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 FORM: European Square Debate falls under Competitive Debating: teams compete against each
other and are judged the winner by a list of criteria that is usually based around the concepts of
"content, style and strategy.

 What is European Square Debate?-

This is a Paris-style inspired format, specifically suited for Council of Europe simulation. The
Square Debate focuses on discussing salient European themes
Ex :Higher education reform, European defense or the energy sustainability

It aims to highlight any specific convergence (common interest) or divergence of French & British
views with regards to other European countries.

Generally speaking, the organization is undertaken in cooperation with student debating

associations. The participants are asked to take the standpoint of either France, the United Kingdom and
Germany, plus another European nation according to the topic. The winning team is eligible for a Prize.

 BASIC RULES: 4 Teams representing 4 Nations confront each other on a policy debate
ex: France, United Kingdom, Germany and Russia
Each team is composed of two speakers:They have diff roles to play:
Prime Minister
Foreign Secretary
They will be judged by a jury composed of experts.

 Order of Speaking: The debate starts with the first speaker of France, followed by the first
speaker of Germany, followed by the second speaker of France and the second speaker of
Germany. The debate continues with the first speaker of the United Kingdom, followed by the first
speaker of Russia and it goes on with the respective second speakers. Each debater speaks for
5 minutes

 Points of Information: Point of Information are short questions aimed to weaken (stabilize) the
speaker’s standpoint or make him clarify a certain point of his speech. A speaker may or may not
accept the question, but is obliged to accept at least one during his or her speech.

During the rest of the speech, the speaker may be interrupted by (POIs) from the opposite countries

However,The 1st and the last minutes are protected time: NO Points of Information may be asked!

 CRITERIA for judging:

 Speech coherence- spoken piece that is not only consistent and logical, but also unified and
meaningful. For short It makes sense .
 Team work- golden rule
 Strategy

 Speech structure-The key points should well organized.
 Use of rhetorical devices- is a technique that an author or speaker uses to convey to the listener
or reader a meaning with the goal of persuading them ex:figures of speech
 Humor
 Use of relevant examples

Overall performance
 eye contact
 body language- actions speak louder than words.It shows the speaker’s emotions and what
they really feel.
 charisma

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