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REG. STUDENT NO: 050705015






Universitas Sumatera Utara


First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given her

all of the blessing, ease and talent, so that the writer can finish her thesis entitled

“An Analysis of Lexical Relations and Meaning Properties in Articles in The

Jakarta Post Daily Newspaper”.

The writer would like to thank to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Drs.

Syaifuddin, M.A. Ph.D, also to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and Drs.

Yulianus Harefa, MEd TESOL as the Head and Secretary of English Department,

and to Bang Syamsul for all of assistances and facilities that given to her and for

all their attentions in her academic affairs.

The writer would like to express her special thanks to her supervisor Drs.

Umar Mono, M.Hum and her co-supervisor Dra. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL.,

M.Hum for guiding, giving support, and having shared their ideas, times and

patience. The writer would also like to thank to Drs. Syahri Saja, M.A as her

academic advisor and to all of the lecturers in English Department who taught

much and contributed the knowledge during her academic years.

The writer would like to express her lovely thanks to her beloved parents,

Zulkarnain and Ferry Hermita and her sisters, kak Mia, kak Tina and Winda and

also her big family. Thank you for the great love, supports and prays in her life.

The writer would like to express her special lovely thanks to Aldin

Lukman Hakim for always be in her side. You are her motivation.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The writer would also like to express her great thanks to all her best

friends, Sinta, Febby, Lili, Mala, Ira, Nida, Irene, Novi, Diana, Kinoy, Mediana,

Sari, Maya, Kiki, Essy, etc. and thank you for love, assistances and supports. The

writer would also thanks to all members of class 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 that

have given supports.

Last but not least, for all of her friends and people who know her. The

writer would like to apologize for unable to write all of your names, but the writer

hope you always know that you are always be as the important part of her life.

Thank you very much.

Medan, June 2009

Windy Aginta

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Skripsi yang berjudul ‘An Analysis of Lexical Relations and Meaning

Properties in Articles in The Jakarta Post Daily Newspaper’ ini membahas
tentang hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen makna (Meaning
Properties) yang terdapat pada artikel-artikel di koran harian The Jakarta Post.
Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menerapkan studi kepustakaan yaitu dengan
mengumpulkan data tentang hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen
makna (Meaning Properties) yang terdapat pada artikel-artikel di koran harian
The Jakarta Post, kemudian menganalisisnya dan menentukan jenis hubungan
leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen makna (Meaning Properties) yang
paling dominan.
Pembagian jenis hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen
makna (Meaning Properties) pada skripsi ini mengacu pada pendapat dari
F.R.Palmer (1976) dan Geoffrey Leech (1981) yang membagi hubungan leksikal
(Lexical Relations) menjadi hiponim (hyponyms), meronim (meronyms),
homonim (homonyms), sinonim (synonyms) dan antonim (antonyms) dan juga
membagi komponen makna (Meaning Properties) menjadi kebermaknaan
(meaningfulness), ambigu (ambiguity), berlebihan (redundancy), penyimpangan
(anomaly) dan berlawanan (contradictory). Dalam artikel-artikel di koran harian
The Jakarta Post, ditemukan 18 hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) yang
terdiri dari 8 antonim (antonyms) (44,4%), 8 sinonim (synonyms) (44,4%), 2
hiponim (hyponyms) (11,1%), 0 homonim (homonyms) (0%), 0 meronim
(meronyms) (0%) dan 321 komponen makna (Meaning Properties) yang terdiri
dari 319 kebermaknaan (meaningfulness) (99,37%), 1 berlawanan (contradictory)
(0,31%), 1 penyimpangan (anomaly) (0,31%), 0 ambigu (ambiguity) (0%), 0
berlebihan (redundancy) (0%).

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Adv. : Adverb
Conj. Adv. : Conjunctive Adverb
Coor. Conj. : Coordinating Conjunction
Cor. Conj. : Correlative Conjunction
DC : Dependent Clause
Freq. : Frequency
IC : Independent Clause
O : Object
P : Predicate
Prep. : Preposition
Punc. : Punctuation
Relative Pr. : Relative Pronoun
S : Subject
Sub.Conj. : Subordinating Conjunction

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ iii

ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ v

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Analysis ................................................... 1

1.2 Problems of the Analysis ....................................................... 4

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis ..................................................... 5

1.4 Significances of the Analysis ................................................. 5

1.5 Scope of the Analysis ............................................................. 5

1.6 Review of Related Literature ................................................. 6

CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................... 8

2.1 Theory of Semantics .............................................................. 8

2.2 Goals of Semantics Theory .................................................... 9

2.3 Types of Meaning ................................................................ 10

2.4 Lexical Relations .................................................................. 13

2.4.1 Hyponyms ................................................................... 14

2.4.2 Meronyms ................................................................... 15

2.4.3 Homonyms .................................................................. 16

2.4.4 Synonyms .................................................................... 17

2.4.5 Antonyms .................................................................... 18

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2.5 Meaning Properties .............................................................. 21

2.5.1 Meaningfulness ........................................................... 22

2.5.2 Ambiguity ................................................................... 37

2.5.3 Redundancy ................................................................. 39

2.5.4 Anomaly ...................................................................... 40

2.5.5 Contradictory............................................................... 41

CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY...................................................................... 42

3.1 Research Method .................................................................. 42

3.2 Data Collecting Method ....................................................... 42

3.3 Data Analysis Procedure ...................................................... 42



JAKARTA POST DAILY NEWSPAPER .................................. 44

4.1 The Existence of Lexical Relations...................................... 44

4.1.1 The Existence of Hyponyms .................................... 44

4.1.2 The Existence of Meronyms .................................... 45

4.1.3 The Existence of Homonyms ................................... 46

4.1.4 The Existence of Synonyms ..................................... 46

4.1.5 The Existence of Antonyms ..................................... 49

4.2 The Existence of Meaning Properties .................................. 53

4.2.1 The Existence of Meaningfulness ............................ 53

4.2.2 The Existence of Ambiguity .................................. 207

4.2.3 The Existence of Redundancy................................ 208

4.2.4 The Existence of Anomaly ..................................... 208

4.2.5 The Existence of Contradictory ............................. 208

4.3 The Percentage of the Data ................................................ 209

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CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................ 212

5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................ 212

5.2 Suggestions ........................................................................ 213

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................... 214




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Skripsi yang berjudul ‘An Analysis of Lexical Relations and Meaning

Properties in Articles in The Jakarta Post Daily Newspaper’ ini membahas
tentang hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen makna (Meaning
Properties) yang terdapat pada artikel-artikel di koran harian The Jakarta Post.
Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menerapkan studi kepustakaan yaitu dengan
mengumpulkan data tentang hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen
makna (Meaning Properties) yang terdapat pada artikel-artikel di koran harian
The Jakarta Post, kemudian menganalisisnya dan menentukan jenis hubungan
leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen makna (Meaning Properties) yang
paling dominan.
Pembagian jenis hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) dan komponen
makna (Meaning Properties) pada skripsi ini mengacu pada pendapat dari
F.R.Palmer (1976) dan Geoffrey Leech (1981) yang membagi hubungan leksikal
(Lexical Relations) menjadi hiponim (hyponyms), meronim (meronyms),
homonim (homonyms), sinonim (synonyms) dan antonim (antonyms) dan juga
membagi komponen makna (Meaning Properties) menjadi kebermaknaan
(meaningfulness), ambigu (ambiguity), berlebihan (redundancy), penyimpangan
(anomaly) dan berlawanan (contradictory). Dalam artikel-artikel di koran harian
The Jakarta Post, ditemukan 18 hubungan leksikal (Lexical Relations) yang
terdiri dari 8 antonim (antonyms) (44,4%), 8 sinonim (synonyms) (44,4%), 2
hiponim (hyponyms) (11,1%), 0 homonim (homonyms) (0%), 0 meronim
(meronyms) (0%) dan 321 komponen makna (Meaning Properties) yang terdiri
dari 319 kebermaknaan (meaningfulness) (99,37%), 1 berlawanan (contradictory)
(0,31%), 1 penyimpangan (anomaly) (0,31%), 0 ambigu (ambiguity) (0%), 0
berlebihan (redundancy) (0%).

Universitas Sumatera Utara



1.1 Background of the Analysis

“Semantics is the study of meaning in language. Based on the definition, we

may be tempted to think that once we understand the semantics of a language, we

completely understand that language. Meaning, however, involves more than just

the semantic interpretation of an utterance” (Hurford and Heasley, 1983:1).

“Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning. The

meaning of word is determined by the words arrangements in sentences or other

words” (Palmer, 1976:1).

“Lexical relations are relationship of the meaning of a word to other words”

(Bolinger, 1968:11). “Meaning property is one of several features or component

which together can be said to make up the meaning of a word or utterance”

(Lyons, 1977:57). All of lexical relations and meaning properties can be

differentiated by looking all the words or sentences.

Lexical relations include hyponyms, meronyms (Siregar, 1981:20),

homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms (Palmer, 1976:59). While meaning

properties include meaningfulness, ambiguity, redundancy, anomaly, and

contradictory (Siregar, 1981:29). Those topics will be analyzed in this thesis.

“Hyponymy is a word the meaning of which may be said to be included in

that of another word. Meronymy is a part-whole relationship between lexical

items” (Siregar, 1981:20). “Homonyms are different words which are pronounced

the same, but have different meanings. Synonyms are words which sound

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different, but have the same or nearly the same meaning. And antonyms are words

or expressions which are opposite in meaning or two words that express opposing

concepts” (Palmer, 1976:59).

“Meaningfulness means a word or expression that has meaning and neither

anomalous nor contradictory. Ambiguity means a word or sentence that has more

than one sense. Redundancy is the degree to which an expression contains more

information than is needed for it to be understood. Anomaly is an expression

which has an incompatibility of meaning between constituent expressions.

Contradictory means that there is a contradiction of meaning between constituent

expressions” (Siregar, 1981:29).

“Article is a piece of nonfiction writing in a newspaper, magazine or

reference book” ( Nov 9th 2008,

8.30 p.m.). The Jakarta Post is the largest English language newspaper in

Indonesia with an average circulation of around 25,000 copies. The head office is

in the nation's capital, Jakarta. It was launched on 25 April 1983 in Jakarta and it

has been existed for 25 years. Articles in The Jakarta Post are chosen as the data

source because it is assumed that there are many lexical relations and meaning

properties existed which are interesting to be analyzed semantically.

Here are some examples of the lexical relations and meaning properties found

in articles in The Jakarta Post newspaper:

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1. Antonyms

For examples:

Third, international donors are likely to contribute to domestic democracy

when there are sufficient nascent civil society institutions or fledgling non-

state associations.

(Wednesday, November 5th, 2008)

The words international and domestic refer to antonyms because they have

opposite in meaning. International means happening or existing between two or

more countries. Domestic means that inside a particular country, not foreign or


2. Synonyms

For examples:

Saturday morning, for Tin Martini, a 65-year old resident of a senior

citizen’s home in Central Jakarta, means the start of a brighter day.

(Tuesday, November 4th, 2008)

This sentence has synonym relation because the words resident and citizen

have similar meaning even though they have different sound. Resident means a

person who lives or has a home in a place, not a visitor. Citizen means a person

who lives in a town or a city.

3. Homonyms

For examples:

The concentration of risk in one business group results in a too-big-to-fail

hazard, which carries systemic for the entire Indonesian capital market.

(Monday, November 3rd, 2008)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The words too and to have same pronunciation: [tu:], but they have

different meaning. The word too here is used before adjective and means to a

higher degree. The word to be a preposition for the special uses in phrasal verbs

that means towards a situation.

4. Contradictory

For examples:

Today, that mangrove jungle is history.

(Tuesday, November 4th, 2008)

The words today and history have contradiction of meaning because today

is the present time whereas history is past event, something that happens in past


1.2 Problems of the Analysis

Based on the background, the problems of the analysis are formulated as


1) What types of lexical relations and meaning properties are found in articles

in The Jakarta Post newspaper?

2) Which type of lexical relations and meaning properties occur the most in

articles in The Jakarta Post newspaper?

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1.3 Objectives of the Analysis

By writing this thesis, some objectives are achieved to answer the problems

of the analysis, they are:

1) To find out the types of lexical relations and meaning properties found in

articles in The Jakarta Post newspaper.

2) To find out which type of lexical relations and meaning properties occur

the most in articles in The Jakarta Post newspaper.

1.4 Significances of the Analysis

Theoretically, this thesis will enrich the study of semantics that can be used

for further reference, especially dealing with lexical relations and meaning


Practically, this thesis can be used as an additional reference for teaching

semantics and translation.

1.5 Scope of the Analysis

It is very important to limit the analysis and the object of the analysis in

order to get a clear and satisfactory result. Therefore, in this thesis, I would like to

focus only on the lexical relations and meaning properties that exist in 7 (seven)

chosen articles of seven editions (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta

Post newspaper.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

1.6 Review of Related Literature

In analyzing the lexical relations and meaning properties in this thesis, some

related literatures are reviewed in this thesis. They are:

Palmer (1976) in Semantics: A New Outline define semantics, explain goals

of semantics theory and lexical relations.

Siregar (1981) in Semantics: The Study of Meaning explains about

semantics including lexical relations and meaning properties and their


Usni (2002) in her thesis entitled “A Semantic Analysis of Meaning

Properties and Meaning Relations in Technical Terms Used in PT. Unilever

Indonesia, Tbk” found that there are 74 cases for meaning properties: 22 cases

(29, 73%) for meaningfulness, 20 cases (27, 03%) for anomaly, 10 cases (13,

51%) for contradictory, 12 cases (16, 22%) for ambiguity, and 10 cases (13, 51%)

for redundancy. There are also 110 cases for meaning relations: 18 cases (16,

36%) for hyponymy, 2 cases (1, 81%) for homonymy, 31 cases (28, 18%) for

polysemy, 36 cases (32, 73%) for synonymy, and 23 cases (20, 91%) for


Simbolon (2003) in her thesis entitled “An Analysis of Meaning Properties

and Relations on Westlife’s Songs” found that there are 51 cases for meaning

properties: 24 cases (47, 05%) for meaningfulness, 8 cases (15, 6%) for anomaly,

4 cases (7, 84%) for contradictory, 10 cases (19, 58%) for ambiguity, and 5 cases

(9, 8%) for redundancy. There are also 43 cases for meaning relations: 7 cases

(16, 27%) for homonyms, 13 cases (30, 23%) for synonyms, and 23 cases (41,

85%) for antonyms.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Tiakhiroh (2007) in her thesis entitled “An Analysis of Meaning Properties

in Campbell’s Kingdom by Innes Hommand” found that there are 138 cases for

meaning properties: 94 cases for meaningfulness, 28 cases for anomaly, 7 cases

for contradictory, 3 cases for ambiguity, and 6 cases for redundancy.

Sofiana (2008) in her thesis entitled “The Analysis of Meaning Properties

and Meaning Relations in Saul Bellow’s short story Looking for Mr. Green”

found that there are 136 cases for meaning properties: 112 cases (82, 3%) for

meaningfulness, 12 cases (8, 8%) for ambiguity, 6 cases (4, 4%) for anomaly, 4

cases (2, 9%) for contradictory, and 2 cases (1, 4%) for redundancy. There are

also 34 cases for meaning relations: 13 cases (38, 2%) for antonyms, 11 cases (32,

3%) for homonyms, and 10 cases (29, 4%) for synonyms.

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1.7 Theory of Semantics

Katz (1972:1) says, “Semantics is the study of the linguistic meaning”. It

is concerned with what sentences and other linguistics objects express, not with

the arrangement of their syntactic parts or with their pronunciation.

Kreidler (1983:3) says, “Semantics is the systematic study of meaning, and

linguistic semantics is the study of how language organizes and express


Leech (1981:9) says, “Semantics is the study of meaning is central to the

study of communication, and as communication becomes more and more crucial

factor in social organization, to need to understand it becomes more and more

pressing. Semantics is also at the centre of the study of human mind-thought

process, cognition, and conceptualization. All these are intricately bound up which

we classify and convey our experience of the world through language”.

Lyons (1977:1-2) states that “certain of meaning (or senses) can be

distinguished by technique of substituting other words in the same context and

enquiring whether sentences are equivalent”. For example, intend could be

substituted for mean in I did not mean to hurt you, without changing the total

meaning of the sentence. Theses are various meaning of meaning which can be

used in different ways, such as “What is meaning (significance) of

‘sesquipedalian’? “They are so mean (cruel) to me”, etc.

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Palmer (1976:1), states that “Semantics is technical term used to refer to

the study of meaning”. However, this definition has led to question about the

nature of meaning itself and about the way in which it should be described.

Should semantics study all types of meaning? Red, for example, may mean

several things. If we consult the dictionary, we may find that one of its meanings

is ‘of a spectral hue beyond orange in the spectrum’. In the context of traffic light,

red means ‘stop’, ‘do not go through’, while in some other different contexts it

may mean ‘danger’, or even ‘bravery’. Are all these types of meaning treated

under semantics? If we want to make it clear, it is, therefore, necessary to redefine

semantics into a more specific definition, the one that can limit semantics into the

study of more specific type of meaning only. Consequently, we would say that

semantics is the study of meaning of words, phrases, or sentences in the language,

or simply, the study of linguistic meaning.

From those definitions above, semantics can be defined as a branch of

linguistics dealing with meaning of words.

1.8 Goals of Semantics Theory

Semantics theory has two goals, they are:

1. A semantics theory should attribute to each expression in the language the

semantics properties and relations it has and it should define those

properties and relations. Thus, if an expression is meaningful, the

semantics theory should say so, if the expression has a specific sense of

meaning, the semantics theory should specify them. If the expression is

ambiguous, the semantics theory should record that fact, and so on.

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Moreover, if two expressions are synonymous; or are entails the other, the

semantics theory should make those semantics relations.

2. A semantics theory should have at least two kinds of constraints:

a. A semantics theory of a natural language should be finite; people

are capable of storing only a finite amount of information but they

nevertheless learn the semantics of natural languages.

b. A semantics theory of a natural language should reflect the fact,

except for idioms, expressions are compositional. This means that

the meaning of syntactically complex expression is determined by

the meaning of its constituents and their grammatical relations. An

expression such as “He kicked the ball” is compositional and it is

summed up from the meanings of he + kicked + the + ball, while is

very much different from “He kicked the bucket” that is not

compositional and as an idiom meaning “He passed away”.

1.9 Types of Meaning

Leech (1981:19) has proposed seven types of meaning that can be

summarized as follows:

1. Conceptual meaning, i.e. logical, cognitive, or denotative content of the

word. It describes the word by making its own characteristics.

For examples:

a. Woman = (+HUMAN), (-MALE), (+ADULT)

b. Man = (+HUMAN), (+MALE), (+ADULT)

c. Boy = (+HUMAN), (+MALE), (-ADULT)

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The word woman has the denotative, cognitive, or logical content as

human, it is not male and it is not adult. The word man is human, male and

adult. And the word boy is human, male, and not adult.

2. Connotative meaning, i.e. what is communicated by virtue of what

languages refer to. It is based on the feeling and ideas that arisen in the

minds of speakers and hearers.

For examples:

a. Woman has the connotation ‘weak’

b. Rose has the connotation ‘a beautiful girl’

3. Social meaning, i.e. what is communicated of the social circumstances of

language use. Certain words have similar meaning but the use of the words

is different according to the social life of the people.

For examples:

a. Abode : is used in poetic language

b. Residence : is used in formal circumstances

c. Home : is used in general circumstances

d. Domicile : is used for very formal and official circumstances.

4. Affective meaning, i.e. what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes

of the speaker or writer. This is used for a polite way of speaking. It shows

the attitude of the speaker or the writer to the hearer or reader.

For examples:

a. Aha! Yippee (Friendly expression)

b. Honey, good! (Happy expression)

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c. How soon you come here, its nine now. Our promises is at eight

(refers to “why do you come late?”)

5. Reflected meaning, i.e. what is communicated through association with

another sense of the same expression. It caused by multiple conceptual

meaning, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another

sense. A sense of a word makes our response to another sense.

For example:

• Intercourse, ejaculation, and erection

These words make another sense in ‘innocent’ sense because it can conjure

up their sexual associations.

6. Collocative meaning, i.e. what is communicated through association with

words which tend to occur in the environment of another word. It is the

words which are considered to have individual lexical items or share

common group in meaning but may be distinguished in their occurrence.

For examples:

The words pretty and handsome share common group in the meaning good

looking, but they can be distinguished by the range of nouns with which

are they likely to co-occur or collocate followed as listed below:

Woman Boy

Flower Man


Boy Overcoat

Garden Airlines

Color, etc. Vessel, etc

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7. Thematic meaning, i.e. what is communicated by the way in which the

message is organizes in terms of order, focus and emphasis. For example,

it is often felt that an active sentence has a different meaning from its

passive equivalent. Although in conceptual content they seem to be the


For examples:

1. Rini gives me a present

2. A present is given to me by Rini

3. I am given a present by Rini

The first sentence is an active sentence and it has a different meaning from

its passive equivalent (the second and third sentences), although in

conceptual content they seem to be the same.

1. Mrs. Angelina Clarkson donated the first prize

2. The first prize was donated by Mrs. Angelina Clarkson

The first sentence is often felt that an active sentence has a different

meaning from its passive (the second sentence) although in conceptual

content they seem to be the same.

1.10 Lexical Relations

Lyons (1977:69) says that “semantics relation is also called sense or

meaning or lexical relation”. It is the relationships of meaning or sense that may

be set up between individual and groups of lexical items. For instance, the

relationship between the words boy and girl is that their meaning or sense are


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2.4.6 Hyponyms

Siregar (1981:20) states that “hyponymy is the relationship

between hyponyms”. The term hyponym is derived from Greek’s words

“onyma” means ‘name’ and “hypo” means ‘inclusion’. So, hyponym is the

words include the meaning of the other word. In other words, hyponym is

the inclusion of one word into another word or the inclusion of more

specific term in a more general term.

For examples:

Goose Lion Fish

(Hyponym) (Hyponym) (Hyponym)

The words goose, lion and fish and animal is related in such a way that

goose, lion and fish and other types of animal. Usually, the specific term

goose, lion and fish are called hyponyms, and the general term animal is

called a super-ordinate. A super-ordinate term can have many hyponyms.


Bus Car Lorry

(Hyponym) (Hyponym) (Hyponym)

The word bus is a hyponym of vehicle. Further more, the words car, and

lorry are co-hyponyms of vehicle, since each is a hyponym of the same

lexeme, and the word vehicle is super-ordinate of bus, car, and lorry. It

means that all of them are included in vehicle.

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2.4.7 Meronyms

Bolinger (1968:47) states that:

“Meronymy, derived from the root mer- meaning ‘part’ is

a relation in semantics that express the part-whole relation
that lexical items may have. In this relation, the part is
known as the meronym and the whole is called the
holonym. Meronymy is greatly influenced by issues of
normality and prototypically. Language users tend to have
a sense of prototypical meronymic relations – certain part-
whole relations seem to be more normal or salient to us
than others”.

Siregar (1981:20) states that “meronymy is the part-whole

relationships between lexical items”.

For examples:


Forehead Cheek Nose


Forefinger Thumb Finger

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2.4.8 Homonyms

Palmer (1976:48) states that “homonyms are different words which

are pronounced the same, but have different meanings”. Traditionally,

homonyms are said to be two or more different words (lexeme) with the

same form, and sometimes sound as another but different in meaning.

Homonyms are words which are identical in form but have more

than one meaning, provide a good example of the opportunities for both

misunderstanding and enrichment of meaning which language continually

presents, and their derivations often provide interesting insights into the

way in which language develops.

For example:

1. She can not bear children.

The word bear as in the sentence may be understood to mean “She is

unable to give birth to children” or “She can not tolerate children”. The

word bear the sentence is a verb, but there is another meaning of bear,

that is the animal which is a noun with very different semantics

properties. So, in this case, the word bear is homonymy.

Homonymy can be distinguished into two terms where the words were

only ‘half’ identical in shape, they are:

a. Homophony

Homophony is two or more word which are identical in sound (the

same pronunciation) to one another but different in meaning and


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For examples:

1. Flour [flaw∂r] means fine powder made from grain, used for

making bread.

Flower [flaw∂r] means part of a plant that produces seeds, often

brightly colored.

2. Lead [li:d] means metal.

Lead [li:d] means a dog’s lead.

b. Homography

Homography is words which have some spelling but different in

pronouncing and meaning.

For examples:

1. Pupil [pju:pl] means student.

Pupil [pju:pl] means part of the eyes.

2. Live [liv] means to be alive or remain alive.

Live [liv] means having life.

2.4.9 Synonyms

The term synonymy is derived from Ancient Greek “syn” which

means together and “onyma” means name. So synonym means ‘name

together’, i.e. two words or more (together) name the same object, action,

event or quality.

Palmer (1976:44) states that “synonymy is the relationship between

synonyms. Synonyms are words which sound different, but have the same

or nearly the same meanings”.

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For examples:

1. He is a foreman.

2. He is a supervisor.

In the sentences (1) and (2) the words foreman and supervisor are

synonyms. The sentence used in predication with the same referring

expression (he) and the predication have the same truth value (workman

supervising others). The words foreman and supervisor are synonyms;

sentences (1) and (2) are paraphrases to each other.

1. She has a slim body.

2. She has a slender body.

In the sentences (1) and (2) the words slim and slender are synonyms. The

sentence used in predication with the same referring expression (she) and

the predication have the same truth value (usually to describe a woman

that has a slight and graceful body).

2.4.10 Antonyms

The word antonyms derived from the Greek ‘anti’ (opposite) and

‘onoma’ (name). Palmer (1976:59) states that “antonyms are words or

expressions which are opposite in meaning or two words that express

opposing concepts”. There are three kinds of antonyms:

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a. Complementary Pairs (Binary Taxonomy or Non-gradable)

In this case, the items being complementary to each other. It means the

items belong to the set of incompatible terms. The characteristics of

this kind of antonyms is that negative of one word is synonymous with

the other.

For example:

• Married >< Single

These two words can not be used to refer to the same individual at the

same time. There is only one possibility of the fact, such as in the

sentences John is married or John is single. If married is applicade,

then single is not and vice versa. It means to say John is married is to

say that He is not single. So, to say something is not the one is to say

that is the other.

b. Gradable Pairs (Binary Polar)

Hurford and Heasley (1972:118) states that two words are gradable

antonyms if they are not opposite end of a continuous scale of values

(a scale which typically varies according to the context of use). It

means that the pairs of words have a graduation of width, age, size,

etc., all indicated by the adjectives. It also means the negative of one

word is not synonymous with the other.

For example:

• New >< Old

If we say not old, it is not necessarily equal with new because when

someone is not old, it does not mean he is new.

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This kind of gradable pairs can be graded into comparative and

superlative degree by adding the word more or most and inflection –er

or –est to the word which are being compared.

For example:

• The word big can be graded into comparative degree bigger or

superlative degree biggest, and the word small can be graded

into comparative degree smaller or superlative degree smallest.

It is also true of gradable pairs that more of one is less of

another such as more bigness is less smaller; wider is less

narrow; and longer is less short.

Another characteristic of gradable pairs is that one is marked term and

the other is unmarked them. Marked term means that the term of the

pairs is not so used by the speaker. In the contrary, unmarked term

means that the term of the pairs is commonly used by people in

speaking of their language.

For example:

• Master (Unmarked) >< Mistress (Marked)

The marked term Mistress tells us about the meaning of the

unmarked term Master. When we say about Master, we certainly

relate it with male. So, if we want to describe female we must use

the term that reflect a particular meaning like Mistress.

c. Relational Opposite (Converse)

Hurford and Heasley (1983:118) states that “two words are relational

antonyms or converses of each other if one word describes the

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relationship between two things or people and other word describes the

same relationship, and the two things or people are mentioned in the

opposite order”. It means we can find the relationship between the

opposite pairs of words or two-way contrast that are interdependent

(one number presupposes the other). The relations are characterized in

terms of symmetry, transitivity, and reflexivity.

For examples:

• Parent >< Child

It means that if A is B’s parents, B is A’s child.

• Talk >< Listen

It means that if A talks to B, B listens to A.

Pairs of words ending in –er and –ee in English are usually relational


For example:

• If A is B’s employer, then B is A’s employee.

In grammar, active and passive forms are usually relational opposites.

For example:

• If A hits B, B is hit by A.

1.11 Meaning Properties

Lyons (1977:57) states that “semantics property is also called meaning

property or meaning semantics or component. It is one of several features or

component which together can be said to make up the meaning of a word or


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2.5.1 Meaningfulness

Siregar (1981:19) states that “meaningful means having meaning

and significance. Any expression of language is meaningful. In order to be

meaningful, an expression must obey the semantics rule of the language as

obeying the syntactic rule alone cannot end up with a meaningful

expression and must represent their meaning”. So, from this statement we

can say that meaningful expression is the word or expression which has

meaning and it is not strange or contradiction.

For examples:

1. Woman means ‘a fully grown human female’.

2. Daughter means ‘female offspring child’.

Those words above are meaningful because they reflect a meaning which

is not strange. So we can conclude that an expression is meaningful if it

specifies or represents its meaning and follow the conventional grammar

of the language.

An expression is called meaningful if it has meaning and it is sensical,

provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory.

For example:

1. Siti sliced the bread.

2. Siti sliced the idea.

Both expressions (1) and (2) are grammatically right. Semantically, the

expression (1) is right, the meaning of the word Siti, sliced, and the

bread are fit to each other. But there is obviously something wrong

semantically with expression (2). The meaning of slice includes the

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fact that the objects follows it must be a concrete noun, while the word

idea is an abstract noun, so it is not a concrete noun. The expression

(2) is meaningless because it is anomalous.

Sentences types are part of meaningfulness. But before those topics are

explained, it is very important to explain the parts of one sentence (subject,

predicate, object and adverb). They are:

1. Subject

The subject is one of the two main constituents every sentence can be

divided into, according to a tradition that can be traced back to Aristotle.

The other constituent is the predicate. In English, subjects govern

agreement on the verb or auxiliary verb that carries the main tense of the

sentence, as exemplified by the difference in verb forms between he eats

and they eat.

The subject has the grammatical function in a sentence of relating its

constituent (a noun phrase) by means of the verb to any other elements

present in the sentence, i.e. objects, complements and adverbials.

The subject is a phrasal constituent, and should be distinguished from parts

of speech, which, roughly, classify words within constituent.

The subject is a noun phrase in the sentence and can be realized by the

following forms

• A determiner less noun phrase also called a bare noun phrase. In

English, this is mostly limited to plural noun phrases and noun phrases

headed by a mass noun. Example:

Builders are at work.

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• A noun phrase introduced by a determiner. This complex (determiner +

noun phrase) is usually called a determiner phrase. Example:

The large car stopped outside our house.

• A gerund. These can be shown to behave as noun phrases in many

respects, for example, in being able to form determiner less phrases.

For examples:

1. Eating is a pleasure.

2. His constant hammering was very annoying.

• An infinitive. These can be shown to behave in many respects as

embedded clauses, for example in allowing question words like "who."

For examples:

1. To read is easier than to write.

2. Whom to hire is a difficult question.

• A full clause, introduced by the complementizer that, itself containing

a subject and a predicate.

That he had travelled the world was known by everyone.

• A direct quotation:

I love you is often heard these days.

• The subject can also be implied. In the following command, the subject

is the implied "you" that is the recipient of the imperative mood.


Take out the trash!

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• An expletive. These are words like it or there when they don't refer to

anything or place. For example in the following sentence "it" doesn't

refer to anything. Example:

It rains.

• A cataphoric it. This is the use of it when it is co-referent with a

subordinate clause that comes after it. Example:

It was known by everyone (that) he had travelled the world.

Definitions of Subject

The concept of subject is sometimes mixed with that of actor or agent

and other times with that of carrier of attributes. When this happens, it is

defined as the argument that generally refers to the origin of the action or

the undergoer of the state shown by the predicate. This definition takes the

representation of the sentence into account, but it is problematic for

several reasons. While interpreting the subject as the actor or agent of the

action, two rather different concepts are overlayed. For instance, in the

passive voice the subject is the goal, middle or target of the action; for


1. John was arrested by the police.

2. The police arrested John.

In the first sentence (which is in the passive voice), the subject is

John, while in the second sentence (active voice) it is the police.

But when it comes to the representation the action, the actor in

both sentences is the police and the goal of the action is John.

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Similarly, some verbs can be used both transitively and intransitively. An

example of these is the English verb break, for examples:

1. John broke the chain.

2. The chain broke.

In the first sentence, the subject is John, while in the second one it

is the the chain. But in the representation of the action or event, the

chain plays the same role in both cases, that being the one to which

the process is done or happens. This can be seen by considering the

fact that the two sentences can be used to describe the same

happening. Whenever the first sentence is true, the second one will

be true as well, though in the second one it is pictured to have

happened without an agent.

2. Predicate

In traditional grammar, a predicate is one of the two main parts of a

sentence (the other being the subject, whom the predicate modifies). For

the simple sentence "John [is yellow]," John acts as the subject, and is

yellow acts as the predicate, a subsequent description of the subject headed

with a verb.

In current linguistic semantics, a predicate is an expression that can be

true of something. Thus, the expressions "is yellow" or "is like broccoli"

are true of those things that are yellow or like broccoli, respectively. This

notion is closely related to the notion of a predicate in formal logic, which

includes more expressions than the former one, like, for example, nouns

and some kinds of adjectives.

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Predicate in English Traditional Grammar

In traditional English grammar, predicate is one of the two main parts of a

sentence (the other being the subject, which the predicate modifies).[1] The

predicate must contain a verb, and the verb requires, permits or precludes

other sentence elements to complete the predicate. These elements are:

objects (direct, indirect, prepositional), predicative’s (aka predicate

complements: subject complements and object complements) and

adverbials (either obligatory or adjuncts). In the following examples, the

predicate is underlined. For examples:

1. She dances. (verb only predicate)

2. John reads the book. (direct object)

3. John's mother, Felicity, gave me a present. (indirect object

without a preposition)

4. She listened to the radio. (prepositional object)

5. They elected him president. (predicative /object complement)

6. She met him in the park. (adverbial)

7. She is in the park. (obligatory adverbial / adverbial


The predicate provides information about the subject, such as what the

subject is doing or what the subject is like.

The relation between a subject and its predicate is sometimes called a


A Predicate Nominal is a noun phrase that functions as the main

predicate of a sentence, such as "George III is the king of England", the

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king of England being the Predicate Nominal. The subject and predicate

nominal must be connected by a linking verb.

A Predicate Adjective is an adjective that functions as a predicate,

such as "Abby is attractive", attractive being the Predicate Adjective. The

subject and predicate adjective must be connected by a linking verb.

3. Object

An object in grammar is a sentence element and is often part of the

sentence predicate. It denotes somebody or something involved in the

subject's "performance" of the verb. As an example, the following

sentence is given:

In the sentence "Bobby kicked the ball", "ball" is the object.

"Bobby" is the subject, the doer or performer, while "kick" is the action,

and "ball" is the object involved in the action.

The main verb in the sentence determines whether there can or must

be objects in the sentence, and if so how many and of what type. In many

languages, however, including English, the same verb can allow multiple

different structures; for example, "Bobby kicked" and "Bobby kicked the

ball" are both valid English sentences.

3.4 Types of Object

Objects fall into three classes: direct objects, prepositional objects, and

non-prepositional indirect objects. A direct object answers the question

"What?", while an indirect object answers the question "To whom?" or

"For whom?". An indirect object is the recipient of the direct object, or an

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otherwise affected participant in the event. There must be a direct object

for an indirect object to be placed in a sentence. Some examples:

1. In "We ate fruit", fruit is the direct object of the verb ate. It

corresponds to the accusative of languages with grammatical


2. In "They sent him a postcard", him is the (non-prepositional)

indirect object of the verb sent (which uses a double-object

construction). It typically corresponds to the dative case.

3. In "We listened to the radio", the radio is the object of the

preposition to, and the prepositional object of the verb listened.

It can correspond to a variety of cases and complements.

In many languages, including German, Latin, and Classical Arabic, objects

can change form slightly (decline) to indicate what kind of object they are

(their case). This does not happen in English (though a few English

pronouns do have separate subject and object forms); rather, the type of

object is indicated strictly by word order. Also, some objects are treated

differently from others in particular languages. In Spanish, for example,

human objects have to get a preposition 'a'. This is called differential

object marking.

3.5 Forms of object

An object may take any of a number of forms, all of them nominal in some


Common forms include:

1. A noun or noun phrase, as in "I remembered her advice."

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2. An infinitive or infinitival clause, as in "I remembered to eat."

3. A gerund or gerund phrase, as in "I remembered being there."

4. A declarative content clause, as in "I remembered that he was


5. An interrogative content clause, as in "I remembered why she had


6. A fused relative clause, as in "I remembered what she wanted me

to do."

4. Adverb

An adverb is a part of speech. It is any word that modifies any other part

of language: verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and

other adverbs, except for nouns; modifiers of nouns are primarily

determiners and adjectives

4.4 The Five Types of Adverbs

1. Adverbs of Manner: Adverbs of manner provide information

on how someone does something. For example:

• Jack drives very carefully.

2. Adverbs of Time: Adverbs of time provide information on

when something happens. For example:

• We'll let you know our decision next week.

3. Adverbs of Frequency: Adverbs of frequency provide

information on how often something happens. For example:

• They usually get to work at eight o'clock.

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4. Adverbs of Degree: Adverbs of degree provide information

concerning how much of something is done. For example:

• They like playing golf a lot.

5. Adverbs of Comment: Adverbs of comment provide a

comment, or opinion about a situation. For example:

• Fortunately, there were enough seats left for the


4.5 Adverb Formation

1. Adverbs are usually formed by adding '-ly' to an adjective. For


a. quiet - quietly

b. careful – carefully

c. careless - carelessly

2. Adjectives ending in '-le' change to '-ly'. For examples:

a. possible – possibly

b. probable – probably

c. incredible - incredibly

3. Adjectives ending in '-y' change to '-ily'. For examples:

a. lucky - luckily

b. happy – happily

c. angry - angrily

4. Adjectives ending in '-ic' change to '-ically'. For examples:

a. basic – basically

b. ironic – ironically

c. scientific - scientifically

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Some adjectives are irregular. The most common irregular adverbs


a. good – well

b. hard – hard

c. fast –fast

Types of Sentences:


a. An independent clause contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

Example: I wrote my first novel last year

S P O Adv. of Time

b. A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete


Example: After I wrote my first novel last year

S P O Adv. of Time

1. Simple sentence contains one full subject and predicate (also can be

included adverb). For examples:

a. He lives in New York

S P Adv. of Place

b. Please close the door (the subject you is understood)


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2. Compound sentence has two or more independent clauses joined by:

a. A coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

Tom reads novels,(coor. conj.) but (IC) Jack reads comics

b. A conjunctive adverb (e.g. however, therefore)

Tom reads novels; (conj. adv.)however, (IC)Jack reads comics

c. A semicolon (punctuation).

Tom reads novels; (IC)his friend reads comics

3. Complex sentence has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating

conjunction, a relative pronoun or punctuation) joined to an independent

clause. For examples:

a. Although Tom reads novels, (IC) Jack reads comics
(IC) (DC)
b. Tom is an eight-year old boy who goes to school in


4. Compound-complex sentence has two or more independent clauses and

one or more dependent clauses. For examples:

(DC) (IC) (IC)
a. While Tom reads novels, Jack reads comics, but Sam

reads only magazines

(DC) (IC)
b. Though the movie had been tested on the market, The Last

Shadow did not fare well in the United States, but (IC)it did develop
a huge following in Europe, which usually does not go for this

movie genre.

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5. Conjunction

Conjunctions are words used as joiners. Different kinds of conjunctions join

different kinds of grammatical structures. The following are the kinds of


1. Coordinating Conjunctions:

• for, • or,

• and, • yet,

• nor, • so

• but,

2. Correlative Conjunctions:

• either. . .or • neither. . . nor

• both. . . and • not only. . . but also

3. Conjunctive Adverbs:

The following are frequently used conjunctive adverbs:

• after all • in fact • then

• in addition • on the other hand • furthermore

• next • consequently • meanwhile

• also • in other words • therefore

• incidentally • otherwise • hence

• nonetheless • finally • moreover

• as a result • instead • thus

• indeed • still • however

• on the contrary • for example • nevertheless

• besides • likewise

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4. Subordinating Conjunctions

These words are commonly used as subordinating conjunctions:

• after • no matter how • why

• in order (that) • where • even if

• unless • as if • so that

• although • now that • even though

• insofar as • wherever • supposing (that)

• until • as though • how

• as • once • than

• in that • whether • if

• when • because • that

• as far as • provided (that) • inasmuch as

• lest • while • though

• whenever • before • in case (that)

• as soon as • since • till

6. Relative pronoun

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause within a

larger sentence. It is called a relative pronoun because it relates to the

word that it modifies.

A relative pronoun links two clauses into a single complex clause. To

this extent, it is similar in function to a subordinating conjunction. Unlike

a conjunction, however, a relative pronoun stands in place of a noun.

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(1) This is a house. Jack built this house.

(2) This is the house that Jack built.

Sentence (2) consists of two clauses, a main clause (This is the house) and

a relative clause (that Jack built). The word that is a relative pronoun.

Within the relative clause, the relative pronoun stands for the noun phrase

it references in the main clause (its antecedent), which is one of the

arguments of the verb in the relative clause. In the example, the argument

is the house, the direct object of built.

Other arguments can be relativised using relative pronouns:

Subject : Hunter is the boy who kissed Monique.

Indirect object : Hunter is the boy to whom Monique gave a gift.

Adpositional complement : Jack built the house in which I now live.

Possessor : Jack is the boy whose friend built my house.

Not all languages have relative pronouns. Those that do tend to use words

which originally had other functions; for example, the English which is

also an interrogative word. This suggests that relative pronouns might be a

fairly late development in many languages.

In English, different pronouns are sometimes used if the antecedent is a

human being, as opposed to a non-human or an inanimate object (as in

who/that). In some languages, the relative pronoun is an invariable word.

(5) This is a bank. This bank accepted my identification.

(6) She is a bank teller. She helped us open an account.

With the relative pronouns, sentences (5) and (6) would read like this:

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(7) This is the bank that accepted my identification.

(8) She is the bank teller who helped us open an account.

In sentences (7) and (8), the words that and who are the relative pronouns.

The word that is used because the bank is a thing; the word who is used

because 'she' is a person.

2.5.2 Ambiguity

Siregar (1981:30) states that “an expression is said to be

ambiguous when more than interpretation can be assigned to it”.

Hurford and Heasley (1983:121) state that “a word or sentence is

ambiguous when it has more than one sense. A sentence is ambiguous if it

has two or more paraphrases which are not they paraphrases to each


For example:

1. We saw her duck

It has two paraphrases, they are:

a) We saw her lower her head

b) We saw the duck belongs to her.

Both of the sentences are not paraphrase of each other, in other words,

these two sentences do not have the same meaning. Therefore, the

sentence, We saw her duck is ambiguous.

There are two sources of ambiguity in natural language:

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a) Grammatical Ambiguity or Structural Ambiguity

In grammatical ambiguity, a sentence is ambiguous because the words

related to each other in different ways. On the other hand, the

ambiguity is structural or grammatical if it is resulted from the way the

constituents are grouped into a larger syntactical unit. The word itself

is not ambiguous, but the combination of those words can be

interpreted into more than one senses and this kind of ambiguity can

be solved by using square brackets.

For examples:

1. Starving children can be dangerous.

It can be ambiguous, they are:

a. The children who are starving can be dangerous.

b. To starve the children can be dangerous.

2. Fresh fruit and vegetables

It can be ambiguous, they are:

a. [Fresh fruit] and vegetables.

b. Fresh [fruit and vegetables].

b) Lexical Ambiguity

Lexical Ambiguity is the word has more than one meaning or if the

ambiguity of the expression is resulted from the polisemous word, i.e.

a word that has more than one meaning. On the other words, lexical

ambiguity deals with polysemy and homonymy.

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For examples:

1. He goes to the bank

It could mean:

a. He goes to the bank of river.

b. He goes to the bank for deposited some money.

2. He found a bat

It could mean:

a. He found a baseball bat.

b. He found a flying rodent.

2.5.3 Redundancy

Siregar (1981:32) states that “redundancy is the degree to which an

expression contains more information than is needed to be understood.

Redundant words express the same meaning within the same sentence”.

For examples:

a. Cold ice

b. Un-adult child

Those words are redundant since they have been included in the

meaning of ice and child respectively.

There are several types of redundancy which may be observed in writing

or speeches are as follows:

a. Duplication of meaning of nouns

For example:

• Children and youngsters should enjoy the holidays.

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b. Duplication of meaning of adjectives

For example:

• The hand phone is free gratis.

c. Duplication of meaning of adverbs.

For example:

• I try to do my assignment perfectly without a mistake.

d. Duplication of meaning of verbs.

For example:

• The squirrel stored the food and put it away.

Redundancy also includes repetition of unnecessary lexical items as in:

1. She looks so pretty, beautiful.

2. I am absolutely, positively sure.

2.5.4 Anomaly

Siregar (1981:29) states that “an expression is anomalous when

there is an incompatibility of meaning between constituent expressions.

Anomaly results when the selection features of one member of the

construction are not satisfied by the member in construction with it”.

For examples:

1. I ate three phonemes for my breakfast

This expression seems to obey the syntactic rule but the sentence is

anomaly. The combination of the verb ate and its noun object three

phonemes is incongruous because the verb ate is the edible while the

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noun three phonemes is no edible. Therefore, the combination of ate

and three phonemes is anomalous.

2. John frightened a tree

Part of the meaning of frightened is that it can not occur only with

animate nouns object. Since we know the meaning of tree, and know

that it is not “animate”, so the sentence is anomalous.

2.5.5 Contradictory

Siregar (1981:30) states that “an expression is called contradictory

when there is a contradiction of meaning between constituent expressions

or the meaning of the subject contains information incompatible with what

attribute to it in the predicate”.

For examples:

1. She drew a baseless triangle.

This statement is contradictory because there is a contradiction of

meaning of the words baseless and triangle. Baseless means without

base or having no base. And triangle means with base.

2. Stewardess is male.

This expression is contradictory because the meaning of the word

stewardess in the fact is female, but in this expression is following by

constituent male.

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3.1 Research Method

Descriptive qualitative method will be used in analyzing the data. It is

applied by giving a description of the lexical relations and meaning

properties that exist in articles in The Jakarta Post daily newspaper.

3.2 Data Collecting Method

The primary source of the study is The Jakarta Post daily newspaper

and the other sources are textbooks, written materials, or references that

related to the topic of my study.

Purposive sampling method is applied as the technique to take the

sample in this study. Nawawi (1991:157) states that this kind of sampling is

conducted by taking the unit of sampling that is appropriate and suitable to

the purpose of the study. Or in other words, the samples were taken by

concerning the purpose of the study.

3.3 Data Analyzing Procedure

The systematic procedures in conducting the analysis are as follows:

1) Reading the chosen articles repeatedly.

2) Identifying the words and sentences which belong to lexical relations

and meaning properties by underlining them.

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3) Classifying the lexical relations and meaning properties into the more

specific categories, i.e. hyponyms, meronyms, homonyms, synonyms,

antonyms, meaningfulness, ambiguity, redundancy, anomaly, and

contradictory and all the data will be analyzed based on Siregar’s and

Palmer’s theory.

4) Calculating the data in percentage, the lexical relations and meaning

properties that occur mostly in the chosen articles and explain all the

results of the analysis except meaningfulness. The following formula is

applied based on Nawawi’s social analysis method (1991:150):

× 100% =

X : Number of the subcategories of lexical relations and meaning

Y : Total number of all data
N : Percentage of lexical relations and meaning properties.

5) Drawing some conclusions based on the result of analysis.

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4.6 The Existence of Lexical Relations

Lexical relations are divided into hyponyms, meronyms, homonyms,

synonyms, and antonyms. They are:

4.6.1 The Existence of Hyponyms

There are five hyponyms that are found in the seven articles

(February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are:

1. “…some ASEAN members – for instance, in Indonesia, the Philippines

and tension between Malaysia and Thailand over the issue…” (Feb. 9th,

par. 5)

2. “For example, the US helped Ford, Chrysler and GM, but not Toyota

and BMW, although the latter…” (Feb. 10th, par. 13)

The explanations:

1. In sentence 1, the specific term Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and

Thailand are called hyponyms and the general term ASEAN is called

super-ordinate. A super-ordinate can have many hyponyms. And

Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand are hyponyms of ASEAN

because they are some of ASEAN members, as shown in the tree diagram:

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Indonesia Philippines Malaysia Thailand

(Hyponym) (Hyponym) (Hyponym) (Hyponym)

2. In sentence 2, the specific term Ford, Chrysler, GM, Toyota and BMW are

called hyponyms and the general term car is called super-ordinate. A

super-ordinate can have many hyponyms. And Ford, Chrysler, GM,

Toyota and BMW are hyponyms of car because they are the brands of car,

as shown in the tree diagram:


Ford Chrysler GM Toyota BMW

(Hyponym) (Hyponym) (Hyponym) (Hyponym) (Hyponym)

4.6.2 The Existence of Meronyms

The results of meronyms are not found in the seven articles of seven

editions (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper.

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4.6.3 The Existence of Homonyms

The results of homonyms are not found in the seven articles of seven

editions (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper.

4.6.4 The Existence of Synonyms

There are eight synonyms that are found in the fourteen (February 8th – February

14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are:

1. “…almost the entire male population were killed” (Feb. 8th, par. 1)

“…some 6,000 people were murdered…” (Feb. 8th, par. 11)

2. “…almost the entire male population were killed” (Feb. 8th, par. 1)

“…an estimated 40,000 people were killed and whole islands were

depopulated” (Feb. 8th, par. 11)

3. “Did the ambassador offer apologies, or did he just express regret?” (Feb.

8th, par. 3)

“He offered the Dutch government’s “excuses” for the violence in the

1945-1949 period” (Feb. 8th, par. 3)

4. “Protectionism is something all leaders warn against after the lessons of

the 1930s” (Feb. 10th, par. 5)

“But talking about the need to resist protectionism and actually stopping it

…” (Feb. 10th, par. 6)

5. “…in which he vowed to seek a “new way forward” with the Muslim…”

(Feb. 11th, par. 2)

“If the US is looking for mutual interest…” (Feb. 11th, par. 22)

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6. “This is perhaps something Clinton is anxious to hear from the

government in Jakarta” (Feb. 11th, par. 11)

“…but with dialog and listening to each other’s grievances” (Feb. 11th,

par. 24)

7. “There are more obstacles” (Feb. 12th, par. 11)

“Cultural barriers challenges access to Western clients” (Feb. 12th, par.


8. “…their stimulatory impact was replaced by property prices…” (Feb. 14th,

par. 8)

“…about 50 years ago reveals the effect of asset prices…” (Feb. 14th, par. 9)

The explanations:

1. In sentence 1, the words killed and murdered are synonyms because they

have similar meaning. The word killed means to cause death or cause

somebody or something to die. The word murdered means to kill

somebody illegally and deliberately.

2. In sentence 2, the words entire and whole are synonyms because they have

similar meaning. The word entire means with no part left out; whole;

complete. The word whole means full; complete.

3. In sentence 3, the words apologies and excuses are synonyms because they

have similar meaning. The word apologies means a word or statement to

say one is sorry for having done something wrong or for upsetting

somebody. The word excuses means to forgive a fault of wrongdoing.

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4. In sentence 4, the words against and resist are synonyms because they

have similar meaning. The word against means in opposition to somebody

or something; contrary to somebody or something. The word resist means

to oppose a plan, idea, etc.

5. In sentence 5, the words seek and looking for are synonyms because they

have similar meaning. The word seek means to look for something; to try

to find or get something. The word looking for means to hope for

something; to expect something.

6. In sentence 6, the words hear and listening to are synonyms because they

have similar meaning. The word hear means to listen or pay attention to

somebody or something. The word listening to means to allow oneself to

be persuaded by somebody making a suggestion, giving advice, etc.

7. In sentence 7, the words obstacles and barriers are synonyms because they

have similar meaning. The word obstacles means a thing that blocks one’s

way or makes movement, progress, etc. The word barriers means a thing

prevents something or makes something impossible.

8. In sentence 8, the words impact and effect are synonyms because they have

similar meaning. The word impact means a strong impression or effect on

something or somebody. The word effect means a change produced by an

action or a cause; a result or an outcome.

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4.1.5 The Existence of Antonyms

There are eight antonyms (three complementary pairs, two gradable pairs, and

three relational opposites) that are found in the seven articles (February 8th –

February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are:

a. Complementary Pairs

There are three antonyms of complementary pairs, they are:

1. “…and make their exports more expensive?” (Feb. 10th, par. 25)

“…the blow to workers hurt by rapid import penetration…” (Feb. 10th, par.


2. “…and firms in urban agglomerations more than in the rural areas” (Feb.

12th, par. 14)

3. “In Islam, a fatwa is a legal opinion issued by an individual or group of

ulema…” (Feb. 13th, par. 4)

b. Gradable Pairs

There are two antonyms of gradable pairs, they are:

4. “…offering the a recipe for other countries to do the same to American

companies” (Feb. 10th, par. 14)

“…and actually stopping it are two different things” (Feb. 10th, par. 6)

5. “…and make their exports more expensive?” (Feb. 10th, par. 25)

“…the world than a cheap currency” (Feb. 10th, par. 26)

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c. Relational Opposites

There are three antonyms of relational opposites, they are:

6. “In order to answer the questions above…” (Feb. 9th, par. 10)

7. “When you add all this up…” (Feb. 10th, par. 17)

“…that have received government investment to reduce foreign

activities…” (Feb. 10th, par. 15)

8. “It’s no use giving people money to spend if economic rationale tells them

to save” (Feb. 14th, par. 18)

The explanations:

a. Complementary Pairs

1. In sentence 1, the words exports and import are antonyms of

complementary pairs because they are opposite in meaning that the items

being complementary to each other. It means the items belong to the set of

incompatible terms. Its characteristics is that negative of one word is

synonymous with the other. The word exports means to sell and transport

goods to a foreign country. The word import means to bring goods,

services, idea, etc from a foreign country into one’s own country.

2. In sentence 2, the words urban and rural are antonyms of complementary

pairs because they are opposite in meaning that the items being

complementary to each other. It means the items belong to the set of

incompatible terms. Its characteristics is that negative of one word is

synonymous with the other. The word urban means relating to or living in

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a city or town. The word rural means in or suggesting the countryside or


3. In sentence 3, the words individual and group are antonyms of

complementary pairs because they are opposite in meaning that the items

being complementary to each other. It means the items belong to the set of

incompatible terms. Its characteristics is that negative of one word is

synonymous with the other. The word individual means of or for one

person. The word group means a number of people or things gathered,

placed or acting together or naturally associated.

b. Gradable Pairs

1. In sentence 1, the words same and different are antonyms of gradable pairs

because they are opposite in meaning that the pairs of words have a

graduation of width, age, size, etc., all indicated by the adjectives. The

word same means not different; identical. The word different means not

the same as somebody or something.

2. In sentence 2, the words expensive and cheap are antonyms of gradable

pairs because they are opposite in meaning that the pairs of words have a

graduation of width, age, size, etc., all indicated by the adjectives. The

word expensive means costing a lot of money. The word cheap means low

in price; costing (relatively) little money.

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c. Relational Opposites

1. In sentence 1, the words answer and questions are antonyms of relational

opposites because they are opposite in meaning and we can find the

relationship between the opposite pairs of words or two-way contrast that

are interdependent (one number presupposes the other). The word answer

means a thing that is said, written or done as a response to deal with a

question or situation. The word questions means a sentence, etc that asks


2. In sentence 2, the words add and reduce are antonyms of relational

opposites because they are opposite in meaning and we can find the

relationship between the opposite pairs of words or two-way contrast that

are interdependent (one number presupposes the other). The word add

means to put something together with something else so as to increase the

size, number, amount, etc. The word reduces means to make something

smaller in size, quantity, number,etc.

3. In sentence 3, the words spend and save are antonyms of relational

opposites because they are opposite in meaning and we can find the

relationship between the opposite pairs of words or two-way contrast that

are interdependent (one number presupposes the other). The word spend

means to give or pay money for goods, services, etc. The word save means

to keep money for future use.

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4.7 The Existence of Meaning Properties

Meaning properties can be divided into meaningfulness, ambiguity,

redundancy, anomaly, and contradictory. They are:

4.7.1 The Existence of Meaningfulness

There are three hundred and nineteen meaningfulness that are found

in the seven articles (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post

newspaper. They are:

Simple Sentences: there are one hundred and thirty three simple sentences that

are found in the seven articles (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post

newspaper. They are:

1. Adverb of Time + Subject + Predicate

During the bloodbath, Possibly 431 villagers, almost the entire male population
Adv. of Time S

were killed
(Feb. 8th, par. 1)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (possibly 431 villagers, almost the entire male

population), predicate (were killed) and can be include adverb of time (during the


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These war crimes were committed in the 17th century
S P Adv. of Time
(Feb. 8 , par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (these war crimes), predicate (were committed) and can

be include adverb of time (in the 17th century).

The premium now is on limiting it as much as possible

S Adv. of Time P
(Feb. 10th, par. 34)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the premium), predicate (is on limiting it as much as

possible) and can be include adverb of time (now).

2. Adverb of Time + Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Time + Adverb of


In December Dutch Ambassador Nikolaos van Dam

Adv. of Time S

was present at the commemoration of the massacre

P Adv. of Time

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In Rawagede (now called Balongsari) in West Java
Adv. of Place
(Feb. 8 , par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (Dutch Ambassador Nikolaos van Dam), predicate (was

present) and can be include adverb of time (In December and at the

commemoration of the massacre) and adverb of place (in Rawagede (now called

Balongsari) in West Java).

3. Subject + Predicate + Object + Adverb of Time

He offered the Dutch government’s “excuses” for the violence


in the 1945-1949 period

Adv. of Time
(Feb. 8th, par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (He), predicate (offered), object (the Dutch government’s

“excuses” for the violence) and can be include adverb of time (in the 1945-1949


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The region itself is facing now
S P Adv. of Time

tremendous challenges from new security problems

(Feb. 9th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (The region itself), predicate (is facing), object

(tremendous challenges from new security problems) and can be include adverb of

time (now).

In that circumstance the parties would have

Adv. of Time S P

the same interest in the direct result of the policies they agreed to
O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 11 , par.13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the parties), predicate (would have), object (the same

interest in the direct result of the policies they agreed to) and can be include

adverb of time (in that circumstance).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

4. Subject + Predicate + Object

These victims deserve the apologies

(Feb. 8 , par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (these victims), predicate (deserve), and object (the


We may be witnessing a classic Greek tragedy

(Feb. 10 , par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (we), predicate (may be witnessing), and object (a classic

Greek tragedy).

Financial services institutions emerged as main clients

(Feb. 12th, par. 4)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (financial services institutions), predicate (emerged), and

object (as main clients).

5. Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Manner

No doubt attention for the killings is justified completely

S P Adv. of Manner
(Feb. 8 , par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (no doubt attention for the killings), predicate (is

justified), and can be include adverb of manner (completely).

6. Coordinating Conjunction + Adverb of Frequency + Subject +

Predicate + Object

But as usual, the broader framework in which the bloodbath

Coor. Conj. Adv. of Freq. S

Took place has been ignored

P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 8 , par. 4)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the broader framework in which the bloodbath),

predicate (took place), object (has been ignored) and can be include coordinating

conjunction (but) and adverb of frequency (as usual).

7. Adverb of Frequency + Subject + Adverb of Manner + Predicate +

Object + Adverb of Place

Again the chance fully to expose the role the…

Adv. of Freq. S Adv. of P O (infinitival clause)

…Netherlands played has been missed in Indonesia

Adv. of Place
(Feb. 8th, par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the chance), predicate (to expose), object (the role the

Netherlands played has been missed) and can be include adverb of frequency

(again) and adverb of place (in Indonesia).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

8. Subject + Predicate

Exhibit A is anti-dumping duties

(Feb. 10 , par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (exhibit A) and predicate (is anti-dumping duties).

Issuing a fatwa is not a simple task

S (gerund) P
(Feb. 13th, par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (issuing a fatwa) and predicate (is not a simple task).

The policy worked

(Feb. 14 , par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the policy) and predicate (worked).

9. Conjunctive Adverb + Subject + Conjunctive Adverb + Predicate +


However in the collective memory the Dutch people still perceive

Conj. Adv. S Conj. Adv. P

the Netherlands merely as a paternalistic governor, not as a ruthless colonizer

(Feb. 8 , par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (in the collective memory the Dutch people), predicate

(perceive), object (the Netherlands merely as a paternalistic governor, not as a

ruthless colonizer) and can be include conjunctive adverb (however and still).

10. Subject + Predicate + Conjunctive Adverb + Object

My research into the roots of the conflict resulted also

S P Conj. Adv.

in a confrontation with the dark sides of Dutch colonialism

(Feb. 8 , par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (my research into the roots of the conflict), predicate

(resulted), object (in a confrontation with the dark sides of Dutch colonialism)

and can be include conjunctive adverb (also).

China has achieved also

S P Conj.adv.

advances with regard to intellectual property

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 12 , par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (China), predicate (has achieved), object (advances with

regard to intellectual property) and can be include conjunctive adverb (also).

In fact MUI itself recognizes

Conj. Adv. S P

the growing influence of its political power

(Feb. 13th, par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (MUI itself), predicate (recognizes), object (the growing

influence of its political power) and can be include conjunctive adverb (in fact).

11. Adverb of Time + Subject + Predicate + Object + Adverb of Place

In 1621 the VOC’s governor general Jan Pieterszoon Coen in Asia

Adv. of Time S Adv. of Place

Sailed to the small archipelago

(Feb. 8 , par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the VOC’s governor general Jan Pieterszoon Coen),

predicate (sailed), object (to the small archipelago) and can be include adverb of

time (in 1621) and adverb of place (in Asia).

ASEAN leaders are going to meet in Thailand

S P Adv. of Place

at the end of this month to mark the implementation of the ASEAN Charter
Adv. of Time O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 9th, par. 1)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (ASEAN leaders), predicate (are going to meet), object

(to mark the implementation of the ASEAN Charter), and can be include adverb of

place (in Thailand) and adverb of time (at the end of this month).

12. Adverb of Degree + Subject + Subordinating Conjunction + Predicate

+ Object

First the economic and social threat which Include

Adv.of Degree S Sub. Conj. P

include poverty, the widening gap between the rich and the poor...
O (gerund)

...infectious disease, the limitation access to food (food insecurity)...

...and the degradation of the environment)

(Feb. 9th, par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the economic and social threat), predicate (include),

object (include poverty, the widening gap between the rich and the poor infectious

disease, the limitation access to food (food insecurity and the degradation of the

Universitas Sumatera Utara

environment), and can be include adverb of degree (first), a subordinating

conjunction (which) and conjunctive adverb (also).

Fourth, another type of threat which also

Adv. of Degree S Sub. Conj. Conj. Adv.

must receive serious attention is the spreading of nuclear, biological...


...and chemical weapons

(Feb. 9th, par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (another type of threat), predicate (must receive), object

(serious attention is the spreading of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons),

and can be include adverb of degree (fourth), subordinating conjunction (which)

and conjunctive adverb (also).

13. Subject + Sentence Adverb + Predicate + Adverb of Manner

Problems of border dispute among the members of ASEAN admittedly

S Sentence Adv.

have not yet been resolved completely

P Adv. of manner
(Feb. 9 , par. 4)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (problems of border dispute among the members of

ASEAN), predicate (have not yet been resolved), and can be include sentence

adverb (admittedly) and adverb of manner (completely).

14. Coordinating Conjunction + Sentence Adverb + Subject +

Subordinating Conjunction + Predicate + Object

And finally there is competitive currency depreciation

Coor. Conj. Sentence Adv. S

that makes a country’s exports cheaper

Sub. Conj. P O
(Feb. 10th, par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (there is competitive currency depreciation), predicate

(makes), object (a country’s exports cheaper), coordinating conjunction (and),

sentence adverb (finally) and subordinating conjunction (that).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

15. Adverb of Degree + Subject + Adverb of Place + Predicate + Object

Second, all threats in the region

Adv. of Degree S Adv. of Place

have A complicated connection between aspects of military and non-military

(Feb. 9th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (all threats), predicate (have), object (a complicated

connection between aspects of military and non-military), and can be include

adverb of degree (second) and adverb of place (in the region).

16. Subject + Adverb of Place + Predicate + Object

The regional cooperation in the region

S Adv. of Place

so far was very focused “state-driven cooperation”

(Feb. 9 , par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the regional cooperation), predicate (so far was very

Universitas Sumatera Utara

focused), object (“state-driven cooperation”), and can be include adverb of place

(in the region).

There are at least two crucial levels of addressing


The security threats in the region: the national and the regional level
O Adv. of Place
(Feb. 9 , par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (there are at least two crucial levels), predicate (of

addressing), object (the security threats), and can be include adverb of place (in

the region: the national and the regional level).

At the national each member of ASEAN

Adv. of Place S

should have an interagency operations board

(Feb. 9 , par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (each member of ASEAN), predicate (should have),

object (an interagency operations board), and can be include adverb of place (at

the national).

17. Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Manner + Object

The initiative to establish Nationally

S P Adv. of Manner

integrated structure can be considered an effort to better coordinate...

O (infinitival clause)

...the interagency operations

(Feb. 9th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the initiative), predicate (to establish), object (the

interagency operations), and can be include adverb of manner (nationally).

18. Adverb of Degree + Subject + Predicate

Second the international conflict (interstate conflict)

Adv. of Degree S
(Feb. 9th, par. 4)

is difficult conflict

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the international conflict (interstate conflict), predicate

(is difficult conflict) and can be include adverb of degree (second).

19. Subject + Predicate + Sentence Adverb + Object + Adverb of Place

The nature of this multilateral cooperation should lie Principally

S P Sentence Adv.

in formal and legalistic approaches to nontraditional security planning...

O (infinitival clause) order to promote a collective response in the region

Adv. of Place
(Feb. 9th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the nature of this multilateral cooperation), predicate

(should lie), object (in formal and legalistic approaches to nontraditional security

planning in order to promote a collective response) and can be include adverb of

place (in the region).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

20. Adverb of Degree + Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Degree

+ Subordinating Conjunction + Adverb of Place

And third the above threats must be overcome

Adv. of Degree S P

simultaneously whether in national, regional or global order

Adv. of Degree Sub. Conj. Adv. of Place
(Feb. 9th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the above threats), predicate (must be overcome), and

can be include adverb of degree (and third and simultaneously) and subordinating

conjunction (whether).

21. Adverb of Time + Sentence Adverb + Subject + Subordinating

conjunction + Predicate

Right now unfortunately there is no evidence

Adv. Of Time Sentence Adv. S

that political leaders are on the case

Sub. Conj. P
(Feb. 10th, par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (there is no evidence), predicate (political leaders are on

the case), and can be include adverb of time (right now), sentence adverb

(unfortunately) and subordinating conjunction (that).

22. Coordinating Conjunction + Subject + Predicate

But the earth didn’t shake

Coor. Conj. S P
(Feb. 10th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the earth), predicate (didn’t shake), and can be include

coordinating conjunction (but).

Yet that did not happen

Coor. Conj. S P
(Feb. 14th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

contains one full subject (that), predicate (did not happen), and can be include

coordinating conjunction (yet).

23. Subject + Subordinating Conjunction + Predicate

There are other kinds of protection that could be much more serious
(Feb. 10th, par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (there are other kinds of protection), predicate (could be

much more serious), and can be include subordinating conjunction (that).

24. Subject + Predicate + Conjunctive Adverb + Object + Adverb of Place

We are seeing also

S P Conj. Adv.

Protectionism in the financial arena

O Adv. of Place
(Feb. 10 , par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (we), predicate (are seeing), object (protectionism) and

Universitas Sumatera Utara

can be include conjunctive adverb (also) and adverb of place (in the financial


25. Subject + Predicate + Sentence Adverb + Object

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has talked


tirelessly about the dangers of protectionism

Sentence Adv. O
(Feb. 10th, par. 22)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (Prime Minister Gordon Brown), predicate (has talked),

object (about the dangers of protectionism) and can be include sentence adverb


Off shoring allows poorer countries to export advanced and higher value...
S P O (infinitival clause)

...-added products at an early stage of economic development already

(Feb. 12th, par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (off shoring), predicate (allows), object (poorer countries

to export advanced and higher value added products at an early stage of

economic development) and can be include sentence adverb (already).

Consequently it needs more than just knowledge of Islamic law

Sentence Adv. S P O
(Feb. 13th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (it), predicate (needs), object (more than just knowledge

of Islamic law) and can be include sentence adverb (consequently).

26. Adverb of Manner + Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Time + Object

More generally economic pressures have morphed now

Adv. of Manner S P Adv. of Time

into serious political ones

(Feb. 10 , par. 25)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (economic pressures), predicate (have morphed), object

(into serious political ones) and can be include adverb of manner (more


Creating jobs overseas during a deep recession

S Adv. of Time

does not go down well with the public

P Adv. of Manner O
(Feb. 12 , par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (creating jobs overseas), predicate (does not go down),

object (with the public) and can be include adverb of time (during a deep

recession) and adverb of manner (well).

This may prove well

S P Adv. Of Manner

to be the revelation to the science of economics of the present crisis

O (infinitival clause) Adv. Of Time
(Feb. 14 , par. 17)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (this), predicate (may prove), object (to be the revelation

to the science of economics of) and can be include adverb of manner (well) and

adverb of time (the present crisis).

27. Coordinating Conjunction + Subject + Predicate + Object

Or we could look
Coor. Conj. S P

to an established international institution to lead the way

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 10th, par. 30)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (we), predicate (could look), object (to an established

international institution to lead the way) and can be include coordinating

conjunction (or).

Or is that the world will begin

Coor. Conj. S P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

to see the problems as well as the promises in Obama’s overture to the Muslim world
O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 11th, par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (is that the world), predicate (will begin), object (to see

the problems as well as the promises in Obama’s overture to the Muslim world) and can

be include coordinating conjunction (or).

So what can be done to extricate the US from ‘the fiscal policy trap’
(Feb. 14th, par. 21)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (what can be done), predicate (to extricate), object (the

US from ‘the fiscal policy trap’) and can be include coordinating conjunction (so).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

28. Subject + Predicate + Subordinating Conjunction + Object

Our best hope is governments act that with some constraint

S P Sub. Conj. O
(Feb. 10 , par. 31)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (our best hope), predicate (is governments act), object

(with some constraint) and can be include subordinating conjunction (that).

29. Subject + Sentence Adverb + Adjective

Is that really possible?

S Sentence adv. P
(Feb. 11 , par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (is that), predicate (possible), and can be include

sentence adverb (really).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

30. Subject + Subordinating Conjunction + Predicate + Object

There is a general perception that

S Sub. Conj.

the Muslim world is and will continues to house terrorist

(Feb. 11th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (there is a general perception), predicate (the Muslim

world is and will continues), object (to house terrorist) and can be include

subordinating conjunction (that).

For instance more than 40 percent of Indian IT and business services exports
Sub. Conj. S

are delivered to banks and other financial companies

(Feb. 12th, par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (more than 40 percent of Indian IT and business services

Universitas Sumatera Utara

exports), predicate (are delivered), object (to banks and other financial

companies) and can be include subordinating conjunction (for instance).

31. Subordinating Conjunction + Subject + Predicate + Coordinating


If they have not done so yet

Sub. Conj. S P Coor. Conj.
(Feb. 11th, par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (they), predicate (have not done so) and can be include

subordinating conjunction (if) and coordinating conjunction (yet).

32. Subject + Sentence Adverb + Subordinating Conjunction + Predicate

+ Object

It is US foreign policy and the perceived double standards perhaps

S Sentence Adv.

that anger them

Sub. Conj. P O
(Feb. 11th, par.28)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (it is US foreign policy and the perceived double

standards), predicate (anger), object (them) and can be include sentence adverb

(perhaps) and subordinating conjunction (that).

33. Subject + Conjunctive Adverb + Predicate

This indeed is a positive opening move

S Conj. Adv. P
(Feb. 11 , par.25)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (this), predicate (is a positive opening move), and can be

include conjunctive adverb (indeed).

34. Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Place

In India the rate is 69 percent

Adv. of Place S P
(Feb. 12th, par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the rate), predicate (is 69 percent), and can be include

adverb of place (in India).

Wages in China may not be as low as many believe

S Adv. of Place P
(Feb. 12th, par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (wages), predicate (may not be as low as many believe),

and can be include adverb of place (in China).

35. Subject + Adverb of Frequency + Predicate + Object

There is an irony in this because off shoring of noncore business activities...


...which typically include IT and business services often

Adv.of Freq.

helps companies become leaner and more efficient

(Feb. 12th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (there is an irony in this because off shoring of noncore

business activities), predicate (helps), object (companies become leaner and more

efficient) and can be include adverb of frequency (often).

36. Subject + Adverb of Place + Predicate + Object + Adverb of Manner

Financial institutions in Europe and the US have reduced

S Adv. of Place P

Their outsourcing activities in the wake of the financial crisis sharply

Adv. of
(Feb. 12 , par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (financial institutions), predicate (have reduced), object

(their outsourcing activities in the wake of the financial crisis) and can be include

adverb of place (in Europe and the US) and adverb of manner (sharply).

37. Subject + Predicate + Conjunctive adverb + Object + Adverb of Time

The protectionist response to the current crisis will interfere


Universitas Sumatera Utara

also with the Chinese government plans for its future
Conj. Adv. O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 12th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the protectionist response to the current crisis),

predicate (will interfere), object (with the Chinese government plans) and can be

include conjunctive adverb (also) and adverb of time (for its future).

38. Preposition + Adverb of Place + Subject + Conjunctive Adverb +

Subordinating Conjunction + Predicate + Object

Unlike church hierarchy (especially in the Catholic Church) there is no authority...

Prep. Adv. of Place S

however ...eminent that can claim

Conj. Adv. S Sub. Conj. P

sole right to enunciate any binding opinion for all Muslims

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 13 , par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb, conjunction and preposition in this sentence). It is a

Universitas Sumatera Utara

simple sentence because it contains one full subject (there is no authority,

eminent), predicate (can claim), object (sole right to enunciate any binding

opinion for all Muslims) and can be include preposition (unlike), adverb of place

(church hierarchy (especially in the Catholic Church) conjunctive adverb (however)

and subordinating conjunction (that).

39. Adverb of Degree + Subject + Predicate + Object

First the edicts show

Adv. of Degree S P

the failure of the MUI in bridging religious teaching and modernity

O (gerund)
(Feb. 13th, par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the edicts), predicate (show), object (the failure of the

MUI in bridging religious teaching and modernity) and can be include adverb of

degree (first).

40. Conjunctive Adverb + Object + Predicate + Sentence Adverb +


Indeed the MUI is chaired currently

Conj. Adv. O P Sentence Adv.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

by moderate and highly respected ulema such as Sahal Mahfud
(Feb. 13 , par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (by moderate and highly respected ulema such as Sahal

Mahfud), predicate (is chaired), object (the MUI) and can be include conjunctive

adverb (indeed) and sentence adverb (currently).

41. Subject + Predicate + Sentence Adverb + Adverb of Frequency

The American export engine is to be fired up unlikely Again

Sentence Adv. of
Adv. Freq.
(Feb. 14th, par. 23)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (the American export engine), predicate (is to be fired

up), and can be include sentence adverb (unlikely) and adverb of frequency


Universitas Sumatera Utara

42. Subject + Predicate + Sentence Adverb + Adverb of Place + Adverb of


This is what happened precisely

S P Sentence Adv.

in the US during the last decade

Adv. of Place Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (this), predicate (is what happened), and can be include

sentence adverb (precisely) and adverb of place (in the US) and adverb of time

(during the last decade).

43. Subject + Sentence Adverb + Predicate + Object + Adverb of Place

This is something Clinton perhaps is anxious

S Sentence adv. P

to hear from government in Jakarta

O (infinitival clause) Adv. of Place
(Feb. 11th, par.11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a simple sentence because it

contains one full subject (this is something Clinton), predicate (is anxious), object

(to hear from government) and can be include sentence adverb (perhaps) and

adverb of place (in Jakarta).

Compound Sentences, there are forty three compound sentences. They are:
Recently the Dutch government prosecutor insisted the case was…
Adv. of Time S P O
…superannuated and compensation was not under discussion
Coor. Conj. S P
(Feb. 8th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (recently, the Dutch government prosecutor insisted

the case was superannuated; compensation was not under discussion) joined by a

coordinating conjunction (and).

Did the ambassador offer apologies or
S P O Coor. Conj.
did he just express regret?
(Feb. 8th, par. 3)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (did the ambassador offer apologies; did he just

express regret?) joined by a coordinating conjunction (or).

During the Ambon Wars an estimated 40,000 people were killed
Adv. of Time S P
and whole islands were depopulated
Coor. Conj. S P
(Feb. 8th, par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (during the Ambon Wars, an estimated 40,000 people

were killed; during the Ambon Wars, whole islands were depopulated) joined by a

coordinating conjunction (and).

And finally the threat can contribute
Coor.Conj. Sentence adv. S P
to regional insecurity , the threat
Adv. of Degree Punctuation O

Universitas Sumatera Utara

posed by the transnational organized crime syndicates ,
P S Punctuation
involved In narcotics, human trafficking, and distribution of illegal weapons

(Feb. 9th, par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has three independent clauses (finally the threat can contribute to regional

insecurity; the threat posed by the transnational organized crime syndicates;

involved in narcotics, human trafficking, and distribution of illegal weapons ) joined

by a coordinating conjunction (and) and punctuation (,).

The world economy has a metastasizing cancer and
S P O Coor. Conj.
the doctors do not know how to stop it from spreading
S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 10 , par. 1)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (the world economy has a metastasizing cancer; the

doctors do not know how to stop it from spreading) joined by a coordinating

conjunction (and).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Then one country retaliated against another with trade barriers
Conj. Adv. S P O
, one country driving the world economy into a ditch
Punctuation S P O
and helping cause a world war
Coor. Conj P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 10th, par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has three independent clauses (one country retaliated against another with trade

barriers; one country driving the world economy into a ditch; helping cause a

world war) joined by a conjunctive adverb (then), punctuation (,) and

coordinating conjunction (and).

But talking about the need to resist protectionism
Coor. Conj. S (gerund) P O
and actually stopping it are two different things
Sentence Adv. S (gerund) P
(Feb. 10th, par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (talking about the need to resist protectionism;

actually stopping it are two different things) joined by two coordinating

conjunctions (but, and).

This kind of action has been happening of late , but
S P Punctuation Coor. Conj.
it is not out of control
(Feb. 10 , par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (this kind of action has been happening of late;it is

not out of control) joined by a coordinating conjunction (but) and punctuation (,).

Obama doesn’t want to violate trade agreements ,
S P O (infinitival clause) Punctuation
the Buy America provisions have momentum in Congress
S P O Adv. of Place
, Obama offering a recipe for other countries to do...
Punctuation S P O (infinitival clause)

...the same to American companies

(Feb. 10th, par. 13)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has three independent clauses (Obama doesn’t want to violate trade agreements;

the Buy America provisions have momentum in Congress; Obama offering a

recipe for other countries to do the same to American companies) joined by

punctuation (,).

How realistically can allow the rulers
Sub. Conj. Sentence Adv. P S
the renminbi to appreciate and the rulers Make
O (infinitival clause) Coor. Conj. S P

their exports more expensive?

(Feb. 10 , par. 23)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (realistically can allow the rulers the renminbi to

appreciate; the rulers make their exports more expensive?) joined by coordinating

conjunction (and).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

They should consult with one another and
S P O Coor. Conj.
they try to establish some common procedures
S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 10th, par. 31)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (they should consult with one another; they try to

establish some common procedures) joined by coordinating conjunction (and).

President Obama is right absolutely in this matter
S P Adv. of Manner O
and such an attitude is correct for the US
Coor. Conj. S P O
(Feb. 11 , par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (President Obama is absolutely right in this matter;

such an attitude is correct for the US ) joined by a coordinating conjunction (and).

Application development in India is typical example
S Adv. of Place P
call-centers in the Philippines is typical example
S Adv.of Place P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

and software engineering in Russia
Coor. Conj. S Adv. of Place

is typical example
(Feb. 12th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has three independent clauses (application development in India is typical

example; call-centers in the Philippines is typical example; software engineering

in Russia is typical example) joined by a coordinating conjunction (and) and

punctuation (,).
But the growing economic crisis is destined
Coor. Conj. S P

to put pressure on this off shoring business and new competitors
O (infinitival clause) S

aim to challenge India’s dominating position in this field

P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 12th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

has two independent clauses (the growing economic crisis is destined to put

pressure on this off shoring business; new competitors aim to challenge India’s

dominating position in this field) joined by two coordinating conjunctions (but,


China is already a leading offshore destination with regard to high-tech...
S P O (infinitival clause)

...manufacturing products, such as consumer electronics ,

but it is not prominent yet
Coor. Conj. S P Coor. Conj.

for IT or business services

(Feb. 12 , par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (China is already a leading offshore destination with

regard to high-tech manufacturing products, such as consumer electronics; it is

not prominent yet for IT or business services) joined by two coordinating

conjunctions (but and yet).

Many companies, not only in the financial sector sense

Universitas Sumatera Utara

this and may put
O Coor. Conj. P

new off shoring activities on hold for a while

O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 12th, par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (many companies, not only in the financial sector

sense this; may put new off shoring activities on hold for a while) joined by a

coordinating conjunction (and).

The Chinese government tries to nudge its export structure in a new direction
S P O (infinitival clause)
, more high value added services rather than manufacturing
Punc. S P O
(Feb. 12 , par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (the Chinese government tries to nudge its export

structure in a new direction; more high value added services rather than

manufacturing) joined by punctuation (,).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Customers from Japan and Korea face lower cultural barriers
, thus over 50 percent of Chinese IT offshore services
Punctuation S

are delivered to these countries

(Feb. 12 , par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (Customers from Japan and Korea face lower

cultural barriers; over 50 percent of Chinese IT offshore services are delivered to

these countries) joined by a conjunctive adverb (thus).

Large firms pay more than small firms ,
S P O Punctuation

foreign companies pay More than domestic ones ,

S P O Punctuation
And firms in urban agglomerations pay more than in rural areas
(Feb. 12th, par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (large firms pay more than small firms; foreign

companies pay more than domestic ones; firms in urban agglomerations pay more

than in rural areas) joined by a coordinating conjunction (and).

Such characteristics are not only good for off shoring
but boast the entire development process
(Feb. 12th, par. 16)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (such characteristics are not only good for off

shoring; boast the entire development process) joined by a coordinating

conjunction (but).

It helps international clients to focus on core competencies
P O (infinitival clause)

and It provides
Coor. Conj. S (cataphoric) P

offshore destinations with a promising export industry

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(Feb. 12th, par. 17)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (it helps international clients to focus on core

competencies; it provides offshore destinations with a promising export industry)

joined by a coordinating conjunction (and).

China is a leading offshore destination already
S P Sentence Adv.
with regard to manufacturing , but strives
O (infinitival clause) Punctuation Coor. Conj. P

for a bigger role in services too

(Feb. 12 , par. 17)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (China is a leading offshore destination already with

regard to manufacturing; strives for a bigger role in services too) joined by

punctuation (,) and a coordinating conjunction (and).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

However , in 2010 China
Conj. Adv. Punctuation Adv. of Time S

will only account for a fraction of the global market

and still rank clearly behind India
Coor. Conj. P Adv. of Manner O
(Feb. 12th, par. 17)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (in 2010 China will only account for a fraction of the

global market; still rank clearly behind India) joined by punctuation (,) and a

coordinating conjunction (and).

(IC) (IC)
At The Jakarta Post reported , most of them
S P Punctuation S

pointed out the edicts are out of date, pointless and counterproductive...

...for the interests of the nation

(Feb. 13th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

has two independent clauses (At The Jakarta Post reported; most of them pointed

out the edicts are out of date, pointless and counterproductive for the interests of

the nation) joined by a punctuation (,).

The MUI should consider this advice ,
S P O Punctuation
in issuing edicts to improve its image and credibility
S (gerund) P O
(Feb. 13th, par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (The MUI should consider this advice; in issuing

edicts to improve its image and credibility) joined by a punctuation (,).

They engage and build networks with many Islamic organizations
, particularly for mobilizing mass support
Punctuation Adv. of Manner P O
, carrying out street demonstrations and
Punctuation P O Coor. Conj.
demanding the government accept their political agenda
P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 13 , par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has four independent clauses (they engage and build networks with many Islamic

organizations; particularly for mobilizing mass support; carrying out street

demonstrations; demanding the government accept their political agenda) joined

by a punctuation (,).

Politics of fatwa might benefit political actors ,
S P O Punctuation
including the government, conservative ulema, and political parties
(Feb. 13th, par. 16)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (politics of fatwa might benefit political actors;

including the government, conservative ulema, and political parties) joined by a

punctuation (,).
The governments want their citizens to go shopping and
S P O Coor. Conj.
reverse the economy’s slide toward recession
(Feb. 14th, par. 1)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (the governments want their citizens to go shopping;

reverse the economy’s slide toward recession) joined by a coordinating

conjunction (and).

Now the Obama administration gears up
Adv. of Time S P
to provide massive stimulus to create jobs and get people
O (infinitival clause) S (infinitive)

spending again
P Adv. of Freq.
(Feb. 14th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (now the Obama administration gears up to provide

massive stimulus to create jobs; get people spending again) joined by a

coordinating conjunction (and).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

American consumers turned their economy into an engine of growth...
S P O the expense of economic balance as consumption far outran production ,

resulting in a debt race never seen before in a peacetime
P O Adv.of Time
(Feb. 14 , par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (American consumers turned their economy into an

engine of growth at the expense of economic balance as consumption far outran

production; resulting in a debt race never seen before in a peacetime) joined by

punctuation (,).

Consumption was hit no longer stimulating the economy
but pushing it into contraction
Coor. Conj. P O
(Feb. 14th, par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

has two independent clauses (consumption was hit no longer stimulating the

economy pushing it into contraction) joined by coordinating conjunction (but).

Instead the consumer absorbs fluctuations by building up or...
S P O (gerund)
...running down wealth : young people borrow
Punctuation S P

, anticipating higher incomes ,

Punctuation P O Punctuation
the middle-aged save more and
S P Coor. Conj.
the elderly exhaust their savings
(Feb. 14th, par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has four independent clauses (the consumer absorbs fluctuations by building up or

running down wealth; young people borrow; anticipating higher incomes; the

middle-aged save more; the elderly exhaust their savings) joined by a conjunctive

adverb (instead) , punctuation (,) and a coordinating conjunction (and).

(IC) (IC)
With property prices soaring , individuals changed
S P Punctuation S P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

their perception of resource availability over the course of their lifespan
(Feb. 14 , par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (with property prices soaring; individuals changed

their perception of resource availability over the course of their lifespan) joined

by punctuation (,).

Expecting growing resources constantly in terms of asset price
S (gerund) Adv. of Manner O
, consumers spent more money
Punctuation S P O
(Feb. 14th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (expecting growing resources constantly in terms of

asset price; consumers spent more money) joined by punctuation (,).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

We move into what Keynes might have labeled “fiscal policy trap
S P O (fused relative clause)
, meaning regardless of money poured into the economy
Punctuation P O (infinitival clause)
, spending will not go up
Punctuation S P
(Feb. 14th, par. 16)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has three independent clauses (we move into what Keynes might have labeled

“fiscal policy trap; meaning regardless of money poured into the economy

spending will not go up) joined by punctuation (,).

People may ask why fiscal stimulus helped
P S O (interrogative content clause)
in the 1930s , but is judged
Adv. of Time Punctuation Coor. Conj. P

to be impotent now
O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14 , par. 18)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

has two independent clauses (people may ask why fiscal stimulus helped in the

1930s; is judged to be impotent now) joined by coordinating conjunction (and).

Broadly speaking total debt amounts to almost 400 percent of GDP
Adv. of Manner S P O
in 2009 , compared with 170 percent in 1929
Adv. Of
Punctuation P O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14th, par. 18)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (broadly speaking total debt amounts to almost 400

percent of GDP in 2009; compared with 170 percent in 1929) joined by

punctuation (,).

Demographic works against higher consumption with the increase of households
, primarily taking place in the age bracket 50 years and older
Adv. of
Punctuation P Adv. of Time

with its low propensity to consume

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14 , par. 22)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (demographic works against higher consumption

with the increase of households; primarily taking place in the age bracket 50

years and older with its low propensity to consume) joined by punctuation (,).

What’s needed is a restructuring of the US GDP ,
S P O Punctuation
acquiescing to a lower share for consumption and
P O Coor. Conj.
welcoming a higher share for investment and
P O Coor. Conj.
net exports compared to the last decade or two
S P Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14 , par. 22)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has four independent clauses (what’s needed is a restructuring of the US GDP;

acquiescing to a lower share for consumption; welcoming a higher share for

investment; net exports compared to the last decade or two) joined by a

coordinating conjunction (and), punctuation (,) and a conjun ctive adverb (thus).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The best way is to take the bull by the horns And
S P O Coor. Conj.
stimulate savings to eliminate the oppressive debt burden
, thus restoring balance between production and consumption
Punctuation P O
And lay the foundation for future growth
(Feb. 14th, par. 24)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has four independent clauses (the best way; is to take the bull by the horns;

stimulate savings to eliminate the oppressive debt burden; restoring balance

between production and consumption; lay the foundation for future growth)

joined by punctuation (,) and a coordinating conjunction (and).

The more frenetic attempts to deliver a policy solution here
Adv. of
and now will most likely not address
Coor. Conj. Adv. of Time P

the fundamental disequilibrium underpinning the crisis

O (gerund)
(Feb. 14th, par. 25)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (the more frenetic attempts to deliver a policy

solution here; now will most likely not address the fundamenta disequilibrium

underpinning the crisis) joined by a coordinating conjunction (and).

The stimulus should be for saving and
S P Coor. Conj.
enhanced competitiveness rather than spending
(Feb. 14th, par. 25)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has two independent clauses (the stimulus should be for saving; enhanced

competitiveness rather than spending) joined by punctuation (,).

The alternative now pursued ,
S Adv. of Time P Punctuation
(IC) (IC)
including massive tax cuts , is running up
P O Punctuation P
an even higher debt , jeopardizing confidence in re-balancing the economy
O Punc P O (gerund)
and undermining long-term capability to restore
Coor. Conj. S (gerund) P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

sustainable growth spearheaded by investment and net exports
(Feb. 14 , par. 24)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound sentence because it

has four independent clauses (the alternative now pursued; including massive tax

cuts; is running up an even higher debt; jeopardizing confidence in re-balancing

the economy; undermining long-term capability to restore sustainable growth

spearheaded by investment and net exports) joined by punctuation (,) and a

coordinating conjunction (and).

Complex Sentences, there are one hundred and eight complex sentences. They

The village of Rawagede has been in the news a lot recently
S P Adv. of Time
after a group of widows and one survivor held the Netherlands…
Sub. Conj. S P Adv. Of Time

…responsible for Dec. 9, 1947 massacre by Dutch troops

(Feb. 8th, par. 1)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (a group of widows and one survivor held the Netherlands

responsible for Dec. 9, 1947, massacre by Dutch troops) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (after) joined to an independent clause (the village of

Rawagede has been in the news a lot recently).

When in 2002 the Netherlands celebrated
Sub. Conj. Adv. of Time S P
in fact the 400 years earlier , in 1602 the Verenigde…
Adv. of Time Punc. Adv. of Time S
…Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) was established , ceremonies
P Punc. S

cheering the colonial past dominated

(Feb. 8 , par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (in 2002 the Netherlands celebrated in fact the 400 years

earlier) headed by a subordinating conjunction (when) joined to an independent

clause (in 1602, the Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) was established;

ceremonies cheering the colonial past dominated) that separated by punctuation


Universitas Sumatera Utara

In 2000 as a journalist I Visited for the first time Maluku
Adv. of Time S P Adv. of Freq. O

where civil strife was waging between Christians and Muslims
Sub. Conj. S P O
(Feb. 8 , par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (civil strife was waging between Christians and Muslims)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (where) joined to an independent clause

(In 2000 as a journalist I visited for the first time Maluku).

(IC) (DC)
It was 1599 When the first Dutch ships
S Adv. of Time Sub. Conj. S
Arrived at the Banda Islands , which were at that time
P Adv. of Place Punc. Relative Pr.

the only place in the world where nutmeg was grown

P Adv. of Place O (fused relative clause)
(Feb. 8th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the first Dutch ships arrived at the Banda Islandswere at

Universitas Sumatera Utara

that time the only place in the world where nutmeg was grown) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (when), relative pronoun (which) joined to an

independent clause (it was 1599) that separated by punctuation (,)

The decimated Banda Islands were divided among VOC officials
who became the owners of the nutmeg plantations
Relative Pr. P O
(Feb. 8 , par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (became the owners of the nutmeg plantations) headed by a

relative pronoun (who) joined to an independent clause (the decimated Banda

Islands were divided among VOC officials).

The Banda Islands were not the only places in Maluku where
S P Adv. of Place Sub. Conj.
the VOC committed genocide
(Feb. 8 , par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the VOC committed genocide) headed by subordinating

conjunction (where) joined to an independent clause (the decimated Banda

Islands were divided among VOC officials).

After Banda , it was the turn
Sub. Conj. S Punctuation P

of Ambon and the surrounding island to be conquered by the VOC ,

O Punctuation
this time forcing a monopoly on the clove trade
Adv. of Time P O
(Feb. 8th, par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (Banda it was the turn of Ambon and the surrounding island

to be conquered by the VOC) headed by subordinating conjunction (after) joined

to an independent clause (this time forcing a monopoly on the clove trade) that

separated by punctuation (,).

According to Dutch estimates 3,130 people were killed in these operations
, while Indonesians sources claim 40,000 people were killed
Punc. Sub. Conj. S P O
(Feb. 8th, par. 12)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (Indonesians sources claim 40,000 people were killed)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (while) joined to an independent clause

(according to Dutch estimates 3,130 people were killed in these operations) that

separated by punctuation (,)

Dutch war victims have demanded always apologies from Japan
S P Adv. of Freq. O
because of war crimes committed against during World War II
Sub. Conj. S P Adv. of Time
(Feb. 8th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (war crimes committed against during World War II)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (because of) joined to an independent

clause (Dutch war victims have demanded always apologies from Japan).

Therefore it would be appropriate for the Dutch government to…
Conj. Adv. S P O(infinitival clause)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

…apologize for an occupation that did not last three years…
Sub. Conj. P Adv. of Time

… but three centuries

Adv. of Time
(Feb. 8th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (did not last three years but three centuries) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (it would be

appropriate for the Dutch government to apologize for an occupation) that joined

by conjunctive adverb (therefore).

(IC) (DC)
This would be more than desirable now that the Dutch
S P Adv. of Time Sub. S

in the current time of local, regional, and global changes are showing
Adv. of Time O P

so much interest in their national history

(Feb. 8 , par.13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

Universitas Sumatera Utara

one dependent clause (the Dutch in the current time of local, regional, and global

changes are showing so much interest in their national history) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (this would be

more than desirable).

Although the tendency of this conflict in the Southeast Asia region
Sub. Conj. S Adv. of Place

has been reduced significantly ,

P Adv. of Manner Punctuation
this does not mean necessarily That
S P Sentence Adv. Sub. Conj.
this threat has disappeared Completely
S P Adv. of Manner
(Feb. 9 , par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (the tendency of this conflict in the Southeast Asia region

has been reduced significantly; this threat has disappeared completely) headed by

two subordinating conjunctions (although and that) and joined to an independent

clause (this does not mean).

The recent border conflict between Thailand and Cambodia Shows

Universitas Sumatera Utara

That a break out of his traditional conflict still remains
Sub. Conj. S P

(Feb. 9th, par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (a break out of his traditional conflict still remains possible)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) and joined to an independent clause

(The recent border conflict between Thailand and Cambodia shows).

This dispute of course may trigger international tension
if not international conflict among the members of ASEAN
Sub. Conj. P O
(Feb. 9th, par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (not international conflict tamong the members of ASEAN)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (if) and joined to an independent clause

(this dispute of course may trigger international tension).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Third the internal conflict (intrastate conflict) has increased Significantly
Adv. of Adv. of
degree Manner
in the region that precisely since the end of the Cold War
Adv. of Sentence
Sub. Conj. Adv. of Time
Place Adv.
(Feb. 9th, par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (precisely since the end of the Cold War) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) and joined to an independent clause (third the

internal conflict (intrastate conflict has increased significantly).

The domestic conflict within some ASEAN members for instance...

...In Indonesia, the Philippines and the tension between Malaysia and Thailand...

...over the issue of Islamic militants in the southern part of Thailand

was the product of various domestic problems that

P O Sub. Conj.
derived from issues of economics, politics, and social culture (or religion)
(Feb. 9 , par. 5)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (derived from issues of economics, politics, and social

culture (or religion)) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) and joined to

an independent clause (the domestic conflict within some ASEAN members for

instance In Indonesia, the Philippines and the tension between Malaysia and

Thailand over the issue of Islamic militants in the southern part of Thailand was

the product of various domestic problems).

The Southeast Asian region still has significant potential...

...domestic problems such as internal conflict which

Relative Pr.
can be transformed into interstate conflict
(Feb. 9 , par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (can be transformed into interstate conflict) headed by a

relative pronoun (which) and joined to an independent clause (the Southeast Asian

region still has significant potential domestic problems such as internal conflict).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(IC) (DC)
This problem will become very acute if the issues...

...of separatism continue spread in this region

P O (infinitival clause) Adv. of Place
(Feb. 9th, par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the issues of separatism continue spread in this region)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (if) and joined to an independent clause

(this problem will become very acute).

Although this threat is small (almost nonexistent) relatively
Sub. Conj. S P Sentence Adv.
, this still could happen in the Southeast Asian region
Punctuation S P Adv. of Place
(Feb. 9th, par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (this threat is small (almost nonexistent) relatively) headed

by a subordinating conjunction (although) and joined to an independent clause

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(this still could happen in the Southeast Asian region) that separated by

punctuation (,).

Even though the region has declared itself a nuclear-weapons-free zone
Sub. Conj. S P O
, this does not mean that
Punctuation S P Sub. Conj.
we can ignore completely
S P Adv. of Manner

the possibility of the spreading of nuclear and biological weapons

(Feb. 9th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the region has declared itself a nuclear-weapons-free zone;

we can ignore completely the possibility of the spreading of nuclear and

biological weapons) headed by a subordinating conjunction (even though) and

joined to an independent clause (this does not mean) that separated by punctuation


The process of globalization will enable the non-state actor to have...
S P O (infinitival clause)
...the capability , to use these weapons in obtaining
Punctuation S (infinitive) P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

their political objectives
(Feb. 9 , par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (to use these weapons in obtaining their political objectives)

joined to an independent clause (the process of globalization will enable the non-

state actor to have the capability) that separated by punctuation (,).

(IC) (DC)
Many cases show that this region
S P Sub. Conj. S
not only is used as a distribution line but also it
Cor.Conj. P Cor. Conj. S

has become one of the important producers or sources of transnational crimes

which has connections with other TNOC syndicates from other regions
(Feb. 9th, par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (this region not only is used as a distribution line; it has

Universitas Sumatera Utara

become one of the important producers or sources of transnational crimes; has

connections with other TNOC syndicates from other regions) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that), a correlative conjunction (not only but also) and

a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause (many cases show).

In order to answer the four main questions above ,
Sub. Conj. P O Punctuation
the purpose, the responsibility and the collective regional strategy

is based on the three main pillars

(Feb. 9th, par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (answer the four main questions above) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (in order to) joined to an independent clause (the

purpose, the responsibility and the collective regional strategy is based on the

three main pillars) that separated by punctuation (,).

First It assumes that
Adv. of Degree S P Sub. Conj.
should be dealt with now cross national borders
P Adv. of Time O
(Feb. 9 , par. 11)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (should be dealt with now cross national borders) headed

by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (first it


Evidently it should be supplemented with the new idea
Sentence Adv. S P O
that regional cooperation
Sub. Conj. S

should push the “nonstate-driven cooperation”

(Feb. 9th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (regional cooperation should push the “nonstate-driven

cooperation”) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an

independent clause (evidently it should be supplemented with the new idea).

Considering the above characteristics and the possible cross-national linkage…
S (gerund)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

...the issue of traditional and nontraditional security , what
Punctuation Sub. Conj.
steps might ASEAN take to address it
S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 9 , par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (steps might ASEAN take to address it) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (what) joined to an independent clause (considering the

above characteristics and the possible cross-national linkage the issue of

traditional and nontraditional security) that separated by punctuation (,).

ASEAN also need
to reconsider its noninterference principle , in addressing
O (infinitival clause) Punctuation P

the multidimensional issue of security due to the national...

O (gerund)

...regional and international implications of the issue

(Feb. 9th, par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (in addressing the multidimensional issue of security due to

the national regional and international implications of the issue) joined to an

independent clause (ASEAN also need to reconsider its noninterference principle).

The changes in the strategic environment of the Southeast Asian region Have force
S Adv. of Place P

indeed many countries including the ASEAN member states
Conj. Adv. S (gerund)

to change their foreign policy agendas…

P O (gerund)

…including the pattern of cooperation in the region

(Feb. 9th, par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the changes in the strategic environment of the Southeast

Asian region have force) headed by a conjunctive adverb (indeed) and joined to an

independent clause (many countries including the ASEAN member states to

change their foreign policy agendas including the pattern of cooperation in the

The rise of protectionism will kill the world economy as
S P O Sub. Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

we know it
(Feb. 10 , par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (we know it) headed by a subordinating conjunction (as)

joined to an independent clause (the rise of protectionism will kill the world


First it was sub-prime securities , then
Adv. of
S P Punctuation Sub. Conj.
it was other risky assets like collateralized debt obligations,...
S P O in general the stock market and a collapse of global growth

(Feb. 10th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (it was other risky assets like collateralized debt obligations

credit in general the stock market and a collapse of global growth) headed by

Universitas Sumatera Utara

punctuation (,) and a subordinating conjunction (then) joined to an independent

clause (first it was sub-prime securities).

Now there is an indication that
Adv. of Time S Sub. Conj.
the infection is reaching the vital organ of free trade
(Feb. 10 , par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the infection is reaching the vital organ of free trade)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (now

there is an indication).

Moreover they could resist Totally
Conj. Adv. S P Sentence Adv.
protectionist pressures , even if they
O Punctuation Sub. Conj. S

wanted to
(Feb. 10th, par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (they wanted to) headed by a subordinating conjunction

(even if) and punctuation (,) joined to an independent clause (now there is an

indication) that joined by conjunctive adverb (moreover).

India and Russia both pledged to fight protectionism
S P O (infinitival clause)

at the G-20 meeting in Washington last November and

Adv.of Place Adv. of Time Coor. Conj.
then proceeded to raise tariffs on soybeans and cars respectively
P O (infinitival clause) Sentence Adv.
(Feb. 10th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (proceeded to raise tariffs on soybeans and cars

respectively) headed by a subordinating conjunction (then) joined to an

independent clause (India and Russia both pledged to fight protectionism at the

G-20 meeting in Washington last November) that joined by coordinating

conjunction (and).

This has become more serious , as
S P O Punctuation Sub. Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

the number of anti-dumping investigations have been soaring of late
(Feb. 10 , par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the number of anti-dumping investigations have been

soaring of late) headed by a subordinating conjunction (as) joined to an

independent clause (this has become more serious).

As governments prop up failing firms ,
Sub. Conj. S P O Punctuation
as the US is doing for autos and the French for aviation ,
S P O Punc.
they are subsidizing failing industries to the detriment of competitors elsewhere
(Feb. 10th, par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the number of anti-dumping investigations have been

soaring of late) headed by a subordinating conjunction (as) joined to an

independent clause (this has become more serious).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

They are discriminating also against foreign companies ,
S P O Punctuation
because their subsidies are just for national champions
Sub. Conj. S P

Sentence Adv.
(Feb. 10th, par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (their subsidies are just for national champions typically)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (because) joined to an independent clause

(they are discriminating also against foreign companies).

(IC) (DC)
Closely related is the kind of protectionism which comes
S P Relative Pr. P

with “buy national” provisions in stimulus plans

(Feb. 10th, par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (comes with “buy national” provisions in stimulus plans)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

headed by a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause (closely

related is the kind of protectionism).

The stimulus package in America mandates that
S Adv. of Place P Sub. Conj.
new spending go to domestic procedures of steel, cement and other product
even if foreign companies are more competitive
Sub. Conj. S P
(Feb. 10th, par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (new spending go to domestic procedures of steel, cement

and other product; foreign companies are more competitive) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (the stimulus

package in America mandates).

But in fact , you
Coor. Conj. Conj. Adv. Punctuation S

also must sympathize with political leaders who

P O Relative Pr.

are caught in the vice of conflicting pressures
(Feb. 10 , par. 18)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (are caught in the vice of conflicting pressures) headed by a

relative pronoun (who) joined to an independent clause (you also must sympathize

with political leaders) that joined by coordinating conjunction (but), conjunctive

adverb (in fact) and punctuation (,).

He is convinced without that ,
S P O Punctuation
the US economy could plunge into a depression
(Feb. 10th, par. 19)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (he is convinced without that) joined to an independent

clause (the US economy could plunge into a depression) that joined by

punctuation (,).

He could rationalize easily that
S P Adv. of Manner Sub. Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

such an outcome would be the worst one for the entire world
(Feb. 10 , par. 20)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (such an outcome would be the worst one for the entire

world) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent

clause (he could rationalize easily).

(IC) (DC)
He could believe well that trying to rid the legislation
Adv. of
S P Sub. Conj. S

to “Buy American”provisions would kill the bill ,

P O Punctuation
that keeping them is the lesser of two evils
Sub. Conj. S (gerund) O
(Feb. 10th, par. 21)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (trying to rid the legislation to “Buy American”provisions

would kill the bill; keeping them is the lesser of two evils ) headed by a

Universitas Sumatera Utara

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (he could believe


But he dare not encourage
Coor. Conj. S P

British banks to continue their international lending , when

O (infinitival clause) Punctuation
Britain is in the middle of a credit crisis and
S P O Coor. Conj.
also gripped by labor protests
Conj. Adv. P S

against the granting of contracts to foreign workers

(Feb. 10th, par. 22)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (Britain is in the middle of a credit crisis) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (when) joined to two independent clauses (he dare not

encourage British banks to continue their international lending; gripped by labor

protests against the granting of contracts to foreign workers) that joined by

coordinating conjunction (and) and conjunctive adverb (also).

(IC) (DC)
They expect that the prospect of social unrest
S P Sub. Conj. S

Universitas Sumatera Utara

unrest is much more damaging to China and the world than a cheap currency
(Feb. 10 , par. 24)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the prospect of social unrest unrest is much more

damaging to China and the world than a cheap currency) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (they expect).

The world is gripped by the related evils of nationalism, populism
and increasingly save yourself mentality
Coor. Conj. Adv. of Manner S O
(Feb. 10th, par. 25)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the world is gripped by the related evils of nationalism,

populism) joined to an independent clause (increasingly save yourself mentality)

that joined by coordinating conjunction (and).

(IC) (DC)
Democracy reinforces this tragedy because voters
S P O Sub. Conj. S

Universitas Sumatera Utara

are focused on the short term
(Feb. 10 , par. 26)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (voters are focused on the short term) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (because) joined to an independent clause (democracy

reinforces this tragedy).

There are a few ways to combat the tendency to look inward ,
S P O (infinitival clause) Punctuation
it is hard to be optimistic about any of them
(Feb. 10 , par. 27)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (it is hard to be optimistic about any of them) joined to an

independent clause (there are a few ways to combat the tendency to look inward).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The world could look towards a charismatic leader such as Obama
, he Is constrained deeply
Punctuation S P Adv. of Manner
(Feb. 10th, par. 28)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (he is constrained deeply) joined to an independent clause

(the world could look towards a charismatic leader such as Obama).

We could look toward a group of countries such as the G-20...
...toward off the protectionist trend , but such a collective
Punctuation S

is to produce only the lowest common denominator of policy

(Feb. 10th, par. 29)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (we could look toward a group of countries such as the G-

20 toward off the protectionist trend) joined to an independent clause (such a

Universitas Sumatera Utara

collective is to produce only the lowest common denominator of policy) that

joined by coordinating conjunction (but).

This could include mandating the WTO or the International Monetary Fund...
S P O (infinitival clause) document for the public all new trade-distorting measures and...

...their likely economic impact , there by raising
Punctuation Adv. of Place P

the barrier of taking anti-trade measures

O (gerund)
(Feb. 10th, par. 32)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (there by raising the barrier of taking anti-trade measures)

joined to an independent clause (this could include mandating the WTO or the

International Monetary Fund ).

(IC) (DC)
They could agree that all protectionist measures
S P Sub. Conj. S

will be limited in scope and time

(Feb. 10th, par. 33)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (all protectionist measures will be limited in scope and

time) joined to an independent clause (they could agree) that joined by

coordinating conjunction (but).

And they could devote
Coor. Conj. S P

a lot more effort to cushioning the blow to workers hurt by rapid import penetration ,
O (gerund) Punc.
in order to take some pressure off to take protectionist measures
Sub. Conj. S (infinitive) O (infinitival clause)

in the first place

Adv. of Place
(Feb. 10th, par. 33)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (take some pressure off to take protectionist measures in the

first place) headed by punctuation (,) and subordinating conjunction (in order to)

joined to an independent clause (they could devote a lot more effort to cushioning

the blow to workers hurt by rapid import penetration) that joined by coordinating

conjunction (and).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

For supporters of more rather than less trade of whom I am one
, it is no use just screaming about the evils of protectionism
Punc. S P O (gerund)
(Feb. 10th, par. 34)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (for supporters of more rather than less trade of whom I am

one) joined to an independent clause (it is no use just screaming about the evils of

protectionism) that joined by punctuation (,).

In what one will see
Sub. Conj. S P

as the beginning of a new and refreshing approach to US international relations ,

O Punct.
the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton has chosen
to visit Indonesia on her first trip because she
O (infinitival clause) Sub. Conj. S

said she wanted to “reach out” to the Muslim world

P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 11 , par. 1)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

Universitas Sumatera Utara

two dependent clauses (one will see as the beginning of a new and refreshing

approach to US international relations; she said she wanted to “reach out” to the

Muslim world) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (what and because)

joined to an independent clause (the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton has

chosen to visit Indonesia on her first trip).

(IC) (DC)
The visit to Indonesia , though the country
S Punctuation Sub. Conj. S

does not reflect necessarily the Muslim world ,

P Sentence Adv. O Punctuation
is believed to be linked with Obama’s inauguration speech
P O (infinitival clause)
directly in which he vowed
Adv. of Manner Relative Pr. S P

to seek a “new way forward” with the Muslim world “based on...
O (infinitival clause)

... mutual respect and interest” under his predecessor, George W. Bush

after eight rocky years

Adv. of Time
(Feb. 11th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (the country does not reflect necessarily the Muslim world;

he vowed to seek a “new way forward” with the Muslim world “based on mutual

Universitas Sumatera Utara

respect and interest” under his predecessor, George W. Bush after eight rocky

years) headed by a subordinating conjunction (though) and a relative pronoun

(which) joined to an independent clause (the visit to Indonesia is believed to be

linked with Obama’s inauguration speech directly).

Clinton’s planned visit to Indonesia is a tremendous signal of the importance of Asia

to the US foreign policy agenda

as well as to the East Asian “troika” of Japan, South Korea and China

is a tremendous signal of the importance of Asia


to the US foreign policy agenda

(Feb. 11th, par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (as well as to the East Asian “troika” of Japan, South

Korea and China is a tremendous signal of the importance of Asia to the US

foreign policy agenda) joined to an independent clause (Clinton’s planned visit to

Indonesia is a tremendous signal of the importance of Asia to the US foreign

policy agenda ).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

What is interesting especially to observe
S Adv. of Manner P
here that is Clinton’s visit to Indonesia
Adv. of Place Sub. Conj. S

seems to have been perceived as the beginning of a long process in which

P O (infinitival clause) Relative Pr.
the US is out

to make its way forward with the Muslim world based on mutual respect and interest
(Feb. 11 , par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (Clinton’s visit to Indonesia seems to have been perceived

as the beginning of a long process; the US is out to make its way forward with the

Muslim world based on mutual respect and interest) headed by a subordinating

conjunction (that) and a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause

(what is interesting especially to observe here).

But one may see this as an insufficient gesture as
Coor. Conj. S P O Sub. Conj.
(DC) (DC)
it demands a trust from the Muslim world of which they
S P O Relative Pr. S

have to see yet evidence

(Feb. 11th, par. 7)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (it demands a trust from the Muslim world of; they have to

see yet evidence) headed by a subordinating conjunctions (as) and a relative

pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause (one may see this as an

insufficient gesture) that joined by a coordinating conjunction (but).

(IC) (DC)
Mutual respect is impossible unless bold steps
S P Sub. Conj. O
are taken by moderating Muslim countries , denouncing
P S Punctuation P

the extremist
(Feb. 11th, par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (bold steps are taken by moderating Muslim countries;

denouncing the extremist) headed by a subordinating conjunctions (unless) joined

to an independent clause (mutual respect is impossible).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

If the US and Muslim world independently do not have
S Adv. of Manner P

a shared interest in obtaining a result agreement to by both sides ,

O (gerund) Punctuation
than a mutual interest will not exist Definitely
Sub. Conj. S P Sentence Adv.
(Feb. 11th, par.14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (the US and Muslim world independently do not have a

shared interest in obtaining a result agreement to by both sides; a mutual interest

will not exist definitely) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (if and than).

A cooperative gesture should be scrutinized in such a way as to determine
S P O (infinitival clause)
whether there is a mutual interest Actually
Sub. Conj. S Sentence Adv.

between the US and the Muslim world

(Feb. 11 , par.16)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (there is a mutual interest actually between the US and the

Muslim world) headed by a subordinating conjunctions (whether) joined to an

independent clause (a cooperative gesture should be scrutinized in such a way as to


(DC) (IC)
This where the problems arise , that is when both…
S P Punctuation S

…the US and the Muslim world perceive the concept from a narrow…

…as well as contradictory perspective

(Feb. 11th, par.17)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (this where the problems arise) joined to an independent

clause (that is when both the US and the Muslim world perceive the concept from

a narrow as well as contradictory perspective).

After his meeting with US Vice President, Joe Biden Jusuf Kalla
was reported as saying that the future relationship…

Universitas Sumatera Utara

…between the West and the Muslim world depends on how the US approaches…

…the Muslim countries (The Jakarta Post, Feb. 6)

Feb. 11th, par.18)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (his meeting with US Vice President, Joe Biden, Jusuf

Kalla was reported; saying that the future relationship between the West and the

Muslim world depends on how the US approaches the Muslim countries (The

Jakarta Post, Feb. 6) ) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (after and as).

(IC) (DC)
It is not clear why Kalla thinks
S P Sub. Conj. S P

the US needs to initiate approaches to Muslim countries

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 11 , par. 19)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (Kalla thinks the US needs to initiate approaches to Muslim

Universitas Sumatera Utara

countries) headed by a subordinating conjunction (why) joined to an independent

clause (it is not clear ).

It may have something to do with the way Washington used to…
S P O (infinitival clause)

…characterize Muslim countries, as those of jihadists and extremists ,

the tone of which has shaped so far US political reaction
S Sub. Conj. P O
(Feb. 11 , par.20)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the tone has shaped so far US political reaction) headed by

a subordintting conjunction (which) joined to an independent clause (it may have

something to do with the way Washington used to characterize Muslim countries,

as those of jihadists and extremists).

Thus, if Jusuf Kalla knew at the outset that
Conj. Adv. Sub. Conj. S P Adv. of Time
Obama wanted to build a partnership with Islamic countries...
S P O (infinitival clause)
...based on mutual interest than he should have suggested

Universitas Sumatera Utara

to Washington to pitch its policy at those voices
(Feb. 11 , par.22)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (Obama wanted to build a partnership with Islamic

countries; he should have suggested to Washington to pitch its policy at those

voices) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (that and that) joined to an

independent clause (Jusuf Kalla knew at the outset) that joined by conjunctive

adverb (thus).

If the US is looking for mutual interest ,
Sub. Conj. S P O Punctuation
(IC) (DC)
then it is at this level of interests that it
S P Sub. Conj. S

should focus on its policies and not at the level of mutual (political) interest ,
P O Punc.
where both the US and Muslim worlds Feel

only the need to endure relations for world peace

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 11 , par.23)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses ( The US is looking for mutual interests; it should focus on

its policies and not at the level of mutual (political) interest) headed by two

subordinating conjunctions (if and where) joined to an independent clause (it is at

this level of interests) that joined by conjunctive adverb (then).

Hillary Clinton said in her first overseas trip That
S P O Sub. Conj.
she wants to “reach out” to the Muslim worlds
S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 11th, par.24)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (she wants to “reach out” to the Muslim worlds) headed by

a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (Hillary

Clinton said in her first overseas trip).

This about to change , if
S (cataphoric) P Punctuation Sub. Conj.
the Chinese government has its way
(Feb. 12th, par. 3)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the Chinese government has its way) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (if) joined to an independent clause (this about to


Rising unemployment compounds the problem of weakening demand
S (gerund) P O (gerund)
because it plays to protectionist instincts
Sub. Conj. S P O
(Feb. 12th, par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (it plays to protectionist instincts) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (because) joined to an independent clause (rising

unemployment compounds the problem of weakening demand).

(IC) (DC)
This matters are all the more because so many banks
S P Sub. Conj. S

are being propped up with public money


Universitas Sumatera Utara

(Feb. 12th, par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (so many banks are being propped up with public money)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (because) joined to an independent clause

(this matters are all the more).

Any new major off shoring contract could create a public backlash
that would undermine the government’s ability to defend...
Sub. Conj. P O (infinitival clause)

...further assistance to the financial sector

(Feb. 12th, par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (would undermine the government’s ability to defend further

assistance to the financial sector) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that)

joined to an independent clause (any new major off shoring contract could create

a public backlash ).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Already the US stimulus package contains
Sentence Adv. S P
a provision that software required
O Sub. Conj. S P

for medical-services modernization be produced in the US

O (infinitival clause) Adv. of Place
(Feb. 12th, par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (software required for medical-services modernization be

produced) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent

clause (already the US stimulus package contains a provision ).

Since data processing and back-office work relies
Sub. Conj. S P
on trustworthiness of the partner more than any other services the scandal

has raised broader concerns over the general reliability of offshore...

P O (infinitival clause)

...providers working on crucial applications and handling sensitive data

(Feb. 12th, par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (data processing and back-office work on trustworthiness

of the partner more; any other services the scandal has raised broader concerns

over the general reliability of offshore providers working on crucial applications

and handling sensitive data) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (since

and than).

Since the turn of the millennium their number has risen
Sub. Conj. Adv. of Time S P

an average of 25 percent per year , and

O Adv. of Time Punctuation Coor. Conj.
it is likely to continue to grow at that pace for some time
S Sentence Adv. P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 12th, par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the turn of the millennium their number has risen an

average of 25 percent per year) headed by a subordinating conjunction (since)

joined to an independent clause (it is likely to continueto grow at that pace for

some time) that joined by a coordinating conjunction (and).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The Business Software Alliance for instance report That
S Conj. Adv. P Sub. Conj.
the share of pirated software declined from over 90 percent... in 2003
Adv. Of
Time ‘only’ 82 percent in 2007

Adv. of Time
(Feb. 12th, par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the share of pirated software declined from over 90 percent

in 2003 to ‘only’ 82 percent in 2007) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that)

joined to an independent clause (the Business Software Alliance report) that

joined by a conjunctive adverb (for instance).

In IT off shoring communication between client and supplier is paramount
; for this reason further improvements in the knowledge of English

are required in China

P Adv. Of Place
(Feb. 12th, par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (for this reason further improvements in the knowledge of

English are required in China) joined to an independent clause (In IT off shoring

communication between client and supplier is paramount).

This is in stark contrast to Indian companies , whose
S P O Punctuation

customers In Anglo-Saxon countries account
S Adv. of Place P

for 80 percent of the total client base

(Feb. 12 , par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (customers in Anglo-Saxon countries account for 80 percent

of the total client base) headed by a relative pronoun (whose) joined to an

independent clause (this is in stark contrast to Indian companies).

China providers will need to cater more to those clients as well
if only because the US and UK are the biggest markets
Sub. Conj. Sub. Conj. S P
(Feb. 12th, par. 12)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the US and UK are the biggest markets) headed by two

subordinating conjunctions (if only and because) joined to an independent clause

(China providers will need to cater more to those clients as well).

Less demand from international clients and a growing protectionist mood
are severe downside risks which may weaken
P Relative Pr. P

Western exports to the off shoring nations

(Feb. 12 , par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (may weaken Western exports to the off shoring nations)

headed by a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause (less

demand from international clients and a growing protectionist mood are severe

downside risks).

Also most academic studies show that
Conj. Adv. S P Sub. Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

IT off shoring has no lasting negative effect on the number of jobs
though admittedly much of the research
Sub. Conj. Sentence Adv. S

was conducted before the current crisis hit

(Feb. 12th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (IT off shoring has no lasting negative effect on the number

of jobs; admittedly much of the research was conducted before the current crisis

hit) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (though and that) joined to an

independent clause (most academic studies show) that joined by a conjunctive

adverb (also).

Successful offshore locations typically are low-wage destinations
S Sentence Adv. P
which nevertheless boast
Relative Pr. Conj. Adv. P

comparatively skilled personnel, the protection of intellectual...

Adv. of Manner O (gerund)

...poverty rights and smooth communication by speaking the clients’ language

(Feb. 12th, par. 16)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (boast comparatively skilled personnel, the protection of

intellectual poverty rights and smooth communication by speaking the clients’

language) headed by a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause

(successful offshore locations typically are low-wage destinations).

(DC) (IC)
Considering the various factors at play , an off shoring volume...
S Punctuation S IT and business services of around US$4.5 billion by 2010 seems achievable
Adv. of
in China , provided
Adv. of Place Punctuation P
that a full-blown depression can be avoided
Sub. Conj. S P
(Feb. 12th, par. 17)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (considering the various factors at play provided; a full-

blown depression can be avoided) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

joined to an independent clause (an off shoring volume in IT and business services

of around US$4.5 billion by 2010 seems achievable in China).

Endy M. Bayuni rightly argued
S Adv. of Manner P
That no one, not even the MUI has
Sub. Conj. S P
the right to force or intimidate people into voting for fear that they
O (infinitival clause) Sub. Conj. S

will earn God’s wrath (The Jakarta Post, Jan. 1, 2009)

P O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 13th, par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (no one, not even the MUI has the right to force or

intimidate people into voting for fear; they will earn God’s wrath(The Jakarta

Post, Jan. 1, 2009) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an

independent clause (Endy M. Bayuni rightly argued).

In general those edicts also demonstrate
Adv. of Manner S P
the MUI’s involvement in practical politics , which is in contradiction
O Punc Relative Pr. P

with its mission as a religious body

(Feb. 13 , par. 4)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (is in contradiction with its mission as a religious body)

headed by a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause (in general

those edicts also demonstrate the MUI’s involvement in practical politics).

It is important to note that
S P O (infinitival clause) Sub. Conj.
Islam does not recognize the concept of priesthood
(Feb. 13th, par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (Islam does not recognize the concept of priesthood) headed

by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (it is

important to note).

In Islam a fatwa is a legal opinion issued
Adv. of Place O P

by an individual or group of ulema who

S Relative Pr.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

are recognized for their expertise
(Feb. 13 , par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (are recognized for their expertise) headed by a relative

pronoun (who) joined to an independent clause (in Islam a fatwa is a legal opinion

issued by an individual or group of ulema).

Regarding the above-mentioned MUI edicts ,
P O Punctuation
some crucial factors need to be taken into consideration
(Feb. 13th, par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (regarding the above-mentioned MUI edicts) joined to an

independent clause (some crucial factors need to be taken into consideration).

Khaled Abu Fadl, professor of Islamic Law at UCLA, California pointed out

Universitas Sumatera Utara

that in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh as Islam)
Sub. Conj. S

anyone or group of ulema who issue edicts must be bound


by a heightened level of scrutiny and by the obligation of utmost diligence

(Feb. 13 , par. 7)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh as Islam) anyone or group of

ulema who issue edicts must be bound by a heightened level of scrutiny and by the

obligation of utmost diligence) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that)

joined to an independent clause (Khaled Abu Fadl, professor of Islamic Law at

UCLA, California pointed out).

Second it is crucial to note
Adv. of Degree S P O (infinitival clause)
that there are many requirements for issuing
Sub. Conj. S P

fatwas in the contemporary world

(Feb. 13th, par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (there are many requirements for issuing fatwas in the

contemporary world) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an

independent clause (second it is crucial to note).

Issuing edicts needs not only a highly qualified understanding of Islamic law
S (gerund) P O
, but also an accommodation with the spirit of modernity combined
Punc S P

with a modern scientific approach and profound research methodology

(Feb. 13 , par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (an accommodation with the spirit of modernity combined

with a modern scientific approach and profound research methodology) headed

by a correlative conjunction (not only but also) joined to an independent clause

(issuing edicts needs).

Furthermore the edicts basically represent
Conj. Adv. S Sentence Adv. P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

the growing influence of religious conservatism in this country ,
O Adv. of Place Punctuation
particularly of those who are riding ‘the politics of fatwa’
Sentence Adv. S P O
(Feb. 13th, par. 10)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (particularly of those who are riding‘the politics of fatwa’)

headed by punctuation (,) joined to an independent clause (the edicts basically

represent the growing influence of religious conservatism in this country) that

joined by a conjunctive adverb (furthermore).

It is related not only to religious conservatism per se
S P Cor. Conj. O
, but also it is related
Punctuation Cor. Conj. S P

to the exclusive and intolerant attitudes toward other religions

(Feb. 13th, par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

Universitas Sumatera Utara

one dependent clause (it is related to the exclusive and intolerant attitudes toward

other religions) headed by a correlative conjunction (not only but also) joined to

an independent clause (it is related to religious conservatism per se).

(DC) (IC)
We are reminded that the MUI
S P Sub. Conj. S

had issued an edict to ban pluralism, secularism, and liberalism in July 2005
P O (infinitival clause) Adv. of Time
(Feb. , par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (we are reminded) headed by a subordinating conjunction

(that) joined to an independent clause (the MUI had issued an edict to ban

pluralism, secularism, and liberalism in July 2005).

In terms of pluralism it is believed that
O S P Sub. Conj.

the spirit behind the edict was based on books, articles and, reports...

...provided by conservative ulema and certain militant activists who

Relative Pr.
had joined the MUI board in the last four years
P O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 13 , par. 12)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (the spirit behind the edict was based on books, articles

and, reports provided by conservative ulema and certain militant activists; had

joined the MUI board in the last four years) headed by a relative pronoun (who)

joined to an independent clause (in terms of pluralism it is believed).

(IC) (DC)
The Ahmadiyah case has shown how the MUI
S P Sub. Conj. S

was able to pressure the government to accommodate its fatwa and

P O (infinitival clause) Coor. Conj.
then issue a joint ministerial decree
Conj. Adv. S

to freeze Ahmadiyah activities

(Feb. 13th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the MUI was able to pressure the government to

accommodate its fatwa) headed by a subordinating conjunction (how) joined to

two independent clauses (the Ahmadiyah case has shown; issue a joint ministerial

Universitas Sumatera Utara

decree to freeze Ahmadiyah activities) that joined by a coordinating conjunction

(and) and a conjunctive adverb (then).

A study by the International Crisis Group last year shows
S Adv. of Time P
that the growing political influence of MUI
Sub. Conj. S

due to the support of militant groups particularly

P Adv. of Manner
(Feb. 13 , par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the growing political influence of MUI due to the support

of militant groups particularly) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that)

joined to one independent clause (a study by the International Crisis Group last

year shows).
If history is nay guide and
Sub. Conj. S P Coor. Conj.
people behave the way one school of economic thought predicts
, the chances do not appear bright
Punctuation S P O
(Feb. 14th, par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (history is nay guide; the chances do not appear bright)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (if) joined to an independent clause (people

behave the way one school of economic thought predicts) that joined by a

coordinating conjunction (and).

(DC) (DC)
Unless citizens are convinced that their future earning
Sub. Conj. S P Sub. Conj. S

will be more than the total of their annualized income form job or business ,
P O Punc.
they are more to save likely than spend
S P Sentence Adv. O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14th, par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (citizens are convinced; their future earning wil be more

than the total of their annualized income form job or business) headed by two

subordinating conjunctions (unless and that) joined to an independent clause (they

are more to save likely than spend).

The health of the world economy depends on US performance
, which in recent years emerged
Punctuation Relative Pr. Adv. of Time P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

as the principal engine of growth
(Feb. 14 , par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (in recent years emerged as the principal engine of growth)

headed by a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause (the health

of the world economy depends on US performance).

In 2007 private consumption reached
Adv. of Time S P

71 percent of the US gross domestic product , after

O Punctuation Sub. Conj.
standing steady at about 62 percent

for more than 30 years, from 1950 to the early 1980s

Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14 , par. 4)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (standing steady at about 62 percent for more than 30

Universitas Sumatera Utara

years, from 1950 to the early 1980s) headed by a subordinating conjunction

(after) joined to an independent clause (in 2007 private consumption reached71

percent of the US gross domestic product).

(IC) (DC)
The theory suggests that expectations and stability
S P Sub. Conj. S
are crucial , that people consume
P Punctuation Sub. Conj. S P

portions of their anticipated lifetime income steadily throughout their lives steadily
Adv. of
(Feb. 14 , par. 9)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (expectations and stability are crucial; people consume

people steadily) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an

independent clause (the theory suggests).

(DC) (DC)
Lifetime horizon means that temporary fluctuations in income

do not influence consumption

(Feb. 14 , par. 11)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (temporary fluctuations in income do not influence

consumption) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an

independent clause (lifetime horizon means).

(IC) (DC)
Spending will rise when the individual
S P Sub. Conj. S
concludes that future resources warrant increased spending
(Feb. 14th, par. 16)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

two dependent clauses (the individual concludes; future resources warrant

increased spending) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (when and that)

joined to an independent clause (spending will rise ).

(IC) (DC)
The answer is in 1929 when the Great Depression struck
Adv. of Sub.
Time Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

, the US debt level was far lower than today’s level
Punctuation P O

(Feb. 14th, par. 18)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (the Great Depression struck) headed by a subordinating

conjunction (when) joined to an independent clause (the answer is the US debt

level was far lower than today’s level).

There’s a clear parallel exists in Japanese companies in the 1990s
S P Adv. of Place Adv. of Time
, which used capital to rebuild balance sheets, not to invest
Punc P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14th, par. 19)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (used capital to rebuild balance sheets, not to invest) headed

by a relative pronoun (which) joined to an independent clause (there’s a clear

parallel exists in Japanese companies in the 1990s).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

This calls for an orchestrated panoply of policy measures
that require years to work through the system
Adv. of
Sub. Conj. S O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14th, par. 22)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (require years to work through the system) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (this calls for an

orchestrated panoply of policy measures).

But A combination of measures to enhance the skill of the workforce
, allowing the US to regain some of its competitiveness
Punctuation S (gerund) P O
, and extended unemployment benefits...
Punctuation Coor. Conj. S a temporary help until the economy grows again

P Adv. of Freq.
might prove effective And at the same time
O Coor. Conj. Adv.of Time

address fundamental problems behind the present calamities ,

P O Punctuation
including loss of competitiveness plus economic and social inequality

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(Feb. 14th, par. 23)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a complex sentence because it has

one dependent clause (require years to work through the system) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to an independent clause (this calls for an

orchestrated panoply of policy measures).

Compund-Complex Sentences, there are thirty five compound-complex

sentences. They are:

The bloodbath in Rawagede was not an exception , but
S Adv. of Place P Punc. Coor. Conj.

(IC) (DC)
fitted in a bloody pattern that stretched over
P O Sub. Conj. P

a very long period of time

Adv. of Time
(Feb. 8th, par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (stretched over a very long period of time)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to two independent clauses

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(the bloodbath in Rawagede was not an exception; fitted in a bloody pattern) that

connected by punctuation (,) and coordinating conjunction (but).

(IC) (DC)
The Dutch was a colonial power that ruled
S P Sub. Conj. P
over the huge Indonesian archipelago , which it
O Punc. Relative Pr. S

had conquered some 350 years ago by violent plundering

P Adv. of Time O (gerund)
(Feb. 8 , par. 5)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (ruled over the huge Indonesian

archipelago; it had conquered some 350 years ago by violent plundering) headed

by a relative pronoun (which) and punctuation (,) joined to an independent clause

(the Dutch was a colonial power) that separated by subordinating conjunction


Later Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende prolonged
Adv. of S P
about myth when he pleaded ardently
O Sub. Conj. S P Adv. of
in parliament , with his fist in the air ‘let’s say
Adv. of Place Punctuation O Adv. of Place P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

: the Netherlands are capable again of it
Punctuation S P Adv. of Freq. O
(Feb. 8 , par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (he pleaded ardently in parliament; with his

fist in the air ‘let’s say) headed by a subordinating conjunction (when) joined to

an independent clause (later Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende

prolonged about myth).

According to a plaque on a monument erected for the victims
Prep. S P O
in the town of Banda Neira , some 6,000 people were murdered
Adv. of Place Punc. S P
and about 700 Bandanese were enslaved , while
Coor. Conj. S P Punc. Sub. Conj.
only 1,700 managed to flee to other areas
S P P Adv. of Place
(Feb. 8th, par. 11)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

Universitas Sumatera Utara

because it has one dependent clause (only 1,700 managed to flee to other areas)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (while) joined to three independent clauses

(according to a plaque on a monument erected for the victims in the town of

Banda Neira; some 6,000 people were murdered; about 700 Bandanese were

enslaved) that connected by punctuation (,) and coordinating conjunction (and).

Or just think of Captain Raymond Westerling…
Coor. Conj. Adv. of Degree S (infinitive) O

and his Depot Speciale Troepen (a corps that as was usual consisted…

…largely of Indonesians) who in 1946-47 during their…
Relative Pr. Adv. of Time

…“contra-terror” campaign burned down and tortured villages

summarily and executed people
Adv. of Manner P O
(Feb. 8th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (in 1946-47 during their “contra-terror”

campaign burned down and tortured villages; summarily and executed people)

headed by a relative pronoun (who) joined to an independent clause (just think of

Captain Raymond Westerling and his Depot Speciale Troepen (a corps that as was

Universitas Sumatera Utara

usual consisted largely of Indonesians) that joined by a coordinating conjunction

The summit was scheduled Originally to be held
O (infinitival
S P Sentence adv.
in last December , but due to domestic political chaos
Adv. of Time Punctuation O

at that time in Thailand the summit was postponed

Adv. of Time Adv. of Place S P
(Feb. 9th, par. 1)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the summit was sheduled originally to be

held in last December) headed by a coordinating conjunction (but) and

punctuation (,) that joined to an independent clause (due to domestic political

chaos at that time in Thailand the summit was postponed).

These issues especially the nexus between traditional...
S Adv. of Manner O

...and nontraditional security that ASEAN should address
Sub. Conj. S P
, these issues are part of the consequences of
Punctuation S P

the significant changes both in the global and regional security environment

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(Feb. 9th, par. 2)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (ASEAN should address) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to two independent clauses (these issues

especially the nexus between traditional and nontraditional security; these issues

are part of the consequences of the significant changes both in the global and

regional security environment ) that separated by punctuation (,).

These operations will include not only
S P Cor. Conj.

the ministries of foreign affairs, defense forces, and the police but also
O Cor. Conj.
will involve other agencies concerned with social welfare and home affairs
P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 9 , par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (will involve other agencies concerned with

social welfare and home affairs) headed by a corelative conjunction (not only but

Universitas Sumatera Utara

also) that joined to an independent clause (these operations will include the

ministries of foreign affairs, defense forces, and the police).

In order to deal with these changes Southeast Asian countries
Sub. Conj. O (infinitival clause) S

need a certain ability and willingness to further...

P O (infinitival clause)

...increase the level of regional framework for cooperation and

Coor. Conj.
to evaluate in a critical manner the agendas and the policies
that have been produced so far including the mechanism of …
Sub. Conj. P O (gerund)

… decision making in ASEAN

(Feb. 9th, par. 16)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (deal with these changes Southeast Asian

countries need a certain ability and willingness to further increase the level of

regional framework for cooperation) headed by two subordinating conjunctions

(in order to, that) that joined to an independent clause (to evaluate in a critical

manner the agendas the policies).

The only hope at this point would be for everybody to admit that
S P Sub. Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

for political survival government leaders may have to take
protectionist measures , but that they
O Punctuation Coor. Conj. S

should consult with one another and

P O Coor. Conj.
limit the damage as much as possible
(Feb. 10 , par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (for political survival government leaders

may have to take protectionist measures; they should consult with one another)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined to two independent clauses

(the only hope at this point would be for everybody to admit; limit the damage as

much as possible) that joined by two coordinating conjunctions (but, and).

The US helped Ford, Chrysler, and GM but
S P O Coor. Conj.
The US didn’t help Toyota and BMW although
S P O Sub. Conj.
(DC) (IC)
the latter companies have big problems and are big investors...

...and employers in America

Adv. of Place

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(Feb. 10th, par. 12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the latter companies have big problems)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (although) joined to three independent

clauses (The US helped Ford, Chrysler, and GM; The US didn’t help Toyota and

BMW; are big investors and employers in America) that joined by two

coordinating conjunctions (but, and).

(IC) (DC)
There is pressure on banks that banks
S Adv. of Place Sub. Conj. S

have received government investment to reduce foreign activities and

P O (infinitival clause) Coor. Conj.
banks direct their funds to investments
S P O (infin itival clause)

in their own countries

Adv. of Place
(Feb. 10th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

Universitas Sumatera Utara

because it has one dependent clause (banks have received government investment

to reduce foreign activities) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that) joined

to two independent clauses (there is pressure on banks; banks direct their funds to

investments in their own countries) that joined a coordinating conjunction (and).

In his Senate confirmation hearings US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
Adv.of Time S

accused China of doing just that and

S O (gerund) Coor. Conj.
issued an ominous warning that
P O Sub. Conj.
could lead to sanctions
(Feb. 10 , par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (could lead to sanctions) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (that) joined to two independent clauses (In his Senate

confirmation hearings US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner accused China of

doing just that; issued an ominous warning) that joined a coordinating

conjunction (and).

When you add up all this and
Sub. Conj. S P O Coor. Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(IC) (DC)
consider the backgrounds which they (negative global economic...

...growth, soaring unemployment, a breakdown in the Doha Round of a global... negotiations, a growing involvement of governments as direct investors... banks and companies) are taking place with all that entails
P O (infinitive clause)
, it is more than a worrying trend
Punctuation S P
(Feb. 10th, par. 16)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (they (negative global economic growth,

soaring unemployment, a breakdown in the Doha Round of a global trade

negotiations, a growing involvement of governments as direct investors in banks

and companies; it is more than a worrying trend) headed by a relative pronoun

(which) and punctuation (,) joined to two independent clauses (when you add up

all this; consider the backgrounds) that joined a coordinating conjunction (and).

(IC) (DC)
It would erode what international cooperation
S P Sub. Conj. S
exists in many other arenas , including
P Adv. of Place Punctuation P

non-economic ones

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(Feb. 10th, par. 18)
The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (international cooperation exists in many

other arenas) headed by a subordinating conjunction (what) joined to two

independent clauses (it would erode; including non-economic ones).

But asked about stopping protectionism at the recent Davos meetings
P O (gerund) Adv. of Time
, World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy said that
S P Con
all the WTO could do would be to track infractions of existing trade laws
S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 10 , par. 30)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (all the WTO could do would be to track

infractions of existing trade laws) headed by a subordinating conjunction (that)

joined to two independent clauses (asked about stopping protectionism at the

Universitas Sumatera Utara

recent Davos meetings; World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy said )

that joined by a coordinating conjunction (but).

(IC) (DC)
Mutual interest exists when each of the parties has
a need and they pool their resources to obtain their joint interests
O S P O (Infinitival clause)
(Feb. 11 , par.12)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (each of the parties has a need) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (when) joined to two independent clauses (mutual

interest exists; they pool their resources to obtain their joint interests) that joined

by a coordinating conjunction (and).

It is important thus for the US to define clearly
Adv. Of
S P Conj. Adv. O (infinitival clause)
what it really means by mutual interest ,
Sub. Conj. S P O Punctuation
and it is equally important for the Muslim world to…
S P O (infinitival clause)

…interpret accurately, correctly and properly the concept of mutual interest

Universitas Sumatera Utara

in order for it not to be trapped by such a principle
Sub. Conj. O P S
(Feb. 11th, par.15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (it really means by mutual interest; it not to

be trapped by such a principle ) headed by two subordinating conjunctions (what

and in order for) joined to two independent clauses (it is important thus for the US

to define clearly; it is equally important for the Muslim world to interpret

accurately, correctly and properly the concept of mutual interest) that joined by a

coordinating conjunction (and).

If this is what Kalla really had in mind , then
S P Punc. Conj. Adv.
he may be wrong not to suggest that
S P O (infinitival clause) Sub. Conj.
there are other Muslims voices muted and often silenced
by their own governments , other Muslims voices
S Punctuation S

looking for a more equitable distribution of the economic pie ,

P O Punctuation
other Muslims voices looking for greater government accountability...

Universitas Sumatera Utara

...and transparency , other Muslims voices looking for
Punctuation S P

security from poverty, hunger, drought, disease, crime, violence, and...


...discrimination and elimination of corruption

(Feb. 11th, par.21)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (this is what Kalla really had in mind; there

are other Muslims voices muted and often silenced by their own governments)

headed by two subordinating conjunctions (if and that) joined to four independent

clauses (he may be wrong not to suggest; other Muslims voices looking for

greater government accountability and transparency; other Muslims voices

looking for a more equitable distribution of the economic pie; other Muslims

voices looking for security from poverty, hunger, drought, disease, crime,

violence, and discrimination and elimination of corruption) that joined by a

conjunctive adverb (then).

(DC) (IC)
When she reaches out , she should begin
S P Punctuation S P

not by dictating , but

O (gerund) Punctuation Coord. Conj.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(IC )
she should begin

with dialog and listening to each other’s grievances

O (gerund)
(Feb. 11th, par.26)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (she reaches out) headed by a subordinating

conjunction (when) joined to two independent clauses (she should begin not by

dictating she should begin with dialog and listening to each other’s grievances).

She should also be aware of the fact that
S P O Sub. Conj.
the vast majority of the Muslim world also aspire to democracy ,
S P O Punc.
the vast majority of the Muslim world aspire to freedom of speech
, the vast majority of the Muslim world aspire
Punctuation S P

to an dither moral values for their own countries as much as the US

(Feb. 11 , par.27)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

Universitas Sumatera Utara

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the vast majority of the Muslim world aspire

to democracy) headed by a subordinating conjunction (when) joined to three

independent clauses (she should also be aware of the fact; the vast majority of the

Muslim world aspire reedom of speech; ; the vast majority of the Muslim world

aspire to an dither moral values for their own countries as much as the US).
Although the general wage level is low by Western standards
Sub. Conj. S P
, employees in the IT services sector at the top of the Chinese...
Punctuation S P
...income pyramid and not cheaper than in other offshore destinations
Coor. Conj. P

such as India or some Eastern European countries

Adv. of Place
(Feb. 12 , par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the general wage level is low by Western

standards) headed by a subordinating conjunction (although) joined to two

independent clauses (employees in the IT services sector at the top of the Chinese

income pyramid; not cheaper than in other offshore destinations such as India or

some Eastern European countries) that connected by coordinating conjunction


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Therefore , it is understandable that
Conj. Adv. Punctuation S p Sub. Conj.
(DC) (IC)
even Vice President Jusuf Kalla recently also criticized
S Adv. of Time Conj. Adv. P

the edict on vote abstention as “extreme” and “not proper” for Indonesian Muslims
(Feb. 13 , par. 3)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (even Vice President Jusuf Kalla recently)

headed by punctuation (,) and a relative pronoun (who) joined to two independent

clauses (it is understandable criticized the edict on vote abstention as “extreme”

and “not proper” for Indonesian Muslims) that joined by two conjunctive adverbs

(therefore and also).

(IC) (IC)
However he is too old and has
Conj. Adv. S P Coor. Conj. P

limited ability to control the political maneuvers of those conservative ulema...

O (infinitival clause)
...and militant activists , who often
Punc. Relative Pr. Adv. of Freq.

Politicize fatwa for the sake of their own religiopolitical interests

(Feb. 13 , par. 13)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (often politicize fatwa for the sake of their

own religiopolitical interests) headed by punctuation (,) and a relative pronoun

(who) joined to two independent clauses (he is too old; has limited ability to

control the political maneuvers of those conservative ulema and militant activists)

that joined by a conjunctive adverb (however) and a coordinating conjunction

(IC) (DC)
But consumers , as the Bush administration
Coor. Conj. S Punc. Sub. Conj. S
found out , cling to their tax rebates
P Punc. P O
And avoid the shopping malls
Coor. Conj. P O
(Feb. 14 , par. 1)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the Bush administration found out) headed

by a subordinating conjunction (as) joined to two independent clauses (consumers

Universitas Sumatera Utara

cling to their tax rebates; avoid the shopping malls) that joined by two

coordinating conjunctions (but, and).

Exactly at the moment when share price leveled off
Sentence Adv. Adv.of time Sub. Conj. S P
, their stimulatory impact was replaced by property prices
Punctuation O P S
; when both stopped going up ,
Punctuation Sub. Conj. S P Punctuation
stock-market prices were also stable basically
S P Sentence Adv.
From 1950 to the mid-1980s , moving upwards
Adv.of time Punctuation P

Slowly during the second half of the 1980s to take a mighty jump...
Adv. of
Adv. of Time O (infinitival clause)

...with a brief interruption from the early 1990s to 2008 when

Adv.of Time Sub. Conj.
the IT-bubble started to burst in 2006
S P O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14 , par. 6)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has three dependent clauses (exactly at the moment, share prices

leveled off; both stopped going up; started to burst) headed by a subordinating

conjunction (when) joined to three independent clauses (their stimulatory impact

Universitas Sumatera Utara

was replaced by property prices; stock-market prices were also stable basically

from 1950 to the mid-1980s; moving upwards slowly during the second half of the

1980s to take a mighty jump with a brief interruption from the early 1990s to


The theory about consumption coined by economist Franco Modigliani
, reveals the effect of asset prices on consumption and
Punctuation P O
offers insights to judge how effective proposed US expansionary measures might be
P O (interrogative content clause)
(Feb. 14 , par. 8)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the theory about consumption coined by

economist Franco Modigliani) headed by a subordinating conjunction (as) joined

to two independent clauses (reveals the effect of asset prices on consumption;

offers insights to judge how effective proposed US expansionary measures might

be) that joined by a coordinating conjunction (and).

When asset prices suddenly turned around ,
Sub. Adv. of
S P Punctuation
Conj. Manner

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(IC) (IC)
falling instead of Rising , the individual
P Conj. Adv. O (gerund) Punctuation S
Was caught Flatfooted , forced
P O Punctuation P

to reduce consumption and increase savings ,

O (infinitival clause) Punctuation
reestablishing the consumption equation steered by lifetime income only
O (gerund) P S
(Feb. 14 , par. 13)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (asset prices suddenly turned around) headed

by a subordinating conjunction (when) joined to three independent clauses (falling

instead of rising; the individual was caught flatfooted; forced to reduce

consumption and increase savings; steered by lifetime income only) that joined by

punctuation (,).

When the Great Depression started with the stock-market crush
in 1929 , conventional economic wisdom
Adv. of Time Punctuation S
was to lower interest rates , making it more profitable
P Punctuation P

Universitas Sumatera Utara

To invest and triggering higher investment
O (infinitival
Coor. Conj. P O
, thus stopping the economic downward spiral
Punctuation Conj. Adv. P O
(Feb. 14th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the Great Depression started with the stock-

market crush in 1929) headed by a subordinating conjunction (when) joined to

three independent clauses (conventional economic wisdom was to lower interest

rates; making it more profitable to invest ; triggering higher investment; stopping

the economic downward spiral) that joined by punctuation (,), a coordinating

conjunction (and), and a conjunctive adverb (thus).

(IC) (DC)
Companies did not invest even if the money
S P Sub. Conj.
was almost free ; instead they
P Punctuation Conj. Adv. S

hoarded cash
(Feb. 14th, par. 14)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

Universitas Sumatera Utara

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the money was almost free) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (even if) joined to two independent clauses (companies

did not invest; they hoarded cash) downward spiral) that joined by punctuation

(,)and a conjunctive adverb (instead).

British economist John Maynard Keynes saw that
S P Sub.conj.
monetary policy with lower interest rates would not work
because of the liquidity trap : Faltering demand
O Punctuation S

discouraged Investment even when

P O Sentence adv. Sub.conj.
debt carried little cost
(Feb. 14th, par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (the money was almost free) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (even if) joined to two independent clauses (companies

Universitas Sumatera Utara

did not invest; they hoarded cash) downward spiral) that joined by punctuation

(,)and a conjunctive adverb (instead).

Consequently he ordained demand stimulus via fiscal policy
Sentence Adv. S P O
, even if contrary to conventional wisdom
Punctuation Sub. Conj. P O
, it meant rising public deficits and higher public debt
Punctuation S. P O

(Feb. 14th, par. 15)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (contrary to conventional wisdom) headed

by a subordinating conjunction (even if) joined to two independent clauses

(consequently he ordained demand stimulus via fiscal policy; it meant rising

public deficits and higher public debt ).

(IC) (IC)
The more the US spend , the more likely individuals
S P Punctuation S

Will deduct limits to future resources , because

P O Punctuation Sub. Conj.
(DC) (IC)
debt incurred must be repaid , meaning
S P Punctuation P

future higher taxes and less disposable income

(Feb. 14th, par. 17)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (debt incurred must be repaid) headed by a

subordinating conjunction (because) joined to three independent clauses (the more

the US spend; the more likely individuals will deduct limits to future resources;

meaning future higher taxes and less disposable income ).

(IC) (DC)
Pump-priming , as proposed by government stimulus plans
O Punc P S
(IC) (IC)
, will be hoarded by consumers , to reduce
Punctuation P S Punc. P
their debt as money was hoarded in the 1930s
O Sub. Conj. S P Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14th, par. 19)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has two dependent clauses (proposed by government stimulus plans;

money was hoarded in the 1930s) headed by a subordinating conjunction (as)

joined to two independent clauses (pump-priming will be hoarded by consumers;

to reduce their debt) that joined by punctuation (,).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(IC) (IC)
The lesson is clear : It’s no use giving
S P Punctuation S P
people money to spend if economic rationale tells them to save
Sub. O (infinitival
O (infinitival clause) S P
Conj. clause)
(Feb. 14th, par. 19)

The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the

sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is

neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language (in

other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object (it

also can include adverb and conjunction). It is a compound-complex sentence

because it has one dependent clause (economic rationale tells them to save)

headed by a subordinating conjunction (if) joined to two independent clauses (the

lesson is clear; it’s no use giving people money to spend) that joined by

punctuation (:).

4.7.2 The Existence of Ambiguity

a. Structural Ambiguity

The results of structural ambiguity are not found in the seven articles of

seven editions (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper.

b. Lexical Ambiguity

The results of lexical ambiguity are not found in the seven articles of seven

editions (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

4.7.3 The Existence of Redundancy

The results of redundancy are not found in the seven articles of seven

editions (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper.

4.7.4 The Existence of Anomaly

There are one anomaly that are found in the seven articles of seven editions

(February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper. It is:

1. “Now there is an indication that the infection is reaching the vital organ of

free trade” (Feb. 10th, par. 3)

That sentence is anomalous because there is an incompatibility of meaning

between constituent expressions. The meaning of vital organ includes the

semantic property ‘animate’ because those words are connected with or essential

to life (human), but it is combined with free trade which has the semantic

property ‘inanimate’ because those words can not be connected with or essential

to life. Those words mean a system of international trade in which there are no

import restrictions, e.g. tax.

4.7.5 The Existence of Contradictory

There are three contradicyory that are found in the seven articles of seven

editions (February 8th – February 14th) of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are:

1. “The total tax burden on families also includes sales taxes, which are

steeply regressive, and property taxes, which are progressive” (Feb. 6th,

par. 5)

The words regressive and progressive have contradiction of meaning. The word

regressive means becoming or making something less advanced. And the word

Universitas Sumatera Utara

progressive means favoring or showing rapid progress; happening or developing


2. “A collapse of global growth” (Feb. 10th, par. 2)

The words collapse and growth have contradiction of meaning. The word collapse

means to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart. And the word

growth means the process of growing; development.

3. “Commercially, it has failed to replicate the American success” (Feb. 7th,

par. 4)

The words failed and success have contradiction of meaning. The word failed

means not to succeed in something. And the word success means the achievement

of the desired aim, or of fame, wealth or social position.

4.8 The Percentage and Existence of Lexical Relations and Meaning


Here are the percentage and existence of lexical relations and meaning

properties that exist in seven articles of The Jakarta Post are illustrated in the

following tables:

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The Percentage and Existence of Lexical Relations and Meaning Properties

Here are the percentage and existence of lexical relations and meaning properties that exist in seven articles of The Jakarta Post newspaper:


Lexical Relations Total %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hyponyms - 1 1 - - - - 2 11,1
Meronyms - - - - - - - - -
Homonyms - - - - - - - - -
Synonyms 3 - 1 2 1 - 1 8 44,4
Antonyms - 1 4 - 1 1 1 8 44,4
18 100


Meaning Properties Total %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Meaningfulness 42 39 61 33 55 33 56 319 99,37
Ambiguity - - - - - - - - -
Redundancy - - - - - - - - -
Anomaly - - 1 - - - - 1 0,31
Contradictory - - 1 - - - - 1 0,31
321 100

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Meaningfulness Sentence Types Total %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Simple Sentences 23 17 22 12 28 13 18 133 41,6
Compound Sentences 3 1 7 1 11 4 16 43 13,4
Complex Sentences 11 17 25 15 15 14 11 108 33,8
Compound-Complex Sentences 5 4 7 5 1 2 11 35 10,9
319 100

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After analyzing and calculating the lexical relations and meaning properties

that exist in fourteen articles of The Jakarta Post newspaper, some conclusions

can be drawn from the case of lexical relations and meaning properties. In lexical

relations, antonyms (8 sentences: 44,44%) and synonyms (8 sentences: 44,44%)

occur the most dominantly, successively followed by hyponyms (2 sentences:

11,1%), homonyms (0 sentences: 0%) and meronyms (0 sentence: 0%) is zero.

While in meaning properties, meaningfulness (321 sentences: 99,37%) is the most

dominant type then followed by contradictory (1 sentences: 0,31%), anomaly (1

sentence: 0,31%), ambiguity (0 sentence: 0%) and redundancy (0 sentence: 0%)

is zero.

From the result of analysis, it can be concluded that most of the articles are

meaningfulness as part of kind of meaning properties which is easy to understand.

However, those articles apparently use plenty of complex sentences that are quite

difficult to understand by common people because a complex sentence has one

dependent clause and at least one independent clause so they will get some

difficulties to determine the dependent clause and independent clause.

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The writer would like to suggest to the readers or the students to carry out

further research from the different perspective within the same articles or from the

different articles but within the same newspaper.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Hornby. A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English.

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hurford, James R. and Heasley, Brendan. 1983. Semantics: A Course Book.

London: Cambridge University Press.

Kreidler, Charles W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. New York: Routledge.

Leech, Geoffrey. 1981. Semantics: The Study of Meaning (Diterjemahkan oleh

Paina Partana). London: Penguin Books.

Nawawi, Hadri. 1991. Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gadjah

Mada University Press.

Palmer, F.R. 1976. Semantics: A New Outline. London: Cambridge University


Simbolon, Sherly Kristina. 2003. An Analysis of Meaning Properties and

Relations on Westlife’s Songs. (Unpublished). Medan: Fakultas Sastra


Siregar, Bahren Umar. 1992. Introductory Course in Semantics. Medan: Fakultas

Sastra USU.

Sofiana, Lili. 2008. Meaning Properties and Meaning Relations in Saul Bellow’s

short story Looking for Mr. Green. (Unpublished). Medan: Fakultas

Sastra USU.

Tiakhiroh. 2007. An Analysis of Meaning Properties in Campbell’s Kingdom by

Innes Hommand. (Unpublished). Medan: Fakultas Sastra USU.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Usni, Nur. 2002. A Semantic Analysis of Meaning Properties and Meaning

Relations in Technical Terms Used in PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk.

(Unpublished). Medan: Fakultas Sastra USU.

( 9th , 2008, 8.30 PM).

( htm/Nov 11th, 2008, 12.41 PM).

( 1st, 2009, 3.35 PM).

( 1 st, 2009, 3.24 PM).

( 1 st, 2009, 3.20 PM).

( Pronoun)/May 4th, 2009, 1.08 PM).

( 1st, 2009, 3.27 PM).

( 1 st,, 2009, 3.15 PM).

Universitas Sumatera Utara



Simple Sentences

1. Subject + Predicate + Object + Adverb of Time

In a few weeks’ time VOC troops wiped out

Adv. of Time S P

most of Banda population

(Feb. 8 , par. 10)

That gesture might not only alleviate the pain and sorrow in Indonesia
S P O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 8 , par. 12)

Protectionism is something all leaders


warn against after the lessons of the 1930s

O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 10 , par. 4)

Protectionism would set global growth prospects back for years

S P O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 10 , par. 17)

In that circumstance the parties would have

A lot of attention has focused on China recently”
S P O Adv.of Time
(Feb. 12th, par. 3)

In the current economic climate IT off shoring

Adv. of Time S

faces several challenges

(Feb. 12 , par. 4)

Over the last few years the Chinese government has put
Adv. of Time S P

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great emphasis on the development of a domestic IT services industry...
O (infinitival clause)

...with particular focus on off shoring

(Feb. 12th, par. 8)

In 2006 around 4 million Chinese graduated

Adv. of Time S P

graduated from institutions of higher education

(Feb. 12 , par. 9)

It’s compulsory for civil society movements, rights activists, moderate Muslims...

...and the media to keep a serious eye on MUI’s fatwa


in years ahead
Adv. of Time
(Feb. 13th, par. 16)

Understanding how such a rapid change occurred is critical to understanding


consumer behavior during this crisis

O Adv. of Time
(Feb. 14th, par. 6)

Now we ’re in a congruous position with regard to fiscal stimulus

Adv. of
S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14th, par. 16)

2. Subject + Predicate + Object

Was followed the debate on the semantics of the ambassador’s words

(Feb. 8 , par. 3)

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The ambassador himself said his words could be interpreted as ‘apologies’
S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 8 , par. 3)

The case of Rawagede is symbolic of the way the Netherlands deals …

S P O (infinitival clause)

… with its colonial past

(Feb. 8th, par. 4)

Looking beyond borders (Subject ‘it’ is understood)

(Feb. 8th, par. 7)

The VOC tried to force a monopoly on the trade in these very …

S P O (infinitival clause)

…valuable spices

(Feb. 8th, par. 8)

The Bandanese resisted these attempts with all their abilities

(Feb. 8 , par. 10)

More recent history offers lots of tragic examples “Like the conquering …

…of Aceh (1873-1912) and the “pacification” of islands like Lombok

(Feb. 8th, par. 12)

It could also lead to a more realistic view among the Dutch people of…

…their own colonial past

(Feb. 8th, par. 12)

The strategic position of the region and globalization has facilitated


by making a borderless world, information and communication more accessible...


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...and the transfer of funds easier

(Feb. 9th, par. 9)

Most of the new security challenges will come


from within the region itself

(Feb. 9th, par. 16)
They are different categories of protectionist threats
(Feb. 10 , par. 7)

A second kind of protectionism relates to non-tariffs barriers

(Feb. 10 , par. 9)

We can expect this tendency to widen to US and banks of other nationalities

S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 10 , par. 14)

It would prevent
S (cataphoric) P

the effective restructuring of global financial institutions and industrial companies

O (gerund)
(Feb. 10 , par. 17)

It would impede the further interrogation of China, India, Brazil...


...and other emerging markets into the world economy

(Feb. 10th, par. 18)

Obama’s most important goal is to get the $900 billion stimulus package passed
(Feb. 10 , par. 19)

China has some 20 million migrant workers without jobs

(Feb. 10 , par. 23)

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The US perceives Asia as growing in size, influence, and prosperity
(Feb. 11 , par. 4)

It is within such a perspective that mutual respect requires


the renunciation of violence by both sides

(Feb. 11th, par. 9)
Such renunciation seems to have been absent from the Muslim world
(Feb. 11 , par. 9)

Clinton should be ready to listen such an ‘accusation’

(Feb. 11 , par.29)

With the world increasingly integrated with high-speed fiber-optic network globalization

has brought new services

(Feb. 12th, par. 1)

Countries with low wage skilled have developed


information technology services and back office work as a lucrative area for...
O shoring by industrialized countries

(Feb. 12th, par. 1)

This exposes a key vulnerability

S (cataphoric) P O
(Feb. 12th, par. 4)

Initiatives include the current 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010)...


...the Informatisation Strategy (2006-2010), as well as the Thousand-...

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... Hundred-Ten Program of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce

(Feb. 12th, par. 8)

Typical measures include


a mix of better education of the workforce, investment incentives,...


... marketing, quality management and better protection of intellectual property

(Feb. 12th, par. 8)

It is helped by some fundamental strengths in particular the supply of skilled staff

(Feb. 12 , par. 9)

Other countries at similar levels of development on average have


lower piracy rates

(Feb. 12 , par. 10)

Cultural barriers challenge access to Western clients

(Feb. 12 , par. 11)

The global economic crisis will not spare offshore providers

(Feb. 12 , par. 13)

IT off shoring can be a powerful engine of development for offshore destination

(Feb. 12 , par. 15)

It is important to acknowledge the fundamental logic of off shoring

S (cata-
P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 12th, par. 17)

The Indonesian Ulema Council’s (MUI) edicts on smoking, yoga and vote abstention

have been challenged by many Muslim scholars and leaders, human rights...

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...activists and even some local ulema

(Feb. 13th, par. 1)

This is considered to be against the spirit of human rights and democracy

S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 13 , par. 2)

Muslims are allowed to accept or reject a fatwa depending on their...

S P O (infinitival clause)

...religious thought and rational choice

(Feb. 13th, par. 4)

It requires the ulema to have the ability to bridge Islamic...

S P O (infinitival clause)

...Islamic legal tradition with modernity

(Feb. 13th, par. 8)

The fate of the US economy and that of the world hangs


on the success of his effort

(Feb. 14 , par. 2)

A clue is found in comparing asset prices with consumption as share of GDP

S P O (gerund)
(Feb. 14 , par. 6)

Despite any federal government splash-out of funds consumers cannot be expected


to return to past behavior as happy spenders

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14th, par. 13)

With the lifetime consumption theory in mind that money


handed out will be spent

(Feb. 14 , par. 16)

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The brutal fact is US cannot spend its way out of crisis
(Feb. 14 , par. 16)

The most noteworthy aspect of pump-priming will be redistributing


savings between the private and the public sector with no visible effect on...

...production, consumption, and employment

(Feb. 14th, par. 20)

Consumption patterns cannot be rolled back to boost the economy

S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14 , par. 22)

The contraction or lower growth imposed by


debt-reducing policies may be worth sustaining

(Feb. 14 , par. 24)

A quick fix cannot redress A fundamental disequilibrium

S P O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 14th, par. 25)

3. Subject + Predicate

That VOC-mentality (Subject ‘it’ is understood)

(Feb. 8 , par. 7)

Dynamics! (Subject ‘it’ is understood)

(Feb. 8 , par. 7)

Prime example is Great Britain

(Feb. 10th, par. 14)

They are more obstacles

(Feb. 12th, par. 11)

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4. Subject + Predicate + Conjunctive Adverb + Object

Moreover the challenge to India’s IT services

Conj. Adv. S

has deepened with an accounting swindle at one of India’s large IT providers

(Feb. 12th, par. 7)

Moreover it would be wrong

Conj. Adv. S (cataphoric) P

to look only at the cost and benefit of industrialized countries

O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 12 , par. 15)

Moreover MUI’s edict (fatwa) on vote abstention is seen

Conj. Adv. S P

as enforcing people’s political behavior by using religious justification

O (gerund)
(Feb. 13th, par. 2)

The edict on yoga for instance is not simply

S Conj. Adv. P

based on suspicion toward the Hindu ritual in this healthy physical and spiritual exercise
O (infinitival clause)
(Feb. 13th, par. 11)

5. Subject + Adverb of Place + Predicate + Object

At the regional level, ASEAN as a regional grouping

Adv. of Place S

should also consider initiating regional or even multilateral cooperation

P O (gerund)
(Feb. 9 , par. 14)

6. Subject + Predicate + Sentence Adverb + Object

Understandably the loss of jobs calls for action

Sentence Adv. S P O
(Feb. 14th, par. 23)

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