blicher, Tardy Awakenings

This section describes both the various vampires

that have their haven in Denmark and other im-
Clan Assamite
portant Storyteller Characters in the country. For hundreds of years, Clan Assamite’s only contact
with Denmark was to take the occasional contract in
As you will see, this is quite a massive list; 79 vam-
the Kingdom – certainly, no Assassin settled there.
pires, two ghouls, two hunters, a Lupine and a new
This changed in the 1970’ies, when thousands of
race of supernatural beings. The reason for this large
Turks came to Denmark as unskilled labor, something
amount of Storyteller Characters is three-fold; firstly, I
Denmark had a shortage of at the time.
really like writing NPCs. Secondly, this allows you to
just plug-and-play; no need to spend time creating Enes Coşkun, Bodyguard for Hire
Storyteller Characters, you have them all, with full
write-ups. And finally, there are a lot of plots that can Despite being a Muslim, Enes became one of the
Young Turks that eventually toppled the Ottoman
be created by the goals and interactions of these char-
acters. Empire’s absolute monarchy and helped institute a
secular, constitutional government in Turkey. He
This list is by no means meant to be inviolate. If you joined the movement as a young lieutenant in the
want to create your own characters for Denmark by army and during the revolution in 1908, he served as
Night to augment or replace these characters, then by a bodyguard for several high-profile members of the
all means, go right ahead – I’m certainly not going to movement. Enes was motivated by a deep desire to
stop you. improve his country and truly believed in the ideals of
The Storyteller Characters are arranged by clans first the Young Turks. So strong was his devotion that
and then by Domain. Caitiff, Bloodlines and non- when Ottoman loyalists began a counterrevolution in
Vampires are at the end. 1909, Enes was one of the people guarding Kemal

74 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Enes’ connection to the top of the Young Turks was Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
what prompted his Embrace. Clan Assamite wanted Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
some influence over the movement and Enes was one
of a handful of people chosen to enter the Clan. His Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
sire was a skilled spy and infiltrator and it was decided Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 3, Awareness 3,
that her tutelage would benefit the young officer. Enes Brawl 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2,
originally took the transition very hard – as a firm Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3
believer, he was intensely uncomfortable with drink-
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 3,
ing blood and being an undead monster. His sire,
Firearms 3, Larceny 1, Melee 3, Stealth3, Survival 1
however, slowly but surely molded him, to the point
where Enes’ faith became almost perfunctory. Knowledges: Academics 1, Investigation 1, Medi-
cine 1, Occult 1, Politics 1, Theology 2
For decades Enes helped influence the Young Turks
and helped Clan Assamite gain a strong foothold in Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Dominate 2,
the emerging republic. However, once the new gov- Obfuscate 2, Presence 1, Quietus 2
ernment had become stable, there was little for Enes Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Muslim imam), Contacts 5
to do. Instead, he fell back on his old skills as a body- (Among Turkish and Muslim organizations), Domain
guard, working for various elders, both Assamite and 2 (Hamad Bin Khalifa Civilization Center), Herd 5
otherwise. (Among immigrants and their descendants), Influence
In the 1970s, Enes was given a new mission – to 1, Resources 3, Retainers 1, Status 2
travel to Denmark with the Turkish immigrants mov- Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
ing there. The Clan already had members in Germany
and wanted one further north, to handle contracts Morality: Humanity 6
and report on the lay of the land. With more and Willpower: 8
more Middle Eastern mortals coming to Europe, Clan Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
Assamite saw a future where they might play a bigger
part in the European world of vampires. Enes dutiful- Image: Enes is a short, somewhat stocky man with
ly moved to Copenhagen and with introductory letters black hair in a short cut, dark eyes and a neatly
from prominent Assamite Elders, he was quickly ac- trimmed, black beard. He moves with surprising grace
cepted. He first established influence among the Turk- and speaks rarely, though his voice is remarkably
ish workers, but soon began taking jobs for Danish smooth and cultured. Enes tends to dress in whatever
Kindred – not as an assassin, but as a bodyguard. clothes allows him to blend into his environment and
is never unarmed – usually he simply carries a fighting
For over 40 years, Enes has strongly associated with knife, but he has a saber and a collection of firearms
first Turkish and later other Middle Eastern and Mus- as his disposal.
lim immigrants and refugees. His Muslim faith has
slowly been rekindled and he finds himself beginning Roleplaying Hints: You protect your people as best
to question not only his work, but also his Clan and you can, which is becoming a problem. Terrorists and
his own existence as a vampire. It doesn’t help that the faithless criminals have turned the Danes against your
political opinion in Denmark has turned sharply kind and you do not have the influence to sway the
against Muslims and that Clan Assamite has informed mortals. What is worse, you are becoming more and
him that they are ready to establish a greater presence more aware of the monster that you are, unworthy in
in northern Europe. Allah’s sight.
Sire: Selçuk Haven: A basement under a Turkish cultural center
on Nørrebro.
Nature: Martyr
Influence: Enes wields a lot of influence among
Demeanor: Soldier
Copenhagen’s Turkish community and has a fair
Generation: 9th amount of pull among other Middle Eastern and Mus-
Embrace: 1909 lim groups, enough that he can have some effect on
city politics.
Apparent Age: Late 20s

Denmark by Night 75
Clan Brujah during Gunnarr’s restructuring of the city’s power
structure, Thrugils was made Primogen, a position he
Clan Brujah came to Denmark during the Viking has held ever since.
Age and assimilated much of Viking culture. Like Thrugils is a true idealist, dedicated to equality and
Clan Gangrel, they lost much when Christianity came equity among both Kindred and mortals. He deeply
to Scandinavia, since most of the Clan sided with the supports the Danish welfare state and the social dem-
original religion. However, Clan Brujah has risen ocratic ideals and constantly works to change the in-
from the ashes and is now a very well-integrated part grained attitudes of the Danish Kindred. He realizes
of Danish Kindred society. The elders of the Clan the irony of the fact that he is Primogen in part due to
have interests in the educational facilities of Denmark, his age, but his charisma and skill at administration
while the younger members tend to be rebels against does have something to do with it as well.
conformity and conservatism, involving themselves in
Sire: Karl Weiss
the latest trends to sweep the nation; especially any-
thing to do with Information Technology. Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Rebel
Brujah of Zealand Generation: 8th
Thrugils, Brujah Primogen
Embrace: 1312
In 1312 famine struck Denmark. However, the
King, Erik VI Menved, had involved himself in expen- Apparent Age: Early 40s
sive wars and spent a fortune on tournaments and so, Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
taxes were high. The king did not relent due to the Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
famine and as a result, the peasants of Zealand re-
belled. Thrugils was one of the leaders of this rebel- Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
lion, a poor peasant with a skill for both oratory and Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Empathy
organization. Unfortunately for the peasants, the 3, Expression 5, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Street-
king’s troops quickly managed to defeat the rebellion wise 1, Subterfuge 1
and Erik sentenced the leaders to be hanged.
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 2, Etiquette 2, Melee 2,
Thrugils was saved by his sire, a rebellious Brujah Survival 1
who admired the peasant leader’s dedication. For his
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Law 1, Oc-
part, Thrugils happily accepted the Embrace. He had
cult 2, Politics 5, Theology 2
as little use for the teachings of the Church as he had
for kings and readily accepted his lot as being cursed. Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 5, Dominate 3,
He also quickly absorbed his sire’s attitude towards Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 1, Potence 5, Presence 5
the vampiric power structure. Along with his sire, Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (In Christiania and
Karl, Thrugils joined the Anarch cause and fought the among the left-wing political parties), Domain 3 (The
power of the Elders. However, when the Convention City Campus of Copenhagen University), Herd 5
of Thorns was announced, sire and childe found (People he have helped in the past), Influence 2, Re-
themselves at odds. Thrugils was a big proponent of sources 3, Retainers 4, Status 4
Humanity and felt the ideals of the Masquerade were
worth pursuing, while his sire was focused on ending Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
the reign of the Elders. In the end, Karl joined the Morality: Humanity 7
Sabbat, while Thrugils became a member of the Cam-
Willpower: 7
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
After the formation of the Camarilla, Thrugils set-
tled in Copenhagen and busied himself with establish- Image: In the Middle Ages, Thrugils was a tall man,
ing a powerbase. He realized that in order to affect not which makes him average-sized in modern nights. His
only mortal, but Kindred society, he needed influence, handsome looks are marred by crooked teeth, an un-
money and power. It took time, but eventually, Thru- fashionable haircut and an unkempt beard. Looks,
gils rose to the top of Clan Brujah in Copenhagen and however, are secondary to the magnetic personality

76 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

that Thrugils radiates, through his ever-ready smile was, she could be a valuable addition to the clan and
and friendly eyes. Thrugils usually dresses in the Embraced her.
clothes of the common man on the street. When Elin learned about Kindred society and how
Roleplaying Hints: Through 700 years, you have little gender mattered, she was overjoyed. She also
seen it happen again and again. In the Middle Ages, it agreed with much of what her sire believed about
was the nobles and now, it’s the capitalists. There are changing society, though she did not have his dedica-
always those who will tread on others to stand just a tion to the cause. However, she did have a desire to
little bit taller. The same is true in the world of the learn and for the next several decades, Elin spent her
Kindred – Elders rule because they are Elders, not time learning how to read and write and then studying
because they have deserved it. It needs to change. It a wide range of subjects. When she joined Copenha-
can change. And you will make it change. gen’s Kindred society fully, she was a force for up-
Haven: In the basements under Copenhagen Uni- heaval and change, a radical speaker that made her
versity’s City Campus. sire seem like the safer, more acceptable alternative.
She saw that while Kindred might not look to gender,
Influence: Thrugils has cultivated a massive amount they did keep people down based on other factors and
of influence among the left-wing political parties, es- railed against it. At the same time, she sought to foster
pecially in the Copenhagen Citizen’s Representation. rebellious attitudes in mortal society, hoping to create
He has a knack for backing up-and-coming young a world where no one, man or woman, would be
politicians and is currently heavily involved with the forced to hide who they were or turn to crime in order
Unity List in Copenhagen. His position as Primogen to survive.
also gives him a lot of pull in the world of the Kin-
dred, though his uncompromisingly idealistic stance As the centuries went by, Elin realized that she had
works against him. yet to establish any kind of real influence among mor-
tals. Sure, she had contacts and was a known agitator,
Elin Jönsson, Club Owner but she had little to show for it. As such, she began to
In 1658, Captain Svend Poulsen, who would later cultivate contacts among the emerging labor move-
be known in popular culture as Svend Gønge, led a ment and even created a childe from within that
group of dragoons in guerilla warfare against the movement. This eventually gave her the money need-
Swedes occupying Zealand during the Dano-Swedish ed to move on, leaving the labor movement to her
War. Elin was among these dragoons; she had origi- childe and entering politics. For a long time, she
nally disguised herself as a man to join, but after she joined her sire in influencing the socialist political
was found out, her skill at fighting and the desperate movements. However, in the late 1970s, she estab-
times the dragoons encountered meant that they lished The Factory (see page 57) as a counterpoint to
could not turn her away. However, when Poulsen’s the overly conservative Elysiums hosted by Clan Tore-
dragoons retreated to Copenhagen, Elin found herself ador, and the place quickly became an institution
cast out, once again confined to what was expected of among both mortals and Kindred. Since then, Elin
a woman. has focused her attentions on the rebellious and out-
cast subcultures of Copenhagen. She retains a little of
As a widow caught in a big city far from her home her former political influence and has cultivated con-
in the province of Halland, Elin had few choices and tacts in Christiania, making her sphere of influence
she firmly rejected prostitution. Instead, she turned to rather wide.
crime; mugging, pickpocketing, breaking and entering,
anything to survive. However, when Copenhagen was Sire: Thrugils
stormed by Swedish troops on 1659, Elin stood on the Nature: Survivor
ramparts, firing a rifle alongside the men. Her bravery Demeanor: Rebel
and skill with a gun made her a minor celebrity and it
caught the attention of Thrugils, a Brujah Elder. He Generation: 9th
was intrigued by a woman who was able and willing to Embrace: 1659
fight as well as any man and he began visiting Elin,
Apparent Age: Late 30s
interviewing her and learning about her. In the end,
he knew that while she might not be the idealist he Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3

Denmark by Night 77
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 Gudrun Pedersen, Social Justice
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Warrior
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Empathy One of Gudrun’s first memories was of her father, a
3, Expression 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 1, Street- bricklayer, being carried home, bloody and uncon-
wise 3, Subterfuge 3 scious, from the Battle on the Commons (see page
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms 49). It left a mark on her and when she grew up, she
3, Larceny 1, Melee 1, Stealth 1, Survival 2 dedicated herself to the cause of the unions. She
fought for worker’s rights and, despite being a woman,
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Law 1, Oc- she managed to become an integral part of the very
cult 2, Politics 2, Theology 1
early union movement in Denmark. She could have
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 5, Dominate 3, Po- risen to the top, but even in an organization dedicated
tence 5, Presence 5 to egalitarianism, the prevailing gender roles of the
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (In left-wing political par- time worked against her.
ties, major subculture figures and at Christiania), It was Gudrun’s contacts within the unions the led
Domain 2 (The Factory), Fame 2, Herd 5 (Factory to her Embrace. Gudrun took the change in stride
patrons), Influence 1, Resources 3, Retainers 5, Status and continued her work, trying to establish a fairer
3 society. In fact, Gudrun pretty much ignored Kindred
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5 society, paying only lip service to Copenhagen’s Kin-
dred court. Instead, she used the influence her sire
Morality: Humanity 7 had, her own powers and her not inconsiderable abil-
Willpower: 8 ity to influence people to keep up the fight. She
fought for labor rights, for women’s rights and for the
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
rights of the poor, of immigrants, of anyone she felt
Image: A harsh life means Elin looks older than she was being ignored or trodden down by society.
was when she was embraced, but she is still an attrac-
Gudrun is one of the most underestimated Kindred
tive woman. She carries herself with dignity and self-
in all of Denmark – her involvement with Kindred
assurance and is always immaculately groomed, her
society is limited to trying to change the way the vam-
heavily curled, ash-blond hair styled to perfection,
pires of Denmark treat humans and how they use
make-up done with great skill and her clothing always
their influence to maintain an underclass that is easy
provocative and appropriate for someone involved in
to feed on. However, she has immense influence
the type subcultes she frequents.
among the labor unions and through them, various
Roleplaying Hints: You do what it takes to secure political parties, in both Copenhagen and throughout
your future. For most of your existence, this meant Denmark. And while there may be those who claim
trying to change society to one that would accept you that the fight is over, that equality has been achieved,
as an equal to those in power. Now, you have respect Gudrun remembers how history has unfolded. She
and recognition among Kindred as the owner of The knows the fight is far from over.
Factory and you will do whatever is needed to keep it.
Sire: Elin Jönsson
From there, you can begin to truly shape mortal socie-
ty and help those who need it. Nature: Fanatic
Haven: The basement of The Factory Demeanor: Perfectionist
Influence: Widespread, but unfocused. In the mor- Generation: 10th
tal world, Elin’s influence extends mainly to various Embrace: 1895
more-or-less fringe subcultures; punk, goth, fetish and
the like. She also has some degree of influence in Apparent Age: Early 30s
Christiania and among the left wing of Danish poli- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
tics. Among Kindred, The Factory gains Elin quite a Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
bit of unofficial status and prestige, something that
requires a degree of subtlety to exploit. Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 2

78 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Talents: Empathy 5, Expression 4, Intimidation 3, BZ movements, first writing poetry and then, in the
Leadership 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3 mid-80s, transitioning to novels.
Skills: Crafts 2, Etiquette 3 Lasse always believed that he had a unique talent, a
Knowledges: Academics 3, Finance 1, Investigation way of writing the unvarnished truth that would both
1, Law 4, Occult 1, Politics 5, Theology 1 shock and amaze. He wrote stories about life on the
street, about drug use, criminals and prostitutes.
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Potence 2, Pres- However, despite his claims that these were scenes
ence 5 from his own hardscrabble life, Lasse actually lived
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Union official, party secre- decently enough in an apartment rented for him by
tary for The Alternative), Contacts 5 (Among unions, his parents. However, he was obsessed with the idea of
left-wing parties and support organizations for wom- catching the big break, of being recognized not only as
en), Herd 3 (People she has helped), Influence 3, Re- the genius he believed himself to be, but also as a cool,
sources 2, Retainers 1, Status 2 hip and edgy writer, willing to shine a light on the
harsh truth. His stories became more lurid, more ex-
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
ploitative, containing gratuitous scenes of rape and
Morality: Humanity 8 torture that Lasse insisted were inspired by the stories
Willpower: 6 he heard on the streets. He gained a small, but loyal
following, though he never gained the big break he
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1 was looking for.
Image: Gudrun is an unassuming woman, heavyset Lasse’s sire, Mark, was a beat poet who had been
with mousy brown hair and matching eyes. She dress- Embraced by Juliana Stjernfeldt (see page 89) as a way
es in simple clothes, never giving anyone reason to to cause a scandal among the conservative and staid
give her a second look. However, nothing can dull the artists among the Danish Kindred, especially Clan
power of her personality and when she speaks, people Toreador. Mark had moved to Copenhagen soon after
listen. being released and he was taken in by Lasse’s claim of
Roleplaying Hints: You remember. You remember having lived through the things described in his
how those in power fought every step of the way not books. When Prince Ragnhild granted Copenhagen’s
to give anything to those without. You remember the Clan Brujah the rights to Embrace a childe in 1992,
labor union fights, the oppression of women, the vili- Thrugils awarded that right to the clan’s youngest
fication of the poor and the outsiders, the way homo- member, Mark Olsen, who chose Lasse. When it be-
sexuals were treated. And you see that it’s still happen- came clear to Mark that Lasse was not the hardened
ing. Not as bad, but then, not gone. And you will street thug and rebellious semi-noir writer that he had
continue to fight. portrayed himself as, Mark quickly released Lasse and
Haven: No fixed haven; she mostly sleeps in aban- wanted nothing to do with his childe. Mark was one
doned factory buildings at Avedøre Holme. of the Kindred who invested in Farum (See page 71)
and lost big. When that happened, Mark’s com-
Influence: Gudrun has a lot of influence among the pounded shame made him leave Denmark and settle
labor unions in Denmark – sadly, the current political in Hamburg instead.
climate has slowly hamstrung those. She has a lot of
influence among the left wing parties, especially The The Embrace came as a boon to Lasse, who saw this
Alternative – however, they are not in power right as a way to truly become the dark and edgy author he
now. knew he was. He originally joined the Free Company
(see Rosa Schmidt, page 109), but dropped out after a
Lasse Vinter, Edgy Writer few years, claiming that the others felt intimidated by
Lasse grew up in an upper-middle-class family in the him. He continued to write, maintaining the mas-
querade that he was alive all the way up to the start of
suburbs. His performance in school was middling at
the new millennium and gaining some fame for only
best and dropped out of university, where he studied
appearing at book signings after dark. His stories, both
poetry, after deciding that he needed to break with the
the written ones and the ones he told of his life, grew
mindless conformity. He joined the punk and squatter
more outrageous. However, fame and recognition still

Denmark by Night 79
eluded him. And slowly, surely, the reason has crystal- Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (Other important MRA
lized in his mind; society simply isn’t capable of ac- activists in Denmark), Fame 1, Herd 1 (A small group
cepting his true genius. Critics call his hyper realistic of fans who knows what he is), Resources 2, Status 1
scenes of torture and death “gratuitous” and “nothing Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
but shock value” because the vast majority of literary
critics are soft, left-wing wimps. Women who decry his Morality: Humanity 6
rape scenes as “exploitative” and “misogynistic” are Willpower: 4
nothing but feminazis wanting to reshape art to fit
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 10/1
their image. His books are failing because of political
correctness gone mad. For the last 10 years, Lasse has Image: Lasse is a tall, rangy man with dark blond
established himself online as a famous men’s right hair in a flat-top crew-cut. He wears a leather jacket,
activist and anti-PC figure, fighting to debunk the ragged jeans, biker boots and a pair of sunglasses. He
myth of the pay gap and white male privilege. has various tattoos on his arms and chest; skulls, a
Chinese dragon, a dagger dripping venom, barbed
Lasse has finally found an outlet for his frustrations
wire around one wrist and wears two simple, silver
at not being recognized as a genius. He desperately
earrings in his left ear.
wants to be seen as cool and edgy and the fact that he
is not, drives him forward. His books are becoming Roleplaying Hints: The world, mortal or Kindred,
more and more gratuitous and he is unable to accept simply isn’t willing to accept the truth and recognize
any criticism that the dark and disturbing scenes are your talent. Misandrous feminists and overly-PC social
there for mere shock value rather than to drive a story. justice warriors are trying to distort the narrative of
To him, they are proof that he is cooler and edgier reality and you don’t fit into their vision. But you will
than other writers. He has even gone so far as to claim expose them. You have the facts on your side and you
that other Kindred are holding him back; the Prince, will make people see how smart, how cool and how
the Keeper of Elysium and Rosa Schmidt, all women, edgy you really are.
are the targets of rants that have made Lasse a bit of Haven: Basement apartment in the Kgs Enghave
an embarrassment in Clan Brujah. quarter.
Sire: Mark Olsen Influence: Under the name LVinter, Lasse is a very
Nature: Conniver well-known blogger and on-line debater when it comes
to Men’s Right Activism and anti-PC discussions. His
Demeanor: Curmudgeon
followers, while not fanatics, are willing to act in his
Generation: 13th name, potentially to the point of breaking the law.
Embrace: 1992
Brujah of Funen
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Asbjørn, Lord of Funen and Prince of
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Asbjørn was born the son of a huscarl for a jarl liv-
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 ing near Ribe and raised to be a warrior. The boy grew
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Empathy up tall and strong and soon joined the men on Viking
1, Expression 2, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 1, Subter- raids. He excelled both at fighting and trading and
fuge 3 quickly became a wealthy man. Asbjørn married a
beautiful woman, bought a large farm on Funen and
Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Larceny 1,
sailed on his last raid at the age of 30 before settling
Stealth 1
down as a free and influential farmer. He honored the
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Investiga- gods, learned the laws and became a well-respected
tion 1, Occult 2, Politics 1, Science 1, Theology 1 man whose advice was often sought.
Disciplines: Celerity 1, Potence 1, Presence 3 One spring, Asbjørn returned from a trip to the re-
gional thing to find that his farm had been attacked by
outlaws. Much of his family had been slain, his fields

80 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

burned, his livestock stolen. Asbjørn flew into a rage. For almost 500 years, Asbjørn has served at the
An axe, shield and hauberk of mail that had lain un- Prince of the smallest domain in Denmark and has
used for almost a decade was brought forth and As- done surprisingly little to consolidate his power. As-
børn hunted down the raiders by himself. On a moon- bjørn is a brooding man lost in the melancholy of
lit night, he descended on their camp like a vengeful longing for a time that can never come back. His tem-
ghost and laid about him with his axe. The outlaws per has become legendary in Denmark and he has
fell like wheat before the scythe, but there were far too shown a willingness to let it take him over – no other
many for Asbjørn to kill without opposition. In the Kindred in Denmark have killed more fellow vampires
end, all the raiders lay dead, but Asbjørn himself had than Asbjørn. He may remain calm quite long for a
also fallen, his life-force bleeding out. Brujah, but once the dam breaks, nothing holds As-
From the forest came Widsith, an ancient Germanic bjørn back. However, in the last decades Asbjørn has
Brujah who had been following Asbjørn for a while. found a new purpose. The rise of a new faith in the
He had been impressed with Asbjørn’s transition from old gods, of the Ásatrú religion, of Forn Siðr, has em-
warrior to scholar of law and he did not want to see boldened Asbjørn. He sees a new chance to bring
Asbjørn die that night. Widsith offered the Viking some of the old ways back, the honor and glory of the
immortality as a vampire, holding nothing back, ex- Viking Age.
plaining everything. And Asbjørn said yes. He joined Asbjørn knows full well that he has no chance of
the other vampires on Funen, quickly becoming a becoming the Prince of Denmark – he lacks the politi-
respected and valued member of the Einherjar. But cal acumen and support. While he would love to be-
trouble came in the shape of Christianity and the come the Kindred ruler of Denmark and use his posi-
vampires that followed it. Asbjørn joined the side of tion to influence the politics and beliefs of the land,
the Ásatrú, fighting for the old ways. His sire, mean- he has realized the impossibility of that dream. In-
while, seeing history repeat itself, left for other lands. stead, he and his allies focus on weakening the Chris-
In the end, the battle was lost, Christianity estab- tian Kindred of Denmark, as well as the mortal Chris-
lished as the law of the land and the Lasombra, tian institutions, while lending their support to Forn
Ventrue and Toreador becoming preeminent. Asbjørn Siðr and the other pagans, especially Ásatrú, in Den-
settled in Odense under the rule of a Lasombra Prince mark.
and maintained contact with the remaining Ásatrú Sire: Widsith
vampires. He also supported the remaining pagans in Nature: Traditionalist
Denmark, but as time went by, Christianity swept
away the old beliefs and Asbjørn became something of Demeanor: Bravo
a recluse. He lost touch with the times, his knowledge Generation: 6th
of the laws and customs of the land lessened and he
Embrace: 809
only emerged when there was a chance to fight. Only
the formation of the Camarilla managed to rouse him Apparent Age: Late 30s
and Asbjørn saw an opportunity to get rid of the hat- Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
ed, Christian Prince of Odense, who had managed to
avoid the ire of the Anarchs. The Prince, however, Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
declared himself antitribu and remained Prince of Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Odense. This did not last long, however, as a few Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 5, Awareness 2,
packs of the nascent Sabbat attacked Odense, infuriat- Brawl 5, Empathy 1, Expression 2, Intimidation 6,
ed that a traitorous elder Lasombra served as a Cama- Leadership 2, Subterfuge 1
rilla prince. Asbjørn did nothing to defend his sup-
posed liege, but he did join the battle as soon as the Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 2, Etiquette 2, Melee 6,
Prince of Odense had found Final Death; when he Performance 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2
finally joined, he completely annihilated the enemy. Knowledges: Finance 1, Investigation 1, Law 2, Oc-
He then declared himself the Prince of Odense and cult 1, Politics 1, Theology 4
received the support of the Prince of Denmark.

Denmark by Night 81
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 7 (7 standard levels Flemming Hansen, Righteous Free-
and the Projectile power), Dominate 2, Fortitude 5,
Obfuscate 2, Potence 7, Presence 7
dom Fighter
When the Nazis invaded Denmark, Flemming had
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Forn Siðr priest), Contacts 3
just started his studies at Odense University Hospital.
(In the government of Odense and the South Danish
One night in 1943, his cousin woke him up and asked
Region and in Forn Siðr), Domain 6 (technically, all
him to come tend to a sick man – who turned out to
of Funen is his Domain, these dots merely represents
be a heavily wounded resistance fighter. Flemming
what he can reasonably exploit), Herd 3 (Ásatrú wor-
managed to patch the man up and then promptly
shippers), Influence 2, Resources 3, Retainers 5, Sta-
asked to join the Odense resistance. He was accepted
tus 5
and spent the next 2 years engaging in sabotage
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 5 against the occupying forces. As the Nazis suffered
Morality: Humanity 3 defeat after defeat in the war, Flemming’s group grew
bolder, until one night, they became the victims of
Willpower: 9
their own overconfidence. Most of the resistance
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 30/6 fighters were killed by Nazi soldiers and the rest were
Image: Asbjørn looks almost like a stereotype; he is captured. Flemming was heavily wounded, which,
tall and broad-shouldered, with dirty-blond hair hang- ironically, saved his life. The Nazis wanted to execute
ing just below his shoulders and a well-groomed beard. him as a warning to others and they had him nursed
Faded scars adorn his body and his left hand is tat- back to health – a process that took so long that
tooed with knotwork symbols. Asbjørn generally Denmark was liberated before Flemming was execut-
dresses in dark clothes made of tough materials, such ed.
as denim and leather. He always carries a hand axe During the months after Denmark’s liberation,
with him and if he expects trouble, he has a Dane axe Flemming became a minor leader among Odense’s
and several throwing spears at his disposal. resistance fighters, helping them round up collabora-
Roleplaying Hints: The change in the world infuri- tors and people suspected of harboring Nazi sympa-
ates you. You remember the days of thing-meetings, thies. He developed a skill for oration and gave fiery
holmgang-duels, honor and glory won in battles, beliefs speeches that drew large crowds. This devotion was
what drew Hans Tonning to Flemming. Hans had
in gods that made sense rather than some distant and
been a knight in life, devoted to chivalry and honor,
unknowable father figure. You are shaking off centu-
ries of lethargy and you battle a temper that burns hot and he saw in Flemming another passionate firebrand
even for a Brujah, but you have plans. Long term who cared about humans and despised tyrants and
plans. You are old and you have patience. bullies. Hans had gotten permission to create a childe
and chose Flemming.
Haven: An old farm-turned-large house on the out-
skirts of Odense proper. Despite his initial shock, Flemming adjusted quite
quickly to being a vampire. He rapidly understood the
Influence: In the mortal world, Funen is in the Re- nature of Kindred society and although he disliked the
gion of Southern Denmark, which is governed from idea of “status by age, not merit”, he also realized that
Vejle, even though Odense is the largest city. This, there was little he could do to change it as a mere
along with Asbjørn’s centuries-long disinterest in poli- neonate. Instead, he focused on three things; support-
tics, limits his political pull quite a bit – he has a sin- ing his sire, gaining mortal influence and returning to
gle agent in Vejle, but she is only tasked with influenc- his study of medicine. The last thing was actually the
ing legislation affecting Funen. He is still recognized as easiest; Hans’ wealth allowed Flemming to purchase
Lord of Funen and has a fair amount of influence whatever textbooks he needed and even hire tutors
over the island, especially the city of Odense. His in- that were willing to teach after sundown. Mortal in-
fluence in the officially recognized church of the old fluence came in the way of former resistance fighters,
Norse gods, the Forn Siðr, is uncontested by anyone many of whom went on to civil service or politics. And
else in Denmark. supporting his sire simply meant putting whatever
. status and influence Flemming had behind Hans’
efforts to influence both mortal and Kindred society.

82 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

In the 1970’ies, Flemming began to change his ap- groups), Domain 1 (A simple house in Odense), Herd
proach. He saw potential in the various rebellious 5 (Access to OUH), Resources 1, Status 1
youth groups, most of who were on the far left and Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
anti-authoritarian, and he began fostering influence
among them. Over the years, the groups might have Morality: Humanity 7
changed, but their central belief has not and Flem- Willpower: 8
ming still supports and influences them. He also be-
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 12/1
gan looking at Odense University Hospital – through
the decades, he had maintained some contacts there Image: Flemming is tall and thin, with sand-colored
and now, Flemming very carefully cultivated influence hair in an old-fashioned cut and a trimmed mous-
at the hospital, careful not to get into any conflicts tache. His green eyes are usually hidden behind thick
with the mages. glasses. His demeanor is one of nervous energy and
intellectual curiosity – right up until he begins one of
In 1979, Flemming’s sire travelled to Copenhagen
his impassioned speeches, when his entire being seems
to appear at a major Elysium event. Unfortunately, he
to light up from within. Flemming dresses somewhat
was attacked by one or more Lupines in the streets
old-fashioned and prefers beige-colored clothing.
and met final death. Since then, Flemming has seen
himself as one of the preeminent champions of equal- Roleplaying Hints: You remember. You have seen
ity among the Kindred of Denmark. His plans are two- what happens. And you never again want racist, fas-
fold; he wants to pressure the elders of Denmark to cist, nationalist people ruling Denmark. While you are
give more recognition to younger Kindred and he not a wide-eyed radical, you do believe that left-wing
wants to support the left-wing movements in Denmark politics can succeed, as long as the fascists and capital-
in their efforts to combat fascism and right-wing poli- ists are not allowed to interfere. You also see possibili-
tics. He has only recently come into contact with Ni- ties in Kindred society for more egalitarianism, though
colai Hanssen (see page 83) and the two have realized you lack allies. Nicolai, however, is a good start.
that they share much of the same outlook. Haven: His parents’ old house in Odense, near the
Sire: Hans Tonning University Hospital.
Nature: Idealist Influence: Flemming is the only Kindred with any
influence at OUH, though this does not extend to any
Demeanor: Caregiver
of the research or specialized areas. He also has tre-
Generation: 11th mendous pull among most of Denmark’s far-left polit-
Embrace: 1946 ical and social organization, though they are all very
grass-roots, with no influence in government or ad-
Apparent Age: Late 20s ministrations.
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Brujah of Southern Jutland
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Nicolai Hanssen, Radical Thinker
Nicolai’s father was a printer in the city of Odense,
Talents: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Empathy 3, Expres-
a shrewd businessman who invested wisely and grew
sion 3, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 1
in wealth. He sent his firstborn son to Copenhagen to
Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Larceny 1, study, hoping that Nicolai would be able to add some
Performance 1, Stealth 1 respectability to a family that, despite its wealth, would
Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 1, Investiga- always be seen as working-class.
tion 1, Law 1, Medicine 5, Occult 1, Politics 4, Sci- The young man was bright and eager to learn and in
ence 2, Theology 1 Copenhagen, he fell in with the Enlightenment crowd
Disciplines: Celerity 1, Potence 2, Presence 5 and became a member of the group of progressive
intellectuals that formed around Johann Friedrich
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Doctors at Odense Uni- Struensee, King Christian VII’s personal physician. In
versity Hospital and members of various antifa 1770, Nicolai’s father took ill and Nicolai returned to
take over the business, while still espousing the ideals

Denmark by Night 83
of Enlightenment. A circle of progressive nobles and with Flemming Hansen and the two are slowly becom-
scholars formed around Nicolai, their ideas challeng- ing staunch allies.
ing the staid and traditionalistic aristocracy of Den- Sire: Asbjørn of Odense
Nature: Celebrant
Then, in 1772, Struensee was arrested and sudden-
ly, anyone supporting progressive ideals was a target. Demeanor: Pedagogue
Nicolai’s friends all quieted down, but Nicolai himself Generation: 7th
would not be silenced. He was a true believer and he
Embrace: 1773
used his father’s printing business to publish a liberal
newspaper supporting freedom of expression and Apparent Age: Early 30s
other radical ideas. Not surprisingly, Nicolai eventual- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
ly found himself arrested and charged with treason –
given his status, he was offered a plea bargain, but he Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
refused and found himself facing either execution or Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 2
prison for life. Talents: Awareness 1, Brawl 1, Empathy 3, Expres-
Nicolai was rescued from this fate by Asbjørn, the sion 5, Intimidation 1, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 1
Prince of Odense, who saw in the man a rebel some- Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Performance 1
what after his own heart, a rabble-rouser, an orator
and, most importantly, someone who had no time for Knowledges: Academics 6, Computer 1, Finance 1,
the Christian religion. So one night, Asbjørn snatched Investigation 1, Law 4, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Politics
Nicolai from prison and Embraced him. 4, Science 1, Theology 2
For the first decade, it seemed Asbjørn had gotten Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 2, Potence 5, Pres-
what he had wanted in a childe, someone who could ence 6 (Love)
speak with fire and conviction. But Nicolai soon grew Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Member of Aarhus Universi-
disillusioned with Kindred society, where age, genera- ty board), Contacts 5 (Throughout higher educational
tion and lineage counted for more than merit and facilities in Southern Jutland), Herd 5 (Students),
skill. He fell out with his sire and began deriding the Influence 1, Retainers 1, Status 2
whole system of the Camarilla. However, after a cen-
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
tury of trying to enact change, Nicolai became con-
vinced that there was nothing to be done. For a while, Morality: Humanity 7
he toyed with joining the Sabbat or declaring himself Willpower: 7
anarch, but then he realized that the key to influenc-
ing Kindred society lay in changing mortal society. He Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
began building up contacts and influence in the mor- Image: Nicolai is a heavyset man with shoulder
tal world and in 1928, when the University of Aarhus length, chestnut hair and a clean-shaven face. There is
was founded, he moved to that city and directed all of very little about him that is remarkable, until he starts
his attention there. to speak, when his strong, confident voice commands
For almost a hundred years, Nicolai has been using attention. Nicolai usually dresses in simple, slightly
his power and influence to strengthen education out-of-date clothes, though he does have a very stylish
among mortals. While his main focus is on the liberal suit for special occasions.
arts side, he does not neglect other studies. He has an Roleplaying Hints: The world needs to change and
idealistic ideal; not only the creation of a mortal popu- knowledge is the key. Equality and equity for all is the
lation of enlightened and well-educated people, but goal and you will do whatever it takes to steer both
also ensuring that new vampires are chosen from this mortal and Kindred society in that direction. You are
crop. He fully believes that education will lead to an a consummate intellectual and have trouble fathom-
embrace of progressive attitudes, which will lead to a ing that other do not share your love of knowledge or
more equal society. He is a staunch ally of, and fre- indeed the ease with which you learn new things.
quent correspondent with, other Kindred in Denmark
with similar ideas – he has recently come into contact

84 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Haven: A small, well-furnished and completely se- Sire: Nicolai Hanssen
cret room in a sub-basement under the main campus Nature: Visionary
of Aarhus University.
Demeanor: Scientist
Influence: When it comes to the higher education
facilities in the Southern Jutland, no Kindred and few Generation: 8th
mortals have more influence than Nicolai. Embrace: 1935
Vibeke Gjørring, Dedicated Scientist Apparent Age: Mid 20s
When Aarhus University established its Depart- Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
ments of Chemistry, Physics and Anatomy, female Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
students weren’t exactly unknown in Denmark. What
was rare to see was a woman who not only wanted to Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 2
study physics, but whose grades and knowledge was at Talents: Awareness 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1,
the very top of what was to be expected. Leadership 1, Subterfuge 1
Vibeke was the daughter of an engineer whose wife Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 1
had died giving birth to Vbeke’s younger sister. Her Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 1, Medicine
father never remarried and raised the two daughters 4, Occult 3, Politics 1, Science 5
with the help of a house maid. They both grew up
intelligent and inquisitive and he had no qualms Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Dominate 1, Ob-
about sending them to university – Vibeke to Aarhus fuscate 2, Potence 1, Presence 2
to study physics, her sister to Copenhagen to study Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (Scientific and medical
engineering. faculties at Aarhus University and female members of
At university, Vibeke excelled, though she constant- student organizations), Domain 1 (the physics de-
ly faced prejudice and harassment because of her gen- partments of Aarhus University), Herd 2 (Female Stu-
der. Her professors were unwilling to give her the dents), Mentor 3 (Nicolai), Resources 1, Status 2
grades she deserved and her fellow students resented a Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 2
girl being better than they were. It all culminated one
Morality: Humanity 7
dark evening, when Vibeke was making her way home
to her dorm room. One of her fellow students had not Willpower: 7
only found himself outdone in the classroom by Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
Vibeke, but she had also rebuffed his sexual advances
and he followed her home. Fortunately, Vibeke’s skill Image: A short, slight girl with dark-blond hair in a
and dedication, coupled with the fact that she was a pageboy cut and pale, blue eyes behind thick glasses,
woman, had attracted the attention of Nicolai Vibeke embodies the “cute, nerdy girl” look. It doesn’t
Hanssen, who saved Vibeke from rape. And then, he help dispel that image that she prefers to wear light
turned her into a vampire. blouses with ankle-length skirts.

At first, Vibeke was distraught at what had hap- Roleplaying Hints: The secrets of the universe and
pened to her. But then her sire promised her that she how it works are yours to unlock. Quantum physics,
could still study, though, of course, not in ordinary string theory and now, the mysteries of the vampiric
classes during the day. The young woman quickly condition, examined through biochemistry. You have
turned to science as a way to deal with her condition little time for those who are not explorers like yourself
and for several decades, she almost isolated herself. and you absolutely hate those who would hinder sci-
But as time wore on, Vibeke began to involve herself entific progress. Always encourage the pursuit of
more and more with the mortal world. She remem- knowledge.
bered her own struggles and began taking an active Haven: A small, half-forgotten basement apartment
interest in promoting women in science. In addition, in central Aarhus.
she has recently turned to the study of medicine and Influence: Very little, even in the scientific commu-
biochemistry, hoping to apply scientific methods to nity, as Vibeke refuses to publish any papers for fear of
the understanding of the vampiric condition.
threatening the Masquerade. She does have some

Denmark by Night 85
influence among female science students, whom she Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
mentors and encourages. Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Kim Cassens, Underground Promoter Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Kim’s family moved to Esbjerg when oil was discov- Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Empathy
ered in the North Sea and the city faced a massive 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 1, Street-
building boom. Kim’s father was a civil engineer and wise 4, Subterfuge 3
he set the family up well. However, Kim was never
Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 1,
happy with his middle-class upbringing and constantly
Melee 1, Performance 2, Stealth 1
sought out whatever rebellious elements he could
find. He resisted his father’s plans to send him to Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 1, Finance 2,
university and was disowned because of it. Undaunt- Law 1, Occult 1, Politics 1
ed, Kim fell in with the emerging punk and squatter Disciplines: Celerity 1, Potence 3, Presence 3
movement that was slowly growing in Denmark. He
even joined a punk band and began touring all over Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Promoters, club owners
Denmark. and various artists), Domain 3 (Esbjerg’s most notori-
ous club/concert venue/sex dungeon), Fame 1, Herd
Kim’s sire was a Copenhagen Brujah who was fasci- 5 (Club goers and desperate artists), Resources 3, Re-
nated with the rebellious attitudes expressed by the tainers 3, Status 2
punk movement. She had looked for a childe that was
dedicated to the punk ideals, but at the same time not Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
too high-profile to be missed and in Kim, she saw Morality: Humanity 4
both. However, the young man’s rebellious attitude Willpower: 5
was not lessened by the Embrace and as soon as he
was released, he ditched his sire and Copenhagen and Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1
returned to Esbjerg, which was still a fast-growing city. Image: Kim is a big guy who mixes equal parts mus-
Drawing on his contacts, he set himself up as a pro- cle and fat. He cuts his Mohawk down to stubble every
moter of concerts and various counter-culture events. night and shaves the slight beard on his cheeks. Usual-
He met Christina Willows (see page 93) and they ly, he is dressed in black pants, black t-shirt and a
quickly developed quite a business partnership, with black jacket, but he can vary his wardrobe according to
Christina dealing drugs at Kim’s events, for which he the circumstances. He is never without a switchblade
received a cut of the profits. and a 9mm pistol.
These nights, Kim is one of Denmark’s premiere Roleplaying Hints: Established society sucks. You
promoters of anything dark, underground and coun- are a vampire and you are not bound by the traditions
terculture. While his base of operations is in Esbjerg, and mores of mortal society. Rebellious music, shock-
he does business anywhere in Denmark, from goth ing art displays and taboo sex is where you belong and
clubs in Odense to BDSM dungeons in Copenhagen the world would just be a much better place if every-
and gigs with obscure bands in the side-streets of Jom- one gave in to their dark desires.
fru Ane Gade in Aalborg. While Kim is still a rebel at
Haven: Underneath his club.
heart and one of the closest things Denmark has to an
anarch, he cannot but enjoy the money and blood his Influence: Kim has a lot of pull in the more obscure
position is bringing him. subcultures of Denmark and with counter-culture
artists, rebellious bands and small clubs catering to
Sire: Elin Jönsson
niche tastes.
Nature: Rebel
Demeanor: Rebel Brujah of Northern Jutland
Generation: 10th Johanne Larsdatter, Rebel Without a
Embrace: 1980
From 1534 to 1536 a civil war called the Count’s
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Feud (named after one of the chief instigators, Count

86 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Christopher of Oldenburg) gripped Denmark. The she was still the result of an illegal Embrace. However,
war was, at its core, fought to determine whether Johanne thrived in adversity and she set her sights on
Denmark should remain Catholic or become bettering the life of the downtrodden – be it mortals
Protestant and during the war, Count Christopher, or Kindred. Many elders came to curse her name as
supporter of the Catholic faith, called upon the for- Johanne became the first real Anarch in Denmark for
mer privateer Skipper Clement to raise an army of quite some time. However, she had the candid sup-
peasants to defeat the nobles of North Jutland, who port of several old Brujah in Denmark and as time
were mainly supporters of the Protestant King Chris- passed, she grew from an impassioned firebrand to a
tian III. dedicated politician.
For many peasants, the opportunity to fight the no- For almost 500 years, Johanne fought. As time
bles was cause enough and a lot of them couldn’t care passed, she began to soften her Anarch ways and while
less about religious or political motives. Skipper she never became a part of the establishment, she has
Clement managed to raise quite the peasant army and, come to see a little of the wisdom in the rule of the
with the support of professional soldiers, they defeated Elders. These nights, she acts more of a mentor to
the army of Jutland’s nobles. However, politics inter- younger Kindred, shepherding them so they do not
vened and King Christian III came to terms with make mistakes that might threaten the Masquerade or
Count Christopher. As a result, he could turn his the stability of Denmark’s Kindred society. As for her
entire focus on the rebel army and in December 1534, involvement with the downtrodden, that, too, has
the king’s army defeated Clement’s rebels, who had changed, even more dramatically. Johanne remembers
retreated to the city of Aalborg (the war would still a time when peasants starved to death, where lords
drag on for two more years, though, as there was still could kill the poor without consequence and when
Catholic support among other powerful people in women were treated as chattel. While she recognizes
Denmark) that there are still poor people, and still those who
Johanne was among a small handful of women who rule, she has trouble reconciling her memories of the
had joined the peasant army. She was a widow whose past with the way poor people live in the Danish wel-
husband had been killed by a young nobleman’s run- fare state. She has lost much of the drive she once had
away horse, leaving her with three children to care for to better the lives of the more disenfranchised mortals
on her own. Two died of starvation, with only her and now, finds herself without a purpose or a goal in
eldest son surviving to adulthood and she joined her unlife, unsure of where to go next.
Skipper Clement’s army alongside him. Johanne’s son Sire: Albrecht
was among those slaughtered by the royalist soldiers in Nature: Caregiver
the sack of Aalborg and Johanne herself was mortally
wounded. She would have died had it not been for Demeanor: Rebel
her sire. Generation: 9th
Albrecht was a Brujah from Lübeck who had joined Embrace: 1534
the professional soldiers originally sent to reinforce
Apparent Age: Mid 50s
the peasants. The idea of a peasant rebellion against
the nobles warmed the old anarch’s dead heart and Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
among the rebels, he found many promising childer. Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1
However, when Aalborg was sacked, Albrecht had to
choose quickly and he chose Johanne, Embracing her Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
rather than seeing the spirited woman die. Unfortu- Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Awareness 1,
nately, Albrecht did not have permission and once the Brawl 3, Empathy 4, Expression 3, Intimidation 3,
furor of the civil war died down, he was forced to flee, Leadership 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4
a Blood Hunt called down upon him.
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms
Johanne, meanwhile, found herself quite enjoying 1, Larceny 1, Melee 3, Stealth 2, Survival 1
being a vampire. True, she was only barely tolerated, Knowledges: Investigation 1, Law 3, Medicine 1,
because while the Lord of Northern Jutland decided Occult 1, Politics 4, Theology 1
that she was not to blame for her sire’s misconduct,

Denmark by Night 87
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 1, Celerity 5, the telephone exchange, Hall stayed on as a consult-
Dominate 2, Fortitude 2, Potence 5, Presence 5 ant, becoming a professor emeritus for Copenhagen
Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (Social services in her ar- University and continuing to perform private experi-
ea), Domain 1 (A small part of the poorest area of ments regarding telecommunications. He even ex-
Aarhus), Herd 2 (Homeless people), Resources 2, Re- changed a few letters with Marconi regarding wireless
tainers 1, Status 2 telegraphy.

Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5 The Brujah Johanne saw great possibilities in the
advancement of technology. She believed that, even-
Morality: Humanity 5 tually, it would make life better for everyone, includ-
Willpower: 6 ing the poor and disenfranchised, and especially
communication was important to her, as she had seen
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
what newspapers could achieve once censorship was
Image: Johanne is a short, stout woman with prema- relaxed. All this led her to Embrace Theodor, a man
turely graying hair and deep lines of sorrow and harsh she saw as a visionary innovator. Theodor, for his part,
living etched upon her face, making her look over a took the transition to vampire surprisingly easy. He
decade older than she was when she died. However, had been worried about his failing health and now, he
there is a fire inside her that shines when she speaks had eternity to continue his work. However, he dis-
and her voice is not that of an aging woman. Johanne liked the political atmosphere of Kindred society and
prefers plain clothes, often just jeans and a t-shirt and remained on the outside, lending no aid to his sire’s
cares little for make-up or jewelry. Johanne rarely goes attempts at reformation.
anywhere without carrying a dagger, just in case.
Theodor has a rare gift among vampires – even at
Roleplaying Hints: You want to help people, make more than a hundred years, he can still keep up with
a better life (or unlife) for all, but you also know the modern technology and the shifting times and trends
reality. There will always be poor people and the way of mortal society. He was on the forefront when it
Denmark is now, nobody starves to death just because came to radio and television and now, the internet
their harvest fails. And while a meritocracy is a good and mobile technology is what interests him. Almost
thing, the rule of Elders helps keep Kindred society by accident, he has acquired quite a bit of influence
together. There was a time when there was all the and wealth due to this. He ended up with some inter-
reason in the world to fight the established power ests in Skype and, later, gained some influence with
structure, but now it seems there’s no need anymore. Telenor Denmark and while he has never been a
Haven: A small house on the outskirts of central businessman, he has been smart enough to Blood
Aalborg. Bond a mortal who is. Theodor’s main interest re-
mains emerging communications technology and es-
Influence: Johanne used to have a lot of influence pecially the Internet and he continues working on
in the social services in northern Jutland, but she has new ideas, which he disseminates throughout the
let much of that slip away from her. mortal world. Among the more dedicated web-users in
Theodor Jeronimus “T.J.” Hall, Mas- Denmark, T.J. is known as the “cool, old guy” who
was there when it all started.
ter of Technology
Sire: Johanne Larsdatter
Towards the end of the 19th century, phones were
really catching on in Denmark and various phone Nature: Dabbler
companies were being established in the bigger cities. Demeanor: Scientist
Professor T.J. Hall was hired from the University of
Generation: 10th
Copenhagen to help establish a phone central in Aal-
borg, due to his consultancy work on telegraph lines Embrace: 1897
during his earlier years. While Professor Hall was re- Apparent Age: Late 50s
luctant to leave his position at the physics department
of the university, the opportunity to work on tele- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
phones on an industrial scale, not to mention the Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
paycheck, lured him north. After finishing work on

88 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 3 In the 1920s, beachfront hotels were exceptionally
Talents: Awareness 1, Empathy 1, Expression 1, In- popular among the upper classes of Danish society.
timidation 1, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 1 Well-to-do and rich people came from the dirty, grimy
cities to experience the clean air and water of the Dan-
Skills: Crafts 4, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms 1 ish coastline, especially the west coast of Jutland.
Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 4, Law 1, Oc- Here, they enjoyed sand, sun and swimming, while
cult 1, Politics 1, Science 5 also networking and engaging in clandestine affairs.
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 1, Potence 2, Pres- Juliana was the daughter of the nouveau riche indus-
ence 4 trialist Peter Stjernfeldt, a man aspiring to become a
part of the Danish higher classes. Sadly, while he and
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Director at Telenor Den-
his wife were models of propriety, their daughter had
mark), Contacts 5 (Hackers, programmers and devel-
a huge rebellious streak. A willful bon vivant, she did
opers all over Denmark), Fame 1, Herd 1 (Aalborg
what she wanted, when she wanted and managed to
technophiles), Influence 1, Resources 3, Retainers 5,
scandalize the extremely prim and proper society of
Status 2
20’ies Denmark. A girl of her age was not supposed to
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 3 have affairs, certainly not without a level of subterfuge
Morality: Humanity 7 and definitely not with lower-class servants, no matter
how handsome they were. But Juliana did not care –
Willpower: 6
she loved handsome men and loved sex and she got a
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1 thrill out of the reactions of the people around her.
Image: Apart from being on the tall side, Theodor She became notorious at the bathing hotel her family
looks like a stereotypical professor – white, slightly visited each year near the town of Skagen, at the very
receding hair, watery blue eyes behind thick glasses, tip of the Jutland peninsula. Indeed, rumors of her
thin and serious-looking. Despite dressing rather old- behavior made it all the way to Aalborg, to the point
fashioned, in corduroy trousers, striped shirts, a jacket where her father began making plans to send his
with elbow patches and bowtie, Theodor is never daughter into therapy.
without the latest technology, from smartphones to Juliana’s rebellious streak caught the attention of
tablets to smart watches. Johanne, Aalborg’s oldest Brujah. However, Johanne
Roleplaying Hints: The Internet is the best thing to had too much on her plate to take on a childe and
have ever happened for Kindred and the Masquerade. lobbied to give her own childe, Theodor, the right to
Modern communications technology makes unlife so Embrace. He won that right and one summer night,
much easier. And it is so fascinating. You cannot wait introduced Juliana to the world of the Kindred.
to see what lies beyond the horizon and every new Perhaps unsurprisingly, Juliana took to being a
innovation, whether done by yourself or others, fasci- vampire like a fish to water. The freedom, the power,
nates you. the opportunity to act more or less like she wanted – it
Haven: A small, but luxurious apartment in the all appealed to the young woman. She fit in well with
center of Aalborg. Kindred society, taking with her the rebellious streak
she had in life, with enough wits not to challenge the
Influence: Although he is almost unaware of it, status quo too much. After staying with her sire and
Theodor wields a lot of influence in a rather special- grandsire in Aalborg for a few years, she struck out on
ized area; information technology and its derivatives. her own, using her powers and natural charisma to
However, as IT technology becomes increasingly prev- establish a presence with and, eventually, influence
alent and integrated into society, he has the potential over the various society hot-spots along the northern
to become one of the most influential Kindred in Jutlandic coast. Over the next decades, she became
Denmark in regards to the mortal world. known among both mortals and, especially, Kindred
Juliana Marie Stjernfeldt, Undead as someone with great skill at arranging parties and
securing feeding opportunities.
Party Girl
These nights, Juliana spends her summers among
the partygoers in Skagen, still one of Denmark’s

Denmark by Night 89
summer hotspots for well-to-do young partygoers, as Roleplaying Hints: What’s made life worth living,
well as the site for Denmark’s oldest music festival. what makes unlife worth continuing on with, is creat-
The rest of the year, she moves between Aalborg and ing a spectacle. You love it when people are talking
various cities in the Northern Jutland domain, attend- about you, you care nothing for taboos and you love
ing, influencing and arranging parties. She has not to be the center of attention. Rules are merely sugges-
lost the desire to shock and cause a scandal, though tions, social mores are to be challenged and you will
she does her best not to challenge the Masquerade deal with the consequences when they come.
with her antics. Haven: A small, but fashionable apartment in the
Sire: Theodor Jeronimus Hall center of Aalborg
Nature: Eye of the Storm Influence: Juliana is well known among Kindred in
Demeanor: Rebel Jutland for arranging spectacular parties with lots of
potential for feeding, but this does not translate into
Generation: 11th much in the way of real influence. The same goes for
Embrace: 1928 the mortal world, where Juliana might have a great
deal of name recognition among partygoers, but not
Apparent Age: Late Teens
much else.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2 Clan Followers of Set
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Empathy According to vampire history, the Setite group
3, Expression 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 1, Street- known as the Followers of Jormungandr were de-
wise 2, Subterfuge 3 stroyed or driven from Danish soil in 1066. However,
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Performance one of their elders survived, although in torpor, and
2, Stealth 1 returned in the 18th century. He, along with his
childe, now leads the Society of Níðhöggr, a mystery
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Occult 1, Pol- cult that takes its name from the snake that gnaws at
itics 1, Science 1, Theology 1 the root of the World Tree. This society only has spo-
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Dominate 3, Po- radic contact with the Clan as a whole, who relies on a
tence 1, Presence 3 single member to represent them in Denmark.
Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (Promoters, club owners
and the like all over northern Jutland), Domain 2 (A
Followers of Set of Zealand
small, exclusive nightclub off Jomfru Ane Gade), Håkon One-Hand, Architect of De-
Fame 1, Herd 4 (Lovers and partygoers), Resources 2, struction
Retainers 1, Status 2
Håkon was born to a wealthy merchant in Hedeby
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 5 and grew up in great luxury. He became a hedonist,
Morality: Humanity 3 enjoying everything life had to offer. He learned the
art of trading, making deals and even some mathemat-
Willpower: 9 ics and he was ready to take over his father’s business.
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 12/1 However, before this happened, Håkon got into seri-
ous trouble when he seduced a young lady and got
Image: Juliana is a pretty, slender young woman
her pregnant – quite a problem seeing as how Håkon
with blonde hair in a classic 1920s page-boy cut.
was himself married. The young lady’s brother at-
While not exceptionally beautiful, there is something
tacked Håkon and cut of his left hand before Håkon
seductive and sensual about Juliana, that draws every-
managed to get away.
one’s attention and the mischievous glint in her green
eyes is quite attractive. Juliana always wears clothing Clan Setite’s leader in Denmark, Sutekh-Huser, had
just on the right side of scandalous. been keeping an eye on Håkon for some time and
when the attack happened, he was forced to react

90 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

faster than he would have wanted – Håkon’s life was the centuries, he has worked diligently to undermine
as risk and Sutekh-Huser used his blood to save it. He civilized society, fanning flames, applying pressure, but
then proceeded to induct the merchant into the Fol- always working from the shadows. He remembers
lowers of Jormungandr. Håkon took quite well to the what happened the last time he tipped his hand and
Society and it did not take him long to earn the Em- he is unwilling to take any chances or rush his plans.
brace. Unfortunately for Håkon and the Followers as For now, he is a respected member of Kindred society,
a whole, he was not as subtle as the other Setites and known for his influence among the rich and famous.
he ended up revealing the existence, goals and power Sire: Sutekh-Huser
of the Followers of Jormungandr to the vampires of
Denmark. As a result, they engineered the destruction Nature: Monster
of the Followers and their stronghold. Håkon’s sire Demeanor: Bon Vivant
fled with his other childe, while the rest of the Society
Generation: 7th
met Final Death. All except Håkon.
Embrace: 1030
For centuries, Håkon lay in torpor underneath a
collapsed house. Then, in the early 18th century, a Apparent Age: Late 30s
pair of poachers sought refuge from a storm in the Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
ruins of Hedeby. They removed a large stone and dis-
covered the basement that Håkon lay trapped in. The Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
presence of living mortals awoke the Setite, who Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
slaked his thirst and then emerged into a whole new Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 1, Brawl 1, Empa-
world. He made his way to Ribe, but saw that this was thy 4, Expression 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3,
not the large city of the Viking Age. He did, however, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 5
meet Erik Runemaster (see page 111), who was able to
explain the changes that had happened in Denmark Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 4, Larceny
over the centuries. 1, Performance 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1
Håkon now found himself with no allies and few re- Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 2, Investigation
sources. At first, he returned to the ruins of Hedeby, 1, Law 2, Occult 5, Politics 1, Theology 3
where he rescued what remained of the writings and Disciplines: Dominate 2, Obfuscate 5, Presence 5,
treasure of the Followers of Jormungandr. Then, he Serpentis 6
journeyed to Copenhagen, where he petitioned the
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Current mortal head of the
Prince for permission to stay. Prince Gunnarr was
Society, high-class drug dealer), Contacts 5 (Among
dubious, given that Håkon presented himself as a
the rich, famous and powerful in Copenhagen), Do-
Setite, but given that Håkon was a Dane from the days
main 1 (His haven), Herd 5 (The Society of Níðhöggr),
before the founding of the Camarilla, he eventually
Influence 1, Resources 4, Retainers 3, Status 2
relented. Håkon immediately set about establishing
himself. He still had the skills of a merchant and trad- Virtues: Conviction 3 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
er, along with the training Sutekh-Huser had given Morality: Typhon 7
him and with that, Håkon managed to establish the
Society of Níðhöggr. Part mystery cult, part hedonistic Willpower: 7
salon, part gentleman’s club, the Society became a bit Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
of a fashionable fad among the upper classes in Co-
Image: Håkon is a vaguely handsome man, tall and
penhagen. Håkon deftly managed to stay under the
lean, with long, blond hair and a well-groomed beard.
radar, avoiding the attention of the rest of Copenha-
He prefers to dress in tailored suits with gold cufflinks
gen’s Kindred.
and a tie pin. He covers the stump of his left hand
Håkon is still a hedonist, enjoying everything he can with a black leather cover and gets uncomfortable if
about unlife. But at the same time, he has not given people draw attention to it.
up the work begun by his sire a thousand years ago.
Roleplaying Hints: The serpent will devour the
Håkon seeks nothing less than the destruction of law,
world of laws and rules and you will be there to wal-
order and civilization, starting with Denmark. Over
low in the excess and pleasure that it will bring. Until

Denmark by Night 91
then, do the serpent’s work. And make sure noone emissary to the Jotuns of Zealand. At the same time,
learns what your ultimate goal is – you have no great Eberhardt has kept up his interest in law and politics.
desire to spend another couple of centuries in torpor. He holds some influence within the Conservatives,
Haven: A large villa, more like a small mansion, but more importantly, he has numerous contacts with-
north of Copenhagen, which is also the headquarters in the higher court system in Denmark and he con-
of the Society of Níðhöggr. trols one of the most prestigious law firms in the capi-
tal, which was founded by his brother.
Influence: The Society of Níðhöggr has numerous
rich, powerful and influential members, but it lacks Sire: Håkon One-Hand
directed influence and no high-ranking politicians are Nature: Rogue
members. Håkon can exert subtle pressure behind the Demeanor: Traditionalist
scenes, not influence the policy of businesses or politi-
cal parties. Generation: 8th
Embrace: 1871
Eberhardt Lange, Ally of the Jotuns
Apparent Age: Early 60s
The Society of Níðhöggr reached the height of its
power and influence in the second half of the 19th Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
century, when spiritualism and nationalism was very Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
popular in Denmark. During this time, the Jotuns of
Copenhagen (see page 171) became aware of the Soci- Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
ety and decided to twist it for their own ends. Howev- Talents: Awareness 3, Empathy 3, Expression 1, In-
er, upon infiltrating it, they found that the Society was timidation 3, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 5
already under the control of a supernatural being. Skills: Animal Ken 1, Etiquette 3, Stealth 1
What followed was a long series of tense meetings and
negotiations between the Jotuns and Håkon One- Knowledges: Academics 3, Finance 1, Investigation
Hand. It was early in these negotiations that Eber- 1, Law 5, Occult 3, Politics 3, Theology 2
hardt was Embraced. Disciplines: Obfuscate 2, Presence 5, Serpentis 5
Eberhardt’s father had been a minor player in the Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Jotun chieftain, leader of his
political struggles surrounding the establishment of law firm), Contacts 5 (Jotuns, Politcians, Judges), Do-
the Constitution of 1849 and Eberhardt had followed main 1 (His haven), Herd 2 (Society of Níðhöggr
in his father’s footsteps; after achieving a law degree members), Resources 3, Retainers 1, Status 1
from the University of Copenhagen, he went into
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
politics, comfortably supported by the wealth of his
family. He joined the Society of Níðhöggr while at Morality: Humanity 2
University and rose through the ranks with amazing Willpower: 6
speed. Unlike many of the other members, who were
looking for hedonistic thrills or latched on to the new Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
fad of spiritualism, Eberhardt was genuinely interested Image: Eberhardt is a corpulent man with thinning,
in the mysteries offered by Håkon and was eventually black hair shot through with silver, bushy sideburns
made a ghoul. A few years later, Håkon petitioned the and a jowly face. He dresses in suits and wears expen-
Prince of Copenhagen for the right to make a childe. sive watches and an ostentatious gold ring. His voice is
Ragnhild gave permission, reasoning that it would not deep and booming.
hurt to have Håkon’s gratitude.
Roleplaying Hints: You serve Set, yes, but you are
Eberhardt joined Håkon in dealing with the Jotuns. also fascinated by the Jotuns and the power they rep-
As it turned out, the goals of the Followers of Set and resent. You desire that power, to add it to what you
the Jotuns are surprisingly similar – they both want to already have. One day, society and civilization will
break down the current societal structure and civiliza- crumble, but until then, you will gather as much pow-
tion. While the specifics differ, there was enough er as you can within mortal society.
common ground that they could work together. And Haven: A large townhouse in the Østerbro quarter.
for more than a century, Eberhardt has been Håkon’s

92 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Influence: Eberhardt has a fair amount of influence spanning the entire country. Copenhagen might be a
over the Copenhagen branch of the Conservative much bigger market, but the police are also keenly
People’s Party and is feuding with the Gangrel Ragnar aware of this. Christina is happily to let other Kindred
Silver-Tongue for influence over the Frederiksberg take the risk of importing drugs into the capitol, dodg-
branch. He has total control over the law firm his ing the police and customs all the time, while she can
brother founded and they have many prestigious and smuggle in her wares through Esbjerg with very little
powerful clients. chance of discovery. With her wealth, power and in-
fluence growing, Christina has even begun to consider
Followers of Set of Southern lobbying for recognition as the Prince of Esbjerg,
though she realizes that this might be a very problem-
Jutland atic domain to hold.
Christina Willows, Smuggler extraor- Sire: Ardath
Nature: Monster
During the Victorian Age, Egypt was all the rage
Demeanor: Capitalist
amongst well-to-do Englishmen. And when they trav-
elled to that mysterious land, they brought with them Generation: 8th
their servants. Christina was one such servant, person- Embrace: 1886
al maid to the wife of an English country squire with
strong political ties. A pretty young woman, Christina Apparent Age: Late 20s
was also ambitious and had her sights set on finding a Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
husband of wealth and power. What she found in-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4
stead was a Setite cult in Cairo.
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
The Setites were always looking to expand their in-
fluence and Christina’s employer was a weak-willed Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 2,
man of many vices. The Followers of Set approached Brawl 1, Empathy 4, Expression 1, Intimidation 2,
Christina and offered her money, power, status and Leadership 2, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4
pleasure and the young woman happily accepted. Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Larceny
With Christina’s help, the Followers of Set easily sub- 1, Stealth 3
verted her master and mistress, giving them powerful
allies in Britain. Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Investigation
1, Law 2, Medicine 1, Occult 2, Theology 1
Christina, however, did not return to her home-
land. The Setites had been impressed by the woman’s Disciplines: Auspex 1, Obfuscate 3, Presence 3,
dedication, skill and ambition. She spent a decade in Serpentis 5
Cairo as a mortal member of the cult, helping them Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Biker boss), Contacts 3
subvert various target, before earning the Embrace. (Drug dealers and a union secretary), Domain 3 (part
Only then did she return to Europe, though not to of Esbjerg docklands) Herd 5 (Addicts), Influence 1,
the British Isles. The elders of the Followers of Set Resources 4, Retainers 1, Status 2
were unhappy with the secrecy surrounding Håkon Virtues: Conviction 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
and his childe and wanted another Setite in Denmark.
Originally, the plan was to place Christina in Copen- Morality: Typhon 6
hagen, but she quickly realized the potential of Esbjerg Willpower: 6
and decided, as the first vampire, to settle in the new
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
Image: True to her last name, Christina is a slender,
With the amount of shipping coming into Esbjerg
willowy woman with long, curly, dark hair and large,
harbor, it was easy for Christina, with the aid of other
blue eyes. She is able to project an air of innocence
European Setites, to set up a smuggling network. As
and grace at will, which makes it even more frighten-
time went by, drugs became the most important
ing when she bares her fangs and reveals the monster
commodity and eventually, Christina became the big-
gest vampire drug dealer in Denmark, with a network

Denmark by Night 93
beneath the façade. Christina always dresses in busi- Einold was one of the first vampires to settle in Co-
ness casual attire that accentuates her body. penhagen alongside Gunnarr. The skills he had
Roleplaying Hints: Know who you are talking to. learned as a hunter served him poorly in the city and
Intimidate the less powerful, flatter those who can be he decided to offer his services to the new Prince.
flattered, dominate the weak-willed and always be Gunnarr, for his part, was happy to have a skilled
ready to cut your losses. Pride is a trap and you can tracker and warrior serving him and helped Einold
always rebuild. Take the long view and use what re- gain the skills needed to advance among vampires.
sources you have to eventually come out ahead. At times, Einold served as Hound, Scourge, or Sher-
Haven: A huge beachfront house in the Esbjerg iff. Often, he would travel throughout Denmark on
suburbs. errands for the Prince. He never had the political ac-
umen to secure himself a permanent position and he
Influence: Christina has substantial pull among depended on others to help him build a power base
criminals all over Denmark, especially those who deal and secure resources. However, his loyalty ro Gunnarr
in drugs. She also has some influence with the city was always well-known. In fact, this loyalty was one of
administration in Esbjerg and with the union depart- Ragnhild the Just’s main concerns as she took over the
ments responsible for the workers at the Esbjerg position of Prince after Gunnarr went into torpor.
docks. Fortunately, Ragnar Silvertongue (see page 95) man-
aged to secure Einold’s support of Ragnhild by prom-
ising not to challenge for the position of Primogen.
Clan Gangrel Now, Einold has a permanent position of power,
The first Clan in Denmark and for a long time, the but despite nearly a millennium of experience, he is
ruling Clan. Clan Gangrel may have fallen from their still out of his depth. Einold is simply not a political
lofty position, they may no longer call themselves Ein- person. He is far too forthright and honest, unwilling
herjar, but they are still a much less nomadic breed to play the game. He tries, but he is by far the least
than one might expect. The Gangrel of Denmark rare- influential member of the Primogen Council. He also
ly seek nature, preferring instead to hold to the rem- acutely feels the lack of influence and resources. Over
nants of the old ways and the old places. Most Danish the centuries, he relied on handouts and casual advice
Gangrel feel a strong sense of patriotism and wish to from Prince Gunnarr, but after Ragnhild took over,
do their part in making Denmark a great nation. Einold decided to manage his own business. Or ra-
ther, create a ghoul to do so. However, Einold also
Gangrel of Zealand wanted to keep his own hand in the management of
his resources and this has not helped matters. He
Einold Wolfslayer, Gangrel Primogen pushed for an investment in the city of Farum (see
Einold’s early existence as a Kindred never really in- page 71) and lost big when it all came tumbling down.
dicated that he would end up as the Primogen of Clan Einold is getting desperate. He knows that Ragnar,
Gangrel. In life, he was a hunter, a very skilled one, the Prince of Frederiksberg, is a much better politician
but nothing that would normally catch the eye of one and businessman and enjoys the close council of
of the most powerful Gangrel in Denmark. Prince Ragnhild, even though Ragnar is not the Pri-
Einold was Embraced at the tail end of the battles mogen of Clan Gangrel. He knows that he is the
between the Pagan and Christian vampires in Den- laughing stock of Copenhagen’s political Kindred.
mark. His sire, simple known as The Old One, was And he is starting to lose the loyalty that has been his
desperate and Einold became simply another soldier defining feature for centuries. He has begun talking to
in a lost cause. He quickly realized that the Christian the Sabbat across the Øresund. He has been talking to
vampires would win and in the end, he betrayed his Valdemar Duus-Frederiksen (see page 149) and Anette
sire. And the vampire he went to in order to make this Gyldenstierne (see page 104). He has even been talk-
betrayal was none other than Gunnarr Mark, who ing to Clan Tremere. He has no plan so far, but he
would become the Prince of Denmark a few centuries just knows that he wants a change.
later. Sire: The Old One
Nature: Survivor

94 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Demeanor: Conformist change. It doesn’t matter what you have to do, who
Generation: 6 th you have deal with, something must change.

Embrace: 1050 Haven: An abandoned factory at Avedøre Holme.

Apparent Age: Mid 40s Influence: Einold used to have a good deal of influ-
ence in Farum, but that is gone. He clings to his influ-
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6 ence in the Hvidovre Municipality that lets him affect
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1 Avedøre Holme.
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Ragnar Silver-Tongue, Prince of
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 5, Awareness 1, Frederiksberg
Brawl 3, Empathy 1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Ragnar’s father was a Viking, who took his son
Subterfuge 2 along as soon as Ragnar was old enough. Although a
Skills: Animal Ken 5, Crafts 3, Etiquette 1, Firearms decent warrior, Ragnar’s skills lay more in trading and
1, Larceny 1, Melee 3, Stealth 4, Survival 5 making deals. The young man soon decided that raid-
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Investigation ing was not for him and became a merchant. He trav-
2, Occult 3, Politics 2, Theology 1 eled to foreign lands to trade for exotic goods and
returned with great wealth. Eventually, Ragnar settled
Disciplines: Animalism 7, Auspex 2, Celerity 1, down, married and lived in great luxury. He never lost
Dominate 2, Fortitude 7, Potence 1, Presence 3, Pres- the skills he had learned and now turned his persua-
ence 1, Protean 7 sive abilities towards politics, becoming quite a power-
Backgrounds: Contacts 1 (Hvidovre Municipality ful man on Zealand.
administration civil servant), Domain 3 (Part of Ragnar’s sire was a Gangrel from Britanny who had
Avedøre Holme), Herd 1 (Homeless and prostitutes left her home to escape the reach of the Romans. In
he pays well), Resources 2, Retainers 2, Status 4 Denmark, she found a vibrant society and joined the
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5 more settled Gangrel that had made their home in the
kingdom. She took Ragnar as a childe due to his pow-
Morality: Humanity 5
er, influence and political acumen. Ragnar mourned
Willpower: 7 the loss of his wife, whom he had to leave after his
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 30/6 Embrace, but otherwise, took to his new existence
quite well.
Image: Einold is a tall, broad man with blunt fea-
tures and shaggy, blond hair. He sports a scraggly It didn’t take Ragnar long to establish himself as a
beard that he tries to groom every night upon waking. powerful vampire on Zealand, but unfortunately, the
Frenzies over the years have left him with teeth like Christian vampires were coming. During the battles
those of a canine. Einold tries to wear dignified suits, between Pagans and Christians, Ragnar fought on the
but they never look right on him. He rarely goes side of his clan, though not on the front lines like his
armed, as he hardly needs to, but if he expects trouble, sire. When she was killed, Ragnar entered into tenta-
he will arm himself with an axe and a very heavy mod- tive negotiations. He realized that the march of Chris-
ern compound bow with a selection of arrows, using tianity could not be stopped and when the fighting
them when his Disciplines would breach the Mas- was over, Ragnar was one of the few Gangrel who had
querade. a positive connection to the new rulers of vampire
Roleplaying Hints: You have always done what is
needed to survive – you sold out your sire because his For the next centuries, Ragnar simply focused on
cause was a failure, you served Gunnarr because he shoring up his power and influence. When Prince
was the most powerful, you transferred your loyalty to Gunnarr moved from Roskilde to Copenhagen in
Ragnhild to gain a position that would ensure your 1241, Ragnar surprised quite a few people by coming
safety. Yet things are falling apart all around you. You up on top in the political battle for Roskilde. He later
are losing wealth, prestige, influence and soon, some- surprised even more people by giving up Roskilde and
one will try to take your place. So it’s time for a moving to Copenhagen after the Reformation, letting

Denmark by Night 95
Gunnarr’s childe take over Roskilde (and gaining a helped to power), Influence 1, Resources 3, Retainers
fair amount of concessions from Prince Gunnarr in 5, Status 4
the process). Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
When Gunnarr fell into torpor and Ragnhild the Morality: Humanity 5
Just took over, Ragnar was one of her strongest sup-
porters. They had secretly joined forces during the Willpower: 7
Enlightenment to support the reforms sweeping the Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
land, as both of them saw the advantages gained. In
Image: Almost everything about Ragnar is big; he is
return for his support, Prince Ragnhild promised
tall, with broad shoulders, a barrel chest, a massive
Ragnar a major boon, which Ragnar cashed in in
beard and big belly, the legacy of a life in luxury; only
1857, making him the Prince of Frederiksberg.
his hair is cut exceptionally short. His eyes are yellow,
Since becoming a minor Prince, Ragnar has contin- with slit pupils. Ragnar prefers to wear casual, but
ued to accrue wealth, influence, power and prestige. expensive, clothes, but for formal occasions, he will
He is one of Ragnhild’s closest allies and has helped put on a suit and carry and old wooden staff with a
several younger Kindred establish themselves. There wolf’s head carved on it. As a legacy from his times as
are those who believe Ragnar to be a power behind a mortal, he always carries a small seax.
the throne or plotting to take over Prince Ragnhild’s
Roleplaying Hints: It’s all about making deals,
position. However, Ragnar does not want the throne –
gathering favors and wealth and power and prestige.
he knows what a target it would make him and he is
You never let a chance to do some wheeling and deal-
comfortable just enjoying his position and power as
ing pass you by. There is no bigger thrill than negotiat-
the Prince of Frederiksberg.
ing high stakes and big deals. You enjoy the spoils of
Sire: Luigsech victory, but will always be looking for the next big
Nature: Thrill-Seeker deal.
Demeanor: Capitalist Haven: A small mansion in central Frederiksberg
Generation: 7th Influence: When it comes to the politics and busi-
ness of Frederiksberg, Ragnar’s influence is more or
Embrace: 827 less absolute. He also enjoys the trust of Prince Rag-
Apparent Age: Early 40s nhild and a number of younger Kindred owe him
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 boons, favors or money.

Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2 Anders Sand, City Gangrel Antitribu

Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 Like his father before him, Anders joined the Dan-
ish navy as a gunner. However, Anders disliked the
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 3,
strict discipline and low pay and so jumped ship and
Brawl 2, Empathy 5, Expression 1, Intimidation 4,
became a civilian sailor, taking jobs aboard mer-
Leadership 4, Streetwise1, Subterfuge 6
chantmen. With a warrant out for his arrest, Anders
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Melee 2, generally avoided being aboard ships that docked in
Stealth 1, Survival 1 Copenhagen and this was what sealed his fate.
Knowledges: Academics 2, Finance 4, Investigation Anders was aboard a merchantman that stopped in
1, Law 1, Occult 3, Politics 5, Theology 1 Helsingborg on its way to Copenhagen and he gained
Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 2, Obfuscate 3, permission from the captain to disembark in the Swe-
Celerity 3, Dominate 3, Fortitude 6, Potence 1, Pres- dish city. However, he left the ship after sundown and
ence 5, Protean 6 on his way to an inn, was taken by a City Gangrel.
Peter Helmer was a member of an extended pack of
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Among the Frederiksberg young Sabbat that was rebelling against Helsingborg’s
administration and the other powerful people in the Cainite power structure and they were in the process
municipality), Domain 5 (technically, all of Frederiks- of Embracing expendables for the fight. Anders found
berg is his Domain, these dots merely represents what
he can reasonably exploit), Herd 5 (Mortals he has

96 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

himself thrust into battle against powerful, undead Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Intimida-
monsters, goaded by threats from his sire. tion 4, Leadership 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
Fortunately for Anders, he managed to survive the Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 3, Etiquette 1, Firearms
retaliation of the Cainite leaders in Helsingborg, by 1, Larceny 3, Melee 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1
the expedient of running away when his sire was de- Knowledges: Finance 1, Investigation 2, Occult 2
stroyed. Franticly, he stole a boat and rowed to Hel-
singør and then, over the next several nights, he made Disciplines: Celerity 5, Obfuscate 3, Presence 2,
his way to Copenhagen. Here, he was found by Lorenz Protean 3
Barmstede (see page 127), who took Anders before Backgrounds: Contacts 1 (High-priced escort), Do-
Prince Ragnhild for judgement. main 3 (A good part of Nyhavn), Herd 5 (Cheap pros-
Initially, Ragnhild wanted Anders killed, but Ragnar titutes), Resources 3, Retainers 1, Status 1
Silver-Tongue (see page 95) interceded and after Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
pumping Anders for all the information he had about
Morality: Humanity 5
the Sabbat, he was accepted as a member of the Kin-
dred society in Denmark. Willpower: 6
For a while, Anders was completely lost. He served Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 10/1
as a helper for Lorenz and Copennhagen’s Sheriff, Image: Anders is a short man with handsome fea-
Mikael Stjernekilde, but lacked a focus for when they tures married by a number of scars. He has short-
did not call upon him. With some help from Ragnar, cropped, blond hair and stubble to match and his ears
Anders began establishing himself among the sailors are currently large and tufted. Anders wears denim
at the Port of Copenhagen and after a while, he built and leather and is never unarmed, usually carrying
himself a nice, little power base, especially among the both a pistol and a dagger.
whores, tattoo artists and petty criminals in Nyhavn.
When the area was gentrified, Anders was smart Roleplaying Hints: For over a hundred years, your
enough to invest and now, he has interests in numer- existence was dictated by others, but now, you have
ous restaurants in the area – while still maintaining finally managed to establish yourself and be in a posi-
some influence with the prostitutes that have gone tion where you can make your own decisions. And
from streetwalkers to escort girls. what you want is vengeance against the vampires that
ruined your life. The Sabbat must be destroyed and
Anders still holds a burning hatred for the Sabbat. frankly, you don’t care if you have to go against the
They took everything away from him and they put him Prince to get it done.
through Hell. As such, Anders has slowly begun agitat-
ing for a more aggressive stance towards the Cainites Haven: The basement of a warehouse-turned-
in Southern Sweden. It has gotten to the point where apartment-complex in Christianshavn.
Prince Ragnhild, unknown to Anders, has become Influence: Nothing goes down in Nyhavn without
slightly irritated and even a bit worried. Anders knowing about it and he has a fair amount of
Sire: Peter Helmer influence among the city’s exclusive escort services,
giving him some blackmail material, should he need
Nature: Loner it.
Demeanor: Bravo
Generation: 13th
Gangrel of Funen
Freya, Neo-Pagan Fanatic
Embrace: 1862
Freya’s birth name was Rosemary Welks, the daugh-
Apparent Age: Mid 30s
ter of a professor of literature at Cambridge Universi-
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 ty. Rosemary’s mother was a nervous, highly-strung
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 woman and her father cared only for his sons, leaving
Rosemary a lonely child. She sought refuge in books
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 and despite a proper Church of England upbringing,
she soon began to feel herself drawn to explore mysti-

Denmark by Night 97
cism and different beliefs. She bounced around vari- Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
ous English neo-pagan groups until in 1964, she be- Morality: Humanity 5
came one of the first members of the new Order of
Bards, Ovates and Druids. Here, she encountered Willpower: 5
Merlin, a slightly deranged Gangrel lost in the neo- Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 11/1
pagan revival. He became entranced by the pure faith
Image: While Freya is certainly beautiful, she does
and dedication that Rosemary radiated and decided to
not really match her adopted name – she is on the
Embrace her.
short side, with long, curly, black hair and slate-
At first, Rosemary hated becoming a vampire, as it colored eyes. Her body is athletic and toned, though
cut her off from the life-blood of the Earth. She began still quite voluptuous and she moves with an uncon-
searching for a way to express her faith despite her sciously sensuous grace. Her voice is quite pleasant,
new existence and after a few years, learned of the with a strong, “proper English” accent. Freya’s Gan-
einherjar of Scandinavia. She promptly travelled to grel blood has currently left her with furry, triangular
Denmark and soon learned of Asbjørn (see page 80). ears reminiscent of a housecat’s.
The two met and the elder immediately gave Rose-
Roleplaying Hints: You believe. You believe in the
mary a new purpose in unlife. She changed her name
existence of the gods and you do your best to serve,
and dedicated herself to the Ásatrú faith.
placate and receive the blessing of the old Norse gods.
For decades, Freya has been Asbjørn’s closest ally You hate the White Christ with a burning passion
and she is partly responsible for helping the Brujah and would love to see his followers destroyed and his
out of his morose stupor. She is a true believer and temples burned to the ground.
much better than Asbjørn at relating to mortals, al-
Haven: In the soil of Munke Mose Park in Odense
lowing her to smoothly interact with various neo- or with her mentor.
pagan groups. She supports Asbjørn’s plans and is also
dedicated to the idea of driving Christianity more or Influence: Freya enjoys a substantial amount of re-
less out of Denmark and restore the old faith. spect among neo-pagans, especially Ásatrú, in Den-
mark and can nudge their organizations in the direc-
Sire: Merlin
tion she wants.
Nature: Dabbler
Demeanor: Rebel Gangrel of Southern Jutland
Generation: 12th Eske Tombøl, Sheriff of Denmark
Embrace: 1965 Eske grew up the second son of a wealthy free
farmer in medieval Denmark. When he was not work-
Apparent Age: Late 20s ing the fields, Eske’s main joy was hunting. He was a
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 superb rider and an expert woodsman, a great shot
with a bow and he loved nothing more than to spend
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
his nights under the stars. His sire, Einold Wolfslayer
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 (see page 94), saw in Eske the makings of a fine Gan-
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 3, Awareness 1, grel and for a year, he tested the man’s abilities, stam-
Brawl 1, Empathy 1, Expression 2, Intimidation 2 ina and will. Eventually, Eske was Embraced.

Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Melee 2, Perfor- At first, Eske’s nominal Christianity made him hor-
mance 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2 rified at what had happened, but he soon accepted his
fate. Einold was a civilized sire and Eske joined the
Knowledges: Academics 2, Law 1, Medicine 1, Oc- various courts of Denmark’s Kindred as soon as he
cult 4, Politics 1, Theology 3 was released. Here, he acquitted himself well and
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Fortitude 1, Protean 3 soon, he earned a fair amount of wealth and status as
a guide for vampires wishing to travel. Eske became
Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (In Forn Siðr and various
quite adept at how to survive outside of cities as a
neo-pagan groups), Herd 3 (Lovers), Mentor 5 (As-
bjørn), Resources 1, Retainers 1 (Ghoul cat), Status 2 vampire and became an expert on Denmark’s geogra-
phy and, by necessity, on Lupines.

98 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

For centuries, Eske built his resources and prestige. to supply him with blood when on the job), Resources
The Prince of Denmark often called upon him, 2, Retainers 2, Status 4
though he never received a formal title. However, Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Ragnhild the Just changed this when she took over as
Prince. Formerly, the Sheriff of Copenhagen had Morality: Humanity 5
served as sheriff for all of Denmark, traveling to wher- Willpower: 7
ever he was needed. Ragnhild realized that with the
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
growth of Copenhagen, a new solution was needed.
She approached Eske and offered him the position of Image: Eske is short by modern standards, but
Sheriff of Denmark, with jurisdiction everywhere out- makes up for it with a muscular build. His dark hair is
side of Zealand. The Gangrel readily accepted. long enough to cover his ears, but is always slicked
back and he wears a neatly-trimmed beard. Eskes eyes
For many years, Eske travelled a circuit throughout
glow a dull red, the mark of a particularly powerful
Denmark, only altering his pattern if a crime called
frenzy, which he usually hides behind sunglasses. His
him to a specific area. However, Eske was quick to
clothes are practical when travelling, but he always has
embrace new technology and since the 1950s, he has
a suit ready if need be. Eske is never without a large
spent his time in Aarhus, ready to be called to whatev-
dagger and keeps a shotgun and a heavy saber in his
er domain requires his services. When he is not en-
car. He currently sports a number of nasty scars on his
gaged in the business of being sheriff, Eske has taken
hands and forearms due to a close call with a Lupine.
upon himself the very dangerous task of figuring out
why Lupines have been moving into Danish cities, Roleplaying Hints: Your façade is that of the per-
something that has put his unlife in jeopardy more fect servant of the powerful, dedicated and respectful.
than once. But underneath, you serve because of the danger, the
thrill of the hunt and the excitement of investigating a
Sire: Einold Wolfslayer
crime. You feel almost alive in the chase, the interro-
Nature: Thrill-Seeker gation and the eventual capture and sentencing.
Demeanor: Soldier Haven: A large, patrician villa in Aarhus, filled with
Generation: 7 th the latest security systems.
Embrace: 1189 Influence: While Eske has little direct influence, he
has a lot of contacts within the police forces of Den-
Apparent Age: Early 30s mark and could, if necessary, influence an investiga-
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 tion.
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 Szymon Jachowicz, Eco-Warrior
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 Szymon always preferred nature to the city and so, a
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 1, job with the Polish forestry service sat well with him.
Brawl 3, Empathy 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 1, He was a recluse and, if possible, always took assign-
Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2 ments that did not involve working with other peo-
ple.. He loved hiking through nature and sleeping
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Crafts 1, Drive 2, Etiquette 2,
beneath the stars and his greatest regret was the de-
Firearms 2, Melee 4, Stealth 3, Survival 4
struction that Communist-era Poland’s industrial
Knowledges: Academics 1, Investigation 3, Law 2, policies did to nature.
Occult 1, Politics 1
During the Communist years, Eastern Europe was a
Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 3, Celerity 2, battleground between the Sabbat and the Camarilla
Dominate 3, Fortitude 6, Obfuscate 3, Potence 1, and Szymon was drawn into it. His outdoor skills,
Protean 6 fortitude and all-round resourcefulness caught the
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Skilled Hacker), Contacts 4 attention of a Polish Gangrel, who made Szymon his
(Police all over Denmark), Domain 1 (Large, ultra- childe in order to have another soldier in the battle
secure house in Aarhus), Herd 1 (Princes are required against the Sabbat. And for many years, all Szymon
knew was the battle – scouting, infiltrating and some-

Denmark by Night 99
times fighting, constantly on the movie, taking blood Apparent Age: Late 30s
when needed. To Szymon, the Camarilla was a war Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
machine and he was a cog.
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2
Then, the Berlin Wall fell. Suddenly, things like
freedom of press and a public unafraid to talk about Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
the terrors in the night forced the Polish Camarilla to Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Intimida-
enforce the Masquerade much more powerfully than tion 2
before. There was little room for vampires like Szymon
Skills: Animal Ken 5, Crafts 4, Drive 1, Firearms 2,
and his sire and for a while, they floundered. Then,
Larceny 1, Melee 1, Stealth 3, Survival 5
the Sabbat struck back against their Camarilla enemies
and most of Szymon’s acquaintances was killed or Knowledges: Investigation 2, Law 1, Medicine 1,
driven into Torpor, while he himself just barely man- Science 1
aged to escape. And suddenly, he was free. Disciplines: Animalism 2, Fortitude 1, Protean 3
For a while, Szymon was at a loss of what to do, un- Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (In various eco-groups),
til finally he decided to leave Poland. Germany was an Herd 1 (A herd of deer), Status 1
obvious destination, but some of Szymon’s mortal
family had managed to get to Denmark in the 1970ies Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
and their letters had spoken well of the country back Morality: Humanity 5
then. So, Szymon travelled into Jutland. Here, he Willpower: 7
found an accepting community of Kindred, and one
with a rather different approach to the Camarilla than Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 11/1
Szymon was used to. With the short distance between Image: Szymon is a short, broad man with blunt fea-
towns and cities, Szymon was able to stay in the nature tures and slightly balding, black hair in a ragged cut.
that he loved so much while, at the same time, having He moves with a smooth agility, deceptively slowly and
relatively easy access to mortal blood when needed. methodically and speaks slowly as well, with a coarse,
However, more and more of Jutland’s nature was be- low voice. Szymon wears outdoors clothes and carries
ing ruined by the desire for agriculture – trees cut a woodcutting axe, a hunting knife and an old hunt-
down, streams straightened, marshes drained and ing rifle. His current clan mark is a distinct musky
lakes poisoned by industrial fertilizer. And so, Szymon odor.
found himself with a cause.
Roleplaying Hints: You love the outdoors, nature,
Never a sociable person, it took Szymon almost 20 animals and the wild. You hate that it’s being de-
years to become an integral part of the various ecolog- stroyed and while you prefer to be alone and survive
ical and nature-protective groups in Denmark. He still by your own skills, you have been forced into dealing
does not have anywhere near the influence that a with people. Fine, you will do what’s needed to ensure
more politically adept Kindred would have, but then, that you will always have beautiful scenery to look at, a
he does not want to. He supports restorative initiatives sky clear of industrial smoke and a night not spoiled
and, from time to time, will perform sabotage against by the sound of motor vehicles.
industrial or agricultural projects that threaten to ruin
Haven: Anywhere there’s some earth for him to
even more of Denmark’s dwindling nature. This has
sleep in. In addition, he knows of an old, abandoned
put him at odds with many powerful Kindred, but
shack in the wooded hills near Vejle where he can
here, Szymon’s lack of influence works to his ad-
sleep in the basement if low on blood.
vantage – none of these powerful vampires actually
consider the Gangrel recluse a suspect. Influence: None, really..
Sire: Andrzej
Gangrel of Northern Jutland
Nature: Loner
Henrik Hestehandler, Master of Ani-
Demeanor: Fanatic mals
Generation: 12th Henrik’s first memories involve helping his father
Embrace: 1985 round up horses to be taken to the horse markets in

100 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Germany. All his life, Henrik was trained to take over With his finances and status secured, Henrik has
the family’s business; raising and selling horses. By the turned to long-term breeding and training programs,
time he and his brother were old enough, the family aimed at creating guard animals for Kindred who want
had become so rich, and their horses so famous, that to augment technological security. Several elder Kin-
Henrik’s younger brother could stay home and tend dred have expressed interest, quite keen to see what
the farm, while Henrik travelled through Denmark Henrik’s work results in.
and northern Germany, buying and selling horses. His Sire: Pieter Blok
skill with animals, endurance and experience with
travelling caught the eye of Pieter Blok, a Flemish Nature: Competitor
Gangrel who frequented the various markets of north- Demeanor: Architect
ern Europe. After meeting Henrik several times, the
Generation: 8th
old Gangrel decided to make the horse trader his
childe. Embrace: 1550
Henrik was less than happy about becoming a vam- Apparent Age: Early 40s
pire. He disliked not having a home to go to and he Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
was not pleased about losing his connection to his
home. He quarreled often with his sire, but Pieter Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
never imagined that Henrik would betray him. How- Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
ever, one morning, far from any city, Henrik stayed Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Empathy
awake just a little longer than Pieter and drove a stake 2, Intimidation 1, Subterfuge 3
through his heart. The next night, Henrik diablerized
his sire and made his return to Denmark. Skills: Animal Ken 5, Crafts 3, Etiquette 2, Melee 2,
Stealth 1, Survival 3
After he returned, Henrik found himself at a loss,
unsure of what to do. All he had was his skill with Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 2, Law 1, Medi-
animals and his ability to trade. Fortunately, the Kin- cine 1, Science2
dred of Denmark still needed horses to ride and Disciplines: Animalism 5, Potence 1, Dominate 3,
hounds to guard their havens and soon, Henrik was Fortitude 5, Presence 3, Protean 5
trading and training animals for the rich and powerful
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Member of the leadership
vampires in the country. He gained a fair amount of
for Hjallerup Market), Contacts 2 (Horse and dog
wealth and recognition for his work and eventually,
breeders), Domain 3 (Hjallerup Market, when it is
became the premier dealer of animals in Denmark,
running, as well as his farm), Fame 1, Herd 1 (His
either ghouled or trained to handle a vampire’s pres-
animals), Resources 3, Retainers 5 (Some animal,
some human), Status 3
For centuries, Henrik’s wealth and status grew, but
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
slowly, inexorably, the march of technology began to
reduce the importance of the work he did. His influ- Morality: Humanity 5
ence over Hjallerup Market, once one of the biggest Willpower: 6
horse markets in the world and one of the oldest and
biggest markets in Denmark, ensured at least some Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
income. However, after a boom in 1930s to 50s, the Image: Henrik is a broad man of average height,
availability of the motorized tractor almost ruined this with shoulder length, curly, brown hair and a full
as well. Fortunately, Henrik had lost none of his busi- beard, shot through with grey. His face is weather-
ness acumen. He helped invest in a restructuring, beaten and his hands are large, calloused and scarred.
making the market as much a fair as just a place to Henrik usually wears practical clothing, though for
trade and eventually, it became the biggest horse mar- formal occasions, he has a business suit. His Gangrel
ket in Europe, drawing in 200,000 visitors – some to blood has currently given him a short, bushy tail,
do actual horse trading, others just to enjoy rides, which he hides when going out among mortals.
music and fun.
Roleplaying Hints: It’s all about breeding the best
and making the best deals off that. You are not some

Denmark by Night 101

savage wanderer, not some lonely vagabond; you For almost a hundred years, Isabella has managed
thrive among people, though you have a keen under- her clan’s interests in Denmark with great skill, grow-
standing of animals. People tend to underestimate ing her business empire’s reach and income. At the
you, seeing some unsophisticated horse-breeder. You same time, she has added considerably to the necro-
use that to get the best deals you can. mantic knowledge both of herself and her clan. In
Haven: A huge farm between Aalborg and Hjallerup doing so, however, she has gotten into trouble with
Clan Tremere, who is also interested in the occult
Influence: A lot when it comes to horse trading, not treasures Denmark has to offer. So far, nothing much
much otherwise. has come from it, mainly because Isabella doesn’t
consider the conflict too serious. However, Octavius
of Clan Tremere (see page 141) has plans to eliminate
Clan Giovanni Isabella from the picture.

The Giovanni first showed an interest in Denmark Sire: Marcella Giovanni

back when the country had their troubles with the Nature: Autocrat
Hanseatic League, an organization that the Giovanni Demeanor: Director
had a lot of dealings with. However, it wasn’t until the
establishment of the Danish overseas trading that the Generation: 8th
Giovanni began seriously investing in the kingdom. Embrace: 1795
Come the industrialization, Giovanni interests were
Apparent Age: Early 20s
large enough that they sent one of their members to
oversee them. However, he soon reported back that Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
someone more skilled at Necromancy might be a bet- Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
ter choice for a posting in Denmark.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Isabella Giovanni de Lucca, CEO Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 3, Empathy 4, Ex-
Necromancer pression 1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4, Streetwise 1,
Isabella was born in the city of Lucca, the daughter Subterfuge 4
of a minor patriarch in the Giovanni family. Her fa- Skills: Crafts 2, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Performance 1,
ther knew little of the family’s darker dealings and Stealth 1
thought nothing of it when his daughter was called to
Knowledges: Academics 2, Finance 4, Law 3, Medi-
Venice to serve one of the powerful matriarchs of the
cine 3, Occult 4, Politics 2, Science 1, Theology 3
Giovanni family.
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 5, Potence 1,
Isabella became the ghoul servant of one of the
Necromancy 5
clan’s more skilled negotiators and displayed a talent
for negotiation herself. After a century of servitude, Paths: Sepulchre 5, Ash 5
Isabella was deemed skilled enough to be Embraced. Rituals: Numerous, including a few unique ones.
She continued to show skill at business management
and also began studying the dark arts. Isabella rose Backgrounds: 3 (High-level business contacts in
swiftly through the ranks of her Clan, which is why Denmark and across Europe), Domain 2 (Her ultra-
she was rather perturbed when she was selected to modern company headquarters a stone’s throw from
become the new Giovanni representative in Denmark. the Opera House), Herd 5 (Well-paid prostitutes),
To her, Denmark was a small, unimportant country Influence 1, Resources 5, Retainers 5 (Includes a sin-
far from the power center of Clan Giovanni. Howev- gle ghost), Status 1
er, she soon realized what an opportunity this was. Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
Clan Giovanni had substantial interests in Denmark, Morality: Humanity 4
especially when it came to shipping, and the country’s
past provided Isabella with a wealth of subjects for Willpower: 8
necromantic study. Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3

102 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Image: Isabella looks deceptively young, something Markus’ family had always been catholic, and re-
she uses to her advantage. She is a bit on the short mained so, secretly, even after the Reformation. In
side, with a slight build and a pretty, but not beautiful, 1682, when the religion was re-recognized by the state,
face. She was Embraced with long hair, but enjoys the family was once again able to worship openly. The
changing it if she has time – these nights, she prefers a dedication of the individual members of the family
very short cut. Her dark eyes match the color of her varied, but in Markus, born in the relatively secular
hair and have a soul-piercing quality to them, which times towards the end of the 19th century, it was ex-
goes well with the predatory demeanor that Isabella ceptionally strong.
exudes. Markus’ father was a well-respected lawyer and his
Roleplaying Hints: You serve the Clan and the older brother went to university to study law. Markus,
Clan in turn gives you power and resources. You are a meanwhile, decided to study theology – not with any
curious person and must carefully balance your occult intentions of becoming a priest, but rather to learn
research with your duties as CEO. You dislike the more about theology and prove the superiority of the
boring paperwork, but thoroughly enjoy face-to-face catholic faith. His intelligence and skill at debate
deals and love attending Kindred parties, where you made short work of most opposing arguments, but his
do your best to ingratiate yourself with the Camarilla. acerbic and confrontational manner did not gain him
Haven: A luxuries basement apartment beneath her any friends. It didn’t help that Copenhagen University
company headquarters. was a hotbed of liberal attitudes, while Markus was
staunchly conservative.
Influence: Isabella is CEO of a holding company
under the broader umbrella of Clan Giovanni’s busi- However, Markus’ undeniable intelligence and skill
ness empire and the wealth and resources of her com- made him famous in theological circles and this led to
pany gives her a great deal of business influence in his Embrace. His sire wanted someone who could
Denmark. In addition, the jobs and money she brings reestablish her sire’s influence within the Danish
to Copenhagen gives her some pressure to apply to the church and managed to completely miss the fact that
municipal government. Markus was catholic. It didn’t help that Markus’ fanat-
ic faith and strong conservatism made him somewhat
misogynistic and he thoroughly resented having to

Clan Lasombra bow to a female sire. Anette had taken Markus to her
home near Aarhus, but the fledgling Lasombra fled
There was a time when Clan Lasombra rivalled the back to Copenhagen after only a few years, and threw
Ventrues for influence in Denmark. They came to the himself at the mercy of the Prince. Ragnhild declared
country alongside Christianity, church building and Markus a free Kindred and he settled in the capital,
far away from his sire’s grasp.
feudalization and built their domains on that. Then
came the Anarch Revolt and most of Denmark’s Since then, Markus has been establishing a strong
Lasombra perished. Those who didn’t were mainly influence within the Catholic Church in Denmark, an
those who joined the Anarch cause. With the for- area that had been more or less neglected by the Dan-
mation of the Sabbat, Denmark became home to ish Kindred. His desire is to see Catholicism replace
groups of relatively old and philosophical Sabbat, Protestantism in Denmark (and, indeed, in the entire
many of whom were Lasombra. A few Antitribu swore world), though he knows it will take something mo-
allegiance to the Camarilla and joined the existing mentous for this to happen. He also has a desire to
power structure. All this came crashing down when pull Denmark in a more conservative direction and
the new Prince Ragnhild ousted the old Sabbat from has allied himself with other conservative Kindred to
Denmark. Now, only two Antitribu make their home make this happen. He is even trying to subtly impose
here. his ideas on Kindred society – he is not exactly happy
to have a female Prince. Things aren’t going well, but
Lasombra of Zealand Markus is patient. And, lately, he has been consider-
Markus Christian Jensen, Devout ing pulling some strings to have vampire hunters from
the Church come to Denmark.
Sire: Anette Gyldenstierne

Denmark by Night 103

Nature: Fanatic Danish right wing parties, which has put him into
Demeanor: Traditionalist conflict with a number of other Kindred, especially
Generation: 9th
Embrace: 1909 Lasombra of Southern Jut-
Apparent Age: Mid 20s land
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 Anette Gyldenstierne, Ancient Nobel-
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3 woman
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 Anette was born into the now extinct noble family
of Gyldenstierne (named after the seven-pointed gold-
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 1, Empathy 3, Ex-
en star of the family crest) at a time when it was at its
pression 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 4
height of power, wealth and influence. She received
Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Stealth 1 an excellent education and was engaged at a young age
Knowledges: Academics 3, Law 2, Occult 3, Politics in order to secure an alliance. However, failing health
3, Theology 5 meant the engagement was broken off and Anette
spent several years in one of her family’s estates, under
Disciplines: Dominate 3, Obfuscate 5, Potence 1, the supervision of a number of physicians. With noth-
Presence 1
ing else to do, Anette started reading and correspond-
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Catholic priest), Contacts 5 ing with members of her family and their friends. She
(In the Catholic Church throughout Denmark and in eventually ended up with a haphazard education and a
a few right-wing parties), Domain 2 (Saint Ansgar's vast network of acquaintances among Denmark’s no-
Cathedral), Herd 5 (Catholic students), Resources 3, bles. One of those nobles was in reality a Lasombra
Retainers 2, Status 2 who had come to Denmark alongside Christianity and
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 2, Courage 4 managed to cultivate quite the influence among the
nobles of Jutland. Heinricus was intrigued by the
Morality: Humanity 6 young woman’s obvious intelligence, class and educa-
Willpower: 7 tion and he made arrangements to see her. At that
point, Anette’s health had deteriorated to the point
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
where death seemed imminent and Heinricus decided
Image: Markus is a short, slight man with short, to Embrace the young noblewoman.
dark hair and deep-set blue eyes behind wire specta-
While Anette would never be a strong woman, the
cles, set in a narrow face that gives him a constant
Embrace made it possible to enjoy an existence like
squinting appearance. Markus favors button-down
she had never imagined. Her social skills, practiced
shirts, vests, pocket watch, and trousers with razor-
only through letter writing, blossomed to full power
sharp creases.
and she became a darling among both mortal high
Roleplaying Hints: Catholic theology is the truth society and the Elysiums of Denmark. She integrated
and you are an expert. God has a plan for you and you herself smoothly into high society and after a century,
will fulfill it. Some say you are overconfident, but with Anette wielded more influence among the Danish
God on your side, no confidence is too much. nobles than her sire. Heinricus, for his part, decided
Haven: A basement apartment near the Catholic to focus solely on the church – the Reformation had
Saint Ansgar's Cathedral. severely damaged his influence. When Ragnhild took
over as Prince of Denmark and declared the Sabbat
Influence: Markus has a lot of influence among the unwanted in Denmark, Heinricus decided to prove
Catholic Church in Denmark – in fact, he has so his dedication to the Camarilla by fighting on the
much influence and is using it so blatantly that Alex- front line. And while he was old, he was also not a
ander Sverre of Clan Tremere has started to counter skilled warrior and ended up in torpor.
Markus in order not to make the Church too suspi-
cious about the Kindred. Markus has slowly begun to Anette took possession of her sire’s resources and
establish influence among the most conservative of the continued, as she always had, amassing wealth, influ-

104 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

ence and status. She did, however, miss her sire’s con- exceptional grace and dresses with impeccable taste.
nection with the church and decided, sometime later, Her smile comes easy and can light up a room.
to embrace a very promising young theology student – Roleplaying Hints: You are noble born, Embraced
who turned out to be a devour catholic with neither into a Clan of rulers and you are made to lead those
the ability nor the inclination to foster influence in below you – which includes most people. You can
the protestant church of Denmark. This setback infur- easily hide your arrogance in formal situations, where
iated Anette, especially since her childe, Markus, fled your smooth, well-practiced grace comes to the fore,
to Copenhagen and put himself under the protection but when in private, you speak your mind and can
of the Prince of Denmark. Anette is now slowly mak- tear down those who dare offend you.
ing plans to have the Prince unseated. She holds no
misconceptions that she herself could take the throne, Haven: Anette dwells in a small castle, more like a
but she is on the look-out for an ambitious elder, all large manor house, near Aarhus. The castle is privately
the while making alliances with other Kindred who owned by a minor noble family that is completely
dislike Ragnhild. under Anette’s thumb.
Sire: Heinricus Germanicus Influence: Anette is a maker and breaker among
Denmark’s high society, including the few remaining
Nature: Director nobles, and one of the few Kindred who can make an
Demeanor: Gallant appearance at the official court functions of the
Generation: 7th queen. While she has little direct influence over Dan-
ish politics, regionally or nationally, she is in a prime
Embrace: 1592 position to talk to people who have such influence.
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 1
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 5 Clan Malkavian
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 2 The Lunatics have been a small, quiet, persistent
presence in Denmark since the Viking Age. For most
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 2, Empathy 4, Ex- of the country’s history, they have not joined the pow-
pression 3, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 5 er struggles or the politics, preferring instead to exist
Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 5, Melee 1, Performance 2 on the fringe of Danish vampire society. This changed
Knowledges: Academics 3, Finance 1, Law 2, Oc- when Prince Ragnhild enacted her battle against
cult 3, Politics 4, Theology 2 Denmark’s Sabbat and an old Malkavian joined the
fight. His skill and determination brought great pres-
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Dominate 6, Fortitude 1, tige to his Clan and especially his bloodline.
Obtenebration 6, Potence 2, Presence 5
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (High Society, Court and Malkavians of Zealand
Nobles), Domain 3 (A small, privately owned castle Maria Krestensdatter, Malkavian
near Aarhus), Herd 5 (Throughout high society), In- Primogen
fluence 1, Resources 4, Retainers 2 (A single, 400-year-
old Ghoul), Status 3 Maria’s mother was a wise woman, an expert in
herbs, childbirth and tending to animals. Maria her-
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
self learned from her mother and continued the good
Morality: Humanity 5 work.
Willpower: 7 Maria led a long and full life, getting married and
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4 seeing her grandchildren born. She was a respected
member of her home town near Copenhagen. Howev-
Image: Anette is a short, but curvaceous, woman. er, with the reformation came the suspicion of witch-
Her long, blond hair is nearly white and her eyes are craft. As it swept across the land, Maria was caught up
startling green. Anette always moves with the most in it and found herself tried and sentenced to be
burned at the stake. She was saved by an ancient

Denmark by Night 105

Malkavian who saw in Maria someone dedicated to 5 (The blood bank at Rigshospitalet), Influence 1,
the wellbeing of others, someone who did not deserve Resources 3, Retainers 3, Status 4
to die simply because people did not understand her Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Morality: Humanity 8
Maria was happy to be saved from the flames,
though she was unnerved by her new state and by Willpower: 6
having to drink blood. However, she eventually ad- Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
justed and saw an opportunity to use her new powers
Derangement: Bipolar Disorder (see Vampire: The
and longevity to help people. Her sire had stayed out
Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition page 290)
of Kindred politics, but Maria had been involved in
the affairs of her town and since there were no Image: Maria is bent with age, her face lined by the
Malkavians in Copenhagen, Maria moved there and years, her long hair gray, but her voice is unbroken
soon managed to establish herself with some success. and the force of her personality undiminished. She
prefers to dress in good, but not flashy clothes with no
For the first two centuries, Maria cultivated some in-
fluence among the physicians and doctors of the capi-
tol, but in 1757, the royal Frederiks Hospital opened Roleplaying Hints: You have always wanted to help
and Maria was there to establish it as her domain. people and now, new technology makes that even
From then on, Maria has been a force to be reckoned easier. You continue to learn as much as you can
with in the health care industry of Denmark. Dedicat- about medicine and try to steer mortal and Kindred
ed to healing the sick and tending to the weak and society towards a better world where those who are
elderly, Maria has used her influence both among the sick are cared for.
mortals and Kindred of Copenhagen. When Prince Haven: The basement of Rigshospitalet
Ragnhild restructured the Primogen, Maria was the
obvious choice for Clan Malkavian and she has served Influence: Maria has a massive amount of influence
in that capacity from the beginning. over all major hospitals in the greater Copenhagen
area and a fair amount of pull within the Danish Min-
Sire: Dagmar istry of Health.
Nature: Caregiver
Arthur Sønderberg, Harpy
Demeanor: Director
Arthur was born into a rich and powerful Copenha-
Generation: 7th gen family – his father owned ships and warehouses
Embrace: 1560 and his mother’s salons attracted the most famous
artists and philosophers of the day.
Apparent Age: Late 60s
Arthur himself was an intelligent and talented child,
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 who learned philosophy and rhetoric with ease and
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1 displayed artistic talent both on the piano and on the
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 canvas. His older brother was set to take over the fami-
ly business, leaving Arthur to become a celebrated
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 3, Empathy 6, Ex- dilettante in Copenhagen’s high society. However, he
pression 1, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1 soon scandalized said high society by openly and bra-
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Etiquette 1, Fire- zenly flaunting his homosexuality. Being gay was ac-
arms, Stealth 1 cepted only as long as it was kept very secret, but Ar-
thur made no attempts to hide his sexual leanings or
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Medicine 5,
his conquests. However, his charisma, social skills,
Occult 1, Politics 1, Science 1, Theology 1
artistic talent, family connections and even his brazen-
Disciplines: Auspex 6, Dementation 6, Dominate 3, ly unapologetic manner all combined to somehow
Obfuscate 3, Presence 5 shield him from any fallout.
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (At Rigshospitalet, For years, Arthur tore through the social scene in
Bispebjerg Hospital, Panum Institute and within the Copenhagen, leaving behind him a score of lovers and
Ministry of Health), Domain 3 (Rigshospitalet), Herd

106 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

scandals. However, his escapades eventually caught up Morality: Humanity 7
with him. Arthur seduced the son of an army officer, Willpower: 8
who promptly challenged Arthur to a duel. Unfortu-
nately for said officer, Arthur was a fine shot with a Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
pistol and he managed to kill his opponent. However, Derangement: Obsessive-Compulsive (see Vampire:
Arthur was seriously wounded and rushed to the hos- The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition page
pital. Here, Maria Krestendatter first learned about 290); Arthur is obsessed with keeping himself clean.
the flamboyant hedonist and something about Arthur
Image: Arthur is tall and slender, with shoulder
appealed to her. He was so full of life and so joyful.
length, curly blond hair and pale eyes. He dresses
Worried that Arthur might not survive his wound,
flamboyantly yet fashionably, accessorizing with jewel-
Maria Embraced him.
ry. The only unfashionable thing about him is his long
Arthur adapted quite quickly to his new condition moustaches, which he prefers to shave each night if he
and threw himself into Kindred society with the same has the time.
flair and skill as he displayed among mortals and after
Roleplaying Hints: You like being noticed and for
a few years, he found himself counted as one of Co-
people to admire your fashion sense, your witticism
penhagen’s Harpies. Since then, Arthur has been one
and your social daring. You never run from the con-
of the arbiters of status, recorders of boons and, most
sequences of your actions and laugh off any embar-
importantly, one of the biggest rumormongers in the
rassment (not that you are easy to embarrass). You
capitol. Early on, he established some influence within
take it as a challenge to seduce straight men without
his family in order to ensure funds – this paid off very
the use of Disciplines.
well when the warehouses on Christianshavn began
being turned into pricy apartments. Haven: The basement of a converted warehouse.
Sire: Maria Krestendatter Influence: A lot of informal social influence within
Copenhagen’s Kindred society as a Harpy. No real
Nature: Gallant
influence in mortal society.
Demeanor: Gallant
Jørgen Steentofte, Bornholm Expert
Generation: 8th
After getting his degree in geology, Jørgen joined the
Embrace: 1830
recently formed Denmark’s Geological Survey and
Apparent Age: Mid 30s participated in some of the first precise geological
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 survey mapping of the country. A consummate nerd,
Jørgen enjoyed the technical and scientific aspects of
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 his work and spent most of his free time reading tech-
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 nical literature. The fact that he managed to meet a
woman, woo her, get married and raise two children
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 5, Awareness 2,
was quite impressive.
Brawl 1, Empathy 4, Expression 2, Intimidation 1,
Leadership 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 4 Jørgen’s fate was sealed when he was surveying on
the island of Funen. Sørine Krag (see page 110), guid-
Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms 3,
ed by the voice of an ancient Malkavian, argued that
Performance 1, Stealth 1
Embracing someone with detailed knowledge of
Knowledges: Academics 1, Occult 1, Politics 1, Denmark’s geology and geography would be useful.
Theology 1 She was given permission by the Prince of Odense and
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 1, Dominate 3, turned Jørgen into a Kindred.
Dementation 3, Obfuscate 1, Presence 3 Jørgen’s mind completely snapped, unable to deal
Backgrounds: Domain 2 (Apartment building on with what had happened to him. He fixated on his
Christianshavn), Herd 3 (Lovers), Resources 3, Re- previous work as an escape and found himself almost
tainers 2, Status 3 unable to function in the world of the Kindred.
Jørgen left Funen for Copenhagen in order to be close
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 to a family that thought him dead and in Copenha-

Denmark by Night 107

gen, Maria Krestensdatter took care of him. She Morality: Humanity 7
helped him adjust to his new existence and ensured Willpower: 5
that he could function in Kindred society. Also in
Copenhagen, Jørgen learned about the mystery of Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
Bornholm and his obsessions transferred to the mys- Derangement: Obsessive-Compulsive (see Vampire:
tery of the island. Since then, Jørgen has spent almost The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition page
all his time trying to figure out what the great mystery 290); Jørgen is obsessed with Bornholm.
is. He is in debt to several Kindred, both in terms of
Image: Jørgen is a thin, balding man with a short
money and favors. He recently sold himself, in the
beard. Both hair and beard is sandy and shot through
form of several boons, to Clan Tremere in order to
with grey. He wears wire-rim spectacles and whatever
learn Thaumaturgy; hoping he might be able to use
clothes he can scavenge from donations left outside
blood magic to unravel the secret of Bornholm. And
goodwill stores.
yet, it eludes him. His latest plan is to Embrace some-
one (illegally, since Prince Ragnhild has repeatedly Roleplaying Hints: There is a secret out there. A
turned down his request to create a childe) and send great mystery. And you will unravel it. You will find
them to Bornholm with a lot of cameras. out what it is. You will learn.
When he is not obsessing over Bornholm, Jørgen Haven: The Metro tunnels dedicated to the Kindred
advises on building projects that Kindred are involved of Copenhagen (in another area than Clan Nosferatu)
with. This gives him a bit of resources, but not nearly Influence: None whatsoever.
Sire: Sørine Krag
Rosa Schmidt, Founder of the Free
Nature: Fanatic
Rosa’s family was part of the German minority in
Demeanor: Fanatic
southern Jutland. Her father worked as a business
Generation: 9th consultant, while her mother was a part-time child-
Embrace: 1925 care professional. Rosa was the youngest of a flock of
5 kids, all of whom excelled in their chosen fields, be
Apparent Age: Late 50s it sports, arts or business. Rosa herself displayed a
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 great deal of intelligence and “people smarts” from an
early age and went off to Copenhagen to study at Co-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
penhagen Business School. However, while she still
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 had great interpersonal skills, she did fairly poorly and
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 4, Empathy 1 soon dropped out.
Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Stealth 1, Sur- For a decade, Rosa drifted from job to job, earning
vival 1 fairly good wages for someone without an education.
During this time, she found an interest in history and
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Investiga- considered going to university to study. However,
tion 2, Occult 4, Science 4, Theology 1 before she could, her life changed forever.
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dementation 4, Obfuscate 1, In 1992, Prince Ragnhild gave Clan Malkavian the
Thaumaturgy 1
right to Embrace a childe and eventually, it was Ar-
Paths: Blood 1 thur Sønderberg who received the honors. Arthur had
Rituals: Chime of Unseen Spirits, Sense the Mysti- run into Rosa a few times at The Factory (see page 57)
cal (see Rites of the Blood) and been impressed by her charisma and social skills.
He saw her as a good addition to the Clan, but actual-
Backgrounds: Contacts 1 (In the Geological Survey ly approached Rosa and talked to her. After proving
of Denmark and Greenland), Resources 1, Retainers that vampires were, indeed, real, Rosa readily accepted
1, Status 1 the Embrace. She was the lynchpin for the other neo-
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 3 nates of that time (Lasse Vinter, page 79; Le Varnby,
page 119; Niels Lund, page 132 and Alice Møller

108 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Beck, page 143) to join together, supporting each oth- 8) to throw anything away. Her Haven is slowly over-
er in the knowledge that they were without much flowing.
power and influence compared to most other Kindred Image: Rosa is of average height, overweight, with a
in Copenhagen. It was also Rosa that give this coterie pretty face framed by blond hair. She dresses in a way
its name; the Free Company, inspired by the fact that that plays up her cleavage while downplaying the rest
a number of unconnected Elders paid the coterie to of her body. She tends to wear expertly applied make-
work for them shortly after their formation up and tastefull jewelry.
Since then, Rosa has been the undeclared leader of Roleplaying Hints: You like interacting with peo-
the coterie. She has also become quite the rising star ple. You like working with people. You even like help-
among Copenhagen’s Kindred, aided by the mentor- ing people. You’ll get around to doing something for
ship of her sire. While she has little in the way of in- yourself any minute now. Just one more project to
fluence or resources on her own, she has helped not finish. Or maybe two…
only her own coterie, but also a few other Kindred in
managing their resources. She is especially good at Haven: An interconnected set of basement rooms
face-to-face meetings. At the moment, she is focusing under an apartment building in Kgs Enghave.
mainly on helping her sire and the members of her Influence: None on her own, but she has the ear of
coterie, but she plans to use the goodwill and favors a number of Kindred.
she has gained to establish some kind of powerbase.
Sire: Arthur Sønderberg Malkavians of Funen
Nature: Dabbler Sørine Krag, Enigmatic Recluse
Demeanor: Pedagogue Sørine’s story starts with an ancient Malkavian now
only know as The Etruscan. In life, he was a mystic
Generation: 9th among the Etruscan people and was Embraced by a
Embrace: 1992 Malkavian Methuselah. The Etruscan wandered with
his sire and returned to his people just in time to see
Apparent Age: Late 20s
them destroyed by the Romans. The Etruscan swore
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 revenge against Rome and for centuries, he fought
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 against the Roman Kindred. Finally, in an epic battle,
The Etruscan was driven into torpor and over the
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
years, he drifted from memory, becoming just a legend
Talents: Awareness 2, Empathy 4, Expression 1, In- among Clan Malkavian. The Etruscan woke again in
timidation 1, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3 the 16th century and saw that Rome had fallen. But in
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 4, Stealth 1 its place was the Holy Roman Empire. The Etruscan
vowed to put an end to the inheritors of Rome’s lega-
Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 1, Finance 1, cy and made his way north, intending to find allies in
Law 1, Occult 1, Politics 1, Theology 1 the battle amongst those living outside the borders of
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dementation 2, Obfuscate 1 this new Rome. In the forests south of Hamburg, The
Etruscan was set upon by Lupines and badly injured.
Backgrounds: Herd 3 (Lovers), Mentor 2, Resources
He called out to members of his Clan and was found
2, Status 2
by an elder Malkavian who remembered the tales of
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 this vengeful madman. Instead of helping, the elder
Morality: Humanity 7 drove a stake through The Etruscan’s heart.
Willpower: 6 What followed was a great meeting of all the
old and powerful Malkavians of northern Germany in
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2 order to determine what should be done about The
Derangement: Rosa’s Malkavian blood intensified Etruscan. Most agreed that simply releasing him
her tendency to collect things into a full-blown hoard- would have a detrimental effect on the Clan – they
er syndrome – she needs to roll Willpower (difficulty did not want a Malkavian waging war on the Holy
Roman Empire. But they did not want to end him

Denmark by Night 109

either. They knew that with his age, he might yet be of Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 5
use. And so, they decide to keep him somewhere safe, Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1
against the possibility of his being useful. One of the
legends said that The Etruscan could not cross water Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
and one of the gathered Malkavians knew of a relative- Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 5, Empathy 3, In-
ly new castle that had been constructed in Denmark timidation 3, Subterfuge 2
in the middle of a lake – Egeskov Castle. Margreth
Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Performance 1, Stealth
Pfeifferin was chosen to bear The Etruscan to Den-
mark and to ensure his entrapment.
Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 1, Law 1,
Sørine Krag was an aging lady-in-waiting, born to a
Medicine 1, Occult 5, Politics 4, Theology 3
very minor and impoverished noble family, serving the
lady of Egeskov. Upon her arrival, Margreth Embraced Disciplines: Auspex 5, Dementation 5, Dominate 3,
the elderly lady, in order for Sørine to serve as a Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 5
guardian for The Etruscan. The Malkavian blood en- Backgrounds: Domain 3 (Egeskov Castle), Herd 1
hanced Sørine’s social anxiety to new heights, an un- (Tourists), Mentor 5 (The Etruscan), Resources 1,
expected benefit that tied her even more to the castle. Retainers 1, Status 3
Margreth stayed with Sørine long enough to teach her
about the ways of the Kindred and of Clan Malkavian, Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 2
impress upon her the importance of guarding The Morality: Humanity 6
Etruscan and introduce Sørine to the Kindred society Willpower: 3
of Funen. Then she returned to Hamburg.
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
For a century, Sørine stayed mainly at Egeskov, feed-
ing from servants, visitors and animals and obsessively Derangement: Sørine suffers from crippling social
guarding the ancient Malkavian. However, The Etrus- anxiety. Interacting with vampires, or with mortals
can’s powers were great enough to overcome both a without the benefit of Obfuscate, costs her 1 Will-
stake and torpor and slowly, he began whispering in power per night.
Sørine’s mind. He began twisting her, molding her, Image: Sørine is an old, thin woman with long, gray
urging her to once again to interact with Kindred hair, startling blue eyes and a face with fewer lines
society. Summoning up every last bit of resolve, Sørine than her mortal age would suggest. She wears the
began making trips to Odense and soon, she found dresses of her mortal days and walks slowly with the
herself as an advisor to the Prince, due to the insight aid of a cane. Her voice, however, never quivers and
offered by her connection to The Etruscan. Sørine her words come clearly, loudly and without hesitation.
does not enjoy being forced to interact with other
Roleplaying Hints: There is only one person you
Kindred, but she has developed a twisted love for the
care about and that is the man speaking in your head.
ancient Malkavian that fills her mind with strange
You do what he tells you and can even somewhat sup-
images and enigmatic words. For his part, The Etrus-
press your fear of others to serve your love. He fills
can has plans. They are the twisted, mad plans of a
you with purpose and you are at your best when acting
man whose mind is consumed by centuries of revenge
in his interests. When not, you simply want to be
fantasies, plans that might end with a Kindred civil
war in Denmark. And to him, Sørine is the queen,
Asbjørn (see page 80) the king and all other vampires Haven: The cellars of Egeskov Castle.
merely pawns. Influence: Sørine is a treasured advisor to Asbjørn,
Sire: Margreth Pfeifferin but on her own, she only has influence over Egeskov.
Nature: Martyr
Malkavians of Southern Jut-
Demeanor: Loner
Generation: 8h
Erik Runemaster, Prince of Ribe
Embrace: 1560
Apparent Age: Late 50s

110 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

From a very young age, there was something odd tices and added it to his own growing knowledge of
about Erik. His parents called upon the wise women the ways of predicting the future. The only time he
and the priests of the gods and they all said the same denied more knowledge was when members of Clan
thing; Erik had magic in him. Whether it was good or Tremere offered to teach him Thaumaturgy in return
bad was unknown and Erik’s parents gave him to the for favors unspecified – obsessed he may be, but Erik
local goði to be trained as a priest. However, while Erik is no fool. These nights, he divides his time between
easily learned the secrets of the runes, he showed little Ribe and the Elyssia of Aarhus, where other Kindred
devotion to the gods and little skill with sacrifices. In discreetly seek him out in order to avail themselves of
the end, Erik was cast out and branded a sorcerer. Erik’s powers of perception.
However, his skill with runes meant that many people Sire: Tarsa of Ctesiphon
still sought him out and paid for his magic. For his
part, Erik did not worry – he was lost in his divina- Nature: Visionary
tions, looking towards a darkness in his future that his Demeanor: Eye of the Storm
magic could not penetrate.
Generation: 7th
The darkness turned out to be Tarsa, a Persian
Embrace: 933
Malkavian obsessed with reading the patterns of the
world and divining the future from it. She had wan- Apparent Age: Mid 30s
dered the world looking for those with the gift of Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
prophecy and Erik became the latest in a long line of
childer. However, once again, she found that the Em- Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
brace destroyed whatever prophetic gifts her new Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
childe had once had and disappointed, she soon left Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 6, Empathy 4, In-
Erik to fend for himself. timidation 3, Subterfuge 4
Devastated at the loss of his magic, Erik moved to Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 5 (Runecarving), Eti-
Ribe, the biggest city in the area. Here, he soon be- quette 1, Melee 1, Performance 1, Stealth 4
came a valued member of the vampiric community –
he might have lost his gift for divining the future, but Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 1, Law 1,
he was still blessed with an enormous insight and as Medicine 1, Occult 5, Politics 1, Theology 2
the years went by, he honed his vampiric powers of Disciplines: Auspex 6, Dementation 6, Celerity 1,
perception. However, Erik was never satisfied. He felt Dominate 5, Fortitude 5, Obfusctate 5, Presence 5
that true prophecy eluded him and he became ob-
Backgrounds: Contacts 1 (Ribe municipality gov-
sessed with various methods of divination. When the
ernment), Domain 5 (the entire town of Ribe), Herd 5
Christians came, Erik dived into the Bible and con-
(various youngsters under his sway), Influence 1, Re-
sulted with priests of the White Christ to learn if their
sources 3, Status 4
god could offer more insight. When the first Roma
found their way to Denmark, Erik was there to inter- Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
rogate them. When the Jews came, Erik quizzed them Morality: Humanity 8
about the Kabballah. As Ribe’s strength, power and
population faded, other vampires left it behind for Willpower: 9
richer domains but Erik stayed, lost in his quest. Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
Soon, he found himself referred to as the Prince of Derangement: Erik is obsessed with omens and re-
Ribe and managed to interact enough with the real fuses to undertake any important task without first
world to establish influence over mortal society so that consulting his runes. He also constantly remarks upon
he could honor that title. This influence continues to the various signs he sees in the pattern of clouds, fly-
this day. ing birds, spilled coffee, etc.
To Erik, the years went by swiftly, lost as he often Image: Erik is of average height, thin, with shoulder
was in the contemplation of signs and omens. Every length, blonde hair, blue eyes and a ragged goatee. He
time new people with new beliefs have come to Den- could be handsome if there wasn’t something excep-
mark, Erik has gleaned what he could from their prac- tionally… off about his appearance. He has a tendency

Denmark by Night 111

to stare unblinkingly at people and speak in slow sen- ical abuse under his sire and finally snapped, plunging
tences with drawn-out words. His clothes are loose- a stake into Lauridtz’ heart. Then Peter fled Copenha-
fitting and colorful and do absolutely nothing for his gen and returned to the city of his birth, Aarhus. In-
looks. He is never without a leather pouch containing terestingly, his sire has never been heard from again
numerous chips of human bone with runes engraved and Peter has never been officially investigated.
upon them. In Aarhus, Peter began trying to build an existence.
Roleplaying Hints: There are patterns everywhere As it turned out, he had remarkable facilities for the
and you can see some of them. But not them all. The Auspex discipline and, with very little training and
future is in your grasp, but every time you close your experience, his skill at reading people, their moods
hand, it slips between your fingers. It’s enough to and emotions, was extraordinary. Both the Prince of
drive a man mad. Others may be happy paying for Aarhus and Eske Tombøl, Denmark’s sheriff, began
whatever morsels you can tease out of the omens of drawing upon Peter’s help from time to time. And
the world, but you must know it all. among the Kindred of Southern Jutland, Peter found
Haven: The old city hall of Ribe. acceptance. He began to emerge from the self-
destructive depression he had been locked in. He also
Influence: Erik has a lot of influence over the mor- began to take an interest in the mortal world of psy-
tal governance of Ribe and a bit of pull when it comes chiatry, psychology and gender identity. He has even
to Ribe municipality. A lot of Kindred throughout set up a small practice where he councils young people
Denmark, especially Southern Jutland, owe him who are coming to terms with their sexual or gender
boons. identity or who may suffer from depression or similar
Peter Larsen, Malkavian Councilor mental problems.

From an early age, Peter knew that there was some- On the surface, Peter is a very well-functioning
thing very different about him. He was born, under Malkavian, but it still troubles him that his body is
the name of Marianne, in a body with a vagine and female. Sure, he can do a lot with Obfuscate, but he
even though he was supposed to like boys, he only felt still knows that beneath the illusion, his body is not
attracted to girls. His family insisted that he obey his quite what he wants it to be. He has heard whispers of
body and dress and act like a girl and was severely what Clan Tzimisce can do and has begun considering
punished for being boyish. At the age of 16, he ran contacting the Sabbat in Sweden to see if some sort of
deal can be brokered.
away from home and ended up living with his moth-
er’s brother, an artist in Copenhagen, who was willing Sire: Lauridtz Kerning
to accept the young man for what he was. Nature: Masochist
For over a decade, Peter worked menial jobs, living a Demeanor: Caregiver
miserable life. Then, in 1930, Denmark became the
first country to have someone go through sex reas- Generation: 9th
signment surgery. Peter was elated – for the first time, Embrace: 1931
there was hope for him. He eagerly discussed the pos-
Apparent Age: Late 20s
sibility of finally having his body match his mind and
soul with his uncle. But sadly, it was never to be. Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Peter’s sire was a Malkavian who had followed the Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
sex reassignment surgery case with great interest. He Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
had a fascination with what he considered to be the
dementia of transgenderism and when Peter reached Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 5, Empathy 5, Ex-
out to the doctors who had performed the first sur- pression 1, Intimidation 1, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3
gery, Lauridtz had his new childe. Skills: Etiquette 2, Performance 1, Stealth 2
Peter did not react well to the Embrace and even Knowledges: Academics 3, Law 1, Medicine 2, Oc-
less well to his sire’s insistence that he was a woman cult 2
suffering from madness, a madness to be studied and Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dementation 3, Obfuscate 3
probed. He suffered endless emotional and even phys-

112 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (Among specialists in fascinated by all things Indian and Chinese and he
gender identity and support groups for developed a great deal of fondness for the Hindu and
transgendered), Herd 3 (Young people that he coun- Buddhist philosophies. While his father insisted he go
cils), Resources 1, Status 2 to university to study economics, Albert spent much
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 3 of his time reading about the mysteries of Eastern
Morality: Humanity 8
Albert only just managed to scrape by, graduating
Willpower: 5 with the lowest possible grades. He cared little for the
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2 family business, preferring to spend his time reading
books about Hinduism and Buddhism and exchang-
Derangement: Peter suffers from self-destructive
ing letters with experts in the field. As time went by,
urges. If he fails an important task, he must use a
Albert became convinced that there was some greater,
point of Willpower not to spend an hour inflicting
universal truth hidden within the more obscure phi-
pain and a Health Level of damage on himself. If he
losophies and sought out religious beliefs from all
botches, he must use Willpower not to inflict Aggra-
around the globe. He also began experimenting with
vated damage on himself.
mind-altering substances. His father despaired, look-
Image: Without Obfuscate, Peter looks like a ing to Albert’s cousins to take over the family busi-
heavyset, voluptuous woman with a square-jawed face ness.
and short, blond hair. He prefers to appear as a vague-
When Albert’s father died, the will left a substantial
ly handsome man of the same general build. He dress-
amount of money and stocks to Albert, but a control-
es casually in jeans, a t-shirt and corduroy jacket.
ling interest, as well as managerial positions, to his
Roleplaying Hints: You understand people, you feel cousins. Not that Albert cared – all he needed was
their pain and you will do anything to make sure that money to found his research, his purchases of obscure
nobody has to go through what you did. You gained manuscripts and religious artifacts and his growing
your status and prestige in Kindred society through drug habit. Unfortunately, his cousins were less than
your associations with the prince and the sheriff, but willing to let Albert have even the possibility of a voice
you prefer working with mortals. in running the business. They conspired to oust him
Haven: A small house in the Aarhus suburbs from the company and reduce the importance of his
stocks and in the end, Albert found himself with quite
Influence: Both Knud the Elder (see page 156) and a large sum of money, but without any real income.
Eske Tombøl (see page 99) likes Peter and relies on
him for advice from time to time, but he has no real Forced to deal with the real world for the first time
influence. in over a decade, Albert cast about for an investment
opportunity. Fortunately, he had made the acquaint-
Malkavians of Northern Jut- ance of the powerful financier and industrialist C.F.
Tietgen, whom his father had dealt with. Tietgen was
land looking for some investors in a deal that would unite
Albert Vestergaard, Truthseeker numerous Danish spirit distillers, with a headquarters
in Aalborg. Albert readily put up most of his money,
Albert’s family’s fortune was established early in the
especially since he had begun to experiment with the
days of the Danish colonial empire. A daring sea cap-
effects of highly distilled alcohol, both alone and
tain brought home valuable merchandize and man-
mixed with other substances. His investment in what
aged to invest the profits wisely and within a few dec-
would eventually become Danish Distillers, the biggest
ades, the Vestergaard family was rich.
spirit-manufacturing company in the country, may
By the time Albert was born, the family lived in have saved Albert financially, but it also allowed him
splendor in a patrician villa outside Aalborg, with a to continue his search for a greater meaning in the
wide-ranging network of trading interests. His uncle universe through the use of drugs. Soon, both his
was a traveler, deeply fascinated by the mysteries of the mind and body began to show the effects of years of
Orient, while Albert’s father enjoyed adding to the unchecked substance abuse.
already massive collection of curious artifacts from
around the globe. At a young age, Albert himself was

Denmark by Night 113

Albert’s rescue came in the form of an ancient Ro- 1 (Drug addicts whose habits he feeds), Resources 3,
man Malkavian. Marcus had first come to Denmark Retainers 1, Status 2
during the Viking Age to see what truths could be Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 1, Courage 4
found in the Viking religion and had stayed in the
country since then. He had been a valued advisor to Morality: Humanity 6
the Prince, but by the end of the 19th century, he felt Willpower: 4
age affecting him. Knowing that he could not resist
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
the call of Torpor for much longer, Marcus began
looking for a childe and found him in Albert. He Derangement: Albert is obsessed with learning
Embraced the frail drug addict and not only saved “universal truths”, dedicating most of his time and
him from an early grave, but also gave him a new way resources to search for this truth and being willing to
to seek the truth. Scant years after this, Marcus passed risk the health and sanity of himself and others in the
into age-induced Torpor. Albert has since forgotten pursuit.
where he put the body of his sire. Image: Albert is a thin man whose body shows the
Surprisingly little changed for Albert after becoming ravages of his drug use – his lank, blond hair is graying
a vampire, except that he was no longer hindered by and shows a large bald spot, his sideburns and mous-
the ravages of his body. He began concentrating on his tache are unkempt, his face lined and his eyes sunken.
Kindred powers as a means to understand the secrets His voice is shaky and weak, though he has a certain
of the universe, though he still experiments with drug- intensity about him. Albert still wears clothing appro-
laced blood from time to time. He has gained a very priate for a wealthy man of the late 1800s.
keen understanding of vampires and vampiric powers, Roleplaying Hints: There is a greater truth out
mainly due to the tutelage of his sire, and he is some- there, a universal truth that Western religion and
times called upon by the Prince of Aalborg to act as an philosophy does not even come close to understand-
advisor. Albert also corresponds via email with nu- ing. However, through the use of mind-altering sub-
merous other people interested in universal truth and stances, Kindred powers and a deep understanding of
philosophy, both mortal and Kindred. non-Western religion and philosophy, you will be able
Sire: Marcus Corbulius to see the truth.
Nature: Visionary Haven: His old family home.
Demeanor: Deviant Influence: Albert has a little influence over Danish
th Distillers, but he mainly just uses his position as a way
Generation: 7
to earn money. As a sometimes advisor for the Prince
Embrace: 1890 of Aalborg, he has some goodwill with her, though no
Apparent Age: Late 50s official position.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 1 Brian Valdemar Hviid, Paranoid Se-
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1 curity Expert
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 2 Brian joined the Danish army the day he turned 18,
convinced that there was nothing for him when it
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 6, Empathy 3, Ex-
came to further education. Brian had been raised in a
pression 1, Subterfuge 1
hard, blue-collar home with a slightly abusive, alcohol-
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 2, Perfor- ic father and had never been encouraged to study or
mance 1, Stealth 1 develop his intellect. However, the military saw poten-
Knowledges: Academics 4, Computer 1, Finance 1, tial in Brian and he moved rapidly up the ranks. To
Occult 5, Politics 1, Theology 5 his own surprise, Brian showed an intellectual side
and he was sent off to a number of courses and ended
Disciplines: Auspex 5, Dementation 5, Obfuscate 1 up with the rank of “chief sergeant”, the Danish
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Danish Distilleries board equivalent to warrant officer. With a number of clas-
member), Contacts 5 (All manner of philosophically ses in electronics warfare, radar operations and other
interested people), Domain 1 (His family’s villa), Herd advanced warfare operations under his belt, Brian was

114 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

assigned to REGAN Vest, the civilian crisis manage- GAN Vest, ensuring the security and comfort of Kin-
ment bunker in northern Jutland. Here, he was the dred using the place for meetings, as well as still up-
chief NCO, tasked with ensuring the physical and grading haven security for those Kindred willing to
electronic security of the complex. pay.
Brian was on the fast-track to becoming an officer, Sire: Albert Vestergaard
when a freak accident completely derailed his life. He Nature: Conformist
was taking part in a huge NATO exercise when a
transport truck blew a tire and went off the road. Bri- Demeanor: Perfectionist
an was hit and was dead for almost a full minute be- Generation: 8th
fore being revived. He was airlifted to Aalborg Univer-
Embrace: 1982
sity Hospital, died again en route and was revived,
before arriving at the hospital. Here, he underwent Apparent Age: Late 30s
almost 12 hours of surgery, during which he was tech- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
nically dead twice more.
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Brian’s story made national news and it caught the
attention of the Malkavian Albert Vestergaard. Albert Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
was fascinated by the report that Brian had died four Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Intimida-
times and believed that Brian had gained some kind tion 2, Leadership 4, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
of insight into the deeper mysteries of the universe Skills: Crafts 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 2,
from this experience. And so, as soon as the media Larceny 2, Melee 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1
furor had died down, Albert Embraced Brian. Unfor-
tunately, Brian had gained no specific knowledge or Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 2, Investiga-
insight from his deaths, instead just remembering pain tion 1, Medicine 1, Science 2
and emptiness. Frustrated and saddened, Albert more Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dementation 1, Obfuscate 2
or less abandoned his new childe after just one year.
Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (Security specialists), Do-
This left Brian lost in a world he was only just be- main 1 (The REGAN Vest bunker, though it’s explicit
ginning to understand. He had little to no purpose that others can use it if needed), Resources 2, Retain-
and a growing paranoia about Kindred society, which ers 1, Status 2
he found strange, did not exactly help. For a time, he
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
simply drifted, trying to find something to do, some-
thing to be. But then, he met Theodor Hall (see page Morality: Humanity 7
88). The Brujah was interested in upgrading the secu- Willpower: 8
rity of his haven and had heard about Brian’s exper-
tise. Soon after, Brian found himself with something Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
to do in the world of the Kindred; haven security. He Derangement: Brian is afflicted by a variation on
had extensive knowledge of physical and electronic paranoia – he has no specific target for this delusion,
protection and several rich and powerful Kindred he simply believes that he can never be safe enough.
began to call on him to suggest upgrades to their secu- He must expend a point of Willpower not to try and
rity. However, after a while, all Kindred with enough remain awake during the day anywhere except RE-
resources had gotten their havens upgraded and it GAN Vest and he might frenzy if someone he does
looked like Brian would once again have nothing to not know enters a place he is going to spend the day.
do. Fortunately, at this point, the REGAN Vest bun-
Image: Brian looks younger than he is, with a full
ker was about to be closed down. Aalborg’s prince saw
head of sandy hair in a military cut, a face almost free
great opportunities for a place where Kindred could
of lines and the lean body of a long-distance runner.
meet in a secure and remote location, a place where
His body is covered in scars, while his formerly hand-
sunlight would not reach and so she commissioned
some face is marred by one running from his hairline,
Brian to help upgrade the place, after ensuring that
across a broken nose and splitting into two scars, once
the decommissioning process was secretly sabotaged.
going across both lips, the other reaching his chin.
And since 2012, Brian has been the master of RE-
Brian likes to dress in practical, dark clothes with a

Denmark by Night 115

semi-military cut and always carries a pistol. He has the Kindred in the north. When he heard of Rasmus,
access to an m/95 service rifle if need be. he made his way to the abbey and engaged the old
Roleplaying Hints: When you were alive, the world man in several nights of religious debate. And then,
was a place you understood. Now, you walk among he Embraced the monk.
monsters who can become invisible and control peo- Julius charged Rasmus with spreading the word of
ple’s minds. How can you be safe in such a world? God among the vampires in Denmark. Rasmus ac-
Only through the most modern security and by being cepted the damnation of the Embrace, knowing that
of use to the most powerful among the Kindred, that’s he could atone by bringing others into the light of
how. You rely on the discipline and routines you God. And for 8 centuries, Rasmus has been a preach-
learned in the military to remain as calm and func- er among the Kindred. However, he has also managed
tional as possible. to establish influence, resources, and power. When
Haven: The REGAN Vest Bunker. the Reformation destroyed the strength and wealth of
the Catholic Church, Rasmus floundered for a while,
Influence: The Prince of Aalborg appreciates Bri- unable to gain a foothold within the new Protestant
an’s work and all the elders whom he has upgraded faith. However, with the coming of the Enlightenment
security for values this, giving Brian a long list of and the slow, but inevitable, establishment of social
small, informal favors he can call upon. programs in Denmark, Rasmus found a new place to
establish himself. And when Ragnhild took over as
Prince of Copenhagen and established a new Primo-
Clan Nosferatu gen, Rasmus easily maneuvered himself into a position
where he became the representative of Clan Nosfera-
Right up until the formation of the Camarilla, the tu.
Sewer Rats had a bad reputation in Denmark for rea-
These nights, Rasmus is still preaching, letting the
sons unknown. But not a single Danish Nosferatu
Kindred know that they can alleviate some of the pun-
ever joined the Sabbat and they remained the biggest
ishment they will receive in the afterlife by turning to
enemy the Sabbat had, dispelling any former animosi-
God. He also tries to influence mortal society, so that
ty. As the cities grew, so did Clan Nosferatu and when
social programs are strengthened rather than aban-
the Metro system began construction in Copenhagen,
doned, as well as helping the weak, the sick, the out-
the Clan gained much status, especially in the capitol.
casts. He is a somewhat extremist presence within the
Nosferatu of Zealand Primogen, always pushing towards limiting Kindred
exploitation of mortals.
Rasmus the Holy, Nosferatu Primo-
Sire: Julius Nemo
Nature: Martyr.
In 1135, St. Peders Priory, later Skovkloster (The
Forest Abbey), was founded as a Benedictine abbey by Demeanor: Caregiver
the powerful noble, Peder Bodilsen. One of the first Generation: 6th
Danish-born monks at this abbey was Rasmus, the
Embrace: 1180
third son of a wealthy free farmer who had his lands
nearby. Rasmus was a faithful man who believed deep- Apparent Age: Indeterminate
ly in the word of the Bible. He dedicated himself fully Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 5
to doing the good work, helping the sick, tending the
old and infirm. For almost 40 years, he toiled in the Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
service of God and he expected to die in His grace. Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
However, things turned out quite different. Julius Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 3, Empathy 5, Ex-
Nemo was a Roman Nosferatu who had adopted pression 5, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 3
Christianity when the religion was brand new and had Skills: Animal Ken 3, Crafts 3, Etiquette 4, Melee 1,
dedicated himself to spreading the good word Performance 1, Stealth 5, Survival 2
amongst vampires. A traveler, Julius had finally made
his way to Denmark to preach penitence and faith to

116 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Knowledges: Academics 5, Investigation 3, Law 3, nothing else, most Elders have a goul who knows how
Medicine 3, Occult 3, Politics 3, Theology 5 to work a computer.
Disciplines: Auspex 5, Animalism 7, Fortitude 1, While Jacob prefers to be left alone with his re-
Obfuscate 7, Presence 2, Potence 7 search and cataloguing, he has found it necessary to
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Within the Ministry of interact with mortal society from time to time; obvi-
Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health and various gov- ously when feeding, but also when he needs to re-
ernmental social institutions), Domain 5 (A sprawling search historical periods. Over time, he has cultivated
underground area built alongside the Metro), Herd 1 a fair amount of influence within the history and ar-
(Rats, pigeons and other urban animals), Influence 1, chaeology departments of Copenhagen University and
Resources 3, Retainers 3, Status 4 a number of museums, especially the National Muse-
um, as well as the National Library.
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
Sire: Rasmus the Holy
Morality: Humanity 8
Nature: Loner
Willpower: 9
Demeanor: Pedagogue
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 30/6
Generation: 7th
Image: Rasmus is a short, slender man bent with
age. He is completely hairless, with rough, greenish Embrace: 1960
skin and milky-white eyes that can still see. His nails Apparent Age: Indeterminate
are long and black. He walks with the aid of a stout, Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
wooden cane and still dresses in the robes of a monk.
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
Roleplaying Hints: You are damned. All vampires
are. But you bear your damnation, for you know that Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 2
you have a greater purpose. You must guide both Kin- Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 1, Empathy 1, Ex-
dred and Kine to become better people, to accept God pression 1, Subterfuge 1
and to help their fellows. It is not an easy calling, it is
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 1, Larceny
not a smooth road, but you will walk it, as you always
2, Stealth 4
Knowledges: Academics 5, Computer 2, Investiga-
Haven: The secret tunnels constructed alongside the
tion 1, Law 1, Occult 4, Science 1, Theology 1
building of the Metro.
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Dominate 2, Obfuscate
Influence: Rasmus has a lot of influence within
3, Potence 1
those sectors of national, regional and metropolitan
administration dealing with health and social affairs. Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (University, Museum, Na-
tional Library), Herd 1 (Urban Animals), Mentor 3,
Jacob the Lost, Nosferatu Historian Resources 1, Status 2
Jacob remembers little of his mortal life and, accord- Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 1
ing to his Sire, that is probably for the best. What he
does remember is a lot of history – Danish and world Morality: Humanity 6
history. He is fairly sure that he was some kind of Willpower: 3
scholar, maybe a teacher or a professor. Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
Rasmus has never fully explained why he made Ja- Image: Jacob is of average-height, with short, brown
cob his childe, but he charged him with learning, cata- hair and brown eyes. He is stick-thin, with brownish
loging and recording the Kindred history of Denmark. skin covered in paler blotches. He dresses in layers
Jacob has spent most of his undead existence doing upon layers of second-hand clothes.
just that and being quite happy with his mission. The
advent of computers has been a real boon, as it allows Roleplaying Hints: You prefer your research, your
Jacob to keep his records in a much more efficient cataloging of current events and your nice, under-
manner and interview various Kindred via email – if ground haven to actually having to involve yourself in
the world. The world is scary. People are scary.

Denmark by Night 117

Haven: The secret tunnels constructed alongside the Nature: Rogue
building of the Metro. Demeanor: Capitalist
Influence: A fair amount in his very specialized are- Generation: 8th
as, nothing much beyond.
Embrace: 1793
Kaja Mikkelsen, the Infiltrator Apparent Age: Hard to tell
In the latter half of the 18th century, people flocked
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
to Copenhagen from all over Denmark, hoping for a
better life. Some prospered. Most didn’t. Kaja was Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
born in abject poverty; her father made a meager liv- Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
ing as a night soil man, carting barrels of human waste
out of the city, while her mother took odd jobs and Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Empathy
turned to prostitution when needed. 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 1, Streetwise 5, Subter-
fuge 3
As a night soil man, Kaja’s father had access to peo-
ple’s homes and he eventually found himself part of a Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms
gang of thieves who exploited this access. As she grew 1, Larceny 5, Melee 1, Stealth 5
older, Kaja joined this gang, exploiting her small stat- Knowledges: Computer 1, Finance 1, Investigation
ure and skill at staying quiet. Kaja grew up to become 1, Law 1, Occult 1
an expert thief, a scourge among the wealthier people Disciplines: Auspex 2, Animalism 2, Celerity 1,
of Copenhagen. She took care of her family with some Dominate 2, Obfuscate 5, Potence 3
of her ill-gotten gains and spent the rest on living a
much better life than she could otherwise have had. Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Both criminal and
among security companies), Herd 5 (People she
Kaja’s sire was of a line of Nosferatu who recognized blackmails), Resources 4, Retainers 5, Status 3
that they were monsters and who used the powers of
their blood to act as spies, thieves and saboteurs. Ka- Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
ja’s sire was Rasmus the Holy’s chief rival as the most Morality: Humanity 5
influential Nosferatu in Denmark and in Kaja, he saw
Willpower: 8
the perfect childe. The young woman initially recoiled
from what she had become, but after a few months, Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
she came to accept her fate and even realize what her Image: Kaja is all of 5 feet tall and her entire body is
new powers could bring her. However, she never lost covered in very short, very fine, brown fur with small
her hatred of her sire for turning her into a vampire patches of tough, black bristles. She tends to wear
and when their common haven was hit in the bom- simple clothes, and is never unarmed – at the very
bardment of Copenhagen (see page 47 – 48), she used least, she has a fighting knife on her.
the opportunity to stake her sire and leave him to the
flames. Roleplaying Hints: You want it all, but you have pa-
tience. Patience and smarts. Being the power behind
Since then, Kaja has slowly but surely expanded her the throne is a lot safer than sitting on the throne. So
reach. While she still uses her powers and natural you bide your time and collect information, collect
abilities to conduct spying (mainly on mortals, though secrets, collect favors.
once in a while, also on Kindred), she has moved on
to manage a small group of highly skilled people. She Haven: The secret tunnels constructed alongside the
has thieves for hire, experts in corporate espionage building of the Metro.
and talented hackers. Kaja sits in the center of a web Influence: No direct influence, but Kaja has dirt on
of secrets, information and knowledge and knows just a lot of mortal movers and shakers and knows a few
what price to ask for what she knows. Her ultimate secrets about some of Denmark’s more powerful Kin-
plan is to replace Rasmus as the Primogen of the Clan dred. She could become very influential, should she
and, eventually, engineer the fall of Ragnhild, so that drop her subtle approach and flex her muscles.
a puppet Prince under her thumb can take the throne.
Ole Varnby, Blackmailer
Sire: Ole Natmand

118 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Like many boys, Ole dreamed of being a police of- Disciplines: Animalism 1, Obfuscate 3, Potence 1
ficer. However, he managed to hold on to that dream Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Officer in the Police Intelli-
and make it a reality. While the whole “upholding the gence Service), Contacts 2 (Police detective, court
law” was part of it, for Ole, it was more about the clerk), Herd 1 (Prostitutes), Mentor 2, Resources 3,
uniform, the gun, and the car. And over time, Ole Status 1
began exploiting his position. Not much, just some
free stuff here and there, a blowjob from a prostitute, Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
roughing up some scumbag who hadn’t technically Morality: Humanity 6
resisted arrest. Despite all of this, Ole was an intelli-
Willpower: 6
gent man and an efficient officer and he found him-
self promoted and given more sensitive assignments. It Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
was because of this that Kaja Mikkelsen first ap- Image: Ole is a tall, broad man with short-cropped,
proached him. She offered Ole quite a substantial light-brown hair, dark eyes and a well-trimmed mous-
bribe for some classified information and eventually, tache. His yellowish skin looks like melted candle wax.
he relented. Ole dresses appropriately to whatever job or occasion
Some years later, Kaja was in a position to Embrace he finds himself in.
a childe and she chose Ole, with whom she’d devel- Roleplaying Hints: Okay, so you’re ugly and that
oped a fair working relationship. While the former sucks. But still, you got eternity, you got powers and
police officer was somewhat freaked out about his new you got the opportunity to get yourself set up real
appearance, he still took to being a vampire without nice. You know your sire has plans she hasn’t really
too much trouble. He took with him contacts among told you about yet, but supporting her could probably
the police in Copenhagen and a fair amount of dirty elevate your position within Kindred society, so that’s
secrets, which he has turned into a good deal of of the plan.
resources with the help of Kaja. He also joined Rosa
Schmidt’s Free Company coterie (See page 108), put- Haven: The secret tunnels constructed alongside the
ting the skills he learned as a police officer to good building of the Metro.
use. He uses his contacts and skills to gather damaging Influence: Ole has a bit of pull within the police in
information on the rich and powerful and makes a Copenhagen and his blackmail material could trans-
fair amount of money just off blackmail. He has yet to late into a tiny bit of pull within politics.
get up the nerve to try that on any Kindred.
Sire: Kaja Mikkelsen Nosferatu of Funen
Nature: Rogue
Eigil Soldat, Terror of Odense
Eigil was an orphan, left in the care of the church.
Demeanor: Bravo
His last name means “soldier”, for he joined up with a
Generation: 9th band of mercenaries at the age of 16. Already a selfish
Embrace: 1992 and brutal young man, the life of a mercenary did
nothing for Eigil’s morality and he became a monster.
Apparent Age: Late 30s, maybe?
His skill at arms and intimidating presence also made
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 him a natural leader among such people, even if he
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0 lacked actual leadership skills.

Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 In 1429, Eigil and his band were contracted by a
Zealandic noble who was having some trouble with a
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 1, group of free farmers. The story of the monstrous
Brawl 2, Empathy 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 1, actions of Eigil’s troops made its way to Copenhagen
Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2 and to the ears of Rasmus the Holy, a devout and
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Drive 2, Etiquette 1, penitent Nosferatu (see page 116). Horrified, Rasmus
Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Melee 1, Stealth 2 went to observe the mercenaries and he saw in Eigil a
true monster, someone who needed to be taught
Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 1, Investiga-
tion 4, Law 2, Medicine 1, Occult 1

Denmark by Night 119

compassion and humility. Granted permission from become something of a ghetto for Muslims in Odense
the prince, Rasmus Embraced Eigil. and notorious for crime and violence. Eigil encour-
From the first night, it was clear that Rasmus had aged this at every turn and began building a power
made a mistake. Try as he might, he could not change base among the immigrant gangs that formed in the
who Eigil was. Selfish, arrogant, brutal and angry, not housing project.
even the shock of becoming a Nosferatu changed These nights, Eigil is becoming what he once was –
Eigil. While he hated the way he looked, he reveled in a leader of violent thugs. He makes good money and
his newfound powers and the act of feeding was a has access to plenty of blood through his domain, but
favorite of his. Rasmus toyed with the idea of destroy- he wants more. He still remembers the sweet taste of
ing his childe, but he still held out a glimmer of hope. Diablerie and although his plans are only half-formed,
He officially released Eigil, believing that the man he dreams of once again tasting the soul of another
would either learn humility or be destroyed. With his vampire. And of expanding his territory.
education as a Kindred not fully finished, Eigil quickly Sire: Rasmus the Holy
managed to get on the wrong side of many of Copen-
hagen’s Kindred, but the former mercenary had a Nature: Deviant
knack for survival and he fled before anyone managed Demeanor: Creep Show
to persuade the Prince to call a Blood Hunt.
Generation: 8th
For the next 350 years, Eigil drifted through Den-
Embrace: 1429
mark, Northern Germany and Southern Sweden,
selling his services to whomever could pay. He became Apparent Age: Mid 20s
a renowned torturer, hunter of fleeing Kindred, body- Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
guard and all-round thug, but as the years went on,
Eigil began to long for a place to settle down. He Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
wanted a domain, a place to call his own, where he Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
could indulge his darker desires. He specifically stayed Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Intimida-
away from Copenhagen, but saw in Odense and Fu- tion 4, Leadership 1, Streetwise 1
nen a small domain with few other Kindred to oppose
him. As it turned out, Asbjørn, the Prince of Odense, Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 1, Drive 1, Firearms 2,
had no qualms about having the notorious Nosferatu Larceny 1, Melee 5, Stealth 4, Survival 2
in his domain and happily allowed Eigil to settle. Knowledges: Investigation 1, Medicine 1, Occult 1
However, Eigil lacked the skills and experience neces-
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Celerity 4, Dominate 3,
sary to properly set up a domain and he found himself
Fortitude 4, Obfuscate 5, Potence 5
relying upon his former skills once more, now mainly
serving Kindred in Denmark. Backgrounds: Domain 3 (the suburb of Vollsmose),
Resources 2, Retainers 5, Status 3
When Ragnhild the Just called to battle against the
Sabbat, Eigil was at the forefront and it was here that Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 2, Courage 4
he learned of the joys of diablerie. Nobody had their Morality: Humanity 4
auras examined after the fight and Eigil had a new
vice. However, he had also earned some measure of Willpower: 5
gratitude from the new Prince of Denmark. Eigil held Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
on to this debt for quite a long time, unable to find
Image: Eigil was a big man in his day, but in mod-
anywhere that he wanted as his official domain. Then,
ern times, he is on the short side, though still broad
in the 1960s, the city of Odense began developing a
and muscular. His skin is an unnatural shade of
new low-income housing area in Vollsmose. Eigil im-
brown and his short hair and sideburns are grey and
mediately asked for this to be his domain and both
bristly, while his eyes are a sickly yellow. He dresses in
Asbjørn and Ragnhild were happy to grant it to him.
all-black clothes, including a long coat, jeans and big,
Eigil believed that an area designed for poor people
heavy boots and always carries a large Bowie knife. If
would be perfect for him, but he could not have pre-
he expects trouble, he can easily get his hands on a
dicted just how perfect. In the 1990s, Vollsmose had poleax and some armor.

120 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Roleplaying Hints: If you can beat someone, they establishment of the new residential areas in Aarhus
are not worthy of respect. If they can beat you, don’t and the expansion of the Metro in Copenhagen. To
antagonize them. Get what you want, whatever it the Kindred of Denmark, Matthew is a valued asset
takes. And what you want is the joy of feeding and the and seen as the quintessential nerd, interested in only
fun of seeing people beaten, tortured and killed. And one thing.
all the luxuries the modern world can offer. Sire: Jeppe den Halte (deceased)
Haven: A very well-furnished sub-basement in Nature: Perfectionist
Demeanor: Architect
Influence: All the gang leaders in Vollsmose know
Eigil and fear him. They will do what he says, out of Generation: 8th
fear, not loyalty. Embrace: 1509

Nosferatu of Southern Jut- Apparent Age: Somewhere in his 40s

Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 1, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
Matthew Builder, Master of Secret
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Leadership 2, Sub-
During the High Middle Ages, there was a building
terfuge 1
boom for castles and cathedrals and master builders
travelled all over Europe, earning high wages for their Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 5, Etiquette 2, Stealth
expertise. Matthew was one of those builders, born in 4, Survival 1
southern England, but travelling wherever his skills Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Law 1, Sci-
were in demand. In 1449, he came to Aarhus to help ence 1
rebuild the cathedral that had burned down a century
earlier. His exceptional skills as an architect and Disciplines: Auspex 1, Animalism 2, Fortitude 4,
builder drew attention from Clan Nosferatu and he Dominate 4, Obfuscate 5, Potence 5, Presence 2,
Protean 1
was made a ghoul of the Clan. For many years, Mat-
thew helped create secret tunnels, chambers and hide- Backgrounds: Allies 2 (High-ranking secretary in
aways in various buildings all over Denmark. the Ministry of Transportation, Building and Hous-
Things went wrong during the construction of an ing), Contacts 5 (Builders, contractors and architects
ambitious extension of the basements under Aalbor- across the land), Domain 2 (A part of the new residen-
ghus Castle and a massive wooden support crushed tial area in Aarhus docklands), Resources 3, Retainers
2, Status 3
Matthew’s back. He would have died had he not been
Embraced. Matthew did not take the transition to Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
Kindred well – he resented being limited to working Morality: Humanity 6
at night, to having to manage projects from the shad-
ows and for a while, he wanted nothing to do with the Willpower: 6
rest of Kindred society. Finally, his love of building Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
pulled him back in and he became the go-to vampire
Image: Without using Obfuscate, Matthew’s true
in Denmark for the design and building of havens and
appearance is as a large man with a seriously bent back
meeting places. Matthew lost himself in his work,
and a face full of scar tissue. When using the disci-
constantly keeping tabs on new and improved con-
pline, he takes on the appearance of a tall, but other-
struction methods.
wise unremarkable man with short, brown hair and a
For the last 150 years, Knud the Elder, Prince of beard. Matthew always dresses well, in understated
Aarhus (see page 156), has been something of a patron suits.
for Matthew, giving him access to buildings compa-
Roleplaying Hints: There is nothing you love more
nies, engineering firms and helping him establish an
than building and architecture – the perfection in
area of influence. Matthew’s latest finished project was
making various elements come together, the perma-
Bunker 7 and he is currently heavily involved with the

Denmark by Night 121

nence of a good structure, the interplay of stresses and nesses as possible and draining funds from all of
supports. You could talk about it all night. Just as long them. She also acts as a financier for Kindred in need
as no one mention the silly ideas of modern architec- of money, as long as they can convince her that what-
ture, where practicality has to take a back seat to some ever project they have in mind can be profitable.
new-fangled artistic ideal. Art is ephemeral, stone and Sire: Matthew Builder
concrete is solid and permanent.
Nature: Conniver
Haven: A large basement apartment in the Aarhus
docklands. Demeanor: Rogue
Influence: Matthew himself has some influence Generation: 9th
with contractors, engineers and architects around Embrace: 1969
Denmark and he has access to quite a bit more
Apparent Age: Close to 100
through his association with the Prince of Aarhus.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Jette Grøndal, Crooked Financier
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation5, Appearance 0
Jette learned everything from her father. Sure, she
got a university education, but her father, who had Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
gone from a low-level con artist to venture capitalist, Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 1, Empathy 4, Intimida-
taught her what really mattered. tion 3, Leadership 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 4
Fresh out of university, Jette began working as a Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 3,
business consultant. She was a woman in a man’s Stealth 2
world and a beautiful woman to boot and it disarmed Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 1, Finance 4,
those around her. She was able to embezzle huge sums Law 2, Politics 1
without being caught and soon had a lavish lifestyle,
all the luxuries money could buy and numerous lovers Disciplines: Animalism 1, Obfuscate 3, Potence 1,
of both genders. Presence 2
All of that came crashing down when Jette tried to Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (Esbjerg City Administra-
swindle a construction project headed by Matthew tion and various businesses in the city), Domain 1
Builder, under the aegis of the Prince of Aarhus. The (Large villa in the fashionable Hjerting suburb), Herd
prince easily detected Jette’s financial subterfuges and, 1 (Prostitutes), Influence 1, Resources 4, Retainers 2,
determined to punish her, gave Matthew the right to Status 1
Embrace her. For his part, Matthew saw it as an op- Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
portunity to get himself someone who would take care
Morality: Humanity 5
of his finances, something Matthew found eminently
boring. Willpower: 7
At first Jette absolutely hated becoming a vampire. Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
She lost her beauty and the Prince of Aarhus stripped Image: Jette still has her long, luxurious blond hair.
her of several of her best contacts and power bases, The rest of her appears as a withered crone with long,
while Matthew expected her to be some kind of glori- claw-like fingernails and beady eyes. Nevertheless, she
fied bookkeeper. Later, she came to simply resent her always dresses impeccably and uses her Obfuscate to
fate, as she realized the potential inherent in being a regain her former beauty.
Roleplaying Hints: Wealth, power, status, influ-
Jette saw her chance to rebuild some of her wealth ence, beauty, all of that was taken from you in the
and power when Esbjerg became a boom town. Using Embrace. Well, you will regain it. You will climb back
Matthew’s contacts among contractors and engineers, to power and then, they will all fall before you. Your
she ingratiated herself into the building projects and sire and the Prince of Aarhus will fall, somehow, and
soon, she was able to skim profits from a dozen differ- you will laugh when it happens. Until then, cultivate
ent areas. Since then, Jette has been a fixture in Es- allies, create pawns, ensnare others with your wealth
bjerg, sinking her talons into as many legitimate busi-

122 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

and influence and never, ever let an opportunity to Vest. However, Hjörtur also works well together with
advance pass you by. Brian Hviid, the Malkavian in charge of REGAN Vest
Haven: Large villa in the Hjerting suburb of Esbjerg. (see page 115), as the two are in charge of the more
secure and out-of-the-way places where Kindred can
Influence: No other Kindred has more influence congregate. For the last several years, Hjörtur has been
over legitimate business in Esbjerg than Jette, be it city working with various Kindred to hold elaborate Elysi-
administration or private companies. um parties in the halls of the chalk mines, gaining him
a fair bit of attention. He is spending more and more
Nosferatu of Northern Jut- time in Aalborg, looking for a way to diversify from
land just being the master of the chalk mines.
Hjörtur Andrison, Master of the Mines Sire: Matthew Builder
Hjörtur was an Icelandic sailor who got caught in Nature: Dabbler
Denmark during the Nazi invasion. In order to sur- Demeanor: Conformist
vive, he took up work in the Mønsted Limestone
Generation: 9th
Mines, drawing upon his experience as a miner in
Iceland before he became a sailor. His work was so Embrace: 1953
good that when Denmark was liberated, he was of- Apparent Age: Difficult to tell
fered a permanent position and a promotion, some-
thing Hjörtur happily accepted. In his time in the Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
mines, he had grown to like the work and he had Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
nothing waiting for him back in Iceland. Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
In 1953, Mønsted closed down as a mine. The Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 1,
Prince of Aalborg immediately saw the potential of the Brawl 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1
place, as well as Daugbjerg, which had been rediscov-
ered two years prior. At that time, the Nosferatu Mat- Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 4, Drive 1, Etiquette 1,
thew Builder was in Aalborg, working on improving Firearms 1, Larceny 1, Melee 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1
the secret tunnels beneath the city, and the Prince Knowledges: Investigation 1, Law 1, Medicine 1,
offered him a chance to create a childe. Matthew ac- Occult 1, Theology 1
cepted and after some months of observation, chose
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Animalism 1, Dominate 1,
Hjörtur, who showed both dedication, skill and no
Potence 1, Presence 1, Obfuscate 3
discomfort whatsoever from being underground.
Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (Event promoters), Do-
The Embrace and subsequent transformation due to
main 1 (The three chalk mines), Herd 1 (Bats), Re-
his Nosferatu blood came as quite a shock to Hjörtur
sources 1, Retainers 1, Status 2
and it took him almost a year to recover. During that
time, Matthew tutored Hjörtur in the ways of the Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
Kindred and when he was ready, Hjörtur travelled Morality: Humanity 6
with Matthew until such a time as the younger
Nosferatu was ready to be released. Willpower: 6

Upon Hjörtur becoming a free Kindred, the Prince Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
of Aalborg offered him a position as master of the Image: Hjörtur’s skin is, appropriately, chalk-white.
Mønsted and Daugbjrg chalk mines, something the The same goes for his hair, eyebrows and short beard.
Neonate readily accepted. In 1960, he added His eyes, meanwhile, are solid black. He is on the
Thingbjerg to the list, when that chalk mine shut short side, but broad and well-muscled. He speaks
down as well. Since then, Hjörtur has slowly but surely slowly, still with a hint of Icelandic accent, but his
become a very valued member of Northern Jutland’s deep voice carries well. Hjörtur wears tough, practical
Kindred society. The chalk mines, especially Mønsted, clothes when in the mines, but has begun expanding
are much more aesthetically pleasing and interesting his wardrobe for his visits to Aalborg.
to look at than the military utilitarianism of REGAN

Denmark by Night 123

Roleplaying Hints: You are done just being a hired was able to play the game and honor the Masquerade
worker. Your skills have grown and now, it is time to and the Prince of Aalborg readily accepted her.
expand. You have learned a lot in your time as master Anne quickly turned to her sire to offer a deal – she
of the chalk caves, made some good contacts among had seen how meat processing firms had started to
mortals and Kindred and, most importantly, gained unite all over Denmark and she realized a potential
recognition across the domain. All you need is the for profit there. She was willing to share those profits,
chance to prove yourself. if Johanne used her gifts to aid Anne in gaining influ-
Haven: Shifts between all three chalk mines. ence over these new, larger firms. Johanne readily
Influence: Only through the Prince of Aalborg, agreed and soon, Anne had substantial investments in
though all Kindred of Northern Jutland appreciate his what would eventually become Danish Crown. Sadly,
work. Johanne fell to a retaliatory strike from the Sabbat in
2001, but by then, Anne was more than able to han-
Anne Marie Bjørning, Animal Blood dle herself.
Dealer Ever since gaining a substantial interest in Danish
Anne’s father was a butcher with a great nose for Crown, Anne has been using her influence to sell
business. He took a chance with an investment and animal blood. Sure, vitae from animals, cold and pre-
ended up owning a small meat processing factory in served in plastic, is nowhere near as satisfying as real,
Randers. With no sons, he began grooming his daugh- human blood, but there will always be Kindred who
ter to take over the business when he grew old, includ- find themselves needing blood, either quickly or in
ing taking her on tours of the facility when she was large amounts. And Anne can always deliver. Especial-
growing up. Unbeknownst to him, Anne developed ly now, in modern nights, where she has two ghouls
quite the fascination with blood and the killing of that use specialized vans with enhanced engines and
animals. Instead of getting an education in economics cooling units in the back – she boasts that she can get
or business management, she chose to go the route of a delivery of blood to anywhere in Denmark in under
butcher, something her father approved of. He saw it 3 hours.
as a good way for his daughter to get a ground-floor Anne is not exactly well liked among Denmark’s
appreciation of the work that took place at the factory. Kindred, but she delivers a service few can ignore.
At the same time as Anne trained as a butcher, her When large groups of Kindred congregate, it is a lot
father would instruct her in how to run a business. easier to place a bulk order with Anne than try and
Anne’s sire discovered her completely by accident. find enough human blood. Anne, for her part, is will-
Johanne was a traitor, a Nosferatu Antitribu who was ing to take payment in cash or favors and these nights,
part of a pack send to scout out Denmark on behalf of there are few Kindred in Denmark who do not owe
the Cainites of Sweden. She had secretly been in talks her at least a small marker (the exception being the
with Danish Kindred about defecting, but her pack lords and ladies of the big domains, who are smart
found out and she was forced to flee. Heavily wound- enough not to get into that kind of debt). Anne, for
ed, she stumbled into the abattoir in search of blood. her part, uses her money and influence to indulge her
Anne, meanwhile, was there late at night to indulge in darker side. Which has grown. To the point where she
her darker desires. She never saw Johanne, who was has tortured and killed three mortals over the last
exceptionally skilled at Obfuscate, but Johanne saw three years. Soon, tormenting animals simply will not
Anne’s actions and was fascinated by them. She be enough for her.
earned the right to make a childe after proving her Sire: Johanne Pedersen
loyalty to the Danish Camarilla and returned to Nature: Deviant
Randers to seek out Anne.
Demeanor: Enigma
Anne was not shocked by what happened to her. If
anything, she was elated. Already fascinated by blood, Generation: 13th
she reveled in being a vampire, so much so that her Embrace: 1970
sire feared Anne might not make a good Camarilla
Apparent Age: Early 30s, maybe?
Kindred. However, Anne’s intelligence meant that she
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3

124 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0 World War II, a few Ravnos that had fled with their
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 Roma flocks to Sweden in order to avoid Nazi perse-
cution came to Denmark. The general attitude of the
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Empathy Danish Kindred towards Ravnos has always pretty
1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 3 much mirrored the mortal attitude towards the Roma
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, and most Ravnos left, with some of them making their
Larceny 1, Melee 1, Stealth 3 way through Denmark on occasion. Yet a few still
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 3, Law 1, Medi-
cine 1, Occult 1 Ravnos of Zealand
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Potence 1, Obfuscate 3, Miri, The Exploiter
Presence 1
Miri’s father was a tinsmith in the north-German
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Managers of regional ab- city of Flensburg. During the rise of the Nazi party,
attoirs and meat processing plants), Domain 2 (Danish brownshirts firebombed their home, killing Miri’s
Crown factory in Randers), Herd 5 (Animal Blood), parents and younger sister. She fled, alongside her two
Resources 4, Retainers 3, Status 1
older brothers, to Denmark. However, while Danes
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 were not actively trying to kill Gypsies, they had little
Morality: Humanity 4 love for them. Miri and her brothers eventually found
themselves living on the streets of Copenhagen as
Willpower: 6 beggars. Eventually, they resorted to petty crime and
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 10/1 fell in with other criminal Gypsies in the Danish capi-
tal. Miri’s brothers hated what they had been reduced
Image: Anne looks stick-thin, hairless, with fish bel-
to, while Miri never questioned what she was doing –
ly-pale skin through which her enlarged veins are
all she wanted was a relief from the cold and hunger.
clearly showing. Her belly distends grotesquely when-
ever she is fully fed. Normally, Anne will wear little When the Nazi party began its genocide of the Ro-
more than bra and panties under a butcher’s apron, ma people, more of them fled to Denmark and with
though she has dresses for formal occasions. She is them came a few Ravnos. Miri’s sire, Mirela, was her-
never without at least one fighting knife. self a former criminal and she now managed a gang of
thieves. She soon absorbed Miri’s little group and
Roleplaying Hints: Other people’s blood, pain and
found Miri to be of interest. She made the young
the terror of impending death is what gives you pleas-
woman a ghoul and promoted her to one of her lieu-
ure. You enjoy feeding, sure, and the money and pow-
tenants. Mirela protected her flock when the Nazis
er that comes with your position, but in the end, the
invaded Denmark and after the war, she granted Miri
only real pleasure you feel these nights is when you are
the Embrace, before returning to Germany.
inflicting your torments on an animal… or a human…
or maybe, one day, another vampire… The years had hardened Miri. She wanted to protect
her people, yes, but she also saw them as a resource to
Haven: The maintenance tunnels under Danish
exploit. For more than 50 years, Miri has been a cor-
Crown’s factory in Randers, in a room designed by
rupting influence within the Roma community of
Matthew Builder.
Copenhagen. She has built a small criminal empire of
Influence: Very little direct influence, except when Gypsy criminals who engage in theft, robbery, extor-
it comes to the affairs of Danish Crown. Indirectly, a tion and other crimes of a similar nature. In doing so,
lot of Danish Kindred owe her a favor or two. she has made an enemy of Konstantin (see below),
who hates that Miri is furthering the image of Gypsies
as criminals. Miri dismisses Konstantin as an idiot and
Clan Ravnos con-man, unaware of just how much the man hates
Travelling Ravnos passed through Denmark as early
Sire: Mirela
as the Middle Ages, but none of them stayed or even
made Denmark their primary area of travel. After Nature: Conniver

Denmark by Night 125

Demeanor: Rogue ting caught. He never knew why the mysterious wom-
Generation: 11 th an that travelled with the caravan chose him. She
never let him known her name. She never gave him a
Embrace: 1945 reason. But she gave Konstantin purpose. And that
Apparent Age: Early 20s purpose was the truth. The grand truth of the Path of
Paradox and of the illusion of reality.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
For decades, Konstantin took up the wandering life-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
style, serving his Path and from time to time, instruct-
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 ing others. Yet the prejudice against his Clan meant
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Empathy that he had little success in the latter and he regretted
2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Streetwise 5, Subter- never being able to settle down. Travel meant that he
fuge 3 could not focus on the tenets of the Path of Paradox
and he despaired. When the Nazis came to power,
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 2, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Konstantin realized that he was called upon to act –
Firearms 1, Larceny 5, Melee 1, Performance 1, he worked tirelessly to guide Roma out of Germany
Stealth 3, Survival 1 and into Denmark, yet saw his work undone when the
Knowledges: Investigation 1, Law 1, Occult 2, The- Nazis invaded that country. Konstantin sank into a
ology 1 deep depression and asked for permission to settle in
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Chimerstry 4, Fortitude Denmark. He was granted this permission by the
2, Presence 1 Prince of Aarhus and for several decades, Konstantin
did little with his existence.
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Gypsy gang leader), Contacts
3 (Various high-ranking criminals), Domain 1 (A small Then, with the advent of hippie culture in Den-
Roma cultural center on Nørrebro), Herd 4 (Gypsies), mark, Konstantin found that the wisdom of his peo-
Resources 4, Retainers 5, Status 2 ple, his belief and his long-lost homeland was sought
after. The Ravnos almost completely reinvented him-
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 4 self, becoming a guru, a bringer of oriental wisdom far
Morality: Humanity 5 more ancient and insightful than foolish western sci-
ence. While very few Kindred had any interest in
Willpower: 8
Konstantin’s preaching, he soon drew a large group of
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 12/1 mortal followers around him. Slowly, Konstantin is
Image: Miri is a pretty woman, with straight, black rebuilding his devotion to the Path of Paradox and he
hair and dark eyes. She is voluptuous and just a bit will teach other Kindred the truth – or they will fall
chubby, which she hides well with tailored clothing. before him. Bringing down Miri (see page 126) also
Miri wears expensive jewelry, carry designer bags and features strongly in his plans.
drives a BMW. Sire: Unknown
Roleplaying Hints: Life’s hard and unlife’s not Nature: Pedagogue
much better. So fuck everyone else, you get what you Demeanor: Guru
want and what you need and if you need to turn your
own people into gangs of criminals, so be it. They’re Generation: 7th
not getting a fair treatment anyway. Embrace: 1455
Haven: Under a Roma cultural center on Nørrebro. Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Influence: Miri has substantial influence among Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
criminal Roma in Copenhagen and little else.
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Ravnos of Southern Jutland Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Konstantin, Shadowed Guru Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Awareness 4, Em-
In life, Konstantin was nothing more than a gypsy pathy 4, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1,
thief just trying to steal enough to eat and avoid get- Subterfuge 1

126 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 1, Etiquette 2, Larceny ier Clan of Denmark. Ever since the Viking Age, the
1, Melee 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1 Clan has influenced art and culture in Denmark and
Knowledges: Academics 1, Medicine 1, Occult 5, members of the Clan continue to be involved to this
Theology 5 night.

Disciplines: Auspex 5, Animalism 5, Chimerstry 6, Toreador of Zealand

Fortitude 5, Presence 3
Lorenz von Barmstede, Scourge
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Hindu priest), Contacts 5
The Knights of Barmstede were a very powerful and
(among seekers of enlightenment around Denmark),
wealthy noble family claiming descent from the
Domain 1 (A simple house in Aarhus), Fame 2, Herd
mighty Henry the Lion. They were powerful enough
5 (Followers), Resources 2, Retainers 2, Status 3
to go to war against Hamburg and not be destroyed
Virtues: Conviction 5, Self-Control 5, Courage 3 when they lost.
Morality: Paradox 5 Lorenz was born into the family at the height of its
Willpower: 6 power. The fourth son of one of the patriarchs, he
grew up with wealth and privilege. He loved swordplay
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4 and when he was old enough, he left home to seek out
Image: Konstantin is a short, slender man with the famous master fencer Johannes Liechtenauer.
dusky skin and dark eyes. His curly, black hair falls to Lorenz trained under Liechtenauer and quickly be-
his shoulders and he sports a slightly ragged beard. came one of his best students. He learned not only
Konstantin is vaguely handsome, but his unassuming longsword, but also dagger, messer, sword-and-buckler
demeanor and general bearing detracts from that. He and wrestling.
eschews more traditional Buddhist robes in favor of When his father died, Lorenz returned to Barm-
bright, loose-fitting clothes and sandals. stedt. While there, he participated in a tournament
Roleplaying Hints: You know the truth. You have and so impressed people that he was repeatedly asked
the wisdom. You walk the one, true path and know to demonstrate the skills he had acquired. One of the
the way that others must follow. You were once lost, people he impressed was a Roman Toreador by the
but the road ahead is clear and you must walk it. Oth- name of Livia. In life, she had been fascinated by glad-
ers should follow, lest they be left behind and, ulti- iatorial games and even in death, her love of combat
mately, destroyed. Your vice is patronization – you ability remained. She saw Lorenz skill with weapons as
simply cannot help yourself when it comes to lecturing a true art and Embraced the knight.
other and showing the superiority of your knowledge Lorenz did not take well to the Embrace. Like most
and wisdom. of his family, he was deeply religious and to become
Haven: A house in Aarhus that is also the central damned like this shook him to his core. He spent
temple and meeting place for Konstantin’s followers. weeks in isolation, starving himself, looking for an-
Influence: A great deal amongst those people in swers. In the end, he dedicated his existence to
Denmark that seek enlightenment in Eastern religion fighting for what was good and right. Lorenz became a
and philosophy. scourge of those vampires who dealt with dark powers.
Sadly, Lorenz considered Thaumaturgy to be a dark
power, while the Prince of Hamburg was quite keen

Clan Toreador on allying with Clan Tremere. In the end, Lorenz

found himself banished from the Hamburg domain.
First the Gangrel. Then the Brujah. And then Clan With the formation of the Camarilla, Lorenz spent
Toreador. That is how the Clan saw the their poistion some time as an Archon, before realizing that he was
in the Viking Age. During the Middle Ages, Clan caught in a political game. He hated the Sabbat and
Toreador found themselves third to the Ventrue and fought for the Masquerade and for Humanity, but all
Lasombra. But with the advent of the Anarch Revolt too often, he was directed to act against fellow Cama-
and the formation of the Camarilla and the Sabbat, rilla Kindred who were simply acting against the status
Clan Toreador came to rival the Ventrue as the prem- quo. In the end, he settled in Copenhagen, a Camaril-

Denmark by Night 127

la city that was not caught up in the greater politics of Morality: Humanity 7
the sect. He served as a fighting instructor to many Willpower: 8
Kindred and continued his fight against what he saw
as the unholy. He was forced to accept Clan Tremere, Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
so he focused on Sabbat infiltrators, mortals dabbling Image: Lorenz is of average height and in perfect
in Devil worship and Jotuns. physical condition. His hair is black, with a few
When Prince Ragnhild called to war against the strands of grey, he sports a moustache and goatee and
Sabbat, Lorenz was on the front lines. He still has a his eyes are bright green. Lorenz usually wears tough,
reputation amongst those Sabbat that survived, and dark clothes that can handle a fight and is never un-
any Cainite who could kill him would gain a lot of armed, though he usually only carries a katzbalger
status within the Sabbat. Seeing Lorenz’ worth, shortsword. Should trouble arise, he has a suit of ar-
Ranghild offered him the position of Scourge. Lorenz mor and a large collection of weapons, chief among
accepted, knowing that it would give him better re- them a longsword.
sources in finding the dark forces he opposes, as well Roleplaying Hints: God has a plan for you. You
as a small stipend that would eliminate any need for may be damned, but in your damnation, you will be
him diverting attention to actually making money. He the scourge of evil. You will serve Him by destroying
divides his nights between hunting for supernatural His enemies and you will protect mortals from those
evil and instructing a select group of mortals in the art that would see them destroyed. You will be unto this
of longsword fencing. When his schedule allows, he world a perfect knight, even if it means your soul.
also spends time with Rasmus the Holy (see page 116),
Haven: A small house in Frederiksberg
as both of them are dedicated and conscientious
Catholics. Influence: None on his own, though both Prince
Ragnhild and city’s Sheriff like and depend on Lo-
Sire: Livia Drusilla
Nature: Idealist
Carl-Erik Fossberg, Toreador Primo-
Demeanor: Perfectionist
Generation: 7th
Carl-Erik’s father was a well-to-do merchant who was
Embrace: 1383 not exactly happy that his son chose the theater as a
Apparent Age: Mid 30s way of living. However, theater was becoming a popu-
lar and accepted form of entertainment in Denmark
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
and Carl-Erik was not only talented, he was excep-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 tionally handsome. Soon, he was in demand on stage
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 and in bedrooms throughout Copenhagen. Carl-Erik
reveled in the fame, the money and the sex. He was a
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 1, hedonist, but also an artist. And while his looks faded,
Brawl 5, Empathy 2, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 1, his talent never did.
Subterfuge 2
Carl-Erik’s sire had herself been an actress in an-
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms cient Greece. After her sire had succumbed to torpor,
1, Melee 6, Stealth 1, Survival 1
she had fled his enemies and ended up in Denmark
Knowledges: Academics 1, Investigation 1, Medi- just as Prince Gunnarr was making Copenhagen the
cine 1, Occult 3, Theology 3 undisputed center of vampire power in the country.
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 6, Fortitude 5, Melitta established herself as the premier Toreador in
Potence 5, Presence 5 Denmark and when the Prince gathered his first Pri-
mogen, she was a member. Gunnarr did not fully trust
Backgrounds: Contacts 1 (Denmark’s top paranor- Melitta however, and it took her centuries to gain the
mal investigator), Domain 1 (Small house in central right to sire a childe. When she finally won that right,
Frederiksberg), Herd 1 (Elite students), Resources 2, her choice was Carl-Erik.
Retainers 3, Status 3
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 5, Courage 5

128 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

At the time of his Embrace, Erik was an old man Disciplines: Auspex 6, Celerity 3, Dominate 3,
suffering the woes of age and a life of excess. He readi- Presence 6
ly accepted his existence as a Kindred and became a Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Theaters, the Opera,
model Toreador. Shortly after Ragnhild took the Danish Ministry of Culture), Domain 2 (Large patri-
throne as Prince of Copenhagen, Melitta succumbed cian house in Østerbro), Herd 5 (Aspiring and estab-
to the torpor of age and Carl-Erik naturally took her lished actors), Resources 4, Retainers 5, Status 4
place as member of the Primogen. He is very aware
that he only holds this position because of the prestige Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
his sire had and takes every opportunity to shore up Morality: Humanity 6
his own position while cutting down people like Lo-
Willpower: 6
renz (see page 127) and Patricia (see page 130), should
they angle for his seat. He is careful, however, to take Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 30/6
no overt action, merely being preparing for the even- Image: Even the most well-tailored suit cannot hide
tuality. Carl-Erik’s expanded waistline and the most well-
Ever since his Embrace, Carl-Erik has fostered influ- groomed beard cannot disguise hos jowls. Still vain in
ence within the theaters of Copenhagen and used that unlife, he wears a hair piece to hide his expansive bald
as a way into the halls of power. He may not see the spot and dyes his greying beard. He wears the most
artistic merit in movies, radio and television, but as expensive clothes, jewelry just on the right side of
these new technologies came along, he invested and garish and affects a walking cane.
built influence. And now, he is someone who can Roleplaying Hints: You were given a second chance
make or break the career of any actor in Denmark, be to squeeze every ounce of pleasure and enjoyment out
it stage, movie or television. In addition, he has, al- of your existence and you are not going to waste it.
most by accident, gotten some influence over news You love theater, opera, ballet, and music and you will
media in radio and on TV, allowing him to stop sto- see that the right kind of artistic endeavors are per-
ries that would be troublesome for the Kindred. A formed for your pleasure.
snob he may be, preferring Shakespeare and Moliere
to the “modern trash” (which, to Carl-Erik, includes Haven: An old villa in Østerbro.
Ludvig Holberg), preferring Mozart and Bach to any- Influence: A huge amount of influence over the
thing written after 1900, but he knows value when he theater, opera, ballet and classical music scene in Co-
sees it. penhagen and some influence beyond, especially radio
Sire: Melitta and TV. Carl-Erik also has some pull within the Dan-
ish Ministry of Culture.
Nature: Bon Vivant
Demeanor: Gallant
Patricia, Keeper of Elysium
In the middle of the 17th century, Denmark got in-
Generation: 6th
to the slave trade by conquering a number of forts on
Embrace: 1692 the Gold Coast in what is today Ghana. Among them
Apparent Age: Early 60s was Fort Christiansborg (now Osu Castle), which
became the capital of the Danish Gold Coast.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
One of the officers of the castle was a young lieu-
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 tenant who fell in love with one of the native serving
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 girls at the fort. She died giving birth to a daughter
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 2, Empathy 4, Ex- and suddenly, the young man found himself alone
pression 5, Intimidation 3, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 3 with a baby girl. Being a man of strong moral charac-
ter, the lieutenant did not turn away from his respon-
Skills: Etiquette 5, Melee 1, Performance 6 sibility. When the girl was old enough, he had her
Knowledges: Academics 1, Law 1, Occult 1, Politics sent to live with his family in Copenhagen; a rich
3, Theology 1 family that might be outraged by having a mixed-race
girl born out of wedlock sent to then, but who none-
the-less raised the girl. As soon as he could, Patricia’s

Denmark by Night 129

father left the Danish army and returned home to Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Copenhagen. With his family’s wealth and the con- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
tacts he had made in Africa, he set himself up as a
trader in gold and ivory and became quite wealthy. Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5
Wealthy enough to ensure a good life for his daughter. Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
He never married, but nannies took care of Patricia.
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Em-
Unfortunately for the young woman, her father died pathy 3, Expression 1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3,
of a fever when she was 23. His family used lawyers to Subterfuge 4
strip her of any inheritance, even of her name. Fortu-
Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 5, Performance 4
nately, she had a good singing voice and was able to
scrape together a life without being forced to turn to Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Occult 2, Pol-
prostitution. itics 2, Theology 1
Patricia encountered her sire by mere chance. Lo- Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 5, Dominate 2,
renz certainly wasn’t looking for a childe, but he heard Presence 5
Patricia sing one night and was captivated by her exot- Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Museums and cultural
ic beauty, as well as her voice. He spoke to her and, institutions in Copenhagen), Domain 2 (Copenha-
upon learning of the tragedy that had befallen her, gen’s most exclusive art gallery), Herd 5 (Lovers), Re-
decided to spare her the indignities of growing old in sources 4, Retainers 5, Status 4
abject poverty – or at least, that is what he tells him-
self. Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4

Patricia blossomed after the Embrace. She had a lot Morality: Humanity 6
of untapped potential and soon became the social Willpower: 7
darling of Copenhagen’s Kindred. When Ragnhild Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
took over from Gunnarr as Prince, Patricia supported
the new ruler fully and was rewarded with the position Image: Patricia is an absolutely gorgeous woman of
of Keeper of Elysium – the old Keeper was exception- mixed race, with long, straight, black hair and dark-
ally loyal to Gunnarr and had publicly spoken out brown eyes. While her clothes are always appropriate
against Ragnhild. He left for Norway not long after. for the occasion, they are also always flattering to her
figure and accentuating her beauty. She wears subtle,
Since then, Patricia has ruled the Copenhagen so- but expensive, jewelry and rarely bothers with make-
cial scene with an iron fist in a velvet glove. She is a up.
skilled organizer of parties, frightfully adept at cutting
social commentary and has the ear of the Prince. She Roleplaying Hints: You had a tough life and now,
fully enjoys being the center of attention and accepts you do what is needed to survive. You’ve clawed your
all the praise she gets with good graces. She has also way into a position of power and that’s where you will
had liaisons with a few of the city’s powerful Kindred, remain, no matter the costs. Of course, one can enjoy
among them Ragnar Silver-Tongue, Jeronimus von unlife and do it in style while ensuring ones survival.
Lakskov and Valdemar Duus-Frederiksen (see pages Haven: The basement of the large gallery she owns.
95, 142, and 149). She would love to add Prince Rag-
Influence: Patricia has no influence in politics or
nhild and Octavius to her list of conquests, but she
business, but her influence within the world of physi-
has had no success as of yet. She has also considered
cal art, such as painting and sculpture, is almost abso-
challenging Carl-Erik for his position as Primogen, but
does not consider herself strong enough yet. lute; the only place she lacks influence is Thorvald-
sen’s Collection, which Prince Ragnhild considers
Sire: Lorenz von Barmstede hers. Patricia has a lot of prestige amongst Copenha-
Nature: Survivor gen’s Kindred due to her position and the parties she
throws, and her Kindred lovers are willing to support
Demeanor: Gallant
her in her role as Keeper (as well as in any efforts to
Generation: 8th keep the post, should she be challenged).
Embrace: 1721 Lotte Mose Olsen, Festival Promoter

130 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

In 1968, Lotte was 21 years old and had broken Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Em-
with her parents living the suburban bourgeoisie life pathy 4, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Leadership 3,
outside of Roskilde. She had become part of the hip- Subterfuge 1
pie movement and lived in a commune. In 1971, she Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Perfor-
attended the first Roskilde Festival and was blown mance 1
away. When she returned the next year, she met Patri-
cia of Clan Toreador, who had come to Roskilde to Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 2, Law 1, Oc-
see this new phenomenon, a rock music festival. Lotte cult 1, Politics 1
was instantly attracted to the exotic beauty of Patricia, Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Potence 1, Pres-
who took the young hippie home to feed on – only to ence 3
find Lotte an exceptionally adept lover. Kindred may
Backgrounds: Domain 1 (Basement apartment in
not feel physical pleasure from sex, but there are tech-
Østerbro), Fame 1, Herd 4 (Lovers), Influence 2, Re-
niques that can heighten the enjoyment of feeding
sources 3, Retainers 3, Status 2
and Lotte soon mastered them. She also joined some
of Patricia’s other lovers and enjoyed the free hedon- Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
ism of it all. Morality: Humanity 7
Patricia made Lotte her ghoul and helped her gain Willpower: 5
influence over the festival, realizing the potential that
it had. Lotte turned out to be pretty good at this and Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
as more festivals sprang up on Zealand, she involved Image: Lotte is a very pretty, young girl, short and
herself in those. 10 years later, Patricia won the right slender with shoulder length, curly hair so pale it’s
to create a childe and Embrced Lotte. almost white and blue eyes. She has a pug nose and a
While Lotte acted like the perfect childe, she secret- cute innocence about her. She prefers to wear loose
ly resented what had happened to her – she loved clothing in white or bright colors and hates shoes.
Patricia (even before the blood bond) and she loved Roleplaying Hints: You hide your sadness, your
the joys of being alive; good food, good drink, good emptiness, behind your smile and your excesses. You
weed, good sex. Still, Lotte threw herself into being a long for the time when you were alive and when you
Kindred and continued with her work in festivals. As were with Patricia. Nothing can bring back those feel-
it stands, she has a great deal of prestige among Co- ings and you know it, yet you try.
penhagen’s Kindred, as the festivals she promotes Haven: A large basement apartment in Østerbro.
bring a lot of hunting opportunities. But Lotte is hol-
low inside. She tries to fill that hole with drug-laced Influence: No music festival happens on Zealand or
blood and progressively more outlandish, sexual feed- the surrounding islands without Lotte having some-
ings, yet nothing works. She wants her sire’s love and thing to say about it and skimming some profits.
attention and she wants to be human and she can Niels Lund, Expert Photographer
have neither.
Niels came from a blue-collar family and continued
Sire: Patricia
the family tradition by becoming a welder. However, a
Nature: Celebrant nasty fall from a scaffold put him out of commission
Demeanor: Bon Vivant for a full year. Never much of reader, Niels took up
photography as a hobby in order not to go crazy with
Generation: 9th boredom. And then he discovered that he was not
Embrace: 1981 only a good photographer, he was an extremely talent-
ed one. He went from winning amateur competitions
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
to having his work gaining international recognition.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
It was Patricia who first brought Niels to the atten-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4 tion of Clan Toreador. She had exhibited some of his
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2 work in her gallery and was amazed at the response.
Neither herself, not Carl-Erik, had much knowledge
of photography, but the reactions of the mortals could

Denmark by Night 131

not be denied. And when Clan Toreador was granted at ease in formal wear. A couple of old-school tattoos
the opportunity to Embrace a new member, Patricia (a naked woman, a heart with a dagger through it, a
managed to pass that honor on to Lotte Olsen and scroll with his mother’s name) adorn his biceps.
persuade her to Embrace Niels. Roleplaying Hints: This whole vampire thing is
At first, Niels was exceptionally confused about pretty fucked up and you’re not entirely sure what the
what was happening to him. While not stupid, Niels Hell to do with it, even after 25 years. For now, you
was never all that intellectually curious and while he defer to Rosa and just try to get the best out of it. And
was never horrified at what had happened to him, he keep on taking pictures. You really love that.
also needed a long time to process it. It didn’t help Haven: Just recently moved to a secret room under
that his sire was fairly distant. Instead, Niels joined up Axel Towers.
with Rosa Schmidt’s Free Company (See page 108)
and found a great camaraderie within that coterie. He Influence: None
continues to do photography and earns a fair amount
from selling his work, while at the same time working Toreador of Funen
with the Free Company. He has no real goals yet, oth- Martin Kold, Failed Poet
er than help his coterie and stay out of too much Martin was born in Svendborg on the island of Fu-
nen, the 5th son of a wealthy merchant; his mother
Sire: Lotte Mose Olsen was the third daughter of a very minor noble. He grew
Nature: Conformist up with a first-class education and was sent to the
University of Copenhagen with the expectation of
Demeanor: Conformist becoming a scholar. In Copenhagen, Martin made
Generation: 10th friends with student artists and suddenly found him-
self part of a group of hell-raisers and radicals. He
Embrace: 1992
began writing, mainly poetry, and displayed an unpol-
Apparent Age: Mid 40s ished talent. Martin decided to leave university and
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 dedicate himself to his poetry and the debauched
lifestyle that came with it.
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
As the years went by, Martin’s poetry did not evolve,
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
but his tastes did and in the end, he was completely
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Awareness 1, impoverished and his family had cut of all support. It
Brawl 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1, Subterfuge 1 was at this low point that Martin’s sire found him. She
Skills: Crafts 3, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Larceny 1, was a Toreador who had been Embraced for her looks
Stealth 2 alone and now she sought some form of recognition
by bringing a true artist into the fold. Sadly, Martin’s
Knowledges: Computer 1, Investigation 1, Science talent died when he did and was not reanimated by
1 Toreador blood. Although he could still write verse, it
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Presence 2 had become completely mediocre; a mere parroting of
whatever was currently popular. Martin’s mortal work
Backgrounds: Contacts 1 (Art Dealer), Fame 1,
gained him some recognition, but ultimately, he was
Herd 1 (Admirers), Mentor 1, Resources 3, Status 1
not granted the status and recognition among Copen-
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 hagen’s Toreador that his sire had hoped for. In des-
Morality: Humanity 7 pair, she left Denmark for good, leaving Martin with-
out a mentor.
Willpower: 6
For decades, Martin existed as merely one more ne-
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1 onate among Copenhagen’s Kindred, someone with a
Image: Niels is tall and broad, with sandy hair and knack for spotting emerging new trends and artistic
moustache, blue eyes and a beer belly small enough to directions, but ultimately unable to add anything new.
be concealed with the right clothing. He prefers to And then, HC Andersen happened. Martin was prob-
wear jeans, t-shirt and denim jacket and looks very ill ably the first Kindred to recognize the genius of the

132 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

master storyteller and he lent what support he could Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
to Andersen’s early career. While this gave Martin a Image: Martin is a heavyset, balding man that looks
lot of prestige, especially among Clan Toreador, he a lot older than he is. His sandy hair is carefully ar-
realized that it would only last for as long as HC An- ranged to hide both his receding hairline and bald
dersen lived and so, he returned to his native Funen spot and he wears his long sideburns as a sign of hip-
and readied himself. And as Martin had predicted, ster cred. Martin has always managed to wear whatever
when HC Andersen died, the city decided to remem- clothes makes him fit in with the current avant-garde
ber and honor its most famous son. Ever since then, artist movement.
Martin has been associated with the legacy of Hans
Christian Andersen and derived what status, resources Roleplaying Hints: Things never go your way – you
and prestige he could from that. In addition, he has have to rely on the achievements of others to get
managed to keep up surprisingly well with the chang- ahead and it chafes on you. You follow every new
ing trend of mortal artistic movements in Denmark, trend in the hope that you can rediscover your muse,
especially when it comes to poetry and, to an extent, but every time, you fail. You see mortal artists create
music. His own poetry has never been able to rise the most beautiful verse, the most stirring songs and
above mediocre, no matter the direction it has taken, once the initial infatuation fades, you hate them for it.
but for now, that is enough. Martin is able to pass for Haven: Small house in the center of Odense, near
an expert and a patron to young artists and draw some the HC Andersen Museum.
measure of standing from that.
Influence: Martin has a lot of influence over the art
Sire: Birgitte Jensdatter scene in Odense, from museums to young, up-and-
Nature: Curmudgeon coming artists. He also serves as a sort of unofficial
Keeper of Elysium and Harpy of Odense.
Demeanor: Conformist
Generation: 9th Toreador of Southern Jut-
Embrace: 1789 land
Apparent Age: Late 30s Eleonora-Marie “Emmie” Grahne,
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 Hedonist
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3 The Grahne family became one of the richer and
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 more powerful families in Denmark in the 17th cen-
tury due to their association with the Danish West
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 2, Empathy 4, Ex- India Company. Eventually, the king made the patri-
pression 4, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 5 arch of the family a baron and elevated the Grahnes to
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 4, Melee 1, the nobility.
Performance 2, Stealth 1 When Eleonora-Marie, affectionately called Emmie,
Knowledges: Academics 2, Finance 1, Law 1, Oc- was born, the Grahne family had already established
cult 1, Politics 3, Theology 2 themselves among Danish high society. Emmie was
the last of 7 children, with 3 sisters, and she became
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 1, Dominate 4, Ob-
the darling of both her parents and her siblings. She
fuscate 2, Presence 5
grew up to be a pretty, charming, stubborn and willful
Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (In cultural administra- girl. Unsatisfied with the education afforded a young
tions and museums in Odense), Domain 3 (The Hans lady, she half bullied, half seduced her brothers’ fenc-
Christian Andersen Museum and surrounding area), ing master into training her and stole books from her
Fame 1, Herd 2 (Aspiring poets and writers), Re- father’s library in order to educate herself further.
sources 2, Retainers 1, Status 3 When she turned 16, she persuaded her parents to
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 2, Courage 3 send her on an extended visit to her oldest sister, who
was married to a French nobleman living near Paris.
Morality: Humanity 6
Emmie was an instant hit in the French capitol and
Willpower: 5
for almost 2 years, she enjoyed everything the city had

Denmark by Night 133

to offer. Then, a scandal forced her to leave – an affair breaking events he can conjure up. She also quite
with an older and married guard captain and a side enjoys sparring against Lorenz von Barmstede (see
affair with his wife. Emmie took the long way home, page 127), although she finds him exceptionally dour
through Rome, Venice and Vienna, before arriving in and serious.
Denmark to make yet another splash. True, she was Sire: Johann Maler
scandalous, but she was also gorgeous, charming and
brought with her the touch of Europe’s cultural hot Nature: Bon Vivant
spots. Demeanor: Gallant
For several years, Emmie fended off marriage pro- Generation: 8th
posal and exasperated her parents. Finally, they con-
Embrace: 1750
vinced her to become engaged to the young, hand-
some and quite rich son of one of Denmark’s premi- Apparent Age: Late 20s
ere noble families. Emmie managed to make the en- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
gagement last for 2 years… and then, scant days before
her marriage, she was Embraced. Johann, Emmie’s Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5
sire, was entranced by her beauty and her joie de vivre Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
and justified it by pointing to Emmie’s ability to sing, Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Em-
dance and play the harp… none of which was at an pathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2,
especially high level. Subterfuge 5
Johann had been a church painter and sculptor in Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms 1, Melee 4,
life and he was undoubtedly a gifted artist. However, Performance 2
his political skills were quite lacking and his social
abilities did not match up to Emmie’s. It took her just Knowledges: Academics 2, Law 1, Occult 2, Politics
under a century to outmaneuver Johann and become 4, Theology 1
the preeminent Toreador in the domain of Southern Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 5, Fortitude 1,
Jutland. She set about ensuring her dominance by Presence 5
winning the right to Embrace a childe and involved
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Member of ARoS Board of
herself quite a lot with mortal artistic movements and
Directors), Contacts 5 (Among high society, artists,
high society. Johann eventually succumbed to ennui
galleries and museums in the domain), Domain 2
and sank into age-induced torpor, despite being less
(ARoS Museum), Herd 5 (Lovers), Influence 2, Re-
than a thousand years old. These nights, nothing can
sources 4, Retainers 5, Status 3
challenge Emmie’s position as the leading Toreador in
the domain and no Kindred has more influence when Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
it comes to the arts. Emmie constantly uses her influ- Morality: Humanity 6
ence and resources to foster artists that she sees as
having promise, sometimes even acting as a muse. Willpower: 6
However, she is stuck in the past when it comes to art Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
– post-modernistic painting, sculpting and poetry does Image: Emmie is absolutely gorgeous – slim, with
nothing for her, just like modern music. With her long legs and a lovely face framed by long, honey-
influence over museums and other cultural institution blond hair and pale skin accentuated by her dark,
in Aarhus, Emmie is the domain’s de-facto Keeper of almost violet, eyes. She smiles easily, flirts without
Elysium and her social influence can make or break effort and moves with a natural grace. Emmie always
younger Kindred. wears clothes to accentuate her looks and whenever
Emmie is a consummate hedonist, constantly possible, carries a rapier.
searching for new or more intense experiences, be they Roleplaying Hints: Life was meant to be enjoyed.
aesthetic, ephemeral or physical. As a result, she is a You may be dead, but now you have eternity to enjoy.
frequent client of Christina Willow of Clan Setite (see You desire beauty and pleasure and will do a lot to get
page 93). She also works together with Kim Cassens of it. You are also willing to help others gain beauty and
Clan Brujah (see page 86), enjoying whatever taboo- pleasure, as long as they are the right kind of people.

134 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Some may see you as a social gadfly, but you have a began establishing his own power base. It was slow
keen mind and a lot of influence. One day, you will going until he realized an untapped potential in the
no longer just be some untitled semi-elder, you will city of Herning. The huge convention center had
take a better position. promise and with support from his sire and Jette
Haven: Large, luxurious house in the Aarhus sub- Grøndal of Clan Nosferatu (see page 122), he began
urbs. establishing some influence over first the convention
center and then the entire city. His work finally paid
Influence: Emmie wields immense influence in the off when huge musical names and great theater per-
more old-fashioned, established and traditional artistic formances began coming to Herning. Julius’ status,
circles of not only Southern Jutland, but all of Den- power and prestige rose, but while he is starting to
mark. Her social influence in the domain is also sec- make some serious money, he has found himself out-
ond only to the Prince of Southern Jutland. maneuvered by Jette, whom he owes both a large
Julius Svendsen, Musical Master amount of money and, even worse, a great deal of
favors. Julius is becoming slightly desperate, searching
Julius was born into poverty, the son of ship’s car- for way to get out under the Nosferatu’s thumb.
penter, and without his talent for music, he would
Sire: Eleonora-Marie Grahne
have lived in poverty for the rest of his life. Luckily,
his gift was discovered and he found himself with a Nature: Architect
patron in the form of a local nobleman. Julius was Demeanor: Perfectionist
sent to the Music Conservatory in Leipzig to study and
impressed his teachers with his ability to play any in- Generation: 9th
strument put before him after only a minimum of Embrace: 1870
Apparent Age: Early 30s
After 10 years in Germany, Julius returned to Den-
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
mark to embark on a great tour of the country as a
celebrated artist. He went from salons to theaters to a Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
performance for the king. However, Julius’ fame was Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
also his downfall. Eleonora-Maria (see page 134) had
recently won the right to create a childe and she set Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 1, Empathy 3, Ex-
her sights on Julius. His public profile made it prob- pression 3, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 3
lematic, but she surreptitiously began draining him Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Melee 1, Per-
every night, making doctors think he had consump- formance 5
tion. Finally, she was able to cover up his disappear- Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 1, Finance 2,
ance as death by illness. Politics 1, Theology 1
Julius took to being a vampire surprisingly well – on- Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 1, Dominate 3,
ly the act of drinking blood was repulsive to him, Presence 4
though he quickly began equating it with sex. And as a
gay man, he suddenly found himself in a situation Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (At the Herning Conven-
where he never needed to worry about being judged tion Center and in the city government), Domain 3
for whom he chose to have sex with. To this night, (Technically the entire city of Herning, but Julius has
Julius has trouble drinking blood if it is not in a sexual limited ability to exploit it), Fame 1, Herd 4 (Julius
situation with another man. can always find someone to feed from among the peo-
ple coming to the convention center), Influence 1,
For over a hundred years, Julius stayed by his sire’s Resources 3, Retainers 3, Status 3
side in Aarhus, content to practice his art, write music
and support Emmie in her endeavors. However, he Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
eventually began to desire more autonomy. He found Morality: Humanity 7
Emmie too traditional and old-fashioned – music had
Willpower: 5
changed and Julius changed with it. He embraced a
childe with connections to modern art movements Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 12/2
and while he still was, and is, loyal to his sire, Julius

Denmark by Night 135

Image: Julius is a tall, heavyset man with a dour As it turned out, Irene had not only the soul of an
demeanor, though when he shows one of his rare artist, but the talent as well. Her poetry was not im-
smiles, his entire being lights up. Julius has wavy, mediately recognized by the establishment, but it be-
blond hair that’s usually carefully combed back from a came an instant success among the counterculture
high forehead and he sports a pair of large mut- youth in Denmark. A local band asked to turn Irene’s
tonchop sideburns. He is normally dressed in modern poems into songs and she agreed, as long as they were
suits and colored waistcoats and he rarely leaves his sung by a woman. Soon after, she found herself the
haven without a violin, should the desire to play over- lead singer of a progressive rock band. From there,
come him. Irene transitioned into writing novellas and experi-
Roleplaying Hints: There is nothing in the world mented with theater. At this point, mainstream Den-
like music. Theater and poetry comes a close second, mark was beginning to embrace the new artistic
but playing and listening to music is enough to make movements and Irene was poised to become one of
you feel almost alive again. And you will ensure the the darlings of the avant garde art scene.
best music comes to your domain. You will ensure the Before she could become too famous, Irene was
best venue for that music and you will reap the benefit Embraced by Julius Svendsen, who had seen her po-
and pleasure. Though for the moment, earning tential ever since she published her first poems. He
enough money and leverage to get yourself free from had followed her career and understood that if he
that damn Nosferatu is the most important. were to Embrace her before she became too well-
Haven: An old patrician villa in Herning. known, this was the time. Irene herself was initially
shocked by the transition to Kindred, but her art kept
Influence: While not terribly involved with politics, her from losing her mind. While many mortals lose
Julius still has some sway over the city administration their creative spark after being Embraced, Irene’s gift
of Herning. His influence over Herning Convention not only survived, she was actually inspired by what
Center is far more substantial and any vampire in- had happened to her. She wrote powerful, dark poems
volved in performance art in Denmark knows that that were celebrated by artistic Kindred all over Den-
Julius can make things happen. mark. She experimented with painting with some
Irene Møller, The Cutting Edge success and for years, her art was what kept her sane.
However, Irene realized that art was always in flux,
1968 was a turning point for Denmark. The hippie always transitioning and with the help of her grand-
movement had taken hold along with radical left-wing sire, she established a presence in the vibrant art scene
ideas and the young people in Denmark, especially developing in Aarhus.
those attending universities, began to rebel and pro-
test. Copenhagen University was occupied and all Irene is surprisingly able to keep up with the shifting
across the country, counter-culture happenings were trends in art and, in many cases, express herself within
organized. Amidst all this, all manner of arts bloomed it. Under various pseudonyms, she had released poet-
and evolved; protest music, performance theater, intel- ry, short stories, displayed paintings and even released
lectual writing, all of it driven by a desire to rebel a CD of her songs, with her sire playing the instru-
against the establishment. ments. Recently, she has involved herself once again
with the young people at the university, trying to re-
Irene had been born into an almost stereotypically kindle in them the spirit of rebellion against the status
bourgeois family – her father was a doctor, her mother quo. She has yet to adapt her rebellious beliefs to the
a homemaker. The family had three kids, a dog, a car Kindred society, but it is only a matter of time.
and a piano. She attended Aarhus University, original-
ly to study Law in order to pursue a career as a legal Sire: Julius Svendsen
secretary. But as the hippie, counterculture and femi- Nature: Celebrant
nist movements blossomed, Irene found herself drawn Demeanor: Dabbler
in. She began associating herself with the radical,
Marxist elements at the university and it awoke some- Generation: 10th
thing in the formerly proper, young small-town wom- Embrace: 1970
an. She attended happenings, smoked pot and began
Apparent Age: Early 20s
experimenting with poetry.

136 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 capital of Germania Inferior. Her family was rich and
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 powerful, heavily involved with both trade and admin-
istration and Julia grew up in the highest luxury the
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 frontier could provide. She grew up to be the most
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 2, Empathy 2, Ex- beautiful woman in all of Germania and suitors
pression 5, Intimidation 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1 flocked to her. Julia happily played them off against
each other, ensuring not only gifts for herself but also
Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Performance 3
favors for her family.
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Law 1, Pol-
In the end, Julia never got to choose a suitor. Tales
itics 2
of her beauty had spread south and drawn in a Torea-
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 2, Presence 2 dor elder, who found the stories to be true. One
Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (Within the avant garde night, under the full moon, he made Julia a Toreador.
art scene in Denmark), Herd 4 (Art students), Re- The young woman expertly adjusted to her new exist-
sources 3, Status 2 ence and drew upon her family’s network of contacts
to set herself up quite well further south, among the
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 2 decadent Roman vampires. She became the darling of
Morality: Humanity 7 the various courts and the lover of many a powerful
Willpower: 5 elder. However, the glory of Rome would fade and
with it, Julia’s unlife of pleasure and excess. Bitter
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1 power struggles broke out and while Julia was an ex-
Image: Irene is a thin, blond woman of average pert politician, she was no warrior. She was driven
height, unremarkable except for her large, wire- into torpor and only the swift actions of her ghouls
rimmed glasses. She dresses in whatever is the newest, saved her from burning to death in the sun.
hippest clothes, though the glasses remain the same. When Julia awoke, the world had changed and she
Roleplaying Hints: You are on the forefront, the struggled to comprehend it. New cities had grown up
very cutting edge of artistic expression and that is what and new vampires were in power. It took Julia more
drives you. You believe that art must challenge the than a decade to establish herself and with her entire
establishment and as such, you encourage the anti- power structure destroyed, she had to make do with
capitalist, anti-racist and feminist movements in mor- the status and power her age and generation gave her.
tal society and you are not shy about expressing these She became an ardent supporter of the Camarilla for
beliefs. this very purpose, but even with her skills, she could
not take over any established domain. She served as
Haven: A condemned warehouse on the Aarhus
Primogen and Keeper of Elysium in several German
cities, but it never gave her the freedom she wanted to
Influence: Through her work, Irene is quite influ- enjoy her unlife to the fullest. Then, Ragnhild became
ential amongst new, up-and-coming and/or avant Prince of Denmark and promised rewards to any Kin-
garde poets, writers and, to a lesser degree, musicians dred who would fight the Sabbat. While Julia was still
and painters in Denmark. She is slowly beginning to no warrior, she was a powerful Elder and she acquit-
build some influence over the artistic educations in ted herself extremely well in the battles. In fact, her
Aarhus. skill, age and social abilities gave her the position of
Lady of Northern Jutland and Prince of Aalborg, a
Toreador of Northern Jut- position she enjoys thoroughly. She has spent her
land regency extending her influence, encouraging the
artistic development of her domain and sucking as
Julia Marianus Sabinius, Lady of much pleasure out of her existence as possible.
Northern Jutland and Prince of Aal- Sire: Antiochus
borg Nature: Bon Vivant
Julia was born in the city of Colonia, what would Demeanor: Dabbler
one day become Cologne, when it was the provincial

Denmark by Night 137

Generation: 6th Influence: Julia has some influence over govern-
Embrace: 115 mental administrative affairs in her Domain, but not
as much as she could have. Instead, her focus is on the
Apparent Age: Late 20s arts and culture of Denmark and here, her influence is
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3 widespread and the strongest of all who have influ-
ence in this field.
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 6
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 Jonathan Mørk, The Exotic
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Awareness 3, Em- Much is made of the fact that Denmark was the first
pathy 6, Expression 4, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, country to abolish slavery in the new world, but this
Subterfuge 5 does not change the reality that for over a century,
Denmark did make use of slave labor in the Danish
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 5, Melee 1, West Indies. Jonathan was the child of slaves, born on
Performance 3, Stealth 1 the island of St. Croix. His parents were field slaves,
Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 1, Law 2, but Jonathan’s manners, intelligence and looks saw
Medicine 1, Occult 3, Politics 5, Theology 1 him promoted to house slave and given the last name
Disciplines: Auspex 7, Celerity 7, Dominate 5, Mørk, meaning “Dark”.
Fortitude 5, Potence 1, Presence 7, Protean 1 In 1848, the slaves of St. Croix staged a non-violent
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Divided among muse- revolt, intended to secure them their freedom. Jona-
ums, galleries and the Ministry of Culture), Domain 6 than, by then a respected man among his people, was
(technically, all of North Jutland is her Domain, these one of the leaders and one of the people to speak with
dots merely represents what she can reasonably ex- Governor Peter von Scholten, who eventually emanci-
ploit), Herd 5 (Devoted lovers), Influence 2, Resources pated all slaves on the islands. The emancipation,
5, Retainers 6, Status 5 however, led to the near economic collapse of the
plantations and while the slaves were free, they mostly
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 continued to do the same work they always had, for a
Morality: Humanity 5 pay that left little for anything other than basic neces-
Willpower: 7
Saddened by this, Jonathan decided to travel to
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 30/6
Denmark in order to speak to the king on behalf of
Image: Julia is a short woman of impossibly stun- his people. He took work on a cargo hauler and even-
ning beauty. Her skin is pale and flawless, her almost- tually found himself not in Copenhagen, but in Aal-
black hair falls down her back in perfect curls, her borg, the ship’s port of call. Here, Jonathan immedi-
green eyes sparkle, her smile is a subtle invitation and ately stood out, though he found surprisingly little of
her movements always show off her body to the best the disdain and animosity he had been on the receiv-
effect. She is never dressed in anything less than the ing end of from white people in the West Indies. Most
perfect outfit for the occasion, offset with subtle but people of Aalborg had never seen a black man before
expensive jewelry. and the idea of a handsome, intelligent, Danish-
Roleplaying Hints: You enjoy the finer things in speaking black man seemed exceptionally exotic. Jona-
life… well, “life”. Sex may be gone, but the joy of feed- than found himself invited to the homes of some of
ing on various kinds of blood is still there. You find the city’s elite, where he was asked endless questions
pleasure in art as well, be it sculpture, painting, poetry about the West Indies. Jonathan immediately took
or music. Anything that can bring you new sensations this chance to talk about the plight of the island’s
is to be embraced. You may be the lady of a domain, black population and he managed to garner a great
but you always encourage young Kindred and are nev- deal of sympathy. He also drew the attention of Abra-
er arrogant. Who knows what new fun a neonate may ham ben Jacob, a Jewish Toreador who was fascinated
bring your court? by the exotic beauty he saw in Johnathan.

Haven: An old patrician villa in Aalborg, filled with Abraham gained permission to Embrace the former
prime examples of Danish art and design. slave, justifying it by pointing to Jonathan’s good sing-

138 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

ing voice. In reality, it was Jonathan’s beauty that en- Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Law 1, Oc-
tranced Abraham and Jonathan soon became the dar- cult 2, Politics 1, Theology 1
ling of Denmark’s Toreador. This did not sit well with Disciplines: Animalism 1, Auspex 2, Celerity 2,
the young Kindred, who in his mind saw himself once Dominate 3, Presence 5
against reduced to some other person’s property. He
despised being paraded around like some curio and Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (Prominent art critics),
desperately desired to break with his sire. His chance Domain 1 (His gallery), Fame 1, Herd 4 (Lovers and
came when Julia Sabinius (see page 137) took over as aspiring artists), Resources 3, Retainers 2, Status 2
Prince of Aalborg. Julia recognized potential in Jona- Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
than and helped him gain some independence. How-
Morality: Humanity 6
ever, it was not until 1943 that Jonathan would be
truly free of his sire’s influence. When the Jews fled Willpower: 8
Denmark, Abraham decided to follow his herd to Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
Sweden and he has never been heard from since.
Image: Jonathan is an exceptionally handsome black
From that night on, Jonathan truly flourished. Al- man of West African ancestry with short-cropped hair,
ready a popular man at social gatherings in Northern a clean-shaven face and dark eyes. He is tall and alt-
Jutland, Jonathan now began to use his charm to in- hough he did not work in the field, he is still in very
gratiate himself in the world of mortals. Soon, he was good physical shape. Jonathan’s voice is deep and
a treasured guest at parties, where his wit, manners resonant and he sings with a perfect tenor. Jonathan
and, yet again, exotic looks stood him in good stead. always dresses impeccably for whatever situation he
Jonathan began using his contacts in high society to finds himself in and has recently begun incorporating
act as a sort of patron-finder for aspiring artists. After traditional West African jewelry into his wardrobe.
a while, Jonathan had made enough money to act as a
patron of the arts himself and today, he owns the Roleplaying Hints: You are finally free and now,
most exclusive art gallery in Aalborg. He makes only you will enjoy your unlife. Wealth, women, and luxury
sporadic appearances, claiming to be his own son, but are yours and you will even take lovers from among
his voice carries a lot of weight in the art scene of Jut- the undead if you find them attractive enough. How-
land. He still remembers his life, however, and secret- ever, it still irks you just a little bit that many people
ly, he uses some of his money and influence to try and see you as an exotic foreigner and you do remember
improve the conditions for non-Europeans in Den- the struggles of your people. You do your part to help,
mark. though with the increasingly hostile environment in
Denmark, it seems a lost cause.
Sire: Abraham ben Jacob
Haven: The basement of his gallery in Aalborg
Nature: Bon Vivant
Influence: When it comes to painting and sculpt-
Demeanor: Judge ing, Jonathan’s influence rivals that of Julia Sabinius.
Generation: 9th Otherwise, he has little in the way of influence,
whether it be in the world of mortals or Kindred.
Embrace: 1850
Apparent Age: Mid 30s Karen Bistrup, Shaper of Stone
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 Karen grew up in an exceptionally artistic home; her
father was a painter, her mother a classically trained
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5 pianist and her brothers grew up to be an actor and
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 painter, respectively. Karen herself also inherited the
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, artistic talent and from a young age, excelled in paint-
Brawl 1, Empathy 3, Expression 1, Intimidation 2, ing and sculpting. She was accepted to the Jutland Art
Leadership 1, Subterfuge 3 Academy in Aarhus, where she developed an apprecia-
tion for working in stone. Her artistic expression also
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 4, developed, and became so avant-garde. However, it
Melee 1, Performance 3, Survival 1 was the 60ies and with counterculture on the rise,

Denmark by Night 139

Karen’s expression was embraced by those rejecting Embrace: 1969
tradition. Apparent Age: Early 30s
Karen moved to Aalborg to live in an artists’ collec- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
tive. Here, she participated in happenings and coun-
terculture protests, all the while expanding her craft. Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Her undeniable talent caught the eye of the Toreador Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Jonathan Mørk, who managed to give her a greater
Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 1, Empathy 2, Ex-
exposure. As the greater art world of Denmark caught
pression 2, Subterfuge 2
up with the new trends, Karen’s artwork became a hot
commodity and she received numerous commissions Skills: Crafts 5, Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Performance 1
to create works for office houses and public spaces. Knowledges: Academics 2, Occult 1
While Karen reveled in her newfound recognition, Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Potence 1, Pres-
Jonathan ingratiated himself with her and, after a ence 3
while, explained what he was and that he wanted to
make Karen his childe. She agreed, elated at the Backgrounds: Fame 3, Herd 2 (Fans of her work
thought of having eternity to work on her art. Also, she has taken as lovers), Resources 3, Status 1
she was a little bit in love with Jonathan. Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
Sadly, the reality of being a vampire was nothing Morality: Humanity 7
like Karen’s romanticized beliefs. Jonathan admired Willpower: 6
her heart, but he did not love her and her love for
him quickly withered and died. Worse, she found her Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1
creativity stifled and dulled by being a vampire. She Image: Karen is a plain-looking woman, a bit on the
was still able to produce stunning works of art, but to tall side, with curly, brown hair and matching eyes.
her own eyes, these pieces lacked the spark of true She tends to wear colorful clothing and modern, de-
creativity. For over a decade, she entered a period of signer jewelry.
depression, producing only a few works for some of
Roleplaying Hints: You have rediscovered your pas-
the rich and powerful Kindred in Denmark. Then, she
attended Elysium in the Tingbæk Chalk Mines. sions and now, it is time to express them. You will
make great art and you will either make Jonathan love
Seeing the sculptures being displayed in Tingbæk lit you or make him regret turning you down.
a spark in Karen and she became obsessed with carv-
Haven: A small, but well-appointed basement
ing sculptures out of the rock. She entered into an
apartment in Aalborg, complete with a sculptor’s
agreement with the Nosferatu Hjörtur Andrison (see
page 123), whose influence ensure the use of the
mines for the Kindred of Northern Jutland. Since Influence: She is seen as a very influential artist
then, Karen has carved amazing sculptures in secret when it comes to sculpting, but other than that, Karen
caves visited only by the undead. She has also recently has no influence.
returned to making smaller works of art under the .
name KarBis. These are being sold through Jonathan’s
gallery and have brought Karen newfound fame.
However, the rekindling of Karen’s artistic fire has
Clan Tremere
also rekindled her feelings towards Jonathan. Unfor- 1501 AD. That was the year that Clan Tremere
tunately, if the love she feels for him is not soon recip- gained a permanent presence in Denmark. Before
rocated, it might turn to something dark and danger- then, individual Tremere had travelled to the country
ous. in search of mystical secrets, but in 1501, they peti-
Sire: Jonathan Mørk tioned the Prince for permission to set up a Chantry.
Originally, the Tremere had their eyes on Lund, where
Nature: Celebrant Denmark’s first university had been established in
Demeanor: Celebrant 1477, but the Prince insisted they settle in Copenha-
gen. Since then, the Clan’s chantry and headquarters
Generation: 10th

140 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

have been in the capitol, with a few individual Talents: Alertness 1, Awareness 5, Empathy 1, Ex-
Tremere maintaining smaller “sub-chantries” else- pression 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 4
where. Clan Tremere’s main interest is the history of Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 4, Melee 1
Denmark, especially the magic of the Vikings and the
many mystical places in the kingdom. Knowledges: Academics 4, Finance 1, Law 1, Medi-
cine 1, Occult 6, Politics 4, Science 1, Theology 3
Tremere of Zealand Disciplines: Auspex 6, Dominate 6, Fortitude 1,
Octavius, Master of the Copenhagen Presence 3, Thaumaturgy 6
Chantry Paths: Blood 5, Elemental Mastery 5, Thaumaturgi-
cal Countermagic 5, Lure of Flames 1
In life, Octavius was an alchemist of some skill and
he was brought into Clan Tremere by another alche- Rituals: Far too many to list, including a few of his
mist. Already interested in the idea of immortality, own creation.
Octavius saw little difficulty in adapting to being a Backgrounds: Domain 2 (The Tremere chantry, an
vampire. He continued his alchemical research, but old house near the central Humanities campus of
also played the political game within his Clan. Copenhagen University), Herd 1 (Blood brought by
When Clan Tremere decided to establish a perma- other Tremere), Resources 3, Retainers 5, Status 3
nent presence in Denmark, Octavius was chosen to Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
lead the new chantry. Octavius accepted without com-
plaint and proved to be an effective chantry leader. He Morality: Humanity 5
also enjoyed the power and status that came with his Willpower: 10
position. He has declined a seat on the Primogen
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
council, officially because his duties and research
keeps him too busy. In reality, Octavius has a plan. Image: Dignified is a good way to describe Octavius
Since Jeronimus (see page 142) is the official face of – while on the short side, he still stand erect, with a
the Clan, most Kindred in Copenhagen tend to dis- full head of silver hair and a short beard to match,
miss Octavius and not realize his abilities. And he is intelligent, grey eyes and a stern demeanor. Octavius
readying a coup. Not right now. Not next year. But dresses in old-fashioned suits, accentuated with ritual
soon. Octavius wants to be Prince and gain access to pieces of jewelry, and carries a staff carved from a
all the resources this would give him. He is in contact lighting-struck oat, enchanted with the Enchant Tal-
with the leaders of the Clan, who have approved this isman ritual.
plan. Denmark is so tangentially connected to the Roleplaying Hints: You like to be in charge. You
Camarilla that there will be little backlash if he fails like power. You like having people do what you say.
and should he succeed, Clan Tremere stands to gain And you are patient. The Prince is weak – her domain
quite a lot. For now, Octavius is slowly and subtly stands ready to fall. And when you become Prince, all
gathering allies outside his Clan and making note of the occult secrets of the kingdom will be yours.
Prince Ragnhilds allies and weaknesses.
Haven: The Copenhagen chantry.
Sire: Therimna
Influence: None on his own, but every Tremere in
Nature: Director Denmark is beholden to him.
Demeanor: Visionary
Jeronimus von Lakskov, Tremere
Generation: 7th Primogen
Embrace: 1286 As a young man, Jeronimus took an interest in as-
Apparent Age: Early 50s trology and his wealthy father was happy enough to
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 sponsor his youngest son’s education. Jeronimus start-
ed at Copenhagen University before his intelligence
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3 and talent sent him to France and Germany. He
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 3 served under a number of high-ranking nobles before
returning to Denmark at the age of 40 on the request

Denmark by Night 141

of King Christian IV, who had fallen out with the Disciplines: Auspex 2, Presence 3, Dominate 5,
famous Tycho Brahe. Jeronimus spent some time as Thaumaturgy 5
astrologer to the king, but fell ill and returned to the Paths: Blood 5, Movement of the Mind 5, Weather
care of his family. Here, Octavius (see page 141) Em- Control 5
braced Jeronimus before he could recover.
Rituals: Numerous, especially rituals dedicated to
At first, Jeronimus’ strong, Lutheran faith interfered scrying, predicting the future and other forms of mag-
with his existence as a Kindred, but it did not take ical perception.
him long to adjust; his curiosity and thirst for
knowledge turned out to overrule his faith in the end. Backgrounds: Allies 1 (University of Copenhagen
Jeronimus brought many interesting and modern Board of Directors member), Contacts 5 (Administra-
theories to the Danish branch of Clan Tremere and tors and professors at the University), Domain 3 (Parts
became a valued member of the Copenhagen chantry, of Copenhagen University), Herd 2 (Students), Re-
to the point where Octavius resisted having Jeronimus sources 3, Retainers 3, Status 4
reassigned to another chantry. When Ragnhild took Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
the throne and asked for Tremere on the Primogen
Morality: Humanity 6
Council, Octavius sent Jeronimus – now, he has an
iron-clad reason to keep his valued childe in Den- Willpower: 9
mark. Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
Jeronimus turned out to be a great choice for the Image: Jeronimus would be handsome man were it
Primogen. While not a natural politician, his upbring- not for a slightly bent back, pockmarks and very bad
ing as a nobleman prepared him quite well and he has teeth. His light brown hair is curly and falls to his
learned on the job. He enjoys his position, even shoulders and he sports a large moustache and a nar-
though it takes time away from his studies, and he row goatee. Jeronimus dresses in modern suits and
does his best to represent his Clan and their interests. when he can get away with it, he carries his Talisman,
At the same time, he has managed to build up quite a a rapier.
bit of influence at his old Alma Mater, Copenhagen
University. Jeronimus is loyal to Octavius and has Roleplaying Hints: The future is there to read for
been promised the position of Master of the Chantry those who know how. And the future can be manipu-
when Octavius takes over Denmark – so far, he is the lated by those who have the skill. The power is there,
only Tremere who is privy to said plan. as long as one has the resources and knowledge. And
you will have that.
Sire: Octavius
Haven: The Copenhagen chantry.
Nature: Visionary
Influence: Quite a lot at the University of Copen-
Demeanor: Autocrat hagen, not much otherwise.
Generation: 8th
Alice Møller Beck, Harpy
Embrace: 1601
Alice’s parents described themselves as “recovering
Apparent Age: Early 40s hippies”, though they still lived in the Free City of
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 Christiania. Alice grew up amongst the last remnants
of the hippie culture and absorbed some of it, taking
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 it with her when she went to university. Here, she
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 2 studied history, while participating in numerous study
Talents: Awareness 5, Empathy 3, Expression 1, In- groups on mysticism, both eastern and western. And
timidation 1, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 4 partied. A lot. Her connection to Christiania gave her
easy access to weed and made her an instant hit
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Melee 2 amongst the university crowd.
Knowledges: Academics 4, Law 1, Occult 5, Politics In 1992, Clan Tremere was granted permission to
3, Science 4, Theology 3 create a new vampire and Jeronimus pointed to Alice.
Not only did she have an interest in the occult, but

142 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

she was also quite socially adept, something he felt Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (An espert in ley lines, a
could benefit the Clan. Octavius tasked Ingo Eckbert, feng shui expert), Herd 2 (Partygoers), Resources 1,
a German Tremere assigned to the Copenhagen chan- Status 3
try, with Embracing Alice and training her. Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
Alice took surprisingly well to becoming a vampire, Morality: Humanity 7
almost too well, She reveled in her new powers and
the immortality it gave her and while she was studious, Willpower: 8
she was also less than pleased with the conservative Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 10/1
atmosphere of the Copenhagen chantry. When Ingo
Image: Alice is a pretty girl, tall and slender with
was reassigned to another chantry, Alice joined the
long, honey-blond hair and mismatched eyes; one
Free Company coterie (See page 108), annoying her
green, one brown. She prefers to wear everyday clothes
Elders ever so slightly. However, she has since shown
and has a number of mystical tattoos relating to her
to be a loyal member of the Clan and both Octavius
fields of study. She wears no make-up, but a lot of
and Jeronimus are content with her.
arcane jewelry.
Recently, two things have become very important in
Roleplaying Hints: Yes, studying is interesting and a
Alice’s existence. The first is her discovery of Christian
way to power, especially the power locked in the paths
Richardts Vej (see page 67) as part of her investigation
of energy that flows though the world and is shaped by
of ley lines, feng shui sites and the sacred geometry of
buildings. But there is also power in knowing the right
Copenhagen. The second is that her constant pres-
people. And it’s no fun spending every night with
ence and general behavior at various Elysium events
your face in a book.
has seen her elevated to Harpy. Alice is quite elated –
she is an outgoing and social person who cannot Haven: The Copenhagen chantry
spend all her nights locked away in the chantry. Influence: So far, Alice only has influence in the
Sire: Ingo Eckbert world of the Kindred - the influence that comes with
being a Harpy. However, given time, she would prob-
Nature: Visionary
ably be able to foster some influence among mortals.
Demeanor: Gallant
Generation: 13th Tremere of Funen
Embrace: 1992 Brother Antonius, Former Hospitaller
Apparent Age: Early 20s
In life, Brother Antonius was a monk at the Hospi-
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
taller monastery in Odense. A pious man, he was also
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 intelligent and curious and as such, was put in charge
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 of the library. The work suited Antonius, who worked
tirelessly to categorize and expand the monastic library
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 5, Em-
to the point where it had become quite famous in
pathy 3, Expression 1, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 2, Performance 1, Stealth
When the Reformation hit Denmark, the main
Hospitaller monastery made an enemy of the king and
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Investiga- they feared the seizure of their assets. While the Hos-
tion 1, Law 1, Occult 4, Politics 1, Science 1, Theology pitallers had never been the treasure hunters that the
3 Templars had been, they still held a fair amount of
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Thaumaturgy 3 valuable artifacts, sacred relics and secret texts in their
Scandinavian headquarters. This treasure was, in great
Paths: Blood 3 secrecy, transferred to Odense and the Hospitallers
Rituals: A decent amount, among them Mirror of there were tasked with seeking a peaceful resolution to
Second Sight and Sense the Mystical (from Rites of protect the treasure. The monastery managed to find
the Blood) an accommodation with the king in which the monas-

Denmark by Night 143

tery was transferred to a local noble, but the monks Rituals: A wide selection, especially those relating to
were still allowed to live there. And so, they thought creating servants and creatures; Blood Contract, En-
their hoard of artifacts and knowledge secure. chant Talisman
However, Clan Tremere had long had their spies Backgrounds: Contacts 1 (Secretary in the admin-
within the Hospitaller order and learned of the trans- istration at Odense Palace), Domain 3 (Odense Pal-
fer. Octavius himself went to the newly renamed ace), Herd 2 (Workers at Odense Palace), Influence 1,
Odensegård in order to ascertain if the rumors were Resources 3, Retainers 3, Status 3
true and when he learned that indeed, the Scandina- Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
vian Hospitallers had moved the bulk of their
knowledge, wealth and mystical items to Odense, he Morality: Humanity 5
Embraced Brother Antonius. Antonius’ faith shat- Willpower: 9
tered completely when he became a vampire and after
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
a few nights of frenetic madness, the former monk
dedicated himself fully to the Tremere Clan. Since Image: A fat, jowly man with a full head of ton-
that night, Antonius has had his haven in what would sured, gray hair and a wispy beard, Antonius dresses
become Odense Palace and acted as the guardian of impeccably in suits in dark but vibrant colors. Small,
the Hospitaller hoard. Many of the texts and mystical round spectacles perch in front of his hazel eyes and
artifacts have been given to other chantries, while the subtle jewelry adorn him; a tie pin, cufflinks, a ring.
sacred relics lie mainly untouched. Brother Antonius His talisman is a rapier that he carries with him if
has read as many of the tomes and scrolls in the col- expecting trouble.
lection as possible and protects his charge with nu- Roleplaying Hints: Knowledge is power. Never give
merous rituals and thaumaturgical creations. His it away without a price. Learn everything you can
knowledge, expertise and experience means that he is without letting others know too much. Let others do
sometimes consulted by other Tremere seeking to the talking and take note of what they say. Rely upon
identify some strange artifact from ancient times or the power you have accrued through the centuries, but
unravel the mysteries of a newly-found tome. only use it if need be.
Sire: Octavius Haven: Secret vaults beneath Odense Palace.
Nature: Traditionalist Influence: As Odense Palace is now the seat of the
Demeanor: Enigma administration for Odense Municipality, Antonius has
managed to build up a bit of influence over said ad-
Generation: 8th
ministration, though he is careful not to step on
Embrace: 1537 Prince Asbjørn’s domain.
Apparent Age: Late 60s
Tremere of Southern Jutland
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Carsten Friis-Hansen, Tremere Mon-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Carsten’s father was the director of a local bank and
Talents: Awareness 4, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1, groomed his eldest son to take over the role. However,
Subterfuge 4 during his tenure at Copenhagen University, Carsten
Skills: Crafts 2, Etiquette 1, Melee 1, Performance realized that the time of the small, local banks was
1, Stealth 1 coming to an end. Instead of following in his father’s
footsteps, Carsten raised as much capital as he could
Knowledges: Academics 5, Computer 1, Finance 1,
and, with the help of contacts made at university,
Law 3, Occult 5, Politics 3, Science 1, Theology 3
began investing in up-and-coming businesses. He got
Disciplines: Auspex 5, Dominate 5, Presence 5, his first big break after World War II ended and
Thaumaturgy 5 Denmark needed rebuilding and while he never be-
Paths: Blood 5, Corruption 4 came one of the richest men in Denmark, he did sit
quite pretty.

144 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

At university, Carsten had become involved with a would do very nice. And from there, on to bigger and
secret society devoted to the occult, a hold-over from better things in Southern Jutland.
the heyday of spiritualism in the late Victorian Era. Sire: Alexander Sverre
Clan Tremere had secretly been supporting this mys-
tery cult, using it to scout for people with some talent Nature: Capitalist
for magic. And while Carsten was not the most gifted, Demeanor: Architect
he had enough ability that the Clan kept an eye on
Generation: 9th
him. Several wealthy and influential men were also
members of the society, ensuring that Carsten stayed Embrace: 1959
involved, as he needed the contacts. Apparent Age: Mid 50s
In the 1950s, Octavius, the leader of Clan Tremere Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
in Denmark, decided that the Clan needed more
funds than was currently available and began casting Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
about for a new member of the Clan, who could bring Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
both money and magical ability. And the choice fell Talents: Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Brawl 1, Empathy
on Carsten, who was Embraced by Alexander Sverre, 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3
the Prince of Viborg. Carsten took rather well to be-
ing a vampire, once the realities of the situation Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1
dawned upon him, and with the support of Clan Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Finance 5,
Tremere, he set about expanding his financial reach. Law 2, Occult 2, Politics 2, Science 1
As luck would have it, a fire ravaged the LEGO Disciplines: Auspex 1, Dominate 4, Presence 1,
warehouse in 1960 and destroyed their inventory of Thaumaturgy 2
wooden toys. The company director decided to go
Paths: Blood 2
with plastic and finances were needed to set up the
new production. Carsten was one of the few outsiders Rituals: Blood Rush, Communicate With Kindred
contributing funds and although LEGO was, and Sire, Domino of Life, Wake With Evening’s Fresh-
continues to be, privately held, it gave the young ness, Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion
Tremere a foothold that he has been exploiting ever Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Member of LEGO Group
since. When LEGO financed the Billund Airport Board of Directors, Member of Billund Airport Man-
(now the second-busiest in Denmark) and built the agement), Contacts 3 (Various small company lead-
first Legoland Resort, Carsten was there to invest and ers), Domain 4 (LEGOland), Herd 5 (Workers at
reap the benefits. While he has made sure to diversify LEGO Group, Legoland and the Billund Airport),
over the years, LEGO remains the biggest source of Resources 4, Retainers 3, Status 2
revenue. And with the growth of Legoland to Den-
mark’s most popular tourist destination outside of Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
Copenhagen, Carsten found himself with an attractive Morality: Humanity 6
hunting ground as his domain, especially since the Willpower: 7
Legoland Hotel and Conference Center was estab-
lished. Hunting during the peak season is possible for Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
4-5 Kindred, if they are subtle, and Carsten makes the Image: A keen footballer in his youth, Carsten was
most of this, trading access for favors or allowing fel- still in good shape when he was Embraced. He has a
low Tremere to hunt. full head of silvered hair with a few strands of light
For now, Carsten is content to serve as the “money- brown still showing through and a clean-shaven face.
bags” for his Clan. However, he also has aspirations. He wears stylish glasses and projects a casual business
Prince of Billund seems like a silly title, since the town look. He always carries the latest iPhone and, usually,
is small and, politically speaking, rather unimportant. an iPad as well.
However, the nearby city of Vejle, where he has his Roleplaying Hints: Clan Tremere gave you the op-
haven, is another matter. A large (for Danish stand- portunity to become far more rich, powerful and in-
ards), growing city with a political headquarters, it fluential than you ever thought possible and you are

Denmark by Night 145

going to repay them – while earning as much money Nature: Penitent
and status for yourself as you can along the way. You Demeanor: Perfectionist
love the luxury that comes with the money you’re
earning now and are determined to enjoy every mi- Generation: 8th
nute of it. Embrace: 1523
Haven: A large villa in the wooded hills outside Apparent Age: Early 30s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Influence: Carsten does not have much in the way
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1
of influence, yet. However, with the amount of money
and contacts he has, that can soon change. Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
Talents: Awareness 5, Empathy 1, Leadership 1,
Tremere of Northern Jutland Subterfuge 3
Alexander Sverre, Prince of Viborg Skills: Crafts 1, Etiquette 2, Melee 1, Stealth 1
Alexander was always a bright young man and his Knowledges: Academics 5, Computer 1, Investiga-
father, a wealthy merchant, happily sponsored his tion 1, Law 3, Medicine 2, Occult 5, Politics 1, Sci-
second son’s education. Alexander started at the Uni- ence 2, Theology 5
versity of Copenhagen, studying the Classics, before
spending some years in Paris. Here, he secretly con- Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 3, Obfuscate 2,
verted to Catholicism before returning to Denmark to Presence 3, Thaumaturgy 5
take up a position at the university. Instead, he be- Paths: Blood 5, Lure of Flames 5, Spirit Manipula-
came the first Dane embraced into Clan Tremere. tion 4 (see Rites of Blood page 142), Thaumaturgical
Octavius, newly assigned to Denmark, needed an as- Countermagic 5
sistant and Alexander, educated in Paris and display- Rituals: Most of Level 1 – 3 (especially Wards), plus
ing a keen mind and great ambition, caught Octavius’ Bone of Lies, Mirror Walk (see Rites of Blood), Ward
eye. However, he had not reckoned with Alexander’s versus Kindred, Blood Contract, Enchant Talisman
catholic faith and for years, the newly Embraced and Ward versus Spirits
Tremere struggled with his conscience, being little use
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (High-level administrators at
to Octavius. However, the spread of Lutheranism to
the University of Aalborg and the Cathedral of Vi-
Denmark gave Alexander a purpose and he promised
borg), Contacts 1 (In the Catholic Church of Den-
to faithfully serve Clan Tremere if he was allowed to
mark), Domain 5 (the entire town of Viborg), Herd 2
support the Catholic mortals. Octavius gave him per-
(Various students), Influence 1, Resources 3, Retain-
mission, but it turned out to be a lost cause. Despite
ers 2, Status 3
widespread resistance in the population, Lutheranism
became the religion of the land and Catholicism was Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
banned. Morality: Humanity 7
Alexander continued to give covert support to secret Willpower: 8
Catholics, as well as serve his Clan well. When Prince
Ragnhild called for a crusade against the Danish Sab- Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
bat, Octavius sent Alexander to fight for Clan Image: A short, scrawny man with a prematurely re-
Tremere and for his services, Alexander was offered a ceding hairline and watery eyes hidden behind thick
minor city as his domain. He chose Viborg, ironically glasses, Alexander does not make an impressive figure.
the city where Hans Tausen was first allowed a pulpit He compounds this by wearing simple, ill-fitting suits.
to preach his Protestant ideas. Since then, Alexander He does, however, manage to be pleasant in conversa-
has split his nights between the continued support of tion, especially with other intellectuals. He feigns
Catholics (especially since they were allowed to estab- walking with a limp in order to carry his Talisman, a
lish themselves back in Denmark in 1849) and inves- simple cane with a crooked top.
tigating the mystic sites around northern Jutland. Roleplaying Hints: Things must be in order. They
Sire: Octavius must be done right and done well. Attention to detail

146 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

and meticulous planning is important. Do not think for legal advice and she was even called upon to ren-
about what you have become and what you have had der judgement from time to time. Her rulings were
to do. Work for your Clan, learn more, support your always fair and eventually, she gained the nickname
faith and hope beyond hope that you are not eternally “the Just”.
damned. Ragnhild’s sire was among the first Ventrue to enter
Haven: Secret chambers beneath the Catholic St Denmark and when he decided to make a childe from
Kjeld’s Church in Viborg. someone native to the land, he chose Ranghild. While
Influence: Despite being Prince of Viborg, Alexan- she lamented the loss of her family, she soon realized
der has no real political influence over the city or the the potential of her new life and accepted her fate.
region, preferring to concentrate on the University of She even joined her sire when the battles between
Aalborg, the Cathedral of Viborg and the Danish Pagan and Christian vampires broke out – though
Catholic Church, all of which he has a small amount sadly, this resulted in her being sent into torpor be-
of influence over. neath a collapsed building.
She awoke after a blood battle in 1644 to a world
completely different from the one she had left. Yet, it
Clan Tzimisce did not take her long to adapt and soon, she was the
right-hand woman of Prince Gunnarr.
Before the Anarch Revolt, no member of this Clan
made Denmark their home. After the Revolt, a few
settled here alongside the other Sabbat. However, Not Hamlet
every single Tzimisce perished in the battles that exiled
the Sabbat from Denmark and today, no member of In English, the word “prince” has two meanings;
the Clan dwells in the kingdom. one is the son of a king or emperor; the female form is
“princess”. The second comes from the Roman word
“princeps” and refers to any ruler, though most com-

Clan Ventrue monly to the ruler of a “principality”; this lacks a fe-

male form.
During the Viking Age, Clan Ventrue found them- In other languages, such as German and Danish,
selves in an unusual situation in Denmark – below there is a difference; the words for a royal child in
not only the Brujah, but also the Gangrel, when it Danish is “prins” and “prinsesse”, while the word for a
came to influencing the mortals. However, the minor ruler is “fyrste” and “fyrstinde”. In English, the
Ventrue bided their time and struck an unlikely alli- Kindred ruler of a domain is referred to as “prince”,
ance with Clan Lasombra to support Christianity in regardless of gender. In Danish, “fyrste” or “fyrstinde”
Scandinavia and break the hold of the pagan vam- is used. And while Prince Ragnhild is more than will-
pires. During the Middle Ages, the Lasombra, Ventrue ing to speak English to anyone who does not speak
and Toreador Clans fought for dominance, but when Danish, she does not want to be addressed as “prince”,
the formation of the Sabbat broke Clan Lasombra, the mainly due to jokes about the Prince of Denmark.
Ventrue were able to emerge victorious. These nights, Instead, she insists on being addressed by the Danish
the Clan unquestionably rules the Kindred of Den- “fyrstinde” or the German “fürstin”.

Ventrue of Zealand Ragnhild never planned to usurp Gunnarr’s throne,

Ragnhild the Just, Prince of Denmark but when the Prince was sent into Torpor, she did not
hesitate. Ragnhild firmly believes that power belongs
Ragnhild’s husband was a wealthy farmer near Ros-
to those who can take it and she has proven that time
kilde. When he died of fever, Ragnhild took over the
and again. She takes her position very seriously and is
farm in the name of her infant son. She also took her
very protective of her domain. This is what led to her
husband’s place among the influential people of the
declaring a war against the Danish Sabbat. Ragnhild
area and soon, she was recognized as a fair, intelligent,
recognizes that giving lip service to the Camarilla is
wise and knowledgeable woman. Many sought her out
currently the best course of action. Perhaps Ragnhild’s

Denmark by Night 147

greatest strength is to recognize talent and loyalty and Roleplaying Hints: A ruler must be firm, but fair.
know whom to ally herself with. This has allowed her Never waiver, never back down, but always be ready to
to build a strong power base and secure her position listen to the advice of others. Never dismiss anyone
against all contenders. just because of their age, but also, remind the young
Ragnhild can only drink from people who have ac- that they have yet to earn the experience and wisdom
tively fought in battle. of their elders.

Sire: Claudius Verenius Haven: Varies, usually Palace Hotel.

Nature: Autocrat Influence: Vast influence within national Danish

and local Copenhagen government, at all levels. She
Demeanor: Judge has numerous investments in large, Danish corpora-
Generation: 7th tions, which furnishes her with vast wealth, but very
little influence within these companies.
Embrace: 835
Apparent Age: Late 30s Valdemar Duus-Frederiksen, Ventrue
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 Primogen
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 Valdemar joined the Danish military just in time to
be part of Christian IV’s disastrous participation in
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 the Thirty Years’ War. However, the young lieutenant
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 1, acquitted himself well and quickly rose through the
Brawl 2, Empathy 4, Expression 1, Intimidation 5, ranks. Valdemar was a consummate politician and
Leadership 5, Subterfuge 3 easily acquired the necessary backing to reach high
command and when he retired, it was to a political
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Melee 3,
position at the king’s court, overseeing the Danish
Stealth 1, Survival 1
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 3, Law 5, Oc-
Prince Gunnarr originally made Valdemar a ghoul
cult 2, Politics 5, Theology 1
in order to secure greater influence over the Danish
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Dominate 6, military. Due to his exemplary service, Valdemar
Fortitude 4, Potence 1, Presence 6 earned the Embrace just a decade later and continued
Backgrounds: Contacts 6 (In national, regional and managing the influence he had built during his time
municipal government), Domain 6 (technically, all of as a ghoul. He soon developed a somewhat one-sided
Copenhagen and even Denmark is her Domain, these rivalry with the Prince’s new Seneschal, Ragnhild.
dots merely represents what she can reasonably ex- Valdemar felt that he should hold that position, but
ploit), Herd 3 (War veterans), Influence 4, Resources Ragnhild had already secured her place and never
5, Retainers 6, Status 5 considered Valdemar a contender.
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 5 In the years that followed, Valdemar steadily built
up his power, influence and resources, looking to gain
Morality: Humanity 5 an official position. Ironically, it wasn’t until the
Willpower: 9 bombardment of Copenhagen and the change in
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4 leadership that he got his chance. Originally, Valde-
mar backed Alexandrine Tolbæk (see page 151) for
Image: Ragnhild is on the tall side for a woman, Prince of Copenhagen, but she lost out to Ragnhild.
athletically built with subtle, wiry muscles. Her long, However, Ragnhild recognized the power, influence
blond hair is usually pulled back into a braid. Her face and prestige that Valdemar had and offered him the
is more striking than beautiful, with hard, blue eyes position of Primogen for Clan Ventrue. Valdemar
and sharp features, but her strong personality shines readily accepted.
through, making her a most remarkable woman. For
night-to-night wear, Ragnhild prefers casual business Since then, Valdemar has been Ranghild’s most
clothes – for special occasions, she will wear designer dangerous and cunning opponent. Since Valdemar
dresses with lots of jewelry. represents her own Clan, it is dangerous for her to go

148 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

against him in the Primogen and Valdemar has a fair Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
amount of political influence – it is not as vast as Morality: Humanity 6
Ragnhild’s, but it is more focused. Everyone who fol-
lows the Kindred politics in Denmark knows that Willpower: 7
should any serious opposition to Ragnhild’s rule arise, Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
Valdemar will be the rallying point.
Image: Valdemar is tall and blond, with sideburns
Some 15 years ago, Valdemar hired the Free Com- and moustache. His hair is thinning and his mous-
pany (See page 108) to do some spying for him and he tache is shot through with grey, but his body is still fit,
is pretty confident that he has learned what Ragnhild’s the result of a lifetime spent in the saddle. Valdemar
feeding restriction is. As such, Valdemar has spent wears conservative suits with expensive cufflinks and a
quite a bit of political capital supporting restrictions gold watch.
on immigration and asylum in Denmark. He is well
Roleplaying Hints: You were born to command,
aware that these nights, most immigrants coming to
bred to lead, trained to be in charge. You are willing
Denmark are refugees from war-torn areas who might
to admit that Ragnhild outmaneuvered you after your
have fought, and thus provide Ragnhild with blood.
sire fell to Torpor, but you are still playing the game
At the same time, he supports policies that are isola-
and you are playing to win.
tionist and keep Denmark out of international coop-
eration, so that Denmark has to supply as few troops Haven: And small mansion in Østerbro.
as possible to war-torn areas. Influence: No other Kindred wield as much influ-
Valdemar can only drink from people who have ence over the Danish military as Valdemar does. He
held elected office. also has substantial influence over the Conservative
and Danish People’s Parties, and a bit of pull over the
Sire: Gunnarr Mark
other right-wing parties.
Nature: Conniver
Theodor Buchwald, Desperate Inves-
Demeanor: Director
Generation: 7th
Theodor was born into a wealthy merchant family.
Embrace: 1665 His older brother stood to inherit the business and
Apparent Age: Late 50s Theodor was looking for a way to establish his own
fortune. Fortunately for the young man, the Railway
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Company of Zealand was looking for investors. The-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2 odor borrowed a large sum from his father and when
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 the Copenhagen–Roskilde railway opened in 1847,
Theodor was one of the owners. At first, the income
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Empathy
was nothing much, but in 1856, the line was extended
3, Expression 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 5, Subter- to Korsør and suddenly, the money was pouring in.
fuge 4
Theodor paid back his loan and set himself up for the
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms rest of his life.
2, Melee 3, Stealth 1, Survival 2
In 1880, the Danish government took over the
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 3, Law 3, Medi- company and merged it with state-owned railways on
cine 1, Occult 1, Politics 5, Theology 1 Funen and in Jutland to create what would one day
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 6, Fortitude 3, become DSB. At the same time, Theodor was Em-
Obfusctae 1, Presence 6, Potence 1 braced by Valdemar Duus-Frederiksen. The Elder
Ventrue had realized the importance of the railroad
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Important people in the and wanted someone with influence as part of Den-
Danish right-wing parties, the Ministry of Defense and mark’s Kindred. Valdemar used his own political pull
highest level of military command), Domain 4 (A large to ensure Theodor a great deal of influence within the
part of the Copenhagen Free Port), Herd 5 (Officials new state-owned company. After some years, this did
whose career he’s helped), Influence 2, Resources 5, put Theodor into conflict with Reinhardt von Stade
Retainers 5, Status 4

Denmark by Night 149

(see page 154), but the two of them managed to divide Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (In the DSB leadership
their interests in the Danish railways between them and the Ministry of Transportation), Domain 3 (Pal-
somewhat amicably. ads Cinema and the surrounding square, which was
Theodor had no problem with becoming a Kindred. once Copenhagen’s Central Train Station), Herd 2 (In
Greed was his chief motivating factor and he had no the Whiskey Belt), Resources 3, Retainers 3, Status 2
problems drinking blood or going without sunlight. Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
Over the decades, Theodor diversified his interest Morality: Humanity 6
slightly, though his main power base and source of
income remained DSB. Willpower: 5
One of the other investments that Theodor made Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
was in the municipality of Farum (see page 71) in the Image: Theodor is a corpulent man with balding,
mid-80ies. Seeing an opportunity to establish a solid brown hair, massive sideburns and beady, brown eyes.
source of revenue outside of DSB, Theodor put a He compensates for this with immaculately tailored
significant amount of resources into Farum and lost suits and subtle but expensive jewelry.
big when the whole thing collapsed. Now in dire
Roleplaying Hints: How could you let things get so
straits, Theodor began drawing even more heavily on
out of control? Your money is disappearing fast, your
his interest in DSB. It’s hard to say whether or not the
main revenue stream is drying up and Reinhardt is
IC4 train fiasco would have happened without The-
pushing you out. Something must be done. You will
odor’s embezzlement, but it certainly did not help.
not be reduced to a pauper.
Now, Theodor is in deep trouble. The IC4 contro-
Haven: A mansion on Strandvejen in the Whiskey
versy has severely damaged the reputation of DSB and
the company is losing money and customers. Valder-
mar’s influence is slipping, as is his revenue and Rein- Influence: Theodor used to have a lot of control
hardt von Stade is challenging his influence, looking over the executive decisions of DSB, but this influence
to push him out. Theodor is desperate and is looking is slipping.
around for anyone who can help him right his ship.
Alexandrine Tolbæk, Prince of Ros-
Theodor can only drink form people who were born kilde
millionaires (in Danish currency).
Alexandrine’s father was a minor noble who held
Sire: Valdemar Duus-Frederiksen
lands near Roskilde. The Tolbæk family, however, had
Nature: Capitalist connections at court and many members held various
Demeanor: Conniver administrative positions. Alexandrine was groomed
from a young age to be married into the halls of pres-
Generation: 8th tige and power, but her life took quite a different turn,
Embrace: 1880 thanks to Agnete, Prince of Roskilde and childe of
Gunnarr Mark. Agnete made Alexandrine a ghoul, in
Apparent Age: Mid 50s
part to gain influence in her family, in part to have a
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 close personal servant. As it turned out, Alexandrine
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2 was intelligent, ambitious and capable. She soon be-
came Agnete’s personal secretary and, eventually, her
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
favored childe. Agnete made no secrets concerning the
Talents: Empathy 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 3, fact that she intended Alexandrine to become her
Leadership 3, Subterfuge 4 seneschal as soon as the young Kindred had gained
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 4 some more experience.

Knowledges: Academics 2, Finance 4, Law 3, Oc- Sadly, Agnete was dead less than 10 years after Em-
cult 1, Politics 3 bracing Alexandrine, the victim of a conspiracy against
Prince Gunnarr. The selfsame Prince Gunnarr, to the
Disciplines: Dominate 5, Fortitude 2, Presence 5 surprise of everyone who knew him, then used all the
influence he had to ensure that Alexandrine inherited

150 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

her sire’s position as Prince of Roskilde. It was a dan- Demeanor: Enigma
gerous move in a time where Gunnarr’s position was Generation: 8th
quite precarious, but it paid off in the end. Alexan-
drine turned out to be an exceptionally skilled leader Embrace: 1650
and a firm supporter of her grandsire. Apparent Age: Late 20s
When Ragnhild took the throne after Gunnarr was Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
sent into torpor during the Bombardment of Copen-
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
hagen, Alexandrine remained studiously neutral. She
refused to involve herself with any political machina- Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
tions – even going so far as to refuse to publicly sup- Talents: Awareness 1, Empathy 4, Expression 3, In-
port Ragnhild, even when her position of Prince of timidation 3, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 5
Denmark was secured. She acknowledged Ranghild,
but otherwise simply claimed that her city required Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 4, Perfor-
her attention. mance 1, Stealth 2

To just about every Kindred in Denmark, Alexan- Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 3, Law 1, Oc-
drine is a complete mystery. Except for the Roskilde cult 3, Politics 4, Theology 2
Festival, which Alexandrine allows Lotte Olsen (see Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 5, Fortitude 1,
page 131) to influence, Alexandrine holds her domain Obfuscate 5, Potence 1, Presence 5
in an iron fist. She allows no other Kindred to estab- Backgrounds: Allies 5 (Highly-placed politicians
lish a haven in the city and only rarely allows anyone and businesspeople in Roskilde), Contacts 5 (In key
to feed (again, the Roskilde Festival is the exception). positions around Roskilde Municipality), Domain 5
She is certainly wealthy and while Roskilde is not the (technically, all of Roskilde is her Domain, these dots
administrative center of a region, she has some politi- merely represents what she can reasonably exploit),
cal clout. But nobody seems to know what she’s doing Herd 5 (Cultist), Influence 2, Resources 5, Retainers
with it all. She regularly attends Elysium events in 5, Status 4
Copenhagen and is a known face, but everyone who
talks to her goes away feeling like she learned more Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
about them than they did about her. Morality: Humanity 4
The reason for Alexandrine’s secrecy is simply; she is Willpower: 6
violating the Masquerade on a massive scale. In the
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
years after becoming Prince of Roskilde, Alexandrine’s
belief in the principles of the Camarilla began to dete- Derangement: Megalomania (Vampire: The Mas-
riorate. She saw no reason why she should not use her querade 20th Anniversary Edition page 291)
powers to live the life, so to speak, of luxury, pleasure Image: Alexandrine is a pretty woman with long,
and adoration. These days, she is the object of worship blond hair, blue eyes and a waifish look. However,
of a secret society that exists in Roskilde. Members overriding her appearance is the sheer force of her
know that Alexandrine is some kind of supernatural personality, which is expressed in her every word and
being and the highest-ranking members even know movement. Alexandrine always dresses to impress.
that she is a vampire. She doles out her blood as a
sacrament and uses her influence to reward loyal fol- Roleplaying Hints: You are a goddess. The powers
lowers, who in turn use the resources and power they that be will kill you if they find out what you are do-
accumulate to serve their goddess. Alexandrine is not ing, so you keep it secret, but soon, you will be able to
yet ready to move beyond Roskilde, but she has plans. ensnare other Kindred, convert them to the cause of
Oh yes, she has plans. being worshipped and then, eventually, Denmark will
come to kneel at the foot of its vampiric masters.
Alexandrine can only drink from people who do her
bidding without being compensated for it in money. Haven: A small mansion on the outskirts of Roskil-
Sire: Agnete Gunnarrsdatter
Influence: Little happens in the city of Roskilde or
Nature: Deviant the municipality without Alexandrine at least knowing

Denmark by Night 151

about it. She can, if she so choses, more or less direct other options. Currently, her eyes are set on becoming
policy for both the public administration and for the Prince of Sorø. The town may be small, but it is where
major private businesses. the regional council for Region Zealand is located and
this could be a good stepping stone for further power
Lone Svendsen, Gifted Architect down the line. Lone is good at taking the long view of
As long as Lone can remember, she was always fas- things.
cinated by buildings. How they looked on the outside, Lone only drinks from people who hold at least a
on the inside, how the rooms were laid out, etc. Even bachelor degree in some form of building design.
before she really knew what an architect was, Lone
wanted to be one. In school, she dedicated herself to Sire: Aage Bækgård
that one goal and although she struggled with the Nature: Architect
math, she managed to gain entrance to the Royal Dan-
Demeanor: Visionary
ish Academy of Fine Arts’ School of Architecture.
Here she constantly impressed with her combination Generation: 10th
of artistic and practical designs. Embrace: 1992
Upon graduating, Lone found herself able to pick Apparent Age: Late 50s
and choose between prestigious Danish and interna-
tional architectural firms. She spent some years in Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
New York before returning home and joining a Dan- Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
ish firm. Here, she built up the contacts needed to Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
implement her life’s big plan; her own firm. She left
on good terms and set up a small consulting business, Talents: Alertness 1, Empathy 2, Expression 1, In-
employing some of the most promising young archi- timidation 2, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 2
tects Scandinavia had to offer. And soon, LS Architec- Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 3
tural Consulting was involved with some of the most
Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 1, Finance 4,
prestigious building projects in Denmark.
Law 1, Occult 1, Politics 1, Science 1
Lone’s sire was a self-made man, the son of a type-
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Fortitude 1, Presence 2
setter who had grown up to become a wealthy stock
broker before being Embraced by the Ventrue Alber- Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (In architectural firms
tus (See page 159). Aage received permission to create and various government building committees in Co-
a new childe in 1992 and, to many people’s surprise, penhagen), Domain 3 (Axel Towers), Fame 1, Herd 1
chose Lone. However, Lone soon turned out to be a (Employees), Resources 4, Retainers 2, Status 1
valuable addition to Clan Ventrue – she was a skilled Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
businesswoman, a natural leader and her firm’s influ-
ence and access to building projects stood the Kindred Morality: Humanity 7
of Copenhagen in good stead. Lone, for her part, took Willpower: 6
the transition to being a vampire with good grace. Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1
However, her sire unfortunately fell into Torpor not
long after Lone’s Embrace after being attacked by a Image: Lone is a stern-looking woman whose page-
Lupine. Knowing that she needed allies, Lone joined cut hair is dyed a coppery shade of brown and whose
Rosa Schmidt’s Free Company (See page 108), though signs of age are concealed by expertly applied make-up.
she has never been a dedicated member and plans to She prefers to wear conservative-looking suits, com-
get everything she can out of the coterie before leaving plimented by expensive jewelry.
them. Roleplaying Hints: You don’t just build buildings,
Ever since Lone began to understand Kindred socie- you build legacies. Monuments to the vision and skill
ty, she has set her sights on climbing the ladder of of you and those who work for you. And now, you
prestige and status. She knows that her young age must build yourself up in the world of the Kindred.
means she is unlikely to be able to get any official You have the tools available through your influence in
position in Prince Ranghild’s court, but there are building projects and this will be the cornerstone of
your power base.

152 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Haven: A luxurious and comfortable basement serves as Seneschal and manages his influence within
apartment beneath Axel Towers. the most prestigious law firms in Denmark. Over the
Influence: Lone still controls her consulting firm, last 50 years, Jens has also managed to gain a foothold
through a ghoul, and this gives her a lot of infor- within some of the banks and this has given him even
mation about, and influence over, various building more resources to draw on.
projects in Denmark. Jens only drinks from people who work with the law
– lawyers, judges, lawmakers, police officers, etc.
Jens Erik Petersen, Seneschal
Sire: Ragnhild the Just
Jens’ father had one hope in life – that his children
would have a better life than he. His father had been a Nature: Traditionalist
sailor who had earned enough money bringing home Demeanor: Conformist
his own goods from faraway places to open a general
Generation: 8th
store in Copenhagen and, through thrift and shrewd
business management, become fairly wealthy for a Embrace: 1798
mere shop owner. Apparent Age: Early 30s
Jens was a bright young boy whose intellect saw him Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
go on to university. Here, he studied law, wanting to
become a lawyer. He was a studious young man who Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
kept his head down and who did not fraternize with Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 5, Wits 2
the radical elements that could be found a Copenha- Talents: Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation 3,
gen University. Jens was staunchly conservative and a Leadership 1, Subterfuge 3
royalist, something that stood him in good stead when
he graduated. He was taken on by one of Copenha- Skills: Animal Ken 1, Etiquette 4, Performance 1,
gen’s most respected and influential lawyers, who was Knowledges: Academics 4, Finance 3, Investigation
himself a conservative. 1, Law 5, Occult 1, Politics 3, Theology 1
Jens’ talents soon became obvious, as he assisted on Disciplines: Dominate 5, Fortitude 5, Presence 5
several large cases and showed a particular talent for
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (In law firms and banks),
business law. Soon, the young man was handling a lot
Domain 1 (Large apartment on Østerbro), Herd 1
of contract negotiations between very influential indi-
(Young laywers he mentors), Influence 1, Resources 5,
viduals and it was in this capacity that Ragnhild be-
Retainers 5, Status 3
came aware of him. She watched Jens for some years
before deciding that he would make an excellent Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
childe. For his part, Jens was shocked by what hap- Morality: Humanity 6
pened to him, but over time, he adjusted and quickly
grasped the nuances of Kindred society. With Rag- Willpower: 8
nhild’s help, he soon began to establish influence Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
amongst the lawyers of Copenhagen.
Image: Tall and thin, with prematurely thinning,
Not long after Jens was released by his sire, Rag- dark-blond hair and watery, green eyes, Jens looks
nhild took the position of Prince of Denmark. Jens much like what he is; a nerd, dedicated to his paper-
supported her, even though he was just a neonate and work. The only thing that stands out is his thin mous-
had little status to his name. However, when things tache and relatively large sideburns. Unable to follow
had calmed down and Ragnhild began restructuring any fashion trends, Jens wears old-fashioned black
Gunnarr’s old power structure, she named Jens as her suits at all occasions.
Seneschal. And since then, he has served faithfully.
Roleplaying Hints: You have a job to do and you
Jens is an ambitious man, but his ambition is tem- will do it. You take pleasure in rules and regulations,
pered by equal parts realistic assessment of the situa- in the law and precisely worded documents. A job well
tion and conservative loyalty to the system. He has no done is its own reward.
plans to take a better position; should he warrant it,
he is certain that Ragnhild will appoint him to it. He

Denmark by Night 153

Haven: And old, patrician apartment on Østerbro, The coming of the railroad to Denmark in the mid-
updated to protect against sunlight. dle of the 19th century was a huge boon to Reinhardt,
Influence: Jens has a lot of influence over law firms who sunk his entire fortune and most of his influence
in Denmark, but very little influence over the courts. into this new method of travel, something that paid
His influence in the big banks translates into a bit of off almost immediately. Since then, it has been Rein-
political pull as well. As seneschal, he has the Prince’s hardt’s modus operandi to invest in whatever new mode
ear and the respect, grudgingly or not, of all Den- of transportation has come along. In addition to his
mark’s Kindred. interest in the Port of Odense, truck transportation
and railways, Reinhardt owns a small fleet of modified
Ventrue of Funen cars that he rents out to the Danish Kindred. With
the wealth and influence he has accrued, Reinhardt
Reinhardt von Stade, Travel Master has begun to wonder if he would not make a better
Reinhardt was born in the Hanseatic city of Stade, Lord of Funen than Asbjørn (see page 80). Certainly,
now a part of the Hamburg metropolitan area. Rein- Ragnhild could not be opposed to a Ventrue holding
hardt’s father was a merchant in the League and the domain, especially one who is a lot less volatile
Reinhardt was expected to take a part in his father’s than Asbjørn.
business. When Reinhardt fell ill with fever, a young, Recently, Reinhardt has come into conflict with
enterprising Ventrue saw the opportunity and made Theodor Buchwald (see page 150), a Copenhagen
Reinhardt a ghoul, ensuring that Reinhardt survived. Ventrue with a lot of influence within DSB. While the
Unfortunately, only 10 years later, during the Great two have shared influence in the company for over a
Northern War, Danish troops besieged and shelled century with no trouble, Theodor’s conduct in regards
Stade, killing Reinhardt’s Domitor. At this point to the IC4-train fiasco has seriously damaged DSB and
Reinhardt had learned quite a bit about his condition caused some trouble for Reinhardt, who has begun
and the world of the Kindred and he began looking increasing his influence in the company. A political
for a new Domitor. To his surprise, he found one battle is brewing.
traveling with the army. Lady Amanda was a Danish Reinhardt can only drink from people who have
Ventrue looking for territory amongst the lands con- been outside their home country in the last year.
quered by the Danish army. She never found it, but
she did take on Reinhardt as her ghoul. The intelli- Sire: Lady Amanda
gent, educated and talented ghoul impressed her Nature: Competitor
enough that she Embraced him when she returned to
Demeanor: Capitalist
Denmark. Some years later, Lady Amanda left, once
again looking for a Domain somewhere else. Rein- Generation: 9th
hardt, meanwhile, remained in Odense, content with Embrace: 1722
what small influence and wealth he had amassed.
Apparent Age: Late 20s
Reinhardt quickly realized that given the organiza-
tion of Denmark, travel between population centers Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
was important for the Kindred of the country. Howev- Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
er, there were no real organized transportation for Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Kindred in Denmark at the time and Reinhardt saw
an opportunity. He paid a few Gangrel, Eske Tombøl Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Empathy 3, Intim-
(see page 99) among them, to tell him all they knew idation 3, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 3
about travel between cities and added his own ideas. Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 3,
Soon, he had a small stable of specially-produced Melee 1, Survival 1
coaches available for Kindred travel and he also com-
Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 1, Finance 4,
missioned the creation of sunlight-proof boxes, most
Law 3, Politics 1
of them shaped like caskets, for the less wealthy Kin-
dred to use. Disciplines: Auspex 1, Dominate 5, Fortitude 3,
Presence 5, Protean 3

154 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Civil servant in the Ministry braced Knud, seeing in the elder statesman both the
of Transportation, Building and Housing), Contacts 5 potential of a good childe and a great amount of in-
(All related to travel and transportation), Domain 2 fluence.
(Part of the Port of Odense), Herd 3 (Truckers and Knud for his part took the transition to undeath
train workers), Influence 1, Resources 4, Retainers 1, with dignity. He soon saw the opportunities afforded
Status 2 to him by being a vampire, as well as by the virtue of
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 3 his Clan and the power of his sire. For centuries,
Morality: Humanity 7 Knud assisted Themistius in ruling his domain. Then,
age began to wear on the ancient Venture, who
Willpower: 6 slipped into age-induced Torpor again and again.
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2 Knud naturally took over his sire’s position whenever
it happened and since the 16th century, Knud has
Image: Reinhardt is of average height and slender
been the Lord of Southern Jutland and the Prince of
build, except for his round pot belly, that makes him
Aarhus. He has ensured his position both through his
look like he swallowed a beach ball. His sandy hair is
own personal power and influence and by skilled poli-
always immaculately combed back, his beard neatly
tics. His influence is felt throughout mortal politics in
trimmed and his handsome face is usually brightened
his domain and he has interest in several prestigious
by a smile. Reinhardt wears suits when needed, but
businesses, as well as some of the faculties at Aarhus
prefers loose slacks, polo shirts and a sports coat.
University, especially those related to law, politics and
Roleplaying Hints: Look for opportunities. Do not business.
discount anything simply because it’s “new-fangled”.
For a Ventrue, Knud is not overly ambitious. He
Listen to the young vampires, for they may have some
sees his own domain as paramount and instead of
scheming to take the throne as Prince of Denmark, he
Haven: Large, hyper-modern apartment in the Port instead focuses on shoring up Aarhus and Southern
of Odense. Denmark, something he has had a great deal of suc-
Influence: A very limited amount of influence over cess with.
the transportation part of the Ministry of Transporta- Knud cannot drink from anyone who has even a
tion, Building and Housing. He has quite a bit more single great-grandparent who is not a Danish national,
influence within DSB and a lot of pull in various meaning he dedicates quite some time to genealogical
companies, especially GASA. research.

Ventrue of Southern Jutland Sire: Themistius the Thespian

Knud the Elder, Lord of Southern Jut- Nature: Autocrat

land and Prince of Aarhus Demeanor: Traditionalist

During his life, Knud was many things – apprentice Generation: 6th
shipwright, Viking raider, merchant and, finally, own- Embrace: 1059
er of several large farms. He became a member of the
Apparent Age: Late 50s
local thing and was soon elected leader. In his 50’ies,
Knud wielded immense political power throughout Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5
Jutland and was widely recognized for his abilities as a Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
leader and law speaker.
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 2
Knud’s sire was a Greek Ventrue who had seen
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Empathy
himself outmaneuvered by others of his Clan and
4, Intimidation 5, Leadership 6, Subterfuge 5
moved north in order to establish a new domain. He
found Denmark to his liking and, with the coming of Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Etiquette 5, Melee 3,
Christianity and the weakening of Clan Gangrel, he Survival 1
was able to establish himself as the Prince of Aarhus. Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 5, Law 7, Oc-
As soon as his position was secure, Themistius Em- cult 1, Politics 6, Theology 1

Denmark by Night 155

Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 7, Fortitude 7, ing, gambling and hunting. His work was fobbed off
Potence 3, Presence 7, Protean 3 on underlings, who were fired if things went bad and
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Regional govern- saw their praise stolen by Georg when things went
ments all throughout his Domain), Domain 7 (techni- well. Such was Georg’s skill at seeming competent that
cally, all of Southern Jutland is his Domain, these dots he managed to fool a vampire. Reinhardt Schreiber
merely represents what he can reasonably exploit), was a German Ventrue who had hoped to become
Herd 6 (Various charmed individuals), Influence 3, Prince of Altona. However, when the growing town
Resources 5, Retainers 6, Status 5 came under Danish rule, he found himself challenged
by Danish Kindred. After more than a century of po-
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 3 litical battles, Reinhardt decided to move into Jutland
Morality: Humanity 6 and see, if there were any opportunities for him there.
He managed to carve out a decent domain for himself
Willpower: 8
and after a while, began looking for a childe. Georg
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 30/6 was at that point one of the highest-placed govern-
Image: Knud is a very dignified man with silver hair, ment employees in the area and Reinhardt chose the
a well-groomed beard and ice-blue eyes. His demeanor young administrator.
is usually stern and foreboding and he speaks carefully It quickly became obvious to Reinhardt that he had
and methodically, but anyone who can get him to made a mistake. Far from being a competent and in-
crack a smile will see the dashing young man that he fluential civil servant, Georg was a lazy, petulant, self-
once was. Knud always dresses impeccably in timeless obsessed fool who cared more for his own enjoyment
suits. than for doing any actual work. Any influence Georg
Roleplaying Hints: You are in charge and when you might have had in the local administration evaporated
are in charge, things function. Things are done in an rapidly and Reinhardt was left with an almost useless
orderly manner and people do as they are told. You childe on his hands. He debated simply destroying
are more than willing to listen to others and you rec- Georg, but realized the loss of prestige that would
ognize talent when you see it, but you believe that you incur. Instead, Georg found himself without any sup-
know how best to exploit such talent. You are always port from his sire once he was released. He had hoped
polite and correct, but have mastered the art of cutting that his Clan and lineage would afford him some
anyone down with biting remarks. standing, but his inability to secure much in the way
of domain and influence meant that he never
Haven: A large townhouse in Aarhus. amounted to much among the Ventrue of Southern
Influence: When it comes to politics in Southern Jutland.
Denmark, no Kindred has more influence than Knud, Frustrated, Georg sought new ways to claim the po-
who is able to influence decisions both regionally and sition he felt that he deserved. The problem was that
locally. In addition, he has some pull in various busi- he lacked not only the skill and education to establish
nesses, especially JYSK, in Aarhus, which provides him himself, he also lacked the drive. The first time he ever
with most of his income. managed to gain any kind of real influence was when
Georg Varnæs, Diabolist occultism became popular during the Victorian Age.
Georg involved himself, looking for some kind of
Georg’s father was a skilled lawyer-turned-politician power from the spirit world. To his surprise, he found
who managed to get himself appointed to numerous a mentor – a demonic entity that Georg knows as
high-profile government positions, despite not having Yomial, the Master of Days. Yomial offered Georg
a drop of noble blood. Obviously, he expected his power for service and Georg crafted a contract that he
only son to follow in his footsteps. Georg attended the thought a work of genius. The demon made a few,
University of Copenhagen, studying law, and despite seemingly inconsequential changes, and agreed.
being a lazy student with only average skill, he man-
aged to just scrape an exam together. For decades, Georg followed his master’s directions
– he grew in power and he made contact with mortals
After graduating, Georg’s father managed to get him that served Yomial. Through this, Georg slowly began
a cushy administrative job with a good pay and a small to reach the position he wanted. However, the pace
staff. Georg spent most of his time socializing; party-

156 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

was too slow for his liking. Georg was both impatient Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
and less than subtle and in the early 1970s, he decided Morality: Humanity 1
to take things into his own hands. He gathered up his
closest followers and headed to the remote island of Willpower: 4
Anholt, where Georg’s cult enacted a massive ritual in Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 14/2
order to summon demons to the mortal realm and
Image: Georg is a very unremarkable man with
gain unimaginable power. The ritual failed spectacu-
slightly too long, brown hair and a beard in an unfash-
ionable cut. His slender frame contrasts unfavorably
Since the 70’ies, Georg has been humbly following with his height, making him seem slightly birdlike. His
his master’s orders. While he is still arrogant, petulant voice is raspy and not as mysterious or intimidating as
and self-serving, he has learned a valuable lesson in he thinks. Georg usually dresses in suits as unremark-
patience and for now, he is simply building up re- able as he is, except for ceremonies, where he dons a
sources. Yomial’s endgame is so far unknown to black robe decorated with silver thread. He always
Georg, but it involves elevating Georg to the height of carries a satanic coin on a silver chain around his
power in the Kindred society of Denmark. neck.
Georg cannot drink from anyone who does not see Roleplaying Hints: Try to remain quiet, calm and
him as a leadership figure. respectful, even though you have no respect for any-
Sire: Reinhardt Shreiber one. In time, you will rule them all. They are all igno-
rant and you can manipulate them. Play people like
Nature: Rogue pawns and look for any opportunity to cut them
Demeanor: Competitor down.
Generation: 9th Haven: A large, well-appointed apartment in central
Embrace: 1799 Aarhus.

Apparent Age: Mid 30s Influence: Amongst those Satanists in Denmark

who actually dedicate themselves to demons, no other
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 person, Kindred or mortal, has more influence.
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 Through his followers, Georg has a huge information
network and a little bit of pull in a lot of different
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
areas throughout the country.
Talents: Empathy 3, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3,
Subterfuge 5 Naja Kristine Bauer, Prince of Kol-
Skills: Etiquette 3, Melee 1, Stealth 1 ding
Knowledges: Academics 2, Finance 1, Law 2, Oc- Becoming wealthy was not in the cards for Naja,
cult 5, Politics 2, Theology 1 much less becoming a Kindred. She had a relatively
common upbringing in southern Denmark, the
Disciplines: Dark Thaumaturgy 5, Dominate 3, daughter of a factory worker and a cashier. The family
Fortitude 1, Presence 3 had little money and her older siblings did not do well
Paths: Phobos 5, Taking of the Spirit 5 (both are in enough in school that higher education was deemed
Rites of the Blood) the right way to go. Naja, however, broke the mold.
She excelled in grade school and moved on to show a
Rituals: Surprisingly few, but certainly Bind the Ac-
lot of promise at the gymnasium. In addition, she had
cusing Tongue, Blood Mastery (RotB), Devil’s Touch
great athletic potential, competing at an international
and Pavis of Foul Presence
level in swimming. All of this was driven by an iron
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Satanists throughout will and a boundless ambition. Naja was determined
Danish society), Domain 1 (Large apartment in Aar- to make something of herself, rather than end as yet
hus), Fame 1 (among Danish Satanists), Herd 5 (Sect another blue collar worker in some small Danish city.
members), Mentor 5 (His demonic master), Resources
Naja attended university, where she studied eco-
3, Retainers 5, Status 2
nomics and political science, while involving herself

Denmark by Night 157

with the youth organizations of various right-wing Naja can only drink from people who, like herself,
parties. After graduating, she moved to Vejle, where dragged themselves out of poverty and into a position
she became the youngest ever candidate for the mu- of at least some wealth and power.
nicipal administration. At the same time, she received Sire: Knud the Elder
a junior administrative position with LEGO. Life was
good for the young woman, but Naja was never satis- Nature: Conniver
fied. She twice failed to win a position with the mu- Demeanor: Competitor
nicipal administration and never moved up enough in
Generation: 7th
the Conservative Party’s hierarchy to secure a nomina-
tion to the Folketing. And while she did well at her Embrace: 1988
job, she did not rise in the ranks as fast as she had Apparent Age: Early 30s
hoped. In the end, Naja’s ambition got the better of
her. She began embezzling at work and spent much of Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
her ill-gotten gains to bribe members of her party. Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Knud the Elder, Prince of Aarhus and Lord of Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Southern Jutland, had his own interests in the local Talents: Athletics 2, Empathy 3, Expression 1, In-
branches of the Conservatives and he quickly spotted timidation 3, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3
Naja’s manipulations. For a full year, he held her
down to see what she would do and when her ambi- Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Performance
tion was obvious, as well as her ability to act with sub- 1
terfuge, he allowed her to be elevated. When she Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 1, Finance 3,
showed great leadership promise, Knud embraced her. Investigation 1, Law 3, Politics 3
Naja took to being Kindred like a fish to water. To Disciplines: Presence 1, Fortitude 1, Dominate 3
her, the power and immortality of vampiric existence
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Kolding City administration
was perfect and she immediately set out to establish
civil servant), Contacts 2 (Kolding City administration
herself. However, she ran up against older and more
representative, Kolding Municipality representative),
experienced Kindred and while her sire was more than
Domain 3 (While she holds all of Kolding as her do-
happy to offer a word of advice here and there, he
main, this represents what she can exploit), Herd 2
never gave Naja anything. She had to fight for every-
(Various political staff in Kolding), Influence 2, Men-
thing, yet the same will and drive that had pulled her
tor 1 (Representing the small amount of assistance
out of poverty now propelled her forward in the world
Knud is still willing to offer), Resources 4, Retainers 3,
of the Kindred. In her last years as a mortal, Naja had
Status 3
noticed the work Kolding had begun in attracting
businesses, education and, in general, growing the Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
city. Now, she turned her skill and vampiric powers Morality: Humanity 6
towards making the city her domain. After 20 years,
Naja is now firmly entrenched in Kolding, with influ- Willpower: 8
ence over both the city and municipality administra- Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
tion. And just last year, she was recognized as the
Image: Naja retains some of her former athletic
Prince of Kolding.
physique, although she is no longer as lean as she used
This, however, is not enough for Naja. LEGO lies in to be. Her hair has been bleached blonde from its
nearby Billund and is under the domain of a Tremere, normal medium brown and with her high cheek
someone Naja believes she can easily outmaneuver. bones and blue eyes, she has a very stereotypical Nor-
Kolding itself is part of the so-called Triangle Region, dic look. Naja prefers high heels, short skirts and
a cooperation of seven municipalities (six on Jutland, tightly-buttoned jackets over a blouse, all of it in vari-
one on Funen) and to dominate this entire region ous shades of white.
would add substantially to her wealth and prestige.
Roleplaying Hints: A silver medal is never as good
From there, Esbjerg is a tempting target and perhaps,
as the gold. Winners advance and those who place
one day, taking over the position of her sire.

158 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

second must improve or be a failure. The only person strong contempt and when the Camarilla was formed,
who will help you in the end is you. a number of them joined the nascent Sabbat and at-
Haven: A luxury apartment overlooking Kolding’s tacked Gerhardt. The elder Ventrue was killed and
Castle Lake. Albertus fled before his sire’s enemies. His flight took
him to Aalborg, where his grandsire, Rolf Silverhands,
Influence: Outside of the Lords and Ladies of reigned as Prince. Rolf granted Albertus sanctuary and
Denmark, no prince has more influence over their city he set about establishing himself.
than Naja and she is fast increasing her sway over
Kolding municipality as well. At this point, piracy was almost gone from the Bal-
tic, but ever since his Embrace, Albertus had main-
Ventrue of Northern Jutland tained contacts among smugglers and what pirates
remained and it was easy for him to change his focus
Albertus, Crime Lord from the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic. Albertus built up a
At the end of the 14th century, King Albert of Swe- network of contacts and interests among pirates,
den conceded Gotland to the allied Teutonic Order smugglers and privateers operating from Danish ports
and in 1398, the Grand Master of the order led an and his skill at leadership and administration stood
assault on the island. The purpose was to drive out the him in good stead. As times changed, Albertus has
Victual Brothers, a powerful guild of privateers-turned- changed with them and he is now undoubtedly the
pirates. During this assault, Albertus was a young pi- biggest crime lord in Denmark. His interests lie main-
rate, an orphan raised among the Bortherhood, who’d ly in smuggling, be it legal goods avoiding tolls, illegal
shown great promise. When his captain was killed, goods or even people, such as prostitutes from Eastern
Albertus took command of the ship and got most of Europe. He’s careful not to compete with Christina
the crew away safely. Along with most of the ship’s Willow’s (see page 93) drug-smuggling operation in
treasure. Esbjerg and he has almost no influence in Copenha-
Gerhardt von Hohingen was one of a number of gen, but his organization does touch places like south-
Ventrue with interests in the Teutonic Order and he ern Sweden and northern Germany. Over the last
had actually accompanied the army to Gotland to decade, Albertus has slowly been expanding, establish-
establish himself there. He was impressed by the sto- ing a presence in things like racketeering and financial
crime. His days as a captain, a Victual Brother and an
ries of the new, young captain and decided to keep an
eye on Albertus’ career. Equal Sharer has taought him the value of treating
underlings with repect and as a result, those who serve
After the defeat at Gotland, the surviving Victual him show a great deal of loyalty.
Brothers relocated to Friesland, where they took the
name Equal Sharers and gave part of their loot to the Albertus can only drink from people who have
worked for at least a year aboard a ship.
poor locals. They expanded from the Baltic into the
North Sea and grew quite powerful. Albertus grew Sire: Gerhardt von Hohingen
alongside them, showing great promise as a captain. Nature: Autocrat
The organization suffered a setback with the defeat of
Klaus Störtebeker and his fleet near Heligoland. Many Demeanor: Conniver
of the Equal Sharers supported Albertus as their new Generation: 8th
leader, but he had seen what happened to official
Embrace: 1425
leaders and preferred to stay in the background.
Apparent Age: Late 40s
In 1425, Albertus was 46 years old and beginning to
feel his age. He had retired from captaining and man- Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
aged the selling of loot instead. This was the time Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
when Gerhardt decided that Albertus would make a
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
great childe and he met with the former pirate. For
several nights, Gerhardt and Albertus talked and in Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 1,
the end, Albertus agreed to become Gerhardt’s childe. Brawl 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 5,
Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 4
Unfortunately for both Gerhardt and Albertus, the
Anarchs of northern Germany held Gerhardt in

Denmark by Night 159

Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 2, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, bat during his tenure, Vilhelm’s ability as a command-
Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Melee 2, Stealth 1, Survival 1 er and tactician was remarked upon.
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 3, Law 1, Oc- In the year 1804, Vilhelm’s father died and he re-
cult 1, Politics 1 turned to help his older brother manage the family’s
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Dominate 5, business. His military background and access to some
Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 3, Potence 1, Presence 5, of the most modern trading ideas appealed to the
Protean 2 Prince of Aalborg, Rolf Silverhands, who had himself
been both a warrior and a merchant in life. Rolf ap-
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Various smugglers and proached Vilhelm and spoke with the former officer
other criminals), Domain 2 (A small part of the Aal- at length, explaining to him the ways of the Kindred
borg docklands), Herd 3 (Sailors), Influence 1, Re- and offering Vilhelm the opportunity to become a
sources 4, Retainers 3, Status 3 Ventrue. After some deliberation, Vilhelm accepted.
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 4 With his sire’s help, Vilhelm soon established a
Morality: Humanity 5 great deal of influence over his family’s mercantile and
banking interests. Unfortunately, not long after Vil-
Willpower: 8
helm’s Embrace, Denmark’s new Prince called for a
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3 strike against the Sabbat and Rolf was sent into Tor-
Image: Albertus is a tall, broad-shouldered man with por in the fighting. Still, Vilhelm was able to carry on.
balding and graying hair pulled back into a short po- When Denmark began to become industrialized, Vil-
nytail. His skin is weather-beaten, his face and hands helm immediately saw the advantages and invested
scarred and he sports a well-groomed full beard. Alber- large sums of money in factories. While the im-
tus’ voice carries the unmistakable strength of authori- portance of industry has declined, Vilhelm has diversi-
ty and he strides with purpose whenever he walks fied enough, with shares in banks and venture capital
anywhere. Albertus usually wears business casual attire firms that it did not hurt him, and he still has a large
and is always armed with a large knife and a pistol. interest in Aalborg Industries and Aalborg Portland.
With the wealth he has and the influence over a lot of
Roleplaying Hints: You were Embraced into a Clan the city’s financial and industrial strength, Vilhelm
of leaders and you will lead. It does not matter that has begun to wonder if perhaps he would not be more
you lead a rag-tag organization of criminals, you will suited than Julia Sabinius to be the Prince of Aalborg.
forge them into a cohesive, well-functioning associa- After all, he is the childe of the former Prince.
tion and then, one day, your power will be enough to
challenge for a greater position. Vilhelm can only drink from commissioned military
officers and as such, maintains a herd at Air Base
Haven: A large villa near the docklands. Karup near Viborg.
Influence: Albertus’ bribes have ensured him a fair Sire: Rolf Silverhands
bit of pull at the Aalborg docks and maritime law
enforcement in Denmark. In addition, he is recog- Nature: Director
nized as the master of most smuggling in Denmark. Demeanor: Autocrat
Vilhelm Andersen Højmark, Pretend- Generation: 7th
er to the Throne Embrace: 1805
Vilhelm’s family rose from being simple farmers in Apparent Age: Early 30s
the 17th century, to wealthy commoners in 18th. They Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
did this through shrewd investments and an ability to
understand what would become valuable and desira- Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
ble. Vilhelm’s father, uncles and older brother were all Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
merchants or bankers, but Vilhelm chose a different
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Empathy
path. With his family’s money, he was able to pur-
2, Expression 1, Intimidation 2, Leadership 4, Subter-
chase a commission with the newly formed Guard
fuge 4
Hussar Regiment. While he did not see any real com-

160 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms the organ at the church and her mother was a school
2, Melee 2, Performance 1, Survival 1 teacher. Bente grew up with the Lutheran faith as a
Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 3, Law 1, Oc- defining fact of life and from a young age, felt herself
cult 1, Politics 2, Theology 1 drawn to the church. While her parents supported her
dream, Bente grew up in a time when women were
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 4, Fortitude 3, not allowed to be priests.
Presence 6
This changed with a new law in 1947 and immedi-
Backgrounds: Contacts 5 (Board of Directors ately, Bente knew what her purpose was in life. She
members in various businesses), Domain 3 (The Aal- was already studying Theology at Copenhagen Univer-
borg Portland area of Aalborg docks), Herd 2 (Officers sity and as soon as she graduated, she applied to be-
at Karup), Influence 1, Resources 5, Retainers 5, Sta- come a priest. To her joy, she was ordained by the
tus 3 Bishop of Aalborg in 1952.
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5 Bente was assigned to a small parish church in Aal-
Morality: Humanity 6 borg and immediately proved herself an expert admin-
istrator and keen judge of character, in addition to her
Willpower: 8
faith and skill as a preacher. She was soon transferred
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4 to the cathedral in Aalborg, where she took up a lead-
Image: Vilhelm is of average height and build with ership position in the parish council and was elected
semi-long hair, a well-trimmed mustache and match- to several key administrative positions.
ing sideburns, all medium brown. His eyes match that It was her reputation as a leader and administrator
color and when he is first noticed, there is little that that drew Vilhelm Højmark’s attention (see page 161).
makes Vilhelm stand out. Soon, however, his force of He had been granted permission to create a childe and
personality shines through. Vilhelm prefers old- was looking for someone to help him administer his
fashioned suits and walks with a slight limp after a fall holdings, as well as allow him to broaden his influ-
from a horse during his mortal days. This limp is the ence. While the church does not have much direct
excuse to walk with a silver-topped cane concealing a influence in Denmark, there is still a lot of prestige
sword-blade. and indirect social influence within the People’s
Roleplaying Hints: You need to be in charge. When Church.
you are in charge, things are as they should be. You Unlike his sire before him, Vilhelm did not talk
are a good leader and you know it. Money is the way with Bente before Embracing her. He also failed to
to status and power and one night, to the highest notice the power of True Faith flowing through her
office in Northern Jutland. and therefore, he has not realized the mistake he has
Haven: A huge, luxurious villa west of central Aal- made. While Bente’s True Faith did not survive her
borg. transformation, her deep belief in God did and while
she was able to play the loyal childe, Bente secretly
Influence: Vilhelm has a great deal of influence seethes with hatred for what has been done to her.
over industry, banking and venture financing in Aal-
borg and throughout Northern Jutland. This influ- For fifty years, Bente has been using Vilhelm’s over-
ence translates to some political pull as well. In the confidence to hide her hatred of both him and vam-
world of the Kindred, his sire’s name has leant him a pires in general. She has maintained a great deal of
great deal of prestige. influence over the bureaucracy of the People’s
Church, especially in Aalborg, as well as gaining a lot
Bente Helger, Faithful Former Priest of insight into Vilhelm’s affairs. Her plan has always
It created quite a stir when, in 1948, the first female been to destroy Vilhelm, but ideally, she would like to
Danish priests were ordained. However, just three eliminate all Kindred in Denmark, herself included.
years later, when Bente herself took her vows, Den- Until recently, however, she has not had any ideas as
mark had somewhat gotten used to the idea. to how. And then, she began hearing rumors and
whispers of a family of devout nobles on Funen, no-
Bente was raised in a very devoutly Protestant home bles fighting against the undead. Now, she may have
in the north-Jutlandic city of Skive. Her father played allies.

Denmark by Night 161

Bente can only drink from people who have re- While the church cannor officially affect policies,
ceived the Eucharist of Holy Communion within the there are a few highly placed politicians who are de-
last week. vout and who will follow along with suggestions. In
Sire: Vilhelm Andersen Højmark the world of the Kindred, Bente has almost no influ-
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Visionary
Generation: 8th Caitiff
Embrace: 1958 Caitiffs have always been rare in Denmark – the lack
Apparent Age: Early 30s of resources means that chance Embraces happen very
rarely. In addition, the established and influential
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Kindred of Denmark have never liked the Clanless. As
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 a result, what few Caitiff have been Embraced in
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 Denmark over the years have often moved on and
right now, only a single Clanless makes his home here.
Talents: Awareness 3, Empathy 3, Expression 3, In-
timidation 1, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 3 Muhammed Mehmet Celik, MMA
Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Performance 1 Fighter
Knowledges: Academics 2, Finance 1, Law 2, Medi- Mehmet grew up in Gellerupparken in Aarhus, one
cine 1, Occult 2, Politics 1, Theology 4 of Denmark’s toughest neighborhoods. With a huge
number of residents of non-Danish ethnicity, high
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Fortitude 1, Presence 5
crime and poverty, the area was rife with gangs and
Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (Priests throughout Mehmet found himself pulled in at a young age. He
Northern Jutland), Herd 2 (Specially selected parish- would skip school to run with his cousins, act as look-
ioners), Influence 1, Resources 2, Retainers 1, Status 1 out for older kids and commit petty theft. But when
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 3 he turned 15, Mehmet’s life changed forever, as his
oldest brother was brutally beaten to death by a rival
Morality: Humanity 9 gang. This shook Mehmet to the core and he immedi-
Willpower: 8 ately dropped his old lifestyle. Unfortunately, Mehmet
ended up with little to fall back on, neither an educa-
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 15/3
tion nor any real marketable skills. At 18, he took a
Image: Bente is a thin woman of average height low-paying job in his uncle’s greengrocers and started
with blond, curly hair that reaches her shoulders and training martial arts as a way to gain some discipline
hazel eyes set deep in a prematurely lined face. She in his life. At this point, mixed martial arts was slowly
wears large spectacles and clothing best described as beginning to become known among people interested
“frumpy”. However, her voice is strong, carries well in martial arts. One of the trainers at Mehmet’s dojo
and she speaks with determination and conviction. went to the US to compete in the UFC and later re-
Roleplaying Hints: You have been damned for all turned to Denmark to help organize MMA in the
eternity and you will exact such vengeance upon those country.
who have damned you. Perhaps God’s love will save To Mehmet, MMA offered a chance for something
you in the end, but if not, you will face Hell knowing else. He began training hard and found himself with a
you took others down with you. Until you can gain lot of support from his family. While the sport had yet
your revenge, however, you must play their game. to reach Denmark, there were still opportunities else-
Haven: A small, church-owned apartment in Aal- where in Europe and Mehmet quickly showed he had
borg, near the cathedral. the tools and mindset to become a fighter. And then,
right before he was set to compete in England,
Influence: A lot of high-ranking members of the bu- Mehmet’s life ended.
reaucracy of the People’s Church listen to what Bente
has to say and she is able to sway official opinion. Mehmet never knew his sire. All he knew was that
he was walking home from the gym one evening when

162 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

he saw an old woman being attacked by some thugs. Disciplines: Celerity 1, Fortitude 1, Potence 1,
He intervened, took a knife in the gut for his troubles Presence 1
and collapsed on the pavement. Next thing he was Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (Old friend who is now a
aware of was drinking the blood of one of the thugs gang boss and a high-placed MMA promoter), Fame 1,
and the words “stay out of the sun” echoing through Herd 1 (Female fans), Mentor 2 (Eske), Resources 1,
his mind. For the next week, Mehmet, through pain- Status 1
ful trial and error, learned the ways of his new condi-
tion. Fortunately for him, he was found by Eske Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
Tombøl, the Gangrel Sheriff of Denmark (see page Morality: Humanity 7
99). Eske had been checking up on the drained thugs
Willpower: 6
and when he found Mehmet, he soon recognized what
had happened. Mehmet was brought before Knud the Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 13/1
Elder, the Prince of Aarhus (see page 156), who first Image: Mehmet is a tall, muscular and handsome
considered destroying him. However, Eske offered to man of Turkish descent. His hair is black and kept in
tutor the unfortunate Caitiff and for the next several a military-style buzz cut and he sports a short goatee.
years, Mehmet shared Eske’s haven and learned from His eyes are surprisingly light and his smile exception-
the sheriff. ally charming. He has several verses from the Quran
When Mehmet returned to interacting with mortal tattooed on his body, as well as his older brother’s
society, MMA had really begun taking off in Den- name along his right forearm. Along his left are ragged
mark. Mehmet saw an opportunity and involved him- tally marks, one for each victory in the ring. When not
self, as a trainer and sometimes fighter, being extreme- ready for a fight, Mehmet wears simple, inexpensive
ly careful not to threaten the masquerade. At the same clothes and sunglasses. Always sunglasses. It’s his sig-
time, Eske began calling upon him whenever he felt nature look.
the need for muscle. While Mehmet is young, he is a Roleplaying Hints: Since most vampires are above
fighter trained in unarmed combat and specializing in you in the hierarchy, you remain reserved and respect-
takedowns, something Eske finds very useful. For his ful around them. When it comes to mortals, you are
part, Mehmet is trying to come to terms with his new quietly confident, knowing that you now have a lot
existence and reexamine the Muslim beliefs he ig- more power than any of them. You are still on a jour-
nored pretty much his entire life. ney of self-discovery and part of that is rekindling your
Sire: Unknown Muslim faith, something that is becoming a bigger and
bigger part of your unlife.
Nature: Survivor
Haven: Basement apartment in Gellerupparken.
Demeanor: Competitor
Influence: Mehmet knows a lot of gang members in
Generation: 10th
Gellerupparken and many of the important people in
Embrace: 2002 Danish MMA; none of which translates into much in
Apparent Age: Late 20s the way of influence.
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Various bloodlines have existed in Denmark at vari-
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Intimida- ous times, but never in great numbers. In the modern
tion 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 1 nights, only a single bloodline has members in Den-
Skills: Crafts 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms 1, mark; the True Brujah.
Larceny 2, Stealth 1
Mithonashtart, Perfectionist Scholar
Knowledges: Computer 1, Law 1, Medicine 1, The-
ology 2 Mithonashtart is so old that he remembers little of
his mortal life. He was some kind of scholar and phi-
losopher in the Phoenician city of Tyre. His sire, Mar-

Denmark by Night 163

cus, chose him because of dedication to the philo- Generation: 6th
sophical ideals of logic over emotion, what would later Embrace: 538 BC
become known as Stoicism.
Apparent Age: Mid 30s
For a time, Mithonashtart studied under his sire, be-
fore Marcus moved on. The two kept up a corre- Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6
spondence and Mithonashtart also corresponded with Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3
others of his bloodline. He had dedicated himself to
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
the True Brujah ideal of Perfection, uniting the mind
and body, letting logic defeat emotions and building Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 5, Awareness 1,
the body to its peak conditions and spent much of his Brawl 7, Empathy 1, Expression 4, Intimidation 3
time involved in debates and discussions on how to Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 2, Etiquette 1, Fire-
reach Perfection. However, when Marcus called for a arms, Melee 3, Survival 1
battle against the usurpers of the Brujah blood, who
had been gathering strength in the city of Carthage, Knowledges: Academics 6, Computer 1, Law 1, Oc-
Mithonashtart joined, for once in his existence guided cult 5, Politics 1, Science 1, Theology 3
by emotions rather than logic. Sadly, the battle did not Disciplines: Auspex 3, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 2,
go well and Mithonashtart found himself driven into Potence 7, Presence 3, Protean 3, Temporis 7
Torpor. Backgrounds: Domain 1 (His haven), Herd 3 (Stu-
He awoke centuries later in a world he did not un- dents), Retainers 2, Status 3
derstand. For a long time, he wandered through Virtues: Conviction 4, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
North Africa and the Middle East, spending years at
universities and other centers of learning. Then, he Morality: Path of the Scorched Heart (see The
heard that universities were being opened in Europe Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra page 55) 7
and decided to see what this area had to offer. Mitho- Willpower: 10
nashtart went to Bologna, Paris and Oxford, but never
Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 30/6
found a place to settle. Then, after attending the Con-
vention of Thorns as an observer, he went to Den- Image: Mithonashtart is a short, muscular, athletic
mark to see the newly established Copenhagen Uni- man with a shaved head and dark eyes. His face is
versity. Originally, Mithonashtart had just planned to usually devoid of any expression. Mithonashtart wears
spend a few decades there, but there was something simple and practical clothes that do not stand out.
about Denmark that appealed to him. He found him- Roleplaying Hints: Emotions get in the way. Perfec-
self finding new reasons to stay and, in the end, peti- tion is the goal and nothing must distract you from
tioned Gunnarr for permission to settle permanently this. Knowledge and physical training is what matters.
in Copenhagen. It was also at this point that he re- Over the years, you have learned that teaching others
vealed his true lineage. Gunnarr granted Mithonash- sharpens you own abilities and as such, you will happi-
tart permission simply to distract members of Clan ly share your knowledge and abilities.
Brujah from their rabble-rousing and revolutionary
ideas, though none of the resident Brujah had much Haven: In forgotten cellars underneath Copenha-
against Mithonashtart’s presence. For his part, Mitho- gen University.
nashtart dedicated himself to his studies and the pur- Influence: Mithonashtart maintains some influence
suit of Perfection. And for 500 years, he has been a over Copenhagen University through the use of
constant presence in the city, never making much of ghouls.
himself. He deals mainly with other scholarly Kindred,
though he will receive anyone who seeks his advice. Mikael Stjernekilde, Sheriff of Co-
He has spent quite a long time talking to Jacob the penhagen
Lost (see page 117). Mikael was the second son of a bishop and his fa-
Sire: Marcus the Advocate ther sent him to university at a young age. Mikael had
Nature: Perfectionist a fascination with classic history and philosophy and
his natural intelligence and curiosity made him a great
Demeanor: Perfectionist scholar. However, this was not enough to gain the

164 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

attention of Mithonashtart. That only happened after Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Awareness 1,
the siege of Copenhagen. Mikael was one of the citi- Brawl 4, Empathy 1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 1,
zens who fought against the Swedish invaders and he Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
did so with great skill. Upon returning to University, Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Firearms 5, Larceny 1,
Mikael took up fencing in addition to his studies and Melee 4, Stealth 2
showed great promise as a fighter as well as a scholar.
Mithonashtart contacted Mikael and, over the next Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 2, Law 3,
year, spent numerous nights in conversation and de- Occult 3, Science 1, Theology 3
bate. In the end, Mithonashtart offered Mikael the Disciplines: Auspex 3, Fortitude 2, Potence 5,
Embrace and Mikael accepted. Presence 3, Temporis 6
For a few decades, Mikael spent most of his nights Backgrounds: Domain 1 (His haven), Herd 2
with his sire, learning everything he could. However, (Blood provided to him by the Prince and Primogen),
Mikael disagreed with much of Mithonashtart’s phi- Resources 2, Retainers 5, Status 3
losophy and did not see the merit in pursuing Perfec-
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
tion. Instead, he slowly became part of Kindred socie-
ty. Here, he saw chaos and unrest everywhere, as Kin- Morality: Humanity 5
dred fought against each other in proxy wars and bat- Willpower: 9
tles of influence and he despised it. To Mikael, Kin-
dred society could be so much more, so much better Blood Pool/Max per Turn: 20/4
and he spoke up often and at length. It did little to Image: Mikael is tall, broad and athletic. His brown
change the state of affairs, at least until Ragnhild (see hair is long enough to be gathered in a short pony-tail
page 147) became Prince of Denmark. The former and he sports a well-groomed beard. Mikael dresses in
Sheriff of Denmark, a Brujah, was one of the most hard-wearing clothing, including a leather jacket, and
vocal opponents of Ragnhild and even attacked the always carries a kukri and a .45 pistol. He has access to
new Prince, before fleeing to Sweden and joining the bigger weapons if need be.
Sabbat. Ranghild made Eske Tombøl (see page 99) Roleplaying Hints: Kindred society could be so
Sheriff of Denmark and offered the position of Sheriff much more if people obeyed the rules. The foolish
of Copenhagen to Mikael. He readily accepted.
desire to have more power, more money, more influ-
Since then, Mikael’s mission has to bring law and ence is what drives Kindred to break the law and it is
order to Copenhagen’s Kindred society. He firmly your job to make sure that they are afraid of the con-
believes in an ordered world where everyone has a sequences.
chance to better themselves without having to worry Haven: The basement of an old apartment building
about anyone trying to break the rules to get at them. in the center of Copenhagen.
His dedication has made him a number of enemies,
but every Kindred in Copenhagen know that it is a Influence: All Mikael’s influence comes from his
bad idea to cross him. position as Sheriff – he has the ear of the Prince and
both the Prince and Primogen will put their resources
Sire: Mithonashtart at his disposal for investigations.
Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Soldier
Generation: 7th Free Ghouls
Embrace: 1660 Most Kindred of Denmark, especially the old and
Apparent Age: Early 30s powerful, maintain at least one ghoul. Free ghouls, on
the other hand, are very, very rare. Not just because of
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 the rarity of a ghoul freeing himself from his master,
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 but also because of the attitude of the Danish Kin-
dred, who see free ghouls as a threat. However, two
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
such free ghouls do live in Denmark.

Denmark by Night 165

Peder Varning, Freelance Trouble- Blood: Peder always has 1 Blood Point and is care-
ful not to use it unless he has a replacement ready.
Image: Tall, slender and blond, Peder would be
Peder started life as an officer in the Danish mili-
handsome if he put a little more care into his appear-
tary, a skilled leader and a good fighter. Then he be-
ance. He still sports a very unfashionable moustache
came the ghoul of a small group of Sabbat vampires in
that makes him look like he’s from another time and
southern Jutland who wanted someone to manage
his haircut is simple and unflattering. His blue eyes
their affairs during the day. When the purge of the
are hidden behind horn-rimmed glasses and he dresses
Sabbat came, Peder was unique in that he escaped
in cheap suits. All of this hides his true personality,
death, while all of his domitors perished. Suddenly, he
the power of which can be unleashed as a weapon on
found himself free of any master – yet also without a
a moment’s notice, making him anything from a
source of blood. Tentatively, he sought out the Kin-
charming seducer to a master negotiator.
dred of the Camarilla and managed to avoid being
snatched up, instead establishing himself as a free- Roleplaying Hints: Among vampires, be very, very
lance operator. careful and act the consummate professional. Even the
youngest of their kind are a danger to you. Among
Peder works for money and blood and is quite care-
mortals, read the situation and act in accordance, to
ful never to work for blood from the same Kindred
maximize your opportunities.
twice in the same decade. He takes on any and all jobs
and has become quite respected for a ghoul. Most Haven: A large villa along the coast road of Esbjerg.
Kindred in Denmark know about him and a fair few Influence: Peder knows a lot of people and a lot of
have used his services. Peder can make unfortunate people know that he has money. His influence is sub-
evidence disappear, bury problematic news stories tle, but can be felt throughout many layers of Danish
and, should it be necessary, arrange for intimidation society.
and even assassination. The only thing he refuses to
do is work directly against Kinded. Kristine Staunslev, Consultant to the
Nature: Capitalist Undead
Demeanor: Chameleon Kristine grew up in a well-to-do home, the daughter
of a surgeon and a legal secretary. And intelligent,
Born: 1760 disciplined and ambitious girl, she made top marks in
Apparent Age: Late 40s school and went on to get a degree in business man-
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 agement at Copenhagen Business School. Her inter-
personal skills made her a natural at human resources
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 and for a while, she worked in that capacity at some of
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 the biggest companies in Denmark.
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Empathy Kristine was turned into a ghoul by a Ventrue
3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 4, Streetwise 2, Subter- named Aage Bækgård, a former stock broker with a
fuge 3 great deal of interest in large companies. He had been
impressed by Kristine’s résumé and felt that she would
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2
be perfect for keeping his many servants, agents and
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Finance 2, other ghouls organized. Kristine chafed under Aage’s
Investigation 4, Law 1, Occult 1, Politics 1 rule, torn up by the artificial feelings from the Blood
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Potence 2, Fortitude 1 Bond, which conflicted with the real ones. Fortunately
for her, Aage was not one to strongly enforce the
Backgrounds: Allies 3 (High-ranking judge, law- Blood Bond and when he fell to torpor due to a Lu-
yers), Contacts 5 (Criminal, Police, Forensics, Com- pine attack, it didn’t take long for Kristine to free
puter Security, Doctor), Resources 4, Status 1 herself from his emotional shackles. However, while
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 4 she had no intentions of ever falling under the control
Morality: Humanity 6 of another Kindred, she also knew that she was in
trouble – she knew about the Kindred and was a
Willpower: 8

166 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

threat to the Masquerade. Boldly, she reached out to options and use all the tools and always know the
some of Aage’s Kindred business contacts, as well as people you are working with.
his childe, and offered to work as a consultant for Haven: A house in Hillerød
them, representing them during the day, taking long
trips that would be troublesome for a Kindred, etc. Influence: Kristine knows a lot of people placed
She pledged not to reveal what she knew of the Kin- high in important, Danish businesses and they value
dred world as long as that world would keep her em- her opinion.
ployed. And fortunately for Kristine, it worked.
Since then, Kristine has made good money as a
business consultant for Kindred all over Denmark, Kindred by Domain
though mainly Copenhagen. After freeing herself The previous section listed the Kindred of Denmark
from Aage, she has begun is raising a family and as a
by clan. Below, those same Kindred are listed by do-
consequence, is not taking payment in Kindred blood. main, should you need it.
However, lately, she has come to dread the time when
her former domitor rises from Torpor. She knows Zealand
where Aage lies hidden and she is considering wheth-
Assamite: Enes Coşkun (page 74)
er or not she should go there and end him or if that is
too dangerous. Brujah: Thrugils, Brujah Primogen (page 76); Elin
Jönsson (page 77); Gudrun Pedersen (page 78); Lasse
Nature: Competitor
Vinter (page 79)
Demeanor: Capitalist
Followers of Set: Håkon One-Hand (page 90);
Born: 1965 Eberhardt Lange (page 92)
Apparent Age: Early 40s Gangrel: Einold Wolfslayer, Gangrel Primogen
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 (page 94); Ragnar Silver-Tongue, Prince of Frederiks-
berg (page 95); Anders Sand (page 96)
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Giovanni: Isabella Giovanni de Lucca (page 102)
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Lasombra: Markus Christian Jensen (page 103)
Talents: Athletics 1, Empathy 3, Expression 1, In-
timidation 2, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 1 Malkavian: Maria Krestensdatter, Malkavian
Primogen (page 106); Arthur Sønderberg, Harpy (page
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3 107); Jørgen Steentofte (page 108); Rosa Schmidt
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Finance 3, (page 108)
Law 2, Occult 1, Politics 1, Science 1 Nosferatu: Rasmus the Holy, Nosferatu Primogen
Disciplines: None (page 116); Jacob the Lost (page 117); Kaja Mikkelsen
(page 118), Ole Varnby (page 119)
Backgrounds: Contacts 3 (Various business con-
tacts), Resources 3 Ravnos: Miri (page 125)
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 3 Toreador: Lorenz von Barmstede, Scourge (page
Morality: Humanity 7 127); Carl-Erik Fossberg, Toreador Primogen (page
129); Patricia, Keeper of Elysium (page 130); Lotte
Willpower: 5 Mose Olsen (page 131); Niels Lund (page 132)
Image: Kristine is a striking woman of average Tremere: Octavius, Master of the Copenhagen
height and build, with white-blond hair in a short, Chantry (page 141); Jeronimus von Lakskov, Tremere
modern cut and blue eyes. She has an intelligent face Primogen (page 142); Alice Møller Beck, Harpy (page
and a body toned by regular exercise. On the job, she 143)
wears business suits and subtle, tasteful make-up.
Ventrue: Ragnhild the Just, Prince of Denmark
Roleplaying Hints: Do your best and you will get (page 147); Valdemar Duus-Frederiksen, Ventrue Pri-
by. Be honest and truthful with the Kindred and you mogen (page 149); Theodor Buchwald (page 150);
will get through this. Never fail to examine all the Alexandrine Tolbæk, Prince of Roskilde (page 151);

Denmark by Night 167

Lone Svendsen (page 152); Jens Erik Petersen, Sene- Malkavian: Albert Vestergaard (page 113); Brian
schal (page 153) Valdemar Hviid (page 115)
True Brujah: Mithonashtart (page 164); Mikael Nosferatu: Hjörtur Andrison (page 123); Anne
Stjernekilde, Sheriff of Copenhagen (page 165) Marie Bjørning (page 124)
Free Ghouls: Kristine Staunslev (page 167) Toreador: Julia Marianus Sabinius, Lady of North-
ern Jutland and Prince of Aalborg (137); Jonathan
Funen Mørk (page 138); Karen Bistrup (page 140)
Brujah: Asbjørn, Lord of Funen and Prince of Tremere: Alexander Sverre, Prince of Viborg (page
Odense (page 80); Flemming Hansen (page 82) 146)
Gangrel: Freya (page 97) Ventrue: Albertus (page 159); Vilhelm Andersen
Malkavian: Sørine Krag (page 110) Højmark (page 161); Bente Helger (page 162)
Nosferatu: Eigil Soldat (page 120)
Toreador: Martin Kold (page 132)
Tremere: Brother Antonius (page 144)
Those not of the Blood
The Kindred of Denmark fear the Lupines most of
Ventrue: Reinhardt von Stade (page 154)
all, with hunters a distant second. They know mages
Southern Jutland and ghosts exist, but pay them no heed. And they do
not think about the Jotuns much at all. That last one
Brujah: Nicolai Hanssen (page 83); Vibeke Gjørring
is a big mistake.
(page 85); Kim Cassens (page 86)
Followers of Set: Christina Willows (page 93) Lupines
Gangrel: Eske Tombøl, Sheriff of Denmark (page As mentioned, Lupines have become something of a
98); Szymon Jachowicz (page 99) threat to city-dwelling vampires over the decades.
Lasombra: Anette Gyldenstierne (page 104) Mangy werewolves have attacked Kindred in the back
alleys, operating alone rather than in a pack. While
Malkavian: Erik Runemaster, Prince of Ribe (page most of these Lupines present only a marginal danger
111); Peter Larsen (page 112); to the older and more powerful Kindred in Denmark,
Nosferatu: Matthew Builder (page 121); Jette they are still a challenge for younger vampires and any
Grøndal (page 122) battle is a threat to the Masquerade. In addition, in
Ravnos: Konstantin (page 126) the last 5 years, one particular Lupine has become
something of an urban legend; the Rag Lady.
Toreador: Eleonora-Marie “Emmie” Grahne (page
134); Julius Svendsen (page 135); Irene Møller (page The Rag Lady, Lupine Threat
136) The Rag Lady has been sighted in Odense, Aarhus
Tremere: Carsten Friis-Hansen (page 145) and Copenhagen. She has killed two Kindred and
sent a third, the Ventrue Aage Bækgård (See page 166)
Ventrue: Knud the Elder, Lord of Southern Jutland
into torpor, while at the same time escaping several
and Prince of Aarhus (page 156); Georg Varnæs (page
encounters with powerful vampires. The Prince of
157); Naja Kristine Bauer, Prince of Kolding (158)
Denmark has promised a Boon to any Kindred who
Caitiff: Muhammed Mehmet Celik (page 163) take down the Rag Lady, while the Princes of Odense
Free Ghouls: Peder Varning (page 166) and Aarhus have put up 500.000 Danish kroner each.
Attributes (human form): Strength 3, Dexterity 5,
Northern Jutland Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance
Brujah: Johanne Larsdatter (page 86); Theodor Je- 1, Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
ronimus “T.J.” Hall (page 88); Juliana Marie Stjern-
Abilities: Alertness 4, Animal Ken 2, Athletics 5,
feldt (page 89)
Awareness 4, Brawl 4, Empathy 1, Intimidation 3,
Gangrel: Henrik Hestehandler (page 101)

168 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Investigation 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 5, Streetwise 4, entirely safe. Throughout the years, the fortunes of the
Subterfuge 1 family have waxed and waned, especially with the
Equivalent Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 5, weakening of the nobility. However, the family’s cur-
Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 2, Potence 3, Presence 2 rent patriarch has managed to make a number of ex-
ceptionally shrewd investments and parley his political
Humanity: 5 Willpower: 9 Gnosis: 7 influence to the point where the family now ranks
Image: The Rag Lady appears as a homeless woman, amongst the richest in Denmark.
dressed in layers of ragged clothing and reeking of
cheap wine. Her hair is gray and her entire appearance
Baron Oliver Tornhøi, Aging Patri-
unappealing. In her combat shape, her black fur is arch
patchy, mangy and knotted. Nobody has ever seen her Oliver was born in 1930, at a time when his family
in any other forms. had little more than the prestige of its name. Several
peripheral members of the extended family had immi-
Hunters grated or taken up actual jobs, and not just as priests.
Danish secularism means that Kindred have little to During World War II, Oliver’s father opened Tornhøi
fear from hunters – or so most of them think. In to the Danish resistance, something that gained the
truth, they are not far off, as the Catholic Church has family a lot of recognition in post-war Denmark. Oli-
not assigned any Inquisitors to Denmark. And while ver’s youngest uncle used this to enter politics, starting
there are certainly Protestants, Muslims and others a tradition that continues to this day. Oliver was a
with True Faith, so far, none of them have learned brilliant young man and he went to university, but
about vampires. Except for a single family. instead of studying theology, he focused on econom-
ics. After he graduated, his father let Oliver take over
To the outside world, the Tornhøi family is simply the family’s finances and it wasn’t long until the
an old noble family that owns a castle on Funen and Tornhøi dynasty had regained much of its former
has made some shrewd investments that allow them to glory. It finally came to the point where Oliver was
live as modern nobles. However, the truth goes deep- able to take time off from running the family finances
er. The founding patriarch of the family was Marius and join other family members in fighting the undead
Tornhøi, deacon to the last Catholic bishop at Saint threat.
Canute’s Cathedral in Odense. When the Refor-
mation began, Marius rejected Catholicism and, as a These nights, Oliver is retired from active duty, but
reward, was granted the title of Baron and the owner- he still administers the family businesses – both the
ship of Tornhøi Monastery, along with all its lands economic and the esoteric. He has plans to turn over
and wealth, on western Funen. Marius married and, control of the family to his eldest daughter, Evelyn, as
spurred on by the king, began transforming Tornhøi soon as she accepts that her heir must be Andreas (see
from a fortified monastery into an actual castle. Mari- 170).
us himself was never a very devout man, but he had Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Cha-
dealt with members of the shadow inquisition and he risma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 4,
knew of the threat posed by the masters of the night. Intelligence 5, Wits 2
In his old age, he wrote down what he knew and bun-
Abilities: Academics 3, Alertness 1, Athletics 1,
dled this memoir with documents he’d taken from the
Awareness 4, Brawl 1, Drive 1, Empathy 3, Etiquette
Catholic Church and passed it on to his sons.
4, Finance 5, Firearms 2, Intimidation 3, Larceny 1,
Marius may not have been especially devout, but his Law 3, Leadership 4, Melee 2, Occult 4, Politics 3,
children were – devoutly Lutheran and devoted to the Science 1, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 3, Theology 4
King. They swore an oath to defend the kingdom
Backgrounds: Allies 4 (Younger brother, highly
against the unnatural threats that lurked in the dark-
placed in the current government, along with several
ness and for hundreds of years the Tornhøi family has
civil servants), Contacts 5 (Throughout Danish nobili-
coverly been a thorn in the side of Denmark’s Kin-
ty, as well as local and national government), Domain
dred as Faithful hunters. While they have not been as
5 (a castle with state-of-the-art security), Fame 2, Influ-
problematic as the Catholic Church, they have still
ence 2, Resources 5, Retainers 5 (highly-trained body-
ensured that the vampires of Denmark cannot feel

Denmark by Night 169

Humanity: 8 Willpower: 8 True Faith: 3 Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Cha-
Equipment: With his level of wealth, Oliver can get risma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 3,
almost anything he wants. In addition, Oliver holds Intelligence 3, Wits 3
the family’s exceptional collection of occult docu- Abilities: Academics 1, Alertness 3, Animal Ken 1,
ments and he wears an old, blessed cross around his Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Crafts 1, Drive 2, Empathy 1,
neck that contains a single point of True Faith. Etiquette 2, Finance 1, Firearms 4, Investigation 1,
Image: Oliver is the perfect image of an aging, dig- Intimidation 4, Larceny 1, Law 1, Leadership 2, Medi-
nified patriarch with thinning, silver hair, a well- cine 1, Melee 2, Occult 2, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 1,
groomed beard and dark, intelligent eyes. His voice is Survival 3, Theology 1
still strong, though it cracks with age every now and Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Former commanding offic-
then. Oliver prefers immaculately tailored English ers), Contacts 1 (In the Danish military), Resources 3
suits and while he has grown thin and weak with age Humanity: 7 Willpower: 9 True Faith: 1
he can still walk erect without the aid of a cane.
Equipment: Andreas’ new family has provided him
Andreas Petersen Tornhøi, Illegiti- with several illegal firearms, from an SMG to a tactical
mate Heir shotgun, as well as modern combat armor. He also
carries with him a relic stole that he wraps around his
Baron Oliver’s youngest son, Valdemar, was the
right arm when going on mission; this stole contains a
black sheep of the family. He lacked faith, he lacked
single point of Faith and allows him to see through
backbone and he lacked fidelity. He was smart enough
to use protection most of the time, but not always and
he left a few bastards dotted around. His family’s Image: Andreas is a big, well-trained man with
money usually took care of it, except for his last. short, brown hair and brown eyes. He has the symbols
Monika Petersen was a gorgeous young student who of the Hunter Corps and the Sirius Patrol tattooed on
made the mistake of getting too drunk around Andre- either shoulder. He normally dresses in tailored suits
as. The Tornhøi name kept all accusations of rape and looks quite ill at ease in them — he vastly prefers
away, but after that, Oliver had enough. Valdemar was sweats or tactical gear. Whenever Andreas is in formal
cut off from the family, officially disavowed and after a situations, he tends to revert to very strict military
failed career as a politician, drank himself to death. behavior.
Meanwhile, Andreas Petersen grew up to be every-
thing his father wasn’t. He was disciplined, dedicated
and determined to make something of himself, despite Jotuns
his origins. After being drafted, Andreas decided to
become a professional soldier, after which he qualified When humans first came to Scandinavia, they
for the Hunter Corps and even served a tour with the found the Jotuns already there. A deformed, mon-
Sirius Patrol. strous race of sorcery-using inhumans, the Jotuns were
fighting the local fae for dominance over the northern
When Andreas returned from Greenland, Oliver of- lands. The fae allied with the humans and slowly,
fered Andreas a place in the Tornhøi family. The pa- inexorably, the Jotuns were driven into the wilderness,
triarch was impressed by all the young man had where they found themselves battling against the new-
achieved and after a personal meeting between the ly-arrived Lupines. When vampires established them-
two, Andreas surprised himself by accepting. Soon selves in Denmark, the Jotuns had faded from living
after, he was initiated into the secrets of the Tornhøi memory, becoming nothing more than villains in
family and joined their ranks of hunters. Once again, religious legends.
he impressed and it wasn’t long before Oliver decided
that Andreas would make the perfect heir in the fu- While the Jotuns had been beaten, they had not
ture. His mother, unaware of the Tornhøi’s secrets, been broken. In humans, they found a new source for
was initially distrustful of the family, but Andreas has their blood magic and slowly, over the centuries, they
managed to talk her around. began to influence human society. They needed to
walk carefully, for not only were they almost as vul-
nerable to True Faith as Kindred, but they needed
magic to hide their true forms from mortals and vam-

170 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

pires alike. Today, only about a hundred Jotuns call • All Jotuns are inhuman-looking in their natural
Denmark home. All of them are skilled in either illu- form. Jotunkin have an Appearance of 1, and
sion or shape shifting, allowing them to hide among could potentially pass for deformed humans in
humanity. They all have a single aim; to bring about some circumstances, while all other Jotuns have
the fall of civilization, enslave humanity and take their an Appearance of 0, but gain a -1 difficulty when
rightful place as tyrannical leaders of all of Scandina- trying to intimidate humans.
via. Of course, there is some dispute among the Jotuns • Shapeshifting allows a Jotun to change their
as to how it should be done and who will be their high physical shape. At one dot, they can merely
king. change appearance (ie., to appear human). At
Jotuns come in four different “races”; giants, fire Jo- two dots, they can change their size towards hu-
tuns, frost Jotuns and Jotunkin. Giants are the prem- man normal, allowing giants and small Jotunkin
ier sorcerers among the Jotuns and, as their name to appear as ordinary humans (this loses Giants
suggests, are all larger than humans. Fire and frost 1 point of Strength and Stamina). Three dots al-
Jotuns each embody their namesake, while Jotunkin low for a change to larger or smaller sizes, mak-
are the result of human/Jotun mating. Jotuns have the ing enormous giants or tiny jotunkin. Four dots
following powers and weaknesses: makes it possible to shapeshift into an animal of
normal size for its kind, while five dots give ac-
• True Faith affects Jotuns in much the same way cess to the shape of mythical monsters or unnat-
as it affects Kindred. Resistance and immunity of urally-sized animals. Using shapeshifting grants
the Faithful to Dominate and Presence counts as an Appearance of 2 or 3 (chosen when
resistance and immunity to mind and emotion shapeshifting), which can be increased to 4 at the
control by the Jotuns, while the ability to see cost of 1 Willpower and 5 at the cost of 3 Will-
through Obfuscate allows the Faithful to see power. Shapeshifting lasts until cancelled.
through any and all Jotun illusions. The roll to • Giants are at least 7½ feet tall — in ancient times,
avoid fleeing from someone with True Faith 5 is most giants were at least 10 feet tall, but these
equal to the Jotun’s own Sorcery rating +3. days, giants have been bred smaller to make it
• Jotuns take Aggravated damage from fire (but see easier for them to shapeshift into humans. They
Fire Control, below) and the claws and fangs of have a maximum Strength and Stamina of 6 and
supernatural creatures. In any shape, Jotuns can an additional -0 Health Level. If using
soak any damage with their Stamina. Jotuns live Shapeshifting to grow larger, they grow to about
roughly 10 times as long as mortals. 11 – 12 feet and gain +2 Strength, +1 Stamina,
• Jotuns have both innate powers and sorcery. In- an additional -1 and -2 Health Level.
nate powers are usually always in effect, although • Jotunkin are usually normal human size, but
some might need to be activated with concentra- some of them are around 4½ feet tall. This limits
tion and/or the use of Willpower. Sorcery re- their Strength to 4, but gives them +1 die on ap-
quires magic power, which Jotuns gain through propriate Stealth rolls and makes it easy for them
the ritual sacrifice of animals or the ritual torture to squeeze into small places. Should they use
or sacrifice of humans (or supernatural entities). Shapeshifting to become tiny, they lose 1
All Jotuns have a Sorcery rating, from 1 – 5, as Strength and Stamina and a -1 Health Level, but
well as a pool of Power (which cannot be higher all attacks against them are at +1 difficulty and
than 10 x Sorcery rating). Activating Sorcery abil- they get -1 difficulty on all Stealth rolls.
ities requires a roll of an Attribute + Sorcery and • Other powers available to Jotuns include small
the expenditure of Power. All Jotuns have either claws (doing Strength Lethal damage), fangs (do-
the Shapeshifting power or the Illusion sorcery ing Strength +1 Lethal damage after a grapple),
in order to hide themselves in mortal society. the ability to make they claws and fangs do Ag-
• Jotuns can breed with mortals — the result is a gravated damage, prehensile tail (acting at
Jotunkin child and should the mother be a mor- Strength -1), tough hide (1 – 3 extra Soak), smell
tal, the birth will likely kill her. A jotunkin child the supernatural (requiring the Jotun to actually
is deformed from birth and is generally raised by sniff a person, as well as a Perception + Aware-
Jotuns until it is old enough to learn Shapeshift- ness roll, but identifies any non-mortal), en-
ing or Illusion. hanced sense (-1 difficulty on appropriate sense

Denmark by Night 171

rolls, may track by smell, see infrared or the like), or covering a hand in icy spikes that does
rapid healing (mimicking that of Lupines), re- Strength +1 Lethal for one scene costs 2 Power,
generation (as rapid healing, plus allows for the while boosting it to Strength +1 Aggravated re-
healing of Aggravated wounds and amputation quires an additional roll and costs an addition 4
with Willpower), feat of Strength (allows for a power.
one-round increase of Strength by 1 -3 points for • Emotional Sorcery requires a roll of Charisma +
a point of Willpower), speed of the wind (allows Sorcery, costs 1 Power and the difficulty is always
for 1 – 3 extra actions per round for a point of the opponent’s Willpower. The duration is a
Willpower) and the potential to raise one or number of rounds equal to the Power used if the
more Abilities to 6. roll to activate is successful. An affected target
• Illusion Sorcery requires a roll of Manipulation + cannot directly resist Emotional Sorcery with
Sorcery. The cost is a base of 1 point of Power, Willpower, but can reduce the duration by 1
plus 1 point to reduce the difficulty (max. reduc- round per Willpower used. Using the ability, a
tion of 3). Appearing human is difficulty 6 (5 for Jotun can make a target completely unemotional
Jotunkin) + the desired level of the Appearance (thus unable to express love, compassion, friend-
Attribute and lasts for 1 day (it can be extended ship, etc.), amplify whatever dark and destructive
indefinitely for 1 additional power each day). In emotions a target is currently experiencing or in-
addition, Illusion can be used to mimic powers troduce such emotions to a victim filled with
of Chimerstry and Obfuscate; the difficulty of positive emotions.
the roll is 6 + the level of the power mimicked • Mental Sorcery is the art of mind control. In
and if a roll is required for the power, Sorcery general, a Jotun can only force a target to take ac-
takes the place of whatever Ability used. tions that are painful or destructive to them-
• Fire Control is the Sorcery of Fire Jotuns and selves or others. Use Dominate as a template, re-
possessing it makes them immune to natural fire, placing Sorcery for any Ability in rolls and with a
while all supernatural fire can be resisted for 1 Power costs equal to three times the level of
Power per round. All other Fire Control abilities Dominate mimicked. Jotuns cannot possess peo-
require a roll of Stamina + Sorcery. Use the Lure ple.
of Flames Thaumaturgy path to represent Fire • Other Sorcery abilities allow Jotuns to call, con-
Control, with a cost of 1 Power per level mim- trol and enhance animals, create magical talis-
icked — the difficulty of the roll is always 7. In mans, affect the weather and drain mental and
addition, Fire Control can create light. Creating physical stamina from victims.
the equivalent of a flashlight costs 1 Power, re-
quires a difficulty 5 roll and lasts for one hour. Young Jotunkin Seducer
Lighting up a room like a lamp costs 2 Power,
requires a difficulty 6 roll and lasts for ten Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Cha-
minutes. Creating genuine sunlight costs 3 Pow- risma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1 (4 with Sor-
er, requires a difficulty 9 roll and lasts for one cery), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
round. Each of the last 3 abilities can be renewed Abilities: Academics 1, Athletics 2, Awareness 1,
when they run out for the original costs, without Brawl 1, Computer 1, Drive 1, Empathy 3, Expression
a roll. 1, Etiquette 3, Intimidation 3, Larceny 2, Leadership
• Frost Creation is the Sorcery of Frost Jotuns and 1, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Performance 1, Science 1,
possessing it makes them immune to cold, nor- Stealth 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 5
mal as well as supernatural. Using this ability re- Powers: Small Size, Fangs
quires an Intelligence + Sorcery roll, always diffi-
culty 6. Lowering the ambient temperature costs Sorcery Abilities: Illusion
1 Power per 5 degrees Celsius, to a maximum of Willpower: 5 Sorcery: 1
20 degrees. Freezing a puddle’s worth of water in
Equipment: Trendy clothes, latest iPhone, cash and
one round costs 1 Power, while the cost and
credit cards, several joints, some cocaine
times goes up exponentially for larger bodies of
water. Creating an icicle (which can be hurled in
the same round with a Dexterity + Athletic roll)

172 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

Fire Jotun Career Criminal Attributes (in Human Normal form): Strength 4,
Dexterity 2, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 5,
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Cha- Appearance 0 (3 with Shapeshifting), Perception 4,
risma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0 (2 with Sor- Intelligence 4, Wits 3
cery), Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Abilities: Academics 3, Alertness 1, Athletics 1,
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Awareness 5, Brawl 1, Crafts 3, Empathy 4, Etiquette
Brawl 5, Drive 2, Empathy 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms 2, 1, Expression 1, Finance 1, Intimidation 3, Law 4,
Intimidation 4, Larceny 3, Investigation 1, Law 1, Leadership 1, Melee 3, Occult 5, Politics 4, Stealth 3,
Leadership 2, Melee 2, Occult 3, Stealth 3, Streetwise Subterfuge 6, Theology 1
4, Subterfuge 3
Powers: Shapeshifting 3, Smell the Supernatural,
Powers: Tough Hide 2, Enhanced Sight and Hear- Rapid Healing, Enhanced Ability (Subterfuge)
ing, Feat of Strength 3, Speed of the Wind 1
Sorcery Abilities: Frost Creation, Emotional Sor-
Sorcery Abilities: Illusion, Fire Control cery, Mental Sorcery
Willpower: 7 Sorcery: 3 Willpower: 9 Sorcery: 5
Equipment: BMW, pistol, sawed-off shotgun, bur- Equipment: Magical dagger doing Aggravated dam-
glary tools, several cell phones age, amulet containing 2 points of Willpower, ring
containing 5 points of Power.

Giant Jotun Master Manipulator

Denmark by Night 173

From the time of the Vikings, to the nights of a small, modern nation, Denmark has changed with
the ages. So, too, have the vampires that inhabit this Scandinavian kingdom, creating a unique domain
and a peculiar division of power.
Denmark by Night is a setting book for the 20 th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade,
designed to work both as a sourcebook for a chronicle set in the Kingdom of Denmark, or as setting for
already established characters to visit.

Denmark by Night includes:

• A history of both the Kingdom of Denmark and the capital city; Copenhagen.
• A description of Denmark’s mortal world, as well as the dark world of the Kindred.
• Numerous story hooks, chronicle possibilities and Storyteller Characters.
• A new type of monster to serve as antagonists or allies for daring Kindred.

174 Chapter Two: Copenhagen by Night

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