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AE3280 ASSESSING LEARNING + TEACHING ​ Backwards Design (UBD) Unit Brainstorm Template

EDUCATOR: ​Abby Sears DATE: ​August 14, 2019

What are any specific needs or areas of attention for your chosen grade level?

Grade 7 They want more freedom but they need heavy structure because they will goof off or not understand
everything. Structured Chunking is a good option for presenting new material.


What is the Big Idea?​ Why are you and your students going to be interested in this big idea? How long do you
imagine this Unit taking?

Identity- 6 week unit

Students will be exploring what makes them, themselves and exploring their identity. This should spark some
interests within students especially when we explore hobbies and family history.



Choose (4-5) grade-level standards that will be addressed in this UNIT. NATIONAL ARTS STANDARDS

Analyze works of art and apply the language of visual art and design to infer meaning. VA.7.1.1
Determine meaning from works of art and design using visual literacy skills such as interpretation, negotiation,
appreciation and selection. VA.7.2.1
Plan, anticipate outcomes and use feedback to grow as an artist. VA.7.3.1
Demonstrate technical skills and processes to achieve desired results. VA.7.3.2
Investigate how artists, designers and scholars narrate their social context. VA.7.4.1


Students will understand . . . ● What is a portrait? What is a

● Students will understand how to analyze artwork and infer meaning self-portrait?
● Students will understand how to determine meaning in artworks using ● How can portraits and
visual literacy skills self-portraits help you think
● Students will understand how to plan, anticipate outcomes and use about your own and others’
feedback to grow as artists identity?
● Students will understand what it means for an artist to narrate their social ● How can you use close
context observation skills to feel good
● Students will understand how to use various technical skills in their about yourself and the people
artworks around you?
● What are some ways we can
make ourselves and our
classmates feel comfortable
when we are talking about
complex or confusing topics?
● How do different aspects of
your life influence your
identity? Do you think if you
had a different upbringing your
identity would stay the same?


Students will be able to do . . .

● Students will be able to analyze each others artwork and infer meaning through the critique process. VA.7.1.1
● Students will show identity and meaning through the incorporation of personal 2-3 elements in their final self
portrait. VA.7.2.1
● Students will be able to plan, anticipate outcomes and use feedback in their formative projects in order to grow
as artists. VA.7.3.1
● Students will be able to demonstrate various technical abilities in their artwork and will be required to show two
different techniques in their final self portrait. VA.7.3.2
● Students will be able to narrate their own social context by incorporating one visual representation in their
summative project. VA.7.4.1


Essentially, what is the final project? What sort of exercises or smaller studies will help your students be
successful in the Summative project? (Tip: They potentially could tie in
with one of your planned “learning experiences” i.e. students
complete watercolor technique exercises would be a formative grade
for a summative watercolor landscape painting)

Students will be making a non traditional self ● For an exit ticket once a week students will have to
portrait, incorporating different exercises we complete a google form with linked questions to help them
completed. The artwork must have a strong verify their responses
personal meaning behind it and clear artistic ● Students will keep a journal through this unit where there
efforts that can be written about and discussed in will be weekly checkups to make sure they are sketching
class. The artwork must be connected to the and ideating.
identity of the student and his/her community. ● Students will create a traditional self portrait using either
charcoal, colored pencils or markers, and must be able to
explain why they chose their material
● Students will create a self portrait in the manner of a
famous artist (try to stay within the last 100 years)
● Students will have to create a short powerpoint with who
they are and their hobbies
● A portfolio check every week will make sure that students
know what is expected of them and keep them from
throwing everything together in the last week of the unit
● Students will be looking at artists’ self portraits and
determine how artists add meaning to their artwork and
how they show identity in their portraits (i.e Frida Khalo’s
self portraits)


What sort of learning activities do you think will help
build​ your students’ understanding?

In the big unit, what are all of the little daily activities or collected work?
● At the beginning of the unit students will have to create a mindmap with their initial ideas towards identity,
towards the end of the unit they will be asked to do something similar, but it will be Web Questions
discussing what they’ve learned
● Students will have to create a small performance displaying identity
● Students will have to do an anatomy study with the choice of 3 body parts they really focus on
● Students are expected to write down their processes and ideas in their journals before the end of class
● Students will be examining different artists’ self portraits to gather meaning and understanding
● Students will do still a still life study incorporating at least two techniques discussed in class (for example,
blending and stippling)
Summative Grading Rubric
4 3 2 1 0

Create meaning Included more Included 2 Included 1 Included 1 Either did not
through visual than 2 visual visual elements visual element visual element add visual
design and elements that that reflect that reflects which started to element to
artist statement reflect personal personal personal show personal reflect personal
VA.7.1.1 & meaning meaning meaning meaning but meaning, ​or ​did
VA.7.2.1 was very not write artist
Artist statement Artist statement Artist statement superficial for statement
clearly defines clearly self mentions their the theme of
personal analyzes their design choices identity
meanings and design choices and meanings
defends design and meanings Artist statement
choices in their needs work

Use feedback to Actively Actively Listened to Either did not Neither

enhance ideas participated in participated in classmates participate in particiapted in
and designs critique by (using class critiques and critique ​or ​did critique nor
VA.7.3.1 building off of checklist) the tried to not incorporate incorporated
class checklist, critique process incorporate classmates classmate
and engaged their feedback feedback into feedback
others in the Incorporated artwork
critique process feedback from
critique to
Incorporated further develop
multiple the project
feedback from
critique to
further develop
the final

Incorporate Student utilized 2 different 1 technique One technique No techniques

various 3 or more techniques that was taught was at least specifically
technical skills different taught in class in class was attempted in mentioned in
in final artwork techniques were included incorporated in the final class were
VA.7.3.2 taught in class, in the final the final artwork included in
in their final artwork artwork and artwork
artwork was completed
really well

Narrate Student used There was the There was the Social context No inclusion of
personal social various incorporation of incorporation of was not visually any social
context through imagery, words visual imagery visual imagery specific in the context, social
visual imagery and/ or symbols to reference to reference artwork identity, culture
VA.7.4.1 that illustrate personal social context in or community
personal community or the artwork was included
community and culture in the
culture final artwork


Course Standards Addressed:

PBS 4.3: Apply expert content knowledge to enrich and extend student learning
PBS 3.2: Develop valid and reliable assessment tools for the classroom
TQS 5.01(1) Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards.
TQS 5.01(3) Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

DESIGN Exemplary Proficient/ Needs Needs Not
COMPONENT Good Improvement/Fair Improvement/Poor Evident/Failing

understanding and
application of backwards
design unit planning
(PBS 4.3)

Evidence of the ability to
develop completed unit
development with a “big
idea” connected to an
evidence of assessment
based on a learning
TQS 5.01(1)

Critical Thinking
Evidence of the ability to
challenge assumptions,
information, identify
problems, and
conceptualize responses.
TQS 5.01(3)

Grammar and Mechanics

Responses are organized,
written in Standard
English with correct use
of: Grammar/Syntax and

TOTAL: ______________ / 20

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