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Chapter - Life Processes

Very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each:-

1. Name one basic element of food essential for all living organisms.
2. What is the mode of nutrition, when organism use simple substances like CO2 and water to prepare food
inside the body?
3. In most organisms the complex substances are taken as food from outside and then broken down into simpler
one by use of biocatalysts. What is this mode of nutrition called?
4. Name an enzyme secreted by salivary glands as well as pancreas.
5. What are enzymes?
6. What is the name given to rhythmic wave like manner occuring in alimentary canal?
7. What is lymph?
8. Name the process by which energy is obtained by living organisms.
9. What is the name given to those cell organelle which contain green pigment? Name green pigment also.
10. Write down the chemical equation showing end products of photosynthesis.
11. Name the cells which regulate the opening and closing of stomata.
12. Name the type of respiration in which no oxygen is needed from surrounding air.
13. Name one organism which shows anaerobic respiration.
14. Name the intermediate 3 carbon molecule formed from six carbon molecule of glucose during respiration.
15. What is the site in cells where glucose is converted into 3 carbon molecule of pyruvate?
16. Name the cell organelle where pyruvate breaks down, using oxygen.
17. From where do the terrestrial animals get oxygen for respiration?
18. Why hair are present in nasal chamber?
19. Why rings of cartilage are present in trachea in throat region?
20. Name the air sacs in which bronchioles terminate.
21. Name the pigment present in blood of higher animals which supply oxygen to all tissues for respiration.
22. What products are formed during respiration in our muscles when there is less supply of oxygen?
23. Name the part of digestive tract where complete digestion of carbohydrate, proteins and facts occur.
24. Name the muscles of stomach which regulate the release of food from stomach to small intestine.
25. Name the enzyme responsible for changing starch to sugar in mouth.
26. Which component of blood prevents the loss of blood? Also name the process by which it is prevented?
27. What is the impact of leakage or loss of blood upon the pressure?
28. Name the largest cell present in the human body.
29. Name the tissue which transports soluble products of photosynthesis in a plant.

Short answer questions carrying 2 mark each:-

30. Only visible movement cannot be used as the defining character for life. Give reasons.
31. The molecular movements inside the body of living organisms helps them in survival. How?
32. What is the range of pH in small intestine and stomach respectively?
33. Name the two glands associated with common duct. Also name their secretions.
34. Herbivores have a longer small intestine as compared to carnivores. Explain in brief.
35. Name the chemical compounds associated with fermentation and anaerobic respiration in muscles.
36. How does the bile juices help in digestion of fats?
37. Why is the rate of respiration in animals faster and higher compared to respiration in plants?
38. Why is purification of blood also referred to as gaseous exchange?
39. Explain double circulation in human being.
40. After purification of blood concentration of which gas increases in Blood, Alveoli.
41. Arpit after a long walk suffers from muscular cramps. What can be possible reasons for this observation?
Name the process involved.
42. What are two reasons for which plant has low energy needs?
43. Write two important functions of transpiration in plants.
44. Name the substances transported by phloem.
45. Give two main functions of HCl present in gastric juice.
46. What do the following transport:–
(i) Xylem (ii) pulmonary artery (iii) Pulmonary vein (iv) vena cava
47. Why are the walls of verticles thicker and more muscular than the walls of atria?
48. Write one feature which is common to each of the following pairs of terms.
(i) Glycogen and starch (ii) chlorophyll and haemoglobin
(iii) Gills and lungs (iv) arteries and veins

Short answer questions carrying 3 marks each:-

49. Write down three main steps of photosynthesis.

50. Name the components of gastric juice. What are their functions?
51. Describe mode of nutrition in Amoeba with the help of a diagram.
52. Define the following terms:-
(i) Aerobic respiration
(ii) Anaerobic respiration
(iii) Which of the two is energy efficient?
53. Write the functions of muscular wall in digestive tract.
54. Hari suggested Shashi that food in the stomach is not yet in the body. Do you endorse Rahul's view? Give
reasons in support of your answer.
55. Describe the significance of circulatory system in human beings.
56. Select from the following, the organisms in which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix.
Lizard, Snake, Rat, Pigeon, Dog ,Whale
57. Express the movement of sucrose in phloem.
58. Enlist the various ways by which plants get rid of their waste products.
59. Draw a labelled diagram of a transverse section of leaf.

Long answer questions carrying 5 marks each:-

60. Explicate the association between nutrition, respiration, transportation and excretion in
Multicellular organisms.
61. Briefly mention the circulation of blood in human heart with the help of a labelled diagram.
62. Describe the urine formation in human beings. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of nephron.
63. (a) Draw a diagram depicting Human Alimentary Canal, Gall Bladder, liver and pancreas.
(b) State the role of liver and pancreas.
(c) Name the organ which performs following functions in humans:–
(i) Absorption of digested food
(ii) Absorption of water
64. (a) Draw a sectional view of a human heart and label Aorta Pulmonary Artery and PulmonaryVeins.
(b) State the functions of following components of transport system.
(i) Blood (ii) Lymph
65. Plants absorb water from a soil. How does this water reach the tree tops? Explain in detail.
66. (i) Draw the diagram of heart and label its four chambers.
(ii) Construct a table to show the functions of these four chambers.
Chapter – Control and Coordination

Very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each:-

1. Name the part of brain in which hypothalamus is located.

2.Arrange the following sequence on the basis of their location from mid-brain: spinal cord, pons and medulla.
3.Ranveer rides a bicycle maintaining posture and body equilibrium. Identify the part of brain which controls
this acitivity.
4. Which part of the brain is responsible for precision of voluntary action?
5. What is the impact of nervous electrical impulse upon muscle proteins?
6. What is synapse?
7. Which part of brain is concerned with memory?
8. Why is salivation considered to be an involuntary action?
9. How is brain protected from shocks and injuries?
10. Name any one movement of ours which occurs in order to protect ourselves.
11. Name the most important organ related to control and coordinate our activities.
12. Gustatory and olfactory receptors related to which sensations?
13. Define reflex action.
14. Name the neuron that links motor and sensory neurons.
15. Identify the system which facilitates the communication between the central nervous system and other body
16. Write the components of Peripheral Nervous system.
17. Name the place of origin of cranial nerves.
18. Write the name of the thinking part of brain.
19. Which two organs receive the information from all body parts and integrate it?
20. Name two plant hormones that help in stem growth?
21. Upon adrenalin movement along with blood stream, the blood supply to which two body parts is reduced?
22. What is the effect of adrenalin on the rate of beating of heart?
23. How our growth is associated with thyroxin?
24. Write the name of two hormones responsible for bodily changes in boys and girls around the age of 10-12
25. Where is the adrenal gland in your body located?
26. Which nutrient of food is associated with muscular action?
27. Which of the two is slower - growth dependent or growth independent movement in plants?
28. Movement of which chemical compound help plants in changing shape?
29. Where is auxin synthesized?
30.What could be the possible disadvantage if reflex action were controlled by the brain?
31. Which part of the brain would you associate with smell of delicious food?
32. Which organ secretes a hormones when blood sugar rises? Name one digestive enzyme released by this
33. Which hormone is responsible for:
(i) phototrophic movement of plants
(ii) promoting cell division in plants.
34. Deficiency of a particular hormone in childhood leads to dwarfism. Name the hormone and its source gland.
35. Name the animal hormone secreted during emergency situations like stress, fear?

Short answer questions carrying 2 mark each:-

36. Enlist the functions of medulla.

37. What does thinking tissue consist of? Where is it located?
38. How is spinal cord related to the efficiency of reflex arc?
39. How is iodine important for bio chemical reactions inside the body?
40.A doctor advised a patient to take less sugar in her diet. Which disease is she suffering from? Which body
organ and connective tissue is related with it?
41. Describe the feedback mechanism.
42. What are the two limitations of electrical impulses?
43. Enlist one advantage and one limitation of chemical communication.
44. Draw a well labelled diagram of neuro-muscular junction.
45. Describe different tropic movements with suitable examples.
46. A particular hormone requires iodine for its synthesis. Name the endocrine gland which secretes this
hormone and state its location in the human body.
47. Draw a neat labelled diagram of neuron.

Short answer questions carrying 3 mark each:-

48. Draw a neat and well labeled diagram of human brain.

49. Elucidate the nerve impulse mechanism.
50. Define a reflex arc? Draw its labeled diagram.
51. Write major functions of three parts of the brain.
52. Briefly describe the three parts of the neuron.
53. Elaborate the body's response to adrenalin secretion into the blood.
54.An element of halogen family is compulsorily added to common salt in small quantity. Identify the element.
Also name the disease caused by its deficiency and write one symptom of this disease.
55. Enlist the hormones secreted by ovary, testes and adrenal gland. Write one function of each hormone.
56. How plants communicate the information of touch as stimulus as in touch-me-not plant?
57. Tendril encircles or coils around the object in contact with it. Elaborate.

Long answer questions carrying 5 marks each:-

58. Define plants hormones. Write the important functions of the following: auxin, abscisic acid,
Gibberellin and cytokinin.
59. What is reflex arc ? Draw diagram of reflex arc. Label on it the following : (i) Sensory neuron
(ii) Motor neuron
60. What is geotropism? Describe an experiment to demonstrate positive and negative geotropism.
61. Name the hormone that-
i. is produced by thyroid gland
ii. Prepares the body for action
iii. Controls the amount of sugar in blood
iv. Brings about changes in boys at puberty.
v. Brings about changes in girls at puberty.

Chapter – How Do Organisms Reproduce

Very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each:-

1. Why simply copying of DNA in a dividing cells not enough to maintain continuity of life?
2. How does plasmodium undergo fission?
3. How spirogyra reproduces by fragmentation?
4. Which cells are responsible for budding in Hydra?
5. On which plant can you find buds on its leaves?
6. Write the scientific name of the bread mould.
7. Name the structure into which following develops: the plumule and radicle?
8. Where are the testes located in human beings?
9. For what specific reason have the testes specific location?
10. Correlate the rate of general body growth and maturation of reproductive tissue during puberty?
11. Where does the zygote get implanted?
12. Which two important chemical substances are delivered to developing embryo through placenta?
13. Name the tissue in mother's body that provides nutrition to developing embryo?
14. How change in hormonal balance prevents pregnancy?
15. Write one side effect of loop placed in uterus?
16. Which structures need to be blocked in males and females respectively to prevent pregnancy?
17. Write the ill effects of misuse of surgery?
18. Why is children sex ratio alarmingly declining in our country?
19. Name the chemical methods of preventing pregnancy.
20. Name some of the devices used as mechanical method for preventing pregnancy.
21. Expand AIDS?
22. During spore formation in Rhizopus, which cells undergo reductional division?
23. Which of the two has faster rate: asexual or sexual reproduction?
24. Name the female reproductive part in centre of flower?
25. Write the names of area where buds are found in leaves of Broyphyllum?
26. Identify the place in flower where zygote repeatedly divides forming embryo?
27. In which structures of flower are ovules present?
28. Name the two groups of living organisms which reproduce most commonly by fission.
29. Name the cell organelle in which most of the amount of DNA is concentrated.
30. Normally how many copies of DNA are formed in a reproducing cell?
31. From which part of the flower do following develop the fruit and the seed?
32. Why reproduction is not referred as a life process?
33. What is the role of DNA in reproduction?
34. Name the structure so formed subsequent to fertilization of gametes.
35. Is the age of puberty for both male and female the same in humans?
36. Why is reproduction vital?
37. What is a niche?
38. Name the structure which protect the spores.
39. The two oviducts invite to form which structure?
40. Write the suitable term for the following:–
(a) beginning of menstrual cycle
(b) release of ovum from the ovary.
41. What is the function of mechanical barrier methods of contraception?
42. Why asexual mode of reproduction does not contribute to evolution?
43. Why do the gametes have half the number of chromosomes than any other cell of the body?
44. Define contraception.
45. Name one method which ensures population control.

Short answer questions carrying 2 mark each:-

46. Write two advantages of plants raised by vegetative propagation over those raised from seeds?
47. Enlist any four plants, which have lost capacity to produce seeds?
48. Distinguish between asexual and sexual mode of reproduction.
49. Why is greater degree of accuracy of DNA copying mechanism vital for survival?
50. Compare unisexual flower with bisexual flower.
51. Write two important functions of testosterone.
52. Enlist the role of secretion of seminal vesicle and prostate gland.
53. Trace the path that a sperm cell undertakes before copulation.
54. Describe the changes in lining of uterus in case the egg is not fertilized.
55. Name two bacterial and two viral STD.
56. Write the most common mode of reproduction in the following: Rhizopus, Hydra, Paramecium and Yeast.
57. Draw a diagram only to show multiple fission in plasmodium?
58. Write the disadvantage of vegetative propagation?
59. A newly born girl child, in her ovaries carries several immature eggs. Enlist the reasons for the delay of
process of biological maturation of these eggs?
60. Sketch the diagram of Rhizopus showing spores?
61. Name any two unisexual and any two bisexual flowers?
62. Compare self-pollination with cross-pollination.
63. Distinguish fragmentation from regeneration.
64. Differentiate between binary and multiple fission.
65. How budding differs from spore formation?
66. Distinguish male urethra from female urethra in humans.
67. Distinguish a banana tree from a mango tree on the basis of mode of reproduction.
68. How does the binary fission in Amoeba differ from that occuring in Leishmania.
69. Name the parts of the flower corresponding to the following present in animals.
(i) testis (ii) ovary (iii) eggs (iv) sperms

Short answer questions carrying 3 mark each:-

70. How do the two germ cells differ from each other in complex living organisms?
71. Onset of puberty involves certain common changes in boys and girls. Enlist them.
72. Describe the role of variation for survival of species over period of time.
73. Elaborate upon regeneration with the help of a diagram by citing suitable example.
74. Differentiate between the germ cells of simple organisms and more complex organisms?
75. Describe the reproduction through spore formation in Rhizopus.
76. Enlist the bodily changes taking place during the early adolescence in boys and girls respectively.
77. Draw a longitudinal section of a bisexual flower.
78. The consistency of DNA copying facilitates stability of population of any species. Elaborate.

Long answer questions carrying 5 mark each:-

79. Describe the process of zygote formation in angiosperms with the help of a well-labelled diagram.
80. Explain the male reproductive structure in human beings with the help of a well-labelled diagram.
81. Describe the female reproductive system in human beings with the help of a well-labelled diagram.
82. Define the following terms: fragmentation, binary fission, asexual reproduction, fertilization and sexual

Chapter – Heredity and Evolution

Very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each:-

1. Which of the two exhibit greater variation: asexual or sexual reproduction?

2. Why all the variants don't have equal chances of surviving?
3. What is heredity?
4. At which place on earth did humans appeared first?
5. Give the name of plant studied by Mendel?
6. Name the acid which is information source for making proteins in cells.
7. What is the chemical nature of enzymes?
8. Define gene.
9. Which one of the two is shorter in length 'X' or 'Y'?
10. Determine the sex of progeny inheriting X chromosome from its father.
11. Name any one place in India where Dinosaur's skull fossil was found.
12. Name any one invertebrate fossil.
13. Species A share ten characteristics with B, species C share fifteen characteristics with D which of the two
pairs share closer relation?
14. Give an example of artificial selection from plants.
15. Dead remains of two organisms A and B were buried. Later, only B's fossils were found, but not A's. Give
16. Write the possible range of pH of DNA.
17. Green and red coloured seeds are recessive and dominant trait respectively. Out of F1 and
F2, in which generation will the green seed appear, if both parents are not hybrid.
18. Give the term for the following: It is simply generation of diversity and shaping of diversity by
environmental selection.
19. Identify the group of organism that can be found in places like hot springs, deep sea, thermal vents and ice
in Antarctica.
20. Name any one fish fossil.
21. Write the location of genes.
22. With which branch of biology would you associate John Mendel with?
23. What is natural selection?
24. Name the two factors which leads to the rise of a new species?
25. Are human beings the pinnacle of evolution?
26. Is evolution still occurring process?
27. Write the basic characteristics of cell design in which cells differ from each other.
28. Identify the following fossil and write the name of the family to which it belongs.
29. Which method is extensively used to define evolutionary relationships?

Short answer questions carrying 2 mark each:-

30. Name any four methods used for studying human evolution.
31. Distinguish between dominant and recessive traits.
32. Define a chromosome? What are the total number of chromosomes in sperm cells of human males?
33. Define acquired traits. Give examples.
34. Describe the two ways of determining the age of fossils.
35. XY and XX are sex chromosomes. Write the contribution of father and mother in each of these sets.
36. Evolution should not be equated with progress. Give reasons.
37. How can we say that bacteria has superior body design then a fish?
38. What is the half way character? Give example.
39. Under what molecular conditions any trait is considered as recessive?

Short answer questions carrying 3 mark each:-

40. The reproductive cell undergo reductional division. Write the number of different types of gametes
produced from one XX and one XY. Also find the ratio of X to Y?
41. Describe how the number of chromosomes is conserved in progenies?
42. Explain how genes control traits?
43. Enlist any three contrasting visible characteristics studied by Mendel in pea plant.
44. In Mendel's experiment, F1 progeny had no halfway of intermediate features. Explain this statement by
giving suitable example.
45."A trail might be inherited but not expressed." Elaborate citing an example from Mendel's experiments?
46. Explain possible way of evolution of eye.
47. Give one example each of genetic drift and gene flow.
48. Rahul and Parul were having a discussion on the superiority of complex over simple body designs. You are
asked to participate in the discussion and present your views.
49.After their death, one of the insect was buried in hot mud and the other in usually found mud. Which of the
two is more likely to be preserved better and why?
50. What do you understand by reproductive isolation? How is this mechanism responsible for speciation?
51. How are fossils formed? Briefly explain the different ways to know the age of fossils.
52. The genotype of green stemmed plant is denoted as GG and that of purple stemmed plant as gg. When the
two are crossed.
i) What color of the stem would you expect in the F1 progeny?
ii) Give the percentage of purple stemmed plant if F1 plants are self-pollinated.
iii) In what ratio would you find the genotypes GG and Gg in the F2 progeny.

Long answer questions carrying 5 mark each:-

53. How has artificial selection helped to get different character in an organism? Explain with the help of an
54. A pea plant always bears yellow and round seeds while another plant always with green, wrinkled seeds. What
will be the outcome in F1 and F2 generation?
55. Study the given data and answer the following questions.
Parental plants cross fertilized F1 F2
and seeds collected
male parent always bore red flowers 330 seeds sown out of 44 seeds, 33 seeds
and female always had white flowers and observed gave plants with red flowers
11 gave white flowers.
i) What is the term for this type of cross/
ii) What does the data of the column marked F1 indicate?
iii) Explain the genotype of parents, F1 and F2 progeny.
56. What is a trait? Who contributes to the traits present in a child? How many copies of traits are present
in every individual? What is the manner in which a trait is inherited and expressed in an organism?

Chapter – Our Environment

Very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each:-

1. Write any one significance of biochemical cycles?

2. Define environment.
3. According to the sustenance from environment, organisms can be grouped into which three categories?
4. Name any two groups of producers.
5. Define consumers.
6. Write the two raw materials for making food, used by living organisms of first tropic level.
7.Write a common feature between a food chain and energy flow in nature.
8. Explicate the principle of food web.
9. Which of the following are more numerous in a food chain:–
(i) Secondary consumer (ii) Tertiary consumer
10. Define biological magnification.
11. Write the names of two decomposers.
12. Define global warming.
13. Write one ill effect of exposure to ultraviolet rays.
14. Which component of sunlight is vital for formation of ozone?
15. As a step to control pollution ‘Kulhads’ were used on a large scale. What was the ill effect of this practice?
16. A food chain consists of grass, lion and rabbit. In this food chain, which organism will transfer maximum
17. Which of the following are Biodegradable; plastic toys, cow dung, aluminium foil and cotton?
18. Name the programme that froze CFC production in 1986.
19. Expand UNEP.
20.How is packaging related to increase in non-biodegradable waste?
21. Which is greater – energy lost to the environment or energy transferred to next tropic level?

Short answer questions carrying 2 marks each:-

22. Distinguish between biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes. Cite examples.

23. Why a plastic bag is called non-biodegradable while a paper is not?
24.Define an ecosystem. Is the road near your school a part of ecosystem?
25. Choose a biotic components comprising physical factors from the following:
Rose, Soil, Leaf, Potato, Mountain, and Atmospheric pressure.
26. Name any four ecosystem.
27. Differentiate between natural and artificial ecosystem.
28.A neem tree is a producer but not the bread mould found on bread we eat. Give reasons.
29.Describe the process of decomposition.
30. Why decomposers are necessary in environment?
31. Distinguish between food chain and food web.
32. Draw a pyramid showing four trophic levels.
33.Pesticides are useful to farmers, yet considered as pollutants. Give reason.
34.Energy stored in the body of lion is the energy coming from sun. Justify.
35. Consider a food chain:-
Grass →Insect →Frog →Snake →Hawk

How much energy is available at the first trophic level and fifth trophic level respectively?
36. Enlist two uses of CFCS. Write their harmful effect.
37. What will happen if all the snakes are eliminated from the following?
Grass →Insect →Frog →Snake →Hawk

Short answer questions carrying 3 marks each:-

38. Enlist various categories of consumers giving examples of each.

39.A farmer cultivates wheat crop in his agricultural field. Explain the interlinks of Biotic and abiotic factors in
this case.
40. Describe the 10% law of flow of energy using example. What percentage of solar energy is captured by
plants in terrestrial ecosystem that falls on their leaves?
41.Explain how the pesticide used in the field reaches inside the body of a tertiary consumer?
42. What two informations are obtained from the energy flow diagram?

Long answer questions carrying 5 marks each:-

43. Make two food chains and a food web from the following set of living organisms:
Grass, Lion, Vulture, Deer, Insect, Snake. Identify the tertiary consumer in both of the food chains.
44.Identify a deadly poisonous gas ‘X’ found at higher level of atmosphere which shields the surface of earth
from harmful radiations from the sun. Write its chemical formula and equation of its formation. Why is damage
to the ‘X’ layer a cause of concern? What steps are beings taken to limit this damage?
Chapter – Management of Natural Resources

Very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each:-

1. What is a natural resource?
2. Name two important natural resources.
3. Define sustainable development.
4. What does the three R’s stand for to save the environment?
5. What do you mean by water – shed management?
6.Write the main aim of conservation of different life forms.
7. Define Bio – Diversity.
8. Name the award recently instituted by govt. of India in the memory of Amrita Devi Bishnoi.
9. Name the bacteria whose presence in the water indicates its contamination with disease causing microbes.
10. Why fossil fuels should be used judiciously?
11. Which canal has brought greenery to the areas of Rajasthan?
12. State the advantage of constructing a dam across a river?
13. Name the place where “ChipkoAndolan” organised.
14. Name the main constituents of coal and petroleum.
15. Name the gas responsible for global warming.
16. We should try to preserve the biodiversity we have inherited. Why?

Short answer questions carrying 2 marks each:-

17. How mining causes pollution?
18. Which is better: recycle or reuse? Give reasons.
19. Write the aims and two advantages of water shed management.
20. Name the main stakeholders in the management of forest resource.
21. Name the major industries based on forest produce.
22. Why is it necessary to conserve forest and wildlife?
23. State two disadvantages of constructing a dam across the river.
24. What is water harvesting? What is the main purpose of water harvesting?
25.Name the products of combustion of coal and petroleum. How do they effect our environment.
26. A tribe is living near the forest. Name two things which they will commonly use from forest.
27. The forest department is managing the forests in India. How does this management affect the people living
in and around forest?
28. How human activities cause damage to forests?
29. Give an example of people’s participation in the management of forests.
30. Name any two indigenous methods for water harvesting and explain one method also.
31. Write two advantages of classifying sources as renewable and non-renewable.

Short answer questions carrying 3 marks each:-

32. Explain 3 R’s with one example of each.
33. Write main uses of fossil fuels.
34. Mention three ways to reduce the consumption of coal and petroleum.
35.In India monsoon is a plenty, but still there is failure to sustain water availability. Give reasons.
36. “Save the Narmada movement” activists are protesting to certain problems. What are those problems?
37. What are the advantages of water stored in ground?

Long answer questions carrying 5 marks each:-

38. (i) Write the pollutants emitted by the combustion of coal and petroleum.
(ii) Give ways in which you can contribute towards environment – friendliness.
39. What is the rain water harvesting? How can it be done at local level? What are its benefits besides ground
water recharging?

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