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A steam power plant must have following;

A furnace for burning the fuel , A steam generator or boiler for steam generation,

A power unit either engine or turbine to covert heat energy into mechanical energy,
A generator to convert mech energy to electric energy, Piping system to carry steam and water.
Merits (Advantages) of a Thermal Power Plant

1. The unit capacity of a thermal power plant is more. The cost of unit decreases with the

increase in unit capacity.

2. Life of the plant is more (25-30 years) as compared to diesel plant (2-5 years).

3. Repair and maintenance cost is low when compared with diesel plant.

4. Initial cost of the plant is less than nuclear plants.

5. Suitable for varying load conditions.

6. No harmful radioactive wastes are produced as in the case of nuclear plant.

7. Unskilled operators can operate the plant.

8. The power generation does not depend on water storage.

9. There are no transmission losses since they are located near load centres.

Demerits of thermal power plants

1. Thermal plant are less efficient than diesel plants

2. Starting up the plant and bringing into service takes more time.

3. Cooling water required is more.

4. Space required is more

5. Storage required for the fuel is more

6. Ash handling is a big problem.

7. Not economical in areas which are remote from coal fields

8. Fuel transportation, handling and storage charges are more

9. Number of persons for operating the plant is more than that of nuclear plants. This

increases operation cost.

10. For large units, the capital cost is more. Initial expenditure on structural materials, piping,

storage mechanisms is more.

2. List the requirements of pulverized coal burners. Sketch and explain a cyclone with

advantages and disadvantages. (June 2015, January 2015, 10 Marks).

The main requirements of pulverized fuel burners are:

1. It should mix thoroughly primary air with coal particles and secondary air.
2. It should create turbulence and maintain stable combustion.
3. It should control the flame shape and it travel in the furnace.
4. The velocity of primary air and coal particles should be same as that of flame
velocity to avoid flash.
5. The burner should have ability to withstand overheated due internal fires and
excessive abrasive wear.

It consists of horizontal cylinder of water cooled construction. 2 to 3 meters in

diameter and 2.5 m in length. The horizontal axis of the burner is slightly deflected
downward towards the boiler. These burners are externally attached to the furnace. The
cyclone burner receives pulverized coal carried by the primary air tangentially to the
cylinder at outer and creates stroke and highly turbulent Vortex. Secondary air enters in to
the cylinder tangentially to complete the combustion. These burners can be + or – 30
degree up and down it helps in controlling the super heater temperature. The fuel supplied
burns quickly with heat liberate rates with temperature 20000C. The ash forms the molten film
over the inner wall surface and molten ash flows to an ash disposal system. The cyclone
burners gives best results with the grade fuel.

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