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Section 1 : Chapter 1



Mattison’s Guide to Telco

Leakage and Revenue Maximization
Mattison’s Guide to Telco Leakage and Revenue Maximization picks
up where the first book in the series lets off.

This book provides the reader with a detailed understanding of

the different systems and operations in the revenue assurance uni-
verse. In-depth studies will provide a high-level overview of the
components, issues and characteristics of each link in the revenue
management chain, and will provide information and examples of
reports and systems used by other telcos to address revenue assur-
ance management challenges. Chapters include:
• Understanding OSS, BSS and the eTOM Model
• Network Operations
• Mediation
• Interconnection (Carrier Access Billing)
• Roaming Reconciliation
• Postpaid Billing
• Prepaid Billing and Collections
• Postpaid Collections
• Dunning and Credit Management
• Fraud Management

The book presents in-depth consideration of collateral

leakage as well as reviewing the revenue management chain and
its leakage vulnerability. Collateral leakage refers to operational ar-
eas within the telco that are not part of the revenue management
chain but contribute to leakage. In many organizations, their col-
lateral systems are ultimately responsible for the vast majority of
revenue losses. Chapters include:
• Fulfillment-based Leakage
• Assurance-based Leakage
• Network Reference Resource-based Leakage
• Product-, Development- and Management-based Leakage

eXcellence in Telecommunications 11

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