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Republic of the Philippines


Nagtahan St., Sampaloc, 1008 Manila, Philippines


3RD Floor, CEAFA Building, EARIST Main Campus


Pingul, Jhermaine Anne Coros

BS Architecture V-B1

Ar. Rolan Alamillo

A Rehabilitation Complex for Rescued Companion

Paw + Possible = PAWssible
Paw is the term for dogs feet having claws and pads; this is the adopted
design for them. And they are Possible of having the capacity for people to
be happy.

Canine rehabilitation is physical therapy for canines adapts human
physical therapy techniques to increase function and mobility of joints and
muscles in animals. Animal rehabilitation can reduce pain and enhance
recovery from injury, surgery, degenerative diseases, age-related diseases,
and obesity.

The “PAWssible” A Rehabilitation Complex for Rescued

Companion, offers a wide range of caring veterinary specialists to aid your
pet in his canine rehabilitation therapy. It is a dedicated place for rescued
dogs who lived in the streets which enhances the quality of treatment and
improving their lives believing that, they have the chances same with the
This thesis creates a new building typology; a rehabilitation complex that
takes in people affected by traumatic experiences combined with a no kill
animal shelter for dogs. They will be trained to be service dogs. It has been
proven that dogs have healing effects on humans. To try to find a solution
that can work all over the nation I will have two sites: one rural and one urban.

Program for a Typology

With the basic programmatic elements of each typology in mind, a new
typology can evolve the elements and create spaces of significant interaction
and rehabilitation. The resulting typology will address and improve upon the
basic principles and configuration of an animal shelter while combining
healing elements observed in shelter, veterinary, and therapeutic typologies.

Overview of Problem
a. Main Problem
Haphazard urban planning and human overpopulation
have led to a correspondingly huge population of street dogs in
most cities.
When people are inconvenienced by too many dogs, they
turn to cruel dumping or releasing of their pets into the streets or
sidewalks. In these situations, dumped ex-house pets are at the
highest risk of getting run over or targeted by cruel individuals.
Some of the reason why stray dogs continuously

1. asking an animal welfare org with limited resources to

take in their pet, which in reality is called abandonment,
2. giving them to away to people, who may or may not be
prepared for the responsibilities of pet ownership, or
3. by "pagligaw" – the cruel practice of dumping animals in
far away places where they won't be able to find their
way back home.
4. A huge population of slum and street-dwellers, who
often keep the dogs as free-roaming pets.
5. Some irresponsible owners astray dogs.

b. Sub Problem
1. Why public health is being affected with this?
Based on the 2017 Rabies and Bite Victim Annual Report,
85.7% of rabies exposures were mostly through dog bites. A fatal
disease which can be transmitted to human. Although all warm-
blooded animals can get and transmit rabies, dogs are the most
common carrier. Some stray dogs are not immunized.
“Rabies remains a public health problem in the Philippines.
Approximately 300 to 600 Filipinos die of rabies every year,” the
Department of Health (DOH) said in its portal on the disease.

The DOH further said that most affected by rabies in the

country are children five to 14 years old, or 53 percent of all
cases. The DOH said that dog owners have the responsibility to
keep their dogs for rabies observation under the Rabies Act of
2007, with penalties provided for violators.

2. What is the effect in psychological and mental identity in this?

Lack of emotional affection and owner’s responsibility.
Therefore people or the owner might think they must be
eliminated for lack of financial support. In known ending, they’ll
be misguided and being astray.

3. Why affect noise pollution?

Dogs are known for barking and howling. An
accompaniment to dog fight which invariably take place over

4. What is the impact of stray dogs in environment, impact on

economy, including tourism?
The presence of stray and roaming dogs at roadsides and
on city projects the image of an uncaring society. While in the
lesser developed this may be passed off as resulting from
economic hardship, in those territories that have invested heavily
in infrastructural development in order to support the tourist
industry, the contrast is stark and the impact greater. Dog attacks
on tourists and zoonotic infections (beach worms, ringworm,
scabies) further add to the negative image.

Stray dogs’ environmental factors are much less

controlled. Since food and water are not provided for them by
their master, they need access to an area where they can get
their own. Because of this, many strays live near garbage dumps
or markets where they can scavenge food, and obtain water from
sewers and rivers. The amount of garbage and the kind greatly
effects the dogs health, as well as the quantity and the sanitation
of water.

a. Architectural Solution
The said proposal which is made for the rescued companion street
dogs, with a concept of Healing Architecture and therapeutic Architecture
that at ease stresses and giving a distinct design for illness, hospitalization,
medical visits, the healing process or bereavement and based in the
Implementing Rules and Regulations for the Rehabilitation Complex. Aiming
with the advanced technology for better Rehabilitation.
b. Environmetal Solution
Building the Rehabilitation Complex helps the environment more
presentable and clean. Flora and Fauna are both important where in both
are the main role player in our biodiversity.

The main purpose of this proposal is to lower the risk of growing up
numbers of stray dogs in the Philippines making its country affecting some
fundamental truth from increasing. An architecturally made Rehabilitation
Complex will help to lessen booming numbers of astray and I will serve
the environment become better and lowering the risk itself. Humanity is
important so as animals.
Lowering the cases of certain illness and being the service dog or
cancer patients.

1. Rescued Dogs – They are the main user of the proposal wherein
they’re the one who will be rehabilitate.
2. Visitors – They will be the one who will go there might adopt or being
rehabilitate in certain room for people with disease who wanted to have
a service dog for.
3.Facility personnel – They the one who will maintain and became
volunteer in the Rehabilitation Complex.

b.Scope and Limitation

Limiting the study in rescued dogs that have been rescued in the
streets. The Rehabilitation Complex will give you the certain proposal link to
maintaining the health of dogs, adopting, and training them for the people
with illness and cancer patients for being their service dogs.
c.Building Components
1.Animal Shelters
The animal shelter typology aims to house animals until trained and
rescued by providing them with basic care and interaction.

2.Animal Services and Adoption Center

User needs, both human and animal, are accommodated with a
building program that consists of public adoption areas, animal holding
rooms, animal treatment rooms, veterinary and medical facility spaces,
offices, a euthanasia facility, a surgery room, and recovery rooms.

3.Veterinary Facilities
A typical healing environment for animals must also be observed in
order to enforce the mental and physical healing that must take place during
the process of rehabilitation.

4.Child Therapy Facilities

The healing process is also thoroughly addressed in child therapy
facilities, which address the mental and physical needs of a troubled child.
Wherein visitors directly come over to play and visit service dogs.
5.Training course
6.Healing Spaces
7.Recovery Room
IV.Recommendation/ Closing Remarks
In order to improve environmental as well as public health, this
proposal propose Rehabilitation Complex to better solve the street dogs
problem. The government has to formulate and enact animal rights law as
soon as possible. The law has to clearly define the definition, feeding and
management, legal rights for stray dogs.
This proposal believes that if our government and everyone united
together, stray dogs will no longer be a problem. And author also believe that
this proposal also can be successful in the future. All of citizens will get and
enjoy a more clean, healthy and harmonious city environment. Dogs are
human’s bestfriends. Let stray dogs no longer stray. Be their voices.
An Educational Urban - Park towards a Sustainable Humane Habitat

Nature Next
Nature is the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including
plants and other living organisms as the main role player that will help to
assist ecological value. And believing that Eco- Sustainable Parks is the Next
cue that can help sustain ecological value and the environmental concerns
in an urban cities. The green lung of the city.

A significant challenge for our cities, sustainable development is
seriously influenced by green and open spaces within those urban areas that
are planned and managed. Urban green spaces play a key role in
maintaining sustainable development and the liveability of an area.
Parks are key elements in the urban ecosystem, serving dual roles as
core zones of urban nature and as multi-use recreational open space.
Moreover, as part of an open space system, they play important functional
roles as part of landscape-scale habitat and hydrological networks.
Today, there is an urging need for the development of urban parks.
The author proposes the “Nature Next” An Educational Eco- Park
towards a Sustainable Humane Habitat, its natural aesthetics and
technological forwardness are intended to communicate current
environmental concerns by conserving, protecting and rehabilitating both the
unspoilt beauty of the place and urban areas, boost the local economy and
encourage and educate people to connect with nature for being more
appreciative, having a compassion for the beauty around them. The power
of nature connects and making it an oasis of high aesthetic and ecological
sustainable value.
Overview of Problem
a.Main Problem
1. Urbanization
Refers to the population shift from rural areas to urban
areas, the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in
urban areas, and the ways in which each society adapts to this
change. The existence of urban heat islands has become a
growing concern over the years. An urban heat island is formed
when industrial and urban areas produce and retain heat. Much
of the solar energy that reaches rural areas is consumed by
evaporation of water from vegetation and soil. In cities, where
there is less vegetation and exposed soil, most of the sun's
energy is instead absorbed by buildings and asphalt; leading to
higher surface temperatures. Vehicles, factories and industrial
and domestic heating and cooling units release even more heat.

b. Sub Problem
1. How does global warming affects biodiversity in ecosystem?
Air pollution and climate change are closely related. Global
warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air
pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and
absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the
earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into
space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries
in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get
hotter. That's what's known as the greenhouse effect.
The major greenhouse gases are water vapor, which
causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth (not
including clouds); carbon dioxide, which causes 9-26%;
methane, which causes 4-9%, and ozone, which causes 3-7%.
Trees help fight climate change. As trees grow, they help
stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air,
storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into
the atmosphere. But, some of the reasons why making green
spaces are underrated is human being irresponsible, lack of
compassion and innocence.

2. What is the effect of urbanization in public health specially places

with lesser green spaces?
In the developing world, urbanization does not translate
into a significant increase in life expectancy. Rapid urbanization
has led to increased mortality from non-communicable
diseases associated with lifestyle, including cancer and heart
Trees releases oxygen and plays the most important part
which is, It is the most abundant element in the human body
making up around 65% of the body's mass. Oxygen is used
by animals and plants in the respiration (breathing) process.
Tanks of oxygen are used in medicine to treat people with
breathing problems example is, people with asthma diseases.

3. What is the negative effect of habitat fragmentation in current

Can have a large effect on biodiversity by causing a
division of habitats and thereby alienation of species. Habitat
fragmentation does not destroy the habitat, as seen in habitat
loss, but rather breaks it apart with things like roads and railways.
This change may affect a species ability to sustain life by
separating it from the environment in which it is able to easily
access food, and find areas that they may hide from predation.
With proper planning and management, fragmentation can be
avoided by adding corridors that aid in the connection of areas
and allow for easier movement around urbanized regions.
Depending on the various factors, such as level of
urbanization, both increases or decreases in "species richness"
can be seen. This means that urbanization may be detrimental
to one species but also help facilitate the growth of others. In
instances of housing and building development, many times
vegetation is completely removed immediately in order to make
it easier and less expensive for construction to occur, thereby
obliterating any native species in that area. Other times, such as
with birds, urbanization may allow for an increase in richness
when organisms are able to adapt to the new environment. This
can be seen in species that may find food while scavenging
developed areas or vegetation that has been added after
urbanization has occurred i.e. planted trees in city areas.

4.How human activities affect the environment?

Business and human activities can be direct threats
to ecosystems. They can cause destruction, degradation, and
the impairment of biodiversity and other natural resources.
All human has a glorious rights with the environment He
gave us. It is us what we do to it. Using their rights abusively for
environment makes this vulnerable and affect us in what we do.
Deforestration is one of some illegal activities people do in
the mountains. is the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale
of timber in violation of laws. Illegal loggings needs to be
harvested, including using corrupt means to gain access to
forests; extraction without permission, or from a protected area;
the cutting down of protected species; or the extraction of timber
in excess of agreed limits.
Abusive man-made activities will suffer the environment
and it follows to next future generations.
a.Architectural Solution
Architecturally creating ecological areas in a liveable cities
means taking a holistic approach to urban development. Proposing
Nature Next, is powering the nature’s connection and making it an
oasis of high aesthetic and ecological sustainable value. Giving the
users a part of the environment in a good sourrounding.

b.Environmental Solution
The problems of urbanization need to be addressed. Developing
the proposal is making the living safe and sound by building a nature
in a city. Nature Next envisions the environment with full sustainability.

Manila City

The purpose of the Nature Next is to promote understanding and
protection of environment, enhance community pride, and encourage
economic development mostly at urban places. The park provides an
accessible quiet zone for commuting with nature. It preserves the natural
beauty of the eco- park, protects the habitat of numerous species, and lifts
the spirits of those who visit through educational and recreational


1. People who lived in the same area – First to go in the Eco- Park,
wherein the Eco- Park is approximately 10 meters away from their
2. Visitors – They will be the secondary goers in the Park.
3. Facility Personnel – Compose of different group that maintain the
Urban - Park.

b.Scope and Limitations

This Ecological Park limits the study to conserving, protecting
and rehabilitating natural habitats. Building a facility that its covers the
facility that educate the visitors who will go there, it contains different
biodiversity of species and giving them informations.
Giving the good impact for the urban oppression in the
environment. Giving a chances for living with the green again.

c.Building Components
1. Water conservation room
is a room where authorized person practicing using water efficiently to
reduce unnecessary water usage.

2. Solar thermal collectors

A solar thermal collector collects heat by absorbing sunlight.

3. Rain water collector

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rainwater for
reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to run off.

4. Energy conservation room

5. Eco Department
This Nature Next provides strong framework to promote global
sustainability. In order to have a progress gradually and put an end to
environmental issues in urban areas, we must take a stand.
Management for ecosystem processes remains a challenge for the
future, and currently is more a conceptual guide than a method for immediate
action. Public education also is important. The assigned sector should
explain the importance of ecosystem processes, trophic level relationships
among species.
Northern Harvester
The Farm to Table Agribusiness Hub

Food has always had the largest cultural impact in Philippines
based economy. The lives of entire generations have revolved around
growing, preparing and eating food. (Schematic Scholar, 2016)
The “Northern Harvester” A Farm to Table Agribusiness
Hub, is a sustainable multi - cultural food hub that
help conserve our natural agricultural heritage and encourage
the whole world agriculture enthusiasts and people t o gain a
better understanding and respect for food, farming and ecology .
Centrally located facility with a business with a business
management structure facilitating the aggregation, storage,
processing, dist ribution, and/or marketing of No rthern produced
food products.
Moreover, t he Northern Harvester will provide
education for aspirant and visitors too,
offer engaging farm experiences, help support a vibrant farming
community and promote the long term use and preservation of
the land.

Overview of Problem
a. Main Problem
Lack of distribution channel
b. Sub- problem

1. How does capital affects farmers from farming?

2. What is the negative effect of farmers lacking for advanced
3. Is the output harvest became low in price?
4. Pest and Diseases
5. High costs in input

a. Architectural Solution
b.Environmental Solution

New Clark City – Agro-Industrial Zone

The Agribusiness Hub aims to attract investors from the
private sector, local government units and other associations and
cooperatives to invest on managing storage and other infrastructures and
facilities for processing, handling, distribution of agricultural products utilizing
integrated research development and technology to be set-up. The Project
will consolidate food supply chain and post-harvest production system (e.g.,
fruits, vegetables, poultry and livestock) for Northern and Central Luzon,
Metro Manila and even neighboring countries, for niche market (organic
produce, halal-certified goods).
III-Building Component
1. Harvesters
2. Visitors
3. Personnel

The main user and the limitation of this Food Hub is for Northern

c.Building Components
1.Food Storage
2. Administration
3. Workshop room

IV-Recommendation/ Closing Remarks

Food hub benefit consumers and the general public by
creating jobs (on average, each food hub creates jobs and increasing access
to fresh healthy foods. Northern Harvester is a good example of a virtual food
hub. Food hubs play an important role in supporting local food systems
and food availability.

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