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Can Regrow Again And I Creative Ideas


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Greetings from i Creative Ideas! No time or

space for your own vegetable garden? No
worries! You can still enjoy growing vegetables
at home. There are some vegetables that you
can regrow again and again from kitchen
scraps. Here at i Creative Ideas, we have come
up with a roundup of 13 vegetables that you I Creative Ideas

can regrow again and again. Examples include

lettuce, celery, bok choy, sweet potato and
basil. They are super easy to grow. You’ll just
need a little bit time and patience to take care
of the new plants and make sure they have the
necessary water and sunlight. But the benefits
are huge. You will have your own organic
vegetable garden with regular supply at
essentially no cost! In addition, projects like
these will be great activities or fun Follow On
experiments for the kids. They will have fun
watching the scraps sprout and regrow. It’s a
great way for the kids to learn about recycling
and how plants and food can grow. Sounds
magical? Let’s get started!

1. Basil

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You can regrow basil by

putting the basil stems with leaf nodes in a
glass of water and placing them in a sunny Creative Ideas - How To

spot. Wait for the roots to grow about 2 inches Grow Rose Cuttings In

long and then transfer them in pots. Tutorial Potatoes

via The Urban Gardener.

2. Romaine Lettuce

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You can regrow romaine lettuce from the

bottom of the stump. Just put the romaine
lettuce stumps in half inch of water for a few
days. Refill water if the water level is below
half inch. When new leaves start to regrow,
you can transfer and plant them in soil.
Tutorial via Fast, Cheap, and Good. 20+ Creative Uses of
Concrete Blocks in Your
3. Carrots Home and Garden

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The leaves of carrot are actually edible and

you can regrow them by putting carrot
tops in water in a well-lit room or a
window sill. This is a clever way to turn
your carrot scraps into salad. Tutorial via
Fidgety Fingers.

4. Green Onion 25 Amazing DIY Projects

to Repurpose Pallets into
Garden Planters

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Green Onions are probably the easiest Receive Updates
vegetables to regrow. You can regrow
green onions by cutting them in about an
inch from the roots and placing them in Subscribe

a glass of water. Tutorial via We are not


5. Garlic

You can regrow garlic sprouts from a

single garlic clove. Just place the
sprouted garlic cloves in a glass with
little water and wait for the shoots to
grow taller. Alternatively, you can plant
garlic cloves directly in the soil. Tutorial
via Simple Daily Recipes. Image via
Nancy Enge Design.

6. Celery
You can regrow
celery by cutting off
the base of the celery and placing it
in a bowl of warm water in a sunny
spot. The new leaves in the middle of
the base will begin to grow and thicken
in 5 to 7 days. Then you can transfer it
to a pot with soil. Tutorial via 17 Apart.

7. Cilantro

You can regrow cilantro by placing the

stems in a glass of water. When the
roots are long enough, you can transfer
them to a pot with soil in a sunny spot.
It will take a few months for a
harvest. Image via Green Jean.

8. Bok Choy

You can regrow bok choy by placing

the root end face up in water. In a
few days, you will see it starts to
regrow. And in 1-2 weeks , you can
transfer it to a pot with soil to let it
grow a full head. Tutorial via 17

9. Lemongrass
You can regrow lemongrass by
placing the stalks in water. When
the roots come out in 2 to 3 weeks,
you can plant the lemongrass stalks
in a pot with soil in a sunny place.
Tutorial via Suited To The Seasons.

10. Ginger

You can regrow ginger by soaking

ginger chunks overnight in water
and then transferring them in a pot
with soil in a warm and sunny
place. Tutorial via Chiot’s Run.

11. Sweet Potato


You can regrow sweet potato by

placing it in a jar of water in
direct sunlight and letting it
sprout. Then plant the
well-rooted sprouts in soil.
Tutorial via Home Joys.

12. Onion

You can regrow onion from the

bottom of the onion. Just cut off
the onion bottom, let it dry for
some time and plant it in soil.
Tutorial via Instructables.
13. Leeks


Regrowing leeks works the

same as regrowing green
onions. Just cut them in about
2 inch from the roots and place
them in a glass of water. Image
via Enchanted Wellness &

14. Rosemary

Rosemary can be propagated

and regrown by cutting 2-3
inch from the tops of the
rosemary stalks and placing
them into water. When the
new roots sprout, you can
transfer them into soil-filled
containers. Tutorial via 17

15. Lemon Balm

Similar to basil, lemon balm

can be regrown by putting a 2
to 3 inch cutting down the
stem in a glass of water. When
the roots are long enough, you
can plant them in pots.
Tutorial via 17 Apart.
There are some fruit plants
that you can regrow from
scraps or seeds. The
followings are some
examples for you. Enjoy!

How to Grow
Pineapple in a Plant

How to Grow a
Lemon Tree from
Seed in a Pot Indoors

How to Grow a
Kiwi Plant from

13 Vegetables That You Can Regrow

Again And Again

foods you can regrow garden

gardening regrow

regrow vegetables from cuttings

regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps

regrow vegetables from scratch

regrow vegetables from stump


vegetables you can regrow from scraps

vegetables you can regrow in water

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