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City of Midland City Regular Scheduled Council Meeting Minutes of the Meeting July 16, 2019 Present: Absent: None. Mayor JoAnn Grimsley Councilmember George Williams Councilmember Doug Parker Councilmember Bobby Woodham Councilmember Delbert Chandler Councilmember Dennis Mathews A Council Work Session was held at 5:30 p.m. prior to Council meeting. The Mayor and all council members were present for the Work Session. Mayor Grimsley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilman George Williams was absent yet a Quorum was established; prayer was led by Mayor Grimsley and everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor introduced the “Queens” to the council and all in attendance at the meeting; she also invited them all to attend the Railroad Festival on July 27, 2019. The mayor thanked everyone who was in attendance for coming out to the meeting. Councilmember Mathews made a motion to approve the minutes from July 2, 2019 and they were seconded by Councilmember Parker. With four (4) yeas, motion passed. Councilmember Chandler made a motion to approve payment of the outstanding bills, and Councilmember Mathews seconded the motion. With four (4) yeas, motion passed. Old Business: Councilmember Mathews made a motion to nominate Douglas Parker Sr. to serve on the County Board of Equalization and Councilmember Chandler seconded the motion. With four (4) yeas, motion passed. New Business/Other Business: Mayor Grimsley asked Mr. Alan Parker for an update on the Dixieland Dental project. Mr. Alan Parker stated that contracts would be signed soon and that a pre-construction meeting would be following afterwards. Blankenship Contracting was awarded the contract for the Dixieland Dental Sewer Improvement (CDBG) project. Department Reports: Water/Street — As per Bert Chandler, repairs on the well by the high school was being repaired at a cost of $1,150 as the pressure valve went bad. He advised that the water ‘tower was being pressure washed. Lastly, he advised that a service line burst on highway 605 and that Bill-Mar Construction could repair the busted casing at a cost of $1,600. Councilmember Parker made a motion to approve construction by Bill-Mar to do the repairs and Councilmember Mathews seconded the motion. With four (4) yeas, motion passed. Police Department/Public Safety/Fire & EMS Report - Per Chief Keith Walker, speedbumps and stop signs have all been placed on: Midland Michigan St., Dassinger St,, and Tice St. Lastly, he advised that by end of July/August new cars should be set up with appropriate lights and cages. Library ~ Sent calendar of events for the month. Midland City Senior Center — ServePro has been paid $14,000 for their clean-up services, Councilmember Mathews stated that all toilets and sinks need a pressure value placed on them to prevent flooding in the future. Mayor Grimsley presented to council to approve the hiring of Linda Spurlock as the new City Clerk. Motion was made by Councilmember Parker and seconded by Councilmember Chandler. With four (4) yeas, motion passed. She also advised that employment advertisements had been placed for the open positions for Police Officers, Police Dispatchers and the EMS. Lastly, she advised that Jeffrey Atkins has recruited two (2) certified EMT's for the open positions. Public Comments: Jerry McCion presented three (3) months of water bills due to an increase in cost believing there is a leak in a toilet. As per Bert, a leak was found prior to today and repaired, yet 3-4 days later another leak was found and repaired. Mr. McClon said another data log needs to be reviewed; Bert stated that another data log would be taken for a new reading and if found that something is wrong this time with the meter, the meter would be pulled for review along with ETA billing for errors. Councilmember Parker made a motion to delay Mr. McClon’s bill payment until further investigation and Councilmember Mathews seconded the motion, With four (4) yeas, motion passed. Melvin Adams Jr. advised that his family owns property on 59/134 and that they have a "buyer" who wants to purchase the land to put up a Family Dollar store, wherein beer/wine would be sold off premises. The surrounding areas had no problem with the idea. The “buyer” has requested a “letter of intent” from the City of Midland City pending the State of Alabama approves them. Councilmember Parker made the motion to provide the “buyer’ with the “letter of intent’ and Councilmember Mathews seconded the motion. With four (4) yeas, motion passed. Adjournment: There being no further business, Councilmember Parker made a motion to adjourn and Councilmember Mathews seconded the motion. Next council meeting will be August 6, 2019. The meeting was adjourned with four (4) yeas. Attest: a Spurlock City Clerk

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