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Class 6 

Choose the correct answer:

1. The option that lets you insert text or graphics at the top or bottom of each page is
a) Header/Footer b) Font c) Paragraph d) Tab
2. The tab used to insert a Header/Footer is
a) Home b) Insert c) Page Layout d) Help
3. The arrangement of text in a row and column format is
a) Table b) Bullets c) Font d) Numbering
4. The intersection of a row and a column forms a
a) Table b) Border c) Shading d) Cell
5. The key that takes the cursor to the next cell is
a) Shift b) Shift + Tab c) Tab d) Enter
6. The first commercially successful word processing software is
a) Word Perfect b) Word Pad c) Word Star d) Notepad
7. The cells that refers to combining two or more cells in a row or a column into a single cell is
a) Merging b) Splitting c) adding Row d) adding column
8. To move the cursor through the cells, use the
a) Tab key b) Arrow keys c) Shift key d) CTRL key
9. This tab has various table styles that lets you format the table quickly.
a) Insert b) Window c) Design d) Format
10. The option used on the Layout tab to change row height or column width is
a) Properties b) Split c) Merge d) Insert


1. You can insert new rows only at the end of table. - FALSE
2. You can include both text and graphics in the header and footer sections of your page. - TRUE
3. The home and Layout tabs appear automatically when a table is inserted in a document. - FALSE
4. You can add borders around the table or around a selected group of cells. - TRUE
5. The vertical series of cells in a table is Column. - TRUE

Fill in the Blanks :

1. Word provides a list of pre-defined design option for header and footer.
2. The content controls are enclosed in square brackets.
3. After adding the header or footer, click the close header/footer option on the Design tab.
4. The combination of Shift + Tab key takes the cursor to the previous cell.
5. Data in the form of text or graphics can be entered inside the cells.
6. To add a new row, click on the Layout tab.
7. Splitting cells refers to dividing a single cell into multiple cells.
8. Borders give the table an elegant look.
9. You can use tables to present information in an organized manner.
10. The Merge cells option lets you combine two or more cells in a row or a column into a single cell.

2 mark questions:

1. Give the Significance of Header & Footer option.

The Header and Footer option lets you insert text or graphics at the top or bottom of each page in your
document. It allows inserting chapter names, logos or pictures, page numbers and date and time across
all the pages.
2. The Layout tab appears when a table is inserted in the document. List some options that are present
on this tab.
Insert Above, Insert Below, Insert Left, Insert Right, Split Cells, Split Table, Autofit, Cell Margins etc
3. What is a table in MS Word ?
A table is an arrangement of text in a row and column format. You can use tables in Microsoft Word to
present information in an organized manner.
4. What is a cell ?
The intersection of a row and a column format forms a cell. Data in the form of text or graphics can be
entered inside the cells.
5. How do you quickly insert a table ?
You can quickly insert a table by clicking on the Table option in the Tables group on the Insert tab and
then moving your mouse over the grid of squares to highlight and select the number of columns and
rows in the table.
6. How do you enter data in a table ?
You can enter text in a table in the same way you enter text in a document. To move between the cells
in a table, you can use arrow keys, mouse pointer or the tab key.
7. How do you quickly add a row at the end of a table ?
To quickly add a row at the end of a table, click the last cell of the last row and then press the Tab key.
8. Differentiate between Splitting and Merging cells.
Splitting cells Merging cells
Splitting cells refers to dividing a single cell into Merging cells refers to combining two or more
multiple cells. cells in a row or a column into a single cell.
9. How do you Merge cells in a table ?
 Select the cells to be merged
 Click on the Layout tab
 Click on the Merge cells option in the Merge group

5 mark questions:

1. How do you insert a predefined Header or Footer ?

2. List out the steps to insert a table.
3. Explain Splitting cells in MS – Word.
4. Explain the Layout tab method to resize row height and column height.


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