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Course/ Branch- B. Tech/ Civil Engineering

MST – 2nd (March 2017)

Roll No.......................................
Subject: GE Time: 1 hrs
Semester: 4th M.M. 24

Note: Attempt all the questions. Each question carries 01 mark.

1Define GIS
2 Deference between temporary and permanent adjustments of theodolite
3 what is the principle of photogrammerty.
4 what is meant by satellite station.
5 Define axis signal correction.
6 Write down the types of inclined photograph.
7 How the station are fixed in geodetic surveying .
8 Explain the tellurimeter
9 Name the instrument used in for EDM.
10 Define the EDM.
11 what are the errors in GIS.
12 Define the principle of EDM.
13 What do you means by crab and drift
14 Define the Remote sensing.
15 Discuss the tilted photograph.
16 What are the types of EDM?
17 The maximum range of the EDM is .................................
18 Explain the two difference between map and photograph.
19 Explain the cycle of wave with neat and clean diagram.
20 discuss the requirements of well-conditioned triangle.
21 Define flight planning .
22 What are the Digital elevation model.
23 what are the main component of photothedolite.
24 what are the application of photogrammetric survey


Course/ Branch- B. Tech/ Civil Engineering
MST – 2nd (March 2017)

Roll No.......................................
Subject: GE Time: 1 hrs
Semester: 4th M.M. 24

Note: Attempt all the questions. Each question carries 01 mark.

1Define GIS
2 Deference between temporary and permanent adjustments of theodolite
3 what is the principle of photogrammerty.
4 what is meant by satellite station.
5 Define axis signal correction.
6 Write down the types of inclined photograph.
7 How the station are fixed in geodetic surveying .
8 Explain the tellurimeter
9 Name the instrument used in for EDM.
10 Define the EDM.
11 what are the errors in GIS.
12 Define the principle of EDM.
13 What do you means by crab and drift
14 Define the Remote sensing.
15 Discuss the tilted photograph.
16 What are the types of EDM?
17 The maximum range of the EDM is .................................
18 Explain the two difference between map and photograph.
19 Explain the cycle of wave with neat and clean diagram.
20 discuss the requirements of well-conditioned triangle.
21 Define flight planning .
22 What are the Digital elevation model.
23 what are the main component of photothedolite.
24 what are the application of photogrammetric survey

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