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Realizadas las pruebas diagnósticas a los estudiantes, éstas arrojaron los siguientes resultados.

Léxico pobre al igual que poco dominio de estructuras gramaticales, lo que se constituye en
dificultad al momento de elaborar, organizar y expresar las ideas, ya sea oral o por escrito; esto
mismo incide para que su nivel de comprensión textual no sea el mejor.

Al momento de expresar actos de habla orales, los estudiantes demuestran mucho temor, por miedo
a burlas y en especial a la inseguridad respecto a lo que han aprendido.

Desinterés por el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera.

Lo anterior se constituye en los obstáculos más sobresalientes para que el aprendizaje de la lengua
extranjera sea eficaz. Cabe destacar que un porcentaje mínimo de estudiantes ha alcanzado un nivel medio
en cuanto al manejo de competencias propias del manejo de la lengua extranjera.

Dentro de las estrategias para que el aprendizaje del inglés sea atractivo sería contar con ayudas y
herramientas adecuadas para el estudio del inglés.


Mejora la calidad del sistema educativo y adecuando a las exigencias actuales y futuras del país, con el
propósito de lograr mejores condiciones de desarrollo social y económico, es uno de los objetivos
propuestos para el Gobierno, con la resolución Educativa y en él incluido el programa Nacional de
Bilingüismo, en el cual los docentes del área de inglés lo debemos tomar como herramienta para formar
ciudadanos Capaces de establecer una conversación en inglés.
Así mismo, los parámetros establecidos en el plan de estudio del área de inglés constituyen una orientación
fundamental para que toda la comunidad educativa CUENCA tenga claridad sobre las competencias
comunicativas que se esperan desarrollar en los niños y niñas de los niveles básico y Media y de esta forma
alcanzar las metas planteadas en el documento “Visión Colombia 2019” , dicho documento plantea que los
estudiantes de undécimo grado alcancen un nivel intermedio de competencia en inglés (Nivel B según el
marco común Europeo de preferencia para lenguas: Aprendizaje, Enseñanza y Educación) que les permita
comunicarse en el idioma, apropiarse de conocimiento y utilizarlos efectivamente en situaciones reales de
Teniendo en cuenta esta reglamentación y haciendo uso de su autonomía, la gran mayoría de las
instituciones educativas colombianas han optado por ofrecer a sus estudiantes la oportunidad de aprender
inglés como lengua extranjera.
“Además de todas las oportunidades que se abren con el manejo de una lengua extranjera, el inglés se ha
convertido en una herramienta muy importante para la educación. He aquí algunas razones por las cuales
vale la pena aprenderlo:
Es la lengua internacional más difundida y es un instrumento de comunicación estratégico en
diversas áreas del desarrollo humano.
Estimula al estudiante a abrir su mente, a aceptar y comprender nuevas culturas y a promover el
intercambio entre diferentes sociedades.
Permite el acceso a becas y pasantías fuera del país. Es muy importante que los jóvenes
colombianos puedan aprovechar, en igualdad de condiciones, las oportunidades educativas que se
ofrecen en el exterior y que requieren niveles de desempeño específicos en inglés.
Ofrece mayores y mejores oportunidades laborales.
Facilita el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias con otros países cuya lengua oficial es
diferente al inglés, porque permite la comunicación a través de un idioma común y difundido”.

Alcanzar un alto grado de desarrollo social, cultural y cognitivo por medio

de la adquisición de una lengua extranjera.
Desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas y el manejo de signos, símbolos y
Significado en situaciones contextualizadas.
Formar a cada grupo de grados establecido en el plan de estudio lo que cada
Estudiante debe saber y saber hacer en el idioma extranjero.
Crear y desarrollar un club de inglés que permita superar las dificultades que
Presentan los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa cuenca en dicha área.

Desarrollar las habilidades de listening and speaking utilizando recursos audiovisuales
(Grabadora, video beam, computadores, Tv )
Potenciar las habilidades de Reading and writing por medios de ejercicios prácticos.
Facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje por medio de diálogos y canciones.
Proporcionar al estudiante los conocimientos requeridos para lograr un completo dominio de
la comprensión y la producción del inglés. Brindarle Igualmente los conocimientos
culturales y sociales para comprender los Contextos donde se desarrollan y utilizan tanto el
inglés, permitiéndole obtener un dominio completo del idioma al igual que las habilidades
comunicativas tanto en sus
Aspectos lingüísticos como culturales.
Dotarlo de los elementos teóricos y prácticos relacionados con el proceso de aprendizaje de
una lengua extranjera, tanto en sus aspectos lingüísticos y culturales



Son criterios claros que permiten a los estudiantes y a sus familias, a los docentes y a las instituciones
educativas, a las Secretarías de Educación y de más autoridades educativas, conocer lo que debe aprender.
Sirven además, como punto de referencia para establecer lo que los estudiantes están en capacidad de saber
sobre el idioma y lo que deben saber hacer con él en un contexto determinado. Los estándares están
organizados por cinco grupos de grados que corresponden, además, al desarrollo progresivo de los niveles
de desempeño en Ingles.



Usuario Pre-intermedio 2 10 – 11
independiente (B1)
Pre-intermedio 1 8–9
Usuario básico Básico 2 6–7
A2 Básico 1 4–5
Usuario básico Principiante 1–3

Cada uno de estos niveles de desempeño especifica las competencias, saberes y habilidades que el hablante
tiene en cada etapa del proceso de desarrollo de la lengua extranjera.

Las competencias se definen como el conjunto de saberes, conocimientos, destrezas y características
individuales que permite a una persona realizar acciones en un contexto determinado. En el caso del inglés
se espera desarrollar la competencia comunicativa, que a su vez, incluye:

Competencia lingüística: “Se refiere al conocimiento de los recursos formales de la lengua como sistema
y la capacidad para utilizarlos en la formulación de mensajes bien formados y significativos. Incluye los
conocimientos y las destrezas léxicas, fonológicas, sintácticas y ortográficas, entre otras. Esta competencia
implica, no sólo el manejo teórico de conceptos gramaticales, ortográficos o semánticos, sino su aplicación
en diversas situaciones. (Por ejemplo, hacer asociaciones para usar el vocabulario conocido en otro
contexto o aplicar las reglas gramaticales aprendidas en la construcción de nuevos mensajes)”.

Competencia pragmática: “Se relaciona con el uso funcional de los recursos lingüísticos y comprende, en
primer lugar, una competencia discursiva que se refiere a la capacidad de organizar las oraciones en
secuencias para producir fragmentos textuales. En segundo lugar, implica una competencia funcional para
conocer, tanto las formas lingüísticas y sus funciones, como el modo en que se encadenan unas con otras
situaciones comunicativas reales”.

Competencia sociolingüística: Se refiere al conocimiento de las condiciones sociales y culturales que están
implícitas en el uso de la lengua. Por ejemplo, se emplea para manejar normas de cortesía u otras reglas
que ordenan las relaciones entre generaciones, géneros, clases y grupos sociales. También se maneja al
entrar en contacto con expresiones de la sabiduría popular o con las diferencias de registro, de dialecto y
de acento.



Trabajar en el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas es tomar la decisión de hacer la democracia en el

país, de formar unos ciudadanos comprometidos, respetuosos de las diferencias y defensores del bien
común. Unos ciudadanos que desde sus casas, colegios, escuelas y universidades extiendan lazos de
solidaridad, abran espacios de participación y generen normas de sana convivencia (Cecilia Vélez White,
Ministra de Educación)
Indudablemente los estándares de inglés, desde sus estándares generales y específicos, promueven el
aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera y su relación con el desarrollo personal, ya que la implementación
de los mismos disminuye el etnocentrismo y permite a los individuos apreciar y respetar el valor de
su propio mundo, lo mismo que desarrollar el respeto por otras culturas . El aprendizaje de una lengua
extranjera fomenta el respeto y la valoración de la pluralidad y de las diferencias tanto en el entorno
inmediato como en el globalizado. En este sentido competencia ciudadana y estándares de inglés
van tomados de la mano.

Competencias laborales generales: Las competencias laborales generales comprenden todos aquellos
conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que son necesarios para que los jóvenes se desempeñen con
eficiencia como seres productivos.
La formación de competencias generales laborales en todos los estudiantes de educación básica y
media es uno de los objetivos de la política de articulación de la educación con el mundo productivo
propuesta por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.

Por su parte los estándares básicos de lengua extranjera, en este caso el inglés, se convierte en una
herramienta muy importante para ofrecer mayores oportunidades laborales, en la medida en que
favorecen el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa como un instrumento de comunicación estratégico en
diversas áreas del desarrollo humano.

Las competencias suponen la capacidad para usar los conocimientos acerca de la lengua en diversas
situaciones, esto indica el saber hacer en contexto.


Son los programados y los que se derivan de la experiencia, del aprendizaje formal, es decir, de los
conocimientos académicos, su conocimiento del mundo, con sus valores, creencias, tabúes, historia,
tradiciones, etc. los cuales son esenciales para la comunicación intercultural


La propuesta metodológica de la asignatura de inglés se funda en los siguientes lineamientos:

Problémica y proactiva; Parte de una situación problemática como lecto-escritura, producción y

comprensión de diferentes tipos de textos, oralidad y escucha y al tener al alumno como centro, busca que
el docente descubra formas eficaces de trasponer el conocimiento para generar aprendizajes significativos
y de calidad. Este proceso se centrará en su observación para establecer planes de acción en torno a los

Aprendizajes significativos: Permite adquirir nuevos significados, se mueve en tres actividades:

Exploración de significados previos; haciendo un diagnóstico de saberes, habilidades, necesidades y
estados de las competencias. Profundización o transformación de significados; Pasar de los conocimientos
previos a los conocimientos nuevos a través del análisis, la reflexión, la comprensión, el uso de los procesos
básicos de pensamiento, aplicación de los procesos de razonamiento inductivo y deductivo, la codificación,
la decodificación y la aplicación del pensamiento crítico. Verificación, evaluación, ordenación o
culminación de nuevos significados; comparación de las experiencias previas con las nuevas, teniendo en
cuenta el desempeño que medirá la calidad del aprendizaje. De esta manera el aprendizaje será significativo
para los estudiantes y lo relacionarán con experiencias concretas de su vida cotidiana.
Es integradora, ya que busca aportar al quehacer docente aquellas propuestas didácticas que
contribuyan a que los alumnos se interesen en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera.

Aprendizaje en equipo: Propuesta que implica un trabajo colectivo de discusión permanente, que
requiere de una apropiación sería de herramientas teóricas que se discuten en un grupo de determinado
número de estudiantes, quienes desempeñan diferentes roles siguiendo el patrón indicado; esto implica
un proceso continuo de retroalimentación entre teoría y práctica, lo que garantiza que estas dos
dimensiones tengan sentido.

Es comunicativa, ya que se define la enseñanza del inglés como una disciplina que pretende apoyar el
desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en los alumnos. La competencia comunicativa entraña:
Competencia lingüística, sociolingüística, discursiva, estratégica, textual, pragmática. Estas
competencias están íntimamente relacionadas y se desarrollan en forma integral.
Dentro de las estrategias de aprendizaje a tener en cuenta al momento de enseñar una lengua extranjera,
Estrategias directas:
Estrategias de memoria: El alumno guarda y recupera información, ubica nuevas palabras
en un contexto, revisa y corrige.
Cognitivas: Permite comunicarse a pesar de las limitaciones en el conocimiento de la lengua,
Estrategias de compensación: Superación de limitantes en el habla y la escritura.
Estrategias indirectas:
Estrategias metacognitivas: Hacen posible el control del aprendizaje (atención, planeación y
Estrategias afectivas: Ayudan al alumno a ganar confianza en sí mismo y disminuir su ansiedad.
Estrategias sociales: Ayudan a la interacción con otros, a aclarar, verificar, corregir, cooperar, etc.

La metodología a aplicar será variada y de acuerdo a la situación, las cuales pueden ser:

- Enseñanza comunicativa: Se privilegia el lenguaje como elemento básico en la comunicación. Se

expresan gustos, disgustos, deseos, intereses, sueños, opiniones, temores, etc. Énfasis en la fluidez
- Respuesta física total (R. F. T.): Respuesta física a órdenes o comandos. Ideal para trabajar con niños.
- Método natural: Combina la respuesta física después de la producción.
- Lenguaje integral (Whole language): Del todo (texto) a las partes. Desarrollo de lectoescritura.
Lecciones significativas. Conceptos básicos adquiridos en su lengua y después en inglés.

La evaluación es una herramienta fundamental que nos brinda información acerca del grado de desarrollo
de las competencias que potencializa el alumno.

De esta manera, los logros, competencias y conocimientos de los educandos, en el estudio de la lengua
extranjera serán valorados de acuerdo a la disposición y motivación del estudiante para desarrollar la
competencia pragmática, para valorar su propio trabajo y el de los demás; su manejo oral y escrito, trabajo
individual y en equipo.
De acuerdo al Decreto 230 del 11 de febrero de 2002, el rendimiento de los estudiantes será expresado en
la escala de SUPERIOR, ALTO, MEDIO, BAJO...




- AREA: Humanidades ASIGNATURA (s): INGLÉS - CICLO: III GRADO(s): 6 I.H.S 3 AÑO: 2018

To form students capable of recognizing themselves as an individual and as a member of the class.
train students able to give and ask for personal information, which describes the basic characteristics of people,
things and places....
Metas generales del Train students able to identify words and related personal information and daily activities in oral and written texts
ciclo simple sentences.
Train students able to construct simple phrases about routines, tastes and interests oral, written, and identify
words, phrases about routines, tastes and interests in oral and simple texts.

Metas generales del Hypothesizing to demonstrate in simple oral and written texts the importance of defining the traits of national identity
Colombia with agrumentativos purposes using grammatical structures in English.
Carry out search procedures, selection and storage of information about the subject that will try in a text argumentative
Use descriptive strategies to produce an oral text argumentative purpose to identify phrases and expressions related to
characteristics of people, celebrations and places in oral and written texts.
Use descriptive to produce an oral text argumentative purpose using simple English grammar such as routine verbs, the
description of people and places through questions and sentences.
Periodos académicos Periodo 1 Periodo 2 Periodo 3 Periodo 4.
Gives and requests personal • I recognize when they speak to me in • Express moods and personal • Identify the people who
information and daily activities, English and I react feelings through simple participate in a
Estándares Básicos de Verbal and non-verbal. conversations. conversation.
competencia, Expresses tastes, hobbies and • I understand when they greet me and • Exchange information I follow the sequence of a
interests when expressing future say good bye to me. related to everyday situations short story leaning on
plans, describing the habits and • I follow instructions related to class in the classroom. images.
routines of personal care, nutrition activities and • Lists short and simple • Understand the general idea
Recreational activities proposed by my sentences about daily activities. of a story told
and physical activity. teacher. • It internalizes the importance By my teacher when he relies
Identify related words about subjects of integral personal care. on movements,
Which are familiar to me. • Describe actions in a simple Gestures and voice changes
• I recognize short words and phrases in and logical sequence. • I understand children's songs,
English in books, • Give and ask for information rhymes, and rhymes, and
Objects, toys, advertisements and places on a topic. I demonstrate with gestures
of my school. • Verify information. and movements.
• I relate illustrations with simple • Demonstrate understanding
sentences of simple questions about me,
My family and my
-Understands and uses familiar words and .Describe habits and routines of personal • Describe actions in a simple • Describe characteristics of a
short phrases about routines, daily care. and logical sequence. culture.
Derechos Básicos de activities and preferences. • Give and ask for information • Make cross-country
Aprendizaje (DBA) - Write basic personal information in pre- -Understands and uses familiar words on a topic. comparisons.
established forms. and short phrases about routines, daily • Verify information. • Ask for and give information.
- Describes the basic characteristics of activities and preferences. • Describe the basic • Describe people, places and
people, things and places. • Give and request personal information characteristics of people, things customs.
and daily activities. and places.
• Express likes and interests.
• Describe body parts.
Presente simple verb to be • Preguntas Presente simple • Preguntas Yes/No Gramática • Preguntas Wh- Gramática • Presente simple •
Yes/No questions • Adjetivos • Sustantivos questions (Do you…? Yes, I do...; No, I questions • Presente simple Preguntas Wh- questions
singulares y plurales • Adverbios de don´t.) • Adverbios de frecuencia.(Lexical Lexical Conectores • And • First Lexical Países y Nacionalidades
frecuencia( Lexical Miembros de la familia Partes del cuerpo • Arm • Legs • Chest • • Second • Later • Colombia/ Colombian •
• Mother/ mom/ma • Father/dad/ pop • Brain Aparatos eléctricos • Light bulb United States of America/
Grandmother/gramma • Cousins Expresiones de tiempo relacionadas con • Appliances • Fridge, American • Japan/ Japanese •
Rutinas • Brush teeth • Comb hair • rutinas • I eat dinner at 6. • Before going refrigerator • Stove • Air China/ Chinese
Principales saberes.
Exercise • Eat healthy • Drink water • to bed, I… • I wake up at • Everyday • conditioning • Heater. Comida Celebraciones
Sleep well First, second, then… • In the morning… • Expresiones para describir Vestuario
Números 1 a 100 Objetos del salón de In the evening… • In the afternoon… • At acciones de ahorro de energía Adjetivos • Sweet, sour,
clases La hora night… Expresiones para el cuidado • Turn off the lights • Cook delicious, bitter, juicy, ripe, etc.
Expresiones para saludar: • How are you?... personal • In the morning... I brush my with gas • Close the • Exciting, boring, interesting,
I am… • How are you doing?... I am… • What teeth. • I visit the doctor… • Take a refrigerator door • Turn off the etc. • Beautiful, old fashioned,
do you). shower • Brush teeth • Comb hair • fan/air modern, ugly, etc. • Tall, small,
do? I… • Nice to meet you. • Glad to meet Exercise • Eat healthy • Drink water • Expresiones para reportar short, big, intelligent, etc
you. • Nice meeting you! • What’s up? • Sleep wel resultados y tendencias • Most Expresiones para gustos y
Hey! people say that televisions disgustos • I prefer to walk. • I
consume a lot of energy. One love to eat pizza. • I do not like
way to save energy is…. • There vegetables.
are many ways to save energy. Expresiones para describir
• Marcos tells me that he personas • She is tall. • He is
unplugs the appliances when really funny. • They do not look
he is not home. • When do you happy. • Colombians are… •
shut down your computer? They use…
- According to the process the following According to the process, the following According to the methodology According to the methodology
strategies will be used during this period: strategies will be used during this period: strategies students will make strategies students will make
procedimientos Significant learning: It allows to acquire new
(estrategias metodológica
in order to facilitate learning appliances such as computers, the flags, will be played by
meanings, moves in three activities: Exploration
de aprendizaje) y actitudes conversations related to Routine verbs tv, telephones, in order to play saying the nationalities in
of previous meanings; Making a diagnosis of
knowledge, skills, needs and states of are shown, in group the students will and look at the English phrases English, students will be asked
competence. Deepening or transformation of draw the actions they will do during the necessary to consume energy to bring fruits, food or draw in
meanings; Moving from previous knowledge to day, games will be made using the in the same way they will make a jalaply what they like and do
new knowledge through analysis, reflection, vocabulary seen, Letters and crosswords puzzles, soup letters, not like writing the Expressions
understanding, use of basic thinking processes, using ICT with ludic activities descriptions, etc. in English For in this way he
application of inductive and deductive reasoning gets them to socialize with the
processes, coding, decoding and application of songs using songs, soups of
critical thinking. Verification, evaluation,
letters crosswords etc.
ordering or completion of new meanings,
Integrative strategy, as it seeks to contribute to
the teaching task those didactic proposals that
contribute to the students' interest in learning a
foreign language and
Team learning
Using the dictionary to find meanings of words Observation of dialogues in English to enable Formulation of ideas when I think Analyzed words that help you find
seen in class. it to formulate their own hypotheses about about writing a story in English for the solution to supplement English
Practice pronunciation and writing new words their knowledge of English. the investigation of the whole grammar when analyzing a simple
and expressions. CITIZENS: process. text.
Participate in my immediate context (with my CITIZENS: CITIZENS:
Study new grammatical structures needed to family and peers) in the construction of basic Identify and respect the differences I participate in my immediate
express ideas about my past and present life. agreements on standards for achieving and similarities between the others context (with my family and peers)
PRAGMATICS common goals and recital and me, and rejection situations of in the construction of basic
I talk about myself and give personal TECHNOLOGICAL: exclusion or discrimination in my agreements on standards for
information. Act on the safety and use of tools and family, with my friends and family achieving common goals and
I write about my routine and when performed equipment to manipulate and in my living room practical with others.
each activity.
Enjoy reading as a leisure activity that helps Act on the safety and use of tools TECHNOLOGICAL:
I read a simple text referring to the dictionary
me to discover the world. and equipment that I manipulate. Act on the safety and proper use of
unfamiliar words and answer questions about it Observe the problems that occur in tools and equipment to develop
Perform a specific activity following the PERSONAL: around me (my house my my technological means manipulate
instructions given by my teacher or a colleague. I overcome my weaknesses, I know my skills neighborhood school) me facilitate understanding of the
Describe people, places and animals know. skills and talents. COMMUNICATION: importance of ICT in the classroom.
I recognize some events, celebrations and INTELLECTUALS: information short stories read in Understanding songs, rhymes and
customs of other cultures and parts of the world I observe the problems that occur in around English class. nursery rhymes and show it with
(Valentine's Day, Halloween, seasons). me (my home, my school ) gestures and movements in English.
I recognize that there are other people who INTERPERSONAL: PERSONAL:
communicate in English. Express my own interests and motivations. Recognize my skills and talents PERSONAL:
Respect and understand my own views with when skills I communicate and use Bear the consequences of my own
CITIZENS: others even if they disagree. English as the medium of actions, whether oriented ethics,
PARTICIPATION AND DEMOCRATIC instruction. my personal domain and my
RESPONSIBILITY: Use my freedom of expression BUSINESS FOR EMPRENDIMIIENTO: INTELLECTUALS: emotional intelligence when I
and respect the opinions of others. Identify knowledge and my family and close Consult the possible solutions that communicate in English with
community experiences related to the the affected propose to solve a respect to the change.
. TECNOLOGICAS: creation of businesses or business units problem within my classroom
Facilitate gradually the use of technological tools infusing English. during English class. INTELLECTUALS:
and use digital information to facilitate everyday Consult the possible solutions that
life INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL: the affected propose to solve a
Answer questions about people, objects and Express my own interests and problem in my room with regard to
places in my surroundings. motivations during English class to attention, memory and
I ask them to repeat the message when I do improve my English vocabulary and concentration during English class.
Use necessary to interact linguistically in an not understand English. pronunciation. Facilitate understanding of the
appropriate way strategies. BUSINESS FOR importance of ICT in the classroom.
Bear the consequences of my own actions. Describe what I'm doing abroad using English. Identify the knowledge and family INTERPERSONAL:
Intellectuals: Express my feelings and moods Cando I and my community close Express my own interests and
Accept the consequences of my decisions communicate with my colleagues in English. experiences related to the creation motivations when I meet, I took the
regarding the English language. PROPOSITIVE of businesses or business units lead and communicate group work
Select one of the possible ways of acting. Follow the sequence of a simple story using promoted English as a source of for learning and English proficiency.
INTERPERSONAL: the English language. work. .. BUSINESS FOR
Identify the needs of my immediate Demonstrate knowledge of the basic EMPRENDIMIIENTO:
environment (family home neighborhood). structures of English when I explain my Identify knowledge and my family
interest issues. INTERPRETIVE and nearby community, related to
Search way to resolve conflicts.
Write personal information in the creation of businesses or
simple formats using English. business units developing plans to
Suggest a product or service required in my facilitate me improve the company
immediate environment using English language Argumentative using English as the main language
abroad. Copy and transcribe words I experiences.
INTERPRETIVE understand and I use frequently in
Respond to greetings and farewells. the classroom when I express in INTERPRETIVE
English. Write personal information in
Answer questions about how I feel. simple formats using information in
Argumentative: PROPOSITIVE English.
. Recognize when I speak in English and react Follow the sequence of a simple
verbally and nonverbally story using English grammar to ARGUMENTATIVE coherent and
propositive facilitate understanding me and convincing text Sustentation
Identify people involved in a conversation propose my own ideas. produced
Preparation of documents or
projects to solve problems of
context. Analysis of problems,
presentation of alternative
Principales resultados de Mapas conceptuales Canciones. Cartas describiendo cosas con el Tarjetas.
desempeño (evidencia). Videos. Maquetas vocabulario visto. Carteleras
carteleras audio Exposición Maquetas.

RECURSOS Y/O MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO. Tablero, marcador, video vim, T.V fotocopias ETC
INTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Trabajo en equipo, mapas mentales. Evaluación por competencia, talleres explosión etc
TIPOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Autoevaluación, coevaluación y heteroevaluación.




- AREA: Humanidades ASIGNATURA (s): INGLÉS - CICLO: III GRADO(s):7 I.H.S: 3 AÑO: 2018

To form students capable of recognizing themselves as an individual and as a member of the class.
train students able to give and ask for personal information, which describes the basic characteristics of people, things and places....
Train students able to identify words and related personal information and daily activities in oral and written texts simple sentences.
Metas generales del Train students able to construct simple phrases about routines, tastes and interests oral, written, and identify words, phrases about routines,
ciclo tastes and interests in oral and simple texts.
Metas generales del Define activities for integral personal care at the physical (body), intellectual (mind), emotional (psychological), and spiritual (beliefs) level.

Periodos académicos Periodo 1 Periodo 2 Periodo 3 Periodo 4.
Gives and requests personal information and • I recognize when they speak to me in English and I • Express moods and personal feelings • Identify the people who participate in a
react through simple conversations. conversation.
daily activities,
Estándares Básicos de Verbal and non-verbal. • Exchange information related to I follow the sequence of a short story
competencia, Expresses tastes, hobbies and interests when • I understand when they greet me and say good bye everyday situations in the classroom. leaning on
expressing future plans, describing the habits to me. • Lists short and simple sentences images.
and routines of personal care, nutrition and • I follow instructions related to class activities and about daily activities. • Understand the general idea of a story
physical activity. Recreational activities proposed by my teacher. • It internalizes the importance of told
Identify related words about subjects integral personal care. By my teacher when he relies on
Which are familiar to me. • Describe actions in a simple and movements,
• I recognize short words and phrases in English in logical sequence. Gestures and voice changes
books, • Give and ask for information on a • I understand children's songs, rhymes,
Objects, toys, advertisements and places of my topic. and rhymes, and
school. • Verify information. I demonstrate with gestures and
• I relate illustrations with simple sentences movements.
• Demonstrate understanding of simple
questions about me,
My family and my environment.

 Participantes in short conversations  Writes short and simple texts about  Recognizes specific information  Describes actions related to
providing information about him/ herself familiar actions, experiences, and plans in written and oral texts related a subject in his/her family
Derechos Básicos de as well as about familiar people, places and using a sequence of images and a to objects, people, and actions or school environment using
when they are familiar to the
Aprendizaje (DBA) events using simple phrases and sentences preestablished model for the text. simple sentences and
student and the related
previously memorized. information is presented slowly. images. For example: I will
 Understands the main idea and details The student may require use of recycle paper, plastic and
 Describes people, activities, events and related to activities, places, and people visual aids such as images or cans at home and at school.
personal experiences orally using simple in a short descriptive text through texts for comprehension.
phrases and sentences previously familiar words and phrases. For  Describes people, activities,
rehearsed with his/her classmates and example, the student identifies  Gives and follows instructions, events and personal
teacher. information and details connected to recommendations, and experiences orally using
suggestions about topics
place of birth and other places and simple phrases and
related to his/her immediate
activities mentioned in a biography. context. For example, the sentences previously
student gives instructions on rehearsed with his/her
how to make a traditional dish. classmates and teacher.
Gramática Gramática Gramática Gramática
• Presente simple y futuro • Presente de “like” • • Imperativos para dar recomendaciones o • Preguntas “Wh-questions” • Presente • Comparativos y superlativos. • Conectores
Preguntas “Wh- questions” • Modales: can • Adverbios sugerencias. • Modales: must, have to, should, could, y Pasado simple • Presente continuous de secuencia. • Presente y Pasado simple y
de frecuencia • Preguntas Yes/No questions. etc. • Presente y pasado simple. tense • Imperativos • Modales.
Lexical: Lexical: Lexical: Países y Nacionalidades.
Pasatiempos, Relaciones de tiempo, Dominios de Sentimientos y emociones, Valores éticos, Conservación • Protect, preserve, avoid, Biodiversidad • Animals and plants • Oceans,
cuidado personal, Expresiones para describir hábitos, Cualidades de las personas, Conectores • Because, save • Animals, oceans/land, plants. • rivers, mountains, valleys, etc.
Principales saberes. Expresiones para mostrar intereses y gustos, since, as, as a result of, therefore, for this reason. Natural resources • Global warming. Deporte, Clima, Estaciones.
Expresiones para explicar, Expresiones para mostrar Expresiones sobre emociones -Expresiones relacionadas con la Puntos cardinales • North, South, East, West.
reflexión Expresiones para recomendar conservación del medio ambiente Cualidades • Fast, slow, big, small, old, new,
modern, far, near, etc.
Expresiones para dar comparación y
• Presentation of videos referring to the themes to be • Presentation of videos referring to the themes to be • Presentation of videos referring to the • Presentation of videos referring to the
developed in the classes developed in the classes themes to be developed in the classes themes to be developed in the classes
procedimientos (estrategias •Teamwork •Teamwork •Teamwork •Teamwork
metodológica de aprendizaje) y • Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique
actitudes • Workshops • Workshops • Workshops • Workshops
•Written works •Written works •Written works •Written works
• Presentation of dramas • Presentation of dramas • Presentation of dramas • Presentation of dramas
• Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping
• Billboard presentation • Billboard presentation • Billboard presentation • Billboard presentation
Using the dictionary to find meanings of words seen in Observation of dialogues in English to enable it to Formulation of ideas when I think about Analyzed words that help you find the
class. formulate their own hypotheses about their writing a story in English for the solution to supplement English grammar
Practice pronunciation and writing new words and knowledge of English. investigation of the whole process. when analyzing a simple text.
Study new grammatical structures needed to express Participate in my immediate context (with my family Identify and respect the differences and I participate in my immediate context
and peers) in the construction of basic agreements similarities between the others and me, (with my family and peers) in the
ideas about my past and present life.
on standards for achieving common goals and recital and rejection situations of exclusion or construction of basic agreements on
TECHNOLOGICAL: discrimination in my family, with my standards for achieving common goals
I talk about myself and give personal information. Act on the safety and use of tools and equipment to friends and family and in my living room and practical with others.
I write about my routine and when performed each manipulate TECHNOLOGICAL:
Competencias. activity. COMMUNICATION: Act on the safety and use of tools and TECHNOLOGICAL:
I read a simple text referring to the dictionary Enjoy reading as a leisure activity that helps me to equipment that I manipulate. Act on the safety and proper use of tools
unfamiliar words and answer questions about it discover the world. Observe the problems that occur in and equipment to develop technological
Perform a specific activity following the instructions around me (my house my my means manipulate me facilitate
given by my teacher or a colleague. PERSONAL: neighborhood school) understanding of the importance of ICT
Describe people, places and animals know. I overcome my weaknesses, I know my skills skills COMMUNICATION: in the classroom.
SOCIOLINGUISTICS and talents. Use diagrams to organize information COMMUNICATION:
I recognize some events, celebrations and customs of short stories read in English class. Understanding songs, rhymes and
other cultures and parts of the world (Valentine's Day, INTELLECTUALS: nursery rhymes and show it with
I observe the problems that occur in around me (my PERSONAL: gestures and movements in English.
Halloween, seasons).
home, my school ) Recognize my skills and talents when
I recognize that there are other people who
INTERPERSONAL: skills I communicate and use English as PERSONAL:
communicate in English. Express my own interests and motivations. the medium of instruction. Bear the consequences of my own
Respect and understand my own views with others INTELLECTUALS: actions, whether oriented ethics, my
even if they disagree. Consult the possible solutions that the personal domain and my emotional
affected propose to solve a problem intelligence when I communicate in
my freedom of expression and respect the opinions of BUSINESS FOR EMPRENDIMIIENTO: within my classroom during English English with respect to the change.
others. Identify knowledge and my family and close class.
community experiences related to the creation of INTELLECTUALS:
. TECNOLOGICAS: businesses or business units infusing English. INTERPERSONAL: Consult the possible solutions that the
Facilitate gradually the use of technological tools and Express my own interests and affected propose to solve a problem in
use digital information to facilitate everyday life INTERPRETIVE motivations during English class to my room with regard to attention,
Answer questions about people, objects and places in improve my English vocabulary and memory and concentration during
COMUNICATIVE : my surroundings. pronunciation. English class. Facilitate understanding of
Use necessary to interact linguistically in an I ask them to repeat the message when I do not BUSINESS FOR EMPRENDIMIIENTO: the importance of ICT in the classroom.
appropriate way strategies. understand English. Identify the knowledge and family and my
community close experiences related to INTERPERSONAL:
ARGUMENTATIVE the creation of businesses or business Express my own interests and
Bear the consequences of my own actions. Intellectuals:
Accept the consequences of my decisions regarding the Describe what I'm doing abroad using English. units promoted English as a source of motivations when I meet, I took the lead
English language. Express my feelings and moods Cando I communicate work. and communicate group work for
Select one of the possible ways of acting. with my colleagues in English. learning and English proficiency.
Identify the needs of my immediate environment (family INTERPRETIVE Identify knowledge and my family and
home neighborhood). Write personal information in simple nearby community, related to the
formats using English. creation of businesses or business units
Search way to resolve conflicts.
PROPOSITIVE developing plans to facilitate me improve
Follow the sequence of a simple story using the Argumentative the company using English as the main
Suggest a product or service required in my immediate English language. Copy and transcribe words I understand language experiences.
environment using English language abroad. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic structures of and I use frequently in the classroom
INTERPRETIVE English when I explain my interest issues. when I express in English. INTERPRETIVE
Respond to greetings and farewells. Write personal information in simple
Answer questions about how I feel. PROPOSITIVE formats using information in English.
Argumentative: Follow the sequence of a simple story
. Recognize when I speak in English and react verbally using English grammar to facilitate ARGUMENTATIVE coherent and
and nonverbally understanding me and propose my own convincing text Sustentation produced
propositive ideas. PROPOSITIVE
Identify people involved in a conversation Preparation of documents or projects to
solve problems of context. Analysis of
problems, presentation of alternative
Principales resultados de Mapas conceptuales Canciones. Cartas describiendo cosas con el vocabulario Tarjetas.
desempeño (evidencia). Videos. Maquetas visto. Carteleras
carteleras audio Exposición Maquetas.

RECURSOS Y/O MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO. Tablero, marcador, video vim, T.V fotocopias ETC
INTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Trabajo en equipo, mapas mentales. Evaluación por competencia, talleres explosión etc
TIPOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Autoevaluación, coevaluación y heteroevaluación.




AREA: humanidades ASIGNATURA (s) Inglés CICLO: IV GRADO(s): 8 I.H.S: 3 Horas AÑO: 2018
EDUCADOR(es) Nelys patricia calderón Jiménez.

Metas generales del ciclo  Instruct students capable of assimilating learning for life, using foreign language for personal enrichment and as a means to enjoy.
 Prepare students able to understand short videos in a foreign language where topics discussed in other areas are discussed.
 Project students able to listen and talk about content appropriate to their age, folk tales, folk songs, poems. Etc.
Metas generales del grado  I will be able to speak and communicate in basic situations. I can talk about situations and / or actions of the present, past or future.
 The student is able to: understand the general meaning of a text; Video, capture the information you need, even if there are parts of the text or video that does not
capture accurately; Select the parts of the text you need to perform your task and reject what you do not need. All this, through answers to questions or by relating
sentences / paragraphs with images.
Periodos académicos Periodo 1 Periodo 2 Periodo 3 Periodo 4
I read and understand narrative and I make brief presentations to In my essays I use the I read and understand narrative
descriptive texts or narratives and describe narrating and briefly vocabulary and grammar I and descriptive texts or
descriptions from different sources on explaining facts and processes know with certain precision but narratives and descriptions from
topics that are familiar to me as well my dreams, hopes and when I deal with topics that I do different sources on topics that
ambitions. not know or express ideas in are familiar to me.
the past.
Estándares Básicos de
competencia, Writing texts
When you speak about me exhibitions about
what i do at school or in me themes of my environment and I like to participate in
free time understanding Use represented plans
my interests Una conversation with my
general ideas if the language in maps or diagrams for
with a companions and my professor
is clear develop my writings
orthografia and point

Requests and provides information about Explains in written form different Exchanges information about Makes brief presentations on academic
experiences and plans in a clear and brief familiar situations and facts in a academic and general interest topics related to his/her school
Derechos Básicos de manner using his/her own information or coherent and simple manner. The topics, through simple environment or community including in
Aprendizaje information about familiar situations. Likewise, student can establish relationships of conversations, dialogues, and role- the presentation: relevant facts, specific
the student uses familiar vocabulary and may addition, sequence, and cause and plays. In these conversations, the details, and specific vocabulary pertinent
ask for assistance from classmates and/or the effect as well as simple comparisons. student may express opinions in a to the topic. Prior to giving the
teacher. simple manner using previously presentation, the student prepares and
Recognizes specific information in studied models. receives advice from his/her classmates
Requests and provides information about short oral and written texts on topics Makes recommendations to people in and/or teacher.
experiences and plans in a clear and brief of general interest. The student uses his/her community about what to
manner using his / her own information or different reading strategies such as: do, when and how, based on daily Expresses emotions and feelings about a
information about familiar situations. Likewise, previewing (images, titles, subtitles, situations in his or her family life, situation or specific topic related to
the student uses familiar vocabulary and may etc.), prediction, the underlining of key school or local environment. his/her family or school and presents
ask for assistance from classmates and / or words and Spanish cognates, and the Briefly narrates current facts, daily supporting reasons in a clear and simple
the teacher identification of the general idea of the situations or personal experiences manner
text (skimming orally and in written form.

Gramática Gramática • Adverbios de frecuencia y Gramática • Presente continuo/ Gramática • Presente continuo •
• Adverbios de frecuencia y secuencia secuencia. • Adjetivos posesivos: her, pasado simple • Primer condicional • Modales de posibilidad • Futuro con el
Principales saberes para • Adjetivos posesivos: her, his, my, their, your his, my, their, your • Preguntas Wh- Modales: should, can, ought to, must going to • Adjetivos • Adverbios de moda,
resolver problemas del • Preguntas Wh-questions • Presente simple questions • Adverbios de frecuencia y
contexto. Conceptos, • Infinitivo/gerundio secuencia • Imperativos--Take…, Lexical Vocabulario positivo y secuencia, lugar • Imperativos • Tercero
procedimientos Lexical drink…; Don´t….. • Pasado simple. negativo • Like • Dislike • Bad taste condicional.
Acciones humanas Lexical • Fat • Ugly • Super skinny Lexical Consumismo • Buy and sell • Over
• Plant trees Partes del cuerpo Expresiones para narrar • One day I packaging • Disposable income • Fashion
• Throw garbage • Mining • Agriculture Síntomas y medicinas went for a walk • Technology
Prácticas medio ambientales Enfermedades y desórdenes Expresiones para argumentar y Palabras a favor o en contra • Like,
Expresiones para describir acciones humanas en alimenticios apoyar puntos de vista similar as, same in the same way, the
el medio ambiente. Expresiones para relacionar sintomas. • I agree, I disagree, I believe, I think, same as similarly • As well as • Although,
Expresiones para opinar Expresiones para concluir y citar in my opinion, I’m sorry, I can’t agree yet, while, instead, unless, unlike, on the
Expresiones para mostrar intereses y oralmente: with…Jorge • Exactly! I couldn’t contrary, contrary to…
Expresiones para citar en un escrito: • Expresiones para introducir un tema. agree more. • Perhaps, but … • Expresiones para proponer/mostrar una
According to … Expresiones para desarrollar That’s true. • I’m sorry, but I solución • If …then • Whether or not….. •
contenido. disagree. • I’m afraid that isn’t right. I have a proposal (to make) • I would like
• You’re absolutely correct!. • That to put forward a proposal (formal) • You
may be the case, however, … • You should… • You must/ mustn´t • This is
should, shouldn´t the result • I´d like to…

• Presentation of videos
(Estrategias metodológicas • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to referring to the themes to be
de aprendizaje) y actitudes).
the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the developed in the classes
classes classes classes • Teamwork
•Teamwork •Teamwork •Team work • Exhibition technique
• Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Workshops
• Workshops • Workshops • Workshops •Written works
•Written works •Written works • Written works • Dramas presentation
• Dramas presentation • Dramas presentation • Dramas presentation • Conceptual mapping
• Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Billboard presentation
• Billboard presentation
CITIZENS CITIZENS Draw the scenarios where CITIZENS Communicate easily with CITIZENS Establish friendly relations
Draw the scenarios where you could stop the you could stop the conflict and avoid your peers, colleagues and teachers, with people of different social and
conflict and avoid so many victims. so many victims. and with the other people in your cultural level
TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES Selects and uses community.
Selects and uses technological tools in the technological tools in the solution of
solution of problems problems
Competencias. Participates constructively in democratic constructively in democratic technological tools in the solution of tools and equipment according to the
Se relacionan los procesos y acciones processes of the classroom and the school processes of the classroom and the problems procedures technically provided.
necesarios e indispensables environment school environment COMMUNICATIVES Participates COMMUNICATIVES I cooperate and show
correspondientes a cada competencia, C.LG: a. PERSONNEL :It acts autonomously, C.LG: a. PERSONNEL It acts constructively in democratic solidarity with my colleagues and my
para contribuir y potencializar la following defined norms and principles autonomously, following defined norms processes of the classroom and the colleagues; Work constructively in team
formación. b. INTELLECTUAL and principles school environment C.LG: a. PERSONAL Reflects on his own
I choose and implement the appropriate b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and C.LG: a. News attitude in relation to the activities
solution or strategy to solve a particular implement the appropriate solution or I act autonomously, following defined developed
situation strategy to solve a particular situation norms and principles b. INTELLECTUAL Identifies problems in a
c. INTERPERSONAL c. INTERPERSONAL It contributes the b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and given situation, Analyzes ways to
It contributes the resources that it presents resources that it presents for the implement the appropriate solution overcome them and implements suitable
for the accomplishment of collective tasks accomplishment of collective tasks or strategy to solve a particular alternatives
Collects, organizes and analyzes data to organizes and analyzes data to c. INTERPERSONAL Contributes the interprets ideas of others in a given
produce information that can be transmitted to produce information that can be resources that it presents for the situation and supports the possible
others transmitted to others accomplishment of collective tasks disagreements with own arguments
Identifies alternative ways of interpreting ways of interpreting humanity's organizes and analyzes data to preserve and improve the environment
humanity's actions during World War II actions during World War II produce information that can be making proper use of the resources at
It recognizes the political processes carried out It recognizes the political processes transmitted to others my disposal
by American states in the 20th century. carried out by American states in the INTERPRETATIVE Recognizes the INTERPRETATIVE
ARGUMENTATIVE: 20th century. political processes carried out by It interprets the current world situation
He argues about the need to make decisions to ARGUMENTATIVE: He argues about the the American states in the 20th as a challenge to demonstrate its
avoid armed conflict. need to make decisions to avoid armed century. capabilities and commitment to reality.
It gives reasons for the importance of conflict. ARGUMENTATIVE Arguments about ARGUMENTATIVE
overcoming situations of exclusion and It gives reasons for the importance of the need to participate in the It raises reasons and arguments about
radicalism in today's world overcoming situations of exclusion and solution of the internal conflict that the population situation in Colombia
PROPOSITION: radicalism in today's world has accompanied our country for It raises reasons and arguments about
It raises value judgments around the world PROPOSITION: It raises value decades. the population situation in America and in
situation at the time of the war. judgments around the world situation Colombia
world at the time of the war. PROPOSITIVE Proposes different PROPOSITIVE Proposes alternatives for
PROPOSITIVE InterpretiveUnderstands the ways to overcome the crises of the solution and understanding about the
It raises alternative forms of understanding of revolutions of the 19th century in American countries of the twentieth Colombian reality.
the revolutionary phenomena in the world Europe as a great step for humanity century.

Principales resultados de desempeño  Write letters explaining the routine  Develops diagrams that  Establish dialogues and
(evidencia). situation in the foreign language English explain the processes and  Write and read texts respectfully participate in
situations of daily life with their related to the situation of them in English
Son los productos concretos que deben  Describe and analyze events in the causes and consequences in the human population in
presentar los estudiantes en cada periodo, classroom in English English the current world in  Proposes constructive
evento de clase, semana, semestral. Mínimo English contributions to problematic
se deben establecer dos productos, como  Graph and draw particular scenes of  Explain and ground through situations using English
por ejemplo: cartas, mapas mentales, the grammar seen in English written grammar view in  Perform activities in
mapas conceptuales, análisis de casos, English which those who identify
ejercicios, ensayos, cuentos, novelas,  Write her own conclusions about the the origin of human  Draws reports on the
noticias, reportajes, videos, audios, events of English grammar  Draw, cut and paste groups using English political and economic
informes, registros, etcétera. illustrative situations of situation of our country in
 Produces written works of all the inventions arising using the English
subjects worked in classes English foreign language.
 Elaborates diagrams
 Build projects with some of the themes  Share your comments and explaining the situation of the
proposed. opinions about the situation in current world in English
our country in English
 Write written analyzes on the situation  Maintains constant attention
of our world in the face of globalization. to English population issues
and problems.

. RECURSOS Y/O MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO. Tablero, marcador, video vim, T.V, fotocopias, carteleras ETC
INTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Trabajo en equipo, mapas mentales. Evaluación por competencia, talleres explosión etc
TIPOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Autoevaluación, coevaluación y heteroevaluación.




AREA: humanidades ASIGNATURA (s) Inglés CICLO: IV GRADO(s): 9 I.H.S: 3 Horas AÑO: 2018
EDUCADOR(es) Nelys patricia calderón Jiménez.

Metas generales del ciclo  Instruct students capable of assimilating learning for life, using foreign language for personal enrichment and as a means to enjoy.
 Prepare students able to understand short videos in a foreign language where topics discussed in other areas are discussed.
 Project students able to listen and talk about content appropriate to their age, folk tales, folk songs, poems. Etc.
Metas generales del grado  I will be able to speak and communicate in basic situations. I can talk about situations and / or actions of the present, past or future.
 The student is able to: understand the general meaning of a text; Video, capture the information you need, even if there are parts of the text or video that does not
capture accurately; Select the parts of the text you need to perform your task and reject what you do not need. All this, through answers to questions or by relating
sentences / paragraphs with images.
Periodos académicos Periodo 1 Periodo 2 Periodo 3 Periodo 4
I read and understand narrative and When I talk about what I do at school I write messages in different I express my opinion on matters of
descriptive texts or narratives and or in my free time, I understand the formats on topics of my interest. general interest to myself and my
Descriptions of different sources about general ideas if the language is colleagues.
familiar themes, and I understand short and clear.
simple argumentative texts.
I write text expositions about I answers, in written form, questions
I follow the instructions given in class to I acknowledge the purpose of a topics of my environment and my related to texts that I have read.
Estándares Básicos de carry out academic activities. description in medium-length interests, with an acceptable
competencia, narrative texts spelling and punctuation

I understand relations of addition, contrast, I make brief presentations to In my essays I use the vocabulary and
temporal order and spatial and cause-effect describe, narrate, justify and Participate in a conversation when grammar I know with some precision,
between simple statements. Explain briefly facts and processes, my interlocutor gives me the time but when I deal with topics that I do
also my dreams, to think my answers.. not know or express complex ideas, I
Hopes and ambitions make mistakes

Explains the reasons behind plans and actions Summarizes information s/he has Expresses his/her opinion on an Identifies the type, purpose, and parts of
related to his/her personal, school and read or listened to on academic and academic topic discussed in class by a short written or oral text and shares
Derechos Básicos de community environment. The student structures school related topics through a quoting information presented by his ideas from the text with classmates. To
Aprendizaje explanations appropriately, uses connectors structured written text. For example, classmates, other people, or that do so, the student uses the text
between ideas, checks for spelling, and employs after reading a text, the student may comes from other sources. structure, titles and subtitles, sequence
proper pronunciation to communicate ideas. summarize it in one sentence. markers, connectors, and repeated
vocabulary. For example, after reading a
narrative text on netiquette, the student
Recognizes cause and effect relationships in Makes short presentations on Exchanges information about can explain what the text is about to
short written texts on academic topics. The academic topics of interest using a academic and general interest his/her classmates.
student takes into account vocabulary, clear structure and organization. To topics in a conversation. To do so,
connectors, and prior knowledge when make his presentation he takes into the student uses his/her notes from Produces medium length texts making
identifying the relationships. For example, after account: a reading or listening on the topic recommendations or suggestions related
reading a short text, the student identifies to situations of academic, social, or
causes and effects and specifies them in a personal interest. To do so, the student
graph. takes into account relationships of
compare and contrast and addition,
among others.
Gramática Gramática Gramática Gramática
• Condicionales. • Modales of obligación: Should, • Presente, pasado y futuro simple • • Adverbios de frecuencia y secuencia • • Pasado simple • Pasado perfecto •
ought to, had better. • Comparativos y Presente, pasado y futuro perfecto • Imperativos: Take…, drink…; Don´t… • Presente simple • Condicionales
Principales saberes para superlativos. • Presente perfecto. • Futuro Condicionales • Modales • Estilo Modales: should, would, ought to, had Lexical
resolver problemas del perfecto. indirecto better • Presente perfecto • Pasado Derechos • Right to vote freely • Right to
contexto. Conceptos, simple
procedimientos Lexical Lexical receive health, and basic services •
Tecnologías de la información • Social network • Opuestas • Woman – women • Man – Dignity and identity • Civil disobedience
Partes del cuerpo • Abdomen • Heart •
Application (Apps) • Blogs • Download / upload Men • Child- children • Person –People Expresiones de ventajas y desventajas
Back • Kidney • Liver • Lung • Backbone
• Website • Save as • Password • Access • Just - Unjust • Wrong - right • Fair – Expresiones para presentar un proyecto
• Skull
Conectores de causa y efecto • Consequently • unfair • Lack of… Enfermedades y Síntomas Expresiones para presentar un proyecto
As a result • Therefore • For this reason • Expresiones de contraste y adición Transiciones de efecto • Therefore •
Because • As • Since Expresiones para solicitar clarificación Consequently • Accordingly • Thus •
Expresiones para sugerir Expresiones para realizar una Hence • As a result
Expresiones para opinar presentación oral Expresiones para relacionar síntomas
Expresiones para resumir ideas Expresiones para introducir un tema:

• Presentation of videos
(Estrategias metodológicas • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to referring to the themes to be
de aprendizaje) y actitudes).
the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the developed in the classes
classes classes classes • Teamwork
•Teamwork •Teamwork •Team work • Exhibition technique
• Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Workshops
• Workshops • Workshops • Workshops •Written works
•Written works •Written works • Written works • Dramas presentation
• Dialogues • Dramas presentation • Dramas presentation • Conceptual mapping
• Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Billboard presentation
• Billboard presentation
CITIZENS CITIZENS Draw the scenarios where CITIZENS Communicate easily with CITIZENS Establish friendly relations
Draw the scenarios where you could stop the you could stop the conflict and avoid your peers, colleagues and teachers, with people of different social and
conflict and avoid so many victims. so many victims. and with the other people in your cultural level
TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES Selects and uses community.
Selects and uses technological tools in the technological tools in the solution of TECHNOLOGIES Selects and uses TECHNOLOGIES Manages technological
solution of problems problems technological tools in the solution of tools and equipment according to the
COMPETENCIAS. COMMUNICATIVES COMMUNICATIVES Participates problems procedures technically provided.
Participates constructively in democratic constructively in democratic COMMUNICATIVES Participates COMMUNICATIVES I cooperate and show
processes of the classroom and the school processes of the classroom and the constructively in democratic solidarity with my colleagues and my
environment school environment processes of the classroom and the colleagues; Work constructively in team
C.LG: a. PERSONNEL :It acts autonomously, school environment
following defined norms and principles C.LG: a. News
b. INTELLECTUAL C.LG: a. PERSONNEL It acts I act autonomously, following defined C.LG: a. PERSONAL Reflects on his own
I choose and implement the appropriate autonomously, following defined norms norms and principles attitude in relation to the activities
solution or strategy to solve a particular and principles b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and developed
situation b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and implement the appropriate solution b. INTELLECTUAL Identifies problems in a
c. INTERPERSONAL implement the appropriate solution or or strategy to solve a particular given situation, Analyzes ways to
It contributes the resources that it presents strategy to solve a particular situation situation overcome them and implements suitable
for the accomplishment of collective tasks c. INTERPERSONAL It contributes the c. INTERPERSONAL Contributes the alternatives
d. ORGANIZACIONALE resources that it presents for the resources that it presents for the c. INTERPERSONAL Listens and
Collects, organizes and analyzes data to accomplishment of collective tasks accomplishment of collective tasks interprets ideas of others in a given
produce information that can be transmitted to c. ORGANIZACIONALE Collects, ORGANIZATIONAL: Collects, situation and supports the possible
others organizes and analyzes data to organizes and analyzes data to disagreements with own arguments
INTERPRETATIVE produce information that can be produce information that can be d. ORGANIZATIONAL I contribute to
Identifies alternative ways of interpreting transmitted to others transmitted to others preserve and improve the environment
humanity's actions during World War II INTERPRETATIVE:Identifies alternative INTERPRETATIVE Recognizes the making proper use of the resources at
It recognizes the political processes carried out ways of interpreting humanity's political processes carried out by my disposal
by American states in the 20th century. actions during World War II the American states in the 20th INTERPRETATIVE
ARGUMENTATIVE: It recognizes the political processes century. It interprets the current world situation
He argues about the need to make decisions to carried out by American states in the ARGUMENTATIVE Arguments about as a challenge to demonstrate its
avoid armed conflict. 20th century. the need to participate in the capabilities and commitment to reality.
It gives reasons for the importance of ARGUMENTATIVE: He argues about the solution of the internal conflict that ARGUMENTATIVE
overcoming situations of exclusion and need to make decisions to avoid armed has accompanied our country for It raises reasons and arguments about
radicalism in today's world conflict. decades. the population situation in Colombia
PROPOSITION: It gives reasons for the importance of It raises reasons and arguments about
It raises value judgments around the world overcoming situations of exclusion and PROPOSITIVE Proposes different the population situation in America and in
situation at the time of the war. radicalism in today's world ways to overcome the crises of the Colombia
world PROPOSITION: It raises value American countries of the twentieth PROPOSITIVE Proposes alternatives for
PROPOSITIVE judgments around the world situation century. solution and understanding about the
It raises alternative forms of understanding of at the time of the war. Colombian reality.
the revolutionary phenomena in the world InterpretiveUnderstands the
revolutions of the 19th century in
Europe as a great step for humanity

Principales resultados de desempeño  Write letters explaining the routine  Develops diagrams that  Establish dialogues and
(evidencia). situation in the foreign language English explain the processes and  Write and read texts respectfully participate in
Son los productos concretos que deben situations of daily life with their related to the situation of them in English
presentar los estudiantes en cada periodo,  Describe and analyze events in the causes and consequences in the human population in
evento de clase, semana, semestral. Mínimo classroom in English English the current world in  Proposes constructive
se deben establecer dos productos, como English contributions to problematic
por ejemplo: cartas, mapas mentales,  Graph and draw particular scenes of  Explain and ground through situations using English
mapas conceptuales, análisis de casos, the grammar seen in English written grammar view in  Perform activities in
ejercicios, ensayos, cuentos, novelas, English which those who identify
noticias, reportajes, videos, audios,  Write her own conclusions about the  Draw, cut and paste the origin of human  Draws reports on the
informes, registros, etcétera. events of English grammar illustrative situations of groups using English political and economic
inventions arising using the situation of our country in
 Produces written works of all the English foreign language. English
subjects worked in classes
 Share your comments and  Elaborates diagrams
 Build projects with some of the themes opinions about the situation in explaining the situation of the
proposed. our country in English current world in English

 Write written analyzes on the situation  Maintains constant attention

of our world in the face of globalization. to English population issues
and problems.
. RECURSOS Y/O MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO. Tablero, marcador, video vim, T.V, fotocopias, carteleras ETC
INTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Trabajo en equipo, mapas mentales. Evaluación por competencia, talleres explosión etc
TIPOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Autoevaluación, coevaluación y heteroevaluación.





AREA: humanidades ASIGNATURA (s) Inglés CICLO: IV GRADO(s): 10 I.H.S: 3 Horas AÑO: 2018

EDUCADOR(es) Nelys patricia calderón Jiménez.

Metas generales del ciclo He is able to understand simple exchanges with some difficulty about familiar topics, everyday situations, predictable and make detailed descriptions of
various aspects of his environment: (people, climate, places, jobs,
He usually follows the main points of a discussion (when the speech is clearly articulated, in standard English) by giving his own personal views and
opinions in informal discussions, familiar topics, with friends. Sometimes you can start a conversation and often ask your interlocutor to repeat so you
can understand what he has said.
To prepare students able to face situations that help them to solve a test to know with the knowledge and structure and parameters given by the ICFE in
Metas generales del grado The student is able to answer an icfe type test in English.
The student is able to read argumentative, interpretive texts that facilitate the understanding and analysis of this.
The student is able to comprehend ICFE know-how with enlightened about his environment and produce texts about him and his peers with complex and
sometimes memorized sentences
Periodos académicos Periodo 1 Periodo 2 Periodo 3 Periodo 4
I make brief presentations to I participate in conversations in In interactions with native I understand the texts of different
describe, narrate, justify and explain which I can explain my opinions and speakers of English, I recognize types and sources on topics of
ideas on general, personal and elements of their culture and can general and academic interest. I
briefly facts and processes, also my abstract topics. explain to my colleagues. select and apply appropriate reading
dreams, hopes and ambitions strategies for text and engagement.

I use strategies appropriate to the I value reading as a means to I use an appropriate vocabulary to
Estándares Básicos de purpose and type of text (activation acquire information from different express my ideas clearly on topics of
competencia, I structure my texts taking into
of prior knowledge, support in body disciplines that expand my the curriculum and my interest.
account formal language elements language and gesture, use of knowledge.
such as punctuation, spelling, syntax, images) to understand what I hear.
coherence and cohesion.
Use functional language to discuss I verbally describe my ambitions,
I use my previous knowledge to I write texts through which I explain alternatives, make dreams and hopes using clear and
my preferences, decisions or recommendations and negotiate simple language.
participate in a conversation. actions. agreements in discussions
prepared in advance.

Recognizes general and specific information in Writes narrative, descriptive and Exchanges opinions on topics of Holds spontaneous and simple
written and oral opinion texts and discussions explanatory texts related to topics of personal, social or academic conversations on topics of personal or
Derechos Básicos de on familiar topics. For this purpose, the student interest or that are familiar to interest in a natural and coherent academic interest. Depending on the
Aprendizaje asks questions such as “What is the text him/her.. The student follows a model manner using familiar purpose and audience, the student
about?” and “What is the most important idea for the process of planning, writing, expressions. For example, the chooses appropriate expressions to
the author is trying to express?” reviewing, and editing a text. The student participates in a round begin, maintain, and end conversations
student may use his/her teacher table discussion giving his/her
Explains ideas presented in an oral or written and/or classmates to receive advice opinion on the topic being Responds to questions and inquiries
text about topics of interest or that are familiar and support. Text. discussed after an oral presentation on general or
through the use of previous knowledge, academic topics of interest using
inferences or interpretations. For example, Composes clear and well structured oral or information previously consulted and
written messages taking into consideration the
when reading a text, the student makes organized. For example, the student can
context in which they are produced using the
comments that evidence his/her necessary vocabulary and text structures. For clarify doubts from an audience on a
understanding. example, when writing an e-mail, the student topic such as the following:
greets the person, composes the message, and
closes appropriately.
Holds spontaneous and simple on topics of
personal or academic
Gramática Gramática Gramática Gramática
• Presente, pasado y futuro simple y perfecto • • Presente, pasado y futuro simple y • Presente y pasado simple • • Presente simple y continuo • Pasado
perfecto • Condicionales • Modales simple y continuo • Infinitivos de
Principales saberes para Condicionales • Modales • Estilo indirecto voz Lexical Presente perfecto • Futuro simple •
proposito It’s + adjective+ infinitive •
resolver problemas del pasiva voz activa. Preguntas con which? • Gerundios • Modales • Estilo indirecto
contexto. Conceptos, Lexical Deportes extremos • Skateboarding • Condicionales • This/These, Lexical: Globalización • Affluence •
procedimientos Problemas escolares y su manejo • Cheating • Windsurfing • Parachute • Jetskis • that/those, one/ones • Too + Manufacturing • Technology • Outsoource
Rock climbing • Motocross • Dominate • Emerge • Capitalise •
Using electronic devices in class • Plagiarism Desordenes alimenticias • Anorexia • adjetives Communication • Appliances and devices.
Expresiones para solicitar aclaración. Bulimia . Salud en general • Body Lexical Vestuario, accesorios y moda Expresiones para predecir y dar
Expresiones para realizar una presentación oral image • Nutrition • Symptom • Binge • • Jeans, T-shirt, shoes, blouse, hipótesis.
Purge Expresiones para inferir.
Expresiones de causa y efecto popular trends, bag etc.
Expresiones para clarificación. Expresiones para justificar.
Expresiones para resumir ideas Expresiones para presentar un Expresiones sobre moda. Expresiones para persuadir
proyecto, Expresiones para dar Expresiones de opinión
opinion. Expresiones para describir
condiciones Expresiones para hablar
sobre costumbres, Expresiones para
hablar sobre las consecuencias
• Presentation of videos
(Estrategias metodológicas • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to referring to the themes to be
de aprendizaje) y actitudes).
the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the developed in the classes
classes classes classes •Teamwork
•Teamwork •Teamwork •Team work • Exhibition technique
• Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Workshops
• Workshops • Workshops • Workshops •Written works
•Written works •Written works • Written works • Dramas presentation
• Dialogues • Dramas presentation • Dramas presentation • Conceptual mapping
• Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Billboard presentation
• Billboard presentation
CITIZENS CITIZENS Draw the scenarios where CITIZENS Communicate easily with CITIZENS Establish friendly relations
Draw the scenarios where you could stop the you could stop the conflict and avoid your peers, colleagues and teachers, with people of different social and
conflict and avoid so many victims. so many victims. and with the other people in your cultural level
TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES Selects and uses community.
Selects and uses technological tools in the technological tools in the solution of TECHNOLOGIES Selects and uses TECHNOLOGIES Manages technological
solution of problems problems technological tools in the solution of tools and equipment according to the
COMPETENCIAS. COMMUNICATIVES COMMUNICATIVES Participates problems procedures technically provided.
Participates constructively in democratic constructively in democratic COMMUNICATIVES Participates COMMUNICATIVES I cooperate and show
processes of the classroom and the school processes of the classroom and the constructively in democratic solidarity with my colleagues and my
environment school environment processes of the classroom and the colleagues; Work constructively in team
C.LG: a. PERSONNEL :It acts autonomously, C.LG: a. PERSONNEL It acts school environment C.LG: a. PERSONAL Reflects on his own
following defined norms and principles autonomously, following defined norms C.LG: a. News attitude in relation to the activities
b. INTELLECTUAL and principles I act autonomously, following defined developed
norms and principles
I choose and implement the appropriate b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and b. INTELLECTUAL Identifies problems in a
solution or strategy to solve a particular implement the appropriate solution or implement the appropriate solution given situation, Analyzes ways to
situation strategy to solve a particular situation or strategy to solve a particular overcome them and implements suitable
c. INTERPERSONAL c. INTERPERSONAL It contributes the situation alternatives
It contributes the resources that it presents resources that it presents for the c. INTERPERSONAL Contributes the c. INTERPERSONAL Listens and
for the accomplishment of collective tasks accomplishment of collective tasks resources that it presents for the interprets ideas of others in a given
d. ORGANIZACIONALE c. ORGANIZACIONALE Collects, accomplishment of collective tasks situation and supports the possible
Collects, organizes and analyzes data to organizes and analyzes data to ORGANIZATIONAL: Collects, disagreements with own arguments
produce information that can be transmitted to produce information that can be organizes and analyzes data to d. ORGANIZATIONAL I contribute to
others transmitted to others produce information that can be preserve and improve the environment
INTERPRETATIVE INTERPRETATIVE:Identifies alternative transmitted to others making proper use of the resources at
Identifies alternative ways of interpreting ways of interpreting humanity's INTERPRETATIVE Recognizes the my disposal
humanity's actions during World War II actions during World War II political processes carried out by INTERPRETATIVE
It recognizes the political processes carried out It recognizes the political processes the American states in the 20th It interprets the current world situation
by American states in the 20th century. carried out by American states in the century. as a challenge to demonstrate its
ARGUMENTATIVE: 20th century. ARGUMENTATIVE Arguments about capabilities and commitment to reality.
He argues about the need to make decisions to ARGUMENTATIVE: He argues about the the need to participate in the ARGUMENTATIVE
avoid armed conflict. need to make decisions to avoid armed solution of the internal conflict that It raises reasons and arguments about
It gives reasons for the importance of conflict. has accompanied our country for the population situation in Colombia
overcoming situations of exclusion and It gives reasons for the importance of decades. It raises reasons and arguments about
radicalism in today's world overcoming situations of exclusion and the population situation in America and in
PROPOSITION: radicalism in today's world PROPOSITIVE Proposes different Colombia
It raises value judgments around the world PROPOSITION: It raises value ways to overcome the crises of the PROPOSITIVE Proposes alternatives for
situation at the time of the war. judgments around the world situation American countries of the twentieth solution and understanding about the
world at the time of the war. century. Colombian reality.
PROPOSITIVE InterpretiveUnderstands the
It raises alternative forms of understanding of revolutions of the 19th century in
the revolutionary phenomena in the world Europe as a great step for humanity

Principales resultados de desempeño  Write letters explaining the routine  Develops diagrams that  Establish dialogues and
(evidencia). situation in the foreign language English explain the processes and  Write and read texts respectfully participate in
Son los productos concretos que deben situations of daily life with their related to the situation of them in English
presentar los estudiantes en cada periodo,  Describe and analyze events in the causes and consequences in the human population in
evento de clase, semana, semestral. Mínimo classroom in English English the current world in  Proposes constructive
se deben establecer dos productos, como English contributions to problematic
por ejemplo: cartas, mapas mentales,  Graph and draw particular scenes of  Explain and ground through situations using English
mapas conceptuales, análisis de casos, the grammar seen in English written grammar view in  Perform activities in
ejercicios, ensayos, cuentos, novelas, English which those who identify
noticias, reportajes, videos, audios,  Write her own conclusions about the the origin of human  Draws reports on the
informes, registros, etcétera. events of English grammar  Draw, cut and paste groups using English political and economic
illustrative situations of situation of our country in
 Produces written works of all the inventions arising using the
subjects worked in classes English foreign language.  Elaborates diagrams
explaining the situation of the
 Build projects with some of the themes  Share your comments and current world in English
proposed. opinions about the situation in
our country in English  Maintains constant attention
 Write written analyzes on the situation to English population issues
of our world in the face of globalization. and problems.
. RECURSOS Y/O MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO. Tablero, marcador, video vim, T.V, fotocopias, carteleras ETC
INTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Trabajo en equipo, mapas mentales. Evaluación por competencia, talleres explosión etc
TIPOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Autoevaluación, coevaluación y heteroevaluación.





AREA: humanidades ASIGNATURA (s) Inglés CICLO: IV GRADO(s): 11 I.H.S: 3 Horas AÑO: 2018

EDUCADOR(es) Nelys patricia calderón Jiménez.

Metas generales del ciclo He is able to understand simple exchanges with some difficulty about familiar topics, everyday situations, predictable and make detailed descriptions of
various aspects of his environment: (people, climate, places, jobs,
He usually follows the main points of a discussion (when the speech is clearly articulated, in standard English) by giving his own personal views and
opinions in informal discussions, familiar topics, with friends. Sometimes you can start a conversation and often ask your interlocutor to repeat so you
can understand what he has said.
To prepare students able to face situations that help them to solve a test to know with the knowledge and structure and parameters given by the ICFE in
Metas generales del grado The student is able to answer an icfe type test in English.
The student is able to read argumentative, interpretive texts that facilitate the understanding and analysis of this.
The student is able to comprehend ICFE know-how with enlightened about his environment and produce texts about him and his peers with complex and
sometimes memorized sentences
Periodos académicos Periodo 1 Periodo 2 Periodo 3 Periodo 4
. I make brief presentations to In addition to what I achieved in the In interactions with native I understand the texts of different
describe, narrate, justify and explain previous level, in this level I speakers of English, I recognize types and sources on topics of
participate in conversations in elements of their culture and can general and academic interest. I
briefly facts and processes, also my which I can explain my opinions and explain to my colleagues. select and apply appropriate reading
dreams, hopes and ambitions ideas on general, personal and strategies for text and engagement.
abstract topics.

Estándares Básicos de I write texts that explain my I verbally describe my ambitions,

competencia, I can also start a conversation topic
preferences, decisions and actions. dreams and hopes using clear and I use metalinguistic elements as
and keep the attention of My With my vocabulary I deal with simple language gestures and intonation to make more
interlocutors; When I speak, my general themes, understandable what I say
speech is simple and coherent. Although I use strategies to talk
Although my accent Is foreign, my about I participate spontaneous in I value writing as a means of
pronunciation is clear and adequate Facts and objects whose name I do Conversations on topics of my expressing my ideas and thoughts,
not know. interest using clear and simple who I am and what I know of the world.
I accept acceptable linguistic language
norms, with some interference
from my mother tongue

Identifies the purpose of medium length oral Identifies opinions of the author in Expresses his/her position on a Maintains previously prepared formal
and written texts related to topics of general oral and written texts related to familiar topic in written and oral discussions about academic topics. To do
Derechos Básicos de and academic interest and shares it with others his/her school environment using form, taking into consideration so, the student follows the ideas
Aprendizaje using his/her knowledge about the structure of prior knowledge related to the topic as his/her audience. To achieve this, presented about the topic and expresses
texts. For example, after reading different texts, well as the structure of the text. For the student sets the tone of the his/ her opinion and contrasts it with the
the student identifies the purpose and type of example after reading or listening to a message depending on the context opinions of others in the discussion.
each one. text, the student writes a brief or relationship with the audience
summary of the author’s opinions. (formal or informal).
Explains orally and in written forms the causes Narrates personal experiences or
and effects as well as the problem and the Writes opinion texts about academic Expresses orally his/her point of familiar stories in oral or written form
solution of a situation by defining the topics using a clear and simple view about a controversial subject through the use of details related to
relationship between ideas to be explained and structure. To do this, the student previously studied through the situations, places, people, and actions.
using appropriate language follows a model for the process of selection or organization of For example, the student shares a life
planning, writing, reviewing and editing information from reliable sourcee lesson with classmates.
a text. and use of clear and structures
Gramática • Futuro simple, perfecto • Gramática • Estilo indirecto • . Gramática • Tercer condicional.
Condicionales • Presente y Pasado simple • Presente, pasado y futuro simple • Gramática • Tercer condicional • Lexical Redes sociales • Twitter •
Presente y pasado continuo • Pasado Facebook • YouTube • Google + • Badoo •
Principales saberes para Estilo indirecto • Conectores de causa y efecto perfecto. Adverbios e intensificadores. Linkedin • Reddit • Instagram.
resolver problemas del Lexical Palabras relacionadas con los 17 Lexical Servicios de salud • X-rays • Lexical Valores sociales • Peace, Expresiones para las normas de Etiqueta.
contexto. Conceptos, objetivos de la ONU • Poverty, hunger, health, Doctor appointments • Laboratory • cooperation, collaboration, love, Expresiones relacionadas con opiniones.
procedimientos Dentist • Women’s health • Pediatrics. honesty, etc. • Equality, dignity,
education. • Equality, gender, inequality. • Expresiones para expresar sacrifice, acceptance, etc. • • I think that… • I consider…. • I agree… •
Environment, climate, oceans, seas, marine comparación. Integration, unity, humanitarianism, I disagree… • Bearing in mind… • I
Expresiones para resumir información inclusion, etc. • Forgiveness, believe… • In my opinion, that one would
resources, ecosystems, water, energy, • In conclusion… • To sum up… • In absolution, reconciliation, amnesty, be better. • If you ask me, this one is
sanitation. • Justice, peaceful, inclusion, safety short… clemency, etc. better. • I think, this one is fine • I'm not
• Employment, economy, industrialization. Expresiones para presentar ventajas y Participación ciudadana • so sure about that…
desventajas. Expresiones para presentar un tema.
Expresiones para pedir aclaración, ampliación.
Expresiones para citar fuentes Expresiones para defender punto de
Expresiones de causa y efecto. bibliográficas. vista y opiniones.
Expresiones para proponer acciones Expresiones para quejar Expresiones parar sintetizar fuentes
Expresiones para responder a quejas:
Positive response to complaints
• Presentation of videos
(Estrategias metodológicas • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to • Presentation of videos referring to referring to the themes to be
de aprendizaje) y actitudes).
the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the the themes to be developed in the developed in the classes
classes classes classes •Teamwork
•Teamwork •Teamwork •Team work • Exhibition technique
• Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Exhibition technique • Workshops
• Workshops • Workshops • Workshops •Written works
•Written works •Written works • Written works • Dramas presentation
• Dialogues • Dramas presentation • Dramas presentation • Conceptual mapping
• Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Conceptual mapping • Billboard presentation
• Billboard presentation
CITIZENS CITIZENS Draw the scenarios where CITIZENS Communicate easily with CITIZENS Establish friendly relations
Draw the scenarios where you could stop the you could stop the conflict and avoid your peers, colleagues and teachers, with people of different social and
conflict and avoid so many victims. so many victims. and with the other people in your cultural level
TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES Selects and uses community.
Selects and uses technological tools in the technological tools in the solution of TECHNOLOGIES Selects and uses TECHNOLOGIES Manages technological
solution of problems problems technological tools in the solution of tools and equipment according to the
COMPETENCIAS. COMMUNICATIVES COMMUNICATIVES Participates problems procedures technically provided.
Participates constructively in democratic constructively in democratic COMMUNICATIVES Participates COMMUNICATIVES I cooperate and show
processes of the classroom and the school processes of the classroom and the constructively in democratic solidarity with my colleagues and my
environment school environment processes of the classroom and the colleagues; Work constructively in team
C.LG: a. PERSONNEL :It acts autonomously, C.LG: a. PERSONNEL It acts school environment C.LG: a. PERSONAL Reflects on his own
following defined norms and principles autonomously, following defined norms C.LG: a. News attitude in relation to the activities
b. INTELLECTUAL and principles I act autonomously, following defined developed
I choose and implement the appropriate b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and norms and principles b. INTELLECTUAL Identifies problems in a
solution or strategy to solve a particular implement the appropriate solution or b. INTELLECTUAL I choose and given situation, Analyzes ways to
situation strategy to solve a particular situation implement the appropriate solution
c. INTERPERSONAL c. INTERPERSONAL It contributes the or strategy to solve a particular overcome them and implements suitable
It contributes the resources that it presents resources that it presents for the situation alternatives
for the accomplishment of collective tasks accomplishment of collective tasks c. INTERPERSONAL Contributes the c. INTERPERSONAL Listens and
d. ORGANIZACIONALE c. ORGANIZACIONALE Collects, resources that it presents for the interprets ideas of others in a given
Collects, organizes and analyzes data to organizes and analyzes data to accomplishment of collective tasks situation and supports the possible
produce information that can be transmitted to produce information that can be ORGANIZATIONAL: Collects, disagreements with own arguments
others transmitted to others organizes and analyzes data to d. ORGANIZATIONAL I contribute to
INTERPRETATIVE INTERPRETATIVE:Identifies alternative produce information that can be preserve and improve the environment
Identifies alternative ways of interpreting ways of interpreting humanity's transmitted to others making proper use of the resources at
humanity's actions during World War II actions during World War II INTERPRETATIVE Recognizes the my disposal
It recognizes the political processes carried out It recognizes the political processes political processes carried out by INTERPRETATIVE
by American states in the 20th century. carried out by American states in the the American states in the 20th It interprets the current world situation
ARGUMENTATIVE: 20th century. century. as a challenge to demonstrate its
He argues about the need to make decisions to ARGUMENTATIVE: He argues about the ARGUMENTATIVE Arguments about capabilities and commitment to reality.
avoid armed conflict. need to make decisions to avoid armed the need to participate in the ARGUMENTATIVE
It gives reasons for the importance of conflict. solution of the internal conflict that It raises reasons and arguments about
overcoming situations of exclusion and It gives reasons for the importance of has accompanied our country for the population situation in Colombia
radicalism in today's world overcoming situations of exclusion and decades. It raises reasons and arguments about
PROPOSITION: radicalism in today's world the population situation in America and in
It raises value judgments around the world PROPOSITION: It raises value PROPOSITIVE Proposes different Colombia
situation at the time of the war. judgments around the world situation ways to overcome the crises of the PROPOSITIVE Proposes alternatives for
world at the time of the war. American countries of the twentieth solution and understanding about the
PROPOSITIVE InterpretiveUnderstands the century. Colombian reality.
It raises alternative forms of understanding of revolutions of the 19th century in
the revolutionary phenomena in the world Europe as a great step for humanity

Principales resultados de desempeño Write letters explaining the routine Develops diagrams that Establish dialogues and
(evidencia). situation in the foreign language explain the processes and Write and read texts respectfully participate in
Son los productos concretos que deben English situations of daily life with related to the situation them in English
presentar los estudiantes en cada periodo, their causes and of the human population
evento de clase, semana, semestral. Mínimo Describe and analyze events in the consequences in English in the current world in Proposes constructive
se deben establecer dos productos, como classroom in English English contributions to problematic
por ejemplo: cartas, mapas mentales, Explain and ground through situations using English
mapas conceptuales, análisis de casos, Graph and draw particular scenes of written grammar view in Perform activities in
ejercicios, ensayos, cuentos, novelas, the grammar seen in English English which those who identify
noticias, reportajes, videos, audios, the origin of human Draws reports on the
informes, registros, etcétera. Write her own conclusions about the Draw, cut and paste groups using English political and economic
events of English grammar illustrative situations of situation of our country in
inventions arising using the English
Produces written works of all the English foreign language.
subjects worked in classes
Share your comments and Elaborates diagrams
Build projects with some of the opinions about the situation explaining the situation of the
themes proposed. in our country in English current world in English

Write written analyzes on the Maintains constant attention

situation of our world in the face of to English population issues
globalization. and problems.
. RECURSOS Y/O MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO. Tablero, marcador, video vim, T.V, fotocopias, carteleras ETC
INTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Trabajo en equipo, mapas mentales. Evaluación por competencia , talleres explosión etc
TIPOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Autoevaluación, coevaluación y heteroevaluación.

TIPOS DE EVALUACIÓN: Autoevaluación, coevaluación y heteroevaluación

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