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Q1. What are does & don’ts for a BA?

1. You can never say no the client.

2. Client cannot be right always but that doesn’t mean you need to argue with the client, for that
consult your SME or Project Manager.
3. You should always include your Project Manager in your mails and keep resources involved in
the cc.
4. Never assume assume the graphics. Always visit the client with a blank mind and try to put
yourself in client’s shoes.
5. A Business Analyst should know how to minimize the chances of scope creep in a project.
6. You need to Question everything so that you get to know the client’s requirements properly.
7. Always provide an IT solution to the client’s problem.

​Q2. Write about a Business Process Model?

A Business Process Model describes the business process followed by an organization to

create value to clients.The characteristics of a Business Process Model:

1. Has a Goal 2. Has inputs 3. Uses some resources 4. Has an output 5. Has a set of
activities performed in some specific order. 6. Creates value to client.

A ​business ​process ​is ​a ​collection ​of ​activities d

​ esigned ​to ​produce a ​specific o ​ utput ​f ​mark​et​. ​It
implies ​a ​strong ​emphasis ​on how ​the ​work ​is ​done ​within ​an ​organization ​f​ocus ​on ​what​. ​A
process ​is ​thus ​a ​specific ​ordering ​of ​work ​activities ​across ​time ​and ​end​, ​and ​clearly defined
inputs and ​outputs​: ​a ​structure ​for ​action​.

Q3.​ List out Challenging Areas for a BA?

1. ​Lack ​of ​training.

2. ​Obtaining ​sign​-​off ​ ​requirements

​ 3.Change Management ​- ​with ​respect ​to ​cost ​ timeline.

4.Coordination between developers and testers.

5.Conducting Meetings
6. Driving clients for UAT
7.People Management (coordinating with different people and different teams)
8.Overall making sure project health is in good shape and delivered as per the time-lines without any issues.

Q4.What are different categories of tools that can be used in a project ,you are aware of?

Documentation T​oo​ls
UML Dra​w​in​g T
​ ools
1.Prototyping Tools.
​ 2. Screen capturing Tools.
3. Business Modeling Tools .
4.Software De​v​elopment Process Model.
5.​Change Management Tools.
6.Brainstorming Tools.
​ tes
7.Meeting M​inu
8.​ SDLC T​oo​ls
9.​ Dat​abase Tool​s
10.​ Re​porting T ​ ools
11.​ ​Requ​ire​me​nts Manage
​ ment Tool
12.Configurstion tools
13. Testing tools
14.Analysis tools
15.Enterprise Architecture

Q5. Explain “actor generalization” and “usecase generalization” with example?

Generalization: It is a ‘has a’ relationship.Direction of arrow is towards the parent class

Generalization is of two types:

1.Actor Generalization: It is a relationship between the actors.

Example: If we generalized Customer into Customer and VIP Customer then it is the example
of Actor Generalization.
2.Use Case Generalization: It is relationship between the use cases.

Example: We can do the Payment either by Cash or by Card or by Coupons . Here Parent class
doesn’t exist without its Child class means we have to opt one mode to do the payment.

Q6. When do you use "Include" and "extend" in usecase diagrams and give an example?


● It is a compulsory relationship between the elements.

● Parent class is not complete without its child class.
● The arrow is always towards the dependant class.
● Example: To Login a portal , it is compulsory to enter the username and password.

Extend :

● It is an optional relationship between the elements.

● Parent class exist without child class.
● The arrow is always towards the dependant class.

Example: To Withdraw cash from ATM it depends upon the customer to take print out of receipt
or not. So we can say that it is optional relationship between Withdraw Cash from ATM and Print

Q7. What standards do you follow to create SRS document and write down it's

​SRS -- System Requirement Specification:

This document is prepared based on the BRD (Business Requirement Document).

A document containing all the requirements for the development process, right
from the beginning to the
release of the application, like - Software requirements, man power, resources,
platform, environment, etc. Usually SRS documentation is prepared by a business
analyst who has some technical background. Collect requirements from the clients .
To prepare SRS a group of professional from the organization who is responsible for
this software development, visit the customer site to have a first hand look at their
processes, documents, functions and requirements. SRS is prepared as detailed and
explanatory as possible because this document is handed over to the development
team who will be responsible for developing a good software matching customer
needs and meeting customer requirements.

SRS in a way is the foundation stone for good software that has to take birth based
on it. It is very important to meet the right people at customer location who are
deeply involved in these processes in their respective fields. A detailed study of
each process, supported by relevant documents, forms, reports need to be
collected. Process owner must devote ample time to the team member who has
come for business study so that he inturns documents it well as part of SRS.

Q8.Draw a sequence diagram based on the below mentioned 3 tier

​ 10. What is the role of BA in Change Request ?
Following are the major points for handling change requests:
1. The BA will Analyse the Change Request is really a change or a defect discovered from previous nee​d
2. The change manager or the project manager must provide an initial approval of the Business Analyst needs
to move further in analyzing the change requested.
3.When it comes to change management whether or not to incorporate the changes, depends on yet another
important factor which is for the Business Analyst as well as the Project Manager.
4. In case the change is complex, it will not only expand the scope of the project drastically which in turn leads to
increase the delivery time.
5.Business Analysts will help the stakeholders to understand the impact, the change request will have on the
organization and to help minimize negative impact that results from that particular change.
6. Successful change efforts necessitate the Business Analyst to articulate a realistic or convincing vision that
appeals to both internal and external stakeholders

Q 11.Draw a Use case Diagram and Activity diagram for Librarian cans add/delete/edit book and search books
from the database. Members can Borrow reserve and return the book. They can search books also. Members
would be fined 0.10$ on Overdue and they have to pay entire amount if they have lost the book. Members
are of two kinds. VIP members can request book at home and they can also order Books which are not
present in library, the library also has CD, DVDs and multimedia items which only VIP members can have
access to them. Non VIP members can register a form and apply for VIP Membership by paying some
extra amount, Search function gives the information of books branch wise. User can search books by title and
Several other criteria, The feedback system allows users to give feedback and comments about the book
which is Returned
Q12. What are the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst in given phases? ​ ​ Pre-project
Requirements Planning Requirements gathering Requirements Analysis Design Coding / Development Testing
Deployment and Implementation.

​ ​ Pre-project Requirements Planning : ​Enterprise Analysis -SWOT Analysis, GAP

Analysis, ​Market Research, Feasibility Study, Root Cause ​Analysis, Decision Analysis, Strategy
Analysis, Enterprise Architectural Frameworks, Project Scope and Business case writing, Risk analysis.

Requirements gathering: ​ ​Stakeholders identify and document 2. Client gives BRD or BA

prepares BRD by interacting with Client - Brainstorming, Document Analysis, Reverse
engineering, Interviews, workshops, Focus Groups, Observation, Questionnaires 3. Prototyping
can be used by BA to make the Client to give more specific requirements 4. Sort the gathered
Requirements (avoiding duplicate Reqs, grouping into similar functionality or into modules) 5.
Prioritize requirements - MOSCOW 6. Validate Requirements - FURPS.
​ ​ Requirements Analysis : ​1. Draws UML Diagrams (Usecase and Activity Diagrams)
2. Prepares Functional Requirements from Business Requirements 3. All Architects comes up
with Technical Requirements (SSD) 4. SRS will have Functional Requirements and Technical
Requirements 5. Takes Signoff on SRS from Client. SRS is the first legal binding Doc between
the Business and the technical Team 6. BA prepared RTM from SRS before Design phase
starts. (BA is the owner of RTM). 7. BA traces how requirements are dealt in each phase of
de​ve ​ lopment life cycle from Design till UAT.

Design Coding:
​ as​es
1. From Usecase Diagram, Test Manager Solution Document ​prepare Test C
​2. Communicates with Client on ​t​he design and
FlashSolution documents (updates ​Sta​tus to Client and make
them understand how the solu​t​ion would ​l​oo​k ​like to prepare
them to drive UA ​ T) ​3. BA will initia​te th​e preparat​ ​ion of End
user manual​ s ​4. updates RTM ​ ​5. From Use case Diagram
Solution-Arc​hitect ​recommends Architecture of ​the IT ​sol​ ution
6. DB Architect uses Persi​ste​nc​e Classes (Entity ​Classes)
and comes up wi​ th ER Dia​grams or DB S ​ chema ​7. GUI
Designer ​will look into Transient Classes B​oundary C ​ lasses)
a​nd designs all possible Screens for the IT Solut​ion ​ .

​ D Sessions 2. B​A c​ larifies queries of Technical Team during ​Coding ​3. Developers
Coding :​1.BA orga​nizes JA
refer Diagrams and Transient (Controller Classes) of BA and c​o​de their unit 4. Update End user manuals ​5.
Update RTM ​6. Conducts regular Status meetings with technical team and the Client and tuning Client for
participation ​in UAT.
Development Testing: ​1.BA- Prepares Test Cases from Use Cases or assists Test Manager.
2. BA p​er​ forms high level testing
3. BA prepares Client for UAT 4. Test
Data is requested by BA from Client 5.
Updates End User Manuals 6. Updates
​ ake signoff from Client on
RTM ​7. T
Client Project Acceptance form.

Deployment and Implementation:​1​.Forwards RTM to Client or the PM which should be attached to the Project Closure
Document 2​. ​Coordinates to complete and share End User Manuals 3. Plans an​d ​Organizes Training Sessions for End
Users 4. Prepares Lessons learned from this project (to take precautions for coming projects)

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