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Finding the right male to mate with is not a simple matter - not even for a female guppy. Oh sure,
she could go just for good looks: a guy's size, tail length, and color, for example. Some of these
physical preferences are so important to reproduction that they appear to be hard-coded into a
guppy's genetic heritage.
Yet female guppies do not depend solely on those factors for choosing a mate, notes Lee Alan
Dugatkin of the University of Louisville in Kentucky. A few years ago, he found that a female
guppy often imitates the mating choices of other females.
reports on the first systematic look at whether appearance or cultural cues dominate this fishy issue.
He finds that female guppies, which normally prefer a mate with lots of orange, are easily persuaded
to pick a male with less orange coloration if they observe another female mating with him.
In special cases, looks can override those cultural cues. "When the males are dramatically
different (in amount of color), females don't copy," says Dugatkin. If one of two available males has
at least 40 percent more orange color than the other, a female will mate with him regardless of the
other females' actions. Dugatkin suggests that examining the behavior of guppies may provide
insight into how to study inherited and cultural factors than govern mating choices of women.

31. Which of the following is not characteristic that may determine a female guppy's choice of a
prospective mate?
a. Its coloration
b. How fast it swims
c. Its length
d. How big it is

32. Studies conducted a few years ago indicate that a female guppy's choice of a prospective mate
will often be affected by . . .
a. how soon it sees the male mating.
b. which females the male attracts.
c. what other females do when choosing a mate.
d. where other females choose to mate.

33. Which of the following do more recent studies of the mating behavior of female guppies reveal?
a. They do not rely entirely on a male's appearance.
b. They always reject males with less orange coloration.
c. They remain faithful to a single male.
d. They are not attracted by the amount of orange in males.

34. The most recent findings indicate that . . .

a. the desire of a female guppy to imitate the behavior of other females overrides all other
b. cultural cues always determine a female's choice of a mate.
c. appearance may be a decisive factor in a guppy's choice of a mate.
d. dramatically different behavior by males may affect a female's choice.

35. Dugatkin believes that his studies may answer questions concerning . . .
a. why women choose a particular mate.
b. how women inherit cultural factors.
c. the insights we already have into the mating choices of women.
d. only the inherited behavior of women.


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