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Present perfect simple and 4 I haven’t got    to buy lunch today. Can you
lend me some?
continuous a) many money b) any money
1 Complete the conversations with the c) a few money
correct form (present perfect simple or 5 Only a    are allowed to visit this part of the
continuous) of the verbs in the box. There museum.
are two extra verbs you do not need. a) few persons b) fewer people
c) few people
be | eat | look forward to
not finish | start | wait | work 4 Complete the sentences with the singular
or plural of the nouns glass, chocolate
1 A:        you        here long?
and paper.
No, I’ve only just got here.
1 He’s given me a huge box of        for my
2 A:        you        Indian food? birthday. I can’t wait to eat them!
Once, when I was in England. I loved it.
B:  2 I’ve never seen so many different types
3 A: How long        you        as a of       . They all look delicious!
tour guide? 3 Waiter! Could we have three        of
About two years.
B:  orange juice, please.
4 A: You  4 Today, in chemistry, we’re going to study different
your geography project yet, have you? materials, including metal and       .
Yes. I handed it in yesterday.
B:  5 Have you seen the film reviews in all
5 A: Where        you       ? I’ve the       ? They’re all terrible, so I don’t
been waiting for ages. want to go to the cinema tonight.
Sorry, the bus was late.
Unit round-up
2 Complete the sentences with an
appropriate word. 5 Complete the conversation with the words in
1 I have        stayed in a castle before. It’s the box. Put the verbs in the correct tense.
so exciting!
a few | be | do | for | information
2 They’ve been in Rome for a week and they
just | lots of | much | never
       haven’t visited the Colosseum.
not have | think | yet
3 We’ve been waiting for the bus       
10 o’clock.
4 We haven’t tried any local food       , so Alf: (1)        you        to
let’s eat here. Cyprus?
5 Dad’s        arranged a boat trip for this Betty: Yes, I have. We went there (2)        a
evening. He booked it five minutes ago. week (3)        years ago. Why?
Alf: My parents (4)        about going on
Countable and uncountable nouns holiday there for a while. They haven’t
booked anything (5)       . They’re
3 Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to fill still looking at all the (6)       . I’m
more interested in going back to Greece.
each gap.
Betty: Well, we had a good time. There are
1 The airline lost   , so he has to file a lost
(7)        water activities – sailing,
luggage report.
windsurfing, jet skiing. Have you ever done
a) his baggage b) several baggages windsurfing?
c) one of his baggage Alf: No, I (8)       . It looks hard. I love
2 The student was telling    when he said that sailing, though. I’ (9)        several
the dog ate his homework. sailing courses.
a) some truth b) a truth Betty: I’ve (10)        been sailing.
c) the truth Windsurfing is great fun, though. In fact,
I’ve (11)        organised a weekend
3 How    have you been spending at the library
of windsurfing at a lake near here. I
confirmed everything yesterday. You should
a) much times b) many times come, too.
c) much time Alf: I don’t know. I don’t have (12)       
free time now. Maybe I should wait until the

Optimise B1 Optimise B1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

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