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Cost-effectiveness of Oral Phenytoin, Intravenous

Phenytoin, and Intravenous Fosphenytoin in the
Emergency Department

Maria I. Rudis, PharmD See editorial, p. 398.

Daniel R. Touchette, PharmD
Stuart P. Swadron, MD Study objective: Oral phenytoin, intravenous phenytoin, and intravenous fosphenyt-
Amy P. Chiu, PharmD
oin are all commonly used for loading phenytoin in the emergency department (ED).
Michael Orlinsky, MD
The cost-effectiveness of each was compared for patients presenting with seizures
From the Department of and subtherapeutic phenytoin concentrations.
Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy
(Rudis, Chiu), and the Methods: A simple decision tree was developed to determine the treatment costs
Department of Emergency associated with each of 3 loading techniques. We determined effectiveness by com-
Medicine (Rudis, Swadron, paring adverse event rates and by calculating the time to safe ED discharge. Time to
Orlinsky), Keck School of
safe ED discharge was defined as the time at which therapeutic concentrations of
Medicine, University of
Southern California, Los phenytoin (*10 mg/L) were achieved with an absence of any adverse events that pre-
Angeles, CA; and the cluded discharge. The comparative cost-effectiveness of alternatives to oral pheny-
Department of Pharmacy toin was determined by combining net costs and number of adverse events, expressed
Practice, Oregon State
University, Portland, OR
as cost per adverse events avoided. Cost-effectiveness was also determined by com-
(Touchette). paring the net costs of each loading technique required to achieve the time to safe
ED discharge, expressed as cost per hour of ED time saved. The outcomes and costs
Dr. Chiu is currently affiliated were primarily derived from a prospective, randomized controlled trial, augmented by
with the Department of
Pharmacy, John Muir Medical time-motion studies and alternate-cost sources. Costs included the cost of drugs,
Center, Walnut Creek, CA. supplies, and personnel. Analyses were also performed in scenarios incorporating
labor costs and savings from using a lower-urgency area of the ED.
Results: The mean number of adverse events per patient for oral phenytoin, intra-
venous phenytoin, and intravenous fosphenytoin was 1.06, 1.93, and 2.13, respec-
tively. Mean time to safe ED discharge in the 3 groups was 6.4 hours, 1.7 hours, and
1.3 hours. Cost per patient was $2.83, $21.16, and $175.19, respectively, and did not
differ substantially in the Labor and Triage (lower-urgency area of ED) scenarios.
When the measure of effectiveness was adverse events, oral phenytoin dominated
intravenous phenytoin and intravenous fosphenytoin, with a lower cost and number
of adverse events. With time to safe ED discharge as the outcome measure, the
incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were $3.90 and $387.27 per hour of ED time
0196-0644/$30.00 saved for oral phenytoin versus intravenous phenytoin and for intravenous fospheny-
Copyright © 2004 by the American toin versus intravenous phenytoin, respectively.
College of Emergency Physicians.
Conclusion: Oral phenytoin is the most cost-effective loading method in most set-
j.annemergmed.2003.10.011 tings. Intravenous phenytoin is preferred if one is willing to pay an additional $20.65


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

Capsule Summary tic concentrations (10 to 20 mg/L), published data sug-

gest that drug formulation and pharmacokinetic differ-
What is already known on this topic ences may indeed account for differences in adverse
The emergency department (ED) management of patients who
events and clinical efficacy.8-11
have suffered a seizure and have subtherapeutic serum levels of
phenytoin is common and time consuming. Fosphenytoin has There is a paucity of published data evaluating the
been proposed as a safer and more efficacious preparation of cost-effectiveness of various methods of phenytoin
phenytoin to use in these situations. loading in the ED.7,12-14 The existing literature has
What question this study addressed used pharmacoeconomic modeling outside the scope of
The authors analyzed the cost-effectiveness of oral phenytoin, a clinical trial,13,14 has overestimated costs attributable
intravenous phenytoin, and intravenous fosphenytoin in this to adverse events,12 or has not focused solely on the ED
scenario, accounting for a broad variety of costs.
patient population.13,14 Furthermore, none of these
What this study adds to our knowledge studies has included oral loading techniques in a cost-
Cost-effectiveness was determined by comparing the net costs of effectiveness analysis.7 The purpose of our study was to
each loading technique required to achieve the time to safe dis-
determine the cost-effectiveness of 3 methods of load-
charge, combined with the cost per adverse event avoided. Costs
were primarily derived from a randomized controlled trial, aug- ing phenytoin in the ED. We determined effectiveness
mented by time-motion studies and alternate costing sources. by comparing adverse event rates and by calculating the
Oral phenytoin was the most cost-effective loading method in time to safe ED discharge. Time to safe ED discharge
most settings.
was defined as the time at which therapeutic concentra-
How this might change clinical practice tions of phenytoin (*10 mg/L) were achieved with an
Intravenous fosphenytoin is unlikely to be cost-effective in any absence of any adverse events that precluded discharge.
setting. Intravenous phenytoin decreases time to discharge but
increases costs and adverse effects compared with oral dosing.
The comparative cost-effectiveness of alternatives to
oral phenytoin was determined by combining net costs
and number of adverse events, expressed as cost per
adverse event avoided. Cost-effectiveness was also
to $44.25 per patient and willing to have more adverse determined by comparing the net costs of each loading
events for a quicker average time to safe ED discharge. technique required to achieve safe ED discharge, ex-
It is unlikely that intravenous fosphenytoin is justifiable pressed as cost per hour of ED time saved. The data on
in any setting. effectiveness were reported in a previous article.15 In
this article, we report on the cost-effectiveness data.
[Ann Emerg Med. 2004;43:386-397.]

This analysis was based on our prospective, random-
Phenytoin remains one of the most commonly used ized, clinical trial comparing oral phenytoin (n=16),
antiepileptic medications in the emergency department intravenous phenytoin (n=14), and intravenous fos-
(ED). For patients presenting to the ED with seizures phenytoin (n=15) in 45 patients admitted to the ED
and subtherapeutic serum concentrations of phenyt- after seizure. Written informed consent was obtained
oin, it is common practice to use a loading dose of from all patients. A detailed description of the clinical
phenytoin with the aim of achieving therapeutic serum trial is published elsewhere.15 In brief, patients were
phenytoin concentrations. Patients with subtherapeu- enrolled in the study if they were receiving maintenance
tic phenytoin concentrations are often noncompliant phenytoin therapy for an existing seizure disorder and
and consume significant and valuable health care presented to the ED with a seizure in the past 48 hours
resources.1-3 and a serum phenytoin concentration less than 5
Methods for loading phenytoin both orally and intra- µg/mL. After their ED evaluation, patients were trans-
venously vary widely.4-7 Each loading technique has ferred to the General Clinical Research Center unit for
significant disadvantages: the adverse events of intra- phenytoin loading and subsequent observation before
venous loading, the potential delayed effectiveness of discharge. Patients were observed for a period of 24
oral phenytoin, and the expense of fosphenytoin. In hours from the time of initiation of study medication
determining the most cost-effective, safe, and rapid for drug administration, pharmacokinetic sampling at
method of preventing seizures and achieving therapeu- predetermined times, and observation of adverse


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

events. Oral phenytoin was administered in increments medical record review. According to the total estimated
of 400 mg every 2 hours until a dose of 20 mg/kg was costs for each arm, the sample size was calculated to
reached. Dosing for the intravenous routes was 18 detect a minimum difference of 30% in cost between the
mg/kg for phenytoin and 18 mg/kg phenytoin equiva- 3 groups, with 80% power. A total sample size of 180,
lents for fosphenytoin. The infusion rates were initi- with 60 patients per group, was conservatively chosen
ated at 50 mg/min and 150 mg/min for each drug, on the basis of this analysis. An interim analysis was
respectively, and adjusted downward according to a performed after the enrollment of the first 45 patients,
preset protocol. Adverse events were also managed at which time significant differences in costs were
according to a standardized algorithmic approach found among the 3 groups.
(Table 1). The model was populated with data from several
To determine the cost-effectiveness, we used a sim- sources. All of the characteristics for calculation of the
ple decision tree to determine the total treatment costs time to safe ED discharge were obtained directly from
associated with each of the 3 loading techniques (Fig- the clinical trial data, namely, the time at which thera-
ure 1). Outcomes considered important and included in peutic concentrations were achieved, the time the
the analysis were time to achieve therapeutic phenytoin patient was free of adverse events precluding discharge,
concentrations, incidence of adverse events, the calcu- and, in the case of the intravenous arms, the time at
lated ED length of stay, and cost of care. Seizure recur- which the infusion was complete.
rence was also collected in the study but was not in- According to the institutional perspective, costs
cluded in the pharmacoeconomic analysis because a were defined as those incurred by the hospital only.
significant difference was not observed in this outcome Cost of care and salary data were obtained from hospital
and none were attributed to subtherapeutic concentra- administrative databases and applied as outlined below.
tions. The pharmacoeconomic analysis was performed The cost of care included cost of drug administration
from the perspective of the institution, a 750-bed, uni- and management of adverse events in the clinical trial.
versity-affiliated, county hospital in an urban setting. The cost of care was estimated by applying microcost-
Sample size calculations were performed by the ing methods. The resources use for intravenous phenyt-
General Clinical Research Center Department of Bio- oin and intravenous fosphenytoin administration was
statistics at our institution. These calculations were obtained through time and motion studies. The time
based on the characteristics required to conduct a cost- and motion studies were performed by randomly select-
effectiveness study. The pharmacoecomonic character- ing 6 nurses from the ED staff and timing their perfor-
istics used in the determination of sample size included mance of starting an intravenous line, setting up the
the cost of drug and other products used in the loading cardiac monitor and intravenous pump for drug admin-
process, the costs of nursing and medical personnel istration, and preparing the medication for administra-
time, and rates of adverse events as estimated from a tion. A research assistant not involved in the care of the
patient timed the procedures from the moment the
nurse initiated the first activity to the time the drug
Table 1. infusion was started. To minimize the chance of intro-
Adverse event treatment guidelines for intravenous phenytoin ducing timing bias, 4 (66%) of the 6 timed events were
and intravenous fosphenytoin.
randomly selected, and the mean time per event was
calculated for purposes of estimating the cost per event.
Adverse Event Treatment Guideline The mean nurse salary and benefits of $0.66 per minute
Arrhythmia/ataxia/ Stop intravenous infusion; restart infusion at
was derived from a mean of 2,080 hours worked each
disorientation/ slower rate; monitor; switch to oral regimen if year at an annual salary plus benefits of $75,900. The
dizziness/nystagmus necessary cost per adverse event was calculated by multiplying
Hypotension Administer 250 mL of normal saline solution; monitor
Pain/phlebitis Stop intravenous infusion; apply ice pack; the time to adverse event resolution, measured in the
administer 250 mL of normal saline solution; clinical trial, by the nurse salary for that period. Physi-
restart new peripheral line; switch to oral
regimen if necessary cian time for adverse event management was similarly
Pruritus Restart infusion at slower rate; monitor estimated with time and motion studies by applying a
salary plus benefits cost of $87,377 ($0.70 per minute),


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

Figure 1.
Tree structure (mathematical model) used in the decision model. The tree structure was too large to demonstrate using a single fig-
ure and has been divided up into 4 sections labeled a, b, c, and d. The 3 therapies evaluated are presented after the decision node,
indicated by a square, in section a. Each possible adverse event (eg, ataxia, disorientation) is presented on a tree branch after a
chance node, shown as a circle on the tree. The probability of the adverse event occurring is indicated by a variable beneath the
appropriate decision tree branch (eg, p_disorientation_pop for the probability of experiencing disorientation while on oral pheny-
toin). The complete tree is symmetrical beginning from the left of section a and moving to the right, through to sections b, c, and
eventually d. The costs and outcomes were entered at the payoff node, indicated by a triangle at the end of the model in section d.
An individual simulated patient can be followed through the tree by starting with the treatment choice in section a and moving
through the tree (to the right). The patient will have the potential to develop adverse events based on the probabilities indicated at
each chance node, which were derived from the observed adverse events in the clinical trial. At the end of the tree (in section d), the
total cost for that simulated patient is calculated on the basis of the drug therapy received and adverse events experienced. The
expected cost of each therapy, a weighted average of all simulated patients, was determined by multiplying through the probability
of progressing down a particular branch by the payoff for that branch, to determine the weighted cost for that branch, and then
adding all of these weighted branch costs together. PO, Oral; IV, intravenous.


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

which was derived from salary information of the cur- adverse event avoided and cost per ED hour saved. The
rent mix of attending physicians and residents employed incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were estimated
in our ED. Because oral phenytoin requires minimal with the following equation:
preparation time and its adverse events are typically (C1 – C2)/(E2 – E1)
transient and do not require additional supplies or where C1 and C2 are the costs of the 2 therapies being
physicans’ orders, only nursing time was included in compared and E1 and E2 are either the number of
the analysis. adverse events or estimated ED length of stay.
For the base case (Base), physician and nursing time Sensitivity analyses are performed because there is
for drug preparation and adverse event management always uncertainty in decision analysis. This uncer-
were omitted. The base case is likely the most accurate tainty results from several sources. First, because the
for our ED because the number of personnel is unlikely clinical and administrative research studies used in
to be influenced by phenytoin loading strategy. The per- decision models sample from a larger population, there
sonnel costs to the institution remain constant, regard- is variability around the mean values derived from these
less of the time required to treat individual patients samples. Another source of variability is present in
because seizure patients do not compose a large portion decision models because the studies and database infor-
of the ED population. As a result, only direct medical mation incorporated in the analysis differ in enrollment
variable costs were included in the Base analysis. criteria, treatment administration, and study setting.
To apply our results to different practice settings and Combining different studies and data from other sources
different beliefs on how to value employee contribu- into a single estimate of cost-effectiveness carries with
tion, an alternative “Labor” analysis was developed. it a considerable degree of uncertainty that must be
This Labor analysis takes into account the cost associ- addressed. A third source of uncertainty comes from the
ated with physician and nursing time for drug adminis- application of studies from a clinical trial to that of clin-
tration and adverse event management. In this analysis, ical practice. The decision analysis provides only single-
time saved by treating patients with medications that point estimates (mean cost, mean effectiveness, and
were either faster to administer or resulted in fewer mean cost-effectiveness) without any measure of the
adverse events allowed clinicians to focus on other variance or uncertainty associated with it.
duties that would be cost-saving to the institution, Sensitivity analyses are a collection of methods
completely offsetting their salaries. The true costs to designed to provide insight into the effects of this uncer-
any health care system associated with treating post- tainty on the results of the model. Sensitivity analyses
seizure patients lies somewhere between the 2 extremes were performed to ensure that our results are applicable
of the Base and this Labor analysis. throughout a wide range of variability and costs in dif-
A second alternative, “Triage” (lower-urgency area of ferent practice environments. In our analysis, we used 2
ED) analysis, was developed to examine the costs and methods of sensitivity analysis to the decision model to
effect of treating patients receiving oral phenytoin in a characterize this uncertainty: one-way sensitivity analy-
triage or minor care area, rather than having them sis and Monte Carlo simulation. One-way sensitivity
assigned to a monitored bed. Because cardiac and intra- analysis is a procedure in which each variable in the
venous infusion monitoring is not necessary when oral model is varied, one at a time, between 2 extreme but
phenytoin is used, this method may be useful in a very believable values. The model results are then recalcu-
busy ED by freeing a monitored bed, which would also lated with the new inputs and recorded. The process is
allow the hospital to charge for having treated an addi- repeated for all the variables in the model. Variables that
tional patient in this setting. In this analysis, the Base result in a change in the preferred treatment option or
costs were used to estimate the costs of drug adminis- that result in a substantial impact on the costs, effective-
tration and adverse events (ie, direct medical variable ness, or cost-effectiveness estimates are reported. One-
costs were used). However, the reimbursement associ- way sensitivity analyses alter only a single model input
ated with a county hospital visit ($300) was subtracted at a time and inform readers of which variables are most
from the cost to allow for the increase in efficiency from important in the model but do not provide information
having a free emergency bed for another patient. on the overall uncertainty associated with the model.
For all 3 scenarios (Base, Labor, and Triage), we We also used a second approach, Monte Carlo simu-
reported the costs and outcomes separately. The costs lation, which is a method of varying some or all of the
and outcomes were then combined to create the follow- decision model variables simultaneously to assess the
ing incremental cost-effectiveness ratios: cost per overall variability in the model.16,17 With this method,


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

the distributions associated with model variables, usu- and the results were plotted on a cost-effectiveness
ally obtained from a clinical trial or other database, are plane. Labor, drug, and supply costs were held con-
entered into a computer program. For a single Monte stant. For example, the incidence of an adverse event
Carlo simulation run, the program uses the entered dis- was allowed to vary according to the binomial distribu-
tributions to randomly select values for each variable tion from the clinical trial in which the estimate was
and calculates the model results. This process is re- obtained. The results of the Monte Carlo simulations
peated a predetermined number of times, and the re- were used to construct acceptability curves. Accepta-
sults are used to demonstrate the model variability. bility curves characterize the proportion of time one
All of the sensitivity analyses presented in this study option is cost-effective for various thresholds of what is
were performed on all 3 scenarios. One-way sensitivity considered cost-effective, called a ceiling ratio. Accepta-
analysis was performed on all variables included in the bility curves use the concept of net benefits to reorgan-
model. Adverse event rates and time to safe ED discharge ize the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio according to
were varied by their 95% confidence intervals (CIs), the following equation:
whereas cost inputs were varied by 50% to 200% of their NMB1 – NMB2 = h × (E1 – E2) – (C1 – C2)
Base values. In additional one-way sensitivity analyses, where NMB1 and NMB2 are the net benefits of therapies
adverse event costs were treated as a single variable and 1 and 2, respectively, E1 and E2 are the effects, C1 and C2
varied by 50% to 200% of their Base values. We chose this are the costs, and h is the ceiling ratio. Rearranging the
arbitrary range because these values should incorporate cost-effectiveness equation in this way overcomes many
the vast majority of believable values for costs. of the methodologic difficulties of estimating CIs sur-
As mentioned previously, a Monte Carlo simulation rounding a ratio and is therefore becoming a preferred
was also conducted for each scenario. Adverse event method of handling uncertainty in cost-effectiveness
rates and calculated time to safe ED discharge were analyses. This method has been described in greater
altered according to distributions from the clinical trial, detail by Briggs and Fenn18 and Briggs et al.19 All calcu-

Table 2.
Model inputs and range tested in one-way sensitivity analyses.

Treatment Option
Variable Oral Phenytoin Intravenous Phenytoin Intravenous Fosphenytoin

Adverse event rates, % (range tested)

Ataxia 25.0 (6.8–59.5) 14.3 (1.8–42.4) 0.0 (0.0–21.8)
Disorientation 12.5 (1.6–38.3) 14.3 (1.8–42.4) 13.3 (1.7–40.4)
Dizziness/headache 37.5 (15.2–64.5) 28.6 (8.4–58.1) 40.0 (16.3–67.7)
Hypotension NA 14.3 (1.8–42.4) 6.7 (0.2–32.0)
Pruritus NA NA 80.0 (51.9–95.7)
Nausea/vomiting 12.5 (1.6–38.3) 0.0 (0.0–23.2) 26.7 (7.8–55.1)
Nystagmus 18.8 (4.0–45.7) 42.9 (17.7–71.2) 20.0 (4.3–48.1)
Phlebitis NA 78.6 (49.2–95.4) 20.0 (4.3–48.1)
Tachycardia NA 0.0 (0.0–23.2) 6.7 (0.2–32.0)
Differential costs* (range)
Administering drug, labor costs excluded (Base) $2.83 ($1.41–5.66)† $19.28 ($9.64–38.56)‡ $175.19 ($87.59–350.38)§
Administering drug, labor costs included (scenario 1) $2.83 ($1.41–5.66)† $31.06 ($15.53–62.12)‡ $186.97 ($93.48–373.94)§
Mean time to safe ED discharge, h±SDll 6.4±2.2 1.7±0.8 1.3±1.0
NA, Not applicable (adverse event would not be expected to occur in this group [attributable to diluent or drug-specific property]).
*Differential costs are those costs that occur for at least 1 of the therapies and not for another. Costs that are similar between all 3 therapies were excluded from this analysis to

maintain the model’s simplicity.

†The drug and supply costs of administering oral phenytoin include the cost of the drug ($2.83). There were no differential labor costs involved.
‡The drug and supply costs of administering intravenous phenytoin include the cost of the drug ($6.35), bag of normal saline solution ($0.66), and other supplies such as needles,

syringes, gauze, and bandages ($12.93). The labor costs included drug preparation for infusion ($1.98), starting an intravenous line ($3.30), priming the intravenous pump ($3.30), and
preparing the cardiac monitor ($2.54).
The drug and supply costs of administering intravenous fosphenytoin include the cost of the drug ($162.26), bag of normal saline solution ($0.66), and other supplies such as nee-
dles, syringes, gauze, and bandages ($12.93). The labor costs included drug preparation for infusion ($1.98), starting an intravenous line ($3.30), priming the intravenous pump ($3.30),
and preparing the cardiac monitor ($2.54).
llNot tested in one-way sensitivity analyses. Time to safe ED discharge for oral phenytoin was statistically different from that with intravenous phenytoin and intravenous fospheny-

toin (P<.001).


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

lations were performed with DATA Professional Release

Table 3.
Time to adverse event resolution with range tested in one-
2 (TreeAge Software Inc., Williamstown, MA).
way sensitivity analyses and mean calculated costs associ-
ated with treating the adverse event (labor included).

Mean Adverse Event Costs The model structure that was used is shown in Figure 1.
for the Labor Scenario†‡ The estimates that were used to populate the model are
Time to Adverse shown in Tables 2 and 3. The adverse event rates, total
Event Resolution, Oral Intravenous Intravenous
Adverse Event Min (Range)* Phenytoin Phenytoin Fosphenytoin
number of adverse events, and time to safe ED discharge
for each of the therapies, estimated from the clinical
Ataxia 35.0 (25.0–45.0) $26.60 $28.10 $28.10 trial, are shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4. Seizures occurred
Disorientation 58.5 (12.6–104.4) $42.11 $42.11 $42.11
Dizziness/ 63.4 (3.4–123.4) $45.34 $45.34 $45.34
in 5 patients during the study; however, none was a
headache result of the loading process. In 4 patients, seizures
Hypotension 7.5 (2.5–12.5) NA $9.95 $9.95 occurred several hours after the attainment of thera-
Pruritus 18.3 (7.5–29.0) NA NA $14.18
Nausea/vomiting 18.5 (5.0–32.0) $15.58 $17.21 $17.21 peutic phenytoin concentrations, and in 1 patient, a
Nystagmus 45.9 (20.2–71.6) $33.79 $35.29 $35.29 seizure occurred after enrollment but before the initia-
Phlebitis 19.9 (11.6–28.2) NA $19.21 $19.21
Tachycardia 5.0 (0.0–100.0)‡ NA $6.80 $6.80 tion of the study protocol.
NA, Not applicable (adverse event would not be expected to occur in this group The results of the Base scenario (Table 4), a scenario
[attributable to diluents or a drug-specific property]). in which labor costs were not included, showed that oral
*Mean time to adverse event resolution obtained from clinical study. Range calculated

from 95% CIs in the study.

phenytoin was the least expensive option, costing $2.83
†Adverse event costs included monitoring of the adverse event by a nurse for the
per patient. Intravenously administered phenytoin was
entire period of the event at an average salary of $0.66 per minute, physician time
involved in evaluating the adverse event as derived from a time and motion study (3 to
the next least costly option, at $23.48 per patient, fol-
5 minutes per adverse event) at an average salary of $0.70 per minute, and drug and lowed by intravenous fosphenytoin at $176.79 per
supply costs for managing an adverse event ($0.00 to $3.98 per adverse event). patient, for an incremental cost difference compared
‡Adverse event occurred in only 1 patient; therefore, a range for the time to adverse

event resolution for use in the sensitivity analyses could not be determined from 95% with oral phenytoin of $20.65 and $173.96, respectively.
CIs and is arbitrary. The Labor scenario (Table 4) included the labor costs
associated with drug administration and adverse event

Table 4.
Predicted incremental cost-effectiveness of oral phenytoin, intravenous phenytoin, and intravenous fosphenytoin (model results).

Outcome Scenario Oral Phenytoin Intravenous Phenytoin Intravenous Fosphenytoin

No. of adverse events per person All 1.06 1.93 2.13

Time to safe ED discharge All 6.4 1.7 1.3
Total cost, $ Base (labor costs excluded) 2.83 23.48 176.79
Total cost, $ Labor (labor costs included) 40.06 84.31 238.67
Total cost, $ Triage (labor costs excluded; oral –297.17* 23.48 176.79
phenytoin patients treated in triage)
Cost per adverse event avoided All Dominates† Dominated by oral Dominated by oral phenytoin
Cost per hour of ED time saved Base (labor costs excluded) Least costly $4.39 Compared with oral $383.28 Compared with intra-
alternative phenytoin venous phenytoin; $34.11
compared with oral phenytoin
Scenario 1: Labor (labor costs included) Least costly $9.41 Compared with oral $385.90 Compared with intra-
alternative phenytoin venous phenytoin; $38.94
compared with oral phenytoin
Scenario 2: Triage (labor costs excluded; Least costly $81.46 Compared with oral $383.28 Compared with intra-
oral phenytoin patients treated in triage) alternative phenytoin venous phenytoin; $105.07
compared with oral phenytoin
In the triage case, oral phenytoin would be expected to generate a revenue for the institution. The cost of giving oral phenytoin was estimated at $2.83, whereas the ability to admit
another patient to an ED bed would generate a $300 charge, the estimated opportunity cost of treating patients in a monitored ED bed.

A therapy dominates another therapy when it is more effective and less costly.


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

management. In this scenario, oral phenytoin remained tivity analyses were performed on all model inputs,
the least costly option, with an expected cost of $40.06 including adverse events rate estimates from the clini-
per patient. Intravenous phenytoin cost $84.31 per cal trial, adverse event treatment and drug administra-
patient and an incremental cost of $44.25 compared tion cost inputs, and time and salary inputs from the
with oral phenytoin. Intravenous fosphenytoin was time and motion study. No single input resulted in a
again the most expensive agent in this analysis, with an change in the preferred agent. Oral phenytoin always
expected mean cost of $238.67 per patient and a differ- remained the least costly option, followed by intra-
ence of $198.61 compared with oral phenytoin. venous phenytoin and then intravenous fosphenytoin.
The Triage scenario (Table 4) examined the cost dif- The effectiveness measure of the adverse event rate
ferences associated with providing oral phenytoin in a was not examined with one-way sensitivity analyses,
triage or urgent care area. In this scenario, oral pheny- because it was obtained directly from the clinical trial.
toin resulted in a “cost-savings” to the system of $297.17, In the clinical trial, there was a statistically significant
whereas intravenous phenytoin and fosphenytoin cost difference in the total number of adverse events be-
$23.48 and $176.79, with differences of $321.05 and tween oral phenytoin (17 adverse events in 16 patients)
$473.96, respectively. and the 2 intravenous regimens (intravenous phenyt-
Combining costs and adverse events rate in the Base oin: 27 adverse events in 14 patients; intravenous fos-
scenario revealed that oral phenytoin was cheaper and phenytoin: 32 adverse events in 15 patients) in favor of
caused less morbidity in the Base and both scenario the oral regimen (Table 2). No significant differences in
analyses, dominating the other 2 therapies (Table 4). the total number of adverse events were seen between
Likewise, intravenous fosphenytoin was dominated by intravenous phenytoin and intravenous fosphenytoin.
intravenous phenytoin, although the differences in the With respect to calculated time to safe ED discharge,
total number of adverse events for these 2 therapies there was no difference observed between intravenous
were not statistically significant in the original study. phenytoin (1.7 hours) and intravenous fosphenytoin
Combining costs and time to safe ED discharge (1.3 hours). However, there was a significantly reduced
resulted in incremental gains in effectiveness as the cost time to safe ED discharge when either of the 2 intra-
of the regimen increased. For the Base scenario, intra- venous regimens was compared with oral phenytoin (6.4
venous phenytoin had an incremental cost-effective- hours; difference 4.7 hours versus intravenous phenyt-
ness of $4.39 per hour of ED time saved compared with oin and 5.1 hours versus intravenous fosphenytoin).
oral phenytoin. Intravenous fosphenytoin had an incre- Because oral phenytoin dominated the decision model
mental cost-effectiveness of $383.28 per hour of ED when costs and adverse events rate were considered, the
time saved compared with intravenous phenytoin. Monte Carlo simulations and acceptability curves did
Compared with that of oral phenytoin, the incremental not provide much additional insight into this measure of
cost-effectiveness of intravenous fosphenytoin was the cost-effectiveness and these results are not shown.
$34.11 per hour of ED time saved. The results of the Monte Carlo simulations are shown for
In the Labor scenario, the incremental cost-effective- the comparison of costs and time to safe ED discharge.
ness of intravenous phenytoin compared with oral In the Monte Carlo simulations, there was no dis-
phenytoin was $9.41 per hour of ED time saved. The cernable overlap in the cost estimates, regardless of the
incremental cost-effectiveness of intravenous fos- scenario (Base, Labor, or Triage). However, there was
phenytoin compared with intravenous phenytoin was considerable overlap in the effectiveness measure: time
$385.90 per hour of ED time saved and compared with to safe ED discharge. The results of the Base and Labor
oral phenytoin was $38.94 per hour of ED time saved. scenario Monte Carlo simulations are shown on a cost
In the Triage scenario, the incremental cost-effective- versus effectiveness graph in Figure 2.
ness of intravenous phenytoin compared with oral For our analysis, the ceiling ratio for each hour of ED
phenytoin was $81.46 per hour of ED time saved. The time saved was the main outcome of interest and consti-
incremental cost-effectiveness estimates of intravenous tutes the x axis of the acceptability curves. For the Base
fosphenytoin compared with intravenous phenytoin scenario (Figure 3), a ceiling ratio of less than $2 per hour
and oral phenytoin were $383.28 and $105.07 per hour of ED time saved results in oral phenytoin being the pre-
of ED time saved, respectively. ferred therapy more than 95% of the time. When the ceil-
The impact of each model input on costs was exam- ing ratio is between $2 and $14 per hour of ED time saved,
ined by using one-way sensitivity analyses. The sensi- either oral phenytoin or intravenous phenytoin may be


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

preferred, depending on patient- or institution-specific a large sample size would likely be needed. We are
details. Beyond $14 per hour of ED time saved, intra- unaware of any other published studies that compare the
venous phenytoin is preferred in more than 95% of all tri- relative seizure rates among the 3 loading techniques.
als. Within the ceiling ratio range that we have shown, Second, not factored into the triage scenario is the
fosphenytoin did not become a preferred therapy. When calculation of the incremental cost of a seizure in triage
the ceiling ratio was $100 per hour of ED time saved, fos- versus a seizure in the monitored area. This incremental
phenytoin was preferred in 1.6% of the trials. cost is essentially the cost of transferring the patient
A similar pattern develops for the Labor scenario, into the monitored area. However, we believe that this
although there is more uncertainty associated with this cost is negligible.
model. Oral phenytoin is preferred in 95% of the trials or The third limitation is the fact that the “time to safe
greater, up to a ceiling ratio value of approximately $1 per ED discharge” number does not take into account other
hour of ED time saved. Intravenous phenytoin becomes inefficiencies and administrative duties associated with
preferred more than 95% of the time beyond $30 per hour a normal ED encounter. Given the inherent inefficien-
of ED time saved. The results are shown in Figure 3. cies of a large and busy ED, issues such as creating the
The Triage scenario (results not shown) favors oral patient’s medical record, waiting time for room assign-
phenytoin more than the previous 2 scenarios. Oral ment and physician evaluation, and drug administra-
phenytoin is preferred more than 95% of the time, up to tion and reevaluation before discharge all may take a
a ceiling ratio of $34 per hour of ED time saved. Neither much longer time. In fact, in a recent quality assurance
intravenous phenytoin nor intravenous fosphenytoin project, we found that the average time from patient
achieve preference greater than 95% of the time within presentation to the triage area to the start of phenytoin
the ceiling ratio range shown on the graph. loading was more than 8 hours (n=27). By this measure,
had all patients been treated before the availability of a
bed in the monitored area, they may have been ready for
discharge at the point at which they would otherwise
There are several limitations to our study. The first is that only be starting the loading process.
we could not adequately quantify the incremental cost-
effectiveness of each therapy in preventing a seizure
because the clinical study was not designed to detect dif-
ferences in seizure rates. Given that we observed no Our cost-effectiveness analysis determined effective-
seizures in patients with subtherapeutic concentrations, ness by examining adverse events and time to safe ED

Figure 2.
Base case and Labor case cost-
effectiveness plane. This figure
shows the results of the Monte
Carlo simulation on a cost-effec-
tiveness plane, giving an esti-
mate of the variability in the
model. Each dot represents one
of the Monte Carlo runs. There
is little or no overlap between
the costs of therapy. However,
there is considerable overlap
between intravenous phenytoin
and intravenous fosphenytoin in
time to safe ED discharge.


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

discharge. Time to safe ED discharge was, in turn, deter- agent is not greatly affected. We chose not to do the
mined by the time to a therapeutic level and absence of analysis from a societal perspective, a common recom-
any adverse events that required ED care. We performed mendation in pharmacoeconomic guidelines.20,21
the cost-effectiveness analysis from the perspective of a Societal costs would be extremely difficult to obtain in
health care system and, more specifically, from the per- this study setting and would add little information for
spective of a county health care system. As such, our our intended audience: those within a health care sys-
costs may not reflect the actual costs in other systems. tem charged with selecting agents for use in the ED.
However, the Base analysis was robust to sensitivity We deliberately chose our scenarios to represent cur-
analyses on costs, indicating that although the esti- rent costing practices. Our base scenario, by exclusion
mates of expected costs and cost-effectiveness may dif- of labor costs, reflects current pharmacoeconomic
fer under different settings, the choice of preferred methods. Labor costs were excluded regardless of
which therapy was administered. Thus, there is no cost
benefit to the institution for using a medication that is
easier to administer or has fewer adverse events. The
Figure 3.
Acceptability curve for the Base scenario (cost of labor recently renewed interest in employee productivity as a
excluded). The ceiling ratio in this graph refers to the maxi- component of cost-of-illness analyses led us to develop
mum cost that the institution is prepared to pay to invest to the Labor analysis in our study.22 Theoretically, these
discharge a patient one hour earlier from the ED. The pro-
portion of trials from the Monte Carlo simulation in which time savings could be applied to other work that would
intravenous phenytoin is the preferred agent over oral phe- benefit the institution, possibly generating revenue to
nytoin is plotted against the ceiling ratio. Intravenous offset the labor costs. In our Triage analysis, we exam-
phenytoin rapidly becomes the preferred agent as the ceiling
ratio changes from $2 (where oral phenytoin is preferred
ined the impact of using a lower-urgency area of the ED
>95% of the time) to $18 (where intravenous phenytoin is for oral loading, allowing for even further improvement
preferred >95% of the time). Intravenous fosphenytoin does in resource use.
not become a favorable therapy within this ceiling ratio Our cost-effectiveness study extends the findings
range. In the Labor scenario (cost of labor included), oral
phenytoin is the preferred drug in >95% of the trials to an from other published data comparing the pharma-
approximate ceiling ratio of $4 per hour of ED time saved. coeconomics of phenytoin and fosphenytoin in the ED
Intravenous phenytoin is preferred >95% when the willing- by including an oral arm and by performing advanced
ness to pay is $46 per hour of ED time saved. Intravenous
fosphenytoin does not become a favorable therapy within this sensitivity analyses.7,12-14 Three studies have been per-
ceiling ratio. A similar pattern was observed in the Triage formed with adult patients.7,12,13 An additional study
scenario (results not shown). For all 3 scenarios (Base, performed in a pediatric population will not be dis-
Labor, and Triage), oral phenytoin was the preferred agent if
the institution was less interested in investing money to dis-
cussed in this article.14 Two studies in adult patients
charge patients quicker from the ED, which may be appropri- suggested that fosphenytoin was more cost-effective
ate for many patients. In certain circumstances or for certain than phenytoin for use in the ED,12,13 whereas the
patients, it may be more desirable to pay a greater amount to other concluded that intravenous phenytoin was more
discharge patients from the ED earlier. In these situations,
intravenous phenytoin would likely be the preferable therapy. cost-effective.7
The incidence of adverse events in our study was
lower than that reported by Marchetti et al12 and
100 Armstrong et al13 and higher than that documented by
90 Touchette and Rhoney.7 In addition, the rate of adverse
Preferred option
events in the intravenous fosphenytoin group was
70 higher than was reported previously. Differences may
Proportion of trials

PO Phenytoin Base case

IV Phenytoin Base case
have occurred as a result of variations in study method-
IV Fosphenytoin Base case
ologies. Marchetti et al12 used clinical results from one
PO Phenytoin Labor case multicenter trial and abstracted financial data from a
IV Phenytoin Labor case different institution.12 The rate of adverse events to
IV Fosphenytoin Labor case intravenous phenytoin was high in this study, and the
10 costs attributed to the management of adverse events
0 were overestimated. The authors assigned a length of
0 20 40 60 80 100
time to resolution of these adverse events according to a
Ceiling ratio
(cost per h of ED time) survey rather than quantifying real time to resolution.
They also assumed that all adverse events resulted in a


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

prolongation of length of stay in the ED. In clinical events. However, if rapid discharge from the ED is
practice, most adverse events caused by intravenous desired, it may be preferable to use intravenous phenytoin
phenytoin are usually managed during the intravenous at an estimated additional average cost of $20.65 (Base) or
infusion and do not result in an increased length of stay $44.25 (Labor) and with an estimated mean time savings
in the ED.23 In addition, the attempted blinding in this of 4.7 hours per patient. Several patient factors, such as
study may have been unsuccessful because of the occupation, income, previous adverse events with pheny-
higher infusion rate of fosphenytoin, potentially caus- toin loading in the ED, and frequency of seizures are likely
ing a bias against documentation of adverse events to to influence their preference of loading technique. For
fosphenytoin. Furthermore, the investigators used patients who are not employed, the inconvenience of
average fixed and variable costs to calculate the cost of remaining longer in the ED for oral loading may be minor
care for ED treatment instead of using only variable or compared with the discomfort of adverse events associ-
marginal costs of care, as is recommended.24 Our ated with intravenous loading. For the patient who expe-
results, together with those of Touchette and Rhoney,7 riences frequent or severe seizures when subtherapeutic,
demonstrate the effect of using variable costs on the an intravenous route may be preferable.
final decision of the analysis. Cost-effectiveness analyses typically focus on gener-
In their analysis, Armstrong et al13 used a question- alizable outcomes such as years of life saved or quality-
naire administered to nurses from critical care, emer- adjusted life-years saved. We did not expect to see dif-
gency, and neurology services in 3 local hospitals to ferences in quality of life between the 3 methods of
obtain effectiveness data, frequency of adverse events, phenytoin administration and are unaware of any stud-
and methods of treating the reactions, which may have ies demonstrating such differences. Therefore, we eval-
resulted in an overestimation of rate of adverse events uated the 3 regimens by using 2 outcome measures of
and may have unduly affected the analysis because incremental cost-effectiveness: cost per adverse events
expert opinion overestimates time and costs of manag- avoided and cost per hour of ED time saved. With the
ing adverse events.25,26 In our study, we quantified the cost per adverse event avoided measure, oral phenytoin
actual time required for clinical care and management dominated both intravenous methods of administra-
of adverse events by performing a time-motion study, tion. Intravenous phenytoin also resulted in fewer
which is a preferred costing method.24 adverse events and a lower cost compared with intra-
In contrast to the 2 aforementioned studies, that of venous fosphenytoin. Only one identified study, by
Touchette and Rhoney7 found a lower rate of adverse Armstrong et al,13 estimated the cost-effectiveness of
events. Again, this difference may be explained by dif- phenytoin by using cost per adverse event avoided. This
ferences in the methods of quantifying adverse events. study estimated that intravenous fosphenytoin use
Our study used an initial infusion rate of 50 mg/min, resulted in an incremental cost-effectiveness of $96.91
with downward adjustment for adverse events accord- per adverse event avoided. Other studies have neither
ing to a standardized algorithmic approach. The study found differences in adverse events rates, making incre-
on which Touchette and Rhoney based their analysis mental analysis impractical,7 nor performed incremen-
initiated infusion rates at 20 mg/min.23 That study tal analysis.12 One limitation of using these nongener-
quantified the rate of adverse events through retrospec- alizable outcomes is that an institution’s consideration
tive medical record review and was not designed to of what is cost-effective for a reduction in adverse events
evaluate delayed adverse events.23 In our study, the or early discharge from the ED has not been quantified.
presence of adverse events was assessed not only during We attempted to overcome this limitation by using
the infusion but also at predetermined intervals there- acceptability curves.18,19,27 The acceptability curves
after for a 24-hour period by specialized nurses in a demonstrate the likelihood that one therapy is preferred
research unit. This method may have overestimated the over another at various levels of cost-effectiveness.
rate of adverse events requiring intervention and, Decisionmakers within institutions can plot their own
hence, may have overestimated costs. Despite these dif- beliefs of what is considered cost-effective on this graph
ferences, our conclusion that phenytoin is more cost- and determine the optimal therapy and certainty with
effective for intravenous loading is the same.7 which it is preferred. However, there are several caveats
Our pharmacoeconomic analysis suggests that oral to acceptability curves. First, the institution may not
phenytoin is the least expensive method of loading know or be able to ascertain their beliefs on what is con-
phenytoin and results in the fewest number of adverse sidered cost-effective (ie, the ceiling ratio) for early ED


C O S T - E F F E C T I V E N E S S O F P H E N Y T O I N L O A D I N G Rudis et al

discharge. Second, the ceiling ratio for ED time saved Southern California Medical Faculty Women’s Association Fund,
may actually vary considerably among institutions, and the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy Drug
Development Research Center.
depending on the institutions’ workload, finances, and
other factors. In an ED with a high workload, the ceiling Address for reprints: Maria I. Rudis, PharmD, Department of
Pharmacy, University of Southern California School of Pharmacy,
ratio may be significantly higher for ED time saved. It
1985 Zonal Avenue, PSC 700, Los Angeles, CA 90033; 323-442-1437,
may also be higher in a competitive market, where time fax 323-442-1681; E-mail
to ED discharge may be a measure of work efficiency
and a marketing tool to the public.
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