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“ Physical Science ”

Reporter ; May An J. Qubing 11 -Abm

Report: Explain how the photon concept and the fact that the energy of a
photon is directly proportional to its frequency can be used to explain why
red light is used in Photographic dark rooms.

Light has the unique characteristic of behaving like both a wave and a particle at the same time

In physics, a photon is a bundle of electromagnetic energy. It is the basic unit that makes up all
light. The photon is sometimes referred to as a "quantum" of electromagnetic energy.

Photons are not thought to be made up of smaller particles. They are a basic unit of nature called
an elementary particle.
(pag muingon man gud tag elementary particle, indivisible na siya . meaning di na siya matunga
pa so kapareha sila sa mga protons, etc.)
So for further explanation some basic things about photons is first of all a photon is a piece of
energy or a chunk of energy, the energy that been exchanged between any object in the universe
and any other opportunity object in the universe is done so by sharing photons or by sending
photon from one to another and well get them down last a moment. So, it really a piece or a
chunk of energy. Secondly we can say that photon has no mass and it moves at the speed of
light, So whatever it is there’s no mass you can put them on the scale well actually you can
because they can only exist if they move at the speed of light so you can stop them and put them
on the scale away them, but they still don’t have mass, so no mass they move at the speed of
A Photon acts like a particle it turns out a photon can hit another particle an electron or a proton
or something and actually bump it like a billiard ball bumping another billiard ball and making it
moves, So protons do have properties that make them look and act like they’re particles even
though they don’t have mass and as particle of photon has momentum so just like when one
billiard ball hits another billiard ball it makes it move a photon can in electron and make it move
so that means it has momentum Convinced you’re seeing that a particle that has no mass actually
has momentum
And Finally, we can say that the energy of a photon has a certain amount of energy and it’s
a fixed amount of energy and its proportional to its frequency So we can say that the
energy of a photon is equal to some constant times the frequency of the frequency of
oscillation of a photon all photons they moved through space at a speed of light oscillate like a
wave because they’re basically a piece of wave and a particle.
And Later now it is a constant is called a Planck’s constant its name after Planck because they
did a lot of research on a subatomic particles like this.

Where E is the photon energy, h is the Planck's constant (6.626×10−34×10−34 Js), c is the
speed of the light and λλ is the wavelength of the light.
Here are some examples that already been solved ;
Photon energy problems

Question 1: Calculate the photon energy if the wavelength is 640nm?


Given parameters are,

λλ = 640nm
We know the values of c and h; c = 3×108×108m/s and h = 6.626×10−34×10−34Js
Photon energy formula is,

E = hcλhcλ

E = 6.626×10−34×3×108640×10−96.626×10−34×3×108640×10−9 = 0.031×10−17×10−17J

Question 2: If the energy of a photon is 350×10−10×10−10J, calculate the wavelength of that



Given parameters are,

E = 350×10−10×10−10J
We know the values of c and h; c = 3×108×108m/s and h = 6.626×10−34×10−34Js
Photon energy formula is,

E = hcλhcλ

So, λλ = hcEhcE

λλ = 6.626×10−34×3×108350×10−106.626×10−34×3×108350×10−10 = 0.056×10−16×10−16m
After finding the results of the energy of the photon you are able to discover the differences of the
colors where it is in the wavelength -frequency. But if you will make it to a proportion to energy
you will see the difference of their energy levels . The problem now is who is the most damaging
infrared or the ultraviolet? And Why is it the most damaging? We will remain talking about energy
since if the energy will excite because of the higher frequency waves starting from ultraviolet until
to Gamma Rays .
So, now the question is why red light is used in photographic dark rooms?
The reason why red light is used its because there is a tendency that the film will be damage if
there are other higher frequency of light present.
Another thing is darkrooms used red lightning to allow photographers to control light carefully, so
that light sensitive photographic paper would not overexposed and ruin the pictures during the
developing process.
And it is because the wavelength of the red light is not as damaging compare to other colors.


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