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5, OCTOBER 2008 1419

Robust Stability Analysis of Guaranteed Cost based on extensions of the Riccati equation or the LMI approach
Control for Impulsive Switched Systems by incorporating the robust performance with the linear quadratic
(LQ) cost function to form a new performance index. The quadratic
Honglei Xu, Member, IEEE, Kok Lay Teo, Senior Member, IEEE, guaranteed cost control laws are constructed via solving a parameter
and Xinzhi Liu dependent algebraic Riccati equation or LMIs. In this correspondence,
the guaranteed cost control problem for a class of impulsive switched
systems with norm-bounded uncertainties is considered. The aim is to
Abstract—This correspondence is concerned with the robust stability
study robust stability performance for this impulsive switched system
for a class of impulsive switched systems under the LQ guaranteed cost
control. Some results on robust stability for this class of impulsive switched with an LQ guaranteed cost control law, and to obtain conditions for
systems are obtained. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a guaran- ensuring the existence of an LQ guaranteed cost control law.
teed cost control law are also given. Subject to these sufficient conditions, The rest of this correspondence is organized as follows. In
the closed-loop uncertain impulsive switched system under the guaranteed Section II, two definitions on guaranteed cost control and LQ guar-
cost control law is robustly stable with a guaranteed cost value.
anteed cost control is introduced. The LQ guaranteed cost control
Index Terms—Impulsive switched system, linear quadratic (LQ) problem involving uncertain impulsive switched systems with norm-
guaranteed cost control, robust stability.
bounded uncertainties is then formulated. In Section III, conditions on
the state feedback gain matrix such that the closed-loop uncertain im-
I. I NTRODUCTION pulsive switched system is quadratically stable and an upper bound on
the LQ performance index is minimized is then presented. Conditions
Studies of dynamical systems with impulsive effects and switching for ensuring the existence of an LQ guaranteed cost control law are
phenomena attract more and more attention recently. These dynamical derived. Section IV contains some concluding remarks.
systems are usually called impulsive switched systems, which are
encountered in a wide range of disciplines such as drug administration
in cancer chemotherapy and insulin injection [9], orbital transfer of II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT
satellites [10], forest ecosystems management [11], neural networks Consider the following uncertain impulsive switched system:
[12], switched systems [14], and many other problems arising in areas
such as engineering, economics, and biology. For example, in some ẋ(t) = (Aik + ΔAik)x(t) + (Bik + ΔBik)u(t), t = tk (1a)
circuit systems, the circuits’ units switching is one of the main factors
that can cause abrupt changes of system states in the transmission Δx(t) = Ck x(t), t = tk (1b)
of signals. The electrical current changes produced by faulty circuit
x(t0 ) = x0 (1c)
elements can be regarded as impulse events. Since abrupt changes at
certain moments of time due to impulses or switching behaviors pre- where x(t) ∈ Rn is the state, and u(t) ∈ Rm is the control input.
viously mentioned are often the cause for instability of these nonlinear Aik ∈ Rn×n , Bik ∈ Rn×m , Ck ∈ Rn×n are constant real matrices,
systems, the stability problem has become an important issue, both k = 1, 2, . . . , ik ∈ {1, 2, . . . , M }, and M is a positive integer.
theoretically and practically. Recently, there are some interesting re- ΔAik (·) and ΔBik (·) are unknown real norm-bounded matrix
sults on robust stability of impulsive switched systems that are reported valued functions, representing time-varying parameter uncertainties.
in the literature. For example, in [1], robust stabilization problems The admissible uncertainties are assumed to be of the form
with definite attenuation of uncertain impulsive switched systems are
studied. Some sufficient conditions for ensuring the existence of feed- ΔAik (t) ΔBik (t) = Eik Ψik (t)[Hik Ĥik ] (2)
back control laws are derived and expressed in terms of linear matrix
inequalities (LMIs). In [2], sufficient conditions for uniformly asymp- where Eik , Hik , Ĥik are known real constant matrices, Ψik (t) is an
totical stability of uncertain impulsive switched systems are derived unknown real time-varying matrix satisfying Ψik (t) < 1, tk is an
through solving some LMIs. In [3], results for the design of robust impulsive switching point, k = 1, 2, . . . , t0 < t1 < t2 < · · · < tk <
state feedback controllers and steady state robust state estimators for a − −
. . . (k → ∞, tk → ∞). Δx(tk ) = x(t+ k ) − x(tk ), x(tk ) = x(tk ) =
class of uncertain linear systems are given. In [4], a design method for lim x(tk − h), x(tk ) = lim x(tk + h). Associated with system

robust static and dynamic output feedback controllers is developed for h→0+ h→0+

a class of uncertain linear systems with norm-bounded uncertainties. (1) is the cost function given by
In [5], [6], [8], and [13], guaranteed cost control problems for various
uncertain dynamical systems are considered. Their approaches are   
J= xT (t)Rik x(t) + uT (t)Qik u(t) dt (3)
Manuscript received October 11, 2007; revised January 2, 2008,
February 12, 2008, and April 1, 2008. This work was supported in part by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60704003, by the where Rik > 0 and Qik > 0 are positive definite symmetric matrices.
Australian Research Council Discovery Projects under Grants DP0665948 and Definition 1: The uncertain impulsive switched system (1) is con-
DP0881040, and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of sidered. Suppose that there exist a control law u(t) = Fik x(t) and a
Canada. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor T. H. Lee. positive real number J ∗ such that for all admissible uncertainties, the
H. Xu is with the Department of Mathematics, Guizhou University, Guiyang
550025, China, and also with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, closed-loop system is stable and the corresponding value of the cost
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA 6845, Australia (e-mail: hlxu@ function (3) satisfies J ≤ J ∗ . Then, J ∗ is said to be a guaranteed cost, and u(t) is said to be a guaranteed cost control law for the uncertain
K. L. Teo is with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin impulsive switched system (1).
University of Technology, Perth, WA 6845, Australia.
X. Liu is with the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of
Definition 2: System (1) is said to be quadratically stable when
Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. u(t) = 0 if there exists a positive definite symmetric matrix Pik such
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCB.2008.925747 that there exists a quadratic function V (t) = xT (t)Pik x(t) such that it

1083-4419/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE


decreases along every nonzero trajectory of system (1). V (t) is called Next, the case when the impulsive switched system is at the impul-
a quadratic Lyapunov function. sive and switching time point tk is considered
Definition 3: Suppose that there exist a control law u(t) = Fik x(t)      
and a positive real number J ∗ such that the value of the cost function V t+
k = xT t+ +
k Pik x tk . (7)
(3) satisfies J ≤ J ∗ , and the following conditions hold:

k ) − x(tk )
Then, by (1b) and noting that Δx(tk ) = x(t+
(i) Rik + FiTk Qik Fik + 2Pik (Âik + ΔAik + ΔBik Fik ) < 0
V t+
k = (I + Ck )x t−
k Pik (I + Ck )x t−
where Âik = Aik + Bik Fik (see [3, Sec. II] for the interpretation    
of this condition) and the associated cost matrix for the system (1) = xT t− T −
k (I + Ck ) Pik (I + Ck )x tk . (8)
satisfies Pik = PiTk > 0
In view of Lemma 2 of [1] (i.e., xT Qx ≤ λmax (S −1 Q)xT Sx if S is
(ii) 0 < βk < 1 a positive definite matrix and Q is a symmetric matrix) and condition
where βk = λmax [Pi−1 (I + Ck )T Pik (I + Ck )], ik = 1, 2, . . . , M . (ii) of Definition 2, it follows from (7) that
Here, λmax [·] denotes the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix inside the   
k ≤ λmax Pik−1(I +Ck ) Pik (I +Ck) x (tk )Pik−1 x(tk )
V t+ T T
square brackets. Then, u(t) = Fik x(t) is said to be an LQ guaranteed
cost control law for the uncertain impulsive switched system (1).  
Remark 1: In Definitions 1, 2, and 3, the definitions of a guaranteed ≤ βk xT (tk )Pik−1 x(tk ) = βk V t−
k (9)
cost control law reported in [3] are extended to the case of impulsive
where βk , 0 < βk < 1, is defined in condition (ii) of Definition 2 and
switched systems.
Pik−1 is the cost matrix at the time t− k . Clearly, from (6) and (9),
we conclude that the closed-loop system of the uncertain impulsive
III. M AIN R ESULTS switched system (1) is quadratically stable.
In this section, results on sufficient conditions for quadratic stability Now, by substituting u(t) = Fik x(t) into (3), we obtain
of the closed-loop uncertain system under a linear state piecewise
control law are stated and proven.   
Theorem 1: Consider the impulsive switched system (1) with the J= xT (t)Rik x(t) + uT (t)Qik u(t) dt
cost function (3). Suppose that the control law u(t) = Fik x(t) is k=0
an LQ guaranteed cost control law with the positive definite cost
matrix Pik = PiTk > 0. Then, the closed-loop uncertain system is   
quadratically stable. Furthermore, the corresponding value of the cost = xT (x) Rik + FiTk Qik Fik x(t)dt. (10)
function (3) satisfied J < xT 0 Pi0 x0 for all admissible uncertainties
Ψik . Conversely, if a control law u(t) = Fik x(t) exists such that the
resulting closed-loop system is quadratically stable, then this control Then, from condition (i) of Definition 2, (6), and (9), it follows that
law is an LQ guaranteed cost control law with some cost matrix
P̂ik > 0 for all positive definite symmetric matrices Rik and Qik , J = lim Jk
where P̂ik = (1/μ)Pik , and μ is any positive real number. 
Proof: Suppose that the control law u(t) = Fik x(t) is an LQ 

guaranteed cost control law with some cost matrix Pik > 0. Then, it < − lim 2xT Pij (Âij + ΔAij + ΔBij Fij )x(t)dt
follows from condition (i) of Definition 3 that tj
Rik + FiTk Qik Fik T
x + 2x Pik [Âik + ΔAik + ΔBik Fik ] x < 0 
dV (t)
(4) = − lim dt
k→∞ dt
for all admissible uncertainties. tj
First, the case when the impulsive switched system is defined on
= − lim −V (0) + V t− − V t+ + V t− − V t+
t ∈ (tk , tk+1 ] is considered k→∞
1 1 2 2
+ . . . − V t− −
k + V tk − V tk+1
V (t) = xT (t)Pik x(t). (5)


 +  −   
Differentiating the function along the trajectory of the closed-loop = lim V (0) + V tj − V tj +V t−
system and then using (4), the following is obtained: j=1

V̇ (t) = ẋT (t)Pik x(t) + xT (t)Pik ẋ(t) 

= V (0) + lim (βj − 1)V t−
j − lim V t−
k+1 . (11)
k→∞ k→∞
= x (t)(Aik + Bik Fik + ΔAik + ΔBik Fik ) Pik x(t) j=1

+ xT (t)Pik (Aik + Bik Fik + ΔAik + ΔBik Fik )x(t) From (5), (6), and (9), we know that
= xT (t) (Âik + ΔAik + ΔBik Fik )T Pik lim V t−
k+1 = 0. (12)

+Pik (Âik + ΔAik + ΔBik Fik ) x(t) Since 0 < βj < 1 for all j = 1, 2, . . ., it is clear that
< −xT (t) Rik + FiTk Qik Fik x(t) < 0 (6) 

lim (βj − 1)V (tj ) < 0. (13)

for all x(t) = 0. j=1

Substituting (12) and (13) into (11), and then using (5) with t = 0, is clear upon Definition 2 that u(t) = Fik x(t) is an LQ guaranteed
we obtain cost control law for the uncertain impulsive switched system (1).
Furthermore, by virtue of Theorem 1, the closed-loop uncertain system
J < V (0) = xT
0 Pi0 x0 . (14) is quadratically stable. The proof is complete. 
The sufficient conditions (16)–(18) given in Theorem 2 can be
Conversely, if there exists a control law u(t) = Fik x(t) such that
expressed in terms of LMIs as detailed in the following corollary.
the resulting closed-loop system is quadratically stable, then there exist
Corollary 1: Suppose there exist ε1 > 0, ε2 > 0, Pik = PiTk > 0
a matrix Pik = PiTk > 0 and a constant μ > 0 such that
such that the following conditions are satisfied:
μxT Rik +FiTk Qik Fik x + 2xTPik Âik + ΔAik + ΔBik Fik x < 0 ε1 I EiTk Pik
(15) (i) >0 (23)
P E Pik
for all nonzero x ∈ Rn and Ψik (t) < 1. Hence, this control
 ik ik 
Sik Pik
law is an LQ guaranteed cost control law with the cost matrix (ii) <0 (24)
Pik −Wi−1
P̂ik = (1/μ)Pik > 0.  k

Remark 2: Theorem 1 extends Theorem 2.1 given in [3] to the case where
of impulsive switched systems. The next theorem presents another suf-  −1
ik Aik + Aik Eik ε1 I − Eik Eik
Sik = AT T T
ficient condition for the existence of an LQ guaranteed cost control law EiTk Aik
which can ensure the closed-loop system (1) is quadratically stable. + ε1 HiTk Hik + Rik (25)
Theorem 2: Suppose there exist ε1 > 0, ε2 > 0, Pik = PiTk > 0 1
such that the following conditions are satisfied: Wik = LT T
ik Bik + Bik Lik + ε2 Eik EiTk + LT Ĥ T Ĥi Li
ε2 ik ik k k
(i) ε1 I − EiTk Pik Eik > 0 (16) + I + LT
ik Qik Lik (26)
ik Aik + Aik Eik ε1 I − Eik Eik
(ii) AT T T
EiTk Aik + ε1 HiTk Hik while Lik is an appropriate given matrix and Fik = Lik Pik
+ FiTk BiTk Pik + Pik Bik Fik + ε2 Pik Eik EiTk Pik  
1 Pik−1 (I + Ck )T Pik
+ FiTk ĤiTk Ĥik Fik + Pi2k + Rik + FiTk Qik Fik < 0 (17) (iii) > 0. (27)
ε2 Pik (I + Ck ) Pik

(iii) βk = λmax Pi−1
(I + Ck )T Pik (I + Ck ) , Then, there exists an LQ guaranteed cost control law u(t) =
(ik = 1, 2, . . . , M ) (18) Lik Pik x(t), and the closed-loop system (1) is quadratically stable [3].
Proof: Using Schur complements, we can easily show that
where 0 < βk < 1. Then, there exists an LQ guaranteed cost control (11)–(13) of Theorem 2 are equivalent to (23)–(27). Thus, by virtue
law u(t) = Fik x(t) and the closed-loop system (1) is quadratically of Theorem 2, the conclusion of the corollary follows readily. This
stable. completes the proof. 
Proof: Since condition (16) hold, if follows from Proposition 2.2 Remark 3: The feasibility of the LMIs presented in Corollary 1 can
given in [7] that be solved by using the feasp command in the LMI toolbox within the
MATLAB environment. Once a solution of these LMIs is feasible, the
(Aik +ΔAik )TPik +Pik (Aik +ΔAik ) required LQ guaranteed cost control law, that ensures the quadratic
≤ (Aik +ΔAik )T (Aik +ΔAik )+Pi2k ≤ AT
ik Aik
stability of the closed-loop system, can be contracted readily.
 −1 Remark 4: We can see that the system model considered in this
ik Eik ε1 I −Eik Eik
EiTk Aik +ε1 HiTk Hik +Pi2k (19) correspondence is more general than those studied in [1] and [2]. Thus,
some of our results cover those existing stability criteria obtained in
(Bik Fik + ΔBik Fik )T Pik + Pik (Bik Fik + ΔBik Fik )
[1] and [2].
= FiTk BiTk Pik + Pik Bik Fik + FiTk ΔBiTk Pik + Pik ΔBik Fik
≤ FiTk BiTk Pik + Pik Bik Fik + ε2 Pik Eik EiTk Pik IV. E XAMPLE
1 T T We shall illustrate our results through an example. Consider the
+ F Ĥ Ĥi Fi . (20)
ε2 ik ik k k impulsive switched system (1) with the following specifications:
From (17), we recall that    
1 3.6 1.4 1.8
 −1 A1 =
0.7 −0.8
B1 =
1.2 2
ik Aik + Aik Eik ε1 I − Eik Eik
EiTk Aik + ε1 HiTk Hik
+ Pi2k + FiTk BiTk Pik + Pik Bik Fik + ε2 Pik Eik EiTk Pik
0.5 0.6 1 0
1 H1 = Ĥ1 =
+ FiTk ĤiTk Ĥik Fik + Rik + FiTk Qik Fik < 0. (21) 1.2 0.4 0 1
1.01 0 0.8 3.7
Combining (19) and (20), and then applying condition (21) to the right- E1 = A2 =
0 1.01 0.6 −0.7
hand side of the resulting inequality, we obtain
1.3 1.5 0.4 0.4
Rik + FiTk Qik Fik + (Aik + ΔAik )T Pik + Pik (Aik + ΔAik ) B2 = H2 =
1.2 1.8 1 0.5
+ (Bik Fik + ΔBik Fik )T Pik + Pik (Bik Fik + ΔBik Fik ) < 0.    
(22) 0.8 0.1 1.01 0
Ĥ2 = E2 =
0.1 1.2 0 1.01
This shows that condition (i) of Definition 2 is satisfied. Finally, by
(18), we see that condition (ii) of Definition 2 is also satisfied. Thus, it Ck = −0.6 Ψ1 = Ψ2 = sin(15 ∗ t).

Fig. 1. Time series of the state x(t) when Ψ1 (t) = Ψ2 (t) = sin(15t) ∗ I.
Fig. 2. Phase portrait of uncertain impulsive switched systems when Ψ1 (t) =
Ψ2 (t) = sin(15t) ∗ I.
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